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 3.1 Standards

The coatings will specifically respond to:

  • Standards in force (D.T.R., D.T.U., C.S.T.B., AFNOR approved, etc....), in particular:

  • The Technical Specifications Notebook for Execution CPT Soils P3 - New Works of CSTB (Notebook 3267_V3 - May 2006): Interior and exterior floor coverings made of ceramic tiles or similar, bonded using adhesive mortars in P3 premises at most in new works

  • the standards NF EN 14411 and NF EN ISO 10545;

  • Reference documents from Algerian control bodies (C.T.C.), notably the DTR E6-3 Rules for the installation of floor coverings.

  • They will be applied in accordance with DTU 26.1 "Coatings with cement, lime, and plaster-lime mortar".

  • Approved standard: NF DTU 26.1 P1-1. NF DTU 26.1 P1-2. NF DTU 26.1 P2

  • DTU 59.1, Quality of substrates before painting

  • Approved standard: NF P74-201-1, NF P74-201-1/A1, NF P74-201-2, NF P74-201-2/A1.

  • AFNOR NF T 30-048: Sampling standard principles.

 3.2 Covers

 3.2.1 Description

The work involves covering all types of spaces (station, platform, access, etc.) with different types of materials (steel, zinc, etc.) while adhering to installation standards and regulations.

3.2.2 Construction Methodology Access Covers

The coating work on the access areas involves waterproofing them, including the work of creating slopes, supplying and installing waterproofing membranes, geotextiles, insulation, gravel, and all related and supplementary works.

After the formation of a slope in mortar or concrete of , the accesses must be waterproofed in accordance with the requirements of the applicable standard by laying two layers and will consist of the following elements:

  • The first layer will consist of a bitumen elastomer under-roofing screen, with a reinforced polyester felt reinforcement, which will be mechanically fixed to the support.

  • The second layer will consist of an elastomeric bitumen membrane with a fiberglass felt reinforcement, it will adhere to the previous layer using a torch, but without coinciding together, the formation of the suspensions on the structural support itself by applying cement mortar.

  • The layers can continue on the vertical walls to a height of 25 cm.

  • Once the waterproofing of the surface is completed, a layer of geotextile will be installed for heavy protection.

  • Thermal insulation panels made of 50 mm extruded polystyrene will be installed.

  • Laying another layer of geotextile of and a layer of gravel. Zinc-coated station cover

This finish will be carried out at the access level to the facilities of the aerial stations, as well as in the communication rooms and private rooms, and at the platform level it will be done in the public and emergency stairs.

The roof is made up of metal beams arranged diagonally supporting a collaborative veneer forge and reinforced concrete.

On the structure are located the waterproofing and thermal insulation made up of a non-adhesive two-layer waterproofing membrane.

As an exterior finish, it will have a zinc plate that creates slopes to direct water towards the drainage pipes.

The cover will also be equipped with a minimum slope for rainwater drainage.

The finish consists of a pre-patinated zinc coating, with a natural zinc surface appearance.

The thicknesses of the different layers making up the covering will be defined by the execution studies.

Figure 8: Layer of the zinc-coated cover Zinc-covered platforms

This cover will be executed at the level of the docks.

An auxiliary metal structure will be created, which will serve as an anchor for the sandwich panels and support for the zinc sheets.

Figure 9: Example of a zinc dock cover

The mounting structure for the dock covering will be joined to the main vaulted structure of the dock and will serve to screw the panels. The upper end in and the lower U part ensure perfect fixation and anchoring of the panels.

The anchoring of the panels will be done using galvanized steel brackets.

Before proceeding with the installation of the zinc sheet equipped with a raised joint on the upper part, a drainage membrane will be placed on the panel. A drainage membrane will also be placed under the panel before the installation of the lower plate.

The zinc finishing plates will be placed in a staggered arrangement.

On the lower edge of the panel, a longitudinal strip forming a drip edge will be placed.

The thicknesses of the different elements making up the covering will comply with the execution plans. Coverage of stairs

This finish will be carried out in the outdoor stairs of the elevated stations.

An auxiliary metal structure will be created, which will serve as an anchor for the sandwich panels and support for the zinc sheets.

The anchoring of the panels will be done using galvanized steel brackets.
AO 03/2019
25/139 Tubular structure covering platforms

It will be carried out at the level of the roofs of the platforms of the elevated stations.

The supply and installation are carried out according to the execution drawings, in accordance with the project specifications, including all preparatory and ancillary work.

The materials used will comply with the execution plans in terms of materials and dimensions.

Figure 10: Example of a tubular structure for dock covers

 3.2.3 Materials

The access cover will consist of:

  • Fiberglass-reinforced elastomeric bitumen.

  • Reinforced elastomeric bitumen in polyptère felt.
  •  Geotextile of .

  • 50 mm extruded polystyrene thermal insulation board.
  •  Round gravel.

The zinc-coated station cover will consist of:

  • slope concrete, with a slope of

  • double waterproofing membrane
  •  geotextile
  •  isolation

  • pre-patinated zinc coating in a gray color

The covering of the zinc docks will consist of:

  • Pre-coated zinc cladding, via the standing seam system on the upper face,

  • shingle system on the underside, secured by fixed and sliding stainless steel brackets

  • sandwich panel with coated steel sheet.
  •  drainage membrane,

  • Galvanized steel clip legs for securing panels to the structure.
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The covering of the stairs will consist of:

  • Sandwich panel for the cladding of zinc sheets

  • Drainage membrane between the zinc and the panel.

  • Fixing the panel to the structure with galvanized steel clip brackets.

 3.2.4 Efficiency

For the completion of the roofing work, a team will be formed of:

The yield will vary depending on the nature and dimensions of the coating.

3.2.5 Equipment and necessary materials

The necessary equipment is:

Scaffolding, ladder, screwdriver, drill, grinder, caulking gun, metal cutter, metal shears, plumb line, spirit level, tape measure, and any special equipment depending on the nature of the installation.

 3.3 Mortar Coating

The plastering work should only begin on masonry that has been completed for a minimum period of one month, in accordance with DTU 26.1 - standard NF P 15-201-2.

 3.3.1 Description

We check that the support surface is solid, clean, and free of defects, with adequate porosity and flatness, as well as being rough, stable, and dry. We verify that the fixed elements are included with the delivered materials, such as door and window frames and pre-frames, and are suitable for the installations.

  • The plastering work with mortar will include the supply and installation, all accessory and complementary work, particularly those for leveling, spraying, etc., as well as the galvanized mesh and corresponding fixing dowels (if applicable) and the metal adhesion mesh.

  • The entire wall of the concrete block that will not be covered with plasterboard will be coated with mortar.

  • The work will be carried out manually or by mechanical spraying, and the application of the coatings must comply with the standards defined by the D.T.U.

  • The tolerances for plumb and flatness are those set by the D.T.U.
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  • The finished coatings must have regular, flat, and neat surfaces, free of warps or bumps, devoid of roughness, blisters, cracks, and fissures. They should not be brittle.

  • The coatings will not be scrubbed before they dry.

  • The inward and outward angles of the walls and ceilings will be rounded.

  • The wall contacts will be at a properly profiled angle; the edges exposed to impacts will be protected by the arrangement of plastic corners.

  • The plastering work should only begin on masonry that has been completed for a minimum period of one month, in accordance with DTU 26.1 - standard NF P 15-201-2.

Figure 11: Cement coating

3.3.2 Construction Methodology

The second layer should only be applied after a minimum delay of 48 hours following the execution of the first layer. This coating will cover the entire height of the walls, from the floor to the ceiling, including the height of the plenum of the false ceilings. The vertical walls of wet rooms (sinks and toilets) will be prepared to receive a glued ceramic tile covering (earthenware) up to the level of the false ceiling. Interior coatings intended to receive paint must comply with the requirements of DTU 59.1 (quality of substrates before painting).

a) Coating on exterior walls

Masonry covered by cladding, a ventilated wall will receive an exterior finish of cement mortar with the addition of water repellent applied in two successive layers of a total thickness of 15 mm

  • The first layer of 5 mm thickness for the roughcast consists of a plaster made with 500 kg of cement for 1 m³ of sand.

  • A minimum of 48 hours must separate the start of the second layer from the end of the first.
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  • The second layer, 10 mm thick for the coating body, consists of a combed plaster made with 150 kg of cement and 200 kg of hydraulic lime for 1 m³ of screened sand, applied on continuous and combed markers, after complete drying of the plaster.

  • A fine mesh linking grid, known as a chicken wire, will be placed at each junction of different materials (concrete and masonry) located in the same plane; this grid must extend 20 cm on either side of the junction line.

Figure 12: The layers of cement plaster

b) Plaster on interior walls

The interior walls as well as the walls of the wet rooms will receive a cement mortar coating applied in two successive layers of a total thickness of 15 mm, carefully smoothed.

The second layer should only be applied after a minimum delay of 48 hours following the execution of the first layer. This coating will cover the entire height of the walls, from the floor to the ceiling, including the height of the plenum of the false ceilings. The vertical walls of wet rooms (sinks and toilets) will be prepared to receive a glued ceramic tile covering (earthenware) up to the level of the false ceiling. Interior coatings intended to receive paint must comply with the requirements of DTU 59.1 (quality of substrates before painting).

 - Start of execution

The application of the coating begins once the following conditions are met:

  • The sealing of notches, openings, or cavities that exist in the ground will be done with a mortar identical to that of the coating;

  • Masonry, concrete, and other supports will generally be concluded 15 (fifteen) days in advance;

  • All the heavy work on the surfaces to be coated will be completed;

  • The application areas will be clean and protected against the harmful effects of rainwater or infiltrations.
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 4 Installation Surface

The installation surfaces will be clean, free of laitance, plaster films, dust, release agents, and other impurities.

The surfaces will be deeply moistened by water spraying.

This humidification will be adapted to the nature and porosity of the substrate in order to achieve perfect adhesion.

* Preparation of Defective Surfaces

If the surfaces to be coated have irregularities that hinder the direct application of the coating, it will be important to adhere to the following conditions:

  • When the irregularities are observable and do not exceed 3 mm in thickness, they will be eliminated by applying a mortar of the same composition as that of the coating.

  • When the irregularities have a thickness between 3 and 5 mm, they will be eliminated using a mortar of the same composition as that of the coating, applied on a stainless steel mesh, made of wire with a diameter of and fixed with nails or screws, thus forming a square mesh of 1.5 to 3 cm on each side.

  • When the thicknesses exceed 5 mm, the leveling will be carried out using brick or reinforced concrete masonry with an electric welded mesh whose characteristics will be adapted to the extent and thickness of the filling.

 3.3.3 Materials

The mortars that will be applied in the work will be made with natural silica sand and normal Portland cement, they will be mixed mechanically near the central concrete manufacturing facilities. The grain size of the sand and the amount of water are defined by the project manager or client.

 3.3.4 Efficiency

For the completion of the plastering work, a team will be formed of:

The yield will vary depending on the nature and dimensions of the coating.
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This document is the property of CÓLAS RAIL/ COSIDER TP and cannot be reproduced or distributed without permission

3.3.5 Equipment and necessary materials

The necessary equipment is:

Scaffolding, trowel, 2 m board, trough, pull, plumb line, spirit level, tape measure.

3.4 Coatings of all types of tiles

 3.4.1 Description

The installation work of coverings includes the supply and installation, as well as all ancillary and complementary work.

White or gray cement grout for filling joints. They should adhere to the substrate and should not sound hollow.

The thickness of the bedding mortar shall not be less than 2 cm.

The beveled baseboards will be installed flush with the wall and partitions to create the least possible projection.

All mosaic tile flooring will be sanded with a mechanical sander, and at the end of the work, it will be polished with a stone followed by mechanical polishing.

The maximum allowable surface without joints for tiled flooring is 15 m², with expansion joints provided every 8 linear meters for corridors and galleries, and approximately every 15 m² for other areas.

The flatness will be such that a 2 m rule moved in all directions does not show a level difference greater than 3 mm

The leveling being perfectly executed.

The alignment of the elements will be such that a 2 m rule placed along the joints does not show any difference.

The joints will be perfectly straight and filled with white or gray cement grout, scraped to a point and cleaned to achieve a uniform appearance.

The expansion and construction joints will coincide with the expansion joints of the tiles to avoid cracking.

3.4.2 Construction Methodology Wall covering Ceramic or porcelain tile coating

Ceramic coatings will be applied in public and staff restrooms, cleaning and maintenance rooms, as well as in the locker rooms

  • Installation of ceramic or porcelain tiles including the mortar (cement) for installation dosed at 300 kg applied on a scratch coat of cement mortar, covering, laying, cutting, rounded or beveled edges, as well as all preparatory and accessory work.

  • Filling the joints with a white or gray cement grout, with a maximum projection of 5 mm compared to the coating on walls, cleaning and refining of the joints, all conditions included.

After completing the installation of the covering, it is imperative to follow the implementation rules outlined in the DTUs, particularly the tolerances of:

  • verticality (arrow less than 2 mm below the 2 m rule)

  • alignment of horizontal and vertical joints (offset of less than or equal to 2 mm)

Figure 13: Example of wall ceramic tile

Figure 14: Example of porcelain ceramic tile
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This document is the property of COLAS RAIL/ COSIDER TP and cannot be reproduced or distributed without permission Floor covering Screed Coating

The polished screed includes the hardener, dust control treatment, lightweight concrete filling screed for leveling and slope formation according to the plans of reinforced concrete with a dosage of 350 kg of cement for 1 m³ of screened sand and gravel.

Well-leveled screeding is essential for receiving the substrate for floor coverings. Double Bituminous Membrane

The double bituminous membrane covering will form the finishes for the collection of water from the open aeration rooms at the top for air impulse or extraction.

The waterproofing will consist of two layers and will include the following elements:

  • The first layer will consist of a sheet of elastomeric bitumen, with a reinforced polyester felt reinforcement, which will be mechanically fixed to the ground.

  • The second layer will consist of a SBS type elastomer bitumen membrane (black color), with a fiberglass felt reinforcement.

The adhesion between the two layers will be done using a blowtorch, but without them coinciding together, on the formation of a suspension made on the ground itself by laying a cement mortar, with a maximum thickness of 2 cm.

The layers can continue on the vertical walls to a height of 25 cm.

Once the waterproofing of the surface is completed, a layer of protective mortar and geotextile membrane will be placed, on which a polished concrete slab will be executed. Coatings of ceramic or porcelain floors with or without baseboards

He will set up in public and staff restrooms as well as in staff locker rooms, the staff room, ticket sales, station master, police station, and private room...etc.

The installation of ceramic or porcelain tiles includes the mortar (cement) for laying, dosed at 300 kg applied to the floor, the implementation, the laying, the cutting and protrusions, as well as all preparatory and accessory work.

The filling of the joints is done with a white or gray cement grout, cleaning and refining of the joints, all conditions included.

A rectangular aluminum baseboard will be installed around the entire perimeter of the rooms where it is necessary to do so.

Figure 15: Ceramic floor tile

Figure 16: Porcelain floor tile

The installation of the baseboard will be done with a solvent-based assembly adhesive, ensuring that the adhesive does not overflow.

The construction or structural joints of the vertical coverings on which the baseboards will be placed will be respected. Gray granite floor coverings "Quintana"

This type of finish will be applied to all public use surfaces, including access vestibules, intermediate levels, and platforms.

The installation of gray granite tiles includes the mortar (cement) for laying dosed at 250 kg applied to the ground, implementation, laying, cutting, and protrusions, as well as all preparatory and accessory work.

It also includes filling with a cement grout of sufficient plasticity to completely fill the joints, done no sooner than 24 hours after the tiles are laid, cleaning, and refining the joints

To fill construction and expansion joints, fiberglass profiles will be used.
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Figure 17: Tile in gray Quintina Polished concrete slab

The polished concrete slab will be made in all technical rooms, except in the pump rooms, and in secondary circulation areas.

High-strength continuous concrete coating dosed between 400 and with electro-welded steel mesh or polypropylene fibers, which involves integrating a wearing layer into the still fresh concrete, thus achieving a monolithic finish.

The concrete layer must not be less than 5 cm thick; in this case, adhesion points will need to be used.

They will be properly executed in the locations indicated on the plans, on the compacted surface, which must be dry and clean.

Before the start of the work, a general cleaning will be carried out on the floors or structural slabs where the polished concrete will be applied, and the surface will be properly scraped and moistened to prevent the substrate from drawing moisture from the concrete. In addition, perimeter separation joints will be available by placing a compressible element in the perimeter (2 cm thick expanded polystyrene).

Recommendations during the pouring and spreading of concrete:

  • It is necessary to pour the concrete as close to its final position as possible

  • If the pavement has a slope, start pouring concrete from the lower part.

  • Fresh concrete will be poured over the already hardened one to prevent segregation.

  • For thicknesses greater than 15 cm, needle vibrators will be used, in addition to vibrating screeds.

  • The concreting will be carried out in longitudinal strips, 5 meters wide, in order to allow for initial hardening of the completed strip before pouring the next one.

  • Depending on the usage requirements, it will be possible to add waterproofing additives to the concrete and hardening additives according to the manufacturer's instructions.

The installation of baseboards with a steel plate and finished with epoxy paint embedded in the surrounding wall.
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02/02/2020 A.F Troweled concrete slab (smoothed and leveled)

It will be carried out in the ventilation rooms located on the level below the platform.

This is a low-strength concrete without reinforcement for technical sub-layers of low load.

An additional layer of leveling mortar will be applied if greater precision proves necessary.

A general cleaning will be carried out on the floors or structural slabs where the concrete will be applied, and the surface will be properly scraped and moistened to prevent the substrate from drawing moisture from the concrete. In addition, separation joints around the perimeter will be available by placing a compressible element in the perimeter.

This type of joint will also be available in conjunction with any vertical structural element.

Then, the pouring and spreading of the concrete will be done with a certain thickness.

The recommendations to consider during the pouring of concrete that promote the correct execution of the footing are:

  • It is necessary to pour the concrete as close to its final position as possible.

  • If the pavement has a slope, start pouring concrete from the lower part.

  • Fresh concrete will be poured over the already hardened one to prevent segregation.

  • For thicknesses greater than 15 cm, needle vibrators will be used, in addition to vibrating screeds.

  • The concreting will be carried out in longitudinal strips, 5 meters wide, in order to allow for initial hardening of the completed strip before pouring the next one.

  • Depending on the usage requirements, it will be possible to add waterproofing additives to the concrete and hardening additives according to the manufacturer's instructions. Dock Edge and Tactile Paving

The edge of the platform will be constructed in accordance with the current accessibility regulations for access to and use of transportation means.

Prefabricated concrete platform edge pieces will be placed in the station platforms.

The edge of the platform will be covered with tactile paving stones, which will be used to ensure guidance, accessibility, and routing for the visually impaired, thus fulfilling the current legislation.

Composed of a diagonal network of spherical caps with reliefs (projections) that will become: They will be mounted on the bonding mortar.
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Its dimensions will be a multiple length of 600 mm and in accordance with the programming of joints distributed along the total length of platforms, as required by the execution project.

Figure 19: Tactile paving slab

Figure 18: Dock edge Stair covering Granite Staircase Coatings

The stairs with granite steps will be constructed in all public circulation areas.

The steps will be made of granite and the risers will be made of Quintana gray granite.

The edges near the meeting point with the risers will have a non-slip strip through grooves made with a diamond disc.

The expansion joints and those of the construction with the expansions of the tiles will be aligned to avoid cracks.

Pre-mixed mortars will be used. The tiles will be installed perfectly aligned and leveled, and, if necessary, with an appropriate slope according to the plans or instructions given on site.

After 12 hours of tile placement, the elastic cement grout will be poured. This grout will be spread over the surface with a brush several times until the joints between the tiles are filled.

To fill construction and expansion joints, fiberglass profiles will be used.

For the choice of equipment, several factors will be taken into account such as:

  • The transit of each room or area as well as its intensity.

  • His situation (internal or external).

  • The climatic conditions to which he will be subjected.

The execution will be completed with the installation of the baseboard, the filling of the joints, and finally, we will proceed to clean the executed section.
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COLAS RAIL Coatings of Stairs in Reconstituted Granite

The coating of the stairs in reconstituted granite will be carried out in the areas of personnel circulation and communication between technical rooms.

The steps, risers, and baseboards will be made of prefabricated reconstituted granite, with a non-slip treatment on the edges of the steps.

The implementation of the coating for the stairs in reconstituted granite will be identical to that of the coating for the granite stairs, following the same recommendations.

 3.4.3 Materials

The materials used will comply with the execution plans in terms of materials and dimensions

  • Non-slip ceramic or porcelain tiles.
  • Chappe.

  • Gray granite "Quintana."
  •  Reconstituted granite.
  •  Polished concrete.

  • Troweled concrete (smoothed and flattened).
  •  Prefabricated concrete.
  •  Tactile paving.

  • Granite steps and risers.

  • Stairs and landings in reconstituted granite.

 3.4.4 Efficiency

For the execution of the coating work, a team will be formed of:

The yield will vary depending on the nature and dimensions of the coating.
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3.4.5 Equipment and necessary materials:

The necessary equipment is:

Scaffolding, trowel, joint puller, masonry hammer, plumb line, spirit level, tape measure.

3.5 Veneer Coatings

 3.5.1 Description

The installation work of coverings will include the supply and installation, all accessory and complementary work, notably the insulation of the rough surface, joints, fasteners, installation mortar, hooks, and bronze or brass dowels, etc.

The alignment of the elements will be such that a 2 m rule placed along the joints does not show any difference.

3.5.2 Construction Methodology Wall covering Profile coating " " of reinforced glass

It will be placed as an enclosure for the two underground stations "Station MOUHAMED BOUDIAF and Station MOHAMED BELARBI" in order to allow for a homogeneous diffusion of light to achieve the sensation of a wall of light.

This cladding is a construction of straight U-Glas glass partitions, placed in a simple comb system with glass, supported by anodized aluminum structures in matte silver color shaped like , including a proportional part of support profiles, PVC separators, sealed with neutral silicone both between the panes and around the entire perimeter.

These partitions will be placed like simple walls or coverings to create light walls.

The system will be equipped with PVC seals in the wings of the glasses to prevent vibration between the parts in " ".
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Figure 20: PVC joints in comb system

The "light walls" also allow for the passage of installations inside, enabling cables to be routed between floors.

A template will be made with transparent colored polycarbonate pieces installed inside the glass pieces shaped like a "U".

Figure 21: Colors of the light walls

The execution study will conduct a more detailed analysis of the color combinations, always respecting the idea that one of the station colors will be associated with the next.

The details and characteristics of the profile coating " " of the reinforced glass will comply with the execution plans.

COLAS RAIL Plasterboards

The plasterboard will cover the walls of the concrete block partitions made as divisions of the administrative areas of the stations.

A metal framework will be fixed both in the ground and in the slab or ceiling before the installation of the plasterboard.

Between the floor and ceiling channel, acoustic strips will be placed to reduce the transmission of noise between the speakers.

In the case of metal doors, a steel profile will be installed in the partition structure to reinforce the door frame.

The amounts, vertical load-bearing profiles, will have perforations in their core for the passage of electrical and sanitary installations that run through the interior of the walls; therefore, it is advisable to use it for this purpose.

The panels will be sized for the required height from the floor to the ceiling, leaving an expansion gap of about 20 mm from the upper concrete edge and 10 mm from the lower edge.

Once the complete installation of the panels on one side is finished, we will proceed with the installation of the glass wool covering at the corresponding time, as part of the acoustic project.

For the union of the plates, the joints or openings will be sealed.

Once the plasterboards are installed, traditional metal corner beads will be put in place as a protective element for the edges of the partition.

Figure 22: Wall covered with plasterboard
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A.F. F

COLAS RAIL. Glass fiber reinforced cementitious panel (G.R.C/U.H.P.C)

They will be placed as flooring in the access stairs and public circulation areas.

Execution system formed by lightweight cladding panels of G.R.C/U.H.P.C (Glass Reinforced Concrete/Ultra High Performance Concrete), prefabricated with industrial systems in the factory.

The fiberglass will be alkali resistant, integrating into the mortar by the simultaneous spraying of both components, in a proportion of by weight, it will be alkali resistant with a minimum of of zirconium and with an approximate filament length of 4 cm

The plates will be equipped with a galvanized metal tubular frame that will serve as a stiffener.

These panels will be fixed using metal connectors.

All joints will be sealed with sealants based on silicone rubber or polyurethane on closed-cell polyethylene foam profiles such as Backer Rod or similar.

The specific conditions related to noise protection will be justified

The prefabricated GRC/UHPC panels will be used as cladding in thicknesses between 6 and 8 mm and according to the dimensions and modulation specified in the execution details.

Figure 23: Wall covered with plasterboard
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