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Minxin Pei 裴敏欣, Columnist 专栏作家

How Likely Is War Over Taiwan? Watch These Three Numbers

China will take steps to protect its financial holdings, food supplies, and oil reserves before embarking on such a risky conflict. 

China only sources two-thirds of its food domestically. 

Photographer: STR/AFP/Getty Images
中国只有三分之二的食品来自国内。摄影师:STR/AFP/Getty Images

In this Article 在本文中

Senior US officials and military commanders have offered a wildly varying range of predictions for when Chinese President Xi Jinping might order an invasion of Taiwan. Such speculation captures headlines but doesn’t much help businesses looking to ascertain the real probability of war. It would be far simpler — and probably more accurate — for them to track three crucial data points.

One lesson China has learned from Russia’s botched invasion of Ukraine is how poorly President Vladimir Putin prepared for the conflict. In spite of having had eight years to fortify the Russian economy after annexing Crimea in 2014, Putin left many critical vulnerabilities exposed.

On the eve of the invasion, for example, Russia parked $300 billion , about half of its total foreign exchange reserves, in Western financial institutions, where they were promptly frozen. Blinded by optimistic assumptions of a blitzkrieg victory, he did not stock up on enough artillery shells or components for weapons to wage a protracted war of attrition.
例如,在入侵前夕,俄罗斯将 3,000 亿美元(约占其外汇储备总额的一半)存入西方金融机构,并迅速被冻结。他被闪电战胜利的乐观假设蒙蔽了双眼,没有储备足够的炮弹或武器部件来发动一场持久的消耗战。

Chinese leaders are not likely to make the same mistakes. To put China in a better position for a potentially drawn-out conflict with the US, they will pay particular attention to three measures of self-sufficiency: the levels of China’s foreign exchange reserves held in Western financial institutions, its strategic food stocks, and its oil reserves.

Ahead of any war, China can be expected to shrink its exposure to Western financial pressure, selling off US Treasuries and using the proceeds to buy gold or other assets beyond Washington’s reach. Simultaneously, China will likely divest its euro, yen, and pound holdings.

China’s holdings of US Treasuries have shrunk from $1.17 trillion at the end of January 2018 (right before the US-China trade war began) to just over $770 billion now. Geopolitical tensions have contributed to the decline, as China has apparently been selling Treasuries to buy gold . The slumping Chinese economy has also resulted a weaker renminbi. As a result, China does not need to buy Treasuries to keep its currency from appreciating.

China's Shrinking US Exposure

Chinese holdings of US Treasuries have been declining gradually since 2018.
2018 年以来,中国持有的美国国债逐渐减少。

Source: US Treasury 来源:美国财政部来源:美国财政部

Thus far, the numbers reflect a gradual decline, not a precipitous fall. If China dumps most of its holdings in a very short period of time, on the other hand, a war over Taiwan is likely imminent. Although selling off holdings in a rush would entail severe financial losses, Beijing would at least avoid losing everything.

Another number worth watching is China’s food self-sufficiency ratio. In 2000, the country was able to source 94% of its food supplies domestically. The ratio fell to 66% in 2020, implying that China relies on imports for about a third of its needs.
另一个值得关注的数字是中国的粮食自给率。2000 年,中国 94% 的粮食供应来自国内。到 2020 年,这一比例将降至 66%,这意味着中国约有三分之一的粮食需求依赖进口。

In a major conflict, the US navy could cut off China’s trading routes. That is why the government passed an unprecedented law in March that declares food self-sufficiency a top priority. While it’s unclear how high the self-sufficiency ratio will need to be for Xi to feel comfortable, it’s almost certain to be much greater than 66%.
在重大冲突中,美国海军可能会切断中国的贸易路线。正因如此,中国政府在三月份通过了一项史无前例的法律,宣布粮食自给自足是重中之重。虽然目前还不清楚自给率需要达到多高才能让习近平感到放心,但几乎可以肯定的是,自给率将远远高于 66%。

Similarly, the US may interdict Chinese seaborne oil imports should a war break out. Total Chinese crude stockpiles (including both commercial stocks and government reserves) stood at 934 million barrels in January this year, enough for about two months of consumption . Obviously, China will need to build up those reserves if it wants to fight a war.
同样,如果爆发战争,美国可能会阻止中国的海运石油进口。今年 1 月,中国的原油库存总量(包括商业库存和政府储备)为 9.34 亿桶,足够大约两个月的消费量。显然,如果中国想打一场战争,就需要增加这些储备。

All this means China will telegraph its intentions far in advance of a deliberate attack. Building up oil stocks and increasing food security will be costly and require years of work. Even then, no conflict is likely to be launched until China drastically reduces its Treasury holdings, which will be visible to all.

The probability of an all-out war over Taiwan is thus currently very low. The more pressing danger — as demonstrated by this week’s detention of a Taiwanese fishing vessel by the Chinese Coast Guard — will be an accidental conflict, a crisis originating in miscalculations or provocations by Beijing, Washington, or Taipei. That’s what all sides should be preparing for — and striving to prevent.

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    Minxin Pei is professor of government at Claremont McKenna College and author of "The Sentinel State: Surveillance and the Survival of Dictatorship in China."
    裴敏欣是克莱蒙特-麦肯纳学院(Claremont McKenna College)政府学教授,著有《哨兵国家》(The Sentinel State)一书:监视与中国独裁统治的生存"。