這是用戶在 2024-12-30 16:04 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/8e2d34af-4fb9-467a-a610-4b76cfa6574b 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?
1.Many millions of people watch the Academy Awards on TV every March, and everyone knows who won for Best Picture, or Best Actor or Actress. But most of us don’t know how it works.
1. 每年三月,數以百萬計的人在電視上觀看奧斯卡頒獎典禮,每個人都知道誰獲得了最佳影片或最佳男女主角獎。但我們大多數人不知道它是如何工作的。

2.Sometimes the Oscars just seem like a big plug for US movies.
2. 有時,奧斯卡獎似乎就是美國電影的一個大插頭。

3. The few exceptions have been films that were so outstanding and popular that the Academy couldn’t ignore them.
3. 少數例外是如此出色和受歡迎的電影,以至於學院無法忽視它們。

4.What movie do you want to see?
5 Word of mouth used to be the way most people heard about a movie, but these days film trailers or teasers on Tv or the Internet are the most effective way to advertise a movie.
5 口耳相傳曾經是大多數人聽說電影的方式,但現在電視或互聯網上的電影預告片或預告片是宣傳電影的最有效方式。

5.In the end he becomes the producer of the movie.
5.In 到最後,他成為了電影的製片人。
6 . First he had to a script.
6 .首先,他必須有一個劇本。

7.Everybody loves movies.
7. 每個人都喜歡電影。

8.Most men prefer action movies, like Taxi, and most women prefer a romance or romantic comedy like Amelie.
8. 大多數男性更喜歡動作片,比如計程車,而大多數女性更喜歡像《艾米莉》這樣的浪漫或浪漫喜劇。

9.We can even watch a movie on the web. But this book is about going to the movie theater or cinema.

10.Why go to the theater?
Action movie  動作片 Academy Awards  奧斯卡金像獎
Comedy  喜劇 member  成員
Romance  浪漫 nominee  候選人
Spend time with  花時間 formal  正式
rent  租金 reflect  反映
web   quality  品質
in the end  到頭來 Oscar  奧斯卡
dialog  對話 subtitle  字幕
film  影片 ignore  忽視
starring  主演 jury  陪審團
indie  獨立 teaser  傳情
review  回顧 effective  有效
word of mouth  口碑 clip  
used to be  過去是
Action movie Academy Awards Comedy member Romance nominee Spend time with formal rent reflect web quality in the end Oscar dialog subtitle film ignore starring jury indie teaser review effective word of mouth clip used to be | Action movie | Academy Awards | | :--- | :--- | | Comedy | member | | Romance | nominee | | Spend time with | formal | | rent | reflect | | web | quality | | in the end | Oscar | | dialog | subtitle | | film | ignore | | starring | jury | | indie | teaser | | review | effective | | word of mouth | clip | | used to be | |