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This test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and is conducted by a trained examiner. There are three parts:
该测试需要 11 到 14 分钟,由训练有素的考官进行。有三个部分:

Part 1 第 1 部分

The candidate and the examiner introduce themselves. Candidates then answer general questions about themselves, their home/family, their job/studies, their interests and a wide range of similar familiar topic areas. This part lasts between four and five minutes.

Part 2 第 2 部分

The candidate is given a task card with prompts and is asked to talk on a particular topic. The candidate has one minute to prepare and they can make some notes if they wish, before speaking for between one and two minutes. The examiner then asks one or two questions on the same topic.

Part 3 第 3 部分

The examiner and the candidate engage in a discussion of more abstract issues which are thematically linked to the topic in Part 2. The discussion lasts between four and five minutes.
考官和考生讨论与第 2 部分主题相关的更抽象的问题。讨论持续四到五分钟。
The Speaking test assesses whether candidates can communicate effectively in English. The assessment takes into account Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation. More information on assessing the Speaking test, including Speaking assessment criteria (public version), is available on the IELTS website.


IELTS results are reported on a nine-band scale. In addition to the score for overall language ability, IELTS provides a score in the form of a profile for each of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). These scores are also reported on a nine-band scale. All scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate's nationality, first language and date of birth. Each Overall Band Score corresponds to a descriptive statement which gives a summary of the English language ability of a candidate classified at that level. The nine bands and their descriptive statements are as follows:
9 Expert User - Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.
9 专家用户 - 对语言有充分的掌握:适当、准确、流利,完全理解。
8 Very Good User - Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.
8 非常好的用户 - 对语言有充分的操作能力,只有偶尔的不系统不准确和不恰当。在不熟悉的情况下可能会发生误解。很好地处理复杂的详细论证。
7 Good User - Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.
7 良好的用户 - 对语言有操作能力,但在某些情况下偶尔会出现不准确、不恰当和误解的情况。通常能很好地处理复杂的语言并理解详细的推理。
6 Competent User - Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
6 称职的用户 - 尽管存在一些不准确、不恰当和误解,但总体上对语言有有效的掌握。能够使用和理解相当复杂的语言,尤其是在熟悉的情况下。
5 Modest User - Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.
5 谦虚的用户 - 对语言有部分掌握,在大多数情况下可以应对整体含义,尽管可能会犯很多错误。应该能够处理自己领域的基本沟通。
4 Limited User - Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language.
4 有限的用户 - 基本能力仅限于熟悉的情况。在理解和表达方面经常出现问题。不能使用复杂的语言。
3 Extremely Limited User - Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.
3 极度有限的用户 - 在非常熟悉的情况下只传达和理解一般含义。经常发生沟通中断。
2 Intermittent User - No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
2 间歇性用户 - 除了在熟悉的情况下使用孤立的词语或简短的公式并提供最基本的信息并满足即时需求外,不可能进行真正的交流。很难理解英语口语和书面语。
1 Non User - Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.
1 非用户 - 除了几个孤立的单词之外,基本上没有能力使用语言。
0 Did not attempt the test - No assessable information provided.
0 未尝试测试 - 未提供可评估的信息。


Listening and Reading 听力和阅读

The Answer Keys are on pages 116-123.
答案键在第 116-123 页。
Each question in the Listening and Reading tests is worth one mark.
Questions which require letter / Roman numeral answers
  • For questions where the answers are letters or Roman numerals, you should write only the number of answers required. For example, if the answer is a single letter or numeral you should write only one answer. If you have written more letters or numerals than are required, the answer must be marked wrong.
Questions which require answers in the form of words or numbers
  • Answers may be written in upper or lower case.
  • Words in brackets are optional - they are correct, but not necessary.
    括号中的单词是可选的 - 它们是正确的,但不是必需的。
  • Alternative answers are separated by a slash (/).
    备选答案用斜杠 (/) 分隔。
  • If you are asked to write an answer using a certain number of words and/or (a) number(s), you will be penalised if you exceed this. For example, if a question specifies an answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and the correct answer is 'black leather coat', the answer 'coat of black leather' is incorrect.
  • In questions where you are expected to complete a gap, you should only transfer the necessary missing word(s) onto the answer sheet. For example, to complete 'in the ...', where the correct answer is 'morning', the answer 'in the morning' would be incorrect.
    在需要补题的题目中,只应将必要的缺失单词转移到答题纸上。例如,要完成“in the ...”,其中正确答案为“morning”,则答案“in the morning”将不正确。
  • All answers require correct spelling (including words in brackets).
  • Both US and UK spelling are acceptable and are included in the Answer Key.
  • All standard alternatives for numbers, dates and currencies are acceptable.
  • All standard abbreviations are acceptable.
  • You will find additional notes about individual answers in the Answer Key.

Writing 写作

The sample answers are on pages 124-131. It is not possible for you to give yourself a mark for the Writing tasks. We have provided sample answers (written by candidates), showing their score and the examiner's comments. These sample answers will give you an insight into what is required for the Writing test.
示例答案在第 124-131 页。您不可能给自己的写作任务打分。我们提供了样本答案(由考生撰写),显示他们的分数和考官的评论。这些示例答案将使您深入了解写作测试的要求。


At the end of each Listening and Reading Answer Key you will find a chart which will help you assess whether, on the basis of your Practice Test results, you are ready to take the IELTS test.
In interpreting your score, there are a number of points you should bear in mind. Your performance in the real IELTS test will be reported in two ways: there will be a Band Score from 1 to 9 for each of the components and an Overall Band Score from 1 to 9 , which is the average of your scores in the four components. However, institutions considering your application are advised to look at both the Overall Band Score and the Bands for each component in order to determine whether you have the language skills needed for a particular course of study. For example, if your course involves a lot of reading and writing, but no lectures, listening skills might be less important and a score of 5 in Listening might be acceptable if the Overall Band Score was 7. However, for a course which has lots of lectures and spoken instructions, a score of 5 in Listening might be unacceptable even though the Overall Band Score was 7.
在解释您的分数时,您应该牢记一些要点。您在真正的雅思考试中的表现将以两种方式报告:每个部分的 1 到 9 分,总分 1 到 9 分,这是您在四个部分中的平均分数。但是,建议考虑您申请的机构同时查看每个部分的总分和分段,以确定您是否具备特定学习课程所需的语言技能。例如,如果您的课程涉及大量阅读和写作,但没有讲座,那么听力技巧可能不太重要,如果总分为 5 分,听力得分为 7 分可能是可以接受的。然而,对于一门有很多讲座和口语指导的课程,即使总分是 7 分,听力 5 分也可能是不可接受的。
Once you have marked your tests, you should have some idea of whether your listening and reading skills are good enough for you to try the IELTS test. If you did well enough in one component, but not in others, you will have to decide for yourself whether you are ready to take the test.
The Practice Tests have been checked to ensure that they are of approximately the same level of difficulty as the real IELTS test. However, we cannot guarantee that your score in the Practice Tests will be reflected in the real IELTS test. The Practice Tests can only give you an idea of your possible future performance and it is ultimately up to you to make decisions based on your score.
Different institutions accept different IELTS scores for different types of courses. We have based our recommendations on the average scores which the majority of institutions accept. The institution to which you are applying may, of course, require a higher or lower score than most other institutions.

Further information 更多信息

For more information about IELTS or any other Cambridge English Language Assessment examination, write to:
Cambridge English Language Assessment
1 Hills Road 山路1号
Cambridge 剑桥
CB1 2EU CB1 2欧盟
United Kingdom 英国

Test 5 测试 5


SECTION 1 Questions 1-10
第 1 部分 问题 1-10

Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Cruise on a lake


  • Travel on an old steamship
Can take photos of the 1 that surround the lake

Farm visit 参观农场

Children can help feed the sheep
  • Visit can include a 40-minute ride on a 2 ......
    参观可以包括乘坐 2 ...... 40 分钟的车程
Visitors can walk in the farm's 3 by the lake
  • 4 is available at extra cost
Cycling trips 自行车旅行
Cyclists explore the Back Road
  • A 5 is provided
    提供 5
Only suitable for cyclists who have some 6
仅适合拥有 6 个左右的骑自行车的人
Bikes can be hired from 7 (near the Cruise Ship Terminal)
  • Cyclists need: 骑自行车的人需要:
  • a repair kit 维修套件
  • food and drink 餐饮服务
  • a 8 一个 8
(can be hired) (可录用)
  • There are no 9
    没有 9
or accommodation in the area
Cost 成本
  • Total cost for whole family of cruise and farm visit:

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20
第 2 部分 问题 11-20

Questions 11-14 问题 11-14
Choose the correct letter, or .
选择正确的字母, 或者 .

Talk to new kitchen assistants

11 According to the manager, what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?
11 据经理说,大多数人喜欢厨房助理的工作吗?
A the variety of work
B the friendly atmosphere
B 友好的气氛
C the opportunities for promotion
C 晋升机会
12 The manager is concerned about some of the new staff's
12 经理担心一些新员工的
A jewellery. 珠宝。
B hair styles. B发型。
C shoes. C鞋。
13 The manager says that the day is likely to be busy for kitchen staff because
13 经理说,厨房工作人员这一天可能很忙,因为
A it is a public holiday.
B the head chef is absent.
B 主厨缺席。
C the restaurant is almost fully booked.
C 餐厅几乎订满了。
14 Only kitchen staff who are 18 or older are allowed to use
14 只有年满 18 岁的厨房工作人员才能使用
A the waste disposal unit.
A 废物处理单位。
B the electric mixer.
B 电动搅拌机。
C the meat slicer.
C 切肉机。

Questions 15 and 16

Choose TWO letters, A-E.
According to the manager, which TWO things can make the job of kitchen assistant stressful?
A They have to follow orders immediately.
B The kitchen gets very hot.
B 厨房变得很热。
C They may not be able to take a break.
C 他们可能无法休息。
D They have to do overtime.
D 他们必须加班。
E The work is physically demanding.
E 这项工作对体力要求很高。
Questions 17-20 问题 17-20
What is the responsibility of each of the following restaurant staff?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, , next to Questions 17-20.
从框中选择四个答案,并在问题 17-20 旁边写下正确的字母

Responsibilities 责任

A training courses 培训班
B food stocks B 食品库存
C first aid C 急救
D breakages D 破损
E staff discounts E 员工折扣
F timetables F 时刻表

Restaurant staff 餐厅员工

17 Joy Parkins 17乔伊·帕金斯
18 David Field 18大卫菲尔德
19 Dexter Wills 19 德克斯特遗嘱
20 Mike Smith 20迈克·史密斯

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30
第 3 部分 问题 21-30

Questions 21-23 问题 21-23
Choose the correct letter, or .
选择正确的字母, 或者 .

Paper on Public Libraries

21 What will be the main topic of Trudie and Stewart's paper?
21 特鲁迪和斯图尔特的论文的主题是什么?
A how public library services are organised in different countries
A 不同国家的公共图书馆服务是如何组织的
B how changes in society are reflected in public libraries
B 社会变化如何反映在公共图书馆中
C how the funding of public libraries has changed
C 公共图书馆的资金如何变化
22 They agree that one disadvantage of free digitalised books is that
22 他们一致认为,免费数码图书的一个缺点是
A they may take a long time to read.
B they can be difficult to read.
B 它们可能难以阅读。
C they are generally old.
C 他们通常很老。
23 Stewart expects that in the future libraries will
23 斯图尔特预计,未来图书馆将
A maintain their traditional function.
B become centres for local communities.
C no longer contain any books.
C 不再包含任何书籍。
Questions 24-30 问题 24-30
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Study of local library: possible questions

  • whether it has a 24 of its own
    它是否有自己的 24 个
  • its policy regarding noise of various kinds
  • how it's affected by laws regarding all aspects of
    它如何受到有关各个方面 的法律的影响
  • how the design needs to take the 26 of customers into account
  • what 27 is required in case of accidents
    发生事故时需要什么 27
  • why a famous person's 28 is located in the library
    为什么名人的 28 岁位于图书馆
  • whether it has a 29 of local organisations
  • how it's different from a library in a 30
    它与 30 中的图书馆有何不同

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40
第 4 部分 问题 31-40

Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Four business values 四大商业价值

Many business values can result in 31
许多业务价值可以产生 31
Senior managers need to understand and deal with the potential 32 that may result.
高级管理人员需要了解并处理可能产生的 32 个潜在问题。

Collaboration 协作

During a training course, the speaker was in a team that had to build a 33
在一次培训课程中,演讲者所在的团队必须建立一个 33
Other teams experienced 34 from trying to collaborate.
其他团队在尝试协作时经历了 34 次。
The speaker's team won because they reduced collaboration.
Sales of a 35 were poor because of collaboration.
由于合作,35 的销量很差。

Industriousness 勤奋

Hard work may be a bad use of various company 36
辛苦工作可能不好用各种公司 36
The word 'lazy' in this context refers to people who avoid doing tasks that are 37
在这种情况下,“懒惰”一词是指避免执行 37 项任务的人

Creativity 创造力

An advertising campaign for a 38 was memorable but failed to boost sales.
38 的广告活动令人难忘,但未能促进销售。
Creativity should be used as a response to a particular 39
创造力应该被用作对特定 39 的回应

Excellence 卓越
According to one study, on average, pioneers had a 40 that was far higher than that of followers.
Companies that always aim at excellence may miss opportunities.



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
您应该花大约 20 分钟的时间在第 1-13 题上,这些问题基于下面的阅读文章 1。

Cork 软木

Cork - the thick bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber) - is a remarkable material. It is tough, elastic, buoyant, and fire-resistant, and suitable for a wide range of purposes. It has also been used for millennia: the ancient Egyptians sealed their sarcophagi (stone coffins) with cork, while the ancient Greeks and Romans used it for anything from beehives to sandals.
软木 - 栓皮栎树(Quercus suber)的厚树皮 - 是一种非凡的材料。它坚韧、有弹性、有浮力、耐火,适用于多种用途。它也被使用了数千年:古埃及人用软木塞密封他们的石棺(石棺),而古希腊人和罗马人则用它来制作从蜂箱到凉鞋的任何东西。
And the cork oak itself is an extraordinary tree. Its bark grows up to in thickness, insulating the tree like a coat wrapped around the trunk and branches and keeping the inside at a constant all year round. Developed most probably as a defence against forest fires, the bark of the cork oak has a particular cellular structure - with about 40 million cells per cubic centimetre that technology has never succeeded in replicating. The cells are filled with air, which is why cork is so buoyant. It also has an elasticity that means you can squash it and watch it spring back to its original size and shape when you release the pressure.
栓皮橡树本身就是一棵非凡的树。它的树皮长得很 厚,像包裹在树干和树枝上的外套一样将树隔绝,并全年保持内部恒定 。栓皮栎的树皮很可能是为了防御森林火灾而开发的,它具有特殊的细胞结构 - 每立方厘米大约有4000万个细胞,该技术从未成功复制过。细胞中充满了空气,这就是为什么软木塞如此有浮力的原因。它还具有弹性,这意味着您可以将其压扁,并在释放压力时看着它弹回原来的大小和形状。
Cork oaks grow in a number of Mediterranean countries, including

Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Morocco. They flourish in warm, sunny climates where there is a minimum of 400 millimetres of rain per year, and not more than 800 millimetres. Like grape vines, the trees thrive in poor soil, putting down deep roots in search of moisture and nutrients. Southern Portugal's Alentejo region meets all of these requirements, which explains why, by the early 20th century, this region had become the world's largest producer of cork, and why today it accounts for roughly half of all cork production around the world.
葡萄牙、西班牙、意大利、希腊和摩洛哥。它们在温暖、阳光明媚的气候中茁壮成长,每年降雨量至少为 400 毫米,不超过 800 毫米。像葡萄藤一样,树木在贫瘠的土壤中茁壮成长,扎下深深的根以寻找水分和养分。葡萄牙南部的阿连特茹地区满足所有这些要求,这就解释了为什么到20世纪初,该地区已成为世界上最大的软木生产国,以及为什么今天它约占全球软木产量的一半。
Most cork forests are family-owned. Many of these family businesses, and indeed many of the trees themselves, are around 200 years old. Cork production is, above all, an exercise in patience. From the planting of a cork sapling to the first harvest takes 25 years, and a gap of approximately a decade must separate harvests from an individual tree. And for top-quality cork, it's necessary to wait a further 15 or 20 years. You even have to wait for the right kind of summer's day to harvest cork. If the bark is stripped on a day when it's too cold - or when the air is damp - the tree will be damaged.
大多数软木林都是家庭拥有的。这些家族企业中的许多,甚至许多树木本身,都有大约 200 年的历史。最重要的是,软木塞的生产是一种耐心的锻炼。从种植一棵软木树苗到第一次收获需要 25 年,而从一棵树上收获大约十年的间隔必须分开。而对于最优质的软木塞,还需要再等 15 或 20 年。您甚至必须等待合适的夏日才能收获软木塞。如果在太冷或空气潮湿的日子里剥去树皮,树就会受损。
Cork harvesting is a very specialised profession. No mechanical means of stripping cork bark has been invented, so the job is done by teams of highly skilled workers. First, they make vertical cuts down the bark using small sharp axes, then lever it away in pieces as large as they can manage. The most skilful corkstrippers prise away a semi-circular husk that runs the length of the trunk from just above ground level to the first branches. It is then dried on the ground for about four months, before being taken to factories, where it is boiled to kill any insects that might remain in the cork. Over of cork then goes on to be made into traditional bottle stoppers, with most of the remainder being used in the construction trade. Corkboard and cork tiles are ideal for thermal and acoustic insulation, while granules of cork are used in the manufacture of concrete.
软木采摘是一个非常专业的职业。目前还没有发明剥离软木树皮的机械方法,因此这项工作是由高技能工人团队完成的。首先,他们用锋利的小斧头垂直切割树皮,然后将其撬成尽可能大的碎片。最熟练的开瓶器会撬开一个半圆形的外壳,从地面以上一直延伸到第一根树枝。然后将其在地面上干燥约四个月,然后被带到工厂,在那里煮沸以杀死任何可能残留在软木塞中的昆虫。然后,软 木塞继续制成传统的瓶塞,其余大部分用于建筑行业。软木板和软木瓦是隔热和隔音的理想选择,而软木颗粒则用于制造混凝土。
Recent years have seen the end of the virtual monopoly of cork as the material for bottle stoppers, due to concerns about the effect it may have on the contents of the bottle. This is caused by a chemical compound called 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), which forms through the interaction of plant phenols, chlorine and mould. The tiniest concentrations - as little as three or four parts to a trillion can spoil the taste of the product contained in the bottle. The result has been a gradual yet steady move first towards plastic stoppers and, more recently, to aluminium screw caps. These substitutes are cheaper to manufacture and, in the case of screw caps, more convenient for the user.
近年来,软木塞作为瓶塞材料的几乎垄断已经结束,因为人们担心它可能对瓶子的内容物产生影响。这是由一种叫做2,4,6-三氯苯甲醚(TCA)的化合物引起的,它是由植物酚类、氯和霉菌相互作用形成的。最小的浓度 - 低至三到四万亿分之三或四,都会破坏瓶中产品的味道。其结果是逐步而稳定地转向塑料塞子,最近又转向铝制螺旋盖。这些替代品的制造成本更低,在螺旋盖的情况下,对用户来说更方便。
The classic cork stopper does have several advantages, however. Firstly, its traditional image is more in keeping with that of the type of high quality goods with which it has long been associated. Secondly and very importantly - cork is a sustainable product that can be recycled without difficulty. Moreover, cork forests are a resource which support local biodiversity, and prevent desertification in the regions where they are planted. So, given the current concerns about environmental issues, the future of this ancient material once again looks promising.

Questions 1-5 问题 1-5

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write
以下陈述是否与阅读文章 中给出的信息一致 在答题纸的方框 1-5 中,写
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
如果语句与信息一致,则为 TRUE
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
如果陈述与信息相矛盾,则为 FALSE
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1 The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living tree.
1 栓皮橡树的树皮是所有现存树木中最厚的。
2 Scientists have developed a synthetic cork with the same cellular structure as natural cork.
2 科学家开发了一种与天然软木塞具有相同细胞结构的合成软木塞。
3 Individual cork oak trees must be left for 25 years between the first and second harvest.
3 在第一次和第二次收获之间,每棵栓皮栎树必须放置 25 年。
4 Cork bark should be stripped in dry atmospheric conditions.
4 软木树皮应在干燥的大气条件下剥离。
5 The only way to remove the bark from cork oak trees is by hand.
5 从栓皮栎树上去除树皮的唯一方法是用手。
Questions 6-13 问题 6-13
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 6-13 on your answer sheet.
在答题纸的方框 6-13 中写下您的答案。

Comparison of aluminium screw caps and cork bottle stoppers

Advantages of aluminium screw caps

  • do not affect the 6
    不影响 6
of the bottle contents
  • are 7 to produce
    是 7 生产
  • are 8 to use
    有 8 个可用

Advantages of cork bottle stoppers

  • suit the 9 of quality products
  • made from a 10 material
    由 10 种材料制成
  • easily 11 轻松 11
  • cork forests aid 12
    软木森林援助 12
  • cork forests stop 13
    科克森林 Stop 13
happening 发生


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.
您应该花大约 20 分钟的时间在第 14-26 题上,这些问题基于下面的阅读文章 2。


Collecting must be one of the most varied of human activities, and it's one that many of us psychologists find fascinating. Many forms of collecting have been dignified with a technical name: an archtophilist collects teddy bears, a philatelist collects postage stamps, and a deltiologist collects postcards. Amassing hundreds or even thousands of postcards, chocolate wrappers or whatever, takes time, energy and money that could surely be put to much more productive use. And yet there are millions of collectors around the world. Why do they do it?
There are the people who collect because they want to make money - this could be called an instrumental reason for collecting; that is, collecting as a means to an end. They'll look for, say, antiques that they can buy cheaply and expect to be able to sell at a profit. But there may well be a psychological element, too - buying cheap and selling dear can give the collector a sense of triumph. And as selling online is so easy, more and more people are joining in.
Many collectors collect to develop their social life, attending meetings of a group of collectors and exchanging information on items. This is a variant on joining a bridge club or a gym, and similarly brings them into contact with like-minded people.
Another motive for collecting is the desire to find something special, or a particular example of the collected item, such as a rare early recording by a particular singer.

Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt for this. Psychologically, this can give a purpose to a life that otherwise feels aimless. There is a danger, though, that if the individual is ever lucky enough to find what they're looking for, rather than celebrating their success, they may feel empty, now that the goal that drove them on has gone.
If you think about collecting postage stamps, another potential reason for it - or, perhaps, a result of collecting - is its educational value. Stamp collecting opens a window to other countries, and to the plants, animals, or famous people shown on their stamps. Similarly, in the century, many collectors amassed fossils, animals and plants from around the globe, and their collections provided a vast amount of information about the natural world. Without those collections, our understanding would be greatly inferior to what it is.
如果您考虑收集邮票,那么它的另一个潜在原因 - 或者,也许是收集的结果 - 是它的教育价值。集邮为其他国家打开了一扇窗,也为邮票上展示的植物、动物或名人打开了一扇窗。同样,在本 世纪,许多收藏家收集了来自世界各地的化石、动植物,他们的收藏提供了大量关于自然世界的信息。如果没有这些收藏品,我们的理解将大大不如它。
In the past-and nowadays, too, though to a lesser extent - a popular form of collecting, particularly among boys and men, was trainspotting. This might involve trying to see every locomotive of a particular type, using published data that identifies each one, and ticking off each engine as it is seen. Trainspotters exchange information, these days often by mobile phone, so they can work out where to go to, to see a particular engine. As a byproduct, many practitioners of the hobby become very knowledgeable about railway

operations, or the technical specifications of different engine types.
Similarly, people who collect dolls may go beyond simply enlarging their collection, and develop an interest in the way that dolls are made, or the materials that are used. These have changed over the centuries from the wood that was standard in 16 th century Europe, through the wax and porcelain of later centuries, to the plastics of today's dolls. Or collectors might be inspired to study how dolls reflect notions of what children like, or ought to like.
同样,收集娃娃的人可能不仅仅是扩大他们的收藏,而是对娃娃的制作方式或使用的材料产生兴趣。几个世纪以来,这些已经发生了变化,从 16 世纪欧洲的标准木材,到后来几个世纪的蜡和瓷器,再到今天娃娃的塑料。或者,收藏家可能会受到启发,研究娃娃如何反映儿童喜欢或应该喜欢的观念。
Not all collectors are interested in learning from their hobby, though, so what we might call a psychological reason for collecting is the need for a sense of control, perhaps as a way of dealing with insecurity. Stamp collectors, for instance, arrange their stamps in albums, usually very neatly, organising their collection according to certain commonplace principles - perhaps by country in alphabetical order, or grouping stamps by what they depict people, birds, maps, and so on.
One reason, conscious or not, for what someone chooses to collect is to show the collector's individualism. Someone who decides to collect something as unexpected as dog collars, for instance, may be conveying their belief that they must be interesting themselves. And believe it or not, there is at least one dog collar museum in existence, and it grew out of a personal collection.
Of course, all hobbies give pleasure, but the common factor in collecting is usually passion: pleasure is putting it far too mildly. More than most other hobbies, collecting can be totally engrossing, and can give a strong sense of personal fulfilment. To non-collectors it may appear an eccentric, if harmless, way of spending time, but potentially, collecting has a lot going for it.

Questions 问题

Complete the sentences below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 14-21 on your answer sheet.
在答题纸的方框 14-21 中写下您的答案。
14 The writer mentions collecting as an example of collecting in order to make money.
14 作者提到收集是为了赚钱而收集的一个例子。
15 Collectors may get a feeling of from buying and selling items.
15 收藏家可能会从买卖物品中获得一种感觉。
16 Collectors' clubs provide opportunities to share
16个收藏家俱乐部提供分享 机会

17 Collectors' clubs offer with people who have similar interests.
17 个收藏家俱乐部为志趣相投的人提供服务
18 Collecting sometimes involves a life-long for a special item.
18 收集一件特殊物品有时需要终生
19 Searching for something particular may prevent people from feeling their life is completely
19 寻找一些特别的东西,可能会使人觉得自己的生活是完全的
20 Stamp collecting may be because it provides facts about different countries.
20 集邮可能是 因为它提供了关于不同国家的事实。
21 tends to be mostly a male hobby.
21 往往是男性的爱好。
Questions 22-26 问题 22-26
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage on pages 20 and 21?
In boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet, write
在答题纸的方框 22-26 中,写
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
如果语句与信息一致,则为 TRUE
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
如果陈述与信息相矛盾,则为 FALSE
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
22 The number of people buying dolls has grown over the centuries.
22 几个世纪以来,购买洋娃娃的人数不断增加。
23 Sixteenth century European dolls were normally made of wax and porcelain.
23 十六世纪的欧洲玩偶一般是用蜡和瓷器制成的。
24 Arranging a stamp collection by the size of the stamps is less common than other methods.
24 按邮票的大小排列邮票收藏不如其他方法常见。
25 Someone who collects unusual objects may want others to think he or she is also unusual.
25 收集不寻常的物品的人可能希望别人认为他或她也是不寻常的。
26 Collecting gives a feeling that other hobbies are unlikely to inspire.
26 收藏给人一种其他爱好不太可能激发灵感的感觉。


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions , which are based on Reading Passage 3 on pages 24 and 25.
您应该花大约 20 分钟的时间在问题 上,这些问题基于第 24 页和第 25 页的阅读文章 3。
Questions 27-32 问题 27-32
Reading Passage 3 has six sections, A-F.
阅读段落 3 有六个部分,A-F。
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes on your answer sheet.
在答题纸上的方框 中写下正确的数字 i-viii。
List of Headings 标题列表
i Courses that require a high level of commitment
ii 第二 A course title with two meanings
iii 第三 The equal importance of two key issues
iv  Applying a theory in an unexpected context
v The financial benefits of studying
vi  A surprising course title
vii  Different names for different outcomes
viii  The possibility of attracting the wrong kind of student
27 Section  27 节
28 Section B 28 B节
29 Section  29 节
30 Section D 30 D节
31 Section  31 节
32 Section  32 节

What's the purpose of gaining knowledge?

A 'I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any subject.' That was the founder's motto for Cornell University, and it seems an apt characterization of the different university, also in the USA, where I currently teach philosophy. A student can prepare for a career in resort management, engineering, interior design, accounting, music, law enforcement, you name it. But what would the founders of these two institutions have thought of a course called 'Arson for Profit'? I kid you not: we have it on the books. Any undergraduates who have met the academic requirements can sign up for the course in our program in 'fire science'.
B Naturally, the course is intended for prospective arson investigators, who can learn all the tricks of the trade for detecting whether a fire was deliberately set, discovering who did it, and establishing a chain of evidence for effective prosecution in a court of law. But wouldn't this also be the perfect course for prospective arsonists to sign up for? My point is not to criticize academic programs in fire science: they are highly welcome as part of the increasing professionalization of this and many other occupations. However, it's not unknown for a firefighter to torch a building. This example suggests how dishonest and illegal behavior, with the help of higher education, can creep into every aspect of public and business life.
B 当然,该课程是为未来的纵火调查员准备的,他们可以学习该行业的所有技巧,以检测是否故意放火,发现是谁干的,并建立证据链以在法庭上有效起诉。但是,这难道不是潜在纵火犯报名参加的完美课程吗?我的观点不是批评消防科学的学术课程:作为这个职业和许多其他职业日益专业化的一部分,它们非常受欢迎。然而,消防员点燃建筑物并非未知。这个例子表明,在高等教育的帮助下,不诚实和非法的行为如何渗透到公共和商业生活的方方面面。
C I realized this anew when I was invited to speak before a class in marketing, which is another of our degree programs. The regular instructor is a colleague who appreciates the kind of ethical perspective I can bring as a philosopher. There are endless ways I could have approached this assignment, but I took my cue from the title of the course: 'Principles of Marketing'. It made me think to ask the students, 'Is marketing principled?' After all, a subject matter can have principles in the sense of being codified, having rules, as with football or chess, without being principled in the sense of being ethical. Many of the students immediately assumed that the answer to my question about marketing principles was obvious: no. Just look at the ways in which everything under the sun has been marketed; obviously it need not be done in a principled (=ethical) fashion.
C 当我被邀请在市场营销课程上发言时,我重新意识到了这一点,这是我们的另一个学位课程。常规讲师是一位同事,他很欣赏我作为哲学家所能带来的那种道德观点。我有无数种方法可以完成这项任务,但我从课程的标题“营销原理”中得到了启发。这让我想到要问学生,“营销是有原则的吗?毕竟,一个主题可以有编纂意义上的原则,有规则,就像足球或国际象棋一样,而没有道德意义上的原则。许多学生立即认为我关于营销原则的问题的答案是显而易见的:不。看看阳光下的一切的营销方式;显然,它不需要以原则(=道德)的方式进行。
D Is that obvious? I made the suggestion, which may sound downright crazy in light of the evidence, that perhaps marketing is by definition principled. My inspiration for this judgement is the philosopher Immanuel Kant, who argued that any body of knowledge consists of an end (or purpose) and a means.
D 这很明显吗?我提出了一个建议,根据证据,这听起来可能非常疯狂,也许营销在定义上是有原则的。我做出这一判断的灵感来自哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant),他认为任何知识体系都由目的(或目的)和手段组成。
E Let us apply both the terms 'means' and 'end' to marketing. The students have signed up for a course in order to learn how to market effectively. But to what end? There seem to be two main attitudes toward that question. One is that the answer is obvious: the purpose of marketing is to sell things and to make money. The other attitude is that the purpose of marketing is irrelevant: Each person comes to the program and course with his or her own plans, and these need not even concern the acquisition of marketing expertise as such. My proposal, which I believe would also be Kant's, is that neither of these attitudes captures the significance of the end to the means for marketing. A field of knowledge or a professional endeavor is defined by both the means and the end; hence both deserve scrutiny. Students need to study both how to achieve X, and also what is.
E 让我们将“手段”和“目的”这两个术语应用于营销。学生们已经报名参加了一门课程,以学习如何有效地进行营销。但目的是什么?对这个问题似乎有两种主要态度。一是答案很明显:营销的目的是卖东西和赚钱。另一种态度是,营销的目的无关紧要:每个人都带着自己的计划来参加计划和课程,这些甚至不需要涉及营销专业知识的获得。我的建议,我相信也是康德的建议,即这两种态度都没有抓住营销手段的终结的意义。一个知识领域或一项专业努力是由手段和目的来定义的;因此,两者都值得仔细审查。学生既需要学习如何实现 X,也需要学习什么是
F It is at this point that 'Arson for Profit' becomes supremely relevant. That course is presumably all about means: how to detect and prosecute criminal activity. It is therefore assumed that the end is good in an ethical sense. When I ask fire science students to articulate the end, or purpose, of their field, they eventually generalize to something like, 'The safety and welfare of society,' which seems right. As we have seen, someone could use the very same knowledge of means to achieve a much less noble end, such as personal profit via destructive, dangerous, reckless activity. But we would not call that firefighting. We have a separate word for it: arson. Similarly, if you employed the 'principles of marketing' in an unprincipled way, you would not be doing marketing. We have another term for it: fraud. Kant gives the example of a doctor and a poisoner, who use the identical knowledge to achieve their divergent ends. We would say that one is practicing medicine, the other, murder.
F 正是在这一点上,“纵火牟利”变得极其重要。这门课程大概是关于手段的:如何发现和起诉犯罪活动。因此,人们认为结局在伦理意义上是好的。当我要求消防科学专业的学生阐明他们所在领域的目的或目的时,他们最终会概括为“社会的安全和福利”,这似乎是正确的。正如我们所看到的,有人可以利用同样的手段知识来达到一个不那么崇高的目的,例如通过破坏性的、危险的、鲁莽的活动来谋取个人利益。但我们不会称之为救火。我们有一个单独的词:纵火。同样,如果你以一种无原则的方式使用“营销原则”,你就不会做营销。我们还有另一个术语:欺诈。康德举了一个医生和毒药师的例子,他们使用相同的知识来实现他们不同的目的。我们会说一个是行医,另一个是谋杀。