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The information contained in this publication is essentially a summary, for the only purpose of review of key concepts for exam preparation and is not intended to replace direct research or original source documents, actual classroom training or expert advice. This publication is for the sole purpose of education. 本出版物中包含的信息基本上是一个摘要,仅用于复习备考的关键概念,并不打算取代直接研究或原始文件、实际课堂培训或专家建议。本出版物仅用于教育目的。
MiniCram® makes every effort to ensure that this book is as complete, error free and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information is provided on ‘as is’ basis. The author and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to damages arising from the use of information contained in this publication. MiniCram® 竭尽全力确保本书尽可能完整、无误和准确,但并不暗示任何保证或适合性。信息按 "现状 "提供。作者和出版商对任何个人或实体因使用本出版物中的信息而造成的损害不承担任何责任或义务。
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MiniCram® does not make any representation, warranty or guarantee, of any kind whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, that the student will pass the exam. MiniCram ^(®){ }^{\circledR} provides only study material to help you prepare for the exam. You are encouraged to review the Sample book before placing your order. No return, exchange, or refund will be issued once the book has been purchased. MiniCram® 不做任何明示或暗示的陈述、保证或担保,不保证学员一定能通过考试。MiniCram ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 仅提供帮助您准备考试的学习材料。我们建议您在下订单前阅读样书。一旦购买此书,将不予退货、换货或退款。
We, at MiniCram®, are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or have any sponsorship from the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO), the Humber Real Estate College, or any Real Estate Board. 我们 MiniCram® 与安大略省房地产委员会 (RECO)、汉伯房地产学院或任何房地产委员会没有任何关联、认可或赞助关系。
Acknowledgements 致谢
The terms MLS® and REALTOR® are registered trademarks of the Canadian Real Estate Association® (CREA®). RECO® is a trademark of Real Estate Council of Ontario. The use of these trademarks or logos in this publication is intended only for the purpose of general information and education and is not to affect any validity or legal status associated with them. MLS® 和 REALTOR® 是加拿大房地产协会 (CREA®) 的注册商标。RECO® 是安大略省房地产协会 (Real Estate Council of Ontario) 的商标。本出版物中使用这些商标或标识的目的仅在于提供一般信息和教育,并不影响与之相关的任何有效性或法律地位。
TRESA and Humber Courses TRESA 和亨伯课程
The Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2002 (TRESA) replaced the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA) effective December 1, 2023. 2002 年《房地产服务信托法》(TRESA)取代了 2002 年《房地产和商业经纪人法》(REBBA),自 2023 年 12 月 1 日起生效。
For Current Students: According to Humber Polytechnic website, the changes to real estate courses will take place ‘at a later date’. 针对在校学生:根据亨伯理工学院网站,房地产课程的变动将 "稍后进行"。
Students currently enrolled in salesperson courses will be notified when there are any changes to the topics covered in their courses. 目前正在学习销售人员课程的学生将在课程内容发生变化时收到通知。
To avoid any interruptions or complications to learner studies, notifications will also provide the exact date when each change is scheduled to come into effect. 为避免学员的学习受到任何干扰或影响,通知还将提供每项变更的确切生效日期。
Until that time, learners should learn current course materials to prepare for their exams. 在此之前,学员应学习当前的课程材料,为考试做好准备。
Currently, the real estate students are provided with TRESA updates in Course 5: Getting Started. 目前,在 "课程 5:入门 "中为房地产专业的学生提供 TRESA 的最新信息。
MiniCram® will ensure that Study Notes and Practice Questions for each course are appropriately updated in a timely manner. MiniCram® 将确保及时更新每门课程的学习笔记和练习题。
Representation and Customer Service Agreements 代理和客户服务协议
Residential Properties, Ownership, and Planning 住宅物业、所有权和规划
Negotiations in Residential Real Estate 住宅房地产谈判
Financial Aspects and Third-Party Professionals 财务问题和第三方专业人员
Residential Structural Components 住宅结构部件
Mechanical Systems 机械系统
Internal and External Finishes 内外饰面
Marketing a Residential Property 营销住宅物业
Property Conditions and Disclosures 财产状况和披露
Property Value and Listing Price 物业价值和挂牌价
Listing and Marketing Properties 上市和营销物业
Showing and Advising on Properties 房产展示和建议
The Offer Process and Regulatory Obligations 要约程序和监管义务
The Residential Agreement of Purchase and Sale 住宅买卖合同
Completing the Agreement of Purchase and Sale 签订买卖合同
Conditional Clauses 条件句
Counter Offer and Competing Offers 还价和竞争性要约
Additional Documents and Legal Obligations 附加文件和法律义务
Completing the Real Estate Transaction 完成房地产交易
MiniCram-10 Tips for the Exam 迷你克拉-10 考试提示
Dear Reader, 亲爱的读者
Congratulations on purchasing our MiniCram® for Ontario Real Estate License Exam preparation. The purpose of this book is to provide you with last minute review of important theory and math concepts for the exam. MiniCram ^(®){ }^{\circledR} has compiled this booklet so that you can focus on key areas of study as well as prepare to overcome the most common mistakes that students make on the actual test day. 祝贺您购买我们的 MiniCram® 用于安大略省房地产执照考试备考。本书的目的是为您提供考试中重要理论和数学概念的最后复习。MiniCram ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 编制这本小册子的目的是让您专注于关键学习领域,并准备克服学生在实际考试当天最容易犯的错误。
How to Use This MiniCram® ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 如何使用 MiniCram® ^(®){ }^{\circledR}
We understand that you do not have enough time for studying the online content of the official real estate courses. This MiniCram ^(®){ }^{\circledR} booklet is designed in such a way that your review for the exam is fast paced. It is suggested that you go through each topic one by one. However, it is assumed that you have already covered the official course content in either the actual class or by self-study. 我们理解您没有足够的时间学习官方房地产课程的在线内容。这本 MiniCram ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 手册的设计使您能够快节奏地复习考试内容。建议您逐一复习每个主题。但是,我们假定您已经在实际课堂或自学中学习过官方课程的内容。
We Want to Hear from You 我们希望收到您的来信
This book is written by a practicing Real Estate Broker who is also a trained adult trainer. If you have any feedback for the author, need more information, or have general comments, please send an email to 本书作者是一名执业房地产经纪人,同时也是一名训练有素的成人培训师。如果您对作者有任何反馈意见,需要更多信息,或有一般性评论,请发送电子邮件至。
We hope you enjoy your review. Good luck for the exam! 希望您喜欢您的复习。祝您考试顺利!
Please note that the study material we are providing you is copyrighted. No part of this publication may be duplicated, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or resold in any material form without the prior written consent of the publisher. We, at MiniCram, with the help of our staff and associates, keep searching the internet frequently for possible sale of real estate study material on hundreds of websites and online auctions. If we find that our study material is being copied, duplicated, and pirated copies are being sold, we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. 请注意,我们为您提供的学习材料受版权保护。未经出版商事先书面同意,不得以任何形式复制、翻印、分发、传播或转售本出版物的任何部分。我们 MiniCram 在员工和合作伙伴的帮助下,经常在互联网上搜索数百个网站和在线拍卖会上可能出售的房地产学习资料。如果我们发现我们的学习材料被抄袭、复制或盗版出售,我们将依法追究其法律责任。
Table of Contents 目录
MINICRAM ^("T "){ }^{\text {T }}
HUMBER COLLEGE MINICRAM ^("T "){ }^{\text {T }} 汉博学院
COURSE 2 课程 2
You Simply Can't Go Wrong With MiniCram 使用 MiniCram 绝对不会错
1.1 Agency Relationships 1.1 代理关系
Terminology 术语
The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA) is a special type of the Agency Law. 房地产和商业经纪人法》(REBBA)是《代理法》的一种特殊类型。
Agency: A common law relationship between two parties in which one party (agent) represents the other party (principal) for dealing with a third party. 代理:双方之间的一种普通法关系,其中一方(代理人)代表另一方(委托人)与第三方打交道。
Under REBBA, this relationship is known as Representation Relationship, wherein the brokerage is the agent, and the seller or the buyer is the principal. 根据 REBBA,这种关系被称为代理关系,其中经纪公司是代理人,卖方或买方是委托人。
Agent (Brokerage): An agent represents the principal (seller or buyer) in a business transaction with a third party. 代理人(经纪):代理人代表委托人(卖方或买方)与第三方进行商业交易。
Salespersons and brokers are considered employees of the brokerage for trading purposes. 就交易而言,销售人员和经纪人被视为经纪公司的雇员。
After an agency relationship is created, all salespersons and brokers of the brokerage owe the agency duties to the principal. 代理关系建立后,经纪公司的所有销售人员和经纪人都对委托人负有代理责任。
Principal (Client): This is the party (seller or buyer) which authorizes an agent to act on his/her behalf. 委托人(客户):即授权代理人代表其行事的一方(卖方或买方)。
It is the party with whom the brokerage (as agent) has signed an agreement. 它是与经纪公司(作为代理人)签订协议的一方。
Under REBBA, the equivalent term is client, who may be a seller client or a buyer client. 根据 REBBA 的规定,等同的术语是客户,可以是卖方客户,也可以是买方客户。
Third-Party: This is the party which is not directly connected with the transaction between an agent and a principal but may be affected by it. 第三方:第三方: 与代理人和委托人之间的交易没有直接关系,但可能受其影响的一方。
Under REBBA, a seller customer or buyer customer is considered a third-party. 根据 REBBA,卖方客户或买方客户被视为第三方。
Customer. A party not represented by the brokerage but is being provided limited services as specified in the Customer Service Agreement. 客户。非经纪公司代表的一方,但按照《客户服务协议》的规定获得有限服务。
The brokerage and its salespersons/brokers must treat third-parties or customers with fairness, honesty, and integrity. 经纪公司及其销售人员/经纪人必须公平、诚实、正直地对待第三方或客户。
Signing a Customer Service Agreement creates a non-agency relationship between the brokerage and a seller or a buyer. 签署《客户服务协议》可在经纪公司与卖方或买方之间建立非代理关系。
Dual Agency: This refers to a situation when an agent works for more than one party in a business transaction, which creates a conflict of interest between the interests of two clients. 双重代理:指代理人在商业交易中为不止一方工作,从而造成两个客户之间的利益冲突。
In real estate, this is known as Multiple Representation, which occurs when the same brokerage represents more than one client in the same transaction. 在房地产交易中,这种情况被称为多重代理,即同一经纪公司在同一交易中代理多个客户。
Imputed Knowledge refers to a legal assumption that knowledge of confidential matters about clients is transferred (imputed) to all salespersons/brokers of the brokerage. 推定知识指的是一种法律假设,即有关客户机密事项的知识被转移(推定)给经纪公司的所有销售人员/经纪人。
Implied Multiple Representation mostly happens in open houses when a third party believes that an agent is working on its behalf. 默示多重代理大多发生在开放日,当第三方认为代理人在代表其工作时。
Obligations and Authority 义务和权力
In real estate, the agency relationship is created when a brokerage signs a Listing Agreement with the seller or a Buyer representation Agreement with a buyer. 在房地产行业,当经纪公司与卖方签订《挂牌协议》或与买方签订《买方代理协议》时,代理关系就产生了。
The brokerage and all its salespersons and brokers owe Fiduciary Duties to the seller or buyer client, which are invoked when the representation agreement is signed. 经纪公司及其所有销售人员和经纪人都对卖方或买方客户负有受托责任,这在签署代理协议时即被援引。
Fiduciary refers to a trust relationship wherein the agent as a fiduciary has an obligation to protect and promote the best interests of the principal. 受托人指的是一种信托关系,作为受托人的代理人有义务保护和促进委托人的最佳利益。
Similarly, the seller or buyer client grants an Express Authority to the brokerage, which may also give rise to Implied Authority. (These duties are covered later in sections 1.2 and 1.3.) 同样,卖方或买方客户向经纪公司授予明示授权,也可能产生默示授权。(这些职责将在后面的第 1.2 和 1.3 节中阐述)。
Agency Creation 机构创建
Express Agreement: An agency relationship is created when there is a definite understanding between the agent and the principal. 明示协议:当代理人和委托人之间达成明确的谅解时,代理关系就建立了。
As such, the agency can be created in writing, verbally, or can be implied. 因此,代理可以通过书面、口头或暗示的方式建立。
In Writing: As per REBBA, the brokerage must have a written agreement as an evidence to claim remuneration. 书面协议:根据 REBBA 的规定,经纪公司必须有书面协议作为索要报酬的证据。
For example, a buyer signs a Buyer Representation Agreement with a brokerage, or a seller signs a Listing Agreement with the brokerage. 例如,买方与经纪公司签订《买方代表协议》,或卖方与经纪公司签订《挂牌协议》。
Implied Agreement: This is created unintentionally based on words and/or actions of sellers, buyers, or salespersons. 默示协议:这是根据卖方、买方或销售人员的言语和/或行为无意形成的。
The parties may be acting in such a manner which exhibits that an agency relationship exists between them. 双方的行为方式可能表明他们之间存在代理关系。
Ratification: When the agent acts either without authority or in excess of authority granted and the principal accepts the benefit of agent’s unauthorized act. 批准:当代理人无权或越权行事,而委托人接受代理人未经授权行为的利益时。
For example, a salesperson shows a seller’s property to a buyer without authority and brings an offer. 例如,销售人员擅自向买方展示卖方的房产,并提出报价。
The seller accepts the offer, and this ratifies the agency relationship. 卖方接受报价,代理关系即告成立。
Estoppel (Conduct): When the principal gives an impression to a third-party that someone is representing them (is their agent) in a transaction. 禁止反言(行为):当委托人在交易中给第三方留下某人代表他们(是他们的代理人)的印象时。
In real estate, a seller or buyer may give an impression which leads a third-party to believe that they are represented by a brokerage. 在房地产领域,卖方或买方可能会给第三方留下印象,使其认为他们是由经纪公司代理的。
It is very uncommon but is legally possible in real estate. 这种情况很不常见,但在法律上是可以在房地产领域实现的。
By Law: A court may appoint an agent for a principal/client when it becomes a necessity. 法律规定:必要时,法院可为委托人/客户指定代理人。
The agency duty created by circumstances or necessity is imposed on an agent to act on behalf of a principal. 因情况或需要而产生的代理责任,要求代理人代表委托人行事。
It is rare in real estate but may occur in emergency situation. 这种情况在房地产行业很少发生,但在紧急情况下可能会出现。
Agency Termination 机构终止
By mutual agreement of the agent and the client. 由代理人和客户共同商定。
When the agency is revoked by the principal/client. If revocation is unlawful, the principal may be liable for damages. 委托人/客户撤销代理权时。如果撤销是非法的,委托人可能要承担损害赔偿责任。
When the agreement expires. 协议何时到期。
When the job is performed or completed (e.g., property is sold, and the title is transferred). 工作执行或完成时(例如,财产出售,产权转移)。
When it is impossible to complete the job (e.g., the property is damaged in fire). 无法完成工作时(如财产在火灾中受损)。
Death or mental incapacity. 死亡或精神失常。
Bankruptcy of brokerage or cancellation of brokerage registration by RECO. 经纪人破产或 RECO 取消经纪人注册。
Continuation of Duties: Termination of an agency relationship does not impact the obligations of the either party or the rights associated with the agreement, unless otherwise agreed. 职责的延续:代理关系的终止不影响任何一方的义务或与协议相关的权利,除非另有约定。
As such, the agent must continue to maintain loyalty, protect the confidential information, and the best interests of the client. 因此,代理人必须继续保持忠诚,保护机密信息和客户的最佳利益。
Disclosure of Interest 利益披露
Registrants must disclose any existing interest (sale) or a contemplated interest (purchase) in real estate. 注册人必须披露在房地产中的任何现有权益(出售)或预期权益(购买)。
The disclosure must be in writing and signed acknowledgement must be obtained at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made. 披露必须以书面形式进行,并且必须在发出要约之前尽早获得签字确认。
The disclosure statement must include - 披露声明必须包括
That the party selling or buying is a registrant under REBBA. 卖方或买方是 REBBA 的注册人。
That the registrant is a Salesperson, Broker, or a Brokerage. 注册人是销售人员、经纪人或经纪公司。
Whether the interest in property is direct or indirect. 财产权益是直接的还是间接的。
The material facts about the property known to the registrant that may affect the value. 登记人已知的可能影响价值的财产重要事实。
The registrant must also disclose details of any agreement for subsequent sale of the property to a third party. 登记人还必须披露随后向第三方出售房产的任何协议的细节。
1.2 Brokerage Authority and Client's Duties 1.2 经纪人的权力和客户的责任
Authority Granted to a Brokerage 授予经纪公司的权力
In real estate, an Authority is a right or permission granted by a seller or a buyer to the brokerage to represent them in a real estate transaction. 在房地产领域,授权是卖方或买方授予经纪公司在房地产交易中代表他们的权利或许可。
Express Authority (Actual): This authority is granted in the Listing Agreement or the Buyer Representation Agreement. 明确授权(实际):此授权由《上市协议》或《买方代表协议》授予。
The seller grants Express Authority to the brokerage to offer their property for sale, place a For Sale or Sold sign, allow the buyers to fully inspect the property, and make marketing decisions. 卖方向经纪公司授予特快授权,以提供房产销售信息、放置待售或已售标志、允许买家全面检查房产并做出营销决策。
Similarly, the buyer grants Express Authority to the brokerage to seek out suitable properties, receive remuneration paid by seller, and provide information to third parties to assist the buyer. 同样,买方授予经纪公司明确授权,以寻找合适的房产、收取卖方支付的报酬,以及向第三方提供信息以协助买方。
Implied Authority: These are typical extensions of Express Authority granted by a client that enable the brokerage to take actions and make decisions, which are not specified in the agreement. 默示授权:这是由客户授予的明示授权的典型扩展,使经纪商能够采取协议中未明确规定的行动和决策。
The seller grants Implied Authority to the brokerage to take decisions regarding marketing and advertising the property, delegate its duties to salespersons, assist the seller in negotiations, keep the deposit money in real estate trust account, and send and receive notices on seller’s behalf. 卖方授予经纪公司默示授权,使其能够决定如何营销和宣传房产、将其职责委托给销售人员、协助卖方进行谈判、将定金存入房地产信托账户,以及代表卖方收发通知。
Similarly, the buyer grants Implied Authority to the brokerage to delegate the duties to salespersons, obtain and present relevant facts, negotiate on behalf of the buyer, and send and receive notices on buyer’s behalf. 同样,买方授予经纪公司默示授权,使其可以将职责委托给销售人员、获取并陈述相关事实、代表买方进行谈判,以及代表买方收发通知。
Limits on the Authority of Brokerage 对经纪人权限的限制
The authority given to a real estate brokerage is limited. 赋予房地产经纪公司的权力是有限的。
The brokerage cannot sign contracts (offers) on behalf of the client. Brokerages can sign the contract only as witnesses. 经纪人不能代表客户签署合同(要约)。经纪人只能作为见证人签署合同。
The agency relationship cannot be delegated to other brokerages without express consent of the client. 未经客户明确同意,不得将代理关系委托给其他经纪公司。
The brokerage can only receive a deposit related to purchase. 经纪公司只能收取与购买相关的押金。
The brokerage cannot incur expenses on behalf of the client without express authority. 未经明确授权,经纪公司不得代表客户承担费用。
Principal's (Client's) Duties to the Agent (Brokerage) 委托人(客户)对代理人(经纪公司)的责任
Indemnification: The principal has an obligation to compensate the agent for liabilities incurred when carrying out lawful duties. 补偿:委托人有义务补偿代理人在履行合法职责时产生的责任。
The client provides indemnity if a damage or loss occurs to the client during the agreement period, except when the damage/loss is due to gross negligence of duties by the brokerage. 如果客户在协议期间遭受损害或损失,则由客户提供赔偿,但因经纪公司严重失职而造成的损害/损失除外。
In real estate, the duty to reimburse the brokerage for expenses typically does not apply because the brokerage is paid remuneration (commission). 在房地产行业,通常不适用偿还中介费用的义务,因为中介是有报酬的(佣金)。
Remuneration: The client has an obligation to pay remuneration to the brokerage for the services provided. 报酬:客户有义务为所提供的服务向经纪公司支付报酬。
Obligations in the Representation Agreement: The brokerage has the right hold the deposit in Real Estate Trust Account. 代理协议中的义务:经纪公司有权将押金存入房地产信托账户。
The client agrees to pay the applicable taxes on remuneration. 客户同意支付相应的报酬税。
The client agrees to refer of all enquiries to the brokerage during the agreement period. 客户同意在协议期内将所有咨询转给经纪公司。
The client has to pay remuneration if the sale does not close due to client’s default. 如果由于客户违约导致销售无法完成,客户必须支付报酬。
Holdover Period: The client has to pay remuneration if a property is shown by the agent during agreement period but is sold privately to the same buyer during the holdover period. 暂停期:如果房产在协议期内由中介展示,但在保留期内被私人出售给同一买家,则客户必须支付酬金。
The holdover period starts after the expiry of the agreement period. 保留期从协议期满后开始计算。
1.3 Brokerage Duties to Clients and Customers 1.3 经纪人对客户和顾客的责任
General Obligations 一般债务
The agent must use Due Care & Skill in providing information. 代理人在提供信息时必须使用应有的谨慎和技巧。
The agent must perform agreed functions and ensure privacy. 代理人必须履行约定的职能并确保隐私。
Agent must be honest and should not mislead the client. 代理人必须诚实,不得误导客户。
Duty of Care 注意义务
Clients: The Duty of Care includes everything done for the client. 客户:注意义务包括为客户所做的一切。
Customers: The Duty of Care is limited to honesty, exercising reasonable care and skills when providing information and performing agreed functions. 客户:注意义务仅限于在提供信息和履行约定职能时保持诚实、行使合理的注意和技能。
The agent must ensure that there is no misrepresentation. 代理人必须确保没有虚假陈述。
Standards: The standards for Duty of Care are objective (based on facts) and not subjective (no regard to personal interpretations). 标准:注意义务的标准是客观的(基于事实),而不是主观的(不考虑个人解释)。
Limited Disclosures: Information related to the agency relationships and material facts about the property/trade must be disclosed to both clients and customers. 有限披露:必须向客户和顾客披露与代理关系有关的信息以及与财产/交易有关的重要事实。
Fiduciary Duties 信托责任
Fiduciary duties are based on trust and confidence, best interests, and loyalty. 信托责任基于信任和信心、最佳利益和忠诚。
A written agreement is not required for fiduciary obligations. 信托义务不需要书面协议。
These duties exist even if the brokerage is acting gratuitously (free). 即使经纪人是无偿(免费)行事,这些责任也是存在的。
Loyalty: Agent must place the interests of the principal (client) above all (except law). 忠诚:代理人必须将委托人(客户)的利益置于一切之上(法律除外)。
Avoid Conflicts of Interest: Arising from representing two clients in a trade (multiple representation) or by having direct/indirect interest in property. 避免利益冲突:在一个行业中代表两个客户(多重代表),或在财产中拥有直接/间接利益。
Disclose Conflicts: At the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made. 披露冲突:在实际可行的情况下尽早披露,但要在发出要约之前。
Disclose Referral Fees: The registrant must not make secret profits at the expense of the principal. 披露介绍费:注册人不得以牺牲委托人的利益为代价暗中牟利。
Protect Confidential Information: Personal or motivational information of the client must be kept confidential and must not be misused so as to harm the principal. 保护机密信息:客户的个人信息或动机信息必须保密,不得滥用,以免损害委托人的利益。
Regulatory Obligations Under REBBA REBBA 规定的监管义务
Accountability: The agent must account for and safeguard money, documents, and property entrusted by the client. 问责制:代理人必须保管好客户委托的资金、文件和财产。
The obligation of a brokerage to maintain a Real Estate Trust Account is based on this duty. 经纪人维持房地产信托账户的义务就是基于这一责任。
Remuneration: The remuneration charged may be a percentage of sale price, a fixed amount (flat fee) or a combination of both. 报酬:收取的酬金可以是销售价格的某个百分比、固定金额(统一酬金)或两者的组合。
Several percentages may also be used but the percentage must be in descending order as the sale price goes up. 也可以使用多个百分比,但百分比必须随着销售价格的上升而递减。
Promises: The brokerage must not induce anyone into signing a contract or make anyone breach their contract with another brokerage. 承诺:经纪公司不得诱导任何人签订合同或使任何人违反与其他经纪公司签订的合同。
If a promise is made to a party, it must be in writing and delivered to that party. 如果向一方当事人做出承诺,则必须以书面形式并交付给该当事人。
Delivery of Documents: Documents related to trade such as offers, representation agreements, notices, waivers, amendments, etc. must be delivered in a timely manner. 交付文件:必须及时交付与贸易有关的文件,如报价、代理协议、通知、弃权书、修改书等。
Agency Relationships: Agreements must have a date of commencement and an expiry date. The forms used by the brokerage must be current. 代理关系:协议必须有生效日期和终止日期。经纪公司使用的表格必须是最新的。
Disclosure of Representation: Brokerages must disclose agency relationships to all parties in a transaction before entering into any relationship. 披露代理关系:经纪公司必须在建立任何关系之前向交易各方披露代理关系。
Written acknowledgement and consent must be obtained from the parties. 必须获得各方的书面确认和同意。
1.4 Representation 1.4 代表性
Single Representation 单一代表性
Single Representation: A relationship where the brokerage represents only one client (buyer or seller) in a transaction and the other party is a third party or a customer. 单一代理:经纪公司在交易中只代表一名客户(买方或卖方),另一方为第三方或客户的关系。
Seller Single Representation: The brokerage and the seller sign a Listing Agreement and the seller becomes the client of the Listing Brokerage. 卖方独家代理:经纪公司与卖方签署挂牌协议,卖方成为挂牌经纪公司的客户。
The buyer is usually represented by another brokerage (Co-operating Brokerage). 买方通常由另一家经纪公司(合作经纪公司)代理。
The brokerage acts as seller’s representative, protecting the best interests of the seller, and marketing the property. 经纪公司充当卖方代表,保护卖方的最佳利益,并推销房产。
The brokerage and all its employees must obey lawful instructions of the seller, fulfill fiduciary obligations, and exercise reasonable care and skill. 经纪公司及其所有员工必须服从卖方的合法指示,履行受托人义务,并行使合理的谨慎和技能。
Disclose material facts to the buyers and negotiate favourable terms for the seller. 向买方披露重要事实,为卖方谈判有利条件。
Buyer Single Representation: The brokerage and the buyer sign a Buyer Representation Agreement and the buyer becomes a client of the brokerage. 买方单一代表:经纪公司与买方签署《买方代表协议》,买方成为经纪公司的客户。
The seller is usually represented by another brokerage (Listing Brokerage). 卖方通常由另一家经纪公司(挂牌经纪公司)代理。
The brokerage acts as buyer’s representative, locates the property and promotes the buyer client’s best interests. 经纪公司充当买方代表,寻找房产并促进买方客户的最佳利益。
The brokerage must discover and disclose relevant material facts to the buyer. 经纪公司必须发现并向买方披露相关的重要事实。
Keep the buyer fully informed about competing offers and comply with regulatory requirements. 让买方充分了解竞争报价,并遵守监管要求。
The brokerage and all its employees must obey lawful instructions of the buyer, fulfill fiduciary obligations, and exercise reasonable care and skill. 经纪公司及其所有员工必须服从买方的合法指示,履行受托人义务,并行使合理的谨慎和技能。
Multiple Representation 多重代表性
Multiple Representation: This happens when the same brokerage represents more than one client for the same transaction. 多重代理:当同一经纪公司在同一交易中代表多个客户时,就会出现这种情况。
It may also occur when more than one buyer is represented by the same brokerage for the same property. 当同一经纪公司代理多个买家购买同一房产时,也可能出现这种情况。
Multiple representation must be disclosed in writing to all parties and Informed Written Consent must be obtained at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented. 必须以书面形式向各方披露多重代理情况,并在提出要约之前尽早获得知情书面同意。
If any party does not grant consent, the brokerage may release that party so that they may seek representation by another brokerage. 如果任何一方不同意,经纪公司可解除该方的代理权,以便他们可以寻求其他经纪公司的代理。
Limitation to Services: The information that must not be disclosed and services not provided include: 服务限制:不得披露的信息和不得提供的服务包括
The amount that the seller may or will accept, which means that the salesperson cannot advise the buyer that the seller may or will accept an amount less than the offered price. 卖方可能或愿意接受的金额,这意味着销售人员不能告知买方卖方可能或愿意接受低于报价的金额。
The amount that the seller should accept or the amount they should counter the offer. 卖方应接受的金额或他们应还价的金额。
The buyer must not be advised on the amount of offer price or the counter offer price. 不得告知买方报价金额或还价价格。
The terms of any other competing offer including the amount, terms, conditions, closing date, etc. 任何其他竞争性报价的条款,包括金额、条款、条件、截止日期等。
The personal or motivational information of the seller or the buyer. 卖方或买方的个人信息或动机信息。
Disclosure Before Agreement: The Code of Ethics requires that the brokerage must disclose before signing the representation agreement that the brokerage may enter into a representation agreement resulting in a multiple representation situation. 《协议前披露:职业道德准则》规定,经纪人必须在签署代理协议前披露经纪人可能会签订导致多重代理情况的代理协议。
However, the brokerage will do this only with written consent of both parties. 不过,只有在双方书面同意的情况下,经纪公司才会这样做。
This disclosure and consent are typically included in the standard Listing Agreement. 这种披露和同意通常包含在标准的《上市协议》中。
Disclosure Before Offer: Since multiple representation occurs during the offer process, a disclosure and written consent of both parties are required before the offer is made. 要约前披露:由于在要约过程中会出现多重代理,因此在要约之前必须进行披露并获得双方的书面同意。
This disclosure and consent provision are typically included in the standard Confirmation of Co-operation and Representation. 这种披露和同意条款通常包含在标准的合作与代表确认书中。
1.5 Service Options for Sellers and Buyers 1.5 为卖方和买方提供的服务选项
Advantages of Working with a Salesperson/Brokerage 与销售人员/经纪公司合作的优势
Registered salespersons and brokers have completed the requisite education requirements and have the required knowledge and skills to provide competent services. 注册销售人员和经纪人已完成必要的教育要求,具备提供合格服务所需的知识和技能。
Salespersons, brokers, and brokerages are required to comply with consumer protection provisions of the Code of Ethics and are accountable to RECO for their actions. 销售人员、经纪人和经纪公司必须遵守《职业道德准则》中的消费者保护规定,并对其行为向 RECO 负责。
The Deposit Protection Insurance is an assurance to buyers that their deposit amount will be protected against any loss. 定金保护保险是对购房者的一种保证,即他们的定金金额将受到保护,不会受到任何损失。
The Errors and Omissions insurance may protect the registrants for their negligence, depending on circumstances. 错误与遗漏保险可根据具体情况为注册人的过失提供保护。
Information Before Representation Agreement 代理协议前的信息
REBBA Code of Ethics requires that certain information must be provided to the parties at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented. REBBA 的《职业道德准则》规定,在提出要约之前,必须尽早向双方提供某些信息。
Minimum Information Before Agreement: The brokerage must provide information on service alternatives available to a seller or a buyer. 协议前的最低限度信息:经纪公司必须向卖方或买方提供可供选择的服务信息。
The services that the brokerage will provide under the agreement. 经纪公司根据协议提供的服务。
Circumstances could arise when the brokerage could represent more than one client in a transaction, and if that happens, the brokerage will obtain written consent from all clients. 在交易中可能会出现经纪公司代表一个以上客户的情况,如果出现这种情况,经纪公司将征得所有客户的书面同意。
The obligations of the brokerage in case it provides services to more than one client in the same transaction. 经纪公司在同一交易中为一个以上客户提供服务时的义务。
Limited services provided to a customer when the brokerage represents a client in the transaction. 经纪公司代表客户进行交易时向客户提供的有限服务。
The brokerage must make its best efforts to obtain a written acknowledgment at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made. 经纪公司必须尽最大努力在发出要约之前尽早获得书面确认。
Agreements in Writing 书面协议
All agreements related to trading in real estate must be in writing to be effective. 所有与房地产交易有关的协议都必须以书面形式签订才能生效。
The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) does not provide any representation forms. 安大略省房地产委员会 (RECO) 不提供任何代表表格。
A Seller Representation relationship is created when a Listing Agreement is signed. 签署《挂牌协议》后,即建立卖方代理关系。
A Buyer Representation relationship is created when a Buyer Representation Agreement is signed. 签订《买方代表协议》后,买方代表关系即告成立。
Minimum Content: The agreement must include information such as the Effective Date (date of commencement), one definite Expiry Date, services to be provided, total remuneration, remuneration to co-operating brokerage and how the remuneration is to be calculated. 最低限度内容:协议必须包括生效日期(开始日期)、明确的终止日期、提供的服务、报酬总额、合作经纪人的报酬以及如何计算报酬等信息。
More than 6 Months: If the agreement is for a period of more than six months, the party must give their consent using initials on the first page of agreement. 超过 6 个月:如果协议期限超过 6 个月,当事人必须在协议第一页用首字母缩写表示同意。
Copies of Agreements: Copies of representation agreements must be delivered immediately upon signing. 协议副本:代理协议副本必须在签署后立即交付。
1.6 Providing Services to Sellers 1.6 为卖方提供服务
Due Diligence 尽职调查
Confirm that the seller has made all the disclosures as required by law. 确认卖方已按照法律要求披露所有信息。
Discover all relevant information and material facts and make disclosures to other parties. 发现所有相关信息和重要事实,并向其他各方披露。
Demonstrate competence, skills, judgement when providing opinions, advice, or information. 在提供意见、建议或信息时展示能力、技能和判断力。
Refer the seller to third-party professionals when some matter is beyond salesperson’s education or experience. 当某些问题超出销售人员的教育或经验范围时,将卖方介绍给第三方专业人士。
Before the Listing 上市前
Salespersons should have a visual walkthrough of the property to identify any material facts that must be disclosed and/or any issue that must be addressed before listing. 销售人员应对房产进行直观考察,以确定必须披露的任何重要事实和/或必须在上市前解决的任何问题。
Detailed notes about lot size, age and condition of the structure, features, defects, and safety issues should be made. 应详细记录地块面积、结构年代和状况、特征、缺陷和安全问题。
The salesperson should obtain documentation from the seller, which helps in reducing the risk of errors and omissions. 销售人员应从卖方处获取文件,这有助于减少错误和遗漏的风险。
Any material facts or defects identified should be disclosed to the seller and potential buyers. 应向卖方和潜在买方披露已查明的任何重要事实或缺陷。
The seller should be informed about various marketing options, including the local listing service, open houses, photographs, virtual tours, and For Sale sign. 卖方应了解各种营销方式,包括当地挂牌服务、开放日、照片、虚拟游览和出售标志。
Although it is the seller who decides the list price, a salesperson can help the seller estimate the market value of their property and arrive at a reasonable listing price using a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). 虽然挂牌价由卖方决定,但销售人员可以帮助卖方估算其房产的市场价值,并通过比较市场分析(CMA)得出合理的挂牌价。
The selling costs are explained to the seller, which include legal fees, penalty for early discharge of mortgage, moving costs, and remuneration to the brokerage. 向卖方解释的出售成本包括法律费用、提前解除抵押贷款的罚金、搬家费和中介报酬。
During the Listing 上市期间
Review the Listing Agreement with the seller and confirm that they understand its contents. 与卖方一起审阅《挂牌协议》,并确认他们了解协议内容。
Explain the process of showing to the seller, advise them to keep the property clean and explain how safe access is provide using a lock box. 向卖方解释看房流程,建议他们保持房产清洁,并解释如何使用锁箱提供安全通道。
Co-ordinate showing with the seller and keep the seller informed at different stages. 与卖方协调展示事宜,并在不同阶段向卖方通报情况。
If the seller desires so, the salesperson should qualify potential buyers before showings. 如果卖方愿意,销售人员应在看房前对潜在买家进行资格审查。
Explain the offer process to the seller, including in-person and electronic offer presentations. 向卖方解释报价流程,包括当面报价和电子报价演示。
Be fully informed and keep the seller updated on current market conditions. 充分了解情况,随时向卖方通报当前的市场状况。
Managing the Transaction 管理交易
The seller should be explained the offer presentation process and that the buyer’s salesperson may attend the presentation. 应向卖方解释报价演示流程,并说明买方的销售人员可以参加演示。
The salesperson should ensure that all offers received are presented in a timely manner with the ‘irrevocable’ time in the offer. 销售人员应确保及时提交所有收到的报价,并在报价中注明 "不可撤销 "的时间。
The terms and conditions of the offers should be reviewed with the seller. 应与卖方一起审查出价的条款和条件。
The seller should be advised to accept, reject, or counter the offer in order to negotiate with the buyer, based on existing market conditions. 应建议卖方接受、拒绝或反驳报价,以便根据现有市场条件与买方进行谈判。
After acceptance, the salesperson co-ordinates appointments with the seller to provide access to the property for inspections and viewings. 验收合格后,销售人员会与卖方协调预约,以便卖方能够进入房产进行检查和看房。
The salesperson will then follow up to monitor fulfillment of conditions and exchanging documents with the co-operating brokerage to ensure smooth completion of the transaction. 然后,销售人员将跟进监督条件的履行情况,并与合作经纪公司交换文件,确保交易顺利完成。
Potential Outcomes of Negotiations 谈判的潜在结果
Win-Win: The seller gets the desired price, and the buyer gets the desired property. 双赢:卖方得到理想的价格,买方得到理想的房产。
Win-Lose: The seller wins by getting the asking price, but the buyer may have to spend money to repair the property after closing. 双输:卖方获得要价,但买方可能需要在成交后花钱修缮房产。
Lose-Lose: The seller misses the opportunity to sell the property and the buyer misses the desired property. 双输:卖方错失出售房产的机会,买方错失心仪的房产。
No Outcome (No Result): The seller decides not to sell, and the buyer decides not to proceed further with negotiations. 无结果(没有结果):卖方决定不出售,买方决定不再继续谈判。
Seller Customers 卖方客户
Some sellers may select to become customers due to their previous selling and negotiating experience, not wanting to list their property on the local listing service, or for saving the costs (remuneration/commission). 有些卖家可能会因为之前的销售和谈判经验、不想在当地挂牌服务机构挂牌,或者为了节省成本(报酬/佣金)而选择成为客户。
This may also occur when the buyer is already a client of the brokerage who is looking to buy a property which is For Sale by Owner (FSBO). 如果买方已经是经纪公司的客户,并希望购买业主出售(FSBO)的房产,也可能出现这种情况。
Salesperson’s Duties: 销售人员的职责
Explain the service alternatives to the seller. 向卖方解释替代服务。
Document the Seller Customer Agreement. 记录卖方客户协议。
Showing the property and presenting the offer. 展示房产并提出报价。
Deliver offer, counter offer, and other relevant documents. 交付要约、还价和其他相关文件。
Sub Agency: An authorization by one agent (brokerage) to another agent (brokerage) to assist the client in selling or purchasing real estate with the written consent of the client. 分代理:经客户书面同意,一名代理(经纪公司)授权另一名代理(经纪公司)协助客户销售或购买房地产。
The sub agent has same obligations to the client as the agent. 分代理人对客户的义务与代理人相同。
1.7 Providing Services to Buyers 1.7 为买方提供服务
Before the Showing 展示前
Salespersons should discuss and identify the buyer’s needs and wants in terms of their preference of location, type, and style of home, and specific features in the desired home. 销售人员应与购房者讨论并确定他们的需求和愿望,包括对房屋位置、类型和风格的偏好,以及所需房屋的具体功能。
Buyers should be informed about the range of costs they will incur, such as legal fees, land transfer tax, and closing adjustments. 购房者应了解他们将产生的各种费用,如律师费、土地转让税和过户调整费。
The buyer should be pre-qualified in terms of price range of properties and encouraged to consult their lender to obtain pre-approval for a mortgage loan. 买方应预先了解房产的价格范围,并鼓励其咨询贷款机构以获得抵押贷款的预先批准。
When searching for suitable properties, salespersons must inform the buyers about all the properties available for sale irrespective of the remuneration they will receive. 在寻找合适的物业时,销售人员必须将所有待售物业告知买方,而不论他们将获得多少报酬。
If possible, the salesperson should inspect properties in advance and verify the information provided by the sellers or the listing brokerage. 如果可能,销售人员应事先考察房产,并核实卖方或挂牌经纪公司提供的信息。
Showing Properties 显示属性
Salespersons should provide update on existing market conditions to the buyers and accompany them for showing properties, including visits to open houses. 销售人员应向购房者提供现有市场状况的最新信息,并陪同购房者看房,包括参观开放日。
Information about neighbourhood, schools, shopping, recreational facilities, and public transit should be provided to the buyers. 应向购房者提供有关社区、学校、购物、娱乐设施和公共交通的信息。
Salespersons have an obligation to discover and disclose relevant material facts of the selected property. 销售人员有义务发现并披露所选房产的相关重要事实。
Managing the Transaction 管理交易
Information on comparable properties helps the buyer make an assessment of market value of the selected property. 可比房产信息有助于买方评估所选房产的市场价值。
At the offer stage, the salesperson drafts the offer, advises the buyer on the terms and conditions, promotes the buyer’s best interests, and negotiates the offer on behalf of the buyer. 在要约阶段,销售人员负责起草要约,就条款和条件向买方提供建议,促进买方的最佳利益,并代表买方就要约进行谈判。
When the offer is accepted, the salesperson helps the buyer in performing the due diligence in a timely manner, which includes mortgage approval, home inspection, preparing and sending documents, and obtaining home insurance. 当报价被接受后,销售人员会帮助买方及时完成尽职调查,包括抵押贷款审批、房屋检查、准备和发送文件以及办理房屋保险。
The salesperson accompanies the buyer for pre-closing inspection and recommends legal advice if any issues are discovered. 销售人员陪同买方进行成交前检查,并在发现任何问题时建议提供法律咨询。
Buyer Customers 买方客户
Code of Ethics requires that salespersons must treat their buyer customers with fairness, honesty, and with integrity. 《职业道德准则》要求销售人员必须公平、诚实、正直地对待买方客户。
Services are limited and salespersons are not required to keep a customer’s information confidential. 服务是有限的,销售人员无需对客户信息保密。
Salespersons Duties: 销售员职责
Avoid misrepresentation and exercise due care when answering questions and providing information. 在回答问题和提供信息时,应避免失实陈述并保持应有的谨慎。
Disclose any material facts that are known or ought to be known but are not required to research and verify property defects. 披露任何已知或应知的、但不需要研究和核实财产缺陷的重要事实。
Provide accurate information but are not required to protect the best interests of the customers. 提供准确信息,但无需保护客户的最佳利益。
1.8 Dealing with Others 1.8 与他人打交道
Dealing with Other Brokerages and Their Clients 与其他经纪公司及其客户打交道
Contacting Clients of Other Brokerages: Salespersons who wish to communicate with the seller/buyer clients of other brokerages or want to get more information must do so through that brokerage. 联系其他经纪公司的客户:如果销售人员希望与其他经纪公司的卖方/买方客户联系,或希望获得更多信息,则必须通过该经纪公司进行。
A listing salesperson should contact the buyer through co-operative brokerage. 挂牌销售人员应通过合作经纪公司联系买方。
A buyer’s salesperson should contact the seller through listing brokerage. 买方销售人员应通过挂牌经纪公司联系卖方。
This does not apply when a seller or buyer has given written permission to their brokerage that salespersons from other brokerages can communicate directly with them. 如果卖方或买方已书面许可其经纪公司让其他经纪公司的销售人员与他们直接沟通,则不适用此规定。
Existing Representation Agreements: Registrants must not induce a client of another brokerage to terminate their existing contract (agreement) with their brokerage. 现有代理协议:注册人不得诱使另一家经纪公司的客户终止与其经纪公司的现有合同(协议)。
Breaking the Agreement of Purchase and Sale: Registrants must not induce any person to break their existing Agreement of Purchase and Sale in order to enter into another agreement. 破坏买卖协议:注册人不得诱使任何人违反现有的买卖协议以签订另一份协议。
This also apply to inducing an individual to break an existing Customer Service Agreement with another brokerage. 这也适用于诱使个人违反与另一家经纪公司的现有客户服务协议。
Fairness, Honesty, and Integrity: Registrants must deal with every person, including salespersons, clients, and customers of other brokerages with fairness, honesty, and with integrity. 公平、诚实和正直:注册人必须公平、诚实和正直地对待每一个人,包括销售人员、客户和其他经纪公司的客户。
Table of Contents 目录
2.1 Obligations of the Registrant, Seller, and Buyer 2.1 注册人、卖方和买方的义务
Information Before Agreement 签订协议前的信息
Section 10 of the Code of Ethics requires that registrants must provide certain information to sellers and buyers before entering into an agreement. 《职业道德规范》第 10 条要求注册人在签订协议前必须向卖方和买方提供某些信息。
They must clearly explain the nature of services provided and difference in services provided to clients, customers, and to third parties. 他们必须清楚地解释所提供服务的性质以及向客户、顾客和第三方提供服务的不同之处。
The fact that the brokerage may provide client services to both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction (multiple representation). 经纪公司可在同一交易中同时为买卖双方提供客户服务(多重代理)。
The fact that the brokerage may provide client services to one party and customer services to the other party in the same transaction. 在同一交易中,经纪公司可能向一方提供客户服务,也可能向另一方提供客户服务。
Specific information must also be included in the agreement documentation. 协议文件中还必须包括具体信息。
The agreement must be reduced to writing at the earliest practical opportunity and before an offer is made. 协议必须在发出要约之前尽早形成书面形式。
Documenting the Relationship 记录关系
Minimum Content of the Agreement: There must be an Effective Date (Date of Commencement) and one definite Expiry Date. 协议的最低限度内容:必须有一个生效日期(开始日期)和一个明确的终止日期。
Both dates must be on the first page of the agreement. 两个日期都必须写在协议的第一页上。
The agreement must include the amount of total remuneration, how it is calculated, and how it is paid. 协议必须包括报酬总额、计算方法和支付方式。
The remuneration for co-operating brokerage (if any) must be mentioned. 必须提及合作经纪人的报酬(如有)。
The agreement must include the services that will be provided. 协议必须包括将提供的服务。
More than 6 Months: If agreement period is more than 6 months, the client’s written consent is required next to the expiry date on the first page. 超过 6 个月:如果协议期限超过 6 个月,则需要在第一页到期日旁边获得客户的书面同意。
Copies of Written Agreement: Copies of the written agreement must be provided to the parties immediately upon signing. 书面协议副本:书面协议副本必须在签署后立即提供给双方。
Verbal Agreement: If there is a verbal agreement with a buyer or a seller, whether it is a client or a customer, the agreement must be reduced to writing at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is made. 口头协议:如果与买方或卖方(无论是客户还是顾客)达成口头协议,则必须在实际可行的情况下尽早将协议转化为书面形式,但必须在发出要约之前。
Claim for Remuneration: A registrant cannot claim remuneration unless there is a written agreement that is signed by the party who will pay the remuneration. 索要报酬:除非有支付报酬的一方签署的书面协议,否则登记人不得索要报酬。
If the agreement is not in writing, REBBA provides that remuneration may be payable when: 如果协议不是书面的,REBBA 规定在以下情况下可以支付报酬
A salesperson has conveyed a written offer that is accepted by the seller, 销售人员发出书面要约,并被卖方接受、
A salesperson shows a property to the buyer, who later purchases the property, or 销售人员向买方展示房产,买方随后购买房产,或
The salesperson introduces the seller and the buyer for the purpose of discussing the purchase or sale of an interest in real estate. 销售人员介绍卖方和买方,目的是讨论房地产权益的买卖。
Remuneration Calculations: Remuneration cannot be based on the difference in list price and the sale price. 酬金计算:酬金不能基于挂牌价和售价之间的差额。
Remuneration can be a percentage of sale price, a fixed amount, or a combination of both. 酬金可以是销售价格的某个百分比,也可以是固定金额,或两者兼而有之。
Remuneration can also be charged as a series of percentages, which must be in descending order as the sale price goes up. 酬金也可以按一系列百分比收取,这些百分比必须随着销售价格的上升而依次递减。
Disclosure of Direct or Indirect Benefit: If the registrant is receiving any direct or indirect benefit, such as a referral fee or a gift, the fact must be disclosed to the clients at the earliest practical opportunity. 披露直接或间接利益:如果注册人获得任何直接或间接利益,如介绍费或礼物,则必须尽早向客户披露这一事实。
Remuneration from the Same Trade: A brokerage cannot claim remuneration from a seller and then claim another remuneration from the buyer for the same trade under a different agreement. 来自同一交易的报酬:经纪公司不能先向卖方索要报酬,然后再根据不同的协议就同一交易向买方索要报酬。
However, this does not apply when a disclosure to this fact is made to both parties and written consent is obtained. 但是,如果向双方披露了这一事实并获得了书面同意,则不适用此规定。
Fixed Remuneration: The registrant cannot directly or indirectly convey to any party that remuneration is fixed by their brokerage, the real estate board, or any regulatory authority. 固定薪酬:注册人不能直接或间接地向任何一方传达薪酬由其经纪公司、房地产委员会或任何监管机构确定的信息。
Showing Properties: The buyer must be shown all properties that match their search criteria. 展示房产:必须向买方展示符合其搜索条件的所有房产。
This must be done without any regard to the remuneration to the brokerage or the salesperson. 必须在不考虑经纪公司或销售人员报酬的情况下这样做。
Unexpired Agreement: No claim for remuneration can be made if the registrant knows that the seller has an unexpired agreement with another brokerage. 未到期协议:如果登记人知道卖方与另一家经纪公司有未到期的协议,则不能提出报酬索赔。
The salesperson must make enquiries before entering into an agreement with the seller. 在与卖方签订协议之前,销售人员必须进行查询。
Disclosure of Representation Relationship: A brokerage cannot enter into a relationship with more than one party to a transaction unless a disclosure to this effect is made and written consent is obtained from all parties. 披露代理关系:经纪公司不得与交易的一个以上当事方建立代理关系,除非就此进行披露并获得所有当事方的书面同意。
This applies to both concurrent representation as well as multiple representation situations. 这既适用于同时代理的情况,也适用于多重代理的情况。
Inaccurate Representations: The registrant must not knowingly make any inaccurate representations about services provided, either verbally or in any advertisement. 不准确表述:注册人不得在知情的情况下口头或在任何广告中对所提供的服务作出任何不准确的陈述。
Insurance Requirements: All registrants must be insured under the RECO insurance program, and this fact must be disclosed in writing to potential buyers and sellers. 保险要求:所有注册者都必须在 RECO 保险计划下投保,而且必须以书面形式向潜在买家和卖家披露这一事实。
Seller's and Buyer's Legal Obligations 卖方和买方的法律义务
Indemnification: To compensate the brokerage for loss or damage incurred when carrying out lawful duties under the agreement. 赔偿:补偿经纪商在履行协议规定的合法职责时遭受的损失或损害。
The duty to pay the brokerage for expenses incurred during performance of duties does not apply because the brokerage is being paid remuneration. 向经纪人支付履行职责期间发生的费用的义务并不适用,因为经纪人是有报酬的。
The seller also indemnifies the brokerage for the losses incurred during performance of duties. 卖方还要赔偿经纪公司在履行职责过程中造成的损失。
This does not apply when the loss to the seller is due to gross negligence of the brokerage. 如果卖方的损失是由于经纪公司的重大过失造成的,则不适用该条款。
Remuneration: It is set out as the commission paid to the brokerage for securing a valid agreement to purchase the property. 报酬:它是支付给中介的佣金,以确保达成有效的购房协议。
Seller’s Obligations Under Representation Agreement: The seller agrees to pay remuneration if the agreement does not complete due to seller’s default or neglect. 卖方在代理协议下的义务:如果由于卖方违约或疏忽导致协议无法完成,卖方同意支付报酬。
The seller agrees to inform the brokerage immediately if they receive any direct inquiries or offers from any source during the term of the agreement. 卖方同意,如果在协议有效期内收到任何来源的直接询价或报价,将立即通知经纪公司。
Buyer’s Obligations Under Representation Agreement: The buyer agrees to pay remuneration if the agreement does not complete due to buyer’s default or neglect. 买方在代理协议下的义务:如果因买方违约或疏忽导致协议无法完成,买方同意支付报酬。
The buyer agrees to inform the brokerage if they come across any property of interest during the term of the agreement and agree to submit any offers through the brokerage. 买方同意在协议有效期内遇到任何感兴趣的房产时通知经纪公司,并同意通过经纪公司提交任何报价。
Note: To understand this Lesson completely, please refer to the Listing Agreement provided in the official course Module or the KMS. 注:要完全理解本课内容,请参阅官方课程模块或 KMS 中提供的 "上市协议"。
Types of Listings 列表类型
Open: This is also known as ‘For Sale by Owner’ listing. 开放:这也被称为 "业主出售 "列表。
The seller may ask many brokerages to sell the property without any liability to compensate any of them, except that brokerage which brings in a buyer and sells the property. 卖方可以要求许多经纪公司出售房产,而无需对任何一家经纪公司承担任何赔偿责任,但带来买方并出售房产的经纪公司除外。
In this case, the seller is free to sell the property privately in order to save remuneration. 在这种情况下,卖方可以自由地私下出售房产,以节省报酬。
Exclusive: The seller gives the sole right of selling the property to a single brokerage as per terms of the Listing Agreement, for a specified period of time (Listing Period). 独家:卖方根据挂牌协议的条款,在规定的时间内(挂牌期),将出售房产的唯一权利授予一家经纪公司。
This type of listing is a measure of confidence from the seller and there is an assurance of remuneration to the brokerage. 这种类型的挂牌是卖方对经纪公司的一种信任,也是对经纪公司报酬的一种保证。
MLS®: This is a special form of Exclusive Listing with the added advantage of exposure on the MLS® database (local listing service). MLS®:这是一种特殊形式的独家挂牌,其额外优势是可以在 MLS® 数据库(本地挂牌服务)中曝光。
Remuneration is typically shared between the listing brokerage and the co-operating brokerage. 报酬通常由上市经纪公司和合作经纪公司共同承担。
The Listing Agreement 上市协议
The Seller Representation Agreement (Listing Agreement) establishes an agency relationship between the seller and the listing brokerage and sets out obligations of each party during the term of the agreement. 卖方代表协议》(《挂牌协议》)确立了卖方与挂牌经纪公司之间的代理关系,并规定了双方在协议期内的义务。
Under this agreement, the seller gives authority to the brokerage to market and sell the property for a specific period of time, known as the Listing Period. 根据该协议,卖方授权经纪公司在一段特定时间内(称为 "挂牌期")营销和销售房产。
REBBA Code of Ethics requires that the agreement must be reduced to writing and signed by the registrant prior to any offer submitted by a buyer. REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,在买方提交任何要约之前,必须将协议转化为书面形式并由注册人签署。
Copy of the agreement must be delivered to the seller immediately after signing. 协议副本必须在签署后立即交付卖方。
Key Provisions in the Listing Agreement 上市协议的主要条款
The Remuneration/Commission Clause: This clause specifies the total remuneration as a percentage of sale price or as a flat fee. 报酬/佣金条款:该条款规定了按销售价格的百分比或固定费用计算的总报酬。
The seller agrees to pay remuneration if the sale does not close due to seller’s default. 如果由于卖方违约导致销售无法完成,卖方同意支付报酬。
The brokerage has the right to apply the deposit first to reduce the remuneration obligation of the seller. 经纪公司有权首先使用定金来减少卖方的报酬义务。
The seller pays the deficiency between the deposit and the total remuneration. 卖方支付定金与报酬总额之间的差额。
The seller agrees to pay the applicable taxes on remuneration. 卖方同意支付适用的报酬税。
Enquiries and Offers: The seller agrees to refer all enquiries during listing period to the listing brokerage. 查询和报价:卖方同意在挂牌期间将所有询问转给挂牌经纪公司。
Seller agrees to forward all offers to the listing brokerage that come directly to him. 卖方同意将所有直接向其提出的报价转给挂牌经纪公司。
Family Law Act and Spousal Consent: The seller must get Spousal Consent if the property is a matrimonial home and only one spouse is on the title. 《家庭法法案》和配偶同意书:如果房产是婚姻住所,且产权证上只有配偶一方,则卖方必须获得配偶同意。
Otherwise, the seller provides a warranty in the Family Law Act clause that Spousal Consent is not required. 否则,卖方在《家庭法》条款中保证无需配偶同意。
Contact After Expiry: This box provides contact options to the seller when the listing period expires, and the property does not sell. 到期后联系:此框提供挂牌期满且房产未售出时联系卖方的选项。
Does: The seller consents to other brokerages to contact him after expiry to discuss further listing and marketing of the property. 是否:卖方同意其他经纪公司在期满后与其联系,讨论进一步挂牌和营销该房产的事宜。
Does Not: The seller does not consent to other brokerages to contact him after expiry to discuss listing and marketing of the property. 不同意:卖方不同意其他经纪公司在期满后与其联系,讨论房产上市和营销事宜。
Holdover (Commission Clause) 暂留(佣金条款)
As per the wording of this provision, remuneration is payable if the property is shown to a buyer during the listing period but is subsequently sold privately to the same buyer after expiry of the agreement but during the holdover period. 根据该条款的措辞,如果在挂牌期间向买方展示了房产,但随后在协议期满后但在保留期内被私下出售给同一买方,则应支付报酬。
If the property is subsequently listed with a different brokerage, the difference in remuneration applies. 如果房产随后在另一家经纪公司挂牌,则适用酬金差额。
The holdover period is typically 60 to 90 days, or as agreed by the parties. 保留期一般为 60 至 90 天,或经双方同意。
The obligation of the seller under Holdover to pay remuneration applies even if the agreement period has expired. 即使协议期已过,卖方仍有义务根据 "保留期 "支付报酬。
The closing date of the sale is not irrelevant in this case. 在本案中,销售截止日期并非无关紧要。
Example: Seller Smart lists his home with Cram Realty Inc. at 5% total remuneration. The listing period is from April 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} to June 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}. The holdover period is 90 days after the expiry date. Buyer Bright is shown the property on June 20^("th ")20^{\text {th }}, which is during the agreement period. 举例卖方 Smart 将其房屋挂牌给 Cram Realty Inc.,酬金总额为 5%。挂牌期为 4 月 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 至 6 月 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 。期满后的保留期为 90 天。买方 Bright 于 6 月 20^("th ")20^{\text {th }} 看房,该日期在协议期内。
Remuneration Payable: The seller waits for expiry of the listing period and sells it privately to the same buyer Bright on July 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Cram Realty Inc. may claim full remuneration. 应付酬金:卖方等待挂牌期满,于 7 月 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日私下出售给同一买方 Bright。Cram Realty Inc. 可索要全部酬金。
Difference in Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the listing period on June 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, the seller lists the property with Power Realty Inc. at 4% remuneration. The same buyer Bright buys the property on July 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Cram Realty Inc. may claim the difference in remuneration, which is 1%1 \%. 应付酬金差额:在 6 月 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 的挂牌期结束后,卖方以 4% 的酬金将该房产挂牌给 Power Realty Inc.同一买方 Bright 于 7 月 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日购买了该房产。Cram Realty Inc. 可以要求支付报酬差额,即 1%1 \% 。
No Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the listing period on June 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, the seller lists the property with Power Realty Inc. at 6% remuneration (higher remuneration). The same buyer Bright buys the property on July 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Cram Realty Inc. cannot claim any remuneration because the new remuneration is higher than the old remuneration. 不支付酬金:在 6 月 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 挂牌期结束后,卖方以 6% 的酬金(较高酬金)在 Power Realty Inc.同一买方 Bright 于 7 月 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日购买了该房产。Cram Realty Inc. 不能索要任何报酬,因为新报酬高于旧报酬。
Signatures and Initials 签名和缩写
Salespersons should make their best efforts to ensure that each person who signs the agreement also inserts the date. 销售人员应尽最大努力确保每个在协议上签字的人也插入日期。
The salesperson signs on behalf of the brokerage and also witnesses the signatures of the sellers. 销售人员代表经纪公司签字,并见证卖方签字。
Spousal Consent: This section is signed by the non-owner spouse if the property is a matrimonial home. 配偶同意书:如果房产是婚姻住所,本部分由非所有者配偶签署。
Initials: The sellers and the salesperson insert their initials at the bottom of all pages except the signature page. 首字母缩写:卖方和销售人员在除签名页之外的所有页面底部填写姓名缩写。
Declaration of Insurance: The salesperson signs this section to inform the sellers that they are insured under the RECO insurance program. 保险声明:销售人员签署此部分,告知卖方他们已在 RECO 保险计划下投保。
Acknowledgement: The sellers sign this section to acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of the agreement and have received a copy of the agreement. 确认:卖方签署本部分,确认已阅读并理解协议条款,并已收到协议副本。
2.3 Buyer Representation Agreement 2.3 买方代表协议
Note: To understand this chapter completely, please refer to the Buyer Representation Agreement provided in the official course Module or the KMS. 注:要完整理解本章内容,请参阅官方课程模块或 KMS 中提供的《买方代表协议》。
Creating Agency Relationship 建立代理关系
The Buyer Representation Agreement establishes an agency relationship between the brokerage and the buyer. 《买方代表协议》确立了经纪公司与买方之间的代理关系。
It sets out the obligations of both parties and time limits for the authority given by the buyer. 它规定了双方的义务和买方授权的时限。
REBBA Code of Ethics requires that the agreement must be reduced to writing and signed by the registrant prior to any offer submitted by the buyer. REBBA 职业道德准则》规定,在买方提交任何要约之前,必须将协议转化为书面形式并由注册人签署。
Copy of the agreement must be delivered to the buyer immediately after signing. 协议副本必须在签署后立即交付买方。
Understanding Key Provisions 了解关键条款
This agreement establishes an Exclusive Buyer Representation relationship between the brokerage and the buyer. 该协议确立了经纪公司与买方之间的独家买方代理关系。
The pre-printed wording provides general description of property and location. 预印字样提供了财产和位置的一般描述。
The agreement states that the buyer may not be shown all available properties that may be of interest to the buyer. 协议规定,可能不会向买方展示买方感兴趣的所有可用房产。
The buyer may sign representation agreement with more than one brokerage if Geographic Location or if the Property Type is different. 如果地理位置或物业类型不同,买方可与多家经纪公司签订代理协议。
The buyer agrees that Multiple Representation may occur. In this case, the brokerage will get written consent of the parties at the earliest practical opportunity but before an offer is presented. 买方同意可能出现多重代理。在这种情况下,经纪公司将尽早获得双方的书面同意,但必须在提出报价之前。
The agreement includes a Disclaimer that the brokerage shall not be held responsible for environmental conditions, hazards, and other physical conditions of land or improvements. 该协议包括一项免责声明,即经纪公司不对土地或改良工程的环境条件、危险和其他物理条件负责。
The information provided by the seller will also not be warranted as accurate and the buyer must take expert advice in these matters. 卖方提供的信息也不保证准确无误,买方在这些问题上必须听取专家的意见。
The buyer is informed that, if appropriate, a Credit Report may be referred to in connection with this transaction to comply with the Consumer Reporting Act. 买方被告知,为遵守《消费者报告法》,在适当情况下,可能会参考与本交易相关的信用报告。
Remuneration Details 薪酬详情
The Buyer Representation Agreement includes remuneration arrangements and buyer responsibilities if case the remuneration is not paid by the seller or the listing brokerage. 如果报酬不是由卖方或挂牌经纪公司支付,则买方代表协议包括报酬安排和买方责任。
Remuneration is typically payable either by the seller/listing brokerage or the buyer. 报酬通常由卖方/上市经纪公司或买方支付。
The brokerage shall inform the buyer how much remuneration is being paid by the sellers. 经纪公司应告知买方卖方支付了多少报酬。
The buyer agrees that if the seller or listing brokerage does not pay remuneration then buyer will be responsible to pay the agreed remuneration. 买方同意,如果卖方或挂牌经纪公司不支付酬金,买方将负责支付约定的酬金。
The buyer is also responsible for any difference between the remuneration paid by the seller and the remuneration specified in the agreement. 买方还需承担卖方支付的报酬与协议规定的报酬之间的任何差额。
Holdover (Commission Clause) 暂留(佣金条款)
As per the wording of this provision, remuneration is payable if the property is shown to a buyer during the agreement period, but the same property is subsequently purchased privately by the buyer after expiry of the agreement period but during the holdover period. 根据该条款的措辞,如果在协议期内向买方展示了房产,但随后买方在协议期满后但在保留期内私下购买了同一房产,则应支付报酬。
If the buyer signs a Buyer Representation Agreement with a different brokerage, the difference in remuneration may be payable. 如果买方与另一家经纪公司签订了《买方代表协议》,则可能需要支付报酬差额。
The holdover period is typically 60 to 90 days or as agreed by the parties. 保留期通常为 60 至 90 天,或经双方同意。
The obligation of the buyer under Holdover to pay remuneration applies even if the agreement period has expired. 即使协议期已过,买方仍有义务根据 "保留期 "支付报酬。
The closing date of the sale is not irrelevant in this case. 在本案中,销售截止日期并非无关紧要。
Example: Buyer Bright has signed a Buyer Representation Agreement with Power Realty Inc. The agreement period is from April 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} to June 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}. The holdover period is 90 days after expiry. The agreement specifies a remuneration of 2.5%2.5 \% if the brokerage does not receive any remuneration from the seller/listing brokerage. Buyer Bright is shown a property on June 20^("th ")20^{\text {th }}, which is during the agreement period. 示例:买方 Bright 已与 Power Realty Inc.协议期限为 4 月 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 至 6 月 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 。期满后的保留期为 90 天。协议规定,如果经纪公司没有从卖方/上市经纪公司获得任何报酬,则报酬为 2.5%2.5 \% 。买方 Bright 于 6 月 20^("th ")20^{\text {th }} 日看中一处房产,该日期在协议期内。
Remuneration Payable: The buyer waits for expiry of the agreement period and later buys the same property privately from the seller on July 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Power Realty Inc. may claim full remuneration. 应付酬金:买方等待协议期满,随后于 7 月 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日从卖方处私下购买同一房产。Power Realty Inc. 可要求支付全部酬金。
Difference in Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the agreement period on June 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, buyer Bright signs another Buyer Representation Agreement with Cram realty Inc. at 1% remuneration. Bright buys the same property which was earlier shown to him by Power Realty Inc. property on July 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }}. Power Realty Inc. may claim the difference in remuneration, which is 1.5%1.5 \%. 应付酬金差额:在 6 月 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 日协议期满后,买方 Bright 以 1%的报酬与 Cram Realty Inc.Bright 于 7 月 5^("th ")5^{\text {th }} 日购买了 Power Realty Inc.Power Realty Inc. 可以要求支付报酬差额,即 1.5%1.5 \% 。
No Remuneration Payable: After expiry of the agreement period on June 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }}, buyer Bright signs another Buyer Representation Agreement with Cram Realty Inc. at 3% remuneration. Bright buys the same property which was earlier shown to him by Power Realty Inc. property on July 5^("th ")5{ }^{\text {th }}. Power Realty Inc. may not claim any remuneration because the new remuneration is higher than the old remuneration. 不支付酬金:6 月 30^("th ")30^{\text {th }} 日协议期满后,买方 Bright 与 Cram Realty Inc. 签订了另一份买方代理协议,酬金为 3%。Bright 于 7 月 5^("th ")5{ }^{\text {th }} 日购买了 Power Realty Inc.由于新酬金高于旧酬金,因此 Power Realty Inc.
Other Obligations of the Buyer 买方的其他义务
The buyer agrees to submit all offers through the brokerage during the agreement period. 买方同意在协议期内通过经纪公司提交所有报价。
The buyer is obligated to pay remuneration if the sale does not close due to buyer’s default. 如果由于买方违约导致销售无法完成,买方有义务支付报酬。
The brokerage has the right to apply the deposit first to the remuneration. 经纪公司有权将押金优先用于支付报酬。
The remuneration obligation in Holdover Period applies. 适用持有期的薪酬义务。
The buyer agrees to pay the deficiency in remuneration if the remuneration received from the seller/listing brokerage is less than remuneration specified in the agreement. 如果从卖方/上市经纪公司收到的报酬低于协议规定的报酬,买方同意支付报酬差额。
The buyer agrees to pay the applicable taxes on remuneration. 买方同意支付适用的报酬税。
Signatures and Initials 签名和缩写
Salespersons should make their best efforts to ensure that each person who signs the agreement also inserts the date. 销售人员应尽最大努力确保每个在协议上签字的人也插入日期。
The salesperson signs on behalf of the brokerage and also witnesses the signatures of the buyers. 销售人员代表经纪公司签字,并见证买方签字。
Initials: The buyers and the salesperson insert their initials at the bottom of all pages except the signature page. 首字母缩写:除签名页外,买方和销售人员在所有页面的底部签署姓名缩写。
Declaration of Insurance: The salesperson signs this section to inform the buyers that they are insured under the RECO insurance program. 保险声明:销售人员签署此部分,告知买方他们已在 RECO 保险计划下投保。
Acknowledgement: The buyers sign this section to acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of the agreement and have received a copy of the agreement. 确认:买方签署本部分,确认已阅读并理解协议条款,并已收到协议副本。
2.4 Customer Service Agreements 2.4 客户服务协议
Note: Please refer to the Customer Service Agreements provided in the official course Modules or in the KMS. 注:请参阅正式课程模块或 KMS 中提供的客户服务协议。
REBBA Provisions REBBA 条款
The Customer Service Agreement must be in writing and copies must be delivered immediately after signing. 客户服务协议必须以书面形式签订,签订后必须立即交付副本。
The buyer or seller customer is not obliged to sign the agreement. 买方或卖方客户没有签署协议的义务。
Duties of the brokerage under the standard customer service agreement include - 根据标准客户服务协议,经纪公司的职责包括
Ethical Duty to deal fairly, honestly and with integrity. 公平、诚实和正直的道德义务。
Legal Duty to exercise due care when answering questions and providing information. 在回答问题和提供信息时,应履行适当谨慎的法律义务。
Legal Duty to avoid misrepresentation. 避免虚假陈述的法律义务。
Seller Customer Service Agreement 卖方客户服务协议
The Seller Customer Service Agreement is Non-Exclusive, which means that the seller may sign this type of agreement with more than one brokerage. 《卖方客户服务协议》是非排他性的,这意味着卖方可以与多家经纪公司签订此类协议。
This form is commonly used to provided customer service to a seller when the buyer is already a client of the brokerage (has signed a Buyer Representation Agreement). 当买方已是经纪公司的客户(已签署《买方代表协议》)时,该表格通常用于为卖方提供客户服务。
Since the seller has not listed the property (private sale), the agreement is called Commission Agreement for Property Not Listed. 由于卖方未将房产挂牌(私人出售),因此该协议称为 "未挂牌房产佣金协议"。
The agreement confirms that the seller is not a client of the brokerage and is not represented. 该协议确认卖方不是经纪公司的客户,也不代表经纪公司。
The agreement includes a warranty that the seller has not listed the property with any other brokerage. 该协议包括一项保证,即卖方未在任何其他经纪公司挂牌出售该房产。
Remuneration rate or amount of remuneration is given in the form. 薪酬率或薪酬金额以表格形式给出。
The seller agrees that remuneration is still payable if the sale does not close due to seller’s default. 卖方同意,如果由于卖方违约而未能完成销售,仍应支付报酬。
Buyer Customer Service Agreement 买方客户服务协议
The Buyer Customer Service Agreement is Non-Exclusive, which means that the buyer may sign this type of agreement with more than one brokerage. 《买方客户服务协议》是非排他性的,这意味着买方可以与多家经纪公司签订此类协议。
This form is commonly used to provide customer service to a buyer when the seller is already a client of the brokerage (has signed a Listing Agreement with the brokerage). 当卖方已是经纪公司的客户(已与经纪公司签署了挂牌协议)时,此表格通常用于为买方提供客户服务。
The agreement confirms that the buyer is not a client of the brokerage and is not represented. 该协议确认买方不是经纪公司的客户,也不代表经纪公司。
The agreement includes a warranty that the buyer has not signed any Buyer Representation Agreement with any other brokerage. 该协议包括一项保证,即买方未与任何其他经纪公司签署任何《买方代表协议》。
The agreement confirms that no remuneration is payable by the buyer. 协议确认买方无需支付任何报酬。
The buyer is informed that a Credit Report may be referred to in connection with this transaction to comply with The Consumer Reporting Act. 买方被告知,为遵守《消费者报告法》(The Consumer Reporting Act),本交易可能会参考信用报告。
Indemnification: The buyer agrees that he has been advised to make his own enquiries about the condition of the property. 赔偿:买方同意已被建议自行查询房产状况。
2.5 Altering the Representation Agreements 2.5 更改代理协议
Amendments to the Seller Representation Agreement 卖方代表协议的修订
Additional forms may be used to change the terms, suspend, or terminate a Listing Agreement. 可使用其他表格更改条款、暂停或终止挂牌协议。
With each form, the sellers’ signatures, including the signatures of the non-owner spouse, are required to alter a Listing Agreement. 每份表格都需要卖方的签名,包括非业主配偶的签名,才能更改挂牌协议。
The date of commencement and date of expiry are included in each of the following forms. 以下每种表格中都包含了生效日期和失效日期。
Amendment to Listing Agreement: This form is used to alter the terms of the agreement. 上市协议修正案:此表格用于更改协议条款。
These terms may relate to additional services, the terms of remuneration, or to extend the expiry date of the agreement. 这些条款可能涉及额外服务、报酬条款或延长协议有效期。
The Amendment to the Listing Agreement form provides notice to other brokerages and salespersons. 《上市协议修正案》表格规定了对其他经纪公司和销售人员的通知。
Suspension of Listing Agreement: A Seller Representation Agreement (Listing Agreement) may be suspended when the marketing activities need to be stopped temporarily for a specific period of time. 挂牌协议的暂停:当需要在特定时间内暂时停止营销活动时,可暂停卖方代表协议(挂牌协议)。
The form must include the effective date of suspension, the date of expiry of suspension, and the date when the marketing activities would resume. 表格必须包括暂停生效日期、暂停期满日期和恢复营销活动的日期。
Completion of this form does not mean that the Listing Agreement has been terminated. 填写本表并不意味着已终止《上市协议》。
Even after the suspension, the holdover provisions of the Listing Agreement remain effective. 即使在暂停上市之后,《上市协议》的保留条款仍然有效。
Cancellation of Listing Agreement: This form is used to cancel an active Listing Agreement. 取消挂牌协议:此表用于取消有效的挂牌协议。
The form must be signed by the sellers, including the non-owner spouse, the salesperson, and the broker of record. 表格必须由卖方(包括非业主配偶)、销售人员和备案经纪人签字。
Even after the cancellation, the holdover provisions of the Listing Agreement remain effective. 即使在注销之后,《上市协议》中的保留条款仍然有效。
Assignment of Listing Agreement: This form is used when the Listing Agreement is transferred to another brokerage. 挂牌协议转让:此表格用于将挂牌协议转让给另一家经纪公司。
This form is typically used when the salesperson transfers his/her registration to a different brokerage and the seller permits him/her to assign the Listing Agreement to the new brokerage. 该表格通常用于销售人员将其注册转至另一家经纪公司,且卖方允许其将挂牌协议转让给新经纪公司的情况。
Completion of this form releases the first brokerage from its obligations under the Listing Agreement. 填写本表后,第一经纪商即解除其在《上市协议》项下的义务。
Only the broker of record or a manager at the listing brokerage is authorized to sign this form. 只有备案经纪人或挂牌经纪公司的经理才有权签署此表。
Amendments to the Buyer Representation Agreement 买方代表协议的修订
Additional forms may be used to change the terms, suspend, or terminate a Buyer Representation Agreement. 可使用其他表格更改、暂停或终止买方代表协议的条款。
With each form, the buyers’ signatures, as well as the brokerage’s signatures, are required to alter a Buyer Representation Agreement. 每份表格都需要买方和经纪公司的签名,以更改《买方代表协议》。
The date of commencement and date of expiry are included in each of the following forms. 以下每种表格中都包含了生效日期和失效日期。
Amendment to Buyer Representation Agreement: This form is used to alter the terms of the agreement. 买方代表协议修正案:此表格用于更改协议条款。
These terms may relate to additional services, property type, geographic location, the terms of remuneration, or to extend the expiry date of the agreement. 这些条款可能涉及附加服务、物业类型、地理位置、报酬条款或延长协议有效期。
Cancellation of the Buyer Representation Agreement: This form is used to terminate the Buyer Representation Agreement. 取消《买方代表协议》:此表格用于终止《买方代表协议》。
The form must be signed by the buyers and the broker of record of the brokerage. 该表格必须由买方和经纪公司的备案经纪人签字。
Completion of this form releases the brokerage of its obligations under the agreement. 填写本表后,经纪公司即解除其在协议中的义务。
Even after the cancellation, the holdover provisions of the Buyer Representation Agreement remain effective. 即使在取消后,《买方代表协议》的保留条款仍然有效。
Assignment of Buyer Representation Agreement: This form is used when the Buyer Representation Agreement is transferred to another brokerage. 买方代表协议转让:此表格用于将《买方代表协议》转让给另一家经纪公司。
This form is typically used when the salesperson transfers his/her registration to a different brokerage and the buyer permits him/her to assign the Buyer Representation Agreement to the new brokerage. 该表格通常用于销售人员将其注册转至另一家经纪公司,且买方允许他/她将买方代表协议转让给新经纪公司的情况。
Completion of this form releases the first brokerage from its obligations under the Buyer Representation Agreement. 填写本表后,第一经纪公司即解除其在《买方代表协议》项下的义务。
Only the broker of record or a manager at the buyer’s brokerage is authorized to sign this form. 只有备案经纪人或买方经纪公司的经理才有权签署此表。
MiniCram® 迷你克拉姆
Table of Contents 目录
3.1 Types of Residential Properties 3.1 住宅物业类型
Attached: These houses are connected using one or more shared (party) walls. The end unit has only one side attached. These houses are less expensive to build than others. 附属式:这些房屋通过一堵或多堵共用(共用)墙连接起来。末端单元只有一面相连。这类房屋的建造成本低于其他房屋。
Detached: This house is a single structure which is not connected to any other house and offers wide variety of architectural styles, more privacy, and more living space. 独立式:这种房屋是独立结构,不与任何其他房屋相连,建筑风格多样,私密性更强,居住空间更大。
Semi-Detached: These side by side houses have one common party wall which is attached to the next house. 半独立式:这些并排的房屋有一堵共同的墙,与下一栋房屋相连。
Linked: Two or more houses are attached below grade by a concrete wall, or their garages may be attached. 相连:两栋或多栋房屋在地面下通过混凝土墙相连,或者车库相连。
When the structures are connected below grade and not visible, the house may appear to be detached. 当房屋结构连接在地表以下且不显眼时,房屋可能看起来是独立的。
Townhouses: Three or more units are joined together by party walls. Every townhouse has a full basement, main living area and an upper level. 联排别墅:三个或三个以上的单元通过围墙连接在一起。每栋联排别墅都有一个完整的地下室、主要生活区和上层。
They are cost-effective for the developer who can create more houses in lesser land. 对于开发商来说,它们的成本效益很高,可以用更少的土地建造更多的房屋。
Townhouses can be freehold or can be a part of a condominium complex. 联排别墅可以是永久产权,也可以是共有公寓的一部分。
Multi-Unit Residential: There is more than one unit in a single building and are referred to as duplex, triplex, or fourplex. 多单元住宅:一栋建筑内有一个以上的单元,称为复式、三联式或四联式。
The units may be joined horizontally or vertically. The entrance may be separate for each unit or through a common vestibule. 这些单元可以横向或纵向连接。每个单元的入口可以是独立的,也可以通过一个共同的前庭。
Structural Styles 结构风格
Bungalow: The entire living space is on a single floor and is found in older neighbourhoods. There are no stairs in the living area. 平房:整个居住空间都在一层,多见于较老的社区。居住区内没有楼梯。
Bi-level/Split Entrance: This design effectively uses the lower basement areas, and the front door foyer is located between upper and lower levels. 双层/分层入口:这种设计有效利用了地下室下层区域,前门门厅位于上下两层之间。
The basement is raised above grade, which allows for larger windows and more sunlight. 地下室高于地面,因此可以安装更大的窗户,获得更多的阳光。
Ranch Style Bungalow: Similar to a bungalow, it has a low pitch roofline, irregular U-shape or L-shape layout and offers more living space than bungalow. 牧场式平房:与平房相似,屋顶坡度较低,采用不规则的 U 形或 L 形布局,居住空间比平房大。
Split Level: These 1970s and early 1980s designs offer minimum movements with lesser steps for each level. 分层式:这种 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代初的设计,每层的台阶较少,可提供最少的活动空间。
Side-split design has a layout from left to right whereas the backsplit design has layout from front to rear. 侧分式设计的布局是从左至右,而后分式设计的布局是从前至后。
There may be three or more levels of living area and up to a maximum of five levels. 居住区可分三层或更多层,最多可达五层。
One and Half Storey: This cost-effective design has about 60%60 \% of the total living area on the main floor and offers more square footage on similar lot area. 一层半:这种高性价比的设计,主楼层的居住面积约占总面积的 60%60 \% ,在类似的地块面积上提供了更多的面积。
It has a high-pitched roof, with some designs offering dormers. 它有一个高坡屋顶,有些设计还提供雨棚。
Two-Storey: The two-storey design is highly popular, which offers large variety in terms of exterior shape, roof design, and floor layout. 两层楼:两层楼设计非常流行,在外观形状、屋顶设计和楼层布局方面都有很大的不同。
The living area is equal on first and second floors. 一楼和二楼的居住面积相等。
Two-storey homes dominate the urban areas due to rising land costs. 由于土地成本上升,两层住宅在城市地区占主导地位。
Two-and-Half Storey: It is similar to the two-storey structure, but there is an additional half storey top floor with limited ceiling height. 两层半:与两层结构类似,但顶层增加了半层,天花板高度有限。
3.2 Ownership Rights and Limitations 3.2 所有权和限制
Types of Estates 遗产类型
An estate is an interest in land that includes various rights of ownership and tenancy. 遗产是对土地的权益,包括各种所有权和租赁权。
Fee Simple Estate (Freehold): This is the highest form of an estate and is also known as Absolute Right. 永久地权(Fee Simple Estate):这是不动产的最高形式,也称为绝对权利。
It provides maximum rights with minimum limitations. 它以最小的限制提供最大的权利。
The Bundle of Rights in Fee Simple include the right to use, sell, enter, possess, lease, or give away. 简单收费权包括使用权、出售权、进入权、占有权、租赁权或赠与权。
Leasehold Estate: This estate flows from some other larger estate, is smaller than that, and is for a definite period of time. 租赁地产:这种不动产源于其他一些较大的不动产,但比其他不动产小,而且有明确的期限。
The grantor is called the landlord (Lessor) and the grantee is called the tenant (Lessee). 设保人称为地主(出租人),受让人称为承租人(承租人)。
Government Limitations 政府限制
Right to Take (Expropriation): The right of the government to acquire private property for public use by paying fair compensation to the owner. 征用权(征用):政府通过向所有者支付合理补偿而获取私有财产用于公共用途的权利。
It is carried out by the government using the Right of Eminent Domain. 这是政府利用征用权实施的。
An expropriation order may reduce the value of the property. 征用令可能会降低财产的价值。
Right to Regulate (Police Power): The power of different levels of government to regulate division, development and use of land using various laws and by-laws. 监管权(警察权):各级政府利用各种法律和细则对土地的分割、开发和使用进行监管的权力。
The buyers should be informed about any regulations that may be considered material fact from buyer’s perspective. 买方应了解从买方角度来看可能被视为重要事实的任何规定。
Right to Levy Taxes: The ownership of property may be subject to taxes, such as Land Transfer Tax, Property Tax, etc. 征税权:财产所有权可能需要纳税,如土地转让税、财产税等。
Salespersons should understand taxation issues and disclose current taxes on the property as they are considered material facts. 销售人员应了解税收问题,并披露房产当前的税收情况,因为这被视为重要事实。
Private Limitations 私人限制
These private restrictions or Restrictive Covenants limit the use of property for a specific purpose and manner and are usually contained in the title/deed of property (Deed Restriction). 这些私人限制或限制性约定限制了财产的特定用途和使用方式,通常包含在财产所有权/契约(契约限制)中。
They run with land, stay with the property even when it is sold, and are transferred to subsequent buyers. 它们与土地一起运行,即使在出售时也会与房产一起保留,并转让给后来的买家。
Since they are not always apparent, salespersons should make enquiries, and disclose them to potential buyers as these are considered material facts. 由于这些事实并不总是显而易见,销售人员应进行查询,并向潜在买家披露,因为这些事实被视为重要事实。
Usually, the buyer’s lawyer will get information on restrictive covenants, and if the seller has complied with them, the buyer is not able to terminate the agreement. 通常,买方律师会了解限制性条款的信息,如果卖方遵守了这些条款,买方就不能终止协议。
Buyer’s lawyer may conduct a Title Search before a binding agreement so that the buyer may terminate the agreement if the restriction is unacceptable. 买方律师可在签订具有约束力的协议前进行产权调查,以便买方在无法接受限制条件时可终止协议。
Easement 地役权
An Easement is a right enjoyed by one landowner (Dominant Tenement) over the land of another (Servient Tenement). 地役权是一个土地所有者(支配地役权)对另一个土地所有者(从属地役权)所享有的权利。
It runs with land and is not terminated when the property is sold. 它与土地同在,不会因房产出售而终止。
Salespersons must verify and disclose the existence of any easement on the property and disclose it to the buyers as this may affect the future use of property. 销售人员必须核实并披露房产上是否存在任何地役权,并向买家披露,因为这可能会影响房产的未来用途。
Failure to disclose an easement, which is a material fact, may result in cancelled agreements or even possible legal actions. 未披露地役权这一重要事实可能会导致协议被取消,甚至可能导致法律诉讼。
Concurrent Ownership - Joint Tenancy 共同所有权 - 共同租赁
Concurrent ownership refers to simultaneous ownership of land/property by two or more persons. 同时拥有指两个或两个以上的人同时拥有土地/财产。
It is of two types - (i) Joint Tenancy, and (ii) Tenancy-in-Common. 它分为两种类型--(i) 共同共有,和 (ii) 共同共有。
Joint Tenancy: It is specifically created at the time of registration and must satisfy four unities (conditions): 共同租赁:它是在登记时专门设立的,必须满足四个统一性(条件):
Time - Each joint tenant gets ownership at the same time. 时间 - 每个共同承租人同时获得所有权。
Title - Each joint tenant gets ownership by same title (document such as deed or will). 所有权--每位共同承租人通过相同的所有权(契约或遗嘱等文件)获得所有权。
Interest - Each joint tenant has equal interest in the property, which must be identical in nature, extent, and duration. 权益--每位共同承租人对财产拥有同等权益,权益的性质、范围和期限必须相同。
Possession - Each joint tenant has undivided possession of the whole property. 占有权--每位共同承租人对整个房产拥有不可分割的占有权。
Joint Tenancy includes the Right of Survivorship, whereupon death of one joint tenant, the entire interest transfers to the surviving joint tenant(s). 共同承租包括生存权,即在一名共同承租人死亡后,全部权益转移给尚存的共同承租人。
Exception to the Right of Survivorship: If the joint tenancy of a matrimonial home is with someone other than the owner spouse, and the married person passes away, the joint tenancy with the other person is immediately terminated. 生存权的例外情况:如果夫妻共同共有房屋的所有人是配偶以外的其他人,而已婚者去世,则与另一人的共同共有关系立即终止。
In this case, the tenancy reverts to tenancy in common. 在这种情况下,租约恢复为共同租约。
This allows for the deceased person’s interest in property to revert to the surviving spouse. 这样,死者的财产权益就可以归还给未亡配偶。
Termination of Joint Tenancy: Termination of joint tenancy destroys the right of survivorship as the tenancy converts to tenancy in common. 共同共有的终止:共同共有的终止会破坏生存权,因为共有会转变为共同共有。
There are three methods to terminate joint tenancy: 有三种方法可以终止联合租赁:
Voluntarily: When the joint tenants mutually agree to terminate the joint tenancy. 自愿:共同租户双方同意终止共同租约。
Severance: When one of the joint tenants severs the joint tenancy by selling his/her interest to a third-party without the consent of other joint tenants. In this case, other joint tenants remain joint tenants but become tenants-in-common with the third party. 分割:共同承租人之一未经其他共同承租人同意,将其权益出售给第三方,从而解除共同承租关系。在这种情况下,其他共同承租人仍是共同承租人,但成为第三方的共同承租人。
Partition: When a court orders splitting the land held in joint tenancy. 分割:法院下令分割共同占有的土地。
Concurrent Ownership - Tenancy in Common 并存所有权--共有租赁
Tenancy-in-Common has only one unity of Possession whereby everyone holds undivided possession of property. 共有租赁只有一个占有权统一体,每个人都对财产拥有不可分割的占有权。
Tenants-in-Common may have different interests and may acquire them at different times or different ways. 共同承租人可能拥有不同的权益,并可能在不同时间或以不同方式获得这些权益。
The Right of Survivorship does not exist in Tenancy-in-Common. 共同共有中不存在生存权。
After death of a Tenant-in-Common, the interest of that person becomes an Estate of the Deceased. 共有承租人死亡后,其权益成为死者的遗产。
3.3 Ownership Alternatives 3.3 所有权替代方案
Condominiums 共管公寓
Condominiums (townhouses or apartments) may be Freehold or Leasehold depending on the land on which the building is built. 共管公寓(联排别墅或公寓)可以是永久产权或租赁产权,具体取决于建筑物所在的土地。
Ownership in a condominium involves Fee Simple ownership of a unit and tenancy-incommon ownership of the common elements such as hallways, elevators, playgrounds, etc. 共管公寓的所有权包括对单元的永久所有权和对走廊、电梯、操场等公用设施的共有所有权。
Some owners may have exclusive use rights for a part of the common elements such as a balcony or a porch attached to the unit. 有些业主可能对公用设施的一部分拥有专有使用权,如阳台或附属于单元的门廊。
Common Element Condominium (CEC): This condominium consists only of common elements such as roads, parking lots, etc. 公共要素共有公寓 (CEC):这种共管公寓只包括道路、停车场等公共部分。
There are no units in a CEC and each owner must hold a freehold interest in the land to which the common interest attaches. 共同共有权益没有单位,每位业主都必须持有共有权益所属土地的永久产权。
A Parcel of Tied Land (POTL) refers to the parcel of land upon which a house is constructed, and a common interest is attached to it. 捆绑地块(POTL)是指建有房屋并附带有共同利益的地块。
Maintenance Fee (Common Expenses): The monthly amount a unit owner pays to the corporation for maintenance of common elements. 维护费(公共支出):单位业主每月向公司支付的公用设施维护费。
It is based on the proportionate share of the unit as given in the Declaration. 它基于《宣言》中规定的单位比例份额。
The buyer will need to review the maintenance fee in order to see if it is within his/her budget. 买方需要查看维护费是否在其预算范围之内。
The mortgage lender will also consider this fee for qualification. 抵押贷款机构也会将这笔费用作为资格审查的依据。
Board of Directors: Directors are elected by unit owners to make, amend, and repeal rules and bylaws of the condominium. 董事会:董事由单元业主选举产生,负责制定、修改和废除公寓的规则和细则。
Unit owners must be provided with a copy of the rules and bylaws. 必须向单元业主提供一份规则和细则。
They can request a meeting within 30 days if they want to challenge any of the rules or bylaws. 如果他们想对任何规则或细则提出质疑,可在 30 天内要求召开会议。
Bylaws: Bylaws are standard procedures regarding internal operations and governance of the condominium corporation. 附则:附则是有关公寓公司内部运作和管理的标准程序。
They typically relate to election of directors, maintenance of common elements, collection of maintenance fees, and borrowing money. 它们通常涉及董事选举、公用部分的维护、维护费的收取和借款。
A copy of bylaws must be provided to unit owners who can request a meeting to challenge any of the bylaws. 必须向单元业主提供一份附则副本,业主可要求召开会议,对任何附则提出质疑。
Bylaws are not effective until a majority of unit owners vote in favour. 只有在大多数单元业主投票赞成后,附则才能生效。
A copy of bylaws must be registered in the Land Registry Office. 附则副本必须在土地登记处登记。
Rules: Rules are made by the board of directors for safety, security, and welfare of the unit owners. 规则:规则由董事会制定,旨在保障单元业主的安全和福利。
The buyer must be provided with a copy of these rules so that he/she knows what is permitted or prohibited in the condominium. 必须向购房者提供这些规则的副本,以便其了解公寓内允许或禁止的行为。
Equity Co-operatives 股份合作社
An Equity Co-operative is a form of joint ownership, managed by a board of directors, where members are shareholders having an occupancy agreement for a specific unit. 股份合作社是一种联合所有制形式,由董事会管理,成员是股东,拥有特定单位的占用协议。
The Co-operative Corporations Act does not regulate the day-to-day operations or bylaws of the co-operative. 《合作社公司法》并不规范合作社的日常运作或章程。
Management: The board of directors, elected by the members, sets the annual budget and rules or bylaws of the co-operative. 管理:董事会由成员选举产生,负责制定合作社的年度预算、规则或细则。
Monthly Fees: Members pay a monthly maintenance fee, which includes property taxes. 月费:会员每月支付维护费,其中包括物业税。
If a member defaults in payment of these fees, other members become liable for the share of defaulter member. 如果一名成员拖欠这些费用,其他成员将承担拖欠成员的份额。
Financing: Co-operatives were traditionally financed through a Blanket Mortgage, which may still be in place. 融资:合作社传统上通过一揽子抵押贷款进行融资,这种方式可能仍然存在。
In this case, the member would arrange his/her own secondary financing. 在这种情况下,成员将自行安排二次融资。
Some lenders may be reluctant to provide such financing unless the buyer’s down payment is significant. 一些贷款机构可能不愿意提供此类融资,除非买方的首付款数额较大。
Salespersons must advise the buyers about financing concerns, share certificates, occupancy agreements, and rules/bylaws. 销售人员必须就融资问题、股份证书、占用协议和规则/章程向购房者提供建议。
Buyers must be advised that no freehold ownership is involved in purchase of shares in a co-operative and approval of board of directors may be required for the purchase. 买家必须注意,购买合作社股份不涉及永久产权,可能需要获得董事会的批准。
Co-ownership 共同所有权
It is an alternative to Tenancy-in-Common ownership wherein two or more individuals purchase proportionate interest in a property as specified in the deed. 它是共有租赁所有权的一种替代方式,由两个或两个以上的个人按契约规定的比例购买房产权益。
The percentage interest may not be equally divided among co-owners. 共同所有人之间不得平分权益百分比。
A co-owner in a multi-unit co-ownership building in an urban area receives ownership by way of an occupancy agreement in addition to the deed. 城市地区多单元共有产权楼宇的共有人,除房契外,还通过入住协议获得所有权。
Salespersons must advise the buyers about joint liability of the Blanket Mortgage on the co-ownership building and that other co-owners may have the Right of First Refusal in case of sale. 销售人员必须告知购房者有关共同拥有建筑物的一揽子抵押的连带责任,以及其他共同拥有人在出售时可能拥有优先拒绝权。
Life Lease 终身租赁
The holder of a life lease, as a tenant, owns a leasehold interest in a property for his/her lifetime. 终身租约持有人作为承租人,终生拥有房产的租赁权益。
The appealing aspect of these communities is shared maintenance costs which results in more affordability. 这些社区吸引人的地方在于共同承担维护费用,从而使人们更能负担得起。
Management: The buyer usually purchases the right to occupy a unit from a sponsor, which may be non-profit or charitable housing provider. 管理:买方通常从赞助商那里购买单元的使用权,赞助商可以是非营利性或慈善性住房提供商。
Monthly Fees: A lumpsum deposit may be required in addition to the monthly maintenance fees for heating, electricals, snow removal, garbage, landscaping, building insurance, etc. 月租费:除每月的供暖、电力、除雪、垃圾、绿化、建筑保险等维护费用外,可能还需要一次性押金。
Salespersons must make the buyers aware that no freehold ownership is involved in a life lease community. 销售人员必须让购房者了解,终身租赁社区不涉及永久产权。
Land Lease 土地租赁
Involves leasing the land, which permits ownership of a home on the leased land without the added cost of purchasing land. 包括租赁土地,这样就可以在租赁的土地上拥有房屋,而无需支付购买土地的额外费用。
The price of the leased parcel of land is based on location, lot size, and view (e.g., lake view). 租赁地块的价格取决于位置、地块大小和景观(如湖景)。
The land lease is typically for a period ranging from 20 to 99 years and the structure may be a mobile home (in a mobile home park) or a manufactured home. 土地租赁期限一般为 20 至 99 年,房屋结构可以是活动房屋(在活动房屋公园内)或人造房屋。
Land Leases, which are occupied only seasonally or for vacationing, are not governed under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). 仅季节性占用或用于度假的土地租赁不受《住宅租赁法》(RTA)的管辖。
Monthly Fees: Tenants pay a monthly fee in addition to the cost of land lease. 月租费:租户除支付土地租赁费用外,还需支付月租费。
These fees are charged by landlord for maintenance of grounds, buildings, and equipment, which are for common use. 这些费用由房东收取,用于维护场地、建筑和设备,供大家共同使用。
Sellers: The owner of a dwelling unit has the right to sell or lease the structure only without approval of the landlord. 卖方:居住单元的所有者有权在未经房东批准的情况下出售或出租房屋。
However, they may be able to place the ‘For Sale’ sign only on their window. 不过,他们也许可以只在自己的窗户上贴上 "待售 "标志。
Buyers: Buyers must be aware that there is no standard lease agreement and they should make their offer conditional upon review of the lease by their own lawyer. 买家:购房者必须了解,没有标准的租赁协议,他们应在自己的律师对租赁协议进行审查后再出价。
Furthermore, financing for the purchase may be difficult to obtain as there is no ownership of land. 此外,由于没有土地所有权,可能很难获得购买资金。
Landlord’s Right of First Refusal: If the land lease agreement includes this provision, the seller must give the landlord 72 hours’ notice when he/she receives an acceptable agreement. 业主的优先拒绝权:如果土地租赁协议中包含这一条款,卖方在收到可接受的协议后,必须在 72 小时前通知房东。
The owner may sell to the buyer only when the landlord refuses to buy on the same terms and conditions as in the agreement. 只有当业主拒绝按照协议中的相同条款和条件购买时,业主才可将房屋出售给买方。
3.4 Land Use Planning 3.4 土地利用规划
The Planning Act 规划法
The provincial Planning Act provides statutory framework for orderly division, development and use of land. 《省规划法》为土地的有序分割、开发和使用提供了法定框架。
It authorizes and gives administrative control of land use planning to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing who issues the Provincial Policy Statements. 它授权市政事务和住房部部长对土地使用规划进行行政控制,并由其发布省级政策声明。
The Minister, municipalities, local planning boards, and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be consistent with the Provincial Interests when carrying out their responsibilities under the Act. 部长、市政当局、地方规划委员会和地方规划上诉法庭在履行本法规定的职责时,必须与省级利益保持一致。
The Provincial Policy Statements address planning matters of public interest such as municipal planning, housing, mineral aggregate, flood plains, and wetlands. 省级政策声明涉及公共利益的规划事项,如市政规划、住房、矿产集料、洪泛平原和湿地。
The Planning Act enables municipalities to carry out planning programs for their respective needs and as per their responsibilities set out in the Municipal Act. 规划法》使市政当局能够根据各自的需要和《市政当局法》规定的职责实施规划方案。
Real Estate Transactions: Salespersons must be aware how their trading activities may be affected by the Planning Act. 房地产交易:销售人员必须意识到他们的交易活动可能会受到《规划法》的影响。
They may be involved in transactions where the buyer needs land severance, subdivisions, or a land use application. 他们可能会参与买方需要土地分割、细分或土地使用申请的交易。
Certain buyers may also need change of Zoning or change in the Official Plan. 某些买家可能还需要更改分区或官方规划。
These buyers should be direct to land use planners for legally complex matters. 这些买家应直接向土地使用规划师咨询法律上复杂的问题。
Municipalities 市政当局
Upper Tier (Regional): The responsibilities of these regional/county/district include preparation, adoption, and revision of the Official Plan, and the process of dividing and developing land. 上层(区域):这些地区/县/区的职责包括官方规划的编制、通过和修订,以及土地的划分和开发过程。
Lower Tier (Township): They prepare, adopt, and revise the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaws. 下层(乡镇):他们负责编制、通过和修订官方规划和分区细则。
Single Tier. They assumes all responsibilities under the Municipal Act. 单一层级。它们承担《市政法案》规定的所有责任。
Some examples are City of Toronto, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Greater Sudbury, Timmins, Windsor, London, Chatham-Kent, etc. 例如多伦多市、渥太华、苏圣玛丽、桑德贝、大萨德伯里、蒂明斯、温莎、伦敦、查塔姆-肯特等。
Relationship: The lower and upper tier municipalities usually co-ordinate with each other for matters such as water supply, sewage systems, roads, etc. 关系:下级和上级市政当局通常在供水、污水处理系统、道路等事务上相互协调。
Salesperson’s Role: If a buyer needs certain approvals for development or change in use, the salesperson should direct the buyers to appropriate municipality. 销售人员的职责:如果买方在开发或改变用途时需要获得某些批准,销售人员应引导买方到相关的市政当局办理手续。
Impact on Listing and Selling 对上市和销售的影响
Placement of Signs: Different municipalities may have different sign bylaws related to placement of signs. 标志的放置:不同的城市可能会有不同的标志设置细则。
These regulations include size of the sign, its location, and its distance from the curb, intersections, pedestrians, and cyclists. 这些规定包括标志的大小、位置、与路边、十字路口、行人和骑自行车者的距离。
For salespersons, there are usually regulations for the ‘For Sale’ and ‘Open House’ signs. 对于销售人员来说,"待售 "和 "开放日 "标志通常都有相关规定。
Salespersons must be aware how long the sign can remain on the property after it is sold. 销售人员必须清楚,在房产售出后,标牌可以在房产上保留多长时间。
Flood Control: Many municipalities designate areas that are prone to flooding as ‘flood plains’. 防洪:许多城市都将易受洪水侵袭的地区划为 "洪泛区"。
They prohibit or restrict placement of structures in these areas. 这些规定禁止或限制在这些区域修建建筑物。
Salespersons should check if the subject property is in a flood plain, advise the buyers, and insert an appropriate clause in the agreement. 销售人员应检查标的物业是否位于洪泛平原,告知买方,并在协议中加入适当的条款。
Noise Standards: Some municipalities may have areas that are close to a source of noise such as an airport, traffic, railways, commercial activities, etc. 噪音标准:有些城市可能会有一些靠近噪音源的区域,如机场、交通、铁路、商业活动等。
There may be vibrations due to a nearby industrial operation. 附近的工业生产可能会产生振动。
A clause should be inserted in the agreement to acknowledge that the buyer is aware of these disturbances. 应在协议中加入一项条款,确认买方知道这些干扰。
The Land Severance Process 土地分割程序
Authority: Approval of Land Severance is required when an owner wants to divide his/her land into two or three parcels. 权限:当业主希望将其土地分割成两块或三块时,需要获得土地分割批准。
This also applies when a landowner wants to add a part of property to their existing lot. 这也适用于土地所有者想在现有地块上增加一部分房产的情况。
The approval authority is the local Committee of Adjustment or the Land Division Committee. 审批机构是当地的调整委员会或土地分割委员会。
Consultation: The landowner consults the municipal staff to identify the authority and its jurisdiction which grants consent or approval. 咨询:土地所有者咨询市政工作人员,以确定给予同意或批准的机构及其管辖权。
Application: The consent application includes details such as description of the property, a sketch showing dimensions of land being severed and retained, use of adjoining land, etc. 申请:同意申请书包括详细内容,如房产描述、显示分割和保留土地尺寸的草图、毗邻土地的用途等。
Review: The application must meet the criteria such as conformity with the Official Plan, zoning bylaws, and several other factors. 审查:申请必须符合标准,如符合官方规划、分区细则和其他一些因素。
Decision: The approval body has the authority to approve, refuse, or grant conditional consent. 决定:审批机构有权批准、拒绝或有条件同意。
Consent Certificate: When the consent is approved, or the conditions are fulfilled, a deed for the newly created lot is stamped with the consent of the municipality and is registered in the Land Registry Office. 同意证书:当同意书获得批准或条件得到满足时,新建地块的地契上将加盖市政当局同意书的印章,并在土地登记处进行登记。
Salesperson’s Role: Salespersons should be aware that the Agreement of Purchase and Sale is automatically conditional upon compliance with the Planning Act. 销售人员的作用:销售人员应了解,买卖合同自动以遵守《规划法》为条件。
However, a seller and a buyer can have an agreement conditional upon severance, which must be completed before the closing date. 不过,卖方和买方可以签订以解约为条件的协议,但解约必须在过户日期前完成。
Plan of Subdivision Process 分区规划程序
Authority: A two-stage Subdivision Plan registration is required when a landowner wants to divide land into several lots, usually more than two. 权限:当土地所有者希望将土地划分为多个地块(通常是两个以上)时,需要进行两阶段的分区规划登记。
Typically, the upper-tier municipality (regional municipality) or the council of a city is the approval authority. 通常情况下,上级市政当局(地区市政当局)或市议会是审批机构。
Draft Plan: The developer prepares the draft plan in consultation with engineers, solicitors, surveyors, and planning consultants. 规划草案:开发商与工程师、律师、测量师和规划顾问协商编制规划草案。
Application: The developer completes application forms to provide required information to the approval authority. 申请:开发商填写申请表,向审批机构提供所需信息。
Notices and Public Meetings: The approval authority sends notices to adjoining landowners and also holds public meetings. 通知和公开会议:审批机构向毗邻土地所有者发出通知,并召开公众会议。
Decision: When approved, a notice giving the details of the subdivision is sent to the applicant, owners of neighbouring land, and is published in local newspapers. 决定:在获得批准后,将向申请人和邻近土地的所有者发送通知,并在当地报纸上公布分户详情。
Appeal: If the application is refused, the developer may file an appeal with the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT). 上诉:如果申请被拒,开发商可向地方规划上诉法庭 (LPAT) 提起上诉。
Final Plan Approval: After approval of the Draft Plan, when all conditions are fulfilled, the approval authority issues the final plan approval, which is registered in the Land Registry Office. 最终计划审批:计划草案批准后,当所有条件都得到满足时,审批机构会签发最终计划批准书,并在土地登记处进行登记。
Salesperson’s Role: Salespersons have little or no involvement in the subdivision process. 销售人员的作用:销售人员很少或根本不参与分房过程。
However, they should be aware of the subdivision process and direct their buyers to appropriate land planning consultants. 不过,他们应了解分房程序,并引导买家咨询适当的土地规划顾问。
3.5 Official Plans and Zoning 3.5 官方规划和分区
Official Plan 官方计划
The Official Plan for a municipality addresses issues such as location of housing, industry, offices, shopping centres, schools, roads, water/sewage systems, parks, and schools. 一个城市的官方规划涉及住房、工业、办公楼、购物中心、学校、道路、供水/排污系统、公园和学校的选址等问题。
It is prepared for a long range of 5 to 10 years, is approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and must be reviewed every 5 years. 它是为 5 至 10 年的长远规划而编制的,由市政事务和住房部批准,必须每 5 年审查一次。
Salespersons should advise their buyer clients to contact local municipality if they require a change to the Official Plan for their future development. 销售人员应建议其买方客户,如果需要对其未来开发项目的官方规划进行修改,请联系当地市政府。
Zoning Bylaws 分区细则
Zoning bylaws are enacted by municipalities to implement the Official Plan and control building structural standards such as permitted uses, lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights, and minimum setbacks from the street (front, rear and side yards). 分区细则由市政当局颁布,旨在实施官方规划并控制建筑结构标准,如允许用途、地块大小和尺寸、停车要求、建筑高度以及街道最小后退距离(前院、后院和侧院)。
Zones are divided into classifications such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, open space, agricultural, etc. 区划分为住宅区、商业区、工业区、机构区、空地区、农业区等。
Zone classifications may have subclassifications such as single family, multi-family, etc. Some examples of zoning designations are - 分区分类可能有单户家庭、多户家庭等子分类。分区指定的一些例子如下
Residential Detached: R1 for single-family, with variations from R2 to R5 depending on urban densities. 独立式住宅:单户住宅为 R1,根据城市密度的不同,有 R2 到 R5 的变化。
Semi-detached: RS1 for residential single-family semi-detached dwelling. 半独立式:RS1 为半独立式单户住宅。
Multiple Units: RM, with variations such as RM2 and RM3, depending on urban densities. 多单元:RM,根据城市密度的不同,有 RM2 和 RM3 等变体。
Rural Residential: RR1 for non-farm dwellings within rural areas and RR2 for nonfarm dwellings outside rural areas. 农村住宅区:农村地区内的非农住宅为 RR1,农村地区外的非农住宅为 RR2。
Committee of Adjustment 调整委员会
When certain use of property by the owner or a buyer is not permitted in the existing zoning bylaws, the owner/buyer may make an application to the local Committee of Adjustment or to the Land Division Committee for a change of use. 当现行分区细则不允许业主或买方将房产用于某些用途时,业主/买方可向当地调整委员会或土地分割委员会申请改变用途。
The Committee of Adjustment is appointed by the lower-tier municipality whereas the Land Division Committee is appointed by the upper-tier municipality. 调整委员会由下级市政府任命,而土地分割委员会则由上级市政府任命。
Zoning Amendment & Minor Variance 分区修正案和小范围变更
An Amendment to Zoning (Rezoning), which is usually a major change, may be required if a development does not conform to existing zoning bylaw. 如果开发项目不符合现有的分区附则,可能需要对分区进行修正(重新划分),这通常是一项重大变更。
However, if a municipality has passed a new comprehensive zoning bylaw within the past 2 years, a rezoning application may not be accepted. 但是,如果市政府在过去两年内通过了新的综合分区附则,则可能不接受重新分区申请。
A Minor variance is a slight or insignificant modification in the zoning that concerns a particular property. 小变异是指对某一特定房产的分区进行轻微或不重要的修改。
A minor variance is permitted if it is consistent with general intent and purpose of the zoning bylaw as well as the Official Plan. 如果符合分区附则以及官方规划的总体意图和目的,则可允许轻微变异。
Non-conforming Use 不符合规定的用途
Legal Non-Conforming Use: A specific use of a property, which existed before the passage of a zoning bylaw, is not in compliance with the new bylaw, but is permitted. 不符合法律规定的用途:在分区附则通过之前就已存在的房产特定用途,不符合新附则的规定,但却是允许的。
In some cases, a particular use of a property may be permitted even though it does not comply with the current zoning bylaw. 在某些情况下,即使不符合现行分区附则的规定,也可以允许对房产进行特定的使用。
This usually happens when the municipalities review their zoning and change them according to changes in community needs. 这通常发生在市政当局审查其分区并根据社区需求的变化进行修改时。
The owner may apply to the local Committee of Adjustment for approval of continuation of Non-conforming Use, and when approved the use becomes a Legal Non-conforming Use. 业主可向当地调整委员会申请批准继续使用不符合规定的用途,一旦获得批准,该用途即成为合法的不符合规定的用途。
Continuous Use: If there is an interruption in the non-conforming use, the right to continue the non-conforming use is lost as the new use must conform to the current zoning bylaws. 连续使用:如果不符合规定的使用中断,则失去继续不符合规定的使用的权利,因为新的使用必须符合当前的分区细则。
3.6 Heritage Properties 3.6 文物
Heritage Designation 遗产指定
Municipalities, under the Ontario Heritage Act, may designate certain properties (residential or commercial) as Heritage Property due to their cultural heritage value. 根据《安大略省遗产法》,市政府可将某些具有文化遗产价值的物业(住宅或商业物业)指定为遗产物业。
All such properties, and those within a Municipal Heritage District, are listed in the Municipal Heritage Register. 所有这些遗产以及市政遗产区内的遗产都被列入市政遗产登记册。
Designation of a property as Heritage Property may deprive the owners of their natural rights on the property. 指定一处房产为遗产可能会剥夺业主对该房产的自然权利。
Heritage Conservation District: If an area within a municipality is designated as Heritage Conservation District, future changes to the area must follow certain guidelines to protect its heritage character. 遗产保护区:如果市内的某个区域被指定为遗产保护区,则该区域未来的变化必须遵循某些准则,以保护其遗产特征。
Municipalities may also place restrictions on land adjacent to properties designated as Heritage Property. 市政当局也可对毗邻被指定为遗产财产的土地设置限制。
Heritage Designation Process 遗产指定程序
Municipal Heritage Committee: Potential properties are identified by the Municipal Heritage Committee by researching all relevant information. 市政遗产委员会:市遗产委员会通过研究所有相关信息确定潜在遗产。
Ontario Heritage Trust: An agency of the Ministry of Culture to protect and promote Ontario’s heritage. 安大略遗产信托基金:安大略遗产信托基金:文化部的一个机构,旨在保护和促进安大略省的遗产。
Once a property is identified, the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust are notified. 一旦确定一处房产,就会通知房产所有者和安大略遗产信托基金。
The Trust provides aid for restoration and protection of heritage properties. 该信托基金为修复和保护遗产财产提供援助。
The identified property need not have a building on it, even empty land may have archeological heritage significance. 已确定的财产不一定要有建筑物,即使是空地也可能具有考古遗产的意义。
Conservation Review Board: This board conducts hearings regarding objections to heritage designation and makes recommendations regarding heritage matters. 保护审查委员会:该委员会就遗产指定的反对意见举行听证会,并就遗产事项提出建议。
The owner who has received ‘Notice of Intention to Designate’ can appeal the decision within 30 days of the notice. 收到 "指定意向通知 "的业主可在通知发出后 30 天内对决定提出上诉。
Once a final decision is made, a bylaw is passed and registered on the title of the property. 一旦做出最终决定,就会通过一项附则,并在财产所有权上进行登记。
Considerations for Buyers 买方注意事项
Salespersons may request local municipality for a list of designated heritage properties and Heritage Conservation Districts where properties may be designated in future. 销售人员可要求当地市政府提供指定遗产和遗产保护区的清单,这些遗产和保护区将来可能会被指定为遗产。
The Municipal Register of Heritage Properties may be consulted to verify if a property has been designated as Heritage Property. 如需核实某处房产是否已被指定为遗产,可查阅《市政遗产登记册》。
This designation may affect intended uses for the property and the owner may not be able to make internal or external changes to the building without permission. 这种指定可能会影响房产的预期用途,未经许可,业主可能无法对建筑物的内部或外部进行改动。
Impact on Value: Some buyers may think that heritage designation has negative or positive impact on value, which may not be true. 对价值的影响:有些买家可能会认为遗产指定对价值有负面或正面影响,但事实可能并非如此。
Insurance: Due to the age of the heritage properties, some insurers may increase the insurance premiums on such properties. 保险:由于历史遗产的年代久远,一些保险公司可能会提高此类遗产的保险费。
The insurer may look for risk associated with dated electrical wiring, older heating systems, and general condition of the property. 保险人可能会考虑与过时的电线、老旧的供暖系统和房产的总体状况有关的风险。
Salesperson's Obligations 销售人员的义务
An appropriate Disclosure clause must be inserted in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 必须在买卖合同中加入适当的披露条款。
Salespersons should make the buyers aware of the following - 销售人员应让购房者注意以下几点
Alterations: Property cannot be altered if the alteration is likely to affect the heritage designation. 改建:如果改建可能会影响遗产指定,则不得对财产进行改建。
Written Consent: Alterations are only permitted if the owner gets approval from the municipality. 书面同意:只有在获得市政当局批准后,业主才可进行改建。
Demolition: Demolition of a heritage property should also be approved in writing by the municipality. 拆除:拆除遗产也应得到市政府的书面批准。
Heritage Easements and Tax Relief 遗产地役权和税收减免
Municipalities may enter into Heritage Easement with owners to ensure that properties are protected for a long term. 市政当局可与业主签订遗产地役权协议,以确保财产得到长期保护。
Owners of such eligible properties may be eligible for the Heritage Property Tax Relief program. 这些符合条件的房产的所有者可以享受遗产房产税减免计划。
4.1 Best Interests of the Seller 4.1 卖方的最佳利益
Understanding Seller Needs 了解卖方需求
The salesperson must ask specific questions to the seller to determine their needs and wants as well as their motivations for selling the property. 销售人员必须向卖方提出具体问题,以确定他们的需求和愿望以及出售房产的动机。
All answers provided by the seller should be documented and verified from source documents. 卖方提供的所有答案都应记录在案,并根据原始文件进行核实。
Some examples of questions include the seller’s plans to sell the property, the listing price in their mind, the minimum price they are expecting, the time period, improvements done on the property, any current issues with the property, etc. 问题的例子包括卖方出售房产的计划、他们心目中的挂牌价、他们期望的最低价格、时间段、房产已做的改进、房产目前存在的任何问题等。
Demographical information provided by CMHC, GeowareHouse®, and local real estate boards may help determine the needs and wants of the seller. 由 CMHC、GeowareHouse® 和当地房地产委员会提供的人口统计信息可能有助于确定卖方的需求和愿望。
The economic, political, social, and other events in the neighbourhood are also important considerations for the seller. 附近的经济、政治、社会和其他事件也是卖方的重要考虑因素。
New developments in the community, changes to the local Official Plan, construction of new schools, parks, or shopping centres may influence the seller’s decision. 社区的新发展、当地官方规划的变化、新学校、公园或购物中心的建设都可能影响卖方的决定。
Some sellers might want to wait if they are provided information about new developments that might affect the value of their property. 如果卖家获得了可能影响其房产价值的新开发项目的信息,他们可能会想再等等。
Material Facts for the Seller 卖方的重要事实
Seller’s responses to the questions would help the salesperson determine what they consider as material facts regarding the transaction. 卖方对问题的回答将有助于销售人员确定他们认为哪些是与交易有关的重要事实。
In general, a material fact would be anything that may have happened or is happening in the property and the area, the intended use of the property, or anything that may affect the seller’s decision to sell the property. 一般来说,重要事实是指房产和该地区可能发生或正在发生的任何事情、房产的预期用途或可能影响卖方出售房产决定的任何事情。
Anything that affects the property value, the listing price, or any condition in the offer may also be considered material facts for a seller client. 对于卖方客户来说,任何影响房产价值、挂牌价格或报价中的任何条件都可能被视为重要事实。
Specific and Personal: Material facts for a particular client are subjective and personal, and what was a material fact for a previous client may not be important for this client. 具体和个性化:对特定客户而言,重要事实是主观的、个人的,对以前的客户而言是重要事实,对现在的客户而言可能并不重要。
Disclosures 披露
Salespersons have an obligation to take reasonable steps to determine and disclose material facts to both clients and customers, with higher level of obligations owed to clients. 销售人员有义务采取合理措施,确定并向客户和顾客披露重要事实,并对客户承担更高的义务。
Any material fact may impact the property value and/or the listing price and the seller client may be advised to seek professional third-party advice. 任何重要事实都可能影响房产价值和/或挂牌价格,建议卖方客户寻求第三方专业意见。
When the seller is a customer, the salesperson must disclose any material facts that are ‘known or ought to be known’. 当卖方是客户时,销售人员必须披露任何 "已知或应当知道 "的重要事实。
The requirement of disclosing material facts supersedes seller client instructions or directions of non-disclosure. 披露重要事实的要求优先于卖方客户的指示或不披露指示。
Due Diligence 尽职调查
Seller’s material facts should be determined based on their response to specific questions with respect to the transaction. 卖方的重要事实应根据其对有关交易的具体问题的回答来确定。
The seller must be informed about importance of disclosures regarding material facts related to the condition of the property. 必须告知卖方披露与房产状况相关的重要事实的重要性。
Certain material facts such as a previous illegal activity on the property, grow operation, a crime on the property, or a previous grow operation must be disclosed by the seller. 卖方必须披露某些重要事实,如房产上以前的非法活动、种植经营、房产上的犯罪或以前的种植经营。
If any issue creates a stigma, such as a haunted house, it must be disclosed to potential buyers. 如果任何问题会造成污名,例如闹鬼的房子,就必须向潜在买家披露。
Information provided by the seller such as property tax, lot size, square footage, etc. must be verified from original source documents such as a deed or a survey. 卖方提供的信息,如房产税、地块面积、平方英尺等,必须根据原始文件(如地契或调查表)进行核实。
Any renovations must have been done with appropriate building permits from the municipality. 任何翻新工程都必须获得市政府颁发的相应建筑许可证。
Protecting Seller's Best Interests 保护卖方的最佳利益
Salespersons owe different levels of service to clients and customers with additional disclosure requirements. 销售人员对客户和顾客的服务水平不同,需要额外披露信息。
Seller client’s best interests must be protected and promoted and should be kept above salesperson’s personal interests. 必须保护和促进卖方客户的最大利益,并将其置于销售人员的个人利益之上。
The property should be inspected during listing process and the seller should be asked to disclose all known latent defects and material latent defects. 在挂牌过程中应对房产进行检查,并要求卖方披露所有已知的潜在缺陷和重大潜在缺陷。
All information provided by the seller should be documented. 卖方提供的所有信息都应记录在案。
The seller should be provided full explanation of forms and agreements, and copies of documents and agreements must be provided as per Regulations. 应向卖方全面解释各种表格和协议,并按照规定提供文件和协议的副本。
Personal, confidential, and motivational information of the seller client must not be disclosed to third parties. 不得向第三方披露卖方客户的个人信息、保密信息和动机信息。
If the seller is a non-resident or the property is an investment property, the seller must be informed about his Capital Gains Tax obligations and should seek advice from tax accountants. 如果卖方为非居民或房产为投资性房产,卖方必须了解其资本收益税义务,并应向税务会计师咨询。
The seller must be informed about his HST obligations regarding remuneration and other legal services. 卖方必须了解其在报酬和其他法律服务方面的 HST 义务。
Defects in a Property 物业缺陷
Patent Defect: A patent defect is that which is readily visible upon reasonable inspection. 专利缺陷:专利缺陷是指经合理检查即可看到的缺陷。
Examples include a missing railing, cracks in foundation wall, evidence of mould, etc. 例如栏杆缺失、地基墙裂缝、发霉迹象等。
A disclosure is not required for patent defects. 专利缺陷无需披露。
Latent Defect: A latent defect is that which is not readily visible to an untrained eye upon reasonable inspection. 潜在缺陷:隐性缺陷是指未经训练的肉眼在合理检查后不易察觉的缺陷。
This includes hidden flaws, weaknesses, or imperfections and advice from a thirdparty professional may be required. 这包括隐藏的缺陷、弱点或瑕疵,可能需要第三方专业人士的建议。
Examples include hidden water damage, encroachment, vermiculite insulation, minor flooding in basement, etc. 例如隐蔽的水渍、侵占、蛭石隔热层、地下室轻微水浸等。
Material Latent Defect: Material latent defects pose serious risks, which can render the property unsafe for habitation. 重大隐患:材料潜在缺陷会带来严重风险,导致房产无法安全居住。
Examples include things that make the property dangerous for living (such as high levels of radon gas), unfit for habitation due to mould, or a previous grow operation that involves municipal authorities. 例如,使房产对居住有危险(如氡气含量过高)、因发霉而不适合居住,或以前的种植经营涉及市政当局。
They are judged material to the enjoyment of the property and the seller must disclose all such known material latent defects. 这些缺陷被判定为对享受房产具有重要影响,卖方必须披露所有此类已知的重要潜在缺陷。
4.2 Best Interests of Buyer 4.2 买方的最佳利益
Understanding Buyer Needs 了解买家需求
Salespersons must ask specific questions to determine buyer’s needs and wants, motivations, and the type of property they are looking for. 销售人员必须提出具体问题,以确定买家的需求和愿望、动机以及他们正在寻找的房产类型。
The response from the buyers would help the salesperson in locating the right property for the buyer. 购房者的反应将有助于销售人员为购房者找到合适的房产。
Some questions include the type of property, location, price range, house style, need for financing, etc. 一些问题包括房产类型、位置、价格范围、房屋风格、融资需求等。
Specific questions may include number of bedrooms, bathrooms, family room, formal dining room, garage, proximity to schools, medical services, public transit, etc. 具体问题可能包括卧室数量、浴室、家庭室、正式餐厅、车库、学校附近、医疗服务、公共交通等。
Buyer must be qualified in terms of financing, their financing needs, and whether they are pre-approved by a lender or not. 买家必须具备融资资格、融资需求以及是否获得贷款机构的预先批准。
After qualification, the salesperson would locate those properties that meet buyer’s search criteria. 经过资格审查后,销售人员会找到符合买家搜索标准的房产。
The buyer may be asked to refine their needs or rethink since real estate is life’s biggest decision for a buyer. 买方可能会被要求完善他们的需求或重新考虑,因为房地产对买方来说是人生中最大的决定。
Buyers and Technology 买家与技术
Search on the internet has become popular with buyers using websites such as®,, etc. 使用®、 等网站在互联网上搜索已成为购房者的热门选择。
Buyers may be interested in using the brokerage’s website or salesperson’s personal website, and they may be informing the salesperson about the properties they would like to view. 买家可能对使用经纪公司网站或销售人员的个人网站感兴趣,他们可能会告知销售人员他们想看的房产。
Salespersons and brokerages now use advanced technologies such as QRQ R Codes to provide information on listed properties. 销售人员和经纪公司现在使用 QRQ R 代码等先进技术来提供上市房产信息。
Demographics and the Buyer 人口统计与买家
The buyer’s choice of property depends on their lifestyle, age group, socio-economic status, and cultural background. 购房者对房产的选择取决于他们的生活方式、年龄段、社会经济地位和文化背景。
The choice of a retired person or aged couple would be entirely different than a younger couple. 退休人员或老年夫妇与年轻夫妇的选择完全不同。
The salesperson must be aware of new innovative home construction technologies. 销售人员必须了解新的创新住宅建筑技术。
Ethnic and cultural origins, as well as settlement patterns, can also influence purchase decisions. 种族和文化渊源以及定居模式也会影响购买决策。
Social trends such as changing needs due to passing of time (aging), economic conditions (downgrading or upgrading), and housing preferences also influence buying decisions. 社会趋势,如时间流逝(老龄化)、经济条件(降级或升级)和住房偏好导致的需求变化,也会影响购买决策。
Material Facts for the Buyer 买方的重要事实
Salespersons must make reasonable efforts to determine materials facts that might affect the buyer’s purchase decision. 销售人员必须做出合理努力,确定可能影响买方购买决定的材料事实。
Information gathered from the seller or previous listings should be researched for verification before it is provided to the buyer. 在向买方提供从卖方或以前的房源中收集到的信息之前,应对其进行调查核实。
If the buyer is a customer, the information that is ‘known or ought to be known’ must be disclosed as soon as possible and the buyer customer should be advised to obtain thirdparty advice. 如果买方是客户,则必须尽快披露 "已知或应 知 "的信息,并建议买方客户获取第三方建议。
Material facts known to the salesperson must be disclosed whether the buyer is a client or a customer. 无论买方是客户还是顾客,都必须披露销售人员知晓的重要事实。
Due Diligence to Protect Buyer's Best Interests 保护买方最佳利益的尽职调查
The buyer should be informed about all properties that meet his/her search criteria and relevant material facts must be disclosed. 买方应被告知符合其搜索标准的所有房产,且必须披露相关重要事实。
The salesperson should accurately prepare the offer for the buyer including all necessary clauses and conditions so that the buyer does not end up in an undesirable position. 销售人员应准确地为买方准备报价,包括所有必要的条款和条件,以免买方最终陷入不利境地。
The buyer should be assisted in the negotiation process so as to obtain the lowest possible price. 买方应在谈判过程中得到协助,以获得尽可能低的价格。
If anything is beyond the skills and judgement of the salesperson, the buyer should be referred to third-party professionals such as a home inspector, an accountant, or a lawyer. 如果任何事情超出了销售人员的技能和判断范围,则应将买方介绍给第三方专业人士,如房屋检查员、会计师或律师。
The salesperson must assist the buyer in reviewing reports or other documentation received from the seller. 销售人员必须协助买方审查从卖方收到的报告或其他文件。
Tax Liabilities 税务负债
The buyer should be advised to consult a tax accountant for all taxation matters. 建议买方就所有税务事宜咨询税务会计师。
HST: The buyer may be liable to pay HST if the subject property is commercial, a fully renovated home, or a new home. HST:如果标的房产是商业房产、全装修房屋或新房,买家可能需要支付 HST。
HST would also be payable on services such as legal fees and moving costs. 法律费用和搬家费用等服务也需要缴纳 HST。
Non-Residents: The buyer needs to be aware of Capital Gains Tax liability if the seller is a non-resident and leaves the country without paying tax. 非居民:如果卖方为非居民,且未纳税就离开该国,则买方需要注意资本收益税责任。
Usually, the buyer’s lawyer would check this aspect of the transaction. 通常情况下,买方的律师会检查交易的这一方面。
In case the buyer is a non-resident and buys a property in Greater Golden Horseshoe area, the Foreign Buyers Tax would be payable. 如果买方为非居民,并在大金马蹄地区购买房产,则需缴纳外国买家税。
4.3 Negotiation Strategies 4.3 谈判策略
Sellers' Market 卖方市场
The number of buyers wishing to purchase exceeds the number or sellers (listings). 希望购买的买家数量超过卖家(房源)数量。
Properties sell in less time, prices rise due to excess of buyers, and the situation may lead to multiple/competing offers. 房产在更短的时间内售出,价格因买家过多而上涨,这种情况可能会导致多重/竞争性出价。
Buyers have less time to view the property and may have to make a hurried decision. 买家看房的时间更少,可能不得不匆忙做出决定。
Buyers' Market 买方市场
The number of properties available for sale (listings) exceeds the number of buyers. 可供出售的房产(房源)数量超过买家数量。
Due to fewer number of buyers, the listing period may need to be extended. 由于买家数量较少,挂牌期可能需要延长。
Buyers may view the property many times and may take long time to purchase, usually with more conditions in the offer. 买家可能会多次看房,可能需要很长时间才能购买,通常会在报价中附加更多条件。
Balanced Market 平衡市场
The number of sellers (listings) is sufficient for the number of buyers wishing to purchase. 卖家(房源)数量足以满足希望购买的买家数量。
The supply (listings) and demand (buyers) forces are more or less balanced. 供应(房源)和需求(买家)力量大致平衡。
The prices are stabilized, the sellers and buyers negotiate freely, sales occur within reasonable time, and the offers typically include acceptable terms and conditions. 价格趋于稳定,买卖双方自由谈判,在合理的时间内完成销售,出价通常包括可接受的条款和条件。
Factors Affecting Real Estate Market 影响房地产市场的因素
Demography: Immigration, migration, changes in family size, and unemployment rates may affect demography. 人口统计:移民、迁移、家庭规模变化和失业率都可能影响人口结构。
A family is a primary consumer of housing and creation of new families by way of growing and married children generates housing demand. 家庭是住房的主要消费群体,通过子女成长和结婚而建立的新家庭会产生住房需求。
Employment Conditions: When the overall economic conditions are not good, unemployment may rise, which leads to decrease in number of buyers and a drop in real estate prices. 就业状况:当整体经济状况不佳时,失业率可能会上升,从而导致购房者人数减少,房地产价格下降。
Interest Rates: High interest rates usually result in decrease in real estate activity whereas low interest rates increase the demand for real estate and push the prices upwards. 利率:高利率通常会导致房地产活动减少,而低利率则会增加对房地产的需求并推高房价。
Building Activity: Significant building activity is usually an indication of strong real estate market. 建筑活动:显著的建筑活动通常表明房地产市场强劲。
However, if there is no corresponding increase in demand, this may also lead to decline in real estate prices. 但是,如果需求没有相应增加,也会导致房地产价格下降。
4.4 Advice in Different Market Conditions 4.4 不同市场条件下的建议
Seller's Market 卖方市场
The seller may be advised to seek a large deposit, hold out for unconditional offer, and negotiate for a higher price, especially when there are multiple/competing offers. 建议卖方支付大笔定金,坚持无条件出价,并通过谈判争取更高的价格,尤其是在有多个出价/竞争出价的情况下。
The buyer may be advised to offer the highest price what they can afford and consider submitting an unconditional offer while not ignoring the risks. 建议买方在不忽视风险的前提下,出其能承受的最高价,并考虑提交无条件报价。
In case the buyer is submitting an unconditional offer, certain risks must be considered such as defects in the property, low appraised value, and inability to arrange financing. 如果买方提交的是无条件报价,则必须考虑到某些风险,如房产存在缺陷、估价过低以及无法安排融资等。
The buyer may also think that the salesperson did not protect their best interests by advising them to submit an unconditional offer. 买方还可能认为,销售人员建议他们提交无条件报价,没有保护他们的最佳利益。
Buyer's Market 买方市场
The seller client may be advised to keep the home in good condition, keep it available for showings, expect to receive conditional offers, and that the offer may be at a price lower than what they expect. 卖方客户可能会被建议保持房屋状况良好,随时准备看房,预期会收到有条件的出价,而且出价可能会低于他们预期的价格。
The buyer client may be advised to make an informed decision, take their time in viewing properties, make their offer conditional, and submit an offer only on the property that allows room for negotiations. 可以建议买方客户做出明智的决定,慢慢看房,有条件地出价,只对有谈判余地的房产出价。
Balanced Market 平衡市场
In a balanced market, the buyers and sellers should be advised that conditional offers may be made as no party is at a distinct advantage or disadvantage. 在一个平衡的市场中,买方和卖方应被告知可以提出有条件的报价,因为任何一方都不会处于明显的优势或劣势。
Buyers and sellers should be advised according to the existing balanced market conditions and make or accept reasonable offers. 买卖双方应根据现有的平衡市场条件,提出或接受合理的报价。
Conditions and Clauses 条件和条款
Protecting Best Interests: Salespersons should insert appropriate clauses in the agreement to protect the best interests of the buyer client or the seller client. 保护最佳利益:销售人员应在协议中加入适当条款,以保护买方客户或卖方客户的最佳利益。
Most common conditions include arrangement of mortgage financing, satisfactory home inspection, and arranging insurance. 最常见的条件包括安排抵押贷款、令人满意的房屋检查和安排保险。
Additionally, there should be clauses related to guarantees from seller regarding condition of the property, chattels, fixtures, or major improvements. 此外,还应有卖方对房产、动产、固定装置或主要装修状况提供担保的相关条款。
Appropriate clauses should be inserted if the seller agrees to undertake repairs for damages and repainting, if necessary. 如果卖方同意在必要时进行损坏维修和重新粉刷,则应加入适当的条款。
Competing Offers 竞争性报价
When working with a seller, there may be a competing offer situation when more than one buyer is interested in the property. 在与卖方合作时,如果有多个买家对房产感兴趣,可能会出现竞争报价的情况。
The seller client should be informed about the number of offers, the salesperson who made the offer, and if this is a multiple representation situation. 应告知卖方客户出价的数量、出价的销售人员以及是否属于多重代理的情况。
All offers must be in writing and signed, and the seller has the option of accepting, rejecting, or countering the buyer’s offer. 所有报价都必须以书面形式签署,卖方可以选择接受、拒绝或反驳买方的报价。
Some frustrated buyers whose offers are not acceptable, may think that the offer process was not conducted fairly. 一些出价不被接受的沮丧买家可能会认为出价过程不公平。
Salespersons must ensure that proper records are maintained, such as evidence of number of offers, in case any of the buyers make a complaint to RECO. 销售人员必须确保保存适当的记录,例如出价次数的证据,以防任何买方向 RECO 投诉。
Home Staging: Home staging makes the home visually attractive to potential buyers so that it can sell quickly for a higher value. 房屋分期:房屋分期:让房屋在视觉上吸引潜在买家,从而以更高的价值迅速售出。
The seller can hire a professional to highlight the key features of the home. 卖方可以聘请专业人士突出房屋的主要特点。
The home staging profession is not currently regulated. 目前,家居分期行业不受监管。
Lender: The seller may have to incur the cost of early mortgage discharge before the expiry of the term. 贷款人:卖方可能需要承担在期限到期前提前解除抵押的费用。
Surveyor: A new survey of the property may be required to confirm the lot size and property boundaries. 测量师:可能需要对房产进行新的勘测,以确认地块面积和房产边界。
The cost of survey depends on the type of survey required. 调查费用取决于所需的调查类型。
Lawyer: Services of the lawyer are important to review the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, respond to questions from buyer’s lawyer, to perform closing adjustments, and to legally transfer the property title to the buyer on closing date. 律师:律师的服务非常重要,包括审查买卖合同、回答买方律师的问题、进行过户调整以及在过户日将房产证合法过户给买方。
The amount of legal fees depends on the complexity of the transaction. 法律费用的多少取决于交易的复杂程度。
HST and Capital Gains Tax: HST is applicable to various services such as lawyer’s fees, brokerage remuneration, and moving costs. HST 和资本收益税:HST 适用于各种服务,如律师费、经纪人报酬和搬家费。
Capital Gains Tax is payable if the property is not a principal residence, or it is an investment property. 如果房产不是主要住所,或者是投资性房产,则需要缴纳资本收益税。
The seller pays this tax with his/her next income tax return. 卖方在下次申报所得税时支付这笔税款。
Further, the Capital Gains Tax is payable if the seller is a non-resident of Canada. 此外,如果卖方不是加拿大居民,则需缴纳资本收益税。
Remuneration: Remuneration on sale is usually paid by the seller to both brokerages. 报酬:销售报酬通常由卖方支付给两家经纪公司。
The deposit received from the buyer is first applied to reduce seller’s remuneration obligations upon closing. 从买方收到的定金首先用于减少卖方在成交时的报酬义务。
Moving Expenses: In addition to the cost of moving the household stuff by a moving company, the other costs include change of address on utility accounts, driver’s license, payments for rent-to-own equipment, etc. 搬家费用:除了由搬家公司搬运家用物品的费用外,其他费用还包括水电费账户地址变更、驾驶执照、租赁设备费用等。
Closing Adjustments: Closing adjustments performed by lawyers include seller’s portion of unpaid property tax, unmetered utility costs, etc. 成交调整:由律师执行的成交调整包括卖方未支付的房产税部分、未计量的水电费等。
The details are given in the Statement of Adjustments provided by the seller’s lawyer. 详情见卖方律师提供的《调整声明》。
Buyer's Expenses 买方费用
Property Inspection: The property inspector provides information to buyer on the condition of the structural components (windows, doors, roof, attic, floors, ceiling, insulation, etc.) and its electrical/mechanical systems such as furnace, plumbing, air conditioning, etc. 物业检查:物业检查员向买方提供有关结构部件(门窗、屋顶、阁楼、地板、天花板、隔热材料等)及其电气/机械系统(如火炉、管道、空调等)状况的信息。
Appraiser. The buyer’s lender may require an estimate of value (appraisal) of the property by a professional appraiser. The cost is usually paid by the buyer. 估价师。买方的贷款人可能会要求由专业估价师对房产进行估价(评估)。费用通常由买方支付。
Surveyor: The buyer may need a survey report to identify any encroachments, improvements, and other issues that would not be covered by the Title Insurance. 测量师:买方可能需要一份勘测报告,以确定产权保险未涵盖的任何侵占、改良和其他问题。
Additionally, if the buyer wants other improvements after closing that require a building permit, an up-to-date survey would be required by the municipality. 此外,如果买方希望在成交后进行其他需要建筑许可的装修,市政当局会要求提供最新的调查报告。
Some lenders also insist on having a survey for mortgage financing. 有些贷款机构还坚持要求对抵押贷款进行调查。
Lawyer: The buyer will require services of a lawyer to review the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, to perform Title Search to ensure property is in marketable condition, obtain Title Insurance to protect against items discovered after closing, and register the title in the buyer’s name on the closing date. 律师:买方将需要律师的服务,以审查买卖合同,进行产权调查以确保房产处于适销状态,办理产权保险以防成交后发现问题,并在成交日将产权登记在买方名下。
Land Transfer Tax: The buyer is required to pay the provincial and municipal (if applicable) Land Transfer Tax. 土地转让税:买方需支付省市(如适用)土地转让税。
The amount depends on the purchase price (Value of Consideration) of the property. 金额取决于房产的购买价格(代价价值)。
A sliding scale is used to calculate the amount of tax payable. 应纳税额按比例计算。
Remuneration: Although remuneration for most transactions is usually paid by the seller, the buyer may be liable for remuneration under certain circumstances according to the terms of the Buyer Representation Agreement. 酬金:虽然大多数交易的酬金通常由卖方支付,但根据《买方代表协议》的条款,买方在某些情况下可能需要支付酬金。
Moving Expenses: The cost of moving truck, changing addresses, and transferring utility accounts are included in this category. 搬家费:本类别包括搬家费、地址变更费和公用事业账户转移费。
Closing Adjustments: The buyer’s lawyer will provide a Statement of Adjustments with details of these expenses. 成交调整:买方律师将提供一份调整声明,详细说明这些费用。
Most common adjustments are buyer’s portion of property tax that seller has already paid and the cost of full tank of heating oil or propane gas. 最常见的调整是由买方承担卖方已支付的房产税部分,以及整罐取暖油或丙烷气的费用。
Provincial Land Transfer Tax Credit 省土地转让税抵免
First-time buyers of new and resale homes may receive partial refund of provincial Land Transfer Tax. 新房和转售房的首次购房者可获得省土地转让税的部分退税。
The maximum amount of this refund is currently $4,000\$ 4,000. 该退款的最高金额目前为 $4,000\$ 4,000 。
Qualifying Criteria for Credit: 信贷资格标准:
The buyer must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and over 18 years of age. 买家必须是年满 18 周岁的加拿大公民或永久居民。
The buyer must use the home as principal residence and occupy it within 9 months of purchase. 购房者必须在购房后 9 个月内将房屋用作主要住所并居住。
The buyer or buyer’s spouse should not have previously owned a home anywhere in the world. 购房者或购房者的配偶之前不得在世界任何地方拥有住房。
5.2 Mortgage Financing 5.2 抵押融资
Mortgage Terminology 按揭术语
Mortgage: The term mortgage refers to a claim or encumbrance on a property given by a borrower to a lender. 抵押:抵押一词是指借款人向贷款人提供的对财产的要求权或抵押权。
The terms and conditions of the mortgage are given in a document called Mortgage Document. 抵押贷款的条款和条件载于一份名为 "抵押文件 "的文件中。
A copy of this document must be provided to the borrower with 30 days of signing. 该文件的副本必须在签署后 30 天内提供给借款人。
Mortgagor: The party that gives the mortgage and gets the mortgage loan, i.e. the debtor or the borrower. 抵押人:提供抵押并获得抵押贷款的一方,即债务人或借款人。
Mortgagee: The party to whom an interest in property is transferred as security of the mortgage loan, i.e. the creditor or lender. 抵押人:作为抵押贷款担保而受让财产权益的一方,即债权人或贷款人。
Legal Mortgage (First Mortgage): Historically, a Legal Mortgage used to directly transfer the estate or interest in land to the mortgagee to ensure repayment of loan. 法定抵押(首次抵押):从历史上看,法定抵押用于将土地财产或权益直接转移给抵押人,以确保偿还贷款。
Under the current Land Titles Act, the actual transfer of title does not take place. 根据现行的《土地所有权法》,所有权并未实际转让。
Equitable Mortgage (Second, Third, etc.): This historic term differentiates a mortgage against equity from the legal mortgage. 衡平抵押(第二次、第三次等):这一历史术语将股权抵押与法定抵押区分开来。
These mortgages are used when a mortgagor requires additional funding but does not want to disturb the existing legal (first) mortgage. 当抵押人需要额外资金,但又不想影响现有的法定(第一)抵押时,就会使用这种抵押。
A secondary lender may assume the risk of financing. 二级贷款人可承担融资风险。
Amortization: Amortization refers to retirement of the mortgage debt by means of periodic payments of principal and interest. The entire loan is paid off at the end of the amortization period. 摊销:摊还是指通过定期支付本金和利息的方式偿还抵押贷款债务。整个贷款在摊还期结束时还清。
Fully Amortized Mortgage: A fully amortized mortgage is that in which the loan is fully paid off during the term. In other words, the amortization and term are of equal time period. 全额摊还抵押贷款:全额摊还抵押贷款是指贷款在期限内全部还清。换句话说,摊还期和期限是相等的。
Partially Amortized Mortgage: The mortgage loan is not paid off when the term comes to an end and there is a balance remaining. The period of term is less than the amortization period. 部分摊还抵押贷款:按揭贷款在期限结束时尚未还清,但仍有余额。期限小于摊还期。
Mortgage Term: The length of time the borrower is committed to the lender. 抵押期限:借款人向贷款人承诺的期限。
The mortgage has specified interest rate, payment schedule, and privileges during the term. 抵押贷款规定了利率、付款时间表和期限内的特权。
When the term ends, the mortgagor may renew with the same lender or with a different lender. 期满后,抵押人可与同一贷款人或不同贷款人续签。
Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: This is the ratio of mortgage loan to the value of the property and is expressed as a percentage. 贷款价值比(LTV):这是抵押贷款与房产价值的比率,用百分比表示。
This ratio is an important factor when considering mortgage application. 在考虑抵押贷款申请时,该比率是一个重要因素。
For example, if the mortgage is $300,000\$ 300,000 and the value is $400,000\$ 400,000, the LTV would be 75%(300,000-:400,000 xx100)75 \%(300,000 \div 400,000 \times 100)