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STAR  星星

General Information  一般資訊

Three months ago, the once-popular rock group Sarren, Trace, Arthurs and Robin (STAR) regrouped for their first performance together in 13 years. Following the well-received benefit concert, Robin revealed that he has decided to work with the group once again, primarily because Sarren has kicked his drug habit and is now serious about making music. The four have already started recording a new album and have booked a major concert tour.
三個月前,曾經受歡迎的搖滾樂團 Sarren、Trace、Arthurs 和 Robin(STAR)在 13 年後重新聚首,進行了首次合體演出。在這場反響良好的慈善音樂會後,Robin 透露他已決定再次與樂團合作,主要是因為 Sarren 已戒掉毒癮,並且現在對音樂非常認真。四人已經開始錄製新專輯,並預訂了一場大型音樂巡演。

“We’re gonna make a fantastic album” insisted 45-year-old Sarren, standing backstage after a recent concert. “We"re gonna really show them what we can do !”.
“我們要製作一張精彩的專輯,” 45 歲的薩倫在最近的音樂會後堅持說,站在後台。“我們真的要讓他們看看我們能做什麼!”

“Everybody’s together again,” Robin, 41, said as he relaxed with Steven Trace in his dressing room between shows. “Can’t be STAR if you don’t have Sarren…” He glanced over at the 42-year-old Trace, who added, “It feels like we’re a band again”.
“大家又聚在一起了,”41 歲的羅賓在演出之間與史蒂文·特雷斯在他的化妝間放鬆時說。“如果沒有薩倫,就不能成為明星……”他瞥了一眼 42 歲的特雷斯,後者補充道:“感覺我們又像是一支樂隊了。”
Sarren spent eight months in a Texas jail last year following drug and illegal-weapon convictions. During that time he successfully overcame his addiction to cocaine. He was released seven months ago. “We got David back almost from the dead,” said Graham Arthurs, 45. “This first year has been the big test for him and so far he’s passed with flying colors.”
薩倫去年因毒品和非法武器定罪在德克薩斯州的監獄中度過了八個月。在那段時間裡,他成功克服了對可卡因的上癮。他在七個月前獲釋。“我們幾乎是從死裡把大衛救回來了,”45 歲的格雷厄姆·阿瑟斯說。“這第一年對他來說是個大考驗,到目前為止他表現得非常出色。”
Last month in L.A. the group began a recording that, if all goes as planned, will become the second STAR studio album. The group’s only previous studio album was released 15 years ago. Attempts to record a follow-up ended abruptly when Neal Robin, upset by arguments within the group, walked out and, as Sarren once put it, “never came back”.
上個月在洛杉磯,該樂團開始了一張錄音,如果一切按計劃進行,這將成為第二張 STAR 錄音室專輯。該樂團唯一的前一張錄音室專輯是在 15 年前發行的。錄製後續專輯的嘗試在尼爾·羅賓因樂團內部爭吵而感到不滿,走出錄音室後,正如薩倫曾經所說的,“再也沒有回來”。
One hitch in the group’s plans has come from H.H. Heffen, president of Heffen Records. Six weeks ago, Robin signed an exclusive two album, 2 year recording contract with Heffen Records, and Heffen does not want him appearing on a STAR CD unless it comes out on the Heffen label. Sarren, Trace and Arthurs are signed to exclusive contracts with Pacific, each of which has three albums and three years remaining. Terry Trigano, president of Pacific, wants
該團體計劃中的一個障礙來自 H.H. Heffen,Heffen Records 的總裁。六週前,Robin 與 Heffen Records 簽署了一份為期兩年的獨家兩張專輯錄音合同,而 Heffen 不希望他出現在 STAR CD 上,除非該專輯在 Heffen 標籤下發行。Sarren、Trace 和 Arthurs 與 Pacific 簽訂了獨家合同,每份合同還剩三張專輯和三年。Pacific 的總裁 Terry Trigano 希望