Ben Shiao, Passport number HJ2437587, Hong Kong,President of RiseSun Company Ben Shiao,護照號碼 HJ2437587,香港,榮盛公司總裁Address : 8th Floor, Universal Industrial Building, 60-62 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong 位址 : 香港新界荃灣沙咀道 60-62 號寰宇工業大廈 8 樓e-mail: 電子郵件: benny@risesunsolargpt.comPhone: (852) 91888881 電話: (852) 91888881To the attention 引起注意of Mr. Mohamed BERTAL, Passport number YK3193854, General Manager of Mohamed BERTAL 先生,護照號碼 YK3193854,總經理STEP BARRAGE OUED EL MALLEHAddress: 46, Boulevard Zerktouni 2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} floor, appt n^(@)6n^{\circ} 6 Casablanca, Morocco e-mail: 位址: 46, Boulevard Zerktouni 2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} floor, appt n^(@)6n^{\circ} 6 Casablanca, 摩洛哥 電子郵件: stepbom@outlook.comPhone: (212) 663177042 電話: (212) 663177042
January13, 2025 1月13,2025
This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is made and entered into as of January 13, 2025, by and between: 本諒解備忘錄(“MOU”)於 2025 年 1 月 13 日制定和簽訂,由以下各方達成和簽訂:
Mohamed BERTAL, President of the company STEP BARRAGE OUED EL MALLEH (hereinafter referred to as the “Project Developer” or “Seller” or the “Company”), a corporation duly organized under the laws of Morocco, with its principal place of business in Morocco, and Mr. Ben Shiao, President of Risesun Company(hereinafter referred to as the “Investor” or “Buyer”), who ordinarily resides in Hong Kong (collectively referred to as the “Parties”), President of the company RiseSun. STEP BARRAGE OUED EL MALLEH 公司(以下簡稱“項目開發商”或“賣方”或“公司”)總裁 Mohamed BERTAL(以下簡稱“項目開發商”或“賣方”或“公司”),一家根據摩洛哥法律正式組建的公司,其主要營業地點在摩洛哥,以及 Risesun 公司總裁 Ben Shiao 先生(以下簡稱“投資者”或“買方”), 通常居住在香港(統稱為“雙方”),榮升公司總裁。
(Logo RiseSun) (標誌 RiseSun)
Abstract 抽象
WHEREAS, the Project Developer desires to transfer shares of the Company to the Buyer, for the projects in renewable electricity, green hydrogen, green ammonia, and industrial activities in the Kingdom of Morocco, and 鑒於項目開發商希望將公司的股份轉讓給買方,用於摩洛哥王國的可再生電力、綠色氫、綠色氨和工業活動專案,以及
WHEREAS, the Investor wishes to acquire said shares or thprojects under the terms and conditions set forth herein, 鑒於投資者希望根據本協定規定的條款和條件收購上述股票或專案,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: 因此,鑒於此處包含的相互承諾和契約,雙方同意如下:
1- Transfer of Shares: 1- 股份轉讓:
The Seller agrees totransfer to the Buyer a total of 97%97 \% of the issued and outstandingsharesofSTEPBARRAGEOUEDELMALLEH. TheSellershall retain a 3% ownership interest inthe Company.The transfer of shares shall be executed in accordance with applicable laws andregulations governing share transfers in Morocco.Mr. Bertal is a partner and holds 3% ownership in the shares of each company project. 賣方同意將 STEPBARRAGEOUEDELMALLEH 的已發行和流通股總額 97%97 \% 轉讓給買方。賣方應保留公司 3% 的擁有權權益,股份轉讓應根據 Morocco.Mr 股份轉讓的適用法律和法規進行。Bertal 是合作夥伴,持有每個公司專案 3% 的股份。
The investor shall pay the Project Developer a total net sum of 3.5 million US dollars ( 35,000,000MAD35,000,000 \mathrm{MAD} ) for the project undertaken in Casablanca, in accordance with the terms outlined below. This amount will cover all costs related to the execution of the projects as agreed upon by the Parties, as well as for each project heldby the Project Developer in a specific region of Morocco, within the sectors of electricity, hydrogen, ammoniaindustry. Additionally, the investor will grant a net bonus of 3.5 million US dollars ( 35,000,000MAD35,000,000 \mathrm{MAD} ) fo each project that reaches the stage of the principle agreement with the Minister of Energy and the principle agreement with the Regional Investment Center (This amount will be paid as specified in Article 15, in Step 7 and Step 12). 投資者應根據以下條款向項目開發商支付 350 萬美元 ( 35,000,000MAD35,000,000 \mathrm{MAD} ) 的卡薩布蘭卡項目凈額。該金額將涵蓋與雙方商定的專案執行相關的所有費用,以及專案開發商在摩洛哥特定地區(電力、氫能、氨工業領域)持有的每個專案的所有費用。此外,投資者將為每個達到與能源部長達成原則協定和與區域投資中心原則協定階段的專案提供 350 萬美元的凈獎金 ( 35,000,000MAD35,000,000 \mathrm{MAD} )(該金額將按照第 15 條第 7 步和第 12 步的規定支付)。
2- Natureofthelvou: 2- thelvou 的性質:
ThisMOUshallbeconstrued asapurchase contract forthetransfer ofshares inthe Company, specificallyconcerning the project ofthe Bertal Electricity and Ammonia Production Complex located inthe Casablanca region.This includes the50MWPumpedStorageEnergy Transfer StationProject atOued EIMalleh Dam,in conjunction with a 200MW Photovoltaic Power Generation Plant and an Ammonia Production Facility. 該諒解備忘錄應解釋為公司股份轉讓的購買合同,特別是關於位於卡薩布蘭卡地區的 Bertal 電力和氨生產綜合體的專案。這包括位於 Oued EIMalleh 大壩的 50MW 蓄能能源轉運站專案,以及一個 200MW 光伏發電廠和一個氨生產設施。
Development, implementation, and operation of additional electricity, hydrogen, and ammonia production projects to achieve a target of over 15GW,3,500,00015 \mathrm{GW}, 3,500,000 tons of hydrogen, and 3,500,000 tons of ammonia for both local and international 開發、實施和運營額外的電力、氫氣和氨生產專案,以實現為本地和國際生產超過 15GW,3,500,00015 \mathrm{GW}, 3,500,000 噸氫氣和 3,500,000 噸氨的目標
(Logo RiseSun) (標誌 RiseSun)
markets, with the aim of supporting the Kingdom of Morocco’s policy, particularly its export program of these materials to the European Union marketand the potential for investment, development, and operation within the high voltage (HT) and very high voltage (THT) electrical transmission network of ONEE (National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water). 市場,旨在支援摩洛哥王國的政策,特別是其向歐盟市場出口這些材料的計劃,以及在 ONEE(國家電力和飲用水辦公室)的高壓 (HT) 和甚高壓 (THT) 輸電網路內投資、開發和運營的潛力。
The possibility of establishing a solar panel manufacturing plant, as well as a textile and clothing factory. 建立太陽能電池板製造廠以及紡織和服裝廠的可能性。
Provision of services for the construction, maintenance, and operation of electricity, hydrogen, and ammonia production plants in Morocco. 為摩洛哥的電力、氫氣和氨生產廠的建設、維護和運營提供服務。
The possibility of setting up a manufacturing plant in Morocco for renewable electricity, hydrogen, and ammonia production systems, along with the transfer of these technologies. 在摩洛哥建立製造工廠用於可再生電力、氫氣和氨生產系統的可能性,以及這些技術的轉讓。
3- OutstandingFinancialObligations: 3- 未償財務義務:
The Seller acknowledges and agrees that all outstanding bills, loans, and financial obligations incurred prior to the handover date shall remain the sole responsibility of the Seller. The Seller is obligated to clear all debts, loans, and any other financial issues prior to the handover date or before the due diligence process commences. The Seller shall provide all bank and tax confirmation before the handover date. The Buyer shall not assume any liabilities or obligations incurred by the Seller prior to the effective date of this MOU or handover date, whichever is later. 賣方承認並同意,在移交日期之前發生的所有未付帳單、貸款和財務義務應由賣方全權負責。賣方有義務在移交日期之前或盡職調查程序開始之前結清所有債務、貸款和任何其他財務問題。賣方應在交房日期前提供所有銀行和稅務確認。買方不承擔賣方在本諒解備忘錄生效日期或移交日期(以較晚者為準)之前產生的任何責任或義務。
4- AuthorityandDecision-Making: 4- 權威和決策:
Paragraph 1: Upon the execution of this memorandum and the completion of the share transfer or the establishment of a new company, the Buyer shall assume full authority to make all decisions related to the company, including, but not limited to, financial decisions and the management of bank accounts. The Seller’s role shall be limited to that of a silent partner and shall not be authorized to make any business or financial decisions on behalf of the company. The Seller agrees to provide reasonable assistance to the Buyer during the transition period but shall not exercise any authority over financial matters or signing rights. 第 1 款:在簽署本備忘錄並完成股份轉讓或成立新公司時,買方應承擔與公司相關的所有決策的全部權力,包括但不限於財務決策和銀行帳戶管理。賣方的角色應僅限於沉默的合夥人,不得被授權代表公司做出任何商業或財務決策。賣方同意在過渡期內向買方提供合理的説明,但不得對財務事項或簽字權行使任何權力。
Paragraph 2: The Seller will contribute to the development of policies and strategies for the project in Morocco, while the Buyer and the Seller will have joint authority for decision-making. 第 2 段:賣方將為摩洛哥專案的政策和戰略的制定做出貢獻,而買方和賣方將擁有共同的決策權。
Paragraph 3: In the event of a capital increase or the initiation of a new project, Mr. Mohamed Bertal’s shares will remain fixed at 3%3 \%, and he will not be required to make any financial contribution under any circumstances. 第3段:如果增資或啟動新專案,Mohamed Bertal 先生的股份將保持固定, 3%3 \% 並且在任何情況下都不需要他提供任何財務貢獻。