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女    34 岁(1990年2月)    8 年工作经验    本科
Female, 34 years old (February 1990) 8 years of work experience Bachelor's degree

现居住地:合肥| 户口:宣城 | 职场人
Current place of residence: Hefei| Hukou: Xuancheng | Workplace people

Mobile: 183****0056

Job interest


Desired Work Area:


Expected Monthly Salary:

16000 - 18000元/月
16000 - 18000 yuan/month

Desired nature of work:


Expected Career:

Certified Engineer

Expected Industry:

Automotive R&D/manufacturing


1. 8 years of experience in the certification industry, familiar with the standards, systems and processes of certification, able to put forward reasonable suggestions for product design and production according to certification requirements, and guide and participate in the improvement of product certification process;

2. Through the management experience of multiple projects, I have improved my teamwork ability and organization and coordination ability. Able to independently organize the planning, coordination, tracking and support of project development;

3. Have strong learning ability and execution ability, and dare to face challenges; Able to quickly adapt to the new environment and have strong ability to work under pressure.

Work experience

2022.08 - 至今    奇瑞股份汽车有限公司
2022.08 - Present Chery Automobile Co., Ltd

认证工程师    15000元/月
Certified engineer 15,000 yuan/month

Automotive R&D/manufacturing

Job Description:

负责主销车型 T1N 产品线海外认证工作,获取 ECE/EU/GCC等证书
Responsible for the overseas certification of the T1N product line of the main sales model, and obtained ECE/EU/GCC and other certificates

1. Responsible for the formulation of T1N product certification plan, submit the certification budget and sample car sample requirements, and coordinate the certification work;

2. Connect with the certification body to the certification scheme, be responsible for the status confirmation and inspection of the prototype and the sample, and assist in problem rectification and closed-loop feedback;

3、负责产品文件收集与编制,零部件 E-Mark 证书汇总收集;
3. Responsible for the collection and compilation of product documents, and the summary collection of E-Mark certificates for parts;

4. Certification test tracking, nonconformities in the test, assist the company to rectify and retest internally and externally;

5. Coordinate internal resources, evaluate and track the progress of upgrading product certification as scheduled, update and share the certificate;

6. Actively establish a good relationship with relevant certification bodies to ensure effective communication.

7、 负责所属项目认证费用计提、核实及结算。
7. Responsible for the accrual, verification and settlement of the certification fee of the project.

Main work achievements:

1、X70 及 X70P哈萨、埃及、突尼斯等 KD认证扩展, 累计35项法规, 72份ECE 证书试验跟踪及证书获取;
1. X70 and X70P Kasa, Egypt, Tunisia and other KD certification expansion, a total of 35 regulations, 72 ECE certificate test tracking and certificate acquisition;

2、T1NFL2 俄罗斯认证扩展,33项法规, 获取 37份 ECE 认证,并协助属地认证一致性确认;
2. T1NFL2 Russian certification extension, 33 regulations, 37 ECE certifications, and assist in the confirmation of territorial certification consistency;

3、T1N右舵 新产品首次认证,25项法规28份证书扩展已获取;
3. T1N right-hand drive new products have been certified for the first time, and 28 certificate extensions for 25 regulations have been obtained;

4、T1N 海湾市场,25 年 model year及转股份换证,已获取 8 份 GCC 证书。
4. T1N Gulf Market, 25 years model year and share conversion certificates, has obtained 8 GCC certificates.

5、T1NFL1 全市场年型车,39项法规47份证书扩展中;
5. T1NFL1 is a full-market annual car, with 39 regulations and 47 certificates being expanded;

6、T1NFL3 全市场新车型 76项法规90份证书试验跟踪中。
6. T1NFL3 76 regulations and 90 certificates of new models in the whole market are being tested.

2015.07 - 2022.08    玉柴联合动力股份有限公司
2015.07 - 2022.08 Yuchai United Power Co., Ltd

公共关系    8500元/月
Public Relations 8500 RMB/month

Automotive R&D/manufacturing

Job Description:

1. Product certification

1、 作为产品认证负责人,负责发动机海内外认证申报、变更和扩展工作,评估资源需求,制定认证计划和方案、跟踪协调各环节进展并提供支持;
1. As the person in charge of product certification, responsible for the declaration, change and expansion of engine certification at home and abroad, evaluate resource needs, formulate certification plans and programs, track and coordinate the progress of each link and provide support;

2、 负责样品送检、返厂及接收确认,完成产品文件的收集、编制和审核;
2. Responsible for sample inspection, return to the factory and receipt confirmation, and complete the collection, preparation and review of product documents;

3、 负责认证过程管控,提供技术支持,定期更新认证状态;
3. Responsible for the control of the certification process, provide technical support, and regularly update the certification status;

4、 与认证实验室、工信部装备中心、环保部协调沟通,培养良好关系;
4. Coordinate and communicate with certification laboratories, equipment centers of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection to cultivate good relationships;

5、 认证发布后的资源汇总及共享,为客户配套提供技术咨询;
5. Summarize and share resources after the issuance of certification, and provide technical advice for customers;

6、 收集认证相关法规信息及对策研究,梳理海内外产品认证需求和流程规范;
6. Collect information and countermeasures related to certification, and sort out product certification needs and process specifications at home and abroad;

7、 负责E-mark年度COP审核及证书维护;
7. Responsible for E-mark annual COP audit and certificate maintenance;

8、 负责认证机构的招标,认证项目的询比价、检测合同的签订、认证费用确认和结算。
8. Responsible for the bidding of the certification body, the inquiry and comparison of the certification project, the signing of the testing contract, and the confirmation and settlement of the certification fee.

Main work achievements:

1、 主导完成公司国内外K10/K12/K13/K10N/K13N系列认证累计85项,其中国内国环/公告/北环72项,海外E-mark/CE/越南登检13项,认证准确率100%,按期闭环率100%;
1. Lead the completion of the company's domestic and foreign K10/K12/K13/K10N/K13N series certifications totaling 85 items, including 72 domestic national ring/announcement/North ring road, 13 overseas E-mark/CE/Vietnam boarding inspection, with a certification accuracy rate of 100% and a closed-loop rate of 100% on schedule;

2. Flexibly use the principle of deemed judgment, and effectively reduce the cost of K13 country 6 open certification by 66% through price inquiry.

2. Project declaration

1. Assist the project leader in project declaration and management;

2. Assist the relevant departments within the enterprise to collect documents and financial data, and participate in the preparation and writing of project reports;

3. Assist in completing the submission of project materials and tracking the progress of the project;

4. Assist and participate in the inspection, review, performance appraisal and other work related to the project review;

5. Government visit and reception support.

Main work performance: Assisted in the completion of more than 50 declarations, performance appraisals, and acceptance of various scientific and technological projects on various platforms.

3. Quality system management

1. System construction: responsible for the supervision of the operation of the quality system of the department, and the implementation of corrective guidance and follow-up verification of preventive measures for the unqualified items found;

2. System audit: carry out internal audit and audit trail as planned, and connect with the external audit work of the department;

3. System publicity and implementation: identify controlled documents, system revision and publicity.

Main work performance: As a departmental quality internal auditor, organized and participated in 21 internal and external system audits; There were 64 non-compliance items in the follow-up verification, and 56 new and revised departmental systems, with a publicity and implementation rate of 100%.

Fourth, statistical reporting

1. Responsible for submitting various special reports and irregular reports to the Bureau of Statistics and other government departments on schedule, with a total of more than 500 reports;

2. Establish and improve the statistical ledger, and receive government departments to visit and investigate from time to time.

Project Experience

2023.08 - 至今T1NFL3国际全市场新车型认证
2023.08 - T1NFL3 international market-wide new model certification to date

Project Description:

项目背景:T1NFL3国际2驱4驱分别立项于 2024 年 8 月,拟出口俄罗斯、独联体、中南美、非洲、亚太、海湾等 40 余个市场,结合各市场配置的商品化节点,配合新认证机构(北德)充分进行认证策划,联合分阶段申报,极大节省认证成本及认证测试风险,提高认证经济性及效率。
Project background: T1NFL3 international 2WD 4WD project was established in August 2024, and is planned to be exported to more than 40 markets such as Russia, CIS, Central and South America, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and the Gulf.

Project Responsibilities: Serve as a Certified Integration Manager

1、负责认证策划,编制认证二网计划、预算及样车样件需求,应对市场配置表调整及时调整反馈,按俄罗斯及其他 ECE 市场、海湾分阶段进行;
1. Responsible for certification planning, preparation of certification second network plan, budget and sample car sample requirements, timely adjustment and feedback in response to the adjustment of the market configuration table, and phased according to Russia and other ECE markets and the Gulf;

2. Identify certification risks, organize various specialties to conduct compliance assessment of certification experimental items in combination with the list of certification history problems, and promote the implementation of response plans for non-conforming items;

3、充分对接认证方案,提供零部件多点一致性声明及 CAE 分析等佐证材料,有效减少实验次数,负责样车、样件状态确认,及联合普思样车核查,并完成样车样件送检;
3. Fully dock the certification scheme, provide supporting materials such as multi-point consistency statement and CAE analysis of parts, effectively reduce the number of experiments, be responsible for confirming the status of the sample car and the sample, and check the joint Pulse sample car, and complete the sample sample inspection;

3、负责认证总表及附图收集与校核,编制产品文件,2 驱和 4 驱视同的认证项合并出证,涉及分开实测的单独出证。收集零部件 E-Mark 证书及核查单品证书准确性,在实验前识别出尾灯单品证书缺少法规件型号并跟踪勘误完成;
3. Responsible for the collection and verification of the certification summary table and drawings, the preparation of product documents, the merger and certification of the certification items deemed by 2 drives and 4 drives, and the separate certification involving separate measurements. Collect the E-Mark certificate of the parts and check the accuracy of the single product certificate, identify the lack of regulatory parts and models of the single product certificate of the tail light before the experiment, and track the completion of the errata;

4. Test tracking: track the results of professional certification items, track the certification test, arrange the test plan in the next week, and issue a notice of the test plan, and do a good job in on-site technical support coordination. Assist in rectification and retesting of unqualified items in the test;

5. Establish a good relationship with internal and external parties, actively and effectively communicate, and share certification progress and certification issues in a timely manner.

Project Results:

1、作为认证集成经理,ECE 103 次实验,于4 月中旬开展实验,现已通过 97 项,除未尽试验及关联认证项,其余认证项证书已在交通部审核中;
1. As a certified integration manager, ECE has conducted 103 experiments, carried out experiments in mid-April, and has passed 97 items, except for the unfinished tests and associated certification items, the rest of the certification items have been reviewed by the Ministry of Communications;

2、此项目累计挖矿 320 万,降本增效效益显著,基于认证机构更换及一致性判定原则运用、阿尔及利亚改为自检证报告。
2. The cumulative mining of this project is 3.2 million, and the benefits of cost reduction and efficiency increase are significant, based on the replacement of certification bodies and the application of the principle of consistency judgment, Algeria changed to self-inspection report.

2021.03 - 2021.0513L重型柴油机国6欧6联合认证(2021/03-2021/05)
2021.03 - 2021.0513L Heavy Duty Diesel Engine China 6 Euro 6 Joint Certification(2021/03-2021/05)

Project Description:

Project background: Carry out 13L China 6 diesel engine certification based on emission upgrades, consider subsequent overseas exports, and plan to declare at the same time in conjunction with Euro 6, fully optimize resources, reduce economic costs and certification cycles, and improve efficiency.

Project Responsibilities:

1、 与营销、技术、制造、采购跨部门共建,成立认证小组;
1. Establish a certification team with marketing, technology, manufacturing and procurement departments;

2、 统筹进度,制定认证计划和责任分工;
2. Coordinate the progress, formulate the certification plan and the division of responsibilities;

3、 组织E-mark认证机构招标,完成检测中心和E-mark检测合同签订及结算;
3. Organize the bidding of the E-mark certification body, complete the signing and settlement of the contract between the testing center and the E-mark testing body;

4、 负责法规解析,灵活运用视同判定原则,构建联合认证的基本框架和流程;
4. Responsible for the analysis of laws and regulations, flexibly use the principle of deemed judgment, and build the basic framework and process of joint certification;

5. Process promotion and spot check, material collection, sample output, bench and witness coordination, and organize review;

6. Responsible for data filing and test process supervision, and coordinate and communicate with testing centers, certification bodies and competent audit units;

7. Follow up the audit progress and complete the joint declaration of China 6 Euro 6 engines;

8. Publish the certification resource ledger and provide technical advice for customers.

Project Results:

1. As the leader of the certification team, after full communication, the opinions of the joint declaration were reached, and the cost was reduced by 800,000 compared with the batch declaration;

2. Complete the joint declaration of national ring, announcement and E-mark in 2.5 months, 2 weeks earlier than the required node.


2011.09 - 2015.07    安徽师范大学   公共事业管理    本科 
2011.09 - 2015.07 Anhui Normal University, B.S. in Public Administration

Training experience

2024.01 - 至今   酒精互锁 驾驶员分心警告 欧 6排放系族等法规培训
2024.01 - Present Alcohol Interlock, Driver Distraction Warning, Euro 6 Emission Family and other regulations training

Training Institutions:



2012.12   CET4
2012.12 CET4

2013.09   全国计算机二级
2013.09 National Computer Level 2

   2024 年一季度研发院优秀员工 2024 年 04 月
Outstanding employees of the R&D Institute in the first quarter of 2024 04/04

Language skills

英语:读写能力 良好| 听说能力 良好
English: Good literacy skills Good listening and speaking skills



熟练操作EXCEL/word/ppt等办公软件,熟练操作各项在线申报系统 :熟练 :114 个月
Proficient in EXCEL/word/ppt and other office software, proficient in operating various online declaration systems: proficient: 114 months