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Elemental Shaman Mythic+ Build
元素萨满神话+ 构建

The most popular Elemental Shaman Talents, Stats, Gear, Trinkets, Enchants, Gems, and Consumables. Everything you need in a WoW Elemental Shaman build, data-driven and updated daily for Mythic+ in The War Within Season 1. Disclaimers & FAQ
最受欢迎的元素萨满天赋、属性、装备、饰品、附魔、宝石和消耗品。WoW Elemental Shaman 构建中所需的一切,数据驱动并每天更新,用于 The War Within 第 1 季的 Mythic+。免责声明和常见问题解答

Elemental Shaman Stats

Based on data in the last 2 weeks, the stat priority for Elemental Shaman looks to be Intellect > Haste > Crit > Vers > Mastery. However, there may be bias based on what gear is available to players.
根据过去 2 周的数据,元素萨满的属性优先级看起来是智力>急速>暴击> Vers > 精通。但是,根据玩家可用的装备,可能会存在偏差。

Created with Highcharts 9.3.1
Intellect 智力
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1
Haste 匆忙
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1
Crit 暴击
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1
Mastery 掌握

This is the most recommended Elemental Shaman talent build for +7 to +16 Mythic+ on All Dungeons. Our recommendation is based on the combined popularity of the Spec & Hero Tree (as these usually contain the most significant choices) and then by the highest key level reached with those Spec & Hero Trees.
这是所有地牢中 +7 到 +16 神话 + 最推荐的元素萨满天赋构建。我们的推荐是基于Spec & Hero树的综合受欢迎程度(因为这些通常包含最重要的选择),然后是根据那些Spec & Hero树达到的最高关键级别。

Class Talents 人才
Chain Lightning
Chain Heal
Lava Burst
Astral Shift
Spirit Wolf
Earth Shield
Frost Shock
Planes Traveler
Winds of Al'Akir
Wind Shear
Capacitor Totem
Brimming with Life
Gust of Wind
Elemental Orbit
Fire and Ice
Ancestral Wolf Affinity
Encasing ColdArctic Snowstorm
Earth Elemental
Healing Stream Totem
Earthgrab Totem
Static ChargeGuardian's Cudgel
PurgeGreater Purge
Tremor Totem
Elemental Resistance
Cleanse Spirit
Nature's Guardian
Nature's Fury
Refreshing Waters
Elemental Warding
Primordial Bond
Wind Rush Totem
Spiritwalker's Grace
Voodoo Mastery
Enhanced Imbues
Jet Stream
Totemic Focus
Ancestral Guidance
Totemic Projection
Lightning Lasso
Totemic Surge
Graceful Spirit
Seasoned Winds
Mana Spring
Totemic Recall
Poison Cleansing Totem
Call of the Elements
Nature's Swiftness
Stone Bulwark Totem
Stormbringer 风暴使者
Arc Discharge
Nature's Protection
Spec 规范Talents 人才
Earth Shock
Storm Elemental
Elemental Fury
Flash of Lightning
Echo of the Elements
Surge of Power
Unrelenting Calamity
Master of the Elements
Flow of Power
Swelling Maelstrom
Elemental Unity
Storm Frenzy
Fusion of Elements
Primordial Fury
Flux Melting
Improved Flametongue Weapon
Flames of the Cauldron
Power of the Maelstrom
Lightning Conduit
Everlasting Elements
Eye of the Storm
Searing Flames
Echo Chamber
Earthen Rage
Thunderstrike Ward
Elemental Equilibrium
Echo of the Elementals
Primordial Wave
Splintered Elements
First AscendantPreeminence
Skybreaker's Fiery Demise
Magma Chamber
Mountains Will Fall
Fury of the Storms
Echoes of Great Sundering
Lightning Rod
Primal Elementalist
Liquid Magma Totem
Deeply Rooted Elements
Edit 编辑

Alternative Class Talents Trees

The above Class Tree is the most popular in combination with the Spec & Hero Tree. Here's the list of other popular Class Trees used with this Spec & Hero Tree.
上述职业树是与Spec & Hero树结合使用时最受欢迎的。以下是与此Spec & Hero树一起使用的其他流行类树的列表。

Max Key 最大键Popularity 人气Added 添加Removed 删除
Capacitor TotemTremor TotemWinds of Al'AkirStatic Charge
Frost ShockJet Stream
Cleanse SpiritEarthgrab TotemWind Rush Totem
Capacitor TotemEarth ShieldElemental Orbit
Frost ShockJet Stream
Earthgrab Totem
Capacitor TotemEarth ShieldElemental Orbit
Jet Stream
Earthgrab TotemTotemic Focus
Currently Selected 当前已选Currently Selected 当前已选

The most popular Elemental Shaman gear based on all data across the last 2 weeks. This represents a strong set of gear for this point in Season 1 that is close to Best in Slot but with some alternatives that are easier to obtain. Tier pieces up to the maximum set bonus and legendary items have been prioritized once seen at least once.
最受欢迎的 Elemental Shaman 装备 基于 过去 2 周 的所有数据。这代表了第 1 赛季中这一点的一套强大的装备,接近 Best in Slot,但有一些更容易获得的替代品。等级部件,直到最大套装奖励和传奇物品,至少出现一次。

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Elemental Shaman Best in Slot Guide.
BiS最佳插槽数据由 Wowhead 的 Elemental Shaman Best in Slot Guide 提供。

Item 项目
Popularity 人气
Item 项目
Popularity 人气
23.7k parses 23.7k 解析
21.3k parses 21.3k 解析
50.6k parses 50.6k 解析
51k parses 51k 解析
Haste / Crit
急速 / 暴击
15.1k parses 15.1k 解析
Crit / Haste
暴击 / 急速
23.7k parses 23.7k 解析
19k parses 19k 解析

Weapons 武器 & Trinkets

Trinkets 饰品

Advanced Settings 高级设置

What's this? 这是怎麽?

