This was utterly fascinating. I’m just a truck driver. I failed CSE maths because I’m number dyslexic but I adore science. It’s the way forward for everything.
这完全令人着迷。我只是一个卡车司机。我因为数字阅读障碍而未能通过 CSE 数学考试,但我热爱科学。它是所有事物前进的方式。
Hannah Fry has just accepted a position as a Professor at Cambridge University focusing on the public understanding of mathematics, so we can expect even more content from her in the coming years.
The most surprising, overwhelming and uneblievable thing in this video is "presented by Nokia".
Every time I encounter someone wetting their pants over 'the risks of AI' I ask them if they understand the risks from quantum computing. The answer is always a puzzled "No".
每次我遇到有人因为“人工智能的风险”而吓得尿裤子时,我都会问他们是否理解量子计算的风险。 答案总是困惑的“不”。

All of humanity will benefit from quantum, provided humanity doesn't behave as it has been for the past few thousand years. So, best of luck with that.
I work with museums to run educational shows for kids. I did some stuff on quantum for the parents and one worked for a consultantcy firm for the government. They hired me to throw together some ideas for the government. My contribution boiled down to "if you pushed science and esp quantum to kids entering highschool when you came to power you would have a whole lot of people with PhD s in it now. The quote didn't get used
我与博物馆合作,为孩子们举办教育节目。我为父母们做了一些关于量子的事情,其中一项是为政府咨询公司工作。他们雇佣我来为政府提出一些想法。 我的贡献归结为:“如果你在你掌权时推动科学,尤其是量子科学,向即将进入高中的孩子们传授,现在就会有很多人拥有这个领域的博士学位。” 该引用未被使用
The music selection, the Frames, the host, The story telling! Everything was REALLY interesting!!
well done bloomberg. this is the most time in recent past i have paid absolute attention to a YouTube video. Absolutely captivating kudos to the crew behind this video.
做得好,彭博社。这是我最近以来最专注观看的一个 YouTube 视频。绝对吸引人,向制作这个视频的团队表示敬意。
0:00 - Introduction: IBM’s Quantum Computing Facility 0:49 - The promise and risks of quantum computing 1:53 - IBM Quantum System Two: Exploring the technology 3:14 - How quantum computers work: Superposition and qubits 4:33 - Applications of quantum computing in science and industry 5:55 - Inside IBM’s lab: The hardware and challenges 7:12 - Cooling to absolute zero: Maintaining quantum stability 8:20 - Quantum collaboration and competition in the tech world 9:23 - The quantum arms race: U.S. vs. China 10:24 - Security and investment in quantum research 11:36 - Quantum computing’s impact on encryption and cybersecurity 13:43 - The potential threat to banking and global data security 15:48 - Quantum key distribution: A defense against quantum hacking 17:06 - Real-world trials of quantum-secure communication 19:01 - China’s advancements in quantum satellite technology 19:53 - Singapore’s approach to quantum communication networks 21:42 - The challenges of geopolitics in quantum collaboration 22:53 - Conclusion: The quantum future and global collaboration
0:00 - 简介:IBM 的量子计算设施 量子计算的承诺与风险 1:53 - IBM 量子系统二:探索技术 3:14 - 量子计算机是如何工作的:叠加态和量子比特 4:33 - 量子计算在科学和工业中的应用 5:55 - Inside IBM's lab:硬件与挑战 7:12 - 降至绝对零度:维持量子稳定性 8:20 - 科技领域的量子合作与竞争 9:23 - 量子军备竞赛:美国对中国 10:24 - 安全与量子研究投资 量子计算对加密和网络安全的影响 13:43 - 银行和全球数据安全的潜在威胁 量子密钥分发:抵御量子黑客攻击的防御措施 17:06 - 量子安全通信的实地试验 中国量子卫星技术的进步 新加坡量子通信网络的方法 量子合作中的地缘政治挑战 22:53 - 结论:量子未来与全球合作
I've been designing HVAC systems for hyper-scale data centres for a couple of years now, but had to really get my nose in the books again when recently becoming involved on one of these quantum computing data centres. It is seriously interesting stuff. What a time to be alive!
That research campus is absolutely amazing.
Fun fact: quantum computing hardware contains a lot of analog components, especially the physical qubits themselves. The programmed signals we use to excite a quantum device should more or less match its resonating frequency and thus typically take the form of continuous, modulated sine waves. (In other words, square waves are not suitable to excite a physical qubit, however a compatible digital-to-analog converter may be employed to generate the required resonating waveform).

The manipulation of waves in the quantum confined devices, under the right conditions, is what allows one to obtain the interference, entanglement, and superposition for the quantum experiments :)
量子限域器件中波动的操控,在适当的条件下,使得人们能够获得量子实验中的干涉、纠缠和叠加 :)

- a quantum hardware engineer who builds quantum computers for a living
Efforts to educate the public about quantum computing are essential. This will not only increase understanding but also foster a new generation of innovators who can push the boundaries of this technology.
Please keep producing videos like this! Wow. This was phenomenal and so well documented. The world needs to check this out.
As someone who’s been following Hannah since 2014, and is used to see her featured on colourful Numberphile videos, it’s quite surprising to see her in something that’s shot and edited like a Denis Villeneuve film
自 2014 年以来一直关注 Hannah,习惯于看到她在色彩缤纷的《Numberphile》视频中担任主角,因此看到她出现在类似丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦电影般拍摄和剪辑的作品中,相当令人惊讶
Quantum computing aside, this is one of the best-quality videos I have ever seen. Amazing direction, editing, post. Simply beautiful.
Excellent filming. The initial shot of the steel bridge is Gate-House bridge crossing over the new Croton Reservoir, off Rt-129. A popular 🚴‍♂️ crossing. The actual IBM facility is about 2 miles away, up the hill to RT-134. Up until a few years ago, we were able to 🚴‍♂️ through their roads. A small plane crashed at their facility as well, about 15 years prior. All survived. It’s a beautiful facility. Now I understand why they closed the road.
优秀的拍摄。最初镜头是钢桥,是 Gate-House 桥跨越新的克罗顿水库,位于 Rt-129 旁。一个受欢迎的 🚴‍♂ ️穿越。实际的 IBM 设施大约 2 英里远,沿着山丘到 RT-134。直到几年前,我们还能 🚴‍♂ ️通过他们的道路。他们的设施也发生了一起小型飞机坠毁事件,大约 15 年前。所有人都幸存。这是一个美丽的设施。现在我知道为什么他们关闭了道路。
This is the only YouTube short doc I’ve ever watched that is packed with advertisements for the show I am currently watching.
这是我看过的唯一一个 YouTube 短视频,里面充满了我现在正在看的节目的广告。
We've been working on this for 60 years. It's hard to imagine that glacial pace paying off, but I guess everyone is pretty motivated now that we're seeing the end of Moore's Law wreaking havoc.
我们为此努力了 60 年。很难想象这种缓慢的步伐会取得成效,但现在看来,随着摩尔定律的终结带来的破坏性影响,大家似乎都变得相当有动力。
The producers need to decide if they want to focus on slowly walking Hannah or on the Quantum stuff.
I love Hannah Fry. I first came across her from watching the Christmas lectures filmed at the Royal Institute on YouTube. I recommend watching those if you haven't.
我喜欢汉娜·弗莱。我第一次是在 YouTube 上看到在皇家学院拍摄的圣诞讲座时认识她的。如果你还没看过,我推荐你去看一看。
It is imperative that we find a way to coexist peacefully, as we share a common home and should strive for the betterment of humanity as a whole, rather than prioritizing individual countries or races.
Really well done video! Also, her Sweater game is on point!
Message to a bank: "Why has my paycheck not been deposited?!" Bank: "A cricket keeps looking at our fiber optic cables."
致银行:“我的工资为什么还没入账?!” 银行:“一只蟋蟀一直在看我们的光纤电缆。”
Quantum Computing will change humanity. Hopefully, humanity will evolve enough to use the technology positively. Sadly humanity's track record isn't great.
量子计算将改变人类。 希望人类能够足够进化,以积极的方式使用这项技术。 遗憾的是,人类的历史并不辉煌。