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Steady Signal 穩定信號
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Quest data 任務數據
Location 位置Woods 樹林
Given By 給出者Mechanic 技工
Required for 必需
Kappa container Kappa 容器
Update pending

Related quests 相關任務
Previous: 以前:
Signal - Part 4 信號 - 第 4 部分
Leads to: 導致:
Requirement for: 要求:
Other choices: 其他選擇:

Steady Signal is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov.
Steady SignalEscape from Tarkov 中的一個任務

Dialogue 對話[]

Hm, you'll be perfect for this. You know the weather stations in Woods? They monitor the atmosphere, and they have power supplies for their sensors inside. And I coincidentally have to power the transmitters. I doubt they've been disturbed since the start of the conflict. Which means there could be power supplies inside in operational condition. Find the weather stations and set up the trackers. Then I'll have my crew attach the transmitters to them.

Objectives 目標[]

Rewards 獎勵[]

I'm receiving the signals, my men are on their way to Woods. Your reward.

Guide 指導[]

Related Quest Items  相關任務物品
Icon  圖示 Item name  項名稱 Amount   Requirement  要求 Find in Raid 在RAID中查找 Notes  筆記
MS2000 Marker icon MS2000 Marker MS2000 標記 5 Required  必填 N/A  不適用 This item is placed on the weather stations. When placed, the item is removed from the players' inventory.

In this quest you have to mark 5 weather stations on Woods with MS2000 Markers.
在這個任務中,您必須用 MS2000 標記標記樹上的 5 個氣象站。

  • Trivia 瑣事[]

    • You can buy additional MS2000 Markers from Prapor or Ragman if needed.
      如果需要,您可以從 PraporRagman 購買額外的 MS2000 標記
    • It is recommended that the player keeps the MS2000 Marker in their special slots or pouch so they are not lost in the event of their death.
      建議玩家將 MS2000 Marker 保存在他們的特殊插槽或袋子中,這樣他們就不會在死亡時丟失。
    • The MS2000 Marker will automatically be used out of the players' inventory when needed, similar to how keys work
      MS2000 標記將在需要時自動從玩家的庫存中使用,類似於按鍵的工作方式