MokaHR was founded in 2015 with a simple objective: to make recruiting more seamless for enterprises and organizations.
MokaHR 成立于 2015 年,其目标很简单:让企业和组织的招聘工作更加无缝。
Our industry-proven hiring platform, Moka Recruiting, offers a cutting-edge Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that has revolutionized the hiring process.
我们的招聘平台 "摩卡招聘"(Moka Recruiting)经过行业验证,提供先进的申请人跟踪系统(ATS),彻底改变了招聘流程。
MokaHR currently serves over 2,000 established brands, from startups to Global 500 companies.
MokaHR 目前为从初创企业到全球 500 强企业的 2000 多个知名品牌提供服务。
Our team’s expertise combines international markets with a rich understanding of local dynamics, enabling your company to expand across borders effectively.
With 24/7 support, MokaHR is dedicated to the highest standards of customer care across the entire customer life cycle, anywhere you are.
MokaHR 提供 24/7 全天候支持,无论您身在何处,都能在整个客户生命周期内享受最高标准的客户服务。