Ref: Submission ID 97ee968d-1386-4705-94f4-93b03de13fd9 编号:97ee968d-1386-4705-94f4-93b03de13fd9
Dear Dr WANG, 亲爱的王医生
Re: “Study on indoor thermal environment and energy consumption of traditional dwellings of ethnic minorities in Sichuan plateau” 关于"四川高原少数民族传统民居室内热环境与能耗研究"
We are pleased to let you know that your manuscript has now passed through the review stage and is ready for revision. Many manuscripts require a round of revisions, so this is a normal but important stage of the editorial process. 我们很高兴地通知您,您的稿件已经通过审查,可以进行修改了。许多稿件都需要一轮修改,因此这是编辑过程中正常而重要的阶段。
Editor comments 编辑评论
After evaluation of your manuscript, the reviewers recommend reconsideration of your manuscript. I invite you to resubmit your manuscript after addressing the reviewers’ comments. When revising your manuscript, please consider all issues mentioned in the reviewers’ comments carefully: please outline every change made in response to their comments and provide suitable rebuttals for any comments not addressed. 在对您的稿件进行评估后,审稿人建议重新考虑您的稿件。请您针对审稿人的意见重新投稿。在修改稿件时,请仔细考虑审稿人意见中提到的所有问题:请概述根据审稿人意见所做的每处修改,并对未处理的意见提出适当的反驳。
To ensure the Editor and Reviewers will be able to recommend that your revised manuscript is accepted, please pay careful attention to each of the comments that have been pasted underneath this email. This way we can avoid future rounds of clarifications and revisions, moving swiftly to a decision. 为确保编辑和审稿人能够建议接受您的修改稿,请仔细阅读本邮件下方粘贴的每一条意见。这样我们就能避免今后的澄清和修改,迅速做出决定。
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If you completed the initial submission, please log in using the same email address. If you did not complete the initial submission, please discuss with the submitting author, who will be able to access the link and resubmit. 如果您完成了首次提交,请使用同一电子邮件地址登录。如果您没有完成首次提交,请与提交作者讨论,他可以访问链接并重新提交。
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To support the continuity of the peer review process, we recommend returning your manuscript to us within 14 days. If you think you will need additional time, please let us know and we will aim to respond within 48 hours. 为了保证同行评审工作的连续性,我们建议您在 14 天内将稿件寄回给我们。如果您认为需要更多时间,请告知我们,我们将争取在 48 小时内回复。
Kind regards, 谨致问候、
Aminhossein Jahanbin 阿明霍辛-贾汉宾
Editorial Board Member 编辑委员会成员
Scientific Reports 科学报告
Reviewer Comments: 评论员评论:
Reviewer 1 审查员 1
General Comments 一般性评论
This manuscript addresses a vital subject: the indoor thermal environment and energy consumption in traditional dwellings of the Sichuan Plateau. The study’s focus on ethnic minority areas, where unique climatic, cultural, and economic factors converge, highlights the critical need for sustainable and culturally sensitive building practices. The research is particularly valuable given the increasing global emphasis on reducing building energy consumption and carbon emissions while ensuring occupant comfort, especially in underrepresented rural regions with limited resources. Integrating field measurements, questionnaire surveys, and advanced simulation tools provides a robust framework for understanding and optimizing building performance in such contexts. However, several areas require significant refinement to ensure the findings’ clarity, depth, and broader 本手稿探讨了一个重要课题:四川高原传统民居的室内热环境和能源消耗。这项研究的重点是少数民族地区,那里汇集了独特的气候、文化和经济因素,突出了对可持续和文化敏感的建筑实践的迫切需要。鉴于全球日益重视减少建筑能耗和碳排放,同时确保居住舒适度,尤其是在资源有限、代表性不足的农村地区,这项研究尤为重要。将实地测量、问卷调查和先进的模拟工具相结合,为了解和优化此类环境下的建筑性能提供了一个强有力的框架。然而,有几个方面需要大力改进,以确保研究结果的清晰度、深度和广度
applicability. These refinements are necessary to strengthen the impact and contribution of the study. 适用性。这些改进对于加强研究的影响和贡献是必要的。
Abstract 摘要
What is the primary aim of the paper? It should be clearly explained. So, “This paper mainly analyses the indoor thermal environment and building energy consumption of traditional houses in the Western Sichuan Plateau and proposes certain optimization measures” for what aim? 论文的主要目的是什么?应该解释清楚。那么,"本文主要分析了川西高原传统民居的室内热环境和建筑能耗,并提出了一些优化措施",目的是什么?
The utilized methodology should be briefly mentioned before presenting results. 在介绍结果之前,应简要提及所使用的方法。
What is the novelty? Please briefly highlight the research novelty in the abstract. 新颖性是什么?请在摘要中简要强调研究的新颖性。
Authors mention the contribution of the research, which is great, but fails to provide a brief future direction. 作者提到了研究的贡献,这很好,但没有简要说明未来的方向。
The abstract does not clearly define the key findings, such as quantitative improvements from optimization measures. Authors can add specific results (e.g., percentage improvements in energy savings or carbon emissions reduction) to emphasize the significance of the study. 摘要没有明确界定关键结果,如优化措施带来的量化改进。作者可添加具体结果(如节能或减少碳排放的百分比),以强调研究的重要性。
Authors need to keep their tone in writing an academic article, it means a third language and removing subjects like “we”. 在撰写学术文章时,作者需要保持自己的语气,这意味着使用第三种语言,去掉 "我们 "这样的主语。
Introduction 导言
I strongly recommend working on the structure and flow of your introduction. For example: 我强烈建议在介绍的结构和流程上下功夫。例如
Paragraph 1: the global context of building energy consumption and indoor thermal comfort, and the importance of sustainable building practices in mitigating climate change and improving occupant comfort globally. 第 1 段:建筑能耗和室内热舒适度的全球背景,以及可持续建筑实践对减缓全球气 候变化和改善居住舒适度的重要性。
Paragraph 2: Focus on the specific challenges relevant to the Sichuan Plateau region. Mention the cultural significance of traditional ethnic minority dwellings and the challenges due to the limited energy resources and weak infrastructure. 第 2 段:重点关注与四川高原地区相关的具体挑战。提及少数民族传统民居的文化意义,以及能源资源有限和基础设施薄弱带来的挑战。
Paragraph 3: Highlight the significance of studying energy consumption and thermal comfort in traditional ethnic minority dwellings. 第 3 段:强调研究少数民族传统住宅能源消耗和热舒适度的重要性。
Paragraph 4: Discuss gaps in existing research. Point out that most studies focus on urban buildings, with limited attention to rural ethnic minority dwellings. 第 4 段:讨论现有研究的不足。指出大多数研究侧重于城市建筑,对农村少数民族住宅的关注有限。
Paragraph 5: Provide objectives and roadmap 第 5 段:提出目标和路线图
Authors cannot use old references to introduce the current research problem. Please check: The exact numbers are around 34%34 \% and 37%37 \%. 作者不能使用旧的参考文献来介绍当前的研究问题。请查阅: 准确数字约为 34%34 \% 和 37%37 \% 。
Authors stated “Environmentally friendly green buildings is particularly urgent and important, especially in the Sichuan Plateau region,”, any references? 作者指出 "环保型绿色建筑尤为迫切和重要,尤其是在四川高原地区",有相关参考资料吗?
Authors have “The research on the energy consumption of traditional houses of ethnic minorities in the Sichuan Plateau region not only has direct guiding significance for the construction practice of the living environment in this region but also has important practical significance for exploring the construction model of rural living environments in the same type of ethnic minority areas.” 作者有 "对川西高原地区少数民族传统民居能耗的研究,不仅对该地区人居环境建设实践具有直接的指导意义,而且对探索同类型少数民族地区农村人居环境建设模式具有重要的现实意义"。
It is overly general and lacks justification. It should explain why the research is significant: 过于笼统,缺乏理由。应解释研究意义重大的原因:
A) The high energy consumption of traditional dwellings. A) 传统住宅能耗高。
B) The cultural and historical value of traditional houses. B) 传统房屋的文化和历史价值。
C) The urgent need to improve indoor comfort while preserving the architectural heritage. C) 在保护建筑遗产的同时,迫切需要提高室内舒适度。
D) The potential replicability of the findings for similar rural ethnic regions globally. D) 研究结果在全球类似农村民族地区的潜在可推广性。
Some background references are generic and do not directly connect to the study’s objectives. 一些背景参考资料是通用的,与研究目标没有直接联系。
Please ensure using more specific studies that directly align with rural and ethnic minority dwellings. 请确保使用与农村和少数民族住宅直接相关的更具体的研究。
For example, studies on rural and ethnic minority dwellings, or similar environments, such as highaltitude regions, culturally specific architectural designs, or energy efficiency in traditional settings. 例如,对农村和少数民族住宅或类似环境(如高海拔地区)、特定文化建筑设计或传统环境中的能效进行研究。
Why EnergyPlus and DesignBuilder are the best tools? Please discuss based on the literature and backgrounds. 为什么 EnergyPlus 和 DesignBuilder 是最好的工具?请根据文献和背景进行讨论。
The environmental challenges in the Sichuan Plateau, such as limited energy resources and weak infrastructure should be tied more directly to the objectives of the study. 四川高原的环境挑战,如能源资源有限和基础设施薄弱,应与研究目标更直接地联系起来。
The introduction outlines the research’s importance but lacks clarity on gaps in existing 导言概述了研究的重要性,但没有明确指出现有研究的不足之处。
literature. Please explicitly state how this study fills the gaps in knowledge (in the final paragraph), particularly regarding the integration of field measurements with simulation tools for rural areas. 文献。请明确说明本研究如何填补知识空白(在最后一段),特别是在将实地测量与农村地区模拟工具相结合方面。
The final paragraph of the introduction should outline your paper. 引言的最后一段应概述您的论文。
Methodology 方法
Research object or objectives? 研究对象或目标?
In the questionnaire section, authors have missed much-required information, including the demographic details of the respondents, the selection, e.g., randomly selected or specific demographic groups targeted, gender distribution, age range, educational background of the respondents, information on the total population of the village and how the sample size of 135 respondents was determined is missing, how the sample size ensures statistical significance, and any given any training or instructions to understand the thermal comfort questions, especially if technical terms or subjective assessments were used? 在问卷部分,作者遗漏了许多必要的信息,包括受访者的详细人口信息、选择情况(如随机选择或针对特定人口群体)、受访者的性别分布、年龄范围、教育背景、村庄总人口信息以及 135 名受访者的样本量是如何确定的、样本量如何确保统计意义,以及是否进行过任何培训或指导以理解热舒适度问题,尤其是在使用专业术语或主观评估的情况下?
Authors must have an Ethics Approval for conducting this questionnaire. Please provide the information. 作者进行本问卷调查必须获得伦理批准。请提供相关信息。
In Table 1, what is the reason or hypothesis behind these questions? How related to the objectives of this research? Relevance between questions? 在表 1 中,这些问题背后的原因或假设是什么?与本研究的目标有何关联?问题之间是否相关?
Can Authors make some sub-divisions for these questions? For example, Demographic Information, Energy Demand and Supply, etc. 作者能否对这些问题进行一些细分?例如,人口信息、能源需求和供应等。
Can Authors provide images from the existing tools for heating, cooling, and electricity? It can be added to Fig. 3. 作者能否提供现有供暖、制冷和供电工具的图像?可以添加到图 3 中。
Please add another section to explain the simulation method, Authors must explain why these simulation tools, and why certain settings in DesignBuilder were chosen, particularly for thermal conductivity and material properties. 请增加一个章节来解释模拟方法,作者必须解释为什么要使用这些模拟工具,为什么要选择 DesignBuilder 中的某些设置,特别是导热性和材料属性。
Results and Analysis 结果与分析
Please provide rationales for using PMV. Why not adaptive thermal comfort? Why not the extended PMV (2002)? ASHRAE?! 请提供使用 PMV 的理由。为什么不是自适应热舒适度?为什么不是扩展的 PMV(2002 年)?ASHRAE?
Figures 6(a) and 6(b) needs to be discussed in the text. Authors can include a deeper analysis of the relationship between resident demographics and thermal comfort preferences. 图 6(a) 和 6(b) 需要在文中讨论。作者可以对居民人口统计学和热舒适偏好之间的关系进行更深入的分析。
High indoor humidity is attributed to floor moisture without experimental validation. Authors can strengthen this claim with additional experimental data or cite similar studies for support. 室内湿度高的原因是地板潮湿,但没有经过实验验证。作者可以用更多的实验数据或引用类似的研究来加强这一说法。
The comparison between measured and simulated data is presented but lacks statistical metrics like RMSE or MAPE. Please include these metrics to validate the simulation model’s accuracy. Optimization and Simulations 提供了测量数据和模拟数据之间的比较,但缺少 RMSE 或 MAPE 等统计指标。请加入这些指标,以验证仿真模型的准确性。优化和模拟
The optimization process lacks details on economic feasibility apart from cost comparison. 除成本比较外,优化过程缺乏经济可行性方面的细节。
Please discuss the long-term implications of proposed changes, such as return on investment (ROI) or lifecycle cost analysis. 请讨论拟议变革的长期影响,如投资回报率 (ROI) 或生命周期成本分析。
The paper assumes that optimization measures (e.g., additional insulation) are feasible for local communities without discussing economic or cultural barriers. Please address potential implementation challenges and propose solutions to overcome them. 本文假定优化措施(如增加隔热层)对当地社区是可行的,而不讨论经济或文化障碍。请讨论潜在的实施挑战,并提出克服这些挑战的解决方案。
Discussion 讨论
The discussion reiterates findings but does not critically compare them with similar studies. 讨论重申了研究结果,但没有将其与类似研究进行批判性比较。
Please add comparisons to other research in rural China or similar climates globally to highlight this study’s uniqueness and generalizability. 请与中国农村地区或全球类似气候条件下的其他研究进行比较,以突出本研究的独特性和可推广性。
Figures and Tables 图表
Issue: Figures (e.g., Fig. 9 and Fig. 16) are informative but lack proper labeling or captions detailing their significance. Please provide clearer figure captions that explain key takeaways. 问题:图表(如图 9 和图 16)信息丰富,但缺乏适当的标签或标题来详细说明其意义。请提供更清晰的图示说明,解释其主要意义。
Language and Formatting 语言和格式
Sentences in some sections (e.g., methodology) are overly long and complex, making them hard to follow. 某些章节(如方法论)的句子过长、过复杂,难以理解。
Conclusion and Outlook 结论与展望
Please add Limitations and Future Directions section before the conclusion 请在结论前增加 "局限性和未来方向 "部分
The conclusion restates findings without providing actionable recommendations or broader 结论重述了调查结果,但没有提出可操作的建议或更广泛的建议。
implications. Please include specific recommendations for policymakers and future researchers, especially regarding integrating traditional practices with modern technologies. 影响。请包括对政策制定者和未来研究人员的具体建议,特别是关于将传统做法与现代技术相结合的建议。
Additional Suggestions 其他建议
While ethical compliance is mentioned, details about data confidentiality or long-term impacts on participants are missing. Add a brief statement on how participant data were protected and potential follow-up plans to benefit the community. 虽然提到了遵守道德规范,但没有详细说明数据保密或对参与者的长期影响。请简要说明如何保护参与者的数据,以及为社区造福的潜在后续计划。
The manuscript contains several overstated claims that require revision for accuracy and alignment with the evidence presented. 手稿中有几处言过其实,需要修改以确保准确性,并与所提供的证据保持一致。
1- Claim: “The research on the energy consumption of traditional houses of ethnic minorities in the Sichuan Plateau region not only has direct guiding significance for the construction practice of the living environment in this region but also has important practical significance for exploring the construction model of rural living environments in the same type of ethnic minority areas.” ISSUE: It is overly broad and lacks supporting evidence or specific examples. 1- 主张:"对川西高原地区少数民族传统民居能耗的研究,不仅对该地区人居环境建设实践具有直接的指导意义,而且对探索同类型少数民族地区农村人居环境建设模式具有重要的现实意义。"问题:过于宽泛,缺乏佐证和具体事例。
2- Claim: “The optimization measures effectively improve thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption.” Issue: While the simulation results support this claim, the lack of field validation weakens its inclusiveness. 2- 声明:"优化措施有效改善了热舒适度并降低了能耗"。问题:虽然模拟结果支持这一说法,但缺乏实地验证削弱了其包容性。
3- Claim: “This study is not only significant for the Sichuan Plateau but also provides a model that can be replicated in ethnic minority areas globally.” Issue: The claim assumes universal applicability without addressing regional differences in climate, resources, or construction practices. 3- 主张:"这项研究不仅对四川高原意义重大,而且为全球少数民族地区提供了一个可复制的模式"。问题:该主张假定了普遍适用性,而没有考虑到气候、资源或建筑实践方面的地区差异。
4- Claim: “The integration of field measurements and simulation provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and optimizing traditional dwellings.” Issue: The integration process is not explicitly detailed, making this claim appear overstated. 4- 声明:"实地测量与模拟的结合为了解和优化传统住宅提供了一个综合框架"。问题:没有明确详细说明整合过程,使这一说法显得过于夸张。
5- Claim: “The optimization measures resulted in a significant reduction in energy consumption.” Issue: The quantitative improvement ( 56.5%56.5 \% ) is significant but requires an emphasis on the specific context (e.g., simulation-based winter heating). 5- 声称:"优化措施大大降低了能源消耗"。问题:定量改进( 56.5%56.5 \% )意义重大,但需要强调具体情况(例如,基于模拟的冬季供暖)。
Reviewer 2 审查员 2
The paper focuses on the energy and environmental optimization of dwellings in the Sichuan Plateau. While the topic is relevant, the paper has several shortcomings that must be addressed. 本文重点关注四川高原住宅的能源和环境优化问题。虽然该主题具有现实意义,但本文也存在一些必须解决的不足之处。
From a formal perspective, the paper is overly lengthy, and certain sections include unnecessary content that detracts from its core purpose. 从形式上看,本文篇幅过长,某些章节包含不必要的内容,偏离了本文的核心宗旨。
On the content side, there are issues regarding the research gap and questions. The study appears to be a case study investigation, presenting field measurements and simulations, but lacks a broader academic framework. The proposed solutions seem more aligned with professional practice than academic research. Detailed issues are outlined below. 在内容方面,存在研究空白和问题方面的问题。该研究似乎是一项案例研究调查,提出了实地测量和模拟,但缺乏更广泛的学术框架。提出的解决方案似乎更符合专业实践,而非学术研究。详细问题概述如下。
Abstract: Quantitative details, including key results, are missing and should be included to provide a concise summary of findings. 摘要:缺少定量细节,包括关键结果,应包括这些细节,以便对研究结果进行简明扼要的总结。
Introduction 导言
Several sections are inadequately referenced, and the introduction is overly long. Please focus only on key issues. For example, statements like “It can not only supplement traditional static calculation […] of buildings” do not present a novelty and should be removed. 有几个章节的参考资料不足,导言过长。请只关注关键问题。例如,"它不仅可以补充传统的建筑物静力计算[......]"等说法并不新颖,应予删除。
The review of the literature (e.g., studies from [14] to [28]) is overly descriptive. Instead, synthesize relevant findings to highlight the research gap. 文献综述(如从 [14] 到 [28] 的研究)过于描述性。相反,应综合相关研究结果,突出研究空白。
Adaptive strategies for this building type could be considered as a means to improve thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption. Relevant examples can be found in or 可以考虑对这种建筑类型采取适应性策略,作为改善热舒适度和降低能耗的一种手段。相关实例可参见 或。
The research gap section is too specific and fails to establish a broader academic relevance. The research gap should be framed more broadly than a simple case study to emphasize its significance. 研究差距部分过于具体,未能确立更广泛的学术相关性。研究差距的范围应比简单的案例研究更广,以强调其重要性。
Methodology 方法
Section 2.1: Focus only on relevant details, such as climate characteristics, and remove superfluous content. 第 2.1 节:只关注相关细节,如气候特征,删除多余内容。
Questionnaire: Clarify whether the questions were open-ended or based on a scale, when and how they were administered, and whether they were a one-off or longitudinal survey. Table 2 includes probe characteristics, but the schedule or timing of the survey is missing. 问卷调查:说明问题是开放式的还是基于量表的,何时及如何进行,是一次性调查还是纵向调查。表 2 列出了调查对象的特征,但缺少调查的日程或时间。
Section 2.3: The characteristics of the case study buildings should be consolidated in one section. Additionally, clarify the duration of the monitoring campaign (e.g., specific times, total length of monitoring). 第 2.3 节:案例研究建筑的特点应合并到一个章节中。此外,请明确监测活动的持续时间(如具体时间、监测总长度)。
Results 成果
Irrelevant information should be removed (e.g., “The village is full of sunshine and abundant crop products, mainly wheat, corn, barley, beans, and potatoes”). Lengthy descriptions such as “(1) Architectural orientation […] normative guidance and scientific design” are unnecessary. 应删除无关信息(如 "该村阳光充足,农作物丰富,主要有小麦、玉米、大麦、豆类和马铃薯")。诸如"(1)建筑定位[......]规范指导、科学设计 "之类的冗长描述没有必要。
Figure 6a: The label “mezzo” is unclear and does not align with the ASHRAE scale. 图 6a:夹层 "标签不清晰,与 ASHRAE 标准不符。
Figure 7: Specify whether these temperatures correspond to a single day. Include key statistical metrics such as mean, max, min values, and standard deviations of environmental parameters in a table (apply this to Figures 8-9 as well). 图 7:说明这些温度是否对应一天。在表格中包含关键的统计指标,如环境参数的平均值、最大值、最小值和标准偏差(也适用于图 8-9)。
Section 4 第 4 节
Thermal parameters of the building envelope should be moved to the methodology section for clarity. 为清晰起见,应将建筑围护结构的热参数移至方法部分。
Section 4.2: Merely comparing simulated and real data is insufficient. Simulations should be validated following established guidelines, such as ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002. 第 4.2 节:仅仅比较模拟数据和真实数据是不够的。模拟验证应遵循既定准则,如 ASHRAE 准则 14-2002。
Section 5 第五节
Note that the correct term is “operative temperature,” not “operating” or “operation temperature.” 请注意,正确的术语是 "工作温度",而不是 "操作温度 "或 "运行温度"。
Conclusions should be also revised, when the content of the paper has been modified. 如果论文的内容有所修改,也应修改结论。
Reviewer 3 审查员 3
Thanks to the authors for submitting their work to Scientific Reports. Indeed, it is an interesting study, with potential to the current discourse of knowledge. However, I recommend some improvements before this paper is considered for publication. 感谢作者向《科学报告》投稿。的确,这是一项有趣的研究,对当前的知识讨论具有潜力。不过,我建议在考虑发表这篇论文之前对其进行一些改进。
Introduction 导言
I think the introduction covers the background well, but it doesn’t clearly articulate what specific research gap(s) this study intends to fill. This section does mention some previous studies on energy consumption simulation and traditional houses; however, it needs a stronger statement about what aspects remain unexplored and how this study uniquely contributes to addressing them. Currently, I cannot see this! Please be reminded that substantiating the gap in knowledge is of utmost importance, without which the novelty of your work cannot be claimed. 我认为引言很好地介绍了背景,但没有明确说明本研究打算填补哪些具体的研究空白。这一部分确实提到了之前关于能耗模拟和传统房屋的一些研究;但是,这一部分需要更有力地说明哪些方面仍未被探索,以及本研究如何为解决这些问题做出独特贡献。目前,我还看不到这一点!请注意,证实知识空白是最重要的,否则就不能声称您的工作具有新颖性。
The discussion on the need for energy efficiency in ethnic minority regions is valid, but I feel the justification for focusing specifically on the Sichuan Plateau could be stronger. The text does mention socio-economic and environmental constraints but does not sufficiently explain why this region is particularly suitable for study compared to other rural or cold-climate areas. I recommend that the authors provide a clearer argument on why insights from this region are transferable or generalizable to improve the impact of the study. 关于少数民族地区提高能源效率的必要性的论述是有道理的,但我认为将重点放在川西高原 的理由可以更充分一些。文中确实提到了社会经济和环境方面的制约因素,但没有充分解释为什么与其他农村或寒冷气候地区相比,该地区特别适合进行研究。我建议作者提供更清晰的论据,说明为什么该地区的见解可以转移或推广,以提高研究的影响力。
Method 方法
This section is generally structured well, though it could use some improvements. For instance, it outlines the use of field measurements, questionnaires, and DesignBuilder simulation, but it does not 本节总体结构合理,但仍需改进。例如,它概述了实地测量、问卷调查和 DesignBuilder 模拟的使用,但没有
clearly justify why this combination of methods was chosen over alternatives. For instance, why was DesignBuilder selected instead of other energy modeling tools like EnergyPlus or TRNSYS? Please justify. 明确说明为什么选择这种方法组合而不是其他方法组合。例如,为什么选择 DesignBuilder 而不是 EnergyPlus 或 TRNSYS 等其他能源建模工具?请说明理由。
I’ve got some doubts regarding the design of questionnaire as well. Were pre-tests/pilot study conducted to refine the questions? Was there an effort to ensure the questionnaire minimizes bias (e.g., leading questions or respondent misinterpretation)? Also, how did you land on these questions? What was the process of designing and finalising the questions? How did you find your respondents? How did you verify that the respondents were the right research subjects? What was your distribution approach? Many details as such were absent. 我对问卷的设计也有些疑问。是否进行了预先测试/试点研究以完善问题?是否努力确保问卷最大限度地减少偏差(如引导性问题或受访者的误解)?你们是如何确定这些问题的?设计和最终确定问题的过程是怎样的?您是如何找到受访者的?如何确认受访者是正确的研究对象?你们的分发方式是什么?许多此类细节都不存在。
Same for the field survey; there is no discussion on possible external influences that could impact accuracy (e.g., variations in solar exposure, human activity, or ventilation patterns during testing). Were any calibration procedures applied? 实地调查也是如此;没有讨论可能影响准确性的外部影响(如测试期间太阳照射、人类活动或通风模式的变化)。是否采用了校准程序?
Results 成果
I believe this section also needs a significant overhaul as there is a clear lack of depth in the analyses done here. For example, while the results show that many residents feel dampness indoors, it would strengthen the argument if this perception were explicitly connected to the measured humidity data. Same as for wall thermal performance, there is no discussion on how the wall’s performance compares to existing benchmarks or standards. How does this 2.2^(@)C2.2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} difference compare to similar studies in cold climates? Does it meet recommended insulation values? 我认为这一部分也需要大修,因为这里的分析明显缺乏深度。例如,虽然结果显示许多居民感觉室内潮湿,但如果能将这种感觉与测量的湿度数据明确联系起来,就能加强论证。与墙体热性能一样,这里也没有讨论墙体性能与现有基准或标准的比较。这种 2.2^(@)C2.2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 差异与寒冷气候条件下的类似研究相比如何?是否符合推荐的隔热值?
Section 5 第五节
I would recommend that authors consider including some comparative discussion on how values related to heat transfer coefficients compare with existing benchmarks or most importantly previous studies in similar climate zones. 我建议作者考虑纳入一些比较性讨论,说明与传热系数相关的数值如何与现有基准进行比较,最重要的是与以前在类似气候区进行的研究进行比较。
Another recommendation is that authors do some sensitivity analysis. The energy savings after optimization (56.5%) is a strong outcome, but no sensitivity analysis is performed to verify the robustness of the results under different climatic conditions or material variations. 另一项建议是作者应进行一些敏感性分析。优化后的节能率(56.5%)是一个很好的结果,但没有进行敏感性分析,以验证在不同气候条件或材料变化下结果的稳健性。