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 January 18th, Thursday

 January 18th, Thursday


Our gratitude journal challenge:

Grateful for sharing 3 items

5 minutes of exercise/meditation ⬇️ Choose any 1 item from the list


Walk 4500 steps


Any form of exercise for 5 minutes (including stretching)


Meditate 🧘‍♀️ for 5 minutes

WeChat Reading 10 minutes or 3 hours a week


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Today's highlight 🌟:


Cat Cat got up early this morning to go to the driving school for check-in~ Cruelly found out that the instructor's car does not have a reverse image


After doing about 300 questions, I felt drowsy and dizzy. I went to the nearby convenience store to eat something and then took a taxi home


Back home, I called pp 📲 and then fell into a deep sleep, sleeping for more than three hours straight, making up for the sleep I had missed for so many days


After dinner with my mom🥣, we went for a walk🚶‍♀️ in Zhuhe Park in the evening~ The park is very well built, but it's a bit bleak in winter with fewer people~ This walk successfully increased my step count to over 10,000, happy🥳


Going home in an hour~ Cat taking a bath🛁, then did some questions, going to sleep😪

Gratitude Diary 😇:


Thankful for successfully going to the driving school today! Taking the first step towards getting a driver's license


Grateful to have eaten the braised beef made by my mom today and also had the opportunity to take a walk by the river with my mom. 🚶‍♀️ Comfortable life


Grateful for the opportunity to chat with pp today~ Missing 🥰 this silly foreigner

Reading 📚 + Exercise 🏃‍♀️ (Sharing beautiful photos)

Gratitude diary 😇:

🛏️ New experience of sleeping on the floor:

Today, I tried sleeping on the floor and unexpectedly found it comfortable. When I woke up, my thoracic spine and shoulder blades didn't feel as tense when stretching. Although the floor was a bit hard, I adapted quickly. I found that a firmer sleeping environment seems to be better for me. So I adjusted my mattress to simulate the feeling of sleeping on the floor. I feel like I've opened up a new world, just like a Japanese person! I have the opportunity to see advice on YouTuber - I feel like a very lucky person.

🏃‍♂️ Exercise and self-motivation during menstruation:

Although it is the second day of my period and my body is not feeling particularly comfortable, I decided to still get moving. I adjusted the intensity of my workout and completed my morning exercise as usual. I listened to motivational speeches, completed daily tasks, and felt pretty good both physically and mentally. This experience made me realize that difficulties are often psychological; they exist in my mind rather than in my actual surroundings. It's a very interesting insight.

🤔 Thinking and decision-making about the future:

2023 was a year of great harvest for me. In the future, I am considering continuing to start a business, but currently, I am struggling internally. I find that I enjoy the quiet time for reflection and learning. I want to enrich my inner self and knowledge before setting off, to continue growing in my current field. I don't want to just be a "tool", but to be prepared to explore new areas.

Self-sufficiency and self-growth:

I am enjoying a self-sufficient state, no longer overly dependent on external information. I am more proactive in thinking and absorbing information, applying it to life. Last year, by writing diaries, learning psychological skills, and applying them to teaching, I proved that I am constantly growing. I feel that I still have a lot of room for growth and am not in a hurry to jump into new areas.

🧘‍♂️ Pursuing less anxiety and more satisfaction:

I used to always feel that I wasn't doing enough, which made me anxious. In 2024, I want to try the opposite approach and learn to be content with less. I believe that future entrepreneurship will trend towards light assets and high efficiency, and I also want to try living a more minimalist life. Of course, I am also very grateful for everything I have now.

Reading 📚 + Exercise 🏃‍♀️ (Sharing beautiful photos)

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