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Political English Essay Number 2
政治英语作文第 2 号

Write a 300 word essay on the following question. Note that grammar and spelling errors will be counted against the score of the essay. This is due before class Friday May 31, 2024
就以下问题写一篇 300 字的文章。请注意,语法和拼写错误将计入论文的分数。这是在 2024 年 5 月 31 日星期五上课前到期的

Use Erik Olin Wrights Utopian Marxism and Antonio Gramscis Subaltern theories to highlight the plight of rural female informal migrant workers in China. What are the contradictions of Chinese feminist ideals in the struggle of these women workers to achieve economic and sexual equality as China pursues deepening economic reforms?
用埃里克·奥林·赖特(Erik Olin Wright)的乌托邦马克思主义(Utopian Marxism)和安东尼奥·葛兰西斯(Antonio Gramscis Subaltern)的理论来强调中国农村非正规农民工的困境。在中国深化经济改革的过程中,这些女工争取经济和性别平等的斗争中,中国女权主义理想有什么矛盾?

Note: Students should follow Rina Aggarwala and Julia Chuangs research on informal workers to understand their role in the global economy. These articles will help the student make a brief case study analysis on how the study of Marxism can provide an explanation to the social phenomena that is being discussed.
注意:学生应遵循 Rina Aggarwala 和 Julia Chuangs 对非正规工人的研究,以了解他们在全球经济中的作用。这些文章将帮助学生对马克思主义研究如何为正在讨论的社会现象提供解释进行简短的案例研究分析。