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A good read for great connections
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Not-so-small talk 不那么闲聊

A good read for great connections

David Brooks' new book teaches us how—and why—to make every word count.


When I was younger, I would have been perfectly happy spending hours alone in my room reading, learning about my latest obsession, and letting my mind wander.

But my mom was intentional about creating opportunities for me to engage and socialize—encouraging me to interact with all the guests who visited our house and making me serve as a greeter at my dad’s work events.

She believed that connecting with others was a skill that had to be cultivated, even (or perhaps especially) for an introverted kid like me.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately after reading David Brooks's newest book, How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen. It was recommended to me by my friend Bernie Noe, and I was eager to dive in because I know David and enjoyed his previous book, The Road to Character. (Also: Whenever Bernie recommends a book to me, I read it.) The key premise is one I haven't found in any other book: that conversational and social skills aren't just innate traits—they can be learned and improved upon.

As someone who has always been more comfortable making software than small talk, I found this idea both refreshing and informative. As a result, even though some of its advice may seem fairly rudimentary, the book is now my favorite of anything David has written.

While reading How to Know a Person, I took a ton of notes and reflected on my own communication style. In Chapter 6, "Good Talks," David dives into what makes a conversation meaningful.

It really got me thinking about when I am fully present and engaged in a conversation, and when am I just trying to preserve my energy or avoid being interrupted.

I had to laugh at myself a bit, because I know I've been guilty of talking about topics I find fascinating, like the history of fertilizer, without always checking to see if the other person is interested.

One powerful takeaway from the book is the importance of active listening—or, as David calls it, loud listening. “When another person is talking,” he writes, “you want to be listening so actively that you’re practically burning calories.” I’m pretty good at that kind of listening when I’m super interested in a topic, especially when I’m learning something new.

But the book made clear how transformative it can be to bring that same enthusiasm when listening to someone talk about a hardship they’re dealing with or an accomplishment they’re proud of.

Fortunately, the book is full of practical advice for doing that.

David emphasizes something I’ve found really helpful in my own life: asking open-ended questions—with phrases like "How did you…," "What's it like…," "Tell me about…," and "In what ways…"—that invite people to share their experiences and perspectives in a more in-depth way.

David also recommends using the "looping" technique, where you paraphrase what someone has just said to ensure you've understood them correctly.

And he endorses what experts call the SLANT method to convey attention and interest in a conversation: Sit up, Lean forward, Ask questions, Nod, and Track the speaker.
他支持专家们所说的 SLANT 方法来表达对话中的关注和兴趣:坐直、身体前倾、提问、点头并跟踪说话者。

What I found especially compelling about the book is how it shows that these skills are relevant across all kinds of relationships and interactions.

Whether you're catching up with a close friend, chatting with a coworker, or just exchanging pleasantries with someone while waiting in line for a cheeseburger, being fully present and attuned can transform the encounter.

These simple practices can go a long way in making others feel heard and valued.

The more I read, the more I realized how much the book's insights connect to the broader challenges we face in today's world. Back in 1995, when I wrote The Road Ahead, I predicted that technology would make it easier for us to stay connected with our hometowns and share our lives with others. And in many ways, it has.
越阅读,我越意识到这本书的洞察力与当今世界我们所面临的更广泛挑战有多么紧密的联系。早在 1995 年,我在撰写《未来之路》时,预言技术将使我们更容易与家乡保持联系,与他人分享我们的生活。在很多方面,这已经成为现实。

But David argues in Chapter 8, "The Epidemic of Blindness," that technology has also contributed to a growing sense of loneliness and disconnection. We may be more connected than ever, but are we truly seeing and understanding each other?
但大卫在第 8 章“盲目性流行病”中认为,技术也导致了日益严重的孤独和疏离感。我们可能比以往任何时候都更紧密地联系在一起,但我们真的能看到并理解彼此吗?

This question becomes even more urgent when considering the social and political divisions David highlights.

The statistics he cites about the rise in depression, suicide, and distrust are alarming, and he makes the case that this social unraveling is fueling our political divides.

His discussion about how politics can become a substitute for genuine connection—leading people to get their satisfaction from yelling at those they disagree with instead of trying to understand them—highlights a trend that worries me a great deal.

In the book, David connects these social ills to changes in our education system. He argues that schools have shifted away from teaching what he calls “moral and social skills,” and that this has left us ill-equipped to build strong relationships and communities.

It’s an interesting and timely argument for sure, but I wished it were further built out.

I’d be interested in reading more about how David defines this type of teaching, how he measures the changes, and how he thinks education can help reverse some of these troubling social trends. In fact, I think there’s another book waiting to be written here.

For the most part, though, what makes David's book so compelling is that it challenges us to put its insights into practice.

It's about being intentional in our interactions, whether that means asking more thoughtful questions, fully listening to the answers, or expressing genuine appreciation.

It's about approaching conversations with generosity and curiosity, looking for ways to connect and understand.

And it's about realizing that even small things—like asking the right question at the right time or giving a nice compliment—can make a big difference in building relationships. I’m certain that what I learned from the book will stay with me for a long time.

Overall, I can’t recommend How to Know a Person highly enough. More than a guide to better conversations, it’s a blueprint for a more connected and humane way of living.

It's a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their relationships and broaden their perspectives—and I believe it has the power to make us better friends, colleagues, and citizens.

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60 responses 响应
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Kaveh Sohrabi
New member
1 day ago

I have known people who leave me because they no longer benefit from me. This book may be able to show people's inner selves. Thank you, grandfather

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Margaret cherry Aciro
Member for 1 month
2 days ago

Must read someday,

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Viet Le Khanh
Member for 1 month
4 days ago

Hearing the name feels great! Thank you Bill Gates!!

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Miralem Handan
New member
5 days ago

Thank you for the book review!

It's interesting.

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Viet Le Khanh
Member for 1 month
3 days ago

Thank you!!

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Kei Watanabe
Member for 1 year
7 days ago

Thank you for the book review!

I didn't know this book yet, but I got to thinking I'd like to read and learn from David!

Memo to myself: https://glasp.co/discover/book/B00LYXV61Y

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Darlene Arendt
Member for 1 year
7 days ago

I've read several books by David Brooks, and this, his latest book, was quite interesting. There were good suggestions as to how to maintain a conversation and also how to be a good conversationalist. In my experience one of the best aspects of a good conversation is the ability to listen. For example, I once had a conversation with a acquaintance who monopolized the conversation while I mostly listened. When the conversation had ended he turned to me and said " you are one of the best conversationalists I've ever encountered." I thanked him but was thinking I didn't say two words, all I did was listen. Apparently that is what this person needed, someone to listen. It didn't cost me anything, and I seemed to have made his day. 

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Kgomotso Molelu
Member for 3 years
10 days ago

That said, I appreciate Brooks’ candor. He regularly admits where he falls short in areas he is discussing. He also seems passionate about this subject, which is commendable for someone who has been churning out bestselling books for a while now.

I could identify with much of what he presents in this book. I meet people often, and it is surprising how readily total strangers will start sharing their life with you if you show interest and ask good questions.

This book can be a valuable resource. We would all do well to think through how we treat others and how well we actually know those we encounter often.

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Kgomotso Molelu
Member for 3 years
10 days ago

Overall, I found this book interesting and helpful. Brooks deals with a crucial issue for today’s society. With the pervasive use of cell phones, social media, and remote work, our society is becoming increasingly isolated and unable to connect with people on a deeply personal level. There is no doubt that people long to be truly known by others, yet secular society seems to have lost its tools to help people do so.

Brooks is a great storyteller. He also draws on numerous studies. I generally find this style interesting. But this book felt somewhat disjointed at times. He includes some long stories that don’t seem clearly connected with points he made in the previous chapter. Though Brooks is obviously knowledgeable, parts of the book read like a journalist’s compilation of quotes from various sources. That said, I appreciate Brooks’ candor. He regularly admits where he falls short in areas he is discussing.

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Ngbede James
New member
18 days ago

Thank you so much for sharing this priceless knowledge with us. I really enjoyed reading 📖 this and I hope what I’ve learnt today is going to stay with me if not forever to some extent.

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Monica Souza
New member
18 days ago

Thank you for sharing a little of your experience with us. Learning to improve our communication makes our relationships healthier.

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Clark Machamer
New member
25 days ago

Thank you for taking the time to share your heartfelt thoughts about this book. You are blessed to have David as a friend - may that friendship continue to grow.

I laughed when I read, "I had to laugh at myself a bit because I know I've been guilty of talking about topics I find fascinating, like the history of fertilizer, without always checking to see if the other person is interested." I can relate to this, as I, too, love to learn and share my knowledge with others, sometimes without considering their level of interest.

Your review shows that you are putting David's teachings into practice. You have successfully conveyed your thoughts and, by extension, a part of yourself to me, aligning with David's goal of "Tell me who you are."

I pray for you often. Take care.

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Bruna Pozzebon
Member for 1 year
26 days ago

About David Brooks I kept this beautiful part "I learned something profound along the way. Having an open heart is a prerequisite for being a full, kind and wise human being. But it is not enough. People need social skills. We talk about the importance of “relationships”, “community”, “friendship”, “social connection”, but these words are very abstract. The actual act of, say, building a friendship or creating a community involves doing a series of things well. small concrete social actions: disagreeing without poisoning the relationship; knowing how to disappoint someone without breaking their heart; someone who is suffering; knowing how to organize a meeting where everyone feels embraced" ... Obrigada, professor.

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New member
27 days ago

Hello sir, i really enjoying reading your blog thank you very much sir, I'm also a software engineer, you're like a legend to me sir

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Ana Viana
Member for 1 month
28 days ago

Sir,I like to read when you comments about books because you always find "the key"to understand a book!

What you said about the books you have read are so correct!📚✨💖

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William King Gutshall
Member for 3 years
28 days ago

Hi Bill, I just watched the videos produced by Partners of Human Potential. Wow! Short, informative, and well done! More of this please!

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Billy Hinners
Member for 1 month
29 days ago

A modern version of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People?

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Trish Short Lewis
Member for 1 month
29 days ago

thank you for sharing how to know a person. I always thought I was a good listener, but I really need to learn to listen better.

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