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Chapter 4: Intended
第 4 章:意图

Notes: 备注

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay! Life has been a tad insane, YA GIRL GOT LAID OFF FROM HER TECH JOB WOOOOOO. But seriously fuck corporate America I hate it here so much. At least I’ll have more time to dedicate to this lovely little story! As you can guess this fic is a bit of a slow burn, but don’t worry it will heat up slowly but surely.

You are all so lovely and thank you for all the kind words and encouragement - it truly means the world to me!

Chapter Text 章节正文

Bonded.  保税。

He is to be bonded. To Alexander. And not just forcibly bonded, but to be married as well? Unity, to a changing world, she calls it. For the first time he is grateful he is on his knees otherwise he would have collapsed to the floor like a sack of grain. He looks up at his intended, whose mouth is now open in disbelief, one hand nervously playing with the curls framing his forehead and feels a laugh bubble up in a moment of insanity. 
他将与亚历山大和亚历山大不只是强行结合,还要结婚?她称之为 "团结",团结到一个不断变化的世界。他第一次庆幸自己跪在地上,否则就会像一袋谷物一样倒在地上。他抬头看了看自己的意中人,后者正难以置信地张大嘴巴,一只手紧张地拨弄着他额前的卷发,他感到一阵疯狂的笑意涌上心头。

“Are you laughing at me?” Alexander shoots down at the omega beside his feet. 

“Hard not to when you act like this is in any way a hardship to you.” Henry raises his still bound hands and shakes them. “You aren’t the one physically bound at your enemy’s feet and told you are to be bonded to them. You just get an easy omega. Isn’t that all you Alpha’s care about?” 

“Do you think I didn’t want to choose for myself? Do you think I enjoy being commanded to -” 

“Enough.” Ellen’s voice cuts through the exchange, an amused smile forming on her lips. 

“Lieutenant Nora, please escort the Briton prince to Alexander’s quarters and make sure he behaves. I have details I need to discuss with my son in private.” 
"诺拉中尉 请护送不列颠王子到亚历山大的住处 确保他乖乖听话我有一些细节要和我儿子私下讨论。"

With a short bow Nora reaches down to help Henry to his feet. She gently pats Alexander’s shoulder and whispers a quick good luck , before she guides them out of the room. The cool hillside air helps to alleviate some of the shock still humming in his body, helping to ground him back into the present. There was satisfaction knowing that he wasn’t the only one surprised by the news, but what to do with that feeling of satisfaction, he didn’t know. 

Nora was quiet as she led him to a smaller stone structure in the back of High Command. It was a spacious one room apartment with wooden floors and a fire roaring in the back corner. A small table and chair set with various papers and books stacked upon it sat near the fire. A decently sized bed was also present in the room, various articles of clothing strewn upon it. The room looked well lived in, a glimpse into Alexander’s free time before he unknowingly stole all of Henry’s. 

As soon as the door was shut behind them Nora untied the ropes from his wrists. He let out a quiet hiss as the collection of cuts and burns were exposed to the air. 

“Sorry, I have something for that. Just one second!” 

The lieutenant's apology seemed sincere as she sat him down at the table. She gently coated the shallow wounds in a cooling cream before wrapping them in a clean cloth bandage. When she was done with her work, awkwardness of the situation began to seep in. Were they supposed to talk now? Since being captured this was his longest stretch of idle time and Henry had no idea what to do with it. 

Reading his mind Nora spoke up. “So. Wine?” 
看穿了他的心思 诺拉开口了"那么,酒呢?"

“Wine. You are offering me wine?” 

Nora shrugs, “We might have some mead or ale somewhere? Is that what you prefer? I know grapes aren’t exactly native to these lands so I get it if it’s not your preference.” 

“No, no wine is perfect, it’s just -” Henry cuts himself off, unsure of what he wants to say. 

“I view you as a person Henry and so does Alexander. I do not expect you to trust us right away, or if ever to be honest, but I will always treat you with the respect you deserve. ” 

Henry rolls his eyes a bit and pulls down his tunic to reveal Alexander’s bite mark on his collarbone, “This is the extent of his respect for me.” 

Nora frowns at the mark and an even deeper silence follows them. Henry stares into the fire and gives up with a sigh. Why is he fighting a little bit of an escape? 

“Fine, let’s steal his wine. Least he can do.”

“Great! He has to have some of the good stuff around here.” Nora spends the next minute or so rummaging around her commanding officer’s room like it’s her own. Their relationship is odd to Henry, multifaceted in a way one would not expect. 

Her search leads her to a basket set at the foot of the bed where she lets out a whoop of victory, holding up a rather large jug, “You can take the kid out of the city but not the city out of the kid. Love some contraband wine.” 

“Contraband? No, we shouldn’t -” 

“Don’t worry your yummy little blonde head, he’ll be happy to have it opened when he gets back. He’ll need it. Besides, we’re both stuck here with nothing to do, he’s asking for us to steal his good wine.” Nora pours both of them a large cup, raising hers to him. They clink glasses and Henry takes a deep pull. The wine is light but deeply flavorful, reminding Henry of tart summer cherries and soil after the fall harvest. He’s never tasted anything quite like it. Maybe the Empire wasn’t all bad. 

They sit in silence for a bit while Henry sips his wine and Nora is onto her second. The wine settles warmly in his belly as he contemplates what to say. 

“I can tell you want to ask me something,” Nora grins as she tops off his drink. “Go ahead, I insist. This is a place for you to speak freely.” 

“What is your relationship to Alexander?” Henry blurts out. 

Nora raises an eyebrow at him, taking a sip to poorly disguise a snort. 

“I mean, well, most lieutenants wouldn’t feel comfortable stealing their superior officer’s contraband wine and encouraging their omegas to speak freely .”
"我是说,大多数中尉都不会 放心偷他们上司的违禁酒 并鼓励他们的Ω畅所欲言"

“Fair point.” Nora laughs while she sets her gaze on the fireplace. She thinks for a moment before answering. “He’s my best friend. We grew up together, climbed through the ranks together. We tried being together once but it turns out I like his sister a whole lot more than I like him.” 

Henry coughs into his drink.

“June’s still out on the front lines, but with her mother venturing back out again I’m sure she’ll be back soon to help out Alexander.” 
"琼还在前线,不过她妈妈又回来了" "我相信她很快就会回来帮助亚历山大的"

Just as Henry was about to ask for more details the door of the cabin swung open with a force that caused both of them to jump. Alexander stormed in, hair and clothing damp from the elements. 

“Why does it always seem to rain the minute I step outside and stop as soon as I get inside. This place is ridiculous , my mother is ridiculous ,” The Alpha stops and zeroes in on the wine jug on the table and glares at Nora. “Are you drinking my wine?” 

He waves her off before taking the jug by the handle and taking a swing right from the source. “Don’t answer that of course you are, I expect nothing less. What I didn’t expect is Henry here to indulge with the enemy.” 

Alexander plops himself in the chair closest to the fire, shaking his curls out like a dog. Henry quickly takes a sip to hide his scowl. Alexander lets out a deep sigh and turns his attention to the prince. The Alpha gently takes Henry’s wrists into his hands and caresses the fresh bandage. 

“Are you in any pain?” He asks.  

The soft shift in the other man’s voice is a sharp contrast to his entrance, “No, Nora was very attentive.” 

“Good, that’s good.” If Henry didn’t know any better he would say the Alpha was acting shy. 

“What did mother dearest have to say?” Nora asks before getting up to rummage around in some more drawers. She quickly emerges with a variety of dried meat and fruit. 

“That is something I need to first discuss with Henry. Alone.” 

Nora immediately gets out of her chair, downs the rest of her cup in one go before pocketing the snacks she just brought to the table. With an exaggerated bow to the both of them she takes her leave. 

“Goodbye Henry, remember, speak freely . Alexander needs to be knocked down a peg.” 
"再见 亨利 记住 畅所欲言亚历山大需要被打倒在地"

“Chaos demon.” Alexander mutters, rubbing at his face before wincing when he brushes a little too hard near the bruising along the side of his jaw.

Henry stiffens. He hasn’t been alone with Alexander since their first encounter and he can feel his heart begin to race. The Alpha in question takes a quick sniff, and frowns at tasting Henry’s fear in the confines of the room. He steps away from the table and heads to a trunk in the far corner. He digs to the bottom and emerges with something small wrapped in a cloth. 

“Here,” He says before sitting back down across from the omega, hands firmly at his sides, making a clear effort to give the omega his space. 

“What’s this?”  "这是什么?"

“Just look, I think you’ll be happy to see it.” 

Henry gives into temptation and unravels the cloth. When he sees what’s inside he lets out a soft gasp, and clutches the contents to his chest. 

“How on earth did you get this?” Henry reverently traces the spine of his relatively unscathed notebook. He brings the leather and parchment to his face and breathes in deeply, the scent only slightly sullied by smoke. 

“I found it in the castle, it’s what led me to you. Your smell is heavily imprinted on it, so I figured it means a lot to you.” Alexander’s voice wavers a bit at the intensity of Henry’s gaze on him. “I didn’t want you to be without it.” 

“Thank you.” Henry says. And he means it. Alexander could have quickly disposed of it after it served its purpose but he kept onto it, even after their scuffle. 

“You don’t also happen to have David somewhere in here do you?” 

“David?”  "戴维?"

“My hunting dog.”  "我的猎狗"

“Ah the mutt who took a chunk of my leg with him.” Alexander looked amused rather than angry at Henry’s mention of David. “I, uh, have actually sent some soldiers to look for him. He’ll be returned here if he manages to show up.” 

Henry is so shocked by the revelation that he immediately blurts out, “Why?” 

“Because he means a lot to you. If we’re meant to be bonded I want you to feel safe. And that wiley little thing isn’t afraid to defend you, that’s for damn sure.” Alexander reaches out to fill Henry’s cup with more wine while pouring himself a fresh one. 
"因为他对你很重要如果我们注定要结合 我希望你有安全感而那个狡猾的小东西不会害怕保护你,这一点是肯定的。"亚历山大伸手给亨利的杯子里倒满酒,同时给自己也倒了一杯。

“I didn’t know of my mother’s plan.” The Alpha admits, a dark look passing over his handsome features. “I knew vaguely that you were to be used as a liaison of sorts to help with the aftermath of the takeover. You are a well educated, well respected member of your community, so you were to help us rebuild and grow this land into its potential.” 

Henry lets out a laugh and it startles Alexander who was caught up in his speech. “You Romans speak in such absolutes. This land already has grown into its potential. We were fine before you came along.” 

“Why be fine when you can be a part of the greatest Empire the world has ever known?” 
"当你能成为世界上最伟大帝国的一员时" "为什么要碌碌无为呢?"

“And be a meaningless foot soldier making other Alphas far richer than me? Pass.” 
"做一个毫无意义的小兵 让其他字母军团比我富有得多?通过。"

Alexander looks put out as he drums his fingers on the table. “I thought my mother would claim you. Or even my sister, as she is the oldest Alpha of the family. Our first meeting would have gone differently if I had known.” 

Henry pours his third glass of wine. He should probably ask for some food soon, the wine has quickly gone to his head when he spits back, “Oh you wouldn’t have mauled me like a wild animal in the burning ruins of my home? You wouldn’t have jumped at the chance to rub yourself all over me and touch where no one has ever even seen besides myself, my mother and my chambermaids? You’re telling me you didn’t like having me completely at your mercy? I could smell how much you liked it even through the stench of your battle gear.” 
亨利倒了第三杯酒。他也许应该尽快要些吃的,酒很快就冲昏了他的头脑,他回敬道:"哦,你不会在我家燃烧的废墟上像野兽一样撕咬我吗?你就不会抓住机会在我身上乱摸,触摸除了我自己、我母亲和我的侍女之外从未有人见过的地方?你是说你不喜欢我完全任你摆布?即使隔着战衣的臭味 我也能闻到你有多喜欢"

By the end of the tirade Henry is lightly panting and looking anywhere but the Alpha in front of him who is strangely subdued. 

“You surprised me. I acted on instinct and for that I apologize. I would never have struck you in the way I did or have exposed your body to so many if I knew you were to be my intended.” 
"你让我大吃一惊。我是出于本能,为此我向你道歉。如果我知道你是我的目标 我绝不会用那种方式打你 也不会让你的身体暴露在这么多人面前"

“Typical Alpha. Only concerned about others seeing what they think belongs to them.” 

And at that, the mood entirely shifts. Alexander calmly makes his way to the seat next to Henry, their knees immediately brushing before the Alpha rests his hand on the unbruised side of the omega’s face. He leans in so their foreheads brush, before he speaks.

“You do belong to me, Henry. That is now a fact. And I intend to care for you, as much as you will allow me to. I am not like Richards, I find no joy in harming others, especially omegas, it is a cowardly cruelty which I abhor.” 

Henry can practically taste the Alpha soldier in the air shared between them. His senses flooded with Alexander, notes of the forest floor and rain remain but now there are notes of something spicier. 

“But you make that very hard with your behavior.” He continues. “Richards is out for your blood and is demanding punishment, a punishment I have been tasked with.” 

Fear takes over as Henry makes a move to separate himself from the Alpha, but is quickly shut down as the hand holding his face moves to grip the back of his neck. The hold is firm and not yet painful, but memories of their first encounter beat against his ribcage as Alexander begins to speak again. 

“Do you know what he demanded for your punishment?” 

Henry lets out a whimper and shakes his head. 

“He demanded a public humiliation. You on your knees for him in front of his men, his cock down your throat as he uses you without mercy.” 
"他要求当众羞辱你你当着他手下的面给他跪下 他的鸡巴插进你的喉咙 他毫不留情地利用你"

Henry gags at the image and breaks free of Alexander’s hold on his hair, bolting to the other side of the quarters. His back hits a wall before sliding down into a seated position, hugging his knees tightly to his chest, head buried as he makes himself as small as possible. 

Alexander makes a noise of distress before making his way to the terrified prince, getting down on his knees as well. “I told him I would fight him to the death over it. As long as I drew breath he wasn’t to touch a hair on your head.” 

Henry dared to look up at Alexander, if only to see the proud Alpha on his knees for him. 

“Then what is my punishment to be?” The prince mumbles. 

“A kiss, freely given.” The Alpha’s face colors slightly as the omega before him looks at him in surprise. “And we must sleep closely together tonight. You need to smell like me as much as possible so they think something…more happened.” 

“So my punishment for disobeying you and starting a fight with a high ranking officer is a kiss and a cuddle?” 
"所以我不听你的话 和高级军官打架的惩罚 就是亲亲抱抱吗?"

“Sounds a bit ridiculous when put like that. But yes.” Alexander looks a bit put out but his face steels into a serious expression as he takes Henry’s hands into his own. “We are intended, yes, but we can take our time with the physicality of our relationship. Depending on when your next heat is, we have a few months to get to know one another before I can fully claim you and I do not wish to take something that is not freely given. I will not rape you Henry, this I swear.” 

Henry unconsciously licks his lips before whispering, “I’ve never been kissed. I don’t know how.” 

“Let me teach you, anaticula .” 
"让我来教你吧 安娜蒂库拉"