Land the Job

The No. 1 question you should ‘always’ ask at job interviews—it can get you hired ‘on the spot,’ says expert
专家说,你在求职面试中应该 “总是 ”问的第一问题--它可以让你 “当场 ”被录用

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Preparing for a job interview is tricky. As a career coach who has helped hundreds of people land six-figure salaries, I’ve found one of the biggest mistakes candidates make is failing to ask strong questions.

Instead, they obsess over giving the right answers. But you don’t want to be the person who freezes when the hiring manager pauses at the end of the meeting and says, “Do you have any questions for me?”

There’s one question in particular that I tell people to always ask at job interviews (some have even told me it helped them land an offer on the spot): “If the new hire was to achieve one thing that would blow your mind, what would it be?”

It shows that you are strategic and think ahead

With this question, you’re telling your potential employer that you don’t just do the bare minimum, but that you plan to go above and beyond.

Plus, it makes you seem confident enough to use fun, playful language. Too many people stray away from showing personality in an interview.

Sometimes the hiring manager won’t know how to answer this question, so it creates space to discuss and envision what could be possible together if you were hired.

How to make the most out of this question

Typically, the hiring manager will respond with a smile, think for a minute, then answer with their current goals and how the ideal candidate would perform (or over-perform).

To respond, share how you’ve reached a similar goal in the past. For example, the hiring manager tells you: “It would blow my mind if, within six months, the candidate we hire sold our product at 100% of their quota.”
作为回应,请分享您过去是如何实现类似目标的。例如,招聘经理告诉你:“如果我们雇用的候选人在六个月内以 100% 的配额出售我们的产品,那会让我大吃一惊。

If you have experience performing at that quota, you could say: “I’ve done just that! Within six months of starting my current job, I hit 150% of the company’s trainee quota.”
如果您有以该配额执行的经验,您可以说:“我已经做到了!在开始我现在的工作后的六个月内,我就达到了公司 150% 的实习生配额。

If you haven’t reached such a lofty goal, respond with follow-up questions that show your enthusiasm for delivering on it. In the example above, you could ask if anyone on their team has achieved it, and what made them so successful.

Then explain why you have what it takes: “It sounds like building relationships in new sectors has been key for your top sales performers. I’ve been doing this at [X and Y companies] in [X underrepresented sector] in the past five years. I’m confident that I can bring them here as clients.”
然后解释为什么你具备这个条件:“听起来在新领域建立关系对于你的顶级销售表现来说一直很关键。在过去的五年里,我一直在 [X 个代表性不足的行业] 的 [X 和 Y 公司] 做这件事。我有信心可以把他们作为客户带到这里。

How to spot the red flags

You can learn a lot by how the hiring manager responds, too. If they react negatively to this question, it could mean they are not receptive to you thinking creatively. It may be a “sit down and shut up” environment with limited room for growth.

If they come up with unrealistic goals, it may be an environment that asks too much of its employees, or has a poor work-life balance.

Remember, it’s not just the employer analyzing whether or not you’re a good fit for the role. You also need to ask yourself: “Will I be happy at this company?”

Natalie Fisher increased her salary by $60,000 in one job search. A former HR professional, she’s now a career coach who helps job seekers communicate their value and land six-figure roles. Follow her on LinkedIn and YouTube.
娜塔莉·费舍尔 (Natalie Fisher ) 在一次求职中将她的薪水提高了 60,000 美元。她曾是一名人力资源专业人士,现在是一名职业教练,帮助求职者传达他们的价值并获得六位数的职位。在 LinkedIn 和 YouTube 上 关注她  

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