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What I Learned From Thinking Fast And Slow

Quite possibly the single most important book ever written for data scientists, decision makers, and everyone else.


16 min readApr 2, 2024

In case you missed it, Nobel Laureate (Economics) Daniel Kahnemann passed away recently. Kahnemann was best known for his research into human decision-making and the various flaws/biases that influence our decision-making processes.
诺贝尔经济学奖获得者丹尼尔-卡内曼(Daniel Kahnemann)最近去世了。卡内曼因其对人类决策以及影响决策过程的各种缺陷/偏见的研究而闻名于世。

His book, “Thinking Fast and Slow”, was perspective-changing for me. I do not use this lightly, and there are only two other books that I would say this about (Don Quixote and The Prince).

In this email/post, I want to convince you to give this exceptional book a read. Here are some highlights:

A Summary of the Book: Thinking Fast and Slow is about people and our decision making. It states that our minds operate using two distinct systems:

  • System 1: Fast, automatic, intuitive, and emotional. This is the default system our brain runs on.
    系统 1:快速、自动、直观、感性。这是我们大脑运行的默认系统。
  • System 2: Slow, effortful, logical, and deliberate. We have to intentionally activate this system. It takes a lot of effort, so we can’t use this as a default. Furthermore, System 1 can often skew the analysis done by System 2 (for eg. take confirmation bias: our analysis (S2) will often build a narrative from cherry-picked examples that suit our original conceptions/gut feelings (S1) ). This is why being mindful of our biases is key to making better decisions- this helps us counteract some of the underlying pressure that System 1 exerts to skew our decisions.
    系统 2:缓慢、努力、合乎逻辑、深思熟虑。我们必须有意激活这一系统。这需要很大的努力,所以我们不能将其作为默认设置。此外,系统 1 经常会歪曲系统 2 所做的分析(例如,确认偏差:我们的分析(S2)经常会根据我们最初的概念/直觉(S1),从挑选出来的例子中建立一个叙述)。这就是为什么意识到我们的偏见是做出更好决策的关键--这可以帮助我们抵消系统 1 所施加的一些潜在压力,从而使我们的决策出现偏差。

The book covers (in a lot of depth) how this split impacts decision-making and the various cognitive biases that arise out of our architectural design.

Why you should read it: We live in a world fueled by rapid information, and instantaneous decisions. The sensory overload heightens the weaknesses of our System 1, and lulls us into automatic judgments and a lack of critical thinking. Thinking, Fast and Slow is an antidote. Studying the biases helped me step back, question our automatic responses, and make better choices (much of my writing has arisen from me stepping back and questioning whether the dominant narrative made sense to me). The book is also very very humbling.
为什么要读这本书我们生活在一个信息飞速发展、决策瞬息万变的世界。超负荷的感官刺激加剧了我们 "系统1 "的弱点,使我们陷入自动判断,缺乏批判性思维。思考,快与慢》就是一剂解药。对偏见的研究帮助我后退一步,质疑我们的自动反应,并做出更好的选择(我的许多写作都源于我后退一步,质疑主流叙事对我是否有意义)。这本书也非常非常令人谦卑。

How to Read Thinking Fast and Slow: The book gets very deep into the experiments and their various implications. This makes it a drag to read, and it’s not a book made for reading over a day/weekend (unless you’re very interested in the experiment design itself).

Instead, I’d recommend reading TFAS over months, where you come back to the book regularly to study the various biases and the experiments.

I also had a lot of fun critiquing the setup of the experiments themselves, poking at the limitations, and thinking about how I would redesign them.

The biggest benefit I got from the book was when I started looking into how various PR communications/marketing messages online try to exploit these biases to convince us to go with their messages.

Without this book, I’m sure I would have been a lot more vulnerable to getting caught up in the hype-based repetitive falsehoods that we often discuss in our cult.

I want to spend the rest of this write-up talking about some of the most important realizations that Thiking Fast and Slow has helped me reach (both directly and indirectly).

Image Source 图片来源

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加入 15 万多名技术领导者的行列,通过我的免费时事通讯《人工智能化繁为简》,将有关人工智能领域最重要观点的见解直接发送到您的收件箱。

Systems 1 vs 2 and Understanding Biases
系统 1 与系统 2 和了解偏见

System 1 thinking is our default — fast, automatic, and effortless. It operates on intuition, emotions, and learned patterns. Here are some key characteristics of System 1:
系统 1 思维是我们的默认思维--快速、自动、毫不费力。它依靠直觉、情感和习得的模式运作。以下是系统 1 的一些主要特征:

  • Fast and Automatic: System 1 processes information quickly and without much conscious effort. It’s the system that works with your reflexes or recognizes your favorite song playing somewhere in a public space. System 1 is always activated and helps you move through the world without being overwhelmed by sensory information. This is why so many ads and media communications rely on imagery and emotional anchoring: these get processed by System 1 before our critical thinking can kick in.
    快速自动:系统 1 能快速处理信息,无需太多的有意识努力。它是一个与你的条件反射或识别公共场所播放的你最喜欢的歌曲有关的系统。系统 1 始终处于激活状态,帮助你在这个世界中穿梭,而不会被感官信息淹没。这就是为什么许多广告和媒体传播都依赖于图像和情感锚定:在我们的批判性思维启动之前,这些信息就已经被系统 1 处理过了。
  • Pattern Recognition: System 1 excels at identifying patterns and making quick judgments based on past experiences. It uses mental shortcuts called heuristics to navigate the world efficiently.
    模式识别:系统 1 擅长识别模式,并根据以往经验快速做出判断。它使用被称为启发式的思维捷径来高效地浏览世界。
  • Emotionally Driven: Emotions play a significant role in System 1 thinking. We often make impulsive decisions based on feelings like fear, anger, or excitement.
    情感驱动:情绪在系统 1 思维中扮演着重要角色。我们经常会因为恐惧、愤怒或兴奋等情绪而做出冲动的决定。
  • Powerful: System 1 drives a majority of our thinking, and can exert influence on our System 2 thinking even when we don’t want it to. Kahnemann has various tests/trick questions that the reader can take throughout TFAS.
    强大:系统 1 驱动着我们的大部分思维,即使在我们不希望的情况下,它也能对我们的系统 2 思维施加影响。卡内曼在《TFAS》中为读者提供了各种测试/技巧问题。

    I found myself falling for the various tricks, even when I knew the premise of this book and was expecting tricks. Many of these tricks relied on using anchors/frames to make my System 1 focus on certain pieces of information and discard others.
    我发现自己被书中的各种技巧所迷惑,即使我知道这本书的前提并期待着这些技巧。许多技巧都依赖于使用锚点/框架,让我的系统 1 专注于某些信息,而放弃其他信息。

    This made my System 2 work on ‘Bad Data’ leading to false conclusions.
    这使得我的系统 2 在 "坏数据 "上工作,从而得出错误的结论。

System 2: The Slow and Deliberative Thinker
系统 2:缓慢而慎重的思考者

System 2 is the more deliberate and energy-consuming way of thinking. Here’s what sets System 2 apart:
系统 2 是一种更深思熟虑、更耗费精力的思维方式。下面是系统 2 的与众不同之处:

  • Slow and Calculated: System 2 takes time and mental effort to activate. It’s used for complex calculations, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
    缓慢而缜密:系统 2 需要时间和心力才能激活。它用于复杂的计算、批判性思维和解决问题。
  • Logic and Reason: System 2 relies on logic and reason to analyze information and make decisions. It’s the system we use to solve math problems or weigh different options before making a choice.
    逻辑与理性:系统 2 依靠逻辑和理性来分析信息和做出决策。这是我们用来解决数学问题或在做出选择前权衡不同选项的系统。
  • Limited Capacity: System 2 has limited resources and can easily get overloaded. This is why we tend to rely more on System 1 for most daily tasks (this is a good thing).
    容量有限:系统 2 的资源有限,很容易超负荷。这就是为什么我们倾向于在大多数日常任务中更多地依赖系统 1 的原因(这是件好事)。

The way these two systems interact determines how we think.

How Cognitive Biases Shape the Interactions in our Systems

While these systems work together, System 1 often takes the lead. It’s efficient and keeps our brains from being constantly bogged down by analysis paralysis. This is accomplished by the use of Cognitive Biases.
虽然这些系统协同工作,但系统 1 往往起主导作用。它效率很高,让我们的大脑不至于一直陷入分析瘫痪。这是通过使用认知偏差来实现的。

While biases are often treated like a dirty word, they are a value-neutral phenomenon. From an information theory perspective, a bias is simply a shortcut used by a decision-making model (whether our brains or an AI) uses to prioritize and work with information. This can be positive (not eating something b/c it smells funny), value-neutral (my love for chocolate milk), or negative (racial biases).

The big difference between human and AI biases is simply where it comes from: human bias is architectural while AI bias tells us something deeper about our data.

Bias in humans vs Deep Learning and Why you should avoid GPT for hiring
人类与深度学习的偏差以及为何应避免在招聘中使用 GPT

In AI terms, System 1 is a simple checker, while System 2 is a much more powerful Deep Learning model. However, it the role of System 1 extends beyond that.
就人工智能而言,系统 1 是一个简单的检查器,而系统 2 则是一个强大得多的深度学习模型。然而,系统 1 的作用远不止于此。

In most cases, System 1 also acts like our feature extractor/Data Pipeline, directly feeding the input that goes into System 2. Here are 2 major ways how:
在大多数情况下,系统 1 也像我们的特征提取器/数据管道一样,直接为系统 2 提供输入。以下是两种主要方式:

  • Confirmation Bias: System 1 confirmation bias reinforces our existing beliefs by seeking out information that confirms them and ignoring information that contradicts them. This creates a skewed perception of reality.
    确认偏差:系统 1 确认偏差通过寻找能证实我们现有信念的信息,忽略与之相悖的信息,来强化我们现有的信念。这就造成了对现实的认知偏差。
  • Framing Effects: The way information is presented (the “frame”) can influence our decisions even if the underlying facts remain the same. System 1 is more susceptible to framing effects, leading to choices influenced by the presentation rather than logic.
    框架效应:即使基本事实保持不变,信息的呈现方式("框架")也会影响我们的决策。系统 1 更容易受到框架效应的影响,从而做出受表述方式而非逻辑影响的选择。

We could spend the entirety of human existence studying why you (yes, you specifically), your mom, and Manchester United’s Transfer Division are the holy trinity of making terrible decisions (Happy Easter to those who celebrate, btw).

But that would involve watching too many clips of Anthony spinning around, so I’ll have to pass on that. Fortunately, risk experts like Filippo Marino have dedicated their lives to answering just that.
不过,这需要看太多安东尼转来转去的片段,所以我还是算了吧。幸运的是,像菲利普-马里诺(Filippo Marino)这样的风险专家毕生致力于回答这个问题。

Our risk judgment is often clouded by an instinctual bias towards the dramatic and memorable. Terrorist attacks, for example, despite their relative rarity, loom large in our collective consciousness. This is a result of the ‘availability heuristic,’ a cognitive shortcut where we inflate the likelihood of events that are eye-catching and easily recalled, while we downplay or disregard the risks associated with more common but statistically more hazardous situations.
我们对风险的判断往往被一种本能的偏好所蒙蔽,即偏好戏剧性的、令人难忘的事件。例如,恐怖袭击尽管相对罕见,但在我们的集体意识中却十分重要。这是 "可得性启发式 "认知捷径的结果,在这种认知捷径中,我们会夸大那些吸引眼球、容易让人联想起的事件的可能性,而淡化或忽视与更常见但从统计角度看更危险的情况相关的风险。

Similarly, our judgment is frequently skewed by ‘base rate neglect’ — a tendency to ignore broad statistical information and instead focus on specific, anecdotal accounts. With this bias, our recent experience visiting a foreign city, for instance, can feel more significant than (more predictive) violent crime or road accident rates.
同样,我们的判断经常会受到 "基数忽视 "的影响,即忽视广泛的统计信息,转而关注具体的传闻。在这种偏差的影响下,例如,我们最近去外国城市旅游的经历,可能比(更具预测性的)暴力犯罪率或交通事故率更有意义。

In each of these instances, our instinctive risk assessment falls short, underscoring the need for decision-making processes that incorporate sound data and rational analysis.

- Beyond Instinct, by Filippo Marino. The Safe-Esteem substack is a goldmine to help you understand cognitive biases and how they often mess with our risk judgements.
- 超越本能》,作者菲利波-马里诺。安全自尊 "子集是帮助您了解认知偏差以及它们如何经常扰乱我们的风险判断的金矿。

With that out of the way, let’s talk about some of the most powerful ideas discussed in Thinking Fast and Slow.

Biases, Phenomena, and Frames

Reversion to the Mean 回归均值

Reversion to the mean describes the statistical tendency for extreme results or events to be followed by less extreme results until things converge back to the average.

It sounds incredibly obvious, but appreciating its implications is key for any decision-maker (especially for those who work with data).

Why does it happen? 为什么会这样?

Several factors contribute to reversion to the mean:

  • Random Variation: Any outcome is influenced by chance. An exceptional result may simply be due to a string of good luck/external factors that’s unlikely to repeat itself.
  • Measurement Error: Tests and measurements aren’t perfect. Unusually high or low scores may partly be influenced by measurement error, leading to more average results later.
  • Underlying Stability: Most systems have a natural average or equilibrium they tend to gravitate towards. Deviations from this average will often correct over time.

Why it Matters 为何重要

Understanding reversion to the mean is crucial to avoid bad reasoning in various areas:

  • Misinterpreting Performance: We need to be careful not to overestimate the impact of one extreme performance, positive or negative. Reversion to the mean suggests that it might be partially fluke, not a true reflection of permanent change.
  • Evaluating Interventions: If we make a change (like starting a new training program for employees) and then observe an extreme improvement, it’s tempting to attribute the change solely to the intervention.

    However, reversion to the mean could also be at play, and we need to take that into account to properly assess results.
  • Predicting the Future: Reversion to the mean suggests that extrapolating too far from recent extreme results is often misleading. Future outcomes are likely to be less extreme. This why it is crucial to improve your data sampling and understand the underlying domain, since both help us evaluate whether a particular set of prior data is a good model for predicting the future.

I took a long time to appreciate this one, but now I see it everywhere (including the numbers in my writing).

Loss Aversion 损失厌恶症

Something that changed the way I saw risk-taking was Kahenmann’s study on Loss Aversion. Our drive to avoid a loss is 2.5x stronger than our drive to pursue wins of similar magnitude.
卡恩曼(Kahenmann)关于 "损失厌恶"(Loss Aversion)的研究改变了我对冒险的看法。我们避免损失的动力是追求同等程度胜利的动力的 2.5 倍。

This might’ve risen from an evolutionary context (in the jungle, taking too many risks can lead to death, and the conservative people are the ones that survive). We’ve inherited this, even when it’s not fully suited for the modern world.

Understanding Loss Aversion has freed me in a way, and helped me be more experimentative in what I do, both personally and professionally.
对 "损失厌恶 "的理解在某种程度上解放了我,帮助我在个人和专业领域的工作中进行更多尝试。

Anchoring Bias: 锚定偏差:

We have a tendency to become overly fixated on the first piece of information offered (the “anchor”). This is a technique used in salary negotiations to low-ball prospective employees during salary negotiations.

The converse is also used by organizations trying to sell us something.

Two things especially blew my mind about the anchoring effect. Firstly, turns out that we can use completely irrelevant things as anchors. This is done very subtly, so being on the lookout for this nudge is key.

Secondly, the anchoring bias might worsen the impact of the automation bias (our tendency of accept the results from an automated decision making system more less critically).

The responses we get from AI machine learning models can potentially trigger the anchoring bias and thus affect decision-making. A response provided by an AI tool may cause individuals to formulate skewed perceptions, anchoring to the first answer they are given.

This allows us to disregard other potential solutions and limits us in our decision-making.

After being exposed to an initial piece of information, feeling short on time and being preoccupied with many tasks is thought to contribute to insufficient adjustments. But this can be avoided by taking the time and effort to avoid jumping to conclusions. A study by Rastogi and colleagues found that when people took more time to think through the answers provided by the AI, they moved further away from the anchor, decreasing the effect on their decision-making.

-The Decision Lab -决策实验室

Framing Effects: 框架效应:

The way information is presented (the “frame”) dramatically influences how we perceive it and the decisions we make. Once again, this has some interesting implications when looking at communications and how they attempt to subtly manipulate perceptions.

In a study among undergraduate students, respondents were presented with the following medical decision-making problem, described with both a positive and a negative frame. Responses were recorded on a 6-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (very bad) to 6 (very good).
在一项针对本科生的研究中,我们向受访者提出了以下医疗决策问题,并对其进行了正面和负面的描述。受访者的回答采用李克特 6 点量表进行记录,从 1 分(非常糟糕)到 6 分(非常好)不等。

Positive: 100 patients took the medicine, and 70 patients got better. How would you evaluate the drug’s effect?
正方:100 名患者服药后,70 名患者的病情有所好转。您如何评价这种药物的效果?

Negative: 100 patients took the medicine, and 30 patients didn’t get better. How would you evaluate the drug’s effect?
反方:100 名患者服药后,有 30 名患者的病情没有好转。您如何评价这种药物的效果?

The results revealed that the framing influenced the evaluation: when the drug’s effect was described with a loss frame (30 patients didn’t get better), respondents gave negative evaluations.
结果显示,框架对评价有影响:当用损失框架(30 名患者没有好转)来描述药物效果时,受访者会给出负面评价。

When the effect was described with a gain frame (70 patients got better), respondents gave positive evaluations.
当以 "收益"(70 名患者的病情有所好转)来描述效果时,受访者给予了积极的评价。

-Source -资料来源

Many AI Researchers and Marketers understand this very well, and deliberately name their benchmarks/technologies to nudge towards favorable decisions.

Take the benchmark TruthfulQA for example. Due to its name People utilize it as a test for alignment, unaware of various limitations.Researcher and Youtuber Yannic Kilcher had a fantastic demonstration on its weakness when he fine-tuned an LLM on 4-Chan data and showed that it was the best performer on this benchmark. However, certain sections of the AI Safety crowd got triggered by this, and this led to a massively one-sided coverage of the whole fiasco. Yannic’s bot was framed as a “hate-speech machine”.
以 TruthfulQA 基准为例。顾名思义,人们利用它作为对齐测试,却不知道它存在各种局限性。研究人员兼 Youtuber Yannic Kilcher 在 4-Chan 数据上对 LLM 进行了微调,结果表明它是该基准中表现最好的,从而展示了它的弱点。然而,人工智能安全人群中的某些人却因此受到了刺激,这导致了对整个惨败的片面报道。Yannic 的机器人被诬陷为 "仇恨语音机器"。

Ultimately this controversy led to HuggingFace gating this model (the problems w/ TruthfulQA that this model demonstrated have never been solved to my knowledge).
最终,这一争议导致 HuggingFace 屏蔽了这一模型(据我所知,这一模型所显示的 TruthfulQA 问题从未得到解决)。

FYI: Looking at all the strawmen that the AI Safety/Ethics people created, their constant refusal to engage in good faith discussions, and the spinelessness of AI Academia to call said Ethics folk out on their egregious behavior was one of the biggest reasons I decided not to do a Ph.D. or pursue Professorship (I only started writing to help with my journey into academia).

Once again, one need only look at the communications by AI Doomers to find countless examples where AI is portrayed as a risk similar to nuclear war, pandemics, or climate change.

This framing is used to draw out a visceral fear, so that people are more likely to agree with the Doomer. Any agenda-heavy communication will invariably use various types framing of manipulate consumer opinion.
这种陷害被用来引起人们内心的恐惧,从而使人们更有可能同意 "道默 "的观点。任何重议程的传播都会不可避免地使用各种框架来操纵消费者的意见。

Availability Heuristic: 可用性启发式

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”

-Goebbels -戈培尔

We assess the likelihood or frequency of an event by how easily examples come to mind and not by their true base rate. This frequently leads to misjudging true probabilities.

Availability Heuristic is particularly nasty when combined with social media. Social Media by it’s very nature tends to push up the most extreme kinds of content/creators.

People that spend a lot of time online can make the mistake of conflating these anomalies with the ‘normal’, and thus feel bad about themselves by comparison.
经常上网的人可能会犯一个错误,就是把这些反常现象与 "正常 "现象混为一谈,从而在比较中对自己产生不好的感觉。

Financial Scammers often prey upon this by constantly bombarding financially illiterate people with constant ads and images of lifestyles, to confuse their marks and ultimately scam into them buying their products/investments.

Because these people often use their social proof to sell their products. They rely on massive ad campaigns, where they pay a lot of celebrities, outlets, and other influencers, to promote their products.

Regular Folks following these people/organizations come across these promotions and google the original product. There, they see the paid releases + massive following and think this product is legit.

So now real people put real money into this project, which further increases the hype behind this, forming a strong feedback loop.

- SBF is a fraud. But he was never the problem
- SBF 是个骗子。但他从来不是问题所在

The crazy about this heuristic is that it doesn’t even have to be true. AI Hype Merchants (both positive and negative) have been using this tactic to build their profiles, scare millions, and sell their cures to problems that no one is having.

The key is to create an echo chamber where the same message is repeated all the time. Most people don’t have the cognitive bandwidth to take a step back and start evaluating these claims (especially when stated by ‘experts’).
关键是要创建一个回音室,让相同的信息不断重复。大多数人没有足够的认知带宽来退一步开始评估这些说法(尤其是 "专家 "的说法)。

These experts also often combine this with ‘false consensus’ and social proof to avoid intellectual critiques.
这些专家还经常将其与 "虚假共识 "和社会证明结合起来,以避免智力批评。

When it comes to the internet, and soo many social media debates, this is probably one of the most important swerves that you should be on the lookout for.

Let’s talk about another bias that shows up often in AI discussions.

Representativeness Heuristic:

We make judgments about things or people based on how closely they resemble a typical example, sometimes ignoring statistical probabilities. “For example, if we see a person who is dressed in eccentric clothes and reading a poetry book, we might be more likely to think that they are a poet than an accountant.

This is because the person’s appearance and behavior are more representative of the stereotype of a poet than an accountant.


Many conversations about AGI often loop around this heuristic.

Dr. Bill Lambos, computational biologist, had a very salient observation about LLMs and their usage of language: LLMs were exceptional at mimicking the behavior of human intelligence and language comprehension but did not display the underlying drivers of intelligence-

The answer is that AI programs seem more human-like. They interact with us through language and without assistance from other people. They can respond to us in ways that imitate human communication and cognition.

It is therefore natural to assume the output of generative AI implies human intelligence. The truth, however, is that AI systems are capable only of mimicking human intelligence.

By their nature, they lack definitional human attributes such as sentience, agency, meaning, or the appreciation of human intention.

-AI is Truly Brainless… -人工智能是真正的无脑...

In his recent instant classic, Logan Thornloe expressed something similar about Devin, i.e- that a lot of the hype/fear about Devin replacing software engineers exists because many people don’t truly understand what a software engineer is supposed to do.
Logan Thornloe 在他最近的即时经典文章中也对 Devin 表达了类似的看法,即很多人对 Devin 取代软件工程师的炒作/恐惧,是因为很多人并不真正了解软件工程师应该做什么。

Since Devin seems like it does the same things as a software engineer, people assume that is a replacement for one.
由于 Devin 似乎做着与软件工程师相同的工作,因此人们认为它可以替代软件工程师。

The supposed most techno-literate group of society has become the most fear-based regarding AI advancement. There are certain tasks AI is good at and they’ll replace those tasks within jobs first. This isn’t exclusive to software engineering. There are aspects of all jobs that will be automated soon and many more that will take a longer time for AI to do so. By the time software engineers are fully replaced, there are many other jobs that will already have been replaced.

Why software engineers are the group panicking most about AI taking jobs, I will never understand.

The release of Devin has uncovered two things about most software engineers that are way more interesting to me than the autonomous engineer:
Devin 的发布揭示了大多数软件工程师的两点,这两点对我来说比自主工程师更有趣:

1.Most engineers have no idea what their job actual consists of and why they’re paid well.

2.Most engineers seriously lack an understanding of machine learning.

-Devin Has Exposed a Major Issue with Software Engineering

In both cases, we see this bias at play: AI does a particular task related to competency, so we assume that the AI displays the underlying competency. AI Doomers often utilize a similar fallacy when talking about how OS AI can be used to create biological weapons.

Keep this one in mind as you observe communications. You’ll see how often people utilize this to manipulate opinion in their favor.

Thinking Fast and Slow is a book I go back to every year, and each year it teaches me something new. Its dense material means that it has a lot of re-reading value since there’s always a nuance or an idea that I missed in previous interactions.

It’s a book that will hook into your soul and permanently mold its texture into something different. It does what all great books/media do: takes you on a journey of self-discovery. If you haven’t had the opportunity to read it yet, now’s a good time.

If you have read it already, let me know what your experience with the book was.

This is quite different from the usual pieces that I do. In case you’re itching for something more technical: check out my conversation with the amazing Sean Falconer. We dive deep into the world of prompt injection attacks in Large Language Models (LLMs). Our conversation covers LLM injection attacks, existing vulnerabilities, real-world examples, and the strategies attackers use.
这与我平时做的作品截然不同。如果您想了解更多技术方面的内容:请查看我与了不起的 Sean Falconer 的对话。我们深入探讨了大型语言模型 (LLMs) 中的提示注入攻击。我们的对话涉及 LLM 注入攻击、现有漏洞、实际示例和攻击者使用的策略。

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That is it for this piece. I appreciate your time. As always, if you’re interested in working with me or checking out my other work, my links will be at the end of this email/post. And if you found value in this write-up, I would appreciate you sharing it with more people. It is word-of-mouth referrals like yours that help me grow.

I put a lot of effort into creating work that is informative, useful, and independent from undue influence. If you’d like to support my writing, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to this newsletter.

Doing so helps me put more effort into writing/research, reach more people, and supports my crippling chocolate milk addiction. Help me democratize the most important ideas in AI Research and Engineering to over 100K readers weekly.
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PS- We follow a “pay what you can” model, which allows you to support within your means. Check out this post for more details and to find a plan that works for you.
PS- 我们采用 "量力而行 "的模式,让您量力而行。详情请查看这篇文章,找到适合您的计划。

I regularly share mini-updates on what I read on the Microblogging sites X(https://twitter.com/Machine01776819), Threads(https://www.threads.net/@iseethings404), and TikTok(https://www.tiktok.com/@devansh_ai_made_simple)- so follow me there if you’re interested in keeping up with my learnings.
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Written by Devansh 作者:德万什

Writing about AI, Math, the Tech Industry and whatever else interests me. Join my cult to gain inner peace and to support my crippling chocolate milk addiction

Responses (123) 答复 (123)

Aven Zhang
Aven Zhang

What are your thoughts?

I totally adore this book. I've read it twice. The first time was right when it came out. The second time was after Chat GPT came along and I started to really dive into using it. Since there's been quite a gap between these two readings, it feels…...


I've been studying the heuristics and biases literature for almost 30 years. One thing about the three heuristics of representativeness, availability, and anchoring is that although they all are subject to bias, and produce errors, they are also the…...


As a fan of Kahnemann's work, this is brilliant.


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