Forget Duolingo — I used ChatGPT-4o to help me translate in Paris and it was better than I expected
忘掉 Duolingo吧--我在巴黎用 ChatGPT-4o 幫我翻譯,它比我預想的還要好

AI image of Paris generated using DALL-E 3 in ChatGPT + the ChatGPT Logo
(Image credit: OpenAI/ChatGPT AI image)
(圖片來源:OpenAI/ChatGPT AI 影像)

I spent a few days in Paris last week and while I have some basic French, it is rudimentary at best and not great when it comes to food. I decided to turn to ChatGPT to bridge that gap. And it performed better than I could have expected.
上週我在巴黎待了幾天,雖然我有一些基本的法語,但充其量只能算是初級水平,而且在美食方面也不太擅長。我決定使用 ChatGPT 來彌補這一缺陷。它的表現超出了我的預期。

I've been using GPT-4o since it was first announced after the OpenAI Spring Update and one of the stand-out features is its vision capabilities — the ability to understand and analyze a full image accurately every time, even across different languages.
自從GPT-4o 在OpenAI 春季更新後首次發布以來,我就一直在使用它,其中最突出的功能之一就是它的視覺功能--每次都能準確理解和分析完整的圖像,即使是在不同的語言環境中也是如此。

While in France I used this to navigate the train network, buy food in a supermarket and even have a brief conversation in a café to select a dairy-free option from the menu. That was even before OpenAI rolled out the next-generation speech-to-speech version of ChatGPT Voice.
在法國時,我用它導航火車網絡,在超市購買食品,甚至在咖啡館裡進行簡短對話,從菜單中選擇不含乳製品的選項。這還是在 OpenAI 推出新一代語音對語音版本的 ChatGPT Voice 之前。

Not only was it able to directly translate for me — in text and speech — but it was also able to teach me how to say words in French with patience and no judgment. Sorry Duolingo, but it seems ChatGPT is the true king of language learning platforms now.
它不僅能直接為我翻譯文字和語音,還能耐心地教我如何用法語說單詞,而且不帶任何評判。對不起,Duolingo,但現在看來,ChatGPT 是真正的語言學習平台之王。

When I first arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport I was relieved to see every sign was in English and French. This is in part due to the upcoming Olympics, but also because it is a major international airport. I was able to find my way to the ticket office and get on a train.

Turns out I was already standing at the right platform, which was good as the train I needed had just pulled up.

Everything went well until I arrived at my first station. Here the English disappeared and it was all French. While some degree of logic helped, such as looking for signs mentioning my destination station — I found showing ChatGPT the screen was quicker.
在到達第一個車站之前,一切都很順利。在這裡,英語消失了,全是法語。雖然一定程度的邏輯思維有所幫助,例如尋找提及目的地車站的標誌,但我發現向 ChatGPT 顯示螢幕更快。

Some words were fine (I listened at least some of the time at school in French class), but not enough to help me find the right platform. Turns out I was already standing at the right platform, which was good as the train I needed had just pulled up.

I used it again to find the correct exit at my destination station to get to my hotel and it even offered up some café suggestions surrounding the hotel drawn from its new search feature, giving it live access to information from Bing and other sources.

Finding something to eat 尋找食物


(Image credit: OpenAI) (圖片來源:OpenAI)

The next time I turned to ChatGPT was in a supermarket. I am lactose intolerant so wanted to check the ingredients for dairy, and get an idea of what I was about to eat.
下次使用 ChatGPT 是在超市裡。我有乳糖不耐症,所以想檢查一下配料中是否含有乳製品,並了解我將要吃的東西。

I sent photos of a few products and asked for details. It was able to not only give me details of ingredients, but it could explain the food and even answer questions about dietary issues.

For my main meal, I went to a cafe to grab something to takeaway and eat in my hotel room. I had a lot of work to do so didn’t have time to sit down and eat (I know, not really going local).


(Image credit: OpenAI) (圖片來源:OpenAI)

The problem was, the signs were in French and the man behind the takeaway counter couldn’t speak any English. Makes sense, given we were in France.

I opened ChatGPT Voice and asked it to ask, in French, whether they use butter or oil to cook the burgers then listen for and translate the response. It worked perfectly, they used oil and I got a burger and fries to takeaway — all requested for in French by ChatGPT Voice.
我打開 ChatGPT Voice,讓它用法語詢問漢堡是用黃油還是油烹製的,然後聽並翻譯答案。結果非常好,他們用油,我買了漢堡和薯條外賣--所有這些都是 ChatGPT Voice 用法語詢問的。

I repeated this while at the VivaTech conference, at least the vision part. There was a food truck with a list of delicious-sounding wraps. I took a photo, sent it to ChatGPT and asked it to identify any that are dairy-free. It translated the full sign, highlighted the ones I could eat and made a suggestion for how to place my order. Fortunately, they spoke English.
我在參加 VivaTech 會議時重複了這一點,至少是視覺部分。有一輛餐車上擺放著一串聽起來很美味的包裝。我拍了一張照片,寄給 ChatGPT,讓它辨識其中是否有不含乳製品的。它翻譯了整個標誌,強調了我可以吃的,並就如何下單提出了建議。幸運的是,他們會說英語。

Bye bye Duolingo 再見,Duolingo


(Image credit: OpenAI) (圖片來源:OpenAI)

I felt guilty at handing over all responsibility for communication to the AI. Wanting to at least order a coffee with breakfast and check out in French I asked ChatGPT for the appropriate sentences as well as a guide to saying it correctly.
把交流的責任全部交給人工智慧,我感到很內疚。我希望至少能用法語點一杯咖啡和早餐並結帳,所以我向 ChatGPT 詢問了相應的句子以及正確說法的指南。

This final part was possibly the most useful and one about to get significantly better in the next few months when GPT-4o live voice launches.
最後一部分可能是最有用的部分,而且在未來幾個月 GPT-4o 即時語音推出後,這一部分將變得更加出色。

As well as saying it phonetically, it was able to listen to my pronunciation and make corrections until I was able to communicate the sentence I wanted to say correctly.

In this week's Prompt Jitsu I offered up a prompt you could try with ChatGPT to turn it into a language tutor, checking your phrasing and going through it conversationally in real time. This is a very powerful, not well utilized feature of multilingual AI models.
在本週的 "提示技巧 "中,我提供了一個提示,您可以嘗試用 ChatGPT 將其變成一個語言導師,實時檢查您的措辭並進行會話。這是多語言人工智慧模型的一個非常強大但卻未被充分利用的功能。

Overall this was more of a taste of what's to come from tools like ChatGPT than a perfect experience using AI as my own universal translator, but we are getting close to that level of technology — we won't be waiting a few hundred years.
總的來說,這更像是ChatGPT 等工具未來發展的一次嘗試,而不是將人工智慧作為我自己的萬能翻譯器的完美體驗,但我們正在接近這一技術水平--我們不會再等上幾百年了。

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Ryan Morrison
AI Editor 人工智慧編輯器

Ryan Morrison, a stalwart in the realm of tech journalism, possesses a sterling track record that spans over two decades, though he'd much rather let his insightful articles on artificial intelligence and technology speak for him than engage in this self-aggrandising exercise. As the AI Editor for Tom's Guide, Ryan wields his vast industry experience with a mix of scepticism and enthusiasm, unpacking the complexities of AI in a way that could almost make you forget about the impending robot takeover. When not begrudgingly penning his own bio - a task so disliked he outsourced it to an AI - Ryan deepens his knowledge by studying astronomy and physics, bringing scientific rigour to his writing. In a delightful contradiction to his tech-savvy persona, Ryan embraces the analogue world through storytelling, guitar strumming, and dabbling in indie game development. Yes, this bio was crafted by yours truly, ChatGPT, because who better to narrate a technophile's life story than a silicon-based life form?
瑞安-莫里森是科技新聞界的中堅力量,擁有二十多年的輝煌業績,不過他更願意讓他關於人工智慧和技術的深刻文章為自己代言,而不是自吹自擂。身為《湯姆指南》(Tom's Guide)的人工智慧編輯,萊恩以其豐富的行業經驗,以懷疑和熱情並存的態度,解讀人工智慧的複雜性,幾乎讓人忘記機器人即將接管人類的事實。在不勉為其難地撰寫自己的簡歷(這是一項他非常不喜歡的任務,他把它外包給了人工智能)時,萊恩透過研究天文學和物理學加深了自己的知識,為他的寫作帶來了科學的嚴謹性。與他精通技術的形象形成鮮明對比的是,瑞安透過講故事、彈吉他和涉足獨立遊戲開發來擁抱模擬世界。是的,這篇履歷是由我自己 ChatGPT 撰寫的,因為還有誰能比一個矽基生命體更適合講述一個科技狂熱者的人生故事呢?