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A lightweight react component to add a mouse parallax effect to your website.


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React Parallax Mouse React Parallax小鼠

❤️ A lightweight react component to add a mouse parallax effect to your website

💚 Efficient and lag free animations optimized for performance
💚 针对性能优化的高效且无延迟动画

💙 Using react-spring under the hood for fluid animations
💙 在引擎盖下使用反作用力弹簧进行流体动画

🚀 Ready to use and provided with types
🚀 随时可用并提供类型

What is the Mouse Parallax Effect?

➔ The parallax effect creates the illusion of depth when the cursor moves inside a specified container. The child of the container which is farthest from the user moves at the slowest speed, while the nearest child moves at the fastest speed.

It uses the mouse cursor position on the container and creates the illusion of depth for the layers visible in the container. For example, your cursor enters the container and the layers start to move away or approach to the cursor.

(Read more at https://smartslider3.com/blog/parallax-effect/)

Example 例如

➔ An editable example can be found on CodeSandbox below.

Edit react-parallax-mouse Example

Getting Started 开始

npm 南普

npm install react-parallax-mouse

yarn 斜纹纱

yarn add react-parallax-mouse

Usage 用法

import { MouseParallaxContainer, MouseParallaxChild } from "react-parallax-mouse";

The library provides you with two components and one hook.


➔ The main container in which the effect will take place. It provides a context for all of its children.


➔ The layer component for the effect. It provides a container for all of its children, which will stay on the same layer. Only works within the MouseParallaxContainer component (as direct child or subchild).
默认效果的图层组件。它为所有子层提供了一个容器,这些子层将停留在同一层上。仅在组件内工作(作为直接子组件或子组件)。 MouseParallaxContainer

Example 例如

<MouseParallaxContainer globalFactorX={0.1} globalFactorY={0.1}>
  <MouseParallaxChild factorX={0.3} factorY={0.5}>
    <img src="example1.jpg" alt="" />
  <MouseParallaxChild factorX={0.7} factorY={0.8}>
    <img src="example2.jpg" alt="" />


➔ A hook that gives you direct access to the underlying spring and its values. It can be used to create custom child components.

Example 例如

const { x, y } = useParallaxOffset();

Props 道具

➔ MouseParallaxContainer 产品展示

prop type description
enabled 启用 boolean (default: true) 布尔值(默认值:true) Enables or disables the effect.
globalFactorX number (default: 1) 数字(默认值:1) Strength multiplier of the effect on the X axis for every child component
globalFactorY 全球工厂 number (default: 1) 数字(默认值:1) Strength multiplier of the effect on the Y axis for every child component
resetOnLeave boolean 布尔 Resets the view to 0:0 offset when the mouse leaves the container
useWindowMouseEvents boolean 布尔 Uses the window event handler instead of the container event handler to track mouse movement
inverted 倒置 boolean 布尔 Inverts the offset of ParallaxChildren on mouse movement
反转鼠标移动时的偏移量 ParallaxChildren
containerStyle React.CSSProperties (Object)
React. CSSProperties(对象)
Additional CSS attributes which are applied directly to the parallax container element (equal to style on HTML elements)
直接应用于视差容器元素的附加CSS属性(等同于HTML元素) style
className string 字符串 The class name of the container
springConfig SpringConfig React Spring Config (https://react-spring.dev/common/configs)
React Spring Configuration(https://react—spring.dev/common/Adds)

➔ MouseParallaxChild 宠物宠物

prop type description
factorX (!) factorX(!) number Strength factor for the movement on the X axis
factorY (!) factorY(!) number Strength factor for the movement on the Y axis
inverted 倒置 boolean 布尔 Inverts the offset of the specific child element on mouse movement
style 风格 React.CSSProperties (Object)
React. CSSProperties(对象)
Additional CSS attributes which are applied directly to the parallax child element (equal to style on HTML elements)
直接应用于视差子元素的附加CSS属性(等同于HTML元素) style
className string 字符串 The class name of the child

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