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文献综述 外国语学院


学 生:万唯唯,外国语学院英语系

指导教师:彭 沂,外国语学院英语系

第1章 引言







第2章 文献综述




测试作为评估学习成果的重要手段,能够客观地反映学生对英语知识和技能的掌握情况。研究表明,基于Lazarus(1991)的认知评价理论,通过不同形式的测试,教师可以更全面地了解学生的学习成果,学生应对测试也会产生积极反应和消极反应(Folkmanet al., 1986; Lazarus, 1991),从而更有针对性地进行教学设计和帮助学生解决学习中的困难。

1.2 激励学习






1.5 培养应试能力



















2.2.3 影响学习评估和反馈























































对于初中英语学段,初中英语试卷在考完后虽然有考情分析,但主要是聚焦于分数和题型上的分析,很少把语言能力进行对标分析,本文将运用可视化的分析方法对试卷进行分析,着重强调语言能力的对标匹配,以便帮助各类关注试卷的人群迅速了解该试卷与语言能力对标的契合度和达成度。批评话语分析 ( Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA ) 是一个多视角、多维度的综合性研究工具。它综合了语言学、社会科学、心理学等众多学科于一体的话语分析方法,旨在探究话语事件与社会、文化等因素之间的关系,话语如何影响人的意识等(辛斌,高小丽,2013)。趋近化(proximize/proximizing)理论是批评话语分析中一个新兴的研究方法,源于Chilton (2004) 的政治话语分析。自2013年Piotr Cap 提出完整的趋近化理论之后,该理论得到了广泛的应用,对批评话语分析作出了重要贡献。然而,现有研究中对趋近化理论的运用主要集中于对政治话语的分析上,理论应用的和广度比较欠缺,经济话语相关研究寥寥。二十国峰会(G20)作为国际经济合作论坛,其联合宣言是具有代表性和研究意义的。虽有学者对其进行过不同角度的话语研究,但鲜有学者使用趋近化理论分析宣言的话语构建。将趋近化理论运用到经济话语分析之中,对拓宽该理论的应用范围具有重要意义。


文献综述 外国语学院


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Undergraduate Thesis of School of Foreign Studies of Yangtze University

摘 要





The aim of this study is to explore the fit and achievement of English test papers and language proficiency goals in the middle school stage of Jingzhou region. By analyzing four aspects: listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary level, reading comprehension, and writing ability, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the student's performance in reflecting their language proficiency level. The research results show that the overall performance of the test paper is stable, but there is room for improvement in certain aspects, such as good listening comprehension ability but still having lower scoring rates for some questions, high overall proficiency in grammar and vocabulary but slightly lower scoring rates for some individual questions, and balanced overall reading comprehension ability but also having lower scoring rates for some questions, In terms of writing ability, the performance is relatively stable, but there are still a few questions with low scoring rates. These findings provide useful feedback and suggestions for teaching practice, which helps to further improve students' English language proficiency. Therefore, studying the degree of fit and achievement between test papers and language proficiency learning objectives is of great significance for the improvement and optimization of English teaching.

[Keywords]Junior high school;English examination papers; language proficiency objectives


1 Introduction1
1 简介 1

1.1 Research Background1
1.1 研究背景1

1.2 Research Objectives1
1.2 研究目标1

1.3 Research Significance2
1.3 研究意义2

2 Literature Review2
2 文献综述2

2.1 The Role of Testing in Teaching and Learning2
2.1 测试在教学中的作用 2

2.2The significance of the New Curriculum Standards and its applications 4
2.2新课程标准的意义及其应用 4

2.3 Research on Core Literacy and Language Ability 8
2.3 核心素养和语言能力研究8

2.4 The Application of Visualization in Teaching Research10
2.4 可视化在教研中的应用10

3 Research Design14
3 研究设计 14

3.1 Research Questions14
3.1 研究问题14

3.2 Research Objects15

3.3 Research Method15
3.3 研究方法15

3.4 Research Tool15
3.4 研究工具15

4 Results and Discussion18
4 结果与讨论 18

4.1The alignment between the test paper and the language proficiency stage objectives.18
4.1试卷与语言能力阶段目标的一致性。 18

4.2Achievement of Test Paper and Language Ability Stage Objectives22

5 Summary29
5 总结 29

5.1 Research findings25
5.1 研究结果25

5.2 Research limitations25
5.2 研究局限性25

5.3 Future research directions..............................................................................25
5.3 未来研究方向...................................................... ......................................25

参考文献 31

致谢 33

1 Introduction
1 简介

1.1 Research Background
1.1 研究背景

In the current junior high school English teaching context, with the continuous deepening of educational reforms, higher demands have been placed on the cultivation of students' English language abilities. However, there exists a gap between the set teaching objectives and the actual language proficiency levels of students in reality, which becomes one of the important factors restricting the effectiveness of students' English learning. The language proficiency goals in current junior high school English teaching are to a certain extent influenced by curriculum standards and teaching syllabi. However, whether these goals are in line with the actual language proficiency levels of students requires in-depth research and analysis. At the same time, the actual language proficiency attainment of students in the learning process also needs to be objectively evaluated and analyzed to better guide teaching practices and student learning.

1.2 Research Objectives
1.2 研究目标

English learning at the junior high school stage is crucial as it serves as the starting point for the entire English learning process. The requirements, objectives, and tasks for learners at this stage are significantly different from those in primary and high school stages. The junior high school stage can be considered as the critical period for bridging the knowledge content between primary and high school stages, and it lays the foundation for improving and cultivating learning abilities. Learning at the junior high school stage is truly the initial stage of language learning. This paper will explore the alignment of language proficiency cultivation in the Jingzhou region's junior high school stage with the requirements of the 2022 curriculum standards on examination papers, in order to provide regional reference.

1.3 Research Significance
1.3 研究意义

Analyzing the alignment and attainment of junior high school English language proficiency goals can help in identifying the gap between goal setting and actual teaching, enabling better adjustment of teaching objectives, optimization of teaching content and methods, thus improving the targeting and effectiveness of English teaching. Through in-depth assessment of students' language proficiency, it is possible to provide reference for establishing a more scientific and reasonable evaluation system, promote the improvement of the evaluation system, and better promote students' comprehensive development. Therefore, it is necessary and reasonable to conduct analysis and research on the alignment and attainment of language proficiency goals in junior high school English teaching.

2 Literature Review

Testing, the new curriculum standards, core literacy and language abilities, and the application of visualization in teaching research are important factors influencing the alignment and attainment of junior high school English language proficiency levels. Through in-depth research in these areas, it is possible to better promote the development of junior high school English teaching and enhance students' language proficiency levels. This paper will explore the alignment and attainment of junior high school English language proficiency through the following four aspects: (1) The role of testing in teaching, (2) The significance of the new curriculum standards and their application in teaching research, (3) Research related to core literacy and language abilities, and (4) The application of visualization in teaching research.
测试、新课程标准、核心素养和语言能力以及可视化在教学研究中的应用是影响初中英语语言能力水平调整和达到的重要因素。通过对这些领域的深入研究,可以更好地促进初中英语教学的发展,提升学生的语言运用水平。本文将从以下四个方面探讨初中英语语言能力的定位和获得:(1)测试在教学中的作用,(2)新课程标准及其在教学研究中的应用的意义,(3) )与核心素养和语言能力相关的研究,以及(4)可视化在教学研究中的应用。

2.1 The Role of Testing in Teaching and Learning
2.1 测试在教学中的作用

2.1.1 Assessing Learning Outcomes
2.1.1 评估学习成果

Testing, as an important means of assessing learning outcomes, can objectively reflect students' mastery of English knowledge and skills. Research indicates that based on Lazarus's (1991) cognitive appraisal theory, through various forms of testing, teachers can have a more comprehensive understanding of students' learning outcomes. Students' responses to tests can also elicit both positive and negative reactions (Folkman et al., 1986; Lazarus, 1991), thereby enabling more targeted teaching design and assistance in addressing learning difficulties.
测试作为考核学习成果的重要手段,可以客观地反映学生对英语知识和技能的掌握程度。研究表明,基于Lazarus(1991)的认知评价理论,通过各种形式的测试,教师可以更全面地了解学生的学习成果。学生对测试的反应也可以引起积极和消极的反应(Folkman et al., 1986; Lazarus, 1991),从而能够更有针对性的教学设计和帮助解决学习困难。

2.1.2 Motivating Learning
2.1.2 激励学习

Well-designed tests can serve as motivation for student learning. Relevant studies have found that appropriate testing can stimulate students' interest in learning, encouraging them to focus more and apply themselves to learning English knowledge and skills. Atkinson's (1963) achievement motivation theory demonstrates the effectiveness of expected value, and testing as a behavior can enhance students' expectancy value, thereby increasing their motivation to learn.

2.1.3 Feedback and Improvement
2.1.3 反馈与改进

Test results provide valuable feedback for teachers. By analyzing students' test performance, teachers can promptly identify students' learning difficulties and weak areas, understand which teaching methods and strategies have been effective for students' learning, and make adjustments and provide assistance in teaching according to Piaget's (1966) constructivist theory, targeting students in the junior high school stage who have developed formal operational abilities (11-12 years old), helping them better grasp English knowledge and skills.

2.1.4 Supervising Teaching Effectiveness
2.1.4 监督教学效果

Testing can also be used to supervise teaching effectiveness. By comparing test scores at different time periods, schools and educational administrators can evaluate teaching quality, identify and solve problems in a timely manner, thereby continuously improving the quality and effectiveness of English teaching. For areas where students have insufficient mastery, schools should grant autonomy to class teachers based on completing basic teaching tasks and provide more support in deeper understanding and application.

2.1.5 Cultivating Exam Skills
2.1.5 培养考试技巧

To some extent, testing can also help students cultivate exam skills. Thorndike (1903-1914) confirmed that the more applications, the stronger the connections. Through participating in tests, students can strengthen the connections with knowledge and gradually cultivate their time management and stress coping abilities, which have positive effects on students' future learning and work.

2.1.6 Conclusion
2.1.6 结论

Testing is commonly used to assess learners' language proficiency and teaching quality. In teaching, it is not only an assessment tool for students' learning outcomes but also an important means to promote learning and improve teaching quality. Reasonable test design and use can effectively promote students' learning and development.

2.2The significance of the New Curriculum Standards and its applications 

2.2.1 The Significance of Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standards in English Teaching
2.2.1义务教育英语课程标准在英语教学中的意义 Beneficial for Ensuring Unified Teaching Quality 有利于保证统一的教学质量

According to Shi Min (2023), Yu Yan & Ma Yongjun (2022), Gu Ming & Lu Lanping (2022), through the comparison between the new and old curriculum standards, both are products in line with the development of education in China. They reflect the needs and development trends of education in different eras. The current "Curriculum Standards" (2022) can ensure that the quality of English education received by students in different schools and regions in the new era is basically consistent. Combining the characteristics of the era, it improves the fairness and quality of teaching.
史敏(2023)、于岩&马永军(2022)、顾明&卢兰平(2022)认为,通过新旧课程标准的比较,两者都是符合我国教育发展的产物。它们反映了不同时代教育的需求和发展趋势。现行《课程标准》(2022年)可以保证新时代不同学校、不同地区学生接受的英语教育质量基本一致。结合时代特点,提高教学的公平性和质量。 Beneficial for Guiding Teachers' Teaching Work有利于指导教师的教学工作

The "Curriculum Standards" (2022) provide teachers with clear teaching objectives and requirements, helping teachers to arrange teaching content and progress reasonably. It also provides objective evaluation criteria for students' learning outcomes and encourages teachers to use diverse and interactive teaching methods, such as task-based teaching, cooperative learning, etc. According to Zhang Yu (2023), adopting multimodal teaching methods, and He Bilang (2023), diversifying the evaluation of high school students' English writing levels, these assist teachers in continuously exploring innovation in teaching practices and improving teaching effectiveness.
《课程标准》(2022年)为教师提供了明确的教学目标和要求,帮助教师合理安排教学内容和进度。它还为学生的学习成果提供了客观的评价标准,鼓励教师采用多样化、互动式的教学方法,如任务型教学、合作​​学习等。根据张宇(2023)的说法,采用多模式教学方法,何必郎认为(2023),对高中生英语写作水平的评价多样化,有助于教师不断探索教学实践创新,提高教学效果。 Beneficial for Promoting Students' Comprehensive Development有利于促进学生全面发展

The formulation of the "Curriculum Standards" (2022) usually covers various aspects such as language knowledge, language application abilities, and cultural awareness, which is conducive to promoting students' comprehensive development, cultivating their language abilities, thinking abilities, cross-cultural communication abilities, etc. According to Luo Qianyun (2023), exploring the current situation of cultivating cultural awareness in English teaching, and Zhuang Lijuan (2023), exploring the characteristics of Chinese cultural elements contained in junior high school English textbooks, it is demonstrated that while emphasizing the dissemination of English skills and knowledge, attention should also be paid to cultivating students' patriotic spirit, enabling students to firmly establish cultural confidence and enhance their ability to spread Chinese culture.
《课程标准》(2022年)的制定通常涵盖语言知识、语言应用能力、文化意识等各个方面,有利于促进学生的全面发展,培养学生的语言能力、思维能力、跨文化交际能力罗倩云(2023)《探究英语教学中文化意识培养的现状》和庄丽娟(2023)《探究初中英语教材中中国文化元素的特征》认为:在强调英语技能和知识传播的同时,还要注重培养学生的爱国精神,使学生牢固树立文化自信,增强传播中华文化的能力。 Beneficial for Supporting Teachers' Professional Development 有利于支持教师专业发展

Xi Jinping pointed out that "In the new era, the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation and development of the nation require a high-quality professional teacher team with noble ethics, proficient skills, reasonable structure, and vitality." The "Curriculum Standards" (2022) further guide teachers to continuously improve their teaching levels and professional qualities, striving to become "teachers with ideals, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and loving hearts," as based on Maslow's (1954) hierarchy of needs theory, lifelong education theory, and teacher professional development stage theory, continuously improving their teaching levels to enhance teaching quality.
习近平指出,“新时代,国家富强、民族复兴发展,需要一支师德高尚、技能熟练、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业教师队伍”。 《课程标准》(2022年)进一步指导教师按照马斯洛(1954)需求层次理论,不断提高教学水平和专业素质,争做“有理想、有道德情操、扎实知识、有爱心的教师”理论、终身教育理论、教师专业发展阶段理论,不断提高教学水平,提升教学质量。

2.2.2 Application of Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standards in English Teaching
2.2.2义务教育英语课程标准在英语教学中的应用 Influencing the Formulation of Teaching Content and Objectives影响教学内容和目标的制定

Bao Li (2014) discusses the formulation of regional curriculum standards from the perspective of regional teaching, comparing it with the "Curriculum Standards" (2011) to analyze teaching content and objectives suitable for the region. The "Curriculum Standards" (2022), building on the previous version, allows teachers to determine the teaching content and learning objectives of the curriculum, ensuring coverage of language knowledge, skills, and cultural awareness among other aspects. For example, teachers can determine teaching content based on the curriculum standards, such as teaching verb tenses, noun plurals, and other grammar knowledge at specific grades, or vocabulary and expressions under specific topics.
鲍力(2014)从区域教学的角度探讨了区域课程标准的制定,并与《课程标准》(2011)进行比较,分析适合该区域的教学内容和目标。 《课程标准》(2022年)在前一版的基础上,允许教师确定课程的教学内容和学习目标,确保语言知识、技能和文化意识等方面的覆盖。例如,教师可以根据课程标准确定教学内容,比如教授特定年级的动词时态、名词复数等语法知识,或者特定主题下的词汇和表达等。 Influencing the Selection of Teaching Methods and Resources影响教学方法和资源的选择

The "Curriculum Standards" (2022) encourage the use of diverse and interactive teaching methods and resources, such as task-based teaching, multimedia teaching, etc. Sun Xintong (2023) applied the "Shanbei Words" APP to English vocabulary teaching, resulting in enhanced interest and performance in vocabulary learning among students. Teachers can choose suitable teaching resources based on the curriculum standards, such as using multimedia materials for listening training, or organizing group discussions to improve oral expression abilities.
《课程标准》(2022年)鼓励采用多样化、互动式的教学方法和资源,如任务型教学、多媒体教学等。孙心童(2023年)将“山北词”APP应用到英语词汇教学中,取得了良好的效果。提高学生词汇学习的兴趣和表现。教师可以根据课程标准选择合适的教学资源,比如利用多媒体材料进行听力训练,或者组织小组讨论来提高口语表达能力。 Influencing Learning Assessment and Feedback 影响学习评估和反馈

Wu Shan (2023) attempted to construct a deep learning evaluation tool for junior high school English reading classes and used it to evaluate students' deep learning process and quality. Based on the evaluation criteria provided by the curriculum standards, student learning outcomes can be assessed through exams, assignments, etc., and timely feedback can be provided. For example, teachers can formulate mid-term and final exams based on the curriculum standards to assess students' language abilities and cultural awareness, while providing personalized guidance and feedback based on students' learning situations.
吴山(2023)尝试构建初中英语阅读课的深度学习评估工具,并用它来评估学生的深度学习过程和质量。根据课程标准提供的评价标准,可以通过考试、作业等方式评估学生的学习成果,并及时反馈。例如,教师可以根据课程标准制定期中和期末考试,评估学生的语言能力和文化意识,同时根据学生的学习情况提供个性化的指导和反馈。 Influencing Interdisciplinary Integration 影响跨学科融合

Wang Qiang & Liu Shiyu (2022) elucidate the important way to achieve the organic combination of practicality and humanity, encouraging the integration of English teaching with other disciplines to promote cross-disciplinary learning. For example, combining English teaching with history, geography, etc., through English teaching, students can learn relevant knowledge in these fields. By integrating interdisciplinary themes and content with English courses, enriching students' knowledge, broadening their horizons, exercising their thinking abilities, and enhancing their comprehensive literacy, the unique educational value of the English subject can be achieved.
王强、刘诗雨(2022)阐明了实现实用性与人文性有机结合的重要途径,鼓励英语教学与其他学科融合,促进跨学科学习。例如,将英语教学与历史、地理等相结合,通过英语教学,学生可以学习这些领域的相关知识。通过将跨学科的主题和内容与英语课程相融合,丰富学生的知识,开阔学生的视野,锻炼学生的思维能力,增强学生的综合素养,从而实现英语学科独特的教育价值。 Influencing the Cultivation of Students' Autonomous Learning and Lifelong Learning Abilities影响学生自主学习和终身学习能力的培养

Autonomous learning ability is a prerequisite for lifelong learning. The Internet is an important material foundation of the information society, and education in the new century cannot be separated from the Internet. It provides rich resources for secondary education. How to cultivate students' autonomous learning abilities and lifelong learning awareness in a multimedia network environment, Gu Yifeng (2023) conducted English autonomous inquiry learning. Teachers can help cultivate these abilities through curriculum design, such as designing course projects or tasks, encouraging students to conduct independent inquiry and learning, for example, allowing students to independently select extracurricular reading materials based on curriculum standards and conduct research and presentations on related topics.
自主学习能力是终身学习的前提。互联网是信息社会的重要物质基础,新世纪的教育离不开互联网。为中等教育提供了丰富的资源。如何在多媒体网络环境下培养学生自主学习能力和终身学习意识,谷一峰(2023)进行了英语自主探究式学习。教师可以通过课程设计来帮助培养这些能力,例如设计课程项目或任务,鼓励学生进行独立探究和学习,例如让学生根据课程标准自主选择课外阅读材料,并就相关主题进行研究和演示。 。

2.2.3 Summary
2.2.3 总结

The formulation and implementation of compulsory education curriculum standards are of profound significance to the education system. It is the cornerstone of the development of the education cause, providing solid support for teaching activities and laying a solid foundation for students' future development. By clarifying learning objectives and competency requirements, curriculum standards help ensure the fairness and quality of education. These standards play a guiding and normative role in teaching, providing teaching guidance for teachers and learning guarantees for students, promoting students' comprehensive development.

2.3 Research on Core Literacy and Language Ability 
2.3 核心素养和语言能力研究

2.3.1 Core Literacy
2.3.1 核心素养

Core literacy refers to fundamental literacy and abilities that hold significant value across different domains. These literacies and abilities are essential for students and encompass subject literacy, thinking literacy, learning abilities, social-emotional literacy, aesthetic literacy, and more. In teaching activities, scholars like Fan Qinyuan (2023), Wei Zaishou (2023), and Zhang Lihui (2023) discuss various aspects of how to root core literacy in subjects. The cultivation of core literacy aims to equip students with essential skills needed for comprehensive development, enabling them to adapt to the diverse demands of future society. This includes abilities in autonomous learning, innovative thinking, teamwork, and more, facilitating both individual development and social participation.

2.3.2 Language Ability
2.3.2 语​​言能力

Language ability at the compulsory education stage refers to students' comprehensive abilities in language use, comprehension, and expression. It encompasses vocabulary size, grammar expression ability, reading comprehension ability, writing ability, oral expression ability, and more. In subject teaching, scholars like Zheng Yaqiu (2022) use listening tests to assess language abilities, while Wang Caiping (2021) utilizes writing to train language abilities. However, the connotation of language ability is broader, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Cultivating these abilities requires focusing on students' language thinking ability, logical thinking ability, and cross-cultural communication ability. Additionally, the cultivation of language abilities should also focus on nurturing students' emotional attitudes and values, enabling them to use language for communication and expression correctly and positively.

2.3.3 Learning goals for language proficiency
2.3.3 语言能力的学习目标

Wang Chunhua (2023) proposed that the teaching of English listening and speaking courses should adopt the "goal + task" method to improve students' language ability, learning ability, thinking quality and cultural awareness, so as to promote the improvement of core literacy. Teachers should set specific classroom goals according to the curriculum and term goals, and design corresponding listening and speaking tasks to promote students' comprehensive language skills.

2.3.4 Application of Core Literacy Language Abilities
2.3.4 核心素养语言能力的应用 Listening Comprehension Ability 听力理解能力

Scholars like Zhang Lu (2022) discuss the impact of shadowing on listening comprehension, while Li Qingsheng (2017) explores the application of the Smith-Ragan model in high school English listening teaching. These reflect the requirements for students' listening ability, as students need to understand oral communication and explanations, including teacher lectures, classmates' speeches, and other daily oral communications, to cultivate listening comprehension abilities.
张璐(2022)等学者讨论了影子对听力理解的影响,而李庆生(2017)则探讨了史密斯-拉根模型在高中英语听力教学中的应用。这些都体现了对学生听力能力的要求,因为学生需要听懂口头交流和解释,包括老师讲课、同学演讲以及其他日常口语交流,培养听力理解能力。 Oral Expression Ability 口语表达能力

Li Yuanxia (2019) and Zhao Xinwei (2019) explore different samples of oral activities in primary and high school English teaching activities. In the junior high school stage, students need to express their thoughts clearly and accurately. This includes participating in classroom discussions, presentations, speeches, as well as daily communication with classmates, teachers, and parents, and also requires a certain degree of creative expression using language, including literary works, poetry, prose, speeches, etc.
李元霞(2019)和赵新伟(2019)探讨了中小学英语教学活动中口语活动的不同样本。初中阶段,学生需要清晰、准确地表达自己的想法。这包括参与课堂讨论、演示、演讲,以及与同学、老师、家长的日常交流,还需要一定程度的语言创造性表达,包括文学作品、诗歌、散文、演讲等。 Reading Comprehension Ability 阅读理解能力

Cai Lulu (2023) researches the current situation of reading comprehension and understanding various types of texts, including textbooks, storybooks, news reports, etc., to understand the information, viewpoints, and intentions within them and acquire knowledge and information. This includes the ability to understand, appreciate, and create literary works, as well as understand literary traditions and forms.
蔡露露(2023)研究阅读理解和理解各类文本(包括课本、故事书、新闻报道等)的现状,了解其中的信息、观点和意图,获取知识和信息。这包括理解、欣赏和创作文学作品的能力,以及理解文学传统和形式的能力。 Written Expression Ability 书面表达能力

Wang Zhenjun and Cui Jianxin (2023) train students' reasoning and thinking abilities through "four-dimensional" writing training. Students need to express their thoughts clearly and coherently in written language, emphasizing logical structure and the ability to present reasonable arguments and viewpoints during writing.

2.3.5 Summary
2.3.5 总结

Core literacy language abilities in English teaching encompass listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These abilities are basic skills that students must master in the process of learning English and are crucial for their comprehensive application of English. Core literacy language abilities are not only the foundation of English learning but also the foundation for students' future applications of English in various fields. The application of these abilities will help them succeed in academics and future careers.

2.4 The Application of Visualization in Teaching Research
2.4 可视化在教研中的应用

2.4.1 Visual Analysis
2.4.1 可视化分析

Visual analysis refers to presenting data in a graphical way to better understand its characteristics, trends, and relationships. Through visual analysis, data can be intuitively displayed using charts, graphs, maps, etc., making it easier to identify patterns, anomalies, and trends within the data. This method helps individuals gain deeper insights into the data, make data-driven decisions, and effectively communicate the meaning of the data to others. Common visualization tools include line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, heat maps, maps, etc. In various fields, visual analysis is widely used for data exploration, report presentation, decision support, etc.

2.4.2 Advantages of Visual Analysis
2.4.2 可视化分析的优点

Compared to traditional English exam analysis, visual analysis is more intuitive, comprehensive, and better supports personalized assessment and teaching optimization. Traditional analysis may rely more on textual descriptions and statistical data, while visual analysis vividly presents data through charts, graphs, images, etc., making it easier for educators and other relevant personnel to understand and apply.
相比传统英语考试分析,可视化分析更加直观、全面,更好地支持个性化考核和教学优化。传统的分析可能更多地依赖于文字描述和统计数据,而可视化分析通过图表、图形、图像等生动地呈现数据,使教育工作者和其他相关人员更容易理解和应用。 Comprehensiveness 综合性

Wang Jiao (2023) analyzed the history of Chinese teaching in Thailand through visual analysis. Visualization can present various aspects in charts, graphs, and other forms, making the overall structure and characteristics clear at a glance. This visual presentation helps educators better understand the distribution of various question types in the exam, changes in difficulty levels, and the assessment of different language abilities. This aids in evaluating the rationality of exam design, whether it aligns with teaching objectives and student proficiency levels.
王娇(2023)通过视觉分析分析了泰国汉语教学的历史。可视化可以将各个方面以图表、图形等形式呈现出来,使整体结构和特征一目了然。这种视觉呈现有助于教育工作者更好地了解考试中各种题型的分布、难度级别的变化以及不同语言能力的评估。这有助于评估考试设计的合理性,是否符合教学目标和学生的熟练程度。 Holism 整体论

Ren Zijian (2023) explored overall chemistry teaching in high school using visualization tools. Observers can discover patterns in the exam, such as the distribution of question types and changes in difficulty levels, through visual analysis. This helps evaluate the overall characteristics of the exam and provides important references for curriculum design and teaching adjustments.
任子健(2023)利用可视化工具探索了高中化学教学的整体情况。观察者可以通过视觉分析发现考试中的模式,例如问题类型的分布和难度级别的变化。这有助于评估考试的整体特点,为课程设计和教学调整提供重要参考。 Personalization 个性化

Huang Changqin, Zhu Ning, and Huang Qionghao (2019) discussed personalized learning modes in the online space using visualization. In testing, visual analysis will help educators better assess students' performance on an individual basis. By visually displaying students' scores in different question types or language abilities, educators can more accurately understand students' strengths and weaknesses, thus providing support for personalized teaching.
黄昌勤、朱宁和黄琼浩(2019)利用可视化讨论了在线空间中的个性化学习模式。在测试中,视觉分析将帮助教育工作者更好地评估学生的个人表现。通过直观地展示学生在不同题型或语言能力上的成绩,教育工作者可以更准确地了解学生的优势和劣势,从而为个性化教学提供支持。 Communication 通讯

Li Xiaoying, Qin Jingjing, and Zhou Datao (2021) used visualization for doctor-patient information communication. The results of visual analysis in exam analysis are easier to understand for educators, students, and parents because charts and images are often more intuitive and easier to understand. This facilitates effective communication between educators and students/parents, allowing parents to better understand their children's performance in English learning and discuss their learning situation and future development with teachers.

2.4.3 Application of Visualization in English Exam Analysis
2.4.3 可视化在英语考试分析中的应用

For English exams, visual analysis can create pie charts or bar graphs to show the proportions of different question types (such as reading comprehension, writing, listening, grammar fill-in-the-blank, etc.) to understand the distribution of question types in the exam; histograms or box plots can be drawn to show the difficulty distribution of various questions in the exam, helping teachers and students understand the difficulty levels of questions in the exam and thus review and improve effectively; word clouds or bar graphs can be created to show the main knowledge points or vocabulary involved in the exam, so that students can understand the key contents covered by the exam; histograms or box plots of score distributions can be created to show students' scores on the exam, helping to comprehensively understand students' overall performance.
对于英语考试,可视化分析可以创建饼图或条形图来展示不同题型(如阅读理解、写作、听力、语法填空等)的比例,了解题型分布情况在考试中;可以绘制柱状图或箱线图来展示考试中各题的难度分布,帮助老师和学生了解考试中题目的难度,从而有效复习和提高;可以创建词云或条形图来展示考试涉及的主要知识点或词汇,以便学生了解考试涵盖的重点内容;可以创建分数分布的直方图或箱线图来显示学生的考试成绩,有助于全面了解学生的整体表现。 Score Analysis 评分分析

Through bar charts or pie charts, the distribution of student scores on different questions or different knowledge points can be clearly displayed, helping teachers and students better understand the overall exam performance.
通过条形图或饼图,可以清晰地展示学生在不同题目或不同知识点上的成绩分布,帮助老师和学生更好地了解整体考试表现。 Error Analysis 误差分析

Visualization tools can help teachers analyze students' error questions, including which questions are prone to errors and the reasons for errors. This helps teachers provide targeted teaching guidance, assist students in overcoming difficulties, and strengthen students' weak areas.
可视化工具可以帮助教师分析学生的错误题,包括哪些题容易出错以及出错的原因。这有助于教师进行有针对性的教学指导,帮助学生克服困难,补强学生的薄弱环节。 Trend Analysis 趋势分析

Through visualization tools, the score change trends of students in different time periods can be presented, discovering changes in student performance in different time periods, as well as possible improvements or regressions. Visualizing students' exam scores in different time periods can help students and parents better track learning progress, discover learning achievements, or identify problems and make adjustments in a timely manner.
通过可视化工具,可以呈现学生在不同时间段的成绩变化趋势,发现学生在不同时间段表现的变化,以及可能的改进或退步。可视化学生不同时间段的考试成绩,可以帮助学生和家长更好地跟踪学习进度,发现学习成果,或发现问题及时做出调整。 Multidimensional Analysis 多维分析

Visualization conducts multidimensional analysis of students' performance, such as reading comprehension, writing, listening, and speaking. By analyzing students' scores in different areas, it discovers the strengths and weaknesses of each student in different language skills, thereby comprehensively understanding students' language abilities.

2.4.4 Summary
2.4.4 总结

Visual analysis plays an important role in teaching. Teachers can vividly present knowledge points, intrinsic connections in subjects, and practical applications using various forms of visualization charts, graphs, and inspire students' interest in learning, increase participation and depth of learning. Through visual analysis of student learning data, teachers can adjust teaching content and methods targeted, explore more effective teaching methods and strategies, and improve teaching quality.

2.5 Summary of the literature review
2.5 文献综述总结

Testing is of great significance to both teachers and students, as it can help teachers adjust their teaching strategies, provide personalized learning support for students, and motivate students to work hard and evaluate their learning outcomes. Analyzing and researching tests can help teachers identify teaching problems, improve teaching quality, and implement personalized teaching, all of which are crucial for improving teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes.

The formulation of English curriculum standards for compulsory education can not only promote teaching reform and innovation in teaching methods, in order to better meet the learning needs of students, but also provide unified teaching basis for schools and teachers, helping education departments to effectively supervise and evaluate. The measure of setting language proficiency learning objectives provides teachers with clear teaching objectives and directions, ensuring the coherence and progression of students in the learning process, ultimately helping to improve teaching quality and ensuring that students can achieve corresponding language proficiency levels in different stages.

Visualization provides powerful tools and methods for people to process and understand data, which is intuitive and effective, easy to arouse people's interest and engage in in-depth thinking. Applying visualization analysis to test paper analysis, through intuitive data presentation, helps teachers and educational managers better understand student performance and the characteristics of test papers, and also provides scientific basis for educators to carry out teaching reform, Helps improve teaching quality and student learning outcomes.

For the middle school English stage, although there is a situation analysis in the middle school English test paper after the exam, it mainly focuses on the analysis of scores and question types, and rarely conducts benchmarking analysis of language ability. This article will use visual analysis methods to analyze the test paper, emphasizing the benchmarking and matching of language ability, in order to help various groups of people who pay attention to the test paper quickly understand the compatibility and achievement of the test paper with language ability benchmarking.

3 Research Design
3 研究设计

Based on the current research background and the previous review of testing, the new curriculum standards, core literacy language abilities, and the application of visualization in teaching research, the author has further designed a more in-depth study on the alignment and attainment of language proficiency objectives in junior high school English education. This chapter will provide a detailed explanation of the research design, including research questions, research subjects, research methods, and research tools.

3.1 Research Questions
3.1 研究问题

The main purpose of this study is to examine the alignment and attainment of Jingzhou region's junior high school English exam papers with the language objectives of compulsory education. Additionally, the author aims to understand whether there is an improvement in language proficiency among ninth-grade students facing the high school entrance examination background, particularly in the English test. If so, the analysis of the English exam papers can better demonstrate the alignment with language objectives. The study intends to provide feedback and suggestions for junior high school English exam constructors and English teachers, illustrating how the results of the exam paper analysis reflect students' language proficiency levels.

1.What is the alignment between the English exam paper and the language proficiency stage goals?

2.What level of achievement has been reached for the language proficiency goals at each stage of this English exam?

3.2 Research Objects
3.2 研究对象

Given the consistency of language proficiency goals and the close correlation between grades and junior high school students in the junior high school English exam, this study focuses on the ninth grade English test paper of Dong Fanghong School's first monthly exam for the academic year 2023-2024

3.3 Research Method
3.3 研究方法

In this study, content analysis will be employed to analyze junior high school English exam papers. Firstly, the authors will develop and utilize a self-designed coding scheme to systematically code the textual content of the papers. Subsequently, quantitative data will be visualized to express the analysis results of the papers, allowing for a quantitative assessment of the alignment between the exam papers and language proficiency objectives. Moreover, the attainment of students in different language proficiency aspects will be analyzed.

3.4 Research Tool
3.4 研究工具

This study will utilize a digital tool—an encoding Table3.1, which is based on the language proficiency objectives of the "New Curriculum Standard" (such as naming the first aspect: "Perception and Accumulation" as 1-1, the first item: "Able to recognize the meaning expressed by different intonation and rhythm characteristics" ; the second aspect: "Acquisition and Construction" as 2-1, the first item: "Able to record key information, comprehend the main content, and briefly summarize the main points during the process of listening, reading, and viewing discourse content"; the third aspect: "Expression and Communication" as 3-1, the first item: "Able to communicate with others on daily topics using learned language, with basic correctness in pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary usage, and relatively coherent expression.") as shown in the table below:

Table 3.1 encoding table
表3.1 编码表


Perception and accumulation

Question corresponding to the exam paper

Total scores


Able to recognize the meaning expressed by speech features such as different intonations and rhythms

Question 4、Question 5、Question 7、

Question 20



Able to understand clear pronunciation and slow-paced short oral expressions, and extract key information.

Question 1-Question 8



Acquire commonly used idiomatic expressions and basic ways of communicating information in daily life.

Question 9-Question 15



Accumulate commonly used word collocations.

Question 21、Question 23、Question 25、Question 26、Question 33、Question 67



Understand the structural features of sentences, such as sentence types, components, word order, and subject-verb agreement.

Question 22、Question 27、Question 28、Question 29、Question 37
问题 22、问题 27、问题 28、问题 29、问题 37



When listening to or watching slow-paced broadcasts or television programs related to the topic, able to identify their themes and summarize key information.

Questions 16-20、Question 43



Able to read simple, topic-related short passages, extract and summarize key information, and understand implicit meanings.

Question 46、Question 47、Question 50、Question 55、Question 57、Question 58
问题 46、问题 47、问题 50、问题 55、问题 57、问题 58



Acquisition and Construction


Able to record key information, comprehend the main content, and briefly summarize the main points around the discourse content during the process of listening, reading, and viewing.

Question 3、Question 4、Question 6、Question 10、Question 51、Question 59



Able to infer characters, places, events, etc., based on key words heard or read.

Question 3、Question 4、Question 6、Question 10、Question 13、Question 20、Question 31、Question 36、Question 41、Question 48、Question 52、Question 56



Able to phonetically read words according to pronunciation rules and phonetic symbols.

Question 62、Question 64、Question 65、Question 66、Question 68、Question 69、Question 70
问题 62、问题 64、问题 65、问题 66、问题 68、问题 69、问题 70



Able to summarize learned grammar rules.

Question 24、Question 29、Question 30、Question 61
问题 24、问题 29、问题 30、问题 61



Able to identify and analyze the structural features of common sentence patterns.

Question 22、Question 29、Question 34、Question 40、Question 63



Able to analyze and sort out the basic structural features of common written discourse.

Question 45
问题 45



Able to establish semantic connections using simple connectors.

Question 31、Question 32、Question 35、Question 36、Question 38、Question 39、Question 42、Question 44、Question 49、Question 53、Question 54、Question 60



Expression and Communication


Able to use learned language to engage in daily communication with others around relevant topics, with basic correctness in pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary usage, and relatively coherent expression.

Questions 71-76
问题 71-76



In written expression, able to use different sentence structures and tenses to describe and introduce people, objects, or events around, and express emotions, attitudes, points, and intentions.

Question 76
问题 76


4 Results and Discussion
4 结果与讨论

4.1 The alignment between the test paper and the language proficiency stage objectives
4.1 试卷与语言能力阶段目标的一致性

Figure 1 shows the total score pie chart for each goal at the perception and accumulation level, Figure 2 shows the total score pie chart for each goal at the acquisition and construction level, and Figure 3 shows the total score pie chart for each goal at the expression and communication level.Figure 4 shows the overall proportion of three dimensions

Figure 1 The total score pie chart for each goal at the perception and accumulation level
图1 感知与积累层面各目标总分饼图

Figure 2 The total score pie chart for each goal at the perception and accumulation level
图2 感知与积累层面各目标总分饼图

3 The total score pie chart for each goal at the expression and communication level
图3 表达与沟通层面各目标总分饼图

Figure 4 The overall proportion of three dimensions
图4 三个维度总体占比

The relationship between the test paper design and the language proficiency stage objectives is closely reflected in the following aspects:

Perception and Accumulation (Objective 1): The questions in the test directly involve the assessment of skills such as recognizing speech features, extracting key information, and evaluating daily communication abilities, aligning with the requirements of Objective 1.

Acquisition and Construction (Objective 2): The test paper covers various aspects including extracting information from different discourses, inferring content, understanding grammar rules, and establishing semantic connections, which correspond to the requirements of language processing and application abilities outlined in Objective 2.

Expression and Communication (Objective 3): The test evaluates both oral and written expression skills, including daily communication, emotional expression, and sentence structure usage, aligning with the various aspects of language application outlined in Objective 3.
表达和交流(目标 3):该测试评估口头和书面表达技能,包括日常交流、情感表达和句子结构使用,与目标 3 中概述的语言应用的各个方面保持一致。

In summary, the overall proportions for each dimension are approximately:Perception and Accumulation: 36.93%, Acquisition and Construction: 34.66%, Expression and Communication: 28.41%. The test paper design thoroughly considers various aspects of language proficiency, aligning with the requirements of the language proficiency stage objectives and effectively assessing students' language abilities.

4.2 Achievement of Test Paper and Language Ability Stage Objectives
4.2 试卷及语言能力阶段目标的达成情况

4.2.1 Perception and Accumulation Achievement
4.2.1 感悟与积累成就

To understand the students' listening comprehension abilities, this study analyzed the English exam papers of Grade 9. There are a total of 30 listening comprehension questions, numbered 1 to 30 on the exam paper. Based on the statistical results, it was found that the standard scoring rate for listening comprehension abilities ranged from 41.10% to 96.15%, with an average scoring rate of approximately 74.72%. The highest scoring rate was achieved in Question 1, reaching 96.15%, while the lowest was in Question 5, at only 41.10%. Most questions had scoring rates between 60% and 90%, indicating relatively stable performance. However, some questions had lower scoring rates, such as Questions 5, 13, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, and 28, which require special attention and improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on these questions and implement corresponding teaching measures and training methods to enhance students' listening comprehension abilities. Figure5 below illustrates the scoring rates for listening comprehension task.Figure 6 shows the average score rate for each dimension

Figure5 The score rate for listening comprehension task
图5 听力理解任务得分率

Figure6 Average score rate for each dimension
图6 各维度平均得分率

For the 1-1 dimension, the average score rate is relatively low because this part involves distinguishing different speech features, including different intonation and rhythm, which is difficult for students and requires more training and understanding.

The average score rate for the 1-2 dimensions is relatively high because students are able to understand clear pronunciation and slow oral expression, and extract key information, which is relatively easy to understand and their performance is relatively good. The average score rate for dimensions 1-3 is also relatively high because students are able to master commonly used idioms and basic information transmission methods in daily life, which are more practical and common, making it easier for students to grasp and understand. For the 1-4 and 1-5 dimensions, the average score rate is lower because students have certain difficulties in accumulating commonly used phrases and understanding sentence structures, requiring more practice and guidance. The average score rate for dimensions 1-6 is higher because students are able to identify the theme and summarize key information while listening or watching slow radio or television programs related to the theme. These contents are more specific and have practical scenarios, making it easier for students to understand and master. Finally, the average score rate of the 1-7 dimensions is relatively high, and students are able to read simple short articles related to the topic, extract and summarize key information, and understand the implicit meanings. These contents are relatively common and familiar to students, so they perform well.

4.2.2 Achievement of Acquisition and Construction
4.2.2 收购建设成果

To understand the proficiency level of students in grammar and vocabulary, this study analyzed the English exam papers of Grade 9. This portion of the exam consisted of a fill-in-the-blank section with 10 questions, numbered 31 to 40 on the exam paper. Based on the statistical results, it was found that the scoring rates for the fill-in-the-blank questions varied across different items. Among them, Question 36 had the highest scoring rate, reaching 91.19%, while Question 37 had the lowest scoring rate, at only 34.13%. Overall, the scoring rates for most questions ranged from 70% to 90%, indicating relatively stable performance. However, there were also a few questions with lower scoring rates, especially Questions 37 and 40, which require special attention and improvement. These data reflect the performance of students in grammar and vocabulary proficiency and can help teachers assess students' mastery levels and take appropriate teaching measures to enhance their grammar and vocabulary skills. Figure7 below illustrates the scoring rates for the cloze.Figure 8 shows the average score rate for acquisition and construction
为了了解学生语法和词汇的熟练程度,本研究对九年级的英语试卷进行了分析。这部分考试由填空部分组成,共有 10 道题,考试编号为 31 至 40。纸。根据统计结果发现,不同题目的填空题得分率存在差异。其中,第36题得分率最高,达到91.19%,第37题得分率最低,仅为34.13%。总体来看,大部分题的得分率在70%到90%之间,表现相对稳定。但也有少数题得分率较低,特别是第37题和第40题,需要特别关注和改进。这些数据反映了学生在语法和词汇方面的表现,可以帮助教师评估学生的掌握水平,并采取适当的教学措施来提高他们的语法和词汇技能。下图 7 展示了完形填空的得分率 图 8 展示了获取和构建的平均得分率

Figure7 The completion rate of cloze test questions
图7 完形填空题完成率

Figure8 Average score rate for acquisition and construction
图8 购建平均得分率

For the 2-1 dimension, the average score rate is relatively high because students are able to record key information during the process of listening, reading, and watching, understand and briefly summarize the main content as a whole. These skills are the foundation of reading comprehension and listening comprehension, and students are relatively easy to master. The average score rate of the 2-2 dimension is relatively low because students have certain difficulties in inferring characters, locations, events, etc. based on the keywords they hear or read, and require more practice and understanding. The average score rate for dimensions 2-3 is relatively high because students are able to spell words based on pronunciation rules and phonetic symbols. These skills are basic and actionable, and students are relatively easy to master. The low average score rate in the 2-4 dimensions is due to students having certain difficulties in summarizing the grammar rules they have learned, which requires more training and understanding. For the 2-5 dimensions, the average score rate is higher because students are able to identify and analyze the structural characteristics of common sentence structures, which are relatively specific and common, making it easier for students to understand and master. The average score rate for the 2-6 dimensions is relatively low because students have certain difficulties in analyzing and organizing the basic structural characteristics of common written texts, which requires more practice and understanding. The average score rate of the 2-7 dimensions is relatively high because students are able to establish semantic connections using simple conjunctions, which are relatively practical and common, and are easier for students to grasp.
对于2-1维度,平均得分率较高,因为学生能够记录听、读、看过程中的关键信息,整体理解并简要概括主要内容。这些技能是阅读理解和听力理解的基础,学生相对容易掌握。 2-2维度的平均得分率较低,因为学生根据听到或读到的关键词来推断人物、地点、事件等有一定的困难,需要更多的练习和理解。维度2-3的平均得分率相对较高,因为学生能够根据发音规则和音标拼写单词。这些技能都是基础性的、可操作的,学生比较容易掌握。 2-4维度平均得分率较低是因为学生在总结所学语法规则方面存在一定困难,需要更多训练和理解。对于2-5个维度,平均得分率较高,因为学生能够识别和分析常见句子结构的结构特征,这些句子结构相对具体和常见,更容易让学生理解和掌握。 2-6个维度的平均得分率较低,因为学生对常见书面文本的基本结构特征的分析和组织有一定的困难,需要更多的练习和理解。 2-7维度的平均得分率较高,因为学生能够利用简单的连词建立语义联系,比较实用、常见,更容易掌握。

4.2.3 Expression and Communication Achievement
4.2.3 表达沟通成果

To understand the students' reading comprehension abilities, this study analyzed the English exam papers of Grade 9. This portion of the exam consisted of a reading comprehension section with 20 questions, numbered 41 to 60 on the exam paper. Based on the statistical results, it was found that the scoring rates for the reading comprehension questions varied across different items. The highest scoring rates were observed for Questions 48 and 49, with 86.79% and 86.97% respectively, while the lowest scoring rate was for Question 51, at only 44.40%. The scoring rates for most questions ranged from 70% to 90%, indicating relatively stable performance and balanced overall proficiency in reading comprehension among students. However, there were also a few questions with lower scoring rates, especially Questions 46, 51, and 52, which require special attention and improvement. Additionally, two questions (Questions 57 and 58) had the same scoring rate of 55.78%, which may require further investigation to determine the reasons and appropriate teaching measures. These data reflect the performance of students in reading comprehension and can help teachers assess students' reading comprehension levels and develop targeted teaching plans to enhance their reading comprehension abilities. Figure9 below illustrates the scoring rates for the reading comprehension questions.Figure 10 shows the average score rate for each dimension of expression and communication
为了了解学生的阅读理解能力,本研究对九年级的英语试卷进行了分析。这部分考试由阅读理解部分组成,共 20 道题,试卷上的编号为 41 至 60。根据统计结果发现,不同题型的阅读理解题得分率存在差异。得分率最高的是第 48 题和第 49 题,分别为 86.79% 和 86.97%,得分率最低的是第 51 题,仅为 44.40%。大部分题目的得分率在70%至90%之间,表明学生的阅读理解表现相对稳定,整体水平均衡。但也有少数题得分率较低,尤其是46、51、52题,需要特别关注和改进。另外,有两题(第57题和第58题)得分率相同,均为55.78%,可能需要进一步调查以确定原因和采取适当的教学措施。这些数据反映了学生的阅读理解表现,可以帮助教师评估学生的阅读理解水平,制定有针对性的教学计划,提高学生的阅读理解能力。下图9展示了阅读理解问题的得分率。图10展示了表达和沟通各个维度的平均得分率

Figure9 The scoring rate of reading comprehension questions
图9 阅读理解题得分率

Figure 10 Average score for each dimension of expression and communication
图10 表达与沟通各维度的平均分

For the 3-1 dimension, the average score rate is higher because students are able to focus on relevant topics, use the language they have learned, and engage in daily communication with others. Their pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary are basically correct, and their expressions are relatively coherent. These contents are the foundation of daily communication, and students often come into contact with and use them in daily life, so they have a relatively good grasp. The low average score rate of the 3-2 dimension is due to the difficulty students face in using different sentence structures and tenses to describe and introduce people, things, or events around them in written expression, expressing emotions, attitudes, points, and intentions. More practice and guidance are needed to improve students' written expression abilities.
对于3-1维度,平均得分率较高,因为学生能够专注于相关主题,使用所学的语言并与他人进行日常交流。他们的语音、语调、词汇基本正确,表达也比较连贯。这些内容是日常交际的基础,学生在日常生活中经常接触和使用,因此掌握得比较好。 3-2维度平均得分率较低是由于学生在运用不同的句子结构和时态以书面表达方式描述和介绍身边的人、事或事件,表达情感、态度、观点和意图时面临困难。需要更多的练习和指导来提高学生的书面表达能力。

To understand the students' writing abilities, this study analyzed the English exam papers of Grade 9. This section of the exam consisted of a reading and writing integration part with 3 questions, numbered 61 to 63 on the exam paper. Based on the statistical results, it was found that the scoring rate for Question 61 was relatively low, at only 42.42%, indicating weaker performance by students in this question type. The scoring rates for Questions 62 and 63 were 63.71% and 53.23% respectively, slightly higher but still with room for improvement. This indicates that students have some deficiencies in overall reading comprehension and writing abilities, highlighting the need for further strengthening through targeted training and guidance. Specific training in writing skills, including enhancing students' logical thinking and expression abilities, is necessary to improve their performance in integrated reading and writing tasks. Figure11 below illustrates the scoring rates for the reading and writing integration questions.
为了了解学生的写作能力,本研究对九年级的英语试卷进行了分析。这部分考试由阅读和写作综合部分组成,共有3道题,试卷上的编号为61至63。统计结果发现,第61题的得分率较低,仅为42.42%,表明学生在该题型上的表现较差。第62题和第63题的得分率分别为63.71%和53.23%,略高,但仍有提升空间。这表明学生在整体阅读理解和写作能力方面存在一定的不足,凸显需要通过有针对性的训练和指导进一步加强。写作技能的具体训练,包括增强学生的逻辑思维和表达能力,对于提高他们在综合读写任务中的表现是必要的。下面的图 11 显示了阅读和写作综合问题的得分率。

Figure11 The scoring rate of integrated reading and writing tasks
图11 读写综合任务得分率

Figure12 Bar chart of achievement of three goals
图12 三个目标实现情况条形图

Figure12 shows the bar chart of achievement for three goals.In this English exam, the average score for listening comprehension was approximately 74.72%. Most questions scored between 60% and 90%, indicating a relatively stable performance in this area. However, some questions, such as questions 5, 13, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, and 28, had lower scores and require special attention and improvement.In the grammar and vocabulary fill-in-the-blank section, the average score rate is about 81.25% . However, questions 37 and 40 had lower scores and need special attention and improvement.In the reading comprehension section, the average score rate is about 79.64%, indicating a balanced overall performance in this area. However, questions 46, 51, and 52 had lower scores and require special attention and improvement.

Overall, in this English exam, students demonstrated relatively balanced achievement in perception and accumulation, acquisition and construction, and expression and communication. However, there were still a few questions with poor performance that require further attention and improvement.

5 Summary
5 总结

5.1 Research findings
5.1 研究结果

Overall, the ninth-grade monthly English exam paper at XX Middle School demonstrated stable performance across listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary proficiency, reading comprehension, and writing abilities.However, there were areas identified for improvement in each aspect, suggesting targeted interventions to enhance student outcomes.

5.2Research limitations

The study relied solely on visual analysis, which may not capture nuanced details or provide comprehensive insights into student performance.The sample size and scope of the analysis were limited to a specific exam paper and may not represent broader trends or variations in language proficiency.

5.3Future research directions

Future research could employ a combination of visual analysis and qualitative or quantitative approaches to offer a more holistic understanding of language proficiency alignment and attainment. Investigating students' language proficiency development over an extended period could provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of instructional interventions and curriculum adjustments. Conducting comparative analyses across different schools or regions could offer insights into variations in language proficiency standards and instructional practices, informing targeted support strategies.



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In completing this paper, I would like to sincerely thank many individuals and organizations for their support and assistance, as it is your contributions that have enabled this research to proceed smoothly.

I would like to express special gratitude to my dear supervisor, Professor Peng Yi. Throughout the entire research process, my supervisor generously shared meticulous guidance and selfless patience. With profound knowledge and extensive research experience, my supervisor provided solid support for my academic exploration. In every interaction with my supervisor, I gleaned profound academic wisdom and methodological insights. My supervisor's guidance prevented me from getting lost in the ocean of research and instead helped me find the direction to move forward. Whether patiently answering questions during seminars or providing guidance on academic issues, my supervisor solved one puzzle after another with a loving heart. My supervisor's words and deeds have greatly benefited me and deepened my understanding of continuous growth and improvement on the academic path. Here, I sincerely thank my supervisor for the hard work and selfless dedication, as the support provided by my supervisor is not only an aid in academics but also a thoughtful care for my life path. I will always cherish the precious memories of the academic time spent with my supervisor, which will become a valuable memory in my academic career.

I want to sincerely thank my endlessly caring family and sincere friends. They have provided unparalleled understanding and steadfast support during my busy academic journey. Their companionship is not only an emotional support but also an endless source of motivation on my journey forward. My family has always supported me consistently, whether under academic pressure or in the troughs of research. They are my solid backing, and their care and trust are the spiritual pillars that drive me to strive continuously, allowing me to feel the warmth of home even in a foreign land. As for my friends, they have interpreted sincere friendship through tacit understanding and companionship. While I immersed myself in writing the paper and conducting research, my friends silently supported me, providing encouragement and understanding. Whether sharing joys or expressing worries, my friends are my precious confidants, making me feel less lonely on the academic path. Words cannot express my gratitude, and I deeply thank my family and friends. It is your companionship and encouragement that have allowed me to go further on the academic journey. May we share the future together and let this deep gratitude become an indelible memory between our hearts.

Here, I extend my sincerest thanks to all those who have supported me. Words cannot express my gratitude enough. Thank you for your contributions and support!