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Analysis and Interpretation of Factors Which Contribute to Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilization1

R. H. MollE. J. KamprathW. A. Jackson

W. A. Jackson

Professor of genetics and professors of soil science, North Carolina State University.

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Paper No. 6842 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agric. Res. Service, Raleigh, NC 27650.


Differences in N response among corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes reflect variation in numerous processes involved in N use efficiency. In order to facilitate the study of such variation, we develop and demonstrate a concept for evaluating the contribution of N uptake and utilization processes to variation in N use efficiency. Eight hybrids were grown in a replicated field experiment at two levels of N fertilizer on a Dothan loamy sand (Typic Plinthic Paleudult). Differences among the hybrids for components of N use efficiency were evaluated from measurements of grain yield, N accumulation in the plant at silking, and N accumulation in the grain and stover at harvest. Significant differences were found among hybrids and between N levels for all traits. Interactions among hybrids and N levels were significant for all traits except grain yield. At low N supply, differences among hybrids for N use efficiency were due largely to variation in utilization of accumulated N, but with high N they were due largely to variation in uptake efficiency. Variation in proportion of N translocated to grain was also important at the low N supply. Variation in N accumulated after silking was not important at either level of N supply. Variation in N remobilization from vegetative tissue to grain was moderately important at the low N supply. Hybrids with similar levels of N use efficiency showed marked differences in component traits which contribute to efficiency.