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MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}REAL ESTATE  房地产LICENSE EXAM  许可证考试

2025 宗住宅交易

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MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Real Estate Exam Study Notes
MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 房地产考试学习笔记

Course 2 - Residential Real Estate Transactions
课程 2 - 住宅房地产交易

Updated - 2025  Updated -  2025 " Updated - "2025\text { Updated - } 2025
All rights reserved by MiniCram®. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or stored in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and, whether or not transiently or incidentally, to some other use of this publication) without the prior written consent of the publisher. MiniCram® does not assume any liability with respect to the use of information contained in this publication.
MiniCram® 保留所有权利。未经出版商事先书面同意,不得以任何物质形式复制、分发、传播或存储本出版物的任何部分(包括影印或通过电子手段存储在任何介质中,无论是否短暂或附带使用本出版物)。MiniCram® 不承担与使用本出版物所含信息有关的任何责任。

Warning and Disclaimer  警告和免责声明

The information contained in this publication is essentially a summary, for the only purpose of review of key concepts for exam preparation and is not intended to replace direct research or original source documents, actual classroom training or expert advice. This publication is for the sole purpose of education.

MiniCram® makes every effort to ensure that this book is as complete, error free and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information is provided on ‘as is’ basis. The author and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to damages arising from the use of information contained in this publication.
MiniCram® 竭尽全力确保本书尽可能完整、无误和准确,但并不暗示任何保证或适合性。信息按 "现状 "提供。作者和出版商对任何个人或实体因使用本出版物中的信息而造成的损害不承担任何责任或义务。

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  • MiniCram® does not make any representation, warranty or guarantee, of any kind whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, that the student will pass the exam. MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} provides only study material to help you prepare for the exam. You are encouraged to review the Sample book before placing your order. No return, exchange, or refund will be issued once the book has been purchased.
    MiniCram® 不做任何明示或暗示的陈述、保证或担保,不保证学员一定能通过考试。MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 仅提供帮助您准备考试的学习材料。我们建议您在下订单前阅读样书。一旦购买此书,将不予退货、换货或退款。
We, at MiniCram®, are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or have any sponsorship from the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO), the Humber Real Estate College, or any Real Estate Board.
我们 MiniCram® 与安大略省房地产委员会 (RECO)、汉伯房地产学院或任何房地产委员会没有任何关联、认可或赞助关系。

Acknowledgements  致谢

The terms MLS® and REALTOR® are registered trademarks of the Canadian Real Estate Association® (CREA®). RECO® is a trademark of Real Estate Council of Ontario. The use of these trademarks or logos in this publication is intended only for the purpose of general information and education and is not to affect any validity or legal status associated with them.
MLS® 和 REALTOR® 是加拿大房地产协会 (CREA®) 的注册商标。RECO® 是安大略省房地产协会 (Real Estate Council of Ontario) 的商标。本出版物中使用这些商标或标识的目的仅在于提供一般信息和教育,并不影响与之相关的任何有效性或法律地位。

TRESA and Humber Courses
TRESA 和亨伯课程

The Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA) replaced the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA) effective December 1, 2023.
2002 年《房地产服务信托法》(TRESA)取代了 2002 年《房地产和商业经纪人法》(REBBA),自 2023 年 12 月 1 日起生效。
For Current Students: According to Humber Polytechnic website, the changes to real estate courses will take place ‘at a later date’.
针对在校学生:根据亨伯理工学院网站,房地产课程的变动将 "稍后进行"。
  • Students currently enrolled in salesperson courses will be notified when there are any changes to the topics covered in their courses.
  • To avoid any interruptions or complications to learner studies, notifications will also provide the exact date when each change is scheduled to come into effect.
  • Until that time, learners should learn current course materials to prepare for their exams.
  • Currently, the real estate students are provided with TRESA updates in Course 5: Getting Started.
    目前,在 "课程 5:入门 "中为房地产专业的学生提供 TRESA 的最新信息。
MiniCram® will ensure that Study Notes and Practice Questions for each course are appropriately updated in a timely manner.
MiniCram® 将确保及时更新每门课程的学习笔记和练习题。
Humber College TRESA FAQ: https://humber.ca/realestate/news/tresa.html
亨伯学院 TRESA 常见问题解答:https://humber.ca/realestate/news/tresa.html

RECO FAQ on TRESA: https://reco.on.ca/agents-and-brokerages/tresa-explained/tresa-faqs
RECO 关于 TRESA 的常见问题:https://reco.on.ca/agents-and-brokerages/tresa-explained/tresa-faqs


Copyright  版权
Table of Contents  目录
Introduction  导言


  1. Agency and Representation
  2. Representation and Customer Service Agreements
  3. Residential Properties, Ownership, and Planning
  4. Negotiations in Residential Real Estate
  5. Financial Aspects and Third-Party Professionals
  6. Residential Structural Components
  7. Mechanical Systems  机械系统
  8. Internal and External Finishes
  9. Marketing a Residential Property
  10. Property Conditions and Disclosures
  11. Property Value and Listing Price
  12. Listing and Marketing Properties
  13. Showing and Advising on Properties
  14. The Offer Process and Regulatory Obligations
  15. The Residential Agreement of Purchase and Sale
  16. Completing the Agreement of Purchase and Sale
  17. Conditional Clauses  条件句
  18. Counter Offer and Competing Offers
  19. Additional Documents and Legal Obligations
  20. Completing the Real Estate Transaction
MiniCram-10 Tips for the Exam
迷你克拉-10 考试提示


Dear Reader,  亲爱的读者
Congratulations on purchasing our MiniCram® for Ontario Real Estate License Exam preparation. The purpose of this book is to provide you with last minute review of important theory and math concepts for the exam. MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} has compiled this booklet so that you can focus on key areas of study as well as prepare to overcome the most common mistakes that students make on the actual test day.
祝贺您购买我们的 MiniCram® 用于安大略省房地产执照考试备考。本书的目的是为您提供考试中重要理论和数学概念的最后复习。MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 编制这本小册子的目的是让您专注于关键学习领域,并准备克服学生在实际考试当天最容易犯的错误。

How to Use This MiniCram® ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}
如何使用 MiniCram® ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}

We understand that you do not have enough time for studying the online content of the official real estate courses. This MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} booklet is designed in such a way that your review for the exam is fast paced. It is suggested that you go through each topic one by one. However, it is assumed that you have already covered the official course content in either the actual class or by self-study.
我们理解您没有足够的时间学习官方房地产课程的在线内容。这本 MiniCram ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 手册的设计使您能够快节奏地复习考试内容。建议您逐一复习每个主题。但是,我们假定您已经在实际课堂或自学中学习过官方课程的内容。

We Want to Hear from You

This book is written by a practicing Real Estate Broker who is also a trained adult trainer. If you have any feedback for the author, need more information, or have general comments, please send an email to minicram@outlook.com.
本书作者是一名执业房地产经纪人,同时也是一名训练有素的成人培训师。如果您对作者有任何反馈意见,需要更多信息,或有一般性评论,请发送电子邮件至 minicram@outlook.com。
We hope you enjoy your review. Good luck for the exam!
Please note that the study material we are providing you is copyrighted. No part of this publication may be duplicated, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or resold in any material form without the prior written consent of the publisher. We, at MiniCram, with the help of our staff and associates, keep searching the internet frequently for possible sale of real estate study material on hundreds of websites and online auctions. If we find that our study material is being copied, duplicated, and pirated copies are being sold, we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
请注意,我们为您提供的学习材料受版权保护。未经出版商事先书面同意,不得以任何形式复制、翻印、分发、传播或转售本出版物的任何部分。我们 MiniCram 在员工和合作伙伴的帮助下,经常在互联网上搜索数百个网站和在线拍卖会上可能出售的房地产学习资料。如果我们发现我们的学习材料被抄袭、复制或盗版出售,我们将依法追究其法律责任。
Table of Contents  目录

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MINICRAM T ^("T "){ }^{\text {T }} 汉博学院


COURSE 2  课程 2


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1.1 Agency Relationships
1.1 代理关系

Terminology  术语

  • The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA) is a special type of the Agency Law.
  • Agency: A common law relationship between two parties in which one party (agent) represents the other party (principal) for dealing with a third party.
  • Under REBBA, this relationship is known as Representation Relationship, wherein the brokerage is the agent, and the seller or the buyer is the principal.
    根据 REBBA,这种关系被称为代理关系,其中经纪公司是代理人,卖方或买方是委托人。
  • Agent (Brokerage): An agent represents the principal (seller or buyer) in a business transaction with a third party.
  • Salespersons and brokers are considered employees of the brokerage for trading purposes.
  • After an agency relationship is created, all salespersons and brokers of the brokerage owe the agency duties to the principal.
  • Principal (Client): This is the party (seller or buyer) which authorizes an agent to act on his/her behalf.
  • It is the party with whom the brokerage (as agent) has signed an agreement.
  • Under REBBA, the equivalent term is client, who may be a seller client or a buyer client.
    根据 REBBA 的规定,等同的术语是客户,可以是卖方客户,也可以是买方客户。
  • Third-Party: This is the party which is not directly connected with the transaction between an agent and a principal but may be affected by it.
    第三方:第三方: 与代理人和委托人之间的交易没有直接关系,但可能受其影响的一方。
  • Under REBBA, a seller customer or buyer customer is considered a third-party.
    根据 REBBA,卖方客户或买方客户被视为第三方。
  • Customer. A party not represented by the brokerage but is being provided limited services as specified in the Customer Service Agreement.
  • The brokerage and its salespersons/brokers must treat third-parties or customers with fairness, honesty, and integrity.
  • Signing a Customer Service Agreement creates a non-agency relationship between the brokerage and a seller or a buyer.
  • Dual Agency: This refers to a situation when an agent works for more than one party in a business transaction, which creates a conflict of interest between the interests of two clients.
  • In real estate, this is known as Multiple Representation, which occurs when the same brokerage represents more than one client in the same transaction.
  • Imputed Knowledge refers to a legal assumption that knowledge of confidential matters about clients is transferred (imputed) to all salespersons/brokers of the brokerage.
  • Implied Multiple Representation mostly happens in open houses when a third party believes that an agent is working on its behalf.

Obligations and Authority

  • In real estate, the agency relationship is created when a brokerage signs a Listing Agreement with the seller or a Buyer representation Agreement with a buyer.
  • The brokerage and all its salespersons and brokers owe Fiduciary Duties to the seller or buyer client, which are invoked when the representation agreement is signed.
  • Fiduciary refers to a trust relationship wherein the agent as a fiduciary has an obligation to protect and promote the best interests of the principal.
  • Similarly, the seller or buyer client grants an Express Authority to the brokerage, which may also give rise to Implied Authority. (These duties are covered later in sections 1.2 and 1.3.)
    同样,卖方或买方客户向经纪公司授予明示授权,也可能产生默示授权。(这些职责将在后面的第 1.2 和 1.3 节中阐述)。

Agency Creation  机构创建

  • Express Agreement: An agency relationship is created when there is a definite understanding between the agent and the principal.
  • As such, the agency can be created in writing, verbally, or can be implied.
  • In Writing: As per REBBA, the brokerage must have a written agreement as an evidence to claim remuneration.
    书面协议:根据 REBBA 的规定,经纪公司必须有书面协议作为索要报酬的证据。
  • For example, a buyer signs a Buyer Representation Agreement with a brokerage, or a seller signs a Listing Agreement with the brokerage.
  • Implied Agreement: This is created unintentionally based on words and/or actions of sellers, buyers, or salespersons.
  • The parties may be acting in such a manner which exhibits that an agency relationship exists between them.
  • Ratification: When the agent acts either without authority or in excess of authority granted and the principal accepts the benefit of agent’s unauthorized act.
  • For example, a salesperson shows a seller’s property to a buyer without authority and brings an offer.
  • The seller accepts the offer, and this ratifies the agency relationship.
  • Estoppel (Conduct): When the principal gives an impression to a third-party that someone is representing them (is their agent) in a transaction.
  • In real estate, a seller or buyer may give an impression which leads a third-party to believe that they are represented by a brokerage.
  • It is very uncommon but is legally possible in real estate.
  • By Law: A court may appoint an agent for a principal/client when it becomes a necessity.
  • The agency duty created by circumstances or necessity is imposed on an agent to act on behalf of a principal.
  • It is rare in real estate but may occur in emergency situation.

Agency Termination  机构终止

  • By mutual agreement of the agent and the client.
  • When the agency is revoked by the principal/client. If revocation is unlawful, the principal may be liable for damages.
  • When the agreement expires.
  • When the job is performed or completed (e.g., property is sold, and the title is transferred).
  • When it is impossible to complete the job (e.g., the property is damaged in fire).
  • Death or mental incapacity.
  • Bankruptcy of brokerage or cancellation of brokerage registration by RECO.
    经纪人破产或 RECO 取消经纪人注册。
  • Continuation of Duties: Termination of an agency relationship does not impact the obligations of the either party or the rights associated with the agreement, unless otherwise agreed.
  • As such, the agent must continue to maintain loyalty, protect the confidential information, and the best interests of the client.

Disclosure of Interest  利益披露

  • Registrants must disclose any existing interest (sale) or a contemplated interest (purchase) in real estate.
  • The disclosure must be in writing and signed acknowledgement must be obtained at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made.
  • The disclosure statement must include -
  • That the party selling or buying is a registrant under REBBA.
    卖方或买方是 REBBA 的注册人。
  • That the registrant is a Salesperson, Broker, or a Brokerage.
  • Whether the interest in property is direct or indirect.
  • The material facts about the property known to the registrant that may affect the value.
  • The registrant must also disclose details of any agreement for subsequent sale of the property to a third party.

1.2 Brokerage Authority and Client's Duties
1.2 经纪人的权力和客户的责任

Authority Granted to a Brokerage

  • In real estate, an Authority is a right or permission granted by a seller or a buyer to the brokerage to represent them in a real estate transaction.
  • Express Authority (Actual): This authority is granted in the Listing Agreement or the Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • The seller grants Express Authority to the brokerage to offer their property for sale, place a For Sale or Sold sign, allow the buyers to fully inspect the property, and make marketing decisions.
  • Similarly, the buyer grants Express Authority to the brokerage to seek out suitable properties, receive remuneration paid by seller, and provide information to third parties to assist the buyer.
  • Implied Authority: These are typical extensions of Express Authority granted by a client that enable the brokerage to take actions and make decisions, which are not specified in the agreement.
  • The seller grants Implied Authority to the brokerage to take decisions regarding marketing and advertising the property, delegate its duties to salespersons, assist the seller in negotiations, keep the deposit money in real estate trust account, and send and receive notices on seller’s behalf.
  • Similarly, the buyer grants Implied Authority to the brokerage to delegate the duties to salespersons, obtain and present relevant facts, negotiate on behalf of the buyer, and send and receive notices on buyer’s behalf.

Limits on the Authority of Brokerage

  • The authority given to a real estate brokerage is limited.
  • The brokerage cannot sign contracts (offers) on behalf of the client. Brokerages can sign the contract only as witnesses.
  • The agency relationship cannot be delegated to other brokerages without express consent of the client.
  • The brokerage can only receive a deposit related to purchase.
  • The brokerage cannot incur expenses on behalf of the client without express authority.

Principal's (Client's) Duties to the Agent (Brokerage)

  • Indemnification: The principal has an obligation to compensate the agent for liabilities incurred when carrying out lawful duties.
  • The client provides indemnity if a damage or loss occurs to the client during the agreement period, except when the damage/loss is due to gross negligence of duties by the brokerage.
  • In real estate, the duty to reimburse the brokerage for expenses typically does not apply because the brokerage is paid remuneration (commission).
  • Remuneration: The client has an obligation to pay remuneration to the brokerage for the services provided.
  • Obligations in the Representation Agreement: The brokerage has the right hold the deposit in Real Estate Trust Account.
  • The client agrees to pay the applicable taxes on remuneration.
  • The client agrees to refer of all enquiries to the brokerage during the agreement period.
  • The client has to pay remuneration if the sale does not close due to client’s default.
  • Holdover Period: The client has to pay remuneration if a property is shown by the agent during agreement period but is sold privately to the same buyer during the holdover period.
  • The holdover period starts after the expiry of the agreement period.

1.3 Brokerage Duties to Clients and Customers
1.3 经纪人对客户和顾客的责任

General Obligations  一般债务

  • The agent must use Due Care & Skill in providing information.
  • The agent must perform agreed functions and ensure privacy.
  • Agent must be honest and should not mislead the client.

Duty of Care  注意义务

  • Clients: The Duty of Care includes everything done for the client.
  • Customers: The Duty of Care is limited to honesty, exercising reasonable care and skills when providing information and performing agreed functions.
  • The agent must ensure that there is no misrepresentation.
  • Standards: The standards for Duty of Care are objective (based on facts) and not subjective (no regard to personal interpretations).
  • Limited Disclosures: Information related to the agency relationships and material facts about the property/trade must be disclosed to both clients and customers.

Fiduciary Duties  信托责任

  • Fiduciary duties are based on trust and confidence, best interests, and loyalty.
  • A written agreement is not required for fiduciary obligations.
  • These duties exist even if the brokerage is acting gratuitously (free).
  • Loyalty: Agent must place the interests of the principal (client) above all (except law).
  • Avoid Conflicts of Interest: Arising from representing two clients in a trade (multiple representation) or by having direct/indirect interest in property.
  • Disclose Conflicts: At the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made.
  • Disclose Referral Fees: The registrant must not make secret profits at the expense of the principal.
  • Protect Confidential Information: Personal or motivational information of the client must be kept confidential and must not be misused so as to harm the principal.

Regulatory Obligations Under REBBA
REBBA 规定的监管义务

  • Accountability: The agent must account for and safeguard money, documents, and property entrusted by the client.
  • The obligation of a brokerage to maintain a Real Estate Trust Account is based on this duty.
  • Remuneration: The remuneration charged may be a percentage of sale price, a fixed amount (flat fee) or a combination of both.
  • Several percentages may also be used but the percentage must be in descending order as the sale price goes up.
  • Promises: The brokerage must not induce anyone into signing a contract or make anyone breach their contract with another brokerage.
  • If a promise is made to a party, it must be in writing and delivered to that party.
  • Delivery of Documents: Documents related to trade such as offers, representation agreements, notices, waivers, amendments, etc. must be delivered in a timely manner.
  • Agency Relationships: Agreements must have a date of commencement and an expiry date. The forms used by the brokerage must be current.
  • Disclosure of Representation: Brokerages must disclose agency relationships to all parties in a transaction before entering into any relationship.
  • Written acknowledgement and consent must be obtained from the parties.

1.4 Representation  1.4 代表性

Single Representation  单一代表性

  • Single Representation: A relationship where the brokerage represents only one client (buyer or seller) in a transaction and the other party is a third party or a customer.
  • Seller Single Representation: The brokerage and the seller sign a Listing Agreement and the seller becomes the client of the Listing Brokerage.
  • The buyer is usually represented by another brokerage (Co-operating Brokerage).
  • The brokerage acts as seller’s representative, protecting the best interests of the seller, and marketing the property.
  • The brokerage and all its employees must obey lawful instructions of the seller, fulfill fiduciary obligations, and exercise reasonable care and skill.
  • Disclose material facts to the buyers and negotiate favourable terms for the seller.
  • Buyer Single Representation: The brokerage and the buyer sign a Buyer Representation Agreement and the buyer becomes a client of the brokerage.
  • The seller is usually represented by another brokerage (Listing Brokerage).
  • The brokerage acts as buyer’s representative, locates the property and promotes the buyer client’s best interests.
  • The brokerage must discover and disclose relevant material facts to the buyer.
  • Keep the buyer fully informed about competing offers and comply with regulatory requirements.
  • The brokerage and all its employees must obey lawful instructions of the buyer, fulfill fiduciary obligations, and exercise reasonable care and skill.

Multiple Representation  多重代表性

  • Multiple Representation: This happens when the same brokerage represents more than one client for the same transaction.
  • It may also occur when more than one buyer is represented by the same brokerage for the same property.
  • Multiple representation must be disclosed in writing to all parties and Informed Written Consent must be obtained at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented.
  • If any party does not grant consent, the brokerage may release that party so that they may seek representation by another brokerage.
  • Limitation to Services: The information that must not be disclosed and services not provided include:
  • The amount that the seller may or will accept, which means that the salesperson cannot advise the buyer that the seller may or will accept an amount less than the offered price.
  • The amount that the seller should accept or the amount they should counter the offer.
  • The buyer must not be advised on the amount of offer price or the counter offer price.
  • The terms of any other competing offer including the amount, terms, conditions, closing date, etc.
  • The personal or motivational information of the seller or the buyer.
  • Disclosure Before Agreement: The Code of Ethics requires that the brokerage must disclose before signing the representation agreement that the brokerage may enter into a representation agreement resulting in a multiple representation situation.
  • However, the brokerage will do this only with written consent of both parties.
  • This disclosure and consent are typically included in the standard Listing Agreement.
  • Disclosure Before Offer: Since multiple representation occurs during the offer process, a disclosure and written consent of both parties are required before the offer is made.
  • This disclosure and consent provision are typically included in the standard Confirmation of Co-operation and Representation.

1.5 Service Options for Sellers and Buyers
1.5 为卖方和买方提供的服务选项

Advantages of Working with a Salesperson/Brokerage

  • Registered salespersons and brokers have completed the requisite education requirements and have the required knowledge and skills to provide competent services.
  • Salespersons, brokers, and brokerages are required to comply with consumer protection provisions of the Code of Ethics and are accountable to RECO for their actions.
    销售人员、经纪人和经纪公司必须遵守《职业道德准则》中的消费者保护规定,并对其行为向 RECO 负责。
  • The Deposit Protection Insurance is an assurance to buyers that their deposit amount will be protected against any loss.
  • The Errors and Omissions insurance may protect the registrants for their negligence, depending on circumstances.

Information Before Representation Agreement

  • REBBA Code of Ethics requires that certain information must be provided to the parties at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented.
    REBBA 的《职业道德准则》规定,在提出要约之前,必须尽早向双方提供某些信息。
  • Minimum Information Before Agreement: The brokerage must provide information on service alternatives available to a seller or a buyer.
  • The services that the brokerage will provide under the agreement.
  • Circumstances could arise when the brokerage could represent more than one client in a transaction, and if that happens, the brokerage will obtain written consent from all clients.
  • The obligations of the brokerage in case it provides services to more than one client in the same transaction.
  • Limited services provided to a customer when the brokerage represents a client in the transaction.
  • The brokerage must make its best efforts to obtain a written acknowledgment at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made.

Agreements in Writing  书面协议

  • All agreements related to trading in real estate must be in writing to be effective.
  • The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) does not provide any representation forms.
    安大略省房地产委员会 (RECO) 不提供任何代表表格。
  • A Seller Representation relationship is created when a Listing Agreement is signed.
  • A Buyer Representation relationship is created when a Buyer Representation Agreement is signed.
  • Minimum Content: The agreement must include information such as the Effective Date (date of commencement), one definite Expiry Date, services to be provided, total remuneration, remuneration to co-operating brokerage and how the remuneration is to be calculated.
  • More than 6 Months: If the agreement is for a period of more than six months, the party must give their consent using initials on the first page of agreement.
    超过 6 个月:如果协议期限超过 6 个月,当事人必须在协议第一页用首字母缩写表示同意。
  • Copies of Agreements: Copies of representation agreements must be delivered immediately upon signing.

1.6 Providing Services to Sellers
1.6 为卖方提供服务

Due Diligence  尽职调查

  • Confirm that the seller has made all the disclosures as required by law.
  • Discover all relevant information and material facts and make disclosures to other parties.
  • Demonstrate competence, skills, judgement when providing opinions, advice, or information.
  • Refer the seller to third-party professionals when some matter is beyond salesperson’s education or experience.

Before the Listing  上市前

  • Salespersons should have a visual walkthrough of the property to identify any material facts that must be disclosed and/or any issue that must be addressed before listing.
  • Detailed notes about lot size, age and condition of the structure, features, defects, and safety issues should be made.
  • The salesperson should obtain documentation from the seller, which helps in reducing the risk of errors and omissions.
  • Any material facts or defects identified should be disclosed to the seller and potential buyers.
  • The seller should be informed about various marketing options, including the local listing service, open houses, photographs, virtual tours, and For Sale sign.
  • Although it is the seller who decides the list price, a salesperson can help the seller estimate the market value of their property and arrive at a reasonable listing price using a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA).
  • The selling costs are explained to the seller, which include legal fees, penalty for early discharge of mortgage, moving costs, and remuneration to the brokerage.

During the Listing  上市期间

  • Review the Listing Agreement with the seller and confirm that they understand its contents.
  • Explain the process of showing to the seller, advise them to keep the property clean and explain how safe access is provide using a lock box.
  • Co-ordinate showing with the seller and keep the seller informed at different stages.
  • If the seller desires so, the salesperson should qualify potential buyers before showings.
  • Explain the offer process to the seller, including in-person and electronic offer presentations.
  • Be fully informed and keep the seller updated on current market conditions.

Managing the Transaction

  • The seller should be explained the offer presentation process and that the buyer’s salesperson may attend the presentation.
  • The salesperson should ensure that all offers received are presented in a timely manner with the ‘irrevocable’ time in the offer.
    销售人员应确保及时提交所有收到的报价,并在报价中注明 "不可撤销 "的时间。
  • The terms and conditions of the offers should be reviewed with the seller.
  • The seller should be advised to accept, reject, or counter the offer in order to negotiate with the buyer, based on existing market conditions.
  • After acceptance, the salesperson co-ordinates appointments with the seller to provide access to the property for inspections and viewings.
  • The salesperson will then follow up to monitor fulfillment of conditions and exchanging documents with the co-operating brokerage to ensure smooth completion of the transaction.

Potential Outcomes of Negotiations

  • Win-Win: The seller gets the desired price, and the buyer gets the desired property.
  • Win-Lose: The seller wins by getting the asking price, but the buyer may have to spend money to repair the property after closing.
  • Lose-Lose: The seller misses the opportunity to sell the property and the buyer misses the desired property.
  • No Outcome (No Result): The seller decides not to sell, and the buyer decides not to proceed further with negotiations.

Seller Customers  卖方客户

  • Some sellers may select to become customers due to their previous selling and negotiating experience, not wanting to list their property on the local listing service, or for saving the costs (remuneration/commission).
  • This may also occur when the buyer is already a client of the brokerage who is looking to buy a property which is For Sale by Owner (FSBO).
  • Salesperson’s Duties:  销售人员的职责
  • Explain the service alternatives to the seller.
  • Document the Seller Customer Agreement.
  • Showing the property and presenting the offer.
  • Deliver offer, counter offer, and other relevant documents.
  • Sub Agency: An authorization by one agent (brokerage) to another agent (brokerage) to assist the client in selling or purchasing real estate with the written consent of the client.
  • The sub agent has same obligations to the client as the agent.

1.7 Providing Services to Buyers
1.7 为买方提供服务

Before the Showing  展示前

  • Salespersons should discuss and identify the buyer’s needs and wants in terms of their preference of location, type, and style of home, and specific features in the desired home.
  • Buyers should be informed about the range of costs they will incur, such as legal fees, land transfer tax, and closing adjustments.
  • The buyer should be pre-qualified in terms of price range of properties and encouraged to consult their lender to obtain pre-approval for a mortgage loan.
  • When searching for suitable properties, salespersons must inform the buyers about all the properties available for sale irrespective of the remuneration they will receive.
  • If possible, the salesperson should inspect properties in advance and verify the information provided by the sellers or the listing brokerage.

Showing Properties  显示属性

  • Salespersons should provide update on existing market conditions to the buyers and accompany them for showing properties, including visits to open houses.
  • Information about neighbourhood, schools, shopping, recreational facilities, and public transit should be provided to the buyers.
  • Salespersons have an obligation to discover and disclose relevant material facts of the selected property.

Managing the Transaction

  • Information on comparable properties helps the buyer make an assessment of market value of the selected property.
  • At the offer stage, the salesperson drafts the offer, advises the buyer on the terms and conditions, promotes the buyer’s best interests, and negotiates the offer on behalf of the buyer.
  • When the offer is accepted, the salesperson helps the buyer in performing the due diligence in a timely manner, which includes mortgage approval, home inspection, preparing and sending documents, and obtaining home insurance.
  • The salesperson accompanies the buyer for pre-closing inspection and recommends legal advice if any issues are discovered.

Buyer Customers  买方客户

  • Code of Ethics requires that salespersons must treat their buyer customers with fairness, honesty, and with integrity.
  • Services are limited and salespersons are not required to keep a customer’s information confidential.
  • Salespersons Duties:  销售员职责
  • Avoid misrepresentation and exercise due care when answering questions and providing information.
  • Disclose any material facts that are known or ought to be known but are not required to research and verify property defects.
  • Provide accurate information but are not required to protect the best interests of the customers.

1.8 Dealing with Others
1.8 与他人打交道

Dealing with Other Brokerages and Their Clients

  • Contacting Clients of Other Brokerages: Salespersons who wish to communicate with the seller/buyer clients of other brokerages or want to get more information must do so through that brokerage.
  • A listing salesperson should contact the buyer through co-operative brokerage.
  • A buyer’s salesperson should contact the seller through listing brokerage.
  • This does not apply when a seller or buyer has given written permission to their brokerage that salespersons from other brokerages can communicate directly with them.
  • Existing Representation Agreements: Registrants must not induce a client of another brokerage to terminate their existing contract (agreement) with their brokerage.
  • Breaking the Agreement of Purchase and Sale: Registrants must not induce any person to break their existing Agreement of Purchase and Sale in order to enter into another agreement.
  • This also apply to inducing an individual to break an existing Customer Service Agreement with another brokerage.
  • Fairness, Honesty, and Integrity: Registrants must deal with every person, including salespersons, clients, and customers of other brokerages with fairness, honesty, and with integrity.

Table of Contents  目录


2.1 Obligations of the Registrant, Seller, and Buyer
2.1 注册人、卖方和买方的义务

Information Before Agreement

  • Section 10 of the Code of Ethics requires that registrants must provide certain information to sellers and buyers before entering into an agreement.
    《职业道德规范》第 10 条要求注册人在签订协议前必须向卖方和买方提供某些信息。
  • They must clearly explain the nature of services provided and difference in services provided to clients, customers, and to third parties.
  • The fact that the brokerage may provide client services to both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction (multiple representation).
  • The fact that the brokerage may provide client services to one party and customer services to the other party in the same transaction.
  • Specific information must also be included in the agreement documentation.
  • The agreement must be reduced to writing at the earliest practical opportunity and before an offer is made.

Documenting the Relationship

  • Minimum Content of the Agreement: There must be an Effective Date (Date of Commencement) and one definite Expiry Date.
  • Both dates must be on the first page of the agreement.
  • The agreement must include the amount of total remuneration, how it is calculated, and how it is paid.
  • The remuneration for co-operating brokerage (if any) must be mentioned.
  • The agreement must include the services that will be provided.
  • More than 6 Months: If agreement period is more than 6 months, the client’s written consent is required next to the expiry date on the first page.
    超过 6 个月:如果协议期限超过 6 个月,则需要在第一页到期日旁边获得客户的书面同意。
  • Copies of Written Agreement: Copies of the written agreement must be provided to the parties immediately upon signing.
  • Verbal Agreement: If there is a verbal agreement with a buyer or a seller, whether it is a client or a customer, the agreement must be reduced to writing at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made.
  • Claim for Remuneration: A registrant cannot claim remuneration unless there is a written agreement that is signed by the party who will pay the remuneration.
  • If the agreement is not in writing, REBBA provides that remuneration may be payable when:
    如果协议不是书面的,REBBA 规定在以下情况下可以支付报酬
  • A salesperson has conveyed a written offer that is accepted by the seller,
  • A salesperson shows a property to the buyer, who later purchases the property, or
  • The salesperson introduces the seller and the buyer for the purpose of discussing the purchase or sale of an interest in real estate.
  • Remuneration Calculations: Remuneration cannot be based on the difference in list price and the sale price.
  • Remuneration can be a percentage of sale price, a fixed amount, or a combination of both.
  • Remuneration can also be charged as a series of percentages, which must be in descending order as the sale price goes up.
  • Disclosure of Direct or Indirect Benefit: If the registrant is receiving any direct or indirect benefit, such as a referral fee or a gift, the fact must be disclosed to the clients at the earliest practical opportunity.
  • Remuneration from the Same Trade: A brokerage cannot claim remuneration from a seller and then claim another remuneration from the buyer for the same trade under a different agreement.
  • However, this does not apply when a disclosure to this fact is made to both parties and written consent is obtained.
  • Fixed Remuneration: The registrant cannot directly or indirectly convey to any party that remuneration is fixed by their brokerage, the real estate board, or any regulatory authority.
  • Showing Properties: The buyer must be shown all properties that match their search criteria.
  • This must be done without any regard to the remuneration to the brokerage or the salesperson.
  • Unexpired Agreement: No claim for remuneration can be made if the registrant knows that the seller has an unexpired agreement with another brokerage.
  • The salesperson must make enquiries before entering into an agreement with the seller.
  • Disclosure of Representation Relationship: A brokerage cannot enter into a relationship with more than one party to a transaction unless a disclosure to this effect is made and written consent is obtained from all parties.
  • This applies to both concurrent representation as well as multiple representation situations.
  • Inaccurate Representations: The registrant must not knowingly make any inaccurate representations about services provided, either verbally or in any advertisement.
  • Insurance Requirements: All registrants must be insured under the RECO insurance program, and this fact must be disclosed in writing to potential buyers and sellers.
    保险要求:所有注册者都必须在 RECO 保险计划下投保,而且必须以书面形式向潜在买家和卖家披露这一事实。
  • Indemnification: To compensate the brokerage for loss or damage incurred when carrying out lawful duties under the agreement.
  • The duty to pay the brokerage for expenses incurred during performance of duties does not apply because the brokerage is being paid remuneration.
  • The seller also indemnifies the brokerage for the losses incurred during performance of duties.
  • This does not apply when the loss to the seller is due to gross negligence of the brokerage.
  • Remuneration: It is set out as the commission paid to the brokerage for securing a valid agreement to purchase the property.
  • Seller’s Obligations Under Representation Agreement: The seller agrees to pay remuneration if the agreement does not complete due to seller’s default or neglect.
  • The seller agrees to inform the brokerage immediately if they receive any direct inquiries or offers from any source during the term of the agreement.
  • Buyer’s Obligations Under Representation Agreement: The buyer agrees to pay remuneration if the agreement does not complete due to buyer’s default or neglect.
  • The buyer agrees to inform the brokerage if they come across any property of interest during the term of the agreement and agree to submit any offers through the brokerage.

2.2 Seller Representation Agreement (Listing Agreement)
2.2 卖方代表协议(上市协议)

Note: To understand this Lesson completely, please refer to the Listing Agreement provided in the official course Module or the KMS.
注:要完全理解本课内容,请参阅官方课程模块或 KMS 中提供的 "上市协议"。

Types of Listings  列表类型

  • Open: This is also known as ‘For Sale by Owner’ listing.
    开放:这也被称为 "业主出售 "列表。
  • The seller may ask many brokerages to sell the property without any liability to compensate any of them, except that brokerage which brings in a buyer and sells the property.
  • In this case, the seller is free to sell the property privately in order to save remuneration.
  • Exclusive: The seller gives the sole right of selling the property to a single brokerage as per terms of the Listing Agreement, for a specified period of time (Listing Period).
  • This type of listing is a measure of confidence from the seller and there is an assurance of remuneration to the brokerage.
  • MLS®: This is a special form of Exclusive Listing with the added advantage of exposure on the MLS® database (local listing service).
    MLS®:这是一种特殊形式的独家挂牌,其额外优势是可以在 MLS® 数据库(本地挂牌服务)中曝光。
  • Remuneration is typically shared between the listing brokerage and the co-operating brokerage.

The Listing Agreement  上市协议

  • The Seller Representation Agreement (Listing Agreement) establishes an agency relationship between the seller and the listing brokerage and sets out obligations of each party during the term of the agreement.
  • Under this agreement, the seller gives authority to the brokerage to market and sell the property for a specific period of time, known as the Listing Period.
    根据该协议,卖方授权经纪公司在一段特定时间内(称为 "挂牌期")营销和销售房产。
  • REBBA Code of Ethics requires that the agreement must be reduced to writing and signed by the registrant prior to any offer submitted by a buyer.
    REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,在买方提交任何要约之前,必须将协议转化为书面形式并由注册人签署。
  • Copy of the agreement must be delivered to the seller immediately after signing.

Key Provisions in the Listing Agreement

  • The Remuneration/Commission Clause: This clause specifies the total remuneration as a percentage of sale price or as a flat fee.
  • The seller agrees to pay remuneration if the sale does not close due to seller’s default.
  • The brokerage has the right to apply the deposit first to reduce the remuneration obligation of the seller.
  • The seller pays the deficiency between the deposit and the total remuneration.
  • The seller agrees to pay the applicable taxes on remuneration.
  • Enquiries and Offers: The seller agrees to refer all enquiries during listing period to the listing brokerage.
  • Seller agrees to forward all offers to the listing brokerage that come directly to him.
  • Family Law Act and Spousal Consent: The seller must get Spousal Consent if the property is a matrimonial home and only one spouse is on the title.
  • Otherwise, the seller provides a warranty in the Family Law Act clause that Spousal Consent is not required.
  • Contact After Expiry: This box provides contact options to the seller when the listing period expires, and the property does not sell.
  • Does: The seller consents to other brokerages to contact him after expiry to discuss further listing and marketing of the property.
  • Does Not: The seller does not consent to other brokerages to contact him after expiry to discuss listing and marketing of the property.

Holdover (Commission Clause)

  • As per the wording of this provision, remuneration is payable if the property is shown to a buyer during the listing period but is subsequently sold privately to the same buyer after expiry of the agreement but during the holdover period.
  • If the property is subsequently listed with a different brokerage, the difference in remuneration applies.
  • The holdover period is typically 60 to 90 days, or as agreed by the parties.
    保留期一般为 60 至 90 天,或经双方同意。
  • The obligation of the seller under Holdover to pay remuneration applies even if the agreement period has expired.
    即使协议期已过,卖方仍有义务根据 "保留期 "支付报酬。
  • The closing date of the sale is not irrelevant in this case.
  • Example: Seller Smart lists his home with Cram Realty Inc. at 5% total remuneration. The listing period is from April 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} to June 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}. The holdover period is 90 days after the expiry date. Buyer Bright is shown the property on June 20 th 20 th  20^("th ")20^{\text {th }}, which is during the agreement period.
    举例卖方 Smart 将其房屋挂牌给 Cram Realty Inc.,酬金总额为 5%。挂牌期为 4 月 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 至 6 月 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 。期满后的保留期为 90 天。买方 Bright 于 6 月 20 th 20 th  20^("th ")20^{\text {th }} 看房,该日期在协议期内。
  • Remuneration Payable: The seller waits for expiry of the listing period and sells it privately to the same buyer Bright on July 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Cram Realty Inc. may claim full remuneration.
    应付酬金:卖方等待挂牌期满,于 7 月 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日私下出售给同一买方 Bright。Cram Realty Inc. 可索要全部酬金。
  • Difference in Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the listing period on June 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, the seller lists the property with Power Realty Inc. at 4% remuneration. The same buyer Bright buys the property on July 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Cram Realty Inc. may claim the difference in remuneration, which is 1 % 1 % 1%1 \%.
    应付酬金差额:在 6 月 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 的挂牌期结束后,卖方以 4% 的酬金将该房产挂牌给 Power Realty Inc.同一买方 Bright 于 7 月 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日购买了该房产。Cram Realty Inc. 可以要求支付报酬差额,即 1 % 1 % 1%1 \%
  • No Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the listing period on June 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, the seller lists the property with Power Realty Inc. at 6% remuneration (higher remuneration). The same buyer Bright buys the property on July 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Cram Realty Inc. cannot claim any remuneration because the new remuneration is higher than the old remuneration.
    不支付酬金:在 6 月 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 挂牌期结束后,卖方以 6% 的酬金(较高酬金)在 Power Realty Inc.同一买方 Bright 于 7 月 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日购买了该房产。Cram Realty Inc. 不能索要任何报酬,因为新报酬高于旧报酬。

Signatures and Initials  签名和缩写

  • Salespersons should make their best efforts to ensure that each person who signs the agreement also inserts the date.
  • The salesperson signs on behalf of the brokerage and also witnesses the signatures of the sellers.
  • Spousal Consent: This section is signed by the non-owner spouse if the property is a matrimonial home.
  • Initials: The sellers and the salesperson insert their initials at the bottom of all pages except the signature page.
  • Declaration of Insurance: The salesperson signs this section to inform the sellers that they are insured under the RECO insurance program.
    保险声明:销售人员签署此部分,告知卖方他们已在 RECO 保险计划下投保。
  • Acknowledgement: The sellers sign this section to acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of the agreement and have received a copy of the agreement.

2.3 Buyer Representation Agreement
2.3 买方代表协议

Note: To understand this chapter completely, please refer to the Buyer Representation Agreement provided in the official course Module or the KMS.
注:要完整理解本章内容,请参阅官方课程模块或 KMS 中提供的《买方代表协议》。

Creating Agency Relationship

  • The Buyer Representation Agreement establishes an agency relationship between the brokerage and the buyer.
  • It sets out the obligations of both parties and time limits for the authority given by the buyer.
  • REBBA Code of Ethics requires that the agreement must be reduced to writing and signed by the registrant prior to any offer submitted by the buyer.
    REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,在买方提交任何要约之前,必须将协议转化为书面形式并由注册人签署。
  • Copy of the agreement must be delivered to the buyer immediately after signing.

Understanding Key Provisions

  • This agreement establishes an Exclusive Buyer Representation relationship between the brokerage and the buyer.
  • The pre-printed wording provides general description of property and location.
  • The agreement states that the buyer may not be shown all available properties that may be of interest to the buyer.
  • The buyer may sign representation agreement with more than one brokerage if Geographic Location or if the Property Type is different.
  • The buyer agrees that Multiple Representation may occur. In this case, the brokerage will get written consent of the parties at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented.
  • The agreement includes a Disclaimer that the brokerage shall not be held responsible for environmental conditions, hazards, and other physical conditions of land or improvements.
  • The information provided by the seller will also not be warranted as accurate and the buyer must take expert advice in these matters.
  • The buyer is informed that, if appropriate, a Credit Report may be referred to in connection with this transaction to comply with the Consumer Reporting Act.

Remuneration Details  薪酬详情

  • The Buyer Representation Agreement includes remuneration arrangements and buyer responsibilities if case the remuneration is not paid by the seller or the listing brokerage.
  • Remuneration is typically payable either by the seller/listing brokerage or the buyer.
  • The brokerage shall inform the buyer how much remuneration is being paid by the sellers.
  • The buyer agrees that if the seller or listing brokerage does not pay remuneration then buyer will be responsible to pay the agreed remuneration.
  • The buyer is also responsible for any difference between the remuneration paid by the seller and the remuneration specified in the agreement.

Holdover (Commission Clause)

  • As per the wording of this provision, remuneration is payable if the property is shown to a buyer during the agreement period, but the same property is subsequently purchased privately by the buyer after expiry of the agreement period but during the holdover period.
  • If the buyer signs a Buyer Representation Agreement with a different brokerage, the difference in remuneration may be payable.
  • The holdover period is typically 60 to 90 days or as agreed by the parties.
    保留期通常为 60 至 90 天,或经双方同意。
  • The obligation of the buyer under Holdover to pay remuneration applies even if the agreement period has expired.
    即使协议期已过,买方仍有义务根据 "保留期 "支付报酬。
  • The closing date of the sale is not irrelevant in this case.
  • Example: Buyer Bright has signed a Buyer Representation Agreement with Power Realty Inc. The agreement period is from April 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} to June 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}. The holdover period is 90 days after expiry. The agreement specifies a remuneration of 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.5%2.5 \% if the brokerage does not receive any remuneration from the seller/listing brokerage. Buyer Bright is shown a property on June 20 th 20 th  20^("th ")20^{\text {th }}, which is during the agreement period.
    示例:买方 Bright 已与 Power Realty Inc.协议期限为 4 月 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 至 6 月 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 。期满后的保留期为 90 天。协议规定,如果经纪公司没有从卖方/上市经纪公司获得任何报酬,则报酬为 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.5%2.5 \% 。买方 Bright 于 6 月 20 th 20 th  20^("th ")20^{\text {th }} 日看中一处房产,该日期在协议期内。
  • Remuneration Payable: The buyer waits for expiry of the agreement period and later buys the same property privately from the seller on July 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Power Realty Inc. may claim full remuneration.
    应付酬金:买方等待协议期满,随后于 7 月 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日从卖方处私下购买同一房产。Power Realty Inc. 可要求支付全部酬金。
  • Difference in Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the agreement period on June 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, buyer Bright signs another Buyer Representation Agreement with Cram realty Inc. at 1% remuneration. Bright buys the same property which was earlier shown to him by Power Realty Inc. property on July 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Power Realty Inc. may claim the difference in remuneration, which is 1.5 % 1.5 % 1.5%1.5 \%.
    应付酬金差额:在 6 月 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 日协议期满后,买方 Bright 以 1%的报酬与 Cram Realty Inc.Bright 于 7 月 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日购买了 Power Realty Inc.Power Realty Inc. 可以要求支付报酬差额,即 1.5 % 1.5 % 1.5%1.5 \%
  • No Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the agreement period on June 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, buyer Bright signs another Buyer Representation Agreement with Cram Realty Inc. at 3% remuneration. Bright buys the same property which was earlier shown to him by Power Realty Inc. property on July 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5{ }^{\text {th }}. Power Realty Inc. may not claim any remuneration because the new remuneration is higher than the old remuneration.
    不支付酬金:6 月 30 th 30 th  30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 日协议期满后,买方 Bright 与 Cram Realty Inc. 签订了另一份买方代理协议,酬金为 3%。Bright 于 7 月 5 th 5 th  5^("th ")5{ }^{\text {th }} 日购买了 Power Realty Inc.由于新酬金高于旧酬金,因此 Power Realty Inc.

Other Obligations of the Buyer

  • The buyer agrees to submit all offers through the brokerage during the agreement period.
  • The buyer is obligated to pay remuneration if the sale does not close due to buyer’s default.
  • The brokerage has the right to apply the deposit first to the remuneration.
  • The remuneration obligation in Holdover Period applies.
  • The buyer agrees to pay the deficiency in remuneration if the remuneration received from the seller/listing brokerage is less than remuneration specified in the agreement.
  • The buyer agrees to pay the applicable taxes on remuneration.

Signatures and Initials  签名和缩写

  • Salespersons should make their best efforts to ensure that each person who signs the agreement also inserts the date.
  • The salesperson signs on behalf of the brokerage and also witnesses the signatures of the buyers.
  • Initials: The buyers and the salesperson insert their initials at the bottom of all pages except the signature page.
  • Declaration of Insurance: The salesperson signs this section to inform the buyers that they are insured under the RECO insurance program.
    保险声明:销售人员签署此部分,告知买方他们已在 RECO 保险计划下投保。
  • Acknowledgement: The buyers sign this section to acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of the agreement and have received a copy of the agreement.

2.4 Customer Service Agreements
2.4 客户服务协议

Note: Please refer to the Customer Service Agreements provided in the official course Modules or in the KMS.
注:请参阅正式课程模块或 KMS 中提供的客户服务协议。

REBBA Provisions  REBBA 条款

  • The Customer Service Agreement must be in writing and copies must be delivered immediately after signing.
  • The buyer or seller customer is not obliged to sign the agreement.
  • Duties of the brokerage under the standard customer service agreement include -
  • Ethical Duty to deal fairly, honestly and with integrity.
  • Legal Duty to exercise due care when answering questions and providing information.
  • Legal Duty to avoid misrepresentation.

Seller Customer Service Agreement

  • The Seller Customer Service Agreement is Non-Exclusive, which means that the seller may sign this type of agreement with more than one brokerage.
  • This form is commonly used to provided customer service to a seller when the buyer is already a client of the brokerage (has signed a Buyer Representation Agreement).
  • Since the seller has not listed the property (private sale), the agreement is called Commission Agreement for Property Not Listed.
    由于卖方未将房产挂牌(私人出售),因此该协议称为 "未挂牌房产佣金协议"。
  • The agreement confirms that the seller is not a client of the brokerage and is not represented.
  • The agreement includes a warranty that the seller has not listed the property with any other brokerage.
  • Remuneration rate or amount of remuneration is given in the form.
  • The seller agrees that remuneration is still payable if the sale does not close due to seller’s default.

Buyer Customer Service Agreement

  • The Buyer Customer Service Agreement is Non-Exclusive, which means that the buyer may sign this type of agreement with more than one brokerage.
  • This form is commonly used to provide customer service to a buyer when the seller is already a client of the brokerage (has signed a Listing Agreement with the brokerage).
  • The agreement confirms that the buyer is not a client of the brokerage and is not represented.
  • The agreement includes a warranty that the buyer has not signed any Buyer Representation Agreement with any other brokerage.
  • The agreement confirms that no remuneration is payable by the buyer.
  • The buyer is informed that a Credit Report may be referred to in connection with this transaction to comply with The Consumer Reporting Act.
    买方被告知,为遵守《消费者报告法》(The Consumer Reporting Act),本交易可能会参考信用报告。
  • Indemnification: The buyer agrees that he has been advised to make his own enquiries about the condition of the property.

2.5 Altering the Representation Agreements
2.5 更改代理协议

Amendments to the Seller Representation Agreement

  • Additional forms may be used to change the terms, suspend, or terminate a Listing Agreement.
  • With each form, the sellers’ signatures, including the signatures of the non-owner spouse, are required to alter a Listing Agreement.
  • The date of commencement and date of expiry are included in each of the following forms.
  • Amendment to Listing Agreement: This form is used to alter the terms of the agreement.
  • These terms may relate to additional services, the terms of remuneration, or to extend the expiry date of the agreement.
  • The Amendment to the Listing Agreement form provides notice to other brokerages and salespersons.
  • Suspension of Listing Agreement: A Seller Representation Agreement (Listing Agreement) may be suspended when the marketing activities need to be stopped temporarily for a specific period of time.
  • The form must include the effective date of suspension, the date of expiry of suspension, and the date when the marketing activities would resume.
  • Completion of this form does not mean that the Listing Agreement has been terminated.
  • Even after the suspension, the holdover provisions of the Listing Agreement remain effective.
  • Cancellation of Listing Agreement: This form is used to cancel an active Listing Agreement.
  • The form must be signed by the sellers, including the non-owner spouse, the salesperson, and the broker of record.
  • Even after the cancellation, the holdover provisions of the Listing Agreement remain effective.
  • Assignment of Listing Agreement: This form is used when the Listing Agreement is transferred to another brokerage.
  • This form is typically used when the salesperson transfers his/her registration to a different brokerage and the seller permits him/her to assign the Listing Agreement to the new brokerage.
  • Completion of this form releases the first brokerage from its obligations under the Listing Agreement.
  • Only the broker of record or a manager at the listing brokerage is authorized to sign this form.

Amendments to the Buyer Representation Agreement

  • Additional forms may be used to change the terms, suspend, or terminate a Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • With each form, the buyers’ signatures, as well as the brokerage’s signatures, are required to alter a Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • The date of commencement and date of expiry are included in each of the following forms.
  • Amendment to Buyer Representation Agreement: This form is used to alter the terms of the agreement.
  • These terms may relate to additional services, property type, geographic location, the terms of remuneration, or to extend the expiry date of the agreement.
  • Cancellation of the Buyer Representation Agreement: This form is used to terminate the Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • The form must be signed by the buyers and the broker of record of the brokerage.
  • Completion of this form releases the brokerage of its obligations under the agreement.
  • Even after the cancellation, the holdover provisions of the Buyer Representation Agreement remain effective.
  • Assignment of Buyer Representation Agreement: This form is used when the Buyer Representation Agreement is transferred to another brokerage.
  • This form is typically used when the salesperson transfers his/her registration to a different brokerage and the buyer permits him/her to assign the Buyer Representation Agreement to the new brokerage.
  • Completion of this form releases the first brokerage from its obligations under the Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • Only the broker of record or a manager at the buyer’s brokerage is authorized to sign this form.

MiniCram®  迷你克拉姆

Table of Contents  目录


3.1 Types of Residential Properties
3.1 住宅物业类型

  • Attached: These houses are connected using one or more shared (party) walls. The end unit has only one side attached. These houses are less expensive to build than others.
  • Detached: This house is a single structure which is not connected to any other house and offers wide variety of architectural styles, more privacy, and more living space.
  • Semi-Detached: These side by side houses have one common party wall which is attached to the next house.
  • Linked: Two or more houses are attached below grade by a concrete wall, or their garages may be attached.
  • When the structures are connected below grade and not visible, the house may appear to be detached.
  • Townhouses: Three or more units are joined together by party walls. Every townhouse has a full basement, main living area and an upper level.
  • They are cost-effective for the developer who can create more houses in lesser land.
  • Townhouses can be freehold or can be a part of a condominium complex.
  • Multi-Unit Residential: There is more than one unit in a single building and are referred to as duplex, triplex, or fourplex.
  • The units may be joined horizontally or vertically. The entrance may be separate for each unit or through a common vestibule.

Structural Styles  结构风格

  • Bungalow: The entire living space is on a single floor and is found in older neighbourhoods. There are no stairs in the living area.
  • Bi-level/Split Entrance: This design effectively uses the lower basement areas, and the front door foyer is located between upper and lower levels.
  • The basement is raised above grade, which allows for larger windows and more sunlight.
  • Ranch Style Bungalow: Similar to a bungalow, it has a low pitch roofline, irregular U-shape or L-shape layout and offers more living space than bungalow.
    牧场式平房:与平房相似,屋顶坡度较低,采用不规则的 U 形或 L 形布局,居住空间比平房大。
  • Split Level: These 1970s and early 1980s designs offer minimum movements with lesser steps for each level.
    分层式:这种 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代初的设计,每层的台阶较少,可提供最少的活动空间。
  • Side-split design has a layout from left to right whereas the backsplit design has layout from front to rear.
  • There may be three or more levels of living area and up to a maximum of five levels.
  • One and Half Storey: This cost-effective design has about 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% of the total living area on the main floor and offers more square footage on similar lot area.
    一层半:这种高性价比的设计,主楼层的居住面积约占总面积的 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% ,在类似的地块面积上提供了更多的面积。
  • It has a high-pitched roof, with some designs offering dormers.
  • Two-Storey: The two-storey design is highly popular, which offers large variety in terms of exterior shape, roof design, and floor layout.
  • The living area is equal on first and second floors.
  • Two-storey homes dominate the urban areas due to rising land costs.
  • Two-and-Half Storey: It is similar to the two-storey structure, but there is an additional half storey top floor with limited ceiling height.

3.2 Ownership Rights and Limitations
3.2 所有权和限制

Types of Estates  遗产类型

  • An estate is an interest in land that includes various rights of ownership and tenancy.
  • Fee Simple Estate (Freehold): This is the highest form of an estate and is also known as Absolute Right.
    永久地权(Fee Simple Estate):这是不动产的最高形式,也称为绝对权利。
  • It provides maximum rights with minimum limitations.
  • The Bundle of Rights in Fee Simple include the right to use, sell, enter, possess, lease, or give away.
  • Leasehold Estate: This estate flows from some other larger estate, is smaller than that, and is for a definite period of time.
  • The grantor is called the landlord (Lessor) and the grantee is called the tenant (Lessee).

Government Limitations  政府限制

  • Right to Take (Expropriation): The right of the government to acquire private property for public use by paying fair compensation to the owner.
  • It is carried out by the government using the Right of Eminent Domain.
  • An expropriation order may reduce the value of the property.
  • Right to Regulate (Police Power): The power of different levels of government to regulate division, development and use of land using various laws and by-laws.
  • The buyers should be informed about any regulations that may be considered material fact from buyer’s perspective.
  • Right to Levy Taxes: The ownership of property may be subject to taxes, such as Land Transfer Tax, Property Tax, etc.
  • Salespersons should understand taxation issues and disclose current taxes on the property as they are considered material facts.

Private Limitations  私人限制

  • These private restrictions or Restrictive Covenants limit the use of property for a specific purpose and manner and are usually contained in the title/deed of property (Deed Restriction).
  • They run with land, stay with the property even when it is sold, and are transferred to subsequent buyers.
  • Since they are not always apparent, salespersons should make enquiries, and disclose them to potential buyers as these are considered material facts.
  • Usually, the buyer’s lawyer will get information on restrictive covenants, and if the seller has complied with them, the buyer is not able to terminate the agreement.
  • Buyer’s lawyer may conduct a Title Search before a binding agreement so that the buyer may terminate the agreement if the restriction is unacceptable.

Easement  地役权

  • An Easement is a right enjoyed by one landowner (Dominant Tenement) over the land of another (Servient Tenement).
  • It runs with land and is not terminated when the property is sold.
  • Salespersons must verify and disclose the existence of any easement on the property and disclose it to the buyers as this may affect the future use of property.
  • Failure to disclose an easement, which is a material fact, may result in cancelled agreements or even possible legal actions.

Concurrent Ownership - Joint Tenancy
共同所有权 - 共同租赁

  • Concurrent ownership refers to simultaneous ownership of land/property by two or more persons.
  • It is of two types - (i) Joint Tenancy, and (ii) Tenancy-in-Common.
    它分为两种类型--(i) 共同共有,和 (ii) 共同共有。
  • Joint Tenancy: It is specifically created at the time of registration and must satisfy four unities (conditions):
  • Time - Each joint tenant gets ownership at the same time.
    时间 - 每个共同承租人同时获得所有权。
  • Title - Each joint tenant gets ownership by same title (document such as deed or will).
  • Interest - Each joint tenant has equal interest in the property, which must be identical in nature, extent, and duration.
  • Possession - Each joint tenant has undivided possession of the whole property.
  • Joint Tenancy includes the Right of Survivorship, whereupon death of one joint tenant, the entire interest transfers to the surviving joint tenant(s).
  • Exception to the Right of Survivorship: If the joint tenancy of a matrimonial home is with someone other than the owner spouse, and the married person passes away, the joint tenancy with the other person is immediately terminated.
  • In this case, the tenancy reverts to tenancy in common.
  • This allows for the deceased person’s interest in property to revert to the surviving spouse.
  • Termination of Joint Tenancy: Termination of joint tenancy destroys the right of survivorship as the tenancy converts to tenancy in common.
  • There are three methods to terminate joint tenancy:
  • Voluntarily: When the joint tenants mutually agree to terminate the joint tenancy.
  • Severance: When one of the joint tenants severs the joint tenancy by selling his/her interest to a third-party without the consent of other joint tenants. In this case, other joint tenants remain joint tenants but become tenants-in-common with the third party.
  • Partition: When a court orders splitting the land held in joint tenancy.

Concurrent Ownership - Tenancy in Common

  • Tenancy-in-Common has only one unity of Possession whereby everyone holds undivided possession of property.
  • Tenants-in-Common may have different interests and may acquire them at different times or different ways.
  • The Right of Survivorship does not exist in Tenancy-in-Common.
  • After death of a Tenant-in-Common, the interest of that person becomes an Estate of the Deceased.

3.3 Ownership Alternatives
3.3 所有权替代方案

Condominiums  共管公寓

  • Condominiums (townhouses or apartments) may be Freehold or Leasehold depending on the land on which the building is built.
  • Ownership in a condominium involves Fee Simple ownership of a unit and tenancy-incommon ownership of the common elements such as hallways, elevators, playgrounds, etc.
  • Some owners may have exclusive use rights for a part of the common elements such as a balcony or a porch attached to the unit.
  • Common Element Condominium (CEC): This condominium consists only of common elements such as roads, parking lots, etc.
    公共要素共有公寓 (CEC):这种共管公寓只包括道路、停车场等公共部分。
  • There are no units in a CEC and each owner must hold a freehold interest in the land to which the common interest attaches.
  • A Parcel of Tied Land (POTL) refers to the parcel of land upon which a house is constructed, and a common interest is attached to it.
  • Maintenance Fee (Common Expenses): The monthly amount a unit owner pays to the corporation for maintenance of common elements.
  • It is based on the proportionate share of the unit as given in the Declaration.
  • The buyer will need to review the maintenance fee in order to see if it is within his/her budget.
  • The mortgage lender will also consider this fee for qualification.
  • Board of Directors: Directors are elected by unit owners to make, amend, and repeal rules and bylaws of the condominium.
  • Unit owners must be provided with a copy of the rules and bylaws.
  • They can request a meeting within 30 days if they want to challenge any of the rules or bylaws.
    如果他们想对任何规则或细则提出质疑,可在 30 天内要求召开会议。
  • Bylaws: Bylaws are standard procedures regarding internal operations and governance of the condominium corporation.
  • They typically relate to election of directors, maintenance of common elements, collection of maintenance fees, and borrowing money.
  • A copy of bylaws must be provided to unit owners who can request a meeting to challenge any of the bylaws.
  • Bylaws are not effective until a majority of unit owners vote in favour.
  • A copy of bylaws must be registered in the Land Registry Office.
  • Rules: Rules are made by the board of directors for safety, security, and welfare of the unit owners.
  • The buyer must be provided with a copy of these rules so that he/she knows what is permitted or prohibited in the condominium.

Equity Co-operatives  股份合作社

  • An Equity Co-operative is a form of joint ownership, managed by a board of directors, where members are shareholders having an occupancy agreement for a specific unit.
  • The Co-operative Corporations Act does not regulate the day-to-day operations or bylaws of the co-operative.
  • Management: The board of directors, elected by the members, sets the annual budget and rules or bylaws of the co-operative.
  • Monthly Fees: Members pay a monthly maintenance fee, which includes property taxes.
  • If a member defaults in payment of these fees, other members become liable for the share of defaulter member.
  • Financing: Co-operatives were traditionally financed through a Blanket Mortgage, which may still be in place.
  • In this case, the member would arrange his/her own secondary financing.
  • Some lenders may be reluctant to provide such financing unless the buyer’s down payment is significant.
  • Salespersons must advise the buyers about financing concerns, share certificates, occupancy agreements, and rules/bylaws.
  • Buyers must be advised that no freehold ownership is involved in purchase of shares in a co-operative and approval of board of directors may be required for the purchase.

Co-ownership  共同所有权

  • It is an alternative to Tenancy-in-Common ownership wherein two or more individuals purchase proportionate interest in a property as specified in the deed.
  • The percentage interest may not be equally divided among co-owners.
  • A co-owner in a multi-unit co-ownership building in an urban area receives ownership by way of an occupancy agreement in addition to the deed.
  • Salespersons must advise the buyers about joint liability of the Blanket Mortgage on the co-ownership building and that other co-owners may have the Right of First Refusal in case of sale.

Life Lease  终身租赁

  • The holder of a life lease, as a tenant, owns a leasehold interest in a property for his/her lifetime.
  • The appealing aspect of these communities is shared maintenance costs which results in more affordability.
  • Management: The buyer usually purchases the right to occupy a unit from a sponsor, which may be non-profit or charitable housing provider.
  • Monthly Fees: A lumpsum deposit may be required in addition to the monthly maintenance fees for heating, electricals, snow removal, garbage, landscaping, building insurance, etc.
  • Salespersons must make the buyers aware that no freehold ownership is involved in a life lease community.

Land Lease  土地租赁

  • Involves leasing the land, which permits ownership of a home on the leased land without the added cost of purchasing land.
  • The price of the leased parcel of land is based on location, lot size, and view (e.g., lake view).
  • The land lease is typically for a period ranging from 20 to 99 years and the structure may be a mobile home (in a mobile home park) or a manufactured home.
    土地租赁期限一般为 20 至 99 年,房屋结构可以是活动房屋(在活动房屋公园内)或人造房屋。
  • Land Leases, which are occupied only seasonally or for vacationing, are not governed under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).
  • Monthly Fees: Tenants pay a monthly fee in addition to the cost of land lease.
  • These fees are charged by landlord for maintenance of grounds, buildings, and equipment, which are for common use.
  • Sellers: The owner of a dwelling unit has the right to sell or lease the structure only without approval of the landlord.
  • However, they may be able to place the ‘For Sale’ sign only on their window.
    不过,他们也许可以只在自己的窗户上贴上 "待售 "标志。
  • Buyers: Buyers must be aware that there is no standard lease agreement and they should make their offer conditional upon review of the lease by their own lawyer.
  • Furthermore, financing for the purchase may be difficult to obtain as there is no ownership of land.
  • Landlord’s Right of First Refusal: If the land lease agreement includes this provision, the seller must give the landlord 72 hours’ notice when he/she receives an acceptable agreement.
    业主的优先拒绝权:如果土地租赁协议中包含这一条款,卖方在收到可接受的协议后,必须在 72 小时前通知房东。
  • The owner may sell to the buyer only when the landlord refuses to buy on the same terms and conditions as in the agreement.

3.4 Land Use Planning
3.4 土地利用规划

The Planning Act  规划法

  • The provincial Planning Act provides statutory framework for orderly division, development and use of land.
  • It authorizes and gives administrative control of land use planning to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing who issues the Provincial Policy Statements.
  • The Minister, municipalities, local planning boards, and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be consistent with the Provincial Interests when carrying out their responsibilities under the Act.
  • The Provincial Policy Statements address planning matters of public interest such as municipal planning, housing, mineral aggregate, flood plains, and wetlands.
  • The Planning Act enables municipalities to carry out planning programs for their respective needs and as per their responsibilities set out in the Municipal Act.
  • Real Estate Transactions: Salespersons must be aware how their trading activities may be affected by the Planning Act.
  • They may be involved in transactions where the buyer needs land severance, subdivisions, or a land use application.
  • Certain buyers may also need change of Zoning or change in the Official Plan.
  • These buyers should be direct to land use planners for legally complex matters.

Municipalities  市政当局

  • Upper Tier (Regional): The responsibilities of these regional/county/district include preparation, adoption, and revision of the Official Plan, and the process of dividing and developing land.
  • Lower Tier (Township): They prepare, adopt, and revise the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaws.
  • Single Tier. They assumes all responsibilities under the Municipal Act.
  • Some examples are City of Toronto, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Greater Sudbury, Timmins, Windsor, London, Chatham-Kent, etc.
  • Relationship: The lower and upper tier municipalities usually co-ordinate with each other for matters such as water supply, sewage systems, roads, etc.
  • Salesperson’s Role: If a buyer needs certain approvals for development or change in use, the salesperson should direct the buyers to appropriate municipality.

Impact on Listing and Selling

  • Placement of Signs: Different municipalities may have different sign bylaws related to placement of signs.
  • These regulations include size of the sign, its location, and its distance from the curb, intersections, pedestrians, and cyclists.
  • For salespersons, there are usually regulations for the ‘For Sale’ and ‘Open House’ signs.
    对于销售人员来说,"待售 "和 "开放日 "标志通常都有相关规定。
  • Salespersons must be aware how long the sign can remain on the property after it is sold.
  • Flood Control: Many municipalities designate areas that are prone to flooding as ‘flood plains’.
    防洪:许多城市都将易受洪水侵袭的地区划为 "洪泛区"。
  • They prohibit or restrict placement of structures in these areas.
  • Salespersons should check if the subject property is in a flood plain, advise the buyers, and insert an appropriate clause in the agreement.
  • Noise Standards: Some municipalities may have areas that are close to a source of noise such as an airport, traffic, railways, commercial activities, etc.
  • There may be vibrations due to a nearby industrial operation.
  • A clause should be inserted in the agreement to acknowledge that the buyer is aware of these disturbances.

The Land Severance Process

  • Authority: Approval of Land Severance is required when an owner wants to divide his/her land into two or three parcels.
  • This also applies when a landowner wants to add a part of property to their existing lot.
  • The approval authority is the local Committee of Adjustment or the Land Division Committee.
  • Consultation: The landowner consults the municipal staff to identify the authority and its jurisdiction which grants consent or approval.
  • Application: The consent application includes details such as description of the property, a sketch showing dimensions of land being severed and retained, use of adjoining land, etc.
  • Review: The application must meet the criteria such as conformity with the Official Plan, zoning bylaws, and several other factors.
  • Decision: The approval body has the authority to approve, refuse, or grant conditional consent.
  • Consent Certificate: When the consent is approved, or the conditions are fulfilled, a deed for the newly created lot is stamped with the consent of the municipality and is registered in the Land Registry Office.
  • Salesperson’s Role: Salespersons should be aware that the Agreement of Purchase and Sale is automatically conditional upon compliance with the Planning Act.
  • However, a seller and a buyer can have an agreement conditional upon severance, which must be completed before the closing date.

Plan of Subdivision Process

  • Authority: A two-stage Subdivision Plan registration is required when a landowner wants to divide land into several lots, usually more than two.
  • Typically, the upper-tier municipality (regional municipality) or the council of a city is the approval authority.
  • Draft Plan: The developer prepares the draft plan in consultation with engineers, solicitors, surveyors, and planning consultants.
  • Application: The developer completes application forms to provide required information to the approval authority.
  • Notices and Public Meetings: The approval authority sends notices to adjoining landowners and also holds public meetings.
  • Decision: When approved, a notice giving the details of the subdivision is sent to the applicant, owners of neighbouring land, and is published in local newspapers.
  • Appeal: If the application is refused, the developer may file an appeal with the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT).
    上诉:如果申请被拒,开发商可向地方规划上诉法庭 (LPAT) 提起上诉。
  • Final Plan Approval: After approval of the Draft Plan, when all conditions are fulfilled, the approval authority issues the final plan approval, which is registered in the Land Registry Office.
  • Salesperson’s Role: Salespersons have little or no involvement in the subdivision process.
  • However, they should be aware of the subdivision process and direct their buyers to appropriate land planning consultants.

3.5 Official Plans and Zoning
3.5 官方规划和分区

Official Plan  官方计划

  • The Official Plan for a municipality addresses issues such as location of housing, industry, offices, shopping centres, schools, roads, water/sewage systems, parks, and schools.
  • It is prepared for a long range of 5 to 10 years, is approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and must be reviewed every 5 years.
    它是为 5 至 10 年的长远规划而编制的,由市政事务和住房部批准,必须每 5 年审查一次。
  • Salespersons should advise their buyer clients to contact local municipality if they require a change to the Official Plan for their future development.

Zoning Bylaws  分区细则

  • Zoning bylaws are enacted by municipalities to implement the Official Plan and control building structural standards such as permitted uses, lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights, and minimum setbacks from the street (front, rear and side yards).
  • Zones are divided into classifications such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, open space, agricultural, etc.
  • Zone classifications may have subclassifications such as single family, multi-family, etc. Some examples of zoning designations are -
  • Residential Detached: R1 for single-family, with variations from R2 to R5 depending on urban densities.
    独立式住宅:单户住宅为 R1,根据城市密度的不同,有 R2 到 R5 的变化。
  • Semi-detached: RS1 for residential single-family semi-detached dwelling.
    半独立式:RS1 为半独立式单户住宅。
  • Multiple Units: RM, with variations such as RM2 and RM3, depending on urban densities.
    多单元:RM,根据城市密度的不同,有 RM2 和 RM3 等变体。
  • Rural Residential: RR1 for non-farm dwellings within rural areas and RR2 for nonfarm dwellings outside rural areas.
    农村住宅区:农村地区内的非农住宅为 RR1,农村地区外的非农住宅为 RR2。

Committee of Adjustment  调整委员会

  • When certain use of property by the owner or a buyer is not permitted in the existing zoning bylaws, the owner/buyer may make an application to the local Committee of Adjustment or to the Land Division Committee for a change of use.
  • The Committee of Adjustment is appointed by the lower-tier municipality whereas the Land Division Committee is appointed by the upper-tier municipality.

Zoning Amendment & Minor Variance

  • An Amendment to Zoning (Rezoning), which is usually a major change, may be required if a development does not conform to existing zoning bylaw.
  • However, if a municipality has passed a new comprehensive zoning bylaw within the past 2 years, a rezoning application may not be accepted.
  • A Minor variance is a slight or insignificant modification in the zoning that concerns a particular property.
  • A minor variance is permitted if it is consistent with general intent and purpose of the zoning bylaw as well as the Official Plan.

Non-conforming Use  不符合规定的用途

  • Legal Non-Conforming Use: A specific use of a property, which existed before the passage of a zoning bylaw, is not in compliance with the new bylaw, but is permitted.
  • In some cases, a particular use of a property may be permitted even though it does not comply with the current zoning bylaw.
  • This usually happens when the municipalities review their zoning and change them according to changes in community needs.
  • The owner may apply to the local Committee of Adjustment for approval of continuation of Non-conforming Use, and when approved the use becomes a Legal Non-conforming Use.
  • Continuous Use: If there is an interruption in the non-conforming use, the right to continue the non-conforming use is lost as the new use must conform to the current zoning bylaws.

3.6 Heritage Properties  3.6 文物

Heritage Designation  遗产指定

  • Municipalities, under the Ontario Heritage Act, may designate certain properties (residential or commercial) as Heritage Property due to their cultural heritage value.
  • All such properties, and those within a Municipal Heritage District, are listed in the Municipal Heritage Register.
  • Designation of a property as Heritage Property may deprive the owners of their natural rights on the property.
  • Heritage Conservation District: If an area within a municipality is designated as Heritage Conservation District, future changes to the area must follow certain guidelines to protect its heritage character.
  • Municipalities may also place restrictions on land adjacent to properties designated as Heritage Property.

Heritage Designation Process

  • Municipal Heritage Committee: Potential properties are identified by the Municipal Heritage Committee by researching all relevant information.
  • Ontario Heritage Trust: An agency of the Ministry of Culture to protect and promote Ontario’s heritage.
  • Once a property is identified, the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust are notified.
  • The Trust provides aid for restoration and protection of heritage properties.
  • The identified property need not have a building on it, even empty land may have archeological heritage significance.
  • Conservation Review Board: This board conducts hearings regarding objections to heritage designation and makes recommendations regarding heritage matters.
  • The owner who has received ‘Notice of Intention to Designate’ can appeal the decision within 30 days of the notice.
    收到 "指定意向通知 "的业主可在通知发出后 30 天内对决定提出上诉。
  • Once a final decision is made, a bylaw is passed and registered on the title of the property.

Considerations for Buyers

  • Salespersons may request local municipality for a list of designated heritage properties and Heritage Conservation Districts where properties may be designated in future.
  • The Municipal Register of Heritage Properties may be consulted to verify if a property has been designated as Heritage Property.
  • This designation may affect intended uses for the property and the owner may not be able to make internal or external changes to the building without permission.
  • Impact on Value: Some buyers may think that heritage designation has negative or positive impact on value, which may not be true.
  • Insurance: Due to the age of the heritage properties, some insurers may increase the insurance premiums on such properties.
  • The insurer may look for risk associated with dated electrical wiring, older heating systems, and general condition of the property.

Salesperson's Obligations

  • An appropriate Disclosure clause must be inserted in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • Salespersons should make the buyers aware of the following -
  • Alterations: Property cannot be altered if the alteration is likely to affect the heritage designation.
  • Written Consent: Alterations are only permitted if the owner gets approval from the municipality.
  • Demolition: Demolition of a heritage property should also be approved in writing by the municipality.

Heritage Easements and Tax Relief

  • Municipalities may enter into Heritage Easement with owners to ensure that properties are protected for a long term.
  • Owners of such eligible properties may be eligible for the Heritage Property Tax Relief program.


4.1 Best Interests of the Seller
4.1 卖方的最佳利益

Understanding Seller Needs

  • The salesperson must ask specific questions to the seller to determine their needs and wants as well as their motivations for selling the property.
  • All answers provided by the seller should be documented and verified from source documents.
  • Some examples of questions include the seller’s plans to sell the property, the listing price in their mind, the minimum price they are expecting, the time period, improvements done on the property, any current issues with the property, etc.
  • Demographical information provided by CMHC, GeowareHouse®, and local real estate boards may help determine the needs and wants of the seller.
    由 CMHC、GeowareHouse® 和当地房地产委员会提供的人口统计信息可能有助于确定卖方的需求和愿望。
  • The economic, political, social, and other events in the neighbourhood are also important considerations for the seller.
  • New developments in the community, changes to the local Official Plan, construction of new schools, parks, or shopping centres may influence the seller’s decision.
  • Some sellers might want to wait if they are provided information about new developments that might affect the value of their property.

Material Facts for the Seller

  • Seller’s responses to the questions would help the salesperson determine what they consider as material facts regarding the transaction.
  • In general, a material fact would be anything that may have happened or is happening in the property and the area, the intended use of the property, or anything that may affect the seller’s decision to sell the property.
  • Anything that affects the property value, the listing price, or any condition in the offer may also be considered material facts for a seller client.
  • Specific and Personal: Material facts for a particular client are subjective and personal, and what was a material fact for a previous client may not be important for this client.

Disclosures  披露

  • Salespersons have an obligation to take reasonable steps to determine and disclose material facts to both clients and customers, with higher level of obligations owed to clients.
  • Any material fact may impact the property value and/or the listing price and the seller client may be advised to seek professional third-party advice.
  • When the seller is a customer, the salesperson must disclose any material facts that are ‘known or ought to be known’.
    当卖方是客户时,销售人员必须披露任何 "已知或应当知道 "的重要事实。
  • The requirement of disclosing material facts supersedes seller client instructions or directions of non-disclosure.

Due Diligence  尽职调查

  • Seller’s material facts should be determined based on their response to specific questions with respect to the transaction.
  • The seller must be informed about importance of disclosures regarding material facts related to the condition of the property.
  • Certain material facts such as a previous illegal activity on the property, grow operation, a crime on the property, or a previous grow operation must be disclosed by the seller.
  • If any issue creates a stigma, such as a haunted house, it must be disclosed to potential buyers.
  • Information provided by the seller such as property tax, lot size, square footage, etc. must be verified from original source documents such as a deed or a survey.
  • Any renovations must have been done with appropriate building permits from the municipality.

Protecting Seller's Best Interests

  • Salespersons owe different levels of service to clients and customers with additional disclosure requirements.
  • Seller client’s best interests must be protected and promoted and should be kept above salesperson’s personal interests.
  • The property should be inspected during listing process and the seller should be asked to disclose all known latent defects and material latent defects.
  • All information provided by the seller should be documented.
  • The seller should be provided full explanation of forms and agreements, and copies of documents and agreements must be provided as per Regulations.
  • Personal, confidential, and motivational information of the seller client must not be disclosed to third parties.
  • If the seller is a non-resident or the property is an investment property, the seller must be informed about his Capital Gains Tax obligations and should seek advice from tax accountants.
  • The seller must be informed about his HST obligations regarding remuneration and other legal services.
    卖方必须了解其在报酬和其他法律服务方面的 HST 义务。

Defects in a Property

  • Patent Defect: A patent defect is that which is readily visible upon reasonable inspection.
  • Examples include a missing railing, cracks in foundation wall, evidence of mould, etc.
  • A disclosure is not required for patent defects.
  • Latent Defect: A latent defect is that which is not readily visible to an untrained eye upon reasonable inspection.
  • This includes hidden flaws, weaknesses, or imperfections and advice from a thirdparty professional may be required.
  • Examples include hidden water damage, encroachment, vermiculite insulation, minor flooding in basement, etc.
  • Material Latent Defect: Material latent defects pose serious risks, which can render the property unsafe for habitation.
  • Examples include things that make the property dangerous for living (such as high levels of radon gas), unfit for habitation due to mould, or a previous grow operation that involves municipal authorities.
  • They are judged material to the enjoyment of the property and the seller must disclose all such known material latent defects.

4.2 Best Interests of Buyer
4.2 买方的最佳利益

Understanding Buyer Needs

  • Salespersons must ask specific questions to determine buyer’s needs and wants, motivations, and the type of property they are looking for.
  • The response from the buyers would help the salesperson in locating the right property for the buyer.
  • Some questions include the type of property, location, price range, house style, need for financing, etc.
  • Specific questions may include number of bedrooms, bathrooms, family room, formal dining room, garage, proximity to schools, medical services, public transit, etc.
  • Buyer must be qualified in terms of financing, their financing needs, and whether they are pre-approved by a lender or not.
  • After qualification, the salesperson would locate those properties that meet buyer’s search criteria.
  • The buyer may be asked to refine their needs or rethink since real estate is life’s biggest decision for a buyer.

Buyers and Technology  买家与技术

  • Search on the internet has become popular with buyers using websites such as Realtor.ca®, Zillow.com, etc.
    使用 Realtor.ca®、Zillow.com 等网站在互联网上搜索已成为购房者的热门选择。
  • Buyers may be interested in using the brokerage’s website or salesperson’s personal website, and they may be informing the salesperson about the properties they would like to view.
  • Salespersons and brokerages now use advanced technologies such as Q R Q R QRQ R Codes to provide information on listed properties.
    销售人员和经纪公司现在使用 Q R Q R QRQ R 代码等先进技术来提供上市房产信息。

Demographics and the Buyer

  • The buyer’s choice of property depends on their lifestyle, age group, socio-economic status, and cultural background.
  • The choice of a retired person or aged couple would be entirely different than a younger couple.
  • The salesperson must be aware of new innovative home construction technologies.
  • Ethnic and cultural origins, as well as settlement patterns, can also influence purchase decisions.
  • Social trends such as changing needs due to passing of time (aging), economic conditions (downgrading or upgrading), and housing preferences also influence buying decisions.

Material Facts for the Buyer

  • Salespersons must make reasonable efforts to determine materials facts that might affect the buyer’s purchase decision.
  • Information gathered from the seller or previous listings should be researched for verification before it is provided to the buyer.
  • If the buyer is a customer, the information that is ‘known or ought to be known’ must be disclosed as soon as possible and the buyer customer should be advised to obtain thirdparty advice.
    如果买方是客户,则必须尽快披露 "已知或应 知 "的信息,并建议买方客户获取第三方建议。
  • Material facts known to the salesperson must be disclosed whether the buyer is a client or a customer.

Due Diligence to Protect Buyer's Best Interests

  • The buyer should be informed about all properties that meet his/her search criteria and relevant material facts must be disclosed.
  • The salesperson should accurately prepare the offer for the buyer including all necessary clauses and conditions so that the buyer does not end up in an undesirable position.
  • The buyer should be assisted in the negotiation process so as to obtain the lowest possible price.
  • If anything is beyond the skills and judgement of the salesperson, the buyer should be referred to third-party professionals such as a home inspector, an accountant, or a lawyer.
  • The salesperson must assist the buyer in reviewing reports or other documentation received from the seller.

Tax Liabilities  税务负债

  • The buyer should be advised to consult a tax accountant for all taxation matters.
  • HST: The buyer may be liable to pay HST if the subject property is commercial, a fully renovated home, or a new home.
    HST:如果标的房产是商业房产、全装修房屋或新房,买家可能需要支付 HST。
  • HST would also be payable on services such as legal fees and moving costs.
    法律费用和搬家费用等服务也需要缴纳 HST。
  • Non-Residents: The buyer needs to be aware of Capital Gains Tax liability if the seller is a non-resident and leaves the country without paying tax.
  • Usually, the buyer’s lawyer would check this aspect of the transaction.
  • In case the buyer is a non-resident and buys a property in Greater Golden Horseshoe area, the Foreign Buyers Tax would be payable.

4.3 Negotiation Strategies
4.3 谈判策略

Sellers' Market  卖方市场

  • The number of buyers wishing to purchase exceeds the number or sellers (listings).
  • Properties sell in less time, prices rise due to excess of buyers, and the situation may lead to multiple/competing offers.
  • Buyers have less time to view the property and may have to make a hurried decision.

Buyers' Market  买方市场

  • The number of properties available for sale (listings) exceeds the number of buyers.
  • Due to fewer number of buyers, the listing period may need to be extended.
  • Buyers may view the property many times and may take long time to purchase, usually with more conditions in the offer.

Balanced Market  平衡市场

  • The number of sellers (listings) is sufficient for the number of buyers wishing to purchase.
  • The supply (listings) and demand (buyers) forces are more or less balanced.
  • The prices are stabilized, the sellers and buyers negotiate freely, sales occur within reasonable time, and the offers typically include acceptable terms and conditions.

Factors Affecting Real Estate Market

  • Demography: Immigration, migration, changes in family size, and unemployment rates may affect demography.
  • A family is a primary consumer of housing and creation of new families by way of growing and married children generates housing demand.
  • Employment Conditions: When the overall economic conditions are not good, unemployment may rise, which leads to decrease in number of buyers and a drop in real estate prices.
  • Interest Rates: High interest rates usually result in decrease in real estate activity whereas low interest rates increase the demand for real estate and push the prices upwards.
  • Building Activity: Significant building activity is usually an indication of strong real estate market.
  • However, if there is no corresponding increase in demand, this may also lead to decline in real estate prices.

4.4 Advice in Different Market Conditions
4.4 不同市场条件下的建议

Seller's Market  卖方市场

  • The seller may be advised to seek a large deposit, hold out for unconditional offer, and negotiate for a higher price, especially when there are multiple/competing offers.
  • The buyer may be advised to offer the highest price what they can afford and consider submitting an unconditional offer while not ignoring the risks.
  • In case the buyer is submitting an unconditional offer, certain risks must be considered such as defects in the property, low appraised value, and inability to arrange financing.
  • The buyer may also think that the salesperson did not protect their best interests by advising them to submit an unconditional offer.

Buyer's Market  买方市场

  • The seller client may be advised to keep the home in good condition, keep it available for showings, expect to receive conditional offers, and that the offer may be at a price lower than what they expect.
  • The buyer client may be advised to make an informed decision, take their time in viewing properties, make their offer conditional, and submit an offer only on the property that allows room for negotiations.

Balanced Market  平衡市场

  • In a balanced market, the buyers and sellers should be advised that conditional offers may be made as no party is at a distinct advantage or disadvantage.
  • Buyers and sellers should be advised according to the existing balanced market conditions and make or accept reasonable offers.

Conditions and Clauses  条件和条款

  • Protecting Best Interests: Salespersons should insert appropriate clauses in the agreement to protect the best interests of the buyer client or the seller client.
  • Most common conditions include arrangement of mortgage financing, satisfactory home inspection, and arranging insurance.
  • Additionally, there should be clauses related to guarantees from seller regarding condition of the property, chattels, fixtures, or major improvements.
  • Appropriate clauses should be inserted if the seller agrees to undertake repairs for damages and repainting, if necessary.

Competing Offers  竞争性报价

  • When working with a seller, there may be a competing offer situation when more than one buyer is interested in the property.
  • The seller client should be informed about the number of offers, the salesperson who made the offer, and if this is a multiple representation situation.
  • All offers must be in writing and signed, and the seller has the option of accepting, rejecting, or countering the buyer’s offer.
  • Some frustrated buyers whose offers are not acceptable, may think that the offer process was not conducted fairly.
  • Salespersons must ensure that proper records are maintained, such as evidence of number of offers, in case any of the buyers make a complaint to RECO.
    销售人员必须确保保存适当的记录,例如出价次数的证据,以防任何买方向 RECO 投诉。

Table of Contents  目录


5.1 Selling and Buying Expenses
5.1 销售和采购费用

Seller's Expenses  卖方费用

  • Home Staging: Home staging makes the home visually attractive to potential buyers so that it can sell quickly for a higher value.
  • The seller can hire a professional to highlight the key features of the home.
  • The home staging profession is not currently regulated.
  • Lender: The seller may have to incur the cost of early mortgage discharge before the expiry of the term.
  • Surveyor: A new survey of the property may be required to confirm the lot size and property boundaries.
  • The cost of survey depends on the type of survey required.
  • Lawyer: Services of the lawyer are important to review the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, respond to questions from buyer’s lawyer, to perform closing adjustments, and to legally transfer the property title to the buyer on closing date.
  • The amount of legal fees depends on the complexity of the transaction.
  • HST and Capital Gains Tax: HST is applicable to various services such as lawyer’s fees, brokerage remuneration, and moving costs.
    HST 和资本收益税:HST 适用于各种服务,如律师费、经纪人报酬和搬家费。
  • Capital Gains Tax is payable if the property is not a principal residence, or it is an investment property.
  • The seller pays this tax with his/her next income tax return.
  • Further, the Capital Gains Tax is payable if the seller is a non-resident of Canada.
  • Remuneration: Remuneration on sale is usually paid by the seller to both brokerages.
  • The deposit received from the buyer is first applied to reduce seller’s remuneration obligations upon closing.
  • Moving Expenses: In addition to the cost of moving the household stuff by a moving company, the other costs include change of address on utility accounts, driver’s license, payments for rent-to-own equipment, etc.
  • Closing Adjustments: Closing adjustments performed by lawyers include seller’s portion of unpaid property tax, unmetered utility costs, etc.
  • The details are given in the Statement of Adjustments provided by the seller’s lawyer.

Buyer's Expenses  买方费用

  • Property Inspection: The property inspector provides information to buyer on the condition of the structural components (windows, doors, roof, attic, floors, ceiling, insulation, etc.) and its electrical/mechanical systems such as furnace, plumbing, air conditioning, etc.
  • Appraiser. The buyer’s lender may require an estimate of value (appraisal) of the property by a professional appraiser. The cost is usually paid by the buyer.
  • Surveyor: The buyer may need a survey report to identify any encroachments, improvements, and other issues that would not be covered by the Title Insurance.
  • Additionally, if the buyer wants other improvements after closing that require a building permit, an up-to-date survey would be required by the municipality.
  • Some lenders also insist on having a survey for mortgage financing.
  • Lawyer: The buyer will require services of a lawyer to review the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, to perform Title Search to ensure property is in marketable condition, obtain Title Insurance to protect against items discovered after closing, and register the title in the buyer’s name on the closing date.
  • Land Transfer Tax: The buyer is required to pay the provincial and municipal (if applicable) Land Transfer Tax.
  • The amount depends on the purchase price (Value of Consideration) of the property.
  • A sliding scale is used to calculate the amount of tax payable.
  • Remuneration: Although remuneration for most transactions is usually paid by the seller, the buyer may be liable for remuneration under certain circumstances according to the terms of the Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • Moving Expenses: The cost of moving truck, changing addresses, and transferring utility accounts are included in this category.
  • Closing Adjustments: The buyer’s lawyer will provide a Statement of Adjustments with details of these expenses.
  • Most common adjustments are buyer’s portion of property tax that seller has already paid and the cost of full tank of heating oil or propane gas.

Provincial Land Transfer Tax Credit

  • First-time buyers of new and resale homes may receive partial refund of provincial Land Transfer Tax.
  • The maximum amount of this refund is currently $ 4 , 000 $ 4 , 000 $4,000\$ 4,000.
    该退款的最高金额目前为 $ 4 , 000 $ 4 , 000 $4,000\$ 4,000
  • Qualifying Criteria for Credit:
  • The buyer must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and over 18 years of age.
    买家必须是年满 18 周岁的加拿大公民或永久居民。
  • The buyer must use the home as principal residence and occupy it within 9 months of purchase.
    购房者必须在购房后 9 个月内将房屋用作主要住所并居住。
  • The buyer or buyer’s spouse should not have previously owned a home anywhere in the world.

5.2 Mortgage Financing  5.2 抵押融资

Mortgage Terminology  按揭术语
  • Mortgage: The term mortgage refers to a claim or encumbrance on a property given by a borrower to a lender.
  • The terms and conditions of the mortgage are given in a document called Mortgage Document.
    抵押贷款的条款和条件载于一份名为 "抵押文件 "的文件中。
  • A copy of this document must be provided to the borrower with 30 days of signing.
    该文件的副本必须在签署后 30 天内提供给借款人。
  • Mortgagor: The party that gives the mortgage and gets the mortgage loan, i.e. the debtor or the borrower.
  • Mortgagee: The party to whom an interest in property is transferred as security of the mortgage loan, i.e. the creditor or lender.
  • Legal Mortgage (First Mortgage): Historically, a Legal Mortgage used to directly transfer the estate or interest in land to the mortgagee to ensure repayment of loan.
  • Under the current Land Titles Act, the actual transfer of title does not take place.
  • Equitable Mortgage (Second, Third, etc.): This historic term differentiates a mortgage against equity from the legal mortgage.
  • These mortgages are used when a mortgagor requires additional funding but does not want to disturb the existing legal (first) mortgage.
  • A secondary lender may assume the risk of financing.
  • Amortization: Amortization refers to retirement of the mortgage debt by means of periodic payments of principal and interest. The entire loan is paid off at the end of the amortization period.
  • Fully Amortized Mortgage: A fully amortized mortgage is that in which the loan is fully paid off during the term. In other words, the amortization and term are of equal time period.
  • Partially Amortized Mortgage: The mortgage loan is not paid off when the term comes to an end and there is a balance remaining. The period of term is less than the amortization period.
  • Mortgage Term: The length of time the borrower is committed to the lender.
  • The mortgage has specified interest rate, payment schedule, and privileges during the term.
  • When the term ends, the mortgagor may renew with the same lender or with a different lender.
  • Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: This is the ratio of mortgage loan to the value of the property and is expressed as a percentage.
  • This ratio is an important factor when considering mortgage application.
  • For example, if the mortgage is $ 300 , 000 $ 300 , 000 $300,000\$ 300,000 and the value is $ 400 , 000 $ 400 , 000 $400,000\$ 400,000, the LTV would be 75 % ( 300 , 000 ÷ 400 , 000 × 100 ) 75 % ( 300 , 000 ÷ 400 , 000 × 100 ) 75%(300,000-:400,000 xx100)75 \%(300,000 \div 400,000 \times 100).
    例如,如果抵押贷款额为 $ 300 , 000 $ 300 , 000 $300,000\$ 300,000 ,价值为 $ 400 , 000 $ 400 , 000 $400,000\$ 400,000 ,LTV 就是 75 % ( 300 , 000 ÷ 400 , 000 × 100 ) 75 % ( 300 , 000 ÷ 400 , 000 × 100 ) 75%(300,000-:400,000 xx100)75 \%(300,000 \div 400,000 \times 100)

Interest Rates  利率

  • Fixed Interest Rates: In a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rate does not change during the term.
  • In a blended payment, the amount of principal and interest may change with each payment, but the payment amount remains the same.
  • Variable Interest Rate: In a variable-rate mortgage, the interest rate may fluctuate periodically as per market conditions and lender’s prime rate.
  • Accordingly, adjustments are made to regular payments or the amortization period.

Factors Influencing Interest Rates:

  • Interest rates are largely determined by supply and demand forces in the mortgage market.
  • Abundant supply of funds in the mortgage market usually lowers interest rates.
  • When other options appear more appealing to investors, they may take out their money from mortgage market, which results in increase in interest rates.
  • The government also exerts tremendous pressure on interest rates by setting the monetary policies.

Repayment Options  还款选择

  • Interest Only: The borrower does not repay principal, but only pays interest at regular intervals.
  • The entire principal is due at the end of the term.
  • They are typically used for short-term mortgage loans.
  • Interest Accruing: No payment of principal or interest is made during the term.
  • Both the principal and the interest are due at the end of the term.
  • This type of mortgage is rarely found in the mortgage market.
  • Interest Plus Specified Principal: The borrower repays a fixed principal amount and interest at specified times during the term.
  • Blended (Amortized): Equal Blended (principal and interest) payments are made at regular specified intervals.
  • Payment is based on the Amortization schedule and payment frequency (monthly, bi-weekly, etc.).
  • This product plan is most common and dominates the residential market.

Mortgage Covenants  抵押契约

  • Three Implied Covenants (obligations) of the mortgagor apply under the Land Registration Reform Act when Standard Charge Terms are not registered on title
  • First Implied Covenant: The mortgagor will make payments of principal and interest, the property will be insured, the mortgagor has the legal right to give mortgage, and there are no encumbrances on title other than those registered.
  • Further, the mortgagee will have the right to take possession and sell property to recover monies when the mortgagor is in default, etc.
  • Second Implied Covenant (Usual Covenants): The mortgagor has Fee Simple Interest in the property.
  • Third Implied Covenant: It related to leased properties and the mortgagor covenants that the lease is up to date.

Mortgagee Rights  抵押权人的权利

  • Right to Assign the Mortgage: The mortgage can be sold, transferred or assigned without the prior consent of the mortgagor.
  • However, the mortgagor must be notified of this assignment.
  • Right to be Paid: The mortgagee has the right to be paid the principal and interest based on arrangements spelled out in the mortgage document.
  • If all covenants are fulfilled, a discharge is provided to the mortgagor.

Mortgagor Rights  抵押权人的权利

  • Quiet Possession: The mortgagor has the right to quiet uninterrupted possession of the property when not in default.
  • Redeem the Property Free of the Mortgage: The mortgagor retains the right to sell or mortgage his/her interest.
  • Any provision that gives the mortgagee an option to purchase the property is invalid.
  • The mortgagor must never be prevented from redeeming the property free of the debt.
  • Discharge the Mortgage: When the entire debt is paid off, the mortgagee executes a discharge in favour of the mortgagor.

Privileges  特权

  • Prepayment: Additional payments, other than scheduled regular payments, are not permitted unless there is such a clause in the mortgage terms.
  • These prepayments reduce the amortization period and the overall interest paid.
  • Renewal: This privilege normally does not exist, but some mortgages may have a built-in renewal privilege.
  • Transfer of Mortgage (Mortgage Assumption): Three approaches exist in the market -
  • The mortgagor may be able to transfer without the consent of the mortgagee, but he/she may remain liable through the personal covenant.
  • The mortgagee may insert an approval clause requiring approval of any person who will be assuming the mortgage.
  • The mortgagee may prohibit any transfer of the mortgage.
  • Postponement: This privilege, given by second mortgagee, permits the mortgagor to renew or replace an existing first mortgage and retain its priority.
  • This typically happens when the first mortgage expires before the second mortgage.
  • The second mortgagee postpones its priority in favour of the first mortgagee.
  • Discharge Penalty: As per the mortgage document, the mortgagor may have to pay the discharge penalty and other legal costs if he/she decides to pay off the loan before the end of the term.

Mortgage Default and Remedies

  • Failure of the mortgagor to fulfil obligations under the mortgage terms leads to a Mortgage Default.
  • It is most commonly associated with failure to make payments, but other reasons may exist for a mortgage default.
  • The lender may first try to remedy the situation by non-legal methods such as correspondence and/or personal contact with the borrower.
  • Payment: The mortgagee has the right to sue the mortgagor under the personal covenant for payment of unpaid loan.
  • Foreclosure: This is a court action taken by a mortgagee. The mortgagor is given some specified time to pay the loan and redeem, failing which the mortgagee forecloses. The mortgagor forfeits any equity that he or she may have in the property.
  • Judicial Sale: This is a court action taken by a mortgagee. The proceeds of the sale are typically paid into the court with funds applied to amounts paid to encumbrancers according to priority. Any surplus would be awarded to the mortgagor.
  • Quit Claim Deed: The mortgagor agrees to release any right in the mortgaged property including the equity of redemption.
  • Power of Sale: This is the legal right of the mortgagee to force the sale of property without involvement of a court.
  • Power of Sale is the most frequently used remedy by lenders when the mortgagor is in default.
  • When the property is sold, any excess amount after deduction of loan amount and the cost of sale is returned to the mortgagor.
  • When marketing the property for sale, the mortgagor must ensure that it is exposed to public in open market and is sold for its fair market value.
  • Possession by Mortgagee: In case of Power of Sale or Foreclosure, the mortgagee may take possession of the mortgaged property.
  • The mortgagee may remove the occupants of the property while still respecting the rights of tenants (if any).

Sources of Mortgage Funding

  • Financial institutions (banks), credit unions, trust companies, retirement funds, etc. are primary sources of mortgage financing.
  • Alternate sources include Seller Take Back (seller financing the sale of his own property and taking back mortgage), private investors, sale/leaseback, etc.

Other Lender Services  其他贷款人服务

  • Financing/Refinancing: Refinancing refers to altering the terms of the mortgage loan for taking out equity or for making additional loan payments from their savings.
  • Purchase Plus Improvements: When purchasing the property, a buyer may apply for the cost of improvements in addition to the mortgage loan.
  • Construction Loans: This is a short-term loan with higher interest rate used to cover the cost of construction.
  • A builder may take this mortgage during construction and then the buyer arranges his/her own mortgage upon closing.
  • Alternatively, a buyer may be arranging a loan during the construction phase.
  • Lines of Credit: This line of credit is usually secured against the borrower’s home.
  • No payments are required until the borrower takes out money out of the line of credit.

Mortgage Markets and Borrowers

  • Primary Market: New loans for property financing, new construction, renovations, etc.
  • Secondary Market: Existing mortgage instruments are traded based on future cash flows.
  • Prime Borrowers: Those borrowers who have A or A Plus level credit (excellent credit rating). Lenders have lower risk with these borrowers.
    优质借款人:拥有 A 级或 A Plus 级信用(优秀信用评级)的借款人。贷款人对这些借款人的风险较低。
  • Sub-prime Borrowers: Those borrowers who have B B BB and C C CC level credit. Lenders have higher risk with these borrowers.
    次级借款人:信用等级为 B B BB C C CC 的借款人。放款人对这些借款人的风险较高。

Mortgage Payment Calculations

  • Number of equal payments of principal and interest in a year -
    一年内等额支付本金和利息的次数-- -
  • Weekly-52  每周-52
  • Bi-weekly-26  双周-26
  • Semi-Monthly - 24  半月 - 24
  • Monthly - 12  每月 - 12
  • Payment Calculation:  付款计算:
Payment = = == Mortgage Loan × × xx\times Payment Factor ÷ 1000 ÷ 1000 -:1000\div 1000
付款额 = = == 按揭贷款 × × xx\times 付款系数 ÷ 1000 ÷ 1000 -:1000\div 1000

Note: The Mortgage Payment Factor is taken from a chart, which may be provided in the exam. Alternatively, the payment factor itself may be given in the question.

Example:  例如

Mortgage Loan = $ 250 , 000 = $ 250 , 000 =$250,000=\$ 250,000, Interest Rate = 6 % = 6 % =6%=6 \%, Amortization = 25 Years
按揭贷款 = $ 250 , 000 = $ 250 , 000 =$250,000=\$ 250,000 , 利率 = 6 % = 6 % =6%=6 \% , 摊还期 = 25 年

Monthly Payment = 250 , 000 × 6.398066 ÷ 1000 = $ 1 , 599.52 = 250 , 000 × 6.398066 ÷ 1000 = $ 1 , 599.52 =250,000 xx6.398066-:1000=$1,599.52=250,000 \times 6.398066 \div 1000=\$ 1,599.52
月付款 = 250 , 000 × 6.398066 ÷ 1000 = $ 1 , 599.52 = 250 , 000 × 6.398066 ÷ 1000 = $ 1 , 599.52 =250,000 xx6.398066-:1000=$1,599.52=250,000 \times 6.398066 \div 1000=\$ 1,599.52

Semi-monthly Payment = 250 , 000 × 3.195033 ÷ 1000 = $ 798.76 = 250 , 000 × 3.195033 ÷ 1000 = $ 798.76 =250,000 xx3.195033-:1000=$798.76=250,000 \times 3.195033 \div 1000=\$ 798.76
半月付款 = 250 , 000 × 3.195033 ÷ 1000 = $ 798.76 = 250 , 000 × 3.195033 ÷ 1000 = $ 798.76 =250,000 xx3.195033-:1000=$798.76=250,000 \times 3.195033 \div 1000=\$ 798.76

Bi-weekly Payment = 250 , 000 × 2.949037 ÷ 1000 = $ 737.26 = 250 , 000 × 2.949037 ÷ 1000 = $ 737.26 =250,000 xx2.949037-:1000=$737.26=250,000 \times 2.949037 \div 1000=\$ 737.26
双周付款 = 250 , 000 × 2.949037 ÷ 1000 = $ 737.26 = 250 , 000 × 2.949037 ÷ 1000 = $ 737.26 =250,000 xx2.949037-:1000=$737.26=250,000 \times 2.949037 \div 1000=\$ 737.26

Weekly Payment = 250 , 000 × 1.473680 ÷ 1000 = $ 368.42 = 250 , 000 × 1.473680 ÷ 1000 = $ 368.42 =250,000 xx1.473680-:1000=$368.42=250,000 \times 1.473680 \div 1000=\$ 368.42
每周付款 = 250 , 000 × 1.473680 ÷ 1000 = $ 368.42 = 250 , 000 × 1.473680 ÷ 1000 = $ 368.42 =250,000 xx1.473680-:1000=$368.42=250,000 \times 1.473680 \div 1000=\$ 368.42
Note: The numbers in bold are the mortgage payment factors.

5.3 Mortgage Qualification (GDS/TDS)
5.3 抵押资格(GDS/TDS)

Conventional and High Ratio Mortgages

  • Loan to Value Ratio (LTV): LTV ratios vary by lender and type of property.
    贷款价值比 (LTV):按揭成数因贷款机构和房产类型而异。
  • Institutional lenders (financial institutions) can use a maximum of 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% LTV for financing commercial properties.
    机构贷款人(金融机构)在为商业地产融资时最多可使用 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% LTV。
  • Conventional Mortgage: When the mortgage loan is up to 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% of the value or the LTV is 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% or less. This provides high equity protection for the mortgagor.
    常规抵押贷款:当抵押贷款不超过价值的 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 或 LTV 不超过 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 时。这为抵押人提供了较高的资产保护。
  • However, lenders may set more restrictive limits, e.g. 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% or 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% based on individual property and associated risk.
    不过,贷款人可根据个人财产和相关风险设定更严格的限额,如 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 60 % 60 % 60%60 \%
  • High Ratio Mortgage: This is a mortgage loan that exceeds 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% of the value or the LTV is more than 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%, which is the normal limit for a conventional first mortgage.
    高比率抵押贷款:这是指抵押贷款超过价值的 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 或 LTV 超过 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 的抵押贷款,这是常规第一抵押贷款的正常限额。

Mortgage Default Insurance

  • Mortgage Default Insurance provides protection to lenders in case of default by the borrower.
  • The borrower is required to pay the one time premium at the time of closing if their down payment is less than 20 % 20 % 20%20 \%.
    如果借款人的首付款低于 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% ,借款人需要在过户时支付一次性保险费。
  • In other words, lenders require default insurance when the LTV is more than 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%.
    换句话说,当贷款人的信用等级超过 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 时,贷款人就会要求提供违约保险。
  • The amount of premium depends on the actual LTV of the borrower.
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is the government insurance provider.
  • Other private sector insurers include Genworth Canada and Canada Guaranty.
    其他私营保险公司包括 Genworth Canada 和 Canada Guaranty。

Mortgage Default Insurance Calculations

  • The following table explains how mortgage insurance premium is calculated.

LTV Formula:  LTV 公式:

Loan to Value Ratio (LTV) = = == Loan ÷ ÷ -:\div Value X 100
贷款与价值比率 (LTV) = = == 贷款 ÷ ÷ -:\div 价值 X 100
  • Premium is charged as a percentage of the loan amount.
Up to and including 65%-0.60%
65%-0.60% (含)以下

Up to and including 75%-1.70%
75%-1.70% (含)以下

Up to and including 80% - 2.40%
80% 以下(含 80% ) - 2.40

Up to and including 85%-2.80%
85%-2.80% (含)以下

Up to and including 90% - 3.10%
90% 以下(含 90% ) - 3.10%

Up to and including 95%-4.00%
95%-4.00% (含)以下

Up to and including100%-4.50%

Note: If there is a question in the exam, the above chart would be provided.
Example: The Bush family makes an offer of $280,000 on the property, conditional upon arranging the necessary financing. They will be making a down payment of $ 45 , 000 $ 45 , 000 $45,000\$ 45,000. Given that this is a high ratio mortgage, how much will be the premium for the mortgage default insurance?
举例说明:布什一家出价 28 万美元购买该房产,条件是必须安排必要的融资。他们将支付 $ 45 , 000 $ 45 , 000 $45,000\$ 45,000 的首付款。鉴于这是一个高比率抵押贷款,抵押贷款违约保险的保费是多少?

Solution:  解决方案

Purchase Price = $ 280 , 000 = $ 280 , 000 =$280,000=\$ 280,000  购买价格 = $ 280 , 000 = $ 280 , 000 =$280,000=\$ 280,000
Down Payment = $45,000
首付 = 45 000 美元

Mortgage Loan = 280 , 000 45 , 000 = $ 235 , 000 = 280 , 000 45 , 000 = $ 235 , 000 =280,000-45,000=$235,000=280,000-45,000=\$ 235,000  抵押贷款 = 280 , 000 45 , 000 = $ 235 , 000 = 280 , 000 45 , 000 = $ 235 , 000 =280,000-45,000=$235,000=280,000-45,000=\$ 235,000
LTV = 235 , 000 ÷ 280 , 000 = 83.93 % = 235 , 000 ÷ 280 , 000 = 83.93 % =235,000-:280,000=83.93%=235,000 \div 280,000=83.93 \%   = 235 , 000 ÷ 280 , 000 = 83.93 % = 235 , 000 ÷ 280 , 000 = 83.93 % =235,000-:280,000=83.93%=235,000 \div 280,000=83.93 \% LTV
Insurance Premium = 235 , 000 × 2.80 % = $ 6 , 580 = 235 , 000 × 2.80 % = $ 6 , 580 =235,000 xx2.80%=$6,580=235,000 \times 2.80 \%=\$ 6,580
保险费 = 235 , 000 × 2.80 % = $ 6 , 580 = 235 , 000 × 2.80 % = $ 6 , 580 =235,000 xx2.80%=$6,580=235,000 \times 2.80 \%=\$ 6,580

5.4 Mortgage Approval  5.4 按揭审批

Mortgage Qualification  抵押贷款资格

  • Application: Most applications assess the financial capability of the borrower; the value of the property being financed, and its marketability.
  • Appraisal and Credit Check: The lender assesses the risk, repayment capability of the borrower, his/her credit history, and hires an appraiser to ensure that the property meets lender’s criteria for financing.
  • Mortgage Commitment: This refers to commitment of loan by lender after the buyer has made an offer.
  • The commitment is subject to certain terms and conditions, which typically include evidence of fire insurance, payment of property taxes, satisfactory clean title, survey of the property, etc.
  • Pre-Approval: A pre-approved buyer is also called a Cash Buyer. The term ‘cash’ does not refer to any cash payment by the buyer.
    预先批准:预先批准的买家也称为现金买家。现金 "一词并非指买方支付的任何现金。
  • Pre-approval is a confirmation document setting out the maximum amount that can be borrowed, the interest rate (guaranteed for a specific time) and monthly payments.
  • The confirmation is subject to an appraisal and verification of information provided by the borrower.

Gross Debt Service Ratio (GDS)

  • GDS Ratio is the maximum percentage of borrower’s annual income that should be allocated to principal, interest, and property taxes.
    GDS 比率是借款人年收入中用于本金、利息和房产税的最高百分比。
  • Most lenders keep this ratio between 27 % 27 % 27%27 \% and 32 % 32 % 32%32 \%.
    大多数贷款人将这一比例控制在 27 % 27 % 27%27 \% 32 % 32 % 32%32 \% 之间。

GDS Formula  全球数据系统公式

GDS Ratio = ( = ( =(=( Principal & & &\& Interest + Tax ) ÷ ) ÷ )-:) \div Income × 100 × 100 xx100\times 100
GDS 比率 = ( = ( =(=( 本金 & & &\& 利息 + 税 ) ÷ ) ÷ )-:) \div 收入 × 100 × 100 xx100\times 100
Note: If given, add the annual heating cost. For a condominium unit, add 50% of annual condo fees. All numbers must be annual for this calculation.
注:如有,请加上每年的取暖费。如果是公寓单位,则加上每年公寓费的 50%。在计算时,所有数字必须是年度数字。
Example: Ann has an annual income of $ 72 , 000 $ 72 , 000 $72,000\$ 72,000 and is looking for a mortgage loan. The estimated monthly principal and interest ( P & I) payment would be $ 1 , 327.50 $ 1 , 327.50 $1,327.50\$ 1,327.50. The annual property tax is $ 3 , 400 $ 3 , 400 $3,400\$ 3,400. What is her GDS ratio?
举例说明:安的年收入为 $ 72 , 000 $ 72 , 000 $72,000\$ 72,000 ,正在申请抵押贷款。预计每月支付的本金和利息(P & I)为 $ 1 , 327.50 $ 1 , 327.50 $1,327.50\$ 1,327.50 。每年的房产税为 $ 3 , 400 $ 3 , 400 $3,400\$ 3,400 。她的 GDS 比率是多少?

Solution:  解决方案

Annual P & I I II Payment = 1 , 327.50 × 12 = $ 15 , 930 = 1 , 327.50 × 12 = $ 15 , 930 =1,327.50 xx12=$15,930=1,327.50 \times 12=\$ 15,930
年度 P 和 I I II 付款 = 1 , 327.50 × 12 = $ 15 , 930 = 1 , 327.50 × 12 = $ 15 , 930 =1,327.50 xx12=$15,930=1,327.50 \times 12=\$ 15,930

GDS Ratio = ( 15 , 930 + 3 , 400 ) ÷ 72 , 000 × 100 = 26.85 % = ( 15 , 930 + 3 , 400 ) ÷ 72 , 000 × 100 = 26.85 % =(15,930+3,400)-:72,000 xx100=26.85%=(15,930+3,400) \div 72,000 \times 100=26.85 \%  GDS 比率 = ( 15 , 930 + 3 , 400 ) ÷ 72 , 000 × 100 = 26.85 % = ( 15 , 930 + 3 , 400 ) ÷ 72 , 000 × 100 = 26.85 % =(15,930+3,400)-:72,000 xx100=26.85%=(15,930+3,400) \div 72,000 \times 100=26.85 \%

Total Debt Service Ratio (TDS)

  • TDS Ratio is the maximum percentage of borrower’s annual income that should be allocated to principal, interest, property taxes, and other obligations such as car loan, credit card payments, etc.
    TDS 比率是指借款人年收入中用于支付本金、利息、房产税和其他债务(如汽车贷款、信用卡还款等)的最高百分比。
  • Most lenders keep this ratio between 37 % 37 % 37%37 \% and 40 % 40 % 40%40 \%.
    大多数贷款人将这一比例控制在 37 % 37 % 37%37 \% 40 % 40 % 40%40 \% 之间。

TDS Formula  TDS 公式

TDS\% = (Principal \& Interest + Property Tax + Loan ) ÷ Income × 100  TDS\% = (Principal \& Interest  +  Property Tax  +  Loan  ) ÷  Income  × 100 " TDS\% = (Principal \& Interest "+" Property Tax "+" Loan ")-:" Income "xx100\text { TDS\% = (Principal \& Interest }+ \text { Property Tax }+ \text { Loan }) \div \text { Income } \times 100
Note: If given, add the annual heating cost. For a condominium unit, add 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% of annual condo fees. All numbers must be annual for this calculation.
注:如果已给出,请加上每年的取暖费。对于公寓单位,请加上 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 年度公寓费。在计算时,所有数字必须是年度数字。
Example: Buyer Sam has annual income of $ 64 , 000 $ 64 , 000 $64,000\$ 64,000. His monthly mortgage payment is $ 1 , 276.30 $ 1 , 276.30 $1,276.30\$ 1,276.30 for a property that has annual tax of $ 3 , 240 $ 3 , 240 $3,240\$ 3,240. In addition to this, he also pays $ 380.36 $ 380.36 $380.36\$ 380.36 for a car loan. What is his TDS ratio?
举例说明:买方 Sam 的年收入为 $ 64 , 000 $ 64 , 000 $64,000\$ 64,000 。 他的房产月供为 $ 1 , 276.30 $ 1 , 276.30 $1,276.30\$ 1,276.30 ,年税额为 $ 3 , 240 $ 3 , 240 $3,240\$ 3,240 。除此之外,他还要支付 $ 380.36 $ 380.36 $380.36\$ 380.36 的汽车贷款。他的 TDS 比率是多少?

Solution:  解决方案

Annual P & I Payment = 1 , 276.30 × 12 = $ 15 , 315.60 = 1 , 276.30 × 12 = $ 15 , 315.60 =1,276.30 xx12=$15,315.60=1,276.30 \times 12=\$ 15,315.60
年度个人所得税付款 = 1 , 276.30 × 12 = $ 15 , 315.60 = 1 , 276.30 × 12 = $ 15 , 315.60 =1,276.30 xx12=$15,315.60=1,276.30 \times 12=\$ 15,315.60

Annual Loan Payment = 380.36 × 12 = $ 4 , 564.32 = 380.36 × 12 = $ 4 , 564.32 =380.36 xx12=$4,564.32=380.36 \times 12=\$ 4,564.32
年贷款支付额 = 380.36 × 12 = $ 4 , 564.32 = 380.36 × 12 = $ 4 , 564.32 =380.36 xx12=$4,564.32=380.36 \times 12=\$ 4,564.32

TDS Ratio = ( 15 , 315.60 + 3 , 240 + 4 , 564.32 ) ÷ 64 , 000 × 100 = 36.12 % = ( 15 , 315.60 + 3 , 240 + 4 , 564.32 ) ÷ 64 , 000 × 100 = 36.12 % =(15,315.60+3,240+4,564.32)-:64,000 xx100=36.12%=(15,315.60+3,240+4,564.32) \div 64,000 \times 100=36.12 \%  TDS 比率 = ( 15 , 315.60 + 3 , 240 + 4 , 564.32 ) ÷ 64 , 000 × 100 = 36.12 % = ( 15 , 315.60 + 3 , 240 + 4 , 564.32 ) ÷ 64 , 000 × 100 = 36.12 % =(15,315.60+3,240+4,564.32)-:64,000 xx100=36.12%=(15,315.60+3,240+4,564.32) \div 64,000 \times 100=36.12 \%

5.5 Role of Lawyers
5.5 律师的作用

  • Once the offer has been accepted and the conditions are fulfilled or waived, the brokerages send copies of the agreement documents to the respective lawyers.
  • Seller’s Lawyer: Prepares the draft deed of the property for transfer to the buyer and the Statement of Adjustments.
  • Buyer’s Lawyer: Performs Title Search, other searches such as unpaid property taxes, work orders, etc.
  • Also reviews the Statement of Adjustments received from the seller’s lawyer.
  • Both Lawyers: Review the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and advise their clients about the terms of the agreement.
  • They complete the closing process, which is currently performed using eregistration.
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Table of Contents  目录

You Simply Can't Go Wrong With MiniCram
使用 MiniCram 绝对不会错


6.1 Styles and Features of Lots
6.1 地块的风格和特点

Shapes of Residential Lots

  • Rectangular: This is the most common lot shape, which has equal front and rear lines, and equal side lines. The frontage is usually less than the depth.
  • Square: All four sides of the property lines are equal. This shape is uncommon in urban areas but may be available in rural areas.
  • Wide-Shallow: In this type of lot, the frontage is more than the depth, which reduces the area for the back yard. The structure is built parallel to the road.
  • Pie and Reverse Pie: A pie-shaped lot has smaller frontage as compared to rear, which results in large rear yard.
  • The reverse pie-shaped lot has larger frontage as compared to rear, which allows for more living space.
  • These lots are usually on the cul-de-sac to accommodate circular roads and may provide more privacy.
  • Corner: Located at the intersection of two roads, these lots may have additional size and setback requirements.
  • A drawback is that they have limited privacy and are exposed to traffic on two sides.

Lot Considerations  地段考虑因素

  • Additional Costs: There may be additional costs in providing services to an irregularly shaped lot, especially when the structure is located at a distance from the road.
  • Property Direction: Buyer’s preferences with respect to exposure may add to building costs.
  • Depending on the design, the buyer may want an exposure or view that allows for larger or lesser amount of sunlight.
  • Property Features: A lot with trees or bush area, or a lot on hilly stretch may add to the cost of construction.
  • Surrounding Properties: Proximity to nearby nuisances such as excessive noise, pollution, or heavy traffic could potentially decrease the value of the property.

Accuracy of Listing Data

  • Listing Data: Salespersons must ensure that the listing data, such as the size of the lot, is accurate.
  • They should rely on source documents such as the deed or survey of the property to verify lot measurements instead of relying on the information given by the seller.
  • Information such as irregular lot, pie-shaped lot, corner lot, etc. should be included in listing.
  • Source Documents to Verify Lot Size: The salesperson can verify the lot size from GeoWarehouse®, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), and other documents such as property tax statements, notice of assessment, etc.
    核实地块面积的原始文件:销售人员可从 GeoWarehouse®、市政财产评估公司 (MPAC) 和其他文件(如财产税报表、评估通知等)中核实地块面积。
  • Surveys: An up-to-date survey is essential for a real estate transaction. Additionally, lenders may also require a survey for approval of mortgage financing.
  • Once it is known that a survey is required, the salesperson should refer the seller/buyer to an Ontario Land Surveyor.
  • The cost of a new survey depends on the type of survey.
  • Risk of Old Survey: An older survey obtained from the seller may not show changes to the property after the survey was prepared.
  • The current physical state of the property may not be the same as shown on the outdated survey.
  • Surveyor’s Real Property Report: This survey consists of two parts - (i) The Plan of Survey, and (ii) The Written Report. The information obtained from this survey includes -
    测量师的不动产报告:该调查由两部分组成:(i) 调查平面图和 (ii) 书面报告。从该调查中获得的信息包括
  • The legal description of the property.
  • Dimensions of all property boundaries as well as designation of adjacent properties.
  • The location and description of improvements on the property including setbacks.
  • The location of any easements or right of ways, such as hydro lines, telephone lines, etc.
  • Location of survey monuments and encroachments (if any) on the property.

Lot Measurements  地块测量

  • Imperial to Metric Conversion:
  • Feet to Metres: Multiply Feet by 0.3048
    英尺到米:将英尺乘以 0.3048
  • Square Feet to Square Metres: Multiply Square Feet by 0.0929
    平方英尺到平方米:平方英尺乘以 0.0929
  • Acres to Hectares: Multiply Acres by 0.4047
    英亩到公顷:亩乘以 0.4047
  • Metric to Imperial Conversion:
  • Metres to Feet: Multiply Metres by 3.281
    米转英尺: 米乘以 3.281
  • Square Metres to Square Feet: Multiply Square Metres by 10.76
    平方米到平方英尺:平方米乘以 10.76
  • Hectares to Acres: Multiply Hectares by 2.471
    公顷到英亩:公顷乘以 2.471

The Part, Rate and Whole Concept

  • The Whole (Big), Part (Small) and Rate (%) Concept:
  • Part = Whole × × xx\times Rate%
    部分 = 全部 × × xx\times Rate%
  • Whole = Part ÷ ÷ -:\div Rate%
    整体 = 部分 ÷ ÷ -:\div Rate%
  • Rate = = == Part ÷ ÷ -:\div Whole × 100 × 100 xx100\times 100
    比率 = = == 部分 ÷ ÷ -:\div 全部 × 100 × 100 xx100\times 100

6.2 Housing Types  6.2 住房类型

Types of Residential Structures
  • Attached: These houses are connected using one or more shared (party) walls. The end unit has only one side attached. These houses are less expensive to build than others.
  • Detached: This house is a single structure, which is not connected to any other house and offers wide variety of architectural styles, privacy, and more living space.
  • Semi-Detached: These side by side houses have one common party wall which is attached to the next house.
  • Linked: Two or more houses are attached below grade by a concrete wall, or their garages may be attached.
  • When the structures are connected below grade and not visible, the house may appear to be detached.
  • Townhouses: Three or more units are joined together by party walls. Every townhouse has a full basement, main living area and an upper level.
  • They are cost-effective for the developer who can create more houses in lesser area of land.
  • Townhouses can be freehold or can be a part of condominium complex.
  • Multi-Unit Residential: There is more than one unit in a single building and are referred to as duplex, triplex, or fourplex.
  • The units may be joined horizontally or vertically.
  • The entrance may be separate for each unit or through a common vestibule.

Structural Styles  结构风格

  • Bungalow: The entire living space is on a single floor. They are commonly found in older neighbourhoods. There are no stairs in the living area.
  • Bi-level/Split Entrance: This design effectively uses the lower basement areas, and the front door foyer is located between upper and lower levels.
  • The basement is raised above grade, which allows for larger windows and more sunlight.
  • Ranch Styles Bungalow: Like bungalow, it has a low pitch roofline, irregular U-shape or Lshape layout.
    牧场式平房:与平房一样,它的屋顶坡度较低,呈不规则的 U 形或 L 形布局。
  • However, it offers more living space than bungalow and may have an attached garage.
  • Split Level: These 1970s and early 1980s designs offer minimum movements with lesser steps for each level.
    分层式:这种 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代初的设计,每层的台阶较少,可提供最少的活动空间。
  • The side-split design has a layout from left to right whereas the backsplit design has layout from front to rear.
  • There may be three or more levels of the living area, up to a maximum of five levels.
  • One and Half Storey: This cost-effective design has about 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% of the total living area on the main floor and offers more square footage on similar lot area.
    一层半:这种高性价比的设计,主楼层的居住面积约占总面积的 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% ,在类似的地块面积上提供了更多的面积。
  • It has a high-pitched roof, with some designs offering dormers.
  • Two-Storey: The two-storey design is highly popular, which offers large variety in terms of exterior shape, roof design, and floor layout.
  • The living area is equal on first and second floors.
  • Two-storey homes dominate the urban areas due to rising land costs.
  • Two-and-Half Storey: It is similar to two-storey structure, but there is an additional half storey top floor with limited ceiling height.

Planning Factors Affecting Land Use and Structure Placement

  • Zoning: Zoning bylaws, enacted by the municipality, dictate the use of land and restrictions.
  • There may be restrictions on placement of a structure on marshy, rocky, steep sloping, hazardous land or other related situations.
  • Homeowners may apply for minor variance to the local Committee of Adjustment when their proposed building plans do not conform to existing bylaws.
  • There is no guarantee that the minor variance would be approved.
  • Topography: Topography such as a sloping site or slope of the adjacent site may affect the placement of structure.
  • Site Plan Control: These municipal controls typically apply to developers.
  • The factors include adequate landscaping and buffering from adjacent properties, grading of the lot, widening of roads, provision of curbs, signs, and walkways, and provision for storm, surface, and water runoff facilities.
  • Soil Conditions: Soil conditions can affect placement of the building because foundations need stable and strong soil to retain structural integrity.
  • Soil should be stable through wetting and drying cycles, so that expanding soil does not crack foundations.
  • Water Tables and Flooding: If the land is in a regulated flood plain, the owner may need approvals from the Conservation Authority for construction, fill placement, and watercourse alterations.
  • This is to ensure that there is no risk to life or the property due to high water table or floods.
  • Lot Size: The size of the lot determines the maximum square footage of the house and any secondary structures.
  • Available Services: The distance between the house and the road where services such as hydro and telephone are located is an important consideration.
  • Hydro company may install up to 25 meters of hydro lines free of charge, and beyond that, the owner will have to bear the expenses.
    水电公司可以免费安装最长 25 米的水电线路,超出部分则由业主自行承担。

Factors Affecting the Style of Structure

  • Topography: The size, shape, and characteristics of the building is affected by topography of land.
  • Wildlife, endangered species, vegetation, rivers, lakes, or streams can also have influence on the placement of structure.
  • Budget: Buyer’s budget may have overall effect on the type of structure that can be afforded.
  • Contractors may add a contingency amount to their estimate in case the cost increases.
  • Personal Preferences: Buyer’s personal preferences can affect the final design of the structure in terms of choice of materials used for construction.
  • Sustainability: Homes built for energy efficiency are relatively expensive and take more time to build.
  • Lifestyle: Depending on the age and lifestyle of the owners, several interior or exterior designs changes may be required.
  • Structural Conformity: Tract Housing is a development within a subdivision where several identical houses are built on a tract of subdivision.
  • However, other subdivisions do not maintain identical design but keep unique design of different houses.
  • Structural Age: The year in which the house was built dominates the style of the structure.

6.3 Parking Options  6.3 停车选择

Residential Parking Types

  • Garages: Residential garages can be attached, detached, or built in. The attached garage is most popular due to convenience and low cost.
  • On-Street Parking: Some municipalities permit on-street parking with appropriate parking permits.
  • Parking Pad: This is the most common type of parking option in urban areas.
  • The parking pad can be built on the front yard with appropriate permits and permitted materials such as concrete, asphalt, or brick interlocking.
  • Shared/Mutual Driveway: This type of driveway is jointly used by owners of adjacent properties.
  • There is a right-of-way registered on the title of both properties, which passes on to the subsequent owners.
  • This type of driveway may have negative effect on the value of property.
  • A shared or mutual driveway is a material fact and must be disclosed to the buyer.
  • Carport: A carport is not completely enclosed but may be an extension of the roof structure for covering the vehicle.
  • Underground Parking: It is popular in dense areas such as townhouses and stacked townhouses, but they decrease the distance between the property and the parking area.
  • Multi-Level Parking: This is an alternative to conventional surface parking in densely populated urban areas.

Building Code for Garages and Carports

  • Municipalities require the owner to obtain a building permit under the Ontario Building Code for construction of a garage or carport.
    市政当局要求业主根据《安大略省建筑法规》(Ontario Building Code)获得建造车库或车棚的建筑许可。
  • The construction work must adhere to standards for fire and safety, means of exit, accessibility, service facilities, structural loads, foundations, design, and materials.
  • Heating, ventilation, plumbing materials, and drainage requirements must be met.
  • Additionally, the construction work must meet the requirements under the Electrical Safety Code.

Driveway Finishes  车道饰面

  • Poured Concrete: This is a common type of driveway, which can be built in sections to accommodate expansion or contraction. It is more expensive than other finishes.
  • Asphalt Paved: It is most popular of all finishes, is easy to install, and less expensive. Cracking on the asphalt surface is a common problem.
  • Stamped Concrete: Concrete is poured and is flattened with mould of brick pattern before drying to create a design. It is more expensive to install and needs annual sealing to maintain the appearance.
  • Gravel: These driveways are popular in rural areas due to minimum maintenance. Gravel compacts over time to provide a firm surface.
  • Interlocking: Cement, concrete, or brick stones are interlocked using mortar. These driveways are expensive to install and maintain.
  • Exposed Aggregate: This style of driveway is made from specialized concrete mix that combines with unique aggregates exposed on the surface.

Parking Problems and Restrictions

  • Restrictive Covenants: Restrictive covenants found in residential subdivisions may have limitations on overnight street parking.
  • Availability: When the parking for neighbourhood is limited, chances are that people who frequently visit the area may have to park on the street.
  • Commercial Vehicles: In some municipalities, overnight parking of RV trailers, buses, boats, limousines, or any other commercial vehicles may be prohibited.
  • Continuous Vehicle Usage: This restriction may require that the parked vehicle must have a valid license plate and the vehicle must be in use.
  • Seasonal Parking: In winter months, municipalities may restrict on-street parking to prevent build-up of snow on the streets.

6.4 Building Components and Water/Moisture Control
6.4 建筑构件和水/湿度控制

Foundations  基础

  • Foundation is the base on which the structure is built.
  • Its function is to transmit the weight of the structure from the above grade walls to Footings located below the frost line.
  • They resist the lateral pressure of the soil and act as a retaining wall.
  • Materials Used for Foundations:
  • Poured Concrete: Most common and less expensive than other materials.
  • Concrete Block: Pre-built concrete blocks are cost effective and need less maintenance.
  • Brick/Stone: They have longer life and are found in older houses. They are filled with mortar which may lead to moisture penetration and refilling may be needed.
  • Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF): These foundations use polystyrene in which concrete is poured. This material is more expensive due to high labour costs.
  • Damp Proofing: Foundations are damp proofed below grade with waterproof bitumen such as asphalt.
  • Potential Problems:  潜在问题:
  • Inward deflection may occur when there is insufficient lateral support. The reason may be - (i) mechanical forces exerted during backfilling, (ii) backfilling with frozen soil, (iii) unusual frost development in the soil outside the building, or (iv) when floor system does not provide enough support.
    当侧向支撑不足时,可能会出现向内变形。原因可能是:(i) 回填土过程中产生的机械力,(ii) 回填的是冻土,(iii) 建筑物外的土壤出现异常霜冻,或 (iv) 楼板系统没有提供足够的支撑。
  • Cracks in foundation may be caused by concrete shrinking and may lead to water penetration or infestation.
  • Moisture may cause serious damage and may cause Efflorescence to develop. Efflorescence, which is a coating of mineral salt, may appear on interior surface of foundation wall.
  • A weeping tile, made of porous pipe, is used for damp proofing of basement walls. It is buried along the foundation to avoid accumulation of water around the foundation. This keeps the basement areas dry.

Posts Columns  职位专栏

  • They carry the weight of the beam vertically down to the footings. They are made of steel, brick or concrete.
  • Problems include moisture, out of plumb (not at right angle), rust (due to moisture), sinking due to insufficient footing size, fire damage (wooden columns) or improperly fixed to the beam.

Recommending Foundation Inspection

  • Salespersons should inform the buyer/sellers if cracks are appearing in walls, around doors, windows, in corners, or if doors or windows appear to be misaligned.
  • The soil around the foundation can cause shifting and cracking in the foundation walls.
  • Poor grading may cause rainwater to run towards the foundation wall.
  • The fireplace chimney may appear to be separating from the structure.

Framing and Floor Systems

  • Walls (exterior or interior) carry the weight of the roof and the floor to the foundation.
  • Framing is the rough timber works of a structure including studs, plates, lintels and rafters.
  • Balloon Framing was used in older structures and consists of wall studs, which were built before the floor system, and were continuous up to the roof line. The floors were hung to the studs.
  • Platform Framing is used in most modern structures and consists of separate wood floor joists and subfloors for each platform.
  • Problems with Framing: (i) Large openings may lead to sags, (ii) Insufficient nails, (iii) Condensation, and (iv) Poor quality lumber.
    框架问题:(i) 开口过大可能导致下垂;(ii) 钉子不够;(iii) 结露;(iv) 木材质量差。

Beam  光束

  • Beams are made of wood or steel to carry the weight of floor or wall horizontally to the foundation.
  • Laminated beams consist of five or six boards nailed together.
  • Steel beams are better than wood beams because they are free from rot, termites and mechanical damage. However, they are heavy and susceptible to rust.
  • Wooden beams can be weakened by notching, cutting or drilling.
  • Undersized or over-spanned beams may sag or crack resulting in failure of entire framing system.
  • Over-spanned beams may be remedied by adding more posts.
  • Fire Concern: Fire is a serious concern for both wooden and steel beams. When a structure is on fire, wood actually burns but steel melts at high temperatures. Steel beams lose strength earlier than wooden beams.

Joists  桁架

  • Joists are a series of horizontal components to support the floor, ceiling or the roof.
  • They are made of wood, metal or wafer boards and rest on sills or beams and provide strength to the structure.
  • Bridging/Blocking in joists is done to restrain the joists from twisting. One set of either bridging or blocking is required for each joist span.
  • It helps transmit the load of one joist to the next joist and reduces springiness of the floor.

Sill  窗台

  • Sill provides a continuous pad between foundation top and bottom of framing.
  • It is laid flat on top of concrete foundation wall.
  • Sills are anchored to the foundation using bolts and the floor joists are installed directly on the sill.
  • Problems include rot and termites due to closeness to soil, excessive pointed or concentrated loads, and poor anchoring, which may shift the whole structure.

Sub-floors  底层地板

  • Subfloors are attached on top of joists.
  • Subfloor transmits live loads of people and furnishings to the floor joists.
  • It is usually covered with a finish such as carpet, hardwood, or laminate.

Problems with Floor Systems

  • Springy floors are caused by thin board.
  • Squeaky sounds are heard when the subfloor is not secured properly to floor joists.
  • This problem may be remedied by using more nails to secure the subfloor properly to joists.
  • Penetration of water may damage the wood and nails may start coming out.
  • Uneven floors can be identified by sections which are not at level with other sections of the floor. Existing plywood can be replaced to remedy this problem.

Wall Systems  墙面系统

  • Wood frame walls carry the load of the roof and floor structure down to the foundation.
  • Studs provide the support for insulation and exterior finishes such as drywall or brick veneer.
  • Load bearing studs have double top plate while the non-load bearing studs have single top plate.
  • Wooden studs (2-by-6 inches) are spaced 16 inches apart.
    木墙骨(2×6 英寸)的间距为 16 英寸。
  • Potential Problems:  潜在问题:
  • Moisture: It can cause rotting, wood swelling, and infestation of termites.
  • Termites and Shelter Tubes: Termites live is soil, close to moisture but below frost line. They travel in wood or soil but do not expose themselves to open surface. Shelter Tubes are small tunnels of earth built by termites.
  • Cracked Walls: This may be a sign of serious structural damage. Crack may be a small hairline, horizontal crack, or a large crack related to foundation.
  • Wood Rot: Deterioration of wood due to the effect of moisture, temperature and oxygen.
  • Visible Nails: Drywall screws and nails may begin to loosen over time, which causes drywall to bulge and move/push the nail or screw outward.

Internal and External Drainage Systems

  • Drainage system is used for removal of water and consists of piping, conduits, ditches, swales, or other drainage devices to run off water away from the building.
  • Basements require proper drainage due to prolonged exposure to moisture or stagnant water.
  • Ontario Building Code specifies the types of granular material needed to drain the bottom of foundation and location of drainage disposal piping.
  • Causes of Water Penetration:
  • Improper Grading: When the slope of the grade around foundation wall is towards the foundation, water will not run-off away from the foundation.
  • Defective eavestroughs and downspouts may result in water penetrating into the structure.
  • Window wells (the rectangular hole in front of the basement windows) may not be properly drained and water may build-up around the base of the window or may leak inside.
  • A sump pump is installed inside the basement in a small pit to pump the water out of the house.

Signs of Basement Leakage

  • Repair patches on exterior or interior walls, cement parging, or use of water proofing materials are indications of repairs done by owners.
  • Musty odours (smell) and mould/mildew forming on walls due to high moisture and poor ventilation.
  • Rusting on metal objects such as steel posts or furnace.
  • Floor tiles starting to peel off or excessive dampness under carpets.
  • Stains or discolouring of paneling, drywall or other interior finishes.
  • Leakage from below grade windows.
  • Efflorescence is a whitish mineral deposit found on interior of foundation walls indicating that moisture was present at some point of time. However, it is not a sign of basement leakage.

6.5 Roofing Systems  6.5 屋顶系统

Roof Styles and Pitch

  • Roof Styles: The primary purpose of the roof is to protect the occupants of the building from rain, snow, sun, and wind.
  • Gable Roof: There are two sloped sides and a gable on either end.
  • Hip Roof: Also called cottage roofs and consist of slopes on all four sides, which at the top of the roof.
  • Gambrel Roof: They are used for barn structures and are identified by two sides that slope more steeply halfway down the length of either side.
  • Mansard Roof. These roofs resemble gambrel roof but have slopes on all four sides.
    曼萨德屋顶(Mansard Roof)。这种屋顶类似于拱形屋顶,但四面都有坡度。
  • Flat Roof. They are commonly used for commercial/industrial buildings but are not really flat as there is a small slope to run off water.
  • A-Frame Roof. They have steep triangular shape that runs directly to the ground level. They were used for one and half storey houses in mid-50s and 70s.
    A 型屋顶。这种屋顶呈陡峭的三角形,直达地面。在 50 年代中期和 70 年代,它们被用于建造一层半的房屋。
  • Roof Pitch: Pitch or Slope of the roof is defined as Rise over Run. A “6 in 12” pitch indicates a vertical rise of 6 feet over horizontal distance of 12 feet.
    屋顶坡度:屋顶间距或坡度的定义是 "升高大于倾斜"。12 分之 6 "的坡度表示在 12 英尺的水平距离上垂直上升 6 英尺。
  • Conventional roof has a pitch greater than 4 in 12.
    传统屋顶的坡度大于 4/12。
  • Low slope roof has a pitch between 4 in 12 and 2 in 12.
    低坡度屋顶的坡度在 12 分之 4 和 12 分之 2 之间。
  • Flat roof has a pitch less than 2 in 12.
    平屋顶的坡度小于 2/12。

Components of Roof  屋顶的组成部分

  • Flashing: Thin pieces of impervious material installed in joints or gaps to prevent water penetration. The purpose of flashings is to prevent water leakage.
  • They are installed - where the roof changes direction, where a change in material occurs (dissimilar materials meet), and where there is a joint in materials.
  • Roof sheathing: It supports the roof covering and transmits live loads due to snow, ice, and wind to the roof rafters, trusses, or roof joists.
  • The material used is wood planks (older buildings) and wafer board panels (new buildings).
  • Trusses: Trusses hold the sheathing and shingles and are mostly engineered systems and installed 24 inches apart.
    桁架:桁架用于支撑覆面板和木瓦,大多采用工程设计系统,安装间距为 24 英寸。
  • Fink Trusses: They have web members shaped as ‘W’.
    芬克桁架桁架的腹杆呈 "W "形。
  • Howe Trusses: They are considered more durable and stronger than Fink Trusses. They are identified by ’ M ’ shape and a vertical member going to the peak.
    豪氏桁架:它们被认为比芬克桁架更耐用、更坚固。桁架的形状为 "M "形,有一个垂直构件通向山顶。
  • Rafters: Roof rafters are used in sloped roofs to support the roof sheathing and transmit roof loads to bearing walls and beams.
  • Collar Tie is used horizontally for each pair of opposing rafters.
  • Knee Wall is a small wall at a proper location in the attic area to support the roof and prevent sagging of roof.

Problems with Roof Components

  • Roof leaks are often difficult to trace.
  • Water does not always appear immediately below the defective area.
  • Most roof leaks are local on intersections or flashings, and it may also run along framing.
  • Sources of roof leakage include - (i) condensation in attic areas (due to good insulation but poor ventilation), (ii) missing flashings, (iii) skylights, and (iv) ice damming.
    屋顶渗漏的来源包括:(i) 阁楼区域的冷凝水(由于隔热性能良好但通风不良),(ii) 缺失的防水层,(iii) 天窗,以及 (iv) 冰坝。
  • Horizontal ridges in the roof are caused by unsupported edges of rafters due to differential movement between two panels.
  • Over spanned rafters cause sagging of roof. Rafters may spread if not properly fixed to the walls. If thin board has been used, it deflects under load and results in sagging of the roof.
  • Truss Uplift is caused by bottom member lifting upwards due to winter weather. This may result in gaps in the interior walls where they join the ceiling. Serious uplift may also result in lifting of entire wall and separation from floor.

Other Roof Components  其他屋顶组件

  • Soffits: This covers the underside of the overhang of the roof to protect the trusses from weather conditions. Improperly installed soffits or eavestrough can cause soffits to sag.
  • Fascia: A flat piece of wooden board that covers rafters and holds the eavestroughs in place. Clogged eavestroughs can cause damage to fascia.
  • Eavestroughs and Downspouts: They collect water from roof, protect the walls from water damage, and prevent local ground level erosion caused by heavy water runoff.
  • The downspout discharge of water is into drains or onto ground about 6 feet away from the building.
    下水道的水排入排水沟或排到离建筑物约 6 英尺远的地面上。
  • Holes and cracks, collection of debris, and faulty fasteners can damage the eavestroughs.
  • Attic Venting Systems: They provide air circulation in attic areas, which prevents formation of mould and wood rot.
  • Condensation or moisture in attic can cause loss of strength in the sheathing and make the nailing of the sheathing ineffective, as nails are pulled out of the rafters, or through the sheathing.

Roofing Covering Materials

  • Asphalt Shingles: These are most commonly used for residential buildings and are selfsealing. They are classified by weight. Most common type weighs 210 pounds per square (Square is the amount of shingles required to cover 100 square feet).
    沥青瓦:最常用于住宅建筑,具有自密封性。它们按重量分类。最常见的类型每平方 210 磅(平方是指覆盖 100 平方英尺所需的瓦片数量)。
  • Metal Shingles: These are good to withstand weather influences and high winds. Advantages include low maintenance, resistance to decay and long-lasting durability.
  • Wood Shingles and Wood Shakes: Wood Shingles are machine cut while shakes are hand cut. Wood Shakes are thicker and have uneven surface.
  • Slate Roof: Made of slate or sedimentary rock. They are 3 to 5 times heavier than asphalt shingles and their life span is 60 to 100 years.
    板岩屋顶:由板岩或沉积岩制成。它们比沥青瓦重 3 到 5 倍,使用寿命为 60 到 100 年。
  • Concrete or Clay Tile: These are rarely found in Ontario. They are 4 to 5 times heavier than asphalt and have life span of 50 to 100 years.
    混凝土或粘土砖:安大略省很少有这种地砖。它们比沥青重 4 至 5 倍,使用寿命为 50 至 100 年。
  • Corrugated Plastic Tile: This type of roof covering is generally used over patios and other light structures. Their life is 20 to 100 years, based on the grade.
    波纹塑料瓦:这种屋顶覆盖物一般用于庭院和其他轻型建筑。根据等级不同,其使用寿命为 20 至 100 年。

6.6 Doors  6.6 门

Components of Door  门的组成部分

  • Head (Top Rail): The horizontal portion of door frame located on top of the door.
  • Jamb: The vertical left or right portion of the door frame which runs top to bottom.
  • Sill (Threshold): The horizontal portion which is located at the bottom at the floor level.
  • Stop: The continuous projection attached to jambs to prevent the door from swinging past the frame.
  • Buck (Casing): The subframe around the door made of wood or pressed metal.

Types of Exterior Doors

  • Wood Doors: The most common type of door which may be hollow or solid. Solid doors are used in high-end homes to provide energy efficiency.
  • Panel Doors: They are interior doors usually made from engineered wood such as plywood, hard board, or block board.
  • Glass Doors: Glass panes are installed inside wooden frames.
  • Sliding Doors: Used for entrance to backyard. Thermal glass is cased inside metal or wood frames.
  • Steel Doors: These exterior doors are used due to cost effectiveness and energy efficiency of steel. They require minimum maintenance.
  • Fibreglass Doors: Fibre material is preferable due to light weight, durability, and low maintenance. It provides energy efficiency as well.

Energy Efficiency Doors  节能门

  • Properly insulated doors keep the outdoor weather from entering the home, and prevent loss of heat and air leakage.
  • Doors can be made energy efficient by:
  • Replacing old doors with newer properly insulated doors.
  • Installing energy-efficient doors which act as a seal between the inside and outside temperature.
  • Installing storm doors to protect the home from exterior weather conditions.
  • Installing weatherstripping around the door perimeter to avoid transfer of air and heat.

6.7 Windows  6.7 窗口

Styles of Windows  窗户的样式

  • Casement Window: This type of window is hinged at sides and opens inwards or outwards using a crank handle. The casement is made of wood, metal or vinyl.
  • Single and Double Hung Window: A double-hung window has two moving parts - (i) outer part on top half, and (ii) inner part on bottom half. Both parts can be moved up or down. In a single-hung window, only the bottom part moves.
    单悬窗和双悬窗:双悬窗有两个活动部件:(i) 上半部分的外侧部件和 (ii) 下半部分的内侧部件。两个部分都可以上下移动。单悬窗只有下半部分可以移动。
  • Awning (Transom) Window: There is a hinge at the top that allows the window to open outwards.
  • Bay or Bow Window: Designed as three separate windows with the central part acting as a picture window. It stops a few feet above the floor level. If it is a bow window, its structure is curved which creates a round shape.
  • Slider Window: This older and inexpensive style window is a single pane of glass which slides on wooden or vinyl track.
  • Skylights: They are made of tempered glass or plastic which provides better resistance to breakage. However, they are prone to water leakage and condensation.

Problems with Windows  Windows 系统的问题

  • Drafty Windows: When a large amount of air leaks through the windows resulting in increased heating and cooling costs. The problem is caused by broken seals, poor insulation, improper installation, and cracked or broken frames.
  • Condensation: This results in fog inside the window, which is an indication of condensation building-up. Moisture can freeze between glass panes in winter.
  • Damaged Material: Window frames made of wood can warp, crack or rot due to temperature variations causing penetration of moisture.
  • Inoperable Windows: This is caused by window frames that have warped or when the weather seal becomes jammed.

Energy Efficiency of Windows

  • Glazing: Glazing refers to the act of furnishing and/or fitting panes or sheets of glass. Glazing can be single, double or triple.
  • Double glazed factory sealed windows have no air passage between panes.
  • Vented double glazing allows for outside air movement to space between two panes.
  • Inert Gas (Argon or Krypton) is usually filled between glass panes to reduce heat transfer.
  • Tempering: Glass is tempered by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to provide strength, safety, and/or better insulation.
  • Window Films and Tinting: Provides privacy, protection from UV rays, heat reduction, fading, and glare protection.
  • Low Conductivity Spacers: This aluminum spacer between glass panes in a thermal window separates two segments and can be replaced with material such as foam, butyl, thermo plastic, or thermally improved metals.

CSA Standards for Windows
CSA 窗户标准

CSA Standards for windows uses three main criteria - A Criteria for Air Tightness: B Criteria for Water Tightness, and C Criteria for Wind Resistance
CSA 窗户标准采用三个主要标准--A 级气密性标准、B 级水密性标准和 C 级抗风性标准:B 级水密性标准和 C 级抗风性标准
  • Window Efficiency Ratings (ER): Measures thermal performance. A positive number indicates that more solar heat is produced, and lesser heat is lost. A negative number indicates that more heat is lost than heat gained.
    窗户能效等级 (ER):衡量热性能。正数表示产生的太阳热量较多,而损失的热量较少。负数表示散失的热量多于获得的热量。
  • Low Emissivity (Low-E): Emissivity is the ability of the surface to reflect long-wave radiation. Low-e glass allows sunlight to pass into the structure.
  • Heat Transfer Co-efficient (U-Value): It is a measure of heat flow through an object. It is used in calculating the Efficiency Rating of Windows. U-Value is reciprocal of R-Value.
    传热系数(U 值):它是衡量流经物体的热量的指标。它用于计算窗户的效率等级。U 值是 R 值的倒数。
Table of Contents  目录


7.1 Electrical Systems  7.1 电气系统

Basic Components  基本组件

  • Voltage: Potential energy of the electrical system is measured in Volts, which is typically 120 volts or 240 volts for residential properties.
    电压:电力系统的势能以伏特为单位,住宅一般为 120 伏或 240 伏。
  • Resistance: Tendency of a material to resist the flow of electricity, measured in Ohms. Resistance is low in conductive materials.
  • Current: The rate at which electricity flows. It is measured in Amperes or Amps.
  • Power. It is measured in Watts and is calculated by multiplying voltage with current.
  • Entrance Cable: Typically, a 240 volts service is connected to the house using an entrance cable (overhead or buried).
    入口电缆:通常情况下,240 伏供电系统通过入口电缆(架空或埋地)连接到房屋。
  • Older houses may have 60 amps service while newer houses have 100 amps or 200 amps service.
    老式房屋可能使用 60 安培的服务,而新式房屋则使用 100 安培或 200 安培的服务。
  • Houses with 60 amps service may have difficulty in obtaining insurance due to insufficient power for modern appliances.
    使用 60 安培服务的房屋可能难以获得保险,因为现代电器的功率不足。
  • Main Disconnect: This is the main switch, typically located inside the distribution panel, that turns off all power to the house.
  • It may have fuses or circuit breakers, depending on the age of the house.
  • A 100 amps system using fuses needs two 100 amps fuses, one each for line and neutral wires.
    使用保险丝的 100 安培系统需要两个 100 安培保险丝,线路和中性线各一个。
  • Distribution Panel: This panel distributes power to various parts of the house with each circuit having one of more outlets, light fixtures, or other appliances connected to it.
  • Many electrical codes require a minimum number of 120 volt and 240 volt circuits.
    许多电气法规都规定了 120 伏和 240 伏电路的最低数量。
  • Each circuit is connected to red or black bus bar (live) and a white neutral bar.
  • Wiring: The current standard is grounded copper wiring. Aluminum was used in houses built in 1960s and 1970s, which can lead to fire risk due to overheating.
    布线:目前的标准是接地铜线。20 世纪 60 和 70 年代建造的房屋使用的是铝线,这可能会因过热而导致火灾风险。
  • Knob and tube wiring has become obsolete now due to safety reasons.
  • Insurance is either not available or difficult to obtain for houses with knob and tube wiring.
  • Outlets: Electrical appliances are connected to outlets. Ungrounded outlets were used in older houses while grounded outlets are used in houses built after 1960s.
    插座:电器与插座相连。老式房屋使用未接地的插座,而 20 世纪 60 年代后建造的房屋则使用接地插座。
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): This special outlet shuts off power when a small amount of current, as little as 0.005 amp , is leaking.
    接地故障断路器 (GFCI):这种特殊的插座会在有少量电流(低至 0.005 安培)泄漏时切断电源。
  • These are used anywhere within three feet of water to avoid electrocution.
  • They can be recognized by a reset button and a test button on them.

Key Considerations  主要考虑因素

  • Circuit Breakers and Fuses: These are safety devices inside the distribution panel. Most of them are rated for 15 amps and will blow if the load on the circuit is more. Insurance companies prefer circuit breakers.
    断路器和保险丝:这些是配电盘内的安全装置。大多数断路器和保险丝的额定电流为 15 安培,如果电路负载更大,则断路器和保险丝会熔断。保险公司更喜欢使用断路器。
  • Aluminum Wiring: This can be recognized by white silver wires inside the distribution panel.
  • Aluminum is softer than copper and may be damaged during installation.
  • Damaged wire can cause overheating or creeping when the wire creeps under the terminal screw where it is connected.
  • When heated, aluminum expands more than copper and it can become oxidized by air or get corroded when brass connectors are used.
  • Underground Outlets: Often found in homes built before 1960s, these outlets have only two slots.
    地下插座:这种插座通常出现在 20 世纪 60 年代以前建造的住宅中,只有两个插槽。
  • They can pose problems such as electrical fire, risk of electrical shock, and damage to appliances.
  • Knob and Tube Wiring: Problems associated with knob and tube wiring include inability to use 3-wire appliances, fire risk due to absence of ground wire, danger of electrical shock, and damaged insulation due to aging.
  • This wiring can be recognized by an electrician in the unfinished portions of the house.

Indicators of Problems  问题指标

  • Blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers may indicate overloading, a short circuit, or a ground fault.
  • Hot or charred outlets may be caused by a loose connection or an aluminum wire creeping out under the terminal screws.
  • Flickering or dimming lights may be due to heavy load on the circuit.
  • Electrical shocks typically occur due to a faulty appliance or a faulty light fixture.
  • Quickly burning out light bulbs may be caused by a light fixture which is unable to handle the power load.
  • Too many extension cords indicate insufficient number of outlets to meet the household needs.
  • Several appliances on a single circuit increase the risk of electrical fire.

Solar Panels  太阳能电池板

  • Solar panels, as a source of supplementary energy source, are usually installed on roof tops to absorb sun light and convert it into electrical power.
  • Benefits: Renewable energy with minimum environmental impact, low maintenance, low utility costs, and useful in areas where there is no electrical grid.
  • Financial Incentives: The Net Metering system helps owners produce their own renewable energy and excess energy may be supplied back to the grid for which they can get credit.
  • Unsuitable Houses: Lots of shaded trees that block sunlight, insufficient roof space, roofs that do not face southwest, and roofs that need continuous repair.

7.2 Heating and Cooling Systems
7.2 供暖和制冷系统

Capacity and Efficiency  能力和效率

  • The capacity of the heating system refers to the amount of heat generated and depends on the size of the house.
  • Heating capacity is measured in British Thermal Units (BTU) per hour.
  • Input Capacity: The amount of fuel energy consumed for every hour of operation.
  • Output Capacity: Amount of usable heating or cooling provided to the home.
  • Efficiency: Efficiency accounts for both input and output capacity and is expressed as a percentage. When input and output capacity is equal, the efficiency is 100 % 100 % 100%100 \%.
    效率:效率包括输入和输出能力,以百分比表示。当输入和输出能力相等时,效率为 100 % 100 % 100%100 \%
  • Efficiency Ratings: Low Efficiency is 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% or less, mid-efficiency is 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%, and high efficiency is 95 % 95 % 95%95 \%.
    效率等级:低效率为 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% 或更低,中效率为 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% ,高效率为 95 % 95 % 95%95 \%
  • Builders, after December 31, 2009, are required to install high efficiency systems with over 90 % 90 % 90%90 \% rating for all new houses.
    2009 年 12 月 31 日之后,建筑商必须为所有新建房屋安装 90 % 90 % 90%90 \% 级以上的高效系统。

Types of Heating Systems

  • Forced Air: These centralized heating systems rely on supply ducts and vents to distribute hot air. The return ducts bring the cool air back to the central air handler for reheating. A thermostat is used to control the temperature.
  • Advantages: Quick heating and combined duct work with air conditioning.
  • Disadvantages: Loss of heat in the ducts, more regular maintenance and problematic for people with allergies due to circulation of allergens and dust.
  • Steam: A boiler heats the water using oil or gas burner and turns it into steam. Steam travels through pipes to radiators, which give up heat and the cold water returns to the water tank.
  • Advantages: Quiet operation and consistent heat.
  • Disadvantages: Low energy efficiency, expensive installation, inability to add air conditioning, and components may have asbestos that cause health issues.
  • Hot Water (Boilers): They heat water and distribute it using piping and cast-iron radiators. They use gravity (no forced air) to push hot air into the structure and bring cool air back to the system. The two types are one-pipe system and two-pipe system.
  • Advantages: They have quiet operation and do not circulate allergens.
  • Disadvantages: Expensive to install, less energy efficient, inability to add air conditioning, and they can be blocked due to rust and mineral deposits.
  • Electric: The two types are - (i) baseboard resistance heaters, and (ii) radiant heating cables. A thermostat is used to control temperature.
    电:有两种类型--(i) 底板电阻加热器和 (ii) 辐射加热电缆。恒温器用于控制温度。
  • Advantages: Quiet operation, no furnace required, and more energy efficient.
  • Disadvantages: Difficult to access when installed under the floor, requirement of minimum floor height, dry heat, and inability to add air conditioning.
  • Radiant: These systems use infrared radiation to supply heat to the floors, walls, or ceilings. Hot water is circulated in copper or polyethylene (PEX) pipes embedded in the floor.
  • Advantages: No allergies, constant temperature, and energy efficient.
  • Disadvantages: Slow heating, expensive, inability to add air conditioning, and limitations on carpet installation
  • Ground Source Heat Pump (Geothermal): These underground systems take heat from soil or water in winter and work for removal of heat from the structure in summer.
  • Advantages: Environmentally friendly, low maintenance, quiet, and no energy costs.
  • Disadvantages: Expensive and difficult to install.
  • Air Source Heat Pump: These systems work similar to Ground Source Heat Pumps but take the heat from outside air instead of using soil or water. Advantages and disadvantages are also similar.
  • Boilers: These devices, powered by electricity, oil, or gas, do not actually boil water but heat it to about 70 degrees. Oil and gas boilers have a heat exchanger and a burner.
    锅炉:这些设备以电力、燃油或燃气为动力,实际上并不烧水,而是将水加热到 70 度左右。燃油和燃气锅炉有一个热交换器和一个燃烧器。
  • Open Boilers use gravity instead of a circulating pump. They are obsolete now.
  • Closed Boilers use water in the boiler, piping and radiators. Hot water in pipes flows to radiators, which release heat within the structure, and the cold water returns to the boiler.

Types of Furnaces  炉子类型

  • Electric Furnace: Uses electricity without the need of a heat exchanger, burner, or chimney.
  • The blower simply forces air into the heating elements and hot air is distributed into the structure using the ductwork.
  • They have low upfront cost, quiet, and need less maintenance.
  • However, they are more expensive to operate than gas or oil furnace.
  • Gas Furnace: It burns natural gas, which needs a heat exchanger, burner, and an exhaust pipe.
  • The four levels of efficiency are conventional, mid-efficiency, high efficiency, and high efficiency plus.
  • As of 2010, all gas furnaces must be high efficiency.
    从 2010 年起,所有燃气炉都必须是高效的。
  • Propane is used as fuel in rural areas where natural gas is not available.
  • They have low operational costs and heat up the structure faster.
  • However, they can be expensive to install and need venting for carbon monoxide emissions.
  • Oil Furnace: Oil furnaces function in similar way as gas furnace. They need on-site oil storage tanks, which are regulated by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).
  • These tanks must be inspected annually, and above ground oil tanks must be replaced every 10 years.
    这些油罐必须每年检查一次,地上油罐必须每 10 年更换一次。
  • Conventional furnaces have low efficiency rating of about 55 % 55 % 55%55 \% but newer oil furnaces can have efficiency of 80-89%.
    传统油炉的效率较低,约为 55 % 55 % 55%55 \% ,但新型油炉的效率可达 80-89%。
  • Advantages: They last longer than gas furnaces and are not dependent on pipelines.
  • Disadvantages: Necessity of on-site storage tank, low energy efficiency, more pollution, high installation and replacement costs, and environmental problems if the tank is underground.
  • Gravity Furnace (Octopus Furnace): The now obsolete gas or oil furnaces work similar to conventional furnace but use gravity to force hot air into the structure and bring cool air back to furnace. They require little maintenance but have very low energy efficiency of about 55 % 55 % 55%55 \%.
    重力炉(章鱼炉):现已淘汰的燃气炉或燃油炉的工作原理与传统炉子类似,但利用重力将热空气强制送入建筑物,并将冷空气带回炉子。它们几乎不需要维护,但能效很低,约为 55 % 55 % 55%55 \%

Central Air Conditioning

  • The function of an air conditioner is to distribute cool air inside the structure using a compressed refrigerant.
  • The compressed refrigerant becomes liquid, is cooled by a condenser, and then evaporated again.
  • The process cools the air which is distributed inside the structure using the ductwork.
  • Ductless Air Conditioners: These units are placed inside the rooms. They are useful for homes that do not have central air conditioning.
  • The benefits are that they are more energy efficient, produce low noise, and are less expensive.
  • The disadvantage is that they require installation on the wall and restrict cooling to a specific room only.

Problems with Heating and Cooling Systems

  • Clogged Filters: Filters are designed for intake of air from the house and should be replaced regularly. Dirty or clogged filters can restrict airflow and effectiveness of the system.
  • Faulty Thermostat: A faulty thermostat may result in over heating or over cooling.
  • Cracked Heat Exchanger: A faulty or broken air-exchanger can leak carbon monoxide, which can be fatal.
  • Faulty Distribution Fan: A faulty fan results in poor or inefficient operation of the system.
  • Leaking Refrigerant: This results in warmer air returning to the house.
  • Leaking Ducts: Holes or gaps in the ductwork may reduce the efficiency of the heating/cooling system and increase energy costs.
  • Leaks in Walls, Windows, and Doors: The house must be properly sealed and free from drafts and leaks.

Gas and Propane Fireplaces

  • These fireplaces use incombustible logs covering gas vents and the fire burns behind a glass window.
  • They are energy-efficient and draw air from outside for combustion.
  • The gas/propane fireplace must be vented outside.
  • They require less maintenance because annual cleaning of chimney is not required.
  • Since they do not burn wood, they do not pose any risk to forests.
  • Gas and propane fireplaces are considered less risky by insurance companies as compared to wood fireplaces.

Other Types of Fireplaces

  • Wood Fireplace: These traditional fireplaces are made of masonry, but they lose more heat from the house than they produce. They are more recreational than functional.
  • Zero Clearance Fireplace: These fireplaces do not need much clearance from walls or ceilings and can be used in tight spaces. They are more energy-efficient and cheaper to install than traditional fireplaces.
  • Wood Stove: They can replace wood-burning fireplaces and consist of metal fire box with a glass window. Less prone to creosote buildup than wood fireplaces and more energy efficient. They produce lesser harmful emissions than wood fireplaces.
  • Gas Stove: They are gas-fired, more energy-efficient, produce less harmful emissions, and pose lesser fire risk.
  • Fireplace Insert: They use electricity, gas, propane, or wood pellets and can be inserted into existing masonry fireplaces. They are efficient and reduce harmful emissions.
  • Pellet Stove: They use electricity to burn specially designed pellets made from sawdust or wood shavings. They burn hotter and cleaner than wood stoves.

Components of Fireplaces

  • Chimney: The function of chimney is discharge of smoke from fireplaces or furnaces. They are usually made of steel or masonry.
  • Flue: It is a channel within the chimney. Certain appliances such as gas furnace and gas water heater may share the same flue.
  • Chimney Cap: It is made of stone or metal and prevents water from penetrating inside the masonry chimney.
  • Smoke Shelf: Located behind the damper, it provides for deflection of downdrafts. Cool air goes down, strikes this shelf, mixes with warm air/smoke and returns to the chimney.
  • Smoke Chamber: It is made of brick or concrete and lies above the damper to allow smooth movement of smoke, leading up to the flue and chimney.
  • Control Damper: To seal the fireplace when it is not in use to prevent leakage of heat.

WETT Inspections  WETT 检查

  • The Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. (WETT) is responsible for inspection of all wood burning equipment such as stoves and open fireplaces.
    木材能源技术转让公司 (WETT) 负责检查所有木材燃烧设备,如炉灶和开放式壁炉。
  • Wood burning may be a risk to human health and the WETT inspection may be required for obtaining insurance.
    焚烧木材可能会对人体健康造成危害,在购买保险时可能需要进行 WETT 检查。
  • The WETT inspector checks for proper installation and working of woodstove and/or wood fireplace.
    WETT 检查员检查木柴炉和/或木柴壁炉的正确安装和工作情况。
  • The components included in the inspection are the chimney and cap, flue tiles, smoke chamber, dampers, and clearance from the wall and ceilings.
  • The woodstove must have a minimum clearance of 152 cm from the ceiling and 123 cm from each side ( 91 cm if shield is installed).
    柴炉与天花板的最小间距为 152 厘米,与两侧的最小间距为 123 厘米(如果安装了防护罩,则为 91 厘米)。

Heating and Cooling Innovations

  • New heating and cooling technologies are convenient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
  • Zoned Heating Cooling Systems: These systems use a centralized furnace controller and different temperatures can be set for different sections of the house.
  • Motion Sensor Air Conditioning: These devices can turn on the equipment when the rooms are occupied.
  • Smart Controllers: These devices allow the homeowner to control the heating/cooling equipment using their mobile phones with apps such as Google Home® or Amazon Alexa®.
    智能控制器:这些设备允许房主使用手机和 Google Home® 或 Amazon Alexa® 等应用程序来控制供暖/制冷设备。
  • Smart Geofencing Thermostats: This technology is based on the distance of the owner from the house. The equipment turns on when the owner is coming closer to the house.

7.3 Plumbing Systems  7.3 水管系统

Basic Functions  基本功能

  • Water Supply: Water typically comes from municipal supply, which passes the shut-off valve on the lot line to the shut-off valve inside the structure. Water flows to cold water pipes, water heater, kitchen, bathrooms, appliances, and other outlets.
  • Water Disposal (Drainage): Drainage pipes bring wastewater from water fixtures in kitchens and bathrooms to sewers or septic tanks.
  • Water Disposal (Venting): Venting allows wastewater to move forward in pipes and allows sewer gases to escape the house.

Pipes  管道

  • Lead: Lead pipes, which were used until 1950s, could contaminate water and make it hazardous to health.
    铅:20 世纪 50 年代以前一直使用的铅管会污染水源,危害健康。
  • Galvanized Steel: Was used for supply pipes until 1950s. Since steel is coated with zinc to prevent rusting, it can become corroded and pick up lead deposits resulting in reduced pressure.
    镀锌钢:20 世纪 50 年代以前一直用于供水管道。由于钢管表面涂有锌以防止生锈,因此可能会被腐蚀并沉积铅,从而导致压力降低。
  • Copper. It is most common for supply lines due to its longer life.
  • Plastic (PEX or KITEC): These pipes consists of a thin aluminum pipe with plastic coating inside and outside.
    塑料管(PEX 或 KITEC):这些管道由内外涂有塑料涂层的薄铝管组成。
  • Its custom brass fittings have high zinc content that can corrode and restrict water pressure.
  • These pipes can easily leak or even burst if water is too hot.
  • Some insurers refuse to provide coverage if the house has PEX (KITEC) pipes.
    如果房屋安装了 PEX(KITEC)管道,一些保险公司会拒绝承保。
  • CPVC: These pipes are made from PVC with addition of chlorine to make them more durable. It is flexible, less noisy, and fire resistant.

Problems  问题

  • Leakage: Leaks in underground service pipes may not be detected and water may accumulate in basement areas.
  • Pressure: In a typical house, it should be around 50 psi .
    压力: 在普通住宅中,压力应在 50 psi 左右。
  • Low pressure may be caused by partially shut-off valves, too small diameter, and shared service pipes.
  • Pipes that are outside the building should be buried below frost lines to prevent freezing of water.
  • Drainage Problems: Problems with drainage pipes may result in backup and flooding.
  • Common reasons include combined storm and sanitary sewers, damage to external sewer pipes by tree roots, and overloaded municipal drainage pipes.
  • Indications of Plumbing Problems: Some indications of plumbing problems include dripping faucets, leaky pipes, running toilets, low water pressure, slow drainage, excessive water bills, and unpleasant odours.

Water Efficiency  用水效率

  • Water efficiency can be achieved through better design and regular maintenance of water systems and appliances, plumbing, and fixtures.
  • Water efficiency can be increased by reduction the buildup/corrosion, fixing water leaks, and installing efficient appliances and low-flow fixtures.
  • Additionally, dual-flush toilets, grey water systems (that reuse household wastewater), installation of pressure control valves, and cisterns to collect rainwater for outdoor use can all improve water efficiency.

Water Heaters  热水器

  • The efficiency of a water heater depends on its recovery rate, which means that high recovery rate results in more supply of hot water.
  • Efficiency may be reduced due to malfunctioning burners or elements, leakage, accumulation of sludge at the bottom of tank, build-up of lime due to water hardness, etc.
  • High-efficiency gas or propane heaters need venting through the wall, which should be located away from sleeping areas and at least 45 cm above floor.
    高效燃气或丙烷加热器需要穿墙通风,通风口应远离睡眠区,并至少高出地面 45 厘米。
  • Tankless Water Heaters: These water heaters are gas or propane-fired and heat water only when it is needed. They consist of a burner, heat exchanger, and venting systems but do not have a storage tank.
  • Advantages: They have low operating cost, can be mounted to wall, do not run out of water, and have longer life.
  • Disadvantages: Delay in getting hot water, limited flow, expensive than conventional heaters, and need for high-pressure gas for burner.

7.4 Water Supply  7.4 供水

Water Wells  水井

  • The Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks administers the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act.
  • Well contractors are licensed by the ministry for installation, inspection, and maintenance of water wells.
  • Homeowners are themselves responsible for maintenance of private water wells.
  • Wells are normally tested for water flow (quantity) and potability (quality) during buying and selling process.
  • Bacteriological testing of water is done by local health authorities (Public Health) free of cost.
  • Unused water wells must be decommissioned by licensed contractors as they pose a safety threat and can contaminate ground water.
  • A Well Record for an abandoned well must be sent to the ministry.

Types of Water Wells

  • Dug Wells: These wells constructed by digging down to the water table and are usually 10 to 30 feet deep.
    挖井:这些水井通过向下挖掘至地下水位而建成,通常深 10 至 30 英尺。
  • Drilled Wells: Drilled wells need casing and screen to ensure that do not collapse or collect sediment. The depth ranges from 100 to 500 feet.
    钻井:钻井需要套管和滤网,以确保不会坍塌或聚集沉积物。深度从 100 英尺到 500 英尺不等。
  • Bored Wells: These wells are created using large diameter bore or drill and are much deeper than dug wells.
  • Point (Driven) Wells: A sharp pipe is driven into shallow water-bearing sand or gravel. The depth is usually 30 to 50 feet. Water from these wells is susceptible to contamination from surface water or fertilizers.
    点式(驱动式)水井:将尖管打入浅层含水砂或砾石中。深度通常为 30 至 50 英尺。这些井的水很容易受到地表水或化肥的污染。

Well Construction  水井建设

  • Lake and River Water: Water from a lake or river can be brought to a cottage home using above or below ground pipes, which may be below frost lines or heated. However, even when the water looks and tastes clean, it can be easily contaminated. Water must be treated before it is used.
  • Drilling: A permit from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks is required for drilling a water well. Well is constructed before the house and its location is determined by the material under the ground. Improper location may result in low water yield or a dry well.
  • Minimum Distances: Provincial regulations require that water well must have minimum clearance from nearly buildings, public roads, septic tanks, and leaching beds so that water is not contaminated.

Components of Water Well

  • Caps: The cap is fitted on top of the casing to keep out debris, surface water, insects, etc.
    盖子:盖子: 盖子安装在套管顶部,用于隔绝碎屑、地表水和昆虫等。
  • Casing: It is cylindrical in shape and prevents outside contaminants from entering the well. They are made from PVC, carbon steel, stainless steel or fiberglass. Well casing must be visible and at least 40 cm above ground.
    套管:它呈圆柱形,可防止外部污染物进入井内。套管由聚氯乙烯、碳钢、不锈钢或玻璃纤维制成。水井套管必须可见,并至少高出地面 40 厘米。
  • Pump: Jet pumps are installed above ground for shallow wells for water suction. Submersible pumps are installed under water to push up water.
  • Screen: It is installed at the bottom of well to filter out sediment from water as it enters the well.
  • Pitless Adapter: Connects well casing with water lines to discharge water from well into the house. It is installed below frost line to prevent freezing of water.

Inspection and Maintenance

  • Inspections: New wells are inspected with a bailer or pump for one hour to measure the rate of water flow (quantity of water).
  • Potability of water (quality) is tested by bacteriological tests by local health authorities.
  • Water Well Record: This document is with the Ministry and available through Service Ontario. It shows the date of construction, location, results of pumping tests, and other information.
  • The well contractor must provide this document to the owner within 14 days of construction. This document may be required at the time of buying or selling the property.
    水井承包商必须在施工后 14 天内向业主提供该文件。在购买或出售房产时可能需要提供该文件。
  • Well Record also shows if a well has been decommissioned.
  • Maintenance Agreements: Well agreements are for those water wells which are shared by neighbouring homeowners.
  • These neighbours share the cost of maintenance and repair of the shared wells.
  • It is an important document when selling/buying as well as for arranging mortgage.

Water Treatment  水处理

  • Well water needs to be tested regularly and treated to remove impurities, especially for the purpose of drinking.
  • Some treatment systems remove bacteria in water whereas others are designed to remove heavy minerals.
  • Water Softeners: These systems remove minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and iron in hard water. Water softeners extend the life span of plumbing fixtures.
  • Reverse Osmosis: These ‘point of use’ water purification systems use tightly woven porous membranes to remove solids from water.
    反渗透:这些 "使用点 "净水系统使用紧密编织的多孔膜去除水中的固体物质。
  • Granulated Activated Carbon Filtration: Activated carbon is used to remove odours, bad tastes, and discolouration caused by lead, arsenic, and other dangerous chemicals in local water supply.
  • Ultraviolet Systems: This most common water treatment system uses ultraviolet light to neutralize the bacteria in water.
  • Iron Deionizers: This system is used to remove heavy iron content in water, which leads to orange/red staining on fixtures.
  • Chlorine Injector Pumps: Chlorine is added to water to remove bacteria and bad odours to make it safe for drinking.
  • Desalinators: These systems remove salt from the water supply.

Well Water Testing  井水检测

  • Water must be tested regularly as the quality of water changes over time.
  • Tests are performed at the time of installation and then at least once or twice every year.
  • For rural cottages, two or three samples are taken, per season, with first sample at the start of the season.
  • Water testing is also an important part of the buying/selling process.
  • Chemical Analysis: Chemical analysis of water is done to test for presence of metals, fluoride, hardness, and pesticides.
  • Bacteriological Testing: Bacteriological analysis of water is done to test the presence of harmful bacteria such as:
  • Coliform Bacteria: These are present in the digestive tracts of animals and in plant and soil material. Presence of these bacteria may be an indication that other harmful bacteria may also be present.
  • Fecal Coliform Bacteria: These bacteria are found in digestive tracts of warm-blooded animals. Their presence immediately renders water unsafe for drinking.
  • Supply Tests: Water supply tests consist of:
  • Capacity: The amount of water the well can contain.
  • Flow Rate: The amount of water that can be extracted per minute (acceptable rates range from 20 to 50 litres per minute).
    流速:每分钟可抽取的水量(可接受的流速为每分钟 20 至 50 升)。
  • Recovery Rate: The rate at which water runs into well from rock fissures when water is being pumped out of well without running dry.

7.5 Sewage  7.5 污水

Municipal Sewer Systems  市政下水道系统

  • Combined Sanitary and Storm Sewers: Found in older neighbourhoods, these sewers can cause raw sewage to backup through basement drains into the house. Insurance premiums for such houses may he high due to risk of flooding.
  • Separate Sewers: Found in newer neighbourhoods, these sewers separately take the storm water and household waste. They are less likely to cause backups or basement flooding.
  • Backup Valves: Homeowners may install one-way backup valves in the floor drain to prevent the wastewater from coming back into the house.

Sewage System Classes  污水处理系统类别

  • Class 1: Include waterless toilets, pits, privy vaults, portable toilets, chemical, and composting toilets.
    第 1 类:包括无水厕所、粪坑、贮粪池、便携式厕所、化学厕所和堆肥厕所。
  • Class 2: Grey water systems for non-human use of wastewater such as watering the grass and plants.
    第 2 类:非人类使用废水的中水系统,如浇灌草坪和植物。
  • Class 3: Also known as cesspool, these are found in recreational areas for human waste.
    第 3 类:也称为污水池,存在于娱乐区,用于处理人类排泄物。
  • Class 4: This is the most commonly used sewage system in which the septic tank breaks down solid waste and the leaching bed distributes it into the soil.
    第 4 级:这是最常用的排污系统,化粪池分解固体废物,沥滤床将其排入土壤。
  • Class 5: This system consists of a holding tank which collects sewage and takes it away for treatment.
    第 5 级:该系统包括一个收集污水并将其带走进行处理的污水处理池。

Leaching Beds  沥滤床

  • The leaching bed in class 4 septic system needs permeable soil so that liquids can flow into the soil.
    4 级化粪池系统中的沥滤床需要透水性土壤,这样液体才能流入土壤。
  • A percolation test is required to check the absorption rate of soil as some rocky soils are not suitable for making a leaching bed.
  • Types of leaching beds:
  • Conventional: Installed where land is well-drained, and stone filled drenches can be installed below ground.
  • Raised Absorption Bed: It is installed in rocky terrains where there is lack of soil depth for a conventional leaching bed. Special imported soil and filtering material is brough to the site to create a raised bed.
  • Limited Space: A bed area is excavated, and a filter bed is created using filtering sand so that the leaching bed uses smaller area.

Ontario Building Code and Septic Systems

  • Capacity: The size of the septic system depends on the number bedrooms, total living area, and the total number of water fixtures in the house.
  • Septic System Location: The Ontario Building Code and zoning bylaws specify the minimum clearances of the septic system from lot lines, nearby structures, trees, water well, shorelines, and neighbouring wells.
  • The septic system must be at least 5 metres from any structure, 30 metres from a well without casing, and 15 metres from a well with casing, lakes, ponds, rivers, and springs.
    化粪池系统必须距离任何建筑物至少 5 米,距离无套管水井 30 米,距离有套管水井、湖泊、池塘、河流和泉水 15 米。
  • These distances are increased for a septic system which have a Raised Absorption Bed.
  • Site Valuation: The Ontario Building Code requires site evaluation for installation of new and replacement septic systems.
  • Leaching Bed Location: The location of leaching bed depends on the percolation test or by soil classification. A minimum of three possible locations must be tested and the location with fastest percolation is selected.
  • Tank Design: Prefabricated septic tanks must have a minimum capacity of 3,600 litres and there must be two chambers in them.
    化粪池设计:预制化粪池必须至少有 3 600 升的容量,并且必须有两个腔室。

Best Practices  最佳做法

  • Homeowners should minimize wastage of water and dry out clothes in open whenever possible.
  • Non-biodegradable materials should not be flushed into the septic system.
  • Too much household detergents or bleach should not be flushed as they can kill the bacteria used to break down solid in the septic system.
  • Harsh chemicals such as solvents, brake fluid, oil, gasoline, paint thinner, prescription drugs, pesticides, etc. should not be flushed into the septic system.
  • These chemicals pollute the soil and water surrounding the septic tank.

Table of Contents  目录


8.1 Exterior Walls  8.1 外墙

Exterior Wall Finishes  外墙饰面

  • Brick Veneer Wall: Consists of a single layer of bricks (wythe) and an inner wooden frame, which is load bearing. Bricks are tied to the wooden framing using ‘brick ties’. The air space between the wooden frame and the bricks prevents moisture.
    砖贴面墙:由单层砖(墙面)和内部承重的木框架组成。砖块通过 "砖块扎带 "绑在木框架上。木框和砖块之间的空气空间可防止潮湿。
  • Problems: If ‘weeping holes’ are mistakenly filled by the homeowner, water may buildup inside and damage the wooden sheathing.
    问题如果屋主错误地填埋了 "渗水孔",水可能会在里面积聚,损坏木质护墙板。
  • Brick Masonry Wall: There are two layers of bricks attached together by the ‘header course’, which prevents inner and outer layer from separating. Due to poor insulating quality of bricks, these walls are not used in single-family homes.
    砖砌墙:两层砖通过 "砌头 "连接在一起,防止内外层分离。由于砖的隔热性能较差,这种墙不用于独户住宅。
  • Problems: Cracks may be caused by expansion of bricks due to excessive heat or contracting due to extreme cold. Failure of window arches or lintels may also cause cracks.
  • Vinyl Siding: It is made of polyvinyl chloride, is inexpensive, durable, and needs low maintenance. It is fastened on top of building paper and over flashings and butted against the exterior trim.
  • Problems: Most problems are due to poor installation, lack of securing, and improper detail work at edges and corners.
  • Metal Siding: Metal siding is made of aluminum or steel and is installed horizontally or vertically. It is also inexpensive, durable, and needs low maintenance.
  • Problems: Needs proper ventilation to allow air and moisture pressure to equalize.
  • Wood Siding: Wooden siding provides aesthetic appeal, styles, textures, and may be expensive depending on type of wood.
  • Problems: Wood may rot, and water penetration may occur at joints. If wood is in contact with soil, insects and termites may develop.
  • Stone: Stone bricks and blocks are made from granite, sandstone, limestone, or marble stone. These are popular due to their strength, durability, and weather resistance. They are glued to the exterior walls and do not bear any load.
  • Problems: Stone may be porous and may require resealing and grouting.
  • Stucco: It is a fine, durable plaster coat which is applied wet and hardens when it becomes dry. It is cost-effective, good insulator, and energy efficient.
  • Problems: Stucco can shrink and crack easily in areas of freeze-thaw cycle. It is better applied over masonry walls than wood framing. Wood and stucco may shrink and expand at different rates causing cracks or bulges in stucco.

Rain Screen Principle  雨幕原理

  • This principle is used in brick masonry and brick veneer walls to prevent moisture and water from getting inside the air space between the brick layer and wooden frame.
  • Water from wind driven rain or storm may pass through the bricks, drip down, and collect inside the air space.
  • To disperse this water, a ‘weeping hole’ is left after every three or four bricks in the lower most layer.
    为了分散这些水,在最下层每隔三块或四块砖就会留下一个 "渗水孔"。

Issues with Exterior Walls

  • Lean/Bow: If brick ties are not installed properly, the outer layer of brick wythe may lean or bow outwards. In serious cases, when the wall is load bearing, it may lead to structural problems.
  • Rafter Spreading: Spreading of roof rafters may result in top of the wall to tilt outwards,
  • Out of Plumb: An out of plumb wall means that it is not exactly vertical or at 90 degrees. This may be caused by an impact damage.
    不垂直:不垂直墙体是指墙体不完全垂直或呈 90 度。这可能是由于撞击损坏造成的。
  • Wavy: Waviness in mortar is caused by hurried installation and not giving it sufficient time to set and gain strength.
  • Cracks/Deterioration: Cracks are caused by stress in the concrete due to shrinkage or expansion. While hairline or vertical cracks are not serious, horizontal cracks indicate problem with foundation. Cracks may cause water penetration or infestation.
  • Discolouration: Stone may change colour over time due to weather exposure.

8.2 Energy Efficiency  8.2 能源效率

Factors Influencing Energy Efficiency

  • The voluntary R-2000 program, managed by the Office of Energy Efficiency, encourages energy efficient and environmentally responsible home construction standards.
    由能源效率办公室管理的自愿性 R-2000 计划鼓励采用节能和对环境负责的住宅建筑标准。
  • The R R RR-2000 home certification is based on technical standards for ventilation, minimum air leakage, and type of insulating materials used.
    R R RR -2000住宅认证基于通风、最小空气泄漏和所用隔热材料类型的技术标准。
  • As such, the home may be more expensive than similar non-R-2000 homes.
    因此,该住宅的价格可能会高于类似的非 R-2000 住宅。
  • The R 2000 R 2000 R-2000R-2000 program is complemented by ENERGYSTAR® and EnerGuide programs.
    R 2000 R 2000 R-2000R-2000 计划与 ENERGYSTAR® 和 EnerGuide 计划相辅相成。
  • These standards help builders protect the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels like coal, gas, oil, and therefore, lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Heat Gain/Loss  热量增减

  • Heat loss occurs when the heat from inside the house escapes to outside, often due to inefficient doors and windows.
  • Heat gain occurs when the heat from outside enters the building.
  • Salespersons must understand the implications of heat gain and/or heat loss, and their effect on energy costs.
  • Conduction: Transfer of energy through a substance.
  • For example, the loss of heat through basement, walls and ceilings.
  • Convection: Movement of gas or liquid with changes in density. It can be controlled by minimizing air leakage between a structure’s interior and exterior surfaces.
  • For example, the loss of heat through doors and windows.
  • Radiation: Transfer of energy through a straight line between the source and the absorber, without a medium.
  • For example, sunlight entering a structure.

Insulation and R-Values  隔热和 R 值

  • Depending on a region’s climate, the R R RR-value may be different in different areas of the house.
    根据不同地区的气候,房屋不同区域的 R R RR 值可能会有所不同。
  • The below-grade basement may have lowest R R RR-value as it is surrounded by soil, which acts as a natural insulator.
    地下层地下室的 R R RR 值可能最低,因为它周围都是土壤,是天然的绝缘体。
  • Glass Fibre Insulation: Glass fibre insulation comes in the form of ‘batts’, roll, or loose fill. This pink coloured insulation is inexpensive and is commonly used for interiors.
    玻璃纤维隔热材料:玻璃纤维隔热材料有 "球棒"、卷筒或松散填充物等形式。这种粉红色的隔热材料价格低廉,常用于室内装修。
  • Mineral Wool/Rock Wool: This insulation is made from fibrous materials by melting minerals or rock and provides better insulation. It is expensive but is fire resistant and long-lasting. Used in sidewalls, attics, crawl spaces, and floors.
  • Cellulose Fibre: It is made from 85 % 85 % 85%85 \% recycled materials such as paper and is treated with chemicals to make it fire-resistant. Cellulose Fibre has high R-values and dense properties than glass fibre. It is mostly used in the attic of the house.
    纤维素纤维:由纸张等回收材料制成,经过化学处理,具有防火性能。与玻璃纤维相比,纤维素纤维具有较高的 R 值和致密特性。它主要用于房屋的阁楼。
  • Spray Foam: Spray foam consists of open cell or closed cell polyurethane and appears like sponge. Open cell gives low R-value and is mostly used for interior walls. Closed cell gives high R-value and is mostly used for exterior walls.
    喷涂泡沫:喷涂泡沫由开孔或闭孔聚氨酯组成,看起来像海绵。开孔泡沫的 R 值低,主要用于内墙。闭孔泡沫的 R 值高,主要用于外墙。
  • Foam Board: This insulation comes in various thicknesses and R-values. It provides high insulation values and can be used in floors, ceilings and interior or exterior walls.
    泡沫板:这种隔热材料有不同的厚度和 R 值。它具有很高的隔热值,可用于地板、天花板、内墙或外墙。

Disclosures Requirements

  • Salespersons must make a disclosure of the following types of insulation because there may be health implications if these insulating materials are disturbed.
  • Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI): UFFI is a low-density foam made from plastic resins, a foaming agent and compressed air.
    脲醛泡沫隔热材料(UFFI):UFFI 是一种由塑料树脂、发泡剂和压缩空气制成的低密度泡沫。
  • The formaldehyde gas can irritate eyes, nose, and throat and can increase problems for asthma and allergy sufferers.
  • Asbestos: Asbestos is found in a variety of products including roofing materials, wall and pipe coverings, floor tiles, appliances, ceilings, patching compounds, textured paints, and door gaskets of stoves, furnaces and ovens.
  • Asbestos has been declared a health hazard because it becomes a health risk when it becomes airborne.
  • Friable Asbestos is considered most dangerous as it can easily crumble, pulverize or reduce to powder by hand pressure during renovations or repairs.
  • Vermiculite: It is a flat shiny material, looks like silver-gold or grey-brown that expands when heated.
  • It has not been used as insulation since 1980 but may exist in homes built prior to that.
    自 1980 年以来,这种材料就不再被用作隔热材料,但在此之前建造的房屋中可能还存在这种材料。
  • Some vermiculite materials may contain asbestos and its existence in insulation must be disclosed when the property is sold.

Retrofitting for Energy Efficiency

  • Shading and glazing of windows and using smart window technologies.
  • Increasing thermal resistance for all insulation.
  • Using high-efficiency furnaces or integrated furnace and water heater systems.
  • Using heat recovery ventilators, which reduces humidity, pollutants, and odours by replacing stale air with fresh air.
  • Using zoned heating/cooling systems and improving the ductwork distribution.
  • Using programmable thermostats to set different temperatures at different times.

8.3 Interior Walls  8.3 内墙

Load Bearing and Non-Load Bearing

  • Load-bearing interior walls provide structural support to the house.
  • They must not be removed or cut without consulting a structural engineer.
  • If any such wall is to be removed, it should be replaced with a beam or other support.
  • The non-load bearing walls are used mainly for partitions inside the structure.
  • Removing these walls does not have any effect on the structural strength.
  • A drywall is prefabricated using gypsum, can be cut to any size, and can easily be fixed/repaired using nails or screws.
  • A plaster wall is thicker, consists of plaster applied on top of wooden wall, and needs skilled labour.

8.4 Enhancing Property Appeal
8.4 提升物业吸引力

How to Enhance Appeal

  • Curb appeal refers to the first impression a buyer would get from the exterior of the property.
  • Landscaped, clean, or tidy well-maintained gardens and lawns are visually more appealing.
  • Paths and driveways should be well-maintained and free from damage.
  • Façade refers to balanced shape or symmetry of features such as windows, roof, and garage areas.
  • Colour combinations of the house should be aesthetically appealing and give a fresh look.
  • One or more exterior structures can be added to the house such as deck, patio, gazebo, fence, sheds, barbeque areas, hot hubs, swimming pool, and/or a porch.

Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Storage Modifications

  • Kitchen and bathroom are those two parts of the house that can immediately impress or disappoint a buyer, depending on their design, functionality, fixtures, and fittings.
  • Modifications in kitchen and bathrooms may include energy efficient and environmentally friendly options such as water saving faucets or low-flow toilets.
  • Mudrooms, staircase storage, shelving, Lazy Susans (corner cabinet), and closet organizers can be used for extra storage.

8.5 Conversions, Retrofits, and Renovations
8.5 改建、翻新和改造

Building Permit  建筑许可证

  • Construction, renovations, additions, alterations, or conversions in a home may require a building permit issued by the local municipality.
  • Some homeowners may assume that any renovations need a building permit, which may be a misconception as smaller jobs may not need it.
  • Providing false information in the permit application may result in heavy fines, and possibly remedies that may prove to be very expensive.
  • Application: An application with detailed plans and property survey is submitted to the building development department of the local municipality.
  • Review: The plans must comply with mechanical and structural/architectural requirements under the Ontario Building Code and zoning bylaws.
  • Permit: Issue of permit is the legal permission to start construction. It must be posted on the site. If there are any changes, they must be reviewed and approved.
  • Inspections: Requests for inspections must be made 24 hours before work can proceed beyond stages set in the permit. Failure to request inspection may result in a ‘work stoppage’ order.
    检查:必须在 24 小时前提出检查请求,才能继续进行许可规定阶段以外的工作。未申请检查可能会导致 "停工令"。

Conversion of a Structure

  • Some buyers or investors may wish to buy an older property and convert it to residential use, which may face a range of challenges.
  • Factors that impact such decisions include choosing the right property, obtaining approval for rezoning, heritage designation of the old building, buying in conservation areas, and budget considerations.
  • Fire Code as well as the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) regulations must be met during the conversion process.
  • Often times, converting a building may prove to be more expensive than originally estimated.
  • However, repurposing and reusing can reduce the expenses incurred in conversion.

Accessory Apartments  附属公寓

  • A second self-contained unit within a house makes it a two-unit residential structure and the owner must follow certain legal requirements.
  • The retrofit provisions of the Ontario Fire Code address various requirements including safety of the occupants, fire separation, escape (egress or exit) from each unit, fire alarms, fire suppression, and electrical safety.
  • Approval of such additions require two separate inspections - (i) an electrical inspection, and (ii) an inspection by the fire department.
    批准此类加建工程需要进行两次单独的检查--(i) 电气检查,(ii) 消防部门检查。
  • Salespersons must exercise caution when dealing with properties with two dwelling units and ensure that appropriate disclosures are made to the buyers.

Insurance  保险

  • Some insurers may refuse to provide coverage, or the premiums and deductibles may be high, in case they feel the risk is high in providing insurance.
  • Age of the structure is important, and the insurer may need details of roofing, heating, plumbing, and electrical systems.
  • Insurers may also need proof of compliance with Ontario Building Code, Fire Code, and Electrical Safety Code.
  • The most important consideration is that mortgage lenders will not provide financing for purchase if the buyer is unable to obtain insurance.

Residential Construction

  • Improvements in residential construction materials enhance durability, energy efficiency, and cost effectiveness.
  • Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) provides permanent interlocking interior/exterior form into which the concrete is poured and can extend beyond basements to replace all exterior walls.
    隔热混凝土模板 (ICF) 提供永久性的内/外墙交错模板,并将混凝土浇筑其中,可延伸至地下室以外,取代所有外墙。
  • Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS) provide an attractive exterior surface, which can minimize heat and cool air loss due to thermal bridges created by studs and other components of the wall.
  • Compressed Wood Fibre with weather resistant adhesives may be used for baseboards, crown mouldings, and cabinetry instead of expensive solid wood.

Factory Built Homes  工厂建造房屋

  • Factory-built homes are built or prefabricated in a factory and delivered to the final location for installation or assembly.
  • Manufactured Homes are completely built in a factory, transported on large truck beds to the site, and placed on concrete piers or cement pylons. They are less expensive than modular homes.
  • Modular Homes are built in sections in a factory, delivered to the site, and assembled there. They have pre-built truss floors that go on a basement or foundation.

Flex Housing  弹性外壳

  • Flex Housing, promoted by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), offers home options that meet the needs of young singles as well as aging parents.
    由加拿大按揭与住房公司(CMHC)推广的 "灵活住房"(Flex Housing)提供的住房选择既能满足单身青年的需求,也能满足年迈父母的需求。
  • It is a compilation of individual features such as access needs for people with disabilities that can be installed easily and cost-effectively during initial construction.
  • Flex housing offers adaptability, convertibility, and cost-effectiveness in the sense that they do not become functionally obsolete and do not need frequent upgrades.

Universal Appeal and Accessibility

  • Universal construction designs include barrier-free access and make homes accessible for everyone, regardless of their age or abilities as they provide better access, safety and convenience.
  • These designs offer wider door widths, level door handles, lower light switches, no-step entries, elevators, large and accessible bathrooms, adjustable hanging arrangements, and wider hallways.
  • Several private and government programs provide various types of funding to homeowners to convert their homes to universal designs.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
挥发性有机化合物 (VOC)

  • Building materials usually contain paint, adhesives, resins, caulking, fillers and finishes.
  • They produce gas emissions inside the structure.
  • These compounds can be toxic and cause harmful health effects to occupants who are hypersensitive to chemicals and gases.
  • Selection of low-VOC materials and proper air filtration/ventilation systems reduce problems.

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

  • SBS involves circumstances under which building occupants experience health related problems due to the time spent inside a structure.
    SBS 涉及建筑物使用者因在建筑物内逗留时间过长而出现健康相关问题的情况。
  • SBS conditions can cause dizziness, nausea, and lack of concentration, allergy, throat irritation, headaches and asthma.
    SBS 病症可导致头晕、恶心、注意力不集中、过敏、喉咙不适、头痛和哮喘。
  • The main reasons for SBS are inadequate building ventilation, lack of proper air filtration, inappropriate measures to control moisture that causes mould, etc.
    造成 SBS 的主要原因是楼宇通风不足、缺乏适当的空气过滤、防潮措施不当导致发霉等。
Table of Contents  目录


9.1 Meeting with the Sellers
9.1 与卖方会面

Research Property Information

  • Review Documents: All information provided by the seller should be reviewed from source documents, which include ownership from title/deed, property tax from tax bill, lot size from GeowareHouse ® ® ®®, total square footage, surveys, permits, contracts for rental equipment, etc.
    审查文件:卖方提供的所有信息都应根据原始文件进行审查,其中包括产权/契约中的所有权、税单中的房产税、GeowareHouse ® ® ®® 中的地块面积、总面积、调查、许可证、租赁设备合同等。
  • Previous Listings and Sales: Listing history will provide information on previous listing and sale prices as well as disclosures made by the previous owners.
  • Past Misuse/Stigma: Information from local police department and internet search may reveal any stigma or past misuse of the property for illegal purposes.
  • External Factors: Anything surrounding the property may have a negative or positive impact on the property value.
  • The neighbourhood may be improving or may be in declining stage.
  • Noise, pollution, local traffic, and/or flooding, etc. in the area may also impact value.
  • Neighbourhood: Information on the neighbourhood can be obtained from GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}, or from a mapping service such as Google Maps®.
    周边环境:可从 GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 或 Google Maps® 等地图服务中获取周边环境信息。

Listing Presentation  上市演示

  • Benefits of Pre-Listing Presentation: It demonstrates to the seller that the salesperson has the knowledge, expertise, and confidence to sell their property.
  • The salesperson must ask the sellers if they are already working with another brokerage.
  • Benefits of Working with a Brokerage: The salesperson can explain that he/she has the required education, knowledge, skills, and experience to market the property.
  • As a member of regulated and organized profession, the salesperson will comply with regulatory obligations and have the required insurance to protect against any loss.
  • Determine Sellers’ Needs: The salesperson must listen carefully to the seller to determine their needs such as what they are expecting and how soon they want to sell.
  • Knowledge of competitive prices will help the salesperson list the property at a reasonable price.
  • Service Alternatives: Explain the difference of obligations and services between a ‘client’ and a ‘customer’.
    服务选择:解释 "客户 "和 "顾客 "在义务和服务方面的区别。
  • Inform the sellers that signing a Listing Agreement makes them a client of the brokerage.
  • Completing the Listing Agreement: The document package contains the Listing Agreement and the Data Sheet, which must be completed accurately.
  • The salesperson must confirm all information from the source documents.
  • Information that must be reviewed includes current property tax from tax bill, lot size from GeowareHouse ® ® ®®, surveys, permits, contracts for rental equipment, etc.
    必须审查的信息包括税单中的当前房产税、GeowareHouse ® ® ®® 中的地块面积、调查、许可证、租赁设备合同等。
  • Ask the sellers for their photo identification to complete the FINTRAC forms.
    请卖方提供带有照片的身份证明,以便填写 FINTRAC 表格。

9.2 Visual Inspection  9.2 外观检查

Types of Defects  缺陷类型

  • Patent Defect: A patent defect is that which is readily visible upon reasonable inspection.
  • Examples include missing railing, cracks in foundation wall, evidence of mould, etc.
  • A disclosure is not required for patent defects.
  • Latent Defect: A latent defect is that which is not readily visible to an untrained eye upon reasonable inspection.
  • This includes hidden flaws, weaknesses, or imperfections, and advice from a thirdparty professional may be required.
  • Examples include hidden water damage, encroachment, vermiculite insulation, minor flooding in the basement, etc.
  • Material Latent Defect: Material latent defects pose serious risk, which can render the property unsafe for habitation.
  • Examples include things that make the property dangerous for living (such as high levels of radon gas), unfit for habitation due to mould, or a previous grow operation that involves municipal authorities.
  • They are judged material to the enjoyment of the property and the seller must disclose all such known material latent defects.

Disclosures  披露

  • The seller has an obligation to disclose known latent defects to potential buyers as nondisclosure may render a contract invalid.
  • Salespersons should protect the buyer, the seller, and the brokerage from legal issues with appropriate disclosures.
  • They should ask questions about the property, use a Seller Property Information Statement (SPIS), and ensure that the seller understands the importance of making accurate statements.
    他们应询问有关房产的问题,使用卖方房产信息声明 (SPIS),并确保卖方了解做出准确声明的重要性。
  • A known latent defect should be disclosed as soon as possible; in the listing as well as in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale by inserting appropriate clauses.

Visual Inspection  目视检查

  • Interior inspection includes attic area, basement, staircases, foundation, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, plumbing, electrical wiring, walls, and the ceiling.
  • Exterior inspection includes walls, porches, doors, windows, front and back yards, roof, and secondary structures.
  • Any areas of the property that cannot be accessed for inspection should be documented.
  • For example, an air conditioner cannot be inspected in winter or the condition of the roof is not visible due to snow.
  • If any areas are not visually inspected, this should be disclosed to the buyer by inserting a clause in the agreement.
  • Since salespersons are not experts in home inspection, repairs, or construction, they have an obligation to recommend the seller to hire a third-party professional if a more thorough inspection is required before listing.

Asking Questions  提问

  • The seller should be asked questions before conducting visual inspection of the property so that the listing is accurate and there is no misrepresentation.
  • Sellers responses should be compared to the personal visual inspection.
  • General Questions: These include length of ownership, persons on the title of the property, and if there is any spousal interest.
  • Age of the house, availability of a survey, rights-of-way, easements, and/or encroachments.
  • Source of water (municipal or private well), septic system, and whether permits and/or inspection reports are available.
  • Any issues regarding zoning compliance, notices, claims, work orders, or deficiency notices from the municipality.
  • Environmental Questions: These are related to soil contamination, type of fuel tank, flood plain location, any existing waste dumps in the surrounding area, soil erosion, or if the property was previously used for an illegal purpose.
  • Structural Questions: These questions are related to additions or alterations to the property and associated building permits, problems with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, plumbing, moisture, and roof leakage.

9.3 Gathering Information
9.3 收集信息

Verification of Property Information

  • Lot size can be verified from survey, tax bills, or assessment notices. The frontage, depth, and any irregularity must be noted.
  • The total living area may be verified from GeowareHouse®, builder’s plans, or may be measured manually as per guidelines from the local board.
    总居住面积可根据 GeowareHouse®、建筑商的图纸进行核实,也可根据当地委员会的指导原则进行人工测量。
  • Individual rooms may be measured manually, or the measurements may be obtained from builder’s plans in case of a new house.

Verification of Physical Aspects

  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC): The information that needs to be verified includes age, condition, and whether the equipment is owned or rented.
    供暖、通风和空调 (HVAC):需要核实的信息包括设备的使用年限、状况以及是自有设备还是租赁设备。
  • Determine the source of fuel for heating such as gas, oil, electric, wood, or propane.
  • Well and Septic System: Ask the seller about building permits and the last time these systems were inspected.
  • When was the last water sample testing done and the last time the septic system was pumped?
  • Electrical Wiring: Determine the type of electrical wiring (60 amps, 100 amps , or 200 amps ), copper or aluminum, and whether there are fuses or circuit breakers.
    电气线路:确定电线类型(60 安培、100 安培或 200 安培)、铜线还是铝线,以及是否有保险丝或断路器。
  • Plumbing: Determine the type of plumbing for supply lines, which may be copper, PVC or PEX (Kitec).
    冷热水管道:确定供水管道的类型,可能是铜管、PVC 管或 PEX 管(Kitec)。
  • Rental Equipment: Obtain the details of any rental equipment (e.g. water heater or propane tank) from the seller.
  • Check how the rental contract would be transferred to the buyer.
  • Rent-to-Own: Any rent to own equipment should be identified and the seller be advised that the balance may have to be paid upon sale of the property if the buyer does not assume the contract.

Impact of Neighbourhood on Property Value

  • Neighbourhood features such as schools, public transportation, municipal water and sewage systems, parks, and shopping centres may have a positive impact on value.
  • Features such as proximity to industrial areas, environmental hazards, sources of noise, pollution, waste disposal sites, etc. may have a negative impact on value.
  • Local Economic Conditions: Municipal plans regarding new roads, highways, re-zoning, etc. may also impact the property values negatively or positively.
  • Conformity: A property maintains its value if the land use reasonably conforms to existing standards in the neighbourhood in terms of building styles.
  • Progression: An inferior house located in a neighbourhood where most other houses are superior will have a positive impact on the value.
  • Regression: A superior house located in a neighbourhood where most other houses are inferior will have a negative impact on the value.
  • External Factors: Availability or unavailability of services and amenities in the neighbourhood may have an impact on property values.

9.4 Linear Measurements and Areas Calculations
9.4 线性测量和面积计算

Guidelines from Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC)

  • The Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) provides guidelines for measurement, which are helpful in estimating the value of the property.
    加拿大估价协会 (AIC) 提供了测量指南,有助于估算财产价值。
  • The total living area is calculated using external measurements of all above grade living areas that are heated year-around.
  • In most common styles such as one storey, one and half storey, two storey, and split levels, the exterior length is multiplied by exterior width to calculate the area.
  • Basement areas (even when finished and heated) and crawl spaces are excluded from measurements.
  • Areas that are finished with walls, floors and ceilings, heated year around, and are directly accessible from other living areas are included.
  • A laser measuring device, digital measuring wheel, or a simple retractable tape measure may be used for all linear measurements.

Units of Measurement and Conversions

  • Metres and feet are commonly used for linear measurements, while area is expressed in terms of square metres or square feet.
  • Acres or hectares are used for larger areas of farm, rural/recreational, vacant land and building lots.
  • Conversions:  转换:
  • Metres to Feet: Multiply metres by 3.281.
    米转英尺: 米乘以 3.281。
  • Feet to Metres: Multiply feet by 0.3048 .
    英尺到米:英尺乘以 0.3048 。
  • Square Meters to Square Feet: Multiply square metres by 10.76
    平方米到平方英尺:平方米乘以 10.76
  • Square Feet to Square Metres: Multiply square feet by 0.0929.
    平方英尺到平方米:平方英尺乘以 0.0929。
  • Acres to Hectares: Multiply acres by 0.4047
    英亩到公顷:英亩乘以 0.4047
  • Hectares to Acres: Multiply hectares by 2.471
    公顷到英亩:公顷乘以 2.471

Formulas for Area  面积公式

  • Rectangle or Square: Length X Width
    长方形或正方形:长 X 宽
  • Right Angle Triangle: 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 X Base X Perpendicular Distance
    直角三角形: 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 X 底面 X 垂直距离
  • Parallelogram: Length X Perpendicular Distance
    平行四边形:长 X 垂直距离
  • Trapezoid: 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 X (Sum of Parallel Sides) X Perpendicular Distance
    梯形: 1 / 2 1 / 2 1//21 / 2 X(平行边之和)X垂直距离

9.5 Improvements Before Listing
9.5 上市前的改进

Basic Improvements  基本改进

  • Small improvements or renovations before listing makes the property stand out from other listed properties and reduces the chances of being ignored by potential buyers.
  • Certain improvements result in greater return on investment and help to sell the property quickly.
  • Upgrading windows and doors, repainting the interior and/or exterior of the house, changing bathroom and kitchen fixtures, and finishing the unfinished areas of basement are some of the recommended improvements.

Interior Staging Techniques

  • The interior may be made to look bright and airy by opening drapes to let in maximum light.
  • Areas of the house that are easily visible should be kept neat and clean.
  • Clutter in kitchens, bathrooms and other parts of the house should be removed.
  • Any items that are broken should be repaired or replaced.
  • It is recommended that personalized items such as pictures and photos should be removed.
Table of Contents  目录


10.1 Environmental Issues and Regulatory Authorities
10.1 环境问题和监管机构

Septic Systems  化粪池系统

  • The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing works with local municipalities (lower tier or regional) to regulate and enforce the Ontario Building Code (OBC), which is usually reviewed every 5 years.
    市政事务和住房部与地方市政当局(下级或地区)合作,监管和执行《安大略省建筑规范》(OBC),该规范通常每 5 年审查一次。
  • OBC sets out eligibility criteria for septic system inspectors and licensing of technicians.
    OBC 规定了化粪池系统检查员的资格标准和技术人员的许可。
  • The Code includes specific requirements for installation, repair, maintenance, and cleaning of septic systems.
  • Salespersons should ensure that the septic system is inspected before the property is listed.
  • Buyer’s salesperson may include a condition in the agreement regarding inspection of the septic system by a licensed inspector.

TSSA and Fuel Tanks
TSSA 和燃料箱

  • Fuel tanks (underground or above ground) pose a risk of contamination to the environment.
  • All such tanks must be registered with Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).
  • TSSA regulates the activities of contractors for installation, testing, maintenance, repair, removal, replacement, inspection and use of appliances, equipment, components and accessories where oil is used as fuel.
    TSSA 监管承包商在安装、测试、维护、修理、拆除、更换、检查和使用以石油为燃料的用具、设备、组件和配件方面的活动。
  • Existing underground oil tanks must be upgraded with leak and spill prevention equipment or should be removed.
  • Unused oil tanks must be removed by TSSA registered technician and contamination must be cleaned up. They may remain abandoned on the property only if approved by TSSA.
    未使用的油罐必须由 TSSA 注册技术人员拆除,并清理污染。只有在获得 TSSA 批准的情况下,这些油罐才能继续被遗弃在物业中。
  • Disclosures: Salespersons should inspect the property during listing process and make enquiries to determine if any underground fuel tank exists.
  • They should verify the information with TSSA since its existence is a material fact as well as a latent defect.
    他们应向 TSSA 核实这些信息,因为这些信息的存在既是重要事实,也是潜在缺陷。
  • Existence of an underground fuel tank must be disclosed to the buyer by inserting appropriate clauses in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • If a seller sells a property and does not disclose an unused underground oil tank, a legal action can be taken by buyers.

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks

  • The provincial Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks handles the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) to ensure clean and unpolluted safe air, land, and water.
  • The ministry is authorized to investigate matters concerning pollution, waste management, waste disposal, and litter management in order to protect and conserve the natural environment.
  • It grants approvals to businesses to emit a certain amount of pollution in order to restrict the impact on air quality.
  • Licenses and Approvals: The ministry reserves the authority for the following -
  • Permits for private water wells.
  • Approvals for herbicide use by cottage owners to control aquatic plants.
  • Remediation of contaminated lands.
  • Land development and associated sewage works.
  • Haulage of septic waste from medical facilities.
  • Registrants must be aware of environmental issues concerning a property and direct their clients to appropriate third-party advice.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

  • The ministry is responsible for protecting and managing the province’s diverse natural resources and improving quality of life.
  • It manages Ontario’s fish and wildlife resources, forests, manages Crown lands, oil, gas, salt, and aggregate resources.
  • It protects fish habitat, including discharge of pollutants into watercourses, on behalf of the federal government under the Fisheries Act.
  • The Ministry issues permits for work on shorelands adjacent to navigable waters.
  • Wetlands: The ministry protects and conserves wetland areas.
  • Wetlands are areas covered either seasonally or permanently by shallow water or where the water table is at or near the surface.
  • These are categorized as swamps, bogs, fens, marshes, and open water less than 2 metres in depth.
    这些水域分为沼泽、沼泽、沼泽地、沼泽和水深小于 2 米的开阔水域。

Current and Previous Uses of Property

  • Salespersons must investigate current and previous uses of the subject property which may potentially create detrimental conditions, and as such, may become material latent defects.
  • Hoarding of useless or discarded items (no value) on the property, which may lead to buildup of grease, dust, dampness, mould, or even infestation with mice, termites, bats, etc.
  • Illegal narcotics lab (other than cannabis or marijuana) of synthetic or other drugs.
  • Use of garage as an auto repair shop, which stores and uses lubricants, solvents, and engine oil.
  • Renovation of the property without appropriate permits, which may not be in compliance with Ontario Building Code or the Ontario Fire Code.
  • Salespersons should advise the sellers to consult an appropriate third-party professional to identify and correct the detrimental condition of the property.

Potentially Detrimental Conditions

  • Salespersons should conduct a personal visual inspection of the property during the listing process that may reveal some of the potentially detrimental conditions.
  • Deferred Maintenance: Lack of routine maintenance results in conditions such as rotten walkways, broken wooden structures, leaky roofs, insufficient insulation, growth of mould, etc.
  • Aluminum Wiring: Homes built during 1950s and 1960s may have aluminum wiring.
    铝制电线:20 世纪 50 和 60 年代建造的房屋可能使用铝制电线。
  • OBC permits use of aluminum wiring if appropriate aluminum or copper wire connectors are used.
    如果使用适当的铝线或铜线连接器,OBC 允许使用铝线。
  • The ‘Aluminum’ or ‘Alum’ mark on the casing identifies such wiring.
    外壳上的 "Aluminum "或 "Alum "标记用于识别此类线路。
  • In this case, the seller may be advised to consult a licensed electrician.
  • Poor Insulation: Typical wall insulation is made up of batt insulation, a vapour barrier, and interior finishing with drywall or other panels.
  • Insulation is rated based on R R RR-Value, and higher R-Value means good insulation.
    隔热性能是根据 R R RR -Value 评定的,R-Value 越高,隔热性能就越好。
  • Signs of poor insulation include higher energy bills, fluctuating room temperatures, and chilly drafts.
  • Salespersons should ask the sellers if they have cold floors and walls in winter or if there is any growth of mould.
  • Galvanized Piping/Plumbing: Used until 1950s, these pipes may have begun to rust or corrode from inside and outside.
    镀锌管/管道:这些管道一直使用到 20 世纪 50 年代,可能已经开始从内部和外部生锈或腐蚀。
  • This results in reduction of water pressure, restricted water flow, increased risk of leaks or ruptures, and potential for flooding.
  • Galvanized pipes that run from municipal service pipes to property taps have been banned on Ontario.

Knob and Tube Wiring

  • Homes built in the early 1900s up to late 1940s had Knob and Tube type of wiring.
    20 世纪初至 40 年代末建造的房屋使用的是旋钮和管式布线。
  • It is identified by ceramic or porcelain pipes through which the wires were run.
  • Knob and Tube wiring is considered a fire risk due to lack of grounding.
  • This is a material fact and sellers are required to disclose it to potential buyers.
  • Insurance companies may either refuse to provide coverage or provide conditional 2 or 3months’ coverage, and the buyer may have to spend money to upgrade the wiring to copper.
    保险公司可能会拒绝提供保险,或提供 2 个月或 3 个月的有条件保险,买方可能不得不花钱将线路升级为铜线。
  • Salespersons should ask the seller or inspect the unfinished areas of basement where Knob and Tube wiring may be visible.
  • Buyers should be advised to conduct a thorough home and electrical inspection before submitting an offer.

Mould  模具

  • Mould is the growth of minute fungi associated with decaying vegetable or animal matter.
  • Lack of ventilation (air-tight building) and modern building materials are also a reason for growth of mould.
  • Mould requires moisture and water to grow and can generally be found in damp areas of a building.
  • Kitchen cupboards, storage space and basement recreation rooms are susceptible to mould. Interior building materials may hide dampness problems in these areas.
  • Furnace and air conditioners recirculate internal air and further complicate the problem.
  • Stachybotrys Atra is a dangerous type of mould that produces mycotoxins.
  • Long term exposure to mould causes severe breathing difficulties, dizziness, memory loss, headaches, and bleeding in lungs.

Lead-Based Products  含铅产品

  • Lead is a bluish-grey metal found in various products, e.g. grooved bars in stained glass windows.
  • Main sources of lead in older buildings are lead paint found in older properties, lead pipes, or soldered pipes coated with minerals.
  • Dust and soil in properties adjacent to battery recycling and printing industries may also be a source of lead.

Asbestos  石棉

  • Asbestos is found in a variety of products including roofing materials, wall and pipe coverings, floor tiles, appliances, ceilings, patching compounds, textured paints, and door gaskets of stoves, furnaces and ovens.
  • Asbestos has been declared a health hazard as it becomes a health risk when it becomes airborne.
  • Asbestos is both a patent defect (visible) and a latent defect (not visible), and as such, it is a material fact that must be disclosed.
  • Friable Asbestos is considered dangerous as it can easily crumble, pulverize or reduce to powder by hand pressure during renovations or repairs.
  • Asbestos may be found in -
  • Insulating materials in homes built between 1920s and mid-1960s.
    20 世纪 20 年代至 60 年代中期所建房屋的隔热材料。
  • Insulated water pipes that are deteriorating, old stoves, ovens, and furnace gaskets.
  • Pipes wrapped in a foill-like or canvas-type material.
  • Attic ceiling or wall materials that are crumbling due to water damage.

Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI)

  • Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI) is a low-density foam made from plastic resins, a foaming agent and compressed air.
  • The formaldehyde gas can irritate eyes, nose, and throat and can increase problems for asthma and allergy sufferers.
  • UFFI was used as insulation material in buildings built between 1975 and 1979 but was later banned in 1980.
    1975 年至 1979 年期间建造的建筑物曾使用过 UFFI 作为隔热材料,但后来在 1980 年被禁止使用。
  • Generally, it is not scientifically or medically decided whether it is actually a health hazard or not.
  • Presence of UFFI in a property is a material fact and must be disclosed by inserting an appropriate clause in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
    物业中是否存在 UFFI 是一项重要事实,必须通过在买卖合同中加入适当条款予以披露。


  • Radon is invisible, odourless and tasteless gas produced by natural decay of uranium in earth’s crest.
  • The gas itself is not dangerous but becomes hazardous when it breaks down into progeny that cling to dust and soil particles inside the structure.
  • These radioactive particles attach themselves to lung tissues when Radon is inhaled.
  • Homeowners can buy a Radon test kit, or they can hire a radon measurement professional.
  • Remedial Action for Radon: Covering exposed earth in a building, ventilation of the basement, sealing cracks and openings within basement areas, and sealing service entrance points.

Salesperson Obligations for Disclosures

  • Under the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA), salespersons have an obligation to take reasonable steps to determine and disclose material facts about the subject property to both clients and customers.
  • These material facts include, but not limited to, potential hazards and environmental issues.
  • Best Interests: The best interests of the seller clients must be protected and promoted.
  • Conscientious and Competent Service: Salespersons must have reasonable knowledge, skill, judgement, and competence to provide services to clients and customers.
  • Material Facts: Salespersons must take reasonable steps to determine material facts about the subject property, discuss the issues with their clients, and make requisite disclosures.
  • This duty applies to both clients and customers.
  • Services from Others: If the salesperson is unable to provide services with reasonable knowledge, the client must be advised to obtain expert services from other third-party professionals.

Environmental Site Assessment

  • Salespersons must discuss environmental issues with the seller as these are considered material facts and must be disclosed to potential buyers.
  • The present and past uses of the property may be a cause for concern and the salesperson should recommend Environmental Site Assessment as part of due diligence.
  • Phase 1: This phase involves visit to the property for visual evidence of possible contamination.
    第 1 阶段:这一阶段包括实地考察,寻找可能存在污染的直观证据。
  • A review of documents, aerial photographs, title search, information from the ministry, and municipality are conducted.
  • It determines if reasons exist to believe that a property may have some form of contamination.
  • Phase 2: This phase involves collecting samples of soil and water (by on-site drilling), which are sent to a laboratory for analysis.
  • The tests determine the extent of contamination and suggests a remediation plan.
  • The purpose of this phase is to have a conclusive evidence whether a property is contaminated, and if some remedial action is required.
  • Phase 3: This phase involves remediation of the contaminated land, which may take from a few days to a few months.
    第 3 阶段:这一阶段涉及对受污染土地的修复,可能需要几天到几个月的时间。
  • The environmental clean-up report is a confirmation for contamination removal, treatment, and current status of the site.
  • Unsuccessful remediation may result in a Site-Specific Risk Assessment, which specifies the type of development that can be done on the site.

10.3 Stigmatized Properties
10.3 被污名化的特性

Stigma  耻辱

  • Stigma is associated with detrimental factors that negatively affect the value of the property.
  • Some examples of issues that may create a stigma include murder or suicide in the property, criminal activity, grow operations, natural or unnatural death of a person, death of an infant in the crib, haunted house, etc.
  • Media exposure and rumours related to any stigma also impact the value.
  • Stigma also results in longer periods to sell the property.
  • Real vs. Perceived Risk: There may not be any real risk or danger due to stigma, but the perceived impact may arise when a buyer is informed that the house they just purchased is haunted.
  • Impact on Value: Stigma causes negative impact on value, but it is difficult to estimate the actual loss of value.

Ask Questions and Make Disclosures

  • Questions for the Seller: Ask the seller if anything happened on the property that would possibly be considered a stigma.
  • Questions for the Buyer: Ask the buyer if an event or circumstance that occurred on the property would affect their decision to buy the property.
  • Disclosure Requirements for Stigma: In Ontario, there is no legal requirement for the seller to disclose stigma.
  • However, when this issue is appropriately discussed with sellers, recommend the seller that a disclosure will protect them from possible lawsuits from the buyer after the closing.
  • Even if the seller and the salesperson do not disclose, the buyers will come to know about stigmatized property from neighbours.
  • Stigma and Multiple Representation: The seller should be advised that any known information about stigma must be disclosed to the buyer.
  • Seller’s consent in this regard is required even if the seller objects to sharing such information.
  • In case the seller does not give consent, the brokerage may give up working with the seller client.

Stigma and Potential Buyers

  • Stigma is subjective, and what is important to one buyer may not be an issue for another buyer.
  • Salespersons should discuss relevant stigma issues with buyers and conduct additional research to protect a potential buyer.
  • A Representation and Warranty clause can be inserted in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • The ‘Doctrine of Caveat Emptor’ (let the buyer beware) applies as ultimately it is the buyer who is responsible for their purchase.

10.4 Environmental Issues and REBBA Compliance
10.4 环境问题和 REBBA 合规性

Property Conditions and Material Facts

  • Salespersons must conduct a thorough visual inspection of the property to identify any defect or deficiency.
  • The seller must be asked specific questions regarding any detrimental conditions or stigmas.
  • Any documentation regarding these material facts must be obtained from the seller and the seller must be advised about his/her obligation to disclose them.
  • A search of the property on the internet should be conducted and previous listings should be checked.

Leading Practices to Comply with Code of Ethics

  • Accurate Description of Property: Only accurate, current, and up-to-date information of the property should be included in the Listing Agreement.
  • The salesperson must disclose material facts even if the seller asks the salesperson to hide certain information (such as an unused underground fuel tank).
  • Fairness and Honesty: When dealing with others, such as potential buyers or salespersons from other brokerages, the presence of detrimental conditions of the property must be disclosed.
  • Consulting Third-Party Professionals: If a condition exists on the property that is beyond salesperson’s knowledge and skill, the seller should be advised to obtain services from third-party experts.
  • The seller should be provided with a list of two or three such professionals.
  • Steps to Address Issues: The seller should be provided details of the steps taken by the salesperson to identify and determine any action required regarding the condition of the property and seller’s obligation to disclose known latent defects.
  • Accurate Advertising: Verify that all information in advertising and promotional material is accurate and up to date.
  • Conscientious and Competent Service: Promote and protect the seller client’s best interests by discussing property conditions and provide services to seller clients and customers which are within salesperson’s scope.
  • Sellers must understand salesperson’s disclosure obligations.
  • Salespersons must include appropriate conditions in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.

Minimizing Risk Concerning Environmental Issues

  • Environmental risk affecting properties include waste management, underground fuel tanks, mould, lead, asbestos, and radon.
  • Issues affecting renovated properties include flooding, standing water, compliance with regulations, hazardous substances, and previous use of the property.
  • Salespersons must be well informed and updated on environmental matters and ensure that agreements are drafted accurately.
  • They should seek third-party expert advice as and when necessary.

Discuss and Document Disclosure Requirements

  • Document the information provided by the seller and advise the seller to obtain services from third-party professionals.
  • Inform the seller about brokerage disclosure policies and that that these facts must be disclosed to potential buyers.
  • Ensure that the steps taken have been documented.
Table of Contents  目录

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使用 MiniCram 绝对不会错


11.1 Opinion on Property Value and List Price
11.1 对物业价值和挂牌价的意见

Value vs. Listing Price

  • The value of the property is different than its listing price.
  • When estimating a reasonable listing price for a property, salespersons may use the Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) form.
    在估算房产的合理挂牌价时,销售人员可使用市场比较分析 (CMA) 表格。
  • The market value of a property is best estimated by professional appraisers who have the required knowledge, ability, skills, and experience in the appraisal profession.
  • REBBA prohibits registrants (Brokerages, Brokers and Salespersons) from providing value opinions to clients or customers when they do not have knowledge, skills, judgment, competence, education or experience related to valuation of real estate.
    REBBA 禁止注册人(经纪公司、经纪人和销售人员)在不具备与房地产估价相关的知识、技能、判断力、能力、教育或经验的情况下,向客户或顾客提供价值意见。
  • Registrants should refer their clients and customers to obtain services from others; professional appraisers in this case.
  • RECO Errors and Omissions Insurance does not cover a registrant for appraisal assignments.
    RECO 错误和遗漏保险不承保注册人的评估任务。

Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC)

  • Appraisals done by members of AIC are respected by courts, banks, real estate corporations, trust companies and all levels of government.
    AIC 会员所做的评估受到法院、银行、房地产公司、信托公司和各级政府的尊重。
  • Designations:  称号
  • Canadian Residential Appraiser (CRA) designation allows members to evaluate individual, undeveloped residential sites and housing containing up to four selfcontained units (fourplex).
  • Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI) designation allows members to do valuations for all types of real properties including residential, industrial, commercial, vacant land, and agricultural.

Canadian National Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (CNAREA)
加拿大国家房地产估价师协会 (CNAREA)

  • CNAREA is a non-profit, independent association that certifies and regulates real property appraisers in Canada.
    CNAREA 是一个非营利性的独立协会,负责对加拿大的不动产估价师进行认证和监管。
  • Designations:  称号
  • Designated Appraiser Residential (DAR) can appraise residential properties consisting of up to four housing units (fourplex) and non-complex commercial properties that have a residential component.
    指定住宅估价师 (DAR) 可以估价最多由四个住房单元组成的住宅物业(四合院)和包含住宅部分的非综合商业物业。
  • Designated Appraiser Commercial (DAC) can do appraisals and consultations for all types of properties.
    指定商业评估师 (DAC) 可以为所有类型的房产进行评估和咨询。

Situations that Require Professional Appraisers

  • Buying, selling, financing, or refinancing a property.
  • Making real estate investment decisions.
  • Review of property tax assessments and assessing Capital Gains Tax.
  • Claims for insurance purposes or compensation for Expropriation.
  • Valuations for matrimonial split-ups, arbitration, or other legal matters.
  • Business mergers, acquisitions, and dissolutions.
  • Property valuation to meet International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  • Completing Reserve Fund Study for a condominium corporation.
  • Completing mass appraisals and valuation of machinery and equipment.

Appraisal Reports and Benefits

  • The Form Report:  表格报告:
  • Form Report usually consists of 5 to 10 pages of pre-printed information but provides systematic and precise analysis of evaluation.
    表格报告通常包括 5 至 10 页预先打印的信息,但提供系统和精确的评估分析。
  • It is generally used for estimating market value of single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes.
  • The purpose is normally financing, relocation, Capital Gains Tax, estate sales, and matrimonial split ups when there is out of court settlement.
  • The Narrative Report  叙述性报告
  • Narrative Report is generally lengthy, time consuming to prepare, and may be from 50 to 100 pages.
    叙述性报告一般篇幅较长,编写耗时,可能长达 50 至 100 页。
  • It is typically used for evaluation of apartment buildings, office/commercial/industrial buildings, and agricultural land.
  • The purpose of appraisal may be financing, transfer of ownership, capital gains tax, etc.
  • It can also be used for single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes where the purpose would be for legal/court proceedings.
  • Benefits of Appraisal:  评估的好处:
  • It allows for an independent third-party advice on property value.
  • The advice is from professionals who regularly appraise real estate.
  • The property owner is able to get an unbiased opinion on the value of their property.

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

  • A CMA is used to establish a reasonable listing price for a property and is not meant for estimating the market value.
    CMA 用于确定房产的合理挂牌价,而不是用于估算市场价值。
  • Most salespersons would prepare a CMA for the seller instead of completing the Form Report.
    大多数销售人员会为卖方准备一份 CMA,而不是填写表格报告。
  • The seller is shown how his property ranks in comparison to similar properties that are- (i) now on sale, (ii) have sold in the past 12 months, and (iii) listed but expired in past 12 months.
    卖方可以看到自己的房产在同类房产中的排名,这些同类房产包括:(i) 正在出售的房产,(ii) 在过去 12 个月内已售出的房产,以及 (iii) 在过去 12 个月内已挂牌但过期的房产。
  • Components of the CMA Report:
    CMA 报告的组成部分:
  • Comparables for Sale Now.
  • Comparables Sold in the past 12 months.
    过去 12 个月内售出的同类产品。
  • Comparables Expired in the past 12 months.
    可比数据在过去 12 个月内过期。
  • Recommendations and Net Proceeds.
  • Recommendations for the Seller: Adjustments to comparable properties are made in the CMA form to arrive at a reasonable listing price for the seller’s property.
    对卖方的建议:在 CMA 表格中对可比房产进行调整,为卖方的房产确定合理的挂牌价。
  • Current market conditions, such as a seller’s market (higher sale price) or a buyer’s market (lower sale price), must be considered when providing an opinion on the listing price.
  • Seller’s personal motivation to sell the property and their personal circumstances must also be considered.

Strategies for Presenting CMA
介绍 CMA 的策略

  • Comparables: In each category, information on two or three comparable properties should be shared with the seller.
  • Current Trends: Salespersons should be prepared to discuss major market trends occurring within the immediate neighbourhood and surrounding areas.
  • Past Trends: Historical information concerning the average time taken for properties to sell, turnover of property in the neighbourhood, listing to sale price ratios, and other relevant indicators should be discussed with the sellers.
  • Strengths/Weaknesses: The strengths as well as weaknesses of the subject property in comparison to the comparables should be discussed with the seller to convince them about a reasonable listing price.
  • Cautions on Overpricing: The seller should be informed that an overpriced property may remain in the market for more than average time period.
  • Chances are that the overpriced property will remain unsold and the listing will expire.
  • The property would appear in a wrong price category on the listing service and many potential buyers would miss to notice it.
  • An overpriced property may remain as a ‘comparison property’ that attracts many showing but there are no offers.
    价格过高的房产可能会成为 "比较房产",吸引很多人看房,但却没有人出价。

11.2 Factors That Impact Value
11.2 影响价值的因素

Highest and Best Use

  • Focus on the use that produces the greatest returns at the time of valuation.
  • All appraisals are based on highest and best use of property which may be the current use or a different use.
  • Factors considered include permitted uses as per zoning by-laws, demand, and financial feasibility.
  • The amount of money a buyer would pay is based on the use and enjoyment (residential) and future income or profit (commercial) that the buyer would derive from the property.
  • The current use may be the highest and best use if the improvements conform to zoning, conform to other homes in the neighbourhood, and they add value to land.
  • If the current use is not the highest and best use the appraiser would look at an alternative use.
  • Example: Consider a residential building where the zoning by-laws permit construction of a three storey commercial complex.
  • If it is financially viable and demand exists, a commercial plaza will provide the highest and best use and, in turn, enhance the value of the property.

Conformity  一致性

  • Reasonable conformance with existing standards protects value.
  • Land must be used to reasonably conform to existing standards (zoning by-laws) in the neighbourhood.
  • Example: Variety in residential structures is an example of reasonable conformity.
  • A row of identical structures is an example of too much conformity, which may also be a negative factor.

Progression  进步

  • The value of a property tends to increase if other properties in the area are of larger size and higher value. The smallest house on the street may be the best buy.
  • Example: Assume that owner Larson’s house is a small 1500 square foot bungalow located in a neighbourhood where all other houses are more than 2,500 square foot.
    举例说明:假设房主拉尔森的房子是一栋面积为 1500 平方英尺的小平房,位于一个其他房屋面积都超过 2500 平方英尺的社区。
  • The value of Larson’s house will tend to be higher than its normal value if it were located among similar houses.

Regression  回归

  • The value of a property tends to decrease if other properties in the area are of smaller size and lower value. The largest house on the street may not be the best buy.
  • Example: Consider Matheson’s large 3,500 square foot house located in a neighbourhood where most properties are smaller in size; from 1,800 to 2,000 square feet.
    举例说明:马西森的大房子占地 3500 平方英尺,而附近的大多数房产面积都较小,从 1800 平方英尺到 2000 平方英尺不等。
  • The value of Matheson’s house will be lower than its value if it were located among similar houses.

Location and Neighbourhood

  • Value is also affected by local economy, government regulations, and nearby services or amenities.
  • Example: Michael’s property is located in an area which is close to a big shopping mall. This has a positive effect on the value of Michael’s property.
  • Jordan’s house is located in a different neighbourhood known for a high crime rate. This has a negative effect on the value of Jordan’s property.

11.3 Three Approaches to Estimate Value
11.3 估算价值的三种方法

The Cost Approach  成本法

  • The Cost Approach is useful when either good comparable sales are not available, or the subject property is unique.
  • This method is also used when the subject property is a special purpose industrial/commercial building.
  • This method cannot be used for valuation of condominium units.
  • This method is preferred by those consumers who give more importance to costing and depreciation (loss in value due to aging, wear and tear, etc.).
  • It may be used for residential, commercial and special purpose buildings.
  • Subjective vs. Objective: The Cost Approach is an interplay of both Subjective Values and Objective Values.
  • While Site Value is estimated using comparable sales data (subjective), the value of other improvements is calculated using their cost (objective).
  • Limitations of Cost Approach: Calculating Depreciation is a challenge and this method may not work well for very old properties or structures.

Direct Comparison Approach

  • The Direct Comparison Approach is a reliable method of valuation and is used popularly for residential properties.
  • It is widely accepted by courts, lenders, insurance companies and is understood by general public.
  • Lack of recent comparable sales may be a problem because the older the comparable sales, the less reliable they are.
  • This method may pose problems for evaluation of Special Purpose industrial/commercial properties and certain unique properties because comparable sales data may not be available.
  • Investors do not prefer this method as they look for economic performance of the property. They will rather prefer the Income Approach or Cost Approach.

Income Approach  收入法

  • The Income Approach is used for valuation of commercial, investment, or income producing properties.
  • This approach is based on the fact that the value of an investment property is the Present Worth of Future Cash Flows.
  • Appraisers review the Annual Operating Statement of the owner, which represents one year’s analysis of income and expenses.
  • Reconstructed Operating Statement: The statement provided by the owner may not be reliable and hence, the appraiser may have to make certain modifications.
  • This is the revised operating statement prepared by appraiser with adjustments and modifications made according to comparable properties.

11.4 The Direct Comparison Approach
11.4 直接比较法

Qualities of Good Comparable Sales

  • The comparable property should be in the local market area or same neighbourhood.
  • The sale date of the comparable should be as close as possible to the date of appraisal.
  • The comparable should be physically similar to the subject property.
  • The comparable should be an ‘arm’s length’ sale.
    可比交易应是 "正常 "交易。

Adjustments  调整

  • Adjustments are performed using ‘value’ of the features, and not the ‘cost’ of adding that feature.
    调整时使用的是功能的 "价值",而不是增加该功能的 "成本"。
  • Time: Time adjustment is done to adjust the sale price of the comparable to reflect recent changes in the market conditions and to reflect its value as of the date of valuation.
  • Location: These adjustments relate to general location of the comparable which could have a positive or negative effect.
  • Lot Size: Lot size adjustment is based on per front foot/metre with little regard to depth of the lot.
  • Physical Characteristics: These adjustments relate to differences in square footage, room sizes, number of bathrooms, etc.
  • Adjusted Sale Price: The adjusted sale price reflects the effect of time, lot size, location, and feature adjustments.

Calculating Time Adjustment

  • Example: A comparable property was sold 3 months ago for $ 350 , 000 $ 350 , 000 $350,000\$ 350,000. The prices in the market have decreased by 4 % 4 % 4%4 \% over the last 8 months. What is the amount of Time Adjustment and Time Adjusted Sale Price?
    举例说明:3 个月前,一处同类房产以 $ 350 , 000 $ 350 , 000 $350,000\$ 350,000 的价格售出。在过去 8 个月中,市场价格下降了 4 % 4 % 4%4 \% 。时间调整和时间调整后的销售价格是多少?
Since the given percentage is not ‘per month’, divide it by 8 .
因为给出的百分比不是 "每月",所以除以 8。

Time Adjustment = 350 , 000 × 3 × ( 4 % ÷ 8 ) = $ 5 , 250 = 350 , 000 × 3 × ( 4 % ÷ 8 ) = $ 5 , 250 =350,000 xx3xx(4%-:8)=-$5,250=350,000 \times 3 \times(4 \% \div 8)=-\$ 5,250 (Minus adjustment because prices have decreased)
时间调整 = 350 , 000 × 3 × ( 4 % ÷ 8 ) = $ 5 , 250 = 350 , 000 × 3 × ( 4 % ÷ 8 ) = $ 5 , 250 =350,000 xx3xx(4%-:8)=-$5,250=350,000 \times 3 \times(4 \% \div 8)=-\$ 5,250 (因价格下降而减去调整额)

Time Adjusted Sale Price = 350 , 000 5 , 250 = $ 344 , 750 = 350 , 000 5 , 250 = $ 344 , 750 =350,000-5,250=$344,750=350,000-5,250=\$ 344,750
经时间调整的销售价格 = 350 , 000 5 , 250 = $ 344 , 750 = 350 , 000 5 , 250 = $ 344 , 750 =350,000-5,250=$344,750=350,000-5,250=\$ 344,750
  • Special Note: Time Adjustment is NIL if the comparable is sold -
  • Few Days Ago; 1 Week Ago, 2 Weeks Ago, 3 Weeks Ago or 4 Weeks Ago.
  • 30 Days Ago, or This Month.
    30 天前,或本月。
  • Note: Watch out for above words in the exam. In this case, the Time Adjusted Sale Price is equal to the Sale Price.

Feature Adjustments  功能调整

  • Features of each property are compared with the subject.
  • Remember a simple rule - More is Less and Less is More.
  • Plus (+) Adjustment: If a feature in the comparable is worse than the subject, the adjustment is Plus (+).
    加号 (+) 调整:如果对比照片中的某个特征比被摄体差,则调整为正 (+)。
  • Minus (-) Adjustment: If a feature in the comparable is better than the subject, the adjustment is Minus (-).
    减(-)调整:如果可比照片中的某一特征优于被摄体,则调整为减 (-)。
  • Value Difference: Calculate the difference in values for bathroom and garage. DO not use their cost.
Note: If both Cost and Value are given, use Value and ignore the Cost.

Reconciliation  对账

  • Reconciliation is the process of selecting one value estimate out of two or more.
  • The most recent sale is most reliable because the social, economic, and political changes in the local market may have resulted in significant changes to real estate values.
  • Least number of adjustments would mean that a comparable is very similar to the subject property.

Final Estimate  最终估算

  • The final estimate of value may be given as a single value or a value range.
  • If a value range is provided, it must be useful and meaningful for the client.
  • The final estimate is given as a rounded number because the estimate of value is an opinion and may not be accurate.
  • The estimate of value must be Convincing and Defensible.
Table of Contents  目录


12.1 Preparing to List
12.1 准备列表

Documents Required for Listing

  • Besides the standard Listing Agreement, the salesperson must be aware of documents and forms that are required to complete the listing.
  • One such important form is the Data Sheet, which provides detailed information about the property.
  • Documents that may be required for gathering additional information for listing include the title/deed, survey, municipal tax bills and assessment notices, GeowareHouse® report, transferable warranties for the home and the equipment, copy of lease (if any), utility bills, repairs or testing of water well and septic systems, any capital improvements, etc.
    收集上市附加信息可能需要的文件包括:产权/契约、调查、市政税单和评估通知、GeowareHouse® 报告、房屋和设备的可转让保证书、租约副本(如有)、水电费账单、水井和化粪池系统的维修或测试、任何资本改进等。

The Data Sheet Information

  • Legal Description: The source documents for verification of legal description are the title/deed and the survey.
  • An up-to-date survey will not only show property boundaries but also show any easements or encroachments.
  • Minor Easements: Easements for municipal services (water and sewage), and utilities such as hydro, telephone, gas, etc. are considered minor.
  • Major Easements: These include mutual/shared driveways or rights of way, which must be clearly identified.
  • Lot Size: The lot size must be verified from source documents such as a survey, property tax bill, from GeowareHouse ® ® ®®, etc.
    地块面积:地块面积必须通过勘测、房产税单、GeowareHouse ® ® ®® 等来源文件进行核实。
  • Incorrect lot sizes in the listing may result in legal actions.
  • Age of Principal Structure: The buyer may need to know the age of the principal structure for obtaining insurance.
  • This information may be obtained from the seller, the original builder, municipal records, or from GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}.
    这些信息可以从卖方、原建筑商、市政记录或 GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 中获得。
  • Living Area: It is usually the overall square footage of the house, based on exterior measurements.
  • This information may be obtained from builder’s plans (if the house is new), from GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}, or a professional company may be hired for the purpose.
    这些信息可以从建筑商的图纸(如果房屋是新建的)、GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 中获得,也可以为此聘请专业公司。
  • Including square footage of the house is not always mandatory, and a range of square footage may be given.
  • Room Sizes: Salespersons should not rely on old listings for room sizes and take their own measurements.

Additional Information  其他信息

  • Taxes/Assessments: Taxes and assessments should be verified from source documents such as tax notices from the municipality. Tax notices should be final taxes for the year and not the interim taxes.
  • Zoning: The zoning of the property must be confirmed from the municipality.
  • Wiring: The electrical service size (60 amps, 100 amps , or 200 amps ), type of distribution panel (fuses or circuit breaker), and the type of wiring (copper or aluminum) should be identified.
    布线:应标明供电规格(60 安培、100 安培或 200 安培)、配电盘类型(保险丝或断路器)以及电线类型(铜线或铝线)。
  • Plumbing: The salesperson should be able to distinguish between various plumbing types such as copper, PVC, Kitec, etc.
    冷热水管道:销售人员应能区分各种冷热水管道类型,如铜管、PVC 管、Kitec 管等。
  • HVAC: The type of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system should be clearly identified.
  • Chattels and Fixtures: Chattels included in the sale and fixtures excluded from the sale must be clearly identified so that there are no confusions or problems.
  • The sellers may be advised to remove any items prior to closing that they want to take with them.
  • Rental Equipment: Besides the hot water tank, rental or rent-to-own equipment may include furnace, water softener, satellite dishes, security systems, etc.
  • The agreement or contract may be transferable to the buyer or the seller may be able to pay off the balance amount upon completion.

Remuneration/Commission  薪酬/佣金

  • The salesperson must clearly inform the seller about the start and expiry date of the agreement, the services provided, and the amount of remuneration payable to the cooperating brokerage.
  • Permitted Remuneration Structures: Remuneration can be a percentage of sale price, a flat fee, or a combination of percentage and a flat fee.
  • A La Carte/Fee Remuneration: This means that there are flat fees for various services, which the seller can select.
  • This arrangement is used when the brokerage is not providing full services to the seller.
  • Special Remuneration Agreements: A collateral agreement provides for a reduction in remuneration if no other brokerage is involved and the property is sold by the listing brokerage.
  • This may also apply when the seller sells the property to a known buyer.
  • All such agreements must be in writing and disclosed to other brokerages and buyers.

Seller's Directions for Marketing and Disclosures

  • Agreements with a Seller. Any directions or restrictions from the seller regarding marketing, showing, or offer presentation must be in writing.
  • Showings: Some sellers may have specific timings for showings or may insist that the listing salesperson is present for all showings.
  • Lockboxes: Since a lockbox is commonly used, seller’s authorization to use a lockbox or code for keypad should be documented as a written direction.
  • Marketing: Seller’s written directions to the brokerage for exclusively marketing the property should be obtained.
  • Offer Presentation: In a seller’s market, when the seller expects to obtain multiple offers, they may want all the offers to be presented at a specific date and time.
  • Under REBBA, salespersons must present all offers to the seller as soon as possible.
    根据 REBBA 的规定,销售人员必须尽快向卖方提交所有报价。
  • However, if the seller wants to delay this process, this direction must be in writing.
  • SPIS and Disclosures: Information regarding the property, known to the seller, is typically given in the Seller Property Information Statement (SPIS) form.
    SPIS 和披露:卖方已知的房产信息通常在卖方房产信息声明 (SPIS) 表中提供。
  • Since this form is not mandatory under REBBA, the salesperson should explain the seller that important disclosures can be made on this form.
    由于 REBBA 并不强制要求填写此表,因此销售人员应向卖方解释,可以在此表中披露重要信息。

Gathering Property Information

  • The ownership information may be verified from title or deed of the property or from GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}.
    所有权信息可通过房产证、地契或 GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 核实。
  • Certain information may be obtained from the internet by using the property address.
  • The municipality as well as the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) may also provide vital information.
  • GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} can provide information on taxation, zoning, photos, and previous sale prices.
    GeowareHouse ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 可以提供有关税收、分区、照片和以往销售价格的信息。
  • Previous listings are useful in getting information on sale history of the property.

Documents Retention by Brokerage

  • Copies of listing documents must be provided to the sellers immediately upon signing.
  • Salespersons must provide the brokerage with original copies of all listing documents.
  • They are permitted to keep a shadow copy for their records while ensuring compliance with the federal Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
  • These documents include the Listing Agreement, data sheet, seller’s permission for lockbox, collateral agreement, FINTRAC identification forms, disclosures, copies of survey, etc.
    这些文件包括挂牌协议、数据表、卖方对保险箱的许可、抵押协议、FINTRAC 鉴定表、披露文件、调查副本等。
  • All trade related documents must be kept in the brokerage main office or, in case of a branch office, at a location specified by the Registrar of RECO.
    所有与交易相关的文件都必须保存在经纪总公司,如果是分支机构,则必须保存在 RECO 注册官指定的地点。
  • If the Registrar has not specified a location for keeping trade documents, all documents must be kept at the main office of the brokerage.

12.2 Listing a Residential Property
12.2 住宅物业上市

Saleable Listing  可销售清单

  • Salespersons should understand the importance of listing the property at a reasonable price according to existing market conditions and the condition of the property.
  • They can use a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) process to arrive at a reasonable list price.
    他们可以使用市场比较分析 (CMA) 流程来得出合理的挂牌价。
  • Factors that may affect the listing price include the location and neighbourhood, lot size and square footage of the property, updates or renovations, etc.
  • Salesperson’s skills, knowledge of the property, strategies for marketing, the time for marketing, and rapport with the seller also affect the salability of the listed property.

Consequences of Overpricing the Property

  • Other salespersons may not show the property, or it may become just a ‘comparison property’, which is only shown as an evidence of salability of other properties.
    其他销售人员可能不会展示该物业,或者该物业可能只是一个 "对比物业",只作为其他物业可销售性的证据。
  • Buyers may not seriously consider the property and it may miss the target market.
  • Even if an offer is received, the final sale price may be considerably lower than estimated market value.
  • The seller may be running out of time and may have to reduce the price drastically.
  • If the property does not sell for a long-time, people may think that there is something wrong with the property.
  • The reputation of the listing salesperson may be negatively affected.

Promoting the Property  推广物业

  • Local Listing Service: The local listing service is a database of current and past listings for the area and the salesperson must abide by its rules and regulations for posting the listing.
  • The ‘Broker Load Practice’ allows a brokerage or a salesperson to load the listing on the database including photos and other attachments.
    经纪人加载实践 "允许经纪人或销售人员在数据库中加载房源信息,包括照片和其他附件。
  • In most cases, this listing becomes active immediately after it is submitted.
  • House Tours: House tours for salespersons from other brokerages provides them an opportunity to view the property without appointment and obtain more information from the listing salesperson.
  • Advertising: The listed property may be advertised using ‘For Sale’ or ‘Open House’ signs and on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and blogs.
    广告:挂牌房产可使用 "待售 "或 "开放参观 "标志,并在 Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 和博客等社交媒体平台上发布广告。
  • The property may also be advertised on websites of the salesperson or the brokerage.
  • Classified advertising and flyers in the neighbourhood may also help in advertising.

Advertising and the Competition Act

  • The federal Competition Act provisions apply to all businesses including real estate brokerages.
  • The Act prohibits misleading advertising and deceptive business practices in promotion of products or services.
  • The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) has published Principles of Competition to comply with the provisions of the Act.
    加拿大房地产协会 (CREA) 发布了《竞争原则》,以遵守该法案的规定。
  • Salespersons must not make a representation that is false or misleading, regardless of the media used for advertising.
  • The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, and the REALTOR® logo can only be used by members of CREA.
    REALTOR®、REALTORS® 和 REALTOR® 徽标商标只能由 CREA 会员使用。

12.3 Salesperson's Obligations
12.3 销售人员的义务

Listing Obligations  上市义务

  • Accurate Representation: Under the REBBA Code of Ethics, salespersons cannot knowingly make inaccurate representations or statements, either verbally or in any advertisement.
    准确陈述:根据 REBBA 职业道德准则,销售人员不得故意以口头方式或在任何广告中作出不准确的陈述或声明。
  • They must take reasonable steps to prevent error, misrepresentation, fraud, or any unethical practice when trading in real estate.
  • They must also prevent others from doing so.
  • Mere Postings: In a mere posting, the brokerage only lists the property on the local listing service but does not provide any further service.
  • The seller remains responsible to book appointments for showings, holding open houses, marketing, and negotiating offers.
  • The brokerage still has the responsibility to verify the accuracy of property information and providing a copy of the agreement to the seller immediately upon signing.
  • Services Under Mere Posting or Limited Service: The brokerage may have to document each service that will be provided to the seller individually, giving the accurate cost of each service, and ensure that there is no misunderstanding.

Avoiding Potential Errors and Omissions

  • Potential errors that may lead to disputes include documentation errors, misrepresentation of facts, and verbal misunderstandings.
  • Examples of Potential Errors:
  • Failure to document the services, non-disclosure of material facts, not providing copies of agreement, and failure to verify ownership of the property.
  • Non-verification of facts such as lot size, square footage, information on wells or septic systems, encroachments or easements, structural defects, electrical and mechanical systems, and zoning information.
  • Failure to read and analyze source documents and incorrect transfer of information from these documents.
  • Verbal misunderstandings due to vague or incomplete list of chattels included or fixtures excluded, status of rental items, and agreements related to showings.
  • Common errors can be avoided by double checking all information, ensuring accuracy in measurements, not relying on previous listings, making appropriate disclosures, and completing a CMA for a reasonable listing price.
    仔细核对所有信息、确保测量的准确性、不依赖以前的挂牌信息、进行适当的信息披露并以合理的挂牌价格完成 CMA,就可以避免常见错误。

Leading Practices for Advertising

  • Since photographs are considered proprietary, the salesperson should take their own photographs of the property or hire a professional photographer.
  • Photographs that are personal for the seller should be removed from walls when taking photographs of the interiors.
  • Advertising can be done using print and social media and the salesperson should select a strategy that would provide a marketing advantage to the property and the client.
  • The salesperson must follow the advertising policies of the brokerage and the advertisement should be approved by the brokerage, if required.
  • Personal information of the seller must never be included in the advertisement.
  • Salespersons must be aware of their obligations under the Canada’s Anti-Spam Legis/ation (CASL), the Privacy Legislation (PIPEDA), the Competition Act, and the National Do Not Call List (DNCL).

12.4 Advertising Requirements Under REBBA
12.4 REBBA 的广告要求

Four Minimum Requirements

  • Four Minimum Standards: The advertisement must include -
  • Identification of the registrant who is placing the advertisement.
  • The name of the salesperson or broker exactly as registered with RECO
    销售人员或经纪人的姓名与在 RECO 登记的姓名完全一致
  • The name of the brokerage as registered with RECO.
    在 RECO 注册的经纪公司名称。
  • Correct description of the registrant.
  • Permitted Designations for Salespersons:
  • Salesperson, Real Estate Salesperson, Sales Representative, Real Estate Agent, REALTOR® (for members of CREA), and REALTOR® Salesperson (for members of CREA).
    销售人员、房地产销售人员、销售代表、房地产经纪人、REALTOR®(适用于 CREA 会员)和 REALTOR® Salesperson(适用于 CREA 会员)。
  • Permitted Designations for Brokers:
  • Real Estate Agent, Broker Real Estate Agent, REALTOR® Broker (for CREA members), Real Estate Broker, Broker.
    房地产经纪人、经纪人房地产经纪人、REALTOR® Broker(针对 CREA 会员)、房地产经纪人、经纪人。
  • Permitted Designations for Broker of Record:
  • Broker of Record, Real Estate Broker of Record.
  • A Broker of Record cannot use the term ‘agent’.
    备案经纪人不能使用 "代理人 "一词。
  • Permitted Designations for Salespersons:
  • Brokerage, or Real Estate Brokerage.
  • Prohibited Designations: Registrants must not use any confusing terms in advertisements such as “sales agent”, “sales associate”, “sales consultant”, etc.
    禁止称谓:注册人不得在广告中使用 "销售代理"、"销售助理"、"销售顾问 "等任何混淆性用语。
  • Registrants are permitted to advertise their associations with teams or groups.

Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC)

  • REBBA has been amended to allow real estate brokerages to pay remuneration to a Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC) held by a salesperson or a broker, subject to certain qualifying criteria.
    REBBA 已作修订,允许房地产经纪人向销售人员或经纪人持有的个人房地产公司 (PREC) 支付报酬,但须符合某些资格标准。
  • A salesperson or broker may establish a PREC for directly receiving the remuneration from their brokerage as a result of a transaction.
    销售人员或经纪人可设立 PREC,以直接从其经纪人处收取交易报酬。
  • A PREC may have certain financial advantage to the individual salesperson or broker, but they should consult their financial advisor in this regard.
    PREC 可能对销售人员或经纪人个人有一定的财务优势,但他们应就此咨询自己的财务顾问。
  • A PREC is allowed but is not a requirement under REBBA.
    PREC 是允许的,但不是 REBBA 的要求。
  • The brokerage may or may not be willing to enter into an agreement with the PREC.
    经纪公司可能愿意也可能不愿意与 PREC 签订协议。

Ensuring Compliance  确保合规

  • False and Inaccurate Advertising: Salespersons must not knowingly make false statements or inaccurate representations in advertisements.
  • A false statement is that which is factually incorrect.
  • An inaccurate statement is that which is not true or is not complete enough for someone to understand its truth.
  • Comparative Claims and Awards: REBBA Code of Ethics requires that a comparative claim referring to business volume, an award, or honour must be included in the advertisement.
    《比较索赔和奖项:REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,广告中必须包含有关业务量、奖项或荣誉的比较性声明。
  • If an award or honour is advertised for a team of registrants, then all members of the team must be identified.
  • Purchased awards and honours cannot be advertised.
  • Promises and Offers: Claims for reducing the remuneration or savings must be accompanied by a disclosure of conditions or circumstances in which the remuneration would be reduced.
  • Disclaimers: Advertisements that need additional information to avoid ambiguity, confusion, deception, or misrepresentation must include disclaimers in clearly readable format.

Advertising a Property  物业广告

  • Seller’s permission to advertise the listed property is typically included in the Listing Agreement.
  • After the property is sold, a ‘SOLD’ sign may be placed on the property but distributing ‘SOLD’ flyers with address of the property and/or its sale price requires seller’s written consent.
    房产售出后,可在房产上张贴 "SOLD"(售出)标志,但散发印有房产地址和/或售价的 "SOLD"(售出)传单须经卖方书面同意。
  • The advertisement must not include anything that identifies any party to a transaction or the property, unless written consent of the owner is obtained.
  • Consent of the Seller: If the sold property is advertised before the closing date.
    卖方同意: 如果所售房产在成交日期前已发布广告。
  • Consent of the Buyer. If the sold property is advertised after the closing date.
  • Consent of Both the Seller and the Buyer. If any terms or details of the agreement (e.g., percentage of list price, sold in x x x x xxx x number of days, etc.) are to be included in the advertisement.
    卖方和买方的同意。如果广告中包含协议的任何条款或细节(例如,挂牌价的百分比、 x x x x xxx x 天数内售出等)。

Social Media and Internet Advertising

  • Social media and internet provide excellent marketing platforms for the salesperson as well as the brokerage.
  • Whichever platform the salesperson uses, all advertising must be in compliance with REBBA regarding minimum requirements, false advertising, misrepresentations, etc.
    无论销售人员使用哪种平台,所有广告都必须符合 REBBA 关于最低要求、虚假广告、虚假陈述等方面的规定。
  • Salesperson may have to create different profiles on different social media platforms while ensuring that every page is in compliance with REBBA.
    销售人员可能需要在不同的社交媒体平台上创建不同的档案,同时确保每个页面都符合 REBBA 的要求。
  • For a website, the name of the salesperson, the brokerage, the description, contact information, and disclaimers (if any), must be clearly shown.

12.5 Open House - Marketing and Interactions
12.5 开放日--营销与互动

Basics of Open House

  • An open house allows the salesperson to showcase the listed property when potential buyers can view it without having to make appointments.
  • The buyers get a comfortable atmosphere to view the property and gain knowledge and perspective.
  • The sellers get the opportunity to fully prepare the home in advance and increase exposure, which may result in multiple offers.
  • The salesperson can demonstrate that he/she is working hard for the seller and may get additional clients during the open house.
  • Salespersons must check with the local municipality regarding placement and removal of ‘Open House’ signs.
    销售人员必须向当地市政府咨询 "开放日 "标志的放置和拆除事宜。

Considerations  考虑因素

  • Some buyers may just be curious but not interested in buying the property and there is no guarantee that the house will sell during the open house.
  • Salespersons must be careful that there is a potential for criminal activity such as theft in the house.
  • Some visitors may have objection to security measures, identifying themselves, or signing the guest register.
  • Code of Ethics requires that the salesperson must ask the visitors if they are working with another brokerage.

Open House for Different Properties

  • Open houses for townhouses and condominiums may require permission from the management or board of directors for the open house signs.
  • Some high-rise apartment buildings may not allow open houses, and if they allow, multiple salespersons may be required; one for showing the property and one to greet the visitors at the building entrance.
  • For high-end properties, security and privacy are some of the major concerns and the salesperson must ensure that valuable items of the owner are safely stored.

Collaborating with Sellers

  • Salespersons should discuss their marketing strategy with sellers with regards to appropriate timings for the open house and the ways sellers can assist in the open house.
  • Security concerns should be adequately addressed, including the responsibility of the salesperson and the sellers.
  • The house should be prepared well for the open house in terms of cleaning, repairs, painting, removing unnecessary items to create more space, and removing any hazards from the walking areas.
  • Salespersons must not leave the house anytime during the event, which allows him/her to have discussions with potential buyers.

Marketing Materials for Open House

  • Various signs and marketing materials can be used for the open house, which include -
  • Feature sheets with photographs and details of the property.
  • Open house signs on nearby street corners and in front of the house.
  • Any promotional information for the salesperson and the brokerage.
  • Tent cards to draw attention to unique or special features of the property.
  • Online advertising for the open house can be done using social media, personal blogs, and websites.
  • Email and targeted mailing lists can be used while ensuring compliance with Canada’s AntiSpam Legislation (CASL).
    可使用电子邮件和定向邮件列表,同时确保符合加拿大反垃圾邮件法 (CASL)。
  • Flyers can be distributed in advance in the neighbourhood surrounding the property.
  • Advertising the open house in advance has several benefits which include -
  • It allows potential buyers to schedule their visits.
  • Other salespersons, who might have buyers in that neighbourhood, come to know about the open house and show the property.
  • It results in more exposure to the property and more attendees to the open house.

12.6 Open House - Leading Practices
12.6 开放日--领先做法

Compliance  合规性

  • Disclosures: REBBA Code of Ethics requires that a salesperson must not interfere with clients of other brokerages during the open house and, if any such buyer wants to make an offer, he/she should be directed to their own salesperson.
    《披露:REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,销售人员不得在开放日期间干扰其他经纪公司的客户,如果任何此类买家想要出价,应将其引向自己的销售人员。
  • Client’s Best Interests: Salesperson conducting the open house must ensure that safety and privacy of the seller client is protected at all times during the open house.
  • CASL: The marketing materials for the open house, which include emails and messages, must be in compliance with CASL.
    CASL:开放日的营销材料(包括电子邮件和信息)必须符合 CASL 的规定。
  • Personal Information of Visitors: If personal information of the visitors is collected during the open house, it should be safeguarded and used only for the intended purpose.

Unregistered Assistants  未注册助理

  • If the salesperson is getting help from unregistered assistants, they should not be involved in any activity that would be considered ‘trading’ in real estate.
    如果销售人员得到未注册助理的帮助,他们不应参与任何被视为 "交易 "房地产的活动。
  • Permitted Activities for Unregistered Assistants:
  • Placing and removing open house signs and compiling feature sheets.
  • Assisting the salesperson and the seller in preparing the property for the open house.
  • Greeting visitors and monitoring the safety and security of the property.
  • Limiting the number of attendees at any time and asking the visitors to sign the guest register.
  • Directing any property related questions to the salesperson.
Table of Contents  目录


13.1 Meeting with the Buyers
13.1 会见买方

Sources to Find Buyers

  • Open Houses: People who walk into an open house are potential buyers, known as prospects, that the salesperson can meet and get to know them.
  • Some of these buyers may not be represented by a brokerage.
  • The salesperson can gather information from open house visitors for safety and legal purposes as well as for contacting them later with their permission.
  • They may not buy this property but may be interested in working with the salesperson.
  • However, the salesperson should be courteous and should not do anything that would be considered as inducing them to break a contract with their brokerage.
  • Incoming Calls: Anyone calling the salesperson should be given a good first impression and a face-to-face meeting should be arranged.
  • The salesperson should be providing information, asking questions to assess their needs, and whether they are ready to buy now or later.
  • Referrals: Some buyers are referred to the salesperson because they are active and have a sphere of influence in the community.
  • Referrals may also come from existing happy clients or from their contacts in their children’s schools, organizations, communities, and places where they volunteer.
  • Duty Time in Brokerage: Some brokerages have a policy of allocating floor duty time at the brokerage, which in turn, can be a good source of finding buyers.
  • The salesperson should be well-informed about listed properties by the brokerage and other listings in the neighbourhood.
  • Farming in the Neighbourhood: Farming refers to selection of a specific territory and targeting the marketing efforts in that area.
  • The salesperson must be aware of social, political, physical, and economic features of the farm territory.
  • By farming in the target neighbourhood, the salesperson can get to know potential buyers.
  • A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software program can also be used for organizing the farming activities.
    客户关系管理 (CRM) 软件程序也可用于组织农业活动。

Advertising and Networking to Find Buyers

  • Traditional Methods: Advertising can be done using print media, regular mail, door knocking, benches, and billboards.
  • Web Advertising: Text ads, short video clips, display ad banners, and search engines such as Google AdWords provide good opportunities for finding buyers.
    网络广告:文字广告、视频短片、显示广告横幅以及 Google AdWords 等搜索引擎都是寻找买家的好机会。
  • Mobile Marketing: Websites, which are mobile friendly, actively use geographic locations and include video clips, can be a good tool for marketing.
  • Social Networking: Salespersons can build social relationships using social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other forums to promote real estate services.
    社交网络:销售人员可利用 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter 等社交媒体工具和其他论坛建立社交关系,推广房地产服务。
  • Traditional Networking: Attending the events in the brokerage office and participating in social events organized by the community.
  • Business Cards: The information on the business card should be well-thought and in compliance with REBBA guidelines.
    名片:名片上的信息应经过深思熟虑,并符合 REBBA 的指导方针。

Buyer's Information Package

  • Each prospective buyer that the salesperson meets should be provided with an information package that educates them about the real estate buying process.
  • The salesperson can use a readymade package from the brokerage that provides details about hidden costs involved in the buying process.
  • The package should include referral information for third-party professionals such as home inspectors, mortgage brokers, lawyers, etc.
  • Optional information such as neighbourhood information related to schools, hospitals, social media links, and other frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be added to the information package.

Questions to Identify Buyer's Needs

  • The salesperson must be aware that different types of buyers have different choices, preferences, and specific needs, which can be assessed only after asking pertinent questions.
  • Ask if the buyer is already working with a brokerage and, if yes, respect their relationship with the other brokerage.
  • Ask for buyer’s reasons and motivations to buy, when they will be ready to buy, and how long they are planning to live in that property.
  • Check the buyer’s budget in terms of how much they can afford, their down payment, and the monthly payment they can afford.
  • Ask specific questions to assess their needs and wants, their lifestyle, and their favourite neighbourhood.

13.2 Obligations to the Buyers
13.2 对买方的义务

Buyer Client vs Buyer Customer

  • A buyer client is represented by the brokerage and is owed fiduciary duties whereas a buyer customer is not represented and is only provided specific services.
  • A client relationship with a buyer is established when a ‘Buyer Representation Agreement’ is signed whereas a customer relationship is established when a ‘Buyer Customer Service Agreement’ is signed.
    与买方的客户关系在签署 "买方代表协议 "时建立,而客户关系则在签署 "买方客户服务协议 "时建立。
  • With a buyer client, the salesperson has an obligation to take reasonable steps to determine and disclose all material facts.
  • With a buyer customer, the obligation of disclosing material facts is limited to known facts only and must be treated fairly, honestly, and with integrity.
  • Both clients and customers should be provided information before agreements, the agreement must be in writing with specific minimum information, and copies must be provided immediately upon singing.
  • REBBA Code of Ethics requires that the registrant should prepare the representation agreement or customer service agreement as soon as practically possible, but in all cases, before an offer is presented.
    REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,注册人应在实际可能的情况下尽快准备代理协议或客户服务协议,但在任何情况下,都应在报价提出之前准备好。
  • Many brokerages have a policy that a representation agreement or a customer service agreement is signed before the buyer is shown any properties, which protects the brokerage from the risk of lost time and revenue.

Obligations When Showing Properties

  • Demonstrate fairness and honesty by appropriately answering buyer’s questions.
  • Provide competent and conscientious service with reasonable knowledge, skills, and judgement.
  • Offer opinions very carefully with reasonable knowledge, skills, judgement, and competence, while not being an expert in everything.
  • If the buyer is a client of another salesperson, communicate with that buyer only through that salesperson.
  • Buyers should be advised to obtain services from other third-party professionals for tasks in which the salesperson does not have education, knowledge, experience, skills, competence, or judgement.
  • Material facts, which may be apparent when viewing the property or specifically given in the listing data sheet, must be disclosed to both buyer clients and customers.
  • When the seller has provided the Seller Property Information Statement (SPIS) form, the buyer must be informed about its existence, and it must be provided to the buyer upon request.
    当卖方提供卖方房产信息声明 (SPIS) 表时,必须告知买方该表格的存在,并在买方提出要求时提供给买方。

13.3 Selecting Properties
13.3 选择属性

Buyer's Needs and Wants

  • Buyer Profile: This involves conducting a detailed interview with the buyer to understand property specifications and their special needs or requirements.
  • This gives a clear picture of who they are and exactly what type of property they are looking for.
  • Buyer’s responses to specific relevant questions helps the salesperson search for the right home.
  • The profile sheet for the buyer should include all preferences and should be updated regularly throughout the search.
  • Depending on specific needs of the buyer, the information required for buyer’s profile may include several items such as the type of the property, price range, natural characteristics, accessibility, availability of utilities, services, amenities, etc.
  • Area Information: The buyer should be provided information on property values, market conditions, and services or amenities (schools, shopping, transportation, etc.) in the neighbourhood.
  • Target Properties: Focus should be on identifying properties that meet buyer’s search criteria such as price range, location, property type, age, lot size, square footage, condition of the home and availability of utilities (water, sewage, natural gas, etc.).
  • Viewing and Showing: The salesperson should view the selected properties beforehand, shortlist properties that would be of interest to the buyer and make a schedule for showing them to the buyer.
  • Comparing Properties: The features, prices, and key trends in the area should be discussed with the buyer to compare different properties that have been viewed.
  • Need for Outside Professionals: Services from appraisers, lawyers, home inspectors, electricians, plumbers, roofers, etc. should be recommended based on buyer’s specific needs and selection of a specific property.

Sources to Identify Properties

  • Local Listing Service: The buyer profile can be set up in the local listing service as a ‘client portal’ so that the system automatically pulls every property that matches the buyer’s search criteria.
    本地挂牌服务:可在本地挂牌服务中将买家资料设置为 "客户门户",这样系统就会自动提取符合买家搜索条件的所有房产。
  • New Listings: The salesperson should view new listings every morning and the information should be emailed to the buyer.
  • Other Salespersons: Talking to other salespersons in the brokerage, attending brokerage tours, open houses, etc. may help find a property that matches buyer’s search criteria.
  • Advertisements: Classified and other online advertisements should be regularly checked including the ‘For Sale by Owner’ advertisements.
    广告:应定期检查分类广告和其他在线广告,包括 "业主出售 "广告。
  • Phone Apps: Several computer applications such as ‘Realtor.com’, ‘redfin.com’, etc. are now available as smart phone apps, which can be helpful to the salesperson.
    手机应用程序:一些电脑应用程序,如 "Realtor.com"、"redfin.com "等,现在都可以作为智能手机应用程序使用,这对销售人员很有帮助。
  • Social Media: Additional source of information on properties for sale is the social media network including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. where properties for sale are advertised.
    社交媒体:待售房产信息的其他来源是社交媒体网络,包括 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter 等,待售房产都会在这些网络上发布广告。

13.4 Showing Properties  13.4 显示属性

Preparations  准备工作

  • After some properties are shortlisted by the buyer, it is recommended that the buyer be asked as to which properties they would like to view.
  • The salesperson should co-ordinate with the buyer regarding timing for the showings and make appointments accordingly.
  • The appointments for the showings are generally made through the listing brokerage, which confirms the appointment after speaking with the sellers.
  • The seller should be given adequate time to prepare the property for showing.
  • As a general rule, salespersons do not take the buyers to the property in their own car but ask them to arrive at the property in their own car on the scheduled showing time.
  • The buyer should be given adequate time to view the property, which may be as long as one hour.

Leading Practices  领先实践

  • The salesperson should go to each property well-prepared with the listing data sheet, lockbox code, business cards, and should have discussed the details of the neighbourhood with the buyer in advance.
  • If they are running late for the appointment or they do not want to view, the salesperson should call the listing brokerage for cancelling the appointment.
  • The salesperson and the buyer should respect seller’s property, privacy, and stay with the buyers all the time during the showing.
  • The salesperson or the buyer should not touch any personal items and opening cabinets, dressers, drawers, etc. should be avoided.
  • Buyer’s comments should be carefully noted, and questions should be answered diligently.
  • After viewing the property, the salesperson should ensure that the lights are turned off, a business card is left on the counter, and the property is locked up securely.
  • After the buyer has seen some properties, the salesperson should follow up with them to gauge their interest in the properties and if they would prefer to revisit one of them.
  • A follow up is recommended with the listing salesperson as well to provide the feedback, which shows courtesy and professionalism.

Asking for the Offer

  • When the buyer has selected two alternate properties, they can be compared to arrive at a decision as to which property the buyer would like to make an offer.
  • When comparing, some buyers may divert from major differences and focus on minor details such as chattels and fixtures and overall finish of the selected properties.
  • Using the well-known ‘Benjamin Franklin’ technique, a line can be drawn to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the properties, and their negative and positive features can be compared.
    利用著名的 "本杰明-富兰克林 "技术,可以画出一条线来比较属性的优劣,并比较其负面和正面特征。
  • When the buyer has confirmed that they have found the right property, the advantages of the property should be summarized, and their attention should be drawn away from minor details.

Protecting the Buyer  保护买方

  • Privacy and safety are the two most fundamental interests of the buyer, which must be protected before, during, and after the showings.
  • With regards to the home, safety is related to ensuring that the home is inspected for mould, broken stairs railing, or rotten wood planks on the deck, etc.
  • Safety can also be in regard to confidential personal information that the buyer may disclose during showings.
  • If personal information is not safeguarded, it can be used against the buyer in further negotiations with the seller.
  • Certain homes that the buyer has viewed may have been equipped with security systems that allow them to remotely see and record what people are doing or saying in their homes.
  • As such, the buyer should be advised to limit their conversations during showings and defer all detailed discussions until after they have left the property.

13.5 Showing When Seller has Limited/No Services
13.5 当卖方服务有限/无服务时的展示

Types of Listings  列表类型

  • Mere Postings: In a ‘Mere Posting’ the seller’s brokerage only lists the property on the local listing service but does not provide any other services. Typically, the seller is contacted directly to show the property.
    单纯发布:在 "简单发布 "中,卖方的经纪公司只在当地房源服务网站上发布房产信息,不提供任何其他服务。通常情况下,卖方会直接联系中介来展示房产。
  • For Sale by Owner (FSBO): The seller is working independent of any brokerage to make arrangements for showings and negotiations. The buyer’s salesperson contacts the seller directly for showings and negotiating remuneration.
  • Full Listing Service: The seller is represented by a brokerage for all activities in regard to listing, marketing, showings, and offer negotiations.

Providing Limited Services to Seller

  • In a mere posting, the listing brokerage usually grants permission to other brokerages to contact the seller directly for showings, remuneration negotiations, and present and negotiate any offers.
  • The buyer brokerage informs the seller that they have an interested buyer and that, prior to showing, establish remuneration if the property is sold to that buyer.
  • In this case, the seller typically pays less remuneration as compared to remuneration in full listing.
  • If the seller does not agree to pay the remuneration, the buyer brokerage may charge a remuneration from the buyer as per the terms of the Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • The buyer must be informed about this remuneration obligation and, if the buyer does not agree, the brokerage may advise him/her not to buy that property.

For Sale by Owner (FSBO)

  • The actions of private sellers are not regulated, they have no relationship with any brokerage, and the salesperson should do additional due diligence.
  • The seller is contacted directly to make arrangement for showing the property.
  • The salesperson can ask the seller if they would agree to pay remuneration in case the buyer purchases their property.
  • The salesperson may offer the seller to sign a non-exclusive Seller Customer Service Agreement with the buyer’s brokerage for a remuneration.
  • If the seller does not agree to pay the remuneration, the buyer brokerage may charge a remuneration from the buyer as per the terms of the Buyer Representation Agreement.
  • The buyer must be informed about this remuneration obligation and, if the buyer does not agree, the brokerage may advise him/her not to buy that property.

Remuneration Agreement with a Mere Posting Seller

  • A special form, such as the Seller Commission Agreement with Co-operating Brokerage, can be used for detailing the remuneration arrangement and obligations.
  • In the ‘Commission’ section, the seller agrees to pay the brokerage a specific remuneration for a valid offer to purchase or lease during the term of the agreement.
    在 "佣金 "部分,卖方同意在协议期内为有效的购买或租赁要约向经纪公司支付特定报酬。
  • The ‘Deposit’ section of the form identifies who will hold the deposit in trust, which may be the seller’s lawyer or the co-operating brokerage.
    表格的 "押金 "部分确定了押金的托管人,可能是卖方的律师或合作经纪公司。
  • The deposit is first applied to reduce the remuneration obligation of the seller.

13.6 Due Diligence and Third-Party Advice
13.6 尽职调查和第三方建议

Third-Party Service Providers

  • Buyers usually ask for advice on different aspects of the home such as mortgage, electrical, plumbing, home inspections, insurance, etc.
  • REBBA Code of Ethics requires that the salesperson should advice the buyers to obtain services from third-party experts and must not discourage them from doing so.
    REBBA 的《职业道德准则》规定,销售人员应建议购房者从第三方专家处获得服务,且不得阻止购房者这样做。
  • Names of at least three professionals in a particular field should be referred to the buyers, without insisting that the buyers work with any specific professional.
  • The salesperson should not show any favouritism to any service provider or appear like getting any referral fees from them.
  • Home inspectors, lawyers, and insurance companies can provide vital material facts about the property and all these facts must be disclosed to the buyer.
  • The salesperson should personally be present at the time of home inspection to protect the interests of the buyer.

Without Third-Party Advice

  • Not obtaining services from third-party professionals may be detrimental to both the property owners and to the buyers.
  • The buyers may find themselves in situations where they would be involved in costly repairs, or involved in lawsuits, or may get serious medical conditions when living in the home.
  • Lawyer: Lawyers are involved in title searches and requisitions before closing and advice the buyers if there are any second or third liens registered on the title of the property.
    律师:律师: 律师参与成交前的产权调查和申购,并就房产产权上是否存在任何第二或第三留置权向买家提供建议。
  • Mortgage Broker. Mortgage brokers help buyers with pre-approvals so that the buyers know how much financing they can obtain for the purchase.
  • Insurance: In some situations, such as a home with 60 amps service or Knob and Tube wiring, the insurance company may not be ready to provide coverage, or the premiums would be very high.
    保险:在某些情况下,例如使用 60 安培服务或钮子和管子布线的房屋,保险公司可能不准备提供保险,或者保险费会很高。
  • Inspector: A home inspector assesses the structural integrity of the home and, if there are any issues, they can be discussed with the seller during the negotiation process.
Table of Contents  目录


14.1 The Offer Process
14.1 要约程序

The Agreement of Purchase and Sale

  • The Agreement of Purchase and Sale is the most important document in the offer process.
  • It contains the terms and conditions of the agreement between the buyer and the seller.
  • Although there is no standard or specific agreement form, any form that is used must include all the statutory obligations of the parties under the Vendors and Purchasers Act.
  • As per REBBA, the agreement must be in writing, signed by all parties, and copies must be delivered to each party to the transaction.
    根据 REBBA 的规定,协议必须采用书面形式,由所有各方签署,并将副本交付给交易的每一方。

Key Components of the Agreement

  • Names of Buyers and Sellers: Accurately identifies the parties to the transaction with their full legal names.
  • Address and Legal Description: Provides municipal address and complete legal description of the property.
  • Purchase Price: The amount that the buyer pays to the seller for purchase of seller’s property.
  • Deposit: Although there is no legal requirement for a deposit, it is paid as a sign of good faith and buyer’s commitment.
  • It is held in trust and is applied towards the purchase price at the time of completion.
  • Irrevocable Date: The time given by the person making the offer (buyer or seller) to the other party to consider the offer.
  • If the other party does not accept the offer within this time period, the offer becomes null and void.
  • Completion Date: This is the date set for closing when the title of the property is legally transferred to the buyer and the seller is typically required to provide vacant possession of the property.
  • The completion date must be a business day as the Land Registry Office is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.
  • Title Search Date (Requisition Date): This is the date by which the buyer’s lawyer must complete the title search in Land Registry Office records.
  • Chattels and Fixtures: This section identifies the chattels (personal and movable items) that are included in the sale and fixtures (seller’s personal items but fixed to the property) that are excluded from the sale.
  • Conditions: Most conditions are included for the benefit of the buyer, with a few exceptions. Common conditions include financing, home inspection, etc.

Buyer's Perspective  买家视角

  • Step 1 - Initiating the Offer: Typically, the buyer’s salesperson initiates the offer process when the buyer is ready to submit an offer.
    第 1 步 - 发起报价:通常情况下,买方的销售人员会在买方准备提交报价时启动报价流程。
  • The salesperson must ensure that the agreement is accurate, complete, and includes all the required terms and conditions.
  • The listing should be reviewed to ensure that it includes all the information required to draft the offer.
  • Certain legal information such as owner’s name, legal description, etc. must be confirmed from original source documents.
  • The buyer’s salesperson contacts the listing salesperson before drafting the offer to see if any other offer(s) is already registered on the property.
  • If any other offer is already registered, it may lead to multiple/competing offers and the buyer may change his/her decision to proceed with the offer.
  • A CMA can also assist the buyer in deciding about the right price that should be offered.
    CMA 还能帮助买方决定应提供的合适价格。
  • The salesperson should discuss with the buyer all the terms that would be included in the offer.
  • All the information should be organized before starting to draft the offer.
  • Step 2 - Draft the Offer: Offer should be based on market conditions, which may be a seller’s market or a buyer’s market.
    第 2 步 - 起草报价:要约应基于市场条件,可能是卖方市场,也可能是买方市场。
  • For example, in a seller’s market, seller is unlikely to accept any offer that is too low in price, has a long closing time, or includes too many conditions.
  • The entire offer should be reviewed with the buyer including pre-printed and inserted clauses.
  • The buyer must understand that the agreement would be signed under seal resulting in legal obligations.
  • Step 3-Register the Offer. After the buyer signs the offer, it is registered with the listing brokerage.
    第 3 步--登记报价。买方签署要约后,要约将在挂牌经纪公司登记。
  • Step 4 - Present the Offer: The seller’s salesperson presents the offer to the seller and the buyer’s salesperson may attend the offer presentation.
    第 4 步 - 出价:卖方销售人员向卖方提出要约,买方销售人员也可参加要约陈述。
  • Step 5 - Wait for Seller’s Response: The buyer and buyer’s salesperson now wait for seller’s response, which must be received within the irrevocable time period.
    第 5 步 - 等待卖方回复:买方和买方的销售人员现在等待卖方的答复,卖方必须在不可撤销的期限内做出答复。

Seller's Perspective  卖方视角

  • Step 1: The seller’s salesperson arranges to present the offer to the seller as soon as possible but some sellers may want to wait for other competing offers.
  • Step 2: The seller is prepared for the offer presentation and is advised that they can review all the offers before deciding on the next step.
    第 2 步:卖方为报价演示做好准备,并被告知可以在决定下一步之前查看所有报价。
  • Step 3: The seller is updated about the current market conditions and recent sales activity in the neighbourhood.
    第 3 步:向卖方介绍当前的市场状况和附近地区近期的销售活动。
  • Step 4: The offer is reviewed with the seller providing him details about the purchase price, deposit, completion date, chattels/fixtures, and conditions included in the offer.
    步骤 4:与卖方一起审查报价,向其提供有关购买价格、定金、完工日期、动产/固定装置以及报价中包含的条件的详细信息。
  • Step 5: The seller has the option to accept, reject, or counter the offer within the irrevocable time given in the offer.
    步骤 5:卖方可在要约规定的不可撤销的时间内选择接受、拒绝或还价。
  • A counter offer (sign back) from the seller is considered a new offer and the seller is free to extend the irrevocable time for the buyer.
  • Step 6: The buyer’s salesperson is informed whether the offer is accepted, rejected, or is being countered by the seller.
    第 6 步:买方的销售人员被告知报价是被接受、被拒绝还是被卖方反驳。

The Offer Acceptance Process

  • When the offer is finally accepted; all sellers must sign and initial the agreement, and the acceptance must be communicated to the other party within the irrevocable time period.
  • The acceptance is typically confirmed by signing the Confirmation of Acceptance section of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
    通常通过签署《买卖合同》中的 "接受确认 "部分来确认接受。
  • Copies of the accepted offer are distributed to each party to the agreement and the salesperson retains a copy for the brokerage.
  • Each brokerage is authorized by its respective client to forward copies of the agreement to their lawyers.
  • Sign Remuneration/Commission Trust Agreement: When two different brokerages are involved in the transaction, the salespersons sign the Remuneration/Commission Trust Agreement on behalf of their brokerages.
  • This is to ensure that the remuneration of the co-operating brokerage is protected in case the listing brokerage becomes insolvent or bankrupt.
  • This section may be left blank when only one brokerage is involved in the transaction.

14.2 Deposits and Other REBBA Criteria
14.2 存款和其他 REBBA 标准

Deposit and Time Frames

  • The Agreement of Purchase and Sale typically includes a section which details the amount of deposit, when it is paid, how it is paid, and to whom it is paid.
  • Herewith: The deposit is paid when the offer is initially sent to the seller.
  • Upon Acceptance: The deposit is paid within 24 hours of the acceptance.
    一经接受:定金在验收后 24 小时内支付。
  • As Otherwise Specified in the Agreement: A clause can be added in the Schedule of the agreement specifying how and when the deposit will be paid.
  • Deposit funds from the buyer must be according to the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • Deposit is only a sign of faith and level of commitment being made by the buyer.
  • There is no set minimum amount for the deposit, and it can be paid by any valid means such as a cheque or a bank draft.
  • The amount of deposit is applied towards the purchase price at the time of completion of transaction.
  • The deposit cheque must be currently dated, valid, and capable of being immediately presented for payment.
  • The listing brokerage must deposit the funds in Real Estate Trust Account within 5 business days of receipt (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays).
    挂牌经纪公司必须在收到资金后 5 个工作日内(周六、周日和法定节假日除外)将资金存入房地产信托账户。
  • If the deposit is not received in 5 days, the seller must be advised of this fact.
    如果 5 天内未收到定金,则必须将此情况告知卖方。
  • Delays by co-operating brokerage in delivering the cheque to listing brokerage are closely scrutinized by RECO.

Real Estate Trust Account

  • All real estate brokerages are required to maintain a Real Estate Trust Account in a financial institution located in Ontario.
  • This account must be separate from the general business account of the brokerage and a separate Trust Ledger must be maintained.
  • The trust account must be designated as ‘Real Estate Trust Account’ and all transactions (deposits and withdrawals) must be authorized by the broker of record.
    信托账户必须指定为 "房地产信托账户",所有交易(存款和取款)必须由备案经纪人授权。
  • One brokerage can have only one trust account, unless otherwise authorized by the Registrar of RECO.
    一家经纪公司只能有一个信托账户,除非 RECO 注册官另行授权。
  • The brokerage must prepare a monthly reconciliation of the trust account within 30 days of the monthly bank statement.
    经纪公司必须在银行月结单 30 天内编制信托账户月度对账单。
  • Payments to salespersons and co-operating brokerages are not made from the real estate trust account, but from the separate ‘Remuneration/Commission Trust Account’ or the general business account of the brokerage.
    支付给销售人员和合作经纪公司的款项不是从房地产信托账户中支付,而是从单独的 "报酬/佣金信托账户 "或经纪公司的一般业务账户中支付。

Deposit Documents  交存文件

  • The co-operating brokerage typically receives the deposit from the buyer as provided in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and issues a receipt to the buyer.
  • The buyer’s deposit is forwarded to the listing brokerage and a receipt is obtained.
  • The listing brokerage deposits the funds in its real estate trust account within 5 business days.
    挂牌经纪公司在 5 个工作日内将资金存入其房地产信托账户。
  • The deposit details are documented in the trust ledger of the listing brokerage.
  • The listing brokerage completes monthly reconciliation of the trust account to ensure that deposit money is safeguarded.

Interest on Deposit Funds

  • Interest Bearing Trust Account: If the deposit funds are deposited in an interest-bearing trust account, the brokerage must disclose this to the person making the deposit.
  • The standard Agreement of Purchase and Sale includes a pre-printed provision that no interest would be earned.
  • If the brokerage has an interest-bearing trust account, this fact must be disclosed by inserting an appropriate clause in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • The agreement must disclose the party who will be receiving the interest earned on the deposit funds, the interest rate, and any other terms.
  • If the clause is missing from the agreement and the brokerage is receiving interest, then all interest is payable to the owner of the trust funds, the buyer.
  • Payment of All Interest: With this option, the seller and the buyer acknowledge in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale that full amount of interest earned by the brokerage on the deposit amount will be paid.
  • Payment of Interest Less than Percentage: The agreement may include a clause that the amount of interest earned would be at a rate less than the rate received from bank.
  • Payment of Interest Less than a Fee: The agreement may include a clause that the amount of interest earned would be paid after deducting a specific amount.
  • Term Deposit Bearing Interest: The brokerage may place the deposit money in an interestbearing security and all interest is paid to the buyer.
  • The Agreement of Purchase and Sale must include a clause as acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer.
  • The clause should include the interest rate and the provision that all interest would be paid to the buyer as soon as possible after closing.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): If the deposit is paid using EFT, the brokerage must retain a paper trail for each transfer in and out of the real estate trust account.
    电子资金转账 (EFT):如果存款是通过电子转账支付的,经纪公司必须保留房地产信托账户每次转入和转出的书面记录。
  • The agreement must include EFT in the deposit section of the agreement.
    协议的存款部分必须包括 EFT。
  • The brokerage must obtain confirmation of deposit from the financial institution.
  • Details of the EFT must be documented in the deposit book and the trust ledger.
  • EFT is also mentioned clearly in other trade documents such as the Trade Record Sheet.

REBBA Requirements During the Offer Process
报价过程中的 REBBA 要求

  • Obtaining an Offer. REBBA does not permit a salesperson to indicate that they have obtained an offer unless the offer is in writing and is signed by the buyer.
    获得报价。REBBA 不允许销售人员表示他们已获得报价,除非报价是书面的,并由买方签字。
  • In other words, verbal offers or verbal interest in a property is not considered a valid offer.
  • Conveying/Presenting Offers: All offers received by the brokerage must be presented to the seller or the buyer client as soon as practically possible.
  • This must be done without any regards to the identity of the person who sent the offer, the contents of the offer, or the remuneration to the brokerage.
  • If the salesperson is not available for conveying/presenting the offer, an arrangement should be made with another salesperson.
  • The requirement to present offers ‘as soon as practically possible’ can be changed by written instructions from the seller or the buyer.
    卖方或买方的书面指示可以改变 "在实际可能的情况下尽快 "提交报价的要求。
  • Some sellers do not want the offers to be presented until a specific date or time, and in this situation, the brokerage must obtain written instructions and convey them clearly to all buyers interested in making an offer.
  • Copies of the Agreement: Signed copies of the accepted agreement must be provided to each party involved in a transaction immediately.
  • In case the offer was sent electronically to a seller or a buyer, the party is deemed to have received and retained a copy of the agreement.
  • Copies of the agreement to lawyers or mortgage brokers can also be sent electronically.
  • Dealing with Other Registrants: Registrants from other brokerages must be dealt with fairly, honestly, and with integrity.
  • Clients of other brokerages must not be induced to break their agreement in order to sign up with the salesperson’s brokerage.
  • Communication with clients of other brokerages should be done through the brokerage only.

14.3 Multiple Representation
14.3 多重表示法

Multiple Representation and Situations

  • In a Multiple Representation situation, the brokerage must act impartially and equally protect the interests of both the buyer and the seller.
  • The brokerage has a fiduciary relationship with both buyer and seller clients, but the interests of both parties are opposite to each other and the brokerage may find itself in a difficult position.
  • Multiple representation occurs when -
  • One brokerage is representing both the buyer and the seller, and each is working with the same salesperson employed by the brokerage.
  • One brokerage is representing both the buyer and the seller, and each is working with different salespersons employed by the brokerage, either working from the same office or from different offices of the brokerage.
  • One brokerage representing competing buyers, each working with different salesperson of the brokerage, who are placing offers on the same property, but the seller is represented by a different brokerage.
  • One brokerage representing competing buyers who are placing offers on the same property and each buyer is working with the same salesperson.

Limitations to Services  服务限制

  • The brokerage must make a written disclosure of multiple representation and obtain written consent of both parties at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made.
  • The information that must not be disclosed and services not provided include:
  • The amount that the seller may or will accept, which means that the salesperson cannot advise the buyer that the seller may or will accept an amount less than the offered price.
  • The amount that the seller should accept or the amount they should counter the offer.
  • The buyer must not be advised on the amount of offer price or the counter offer price.
  • The terms of any other competing offer including the amount, terms, conditions, closing date, etc.
  • The personal or motivational information of the seller or the buyer.
  • The information that the brokerage is permitted to disclose includes:
  • Full disclosure of material facts about the property to both parties.
  • Market information about comparable properties.
  • Information about potential uses of the property.

Disclosure Requirements  披露要求

  • Information Before Agreement: The brokerage must inform the buyers and sellers about service alternatives and explanation of multiple representation before a representation agreement is signed.
  • Nature of Relationship: The brokerage is required to disclose to every party in a transaction its relationship with each party at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made.
  • Disclosure Before Agreement: The Code of Ethics requires that the brokerage must disclose before signing the representation agreement that the brokerage may enter into a representation agreement resulting in a multiple representation situation.
  • However, the brokerage will do this only with written consent of both parties.
  • This disclosure and consent are typically included in the standard Listing Agreement form.
  • Disclosure Before Offer: Since multiple representation occurs during the offer process, a disclosure and written consent of both parties are required before the offer is made.
  • This disclosure and consent provision are typically included in the standard Confirmation of Co-operation and Representation form.

Confirmation of Co-operation and Representation

  • This form is a written document that confirms the relationship between the brokerages and the parties.
  • In a multiple representation situation, the form provides a box for mandatory disclosure wherein both the seller and the buyer provide their consent by inserting their initials.
  • This form accompanies every Agreement of Purchase and Sale and is signed by the buyers and sellers before they sign the agreement.
  • In addition to recognizing each brokerage, the form also defines the remuneration payable to the co-operating brokerage in the transaction.

Multiple Representation: Leading Practices

  • A multiple representation situation puts the brokerage in a difficult situation as the interests of both parties cannot be protected at the same time.
  • The brokerage must act impartially and must treat every person involved in the trade fairly, honestly, and with integrity.
  • Multiple representation can occur intentionally or by accident and hence, the brokerage must ensure that the relationships are documented and disclosed to avoid any confusions.
  • The brokerage must explain to the client that services may be limited in case multiple representation occurs.
  • When the salesperson recognizes a potential for multiple representation during the listing or selling process, a disclosure must again be made at the earliest practical opportunity and consent should be obtained.
  • If one of the parties does not consent to multiple representation, the brokerage may not proceed with the transaction.
  • In this case, the salesperson may request one of the parties to obtain services from a different brokerage.
Table of Contents  目录


15.1 Parties, Property, Price, and Deposit
15.1 各方、财产、价格和押金

The Offer Date  发售日期

  • The date of offer is the date when the offer is first signed by buyers, and this date does not change, even if the offer is drafted earlier or countered later by sellers.
  • This date may be the same date as on Page 1 of offer or a later date.
    该日期可以与报价单第 1 页上的日期相同,也可以是稍后的日期。
  • For example, if the salesperson has drafted the offer on April 15 th, and the buyers sign it on April 16th, the date of the offer will be April 16th.
    例如,如果销售人员在 4 月 15 日起草了要约,而买方在 4 月 16 日签署了要约,那么要约日期就是 4 月 16 日。

Names of the Buyer and the Seller

  • Individuals: Full legal names of the buyers and the sellers, as shown on their identification documents or on title/deed.
  • Names on Title: The names that would be registered on the title may be different from the names shown on the agreement.
  • It is up to the buyers to decide whose names would be registered on the title.
  • Identification: Each buyer must be identified on a separate form to comply with the FINTRAC requirements.
    身份识别:必须在单独的表格中确认每位买家的身份,以符合 FINTRAC 的要求。
  • Matrimonial Home for Buyers: A property may be purchased by a single buyer and it can still become a matrimonial home.
  • Seller’s Matrimonial Home: If both spouses are on the title, they are both shown as owners.
  • However, if only one spouse is on the title, the non-owner spouse signs the Spousal Consent section on the signature page.
  • Corporations: Full legal name of the corporation, as given in the Article of Incorporation, is inserted.
  • The individuals, identified as officers of the corporation, must sign and use Seal or write “IWe have the authority to bind the corporation”.
    作为公司高级职员的个人必须签名并使用印章或写上 "IWe have the authority to bind the corporation"。
  • Partners: All partners must be fully identified in the agreement and all must insert their signatures.
  • Estate Trustees: All Estate Trustees must sign the agreement and copies of documents showing their authority must be seen by the listing brokerage.
  • The Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee should be seen.
  • The name of the seller reads like ‘The Estate of Jim Cram’ and the trustee signs using the words ‘Estate Trustee’.
    卖家的名字写成 "The Estate of Jim Cram"(吉姆-克拉姆遗产),受托人则用 "Estate Trustee"(遗产受托人)字样签名。
  • Power of Attorney (POA): When the sellers have given this authority to someone to sell the property on their behalf.
    委托书 (POA):卖方授权他人代表自己出售房产。
  • This document is registered in Land Registry Office and the listing brokerage must obtain a copy of this document.

Real Property  不动产

  • Address: Full municipal address including name of the town and the region.
  • Frontage/Depth: Insert the frontage and depth of the lot including units (metres or feet). The words ‘More or Less’ are used to avoid minor discrepancies.
    正面/深度:填写地块的正面和深度,包括单位(米或英尺)。使用 "更多或更少 "字样是为了避免出现细微差别。
  • Legal Description: Complete legal description, as given in the title/deed or the survey, must be inserted. Reference to any easement, mutual driveway, etc. must also be given.
  • Fronting On: This is the side of the road where the property has a frontage. The facing of the property is opposite to its fronting.
    Fronting On(正面):这是指房产临路的一侧。房产的朝向与其正面相对。

Purchase Price, Deposit, and Balance

  • Purchase Price: Also called the Offer Price. The amount is written in words and figures. For acreage/frontage, the amount is given as Per Front Foot, Per Front Metre or Per Acre.
    购买价格:也称出价。金额用文字和数字表示。对于英亩/临街面,金额以每前英尺(Per Front Foot)、每前米(Per Front Metre)或每英亩(Per Acre)表示。
  • Deposit: There is no minimum amount set for deposit. The Deposit Holder is typically the listing brokerage. Deposit is to be held in Trust Account until completion or other termination of the agreement.
  • Payment of Deposit:  支付押金:
  • Herewith: The deposit is given with the offer.
  • Upon Acceptance: The buyer agrees to give the deposit within 24 hours of signing the Confirmation of Acceptance.
    一旦接受:买方同意在签署《验收确认书》后 24 小时内支付定金。
  • As Otherwise Described in this Agreement: If some other arrangement is to be made, a clause may be inserted in the Schedule A. Additional deposits are given in the Supplementary Deposit clause in Schedule A.
    如本协议另有说明:如需作出其他安排,可在附表 A 中插入一项条款。附加保证金见附表 A 的补充保证金条款。
  • The clause wording clarifies that if nothing else is specified in the agreement, the deposit holder does not earn any interest on deposit and no interest would be paid.
  • Balance: The buyer agrees to pay the balance of purchase price upon completion, as provided in the ‘Balance Due on Completion’ clause in the Schedule.
    余额:买方同意按照附表中 "完工时应付余款 "条款的规定,在完工时支付购房款余款。

Common FAQ on Deposit Funds

  • How Can the Buyer Pay the Deposit? By cheque, bank draft, money order or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
    买方如何支付定金?支票、银行汇票、汇票或电子资金转账 (EFT)。
  • Who Holds the Deposit? Typically, the deposit is held by the listing brokerage in its Real Estate Trust Account.
  • When are the Funds Deposited? REBBA requires that the brokerage holding the funds must deposit it in the trust account within 5 business days of receipt.
    何时存入资金?REBBA 要求持有资金的经纪商必须在收到资金后 5 个工作日内将其存入信托账户。
  • Does the Deposit Earn Interest? The agreement has a pre-printed wording that no interest is earned but if the brokerage has an interest-bearing trust account, it must disclose the interest and it should be paid to the buyer.
  • What if the Agreement Fails? The deposit is returned to the buyer when both parties sign the Mutual Release form. If not, a court may order return of deposit funds.
  • Who Gives Receipt for the Deposit? The co-operating brokerage issues a receipt to the buyer and the listing brokerage gives a receipt to the co-operating brokerage.
  • The deposit is documented in the Trust Ledger of the deposit holder.

15.2 Pre-Printed Clauses - I
15.2 预印条款 - I

Irrevocability  不可撤销性

  • The time period given by the offeror (buyer or seller) to the offeree (other party) to consider the offer.
  • The offer cannot be withdrawn by the offeror until the given date and time.
  • However, if the offer has not been communicated to the other party, the party making the offer may withdraw the offer.
  • If not accepted r countered, the offer becomes Null and Void when the irrevocable time period expires.
  • The other party may extend this date and time when making the counter offer during negotiations.

Completion Date  完成日期

  • This is the date when the title of the property is legally transferred to the buyer.
  • Although the transaction can be completed electronically, this date must not be Saturday/Sunday or a statutory holiday.
  • If nothing else is agreed, the buyer will be provided Vacant Possession of the property on completion.
  • If the property is rented and the buyer agrees to assume the tenants, appropriate clauses must be inserted in the Schedule.
  • But if the buyer does not want to assume the tenants, the situation should be addressed according to the Residential Tenancies Act.

Notices  通知

  • The parties authorize their brokerages to send and receive notices on their behalf.
  • Fax numbers and/or email addresses of the listing brokerage and the co-operating brokerage are provided for delivery of documents.
  • Notices are deemed delivered when sent electronically by fax or by email.
  • This section is left blank - (i) if the buyer is a Customer of the listing brokerage, (ii) if there is Multiple Representation, and (iii) when so instructed by parties.
    此部分留空 - (i) 如果买方是挂牌经纪公司的客户,(ii) 如果存在多重代理,(iii) 如果当事人有此指示。

Chattels, Fixtures, and Rental Items

  • Chattels Included: List of chattels that are to be included with sale. The seller has the right to remove all chattels if not specifically included in the agreement.
  • Fixtures Excluded: List of items fixed to the property that the seller does not want to give.
  • Salespersons must be careful about ‘built-in’ items such as the dishwasher.
    销售人员必须谨慎对待洗碗机等 "嵌入式 "产品。
  • The seller cannot remove any fixture if not specifically excluded in the agreement.
  • Rental Items: Items that are not owned by seller and cannot be included in the agreement. The wording of the clause specifies that the buyer agrees to assume the lease of such rental items.


  • This section must not be left blank. Most residential resales are exempted from HST.
    本部分不得留空。大多数住宅转售免征 HST。
  • ‘Included In’: Means that the seller is responsible, in case HST applies.
    包含在 "中:表示在适用 HST 的情况下由卖方负责。
  • ‘In Addition To’: Means that the buyer is responsible, if HST applies.
    附加税":表示如果适用 HST,则由买方负责。
  • Requisition Date: This date should be after the date in conditional clauses. The buyer’s lawyers must report title issues to seller’s lawyer before this date.
  • An additional search (sub-search) may be done Earlier of:
  • 30 days from the later of - the requisition date or the date when the conditions are fulfilled or waived.
    自申请日期或条件满足或免除日期(以较晚者为准)起 30 天。
  • 5 days before the completion date.
    竣工日期前 5 天。
  • Root of Title objections are fundamental issues related to the title, e.g. seller cannot transfer title because a previous severance was not legal under the Planning Act.
  • Another example is an objection for existing mortgage lien, but the seller can pay off.
  • Matters of Title objections are issues that the seller cannot remove, e.g. an easement registered on the title.
  • Present Use: The permitted use of the property such as ‘Single Family Residential’ is inserted here. Zoning of the property must not be inserted in this space.
    目前用途:此处填写该物业的允许用途,如 "单户住宅"。不得在此处填写房产的分区。
  • If this space is left blank, then it implies that the seller represents that the present use of the property may be lawfully continued, and it may be insured against risk of fire.

Future Use  未来用途

  • The buyer and the seller agree that there is no warranty that the future intended use of the property by the buyer would be lawful.
  • If the buyer wants to use the property in a way other than the present lawful use, an appropriate clause should be inserted in the Schedule.

Title  标题

  • The buyer is assured that the title is good and free from all restrictions, charges, liens and encumbrances other than those specified in the agreement.
  • No Objection: Registered Restrictive Covenants (Deed Restrictions) that run with land and complied with, registered easements for public utilities, and any minor easements that do not materially affect the use of property are not an objection to the title.
  • Valid Objection: If the property cannot be insured against risk of fire, there is any deficiency notice or work order against the property, or the present use may not be lawfully continued, the buyer may have a valid objection to the title.
  • The buyer’s solicitor must send the objections to the seller’s lawyer before the Requisition Date.
  • If the seller is unwilling or unable to remove any valid objections and the buyer is unwilling to waive the objections, the buyer may terminate the agreement.

15.3 Pre-Printed Clauses - II
15.3 预印条款 - II

Closing Arrangements  闭幕安排

  • The seller’s lawyer prepares the Transfer/Deed of Land for electronic registration.
  • The buyer’s lawyer completes the electronic registration of the title and/or other documents such as the Charge/Mortgage of Land.
  • Certain documents that are prepared by the lawyers but are not registered include undertakings, directions, declarations, etc.

Documents and Discharge  文件和出院

  • The seller is only required to produce documents (title/deed, survey, etc.) that are under his possession or control.
  • Survey: The seller must provide a survey if it is in their possession. If the seller does not have a survey, the buyer has several options - (i) accept the survey provided by the seller, (ii) insert a clause that the seller will arrange a new survey, (iii) the buyer may arrange a new survey at buyer’s cost, (iv) arrange Title Insurance, or (v) complete the sale without a survey.
    调查:卖方必须提供其掌握的调查报告。如果卖方没有勘测,买方有几种选择:(i) 接受卖方提供的勘测;(ii) 加入卖方将安排新勘测的条款;(iii) 买方可安排新勘测,费用由买方承担;(iv) 安排产权保险;或 (v) 在没有勘测的情况下完成销售。
  • Mortgage Discharge: The buyer accepts Personal Undertaking of the seller’s lawyer to discharge the mortgage using funds received from the sale.

Inspection  检查

  • The buyer acknowledges that they have inspected the property and observed any patent defects.
  • If a Home Inspection clause is not included in the agreement, the buyer will not be permitted to inspect the property again.
  • If the buyer wants to inspect or view the property one or two more times before completion, an appropriate clause should be inserted in the Schedule.

Insurance  保险

  • The seller is responsible to keep the property insured until the completion date. Insurance coverage is not transferred on sale.
  • If some major damage happens before closing, the buyer has two options -

    (i) terminate the agreement, or
    (i) 终止协议,或

    (ii) take proceeds from seller’s insurance to complete the sale.
    (ii) 利用卖方保险的收益完成销售。

Planning Act  规划法

  • The agreement is invalid if the transfer does not comply with the Planning Act.
  • In case of land, which is subject to severance, the seller can accept an offer, but the agreement will be completed only after receiving Consent for Severance before completion.

Document Preparation  文件准备

  • This clause identifies the party which is responsible to pay the cost of document preparation.
  • The seller pays for the transfer/deed of the title.
  • The buyer pays for the cost of mortgage documents and the applicable Land Transfer Tax.

Residency  居住地

  • Non-resident sellers must pay Capital Gains Tax within 10 days of completion of sale.
    非居民卖方必须在销售完成后 10 天内缴纳资本收益税。
  • If the seller fails to pay, the buyer becomes responsible.
  • The agreement provides the following options to the seller -
  • Deliver a certificate from the Minister of Revenue after paying necessary taxes, or
  • Credit the buyer for the amount of Capital Gains Tax, or
  • Provide a Declaration that the seller is not a non-resident.

Adjustments  调整

  • This clause specifies that certain costs will be apportioned at the time of closing.
  • Typical adjustments include property tax, unmetered utilities, heating fuel, rents for rental property, etc.
  • Adjustments are based on the number of days the seller and the buyer have owned the property.
  • The buyer is responsible for the costs from the actual day of closing.

Property Assessment  财产评估

  • Buyers and sellers cannot make any claim against each other or the brokerages for assessment matters.
  • Property assessments are done by municipalities on an annual basis.

Time Limits  时间限制

  • This clause specifies that time limits given in the agreement must be strictly adhered to.
  • If there are any changes, these must be agreed to by both parties in writing.

Tender  招标

  • Parties tender their obligations under the contract (documents and funds) at the time of completion.
  • If one party breaches the contract, the other party can still tender documents or funds on the day of completion, but not before completion.

Family Law Act  家庭法

  • The seller warrants that Spousal Consent is not required under the provisions of the Family Law Act.
  • However, if the property is a matrimonial home, the non-owner spouse must give written consent by signing the Spousal Consent section.


  • UFFI (Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation) was used in properties built during 1970’s.
    UFFI (尿素甲醛泡沫隔热材料)用于 20 世纪 70 年代建造的房产。
  • This clause is a disclosure and warranty from the seller that the seller has not installed UFFI in the building, and UFFI was never used as insulation in the building.
  • If the property is a unit in a multi-residential building, the provision applies only to the unit and not the entire building.
  • Since this representation and warranty survives the closing, the buyer can make a claim against the seller if they later find that the property contains UFFI.
    由于该陈述和保证在成交后仍然有效,因此如果买方后来发现房产含有 UFFI,可以向卖方索赔。

Legal, Accounting and Environmental Advice

  • The parties agree that the information provided by the brokerages is not to be considered as any expert advice on legal, accounting, and environmental matters.
  • If required, the seller and the buyer should be advised to seek third-party professional advice.

Consumer Reports  消费者报告

  • This disclosure is required under the Consumer Reporting Act.
  • The buyer is informed that a consumer report may be obtained in connection with this agreement, if it is appropriate.

Agreement in Writing  书面协议

  • This clause states that if a conflict arises between a pre-printed clause and an inserted clause, the inserted clause takes priority.
  • Parties agree that nothing has been ‘said or done’, other than specifically given in the agreement.
    双方同意,除协议具体规定外,没有任何 "言行"。

Time and Date  时间和日期

  • This clause specifies that the dates and the timings given in the agreement refer to the place where the property is located.

Successors and Assigns  继承人和受让人

  • In the event that a seller or a buyer dies before completion, the agreement states that their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns are bound by the terms of the agreement.
  • The salesperson should advise their clients to seek legal advice in this matter.

15.4 Signatures  15.4 签字

Buyer and Seller Signatures

  • All parties to the agreement must sign and insert date.
  • For a property in Joint Tenancy by spouses, both owner spouses should sign as Sellers.
  • The parties must understand that they are signing under seal.
  • If the buyer/seller is a corporation, the officer must sign and use Seal or write “//We have the authority to bind the corporation”.
  • In partnership, all partners should sign the agreement.

Initials  姓名缩写

  • Initials of the buyers and sellers are required at the bottom of every page where signatures are not present.
  • This ensures that the parties have read and understood the contents of the page.
  • Initials indicate that the parties agree to the contents of the page being initialed.

Witness  见证人

  • Any competent person can sign as witness. If a dispute arises, the witness may be called to testify.
  • Typically, the salespersons for each party insert their signatures as witness.
  • The witness must be - (i) physically present, (ii) must have attained the age of maturity, and (iii) must be a third party (must not be a party to the contract).
    证人必须:(i) 亲自到场,(ii) 必须达到成年年龄,(iii) 必须是第三方(不得是合同的一方)。
  • In case of multiple representation, the same salesperson or salespersons from same brokerage sign as witness.
  • Spousal Consent is required if the property is a matrimonial home and one of the spouses is not on the title.
  • The signatures of the non-owner spouse must also be witnessed.

Confirmation of Acceptance

  • The last party to accept all changes signs and dates this section.
  • This section must be completed before the Irrevocable date and time given on page 1.
    本部分必须在第 1 页给出的不可撤销日期和时间之前填写。
  • If the seller accepts the original offer without any changes, then this section is signed by one of the sellers.
  • If this is a counter offer, where the seller has made changes and buyer accepts the changes, then this section is signed by one of the buyers.

Information on Brokerages

  • This section provides information on the listing brokerage and the co-operating brokerage.
  • In case of multiple representation, or when the listing brokerage is providing customer service to the buyer, the space for the co-operating brokerage is left blank.

Acknowledgement  鸣谢

  • Each party acknowledges that they have read, understood, and received a Signed copy of Accepted agreement.
  • This section is completed after the Confirmation of Acceptance has been signed.
    本部分在签署 "接受确认书 "后填写。
  • This section also authorizes the brokerages to forward copies of the accepted agreement to the lawyers of their respective clients.
  • The lawyers’ information may be completed right away or may be completed later.

Remuneration/Commission Trust Agreement

  • When two different brokerages are involved in the transaction, the salespersons of each brokerage sign on behalf of their brokerages.
  • The Remuneration/Commission Trust Account protects the remuneration of the cooperating brokerage in case of misuse of funds or bankruptcy of the listing brokerage.
  • This section is left blank when there is a multiple representation situation or when the listing brokerage is providing customer service to the buyer.

Electronic Signatures (E-Sign)

  • The parties agree to electronic signatures under the Electronic Commerce Act.
  • Salespersons must be careful that all parties to the agreement must consent to electronic signatures.
  • The consent is recommended to be in writing but, in certain cases, it can be an implied consent.

Schedule A  附表 A

  • The names of the buyers, the sellers, and the property address must be inserted as reference.
  • The date on this page is same as on page 1 of the agreement.
    本页上的日期与协议第 1 页上的日期相同。
  • More Schedule pages may be added if additional clauses are required, or to attach other documents.

Table of Contents  目录

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16.1 Drafting the Agreement
16.1 起草协议

The Offer Plan  优惠计划

  • Offer Mathematics: The SAD formula for the balance due on completion is used to calculate the balance amount to be paid by the buyer on closing date.
    报价数学:成交时应付余款的 SAD 公式用于计算买方在成交日应支付的余款金额。
  • Required Dates: The important dates to be identified include the offer date, irrevocable date, requisition date, and the completion date. These dates must be in chronological order.
  • Information Required on Schedule: The salesperson needs to identify the clauses that would be inserted in the Schedule A, which is a part of every offer.
    附表所需的信息:销售人员需要确定将插入附表 A 的条款,这是每个报价的一部分。
  • Additional Information: This includes information on chattels included in the agreement, fixtures excluded from the agreement, rental items that would be assumed by the buyer, HST (‘Included In’ or ‘In Addition To’), and easements (if any).
    附加信息:其中包括协议中包含的动产、协议中不包含的固定装置、买方应承担的租赁项目、HST("包含在 "或 "附加在 "内)以及地役权(如有)等信息。

Signatures and Initials  签名和缩写

  • Once the offer has been drafted and reviewed, the buyers will sign and date the offer on the signature page.
  • Offer date is the actual date when the buyers sign the offer. It may be different than the date on the first page of offer.
  • The buyers will insert their initials at the bottom of every other page and the Schedule to acknowledge that they understand the terms of the offer.
  • The signatures are typically witnessed by the salespersons.
  • If the offer is accepted, the sellers sign the offer and insert their initials on every page except the signature page.
  • The last party to accept the terms of the offer signs the Confirmation of Acceptance section, which also includes the date and time of acceptance.
    最后接受要约条款的一方签署 "接受确认 "部分,其中还包括接受日期和时间。
  • After this, the Acknowledgement section is completed, and the salespersons sign the Remuneration/Commission Trust Agreement on behalf of their brokerages.

16.2 Inserting Clauses for Terms of the Offer
16.2 为要约条款添加条款

Deposit and Supplementary Deposit

  • The initial deposit paid by the buyer is inserted on the first page of the offer and other supplementary or additional deposit clauses are inserted in the Schedule.
  • The deposit is typically held in a trust account by the seller’s brokerage as per the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • If the trust account is an interest-bearing account, an appropriate clause would be inserted in the Schedule, giving details on how it is calculated and who will receive it.
  • Typically, the buyer receives the interest, but it does not affect the amount of balance due upon completion.
  • When the deposit amount is large, the buyer may request that the amount be placed in a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC).

Supplemental or Additional Deposits

  • Additional deposits are paid by the buyer before the completion date when the amount of total deposit is large, which also increases the chances of acceptance of the offer by the seller.
  • Essential Elements of the Clause: The clause includes the information as follows:
The buyer agrees to pay a further sum of qquad\qquad . This amount is to be credited towards the purchase price.
买方同意再支付 qquad\qquad 。这笔款项将记入货款。
  • Supplemental Deposit by a Specified Date: The clause format is as follows:
The buyer agrees to pay a further sum of qquad\qquad to qquad\qquad by negotiable cheque not later than qquad\qquad p.m. on the qquad\qquad day of _, 20 qquad\qquad as a supplementary deposit to be held in trust in the same manner as the initial deposit pending completion or other termination of this agreement. This amount is to be credited towards the purchase price upon completion of this transaction.
买方同意不迟于20 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 日下午 qquad\qquad 以可转让支票向 qquad\qquad 支付 qquad\qquad 作为补充定金,在本协议完成或以其他方式终止之前,以与初始定金相同的方式托管。这笔款项将在本交易完成后记入购房价款。
  • Additional Deposit Upon Fulfillment/Waiver of a Condition:
The buyer agrees to pay a further sum of qquad\qquad to qquad\qquad by negotiable cheque, at the time of fulfilment or removal of the condition pertaining to qquad\qquad , as an additional deposit to be held in trust pending completion or other termination of this agreement. This amount is to be credited towards the purchase price upon completion of this transaction.
买方同意在 qquad\qquad 相关条件满足或消除时,以可转让支票向 qquad\qquad 再支付一笔 qquad\qquad 款项,作为在本协议完成或以其他方式终止之前的额外定金。这笔款项将在本交易完成时计入购买价。

Balance Due on Completion

  • Essential Elements of the Clause: There are six essential elements of this clause -
  • By Whom: The buyer agrees to pay
  • Amount: a further sum of qquad\qquad
    金额:另加 qquad\qquad
  • Adjustments: subject to adjustments
  • To Whom: to the seller
  • When: on completion of this transaction
  • How: with funds drawn on a lawyer’s trust account in the form of a bank draft, certified cheque, or wire transfer using the Large Value Transfer system.
  • Clause Wording: The clause format is as follows:
The buyer agrees to pay a further sum of qquad\qquad , subject to adjustments, to the seller, upon completion of this transaction, with funds drawn on a lawyer’s trust account in the form of a bank draft, certified cheque, or wire transfer using the large value transfer system.
买方同意在本交易完成后,以银行汇票、保兑支票或使用大额转账系统电汇的形式,向卖方支付另一笔金额为 qquad\qquad 的款项(可进行调整)。
  • Calculating the Balance Due: This can be calculated using the SAD method, where S S SS is Seller Take Back, A A AA is assumed mortgage, and D D DD is total of all deposits.
    计算应付余额:可使用 SAD 方法计算,其中 S S SS 为卖方收回, A A AA 为假定抵押, D D DD 为所有存款总额。

    Balance = = == Purchase Price - Seller Take Back (S) - Assumed Mortgage (A) - Deposits (D)
    余额 = = == 购买价 - 卖方收回 (S) - 承担抵押 (A) - 存款 (D)
  • The amount of the New mortgage is not subtracted whether it is First or Second.
  • If there is Supplementary Deposit clause, then that clause becomes the first clause.

Acknowledgements or Agreements

  • This clause serves as an acceptance of an existing condition by both parties to an agreement, or an affirmation of a fact that could affect one or more parties to the agreement.
  • An acknowledgement is simply a written statement by one or more parties that something exists or does not exist.
  • This helps avoid assumptions and clarify items that could lead to misunderstanding.
  • No Warranty on Chattels: This clause is used when the seller does not provide any warranties on appliances.
The buyer acknowledges that there are no express or implied warranties on chattels included in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
  • Water Access: Used for a cottage in an island which has no road access:
The buyer acknowledges that the property is only accessible by water.
  • Discharge of Existing Mortgage: This clause makes the seller aware that it is his/her responsibility to discharge the existing mortgage and a fee or penalty may be payable for early discharge.
The seller acknowledges that there may be a penalty to discharge the existing Charge/Mortgage and agrees to pay any costs, expenses or penalties incurred in discharging the existing Charge/Mortgage.
  • Growth Manufacture of Illegal Substances: This clause makes the buyer aware that the subject property was being used for growth or manufacture of illegal substances.
The buyer acknowledges that the use of property and buildings and structures thereon may have been for the growth or manufacture of illegal substances and acknowledges that the seller makes no representations or warranties with respect to the state of repair of the premises and the buyer accepts the property and the buildings and structures thereon in the present state and in an “as is” condition.
买方承认该房产及其上的建筑物和构筑物可能曾用于种植或制造非法物质,并承认卖方对该房产的维修状况不作任何陈述或保证,买方接受该房产及其上的建筑物和构筑物的现状和 "原样"。
  • Kitec Plumbing: This clause makes that buyer aware that the home has Kitec (PEX) plumbing.
    Kitec 冷热水管道:该条款让买方了解房屋安装了 Kitec(PEX)冷热水管道。
The buyer acknowledges that the property and buildings and structures have had installed therein or thereon Kitec plumbing, fittings for Kitec plumbing, or Kitec Plumbing Systems (“Kitec”) and acknowledges that the seller makes no representation and/or warranties with respect to the state of repair of the premises respecting the said Kitec and the buyer accepts the property and the buildings and structures thereon in the present state and in an “as is” condition.
买方确认,该房产及建筑物和构筑物内或上已安装 Kitec 冷热水管道、Kitec 冷热水管道配件或 Kitec 冷热水管道系统("Kitec"),并确认,卖方不对上述 Kitec 的维修状况做出任何陈述和/或保证,买方接受该房产及建筑物和构筑物的现状和 "原状"。
  • Underground Fuel Tank: This clause is used to assure the buyer that the old underground oil tank has been removed and the contaminated soil cleaned up by the seller.

    The buyer acknowledges that there was an underground fuel tank on the property that has been removed and the seller agrees to provide to the buyer, at the seller’s own expense, by no later than

    qquad\qquad p.m. on the qquad\qquad day of, 20 _ evidence that a contractor registered under the Technical
    qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 下午__________________________________________根据《技术规范》注册的承建商的证据

    has removed the said fuel oil tank, assessed the soil surrounding the underground fuel oil tank for contamination and cleaned and removed any contamination.
  • Ontario Heritage Act Designation: This clause is used to make the buyer aware that the property is designated as a Heritage Property.
The parties hereto acknowledge that the subject property is/may be designated as a Heritage Property and is subject to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974. The buyer acknowledges that the seller has made this disclosure. The buyer accepts the property with this designation and agrees to continue with this transaction.
本协议双方确认,标的物业已/可能被指定为遗产财产,并受 1974 年《安大略遗产法》条款的约束。买方承认卖方已经披露了这一信息。买方接受被指定为遗产的房产,并同意继续进行交易。

Representation or Warranties

  • The representation and warranty clause is intended to protect either the buyer or the seller regarding an existing fact or event that could be basis for rescinding (terminating) the agreement if found to be false.
  • Since all matters in an agreement are merged or extinguished on closing, this clause assures that the seller is responsible for the condition of the property until the date of closing.
  • The typical clause wording includes a statement that the representation and warranty will survive and not merge (extinguish) on closing but apply only to the state of the property on the day of closing.
  • Chattels and Fixtures: This clause is added to ensure that the chattels and fixtures are in good working order on closing date.
  • The seller is responsible until the closing date and if there is a problem after closing, the buyer is responsible.
The seller represents and warrants that the chattels and fixtures included in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale will be in good working order and free from all liens and encumbrances on completion. The parties agree that these representations and warranties shall survive and not merge on completion of this transaction, but apply only to the state of the property at completion of this transaction.
卖方声明并保证,本《买卖合同》中包含的动产和固定装置在交易完成时将处于良好的工作 状态,不存在任何留置权和抵押权。双方同意,这些陈述和保证在本交易完成后继续有效,但仅适用于本交易完成时的财产状况。
  • Swimming Pool: In case there is an inground swimming pool in the property, this clause provides an assurance to the buyer that it meets provincial and municipal requirements:
The seller represents and warrants to the best of seller’s knowledge and belief that the swimming pool, its equipment, and the fencing of the said pool, comply with all applicable bylaws, regulations, and legislation. The parties agree that these representations and warranties shall survive and not merge on completion of this transaction, but apply only to the state of the property at completion of this transaction.
  • General Representations by the Seller. The buyer may notice water stains on the walls and wants assurance that the home has no water leakage or flooding problem.
The seller represents and warrants that on completion there is no known water damage to the basement, roof, or elsewhere caused by water seepage or flooding. The parties agree that these representations and warranties shall survive and not merge on completion of this transaction, but apply only to the state of the property at completion of this transaction.
  • Specific Time Period: The buyer may want the seller to warrant the condition of the furnace, but the seller may only agree to for as long as the manufacturer’s warranty.

Directions or Consents  指示或同意书

  • This clause gives authority or instruction for a party to take some action or do something to proceed with the agreement.
  • Examples:  例如
  • The buyer may authorize the seller to deliver notices to the tenants regarding the new owner (buyer).
  • The seller agrees to provide reasonable access during daytime hours to the property for the purpose of a home inspection at the direction of the buyer between ----- (date) ----- to ----- (date) -----, 20xx.
    卖方同意在 20xx 年 ----- (日期) ----- 至 ----- (日期) ----- 期间,根据买方的指示,在白天合理地进入房产进行房屋检查。
  • The clause: The clause is written in the following format:
The buyer/seller authorizes and directs the buyer/seller to …(pay…,provide…, assume…,)…

Covenants  公约

  • A covenant is a promise by one party to the other party and can be either permissive or restrictive.
  • This clause is used when there is an enforceable restriction or obligation with the subject property that binds all subsequent buyers.
  • Permissive Covenant: It may be in terms of a promise by the property owner to do something, such as pay money to use the land.
  • For example, a buyer may agree to honour the existing rights granted to the neighbouring properties.
  • Restrictive Covenant: It may be in terms of a promise by the property owner that restricts the use of land for a specific purpose.
  • For example, a buyer may acknowledge that the municipality has a bylaw that restricts renting or leasing the property.
  • The clause: The clause is written in the following format:
The buyer/seller agrees that/to qquad\qquad (Rights/Covenants/Promise)…
买方/卖方同意 qquad\qquad (权利/契约/承诺)...

Conditions  条件

  • A conditional clause requires the occurrence of some event or performance of some act to be fulfilled.
  • Common examples of conditional clauses include arranging mortgage financing, home inspection, sale of buyer’s property, arranging insurance, etc.
  • Condition Precedents are most commonly used and can be waived or fulfilled.
  • Condition Subsequent, which are mostly used in commercial transactions, are self-fulfilling.
Table of Contents  目录


17.1 Types of Conditional Clauses
17.1 条件句的类型

Condition Precedent  先决条件

  • The clause wording starts with - ‘This offer is conditional upon …’
  • The agreement is not legally binding when the Confirmation of Acceptance is signed.
  • There is something yet to be done within specified date and time. For example, the buyer needs to arrange a mortgage loan.
  • Elements of the Condition Precedent:
  • Who is to do it? Identifies the party which is required to complete the task. Usually, this is the party for whose benefit the condition is written.
  • Who is to pay for it? Identifies the party which is responsible for the cost of the task.
  • What is to be done? Identifies the nature of the due diligence to be completed.
  • Within what time limit? Gives the time limits within which the task is to be completed. The buyer must either send a Notice of Fulfillment of Conditions or a Waiver within given date and time. This makes the agreement a legally binding contract.
    在什么时限内?规定完成任务的时限。买方必须在指定日期和时间内发出 "条件满足通知 "或 "弃权声明"。这使协议成为具有法律约束力的合同。
  • What happens if it is not done? Most conditions state that the agreement will become null and void if a notice regarding fulfilment of the condition is not received within the specified time. If the party does not want to proceed with the agreement, no notice is required.
  • Can it be waived? The waiver provision allows the party to waive the condition instead of fulfilling it. This waiver must be received within the time period specified.
  • Waiver Provision: The Waiver provision in the clause provides that the party may waive the condition before the specified time.
  • Waiver permits the party to proceed with the transaction should the party determine that the protection provided by the condition is no longer required.
  • The wording of the waiver reads:
This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.

True Condition Precedent

  • The wording of this condition is similar to the Condition Precedent, but the Waiver provision is not included.
  • The condition must be fulfilled for the contract to become legally binding.
  • The agreement is not legally binding when the Confirmation of Acceptance is signed.
  • There is something yet to be done within the specified date and time.
  • A True Condition Precedent is typically used in the following situations:
  • Mortgage Assumption, which is conditional upon approval of the buyer by seller’s lender.
    按揭抵押(Mortgage Assumption),以卖方贷款人批准买方为条件。
  • Sale of a parcel of land, which is conditional upon Consent to Sever by the municipality.
    以市政府同意 Sever 为条件的地块出售。
  • A condition that the seller needs to be released from a previous offer.
  • The agreement becomes legally binding when the Notice of Fulfillment of Conditions is sent by the party who needs to fulfil the condition. A Waiver cannot be used.
    当需要满足条件的一方发出 "满足条件通知 "后,协议即具有法律约束力。不能使用弃权声明。

Condition Subsequent  条件 后续

  • The wording starts with - ‘The buyer may terminate this agreement …’
  • The agreement becomes legally binding when the Confirmation of Acceptance is signed.
  • No Waiver is necessary as a binding contract already exists.
  • The buyer still has to do something before the date and time given in the condition.
  • The buyer must send the Notice of Termination if they want to terminate the agreement within the given time limits.
  • The termination notice can be sent only on the basis of defined circumstances identified in the condition
  • No action or notice is required if the buyer wants to make the agreement a legally binding contract.
  • The conditions are deemed to have been waived if no notice of termination is received within the specified time period.
  • In case the condition requires the consent of a third party to be fulfilled, which is essentially a True Condition Precedent, it cannot be written as a Condition Subsequent.
    如果条件需要第三方的同意才能满足,本质上属于真正的先决条件,则不能将其写成后置条 件。

Common Conditions in a Residential Offer

  • Arranging mortgage financing - New, Seller Take Back (STB), or Mortgage Assumption.
  • Having the home inspection done by a professional home inspector.
  • Confirmation that insurance can be obtained for rural property or a property with outdated systems.
  • Sale of buyer’s property.
  • Review of condominium status certificate by buyer’s lawyer.
  • Fire and building code compliance for a multi-unit building.
  • Testing of well and septic tank in rural properties.
  • Confirming legal status of dock or boathouse for a waterfront property
  • Obtaining building permit or availability of services for vacant land.

17.2 Financing Conditions
17.2 融资条件

Arranging a New Mortgage

  • This condition is included for arrangement of New First/Second Mortgage by the buyer at Buyer’s Own Expense.
  • The given amount includes the wording ‘Not Less Than’ to specify the minimum loan.
    给出的金额包括 "不少于 "字样,以说明最低贷款额。
  • If there are two mortgage loan conditions included in the offer, then the amount should be written as ‘Not More Than’ in order to prevent over-financing of the property.
    如果要约中包含两个按揭贷款条件,则应将金额写为 "不超过",以防止房产过度融资。
  • The annual interest rate includes the wording ‘Not More Than’ to specify the maximum interest rate.
    年利率包括 "不超过 "字样,以明确最高利率。
  • The words 'Calculated Semi-annually, Not in Advance’ are written to comply with The Interest Act.
    每半年计算一次,不得提前计算 "的字样是为了符合《利息法》的规定。
  • The repayment amount is approximate and typically given as ‘Blended Monthly’ payments.
    还款额为近似值,通常为 "混合月 "还款额。
  • The term is given as ‘Not Less Than’ to specify the minimum term of the loan.
    期限为 "不少于",以规定贷款的最短期限。
  • The name of the lender need not be specified in the condition and the Amortization period is optional.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
This offer is conditional upon the Buyer arranging, at the Buyer’s own expense, a new qquad\qquad Charge/Mortgage for not less than qquad\qquad ($ ), bearing interest at a rate of not more than % per annum, calculated semi-annually not in advance, repayable in blended monthly payments of about qquad\qquad ($ qquad\qquad ), including principal and interest, and to run for a term of not less than __ years from the date of completion of this transaction. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than __ p.m. on the ___day of _, 20 that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.
本出价的条件是买方自费安排一项新的 qquad\qquad 押/按揭,金额不少于 qquad\qquad (美元),年利率不超过%,每半年计算一次,不提前还款,每月混合还款额约为 qquad\qquad ( qquad\qquad 美元),包括本金和利息,期限自本交易完成之日起不少于__年。除非买方在 20 年_____月_____日下午_____时之前亲自向卖方发出书面通知,或根据本《购销协议》或其任何附表中关于通知递送的任何其他规定发出书面通知,表明本条件已得到满足,否则本要约应无效,定金应全额退还买方,不得扣除。本条件是为了买方的利益而列入的,买方可以在本条款规定的期限内以书面形式通知卖方放弃本条件。

New Mortgage Satisfactory to the Buyer

  • This format allows the buyer to arrange a satisfactory mortgage without providing the details of the amount, the interest rate, or the term.
  • There is no need to make changes to the clause in case the purchase price changes during negotiations.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
This offer is conditional upon the Buyer arranging, at the Buyer’s own expense, a new qquad\qquad Charge/Mortgage satisfactory to the Buyer in the Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than __ p.m. on the ___day of qquad\qquad , 20 qquad\qquad , that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.
本要约以买方自费安排买方满意的新 qquad\qquad 抵押/按揭为条件,买方拥有唯一及绝对酌情权。除非买方在 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 月日下午____________________________________之前,亲自或根据本买卖合同或其任何附表中关于递送通知的任何其他规定,向卖方发出书面通知,表明本条件已得到满足,否则本要约将无效,定金将全额退还买方,且不得扣除。本条件是为了买方的利益而列入的,买方可以在本条款规定的期限内以书面形式通知卖方放弃本条件。

Assuming an Existing Mortgage

  • The buyer may assume seller’s existing mortgage if the financing terms are attractive, such as a lower interest rate, as compared to current interest rates.
  • However, the seller must be cautioned that unless they are specifically released from the personal covenant by the lender, there is a chance that they may be responsible if the buyer defaults on mortgage payments.
  • The clause must include the name of existing lender, the amount of loan to be assumed, the annual interest rate, the payment amount, and the due date.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
The Buyer agrees to assume the existing qquad\qquad Charge/Mortgage held by qquad\qquad for approximately qquad\qquad ($ qquad\qquad ), bearing interest rate of qquad\qquad % per annum, calculated semiannually not in advance, repayable in blended monthly payments of qquad\qquad ($ qquad\qquad ), including principal and interest, and due on the qquad\qquad day of qquad\qquad , 20 qquad\qquad This offer is conditional upon the Buyer obtaining the approval of the Chargee/Mortgagee to assume the existing Charge/Mortgage. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than ___ p.m. on the ___ day of qquad\qquad , 20 qquad\qquad , that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein. The Buyer hereby agrees to proceed immediately to make an application and provide such material as may be required by the Chargee/Mortgagee for approval of the Buyer as the Chargor/Mortgagor.
买方同意承担由 qquad\qquad 持有的现有 qquad\qquad 抵押/按揭,抵押/按揭金额约为 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 美元),年利率为 qquad\qquad %,每半年计算一次,不预先支付,每月混合支付 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 美元),包括本金和利息,于20 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 日到期、包括本金和利息,并于 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 日到期。 本要约以买方获得承押/承按人批准承担现有承押/承按为条件。除非买方在20 qquad\qquad 年______月______日下午______时之前亲自或根据本买卖合同或其任何附表中关于递送通知的任何其他规定向卖方递送书面通知,表明本条件已得到满足,否则本要约将无效,定金将全额退还买方,不得扣除。包含本条件是为了买方的利益,买方可以在本条款规定的期限内通过书面通知卖方放弃本条件。买方特此同意立即着手提出申请,并提供押记人/承押人可能要求买方作为押记人/承押人获得批准的材料。
  • Three Essential Parts of Mortgage Assumption clause:
  • The first part is an agreement that the buyer is assuming seller’s existing mortgage.
  • The second part is a condition that the buyer needs to be approved by seller’s lender.
  • The third part of the clause is an agreement that the buyer will proceed immediately to make an application to lender and provide required documents.
  • Since the condition needs the consent of a third party (the seller’s lender) to be fulfilled, this condition cannot include a waiver provision, and hence, it becomes a True Condition Precedent.
  • The buyer must send a Notice of Fulfillment of Conditions to make the agreement a legally binding contract.
    买方必须发出 "条件满足通知书",使协议成为具有法律约束力的合同。

Impact of Time Frames

  • Seller’s Market: The conditional time frames may be shorter due to several buyer’s competing for properties and the seller may not want to be tied up with an offer with too many conditions.
  • Buyer’s Market: The conditional time frames may be longer as the buyers have several properties to choose from, giving them more leverage to negotiate.
  • Time frames may also be impacted by lender requirements regarding documents they need for mortgage commitments, due to insurance arrangement, or due to need for an appraisal.

17.3 Seller Take Back Mortgage (STB)
17.3 卖方收回抵押贷款(STB)

Arranging a Seller Take Back Mortgage (STB)
安排卖方收回抵押贷款 (STB)

  • This clause is used when the seller gives a mortgage loan to the buyer and takes back mortgage of the same property.
  • This is an Agreement clause and not a conditional clause, which allows for negotiation of more creative terms between the seller and the buyer.
  • The Seller Take Back mortgage is typically a second mortgage.
  • In some cases, the STB is first mortgage while the buyer may arrange a second mortgage from another lender.
    在某些情况下,STB 是第一抵押,而买方可能会从另一家贷款机构安排第二抵押。
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
The seller agrees to take back a qquad\qquad Charge/Mortgage in the amount of qquad\qquad ($___), bearing interest at the rate of qquad\qquad % % %\% per annum, calculated semi-annually not in advance, repayable in blended monthly payments of qquad\qquad ($ qquad\qquad ), including principal and interest, and to run for a term of qquad\qquad years from the date of completion of this transaction.
卖方同意收回金额为 qquad\qquad (______美元)的 qquad\qquad 抵押/按揭,年利率为 qquad\qquad % % %\% ,每半年计算一次,不提前支付,每月混合支付 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 美元),包括本金和利息,期限为 qquad\qquad 年,自本交易完成之日起计算。

Benefits of STB to the Seller
STB 对卖方的好处

  • The seller may earn a higher interest rate and monthly income resulting in increased return on investment.
  • The marketability of the property is improved as STB can be an attractive feature in slow market or for a hard to sell property.
    在市场疲软或难以出售的房产中,STB 可以成为一个有吸引力的特征,从而提高房产的销售能力。
  • Sellers providing STB may demand a higher purchase price with attractive terms.
    提供 STB 的卖方可能会要求更高的购买价格和有吸引力的条件。

Benefits of STB to the Buyer
STB 对买方的好处

  • Seller Take Back (STB) can be a source of alternate mortgage financing for a buyer who requires additional funds.
  • The buyer can save on the costs and timing as compared to financing by a bank or other lender.
  • The interest rate and terms of financing can be negotiated with the seller.

Additional Clauses with STB
与 STB 的附加条款

  • Credit Check:  信用检查:
  • This clause may be required with Seller Take Back (STB) mortgage if the seller wants to ensure repayment credibility of the buyer.
  • The clause specifies that the seller must be satisfied with personal information and creditworthiness of the buyer.
  • This condition is for the benefit of the seller and may be waived by the seller.
  • Postponement:  延期:
  • This clause is used when there are two mortgage clauses in the agreement.
  • Typically, this clause is used with the second mortgage (and not with the first mortgage).
  • Required: If the first mortgage (New or Assumed) expires or becomes due before the second mortgage.
  • Not Required: If the first mortgage does not expire before the second mortgage.
  • Prepayment:  预付款:
  • Prepayment is a privilege, and not right, given to a mortgagor to pay the loan before the maturity date.
  • If nothing is provided in the mortgage document, the mortgagor (the buyer) can only make regular payments during the term.
  • Fully Open: Prepay any amount any time.
  • Open: Prepay all or part of the principal on the next payment date.
  • Open on Anniversary Date: Pay a percentage of the original principal amount on each anniversary without notice.
  • Prepayment Subject to Bonus: Prepay a percentage of the original principal amount on each anniversary date, subject to a bonus of a specified number.
  • Renewal:  更新:
  • This clause gives the mortgagor (the buyer) a privilege to renew the STB mortgage once the term is completed, provided that the loan is in good standing.
    该条款赋予抵押人(买方)一项特权,即一旦 STB 抵押期结束,只要贷款状况良好,就可续期。
  • The buyer may want to renew on the same interest rate if the rates are increasing but the seller may want to take advantage of the current higher interest rates.
  • Over Financing Prevention:
  • When the new first mortgage includes the wording 'Not Less Than’ the buyer may borrow more than the specified amount from the lender.
    当新的首次抵押贷款中包含 "不少于 "字样时,买方可以从贷款人处借贷超过规定的金额。
  • In case the agreement involves STB mortgage as well, these words are replaced with ‘Not More Than’ to prevent overfinancing.
    如果协议还涉及 STB 按揭,则用 "不超过 "代替,以防止过度融资。
  • The following clause can be used in conjunction with STB clause:
    以下条款可与 STB 条款结合使用:
In the event that the first mortgage arranged by the Buyer has a principal amount in excess of

qquad\qquad ($ qquad\qquad ), the principal amount of the second mortgage will be reduced by the excess amount, with a corresponding reduction in the payment for the second mortgage. The Buyer agrees to provide the Seller or the Seller’s lawyer with a confirmation of the principal amount of the first mortgage to be arranged.
qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 美元),第二次抵押的本金将减少超出部分,第二次抵押的付款也将相应减少。买方同意向卖方或卖方的律师提供将安排的第一次抵押本金的确认函。
  • Right to Sell the Mortgage:
  • This condition is included for the protection of the seller in case the seller decides to sell the mortgage to another lender.
  • An acknowledgement or agreement clause can be included for the buyer to ensure that they understand and agree that the mortgage may be sold, and the buyer agrees to provide any information required to sell the mortgage.
  • Discharge of Existing Mortgage:
  • This clause ensures that the seller understands there may be a penalty to discharge their mortgage before expiry of the term.
  • This may reduce the net amount the seller will receive from the sale.

17.4 Supplemental Conditional Clauses
17.4 补充性条件条款

Home Inspection  房屋检查

  • The home inspection condition is used so that the buyer may hire a professional home inspector to check the condition of the property.
  • As per the wording of the clause, the buyer pays for the cost of home inspection.
  • The clause wording specifies that the inspection report must be satisfactory to the buyer, in buyer’s sole and absolute discretion.
  • The seller agrees to provide access to the property for the purpose of this inspection.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
This offer is conditional upon the inspection of the subject property by a home inspector at the Buyer’s own expense and obtaining of a report satisfactory to the Buyer in the Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than qquad\qquad p.m. on the qquad\qquad day of qquad\qquad , 20 qquad\qquad , that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing access to the property for the purpose of this inspection. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.
本要约以买方自费聘请验房师检查标的物业并获得买方满意的报告为条件,买方可自行决定是否接受验房师的检查。除非买方在不迟于 qquad\qquad 20 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 下午 qquad\qquad 时,亲自或根据本《买卖合同》或其任何附表中关于递送通知的任何其他规定,向卖方递送书面通知,表明本条件已得到满足,否则本要约应无效,定金应全额退还买方,不得扣除。卖方同意合作,为此次检查提供进入物业的机会。本条件是为了买方的利益而列入的,买方可以在本条件规定的期限内以书面形式通知卖方放弃本条件。
  • An inspection condition may include wording that allows the seller to remedy any deficiencies found during the inspection, subject to a specified cost.
  • General Home Inspection: Typical residential home inspection covers the physical structure, electrical system, roofing, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, insulation, and general interior/exterior condition.
  • The report specifically includes general and property specific limitations of inspection.
  • The home inspection is not done according to the Ontario Building Code.
  • A standard home inspection does not cover the Water Well or the Septic Tank in rural properties.

Obtaining Insurance  获取保险

  • This conditional clause allows the buyer to arrange suitable insurance against the risk of fire.
  • The decision to include this condition is based on the age of the structure, its location, and condition of the property.
  • Situations:  情况:
  • A rural property is far from a fire station and the distance will impact the insurance premium.
  • Outdated wiring in the property, underground oil tank, or other matters may require remedial action and can impact the insurance premiums.
  • Due to the nature of the clause, a short time frame is recommended for this condition.

- Clause Format:  - 条款格式:

This offer is conditional upon the Buyer arranging insurance for the property satisfactory to the Buyer in the Buyer’s sole and absolute discretion. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than __ p.m. on the ___ day of _ , 20__ that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing  be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing  ¯ bar(" be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing ")\overline{\text { be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing }}
本要约以买方根据其唯一及绝对酌情权安排令买方满意的财产保险为条件。除非买方在 20___年_____月______日下午______时之前亲自或根据本《买卖合同》或其任何附表中关于递送通知的任何其他规定向卖方递送书面通知,说明本条件已得到满足,否则本要约无效,定金应 be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing  be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing  ¯ bar(" be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing ")\overline{\text { be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Seller agrees to co-operate in providing }} .

access to the property, if necessary, for any inspection of the property required for the fulfilment of this condition. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.

Sale of Buyer's Property (SBP)
出售买方财产 (SBP)

  • This conditional clause makes the agreement conditional upon sale of buyer’s property.
  • This clause might include a lengthy time period to fulfill (e.g. 60 or 90 days).
    该条款可能包括较长的履行期限(如 60 或 90 天)。
  • An agreement with such a condition is generally accepted by seller in very slow market or if the property is unique.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
This offer is conditional upon the sale of Buyer’s property known as qquad\qquad Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than qquad\qquad p.m. on the qquad\qquad day of qquad\qquad , 20 qquad\qquad , that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.
本要约以出售买方名为 qquad\qquad 的房产为条件,除非买方在不迟于 qquad\qquad 下午 qquad\qquad 时,亲自或根据本《买卖合同》或其任何附表中关于递送通知的任何其他规定,向卖方发出书面通知。在 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 下午 qquad\qquad 时满足本条件,则本要约无效,定金应全额退还买方,不得扣除。本条件是为了买方的利益而列入的,买方可以在本条件所述期限内通过书面通知卖方放弃本条件。
  • Typically, the SBP clause is followed by an Escape Clause.
    通常情况下,SBP 条款之后会有一个逃避条款。

The Escape Clause  逃避条款

  • An Escape Clause is typically used with any condition that involves a lengthy condition in the agreement, such as a condition involving Sale of Buyer’s Property.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
Provided further that the Seller may continue to offer the property for sale and, in the event that the Seller receives another offer satisfactory to the Seller, the Seller may so notify the Buyer in writing by delivery to the Buyer personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto. The Buyer shall have qquad\qquad hours from the giving of such notice to waive this condition by notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto, failing which this offer shall be null and void, and the Buyer’s deposit shall be returned in full without deduction.
但卖方可以继续要约出售该物业,如果卖方收到另一个令卖方满意的要约,卖方可以通过亲自递交给买方或根据本《买卖合同》或其任何附表中关于递交通知的任何其他规定,以书面形式通知买方。买方应在上述通知发出后 qquad\qquad 小时内,以书面通知的方式,亲自递交给卖方,或根据本《购销协议》或其任何附表中关于递交通知的任何其他规定,放弃这一条件,否则本要约应为无效,买方的定金应全额退还,不得扣除。
  • The seller can continue to market the property after the Confirmation of Acceptance has been signed.
  • In case the seller receives a better offer, he would give 48/72 hours’ notice to the buyer to waive conditions and make the agreement firm.
    如果卖方收到更好的出价,他会在 48/72 小时内通知买方放弃条件,使协议生效。
  • If the buyer does not respond within the given time period, the offer becomes null and void.
  • The seller can now sell the property to the other buyer with a better offer.

Lawyer's Approval  律师批准

  • Some sellers or buyers may refuse to accept any offer unless their lawyer has reviewed the offer and approved the terms included.
  • Clause Format:  条款格式:
This offer is conditional upon the approval of the terms hereof by the Buyer’s Solicitor. Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller personally or in accordance with any other provisions for the delivery of notice in this Agreement of Purchase and Sale or any Schedule thereto not later than qquad\qquad p.m. on the qquad\qquad day of qquad\qquad , 20 qquad\qquad , that this condition is fulfilled, this offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer’s sole option by notice in writing to the Seller as aforesaid within the time period stated herein.
本要约以买方律师批准本合同的条款为条件。除非买方在不迟于 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 日下午 qquad\qquad 时,亲自或根据本《买卖合同》或其任何附表中关于递送通知的任何其他规定,向卖方递送书面通知,表明本条件已得到满足,否则本要约应无效,定金应全额退还买方,不得扣除。本条件是为了买方的利益而列入的,买方可以在本条件所述期限内通过书面通知卖方放弃本条件。

17.5 Environmental and Zoning Conditions
17.5 环境和分区条件

Note: We are not including the following clauses in this study guide. Please refer to the official course module or the KMS. For the exam, you need to understand the purpose of the clause and the situation where the clause would be inserted in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
注意:本学习指南不包括以下条款。请参考官方课程模块或 KMS。在考试中,您需要了解该条款的目的,以及在《买卖合同》中插入该条款的情况。

Oil Tanks  油箱

  • Aboveground: This conditional clause allows the buyer to get the aboveground oil tank tested to determine that the tank system is safe and meets the current requirements of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).
  • Underground - Seller Has Removed: In this clause, the seller makes a disclosure that the underground oil tank was removed by a contractor licensed by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).
    地下 - 卖方已拆除:在该条款中,卖方披露地下油罐已由技术标准与安全局 (TSSA) 许可的承包商拆除。
  • It provides assurance to the buyer that the tank was removed properly, the surrounding soil was tested, and any contamination was removed
  • Underground - Seller to Remove: In this clause, the seller agrees to get the underground oil tank removed by a contractor licensed by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).
    地下 - 卖方拆除:在该条款中,卖方同意由技术标准和安全局 (TSSA) 许可的承包商拆除地下油罐。

Vermiculite and Asbestos

  • This condition is included to ensure that the subject property is not insulated with vermiculite or asbestos.
  • Vermiculite is a mineral that does not burn, and when heated, it expands and is suitable for insulation.
  • Vermiculite itself is not a health hazard but it may contain asbestos which when airborne and inhaled can cause health issues.
  • If the seller is aware that the property is insulated with vermiculite containing asbestos, this fact must be disclosed to the buyer as this is a material latent defect.
  • There may be a concern if the buyer wants to renovate the property because the dust from broken tiles may become airborne and create health problems.
  • The buyer may want to get the property inspected, and if the report is not satisfactory to the buyer, they may terminate the agreement.

Water Well  水井

  • Typically, the buyer hires a professional to collect water samples from the actual water supply, which is sent to the local Public Health department for testing.
  • The buyer has the right to walk away from the agreement if the condition is not fulfilled.
  • Three Parts of the Condition:
  • Quantity: There must be adequate water supply to meet the buyer’s household needs,
  • Equipment: The pump and all related equipment serving the property must be in proper operating condition, and
  • Potability: The buyer can obtain a Bacteriological Analysis of drinking water from the authority having jurisdiction indicating that there is no significant evidence of bacterial contamination.

Septic System  化粪池系统

  • The buyer of a property with septic system may want to include this conditional clause to make sure that the system is located totally within the property boundaries and meets the setback requirements.
  • It also ensures that the septic system is installed correctly and with applicable permits from the municipality.
  • An additional representation and warranty clause can be included to address the working condition of the septic system.

Zoning  分区

  • This clause is used when the buyer wants to apply to the municipality for change in zoning of the property to allow for a different use.
  • It can also be used if the buyer wants to apply for a minor variance.
  • In case the change in zoning or minor variance is not approved, the buyer may not want to proceed with the transaction.
  • Since the required consent for fulfilment of condition is by a third party (the municipality), the condition becomes a True Condition Precedent.
  • This means that the conditional clause cannot include the waiver provision.
Table of Contents  目录


18.1 Completing the Offer
18.1 完成要约

Inserting Multiple Clauses

  • When multiple clauses are inserted in the offer, the terms must be clear, easy to understand, and grouped together wherever possible.
  • Pre-printed clauses must be carefully reviewed so that appropriate clauses are inserted in the Schedule.
  • Be concise, avoid vague clauses, reduce wordiness, and be precise and specific.
  • Offer may be redrafted, if necessary, to present the clauses in a logical sequence.

Stacked Conditions  堆叠条件

  • Several conditions can be stacked one over another when they have the same date and time for fulfillment.
  • All stacked conditions must be either Precedent type or Subsequent type.
  • The conditions are written in the sequence of the tasks to be completed.
  • Typical Format:  典型格式:
    "This offer is conditional upon:
  1. The Buyer arranging a new first mortgage…
  2. The inspection of the subject property by a home inspector…
This is followed by:  随后是
“Unless the Buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller…”

18.2 REBBA Requirements for Counter Offers
18.2 REBBA 对还价的要求

Copies of Offers  要约副本

  • According to REBBA, a valid offer must be in writing and signed by the buyers, otherwise a salesperson cannot indicate that they have an offer.
    根据 REBBA 的规定,有效要约必须以书面形式提出,并由买方签字,否则销售人员不能表明他们已提出要约。
  • The brokerage must convey all written offers and counter offers to the client as soon as practically possible.
  • The registrant cannot withhold any offer based on identity of the person who sent it or because of the contents of the offer.
  • The registrant cannot decide to accept or reject the offer on behalf of the client.
  • If an offer is accepted, each brokerage is required to retain a copy of the offer for a minimum period of 6 years.
    如果要约被接受,每家经纪公司都必须保留一份要约副本,至少保存 6 年。
  • Retaining Copies: The listing brokerage is required of retain copies of all offers and counter offers that are received.
  • If the seller rejects the offer without making a counter offer, the listing brokerage must retain a copy of the original offer.
  • If the seller counters the offer but it is not accepted, the listing brokerage must retain copies of the original as well as counter offers.

Summary Document  摘要文件

  • A summary document may be used by the brokerage instead of retaining all offers and counter offers that are not accepted by the seller.
  • This document can be used in case the brokerage receives the offer, it is made through a brokerage, and the offer did not result in a transaction.
  • The summary document must include all information regarding the names of the buyers and sellers, offer dates, names of the brokerages, names of the salespersons, time of receipt, time of offer presentation, and the irrevocable times.
  • Although a summary document may be used instead of retaining copies of all unaccepted offers, it is not a substitute for the Agreement of Purchase and Sale during negotiations.

18.3 Offer Negotiations  18.3 报价谈判

Seller's Options on Receiving an Offer

  • Accept the Offer: This must be done before the specified Irrevocable time.
  • Counter the Offer: This must be done before the specified Irrevocable time.
  • Reject the Offer: The seller need not do anything, and the offer automatically becomes null and void when the specified Irrevocable time expires.

Seller Accepts the Original Offer

  • The seller initials at the bottom of all pages and inserts signatures.
  • The salesperson signs as a witness.
  • The Confirmation of Acceptance is signed by one of the sellers.
  • All above steps must be completed before the specified Irrevocable time.

Counter Offer  还价

  • A counter offer is a new offer from the seller to the buyer.
  • The seller now makes it Irrevocable for the buyer. The word ‘Buyer’ in the Irrevocable clause is replaced with the word ‘Seller’.
    卖方现在规定买方不可撤销。不可撤销条款中的 "买方 "一词改为 "卖方"。
  • The seller may extend the Irrevocable time, if required.
  • Three Methods to Counter the Offer:
  • Make changes in the original offer, initial all changes, sign the offer, and send it back to the buyer.
  • Use the Counter Offer form. In this case, the seller does not sign the original offer but signs the Counter Offer form. Confirmation of Acceptance and Acknowledgement are still signed on the original offer.
  • Draft a new offer and send it to the buyer. In this case the seller takes a risk as the buyer may reject the seller’s new offer.

Typical Changes in a Counter Offer

  • Purchase Price: The seller’s price in counter offer may be somewhere in between the list price and the buyer’s offer price.
  • When the buyer receives the counter offer, they may accept seller’s counter offer or make another counter offer.
  • Deposit: The amount of deposit is an indication of good faith between the parties and the seller may want to increase this amount if it is too low.
  • A deposit with certified cheque increases the chances of acceptance.
  • Completion Date: A change in completion date for negotiations may impact the financial aspects of the seller or the buyer.
  • For example, the seller may have a firm date for purchase of a new home.
  • Conditions and/or Terms: The seller may reject certain condition(s) in the offer or may want to insert some other clause or condition.
  • Chattels and Fixtures: Salespersons must ensure that there is no confusion regarding chattels included and fixtures excluded.
  • The seller may want to change these items during negotiations.

Seller Counters the Original Offer

  • The most typical method of countering the offer is to make changes to the buyer’s original offer.
  • Changes are made to the original offer and initials are inserted on all changes.
  • The seller may extend the original Irrevocable date, if required.
  • The seller initials on the bottom of all pages, inserts signatures, and the salesperson signs as witness.
  • The sellers do not sign the Confirmation of Acceptance.
  • The offer is sent back to the buyer before the specified Irrevocable time.
  • Assuming that the buyer accepts these changes, the buyer initials all changes confirming the acceptance of changes.
  • The Confirmation of Acceptance is now signed by one of the buyers.

Acknowledgement  鸣谢

  • The parties Acknowledge that they have received copies of the Accepted agreement.
  • Typically, the last party to accept the terms of the offer signs the Confirmation of Acceptance and then signs the Acknowledgement section.
    通常情况下,最后接受要约条款的一方会签署 "接受确认书",然后签署 "确认 "部分。
  • The Address for Service section is completed.
  • Lawyer’s information may be completed at this time or at a later date.
  • Remuneration/Commission Trust Agreement: Salespersons of the listing brokerage and the co-operating brokerage sign the Remuneration/Commission Trust Agreement.
  • This section is left blank in case of multiple representation or when the buyer is a customer of the listing brokerage.

18.4 Multiple/Competing Offers
18.4 多重/竞争报价

REBBA Requirements  REBBA 要求

  • All written offers must be presented to the seller in the order they are received.
  • In case of competing offers, the listing brokerage -
  • Must disclose the existence of all competing offers to each buyer, and
  • Must not disclose the content of any competing offer to any buyer.
  • If an offer has not been presented to the seller, the buyer may withdraw the offer if they decide not to participate the multiple offer situation.

Competing Offers and Multiple Representation

  • If there are competing offers and one offer is from the buyer client of the listing brokerage; this creates a multiple offer and multiple representation situation.
  • A disclosure of multiple representation must be made to all parties.
  • Written consent of the parties must be obtained at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented.
  • In this situation, if there is some remuneration negotiation with the seller, this must be disclosed to the buyers from other co-operating brokerages.

Risk and Strategies for the Buyer

  • Small details in the buyer’s offer can impact a seller’s decision when reviewing the offer.
  • Best Offer First: In a seller’s market, the sellers tend to look at the best offer first and there is little room for negotiations.
  • The buyer should be advised to make their offer strong after a research of comparable sales in the subject neighbourhood.
  • Pre-approved Mortgage: If the buyer has a pre-approved mortgage, combined with a large down payment, it will increase the chances of acceptance.
  • Deposit: A large deposit with a certified cheque gives the seller more confidence about the seriousness of the buyer.
  • This also indicates that the chances of mortgage approval are strong.
  • Proof of Funds: Whether the offer includes a financing condition or not, the chances of acceptance of offer are increased if the seller gets an assurance that the buyer has sufficient funds available to complete the transaction.
  • Completion Date: Buyers should pay attention to the completion date given in the listing.
  • Conditions: In a multiple offer situation, an unconditional or firm offer is desirable by sellers.
  • However, the buyer needs to be cautious about the risks associated with an unconditional offer.
  • Inclusions: The buyer might want to leave out some chattels included if they are insignificant.
  • Irrevocable: A right price combined with a short irrevocable time can put the buyer in a strong negotiating position in a multiple offer situation.

Risk and Strategies for the Seller

  • Irrevocability: The seller must be made aware of irrevocable time in each competing offer as several offers may appear to be similar.
  • Presentation Time: The seller may ask the salesperson to withhold offer presentation until a specific day and time to have as many buyers view the property and make offers.
  • During this time, offers can be registered but no offers are presented.
  • Property Inspection: The seller can have the property inspected and make the report available to buyers, which may result in fewer conditions and a higher offer price.

Three possibilities  三种可能性

  • The seller has three options in case of multiple offers, and each has different consequence.
  • Possible actions by sellers during offer negotiations -
  • One Offer Accepted - It may be conditional, and the condition may not be fulfilled.
    接受一份报价 - 这可能是有条件的,而且条件可能无法满足。
  • One Offer Countered - This buyer may wait until the Irrevocable time expires and the offer becomes Null and Void.
    一个要约被反驳 - 该买方可以等待,直到不可撤销时间到期,要约变为无效。
  • All Offers Rejected - All buyers may look for other properties.
    拒绝所有出价 - 所有买家可寻找其他房产。
  • Real Risk: The seller must not counter more than one offer at a time as more than one buyer may accept the counter offer.
  • This may result in competing contracts and lawsuits as the seller cannot sell the property to two buyers.
  • This strategy should never be seriously considered.
Table of Contents  目录

Amendment to Agreement of Purchase and Sale

  • An Amendment to Agreement of Purchase and Sale form is used by the parties to make changes to an accepted agreement.
  • The wording being deleted is inserted exactly as in the original agreement.
  • New wording, which is to be added to the agreement, is inserted.
  • A new irrevocable date and time are inserted.
  • The party making the changes signs the amendment form before it is sent to the other party.
  • If the changes are not accepted or a counter offer is not made by the other party within the irrevocable time, the amendment becomes null and void and the original agreement remains effective.
  • If changes are acceptable, the other party signs the Confirmation of Acceptance and the Acknowledgement sections.
    如果可以接受更改,另一方将在 "接受确认 "和 "确认 "部分签字。

Notice of Fulfillment of Conditions

  • This form is used to notify a party that a Condition Precedent or a True Condition Precedent has been fulfilled.
  • When signed by all parties, this form makes the Agreement of Purchase and Sale a legally binding contract.
  • The form must be sent by the party which was to fulfill the condition before the date and time specified in the condition to notify the other party.
  • When completing this form, a cross reference is given to the original agreement, the condition(s) being fulfilled is/are inserted, and the parties sign the form.
  • The Acknowledgement must be signed either by the party or the brokerage before the expiry of the time period specified in the condition.
  • Copies of the signed notice are provided to each party and the brokerages retain a copy for their records.

Waiver  豁免

  • This form is typically used by the buyer before expiry of the conditional date to remove one or more conditions in the agreement.
  • As with the Notice of Fulfilment of Conditions, this form makes the agreement a legally binding contract.
    与 "条件满足通知 "一样,该表格使协议成为具有法律约束力的合同。
  • However, this form cannot be used with True Condition Precedent and it is not required for a Condition Subsequent.
  • When completing this form, a cross reference is given to the agreement, the condition(s) being waived is/are inserted, and the parties sign the form.
  • The Acknowledgement must be signed either by the party or the brokerage before the expiry of the time period specified in the condition.
  • Copies of the signed notice are provided to each party and the brokerages retain a copy for their records.

Mutual Release  相互释放

  • This Mutual Release form is used by parties when the agreement fails due to non-fulfillment of conditions, or when the parties want to terminate a legally binding agreement.
  • This releases the parties from the obligations under the contract (Agreement of Purchase and Sale).
  • This form also authorizes the listing brokerage to withdraw the deposit from its Real Estate Trust Account and return it to the buyer.
  • When completing this form, a cross reference is given to the agreement, the terms for disbursement of deposit are inserted, and an irrevocable time period is provided.
  • The party receiving the Mutual Release signs and dates the form and the Confirmation of Acceptance section.
    接受互免协议的一方在表格和 "接受确认 "部分签字并注明日期。
  • The form is signed by the broker of records of both the listing brokerage and the cooperating brokerage.
  • Copies of the form are provided to all parties and are also retained by both brokerages.

Termination of Agreement by Buyer

  • This form is used when the buyer initiates the termination of a legally binding agreement.
  • This form is typically accompanied by the Mutual Release form.

Termination of Agreement by Seller

  • This form is used when the seller initiates the termination of a legally binding agreement.
  • This form is typically accompanied by the Mutual Release form.

19.2 Requirements Under REBBA
19.2 REBBA 的要求

Disclosure of Sale/Purchase by a Registrant

  • When a registrant is purchasing (acquisition) or selling (disposition) real estate with direct or indirect interest, a written disclosure must be made to the other party and signed acknowledgement must be received.
  • The disclosure notice must include -
  • A statement that the individual is a salesperson, broker, or brokerage.
  • Full disclosure of all known facts that may affect the value of the property.
  • Details of negotiations with any third-party for subsequent sale of the property.

Written Directions from a Seller

  • REBBA requires that the brokerage must convey all written offers to the client at the earliest practical opportunity regardless of the person making the offer, the contents of the offer, and the nature of remuneration.
    REBBA 要求经纪人必须尽早向客户传达所有书面要约,无论要约人、要约内容和报酬性质如何。
  • In some situations, the brokerage may have written directions from the client to delay receiving an offer.
  • In a typical seller’s market, the seller might direct the brokerage to delay the offers in order to generate competing offers.
  • The advantage is that the seller may be able to receive multiple competing offers.
  • The disadvantage is that some buyers may not want to wait and/or do not want to get into a competing offer situation.
  • Pre-emptive Offers: This occurs in a typical seller’s market when a buyer directs the salesperson to ignore seller’s directions and present the offer prior to the time specified by the seller.
  • The irrevocable time of a pre-emptive offer typically expires before the seller’s offer presentation time.

Retention of Documents  文件的保存

  • Salespersons may retain copies of sale related documents for their personal records.
  • However, they must ensure that the documents are safeguarded and meet the privacy requirements under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
  • The brokerages must meet document retention requirements under REBBA, which includes additional requirements for the listing brokerage to retain copies of all unaccepted offers.
    经纪公司必须满足 REBBA 规定的文件保留要求,其中包括要求挂牌经纪公司保留所有未接受报价的副本。
  • The listing brokerage is permitted to prepare and retain a summary document in lieu of actual offers, which provides detailed information on all offers and/or counter offers that were not accepted by the seller.
  • The offer process is a closed offer process, which means that offers remain confidential and contents of any offer are not provided to anyone except the seller.

Safeguarding Information

  • All information related to sellers, buyers, potential transactions, and completed transactions must be retained in compliance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
  • Salespersons may retain ‘shadow files’, which include copies of the relevant documents, notes taken during inspections, and copies of emails or other communication with the clients.
    销售人员可以保留 "影子档案",其中包括相关文件的副本、检查期间所做的笔记以及与客户的电子邮件或其他通信的副本。
  • Types of Information: Personal information of an identifiable individual is that which is easily associated with that person such as their name, address, etc. Sensitive information includes financial information of the person.
  • Brokerage Policy: Brokerages must have internal privacy policies for handling, retention, and destruction of personal and sensitive information, and a privacy officer must be designated to ensure compliance.
  • Mailing List: When creating a mailing list on a website, explicit consent must be obtained for collection of information and to send promotional emails. This must be in compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
    邮件列表:在网站上创建邮件列表时,必须获得收集信息和发送促销电子邮件的明确同意。这必须符合加拿大反垃圾邮件法 (CASL)。
  • Implementing Safeguards: The sellers and buyers must be informed how the information would be used, written consent for collection of information must be obtained, information should only be used for the purpose it is collected, and adequate security arrangements should be in place to safeguard information.

Trade Record Sheet  贸易记录表

  • A Trade Record Sheet is created by each brokerage for its activities which result in a real estate transaction.
  • This document is required irrespective of the fact whether a party is a client or a customer.
  • REBBA specifies the information that must be included in the Trade Record Sheet and it must be signed by the salesperson and the broker of record.
    REBBA 规定了交易记录表中必须包含的信息,并且必须由销售人员和记录经纪人签字。
  • A Trade Record Sheet must also be completed when a brokerage receives any payment with respect to a trade including any referral fees or appraisal fees.
  • When two salespersons from the same brokerage are involved in a transaction, separate Trade Record Sheets are created for the listing salesperson and the co-operating salesperson detailing their remuneration.
  • When the brokerage holds a buyer’s deposit in its real estate trust account, the Trade Record Sheet includes information relating to receipt and distribution of funds.
  • Typical Information in Trade Record Sheet:
  • Nature of the Trade: Sale, purchase, lease or rent, etc.
  • Description of Real Estate: Municipal address or legal description of the property.
  • True Consideration: Purchase price, amount of rent, etc.
  • Parties: Names of the individuals involved in the transaction.
  • Lawyers: Names and contact information of the lawyers of the sellers and the buyers.
  • Registrants: Names of the listing brokerage, the co-operating brokerage and their salespersons.
  • Deposit: The amount of deposit and its description.
  • Remuneration: The amount of remuneration payable to the listing brokerage and the co-operating brokerage.
  • Completion Date: The date when the transaction would be closed.

19.3 Document Requirements Under FINTRAC
19.3 FINTRAC 的文件要求

Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act

  • This Act is administered by Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC).
  • It applies to all businesses including real estate brokerages with respect to suspicious activities or transactions.
  • Requirements for Brokerages:
  • Compliance Officer. Every real estate brokerage must appoint a compliance officer to implement FINTRAC requirements.
    合规官。每家房地产经纪公司都必须任命一名合规官,以执行 FINTRAC 的要求。
  • Written Policies: Every brokerage must have written policies and procedures to guide decisions and actions to comply with the provisions of the Act.
  • Risk Assessment: Every brokerage must complete a Risk Assessment of their business activities to analyze potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Training: Every brokerage must provide documented and up-to-date training to its employee salespersons and brokers.
  • Program Review: Every brokerage must conduct an evaluation every 2 years to check the effectiveness of its compliance program.

Individual Identification

  • Registrants must know their client and ascertain their identity to ensure that they are not involved in some irregular or suspicious transaction.
  • A one or two step verification should be carried out from the following documents -
  • Photo Identification: A valid government issued photo ID should be viewed and the client name, ID type (driver license, passport, etc.), issuing jurisdiction, expiry date, etc. should be recorded.
  • Credit File: The credit file of the client may also be checked (minimum 3 years record from Equifax of TransUnion) to verify information such as name, address, date of birth, etc.
    信用档案:还可检查客户的信用档案(Equifax 或 TransUnion 提供的至少 3 年的记录),以核实姓名、地址、出生日期等信息。
  • Dual Process: Two or three different and reliable source documents from CRA or other government agency should be checked for verification (Tax Assessment Notice from CRA, T4 slips, Record of Employment, date of birth certificate, etc.).
    双重程序:应检查两到三份来自加拿大税务局或其他政府机构的不同且可靠的来源文件进行核实(加拿大税务局的税务评估通知、T4 单、就业记录、出生日期证明等)。
  • The source document being used for identification must be current and not an expired one.

Additional Considerations for Individual Identification

  • Previously Identified Clients: A client who was previously identified need not be identified again and a photocopy of the previous form may be kept in the transaction file.
  • Unrepresented Individuals: It is recommended that an unrepresented seller or buyer should be identified.
  • However, if the individual refuses to provide identification information, a note should be made along with the date of refusal, the reason for refusal, and the steps taken for obtaining identification.
  • Salespersons may also need to consider any requirement for a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) to FINTRAC.
  • Excluded Activities: Activities related to residential and commercial property management are excluded from identification requirements.

Identifying Corporations, Businesses, and Third Parties

  • Foreign Clients: If the registrant cannot personally meet a foreign client, an agent or mandatary must be used who has identified the foreign client on behalf of the registrant.
  • Third Parties: A third-party is that who is not interacting directly with the registrant but is supplying funds or giving instructions for a real estate purchase.
  • The date of birth, address, principal business, corporation number (if applicable), and the relationship with the client should be verified.
  • Businesses: Registrants must verify the business relationship with the same client, which occurred within the previous 5 years, and identification verification was performed for at least two transactions.
    企业:注册人必须核实与同一客户在过去 5 年内发生的业务关系,且至少对两笔交易进行了身份核实。
  • For real estate registrants, a business relationship is established the first time they are required to identify their clients.
  • Identify of an Entity: Salespersons, brokers, and developers must be able to confirm the accuracy of identification information and keep records of the steps taken to verify the accuracy of information.
  • For all entities, the information confirming the ownership, control, and structure of the entity must be obtained.
  • They must obtain the following information about beneficial ownership -
  • Corporations: Names of all directors and names and addresses of anyone who owns or controls 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% or more shares.
    公司:所有董事的姓名以及拥有或控制 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% 或更多股份的任何人的姓名和地址。
  • Widely Held or Publicly Traded Trusts: Names of all trustees and names and addresses of anyone who owns or controls 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% or more units of the trust.
    广泛持有或公开交易的信托:所有受托人的姓名,以及拥有或控制 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% 个或更多信托单位的任何人的姓名和地址。
  • For Trusts: Names and addresses of all trustees, beneficiaries, or settlors of the trust.
  • Other Entities: Names and addresses of anyone who owns or controls 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% or more of the entity.
    其他实体:拥有或控制 25 % 25 % 25%25 \% 或更多实体的任何人的姓名和地址。
  • Business Relationship with Individuals: Determine if the person is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), foreign or domestic, Head of International Organization (HIO), or a family member or close associate of any of these.
    与个人的业务关系:确定此人是否为国内外政治公众人物 (PEP)、国际组织负责人 (HIO),或上述人员的家庭成员或关系密切者。
  • This must be done at the time of entering into a business relationship and time-to-time during the business relationship.
  • Salespersons and brokers must take action to confirm if the person from whom they receive $ 100 , 000 $ 100 , 000 $100,000\$ 100,000 or more in cash of virtual currency is a PEP, HIO, a family member or close associate of these or not.
    销售人员和经纪人必须采取行动,确认从他们那里收到 $ 100 , 000 $ 100 , 000 $100,000\$ 100,000 或更多虚拟货币现金的人是否是 PEP、HIO、这些人的家庭成员或关系密切者。

Using an Agent or Mandatary

  • An agent or mandatary is used when it is not possible to directly verify the identity of the client who is outside Ontario or Canada.
  • One of the three identification methods; photo ID, credit file, or the dual process, must be used to verify the client’s identity.
  • The brokerage must retain information regarding full name of the mandatary, the method used for identification, information collected, and a copy of the agreement with the agent or mandatary.

Risk Assessment  风险评估

  • All clients whether they are individuals, corporations, or other entities must be assessed based on their level of risk in relation to their being involved in money laundering or terrorist financing.
  • The assessment can include client groups based on profiles that share similar characteristics according to brokerage policies.
  • When a client is high-risk, the brokerage may obtain additional information about the client, their source of funds, and the reason for the transaction.
  • Business Relationship: Ongoing business relationships (when there are 2 or more transactions with the same client within 5 years) with individuals, corporations, or other entities must be regularly monitored.
    业务关系:必须定期监控与个人、公司或其他实体的持续业务关系(5 年内与同一客户进行 2 次或 2 次以上交易)。
  • Business Relationship Established: An individual sells a property and then purchases another property through a brokerage. These are considered two transactions.
  • Business Relationship Not Established: An individual sells a property through a brokerage and then leases another property through the same brokerage. Leasing does not require client identification. There is only one transaction.

Reporting  报告

  • Large Cash Transaction Report (LCTR): This applies when a registrant receives $10,000 or more in actual cash in a single transaction or multiple transactions within 24 hours.
    大额现金交易报告 (LCTR):当注册人在 24 小时内的单笔交易或多笔交易中收到 10,000 美元或更多的实际现金时适用。
  • The LCTR must be submitted to FINTRAC within 15 days of receipt.
    LCTR 必须在收到后 15 天内提交给 FINTRAC。
  • Large Virtual Currency Transaction Report (LVCTR): If a registrant has received $ 10 , 000 $ 10 , 000 $10,000\$ 10,000 or more in virtual currency in a single transaction, it must be reported to FINTRAC.
    大额虚拟货币交易报告 (LVCTR):如果注册人在单笔交易中收到 $ 10 , 000 $ 10 , 000 $10,000\$ 10,000 或更多虚拟货币,则必须向 FINTRAC 报告。
  • The LVCTR must be submitted to FINTRAC within 5 business days of receipt.
    LVCTR 必须在收到后 5 个工作日内提交给 FINTRAC。
  • Suspicious Transaction Report (STR): This report must be submitted to FINTRAC when a registrant has reasonable grounds to believe that a financial transaction is related to money laundering or terrorist financing.
    可疑交易报告 (STR):当注册人有合理理由认为某项金融交易与洗钱或资助恐怖主义有关时,必须向美国金融交易和报告分析中心提交该报告。
  • The STR must be submitted as soon as possible after determining a suspicious transaction.
  • There is no such requirement that money was actually involved in the transaction and whether the incident was verified or not.
  • Terrorist Property Reporting (TPR): This report is submitted to FINTRAC immediately after the registrant knows or believes that the property they are dealing with is owned, or controlled by, or on behalf of a terrorist or a terrorist group.
    恐怖分子财产报告 (TPR):在注册人知道或相信他们正在处理的财产为恐怖分子或恐怖团体所有、控制或代表恐怖分子或恐怖团体时,应立即向金融交易和报告分析中心提交该报告。
  • The registrant must also immediately inform the RCMP or CSIS.

Record Keeping  记录保存

  • The brokerage must retain the following records for a minimum period of 5 years -
    经纪公司必须至少保留 5 年以下记录
  • Client identification documents.
  • Receipt of Funds, including cash receipts.
  • Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR).
    可疑交易报告 (STR)。
  • Large Cash Transaction Reports (LCTR).
  • Large Virtual Currency Transaction Report (LVCTR).
    大额虚拟货币交易报告 (LVCTR)。
  • Record of reasonable measures, which were unsuccessful.
  • The brokerage is not required to retain records of the unrepresented parties.
  • There is no time frame for retaining records related to Terrorist Property Report (TPR)
    保留与恐怖分子财产报告 (TPR) 有关的记录没有时间限制

Fraud Prevention  预防欺诈

  • Mortgage Fraud: Mortgage fraud occurs when the personal and financial information of an individual is falsified in mortgage applications for approval of loan.
  • Escalating Price: This involves large scale and complex schemes such as escalating property prices in order to over finance a property.
  • Property Flipping: This may involve a fraud buyer, fake appraisals, etc. to increase the value significantly and pocket the funds.
  • Straw Buyers: A ‘straw buyer’ is an individual who is paid to apply for a mortgage on someone else’s behalf.
    稻草买家:稻草买家 "是指受雇代表他人申请抵押贷款的个人。
  • Identity Theft: Identity fraud occurs when criminals use stolen credit card numbers, social insurance numbers, bank PINs, etc. to borrow large amounts of money, make major purchases and/or empty bank accounts.
  • In real estate, the criminal may steal the items used to get access to electronic land registry system (POLARIS).
  • They may possibly transfer titles of property, register a discharge of mortgage, or register mortgage lien on some property and get away with the funds.
  • Value Fraud: Value fraud occurs when the actual value of a commodity is much less than indicated value or has no value.
  • In real estate, it is related to significant increase in the sale price of the property.

Accuracy and Ethical Practices Under REBBA
REBBA 下的准确性和道德实践

  • Inaccurate Representation: Registrants must not knowingly make an inaccurate representation about a trade or the service provided.
  • They must not knowingly provide false or misleading information about a property that contributes to a mortgage fraud.
  • Prevent Error, Misrepresentation, and Fraud: Registrants are not only required to avoid error, misrepresentation, or fraud but must also take reasonable steps to prevent it.

Table of Contents  目录


20.1 Due Diligence During the Conditional Period
20.1 条件期内的尽职调查

Interactions Between Salespersons

  • Most offers contain terms and conditions that must be completed by the parties to successfully close the transaction.
  • Salespersons must co-ordinate and communicate effectively to ensure that issues arising during this time are resolved.
  • These activities include:
  • Confirming appointments and attending visits or inspections of the property by thirdparty professionals such as the home inspector, appraiser, etc.
  • Confirming that terms agreed by parties have been met.
  • Addressing any issues that arise from due diligence steps such as repairs identified during home inspection.
  • Obtaining and delivering documents such as survey, condominium status certificate, etc.

Buyer's Salesperson  买方销售人员

  • Deliver Documents and Deposit: All original trade related documents must be submitted to the brokerage including the representation agreement or customer service agreement, Agreement of Purchase and Sale, FINTRAC forms, etc.
    交付文件和保证金:必须向经纪商提交所有与交易相关的文件原件,包括代理协议或客户服务协议、买卖协议、FINTRAC 表格等。
  • Delivery of deposit cheque, providing receipt to the buyer, completing the Receipt of Funds form, obtaining a receipt of deposit from the listing brokerage, etc.
  • Interactions with Third-Party Professionals: The buyer may ask for referrals for home inspector, lawyer, appraiser, mortgage broker, insurance broker, etc.
  • The salesperson may be requested to make appointments with these professionals.
  • Condominium Unit: Since the review of status certificate is time sensitive, the salesperson must act diligently to obtain and deliver status certificate to the buyer.
  • The buyer’s decision to purchase the condominium unit depends on lawyer’s opinion.
  • Managing Issues Related to Conditions: If any issue arises during fulfilment of conditions, such as repairs to the property, these must be negotiated in good faith with the other party.
  • Conditions fulfilled or waived by the buyer allows the parties to proceed with the transaction.

Seller's Salesperson  卖方销售人员

  • Interactions with Buyer’s Salesperson: The seller’s salesperson must communicate with the buyer’s salesperson to ensure that the transaction proceeds to closing.
  • He/she must ensure that timely access is provided to the buyer or third-party professionals for inspection, appraisal, etc.
  • At the same time, the seller must be kept up to date on the status of buyer’s conditions.
  • Deliver Documents and Deposit: All original trade related documents must be submitted to the brokerage including the representation agreement or customer service agreement, Agreement of Purchase and Sale, FINTRAC forms, etc.
    交付文件和保证金:必须向经纪商提交所有与交易相关的文件原件,包括代理协议或客户服务协议、买卖协议、FINTRAC 表格等。
  • Deposit cheque received from the buyer’s salesperson/brokerage must be submitted to the brokerage without delay and a receipt should be provided to the co-operating brokerage/buyer.
  • Co-operate for Fulfilment of Conditions: Arranging and confirming any appointments for inspections or visits at the seller’s property.
  • Providing any documents required by the buyer for fulfilment of conditions as per the offer.

20.2 Due Diligence Obligations Until Closing
20.2 截稿前的尽职调查义务

Buyer's Salesperson  买方销售人员

  • Maintaining contact with the buyer throughout the time period after conditions are fulfilled or waived to ensure that any terms of the agreement are carried out diligently and up to date information is provided to the buyer.
  • Forwarding all sale related documents to the buyer’s lawyer for review and assist him with any issues that may arise.
  • Arranging additional visits to the property as per the terms of the negotiated offer and ensuring that any repairs required have been completed.
  • Performing pre-closing inspection or walk-through of the property, which is typically done within the week of closing to confirm that the sellers have completed any agreed-upon repairs.
  • Providing referral of moving companies to the buyer, if so requested.

Buyer's Salesperson  买方销售人员

  • Maintaining contact with the seller to ensure any obligations of the seller have been diligently completed and the seller is kept up to date with the information.
  • Forwarding all sale related documents to the seller’s lawyer for review and assist him with any issues that may arise.
  • Assisting the seller in fulfilling their obligations specified in the offer, such as minor repairs, replacing fixtures, etc.
  • Confirming appointments for additional inspections or viewing of the property by the buyer.
  • Making the seller aware and help him understand their obligations regarding moving.
  • Removing the ‘SOLD’ sign from the property as the permission to place the ‘For Sale’ or ‘SOLD’ sign is only up to the date of closing.
    拆除房产上的 "SOLD"(出售)标志,因为 "For Sale"(出售)或 "SOLD"(出售)标志的放置许可期限只到房产过户之日。

Obligations of Both Salespersons

  • Salespersons of both the buyer and the seller should be available on the closing day to ensure that any issues or problems faced by their clients are resolved in a competent manner.
  • Any issues that arise after the closing day could require assistance of the salespersons. For example, minor damage during removal of fixtures, cleanliness of the property, missing keys or remote controls, etc.
  • Delivering keys of the property to the buyer, which is typically done by the lawyers.

20.3 Conveyance of Title
20.3 产权转让

  • Buyer’s lawyer performs the Title Search to verify that the title is good and in marketable condition.
  • The buyer’s lawyer performs various searches to identify matters that must be addressed for the transaction to close.
  • The ownership registration may be under the Registry Act or the Land Titles Act.
  • Land Registry Act: The Registry system records ownership interest on geographic basis in Abstract Books.
  • The title search is performed for a period of 40 years on Chain of Title.
    产权查询在产权链上的有效期为 40 年。
  • Any gap or error in the chain is called Cloud on Title.
    链条中的任何缺口或错误都会被称为 "标题云"。
  • Land Titles Act: The Land Titles system is based on the premise that the Land Titles Register (Parcel Register) is the sole source of information for the buyers.
  • In other words, this system provides guarantee of title to the buyers.
  • The title search is done only on current records in the Parcel Register, which is less time consuming.
  • Title Related Searches: These include - outstanding encumbrances/liens, restrictive covenants (deed restrictions), non-resident status of the seller, expropriations, matrimonial home status and seller’s compliance with the Planning Act.
  • Non-Title Related Searches: These may include - zoning conformation, work orders, executions, unregistered easements, personal property liens under the Personal Property Securities Act, outstanding amounts for utilities, status of realty taxes, survey documentation, compliance with subdivision or site plan agreements, etc.
  • Rural Properties: Additional searches are done on local health and municipal records for well water, septic tanks, fuel/oil tank, waterfront improvements, etc. to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Requisitions: If any issues are discovered in the title search, the buyer’s lawyer would send a notice to the seller’s lawyer.
  • Final Reporting Letter. After successful completion of the sale, each lawyer prepares a Final Reporting Letter for his respective client and the brokerage, which includes the Statement of Adjustments.

Seller's Perspective  卖方视角

  • The seller’s lawyer prepares the certain documents that affect both parties, such as the deed/transfer, which are forwarded to the buyer’s lawyer for approval.
  • Response to Requisitions from the buyer’s lawyer includes the following information:
  • Declaration that the seller is not a non-resident.
  • Declaration that the seller possessed the property during the ownership period.
  • Seller’s direction for payment of funds upon closing.
  • Seller’s undertaking to settle payments and provide vacant possession upon closing.
  • Evidence from the seller or his solicitor that there are no tax arrears, no construction liens, no executions, no contraventions of the Planning Act, no unregistered liens, no rights-of-way, no expropriations, etc.
  • Evidence that the building complies with applicable zoning bylaws.
  • Declaration from the seller that the sale is not subject to HST.
    卖方声明销售无需缴纳 HST。
  • Undertakings: An Undertaking is a personal assurance given by a lawyer or a client (through a lawyer) to resolve any last-minute closing issues.
  • Undertakings typically relate to unanswered requisitions concerning outstanding liens, encumbrances, an encroachment, etc., which may otherwise delay the closing.
  • For example, the seller’s lawyer typically gives an undertaking that he will diligently take the necessary steps to discharge seller’s existing mortgage lien using funds received from the buyer.

Title Registration Using E-registration

  • E-Registration refers to title documents being created, submitted, and maintained in electronic format.
  • This automated process used for title registration eliminates the need for signatures on documents and permits remote access to electronic records by the lawyers.
  • E-Registration Document Flow:
  • Create/Update: The seller’s solicitor drafts the Deed/Transfer of Land document.
    创建/更新: 卖方律师起草契约/土地转让文件。
  • Messaging: The document is forwarded to the buyer’s solicitor, who may update/append it, if necessary.
  • Complete: The solicitors confirm that the document is acceptable electronically using e-signatures.
  • Release: Both solicitors electronically release the document for registration.

Statement of Adjustments

  • The Statement of Adjustments provides the details of financial transactions (adjustments, payments, remuneration deducted, legal fees, etc.).
  • It is prepared by the seller’s lawyer and is reviewed by the buyer’s lawyer to ensure that it is accurate.
  • It includes the items that are adjusted or apportioned between the seller and the buyer, with the date of closing apportioned to the buyer.
  • Typical Closing Adjustments:
  • Property Tax: Property tax is apportioned on a daily basis, the seller being responsible for up to one day before closing and the buyer is responsible onwards.
  • Fuel: If the property is heated by oil or propane, the seller will get the tank filled before the closing and the buyer would be charged for the full tank.
  • Metered Utilities: The seller or seller’s lawyer would request a meter reading coinciding with the date of closing so that no adjustment is done.
  • Insurance: The seller is required to keep the property insured up to the date of closing, no adjustment is done for property insurance, and the buyer arranges their own insurance.
  • Rent: Rent adjustment is based on the number of days in the month and the buyer receives credit if it is pre-paid to the seller.
  • Condominium Fees: Condominium fees are apportioned on daily bases in a similar manner as the property taxes.
  • Impact of Adjustments: The buyer’s closing costs may increase due to closing adjustments while the seller’s net proceeds may decrease.

20.4 The Cost of Title Conveyance
20.4 产权转移的费用

Typical Costs for the Buyer

  • Property tax adjustments.
  • Lawyer’s disbursement such as legal fees, title search costs, certificate of compliance fees, enrolment fee for Title Insurance, etc.
  • Home insurance premium.  房屋保险费。
  • Mortgage interest adjustment.
  • Provincial land transfer tax and municipal land transfer tax (if applicable).
  • Condominium Status Certificate (if not arranged by the seller).
  • High-ratio mortgage insurance (if applicable).
  • Non-resident Speculation Tax (if applicable).
  • Life insurance for mortgage (optional).
  • Personal expenses on moving and new household goods.
  • Harmonized Sales Tax (HST): HST is applicable for new home purchases (with qualifying rebates) whereas it is not applicable for resale residential properties.
    统一销售税(HST):HST 适用于购买新房(有合格退税),但不适用于转售住宅物业。
  • HST may be applicable on the chattels included in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
    HST 可能适用于《买卖合同》中包含的动产。

Calculating the Land Transfer Tax

  • The provincial Land Transfer Tax is based on provisions of the Land Transfer Tax Act.
  • It is calculated on the actual Purchase Price (Value of Consideration).
  • A graduated scale of tax rates is used instead of single tax rate.

Residential Single-family and Duplex Properties:

On the first $55,000 0.5%
首 55,000 美元 0.5%

On next $195,000 1.0%
下一个 195,000 美元 1.0

On next $150,000 1.5%
下一个 15 万美元 1.5%

Between $400,000 and $2 Million 2.0%
40 万至 200 万美元之间 2.0
Balance Over $2 Million 2.5%
余额超过 200 万美元 2.5%

Note: The 0.5% Surcharge over a Value of $2,000,000 Applies Only to Single-Family and Duplex Residential Properties.
注:价值超过 200 万美元的 0.5% 附加费仅适用于单户和双户住宅物业。
Example 1: Single-family home, Purchase Price $ 48 , 000 $ 48 , 000 $48,000\$ 48,000.
例 1:独户住宅,购买价格 $ 48 , 000 $ 48 , 000 $48,000\$ 48,000 .

The amount is below $ 55 , 000 $ 55 , 000 $55,000\$ 55,000.
金额低于 $ 55 , 000 $ 55 , 000 $55,000\$ 55,000

Land Transfer Tax = 48 , 000 × 0.5 % = $ 240 = 48 , 000 × 0.5 % = $ 240 =48,000 xx0.5%=$240=48,000 \times 0.5 \%=\$ 240
土地转让税 = 48 , 000 × 0.5 % = $ 240 = 48 , 000 × 0.5 % = $ 240 =48,000 xx0.5%=$240=48,000 \times 0.5 \%=\$ 240
Example 2: Purchase Price $ 165 , 000 $ 165 , 000 $165,000\$ 165,000.
例 2:购买价格 $ 165 , 000 $ 165 , 000 $165,000\$ 165,000 .

The amount is over $ 55 , 000 $ 55 , 000 $55,000\$ 55,000 but below $ 250 , 000 $ 250 , 000 $250,000\$ 250,000. Break up the amount:
金额超过 $ 55 , 000 $ 55 , 000 $55,000\$ 55,000 但低于 $ 250 , 000 $ 250 , 000 $250,000\$ 250,000 。将金额分开:

55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55,000 xx0.5%=27555,000 \times 0.5 \%=275
110 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 100 110 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 100 110,000 xx1.0%=1,100110,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,100
Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 100 = $ 1 , 375 = 275 + 1 , 100 = $ 1 , 375 =275+1,100=$1,375=275+1,100=\$ 1,375
土地转让税 = 275 + 1 , 100 = $ 1 , 375 = 275 + 1 , 100 = $ 1 , 375 =275+1,100=$1,375=275+1,100=\$ 1,375
Example 3: Purchase Price $ 320 , 700 $ 320 , 700 $320,700\$ 320,700.
例 3:购买价格 $ 320 , 700 $ 320 , 700 $320,700\$ 320,700 .

The amount is over $ 250 , 000 $ 250 , 000 $250,000\$ 250,000 but below $ 400 , 000 $ 400 , 000 $400,000\$ 400,000. Break up the amount:
金额超过 $ 250 , 000 $ 250 , 000 $250,000\$ 250,000 但低于 $ 400 , 000 $ 400 , 000 $400,000\$ 400,000 。将金额分开:

55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55,000 xx0.5%=27555,000 \times 0.5 \%=275
195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195,000 xx1.0%=1,950195,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,950
70 , 700 × 1.5 % = 1 , 060.50 70 , 700 × 1.5 % = 1 , 060.50 70,700 xx1.5%=1,060.5070,700 \times 1.5 \%=1,060.50
Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 950 + 1 , 060.50 = $ 3 , 285.50 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 1 , 060.50 = $ 3 , 285.50 =275+1,950+1,060.50=$3,285.50=275+1,950+1,060.50=\$ 3,285.50
土地转让税 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 1 , 060.50 = $ 3 , 285.50 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 1 , 060.50 = $ 3 , 285.50 =275+1,950+1,060.50=$3,285.50=275+1,950+1,060.50=\$ 3,285.50
Example 4: Purchase Price $ 448 , 300 $ 448 , 300 $448,300\$ 448,300.
例 4:购买价格 $ 448 , 300 $ 448 , 300 $448,300\$ 448,300 .

The amount is over $ 400 , 000 $ 400 , 000 $400,000\$ 400,000. Break up the amount:
金额超过 $ 400 , 000 $ 400 , 000 $400,000\$ 400,000 。分解金额:

55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55,000 xx0.5%=27555,000 \times 0.5 \%=275
195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195,000 xx1.0%=1,950195,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,950
150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 150,000 xx1.5%=2,250150,000 \times 1.5 \%=2,250
48 , 300 × 2 % = 966 48 , 300 × 2 % = 966 48,300 xx2%=96648,300 \times 2 \%=966
Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 966 = $ 5 , 441 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 966 = $ 5 , 441 =275+1,950+2,250+966=$5,441=275+1,950+2,250+966=\$ 5,441
土地转让税 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 966 = $ 5 , 441 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 966 = $ 5 , 441 =275+1,950+2,250+966=$5,441=275+1,950+2,250+966=\$ 5,441
Example 5: A house purchased for $ 2 , 300 , 000 $ 2 , 300 , 000 $2,300,000\$ 2,300,000.
例 5:以 $ 2 , 300 , 000 $ 2 , 300 , 000 $2,300,000\$ 2,300,000 .

The amount is over $ 2 , 000 , 000 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $2,000,000\$ 2,000,000. Break up the amount:
金额超过 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $2,000,000\$ 2,000,000 。将金额分开:

55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55,000 xx0.5%=27555,000 \times 0.5 \%=275
195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195,000 xx1.0%=1,950195,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,950
150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 150,000 xx1.5%=2,250150,000 \times 1.5 \%=2,250
1 , 600 , 000 × 2.0 % = 32 , 000 1 , 600 , 000 × 2.0 % = 32 , 000 1,600,000 xx2.0%=32,0001,600,000 \times 2.0 \%=32,000
300 , 000 × 2.5 % = 7 , 500 300 , 000 × 2.5 % = 7 , 500 300,000 xx2.5%=7,500300,000 \times 2.5 \%=7,500
Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 32 , 000 + 7 , 500 = $ 43 , 975 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 32 , 000 + 7 , 500 = $ 43 , 975 =275+1,950+2,250+32,000+7,500=$43,975=275+1,950+2,250+32,000+7,500=\$ 43,975
土地转让税 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 32 , 000 + 7 , 500 = $ 43 , 975 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 32 , 000 + 7 , 500 = $ 43 , 975 =275+1,950+2,250+32,000+7,500=$43,975=275+1,950+2,250+32,000+7,500=\$ 43,975

Vacant Land and Commercial Properties:

On the first $55,000 0.5%
首 55,000 美元 0.5%

On the next $ 195 , 000 1.0 % $ 195 , 000 1.0 % $195,000quad1.0%\$ 195,000 \quad 1.0 \%
在下一个 $ 195 , 000 1.0 % $ 195 , 000 1.0 % $195,000quad1.0%\$ 195,000 \quad 1.0 \%

On the next $150,000 1.5%
接下来的 15 万美元 1.5%

On balance over $400,000 2.0%
余额超过 400,000 美元 2.0

Note: Up to a value of $ 2 , 000 , 000 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $2,000,000\$ 2,000,000 there is no difference in calculations for residential property and vacant land. The tax surcharge of 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.5%2.5 \% of purchase price over $ 2 $ 2 $2\$ 2 million applies only to single-family and duplex residential properties.
注:价值不超过 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $ 2 , 000 , 000 $2,000,000\$ 2,000,000 的住宅和空地在计算上没有区别。购买价格超过 $ 2 $ 2 $2\$ 2 百万的 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.5%2.5 \% 附加税仅适用于独户住宅和复式住宅。
Example 1: Vacant parcel of land purchased for $ 240 , 000 $ 240 , 000 $240,000\$ 240,000.
例 1:以 $ 240 , 000 $ 240 , 000 $240,000\$ 240,000 的价格购买的空地。

55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55,000 xx0.5%=27555,000 \times 0.5 \%=275
185 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 850 185 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 850 185,000 xx1.0%=1,850185,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,850
Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 850 = $ 2 , 125 = 275 + 1 , 850 = $ 2 , 125 =275+1,850=$2,125=275+1,850=\$ 2,125
土地转让税 = 275 + 1 , 850 = $ 2 , 125 = 275 + 1 , 850 = $ 2 , 125 =275+1,850=$2,125=275+1,850=\$ 2,125
Example 2: A commercial building purchased for $ 650 , 000 $ 650 , 000 $650,000\$ 650,000.
例 2:以 $ 650 , 000 $ 650 , 000 $650,000\$ 650,000 .

55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 55,000 xx0.5%=27555,000 \times 0.5 \%=275
195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 195,000 xx1.0%=1,950195,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,950
150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 150,000 xx1.5%=2,250150,000 \times 1.5 \%=2,250
250 , 000 × 2.0 % = 5 , 000 250 , 000 × 2.0 % = 5 , 000 250,000 xx2.0%=5,000250,000 \times 2.0 \%=5,000
Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 5 , 000 = $ 9 , 475 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 5 , 000 = $ 9 , 475 =275+1,950+2,250+5,000=$9,475=275+1,950+2,250+5,000=\$ 9,475
土地转让税 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 5 , 000 = $ 9 , 475 = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 5 , 000 = $ 9 , 475 =275+1,950+2,250+5,000=$9,475=275+1,950+2,250+5,000=\$ 9,475
Example 3: A commercial building purchased for $ 2 , 650 , 000 $ 2 , 650 , 000 $2,650,000\$ 2,650,000.
例 3:以 $ 2 , 650 , 000 $ 2 , 650 , 000 $2,650,000\$ 2,650,000 .
55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 2 , 250 , 000 × 2.0 % = 45 , 000 Land Transfer Tax = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 45 , 000 = $ 49 , 475 55 , 000 × 0.5 % = 275 195 , 000 × 1.0 % = 1 , 950 150 , 000 × 1.5 % = 2 , 250 2 , 250 , 000 × 2.0 % = 45 , 000  Land Transfer  Tax = 275 + 1 , 950 + 2 , 250 + 45 , 000 = $ 49 , 475 {:[55","000 xx0.5%=275],[195","000 xx1.0%=1","950],[150","000 xx1.5%=2","250],[2","250","000 xx2.0%=45","000],[" Land Transfer "Tax=275+1","950+2","250+45","000=$49","475]:}\begin{aligned} & 55,000 \times 0.5 \%=275 \\ & 195,000 \times 1.0 \%=1,950 \\ & 150,000 \times 1.5 \%=2,250 \\ & 2,250,000 \times 2.0 \%=45,000 \\ & \text { Land Transfer } \operatorname{Tax}=275+1,950+2,250+45,000=\$ 49,475 \end{aligned}

First Time Home Buyer's Refund:

  • First time home buyers are eligible for a refund of up to $ 4 , 000 $ 4 , 000 $4,000\$ 4,000 on payable Land Transfer Tax.
    首次购房者有资格获得最高 $ 4 , 000 $ 4 , 000 $4,000\$ 4,000 的应缴土地转让税退税。
  • The refund is available for purchase of detached or semi-detached home, townhome, mobile home, condominium unit, duplex, triplex and fourplex properties.
  • Qualifying Criteria for Refund:
  • The purchaser must be at least 18 years of age and must occupy the home as their principal residence within 9 months of purchase.
    购房者必须年满 18 周岁,并在购房后 9 个月内将房屋作为主要住所。
  • The purchaser must not have owned a home anywhere in the world.
  • The purchaser’s spouse cannot have owned an eligible home anywhere in the world.
  • The refund is available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents or who will become so within 18 months of transfer of ownership.
    加拿大公民和永久居民或在所有权转让后 18 个月内将成为加拿大公民和永久居民的人都可获得退款。
  • The refund is based on the percentage of interest in the property.
  • The refund can be claimed through the buyer’s lawyer on the same day as the closing date or within 18 months of closing.
    退款可通过买方律师在成交日当天或成交后 18 个月内申请。

Title Insurance Policies

  • Title Insurance is different from the property insurance and from the Land Titles Assurance Fund.
  • It provides a method to address various errors that could potentially occur through fraudulent activity or simple errors made by solicitors when preparing documentation.
  • Title insurance does not cover personal problems of the property owner.
  • Two primary coverages are the Duty to Indemnify (covers actual loss) and the Duty to Defend (covers legal costs).
  • There are two types of policies - (i) Owner Policy, and (ii) Lender Policy.
    保单分为两类--(i) 业主保单和 (ii) 贷款人保单。
  • Most policies state what risks are covered, what is excluded, and what are exceptions.
  • Separate policies exist for commercial and residential properties.
  • However, it is notable that the title Insurance may not cover all issues related to the title.

- Benefits of Title Insurance:
- 产权保险的好处:

  • When there is no reliance on lawyer’s opinion on title in case the title was registered under the Registry Act.
  • It protects the buyer against title related frauds and/or errors made during the transfer of title.
  • The seller may purchase title insurance to assure the buyer that any title problem discovered during title search would be addressed by their title insurance.
  • The seller may have a marketing advantage if they already have title insurance.
  • It may address minor title related issues that arise during the closing process.
  • It may protect the buyer against title related problems that are discovered after the closing.
  • Typical Issues Covered by Title Insurance:
  • A document registered on title is defective or improperly signed.
  • Some fraud or forgery in documentation affects the title.
  • The property may not be legally accessible by road or by a vehicle.
  • A violation of zoning bylaw, such as a setback requirement is uncovered, or a structure was made without a building permit.
  • Some construction lien is discovered after closing.
  • Certain restrictive covenant is discovered, and it affects the use of land.

20.5 Trust Account Disbursements
20.5 信托账户付款

When the Transaction is Completed

  • The listing brokerage receives a Notification of Completion of Sale from the seller’s solicitor.
    挂牌经纪公司收到卖方律师发出的 "销售完成通知"。
  • The seller would have signed a direction to their solicitor for use of funds from the Real Estate Trust Account for payment of remuneration.
  • The deposit in Real Estate Trust Account of the brokerage is first transferred to the Remuneration/Commission Trust Account.
  • If there is any surplus money, it is sent to seller’s solicitor.
  • If there is any discrepancy, the seller’s solicitor sends the money to the brokerage.
  • remuneration is typically disbursed in following order:
  • Distribution - Payment to the Co-operating Brokerage.
    分配 - 向合作经纪商付款。
  • Split - Payment to the salesperson/broker.
    分账 - 支付给销售人员/经纪人的款项。
  • Payment to the listing brokerage itself.
  • HST is payable on the amount of remuneration.
    薪酬金额应缴纳 HST。

Return of Deposit  退还押金

  • The brokerage that holds the deposit in its real estate trust account must receive written consent from both parties to return the deposit to the buyer.
  • This may happen when an accepted agreement fails due to non-fulfilment of conditions.
  • Mutual Release: Both parties sign a Mutual Release that authorizes the deposit holder (typically the listing brokerage) to return the deposit to the buyer.
  • Court Order. If there is any dispute or the transaction fails, the parties may approach a court with respect to disbursement of deposit funds.
  • Unclaimed Funds in Trust Account: If trust funds remain unclaimed in the trust account due to a dispute or unclear entitlement, these funds must be forwarded to RECO after 2 years.
    信托账户中无人认领的资金:如果信托账户中的信托基金因争议或权利不明确而无人认领,则必须在 2 年后将这些 基金转交给 RECO。
  • If the brokerage is unable to locate the entitled person for one year, the funds must be forwarded to RECO.
    如果经纪公司在一年内无法找到享有权利的人,则必须将资金转交给 RECO。
  • This does not apply if the amount is $ 25 $ 25 $25\$ 25 or less.
    如果金额为 $ 25 $ 25 $25\$ 25 或更少,则不适用。

The Remuneration/Commission Trust Account

  • This account is used by brokerages for disbursement of remuneration.
  • The account ensures payment of remuneration in the event of bankruptcy or misuse of funds by a brokerage.
  • This trust account is not mandatory as per REBBA and brokerages may still hire salespersons/brokers.
    根据 REBBA 的规定,该信托账户不是强制性的,经纪公司仍可雇用销售人员/经纪人。
  • Some real estate boards may require real estate brokerages to maintain this account as a pre-requisite for getting membership.
  • RECO’s Remuneration Protection Insurance does not cover any salesperson or broker when the brokerage fails to maintain a Remuneration/Commission Trust Account and the salesperson/broker is aware of this fact.
    如果经纪公司未能维持薪酬/佣金信托账户,且销售人员/经纪人知道这一事实,则 RECO 的薪酬保护保险不涵盖任何销售人员或经纪人。

20.6 Issues Before the Closing
20.6 关闭前的问题

  • Untraceable Previous Lender: The seller may have paid off the mortgage, but the mortgage lien is still registered, and the lender cannot be located, or an institutional lender may have merged with another bank.
  • Restrictions: There may be a noise pollution caution on all properties in a subdivision or a restrictive covenant may be found that restricts buyer’s intended use of property.
  • Undisclosed Easements: Certain easements related to utilities, drainage, or right of way may be undisclosed and the buyer may want to terminate the agreement due to nondisclosure.
  • However, not all easements allow for an objection to the title or termination of the agreement.
  • Missing Heirs/Spousal Consent: The transaction may fail to close if someone else, such as a non-owner spouse, has an interest in the property but consent has not been obtained.
  • Seller Unable to Fulfill Terms: In case the seller was required to fulfill certain terms of the agreement, such as repairs to the property, the seller may not be able to fulfill those terms.
  • The buyer may find it out during the final walk-through and refuse to close the transaction.

Other Issues Before Closing

  • Change to Condition of Property: The seller is required to maintain the property until the date of closing but some undesirable incident, such as fire, flood, falling tree on roof, etc. may change the condition of the property and the buyer may refuse to proceed with the transaction.
  • Increase in Buyer’s Liability: A change in buyer’s financial situation may no longer qualify him/her under the GDS/TDS requirements of the lender who may now refuse to advance the mortgage funds.
    买方责任增加:买方的财务状况发生变化,可能不再符合贷款人的 GDS/TDS 要求,贷款人可能会拒绝预付抵押贷款资金。
  • Unforeseen Circumstances Affecting Insurance: If the insurer, after inspecting the property, feels that the risk to the property is more than expected or if the buyer makes a large claim before closing, the premium may increase significantly or the insurer may refuse to provide insurance.
  • Missing Chattels or Fixtures: The buyer may find during the final walk-through that the sellers have removed certain chattels or fixtures, which may upset the buyers and they might want these items to be returned as per the terms of the agreement.

Resolving the Issues to Ensure Closing

  • If the issue is legal, the buyers or sellers may seek advice from their respective lawyers.
  • The salesperson may seek guidance or assistance from their broker of record or another experienced salesperson in the brokerage.
  • To correctly address the issue, it is important to understand whether the issue is really a problem or merely a misunderstanding between the parties.
  • Salespersons should ensure that due diligence is carried out in a competent manner and necessary steps are taken on time to ensure that there are no problems during the closing process.
  • Since the contract is legally binding between the parties, both the sellers and the buyers must understand the legal consequences if the transaction does not close.
  • In certain cases, such as a defect found in the property during final walk-through, buyers may be willing to close the transaction provided an appropriate adjustment is made in the purchase price to offset the deficiency.

20.7 If the Transaction Does Not Close
20.7 如果交易未完成

Return of Deposit  退还押金

  • If a transaction fails to close, the salespersons and the brokerage still have certain obligations that must be completed.
  • The buyer’s deposit is to be returned and the property is to be placed back in the market for sale.
  • The buyer’s deposit, which is held in the Real Estate Trust Account, can only be returned when the parties sign the Mutual Release form.
  • In case of a dispute between the parties, a court may authorize the return of deposit.
  • Salespersons Obligations:
  • Salespersons should recommend their clients to seek legal advice from their lawyers.
  • Based on the advice of the lawyer, the salesperson may help their clients complete the Termination of Agreement of Purchase and Sale and the Mutual Release.
  • The listing salesperson should help the sellers re-list the property as soon as possible.

20.8 After Closing  20.8 关闭后

Leading Practices for the Salesperson

  • Maintaining Credibility with the Clients: Salespersons should maintain contact with their clients, ask if they were satisfied with the services, ask for their written consent to be placed on the mailing list, and suggest that they can call whenever they need other real estate services.
  • Seeking Expert Advice: Salespersons should seek appropriate expert advice regarding their personal legal matters, insurance requirements, and financial as well as taxation matters.
  • Maintaining Business Journal: When dealing with multiple transactions or clients, it is recommended that salespersons maintain a business journal to keep track of appointments, critical dates, financial details, etc.
  • Setting Up a Filing System: Documents related to transactions should be maintained in a safe and secure filing systems so that they can be referred to quickly as and when required.
  • Making Required Remittances to CRA: Most independent contractor salespersons are registered for HST and they must keep records of HST received with remuneration, their input tax credits, and the amount to be remitted to CRA.
    按规定向加拿大税务局汇款:大多数独立承包商销售人员都注册了 HST,他们必须记录收到的 HST 报酬、进项税抵扣以及应向加拿大税务局汇款的金额。
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You Simply Can’t Go Wrong With MiniCram
使用 MiniCram 绝对不会错

10 个考试提示

by MiniCram® ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}  由 MiniCram® ® ® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 提供

  1. RELAX! Too much anxiety, panic, stress and fear are big distractions. Focus on the question and choose the best answer.
  2. GAME OF WORDS. All multiple-choice exams are merely variation of words. If you know your course materials, it’s only a matter of interpreting the question and then selecting a correct option.
  3. EASY ONES FIRST. In this exam, some of the questions are easy, simple and straightforward. Do these questions first. If math is your weakness, do it in the end.
  4. READ ALL OPTIONS. Even if you think A A AA is the correct answer, read options B , C B , C B,CB, C and D to make sure they are incorrect.
    阅读所有选项。即使你认为 A A AA 是正确答案,也要阅读选项 B , C B , C B,CB, C 和 D,以确保它们是错误的。
  5. MANAGE YOUR TIME WISELY. Divide your time according to complexity of each question. Do not spend too much time on simple vocabulary type questions. Skip the question that you think is difficult to answer. Mark it for review and proceed to the next.
  6. EXTREME PHRASES. Beware of absolute words in any option such as ALL, NONE, ALWAYS, NEVER, MUST, EVERY, EXACTLY, ONLY, etc. In most cases, the options that include any of these words are rarely correct.
    极端短语。小心任何选项中的绝对化词语,如 ALL、NONE、ALWAYS、NEVER、MUST、EVERY、EXACTLY、ONLY 等。在大多数情况下,包含这些词语的选项很少是正确的。
  7. HEDGE PHRASES. When a question asks you to conclude something and includes words such as MAYBE, LIKELY, OFTEN, ALMOST, USUALLY, GENERALLY, TYPICALLY, SOMETIMES, etc., do not pick any answer that does not leave any room for exception.
    短语。当问题要求您得出结论时,如果问题中包含 MAYBE(也许)、LIKELY(可能)、OFTEN(经常)、ALMOST(差不多)、USUALLY(一般)、GENERALLY(一般)、TYPICALLY(通常)、SOMETIMES(有时)等词语,请不要选择任何不留例外余地的答案。
  8. ALWAYS read the question twice. You must know what information is given and exactly what is being asked. More than one choice may seem to be correct if you do not understand the question properly. If that is the case, use the method of elimination.
  9. REMEMBER that your first instinct is mostly a correct answer. Be careful when changing your answer but don’t be afraid if you must change it.
  10. REVIEW. Complete the test and make a final review of all questions before you finish. Make sure you did not skip any question and that all questions have been answered.

Table of Contents  目录