Vessel Inspection Questionnaires for Oil Tankers, Combination Carriers, Shuttle Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Tankers, Seventh Edition (VIQ 7) 油轮、联合运输船、穿梭运输船、化学品船和气体船船舶检验问卷,第七版(VIQ 7)
17 September 2018 2018 年 9 月 17 日
Oil Companies Intemational Marine Forum 石油公司国际海事论坛
Record of Revisions 修订记录
Section 1. 第 1 节.
Section 2. 第 2 节
Section 3. 第 3 节
Section 4. 第 4 节.
Section 5. 第 5 节
Chapter 1. General Information 第 1 章一般信息
Chapter 2. Certification and Documentation 第 2 章.认证和文件
Chapter 3. Crew Management 第 3 章船员管理
Chapter 4. Navigation and Communications 第 4 章 导航和通信导航和通信
Chapter 5. Safety Management 第 5 章 安全管理安全管理
Chapter 6. Pollution Prevention 第 6 章.预防污染
Chapter 7. Maritime Security 第 7 章 海事安全海上安全
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - Petroleum 第 8 章 货物和压载系统货物和压载系统 - 石油
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - Chemicals 第 8 章 货物和压载系统货物和压载系统 - 化学品
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - LPG 第 8 章 货物和压载系统货物和压载系统 - 液化石油气
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - LNG 第 8 章.货物和压载系统 - 液化天然气
Chapter 9. Mooring 第 9 章 停泊系泊
Chapter 10. Engine and Steering Compartments 第 10 章 发动机和转向室发动机室和转向室
Chapter 11. General Appearance and Condition 第 11 章总体外观和状况
Chapter 12. Ice Operations 第 12 章 冰上作业冰上作业
Section 1. 5
Section 2. 7
Section 3. 8
Section 4. 10
Section 5. 13
Chapter 1. General Information 14
Chapter 2. Certification and Documentation 17
Chapter 3. Crew Management 24
Chapter 4. Navigation and Communications 28
Chapter 5. Safety Management 44
Chapter 6. Pollution Prevention 66
Chapter 7. Maritime Security 72
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - Petroleum 76
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - Chemicals 95
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - LPG 172
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - LNG 112
Chapter 9. Mooring 132
Chapter 10. Engine and Steering Compartments 151
Chapter 11. General Appearance and Condition 175
Chapter 12. Ice Operations 78
10| Section 1. | 5 |
| :--- | ---: |
| Section 2. | 7 |
| Section 3. | 8 |
| Section 4. | 10 |
| Section 5. | 13 |
| Chapter 1. General Information | 14 |
| Chapter 2. Certification and Documentation | 17 |
| Chapter 3. Crew Management | 24 |
| Chapter 4. Navigation and Communications | 28 |
| Chapter 5. Safety Management | 44 |
| Chapter 6. Pollution Prevention | 66 |
| Chapter 7. Maritime Security | 72 |
| Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - Petroleum | 76 |
| Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - Chemicals | 95 |
| Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - LPG | 172 |
| Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - LNG | 112 |
| Chapter 9. Mooring | 132 |
| Chapter 10. Engine and Steering Compartments | 151 |
| Chapter 11. General Appearance and Condition | 175 |
| Chapter 12. Ice Operations | 78 |
| | 10 |
SECTION 1 第 1 节
1.1 History of the SIRE Programme 1.1 SIRE 计划的历史
In 1993, OCIMF established a Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) Programme, which enabled OCIMF members to submit their ship inspection reports to OCIMF for distribution to OCIMF members and certain qualifying nonOCIMF members. 1993 年,OCIMF 设立了船舶检验报告(SIRE)计划,使 OCIMF 成员能够向 OCIMF 提交船舶检验报告,以便分发给 OCIMF 成员和某些符合条件的非 OCIMF 成员。
Participation in the original programme, as either an inspecting OCIMF Member or a programme recipient, was strictly voluntary and each programme recipient determined independently how to evaluate the information contained in the reports received from OCIMF. 作为检查成员或计划接受者参与最初的计划完全是自愿的,每个计划接受者都独立决定如何评估从基金组织收到的报告中所载的信息。
Under the SIRE Programme, the operator of any ship that is the subject of a report was given a copy of that report and the opportunity to submit written comments relating to the report, to both the inspecting OCIMF Member and to OCIMF. 根据 SIRE 计划,作为报告主题的任何船舶的经营者都会收到一份报告副本,并有机会向检查的 OCIMF 成员和 OCIMF 提交与报告有关的书面意见。
Report recipients accessed the SIRE System Index by computer and this permitted the index to be viewed or downloaded. Programme recipients could order reports and any matching operator comments from the SIRE system. Reports and comments were transmitted by facsimile to the programme recipients’ pre-registered facsimile numbers on request. 报告接收者可通过计算机访问 SIRE 系统索引,从而查看或下载索引。计划接受者可以从 SIRE 系统订购报告和任何匹配的操作员评论。报告和评论可根据要求通过传真传送到计划接收者预先登记的传真号码上。
1.2 Revisions to the Programme 1.2 对计划的修订
The original SIRE Programme was first revised in 1997 and introduced the means whereby programme recipients were able to receive reports and any operator comments electronically, as well as by facsimile. 最初的 SIRE 计划于 1997 年首次修订,并引入了一种方法,使计划接受者能够通过电子和传真方式收到报告和操作员的任何意见。
Two major changes were also introduced in the 1997 Revised Programme. These were: 1997 年计划修订本》还作了两项重大修改。它们是
A Uniform Vessel Inspection Procedure; and, 统一船舶检查程序;以及
The SIRE Programme was again revised in 2000. 2000 年再次修订了 SIRE 计划。
The 2004 revisions made further important changes to the inspection procedure whilst also adding numerous new vessel types that are inspected under the programme. ^(2){ }^{2} Collectively, these are referred to herein as “Vessels”. Subsequent revisions updated the VIQ questions and guidance but did not add any questions. This 2011 Edition substantially changed the focus of the VIQ to increase the emphasis of the inspection on navigation procedures and cargo and ballast handling operations. Consequently, significant changes have been made in this edition. In 2013 a further major revision of the VIQ was undertaken. 2004 年的修订对检查程序作了进一步的重要修改,同时还增加了许多根据该计划进行检查的新船舶类型。 ^(2){ }^{2} 在此统称为 "船舶"。随后的修订版更新了 VIQ 问题和指南,但没有增加任何问题。2011 年版的 VIQ 大幅改变了 VIQ 的重点,增加了对航行程序、货物和压载处理操作的检查。因此,该版本做出了重大改动。2013 年,又对 VIQ 进行了重大修订。
The programme requires that participating submitting companies follow a uniform Vessel Inspection Procedure. This procedure has an Inspection Element and a Report Element. 该计划要求参与的提交公司遵循统一的船舶检查程序。该程序包括检查要素和报告要素。
The Inspection Element uses a series of detailed inspection questionnaires as appropriate for the type of vessel inspected. These questionnaires address issues associated with safety and pollution prevention. Inspectors who are employed or contracted by submitting companies must (with certain exceptions) answer all these questions. 检查要素根据被检查船舶的类型使用一系列详细的检查问卷。这些调查表涉及与安全和污染预防有关的问题。受雇于或签约于提交公司的检查员必须回答所有这些问题(某些例外情况除外)。
Questions are, in many cases, accompanied by guidance notes and/or references to source documents. Their purpose is to aid the Inspector’s response. 在许多情况下,问题都附有指导说明和/或参考资料文件。其目的是帮助检查员做出回应。
The Report Element is developed from the completed electronic questionnaire that is submitted by the Inspector, either directly to the SIRE web site, or to the submitting company for further processing prior to transmission to the vessel operator and to SIRE. 报告要素是根据检查员提交的填写完整的电子问卷编制的,可以直接提交到 SIRE 网站,也可以提交给提交公司进一步处理,然后再传送给船舶运营商和 SIRE。
SECTION 2 第 2 节
2.1 The Vessel Inspection Questionnaires, ROVIQ and VIQ Computer Programmes 2.1 船舶检验问卷、ROVIQ 和 VIQ 计算机程序
The 3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} Edition revisions to the SIRE Vessel Inspection Questionnaires and their accompanying Inspection Reports introduced significant changes to the scope and presentation of the Programme. 3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} 版 SIRE 船舶检验问卷及其所附检验报告的修订对该计划的范围和表述方式作了重大修改。
These were: 它们是
The inspection of oil tankers (together with combination carriers and shuttle tankers), chemical carriers and gas carriers. Under the revised Programme, these vessels are categorised by size. 检查油轮(连同联合运输船和穿梭运输船)、化学品运输船和气体运输船。根据修订后的计划,这些船舶按大小分类。
The inspection of barges carrying petroleum products, chemicals, or gas, or vessels used in the carriage of packaged petroleum products or gas or road tankers carrying the same commodities, and also towing vessels that are utilised in the handling of barges carrying the above listed products. Collectively, in the VIQ documents, the inspection questionnaires that are used are referred to as “Vessel Inspection Questionnaires” (“VIQs”) 检查运载石油产品、化学品或天然气的驳船,或用于运输包装石油产品或天然气的船舶,或运载相同商品的公路油轮,以及用于装卸运载上述产品的驳船的拖船。在 VIQ 文件中,所使用的检查问卷统称为 "船舶检查问卷"("VIQs")。
The key question and sub-question concept used in the 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} and 2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} Editions of the VIQ was discontinued in the 3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} and subsequent editions and replaced (except in a few cases) with individual questions. As in the case of previous editions, however, the “Yes” “No”, “Not Seen” or “Not Applicable” responses are utilised. 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 版和 2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} 版《VIQ》中使用的关键问题和小问题概念在 3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} 版及其后各版中已不再使用,取而代之的是个别问题(少数情况除外)。不过,与以前的版本一样,"是"、"否"、"未见 "或 "不适用 "的回答仍被使用。
The Reorganised Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (ROVIQs) were a feature introduced with the SIRE revisions in 2000. The Reorganised Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (ROVIQs) organised the VIQ questions and guidance notes to follow the order of the route that would normally be taken by an inspector in the course of an inspection ^(3){ }^{3}. 重组船舶检验问卷(ROVIQs)是 2000 年 SIRE 修订时引入的一项功能。重组船舶检验问卷 (ROVIQs) 按照检验员在检验过程中通常会走的路线顺序,组织了 VIQ 问题和指导说明 ^(3){ }^{3} 。
As in the case of the previous editions of the VIQ, Reorganised Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (ROVIQs) will be used with this 2018 Edition that set out the questions into the approximate order that an inspector is likely to encounter them during the course of an inspection. Selection of the questionnaire to be used for each particular inspection is made using a “Vessel Selection Wizard” incorporated into the SIRE Report Editor Software programme. This Wizard requires a series of questions to be answered. When the Wizard is completed, the appropriate questionnaire can be printed in a number of different formats, or in the format of the Reorganised Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (ROVIQ). These Questionnaires must be used during each inspection. The inspection findings must be transferred from the pocketbook to the appropriate VIQ computer programme after the inspection is completed. 与前几版 VIQ 一样,2018 版将使用重组船舶检查问卷 (ROVIQ),按照检查员在检查过程中可能遇到的大致顺序列出问题。使用 SIRE 报告编辑器软件程序中的 "船舶选择向导 "来选择用于每次特定检验的问卷。该向导要求回答一系列问题。完成该向导后,可以以多种不同格式或重组船舶检验问卷 (ROVIQ) 格式打印相应的问卷。每次检查时都必须使用这些问卷。检查结束后,必须将检查结果从袖珍本转移到相应的 VIQ 计算机程序中。
SECTION 3 第 3 节
3.1 Using the SIRE Vessel Inspection Questionnaires ("VIQs") 3.1 使用 SIRE 船舶检验调查表("VIQs)
The inspection questionnaires used in this programme contain a series of questions related to safety and pollution prevention applicable to the type of vessel that is inspected. These questions are consecutively numbered and are logically grouped into separate chapters. 本计划使用的检查问卷包含一系列与安全和污染预防有关的问题,适用于接受检查的船舶类型。这些问题按顺序编号,并按逻辑分成不同的章节。
Each chapter contains a series of questions to be answered by the inspector. Questions may be accompanied by guidance, namely: 每一章都包含一系列需要检查员回答的问题。问题可能附有指导意见,即
Guidance notes to inspectors; 检查员指导说明;
Reference source(s) citing regulation(s) or industry guidelines pertaining to questions; and 引用与问题有关的法规或行业准则的参考资料来源;以及
An indicator to identify issues when an inspector comment is mandatory. 当检查员必须发表意见时,该指标可用于识别问题。
The above-mentioned guidance, regulatory/industry references amplify the questions, and these are provided to assist the inspector to answer the questions. 上述指南、监管/行业参考资料对问题进行了扩充,提供这些资料是为了帮助检查员回答问题。
If the guidance and references lead the inspector to conclude that the question should be answered positively, the box “Yes” in the VIQ computer programme should be checked. On the other hand, if the guidance and any reference sources indicate to the inspector that the question should be answered negatively, the “No” box should be checked. ^(4){ }^{4} Where appropriate, the “Not Seen” or “Not Applicable” box should be ticked. 如果指导意见和参考资料使检查员得出结论认为该问题应作肯定回答,则应勾选 VIQ 电脑程序中的 "是 "方框。反之,如果指导意见和任何参考资料都向检查员表明该问题应作否定回答,则应勾选 "否 "方框。 ^(4){ }^{4} 在适当情况下,应勾选 "未见 "或 "不适用 "方框。
The inspector must respond to all the questions appropriate to the type of vessel being inspected. Failure to do this will mean that the inspection report cannot be transmitted to the SIRE Internet site for processing by the principal who commissioned the inspection. 检查员必须回答与所检查船舶类型相应的所有问题。否则,检验报告将无法传送到 SIRE 互联网网站,供委托检验的委托人处理。
The inspector must insert an Observation when responding to any question where the response box is marked “No”. The Observation must specify and explain the reason why a negative response is made. Additionally, where a box is marked “Not Seen”, the reason for the "Not Seen response must be given in the Observation section accompanying the question. In cases where a “Not Applicable” response is required, the “Not Applicable” response is treated in the same way as a “Yes” response and there is no requirement for the reason to be made in the Observations section accompanying the question. However, if, in the inspector’s judgment an explanatory comment is necessary, the inspector may make such comment in the “Comments” section accompanying the question provided such comment makes amplification to assist the understanding of a report recipient as to an issue associated with a specific question. In some cases, where the type of vessel being inspected results in one or more questions being not applicable to that type of vessel, the Report Editor is programmed to automatically answer those questions “Not Applicable”. In many cases, the question does not have a “Not Applicable” option. 检查员在回答回答框标有 "否 "的任何问题时,必须填写 "意见"。意见必须具体说明和解释作出否定回答的原因。此外,如果方框中标有 "未见",则必须在问题所附的 "意见 "部分说明 "未见 "的原因。在需要回答 "不适用 "的情况下,"不适用 "与 "是 "的处理方式相同,不要求在问题所附的 "意见 "部分说明原因。但是,如果检查员认为有必要作出解释性评论,检查员可以在问题所附的 "评论 "部分作出这样的评论,条件是这样的评论有助于报告接收者理解与特定问题相关的问题。在某些情况下,如果被检查船舶的类型导致一个或多个问题不适用于该类型的船舶,报告编辑器会自动将这些问题的答案设置为 "不适用"。在许多情况下,问题没有 "不适用 "选项。
For some questions, where the guidance note is highlighted, the inspector is required to provide comment as required by the highlighted section of guidance. This requirement is flagged in the printed VIQ by highlighted, italic text in the guidance notes. In the electronic Report Editor software, it is highlighted in yellow. 有些问题的指导说明是高亮显示的,检查员必须根据高亮显示的指导说明部分的要求提 出意见。在印刷版 VIQ 中,指导说明中的斜体高亮文字会标明这一要求。在电子版报告编辑软件中,则以黄色高亮显示。
At the end of each chapter there is an Additional Comments section. If the inspector has additional comments in respect of subject matter that is not covered by the specific questions in the chapter, the inspector may make such comments in the Additional Comments section. 每章末尾都有一个 "补充意见 "部分。如果检查员对本章具体问题未涉及的主题有其他意见,可在 "补充意见 "部分提出。
The above listed requirements are summarised below. 上述要求概述如下。
Tick "Yes" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the
guidance (if provided), a positive response can be made to the question. If, in
the inspector's judgement the Yes response requires to be amplified with
further positive comments, the inspector may record such comments in the
Comments box. Inspectors should keep in mind, that unless an unusual
situation needs to be positively described, then a "Yes" response without
comment is adequate.
Tick "Yes" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the
guidance (if provided), a positive response can be made to the question. If, in
the inspector's judgement the Yes response requires to be amplified with
further positive comments, the inspector may record such comments in the
Comments box. Inspectors should keep in mind, that unless an unusual
situation needs to be positively described, then a "Yes" response without
comment is adequate.| Tick "Yes" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the |
| :--- |
| guidance (if provided), a positive response can be made to the question. If, in |
| the inspector's judgement the Yes response requires to be amplified with |
| further positive comments, the inspector may record such comments in the |
| Comments box. Inspectors should keep in mind, that unless an unusual |
| situation needs to be positively described, then a "Yes" response without |
| comment is adequate. |
Tick "No" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the guidance
(if provided), a negative response should be made to the question.
Tick "No" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the guidance
(if provided), a negative response should be made to the question.| Tick "No" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the guidance |
| :--- |
| (if provided), a negative response should be made to the question. |
Tick "Not Seen" if the issue addressed by a question has not been seen or
checked by the inspector. The reason why the topic or issue was not seen
must be recorded in the Observations box.
Tick "Not Seen" if the issue addressed by a question has not been seen or
checked by the inspector. The reason why the topic or issue was not seen
must be recorded in the Observations box.| Tick "Not Seen" if the issue addressed by a question has not been seen or |
| :--- |
| checked by the inspector. The reason why the topic or issue was not seen |
| must be recorded in the Observations box. |
Tick "Not Applicable" if the subject matter covered by the question is not
applicable to the vessel being inspected. In some cases, the "Not
Applicable" response is made automatically within the software and is subject
to the type of vessel being inspected. In other cases, a "Not Applicable"
response is not provided to the question and only the "Yes", "No" or "Not Seen"
response options are available. If, in the inspector's judgement the "Not
Applicable" response requires to be amplified with further comments, the
inspector may record such comments in the Comments box. If, in the
inspector's judgment an explanatory comment is necessary, the inspector may
make such comment in the "Comments" section accompanying the question
Tick "Not Applicable" if the subject matter covered by the question is not
applicable to the vessel being inspected. In some cases, the "Not
Applicable" response is made automatically within the software and is subject
to the type of vessel being inspected. In other cases, a "Not Applicable"
response is not provided to the question and only the "Yes", "No" or "Not Seen"
response options are available. If, in the inspector's judgement the "Not
Applicable" response requires to be amplified with further comments, the
inspector may record such comments in the Comments box. If, in the
inspector's judgment an explanatory comment is necessary, the inspector may
make such comment in the "Comments" section accompanying the question| Tick "Not Applicable" if the subject matter covered by the question is not |
| :--- |
| applicable to the vessel being inspected. In some cases, the "Not |
| Applicable" response is made automatically within the software and is subject |
| to the type of vessel being inspected. In other cases, a "Not Applicable" |
| response is not provided to the question and only the "Yes", "No" or "Not Seen" |
| response options are available. If, in the inspector's judgement the "Not |
| Applicable" response requires to be amplified with further comments, the |
| inspector may record such comments in the Comments box. If, in the |
| inspector's judgment an explanatory comment is necessary, the inspector may |
| make such comment in the "Comments" section accompanying the question |
provided such comment makes amplification to assist the understanding of a 只要这种评论是为了帮助理解
report recipient as to an issue associated with a specific question. 就与具体问题相关的某个问题向接受者报告。
Box Option Response
Y Yes "Tick "Yes" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the
guidance (if provided), a positive response can be made to the question. If, in
the inspector's judgement the Yes response requires to be amplified with
further positive comments, the inspector may record such comments in the
Comments box. Inspectors should keep in mind, that unless an unusual
situation needs to be positively described, then a "Yes" response without
comment is adequate."
N No "Tick "No" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the guidance
(if provided), a negative response should be made to the question."
NS Not Seen "Tick "Not Seen" if the issue addressed by a question has not been seen or
checked by the inspector. The reason why the topic or issue was not seen
must be recorded in the Observations box."
NA "Tick "Not Applicable" if the subject matter covered by the question is not
applicable to the vessel being inspected. In some cases, the "Not
Applicable" response is made automatically within the software and is subject
to the type of vessel being inspected. In other cases, a "Not Applicable"
response is not provided to the question and only the "Yes", "No" or "Not Seen"
response options are available. If, in the inspector's judgement the "Not
Applicable" response requires to be amplified with further comments, the
inspector may record such comments in the Comments box. If, in the
inspector's judgment an explanatory comment is necessary, the inspector may
make such comment in the "Comments" section accompanying the question"
provided such comment makes amplification to assist the understanding of a
report recipient as to an issue associated with a specific question. | Box | Option | Response |
| :---: | :---: | :--- |
| Y | Yes | Tick "Yes" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the <br> guidance (if provided), a positive response can be made to the question. If, in <br> the inspector's judgement the Yes response requires to be amplified with <br> further positive comments, the inspector may record such comments in the <br> Comments box. Inspectors should keep in mind, that unless an unusual <br> situation needs to be positively described, then a "Yes" response without <br> comment is adequate. |
| N | No | Tick "No" if, in the inspector's professional judgement assisted by the guidance <br> (if provided), a negative response should be made to the question. |
| NS | Not Seen | Tick "Not Seen" if the issue addressed by a question has not been seen or <br> checked by the inspector. The reason why the topic or issue was not seen <br> must be recorded in the Observations box. |
| NA | Tick "Not Applicable" if the subject matter covered by the question is not <br> applicable to the vessel being inspected. In some cases, the "Not <br> Applicable" response is made automatically within the software and is subject <br> to the type of vessel being inspected. In other cases, a "Not Applicable" <br> response is not provided to the question and only the "Yes", "No" or "Not Seen" <br> response options are available. If, in the inspector's judgement the "Not <br> Applicable" response requires to be amplified with further comments, the <br> inspector may record such comments in the Comments box. If, in the <br> inspector's judgment an explanatory comment is necessary, the inspector may <br> make such comment in the "Comments" section accompanying the question | |
| provided such comment makes amplification to assist the understanding of a | | |
| report recipient as to an issue associated with a specific question. | | |
3.2 VIQ Availability to Operators 3.2 向运营商提供 VIQ
Vessel operators, who require copies of the questionnaires set out in this programme, may obtain them directly from the web site at no cost to the vessel operator. 如果船舶经营者需要本计划中规定的调查表副本,可直接从 网站上获取,无需支付任何费用。
SECTION 4 第 4 节
Conduct of Inspections 检查的进行
4.1 Mandatory Inspection Requirements 4.1 强制性检查要求
The following mandatory inspection requirements must be followed by inspectors in the conduct of their shipboard inspection in order for reports to meet the requirements of the SIRE Programme: 检查员在进行船上检查时必须遵守以下强制性检查要求,以使报告符合 SIRE 计划的要求:
4.1.1 General Requirements. 4.1.1 一般要求。
The inspector must introduce themselves to the Master or the Master’s authorised deputy, explain the scope of the inspection and discuss the preferred order in which it will be carried out, prior to commencement of the inspection. Inspectors should co-operate fully to conduct the inspection in the order that will cause the least disruption to the vessel’s operations. The inspector must be accompanied by a member of the ship’s staff at all times during the course of the inspection. 检查员必须在检查开始前向船长或船长授权的副手作自我介绍,说明检查的范围,并讨论检查的首选顺序。检查员应通力合作,按照对船舶操作干扰最小的顺序进行检查。在检查过程中,检查员必须始终有一名船员陪同。
The inspector must set a good example with respect to their communications, behaviour and own personal safety procedures whilst on board the vessel and in the terminal and must wear appropriate personal protection equipment at all times. 在船上和码头,检查员必须在沟通、行为和个人安全程序方面树立良好榜样,并必须始终佩戴适当的个人防护设备。
Electrical or electronic equipment of non-approved type, whether mains or battery powered, must not be active, switched on or used within any gas-hazardous or other hazardous areas. This includes torches, radios, mobile telephones, calculators, computers, photographic equipment and any other portable equipment that is electrically powered but not approved for operation in a gashazardous area. It should be borne in mind that equipment such as mobile telephones and smart watches, if switched on, can be activated remotely and a hazard can be generated by the alerting or calling mechanism and, in the case of mobile telephones, by the natural response to answer the call. Any specific Terminal requirements must be adhered to. 未经批准的电气或电子设备,无论是电源供电还是电池供电,均不得在任何气 体危险区域或其他危险区域内启动、开启或使用。这包括手电筒、收音机、移动电话、计算器、计算机、照相设备和任何其他有电但未经批准在气体危险区域内使用的便携式设备。需要注意的是,移动电话和智能手表等设备如果开启,可以远程启动,警报或呼叫机制以及接听电话时的自然反应都可能产生危险。必须遵守任何特定的终端要求。
Any Observations that the inspector intends to record in the VIQ must be pointed out and discussed ‘on site’ at the time with the member of the ship’s staff assigned to accompany the inspector. This ensures that the nature of the Observations are fully understood and can also avoid extended discussion at the end of the inspection 检查员打算记录在 VIQ 中的任何意见都必须在 "现场 "指出,并与被指派陪同检查员的船舶工作人员进行讨论。这样可以确保检查员完全理解检查意见的性质,也可以避免在检查结束时进行长时间的讨论。
On completion of the inspection, some Submitting Companies require the inspector to provide a list of the inspection findings in the form of written observations, others do not. In either case, the inspector must discuss the inspection findings with the Master or the Master’s authorised deputy before leaving the vessel. Other than to prepare these observations, however, the inspector must not remain on the vessel to complete the inspection report. It is recognised that on occasions this may not be possible, especially when leaving and joining the vessel is done by helicopter on vessels doing STS operations. 检查结束后,有些提交公司要求检查员以书面意见的形式提供一份检查结果清单,有些公司则不要求。无论哪种情况,检查员在离开船舶前都必须与船长或船长授权的副手讨论检查结果。然而,除了准备这些意见外,检查员不得留在船上完成检查报告。我们认识到,有时这可能是不可能的,特别是在进行 STS 作业的船舶上使用直升机离船和上船时。
The guide time for an inspection as specified in 4.3 .4 below is 8-108-10 hours and as a guide the documentation checks should not exceed 3 hours, and this time should be used to conduct the inspection of the vessel, interact with crewmembers, compile the observation list if appropriate, and conduct the close out meeting. The completion of the report using the report editor software before the inspector leaves the vessel must not occur as this reduces the time that the inspector will spend conducting the physical inspection of the vessel. As specified in above, the inspector must leave the vessel on completion of the inspection and must not remain on board to complete entering the report details into the report editor. 下文 4.3.4 中规定的检查指导时间为 8-108-10 小时,作为指导,文件检查不应超过 3 小时,这段时间应用于对船舶进行检查、与船员交流、编制观察清单(如适用)以及召开总结会议。不得在检查员离开船舶之前使用报告编辑软件完成报告,因为这样会减少检查员对船舶进行实际检查的时间。如上文 所述,检查员必须在检查结束后离开船舶,不得留在船上将报告细节输入报告编辑器。
The guide time as specified below in 4.3.4 is 8-108-10 hours, however the actual time to conduct the inspection will be greater than this taking in account travel time to and from the vessel. All inspectors must take into account their own rest hours and fatigue levels when conducting inspections. ‘Back to back’ inspections are discouraged, and inspectors should complete and submit the report for one vessel before commencing an inspection on another vessel. 下文 4.3.4 中规定的指导时间为 8-108-10 小时,但考虑到往返船只的交通时间,实际检查时间将大于此数。所有检查员在进行检查时都必须考虑到自己的休息时间和疲劳程度。不鼓励 "背靠背 "检查,检查员应在完成一艘船的检查并提交报告后,再开始检查另一艘船。
4.1.2 Additional Requirements. 4.1.2 附加要求。
In addition to the general mandatory requirements list above, the Inspector: - 除上述一般强制性要求外,检查员: -
Must respond by entering the requested information or by checking one response box for each question; 必须输入所要求的信息或勾选每个问题的一个回答框;
Must, where guidance to a question is provided, consider all the guidance to determine how the question should be answered; 必须,如果对某个问题提供了指导,则应考虑所有指导,以确定如何回答该问题;
Must carefully consider and provide a proper response to every question; 必须认真考虑并正确回答每一个问题;
Must use objective evidence when answering each question (the assurance of the vessel’s staff is insufficient evidence or proof); 在回答每个问题时必须使用客观证据(船员的保证是不充分的证据或证明);
Must include an explanatory Observation in the Observation section that accompanies a question when it is answered “No” or “Not Seen”. Where the VIQ question is answered “Not Applicable” or in cases where the guidance requires a comment regardless of how a question is answered, such comment must be recorded in the “Comments” section. 当问题回答 "否 "或 "未见 "时,必须在 "意见 "部分附上解释性意见。如果 VIQ 问题的答案为 "不适用",或者无论问题的答案如何,指导原则都要求提供 意见,则必须在 "意见 "部分记录此类意见。
Must not use a “Yes” response to any question where an inspector’s Observation or Other comment contains negative elements (if there is such negative Observation or Other comment then the answer to that question should be “No”); 如果检查员的 "意见 "或 "其他评论 "包含负面内容,则不得使用 "是 "来回答任何问题(如果有负面的 "意见 "或 "其他评论",则该问题的答案应为 "否");
Must not, in any Other Comment or Additional Comments, include - 不得在任何 "其他评论 "或 "附加评论 "中包含以下内容
i. Any overall or partial ship rating or indication of ship acceptability / non-acceptability; i. 船舶的整体或部分评级,或船舶可接受性/不可接受性的指示;
ii. Any matter unrelated to the topic of a VIQ chapter and, in particular, any matter unrelated to ship safety and pollution prevention; and, ii.与 VIQ 章节主题无关的任何事项,尤其是与船舶安全和防止污染无关的任何事项;以及 iii、
iii. Any overall chapter ending or other partial summary of the inspector’s findings; iii.对检查员调查结果的任何全章总结或其他部分总结;
Must give the factual basis and specific reasons for any opinions or subjective comments made by the inspector; 必须说明检查员提出的任何意见或主观评论的事实依据和具体理由;
Must note any deficiencies or inspector-observed conditions, to which action was taken whilst the inspector was on board, and 必须记录检查员在船期间发现的任何缺陷或检查员观察到的情况,并对其采取行动,以及
Must not offer any comments or opinions with regard to actions to be taken in respect of any deficiencies or observed conditions noted by the inspector. 不得就检查员指出的任何缺陷或观察到的情况所应采取的行动提出任何评论或意 见。
Must not use the expression “we” in any Observation or Other comment unless the inspection was conducted by more than one inspector. 不得在任何意见或其他评论中使用 "我们 "一词,除非检查是由多名检查员进行的。
Must not at any time give any verbal indication of ship acceptability / non-acceptability. 不得在任何时候口头表示船舶可接受或不可接受。
Must not discuss or communicate by any means (verbal, written, electronic or otherwise) any findings, information gained or outcome of the inspection with any third party other than those with a legitimate involvement in the inspection process for that vessel. 不得以任何方式(口头、书面、电子或其他方式)与任何第三方讨论或交流检查的任何发现、获得的信息或结果,但合法参与该船舶检查过程的第三方除外。
Must not conduct any other inspection or be involved in the provision of any other services while conducting a SIRE inspection. 在进行 SIRE 检查时,不得进行任何其他检查或参与提供任何其他服务。
4.2 Permitted Inspection Actions 4.2 允许的检查行动
Inspectors may: 检查员可以
Include in the “Comments” section accompanying any question, inspector comments even where the question is answered with a “Yes” provided such comments give useful information to the report recipient; 即使问题的答案是 "是",只要检查员的评论能为报告接受者提供有用的信息,也应将其列入问题所附的 "评论 "部分;
Respond to questions or provide comments on the basis of material not included in the guidance specified for the question but must note this reliance and explain reason for the reliance; 回答问题或发表评论时,依据的材料不包括在为问题指定的指南中,但必须说明这种依据并解释依据的理由;
Include in the "Additional Comments’ for each chapter, any comments in respect of the subject matter not addressed by questions contained in the chapter additional to those that the inspector may make in response to the specific questions in the chapter; and 在每一章的 "补充意见 "中,除了检查员在回答本章具体问题时可能提出的意 见外,还应包括本章所载问题未涉及的有关主题事项的任何意见;以及
Respond to questions which are not applicable to either the vessel or its cargo by checking such questions “Not Applicable”. 对于不适用于船舶或其货物的问题,请勾选 "不适用"。
4.3 Other Inspection Requirements. 4.3 其他检查要求。
Ship inspections shall not be conducted at night unless requested by the OCIMF Inspecting member. The vessel’s operator must also concur that it is safe to carry out a night inspection and that this will not negatively impact the vessel’s compliance with work and rest hour requirements. 除非 OCIMF 检查成员提出要求,否则不得在夜间进行船舶检查。船舶经营者也必须同意进行夜间检查是安全的,并且不会对船舶遵守工作和休息时间要求产生负面影响。
Inspectors shall limit advance communications with vessels and vessel operators to that information necessary to arrange access and appropriate arrival to and from the vessel, or to communicate intended inspection plans. Inspectors shall not request information concerning the VIQ in advance of their arrival to a vessel. Inspectors shall not communicate with the vessel or vessel operator after completion of OCIMF inspection activities. Following an inspection all communication concerning the inspection shall be managed by the commissioning member. 检查员与船只和船只经营者的事先联系应仅限于安排进出船只和适当抵达船只所需的信 息,或传达预定的检查计划。检查员不得在抵达船舶之前要求提供有关 VIQ 的信息。在 OCIMF 检查活动结束后,检查员不得与船舶或船舶经营者联系。检查结束后,所有与检查有关的通讯应由委托成员管理。
The inspector should consider requesting that equipment be run and tested to confirm that it is in operational order and that officers and crew are familiar with its operation. The inspector must ensure that such requests do not cause delay or interfere with the safety and normal operation of the vessel and do not contradict any terminal requirements. 检查员应考虑要求对设备进行运行和测试,以确认设备运行正常,官员和船员熟悉其操作。检查员必须确保这些要求不会造成延误或干扰船舶的安全和正常运行,也不会与任何码头要求相抵触。
It should be recognised that the overall objective of the inspection is to provide the user of a SIRE Report with a factual record of the vessel’s condition and standard of operation at the time of the inspection and, in turn, allow an assessment of the risk that use of the vessel might pose 应该认识到,检查的总体目标是向 SIRE 报告的用户提供检查时船舶状况和操作标准的真实记录,进而评估船舶使用可能带来的风险。
A SIRE inspection is expected to be accomplished within an 8-10-hour period. The inspector must plan their time accordingly and make sufficient allowances to have this period of time available for the inspection. Inspectors must take into account the hours of rest requirements for the vessel’s staff that must be observed and ensure that the SIRE inspection does not interfere with these. SIRE 检验预计在 8-10 小时内完成。检查员必须相应地规划时间,并留出足够的余地,以便在这段时间内进行检查。检查员必须考虑到船上工作人员必须遵守的休息时间要求,并确保 SIRE 检查不会影响这些要求。
Under normal circumstances, a SIRE inspection will take place when a vessel is alongside in port whilst discharging or loading cargo. During the course of the inspection entry into ballast tanks and/or /void-spaces is discouraged. Assessment of the physical condition of ballast tanks/void spaces etc. can be made only in circumstances where the access hatches or plates can be removed, and the internals sighted from the deck. In any event, actual entry should only be made following specific written request from the inspecting company, with the authority of the Master and provided that port and terminal regulations allow it. In all cases, the enclosed space entry procedures set out in ISGOTT Chapter 10 must be strictly observed. 在正常情况下,SIRE 检查将在船舶靠港卸货或装货时进行。在检查过程中,不鼓励进入压载舱和/或/空舱。对压载舱/空舱等的实际状况的评估只能在舱门或舱板可以拆卸并能从甲板上看到内部情况的情况下进行。在任何情况下,只有在检查公司提出具体的书面要求后,经船长授权,并在港口和码头规定允许的情况下,才能实际进入。在任何情况下,都必须严格遵守 ISGOTT 第 10 章规定的封闭空间进入程序。
Travel for ship inspections on behalf of OCIMF member companies must, at all times, be conducted in a safe manner with due regard to industry best practice and any agreements between the inspector and member companies. Inspectors must ensure that they are able to safely conduct an 8-10 hour inspection without undue fatigue. 代表 OCIMF 成员公司进行船舶检查的旅行在任何时候都必须以安全的方式进行,并适当考虑行业最佳做法以及检查员与成员公司之间的任何协议。检查员必须确保能够安全地进行 8-10 小时的检查,而不会过度疲劳。
SECTION 5 第 5 节
5.1 The Distributed Report 5.1 分布式报告
The responses recorded in the Vessel Inspection Questionnaires (the Inspection Element) serve as the basis for development of the second element of the Vessel Inspection Procedure (the Report Element) distributed under the programme. The inspector’s completed VIQ must be reviewed by the submitting company prior to processing in the SIRE system and transmission to the vessel operator. 船舶检验调查表(检验要素)中记录的答复是制定根据该计划分发的船舶检验程序第二要素(报告要素)的基础。在 SIRE 系统中进行处理并传送给船舶运营商之前,检查员填写的 VIQ 必须由提交公司进行审查。
The processed VIQ is automatically converted into a report after the submitting company has processed it in the SIRE System. The report does not replicate the pages of the Vessel Inspection Questionnaire but is distributed in abbreviated form. It consists of a conversion of the inspector VIQ responses into a uniform report format. The report is divided into three sections as follows: 提交公司在 SIRE 系统中处理完 VIQ 后,将其自动转换为报告。该报告并不复制船舶检验问卷的页数,而是以简略的形式分发。它包括将检查员的 VIQ 答复转换成统一的报告格式。报告分为以下三部分:
Section 1 第 1 节
General information 一般信息
Section 2 第二节
Questions marked “Yes” without comment. 标有 "是 "的问题不作评论。
Section 3 第三节
Questions marked “No”, “Not Seen”, “Not Applicable” or otherwise commented upon and any chapter ending 标有 "否"、"未见"、"不适用 "或其他注释的问题,以及任何章节的结尾
Additional Comments. 补充意见。
Contains the informational responses required in Chapter 1 of the VIQ plus answers to certain questions from other VIQ chapters where specific details or dates are required. 包含 VIQ 第 1 章所要求的信息回答,以及其他 VIQ 章节中要求提供具体细节或日期的某些问题的回答。
Lists, by index number only, the questions in the VIQ which have been checked with a “Yes” response, but without inspector comment. 仅按索引号列出 VIQ 中被选中回答 "是 "但没有检查员评语的问题。
In some cases, the SIRE Report Editor will automatically enter "Not Applicable response. 在某些情况下,SIRE 报告编辑器会自动输入 "不适用回复"。
Chapter 1. General Information 第 1 章一般信息
1.1 Name of the vessel: 1.1 船舶名称
Note: Prefixes (MT, MV, SS etc.) must not be used unless they are actually a part of the registered name of the vessel. The name must be entered exactly as it appears on the Certific ate of Registry. 注:不得使用前缀(MT、MV、SS 等),除非它们实际上是船只注册名称的一部分。船名必须与注册证书上的船名完全一致。
1.2 Vessel IMO Number: 1.2 船舶 IMO 编号:
1.3 Date the inspection was completed: 1.3 完成检查的日期:
If the inspection took place overtwo ormore days, in two or more sessions, or wascamied out by more than one inspector, record the amival and departure details in comments. 如果检查历时两天或两天以上,分两次或两次以上进行,或由不止一名检查员进行,则应在注释中记 录检查开始和结束时的详细情况。
1.4 Was a full inspection of the vessel completed 1.4 是否对船只进行了全面检查
If a full inspection of the vessel was not completed, please note the reasons why, and also the areas of the ship that were not inspected 如果未完成对船舶的全面检查,请说明原因,以及未检查的船舶区域
1.5 Port of inspec tion: 1.5 检验港口:
1.6 Fag: 1.6 Fag:
If a change offlag hastaken place within the past 6 months, record the date of change and the previous flag in Comments. 如果在过去 6 个月内更换了标记,请在注释中记录更换日期和之前的标记。
1.7 Deadweight (metric tonnes) 1.7 载重量(公吨)
Note: Forvessels with multiple load line certific ates, record the maximum of the assigned deadweight’s. 注:对于有多条载重线证书的船只,应记录所分配载重量的最大值。
1.8 Date the vessel was delivered: 1.8 船只交付日期:
Any periods of lay up since delivery should be recorded in Comments. 交货后的任何停工期均应在 "备注 "中记录。
The date of delivery from the original builder as listed in the IOPPC must be recorded. If the date of delivery is not recorded in the IOPPC Form A or Form B, the date of delivery as contained in Safety Construction Certific ate must be recorded. If the vessel hasbeen ‘re-aged’, the original build date must be recorded. 必须记录 IOPPC 中列出的原建筑商的交货日期。如果 IOPPC 表格 A 或表格 B 中没有记录交付日期,则必须记录安全建造证书中的交付日期。如果船只已 "重新老化",则必须记录原建造日期。
1.9 Name of the OCIMF inspecting company: 1.9 OCIMF 检查公司的名称:
Note: The SIRE Report Editor software automatic ally inserts the name of the inspecting company. 注:SIRE 报告编辑器软件会自动插入检查公司的名称。
1.10 Date and time the inspector boarded the vessel: 1.10 检查员登船的日期和时间:
1.11 Date and time the inspec tor departed the vessel: 1.11 检验员离开船只的日期和时间:
If the inspection took place over two or more days, in two or more sessions, or was camied out by more than one inspector, record the amival and departure details in Comments. 如果检查历时两天或两天以上,分两次或两次以上进行,或由一名以上检查员进行,则在 "评注 "中记录每次检查的开始和结束时间。
If the inspection was authorised to be conducted at night, the reason(s) for the night inspection should be recorded in comments. 如果授权在夜间进行检查,则应在备注中记录夜间检查的原因。
Inspectors are required to depart the vessel as soon as the inspection has been completed and after the closing meeting hasbeen conducted. In the event that an inspectordoesnot leave the vessel upon completion of the inspection, the reason(s) shall be recorded in comments. 检查员必须在检查结束并举行闭幕会议后立即离船。如果检查员没有在检查结束后离开船舶,应在评论中记录原因。
1.12 Time taken for inspection. 1.12 检查所需时间。
Note: Record the time taken to conduct the inspection to the nearest 5 minutes. This is the actual time of inspection and does not include the times the inspection was suspended for any reason (e.g. Lunch, PSC inspection etc.). 注:记录检查所用时间,精确到 5 分钟。这是实际检查时间,不包括因任何原因(如午餐、PSC 检查等)暂停检查的时间。
If the inspection was conducted over two or more sessions, record the reason(s) for this e.g. cargo a vailability, berth congestion, weather, other ongoing ship-inspection such asPSC, Administration, Class Survey etc should be recorded in Comments. 如果检查分两次或多次进行,则应在 "备注 "中记录原因,如货物可用性、泊位拥堵、天气、其他正在进行的船舶检查(如 PSC、行政管理、船级检验等)。
1.13 Name of the inspector: 1.13 检查员姓名
Note: The VIQ software automatic ally inserts the name of the inspector. This is for use by the Inspecting Company and for OCIMF intemal purposes only and will not be displayed on the delivered report. 注:VIQ 软件会自动插入检查员姓名。这仅供检验公司和 OCIMF 内部使用,不会显示在交付的报告上。
1.14 Is an up to date OCIMF Harmonised Vessel Partic ulars Questionnaire (HVPQ) maintained and is it readily available? 1.14 是否有最新的 OCIMF 统一船舶部件调查表(HVPQ)?
The HVPQ, compiled using OCIMFHVPQ software should be available on board and randomly reviewed by the inspector for accuracy. It is not essential that the HVPQ is provided in paperform and inspectors are not expected to seek a papercopy from the vessel. 使用 OCIMFHVPQ 软件编制的 HVPQ 应在船上提供,并由检查员随机审查其准确性。HVPQ 不一定要以纸质形式提供,检查员也不必向船舶索取纸质副本。
1.15 Vessel's operation at the time of the inspection: 1.15 检查时船舶的运行情况:
Loading 加载中
Discharging 放电
Bunkering 加油
Ballasting 压载
Deballasting 脱脂
At anchor 起锚
Idle 闲置
At sea 在海上
River transit 河流过境
Repairs afloat 海上维修
In drydock 干船坞
STS loading STS 装载
STS discharging STS 放电
Cooling Down 降温
Gassing-up 加油
Loading Discharging Bunkering Ballasting Deballasting At anchor Idle At sea
River transit Repairs afloat In drydock STS loading STS discharging Cooling Down Gassing-up | Loading | Discharging | Bunkering | Ballasting | Deballasting | At anchor | Idle | At sea |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| River transit | Repairs afloat | In drydock | STS loading | STS discharging | Cooling Down | Gassing-up | |
Note: If the vessel is conducting any other operation than that listed, such as desloping, etc., the vessel’soperation is to be recorded as ‘Idle’ and the activity being performed recorded in comments. So called ‘Engineered Operations’ are not acceptable and should not change the operation at the time of inspection.’ Engineered Operations’ include but are not limited to Intemal recirculation, transfeming intemally from one tank to another, or an STS operation where cargo is transferred from one vessel to another and then transferred back again. 注: 如果船舶正在进行所列操作以外的任何其他操作,如去坡等,则应将船舶的操作记录为 "闲置",并在注释中记录正在进行的活动。所谓的 "设计操作 "是不可接受的,也不应在检查时改变操作。工程操作 "包括但不限于舱内再循环、从一个油舱向另一个油舱的舱内转移,或将货物从一艘船转移到另一艘船然后再转移回来的 STS 操作。
1.16 Product(s) being handled: 1.16 正在处理的产品:
Notes: A volatile product ispetroleum having a flash point below 60 DEG C as detemined by the closed cup method of testing. If a cargo is being handled at a temperature within 10 DEG C of its flashpoint, it should be considered volatile. Therefore, a cargo with a flashpoint of 80 DEG C should be considered volatile if handled at a temperature of 70 DEG C orabove. 注释挥发性产品是指通过闭杯测试法确定闪点低于 60 摄氏度的石油。如果货物的装卸温度低于其闪点 10 摄氏度,则应视为易挥发产品。因此,闪点为 80 摄氏度的货物如果在 70 摄氏度或以上的温度下处理,则应视为易挥发货物。
Inspectors should NOTstate the product details in the report, but ratherstate the product properties i.e. if toxic and/orflammable. 检查员不应在报告中说明产品的详细情况,而应说明产品的特性,如是否有毒和/或易燃。
1.17 Vessel type: 1.17 船舶类型:
C rude Tanker C 型粗油罐车
C 级粗油船/产品油船
C rude/Products
C rude/Products
Tanker| C rude/Products |
| :--- |
| Tanker |
Products Tanker 产品罐车
化学惰性 I 型
Chemic al camier
Type I
Chemic al camier
Type I| Chemic al camier |
| :--- |
| Type I |
化学熏蒸器 II 型
Chemical camier
Type II
Chemical camier
Type II| Chemical camier |
| :--- |
| Type II |
第 III 类化学惰性气体
Chemical camier
Type III
Chemical camier
Type III| Chemical camier |
| :--- |
| Type III |
LPG Type 1G 1G 型石油气
LPG Type 2G 2G 型石油气
LPG Type 2PG 2PG 型液化石油气
LPG Type 3G 3G 型石油气
LNG Moss Type 液化天然气苔藓类型
LNG Membrane 液化天然气膜
Ore-Oil 矿石-石油
Shuttle tanker 穿梭油轮
Bitumen Tanker 沥青罐车
Sulphur Tanker 硫磺罐车
Other (Specify in
Other (Specify in
Comments)| Other (Specify in |
| :--- |
| Comments) |
C rude Tanker "C rude/Products
Tanker" Products Tanker "Chemic al camier
Type I" "Chemical camier
Type II"
"Chemical camier
Type III" LPG Type 1G LPG Type 2G LPG Type 2PG LPG Type 3G
LNG Moss Type LNG Membrane OBO Ore-Oil Shuttle tanker
Bitumen Tanker Sulphur Tanker "Other (Specify in
Comments)" | C rude Tanker | C rude/Products <br> Tanker | Products Tanker | Chemic al camier <br> Type I | Chemical camier <br> Type II |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Chemical camier <br> Type III | LPG Type 1G | LPG Type 2G | LPG Type 2PG | LPG Type 3G |
| LNG Moss Type | LNG Membrane | OBO | Ore-Oil | Shuttle tanker |
| Bitumen Tanker | Sulphur Tanker | Other (Specify in <br> Comments) | | |
Hull type: 船体类型
Single hull 单船体
Double hull 双层船体
Double sides 双面
Full breadth double bottom 全宽双底
Centre tank double bottom 中心水箱双层底
Single hull Double hull Double sides Full breadth double bottom Centre tank double bottom| Single hull | Double hull | Double sides | Full breadth double bottom | Centre tank double bottom |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
Note: Referto the IOPPC Form B//5B / 5 to determine the construction requirement. 注:请参阅 IOPPC 表格 B//5B / 5 以确定施工要求。
1.19 Name of the vessel's operator: 1.19 船舶经营人的姓名:
Note: For the purpose of the SIRE Programme, an ‘Operator’ is defined as the company or entity which exercises day to day operational control of, and responsibility for, a vessel. The name of this entity can be found in the vessel’sDocument of Compliance. 注:就 SIRE 计划而言,"经营者 "的定义是对船舶行使日常运营控制和责任的公司或实体。该实体的名称可在船舶的合规文件中找到。
The registered owner of a vessel may or may not be the operator. 船只的注册所有人可以是也可以不是经营者。
1.20 Date the current operator assumed responsibility for the vessel: 1.20 现任经营者承担船舶责任的日期:
1.21 Date of the last port State control inspec tion: 1.21 最近一次港口国监督检查的日期:
Note: The date refersto any port State inspection. If at the time of the last Port State Inspection the vessel was under either a different name ordifferent operator, record in comments. 注:日期指任何一次港口国检查。如果在上一次港口国检查时,船只使用的是不同的名称或不同的运营商,请在备注中记录。
Port of the last Port State Control inspection: 上次港口国检查的港口:
If the vessel was detained, or if signific ant deficiencies were listed, record the reason for the detention or the nature of those deficiencies in comments. 如果船只被扣留,或者列出了重要的蚂蚁缺陷,请在注释中记录扣留原因或这些缺陷的性质。
Note: IMO has encouraged the establishment of regional port State control organizations and agreements on port State control - Memoranda of Understanding orMOUs-have been signed covering all of the world’soceans: Europe and the North Atlantic (ParisMOU); Asia and the Pacific (Tokyo MOU); Latin Americ a (Acuerdo de Viña del Mar); Caribbean (Caribbean MOU); West and CentralAfric a (Abuja MOU); the Black Sea region (Black Sea MOU); the Mediterranean (Mediteranean MOU); the Indian Ocean (Indian Ocean MOU); and the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC MoU (Riyadh MoU)). With affect from 1st J anuary 2011 the Paris MOU will change to a New Inspection Regime (NIR)and ships will be subject to inspection on the basis of ‘Ship Risk Profile’ in conjunction with the 'Company Performance. Ships will be categorised as either ‘Low Risk Ships (LRS)’, 'Standard Risk ships (SRS) or ‘High Risk ships (HRS)’ taking into account various factors including company performance, the risk rating of the ship will determine its inspection frequency. Port State inspection reports should be retained on board forat least two years. 注:国际海事组织鼓励建立区域港口国管制组织,并签署了涉及世界所有大洋的港口国管制协定--谅解备忘录:欧洲和北大西洋(《巴黎谅解备忘录》);亚洲和太平洋(《东京谅解备忘录》);拉丁美洲(《比尼亚德尔马协定》);加勒比海(《加勒比谅解备忘录》);西非和中非(《阿布贾谅解备忘录》);黑海地区(《黑海谅解备忘录》);地中海(《地中海谅解备忘录》);印度洋(《印度洋谅解备忘录》);以及海湾阿拉伯国家(《海湾合作委员会谅解备忘录》(《利雅得谅解备忘录》))。自 2011 年 1 月 1 日起,《巴黎谅解备忘录》将改为新检验制度 (NIR),船舶将根据 "船舶风险概况 "和 "公司业绩 "接受检验。考虑到包括公司业绩在内的各种因素,船舶将被分为 "低风险船舶 (LRS)"、"标准风险船舶 (SRS)" 或 "高风险船舶 (HRS)",船舶的风险等级将决定其检查频率。港口国检查报告应在船上保留至少两年。
1.23 Name of Classification society: 1.23 船级社名称:
If the vessel hasdual class, record the name of the classific ation society issuing the statutory certific ates and the name of the second society in comments. 如果船只有两个船级,请在注释中记录颁发法定证书的船级社名称和第二个船级社名称。
If the vessel has changed class within the past 6 months, record the previous classification society and the date of change as a comment. 如果船只在过去 6 个月内更换过船级,请将之前的船级社和更换日期作为注释记录下来。
Notes: A Classification Society Certific ate must be available and the periodic annual and intemediate surveys must have been camied out within the stipulated range dates. 备注必须有船级社证书,必须在规定的日期范围内进行定期年度检验和中期检验。
Vessels holding an Ice Class notation must be constructed to meet the requirements specified by the Classification Society and the officers and ratings provided with suitable clothing and appropriate training. Subject to the Ice Class notation to which the vessel wasconstructed, vessels will be equipped to maintain temperature within the accommodation, protect the hull, deck machinery, pipelines, ventilators, air inlets, sea inlets and ballast system against freezing. Means to receive and display ice charts and ice navigation information should be installed. Protection to prevent the wheelhouse windows from freezing should be provided and if the wheelhouse is not totally enclosed, protected loc ationson the bridge wings and searchlightson each bridge wing should also be provided. If the vessel holds an Ice notation, inspectors should assess these provisions and provide comments in the Additional comments section at the end of this chapter. 持有冰级标志的船舶,其建造必须符合船级社规定的要求,并为高级船员和船员提供合适的服装和适当的培训。根据船舶建造时的冰级符号,船舶应配备设备以保持舱内温度,保护船体、甲板机械、管道、通风设备、进气口、入海口和压载系统不被冻结。应安装接收和显示冰图和冰上航行信息的装置。应提供防止驾驶室窗户结冰的保护措施,如果驾驶室不是全封闭的,还应在驾驶台两翼和每个驾驶台两翼的探照灯上提供保护位置。如果船舶有结冰标记,检查员应评估这些规定,并在本章末尾的 "附加意见 "部分提出意见。
Where the vessel has changed class within the past six months a copy of the previousclass latest survey status report must be a vailable. 如果船只在过去 6 个月内更换了级别,则必须提供前一级别的最新检验状况报告副本。
It is an important requirement of PP and I Clubs that the vessel is fully in class with an approved Classific ation Society throughout the period of club entry. PP 和 I 类俱乐部的一项重要要求是,船只在整个入会期间必须完全符合经批准的船级社的规定。
1.24 Date of expiry of the Class Certific ate: 1.24 集体证书失效日期:
Note: This will usually be the same date as that of the next special survey. 注:通常与下一次特别调查的日期相同。
1.25 Date of departure from the last class-credited drydock/ repair period or in water survey 1.25 离开上一次入级认可的干船坞/修理期或水下检验的日期
In addition, if the last dry-docking/repairperiod wasunscheduled, record the date and the reason. 此外,如果上一次干船坞/维修期是计划外的,请记录日期和原因。
Note: The date of the last class-credited drydock or’In WaterSurvey’ can be found in the Classification Society Survey Status Report. Details relating to the last bottom inspection can be found in the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certific ate. 注:最近一次入级干船坞或 "水中检验 "的日期可在船级社检验状况报告中找到。有关上次船底检查的详细信息,请参见货船安全建造证书。
Does the vessel have a recent class Survey Status Report and are past Class Survey Records complete: 船只是否有最近的船级检验状况报告,过去的船级检验记录是否完整:
Note: The most recent report should be available, and this should be dated not more than 15 daysprior to the date of the inspection. Class Survey Status Reports may not have been updated to reflect the latest status, despite the date of the document. However, class surveyors leave documentation on board at the time of surveysstating what hasbeen camied out and these should be examined to ensure the correct information is reported. 注:应提供最新的报告,其日期不得早于检查日期 15 天。尽管文件上有日期,但船级检验状态报告可能尚未更新以反映最新状态。不过,验船师在验船时会在船上留下文件,说明已检查出的问题,应检查这些文件,以确保报告的信息正确无误。
Additional Comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspector may make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. Information of a non-confidential nature related to the circumstancessurrounding the inspection should also be recorded here. Examplesare the presence of the Operator’s superintendent, more than one SIRE inspection being conducted, unusual vessel operations that hampered orcurtailed the inspection, etc. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题事项有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,则检查专员应将这些补充意见列入本节。与视察情况有关的非机密性资料也应记录在此。例如,操作员的监管员是否在场、是否进行了一次以上的 SIRE 检查、是否有不寻常的船舶操作妨碍或延误了检查等。
2.1 Are all the statutory certificates listed below, where applicable, valid and have the annual and intemediate surveys been camied out within the required range dates? 2.1 下列所有法定证书(如适用)是否有效,年度和中期调查是否在规定的日期范围内进行?
Certificate of Registry 注册证书
CSR 记录应保存在船上,并可随时查阅。自 2004 年 7 月 1 日起,根据 SO LAS XI-1/5 由行政部门发布。连续概要记录(CSR)可以硬拷贝或电子格式提供。在发布修订和更新的《持续概要记录》之前,每当当前《持续概要记录》文件中所列的条目发生任何变化时,操作员或船长必须填写一份修订表(表 2),并将其原件附在当前《持续概要记录》之后。修订索引(表格 3)必须更新。行政部门应尽快发布修订和更新的 CSR 文件,但不得迟于更改之日起三个月(ResA.959(23), §7)。MSC.198(80)。
Continuous Synopsis Rec ord
The CSR records shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection at all times. Issued in accordance with SO LAS XI-1/5 by the Administration, from 1stJ uly 2004. The Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) may be provided in hard copy or in electronic format. Whenever any change to the entries listed in the current CSR document have taken place, pending the issue of a revised and updated CSR, the operatoror the Master is required to complete an amendment form (Form 2), the original of which is to be attached to the current CSR. The index of amendments (Form3) must be updated. The Administration is required to issue a revised and updated CSR document assoon aspractic ally possible but not later than three months from the date of the change (ResA.959(23), §7). MSC.198(80).
Continuous Synopsis Rec ord
The CSR records shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection at all times. Issued in accordance with SO LAS XI-1/5 by the Administration, from 1stJ uly 2004. The Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) may be provided in hard copy or in electronic format. Whenever any change to the entries listed in the current CSR document have taken place, pending the issue of a revised and updated CSR, the operatoror the Master is required to complete an amendment form (Form 2), the original of which is to be attached to the current CSR. The index of amendments (Form3) must be updated. The Administration is required to issue a revised and updated CSR document assoon aspractic ally possible but not later than three months from the date of the change (ResA.959(23), §7). MSC.198(80).| Continuous Synopsis Rec ord |
| :--- |
| The CSR records shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection at all times. Issued in accordance with SO LAS XI-1/5 by the Administration, from 1stJ uly 2004. The Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) may be provided in hard copy or in electronic format. Whenever any change to the entries listed in the current CSR document have taken place, pending the issue of a revised and updated CSR, the operatoror the Master is required to complete an amendment form (Form 2), the original of which is to be attached to the current CSR. The index of amendments (Form3) must be updated. The Administration is required to issue a revised and updated CSR document assoon aspractic ally possible but not later than three months from the date of the change (ResA.959(23), §7). MSC.198(80). |
The issuing authonity for the DoC and the SMC may be different organisations, but the name of the operator of the vessel must be the same on both. There should be a copy (which need not be a certified copy) of the DoC on board, which shows that the original has been endorsed for the annual verification. The document should detail the cargo types the operator's vessels are certified to camy - i.e. oil, chemic als and/orgas. The Document of Compliance does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLS Certific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. Annual verific ation is to be camied out within three months before and aftereach anniversary date of the Document of Compliance. (ISM 4.4.2). Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that correspondsto the date of expiry of the relevant document or certific ate. (ISM 1.1.11)
Doc ument of Compliance (DoC)
The issuing authonity for the DoC and the SMC may be different organisations, but the name of the operator of the vessel must be the same on both. There should be a copy (which need not be a certified copy) of the DoC on board, which shows that the original has been endorsed for the annual verification. The document should detail the cargo types the operator's vessels are certified to camy - i.e. oil, chemic als and/orgas. The Document of Compliance does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLS Certific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. Annual verific ation is to be camied out within three months before and aftereach anniversary date of the Document of Compliance. (ISM 4.4.2). Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that correspondsto the date of expiry of the relevant document or certific ate. (ISM 1.1.11)| Doc ument of Compliance (DoC) |
| :--- |
| The issuing authonity for the DoC and the SMC may be different organisations, but the name of the operator of the vessel must be the same on both. There should be a copy (which need not be a certified copy) of the DoC on board, which shows that the original has been endorsed for the annual verification. The document should detail the cargo types the operator's vessels are certified to camy - i.e. oil, chemic als and/orgas. The Document of Compliance does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLS Certific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. Annual verific ation is to be camied out within three months before and aftereach anniversary date of the Document of Compliance. (ISM 4.4.2). Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that correspondsto the date of expiry of the relevant document or certific ate. (ISM 1.1.11) |
The SMC is subject to renewal verification every five years and at least one intermediate verific ation, which, if only one, shall be between the second and third anniversary.
Safety Management Certificate (SMC)
The SMC is subject to renewal verification every five years and at least one intermediate verific ation, which, if only one, shall be between the second and third anniversary.| Safety Management Certificate (SMC) |
| :--- |
| The SMC is subject to renewal verification every five years and at least one intermediate verific ation, which, if only one, shall be between the second and third anniversary. |
Safety Equipment Certific ate, supplemented by Fom E
The Safety Equipment Certific ate does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLSCertific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. The Long-Range Identific ation and Tracking System applies to all cargo ships greater than 300 gt constructed before 31st Dec 2008 operating in Sea AreasA1, A2 and A3 (Not applic able to ships fitted with AIS operating solely in Sea Area A1.
Safety Equipment Certific ate, supplemented by Fom E
The Safety Equipment Certific ate does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLSCertific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. The Long-Range Identific ation and Tracking System applies to all cargo ships greater than 300 gt constructed before 31st Dec 2008 operating in Sea AreasA1, A2 and A3 (Not applic able to ships fitted with AIS operating solely in Sea Area A1.| Safety Equipment Certific ate, supplemented by Fom E |
| :--- |
| The Safety Equipment Certific ate does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLSCertific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. The Long-Range Identific ation and Tracking System applies to all cargo ships greater than 300 gt constructed before 31st Dec 2008 operating in Sea AreasA1, A2 and A3 (Not applic able to ships fitted with AIS operating solely in Sea Area A1. |
2.1 .6
Safety Radio Certificate, supplemented by Form R 安全无线电证书,由表格 R 补充
安全建造证书 安全设备证书、安全无线电证书和安全建造证书可使用同一张表格,称为船舶安全证书。应附上表格 C,而不是表格 E 和 R。
Safety Construction Certific ate
The Safety Equipment, Safety Radio and Safety Construction Certificates might be on the same form, called the Ship Safety Certific ate. Form C will be attached instead of FormsE and R. There should be evidence that each annual survey has been camied out.
Safety Construction Certific ate
The Safety Equipment, Safety Radio and Safety Construction Certificates might be on the same form, called the Ship Safety Certific ate. Form C will be attached instead of FormsE and R. There should be evidence that each annual survey has been camied out.| Safety Construction Certific ate |
| :--- |
| The Safety Equipment, Safety Radio and Safety Construction Certificates might be on the same form, called the Ship Safety Certific ate. Form C will be attached instead of FormsE and R. There should be evidence that each annual survey has been camied out. |
2.1 .8
只有在运输油类货物或类似油类的有毒液体物质时,才需要 IOPP 证书,并辅以表格 A 或 B 表格 B。必须包括允许运输的类油有害液体物质清单。
IOPP Certific ate, supplemented by Form A or B
Form B is only required if camying oil cargoes or oil-like noxious liquidssubstances. A list of the oillike noxious liquid substances allowed to be camied must be included.
IOPP Certific ate, supplemented by Form A or B
Form B is only required if camying oil cargoes or oil-like noxious liquidssubstances. A list of the oillike noxious liquid substances allowed to be camied must be included.| IOPP Certific ate, supplemented by Form A or B |
| :--- |
| Form B is only required if camying oil cargoes or oil-like noxious liquidssubstances. A list of the oillike noxious liquid substances allowed to be camied must be included. |
What is the vessel's designation as recorded in the IOPP Certificate, Form B, Question 1.11?
1. Crude oil tanker;
2. Product c amier;
3. Product camier not camying fuel oil or heavy diesel oil as referred to in regulation 20.2 or lubric ating oil;
4. Crude oil/product c a mier,
5. Combination camier;
6. Ship, other than an oil tanker, with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex 1 of the Convention;
7. Oil tankerdedic ated to the camiage of products referred to in regulation 2.4;
8. The ship, being designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, is also designated as a 'product camier' operating with CBT, for which a separate IOPP Certificate hasalso been issued;
9. The ship, being designated asa 'product camier' operating with CBT, is also designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, for which a separate IOPP Certific ate has also been issued;
What is the vessel's designation as recorded in the IOPP Certificate, Form B, Question 1.11?
1. Crude oil tanker;
2. Product c amier;
3. Product camier not camying fuel oil or heavy diesel oil as referred to in regulation 20.2 or lubric ating oil;
4. Crude oil/product c a mier,
5. Combination camier;
6. Ship, other than an oil tanker, with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex 1 of the Convention;
7. Oil tankerdedic ated to the camiage of products referred to in regulation 2.4;
8. The ship, being designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, is also designated as a 'product camier' operating with CBT, for which a separate IOPP Certificate hasalso been issued;
9. The ship, being designated asa 'product camier' operating with CBT, is also designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, for which a separate IOPP Certific ate has also been issued;| What is the vessel's designation as recorded in the IOPP Certificate, Form B, Question 1.11? |
| :--- |
| 1. Crude oil tanker; |
| 2. Product c amier; |
| 3. Product camier not camying fuel oil or heavy diesel oil as referred to in regulation 20.2 or lubric ating oil; |
| 4. Crude oil/product c a mier, |
| 5. Combination camier; |
| 6. Ship, other than an oil tanker, with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex 1 of the Convention; |
| 7. Oil tankerdedic ated to the camiage of products referred to in regulation 2.4; |
| 8. The ship, being designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, is also designated as a 'product camier' operating with CBT, for which a separate IOPP Certificate hasalso been issued; |
| 9. The ship, being designated asa 'product camier' operating with CBT, is also designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, for which a separate IOPP Certific ate has also been issued; |
Minimum Safe Manning Doc ument 最低安全配员文件
2.1.1 Certificate of Registry
2.1.2 "Continuous Synopsis Rec ord
The CSR records shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection at all times. Issued in accordance with SO LAS XI-1/5 by the Administration, from 1stJ uly 2004. The Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) may be provided in hard copy or in electronic format. Whenever any change to the entries listed in the current CSR document have taken place, pending the issue of a revised and updated CSR, the operatoror the Master is required to complete an amendment form (Form 2), the original of which is to be attached to the current CSR. The index of amendments (Form3) must be updated. The Administration is required to issue a revised and updated CSR document assoon aspractic ally possible but not later than three months from the date of the change (ResA.959(23), §7). MSC.198(80)."
2.1.3 "Doc ument of Compliance (DoC)
The issuing authonity for the DoC and the SMC may be different organisations, but the name of the operator of the vessel must be the same on both. There should be a copy (which need not be a certified copy) of the DoC on board, which shows that the original has been endorsed for the annual verification. The document should detail the cargo types the operator's vessels are certified to camy - i.e. oil, chemic als and/orgas. The Document of Compliance does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLS Certific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. Annual verific ation is to be camied out within three months before and aftereach anniversary date of the Document of Compliance. (ISM 4.4.2). Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that correspondsto the date of expiry of the relevant document or certific ate. (ISM 1.1.11)"
2.1.4 "Safety Management Certificate (SMC)
The SMC is subject to renewal verification every five years and at least one intermediate verific ation, which, if only one, shall be between the second and third anniversary."
2.1.5 "Safety Equipment Certific ate, supplemented by Fom E
The Safety Equipment Certific ate does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLSCertific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. The Long-Range Identific ation and Tracking System applies to all cargo ships greater than 300 gt constructed before 31st Dec 2008 operating in Sea AreasA1, A2 and A3 (Not applic able to ships fitted with AIS operating solely in Sea Area A1."
2.1 .6 Safety Radio Certificate, supplemented by Form R
2.1.7 "Safety Construction Certific ate
The Safety Equipment, Safety Radio and Safety Construction Certificates might be on the same form, called the Ship Safety Certific ate. Form C will be attached instead of FormsE and R. There should be evidence that each annual survey has been camied out."
2.1 .8 "IOPP Certific ate, supplemented by Form A or B
Form B is only required if camying oil cargoes or oil-like noxious liquidssubstances. A list of the oillike noxious liquid substances allowed to be camied must be included."
2.1.9 "What is the vessel's designation as recorded in the IOPP Certificate, Form B, Question 1.11?
1. Crude oil tanker;
2. Product c amier;
3. Product camier not camying fuel oil or heavy diesel oil as referred to in regulation 20.2 or lubric ating oil;
4. Crude oil/product c a mier,
5. Combination camier;
6. Ship, other than an oil tanker, with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex 1 of the Convention;
7. Oil tankerdedic ated to the camiage of products referred to in regulation 2.4;
8. The ship, being designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, is also designated as a 'product camier' operating with CBT, for which a separate IOPP Certificate hasalso been issued;
9. The ship, being designated asa 'product camier' operating with CBT, is also designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, for which a separate IOPP Certific ate has also been issued;"
2.1.10 Minimum Safe Manning Doc ument| 2.1.1 | Certificate of Registry |
| :---: | :---: |
| 2.1.2 | Continuous Synopsis Rec ord <br> The CSR records shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection at all times. Issued in accordance with SO LAS XI-1/5 by the Administration, from 1stJ uly 2004. The Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) may be provided in hard copy or in electronic format. Whenever any change to the entries listed in the current CSR document have taken place, pending the issue of a revised and updated CSR, the operatoror the Master is required to complete an amendment form (Form 2), the original of which is to be attached to the current CSR. The index of amendments (Form3) must be updated. The Administration is required to issue a revised and updated CSR document assoon aspractic ally possible but not later than three months from the date of the change (ResA.959(23), §7). MSC.198(80). |
| 2.1.3 | Doc ument of Compliance (DoC) <br> The issuing authonity for the DoC and the SMC may be different organisations, but the name of the operator of the vessel must be the same on both. There should be a copy (which need not be a certified copy) of the DoC on board, which shows that the original has been endorsed for the annual verification. The document should detail the cargo types the operator's vessels are certified to camy - i.e. oil, chemic als and/orgas. The Document of Compliance does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLS Certific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. Annual verific ation is to be camied out within three months before and aftereach anniversary date of the Document of Compliance. (ISM 4.4.2). Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that correspondsto the date of expiry of the relevant document or certific ate. (ISM 1.1.11) |
| 2.1.4 | Safety Management Certificate (SMC) <br> The SMC is subject to renewal verification every five years and at least one intermediate verific ation, which, if only one, shall be between the second and third anniversary. |
| 2.1.5 | Safety Equipment Certific ate, supplemented by Fom E <br> The Safety Equipment Certific ate does not need to be endorsed forchemic als if the vessel has only a NLSCertific ate and not a Certific ate of Fitness. The Long-Range Identific ation and Tracking System applies to all cargo ships greater than 300 gt constructed before 31st Dec 2008 operating in Sea AreasA1, A2 and A3 (Not applic able to ships fitted with AIS operating solely in Sea Area A1. |
| 2.1 .6 | Safety Radio Certificate, supplemented by Form R |
| 2.1.7 | Safety Construction Certific ate <br> The Safety Equipment, Safety Radio and Safety Construction Certificates might be on the same form, called the Ship Safety Certific ate. Form C will be attached instead of FormsE and R. There should be evidence that each annual survey has been camied out. |
| 2.1 .8 | IOPP Certific ate, supplemented by Form A or B <br> Form B is only required if camying oil cargoes or oil-like noxious liquidssubstances. A list of the oillike noxious liquid substances allowed to be camied must be included. |
| 2.1.9 | What is the vessel's designation as recorded in the IOPP Certificate, Form B, Question 1.11? <br> 1. Crude oil tanker; <br> 2. Product c amier; <br> 3. Product camier not camying fuel oil or heavy diesel oil as referred to in regulation 20.2 or lubric ating oil; <br> 4. Crude oil/product c a mier, <br> 5. Combination camier; <br> 6. Ship, other than an oil tanker, with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2.2 of Annex 1 of the Convention; <br> 7. Oil tankerdedic ated to the camiage of products referred to in regulation 2.4; <br> 8. The ship, being designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, is also designated as a 'product camier' operating with CBT, for which a separate IOPP Certificate hasalso been issued; <br> 9. The ship, being designated asa 'product camier' operating with CBT, is also designated as a 'crude oil tanker' operating with COW, for which a separate IOPP Certific ate has also been issued; |
| 2.1.10 | Minimum Safe Manning Doc ument |
If the language used is not English, the information (contained in the Min. Safe Manning Doc) given should include a translation into English. IMO ResA.1047(27) Annex 4(2) 如果使用的语言不是英语,所提供的信息(包含在 Min. Safe Manning Doc 中)应包括英文译文。IMO ResA.1047(27) Annex 4(2)
Certificate of Fitness for the Camiage of Chemicals or Gas
This will be issued either under the IBC or BCH Code for chemic als, or the IGC, GC or EGC Code forgas. Gascamiers camying dual code cargoes must have a NLS Certific ate If the cargo being carmed is not listed on the Certificate of Fitness, there must be authorisation from the Administration allowing the product to be camed.
Certificate of Fitness for the Camiage of Chemicals or Gas
This will be issued either under the IBC or BCH Code for chemic als, or the IGC, GC or EGC Code forgas. Gascamiers camying dual code cargoes must have a NLS Certific ate If the cargo being carmed is not listed on the Certificate of Fitness, there must be authorisation from the Administration allowing the product to be camed.| Certificate of Fitness for the Camiage of Chemicals or Gas |
| :--- |
| This will be issued either under the IBC or BCH Code for chemic als, or the IGC, GC or EGC Code forgas. Gascamiers camying dual code cargoes must have a NLS Certific ate If the cargo being carmed is not listed on the Certificate of Fitness, there must be authorisation from the Administration allowing the product to be camed. |
NLS means any substance indic ated in the pollution category column on chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code orprovisionally assessed under the provision of Reg 6.3 as falling into Cat X,YX, Y or ZZ An NLStanker is a ship constructed or adapted for the camiage of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the IBC. Gasc amiers camying dual-code cargoes will require both a Certific ate of Fitness forgascargoes and an NLSCertificate for the camiage of noxious liquid substances.
Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) Certific ate
NLS means any substance indic ated in the pollution category column on chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code orprovisionally assessed under the provision of Reg 6.3 as falling into Cat X,Y or Z An NLStanker is a ship constructed or adapted for the camiage of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the IBC. Gasc amiers camying dual-code cargoes will require both a Certific ate of Fitness forgascargoes and an NLSCertificate for the camiage of noxious liquid substances.| Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) Certific ate |
| :--- |
| NLS means any substance indic ated in the pollution category column on chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code orprovisionally assessed under the provision of Reg 6.3 as falling into Cat $X, Y$ or $Z$ An NLStanker is a ship constructed or adapted for the camiage of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the IBC. Gasc amiers camying dual-code cargoes will require both a Certific ate of Fitness forgascargoes and an NLSCertificate for the camiage of noxious liquid substances. |
The name of the owner should be the same as that on the Certificate of Registry. CLC 's should be available for bunker, wreck removal and crew repatriation insurance as applicable.
Civil Liability Convention Certific ate(s)
The name of the owner should be the same as that on the Certificate of Registry. CLC 's should be available for bunker, wreck removal and crew repatriation insurance as applicable.| Civil Liability Convention Certific ate(s) |
| :--- |
| The name of the owner should be the same as that on the Certificate of Registry. CLC 's should be available for bunker, wreck removal and crew repatriation insurance as applicable. |
海事劳工公约》(2006 年) 《海事劳工公约》应由船旗国政府签发的《海事劳工公约》第 I 部分和船旗国政府或代表船旗国政府的 RO 正式认可的船舶经营人签发的《海事劳工公约》第 II 部分加以补充。
Maritime Labour Convention (2006)
The MLC shall be supplemented by DMLC Part I issued by Flag Administration and DMLC Part II issued by Operator of Vessel duly endorsed by Flag Administration or by RO on its behalf.
Maritime Labour Convention (2006)
The MLC shall be supplemented by DMLC Part I issued by Flag Administration and DMLC Part II issued by Operator of Vessel duly endorsed by Flag Administration or by RO on its behalf.| Maritime Labour Convention (2006) |
| :--- |
| The MLC shall be supplemented by DMLC Part I issued by Flag Administration and DMLC Part II issued by Operator of Vessel duly endorsed by Flag Administration or by RO on its behalf. |
Effective 08 Sept 2017 on completion of an initial survey, an Intemational Ballast Water Management Certific ate will be issued for a ship whose flag has ratified the BWM Convention; for other ships, a Ballast Water Management Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Both the Certific ates and the Statement will be valid for five years subject to annual, intermediate and renewal surveys.
Ballast Water Management Certificate.
Effective 08 Sept 2017 on completion of an initial survey, an Intemational Ballast Water Management Certific ate will be issued for a ship whose flag has ratified the BWM Convention; for other ships, a Ballast Water Management Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Both the Certific ates and the Statement will be valid for five years subject to annual, intermediate and renewal surveys.| Ballast Water Management Certificate. |
| :--- |
| Effective 08 Sept 2017 on completion of an initial survey, an Intemational Ballast Water Management Certific ate will be issued for a ship whose flag has ratified the BWM Convention; for other ships, a Ballast Water Management Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Both the Certific ates and the Statement will be valid for five years subject to annual, intermediate and renewal surveys. |
If the language used is not English, the information (contained in the Min. Safe Manning Doc) given should include a translation into English. IMO ResA.1047(27) Annex 4(2)
2.1.11 "Certificate of Fitness for the Camiage of Chemicals or Gas
This will be issued either under the IBC or BCH Code for chemic als, or the IGC, GC or EGC Code forgas. Gascamiers camying dual code cargoes must have a NLS Certific ate If the cargo being carmed is not listed on the Certificate of Fitness, there must be authorisation from the Administration allowing the product to be camed."
2.1.12 "Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) Certific ate
NLS means any substance indic ated in the pollution category column on chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code orprovisionally assessed under the provision of Reg 6.3 as falling into Cat X,Y or Z An NLStanker is a ship constructed or adapted for the camiage of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the IBC. Gasc amiers camying dual-code cargoes will require both a Certific ate of Fitness forgascargoes and an NLSCertificate for the camiage of noxious liquid substances."
2.1.13 "Civil Liability Convention Certific ate(s)
The name of the owner should be the same as that on the Certificate of Registry. CLC 's should be available for bunker, wreck removal and crew repatriation insurance as applicable."
2.1.14 "Maritime Labour Convention (2006)
The MLC shall be supplemented by DMLC Part I issued by Flag Administration and DMLC Part II issued by Operator of Vessel duly endorsed by Flag Administration or by RO on its behalf."
2.1.15 "Ballast Water Management Certificate.
Effective 08 Sept 2017 on completion of an initial survey, an Intemational Ballast Water Management Certific ate will be issued for a ship whose flag has ratified the BWM Convention; for other ships, a Ballast Water Management Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Both the Certific ates and the Statement will be valid for five years subject to annual, intermediate and renewal surveys."| | If the language used is not English, the information (contained in the Min. Safe Manning Doc) given should include a translation into English. IMO ResA.1047(27) Annex 4(2) |
| :---: | :---: |
| 2.1.11 | Certificate of Fitness for the Camiage of Chemicals or Gas <br> This will be issued either under the IBC or BCH Code for chemic als, or the IGC, GC or EGC Code forgas. Gascamiers camying dual code cargoes must have a NLS Certific ate If the cargo being carmed is not listed on the Certificate of Fitness, there must be authorisation from the Administration allowing the product to be camed. |
| 2.1.12 | Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) Certific ate <br> NLS means any substance indic ated in the pollution category column on chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code orprovisionally assessed under the provision of Reg 6.3 as falling into Cat $X, Y$ or $Z$ An NLStanker is a ship constructed or adapted for the camiage of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the IBC. Gasc amiers camying dual-code cargoes will require both a Certific ate of Fitness forgascargoes and an NLSCertificate for the camiage of noxious liquid substances. |
| 2.1.13 | Civil Liability Convention Certific ate(s) <br> The name of the owner should be the same as that on the Certificate of Registry. CLC 's should be available for bunker, wreck removal and crew repatriation insurance as applicable. |
| 2.1.14 | Maritime Labour Convention (2006) <br> The MLC shall be supplemented by DMLC Part I issued by Flag Administration and DMLC Part II issued by Operator of Vessel duly endorsed by Flag Administration or by RO on its behalf. |
| 2.1.15 | Ballast Water Management Certificate. <br> Effective 08 Sept 2017 on completion of an initial survey, an Intemational Ballast Water Management Certific ate will be issued for a ship whose flag has ratified the BWM Convention; for other ships, a Ballast Water Management Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Both the Certific ates and the Statement will be valid for five years subject to annual, intermediate and renewal surveys. |
With respect to SOLAS certific ates, if the language used isneitherEnglish norFrench, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages. 关于《国际海上人命安全公约》的证书,如果使用的语言既不是英语也不是法语,则文本应包括这两种语言之一的译文。
(SO LASI/15)
Electronic certific atesmay be permitted in lieu of the traditional paper versions. Administrations that use electronic certific ates should ensure that these certific ates have the following features: - 可以允许用电子证书代替传统的纸质证书。使用电子证书的管理机构应确保这些证书具有以下功能:-
validity and consistency with the format and content required by the relevant intemational convention or instrument, as applic able 有效,并符合相关国际公约或文书要求的格式和内容(如适用)。
protected from edits, modific ations orrevisions other than those authorized by the issuer or the Administration; and 除发行人或行政部门授权的编辑、修改或修订外,不得进行其他编辑、修改或修订;以及
a unique tracking numberused forverific ation as defined in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6. IMO FAL. 5/Circ. 39/REV. 2. 用于第 3.5 和 3.6 段规定的核查的唯一跟踪编号。IMO FAL.5/Circ. 39/REV.
Note: Situationsmay arise in cases where a Recognised Organization (RO) issues the original certific ates and the vessel’s flag State Administration conducts subsequent annual surveys. In such cases, it is acceptable for the flag State to endorse the RO’s certificates to attest that the annual surveys have been conducted. 注:可能会出现这样的情况:认可组织(RO)签发原始证书,船旗国行政部门随后进行年度检验。在这种情况下,船旗国认可认可组织的证书以证明已进行年度检验是可以接受的。
Company and registered owner identification number is required to be recorded on these certificates either from 1 J an 2009, or on the occasion of renewals of the certific ates asmay be required by the flag State Administration. It is not required to record the dates of issue, expiry etc. of certific ates. Record an observation whether any certific ates have expired. 自 2009 年 J 月 1 日起,或在船旗国管理局可能要求的证书续期时,必须在这些证书上记录公司和注册所有人的识别号。不要求记录证书的签发日期、到期日期等。记录是否有证书过期。
2.2 Is the vessel's P and I Club a member of the Intemational Group? 2.2 船只的 P and I 俱乐部是否为国际集团成员?
Note: If the PP and I club is not a member of the intemational group, record in comments the name of the organisation, it is NOTnecessary to name the P&l club unless it is not listed below:- 注:如果 PP 和I分会不是国际团体的成员,请在注释中记录组织名称,除非以下未列出,否则无需列出P&L分会的名称:-
Americ an Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association Inc.
Assuranceforeningen Skuld Skuld 保险公司
Skuld Mutual Protection and Indemnity and Protection Association (Bermuda) Ltd. Skuld Mutual Protection and Indemnity and Protection Association (Bermuda) Ltd. (百慕大)
Gard P&I (Bermuda) Ltd 加德保赔(百慕大)有限公司
Assuranceforeningen Gard 花园保险公司
The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Limited 不列颠蒸汽轮船保险协会有限公司
The J apan Ship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association 巴拿马船东互助保护和赔偿协会
The London Steam-Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association Limited 伦敦蒸汽船船东互保协会有限公司
The North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association Limited 北英格兰保护和赔偿协会有限公司
The Shipowners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg) 船东互助保护和赔偿协会(卢森堡)
The Standard Club Ltd 标准俱乐部有限公司
The Standard Club Europe Ltd 欧洲标准俱乐部有限公司
The Standard Club Asia Ltd 亚洲标准俱乐部有限公司
The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Limited 轮船互保协会(百慕大)有限公司
The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association Ltd. 轮船互保协会有限公司
SverigesAngfartygs Assurans Forening / The Swedish Club SverigesAngfartygs Assurans Forening / 瑞典俱乐部
United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Ltd. 英国蒸汽船互保协会(欧洲)有限公司
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg). 西英格兰船东互保协会(卢森堡)。
Safety management and the operator's procedures manuals: 安全管理和操作程序手册:
2.3 Do the operator's procedures manuals comply with ISM Code requirements? 2.3 操作员的程序手册是否符合《ISM 规则》的要求?
The Company should ensure that the safety management system operating on board the ship contains a clear statement emphasising the Master’s authority. The Company should establish in the safety management system that the Master has the ovemiding authonity and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the Company’s assistance as may be necessary. 公司应确保在船上运行的安全管理系统包含强调船长权力的明确声明。公司应在安全管理制度中规定,船长拥有在安全和污染预防方面做出决定的最高权力和责任,并在必要时请求公司的协助。
(ISM Code 5.2)
Notes: It is not a requirement that the manuals be written in English. However, if not, the fact should be recorded in Comments. 注意事项手册不要求用英文编写。但如果不是,则应在 "注释 "中予以记录。
Key elements of the ISM Code that should be incorporated into the proceduresmanuals are that they should be: 应纳入程序手册的《国际安全管理准则》的主要内容包括:
Relevant to the ship; 与船舶有关;
Userfriendly; 方便用户使用;
Written in the working language of the crew. 用机组人员的工作语言编写。
And that they should at least contain: 它们至少应该包含
A safety and environmental policy; 安全和环境政策;
Emergency procedures; 应急程序;
Emergency procedures should at least include collision, grounding, flooding, heavy weather damage, structural failure, fire (on deck and in cargo tanks, the engine room, pump room and accommodation), explosion, gasortoxic vapourrelease, critic al machinery failure, rescue from enclosed spaces, serious injury and helic opter operations. 应急程序至少应包括碰撞、搁浅、水淹、恶劣天气损坏、结构故障、火灾(甲板和货舱、轮机舱、泵房和船舱)、爆炸、有毒气体泄漏、批评和机械故障、从封闭空间救援、重伤和直升机操作。
A description of the Master’s and crew’s responsibilities; 船长和船员职责说明;
Shipboard operation plans; 舰上作业计划;
Procedures for reporting non-conformities and for corrective action; 报告不符合项和纠正措施的程序;
Maintenance programmes; 维护计划;
Proceduresforauditing and reviews; 审计和审查程序;
Programmes of drills, 演习计划、
The programme of drills must at least include the emergency procedures detailed above and in addition abandon ship, man overboard, pollution clean-up and ship security including dealing with terrorism and piracy. 演习计划必须至少包括上述应急程序,以及弃船、落水、污染清理和船舶安全,包括应对恐怖主义和海盗行为。
Occasionally the operator’s procedures are a vailable only in computerized versions. Ascerta in whetherthere is adequate access for all personnel to a computer and whether adequate training has been given to all personnel in accessing the operator’s proceduresusing one. In any case, an up to date copy of the operator’s navigation policy and procedures must be available on the bridge and officers should demonstrate familiarity with the policy. If the policy is provided in electronic format only, a back-up independent means of powersupply to the computermust be provided. 有时,操作程序只有计算机版本。应注意是否有足够的电脑供所有人员使用,以及是否对所有人员进行了使用电脑查阅操作程序的适当培训。在任何情况下,驾驶台上都必须有一份最新的操作员航行政策和程序的副本,并且官员应展示出对政策的熟悉程度。如果政策仅以电子格式提供,则必须为计算机提供独立的备用电源。
2.4 Does the Operator's representative visit the vessel at least bi-annually? 2.4 运营方代表是否至少每半年访问一次船只?
Note: The operator’s representative must be a Technical/Manine supenintendent or person fa miliar with the company’s SMS and responsible for its implementation. The Operator’s representative’s visits should occur at approximately six-month intervals, a tolerance of one month is acceptable. Record the date of the last visit and of which disc ipline (Marine Superintendent, Engineer Superintendent, orNaval Architect). In addition, record the dates of each disc ipline’s last visit. 注:操作员代表必须是技术/管理主管或熟悉公司 SMS 并负责其实施的人员。操作员代表的视察间隔应为六个月左右,一个月的误差也是可以接受的。记录最后一次访问的日期和所属部门(海事主管、轮机长或造船师)。此外,还要记录每条检查线最后一次检查的日期。
2.5 Is a recent operator's intemal audit report available and is a close-out system in place for dealing with non-conformities? 2.5 是否有最近的操作员内部审核报告,是否有处理不符合项的关闭系统?
This audit must be conducted aspart of the operator’s SMS procedures. Satisfactory evidence should record that corrective action wastaken to rectify non-conformities. A close-out system, which includes a time limit for corrective action, informing the operator when completed and the operatorensuring that it hasbeen, should be in place and the inspectorshould ensure that the required actionshave been made within the required time set forclose out of items during the intemal audit. Inspectors must not use Operator’s audits as a meansto record Observations. Some administrations may permit an extension forthis review. The company should camy out intemal safety a udits on board and ashore at intervals not exceeding twelve months to verify whether safety and pollution-prevention activities comply with the safety management system. In exceptional circumstances, this interval may be exceeded by not more than three months. (ISM Code 12.1) 这种审核必须作为操作员 SMS 程序的一部分进行。应记录采取纠正措施纠正不符合项的满意证据。应建立一个关闭系统,其中包括纠正措施的时间限制、完成后通知操作员以及操作员确保已完成纠正措施,检查员应确保在内部审核期间,在规定的关闭时间内采取了所需的行动。检查员不得将操作员审核作为记录观察结果的手段。有些管理部门可能允许延长审核时间。公司应每隔不超过十二个月在船上和岸上进行一次内部安全审核,以核实安全和污染预防活动是否符合安全管理系统。在特殊情况下,间隔时间可超过三个月。(ISM 规则 12.1)
When reviewing records, inspectors need only review documents that go back no more than the last two intemal audits or 9 months, whicheverthe greaterand which have been completed under the current ship management operation. 在审查记录时,检查员只需审查不超过最近两次内部审核或 9 个月的文件(以时间较长者为准),且这些文件已在当前船舶管理业务中完成。
2.6 Does the Master review the safety management system, report to the operator on any deficiencies and does the operator respond to the Master's review? 2.6 船长是否审查安全管理系统,向操作员报告任何不足之处,操作员是否对 船长的审查做出回应?
The master’s review should be camied out at least once in 12 months and documentary evidence should be available. The review should contain evidence of positive/negative feedback and not simply a tick box exerc ise with no material substance. The review may also include the ships management team input. 至少应在 12 个月内进行一次主审查,并应提供书面证据。审查应包含积极/消极反馈的证据,而不仅仅是没有实质性内容的打勾。审查还可包括船舶管理团队的意见。
Survey and repair history: 调查和维修历史:
2.7 Is the vessel free of conditions of class or significant recommendations, memoranda or notations? 2.7 船舶是否不存在入级条件或重要建议、备忘录或备注?
If conditions of class have not been completed by the required due date, then the classific ation of the vessel may be subject to suspension. If a Class notation requires a ballast tank to be inspected annually, record this as an observation. 如果入级条件未在规定日期前完成,则船舶的入级可能会被暂停。如果船级符号要求压载舱每年检查一次,则将其记录为观察结果。
Record any conditions of class or signific ant recommendations, memoranda ornotations of any nature, including due dates as an Observation. 将班级的任何情况或任何性质的建议、备忘录或说明(包括到期日)记入观察记录。
Where class records address structural issues of concem, including bottom pitting, areas of substantial corrosion, cracks, buckling or serious indents, record the details asto the extent and the measures taken to arrest further development. 如果班级记录涉及到隐蔽的结构问题,包括底部点蚀、严重腐蚀区域、裂缝、弯曲或严重压痕,则应详细记录其程度以及为防止进一步发展而采取的措施。
Where a condition of class has been postponed, the details including the condition, original date and the new date forcompletion should be recorded as an Observation. 如果课程条件被推迟,则应将包括条件、原定日期和新的完成日期在内的详细信息记 录为观察结果。
If records indic ate that measures have been taken to address or restore loss of longitudinal or transverse strength, record the details and the repairs undertaken in Comments. The existence of doublers anywhere within the vessel’s structure and deck strapping must be reported as an Observation. 如果记录显示已采取措施处理或恢复纵向或横向强度损失,则应在 "意见 "中记录详情和进行的修复。船体结构和甲板捆绑带上任何地方存在的加倍器必须作为 "观察 "报告。
2.8 Has the vessel been enrolled in a Classific ation Society C ondition Assessment programme 2.8 船只是否参加了船级社的船级评估计划
Note: Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) is a voluntary programme to document the quality of a vessel beyond the normal scope of Classific ation Societies. Forvessels greater than 15 years old the question should be answered YY or NN as appropriate. Forvessels youngerthan 15 years old the question should be answered N.A 注:状况评估计划 (CAP) 是一项自愿性计划,用于记录船级社正常范围之外的船舶质量。对于船龄超过 15 年的船只,应根据情况回答 YY 或 NN 。对于船龄小于 15 年的船只,该问题的答案应为 N.A
If the vessel is enrolled in CAP, then record the following: 如果船只已加入 CAP,则记录如下内容:
Which Class society 哪个阶级社会
Which areascovered (Hull, Machinery, Cargo Systems, cargo containment systems etc.) and what rating was awarded foreach. 涵盖哪些领域(船体、机械、货物系统、货物密封系统等)以及每个领域的评级。
Date of the CAP survey (The date should be that when the survey was actually completed, not the certific ate date). 履约协助方案调查日期(日期应为实际完成调查的日期,而不是证书日期)。
2.9 Are procedures in place to camy out regular inspections of cargo and ballast tanks, void spaces, trunks and cofferdams by the vessel’s personnel and are records maintained? 2.9 是否制定了程序,由船上人员定期检查货舱和压载舱、空隙、舱室和围堰,并保存记录?
Note: These requirements apply to every vessel regardless of whether it is subject to enhanced survey. In the case of oil and chemic al tankers, inspections of cargo tanks should be made at intervals of 2.5 years, with a 6-month window eitherside. Intention is that these inspections should align with the Renewal and Intermediate survey regimes. Ballast tanks should be inspected annually. In the case of gascamers, ballast tanks, and void spaces, cofferdams, and hold spaces should be inspected annually. Records of all inspection results should be maintained. These should include a plan of each compartment with all its boundaries and should at least contain details and the location of: 注:这些要求适用于每艘船舶,无论其是否接受强化检验。对于油轮和化学品船,应每隔 2.5 年检查一次货舱,每隔 6 个月检查一次。这些检查应与更新和中期检验制度保持一致。压载舱应每年检查一次。对于气垫船、压载舱、空隙、围堰和舱室,应每年检查一次。应保存所有检查结果的记录。这些记录应包括每个舱室的平面图及其所有边界,并应至少包含以下方面的细节和位置:
Structural deterioration and failure; 结构退化和失效;
Extent of corrosion, pitting and wastage; 腐蚀、点蚀和损耗的程度;
Extent of deterioration of any coating; 任何涂层的老化程度;
Any leakages in bulkheads or pipework; 舱壁或管道是否有渗漏;
The condition of cargo handling and monitoring equipment; 货物装卸和监控设备的状况;
Extent of sediment build-up. 沉积物堆积的程度。
Record dates of last Cargo and Ballast tank inspections. 记录上次货物和压载舱检查的日期。
provide written proceduresforminimizing VOC emissions during the loading, sea passage and discharge of cargo; 提供书面程序,最大限度地减少货物装载、海运和卸货过程中的挥发性有机化合物排放;
give consideration to the additional VOC generated by crude oil washing; 考虑原油清洗产生的额外挥发性有机化合物;
identify a person responsible for implementing the plan; and 确定一名负责实施该计划的人员;以及
for shipson intemational voyages, be written in the working language of the master and officers and, if the working language of the master and officers is not English, French or Spanish, include a translation into one of these languages. 对于国际航行的船舶,应以船长和高级船员的工作语言书写,如果船长和高级船员的工作语言不是英语、法语或西班牙语,则应包括这些语言之一的译文。
(MARPOL Annex VI.15.6) (防止船污公约》附件 VI.15.6)
All oil tankers >400gt camying crude oil are required to have an approved VOC Plan before 1 J uly 2010. If the vessel is not designated to camy crude oil, then the question should be answered ‘NA’. 在 2010 年 7 月 1 日之前,所有大于 400 公吨的原油油轮都必须拥有经批准的挥发性有机化合物计划。如果船舶未被指定为原油运输船,则应回答 "不适用"。
2.13 Is the vessel provided with an approved Ballast Water and Sediments Management Plan, are records maintained of all ballast water exchanges ortreatment operations and are the officers aware of BWM requirements? 2.13 船舶是否有经批准的压载水和沉积物管理计划,是否保存了所有压载水交换或处理操作的记录,官员是否了解 BWM 要求?
The Intemational Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments entered into force on 8 September 2017 and requires all shipsto implement a ballast water and sediments management plan. 《国际控制和管理船舶压载水和沉积物公约》于 2017 年 9 月 8 日生效,要求所有船舶实施压载水和沉积物管理计划。
The IMO has published ‘Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water to Minimise the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens’ - (IMO Resolution A. 868 (20)). 国际海事组织(IMO)发布了《控制和管理船舶压载水以尽量减少有害水生生物和病原体转移的准则》(IMO Resolution A. 868 (20))。
All ships (i.e. vessels of any type operating in the aquatic environment, including submersibles, floating craft, floating platforms, floating storage units (FSUs) and floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units) are required to: 所有船舶(即在水生环境中作业的任何类型的船只,包括潜水器、浮船、浮式平台、浮式储油装置(FSU)和浮式生产、储油和卸油装置(FPSO))都必须:
have an approved ballast watermanagement plan on board, 船上有经批准的压载水管理计划、
maintain a ballast waterrecord book, 保存压载水记录簿、
manage their ballast wateron every voyage by performing ballast water exchange (orby treating it using an approved ballast water treatment system), and 通过压载水交换(或使用经批准的压载水处理系统对压载水进行处理)来管理每次航行的压载水,以及
undertake an initial survey and be issued with an Intemational Ballast Water Management Certific ate (for ships of 400 gross tonnage and above to which the Convention applies, excluding floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs). Ships that are registered with flag administrations that are not yet a party to the Convention will need to demonstrate compliance and may wish to undergo surveys and be issued with a document of compliance. 进行初步调查并获得国际压载水管理证书(适用于总吨位 400 吨及以上的《公约》适用船舶,不包括浮动平台、FSU 和 FPSO)。在尚未加入《公约》的船旗国政府注册的船舶将需要证明遵守了《公约》,并可能希望接受调查和获得合规文件。
A treatment system is required to be fitted to vessels that camy out an IOPP renewal survey on or after8 September 2017, and that have already passed their 2017 delivery date anniversary. The IOPP renewal survey refers to the renewal survey associated with the IOPP C ertific ate required under MARPOL Annex I. 要求在 2017 年 9 月 8 日或之后进行 IOPP 续展检验,且已超过 2017 年交付日期周年的船舶安装处理系统。IOPP 续展检验是指《防污公约》附则 I 所要求的与 IOPP C ertific ate 相关的续展检验。
The Convention does not nomally apply to: 《公约》名义上不适用于
ships not camying ballast water, 船舶不排放压舱水、
domestic ships, 国内船只、
ships that only operate in waters under the jurisdiction of one party and on the high seas, 只在一方管辖水域和公海上航行的船舶、
warships, naval auxiliary or other shipsowned oroperated by a state, or 国家拥有或运营的军舰、海军辅助船或其他船只,或
permanent ballast water in sealed tankson ships, which is not subject to discharge. 船舶密封舱中的永久压舱水,这些压舱水不会被排放。
Additionally, under certain circumstances, flag administrations may issue exemptions from the Convention requirements for: 此外,在某些情况下,船旗国管理当局可以为以下情况颁发《公约》要求的豁免:
shipsengaged on occasional orone-off voyages between specified ports orlocations, or 在指定港口或地点之间进行不定期或一次性航行的船舶,或
ships that operate exclusively between specified portsorlocations. 专门在指定港口或地点之间运营的船舶。
2.14 Does the vessel have a Ship Energy Efficienc y Management Plan (SEEMP) and are officers aware of the general requirements relating to the plan? 2.14 船舶是否有船舶能效管理计划 (SEEMP),官员是否了解与该计划有关的一般要求?
All ships are required to have an SEEMP after the first renewal or intermediate survey of the IAPP after 1st J anuary 2013. 2013 年 1 月 1 日之后,所有船舶在 IAPP 首次更新或中期检验后都必须具备 SEEMP。
Each SEEMP must be ship spec ific but should be linked to a broader corporate energy management policy of the shipowner. The SEEMP is not subject to pre-approval by flag states or recognised organisations, but a vessel-specific SEEMP must be on board at the time of each IAPP survey. SEEMP establishes a mechanism forship operators to improve the energy efficiency of a ship during its operation lifecycle. It works according to planning, implementation, monitoring and review of a number of energy effic iency measures within a continuous improvement management cycle. 每项 SEEMP 都必须针对具体船舶,但应与船东更广泛的企业能源管理政策相联系。SEEMP 无需船旗国或认可组织的预先批准,但在每次 IAPP 检验时,船上必须有船舶特定的 SEEMP。SEEMP 为船舶运营商建立了一个机制,以提高船舶在其运营生命周期内的能源效率。该机制在一个持续改进的管理周期内,对一系列能源效率措施进行规划、实施、监控和审查。
MARPOL Annex VI introducestwo mandatory mechanisms as energy effic iency standard for ships; with the main objective of reducing intemational shipping’sGHG emissions via improved ship design and operations. These regulatory mechanisms are: 《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL)附则 VI 引入了两个强制性机制作为船舶能效标准,其主要目的是通过改进船舶设计和运营来减少国际航运的温室气体排放。这些监管机制是
Energy Effic iency Design Index (EEDI), fornew ships 新船的能效设计指数 (EEDI)
Ship Energy Effic iency Management Plan (SEEMP), for all ships 船舶能源效率管理计划 (SEEMP),适用于所有船舶
The EEDI indic ates the energy efficiency of a ship in tems of gCO2 (generated) / tonne.mile (cargo camied); calculated for a specific reference ship operational condition. By imposing limits on this index, more energy effic ient technologies will develop. The EEDI is thus a goal-based technic al standard that is applic able to new ships with efficienciestargeted overtime. EEDI 表示船舶的能源效率,单位为 gCO2(产生量)/tonne.mile(载货量);根据特定的参考船舶运行条件计算得出。通过对这一指数进行限制,可以开发出能效更高的技术。因此,EEDI 是一种基于目标的技术标准,适用于超时高效的新船舶。
Upon successful verific ation of EEDI (fornew ships) and verific ation of the existence of a SEEMP onboard for all ships, an IEE Certific ate will be issued to the ship. The Certific ate shall be issued or endorsed either by the Administration or any organization duly authorized by it. 在成功验证 EEDI(对于新船)和验证船上 SEEMP(对于所有船舶)后,将向船舶颁发 IEE 证书。证书应由政府或经政府正式授权的任何组织颁发或认可。
Structure 结构
2.15 Is the vessel free of any doc umentary or visual evidence to indicate any structural concems? 2.15 船只是否没有任何文件或视觉证据表明存在任何结构隐患?
SOLAS XI-1/2 requires all oil tankers, regardless of size, to be subject to Enhanced Surveys. The guidelinesfor enhanced surveys are contained in the Intemational Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during surveys of Bulk C a miers and Oil tankers, 2011, effective as of 1st J anuary 2014, adopted by A.1049(27) and asmade mandatory by SOLASXI-1/2. These include the requirement that an oil tankerover five years of age shall have on board a complete file of survey reports, including the results of all scantling measurement required, as well as the statement of structural work camied out. This file may be provided at the time of delivery but should, in all cases, be available on board at least one yearpriorto the vessel’s fifth anniversary. The file shall be accompanied by a Condition Evaluation Report containing conclusions on the structural condition of the ship and its residual sc antlings. SOLAS XI-1/2 要求所有油轮,无论大小,都必须接受强化检验。强化检验准则载于 2011 年《散装货轮和油轮检验期间强化检验计划国际准则》,自 2014 年 1 月 1 日起生效,由 A.1049(27)号文件通过,并由《SOLAS XI-1/2 号公约》强制执行。其中包括要求船龄超过五年的油轮应在船上备有完整的检验报告档案,包括所有必要的拆解测量结果,以及已完成的结构工程说明。该档案可在交船时提供,但在任何情况下,至少应在船龄五周年前一年提供。该文件应附有一份状况评估报告,其中载有关于船舶结构状况及其残余能力的结论。
‘Substantial corrosion’ is wastage in excess of 75%75 \% of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits. Each Enhanced Survey File must contain a Condition Evaluation Report for each Enhanced Survey that hasbeen caried out. 严重腐蚀 "是指损耗超过 75%75 \% 允许范围,但在可接受范围之内。每个 "强化检验 "档案都必须包含一份 "强化检验 "的状态评估报告。
Revisions to the minimum requirements for cargo tank testing at renewal survey and the addition of a new paragraph on rescue and emergency response equipment in relation to breathing apparatus MSC 381(94) 修订更新检验时对货舱测试的最低要求,并增加有关呼吸器的救援和应急设备的新段落 MSC 381(94)
2011 ESP C ode effective 01 Jul 2016. 2011 年 ESP C ode 于 2016 年 7 月 1 日生效。
Inspection of the hull should include checking for any evidence of structural problems including collision contact or distortion from heavy weather. 船体检查应包括检查是否存在任何结构性问题,包括碰撞接触或恶劣天气造成的变形。
Class records should be examined to confirm that classhas been involved whenever signific ant damage hasoccurred orbeen repaired. Inspection of weatherdecks should include checking for any evidence of wastage, structural problems including evidence of over-pressurisation, collision contact ordistortion from heavy weather. 应检查班级记录,以确认每当出现重大蚂蚁损坏或已修复时,班级都参与其中。对风雨甲板的检查应包括检查是否有任何损耗迹象、结构问题(包括过压迹象)、碰撞接触或恶劣天气造成的变形。
Vessels undertaking multiple hot work between yard repair periods may indic ate areas of recuming structural problems and inspectors should be mindful where numeroushot work permits exist and ensure they verify the reasons for the hot work repairs. Where multiple recuming repairs have been undertaken an observation should be raised with the full details included. 在船坞维修期之间进行多次热工作业的船舶可能会显示出结构问题的复发区域,检查员应注意存在大量热工作业许可的船舶,并确保他们核实热工维修的原因。如果进行了多次恢复性维修,则应提出观察意见,并提供全部详细资料。
2.16 If any cargo / ballast tanks, void orhold spaces were sighted from the deck, were they in good order, free from oil contamination and could the vessel easily check or sample segregated ballast prior to deballasting? 2.16 如果从甲板上看到任何货舱/压载舱、空舱或舱底空间,它们是否完好无损、没有油污,船只是否能够在卸压舱物之前轻松检查或抽样检查隔离压舱物?
A sample of the ballast tanks should be visually checked for oil contamination on each occasion before being discharged. Only ballast tanks adjacent to oil tanks or ballast tanks with oil pipelines running through them need to be checked. If the forepeak is separated from the cargo tanksby a forward pump room orbow thrusterspace, then there is no need to check the ballast here priorto discharging unless the ballast line passes through a cargo tank orhydraulic linespass through the tank. It is not satisfactory if numerous bolts must be removed first from manhole covers to check that ballast is free of oil. If this is the only means of checking, an Observation must be made. In the case of gas camiers there is no possibility of oil contamination of the permanent ballast unless oil pipelinespass though the ballast tanks, or the ballast tanks are adjacent to bunkertanks. Except in these cases, sampling of the ballast tanks is not required. 每次排放压载舱之前,都应目视检查压载舱是否受到油类污染。只有邻近油舱的压舱箱或有油管穿过的压舱箱才需要检查。如果前舱与货舱之间有一个前泵房或弓形推进器空间,则在卸货前无需检查此处的压舱物,除非压舱管路穿过货舱或液压管路穿过货舱。如果必须先从人孔盖上拆下许多螺栓才能检查压舱物是否有油,那就不太令人满意了。如果这是唯一的检查方法,则必须进行观察。在气穴船的情况下,除非油管穿过压载舱,或压载舱与燃料舱相邻,否则永久压载舱不可能受到油污染。除这些情况外,不需要对压载舱取样。
Valuable indic ations as to the condition of compartments such as ballast tanks, access trunks and peak tankscan be made from a visual inspection from the outside. 从外部进行目视检查,可以对压载水舱、检修槽和顶水舱等舱室的状况做出有价值的指示。
Indic ations of problems can be wastage of handrails and ladder rungs, visible corrosion on vertic al and horizontal framing, knife-edges on brackets, visible cracking and deformations of bulkheads or frames. Leakage from adjacent tanks or valve glandsmay be indicated by the presence of oil ora sheen on the ballast, the presence of gas orthe sound of falling liquid. 扶手和梯级的损耗、垂直和水平框架上的明显腐蚀、支架上的刀刃、舱壁或框架上的明显裂纹和变形都可能是问题的征兆。压舱物上出现油污或光泽、气体或液体掉落的声音都可能表明相邻的油箱或阀盖出现泄漏。
Additional Comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspector may make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员在回答本章具体问题时对本章所涉主题有其他意见,检查专员应在本节中 补充这些意见。
Chapter 3. Crew Management 第 3 章船员管理
Note: Co-operation and communication between officers and crew should be observed and evaluated. All parties should share a common goal to operate the vessel safely and effic iently. 注:应观察和评估高级船员和船员之间的合作与交流。所有各方都应有一个共同的目标,即安全、高效地操作船舶。
Crew Management 船员管理
3.1 Does the manning level meet or exceed that required by the Minimum Safe Manning Doc ument? 3.1 人员配备水平是否达到或超过《最低安全配员文件》的要求?
The IMO Resolution A. 890 (21) Principles of Safe Manning addressesthe functionsto be addressed when determining the safe manning of a vessel, including navigation, cargo handling, safety, engineering, electric al and electronic engineering, radio communic ations and maintenance. A. 890 (21) Annex 2) 国际海事组织第 A. 890 (21) 号决议《安全配员原则》规定了确定船舶安全配员时应考虑的功能,包括航行、货物装卸、安全、工程、电气和电子工程、无线电通信和维护。A. 890 (21) Annex 2)
The Resolution also statesthat except in ships of limited size or propulsion power (which are not quantified), the determination of the minimum safe manning level should also take into account the provision of qualified offic ers to ensure that it is not necessary for the master or chief engineer to keep regular watches by adopting a three-watch system. 该决议还指出,除尺寸或推进力有限的船舶(未量化)外,在确定最低安全配员水平时还应考虑提供合格的值班人员,以确保船长或轮机长无需通过采用三更制定期值班。
(Res. A. 890 (21) Annex 2) (第 A.890(21)号决议附件 2)A. 890 (21) Annex 2)
The Administration should take into account any additional workload which may result from the implementation of the Ship Security Plan and ensure that the ship is suffic iently and effectively manned. In doing so the Administration should verify that ships are able to implement the hours of work and othermeasuresto addressfatigue which have been promulgated by national law. Code Part B 4.28) 行政部门应考虑到实施船舶保安计划可能导致的任何额外工作量,并确保船舶有足够和有效的人员配备。在此过程中,行政部门应核实船舶是否能够执行国家法律规定的工作时间和其它解决疲劳问题的措施。准则 B 部分 4.28)
Note: Inspectors should review the number of personnel on board against the vessel’s trading pattem and level of operation and should consider issues such as whether: 注:检查员应根据船舶的贸易模式和运营水平审查船上人员的数量,并应考虑以下问题:是否
The bridge is being adequately manned under all sailing conditions; 在所有航行条件下,驾驶台都有足够的人员值守;
There are sufficient personnel to moor the ship safely; 有足够的人员安全停泊船只;
The cargo operation is being effectively controlled (if two deck officers altemate the cargo watches, is the second officeradequately experienced and qualified and are ratings suffic iently fa miliar with the operation); 货物操作是否得到有效控制(如果由两名甲板长共同负责货物值班,第二名甲板长是否有足够的经验和资格,评级是否足够熟悉操作);
Safety functions are being adequately addressed (drills, ship security issues, equipment maintenance); and 充分履行安全职能(演习、船舶安全问题、设备维护);以及
The quality of rest is adequate considering the trading area and the workload. Record the required manning and the Actual manning in Comments 考虑到贸易区和工作量,休息质量是足够的。在备注中记录所需人员编制和实际人员编制
3.2 Are the STCW and flag Administration's regulations that control hours of work to minimise fatigue being followed and are all personnel maintaining hours of rest records in compliance with MLC or STCW requirements? 3.2 是否遵守《海员标准》和船旗国政府关于控制工作时间以尽量减少疲劳的规定,所有人员是否按照《公海公约》或《海员标准》的要求保存休息时间记录?
Regulation 监管
Work/ Rest in any 24 hours 在任何 24 小时内工作/休息
Work/ Rest in 7 days 工作/休息 7 天
No. and length of Rest Periods 休息时间的次数和长度
Schedule 时间安排
Records and Exceptions. 记录与例外。
MLC 2006
最多工作 14 小时或最少休息 10 小时。
Max 14hrs of work OR
Min 10hrs of rest.
Max 14hrs of work OR
Min 10hrs of rest.| Max 14hrs of work OR |
| :--- |
| Min 10hrs of rest. |
最多工作 72 小时或最少休息 77 小时
Max 72hrs of work
Min 77hrs of rest
Max 72hrs of work
Min 77hrs of rest| Max 72hrs of work |
| :--- |
| OR |
| Min 77hrs of rest |
休息时间不得超过两次,其中一次必须至少 6 小时。两次休息之间的间隔不得超过 14 小时。
Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs.
Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs.
Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs.
Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs.| Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs. |
| :--- |
| Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs. |
Specific format table for all seafarers.
Actual times for at sea and in port.
Specific format table for all seafarers.
Actual times for at sea and in port.| Specific format table for all seafarers. |
| :--- |
| Actual times for at sea and in port. |
Daily records to be maintained.
Competent authority may allow exception if by collective agreement.
Daily records to be maintained.
Competent authority may allow exception if by collective agreement.| Daily records to be maintained. |
| :--- |
| Competent authority may allow exception if by collective agreement. |
STC W 2010 (Ma nila Amendments STC W 2010(马尼拉修正案
Min 10hrs of rest. 最少休息 10 小时。
Min 77hrs of rest 最少 77 小时的休息时间
休息时间不得超过两次,其中一次必须至少 6 小时。两次休息时间的间隔不得超过 14 小时
Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs.
Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs
Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs.
Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs| Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs. |
| :--- |
| Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs |
Specific format table as MLC, but watchkeepers and safety, pollution, sec urity positions only. 与《油污损害民事责任公约》的格式表相同,但仅限于值班员和安全、污染、保安职位。
Daily records to be maintained.
Parties may allow exceptions.
Daily records to be maintained.
Parties may allow exceptions.| Daily records to be maintained. |
| :--- |
| Parties may allow exceptions. |
Regulation Work/ Rest in any 24 hours Work/ Rest in 7 days No. and length of Rest Periods Schedule Records and Exceptions.
MLC 2006 "Max 14hrs of work OR
Min 10hrs of rest." "Max 72hrs of work
Min 77hrs of rest" "Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs.
Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs." "Specific format table for all seafarers.
Actual times for at sea and in port." "Daily records to be maintained.
Competent authority may allow exception if by collective agreement."
STC W 2010 (Ma nila Amendments Min 10hrs of rest. Min 77hrs of rest "Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs.
Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs" Specific format table as MLC, but watchkeepers and safety, pollution, sec urity positions only. "Daily records to be maintained.
Parties may allow exceptions."| Regulation | Work/ Rest in any 24 hours | Work/ Rest in 7 days | No. and length of Rest Periods | Schedule | Records and Exceptions. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| MLC 2006 | Max 14hrs of work OR <br> Min 10hrs of rest. | Max 72hrs of work <br> OR <br> Min 77hrs of rest | Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs. <br> Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs. | Specific format table for all seafarers. <br> Actual times for at sea and in port. | Daily records to be maintained. <br> Competent authority may allow exception if by collective agreement. |
| STC W 2010 (Ma nila Amendments | Min 10hrs of rest. | Min 77hrs of rest | Not more than 2 periods of rest, one of which must be at least 6hrs. <br> Interval between rest periods not to exceed 14hrs | Specific format table as MLC, but watchkeepers and safety, pollution, sec urity positions only. | Daily records to be maintained. <br> Parties may allow exceptions. |
Records should be kept for the Master, officers and all othermembers of the shipscomplement to the specific ILO format. 船长、高级船员和所有其他船员都应按照国际劳工组织的具体格式保存记录。
Given the importance attached to ensuring the propermanagement and recording of seafarers’ hours of work and rest, it is recommended that purpose-developed software is used. However, the basis for calculating hours of rest should be demonstrated as being consistent with the Conventions’ requirements and, where applic able, with the interpretations of the OCIMF paper. 鉴于确保适当管理和记录海员工作和休息时间的重要性,建议使用专门开发的软件。然而,计算休息时间的依据应证明符合公约的要求,并在适用的情况下,符合OCIMF文件的解释。
OCIMF require that the term ‘any 24 hours’ is interpreted and applied literally and is not linked to calendardays or a fixed time of starting work or rest. OCIMF 要求对 "任何 24 小时 "进行字面解释和应用,而不是与日历日或开始工作或休息的固定时间相联系。
It should be ensured that, at any time during the working period, in the past 24 hours the seafarer should always be in compliance with the requirements for a minimum of 10 hours rest which has been divided into no more than 2 periods, one of which is to be a minimum of 6 hours. 应确保在工作期间的任何时候,海员在过去的 24 小时内始终符合至少休息 10 小时的要求,休息时间不得超过两个时段,其中一个时段不得少于 6 小时。
The ILO format “Working Hours Record” contains columnsfor: 国际劳工组织的 "工时记录 "格式包含以下栏目
“Hours of rest in 24-hour period” "24小时内的休息时间"
“Hours of Rest in any 24-hour period” A figure of lessthan 10 in this column indic ates a day when non-conformance hasoccurred. "任何 24 小时内的休息时数" 本栏中的数字少于 10 时,表示一天内发生了不符合规定的情况。
A third column should indicate the “Hours of rest in any 7-day period” A figure of less than 77 in this column indic ates a non-conformance hasoccurred. 第三栏应注明 "任何 7 天内的休息时数",如果该栏的数字小于 77,则表明出现了不符合规定的情况。
Inspectors should observe if the records are not to ILO format or have columnsthat have not been completed unless a nother method of confiming conformance is a vailable. 检查员应注意记录是否不符合劳工组织的格式,或是否有未填写的栏目,除非有 其他方法来确认是否符合要求。
Although the regulations only require monitoring of hours to be undertaken on board, it is important that managers ashore have access to meaningful summary data that enablesthem to monitorthe work and rest hours of individuals. 虽然规定只要求在船上对工时进行监控,但岸上的管理人员必须能够获得有意义的汇总数据,使他们能够监控个人的工作和休息时间。
The Inspector should record an observation: 检查员应记录观察结果:
If “any 24 hours” is not interpreted literally, or 如果对 "任何 24 小时 "不作字面解释,或
a lack of evidence of conformance/non-conformance calculations, or 缺乏合格/不合格计算的证据,或
any lack of evidence that managers are informed at least monthly of compliance levels on board, or 没有任何证据表明管理人员至少每月被告知船上的合规水平,或
a failure by the managerto acknowledge signific ant levels of non-conformance (3 ormore days containing “non-conformance” by any individual on board) 管理者未能确认明显的不合格情况(3 天或 3 天以上的时间里,船上的任何个人都有 "不合格 "情况)
3.3 Are all personnel able to communicate effectively in a common language? 3.3 所有人员是否都能用共同语言进行有效沟通?
On all ships, to ensure effective crew performance in safety matters, a working language shall be established and recorded in the ship’s logbook. The company or the Master as appropriate shall determine the appropriate working language. Each seafarer shall be required to understand and, where appropriate, give orders and instructions and to report back in that language. If the working language is not an official language of the flag of the State the ship is entitled to fly, all plans and lists required to be posted shall include a translation into the working language. (SOLAS V/14.3) 在所有船舶上,为确保船员在安全问题上的有效表现,应确定一种工作语言并记录在船舶航行日志中。公司或船长应根据情况确定适当的工作语言。应要求每位海员理解并在适当的情况下用该语言下达命令和指示并汇报。如果工作语言不是船舶有权悬挂的国旗的官方语言,则所有要求张贴的计划和清单应包括工作语言的译文。(SOLAS V/14.3)
Record the common working language in Comments. 在 "备注 "中记录常用工作语言。
3.4 Has the Master attended a ship handling course where applicable? 3.4 船长是否参加过相关的船舶操作课程?
The STC W Code Part B Section B-V/a refers. STC W 级规范 B 部分 B-V/a 节指的是。
Note: The IMO Model course 1.22 - Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork may be of assistance in the preparation of courses. A Master with less than three years sea time in rank, or who has practical experience of less than thirty port entry/departures as Master, must have attended a ship handling course orhave suffic ient practic al experience. Practic al experience may include training at chiefoffic er rank under a Masters’supenvision, provided this is propenly documented. In the event that the master has in excess of ten years’ experience, thisquestion should be answered NA. 注:IMO Model course 1.22 - Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 可能有助于课程的准备。航海时间少于三年的船长,或具有少于三十次入港/离港实践经验的船长,必须参加过船舶操作课程或具有足够的实践经验。实践经验可包括在船长的指导下接受总管级培训,但必须有相关文件证明。如果船长拥有超过十年的经验,则此问题应回答 "NA"。
Crew qualifications: 船员资格:
3.5 Does the officers' matrix posted for the vessel on the SIRE website accurately reflect the information relating to the officers on board at the time of the inspection? 3.5 在 SIRE 网站上公布的船只官员汇总表是否准确反映了检查时船上官员的相关信息?
The operator is responsible to maintain up-to-date records relating to the officers on board the vessel at any given time, using the electronic Offic er Matrix that forms part of the SIRE HVPQ for each vessel which has been submitted to SIRE. Priorto boarding, inspectors must access and download the HVPQ including the Offic ers Matrix. The Matrix must be eitherprinted out or downloaded and used during the inspection to check offic er qualific ations and experience. In the case of the senior officers (Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Officer and Second Engineer/First Assistant engineer), the actual details must be checked against the data contained in the Matrix and an Observation made in the event of any iregularities. Spot checks must be made of the actual records applic able to junior officers. Inspectors must take into account that where recent changes of personnel have taken place, it is not realistic to instantly update the matrix and allowancesmust be made. Observations must not be made unless the personnel change(s) took place more than seven daysbefore the date of the inspection. It is not essential that the Offic ers Matnix is provided in paperform and inspectors are not expected to seek a papercopy from the vessel. 经营者有责任使用作为 SIRE HVPQ 一部分的电子官员矩阵,在任何特定时间保持与船上官员有关的最新记录,该矩阵已提交给 SIRE。登船前,检查员必须访问并下载 HVPQ,包括官员矩阵。必须打印或下载该矩阵,并在检查过程中使用,以检查官员的资格和经验。对于高级官员(船长、总工程师、大副和二等工程师/一等助理工程师),必须将实际细节与矩阵中的数据进行核对,如有任何异常情况,必须提出意见。必须对能够向下级军官提出申请的实际记录进行抽查。检查员必须考虑到,如果最近发生人事变动,立即更新信息总库是不现实的,因此必须考虑到这一点。除非人事变动是在检查之日前七天以上发生的,否则不得进行检查。官员信息总库不一定要以纸质形式提供,检查员也不必向船方索取纸质文本。
Inspectors should spot check discharge book / sea service records to verify the accuracy of information within the matrix. 检查员应抽查卸货簿/海上服务记录,以核实汇总表中信息的准确性。
If the officers certific ates are not issued by the same Administration as the flag State of the vessel, then an endorsement (or a separate document) is required which atteststo the recognition of that certific ate by the vessel’sAdministration. An Administration may allow a seafarerto serve for a period not exceeding 3 months, provided that documentary proof of an applic ation is readily available. 如果高级船员证书不是由与船舶船旗国相同的行政机关签发,则需要签注(或单独的文件),证明船舶的行政机关承认该证书。如果申请证明文件齐备,行政部门可允许海员在不超过 3 个月的期限内服务。
The operator’s policy should ensure that the master and chief offic er and the chief engineer and second engineer, are not relieved at the same time and that there is a suitable handoverperiod for all four ranks. 运营方的政策应确保船长和首席官员、轮机长和副轮机长不会同时被解职,并且所有四个级别都有适当的交接期。
The data entry fields on the officer’s matrix has been adjusted to fully harmonise it with the CDI version. This now includes a facility to include ‘Time as a watchkeeping officer’ to all ranks including the Master, however for some ranks this is optional. Do not raise an observation if this field is not complete forall ranks. 军官汇总表的数据输入字段已作调整,使其与 CDI 版本完全一致。现在,包括船长在内的所有军衔都可以输入 "担任值班军官的时间",但对某些军衔来说,这是可选项。如果所有军衔的这一栏都不完整,请不要提出意见。
3.6 Are those officers who have immediate responsibility for cargo transfer, in possession of the Certificates of Specialized Training as applicable to the type of cargo being camied? 3.6 直接负责货物转运的官员是否持有适用于所转运货物类型的专门培训证书?
Offic ers and ratings assigned duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on oil, chemical orliquefied gastankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for oil, chemical operationsor liquefied gastankeroperations. (STC W Reg V/1-1.1 and 2.1). 被指派在油轮、化学品船或液化气船上履行与货物或货物设备有关的职责和责任 的官员和等级人员,必须持有油轮、化学品船或液化气船操作基本培训证书。(STC W Reg V/1-1.1 和 2.1)。
Masters, chief engineer offic ers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, disc harging, care in transit, handling of cargo tank cleaning or other cargorelated operations on oil, chemical or liquefied gastankers shall hold a certific ate in advanced training for oil, chemic al or liquefied tanker cargo operations. (STC W Reg V/1-1.3, 1.5 or 2.3). 船长、轮机长、大副、副轮机长和任何直接负责油轮、化学品轮或液化气轮装载、装卸、运输途中照管、货舱清洁或其它与货物有关操作的人员,应持有油轮、化学品轮或液化气轮货物操作高级培训证书。(STC W Reg V/1-1.3、1.5 或 2.3)。
The qualific ation and experience requirements for obtaining such basic and advanced training certific ates are set out in STC W Regulations V/1-1 and V/1-2. STC W 第 V/1-1 和 V/1-2 号条例规定了获得此类基本和高级培训证书的资格和经验要求。
The term “Person with immediate responsibility” as used in paragraphs 3 and 5 of regulation V/1-1 and paragraph 3 of regulation V/1-2 means a person being in a decision making capacity with respect to loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo related matters". (STC W Code B V-1). 第 V/1-1 条第 3 和第 5 款以及第 V/1-2 条第 3 款中所使用的 "直接责任人 "一 词,系指在装货、卸货、在途照料、货物装卸、油舱清洗或其他与货物有关的事 项上具有决策能力的人"。(STC W Code B V-1)。
It is interpreted that a ‘Person with immediate responsibility’ includes all watch keeping officers in charge of cargo related operations whetherthe vessel is at sea or in port. This includes 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, 4th offic er, Gas/Cargo engineer. 根据解释,"直接责任人 "包括在海上或港口负责货物相关操作的所有值班人员。这包括二副、三副、四副、气体/货物工程师。
It should be noted that persons with immediate responsibility may include pumpman and other ratings engaged in direct supervision of the cargo operation. 应注意的是,直接责任人可包括泵工和其他直接监督货物操作的评级人员。
3.7 If the vessel is equipped with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (EC DIS) have the Master and deck officers undertaken both, generic training and type-spec ific familiarisation on the system fitted onboard? 3.7 如果船舶配备了电子海图显示和信息系统(EC DIS),船长和甲板人员是否接受了关于船上所配备系统的通用培训和类型特定的熟悉培训?
Since 01 J anuary 2017, all masters and deck officers senving on ships fitted with ECDIS certific ated under chapterll of the STC W Convention shall have undertaken appropriate generic ECDIS training (which may be based upon IMO model course 1.27), meeting the competence requirements of the 2010 Manila Amendments to the STC W Convention and Code. While IMO model courses may assist with the development of training programmesthey are not mandatory, and Administrations are not required to use them when preparing and approving training coursesto meet the objectives of the STC W Code, as amended. Flag states who are issuing Certific ates of Competency (License) may endorse the Certific ate (license) that the seafarerhas undergone ECDIS training and this may not state that the training meets the requirements of IMO model 1.27. (STCW.7/Circ.24) 自 2017 年 1 月 1 日起,所有在装有根据《STC W 公约》第三章颁发的 ECDIS 证书的船舶上工作的船长和甲板高级船员应接受适当的 ECDIS 通用培训(可基于 IMO 示范课程 1.27),以满足《STC W 公约》和《规则》2010 年马尼拉修正案的能力要求。虽然国际海事组织示范课程可协助制定培训计划,但并非强制性的,且行政部门在准备和批准培训课程以满足经修订的《STC W规则》的目标时,无需使用这些课程。颁发适任证书(许可证)的船旗国可以在证书(许可证)上注明海员已经接受了 ECDIS 培训,但不能说明培训符合 IMO 范本 1.27 的要求(STCW.7/Circ.24)。
The STC W Code contains requirements for approved training on ECDIS. In cases where the approved training has not been completed, a limitation shall be included on the certific ate and endorsements issued to the seafarer. Where such a limitation is not specified, the certificate and endorsements are evidence of having successfully completed the required approved training and that the standard of competence has been achieved. (STCW.7/Circ.24). STC W规则包含了对ECDIS认可培训的要求。如果没有完成批准的培训,则应在发给海员的证书和签注上注明限制条件。如果没有规定这种限制,则证书和签注是成功完成所要求的经批准的培训并达到能力标准的证据。(STCW.7/Circ.24)。
Hence, holders of CoCsaccording to regulationsII/1 and II/2 of the annex to the STC W-Convention which are valid after01 J an 2017 and without any ECDIS limitations fulfil the requirement of the generic ECDIS-tra ining. Inspectors are NOTto issue an observation on the basis alone that the Certificate of Competency (License) does not mention that the training complies with IMO Model course 1.27. 因此,根据《STC W公约》附件第II/1和II/2条规定,在2017年1月1日后有效且无任何ECDIS限制的合格证持有者满足ECDIS通用培训的要求。检查员不得仅凭能力证书(许可证)未提及培训符合 IMO 示范课程 1.27 而签发意见。
If the equipment on board is of a different type (manufacturer) to which the generic training was undertaken, then evidence of familiarisation of the actual equipment fitted on board should be provided. The checklist contained in “ECDIS-Industry Recommendations for ECDIS Familia nisation” (Published by the Nautical Institute) or an equivalent produced by the manager orequipment manufac turer may be utilised to demonstrate such familianisation. 如果船上设备的类型(制造商)与通用培训的类型(制造商)不同,则应提供熟悉船上实际设备的证据。可以使用《ECDIS--ECDIS 熟悉程度行业建议》(由航海学会出版)中包含的清单或管理者、设备制造商制作的等效清单来证明这种熟悉程度。
A ‘Company’ can considera wide variety of options for achieving Familiarisation both onboard and ashore. These include and can be a combination of the following, but not limited to: 公司 "可以考虑在船上和岸上开展多种多样的熟悉活动。这些方案包括但不限于以下内容,也可以是这些内容的组合:
Shore based manufacturertraining followed by installation-spec ific Familiarisation onboard; 在岸上进行生产培训,然后在船上进行具体的安装熟悉;
Independent training on specific systems followed by installation specific Familia risation; 对特定系统进行独立培训,然后安装特定的 Familia risation 系统;
ComputerBased Training (CBT), followed by installation-specific Familiarisation onboard; 计算机辅助培训 (CBT),然后在船上进行具体的安装熟悉;
Intemet / Intranet Based Training (eLeaming) followed by installation specific Familiarisation onboard; 基于 Intemet / Intranet 的培训(eLeaming),然后在船上进行具体的安装熟悉;
Onboard training by appropriately trained crew ortraining personnel*; 由经过适当培训的船员或培训人员进行船上培训*;
Manufacturer provided training mode on the ECDIS, followed by installation-specific Familia risation onboard; 制造商提供 ECDIS 培训模式,随后在船上进行针对特定安装的 Familia 培训;
Company bridge procedures and manuals. 公司桥梁程序和手册。
Trickle down training is not considered acceptable. 涓滴培训是不可接受的。
In all cases it is essential that the Company must therefore make clear within their Safety Management System (SMS) their requirements for ensuring the demonstration of competency for these familiarisation issues prior to officerstaking charge of a navigational watch. 因此,在任何情况下,公司都必须在其安全管理系统(SMS)中明确要求,确保高级船员在负责航行值班之前,对这些熟悉问题进行能力展示。
Record in commentshow the familiarisation training wascamied out. 在注释中记录熟悉培训是如何进行的。
Drug and alcohol policy: 毒品和酒精政策:
3.8 Does the operator have measures in place to prevent Drug and Alcohol abuse in accordance with OCIMF guidance? 3.8 运营商是否按照 OCIMF 的指导制定了防止滥用毒品和酒精的措施?
As a general rule the frequency of onboard unannounced testing shall be less than the shortest contract period on board to act as an effective deterrent. However, consideration shall be given where the staff are on short back to back contracts of less than 6 weeks duration whereby testing shall be sufficient frequency to catch each crew on altemative tours of duty. 一般来说,船上突击检查的频率应低于船上最短的合同期,以起到有效的威慑作用。但是,如果员工的短期背靠背合同期少于 6 周,则应考虑进行足够频率的检测,以便让每名船员都能在其他岗位上工作。
Unannounced alcohol tests should be initiated by the Company ratherthan the master of the vessel unless there is an altemative meansto ensure that the master istested on an unannounced basis. 除非有其他方法确保对船长进行突击酒精测试,否则应由公司而不是船长启动突击酒精测试。
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Chapter 4. Navigation and Communications. 第 4 章.导航与通信。
Inspection of the bridge will normally take place when the vessel is alongside a terminal therefore the inspector must closely inspect charts, log books and other recordsto determine that the vessel has been safely navigated and that the bridge has at all times be adequately manned. Compliance with the operator’s navigation procedures should be evaluated both by observation and by discussion with the Master and officers. The operator’s navigation procedures must be supplemented as required by the Master’s Standing Orders and the Bridge Order Book. The objective should be to ascertain that such policies are understood and are being complied with. 对驾驶台的检查通常在船舶靠码头时进行,因此检查员必须仔细检查海图、航海日志和其他记录,以确定船舶是否安全航行,驾驶台是否一直有足够的人员值守。应通过观察和与船长和高级船员讨论来评估经营者是否遵守航行程序。操作员的航行程序必须按照船长的常规指令和驾驶台指令书的要求进行补充。目的应是确保这些政策得到理解和遵守。
All navigation equipment should be in an operational condition regardless as to whether or not it is required by SOLAS. Any bridge equipment which is not functioning must be recorded as an Observation. 无论《国际海上人命安全公约》是否要求,所有导航设备都应处于正常运行状态。任何失灵的驾驶台设备都必须作为观测点记录在案。
Policies, Procedures and Doc umentation: 政策、程序和文件:
4.1 Are the deck officers’ familiar with the Company navigation procedures and instructions and are the Company navigation procedures comprehensive? 4.1 甲板长是否熟悉公司的航行程序和指示,公司的航行程序是否全面?
The ISM Code requires every Company to have an SMS which covers instructions and proceduresto ensure safe operation of ships and protection of the environment. This should include practical guidance on navigational safety including: ISM 规则要求每家公司都要有 SMS,其中包括确保船舶安全运行和环境保护的说明和程序。其中应包括有关航行安全的实用指南,包括
Allocation of bridge watchkeeping duties and responsibilities; 分配桥梁值班职责和责任;
Proceduresfor passage planning and navigation, including departures from the passage plan; 航道规划和航行程序,包括偏离航道计划的情况;
Chart and nautic al publication update and correction procedures; 海图和航海出版物的更新和更正程序;
ECDIS procedures(including chart and software updates); ECDIS 程序(包括海图和软件更新);
Proceduresto ensure that all essential navigation equipment and main and auxiliary machinery are a vailable and fully operational; 确保所有基本导航设备和主要及辅助机械可用并完全运转的程序;
Ship position reporting procedures; 船位报告程序;
Accident and near miss reporting procedures; 事故和险情报告程序;
Recording of relevant events and Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) policy; 记录相关事件和航行数据记录仪(VDR)政策;
Use of Bridge Navigational Watch Alam System (BNWAS) modes (automatic, on and off) and 使用舰桥导航监视系统(BNWAS)模式(自动、开启和关闭)和
proceduresforensuring correct operation; 确保正确操作的程序;
Bridge access and distraction prevention procedures; 桥梁通道和防止分心程序;
Procedures for familianisation and effective handover when crew changesoccur; 机组人员变动时的家庭化和有效交接程序;
Training and drill requirements; 培训和演习要求;
A system for identifying particular training needs; Company contacts, including the Designated Person Ashore (DPA); Emergency procedures; and 确定特殊培训需求的系统;公司联系人,包括岸上指定人员 (DPA);应急程序;以及
Any other information relevant to the safe operation of the ship. 与船舶安全运行相关的任何其他信息。
The SMS should identify clearlevels of authority and lines of communic ation between the Master, ship’s officers, crew and the Company. (BPG 5th edition 1.3) SMS 应明确船长、船舶高级船员、船员和公司之间的权力等级和沟通渠道。(BPG 第 5 版 1.3)
Procedures for ECDIS should, as a minimum address; ECDIS 的程序至少应包括以下内容
Safety parameters (contours, depths and safety frame) 安全参数(等高线、深度和安全框)
Primary means of navigation for the vessel 船只的主要航行工具
T&P Notices, navtex and navarea waming management T&P 通知、navtex 和 navarea 导航管理
ENC management and correction process including safety measuresto avoid viruses ENC 管理和纠正过程,包括避免病毒的安全措施
Contingency planning in the event of dual ECDIS failure 双 ECDIS 故障时的应急计划
NOTE The following publications should be considered aspart of the publication folio onboard and passage planning should follow the public ation guidance:- 注意 下列出版物应视为船上出版物的一部分,航程规划应遵循公共信息指南: -
NP 231 Admiralty Guide to the Practical Use of ENC’s; NP 231 《海警实用 ENC 指南》;
NP 232 Admiralty Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures; NP 232 海军部 ECDIS 实施、政策和程序指南;
NP 5012 Admiralty Guide to ENC Symbols Used in ECDIS NP 5012 《ECDIS 中使用的 ENC 符号海军指南》
An up to date copy of the operator’snavigation policy and procedures must be available on the bridge and officers should demonstrate familiarity with them. If the policy is provided in electronic format only, a back-up independent means of powersupply to the computermust be provided. It is expected that emergency procedures that include failure of key equipment are available in hard copy format. 驾驶台必须备有一份最新的操作员航行政策和程序,操作员应展示出对这些政策和程序的熟悉程度。如果政策仅以电子格式提供,则必须为计算机提供独立的备用电源。包括关键设备失灵在内的应急程序应提供硬拷贝格式。
Masters standing orders should be provided to explain particular requirements to the Bridge Team. These orders should be drafted to support the SMS. 应向桥梁小组提供大师级常设命令,以解释特殊要求。这些命令应为支持 SMS 而起草。
Company and Masters Standing Orders should be read by all Bridge Team members upon joining the ship, signed and dated. A copy of the orders should be available on the bridge forreference. In addition to Master’s Standing Orders, specific instructions will be needed. At least at daily intervals, 所有舰桥组成员应在上船时阅读公司和船长的常规命令,并签名和注明日期。舰桥上应备有该命令的副本以供参考。除船长常令外,还需要具体指示。至少每天一次、
the Master should write in the bridge order book what is expected of the OOW forthat period. These orders should be signed by each OOW when taking over a watch, to confirm that they have read, understood and will comply with the orders. Inspectors should verify the OOW understanding of these orders. 船长应将对 OOW 在此期间的要求写在驾驶台命令簿上。每个值班长在接班时都应在这些命令上签字,以确认他们已阅读、理解并将遵守这些命令。检查员应核实 OOW 对这些命令的理解。
4.2 Is the vessel maintaining an adequate record of all navigational activities, both at sea and during pilotage? 4.2 船只是否对海上和引航期间的所有航行活动进行了适当记录?
All shipsengaged on intemational voyages shall keep a record of navigational activities and incidents which are of importance to safety of navigation and which must conta in suffic ient detail to restore a complete record of the voyage. (SOLASV/28). 所有从事国际航行的船舶均应保存对航行安全具有重要意义的航行活动和事故的记录,记录必须足够详细,以恢复完整的航行记录。(SOLASV/28)。
Information which should be recorded includes that conceming position, course and speed, the times and positions when passing waypoints, land orsea marks, weather and sea conditions and incidents and events including pilot embarkation/disembarkation, times of attendance and connection and disconnection of tugs, times of berthing and un-berthing, hazardous occurences and accidents. Effectiveness of the radar(s) asmeasured by the performance monitor(s) should be recorded by the OOW at the end of each watch wheneverthe radar(s) are operational to ensure that optimal effic iency is being maintained. A numeric, percentage, graphic al, orothermeasurement value should be recorded. 应记录的信息包括:位置、航向和速度、通过航点的时间和位置、陆地或海上标志、天气和海况以及事故和事件,包括驾驶员上船/下船、出勤时间、拖船的连接和断开、靠泊和离泊时间、危险事件和事故。每当雷达工作时,值班船长应在每次值班结束时记录雷达性能监测仪测量的雷达效能,以确保雷达保持最佳效能。应记录数值、百分比、图形或其他测量值。
Records should be maintained whether the vessel is on intemational voyages ornot. Rec ords may be kept either in paper format orelectronic means provided such information can be readily a vailable. 无论船只是否进行国际航行,都应保存记录。记录既可以纸质形式保存,也可以电子形式保存,但必须能随时提供此类信息。
Log books and engine movement (bell) books should be checked to ensure that they are up to date with entries properly made in ink and not in pencil. Empty lines are not allowed, and any correction should be such that the original entry is readable. 应检查航行日志和发动机运转(铃声)记录簿,确保其内容是最新的,并用墨水而不是铅笔正确填写。不允许空行,任何更正都应确保原始条目清晰可读。
An electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) with GPS input (provided the equipment is in good order and the datum used in each case is the same) provides a good record of the na vigational activities. Where controllable pitch propellers are fitted, the times of signific ant changes of pitch should be recorded if this information is not automatic ally logged 带有全球定位系统输入的电子海图显示和信息系统 (ECDIS)(前提是设备完好且每次使用的基准点相同)可以很好地记录航行活动。如果安装了可控螺距螺旋桨,则应记录螺距发生重大变化的时间(如果该信息未自动记录)。
Software systems Meeting requirements of IMO, Marpol, SOLAS and flag statesmaybe an acceptable means of logbook entries replacing many of the traditional paperlogs. 软件系统 满足国际海事组织(IMO)、《海商法》(Marpol)、《海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)和船旗国的要求,可能是一种可接受的航海日志输入方式,取代许多传统的纸质航海日志。
4.3 Are procedures in place for the testing of bridge equipment before amival / departure and check-lists in effective use for pre-amival, pre-departure, watch handover and master-pilot exchange? 4.3 是否制定了值班/离港前测试驾驶台设备的程序,以及有效使用值班前、离港前、交接值班和主驾驶交换值班的检查清单?
The administration may waive the requirements to camy out the full steering geartests for ships which regularly engage on voyages of short duration. Such ships shall camy out these checks and tests at least once a week. (SOLASV/26.5). 对于定期从事短期航行的船舶,管理部门可免除对其进行全面舵机测试的要求。此类船舶应至少每周进行一次此类检查和测试(SOLASV/26.5)。(SOLASV/26.5)。
Periodic checks on equipment should be camied out asperthe BPG checklists (B6/B7) and any defects reported to the Master. Defects should also be recorded in the log book and as appropriate identified on the Pilot Card (see Checklist A2 BPG 5th edition). 应按照 BPG 检查表(B6/B7)对设备进行定期检查,并向船长报告任何缺陷。缺陷也应记录在航海日志中,并酌情在领航员卡上标明(见检查表 A2 BPG 第 5 版)。
The Pilot and the Mastershould exchange information regarding the Pilot’s intentions, the ship’s characteristics and operational factors as soon aspractic able after the Pilot hasboarded the ship. The exchange should cover.; 引航员和船长应在引航员登船后尽快交换有关引航员意图、船舶特性和操作因素的信息。交流应包括
The pilotage plan and the circumstances when deviation from the plan may be required. Any amendments to the plan should be agreed, and any changes in individual Bridge Team responsibilities made, before pilotage commences; 引航计划以及可能需要偏离计划的情况。在引航开始前,应就计划的任何修订达成一致,并对桥队个人职责做出任何更改;
Ship’s dimensions and manoeuvring information should be provided in the form of the Wheelhouse Poster (see Checklist A3 BPG 5th edition). A manoeuvring booklet containing more detailed information should also be available on the bridge, 应以舵手室海报的形式提供船舶尺寸和操纵信息(见检查表 A3 BPG 第 5 版)。驾驶台上还应备有包含更多详细信息的操纵手册、
ECDIS unit along with relevant alarm settingsNP232 12.23 ECDIS 装置及相关警报设置NP232 12.23
Information on berthing a rangements including the use, characteristic sand number of tugs, mooring boats, mooring a mangements and other extemal facilities. 有关停泊设施的信息,包括拖船、系泊船、系泊设施和其他外部设施的使用情况、特点和数量。
All defects that might affect the manoeuvrability of the vessel or the pilotage should be reported to the Pilot. (BPG 5th edition 5.6). 所有可能影响船舶操纵性或引航的缺陷都应报告给引航员。(BPG 第 5 版 5.6)。
4.4 Are fire and safety rounds being completed after each watch, recorded in the deck log and are the staff c onducting the rounds aware of their duties here? 4.4 是否在每次值班后完成消防和安全巡视,并记录在甲板日志中?
A lookout should not leave the bridge during the watch as this contravenes the requirements of SOLAS and STC W. Rounds of the vessel should be conducted afterthe end of each watch during the hours of darkness. It is recognised that in the summermonths in the higher latitudes of the Northem 瞭望员不应在值班期间离开驾驶台,因为这违反了 SOLAS 和 STC W 的要求。我们认识到,在北半球较高纬度地区的夏季,船员的值班时间应为夜间。
Hemisphere that permanent daylight will occur, and it is expected that rounds of the vessel should be conducted at times when the majority of crew would be nomally off duty sleeping. Rounds shall include a physic al check to ensure that all loose equipment is secured, interior and exterior doors closed and there exists no immediate fire or security risks to the vessel. 在半球地区,日光将长期存在,因此,预计应在大多数船员通常下班睡觉的时间对船只进行巡视。巡视应包括实物检查,以确保所有松动的设备都已固定,内部和外部的门都已关闭,船上不存在直接的火灾或安全风险。
4.5 Are the deck offic ers' familiar with the operators Under Keel Clearance policy, able to demonstrate satisfactory UKC calculations for the last voyage and is the policy comprehensive? 4.5 甲板长是否熟悉操作员的 "龙骨下清舱"(UKC)政策,是否能够证明上一次航行的 UKC 计算结果令人满意,以及该政策是否全面?
The operator’s policy relating to underkeel clearance should be included aspart of the Master/Pilot exchange in the form of a written underkeel calculation. The policy must provide a minimum allowed underkeel clearance forboth coastal, river navigation, while alongside and guidance on the action to be taken in shallow waterto ensure the minimum clearance is maintained. 作为船长/驾驶员交换意见的一部分,经营者有关船底间隙的政策应包括书面的船底计算书。该政策必须规定沿海、内河航行和靠岸时船底的最小允许间隙,并指导在浅水区应采取的行动,以确保保持最小间隙。
Underkeel clearance can be affected by several factors and the underkeel calculations should include, but not necessarily be limited to; 底板间隙会受到多种因素的影响,底板计算应包括但不一定限于以下因素;
The predicted height of the tide; 预测的潮汐高度;
Changes in the predicted tidal height, which are caused by wind speed and direction and high or low barometric pressure; 预测潮汐高度的变化,由风速和风向以及气压高低引起;
Nature and stability of the bottom - i.e. sand waves, siltation etc.; 海底的性质和稳定性--即沙浪、淤积等;
Accuracy of hydrographic data, (Referencesto reliability is often included on chartsor in the form of CATZOC on ENC’S)*; 水文数据的准确性(海图上或 ENC'S 上的 CATZOC 中通常会提及可靠性)*;
Change of waterdensity and the increase in draught due to fresh water allowance; 水密度的变化以及淡水补贴导致的吃水增加;
The vessel’s size and handling characteristics and increase in draught due to heel; 船舶的尺寸和操纵特性,以及因船尾后倾而增加的吃水;
Wave response allowance, which is the vertic al displacement of the hull due to heave, roll and pitch motions; 波浪响应余量,即船体因翻滚、滚动和俯仰运动而产生的垂直位移;
The reliability of draft observations and calculations, including estimates of hogging and sagging; 吃水观测和计算的可靠性,包括对滞留和下垂的估计;
Reduced depthsoverpipelines and otherobstructions. 降低管道和其他建筑的深度。
*consideration of the CATZOC should be captured within the UKC calculation or policy. *应在 UKC 计算或政策中考虑 CATZOC。
Once the available underkeel clearance hasbeen calculated taking into account all the applicable factors, including those above, it can then be determined whether any speed reduction is required to counterthe effects of squat. Any reduction in speed should be made only aftertaking into account the resulting effect on manoeuvrability of the vessel especially if the passage involvespassing navigational hazards at close proximity or critic al course alterations in restricted waters. 在考虑了包括上述因素在内的所有适用因素后计算出可用的船底间隙后,就可以确定是否需要降低航速以抵消下蹲的影响。只有在考虑到对船舶操纵性的影响后,才可降低航速,特别是在通过近距离航行危险区或在限制水域改变航向时。
Squat information relevant to the vessel for both loaded and ballast passages should be readily a vailable on the bridge. 驾驶台上应随时提供与船舶装载和压载通过相关的蹲位信息。
Where there is doubt that suffic ient clearance can be maintained during any part of the voyage, the master must: 如果对航程的任何部分能否保持足够的净空有疑问,船长必须
Inform the operator at the earliest opportunity; 尽早通知操作员;
If within port limits, obtain the latest sounding information, including the nature of the bottom, directly from the local authoritiesorterminal well before amival. Should this not be available, the master should request guidance from the operator; 如果在港口范围内,应在出海前直接从当地政府和码头获得最新的探测信息,包括海底的性质。如果无法获得这些信息,船长应请求运营商提供指导;
If alongside, vacate the berth if in any doubt about the risk of grounding. It should be recognised that oc casionally smaller vessels ‘take the ground’ - i.e. sit on the bottom - at some ports. This may even be to the extent that the berth dries out completely. In such circumstancesconsiderable reliance is placed on previous experience, as often there is no otherinformation available to ensure that the berth is safe. In such circumstances, documentary evidence should be sought to demonstrate that the operator is aware that the vessel takesthe ground at these particularports and that the situation has been fully assessed, including the effects of stress and stability and the nature and level of the bottom. Adequate procedures should be in place formaintaining servicessuch as firefighting and engine cooling water. 如果靠岸,如果对搁浅的风险有任何怀疑,请离开泊位。应该认识到,在某些港口,较小的船只通常会 "搁浅",即坐在底部。这甚至可能导致泊位完全干涸。在这种情况下,就需要相当程度地依赖以前的经验,因为往往没有其他信息可以确保泊位的安全。在这种情况下,应寻求书面证据,以证明经营者知道船舶在这些特定港口停靠,并已对情况进行了充分评估,包括压力和稳定性的影响以及底部的性质和水平。应制定适当的程序来维持消防和发动机冷却水等服务。
Inspectors should take time to verify the UKC calculations have been correctly calculated for the critic al stages of the route. 检查员应花时间核实路线各批评阶段的 UKC 计算是否正确。
Record in Comments, the operator’s policy relating to under keel clearance requirements for ocean passage, shallow water, within port limits and while alongside the berth or at SBM/CBM mooring. 在注释中记录经营者关于远洋航道、浅水区、港口范围内以及停靠泊位或 SBM/CBM 停泊时龙骨下净空要求的政策。
4.6 Has the Bridge been adequately manned at all stages of the voyage and at anchor and were lookout arrangements adequate? 4.6 在航行的各个阶段和锚泊时,驾驶台是否都有足够的值班人员?
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a properlook-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions asto make a full appraisal of the situation and the risk of collision. (Colregs Rule 5). 每艘船舶在任何时候均应通过视觉和听觉以及与当时情况和条件相适应的一切可用手段保持适当的瞭望,以便对情况和碰撞危险作出全面评估。(规则第 5 条)。
The look-out must be able to give his full attention to the keeping of a properlook-out and no other duties shall be undertaken or assigned which could interfere with that task. (STC W A-VIII/4-1 15) 瞭望员必须能够全神贯注地保持适当的瞭望,不得承担或指派任何可能干扰这一任务的其他职责。(STC W A-VIII/4-1 15)
The officerin charge of the navigational watch may be the sole look-out in daylight provided that on each occasion: 负责航行值班的军官可以在白天单独放哨,但每次放哨都必须符合以下条件
The situation hasbeen carefully assessed and it hasbeen established without doubt that it is safe to do so 已对情况进行了仔细评估,毫无疑问,这样做是安全的
Full account has been taken of all relevant factors including but not limited to:- 已充分考虑到所有相关因素,包括但不限于:-
State of weather 天气状况
Visibility 可见性
Traffic density 交通密度
Proximity of dangers to navigation; and 航行危险的邻近程度;以及
The attention necessary when navigating in orneartraffic separation schemes 在中短途分道行驶时需要注意的事项
Assistance is immediately a vailable to be summoned to the bridge when any change in the situation requires. (STC W A-VIII/4-1 16) 当情况发生变化时,可立即向舰桥请求援助。(STC W A-VIII/4-1 16)
It is of special importance that at all times the officer in charge of the na vigational watch ensuresthat a properlook-out is maintained. In a ship with a separate chartroom the officer in charge of the navigational watch may visit the chartroom, when essential, for a short period for the necessary performance of navigational duties but shall first ensure that is safe to do so and that a properlook-out is maintained. (STC W A-VIII/4-1 32) 特别重要的是,负责航行值班的官员在任何时候都应确保保持适当的瞭望。在设有单独海图室的船舶上,航行值班的负责官员在必要时可在短时间内访问海图室,以履行必要的航行职责,但应首先确保这样做是安全的,并保持适当的瞭望。(STC W A-VIII/4-1 32)
The operator’s navigational instructions and procedures must contain guidance relating to circumstances when the officer of the watch may be the sole lookout, including considerations that the OOW has had sufficient rest priorto starting the watch. 操作员的航行指令和程序必须包含与值班船长可能是唯一瞭望员的情况有关的指导,包括值班船长在开始瞭望前是否已充分休息的考虑。
The experience of the watch officers, weather and traffic conditions will dictate the required bridge manning composition at any specific time. Each stage of the voyage must be reviewed to establish that suffic ient personnel were on the bridge and that an effective communic ations and teamwork structure was in place. Inspectors must take into account the impact of additional bridge manning upon the work load of any individual and impact of hours of rest regulations. 值班人员的经验、天气和交通状况将决定任何特定时间所需的驾驶台人员构成。必须对航行的每个阶段进行审查,以确定驾驶台上有足够的人员,并建立了有效的沟通和团队合作结构。检查员必须考虑到额外的驾驶台人员配置对个人工作负荷的影响以及对休息时间规定的影响。
Navigation Equipment 导航设备
4.7 Is navigation equipment appropriate for the size of the vessel and in good order? 4.7 导航设备是否与船只大小相称且完好无损?
Note: Regardless of whether a vessel is required by legislation to camy specific navigational equipment, if equipment is fitted then it should be operational. Such equipment may be a course recorder, offcourselalarm, and electronic chart display or engine order logger/printer. Random checks should be made to ensure that equipment is operational. 注:无论法律是否要求船舶配备特定的导航设备,只要设备已安装,就应能正常使用。这些设备可以是航向记录器、偏离航道报警器、电子海图显示屏或发动机指令记录器/打印机。应进行抽查以确保设备正常运行。
The following applies to all vessels constructed (i.e. keel laid) before 1st J uly 2002. 以下规定适用于 2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造(即铺设龙骨)的所有船只。
A receiverfor a global navigation satellite system orterestrial navigation radio navigation system.
Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means.
A receiverfor a global navigation satellite system orterestrial navigation radio navigation system.
Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means.
(SOLAS V/| A receiverfor a global navigation satellite system orterestrial navigation radio navigation system. |
| :--- |
| Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means. |
| (SOLAS V/ |
Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc astsif the ship is engaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational
NAVTEX service is provided.
Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to about 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 miles in unusual propagational conditions.
Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first,
B_(1)B_{1}, identifies the station, the second, B_(2)B_{2}, the subject (i.e. navigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station.
The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of B_(2)B_{2} messages which are required to be received. Message types A,BA, B and DD are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types.
A Navtex receiver.
Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc astsif the ship is engaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational
NAVTEX service is provided.
Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to about 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 miles in unusual propagational conditions.
Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first,
B_(1), identifies the station, the second, B_(2), the subject (i.e. navigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station.
The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of B_(2) messages which are required to be received. Message types A,B and D are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types.| A Navtex receiver. |
| :--- |
| Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc astsif the ship is engaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational |
| NAVTEX service is provided. |
| IV/7.1.4) |
| Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to about 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 miles in unusual propagational conditions. |
| Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, |
| $B_{1}$, identifies the station, the second, $B_{2}$, the subject (i.e. navigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station. |
| The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of $B_{2}$ messages which are required to be received. Message types $A, B$ and $D$ are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types. |
A whistle, bell and gong. 哨声、钟声和锣声
4.7.1 "A receiverfor a global navigation satellite system orterestrial navigation radio navigation system.
Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means.
4.7.2 "A Navtex receiver.
Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc astsif the ship is engaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational
NAVTEX service is provided.
Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to about 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 miles in unusual propagational conditions.
Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first,
B_(1), identifies the station, the second, B_(2), the subject (i.e. navigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station.
The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of B_(2) messages which are required to be received. Message types A,B and D are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types."
4.7.3 A whistle, bell and gong.| 4.7.1 | A receiverfor a global navigation satellite system orterestrial navigation radio navigation system. <br> Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship's position by automatic means. <br> (SOLAS V/ |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7.2 | A Navtex receiver. <br> Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc astsif the ship is engaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational <br> NAVTEX service is provided. <br> IV/7.1.4) <br> Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to about 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 miles in unusual propagational conditions. <br> Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, <br> $B_{1}$, identifies the station, the second, $B_{2}$, the subject (i.e. navigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station. <br> The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of $B_{2}$ messages which are required to be received. Message types $A, B$ and $D$ are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types. |
| 4.7.3 | A whistle, bell and gong. |
长度为 12 米或以上的船只使用哨子和钟,长度为 100 米或以上的船只使用锣。D/33.a)
A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100
metres or more in length.
A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100
metres or more in length.
D/33.a)| A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 |
| :--- |
| metres or more in length. |
| D/33.a) |
(Colregs (Colregs
"A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100
metres or more in length.
(Colregs | | A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 <br> metres or more in length. <br> D/33.a) |
| :--- | :--- |
| (Colregs | |
Three balls, a cylinderand a diamond shape should be camied.
Three balls, a cylinderand a diamond shape should be camied.| Shapes. |
| :--- |
| Three balls, a cylinderand a diamond shape should be camied. |
Three balls, a cylinderand a diamond shape should be camied."| 4.7.4 |
| :--- |
| Shapes. <br> Three balls, a cylinderand a diamond shape should be camied. |
A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard magnetic compass, shall be camied unless a steering compass or gyro compass is fitted.
The magnetic compass shall be propenly adjusted, and its table or curve of residual deviations shall be a vailable at all times.
A properly adjusted standard magnetic compass.
A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard magnetic compass, shall be camied unless a steering compass or gyro compass is fitted.
The magnetic compass shall be propenly adjusted, and its table or curve of residual deviations shall be a vailable at all times.| A properly adjusted standard magnetic compass. |
| :--- |
| A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard magnetic compass, shall be camied unless a steering compass or gyro compass is fitted. |
| The magnetic compass shall be propenly adjusted, and its table or curve of residual deviations shall be a vailable at all times. |
Unless heading information provided by the standard compass above is made a vailable and is clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.
Spare magnetic compasses should be stored upside down to avoid wear of the needle bearing.
A steering magnetic compass.
Unless heading information provided by the standard compass above is made a vailable and is clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.
Spare magnetic compasses should be stored upside down to avoid wear of the needle bearing.| A steering magnetic compass. |
| :--- |
| Unless heading information provided by the standard compass above is made a vailable and is clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position. |
| Spare magnetic compasses should be stored upside down to avoid wear of the needle bearing. |
4.7 .7
测定方位的方法。在 360^(@)360^{\circ} 的弧形地平线上尽可能接近实际情况。
Means for taking bearings.
As nearly as practic able over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@)360^{\circ}.
Means for taking bearings.
As nearly as practic able over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@).| Means for taking bearings. |
| :--- |
| As nearly as practic able over an arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
4.7 .8
A spare magnetic compass.
This should be interchangeable with the standard compass.
A spare magnetic compass is not required if a steering compass or a gyro compass is fitted.
A spare magnetic compass.
This should be interchangeable with the standard compass.
A spare magnetic compass is not required if a steering compass or a gyro compass is fitted.| A spare magnetic compass. |
| :--- |
| This should be interchangeable with the standard compass. |
| A spare magnetic compass is not required if a steering compass or a gyro compass is fitted. |
4.7 .9
A telephone.
Ships with emergency steering positions shall at least be provided with a telephone or othermeans of communic ation for relaying heading information.
A telephone.
Ships with emergency steering positions shall at least be provided with a telephone or othermeans of communic ation for relaying heading information.| A telephone. |
| :--- |
| Ships with emergency steering positions shall at least be provided with a telephone or othermeans of communic ation for relaying heading information. |
All ships of over 150 gt , when engaged on intemational voyages, shall have on board an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependent on the ship's main source of electric al power.
(SOLAS 1974 V/11)
A daylight signalling lamp.
All ships of over 150 gt , when engaged on intemational voyages, shall have on board an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependent on the ship's main source of electric al power.
(SOLAS 1974 V/11)| A daylight signalling lamp. |
| :--- |
| All ships of over 150 gt , when engaged on intemational voyages, shall have on board an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependent on the ship's main source of electric al power. |
| (SOLAS 1974 V/11) |
4.7 .5 "A properly adjusted standard magnetic compass.
A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard magnetic compass, shall be camied unless a steering compass or gyro compass is fitted.
The magnetic compass shall be propenly adjusted, and its table or curve of residual deviations shall be a vailable at all times."
4.7 .6 "A steering magnetic compass.
Unless heading information provided by the standard compass above is made a vailable and is clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.
Spare magnetic compasses should be stored upside down to avoid wear of the needle bearing."
4.7 .7 "Means for taking bearings.
As nearly as practic able over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@)."
4.7 .8 "A spare magnetic compass.
This should be interchangeable with the standard compass.
A spare magnetic compass is not required if a steering compass or a gyro compass is fitted."
4.7 .9 "A telephone.
Ships with emergency steering positions shall at least be provided with a telephone or othermeans of communic ation for relaying heading information."
4.7 .10 "A daylight signalling lamp.
All ships of over 150 gt , when engaged on intemational voyages, shall have on board an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependent on the ship's main source of electric al power.
(SOLAS 1974 V/11)"| 4.7 .5 | A properly adjusted standard magnetic compass. <br> A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard magnetic compass, shall be camied unless a steering compass or gyro compass is fitted. <br> The magnetic compass shall be propenly adjusted, and its table or curve of residual deviations shall be a vailable at all times. |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7 .6 | A steering magnetic compass. <br> Unless heading information provided by the standard compass above is made a vailable and is clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position. <br> Spare magnetic compasses should be stored upside down to avoid wear of the needle bearing. |
| 4.7 .7 | Means for taking bearings. <br> As nearly as practic able over an arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
| 4.7 .8 | A spare magnetic compass. <br> This should be interchangeable with the standard compass. <br> A spare magnetic compass is not required if a steering compass or a gyro compass is fitted. |
| 4.7 .9 | A telephone. <br> Ships with emergency steering positions shall at least be provided with a telephone or othermeans of communic ation for relaying heading information. |
| 4.7 .10 | A daylight signalling lamp. <br> All ships of over 150 gt , when engaged on intemational voyages, shall have on board an efficient daylight signalling lamp which shall not be solely dependent on the ship's main source of electric al power. <br> (SOLAS 1974 V/11) |
All ships of 300 gt and upwards on intemational voyages: 所有 300 总吨及以上的国际航行船舶:
Ships fitted with AIS shall mainta in AIS in operation at all times except where intemational agreements, rules orstandards provide forthe protection of navigational information.
AIS is required to be operating while a ship is underway and while at anchor. Some port authorities may request that the AIS is kept on when a ship is alongside. The AIS operates on a VHF frequency and transmits and receivesinformation automatic ally, and the output powerrangesbetween 2 watts and 12.5 watts. Automatic polling by anotherstation (e.g. by port authority equipment or another ship) could cause equipment to transmit at the higher ( 12.5 watt) level, even when it is set to low power (2 watts).
When alongside a teminal or port area where hydrocarbon gases may be present, the AIS should either be switched off or the aerial isolated and the AIS given a dummy load. Isolating the aerial preserves manually input data that may be lost if the AIS was switc hed off. If necessary, the port authority should be informed.
When alongside terminal or port areas where no hydrocarbon gases are likely to be present, and if the unit has the facility, the AIS should be switched to low power. If the AIS is switched off or isolated whilst alongside, it must be reactivated upon leaving the berth. The use of AIS equipment may affect the security of the ship or the terminal at which it is berthed. In such circumstances, the use of AIS may be determined by the port authority, depending on the security level within the port. (ISGOTT 4.8.4)
Where eitherorboth shipsinvolved in STSoperationsare required to have an AISoperating while underway orat anchor, the AIS equipment should remain in use at all times inc luding during STS operations. The AIS equipment used for the AIS broadc asts need not be set to low poweroutput during STS operations. (STSTransferGuide petroleum
Notes: If the AIS is not interfaced with either a radar or electronic chart display, it should be positioned adjacent to one of them. Certain manufacturers have modified their AIS equipment to provide a "TankerMode" that permits selection of a IW output.
An automatic identification system (AIS).
Ships fitted with AIS shall mainta in AIS in operation at all times except where intemational agreements, rules orstandards provide forthe protection of navigational information.
AIS is required to be operating while a ship is underway and while at anchor. Some port authorities may request that the AIS is kept on when a ship is alongside. The AIS operates on a VHF frequency and transmits and receivesinformation automatic ally, and the output powerrangesbetween 2 watts and 12.5 watts. Automatic polling by anotherstation (e.g. by port authority equipment or another ship) could cause equipment to transmit at the higher ( 12.5 watt) level, even when it is set to low power (2 watts).
When alongside a teminal or port area where hydrocarbon gases may be present, the AIS should either be switched off or the aerial isolated and the AIS given a dummy load. Isolating the aerial preserves manually input data that may be lost if the AIS was switc hed off. If necessary, the port authority should be informed.
When alongside terminal or port areas where no hydrocarbon gases are likely to be present, and if the unit has the facility, the AIS should be switched to low power. If the AIS is switched off or isolated whilst alongside, it must be reactivated upon leaving the berth. The use of AIS equipment may affect the security of the ship or the terminal at which it is berthed. In such circumstances, the use of AIS may be determined by the port authority, depending on the security level within the port. (ISGOTT 4.8.4)
Where eitherorboth shipsinvolved in STSoperationsare required to have an AISoperating while underway orat anchor, the AIS equipment should remain in use at all times inc luding during STS operations. The AIS equipment used for the AIS broadc asts need not be set to low poweroutput during STS operations. (STSTransferGuide petroleum
Notes: If the AIS is not interfaced with either a radar or electronic chart display, it should be positioned adjacent to one of them. Certain manufacturers have modified their AIS equipment to provide a "TankerMode" that permits selection of a IW output.| An automatic identification system (AIS). |
| :--- |
| Ships fitted with AIS shall mainta in AIS in operation at all times except where intemational agreements, rules orstandards provide forthe protection of navigational information. |
| (SO LAS |
| 2004 |
| V/ |
| AIS is required to be operating while a ship is underway and while at anchor. Some port authorities may request that the AIS is kept on when a ship is alongside. The AIS operates on a VHF frequency and transmits and receivesinformation automatic ally, and the output powerrangesbetween 2 watts and 12.5 watts. Automatic polling by anotherstation (e.g. by port authority equipment or another ship) could cause equipment to transmit at the higher ( 12.5 watt) level, even when it is set to low power (2 watts). |
| When alongside a teminal or port area where hydrocarbon gases may be present, the AIS should either be switched off or the aerial isolated and the AIS given a dummy load. Isolating the aerial preserves manually input data that may be lost if the AIS was switc hed off. If necessary, the port authority should be informed. |
| When alongside terminal or port areas where no hydrocarbon gases are likely to be present, and if the unit has the facility, the AIS should be switched to low power. If the AIS is switched off or isolated whilst alongside, it must be reactivated upon leaving the berth. The use of AIS equipment may affect the security of the ship or the terminal at which it is berthed. In such circumstances, the use of AIS may be determined by the port authority, depending on the security level within the port. (ISGOTT 4.8.4) |
| Where eitherorboth shipsinvolved in STSoperationsare required to have an AISoperating while underway orat anchor, the AIS equipment should remain in use at all times inc luding during STS operations. The AIS equipment used for the AIS broadc asts need not be set to low poweroutput during STS operations. (STSTransferGuide petroleum |
| Notes: If the AIS is not interfaced with either a radar or electronic chart display, it should be positioned adjacent to one of them. Certain manufacturers have modified their AIS equipment to provide a "TankerMode" that permits selection of a IW output. |
4.7.11 "An automatic identification system (AIS).
Ships fitted with AIS shall mainta in AIS in operation at all times except where intemational agreements, rules orstandards provide forthe protection of navigational information.
AIS is required to be operating while a ship is underway and while at anchor. Some port authorities may request that the AIS is kept on when a ship is alongside. The AIS operates on a VHF frequency and transmits and receivesinformation automatic ally, and the output powerrangesbetween 2 watts and 12.5 watts. Automatic polling by anotherstation (e.g. by port authority equipment or another ship) could cause equipment to transmit at the higher ( 12.5 watt) level, even when it is set to low power (2 watts).
When alongside a teminal or port area where hydrocarbon gases may be present, the AIS should either be switched off or the aerial isolated and the AIS given a dummy load. Isolating the aerial preserves manually input data that may be lost if the AIS was switc hed off. If necessary, the port authority should be informed.
When alongside terminal or port areas where no hydrocarbon gases are likely to be present, and if the unit has the facility, the AIS should be switched to low power. If the AIS is switched off or isolated whilst alongside, it must be reactivated upon leaving the berth. The use of AIS equipment may affect the security of the ship or the terminal at which it is berthed. In such circumstances, the use of AIS may be determined by the port authority, depending on the security level within the port. (ISGOTT 4.8.4)
Where eitherorboth shipsinvolved in STSoperationsare required to have an AISoperating while underway orat anchor, the AIS equipment should remain in use at all times inc luding during STS operations. The AIS equipment used for the AIS broadc asts need not be set to low poweroutput during STS operations. (STSTransferGuide petroleum
Notes: If the AIS is not interfaced with either a radar or electronic chart display, it should be positioned adjacent to one of them. Certain manufacturers have modified their AIS equipment to provide a "TankerMode" that permits selection of a IW output."
4.7.12 | 4.7.11 | An automatic identification system (AIS). <br> Ships fitted with AIS shall mainta in AIS in operation at all times except where intemational agreements, rules orstandards provide forthe protection of navigational information. <br> (SO LAS <br> 2004 <br> V/ <br> AIS is required to be operating while a ship is underway and while at anchor. Some port authorities may request that the AIS is kept on when a ship is alongside. The AIS operates on a VHF frequency and transmits and receivesinformation automatic ally, and the output powerrangesbetween 2 watts and 12.5 watts. Automatic polling by anotherstation (e.g. by port authority equipment or another ship) could cause equipment to transmit at the higher ( 12.5 watt) level, even when it is set to low power (2 watts). <br> When alongside a teminal or port area where hydrocarbon gases may be present, the AIS should either be switched off or the aerial isolated and the AIS given a dummy load. Isolating the aerial preserves manually input data that may be lost if the AIS was switc hed off. If necessary, the port authority should be informed. <br> When alongside terminal or port areas where no hydrocarbon gases are likely to be present, and if the unit has the facility, the AIS should be switched to low power. If the AIS is switched off or isolated whilst alongside, it must be reactivated upon leaving the berth. The use of AIS equipment may affect the security of the ship or the terminal at which it is berthed. In such circumstances, the use of AIS may be determined by the port authority, depending on the security level within the port. (ISGOTT 4.8.4) <br> Where eitherorboth shipsinvolved in STSoperationsare required to have an AISoperating while underway orat anchor, the AIS equipment should remain in use at all times inc luding during STS operations. The AIS equipment used for the AIS broadc asts need not be set to low poweroutput during STS operations. (STSTransferGuide petroleum <br> Notes: If the AIS is not interfaced with either a radar or electronic chart display, it should be positioned adjacent to one of them. Certain manufacturers have modified their AIS equipment to provide a "TankerMode" that permits selection of a IW output. |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7.12 | |
A gyro compass shall be fitted on ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1st September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards on intemational voyages.
Ships of 1,600 gt and upwards shall be provided with a gyro repeaterorrepeaterssuitably placed fortaking bearings as nearly aspractic able overthe arc of the horizon of 360^(@)360^{\circ}.
All ships shall have a gyro-compass, or other means, to determine and display their heading by ship bome non-magnetic means, being clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.
A gyro compass and repeaters.
A gyro compass shall be fitted on ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1st September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards on intemational voyages.
Ships of 1,600 gt and upwards shall be provided with a gyro repeaterorrepeaterssuitably placed fortaking bearings as nearly aspractic able overthe arc of the horizon of 360^(@).
All ships shall have a gyro-compass, or other means, to determine and display their heading by ship bome non-magnetic means, being clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.| A gyro compass and repeaters. |
| :--- |
| A gyro compass shall be fitted on ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1st September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards on intemational voyages. |
| Ships of 1,600 gt and upwards shall be provided with a gyro repeaterorrepeaterssuitably placed fortaking bearings as nearly aspractic able overthe arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
| All ships shall have a gyro-compass, or other means, to determine and display their heading by ship bome non-magnetic means, being clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position. |
Visual compass readings to the emergency steering position. Arrangements shall be provided forships constructed on or after 1st February 1992. 紧急转向位置的目视罗盘读数。1992 年 2 月 1 日或之后建造的船舶应做出相应安排。
A radar installation. 雷达装置
ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1* September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 1st September 1984. 1984 年 9 月 1 日*或之后建造的 500 吨及以上船舶,以及 1984 年 9 月 1 日之前建造的 1,600 吨及以上船舶。
However, ships of 10,000 gt and upwardsshall be fitted with 2 radars, each being capable of being operated independently of the other and one of which must be capable of operating in the 9GHz(3cm,^(')X9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X ' band). 但是,10,000 吨及以上的船舶应安装 2 个雷达,每个雷达都能独立运行,其中一个雷达必须能在 9GHz(3cm,^(')X9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X '波段内运行)。
A radar installation. ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1* September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 1st September 1984.
However, ships of 10,000 gt and upwardsshall be fitted with 2 radars, each being capable of being operated independently of the other and one of which must be capable of operating in the 9GHz(3cm,^(')X ' band).| A radar installation. |
| :--- |
|  ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1* September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 1st September 1984. |
| However, ships of 10,000 gt and upwardsshall be fitted with 2 radars, each being capable of being operated independently of the other and one of which must be capable of operating in the $9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X$ ' band). |
4.7.13 "A gyro compass and repeaters.
A gyro compass shall be fitted on ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1st September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards on intemational voyages.
Ships of 1,600 gt and upwards shall be provided with a gyro repeaterorrepeaterssuitably placed fortaking bearings as nearly aspractic able overthe arc of the horizon of 360^(@).
All ships shall have a gyro-compass, or other means, to determine and display their heading by ship bome non-magnetic means, being clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position."
4.7.14 Visual compass readings to the emergency steering position. Arrangements shall be provided forships constructed on or after 1st February 1992.
4.7.15 "A radar installation. ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1* September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 1st September 1984.
However, ships of 10,000 gt and upwardsshall be fitted with 2 radars, each being capable of being operated independently of the other and one of which must be capable of operating in the 9GHz(3cm,^(')X ' band)."| 4.7.13 | A gyro compass and repeaters. <br> A gyro compass shall be fitted on ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1st September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards on intemational voyages. <br> Ships of 1,600 gt and upwards shall be provided with a gyro repeaterorrepeaterssuitably placed fortaking bearings as nearly aspractic able overthe arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. <br> All ships shall have a gyro-compass, or other means, to determine and display their heading by ship bome non-magnetic means, being clearly readable by the helmsman at the main steering position. |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7.14 | Visual compass readings to the emergency steering position. Arrangements shall be provided forships constructed on or after 1st February 1992. |
| 4.7.15 | A radar installation. <br>  ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1* September 1984 and on ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 1st September 1984. <br> However, ships of 10,000 gt and upwardsshall be fitted with 2 radars, each being capable of being operated independently of the other and one of which must be capable of operating in the $9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X$ ' band). |
Facilities for plotting radar readings shall be provided on the navigation bridge of ships fitted with radars. 装有雷达的船舶的驾驶台应配备绘制雷达读数的设施。
In shipsof 1,600 gt and upwardsconstructed after 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} September 1984 the plotting facilities shall be at least aseffective as a reflection plotter. 对于 1984 年 9 月以后建造的 1,600 吨及以上的船舶,绘图设施至少应与反射绘图仪一样有效。
4.7.17 An echo sounder. 4.7.17 回声测深仪。
When engaged on intemational voyages, ships of 500 gt and upwardsconstructed on or after 25 th May 1980 and ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 25th May 1980 shall be fitted with an echo sounder. 1980 年 5 月 25 日或之后建造的 500 吨及以上船舶和 1980 年 5 月 25 日之前建造的 1,600 吨及以上船舶在从事国际航行时,应安装回声测深仪。
Performance of the echo sounder should be tested on all ranges and scales to venify recordings against depths shown on the chart. 应在所有范围和刻度上测试回声测深仪的性能,以便根据海图上显示的深度进行记录。
4.7 .18
A speed and distance indicator. 速度和距离指示器
When engaged on intemational voyages ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} September 1984 shall be fitted with a device to indic ate speed and distance. 在 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 1984 年 9 月或之后建造的 500 gt 及以上的船舶,在从事国际航行时,应安装显示速度和距离的装置。
Ships of 1,600 gt and upwards constructed before 1$ September 1984 and all ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} September 1984 shall be fitted with indicators showing the rudder angle, the rate of revolution of each propeller and in addition, where fitted with variable pitch propellers or lateral thrust propellers, the pitch and operational mode of such propellers. All these indic ators shall be readable from the conning position. 1984年9月1日前建造的1,600吨及以上船舶,以及1984年9月 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 日或之后建造的所有500吨及以上船舶,均应安装指示器,显示舵角、每个螺旋桨的转数,此外,如安装可变螺距螺旋桨或横向推力螺旋桨,还应显示该螺旋桨的螺距和工作模式。所有这些指示器均应可从操纵台位置读取。
All ships of 10,000 gt and upwards: 所有 10,000 吨及以上的船只:
雷达装置。应提供两个雷达装置,每个装置都能独立运行。其中至少一个装置应在 9GHz(3cm,^(')X^(')band).9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X ' ~ b a n d) . ~ 中运行。
Radar installations.
Two radar installations shall be provided, each capable of operating independently.
At least one of the installations shall operate in the 9GHz(3cm,^(')X^(')band).9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X ' ~ b a n d) . ~
Radar installations.
Two radar installations shall be provided, each capable of operating independently.
At least one of the installations shall operate in the 9GHz(3cm,^(')X^(')band).| Radar installations. |
| :--- |
| Two radar installations shall be provided, each capable of operating independently. |
| At least one of the installations shall operate in the $9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X ' ~ b a n d) . ~$ |
4.7.20 "Radar installations.
Two radar installations shall be provided, each capable of operating independently.
At least one of the installations shall operate in the 9GHz(3cm,^(')X^(')band)."| 4.7.20 | Radar installations. <br> Two radar installations shall be provided, each capable of operating independently. <br> At least one of the installations shall operate in the $9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ~ ' X ' ~ b a n d) . ~$ |
| :--- | :--- |
Tankers of 10,000 gt and upwards shall be fitted with an automatic radar plotting aid. Vessels required to be fitted with an ARPA shall be equipped with a device to indicate speed and distance through the water. (I.e. an electromagnetic orpitotlog.) If the speed through the water log is not operational, the speed of the vessel must be entered manually. 10,000吨及以上的油轮应安装自动雷达绘图辅助装置。被要求安装自动雷达绘图仪的船舶应配备显示航速和航行距离的装置(即电磁航海日志)。(如水上航速记录仪无法使用,则必须手动输入船速。
All ships of 100,000 gt and upwards: 所有 10 万吨及以上的船舶:
A rate of tum indic ator. 肿瘤指标率。
4.7.22 A rate of tum indic ator.| 4.7.22 | A rate of tum indic ator. |
| :--- | :--- |
Required for vessels of 100,000 gt and upwards constructed after 1st September 1984.} 1984 年 9 月 1 日之后建造的 100,000 吨及以上的船舶必须遵守。}
A receiver for a global satellite navigation system or terrestrial navigation radio navigation system.
Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship'sposition by automatic means.
A receiver for a global satellite navigation system or terrestrial navigation radio navigation system.
Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship'sposition by automatic means.| A receiver for a global satellite navigation system or terrestrial navigation radio navigation system. |
| :--- |
| Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship'sposition by automatic means. |
Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc asts if the ship isengaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational NAVTEX service is provided.
Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 milesin unusual propagational conditions.
Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, B_(1)B_{1}, identifies the station, the second, B2, the subject (i.e. na vigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station.
The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of messages which are required to be received. Message types A,BA, B and DD are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types.
A Navtex receiver.
Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc asts if the ship isengaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational NAVTEX service is provided.
Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 milesin unusual propagational conditions.
Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, B_(1), identifies the station, the second, B2, the subject (i.e. na vigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station.
The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of messages which are required to be received. Message types A,B and D are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types.| A Navtex receiver. |
| :--- |
| Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc asts if the ship isengaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational NAVTEX service is provided. |
| IV/7.1.4) |
| Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 milesin unusual propagational conditions. |
| Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, $B_{1}$, identifies the station, the second, B2, the subject (i.e. na vigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station. |
| The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of messages which are required to be received. Message types $A, B$ and $D$ are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types. |
哨子、钟和锣。长度为 12 米或以上的船只须配备哨子和钟,长度为 100 米或以上的船只须配备锣。(Colregs D/33. a)
A whiste, bell and gong.
A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 metres ormore in length.
(Colregs D/33. a)
A whiste, bell and gong.
A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 metres ormore in length.
(Colregs D/33. a)| A whiste, bell and gong. |
| :--- |
| A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 metres ormore in length. |
| (Colregs D/33. a) |
Three balls, one cylinderand one diamond shape should be camied.
Three balls, one cylinderand one diamond shape should be camied.
(Colregs)| Shapes. |
| :--- |
| Three balls, one cylinderand one diamond shape should be camied. |
| (Colregs) |
A properly adjusted magnetic compass.
Or other means independent of any power supply, to determine the ship's heading and display the reading at the main steering position.
A properly adjusted magnetic compass.
Or other means independent of any power supply, to determine the ship's heading and display the reading at the main steering position.| A properly adjusted magnetic compass. |
| :--- |
| Or other means independent of any power supply, to determine the ship's heading and display the reading at the main steering position. |
Or other means, independent of any power supply, to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@)360^{\circ}.
A pelorus or compass bearing device.
Or other means, independent of any power supply, to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@).| A pelorus or compass bearing device. |
| :--- |
| Or other means, independent of any power supply, to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
Means of corecting heading and bearings to true at all times. 始终保持航向和方位正确的装置。
4.7 .30
A sound reception system.
Orothermeans, when the bridge istotally enclosed, to enable the officerin charge of the watch to hear sound signals and determine the direction.
A sound reception system.
Orothermeans, when the bridge istotally enclosed, to enable the officerin charge of the watch to hear sound signals and determine the direction.| A sound reception system. |
| :--- |
| Orothermeans, when the bridge istotally enclosed, to enable the officerin charge of the watch to hear sound signals and determine the direction. |
A telephone.
Or other means, to communicate heading information to the emergency steening position.
A telephone.
Or other means, to communicate heading information to the emergency steening position.| A telephone. |
| :--- |
| Or other means, to communicate heading information to the emergency steening position. |
4.7.23 "A receiver for a global satellite navigation system or terrestrial navigation radio navigation system.
Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship'sposition by automatic means."
4.7.24 "A Navtex receiver.
Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc asts if the ship isengaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational NAVTEX service is provided.
Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 milesin unusual propagational conditions.
Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, B_(1), identifies the station, the second, B2, the subject (i.e. na vigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station.
The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of messages which are required to be received. Message types A,B and D are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types."
4.7.25 "A whiste, bell and gong.
A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 metres ormore in length.
(Colregs D/33. a)"
4.7.26 "Shapes.
Three balls, one cylinderand one diamond shape should be camied.
4.7.27 "A properly adjusted magnetic compass.
Or other means independent of any power supply, to determine the ship's heading and display the reading at the main steering position."
4.7.28 "A pelorus or compass bearing device.
Or other means, independent of any power supply, to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@)."
4.7.29 Means of corecting heading and bearings to true at all times.
4.7 .30 "A sound reception system.
Orothermeans, when the bridge istotally enclosed, to enable the officerin charge of the watch to hear sound signals and determine the direction."
4.7.31 "A telephone.
Or other means, to communicate heading information to the emergency steening position."| 4.7.23 | A receiver for a global satellite navigation system or terrestrial navigation radio navigation system. <br> Orother means, suitable for use at all times throughout the intended voyage to establish and update the ship'sposition by automatic means. |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7.24 | A Navtex receiver. <br> Every ship shall be provided with a receiver capable of receiving intemational NAVTEX service broadc asts if the ship isengaged on voyages in any area in which an intemational NAVTEX service is provided. <br> IV/7.1.4) <br> Notes: The Navtex system broadcasts coastal wamings which cover the area from the fairway buoy out to 250 milesfrom the transmitter, oroccasionally up to 400 milesin unusual propagational conditions. <br> Each Navtex message begins with ZCZC, followed by a space and four characters. The first, $B_{1}$, identifies the station, the second, B2, the subject (i.e. na vigation waming, weather forecast, gale waming, distress alert, etc.) and the third and fourth the consecutive number of the message from that station. <br> The Navtex should be programmed to the stationsforthe area in which the vessel issailing and to the type of messages which are required to be received. Message types $A, B$ and $D$ are mandatory, but it is recommended that the receiver be programmed to receive most types. |
| 4.7.25 | A whiste, bell and gong. <br> A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 metres ormore in length. <br> (Colregs D/33. a) |
| 4.7.26 | Shapes. <br> Three balls, one cylinderand one diamond shape should be camied. <br> (Colregs) |
| 4.7.27 | A properly adjusted magnetic compass. <br> Or other means independent of any power supply, to determine the ship's heading and display the reading at the main steering position. |
| 4.7.28 | A pelorus or compass bearing device. <br> Or other means, independent of any power supply, to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
| 4.7.29 | Means of corecting heading and bearings to true at all times. |
| 4.7 .30 | A sound reception system. <br> Orothermeans, when the bridge istotally enclosed, to enable the officerin charge of the watch to hear sound signals and determine the direction. |
| 4.7.31 | A telephone. <br> Or other means, to communicate heading information to the emergency steening position. |
All ships of 150 gt and upwards: 所有 150 吨及以上的船只:
备用磁罗盘。可与 4.26.27 中的磁罗盘互换。
A spare magnetic compass.
Orothermeans, interchangeable with the magnetic compass in 4.26.27.
A spare magnetic compass.
Orothermeans, interchangeable with the magnetic compass in 4.26.27.| A spare magnetic compass. |
| :--- |
| Orothermeans, interchangeable with the magnetic compass in 4.26.27. |
All ships of 150 gt and upwards shall be fitted with a daylight signalling lamp, or other means, to communic ate by light during day and night using an energy source of electric al power not solely dependent on the ship's power supply.
A daylight signalling lamp.
All ships of 150 gt and upwards shall be fitted with a daylight signalling lamp, or other means, to communic ate by light during day and night using an energy source of electric al power not solely dependent on the ship's power supply.| A daylight signalling lamp. |
| :--- |
| All ships of 150 gt and upwards shall be fitted with a daylight signalling lamp, or other means, to communic ate by light during day and night using an energy source of electric al power not solely dependent on the ship's power supply. |
The bridge navigational watch alam system shall be in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea. A bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) installed priorto 1 July 2011 may subsequently be exempted from full compliance with the standards adopted by the Organization, at the disc retion of the Administration (SOLAS Note: A bridge watch alarm system is a device which triggers an alarm if an Officeron Watch (OOW) becomes incapable of performing the OOW'sduties. IMO has adopted the performance standard asMSC. 128 (75) and there are ships which have already installed the equipment on a voluntary basis. The BNWAS should be operational whenever the ship's heading or control system is engaged, unless inhibited by the master, however the BNWAS should also be operational when the vessel is at anchor.
Altemative reset arrangements may be incomorated to initiate the reset function from other equipment on the bridge capable of registering operator actions in positions giving proper look out. (MSC. 128 (75)). NOTE There should NOTbe a reset function on any equipment including the ECDIS that islocated in the chartroom outside of positions where a properlook out can be maintained.
Bridge navigational watch alam system (BNWAS)
The bridge navigational watch alam system shall be in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea. A bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) installed priorto 1 July 2011 may subsequently be exempted from full compliance with the standards adopted by the Organization, at the disc retion of the Administration (SOLAS Note: A bridge watch alarm system is a device which triggers an alarm if an Officeron Watch (OOW) becomes incapable of performing the OOW'sduties. IMO has adopted the performance standard asMSC. 128 (75) and there are ships which have already installed the equipment on a voluntary basis. The BNWAS should be operational whenever the ship's heading or control system is engaged, unless inhibited by the master, however the BNWAS should also be operational when the vessel is at anchor.
Altemative reset arrangements may be incomorated to initiate the reset function from other equipment on the bridge capable of registering operator actions in positions giving proper look out. (MSC. 128 (75)). NOTE There should NOTbe a reset function on any equipment including the ECDIS that islocated in the chartroom outside of positions where a properlook out can be maintained.| Bridge navigational watch alam system (BNWAS) |
| :--- |
| The bridge navigational watch alam system shall be in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea. A bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) installed priorto 1 July 2011 may subsequently be exempted from full compliance with the standards adopted by the Organization, at the disc retion of the Administration (SOLAS Note: A bridge watch alarm system is a device which triggers an alarm if an Officeron Watch (OOW) becomes incapable of performing the OOW'sduties. IMO has adopted the performance standard asMSC. 128 (75) and there are ships which have already installed the equipment on a voluntary basis. The BNWAS should be operational whenever the ship's heading or control system is engaged, unless inhibited by the master, however the BNWAS should also be operational when the vessel is at anchor. |
| Altemative reset arrangements may be incomorated to initiate the reset function from other equipment on the bridge capable of registering operator actions in positions giving proper look out. (MSC. 128 (75)). NOTE There should NOTbe a reset function on any equipment including the ECDIS that islocated in the chartroom outside of positions where a properlook out can be maintained. |
4.7.32 "A spare magnetic compass.
Orothermeans, interchangeable with the magnetic compass in 4.26.27."
4.7 .33 "A daylight signalling lamp.
All ships of 150 gt and upwards shall be fitted with a daylight signalling lamp, or other means, to communic ate by light during day and night using an energy source of electric al power not solely dependent on the ship's power supply."
4.7.34 "Bridge navigational watch alam system (BNWAS)
The bridge navigational watch alam system shall be in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea. A bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) installed priorto 1 July 2011 may subsequently be exempted from full compliance with the standards adopted by the Organization, at the disc retion of the Administration (SOLAS Note: A bridge watch alarm system is a device which triggers an alarm if an Officeron Watch (OOW) becomes incapable of performing the OOW'sduties. IMO has adopted the performance standard asMSC. 128 (75) and there are ships which have already installed the equipment on a voluntary basis. The BNWAS should be operational whenever the ship's heading or control system is engaged, unless inhibited by the master, however the BNWAS should also be operational when the vessel is at anchor.
Altemative reset arrangements may be incomorated to initiate the reset function from other equipment on the bridge capable of registering operator actions in positions giving proper look out. (MSC. 128 (75)). NOTE There should NOTbe a reset function on any equipment including the ECDIS that islocated in the chartroom outside of positions where a properlook out can be maintained."| 4.7.32 | A spare magnetic compass. <br> Orothermeans, interchangeable with the magnetic compass in 4.26.27. |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7 .33 | A daylight signalling lamp. <br> All ships of 150 gt and upwards shall be fitted with a daylight signalling lamp, or other means, to communic ate by light during day and night using an energy source of electric al power not solely dependent on the ship's power supply. |
| 4.7.34 | Bridge navigational watch alam system (BNWAS) <br> The bridge navigational watch alam system shall be in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea. A bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) installed priorto 1 July 2011 may subsequently be exempted from full compliance with the standards adopted by the Organization, at the disc retion of the Administration (SOLAS Note: A bridge watch alarm system is a device which triggers an alarm if an Officeron Watch (OOW) becomes incapable of performing the OOW'sduties. IMO has adopted the performance standard asMSC. 128 (75) and there are ships which have already installed the equipment on a voluntary basis. The BNWAS should be operational whenever the ship's heading or control system is engaged, unless inhibited by the master, however the BNWAS should also be operational when the vessel is at anchor. <br> Altemative reset arrangements may be incomorated to initiate the reset function from other equipment on the bridge capable of registering operator actions in positions giving proper look out. (MSC. 128 (75)). NOTE There should NOTbe a reset function on any equipment including the ECDIS that islocated in the chartroom outside of positions where a properlook out can be maintained. |
With respect to testing of the equipment, the inspectormay ask for the mainspower
supply for the BNWAS to be simulated to fail to establish whether the equipment is still
operational, and alams generated on main powerfailure. There is NO requirement to
'trip' the backup battery supply and this should not be requested.
With respect to testing of the equipment, the inspectormay ask for the mainspower
supply for the BNWAS to be simulated to fail to establish whether the equipment is still
operational, and alams generated on main powerfailure. There is NO requirement to
'trip' the backup battery supply and this should not be requested.| With respect to testing of the equipment, the inspectormay ask for the mainspower |
| :--- |
| supply for the BNWAS to be simulated to fail to establish whether the equipment is still |
| operational, and alams generated on main powerfailure. There is NO requirement to |
| 'trip' the backup battery supply and this should not be requested. |
"With respect to testing of the equipment, the inspectormay ask for the mainspower
supply for the BNWAS to be simulated to fail to establish whether the equipment is still
operational, and alams generated on main powerfailure. There is NO requirement to
'trip' the backup battery supply and this should not be requested."| | With respect to testing of the equipment, the inspectormay ask for the mainspower <br> supply for the BNWAS to be simulated to fail to establish whether the equipment is still <br> operational, and alams generated on main powerfailure. There is NO requirement to <br> 'trip' the backup battery supply and this should not be requested. |
| :--- | :--- |
All ships of 300 gt and upwards: 所有 300 总吨及以上的船只:
4.7.35\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 5}
An echo sounding device. 回声探测装置
4.7.36\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 6}
A 9 GHz ( 3cm\mathbf{3 ~ c m} ' 'X' band) radar. 9 千兆赫( 3cm\mathbf{3 ~ c m} 'X' 波段)雷达。
4.7.37\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 7}
An electronic plotting aid.
To plot electronic ally the range and bearing of targets to determine collision risk.
An electronic plotting aid.
To plot electronic ally the range and bearing of targets to determine collision risk.| An electronic plotting aid. |
| :--- |
| To plot electronic ally the range and bearing of targets to determine collision risk. |
To indic ate speed and distance through the water. If the device is not operational, speed
input to the ARPA, where fitted, must be manual.
A speed and distance measuring device.
To indic ate speed and distance through the water. If the device is not operational, speed
input to the ARPA, where fitted, must be manual.| A speed and distance measuring device. |
| :--- |
| To indic ate speed and distance through the water. If the device is not operational, speed |
| input to the ARPA, where fitted, must be manual. |
Orothermeans, to transmit heading information for input into the 9 GHz radar, the plotting
aid and the speed and distance-measuring device.
A properly adjusted transmitting heading device.
Orothermeans, to transmit heading information for input into the 9 GHz radar, the plotting
aid and the speed and distance-measuring device.| A properly adjusted transmitting heading device. |
| :--- |
| Orothermeans, to transmit heading information for input into the 9 GHz radar, the plotting |
| aid and the speed and distance-measuring device. |
All ships of 300 gt and upwards shall be provided with a VHF installation capable of
transmitting and receiving on Channels6, 13, 16 and 70 (DSC). It shall be possible to initiate
the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the position from which the ship is
nomally navigated.
A VHF radio.
All ships of 300 gt and upwards shall be provided with a VHF installation capable of
transmitting and receiving on Channels6, 13, 16 and 70 (DSC). It shall be possible to initiate
the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the position from which the ship is
nomally navigated.| A VHF radio. |
| :--- |
| All ships of 300 gt and upwards shall be provided with a VHF installation capable of |
| transmitting and receiving on Channels6, 13, 16 and 70 (DSC). It shall be possible to initiate |
| the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the position from which the ship is |
| nomally navigated. |
4.7.35 An echo sounding device.
4.7.36 A 9 GHz ( 3cm ' 'X' band) radar.
4.7.37 "An electronic plotting aid.
To plot electronic ally the range and bearing of targets to determine collision risk."
4.7.38 "A speed and distance measuring device.
To indic ate speed and distance through the water. If the device is not operational, speed
input to the ARPA, where fitted, must be manual."
4.7.39 "A properly adjusted transmitting heading device.
Orothermeans, to transmit heading information for input into the 9 GHz radar, the plotting
aid and the speed and distance-measuring device."
4.7.40 "A VHF radio.
All ships of 300 gt and upwards shall be provided with a VHF installation capable of
transmitting and receiving on Channels6, 13, 16 and 70 (DSC). It shall be possible to initiate
the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the position from which the ship is
nomally navigated."| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 5}$ | An echo sounding device. |
| :--- | :--- |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 6}$ | A 9 GHz ( $\mathbf{3 ~ c m}$ ' 'X' band) radar. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 7}$ | An electronic plotting aid. <br> To plot electronic ally the range and bearing of targets to determine collision risk. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 8}$ | A speed and distance measuring device. <br> To indic ate speed and distance through the water. If the device is not operational, speed <br> input to the ARPA, where fitted, must be manual. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 3 9}$ | A properly adjusted transmitting heading device. <br> Orothermeans, to transmit heading information for input into the 9 GHz radar, the plotting <br> aid and the speed and distance-measuring device. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 0}$ | A VHF radio. <br> All ships of 300 gt and upwards shall be provided with a VHF installation capable of <br> transmitting and receiving on Channels6, 13, 16 and 70 (DSC). It shall be possible to initiate <br> the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the position from which the ship is <br> nomally navigated. |
All ships of 300 gt and upwards on intemational voyages: 所有 300 总吨及以上的国际航行船舶:
4.7.41 An automatic identific ation system (AIS). 4.7.41 自动识别系统(AIS)。
Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at all times except where intemational a greements, rulesorstandardsprovide forthe protection of navigational information. 装有自动识别系统的船舶应始终保持自动识别系统的工作状态,除非国际协定、规则或标准规定保护航行信息。
Notes: If the AIS is not interfaced with either a radar orelectronic chart display, it should be positioned adjacent to one of them. 备注:如果自动识别系统未与雷达或电子海图显示屏连接,则应将其安装在雷达或电子海图显示屏附近。
See guidance to Q4.26.11. 见 Q4.26.11 指南。
All ships of 500 gt and over: 所有 500 吨及以上的船只:
A gyro compass.
Or other means, to determine and display the heading by ship bome non-magnetic
A gyro compass.
Or other means, to determine and display the heading by ship bome non-magnetic
means.| A gyro compass. |
| :--- |
| Or other means, to determine and display the heading by ship bome non-magnetic |
| means. |
4.7.43\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 3}
A gyro compass heading repeater.
To supply heading information at the emergency steering position, if provided.
A gyro compass heading repeater.
To supply heading information at the emergency steering position, if provided.| A gyro compass heading repeater. |
| :--- |
| To supply heading information at the emergency steering position, if provided. |
4.7.44\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 4}
陀螺罗盘方位中继器。在 360^(@)360^{\circ} 的地平线弧线上测定方位。
A gyro compass bearing repeater.
To take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@)360^{\circ}.
A gyro compass bearing repeater.
To take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@).| A gyro compass bearing repeater. |
| :--- |
| To take bearings over an arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
4.7.45\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 5}
Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indic ators.
All to be readable from the conning position.
Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indic ators.
All to be readable from the conning position.| Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indic ators. |
| :--- |
| All to be readable from the conning position. |
4.7.46\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 6}
An automatic tracking aid.
To plot automatically the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk.
An automatic tracking aid.
To plot automatically the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk.| An automatic tracking aid. |
| :--- |
| To plot automatically the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk. |
4.7.42 "A gyro compass.
Or other means, to determine and display the heading by ship bome non-magnetic
4.7.43 "A gyro compass heading repeater.
To supply heading information at the emergency steering position, if provided."
4.7.44 "A gyro compass bearing repeater.
To take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360^(@)."
4.7.45 "Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indic ators.
All to be readable from the conning position."
4.7.46 "An automatic tracking aid.
To plot automatically the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk."| 4.7.42 | A gyro compass. <br> Or other means, to determine and display the heading by ship bome non-magnetic <br> means. |
| :--- | :--- |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 3}$ | A gyro compass heading repeater. <br> To supply heading information at the emergency steering position, if provided. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 4}$ | A gyro compass bearing repeater. <br> To take bearings over an arc of the horizon of $360^{\circ}$. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 5}$ | Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indic ators. <br> All to be readable from the conning position. |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 4 6}$ | An automatic tracking aid. <br> To plot automatically the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk. |
Or a second 9GHz(3cm9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}, ' XX ' band) radar where considered appropriate by the administration.
A 3 GHz ( 10cm, 'S' band) radar.
Or a second 9GHz(3cm, ' X ' band) radar where considered appropriate by the administration.| A 3 GHz ( $\mathbf{1 0} \mathbf{c m}$, 'S' band) radar. |
| :--- |
| Or a second $9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}$, ' $X$ ' band) radar where considered appropriate by the administration. |
4.7 .48
A second automatic tracking aid. Functionally independent of the first automatic aid. 第二个自动跟踪辅助装置。功能上独立于第一个自动辅助装置。
VDR's shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility. A copy of the certific ate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of compliance and the applic able performance standards, shall be retained on board the ship
(SOLAS V/18.8).
To assist in casualty investigations, cargo ships, when engaged on intemational voyages, shall be fitted with a VDR which may be a simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) as follows:
. 1 in the case of cargo ships of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2006 but not laterthan 1 J uly 2009;
. 2 in the case of cargo ships of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2007 but not later than 1 J uly 2010;
. 3 Administrations may exempt cargo ships from the applic ation of the requirements of subparagraphs. 1 and .2 when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years after the implementation date specified in subparagraphs. 1 and . 2 above.
(SOLASV Reg 20.1.)
A voyage data recorder. (VDR)
VDR's shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility. A copy of the certific ate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of compliance and the applic able performance standards, shall be retained on board the ship
(SOLAS V/18.8).
To assist in casualty investigations, cargo ships, when engaged on intemational voyages, shall be fitted with a VDR which may be a simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) as follows:
. 1 in the case of cargo ships of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2006 but not laterthan 1 J uly 2009;
. 2 in the case of cargo ships of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2007 but not later than 1 J uly 2010;
. 3 Administrations may exempt cargo ships from the applic ation of the requirements of subparagraphs. 1 and .2 when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years after the implementation date specified in subparagraphs. 1 and . 2 above.
(SOLASV Reg 20.1.)| A voyage data recorder. (VDR) |
| :--- |
| VDR's shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility. A copy of the certific ate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of compliance and the applic able performance standards, shall be retained on board the ship |
| (SOLAS V/18.8). |
| To assist in casualty investigations, cargo ships, when engaged on intemational voyages, shall be fitted with a VDR which may be a simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) as follows: |
| . 1 in the case of cargo ships of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2006 but not laterthan 1 J uly 2009; |
| . 2 in the case of cargo ships of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2007 but not later than 1 J uly 2010; |
| . 3 Administrations may exempt cargo ships from the applic ation of the requirements of subparagraphs. 1 and .2 when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years after the implementation date specified in subparagraphs. 1 and . 2 above. |
| (SOLASV Reg 20.1.) |
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
Tankers of 3,000 GRT and upwards engaged on intemational voyages shall be fitted with at least one Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). EC DIS must be "type approved" in accordance with IMO ResA. 817 (19) as amended and use only offic ial Electronic Na vigation Charts (ENCs). A secondary means of navigation must also be provided. The secondary means may comprise: -
- A second "type approved"ECDIS with ENC's and voyage plan loaded before commencement of the voyage and must be operational at all times when the ship is in coastal waters, or,
- A full folio of papercharts that satisfies SO LAS camage requirements, corrected to the latest available Notic es to Mariners, covering the intended voyage and showing the intended voyage plan.
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
Tankers of 3,000 GRT and upwards engaged on intemational voyages shall be fitted with at least one Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). EC DIS must be "type approved" in accordance with IMO ResA. 817 (19) as amended and use only offic ial Electronic Na vigation Charts (ENCs). A secondary means of navigation must also be provided. The secondary means may comprise: -
- A second "type approved"ECDIS with ENC's and voyage plan loaded before commencement of the voyage and must be operational at all times when the ship is in coastal waters, or,
- A full folio of papercharts that satisfies SO LAS camage requirements, corrected to the latest available Notic es to Mariners, covering the intended voyage and showing the intended voyage plan.| Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) |
| :--- |
| Tankers of 3,000 GRT and upwards engaged on intemational voyages shall be fitted with at least one Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). EC DIS must be "type approved" in accordance with IMO ResA. 817 (19) as amended and use only offic ial Electronic Na vigation Charts (ENCs). A secondary means of navigation must also be provided. The secondary means may comprise: - |
| - A second "type approved"ECDIS with ENC's and voyage plan loaded before commencement of the voyage and must be operational at all times when the ship is in coastal waters, or, |
| - A full folio of papercharts that satisfies SO LAS camage requirements, corrected to the latest available Notic es to Mariners, covering the intended voyage and showing the intended voyage plan. |
4.7 .47 "A 3 GHz ( 10cm, 'S' band) radar.
Or a second 9GHz(3cm, ' X ' band) radar where considered appropriate by the administration."
4.7 .48 A second automatic tracking aid. Functionally independent of the first automatic aid.
4.7 .49 "A voyage data recorder. (VDR)
VDR's shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility. A copy of the certific ate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of compliance and the applic able performance standards, shall be retained on board the ship
(SOLAS V/18.8).
To assist in casualty investigations, cargo ships, when engaged on intemational voyages, shall be fitted with a VDR which may be a simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) as follows:
. 1 in the case of cargo ships of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2006 but not laterthan 1 J uly 2009;
. 2 in the case of cargo ships of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2007 but not later than 1 J uly 2010;
. 3 Administrations may exempt cargo ships from the applic ation of the requirements of subparagraphs. 1 and .2 when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years after the implementation date specified in subparagraphs. 1 and . 2 above.
(SOLASV Reg 20.1.)"
4.7 .50 "Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
Tankers of 3,000 GRT and upwards engaged on intemational voyages shall be fitted with at least one Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). EC DIS must be "type approved" in accordance with IMO ResA. 817 (19) as amended and use only offic ial Electronic Na vigation Charts (ENCs). A secondary means of navigation must also be provided. The secondary means may comprise: -
- A second "type approved"ECDIS with ENC's and voyage plan loaded before commencement of the voyage and must be operational at all times when the ship is in coastal waters, or,
- A full folio of papercharts that satisfies SO LAS camage requirements, corrected to the latest available Notic es to Mariners, covering the intended voyage and showing the intended voyage plan."| 4.7 .47 | A 3 GHz ( $\mathbf{1 0} \mathbf{c m}$, 'S' band) radar. <br> Or a second $9 \mathrm{GHz}(3 \mathrm{~cm}$, ' $X$ ' band) radar where considered appropriate by the administration. |
| :---: | :---: |
| 4.7 .48 | A second automatic tracking aid. Functionally independent of the first automatic aid. |
| 4.7 .49 | A voyage data recorder. (VDR) <br> VDR's shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility. A copy of the certific ate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of compliance and the applic able performance standards, shall be retained on board the ship <br> (SOLAS V/18.8). <br> To assist in casualty investigations, cargo ships, when engaged on intemational voyages, shall be fitted with a VDR which may be a simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) as follows: <br> . 1 in the case of cargo ships of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2006 but not laterthan 1 J uly 2009; <br> . 2 in the case of cargo ships of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2002, at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J uly 2007 but not later than 1 J uly 2010; <br> . 3 Administrations may exempt cargo ships from the applic ation of the requirements of subparagraphs. 1 and .2 when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years after the implementation date specified in subparagraphs. 1 and . 2 above. <br> (SOLASV Reg 20.1.) |
| 4.7 .50 | Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) <br> Tankers of 3,000 GRT and upwards engaged on intemational voyages shall be fitted with at least one Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). EC DIS must be "type approved" in accordance with IMO ResA. 817 (19) as amended and use only offic ial Electronic Na vigation Charts (ENCs). A secondary means of navigation must also be provided. The secondary means may comprise: - <br> - A second "type approved"ECDIS with ENC's and voyage plan loaded before commencement of the voyage and must be operational at all times when the ship is in coastal waters, or, <br> - A full folio of papercharts that satisfies SO LAS camage requirements, corrected to the latest available Notic es to Mariners, covering the intended voyage and showing the intended voyage plan. |
All ships of 10,000 gt and upwards: 所有 10,000 吨及以上的船只:
An ARPA, equipped with speed through the water input
An ARPA, orothermeans, to plot automatic ally the range and bearing of at least 20 other
targets, connected to a device to indic ate speed and distance through the water, to
determine collision risks and simulate a trial manoeuvre.
An ARPA, equipped with speed through the water input
An ARPA, orothermeans, to plot automatic ally the range and bearing of at least 20 other
targets, connected to a device to indic ate speed and distance through the water, to
determine collision risks and simulate a trial manoeuvre.| An ARPA, equipped with speed through the water input |
| :--- |
| An ARPA, orothermeans, to plot automatic ally the range and bearing of at least 20 other |
| targets, connected to a device to indic ate speed and distance through the water, to |
| determine collision risks and simulate a trial manoeuvre. |
4.7.52\mathbf{4 . 7 . 5 2}
A heading ortrack control system.
To automatic ally control and keep to a heading and/or straight track.
A heading ortrack control system.
To automatic ally control and keep to a heading and/or straight track.| A heading ortrack control system. |
| :--- |
| To automatic ally control and keep to a heading and/or straight track. |
4.7.51 "An ARPA, equipped with speed through the water input
An ARPA, orothermeans, to plot automatic ally the range and bearing of at least 20 other
targets, connected to a device to indic ate speed and distance through the water, to
determine collision risks and simulate a trial manoeuvre."
4.7.52 "A heading ortrack control system.
To automatic ally control and keep to a heading and/or straight track."| 4.7.51 | An ARPA, equipped with speed through the water input <br> An ARPA, orothermeans, to plot automatic ally the range and bearing of at least 20 other <br> targets, connected to a device to indic ate speed and distance through the water, to <br> determine collision risks and simulate a trial manoeuvre. |
| :--- | :--- |
| $\mathbf{4 . 7 . 5 2}$ | A heading ortrack control system. <br> To automatic ally control and keep to a heading and/or straight track. |
All ships of 50,000 gt and upwards: 所有 50,000 吨及以上的船只:
A rate of tum indic ator.
Orother means to determine and display the rate of tum.
A rate of tum indic ator.
Orother means to determine and display the rate of tum.| A rate of tum indic ator. |
| :--- |
| Orother means to determine and display the rate of tum. |
From 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} J uly 2002 new ships are to be equipped with a device to indic ate speed and
distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction.
A speed and distance measuring device.
From 1^("st ") J uly 2002 new ships are to be equipped with a device to indic ate speed and
distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction.| A speed and distance measuring device. |
| :--- |
| From $1^{\text {st }}$ J uly 2002 new ships are to be equipped with a device to indic ate speed and |
| distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction. |
4.7.53 "A rate of tum indic ator.
Orother means to determine and display the rate of tum."
4.7.54 "A speed and distance measuring device.
From 1^("st ") J uly 2002 new ships are to be equipped with a device to indic ate speed and
distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction."| 4.7.53 | A rate of tum indic ator. <br> Orother means to determine and display the rate of tum. |
| :--- | :--- |
| 4.7.54 | A speed and distance measuring device. <br> From $1^{\text {st }}$ J uly 2002 new ships are to be equipped with a device to indic ate speed and <br> distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction. |
4.8 Are navigation lights in good order, the OOW aware of the procedures for testing the lights and actions in event of failure? 4.8 航行灯是否完好无损,舵手是否了解测试航行灯的程序和发生故障时的应对措施?
Primary and secondary systems should be in good order, and there should be a procedure to check the navigation light failure alarm. 主系统和辅助系统应处于良好状态,并应有检查航行灯故障警报的程序。
4.9 Are the Standard Magnetic and Gyro compasses in good order and is the OOW aware of the requirements for taking compass errors and is the compass enror book maintained. 4.9 标准磁罗盘和陀螺罗盘是否完好无损,舵手是否了解测量罗盘误差的要求,罗盘记录簿是否保存完好。
The magnetic compass must be in good working orderand the ship’s heading clearly displayed at the main steering position. The binnacle lights must be operational. The compass must be provided with an azimuth mirrororothermeansto take bearings. The compass shall be adjusted if a period of two years 磁罗盘必须处于良好工作状态,并在主操舵位置清晰显示船舶航向。驾驶台照明灯必须正常工作。罗盘必须配备方位镜或其他测向装置。罗盘必须在两年内进行调整。
has elapsed since the last adjustment and a record of compass deviations has not been maintained, or the recorded deviations are excessive or when the compass shows physic al defects. 自上次调整以来,罗盘偏差记录一直未保存,或记录的偏差过大,或罗盘出现物理缺陷。
Masters and Officers should be aware that portable electric al equipment (e.g. radios and tape recorders) oritemsmade of steel can affect the performance of a compass and must ensure that such items are kept away from the compass position. A compass deviation card should be prepared each time the compass is adjusted. Separate deviation cardsshould be prepared forthe standard compass and the transmitting magnetic compass repeater, if fitted (Not required for TMC if attached to the Magnetic Compass). The gyro compass (or compasses) should be checked to ensure that the speed and latitude corrections are propenly applied. Gyro maintenance records should be reviewed to confirm that the gyro(s) are operating satisfactorily. This can be done eithermanually orby automatic input from GPS/Logs. Each of the gyro repeaters, including those that may be fitted in the emergency steering position and the engine control room must be synchronised. Where two gyros are fitted, a change-over device must be fitted, and change-overprocedures must be posted. 船长和高级船员应注意,便携式电子设备(如收音机和录音机)或钢制物品会影响罗盘的性能,必须确保此类物品远离罗盘位置。每次调整罗盘时都应准备一张罗盘偏差卡。应为标准罗盘和发射磁罗盘中继器(如果已安装)准备单独的偏差卡(如果安装在磁罗盘上,则 TMC 不需要)。应检查陀螺罗盘(或罗盘),确保速度和纬度校正已正确应用。应检查陀螺仪维护记录,以确认陀螺仪运行正常。这可以通过手动或 GPS/Logs 自动输入来完成。每个陀螺仪中继器,包括可能安装在紧急转向位置和发动机控制室的陀螺仪中继器都必须同步。如果安装了两个陀螺仪,则必须安装切换装置,并张贴切换程序。
Magnetic and gyro compass errors should be checked and recorded each watch, where possible, using either azimuth ortransit bearings. A deviation card for the magnetic compass should be maintained and be available to the Bridge Team. (5th edition BPG 4.3.4) 磁罗盘和陀螺罗盘的误差应尽可能在每次值班时使用方位角或方位角进行检查和记 录。应保存磁罗盘偏差卡,并提供给舰桥小组。(第 5 版 BPG 4.3.4)
The errorof the gyro should be determined by extemal observations- celestial bearings, transits etc. and the gyro and magnetic compassheadingsthen compared to determine the magnetic compass error. Where a gyro repeater is used to take a bearing, an accurate comparison between the repeaterand the mastergyro should be made. When compass errors cannot be taken it is not necessary to state this in the compass emorbook. 陀螺仪的误差应通过外部观测--天体方位、凌日等来确定,然后将陀螺仪和磁罗盘的航向进行比较,以确定磁罗盘的误差。如果使用陀螺仪中继器确定方位,则应准确比较中继器和主陀螺仪。如果无法确定罗盘误差,则无需在罗盘手册中说明。
The previousrecord completed by a qualified compass adjuster should be retained to prove that adjustment has not been required in the intervening period. A comparison between the magnetic and gyro headings should be made at each substantial course alteration and once each watch. Details must be recorded in the Deck Log Book. Some Administrations require compass errors to be recorded in the Deck Log Book ratherthan a separate CompassError Book. 应保留由合格罗盘调校员完成的先前记录,以证明在此期间无需进行调校。每次大幅度改变航向时,以及每次值班时,都应比较磁性航向和陀螺仪航向。详细情况必须记录在甲板日志中。有些管理部门要求将罗盘误差记录在甲板日志中,而不是单独的罗盘误差日志。
The Magnetic compasserrors recorded in the compass error book should broadly agree with the deviation card. The Magnetic compass deviation may be excessive at the time of inspection due to the presence of extemal metal structures such asloading arms, gangway towers etc. 罗盘误差簿中记录的磁罗盘误差应与偏差卡基本一致。由于装卸臂、舷梯塔等外部金属结构的存在,检查时的磁罗盘偏差可能过大。
4.10 Was the hand steering in use for the vessels transit from pilotage to the berth as appropriate and are deck officer’s familiar with the changeoverfrom hand steering to auto and vice versa? 4.10 船只从引航到停泊时是否酌情使用了手动舵,甲板长是否熟悉从手动舵到自动舵的转换?
Times and locations of engaging hand steening should be recorded in the decklog book or bell book (electronic means of recording are also acceptable). 应在甲板日志簿或铃簿(也可采用电子记录方式)中记录啮合手轮的时间和位置。
4.11 Are the Deck Officers familiar with procedures to retain the VDR data in the event of an incident? 4.11 甲板长是否熟悉在发生事故时保留 VDR 数据的程序?
In the event of an incident the data retained in the VDR can be invaluable in accident investigations, ship’s crew should be aware of how to retain this data and prevent it from being overwnitten. The OCIMF information paper “Recommendations on the Proactive Use of Voyage Data Recorder Information” provides further information on the use of VDRs. 在发生事故时,航行数据记录器中保留的数据对事故调查非常有价值,船员应了解如何保留这些数据并防止其被篡改。OCIMF 的信息文件 "关于积极使用航行数据记录器信息的建议 "提供了有关使用航行数据记录器的更多信息。
The current performance specification forVDR’s only requires that the data is stored for a minimum of 12 hours before being overwritten. Since many existing VDR’s simply meet the required 12 hours, if no action is taken to preserve the recorded VDR data within 12 hours of the start of an incident, the data will be lost or overwritten, thereby negating the purpose of having a VDR installed. VDR 目前的性能规范只要求数据在被覆盖前至少存储 12 小时。由于许多现有的虚拟数据记录仪仅能满足 12 小时的要求,如果在事故发生后 12 小时内不采取措施保存记录的虚拟数据记录仪数据,数据就会丢失或被覆盖,从而失去安装虚拟数据记录仪的意义。
4.12 Is there an effec tive Chart and Publication (Paper and Elec tronic) Management System in place and are the deck officer’s familiar with the process including the effective management of Tand P notices? 4.12 是否建立了有效的海图和出版(纸质和电子)管理系统,甲板长是否熟悉这一过程,包括对 Tand P 通知的有效管理?
A management system should record the charts, public ations and licences/permits camied, and also when the charts and other public ations were last corrected. (5th edition BPG 4.12.1) 管理系统应记录所使用的海图、公示资料和执照/许可证,以及海图和其他公示资料最后一次更正的时间。(第 5 版 BPG 4.12.1)
Charts should be in good condition. The papersurface should be intact, and charts should be replaced when tom, not taped together. Procedures should be checked to ensure that the ordering and supply of charts, public ations and corrections are sent to the vessel in a timely manner. Many vessels receive the ‘Notice to Mariners’ by electronic means. 海图应完好无损。海图的纸张表面应完好无损,海图应及时更换,而不是用胶带粘在一起。应检查程序,以确保海图的订购和供应、公告和更正能及时发送到船上。许多船舶通过电子方式接收 "航海通告"。
Publications in electronic format may be accepted by certain flag Administrations and should be indic ated where approved in lieu of paperpublic ationson SEC Form E including backup arrangement. 某些旗帜管理机构可能会接受电子格式的出版物,在获得批准的情况下,应在证券交易委员会 E 表(包括备份安排)中注明以电子格式代替纸质出版物。
‘Block’ corrections to navigational charts must be in the same colour scheme asthe original chart. ‘Block’ corrections to ALRS, Tide Tables, and Sailing Directionsetc. can be in ‘Black and White’ even if the original is in colour. 航海图的 "图块 "更正必须使用与原图相同的颜色。即使原图是彩色的,ALRS、潮汐表和航行指南等的 "块状 "更正也可以是 "黑白 "的。
Such a system must include an adequate, up to date filing system for Temporary and Preliminary Notices, Navarea and Navtex wamings. Relevant wamings must be charted and the chart they have been entered on must be recorded on the waming notice in orderthat the waming can be removed when the notice is cancelled. 这种系统必须包括一个适当的、最新的临时和初步通知、Navarea 和 Navtex 船舶标记的归档系统。必须将相关的航行记录绘制成图,并在航行记录通知书上记录所绘制的图,以便在取消通知书时可以删除航行记录。
One shortcoming of ECDIS is that it doesnot very effectively draw attention to temporary and preliminary (T&P) updates within ENC s. It is also a fact that not all Hydrographic Offices include T&P information in their ENCs. The UKHO has also recognised that the lack of consistent, worldwide, T&P information is a signific ant problem formariners and, as an interim measure, is including all Admiralty T&PT \& P NMs in its ‘Admiralty Information Overlay’. This allows the limits of the T&P NMs to be displayed as an overlay to ENCs in the Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) by compatible display systems. Other ECDIS manufacturers and ENC suppliers may have their own similar system. Inspectors should verify the system installed to ensure relevant notices are effectively managed. ECDIS 的一个缺点是,它不能非常有效地提请注意 ENC 中的临时和初步 (T&P) 更新。英国水文局也认识到,缺乏世界范围内一致的 T&P 信息是航海者面临的一个重要问题,因此作为一项临时措施,将所有海事局 T&PT \& P NM 纳入其 "海事局信息叠加 "中。这使得 T&P NMs 的界限可以通过兼容的显示系统以叠加的形式显示在海军部矢量海图服务 (AVCS) 中的 ENC 上。其他 ECDIS 制造商和 ENC 供应商可能有自己的类似系统。检查员应核实所安装的系统,以确保相关通知得到有效管理。
4.13 Are deck officers aware of the requirements for managing Navtex and Navarea Wamings 4.13 甲板人员是否了解管理 Navtex 和 Navarea Wamings 的要求
and is there evidence of an effective system in place to monitor these wamings?
A system should be in place formonitoring navigational wamings appropriate to the ship’strading area and for ensuring relevant navigational wamings are brought to the attention of the watchkeeping offic ers. 应建立一套制度,监测适合船舶航行区域的航行警告,并确保提请值班人员注意相关的航行警告。
Navtex wamings should be monitored by the offic eron watch at the time of receipt. He should ensure that the system is maintained by initialling the wamings received to show that they have been checked asto whetherthey are relevant to the curent voyage. Those which are relevant should be charted. Some ECDIS systems permit Navtex messages to be automatic ally input onto the ECDIS and displayed automatic ally. Inspectors should establish the procedure onboard each vessel to ensure relevant messages are captured on the ENC’s as an overlay either automatic ally or by manual input. Where manual input to the ECDIS is necessary, there should be an effective means in place to remove expired messages. The navtex and ECDIS should be checked to ensure that the correct station(s) and message type(s) are entered. 在收到 Navtex 警报时,应由值班员进行监控。主值班员应确保该系统得到维护,在收到的警报上草签,以表明这些警报已被检查过是否与当前航程有关。与航程相关的信息应绘制成海图。有些 ECDIS 系统允许将 Navtex 信息自动输入 ECDIS 并自动显示。检查员应在每艘船上制定程序,以确保相关信息以自动或手动输入的方式覆盖在 ENC 上。在需要手动输入 ECDIS 的情况下,应采取有效手段删除过期信息。应检查导航仪和 ECDIS,确保输入的站台和信息类型正确。
Navigation wamings maybe received through EGC, navtex messages or the weekly NTM’s. Wamings received through othermeanssuch asChartco should be verified with the official source data. 航行警告可能通过 EGC、navtex 信息或每周 NTM 接收到。通过 Chartco 等其他途径收到的警告信息应与官方来源数据进行核实。
The a vailability of Navigational Wamings on the web does not relieve Masters / Captains of the requirement to receive Navigational Wamings via IMO/IHO approved broadcast systems, as websites are not continuously updated and not necessarily monitored for correctness. (IHO) 在网络上提供航行警告并不能免除船长/轮机长通过 IMO/IHO 批准的广播系统接收航行警告的要求,因为网站并不是持续更新的,也不一定对其正确性进行监控。(国际水文学组织)
4.14 Are Master and deck officer's familiar with the operation of the ECDIS system fitted on board? 4.14 船长和甲板长是否熟悉船上配备的 ECDIS 系统的操作?
The Master and deck officers should be familiar with the operation of the ECDIS. Master and deck offic ers should be able to demonstrate the operation of the ECDIS including, but not limited to:- 船长和甲板官员应熟悉 ECDIS 的操作。船长和甲板高级船员应能够演示 ECDIS 的操作,包括但不限于: - ECDIS 的操作应符合下列要求
Creating and uploading passage plans 创建和上传通行计划
Recalling previous voyages 回顾以往的航行
Route checking and management of alams 检查路线和管理车队
Plotting manual fixes(visual bearing and radar range) 绘制人工定点(目视方位和雷达探测距离)
Creating parallel index lines 创建平行索引线
Setting safety depths and safety contours as appropriate to the draught of the vessel 根据船只吃水深度设定安全深度和安全等高线
Setting of Safety frame/safety cone 设置安全框/安全锥
Ensuring system is updated to the latest corrections. 确保系统更新到最新更正。
AIS and or Radaroverlay if fitted 如果安装了自动识别系统和或雷达覆盖系统
Understanding of limitations of operating in RCDS mode 了解以 RCDS 模式运行的局限性
Knowledge of SCAMIN and how it is displayed 了解 SCAMIN 及其显示方式
Knowledge of CATZOCs 了解 CATZOCs
Familiarity of deck offic ers with contingency action in case of ECDIS failure. 甲板人员熟悉 ECDIS 出现故障时的应急行动。
The above list is not exhaustive and the inspectorcan ask other featuresto be demonstrated in order assess knowledge of the system. Further guidance to the operation of ECDIS can be found in MSC.1/Circ 1503 “ECDIS-Guidance forGood Practice”. 上述清单并非详尽无遗,检查员可要求展示其他功能,以评估系统知识。有关 ECDIS 操作的进一步指导可参见 MSC.1/Circ 1503 "ECDIS--良好操作指南"。
The ECDIS must be updated to the latest version of the Intemational Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) standards, the list of current standards is maintained on the IHO web site Changes to the ECDIS 必须更新至国际水文学组织 (IHO) 标准的最新版本,IHO 网站 上有当前标准的列表。对
IHO S-52 Presentation Library introduced in edition 4.0 which is mandatory on all ECDIS from 01 Sep 2017. The IHO may make furtherchanges as necessary. 从 2017 年 9 月 1 日起,所有 ECDIS 都必须在 4.0 版中引入 IHO S-52 演示文库。IHO 可能会根据需要做出进一步修改。
If no ECDIS system is fitted on board, answer the question ‘NA’. 如果船上未安装 ECDIS 系统,请回答 "NA"。
If only one ECDIS fitted and papercharts are also provided record which is the primary source of navigation and which is the backup. 如果只安装了一个电子海图显示系统(ECDIS),并且还提供纸质海图,则记录哪个是主要导航来源,哪个是备用来源。
4.15 Is the master and deck officers’ familiar with the safety parameter settings for the ECDIS and have the safety settings been comectly applied for the vessels passage? 4.15 船长和甲板上的高级船员是否熟悉 ECDIS 的安全参数设置,是否在船舶航行过程中 正确应用了安全设置?
Safety parameters should be well understood, clearly defined within the Company SMS and correctly applied, with due consideration for the vessels position, charted depth and surrounding navigable waters/ hazards. Hence, during the voyage there are likely to be several changesto the safety parameters that must be clearly identified in the passage plan. 应充分了解安全参数,在公司 SMS 中明确定义并正确应用,同时适当考虑船舶位置、海图深度和周围通航水域/危险。因此,在航行过程中,安全参数可能会发生一些变化,必须在航行计划中明确指出。
The value of the safety contour should be calculated during the planning phase and entered by the OOW. The Safety Contourmarks the division between “safe” and “unsafe” water. When the safety contour is not displayed to the specified value set by the navigator, then the safety contour is shown to the next deepest contour asperthe default layers in the electronic charts. During route planning, an indic ation will be made if the route is planned to cross the ship’s sa fety contour. At the time of route monitoring, ECDIS should give an alarm if, within a specified time set by the navigator, own ship is likely to cross the safety contour. 安全等值线的数值应在计划阶段计算出来,并由 OOW 输入。安全等高线标志着 "安全 "水域和 "不安全 "水域之间的分界线。当安全等高线未显示为导航员设置的指定值时,安全等高线将显示为下一个最深等高线,作为电子海图的默认图层。在航线规划过程中,如果规划的航线穿过船舶安全等高线,则会有提示。在航线监控时,如果在导航员设定的特定时间内,船舶有可能穿过安全等高线,ECDIS 就会发出警报。
The Safety Depth highlights individual soundings in bold that would appear where the sounding is less than the level set on the safety depth alarm. This is generally set the same as the safety contour. 安全深度会以粗体显示探测到的小于安全深度警报设定值的单个探测值。其设置通常与安全等深线相同。
Safety Frame or Safety Cone is equally as important as the Safety Contour, as this will provide early indic ation of the vessel running into danger or approaching an area of concem. Equally, if the safety frame is set too large then the ECDIS is likely to provide alarm overload with the result that an essential alarm may possibly be ignored. 安全框或安全锥与安全轮廓同样重要,因为它可以在船只遇到危险或接近危险区域时提供早期提示。同样,如果安全框设置得太大,ECDIS 就有可能发出超负荷警报,导致重要警报被忽略。
4.16 Were the charts used for the previous voyage appropriate? 4.16 上一次航行使用的海图是否合适?
Note: The largest scale charts published, where appropriate, should be used. The master should have made every effort to obtain the necessary charts if the vessel is ordered to a port not covered by the chart folio system. 注:应酌情使用已出版的最大比例尺海图。如果船只奉命驶往海图对开系统未覆盖的港口,船长应尽一切努力获取必要的海图。
4.17 Are the master and deck officers aware of the requirements of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) and does the system fitted meet SOLAS and flag state requirements? 4.17 船长和甲板长是否了解电子海图显示和信息系统(ECDIS)的要求,所配备的系统是否符合 SOLAS 和船旗国的要求?
ECDIS must be “type approved” in accordance with IMO ResA. 817 (19) as amended and use only offic ial Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC s). For vessels greaterthan 3000gt a sec ondary means of navigation must also be provided. The secondary means may comprise: ECDIS 必须根据经修订的 IMO ResA. 817 (19) 获得 "类型认可",并且只能使用正式电子导航图 (ENC)。对于超过 3000 千克的船舶,还必须提供辅助导航手段。辅助航行工具可包括
A second “type approved” ECDIS with ENC’s and voyage plan loaded before commencement of the voyage and must be operational at all times when the ship is in coastal waters, or - A full folio of papercharts that satisfies SOLAS camiage requirements, corrected to the latest a vailable Noticesto Mariners, covering the intended voyage and showing the intended voyage plan. 第二套 "类型认可 "的 ECDIS,在航行开始前装载 ENC 和航程计划,当船舶在沿海水域时,必须始终处于工作状态;或 - 一整套符合《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)制图要求的纸图,根据最新的《航海通告》进行校正,涵盖预定航程并显示预定航程计划。
Record of Equipment for Cargo Ship Safety (Form E) attached to the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certific ate will state if ECDIS is fitted and the method of back-up (either another ECDIS or paper charts). The ‘Record of Approved Cargo Ship Safety Equipment’ will provide additional information of systems provided and should be maintained up to date. (MSC.1/Circ.1496) The Company SMS must clearly state what is the primary means of navigation regardless of Safety Equipment Certificate Form E (orSafety Certific ate Form C) 货船安全设备证书》所附的《货船安全设备记录》(表格 E)将说明是否安装了 ECDIS 以及备用方法(另一个 ECDIS 或纸质海图)。经批准的货船安全设备记录 "将提供所提供系统的补充信息,并应保持更新。(MSC.1/Circ.1496)无论安全设备证书表格 E(或安全证书表格 C)如何,公司 SMS 必须明确说明什么是主要导航手段。
Frequent checks should be made of the ECDIS position fixing system (nomally GPS) by the use of other means. Such checks should include: 应经常使用其他手段检查 ECDIS 定位系统(通常为 GPS)。此类检查应包括
Parallel indexing and use of clearing bearings; 平行分度和使用清算轴承;
Use of radarto check the accuracy of the charted position by companing the location of the radar target against the charted symbol, including the use of radar ovenlay if fitted. 使用雷达将雷达目标的位置与海图符号进行比对,以检查海图位置的准确性,包括使用雷达探测仪(如果已安装)。
Visual cross bearings; 视觉交叉轴承;
ECDIS should store and be able to reproduce certain minimum elements required to reconstruct the navigation and verify the official database used during the previous 12 hours. The following data shall be recorded at one-minute intervals: ECDIS 应存储并能够再现某些最低要求的要素,以重建导航并验证前 12 小时内所使用的官方数据库。以下数据应每隔一分钟记录一次:
. 1 to ensure a record of own ship’spast track: time, position, heading, and speed; and .1 确保记录自己船舶的航行轨迹:时间、位置、航向和速度;以及
.2 to ensure a record of official data used: ENC source, edition, date, cell and update history. .2 确保记录所使用的官方数据:ENC 来源、版本、日期、单元和更新历史。
In addition, ECDIS should record the complete track forthe entire voyage, with time marks at intervals 此外,ECDIS 还应记录整个航程的完整轨迹,并在每隔一定时间标记一次
not exceeding 4 hours. 不超过 4 小时。
ECDIS should be connected to systems providing continuous position-fixing, heading and speed information. (ResA.817(19)12.2) ECDIS 应与提供连续定位、航向和速度信息的系统相连接。(ResA.817(19)12.2)
Aslong as the ECDIS meets the minimum performance standard, then observations should NOTbe made even if the ECDIS cannot perform otherfeaturesthat maybe be additional to some ECDIS e.g. radarovellay, navtex connection etc. 只要 ECDIS 符合最低性能标准,那么即使 ECDIS 无法执行某些 ECDIS 的其他附加功能(如雷达显示、Navtex 连接等),也不应进行观察。
Changes to the IHO S-52 Presentation Library introduced in edition 4.0 which is mandatory on all ECDIS from 01 Sep 2017 invalidated the previoustest required in IHO ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Checks which were specific ally designed and developed for ECDIS using the IHO S-52 Presentation Library edition 3.4 or earlier. 自 2017 年 9 月 1 日起,所有 ECDIS 都必须使用 4.0 版 IHO S-52 演示文库,该版本中引入的 IHO S-52 演示文库的变更使 IHO ECDIS 数据演示和性能检查中要求的先前测试失效,这些测试是专门为使用 3.4 版或更早版本 IHO S-52 演示文库的 ECDIS 设计和开发的。
The ECDIS must be updated to the latest version of the Intemational Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) standards, the list of current standards is maintained on the IHO web site ECDIS 必须更新至国际水文学组织 (IHO) 标准的最新版本,IHO 网站 上有当前标准的列表。
4.18 Has the vessel been safely navigated in compliance with intemational regulations and are 4.18 船舶的安全航行是否符合国际规定,是否
deck officers’ familiar with these requirements?
A ship shall use a mandatory ships routeing system adopted by the Organization as required for its category or cargo camied and in accordance with the relevant provisions in force unless there are compelling reasons not to use a particular ships routeing system. Any such reason shall be recorded in the ships log. (SOLASV/Reg 10.7). 船舶应使用本组织根据其类别或所装货物要求并按照现行有关规定采用的强制性船舶定线制,除非有令人信服的理由不使用特定的船舶定线制。任何此类理由均应记录在船舶航行日志中。(SOLASV/Reg10.7)。
Charts of at least the previous voyage should be checked to determine that the vessel hasbeen safely navigated, including maintenance of a safe distance off the coast particularly in bad weather, correct use of traffic separation zones, intervals between position fixes, correct reporting, avoidance of prohibited areasand dangerous wrecks and adherence to printed notes on the charts, etc. 至少应检查前一次航行的海图,以确定船只是否安全航行,包括与海岸保持安全距离,特别是在恶劣天气下,正确使用交通隔离区、定位间隔、正确报告、避开禁区和危险沉船以及遵守海图上的印刷说明等。
4.19 Is the masterand deck officers aware of the requirements for the echo sounder and is there evidence that it has been in use as appropriate during the voyage? 4.19 船长和甲板高级船员是否了解对回声测深仪的要求,是否有证据表明在航程中适当地使用了回声测深仪?
The echo sounder should always be used when making a landfall and kept switched on in coastal and pilotage waters. If the echo sounder isfitted with a shallow wateralarm, the alarm should be set to an appropriate safe depth to wam of approaching shallow water. (5th edition BPG 4.5) 在靠岸时应始终使用回声测深仪,在沿岸和领航水域应保持开启状态。如果回声测深仪上装有浅水警报器,则应将警报器设置在适当的安全深度,以便在接近浅水时发出警报。(第 5 版 BPG 4.5)
The date and time of switching on should be marked on the recorderchart where provided. In addition, the date and time of passing signific ant land orseamarks should be marked on the recorder. Many modem electronic echo soundershave an in-built 24-hour memory which can be recalled in lieu of papertrace. If an electronic memory is not provided, the echo sounder should be provided with a printed record. It is acceptable evidence for the echo sounderhistory to be noted from the ECDIS data. Where an electronic display history is provided to record trending and a VDR to record times, a ’ YY ’ response should be made, together with a short explanation in Comments. 如果记录仪上有图表,应在图表上标注开机日期和时间。此外,还应在记录仪上标明经过标志地或标志的日期和时间。许多调制解调器式电子回声测深仪都有内置的 24 小时存储器,可以调用来代替纸质记录。如果没有电子存储器,则应为回声测深仪提供打印记录。从 ECDIS 数据中记录回声测深仪的历史记录是可以接受的证据。如果电子显示历史记录用于记录趋势,而 VDR 用于记录时间,则应作出" YY "的答复,并在注释中作出简短解释。
4.20 Was a comprehensive berth to berth passage plan available for the previous voyage and were the deck officers aware of position fixing requirements including the use of parallel indexing both atsea and during pilotage? 4.20 上一航次是否有全面的泊位到泊位通过计划,甲板人员是否了解定 位要求,包括在海上和引航时使用平行索引?
Prior to proceeding to sea, the Master shall ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using appropriate charts and public ations for the area concemed.(SOLASV/34 and IMO Res. A.893) 在出海前,船长应确保已使用所设想区域的适当海图和公开资料对预定航程进行了规划(SOLASV/34 和 IMO Res.)
Notes: The passage plan should be completed by the navigating officerand verified and approved by the Master. It should be comprehensive, contain full details of the voyage and be easy to interpret. 注意事项:航行计划应由领航员填写,船长核实并批准。该计划应全面、包含航行的全部细节并易于解释。
Passage planning should follow the public ation guidance; 通道规划应遵循公众宣传指南;
NP 231 Admiralty Guide to the Practical Use of ENC 's; NP 231 《海警实用 ENC 指南》;
NP 232 Admiralty Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures; NP 232 海军部 ECDIS 实施、政策和程序指南;
The passage plan should be written on each applic able chart, which may be supported by a conning notebook, or equivalent. Excessive information in the navigational areas of a chart must be avoided by recording the information away from the track and drawing attention to it by a line or reference letter. 航行计划应写在每张适用的海图上,并可辅以航海笔记本或类似工具。海图导航区域的信息必须避免过多,方法是将信息记录在远离航迹的地方,并用线条或参考字母引起注意。
The following should be marked on the chart where it enhances safe navigation: 海图上应标注以下有助于安全航行的内容:
Parallel indexing (not from floating objects unless they have been first checked forposition); 并行索引(除非首先检查了浮动对象的位置,否则不能从浮动对象中索引);
Chart changes; 图表变化;
Methods and frequency of position fixing and/or position verific ation; 位置固定和/或位置核实的方法和频率;
Prominent navigation and radarmarks; 显著的导航和雷达标志;
No-go areas (the excessive marking of no-go areas should be discouraged - see below); 禁区(不鼓励过度标示禁区--见下文);
Landfall targets and lights; 降落目标和灯光;
Clearing lines and bearings; 清理线路和轴承;
Transits, heading marks and leading lines; 过境、航标和引导线;
Signific a nt tides or curent; 重要潮汐或持续潮汐;
Safe speed and necessary speed alterations; 安全速度和必要的速度变化;
Changes in machinery status; 机械状态的变化;
Minimum underkeel clearance; 最小底板间隙
Positions where the echo sounder should be activated; 应启动回声探测仪的位置;
Crossing and high-density traffic areas; 交叉路口和高密度交通区域;
Safe distance off; 安全距离
Anchorclearance; 锚定清除;
Contingency plans; 应急计划;
Abort positions; 中止位置;
VTS and reporting points, etc. VTS 和报告点等。
Airdraft when passing under bridges/power lines/cable carsetc. 从桥梁/电线/电缆车下通过时的气流。
In the event that ECDIS is the primary means of navigation, the above should be taken into account. Charted passage planning information should not obscure printed details, nor should the information on charts be obliterated by the use of highlight orfelt-tip pen, red pencil, etc. 如果 ECDIS 是主要的导航手段,则应考虑到上述情况。海图上的航程规划信息不应遮盖印刷细节,也不应使用荧光笔或签字笔、红铅笔等涂抹海图上的信息。
No-go areas should be highlighted but should be reserved for those areas where the attention of the navigatorneedsto be drawn to a dangersuch as shallow waterora wreck close to the course line. Extensive use of no-go areas should be discouraged. No-go areas vary with change of draft and tide and will therefore also vary with the time of passage. They should not therefore be permanently marked. 禁航区应突出显示,但应仅限于需要引起导航员注意的危险区域,如浅水区或靠近航线的沉船区。应劝阻广泛使用禁航区。禁航区会随着吃水和潮汐的变化而变化,因此也会随着通过时间的变化而变化。因此,不应永久性地标注禁航区。
All coursespreviousto the last voyage should have been erased. Course lines must not be marked in ink, although it is a cceptable to plot alter course positions in ink where these are frequently in use. 上一次航行前的所有航线都应擦除。航向线不得用墨水标注,但在经常使用航向线的情况下,用墨水标注更改后的航向位置是可以接受的。
If the vessel is ECDIS compliant and hasone ECDIS and papercharts, either is designated as the primary means of navigation and the other the back up. If the back-up is ECDIS it must be loaded with relevant offic ial charts and the voyage plan before commencement of the voyage. Similanly, if paper charts are being used asthe back-up, they must be readily available, and the voyage plan must be indic ated on the charts. The back-up a mangement must be ready for immediate use, particularly when in confined waters. 如果船舶符合 ECDIS 标准,并拥有一个 ECDIS 和纸质海图,则其中一个被指定为主要导航手段,另一个为备用手段。如果备用的是 ECDIS,则必须在航行开始前装载相关的正式海图和航行计划。同样,如果使用的是纸质海图作为备用,则必须随时提供,并且必须在海图上标明航行计划。备用海图必须随时准备立即使用,尤其是在狭窄水域。
Communications. 通信。
4.21 Are deck offic ers’ familiar with the preparation and transmission of distress and urgency messages on the GMDSS equipment, are instruc tions clearly displayed and equipment in good order? 4.21 甲板人员是否熟悉用全球海难和安全系统设备准备和发送遇险和紧急信息,指示是否清楚,设备是否完好?
The OOW should be familiar with the procedures for sending distress, urgency and safety messages contained in the Intemational Aeronautic al and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual Volume III (IAMSAR VoI III), Section 4. Particular care should be taken to ensure that alerts and messages sent by DSC, radio-telephony and satellite communic ations are given an appropriate priority. (3.15.2 BPG 5th edition) 指挥员应熟悉《国际航空和海上搜救手册》第三卷(IAMSAR VoI III)第 4 节所载的发送遇险、紧急和安全信息的程序。应特别注意确保通过 DSC、无线电电话和卫星通信发送的警报和信息具有适当的优先权。(3.15.2 BPG 第五版)
The minimum requirements for radio equipment for the vessel should be taken from the Radio Certificate and its attachment Form R or in Form C if the Safety Radio Certificate is combined in the Harmonised Certific ate. If the vessel usesEX rated mobile phones within the gas-hazardous area confirm that propercertification is provided. 船舶无线电设备的最低要求应从无线电证书及其附件表格 R 中获取,如果安全无线电证书与协调证书合并,则应从表格 C 中获取。如果船舶在气体危险区域内使用 EX 级移动电话,则应确认已提供适当的证书。
4.22 Are officers aware of the function of the ship sec urity alert system and how it operates? 4.22 官员是否了解船舶安全警报系统的功能及其运作方式?
Underno circumstances should enquiries be made as to the system details. 在任何情况下都不得询问系统的详细信息。
All ships constructed after 1stJ uly 2004 shall be fitted with a ship security alert system. (SOLASXI-2/6.1.1) The ship security alert system shall, when activated, initiate and transmit a ship-to-shore security alert to a competent authority, which in these circumstancesmay include the Company, identifying the ship, its location and indic ating that the security of the ship is under threat or it has been compromised. (SOLASXI-2/6.2.1) It shall not send the security alert to other ships or raise the alarm on board and it shall continue until deactivated or reset. (SOLAS XI-2/6.2.2,3 and 4). The ship security alert system shall be capable of being activated from the navigation bridge and in at least one otherlocation. (SOLAS XI-2/6.3.1) 2004 年 7 月 1 日之后建造的所有船舶均应安装船舶安全警报系统。(SOLASXI-2/6.1.1)船舶安全警报系统在启动时,应启动并向主管当局(在这些情况下可能包括公司)发送船舶到岸上的安全警报,确定船舶及其位置,并表明船舶安全受到威胁或已被破坏。(SOLASXI-2/6.2.1)它不得向其他船舶发出安全警报或在船上发出警报,并应持续到停用或重新设置为止。(SOLAS XI-2/6.2.2、3 和 4)。船舶安全警报系统应能从驾驶台和至少一个其它位置启动。(SOLAS XI-2/6.3.1)
SIRE defines Company as the vessel Operator. SIRE 将公司定义为船舶运营商。
4.23 Are the officers aware of the periodical test requirements for G MDSS equipment and is the radio logbook c orectly maintained with entries of such tests? 4.23 人员是否了解 G MDSS 设备的定期测试要求,无线电日志是否正确记录了这 些测试?
The following tests should be camied out: 应进行以下测试
Daily 每日
Function of DSC facilities (VHF, MF and HF) using built-in test functions 使用内置测试功能测试 DSC 设备(甚高频、中频和高频)的功能
Battery supplies to GMDSS equipment including charging condition and battery voltage checks. Weekly 为全球海难和安全系统设备提供电池,包括充电状况和电池电压检查。每周
Function of DSC facilities by way of a test call with a coastal station (if in range or at the earliest opportunity if out of range) 通过与沿岸电台的试通话(如果在通话范围内,或如果在通话范围外,则尽早)来实现 DSC 设施的功能
Enhanced group calling (EGC) function 增强型群组通话(EGC)功能
EPIRB function (using built-in test) and condition EPIRB 功能(使用内置测试)和状态
SARTfunction (using built-in test) and condition SART 功能(使用内置测试)和条件
Condition and security of batteries 电池的状况和安全性
Condition of aerials and insulators 天线和绝缘子的状况
Function test of survival craft two-way VHF equipment (BPG 5th Edition 3.15.6) 求生艇双向甚高频设备功能测试(BPG 第 5 版 3.15.6)
Where a reserve source of energy consists of rechargeable accumulator batteries, their capacity shall be checked, using an appropriate method, at intervals not exceeding 12 months, when the ship is not at sea. 如果备用能源由可充电蓄电池组成,则应在船舶不在海上时,使用适当的方法,每隔不超过 12 个月检查一次蓄电池的容量。
A GMDSS radio log should be kept in order to provide a record of all events connected with the radio communications facilities on board. As a minimum the following should be recorded: 应保存 GMDSS 无线电日志,以记录与船上无线电通信设施有关的所有事件。至少应记录以下内容
A summary of communic ations relating to distress, urgency and safety. This includes any periods when a radio watch is discontinued and the reasonsfordoing so; 与遇险、紧急和安全有关的通信摘要。其中包括停止无线电值班的时间段和原因;
The position of the ship at least daily; 至少每天一次船位;
-The identities of other stations with which the ship communic ates or attempts to communic ate; -与飞船通信或试图通信的其他站台的身份;
Records of any diffic ulties experienced with communic ations; 记录通信方面遇到的任何困难;
Inc idents involving unnecessary or inappropriate transmissions with the identities of the stations concemed, if known; and 涉及不必要或不适当发射的信号,如果知道发射台的身份,应予以隐瞒;以及
Cancellation of any false alerts. 取消任何错误警报。
The requirements relating to the retention of radio logs are determined by the flag State and the ITU Radio Regulations and should be included in the SMS. (BPG 5th Edition 3.15.5) 有关保留无线电日志的要求由船旗国和国际电联《无线电规章》确定,并应纳入 SMS。(BPG 第 5 版 3.15.5)
4.24 Is there a maintenance programme in place to ensure availability of the radio equipment? On shipsengaged on voyages in sea areasA1 and A2, the radio availability shall be ensured by using such methods as: 4.24 是否有确保无线电设备可用性的维护计划?在A1和A2海区航行的船舶,应通过以下方法确保无线电设备的可用性:
Duplic ation of equipment; or 设备重复;或
Shore based maintenance (the requirement on GMDSS vessels to have shore based maintenance does not infer there should necessarily be a contract but that maintenance should be camied out annually by a shore-based i.e. ‘expert’ organisation); or 岸基维护(GMDSS船只必须进行岸基维护的要求并不意味着必须签订合同,而是应由岸基即 "专家 "组织每年进行维护);或
At-sea electronic maintenance capability; or 海上电子维护能力;或
A combination of these asmay be approved by the Administration. 行政部门可能会批准这些措施的组合。
On shipsengaged on voyages in sea areasA3 and A4, the radio availability shall be ensured by using a combination of at least two of the methods detailed above. (SOLASIV/15.7). 在 A3 和 A4 海区航行的船舶,应结合使用上述至少两种方法,以确保无线电的可用性。(SOLASIV/15.7)。
4.25 Is the satellite EPIRB fitted, armed, labelled comectly and inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements? 4.25 卫星 EPIRB 是否按照制造商的要求安装、武装、正确标示和检查?
The EPIRB shall be: EPIRB 应:
capable of transmitting a distress alert through the polarorbiting satellite servic e operating in the 406 MHz band;" 能够通过在 406 兆赫波段运行的极轨道卫星服务发送遇险警报;"
Installed in an easily accessible position; 安装在容易接近的位置;
Ready to be manually released and capable of being camied by one person into a survival craft; 可随时手动释放,并可由一人将其放入求生艇;
Capable of floating free if the ship sinks and of being automatic ally activated when afloat; and - Capable of being activated manually. (SOLASIV/7.1.6) 在船舶下沉时能够自由漂浮,在漂浮时能够自动启动;以及 - 能够手动启动。(能够手动启动。)
Satellite EPIRBs shall be annually tested within 3 months before the expiry date, or 3 months before or after the anniversary date, of the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certific ate. The test may be conducted on board the ship orat an approved testing station; and subject to maintenance at intervals not exceeding five years. (SOLASIV/15.9) 卫星 EPIRB 应在货船安全无线电证书到期日前 3 个月内,或周年纪念日前后 3 个月内进行年度测试。测试可在船上或经批准的测试站进行;维护间隔不得超过五年。(SOLASIV/15.9)
The vessel’s name, the serial number and the mantime mobile servicesidentity (MMSI or 15 Hex ID) should be clearly indic ated on the EPIRB. EPIRB 上应清楚标明船名、序列号和 MMSI 或 15 十六进制 ID。
The inspection of EPIRB’s should include: EPIRB 的检查应包括:
Inspection of the housing to ensure it is undamaged; 检查外壳,确保无损坏;
Inspection of the hydrostatic release unit to ensure it is in good order and in date. Releases should be renewed aftertwo years; 检查静压释放装置,确保其完好无损并在有效期内。释放装置应在两年后更新;
Inspection of the lanyard, which should be neatly stowed and not attached to the ship; 检查系绳,系绳应整齐收好,不得系在船上;
Ensuring that the markings remain clearly decipherable; 确保标记仍然清晰可辨;
Checking the battery to ensure it is in good order and in date. The battery life formost EPIRB’s is 5 years; 检查电池,确保其完好无损并在有效期内。大多数 EPIRB 的电池寿命为 5 年;
Camying out a self-test. Most EPIRB’s have a self-test facility which is usually a spring-loaded switch. When activated a light will indic ate that the test circuits are operating correctly and sometimes this will also activate the strobe light. It is recommended that the self-test switch be held forno more than 2 Camying out a self-test.大多数 EPIRB 都有自检功能,通常是一个弹簧开关。启动时会有指示灯显示测试电路工作正常,有时也会启动频闪灯。建议按住自检开关不超过 2 秒钟。
flashes of the strobe light, orno longer than 1 minute after the first self-test mode burst transmission. When the self-test is a ctivated on a 406 MHz EPIRB, the EPIRB is allowed to radiate a single burst which is specially coded so that it is ignored by the COSPAS-SARSAT system. The EPIRB must never be tested by actual operation. 或第一次自检模式脉冲串发射后不超过 1 分钟。当对 406 MHz EPIRB 进行自检时,允许 EPIRB 发射单个脉冲串,该脉冲串经过特殊编码,COSPAS-SARSAT 系统会忽略它。EPIRB 绝不可进行实际操作测试。
The annual testing of 406 MHz satellite EPIRB’s required by SOLASIV/15.9 requires test equipment capable of performing all the relevant measurements detailed in MSC/Circ 1040. SOLASIV/15.9 规定的 406 MHz 卫星 EPIRB 年度测试要求测试设备能够进行 MSC/Circ 1040 中详述的所有相关测量。
Is the vessel equipped with sufficient intrinsic ally safe portable radios for use on deck? 船上是否配备了足够的本安型便携式无线电供甲板使用?
Suffic ient portable radios should be available to allow communic ations between the cargo control, the deck officer, the deck watch and the master, as well as the pumpman if required. 应配备足够的便携式无线电设备,以便货物控制人员、甲板干事、甲板值班员和船长以及必要时的泵工之间进行联系。
4.27 Are survival craft portable VHF radios and Search and Rescue Locating Devices in good order and charged? 4.27 救生艇上的便携式甚高频无线电和搜救定位装置是否完好并已充电?
At least 3 two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards. (SOLAS III/ 每艘总吨位在 500 吨及以上的货船上应至少配备 3 部双向甚高频无线电通话装置。(SOLAS III/
The two-way radiotelephone should be capable of operation on the frequency 156.800 MHz (VHF channel 16) and on at least one additional channel. (Res. A.809/3.1) 双向无线电话应能在 156.800 兆赫频率(甚高频 16 频道)和至少一个附加频道上工作。(决议 A.809/3.1)
The battery for equipment with a user-replaceable energy source orradio with a non-replaceable energy source shall have a non-replaceable seal to show the unit has not been activated. (Res. A.809/12.2 and 12.3) 具有用户可更换能源的设备或具有不可更换能源的收音机的电池应具有不可更换的封条,以显示设备未被激活。(决议 A.809/12.2 和 12.3)
Primary battery shelf life must be at least 2 years and highly visible yellow/orange colour ormarked with a surrounding yellow/orange marking strip. 原电池的保质期必须至少为 2 年,并且必须是高度可见的黄色/橙色,或周围有黄色/橙色标记条。
There is no requirement forthe two-way VHF radiosto be Ex rated or intrinsic ally safe type, though if the units are being used for shipboard operations then there must be effective measures in place to prevent them being used in the gashazardous area. 虽然没有规定双向甚高频无线电必须是防爆型或内在安全型,但如果这些设备用于船上作业,则必须采取有效措施防止其用于有气体危险的区域。
For radios installed on or after 1stJ uly 2005 revised performance standards for survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus applies(ResMSC.149(77)) 对于 2005 年 7 月 1 日或之后安装的无线电设备,适用经修订的求生艇便携式双向甚高频无线电设备性能标准(ResMSC.149(77))。
At least one radartransponder shall be camied on each side of every cargo ship of 500 grosstonnage and upwards. The radartransponders shall be stowed in such locationsthat they can be rapidly placed in any survival craft (other than the forward liferaft). On ships equipped with free-fall lifeboats, one of the transponders shall be stowed in the free-fall lifeboat and the otherlocated in the immediate vic inity of the navigation bridge so that it can be utilised on board and ready to transferto any other survival craft. (SOLASIII/6.2.2). 每艘 500 grosstonnage 及以上的货船每侧应至少安装一个雷达应答器。雷达应答器的存放位置应能使其迅速放入任何救生艇(前部救生筏除外)。在装有自由落体救生艇的船舶上,其中一个应答器应存放在自由落体救生艇上,另一个应存放在导航桥附近,以便在船上使用,并可随时转移到任何其他求生艇上。(SOLASIII/6.2.2)。
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Chapter 5. Safety Management 第 5 章 安全管理安全管理
5.1 Are officers' familiar with the process for conducting Risk Assessments for routine and nonroutine tasks, do operators provide adequate procedures for conducting RA and is there sufficient evidence of this process undertaken? 5.1 官员是否熟悉对常规和非常规任务进行风险评估的程序,操作人员是否提供了进行风险评估的适当程序,是否有足够的证据证明进行了这一程序?
The risk assessment process identifies hazards present in a work undertaking, analyses the level of risk, considers those in danger and evaluates whether hazards are adequately controlled, taking into account any measures already in place. 风险评估程序确定工作中存在的危险,分析风险程度,考虑处于危险中的人员,并评估危险是否得到充分控制,同时考虑到已经采取的任何措施。
Two distinct types of Task Based Risk Assessment may be used. First, a range of vessel-specific generic IBRAs that can be used for all routine and low-risk tasks can be developed. These should be periodic ally reviewed, but frequency would very much depend on the particularcircumstances on the vessel and the level of risk. 可以使用两种不同类型的基于任务的风险评估。首先,可以制定一系列针对特定船只的通用 IBRA,用于所有常规和低风险任务。这些评估应定期进行审查,但审查频率在很大程度上取决于船只的具体情况和风险水平。
The second type of TBRA would be used for specific high-nisk jobs that are not routine, such as working aloft orenclosed space entry. These should relate to the specific persons who will be involved in the work and valid only for the duration of that job. 第二类 TBRA 将用于非日常性的特定高风险工作,如高空作业或进入封闭空间。这应该与参与工作的特定人员有关,并且只在工作期间有效。
In both cases, the assessments should be camied out by a competent person orpersons who understand the work being assessed. It is also preferable that seafarers who will be involved in the work should also be involved in the assessment process. 在这两种情况下,评估都应由了解所评估工作的合格人员进行。参与工作的海员最好也能参与评估过程。
A toolbox talk is a nother form of risk assessment c amied out in support of a TBRA. Its prime purpose is to talk through the procedures of the job in hand and the findings of the TBRA with the seafarers involved. (COSWP 1.2.5) 工具箱谈话是另一种支持 TBRA 的风险评估形式。其主要目的是与相关海员讨论当前工作的程序和 TBRA 的结果。(COSWP 1.2.5)。
5.2 Is there evidence of a permit to work system in place for hazardous activities, are the crew a ware of these requirements and is there doc umented evidence of compliance? 5.2 是否有证据表明针对危险活动制定了工作许可制度,机组人员是否了解这些要求,是否有文件证明遵守了这些要求?
The safety management system for individual ships will determine when permit to work systems should be used, and the form of the permit to work. (COSWP 14.2.3) 各船舶的安全管理系统将决定何时使用工作许可系统,以及工作许可的形式。(COSWP 14.2.3)
Permits to work would normally be required for the following categories of work: 以下类别的工作通常需要工作许可:
entry into dangerous (enclosed) space; 进入危险(封闭)空间;
gastesting/equipment; 胃测试/设备;
hot work; 高温作业;
working at height/over the side; 高空/侧面作业;
general elec tric al (under 1000 volts); 通用电气(1000 伏以下);
electric al high voltage (over 1000 volts); 高压电(1000 伏以上);
working on deck during adverse weather, and 在恶劣天气下在甲板上工作,以及
lifts, lift trunks and ma chinery. 电梯、电梯箱和机械设备。
This list is not exhaustive. Permits to work, following a similar format, may be required and developed for other categories of work. (COSWP Annex 14.1) 本清单并非详尽无遗。其他类别的工作也可能需要并制定类似格式的工作许可。(COSWP 附件 14.1)
5.3 Is the appointed Safety Officer suitably trained, aware of his responsibilities and is there evidence to show that the safety officer has been effectively performing duties associated with this role? 5.3 被任命的安全员是否接受过适当的培训,是否了解自己的职责,是否有证据表明 安全员一直在有效地履行与这一职责相关的职责?
One of the primary functions of the safety offic er, who preferably should be an experienced seafarer, is to inspect all areas of the vessel on a regular basis for safety compliance and to report any deficiencies noted. The purpose is to raise a wareness, prevent accidents and to identify regular occurrences that might require the operator’s intervention on a fleet-wide basis. The function of the sa fety offic er may not involve equipment maintenance, although it does include identifying equipment defic iencies. Evidence that the Safety Offic erhas undertaken an appropriate Safety Officertraining course should be provided. Training records must match the job description forthe Safety Offic er within the Safety Mana gement System. 安全官员最好是一名经验丰富的海员,其主要职责之一是定期检查船舶所有区域是否符合安全规定,并报告发现的任何缺陷。这样做的目的是提高安全意识,防止事故发生,并在整个船队范围内发现可能需要操作员干预的经常性事件。安全官员的职能可能不涉及设备维护,但确实包括查明设备缺陷。应提供证据证明安全员已参加过适当的安全员培训课程。培训记录必须与安全管理系统中对安全员的工作描述相符。
Some training may be provided on board, but the safety officer should have attended a suitable safety offic er’s training course. 船上可能会提供一些培训,但安全官员应参加过适当的安全官员培训课程。
Suitable safety offic er training should cover the following topics: 适当的安全官员培训应包括以下内容:
The tasks of the safety committee. 安全委员会的任务。
The rights and roles of members of the safety committee. 安全委员会成员的权利和作用。
How to camy out risk assessment and management. 如何进行风险评估和管理。
How to provide the necessary advice to resolve safety concemsorproblems and to encourage adherence to prevention principles. 如何提供必要的建议,以解决安全隐患或问题,并鼓励遵守预防原则。
Supervision of safety tasks assigned to crew and other seafarers on board, and passengers where applicable. 监督分配给船上船员和其他海员以及乘客(如适用)的安全任务。
Accident and incident investigation, analysis and making appropriate corrective and preventative recommendationsto prevent their recurrence. 对事故和事件进行调查和分析,并提出适当的纠正和预防建议,防止事故和事件再次发生。
How to obtain relevant information on a safe and healthy working environment from the competent 如何从主管人员处获得安全健康工作环境的相关信息
authority and the Company. 当局和公司。
Effective means of communication with a multinational crew. 与多国船员进行有效沟通的手段。
The commitment required to promote a safe working environment on board. 促进船上安全工作环境所需的承诺。
The safety offic er should be familiar with the princ iples and practice of nisk assessment, and should be a vailable to advise those preparing and reviewing risk assessments. (COSWP 安全官员应熟悉风险评估的原则和做法,并能为准备和审查风险评估的人员提供建议。(COSWP
The safety officer’s role should be a positive one, seeking to initiate ordevelop safety measuresbefore an incident occurs ratherthan afterwards. (COSWP 安全员的作用应该是积极的,在事故发生前而不是事故发生后启动或制定安全措施。(COSWP
5.4 Are the ship’s officers able to demonstrate their familiarisation with the operation of fixed and portable firefighting, lifesaving and other emergency equipment? 5.4 船舶官员是否能够证明他们熟悉固定和便携式消防、救生和其他应急设备的操作?
Ship’s officers should be familiar with the operation of: 船员应熟悉以下设备的操作:
donning and use of breathing apparatus and oxygen resusc itation equipment 佩戴和使用呼吸器和氧气复苏设备
5.5 Are the crew a ware of the requirements for wearing personal protective equipment such as boiler suits, safety footwear, eye and ear protec tion, safety hamesses, respiratory and chemical protec tive equipment? 5.5 船员是否了解穿戴个人防护设备的要求,如锅炉服、安全鞋、护眼和护耳设备、安全手镯、呼吸和化学防护设备?
Documented guidance relating to the use of PPE should be provided and the crew should be familiar with those requirements or where to referto the requirements. SMS often provide a matrix of PPE requirements for simplicity posted in various public areas on the vessel. If there is no such matrix then inspectors should ascertain there is adequate guidance provided. 应提供与个人防护设备使用相关的文件指导,船员应熟悉这些要求或可参考这些要求的位置。SMS 通常会在船上的各个公共区域张贴简易个人防护设备要求矩阵。如果没有这样的矩阵,检查员应确定是否提供了足够的指导。
5.6 Is all electronic equipment in use in gas hazardous areas intrinsic ally safe? 5.6 在气体危险区域使用的所有电子设备是否都是内在安全的?
Only torchesthat have been approved by a competent authority for use in flammable atmospheres must be used on board tankers. (ISGOTT4.3.4). This includestorches in use on deck, in the engine room and those supplied for use with the firemen’soutfits. 油轮上只能使用经主管当局批准可在易燃环境中使用的电筒。(ISGOTT4.3.4)。这包括在甲板上、轮机舱内使用的电筒,以及与消防员服装一起供应使用的电筒。
This includes, but is not limited to, the following equipment: - 这包括但不限于以下设备:-
Mobile Phones, pagers, digital cameras, electronic tablets (iPads, androids etc). 移动电话、寻呼机、数码相机、电子平板电脑(iPad、Android 等)。
The use of smart watches/ fitness bands is prohibited for use in gas hazardous areas. If during the course of the inspection inspectors observe a member of the Ship’s staff using a smart watch / fitness band, then an observation is to be recorded. 禁止在气体危险区域使用智能手表/健身手环。如果检查员在检查过程中发现船舶工作人员使用智能手表/健身手环,则应将观察结果记录在案。
5.7 Are crew members participating in safety meetings and is there evidence of effective disc ussions on safety related issues with shore management feedback? 5.7 船员是否参加安全会议,是否有证据表明船员就安全相关问题与岸上管理部门进行了有效的交流?
The Company is required to appoint a safety committee on every ship with five ormore seafarers. The committee must be chaired by the master, and members will include, as a minimum, the safety officer and any elected safety representatives. (COSWP 公司必须在每艘有五名或五名以上海员的船上任命一个安全委员会。委员会主席必须由船长担任,成员至少包括安全官员和任何选举产生的安全代表。(COSWP
Where safety meetings do not require all off duty personnel to attend then there shall be an effective channel for the crew to report any concems to the safety committee via the safety representatives and be kept advised of the committee’s activities. Safety Committee Meetings are intended to permit disc ussion among the vessel’s offic ers and ratings where these relate to safety. Safety meetings should not be used forthe purposes of instruction or training. 如果安全会议不要求所有休班人员参加,则应为船员提供一个有效的渠道,通过安全代表向安全委员会报告任何问题,并随时了解委员会的活动。安全委员会会议的目的是让船上的官员和船员就与安全有关的问题进行讨论。安全会议不得用于指导或培训目的。
The frequency of meetings will be determined by circumstances, but the committee should meet regularly, taking into account the pattem of operation of the ship and the arrangement formanning and with suffic ient frequency to ensure continuousimprovement in safety. In particular, a meeting should also be held after any serious incident or accident on the ship, if the nomal meeting is not due within a week. 会议的频率将视情况而定,但委员会应定期召开会议,同时考虑到船舶的运行模式和计划安排,并以足够的频率确保安全状况不断改善。特别是在船舶发生任何严重事故或意外后,如果一周内没有召开正式会议,也应召开会议。
(COSWP 13.7.2)
Safety meetings should be minuted and the reports distributed and acted upon where appropriate. (COSWP 1.2.2) 安全会议应记录在案,并酌情分发报告和采取相应行动。(COSWP 1.2.2)
5.8 Are the crew aware of the requirements for reporting of accidents, incidents, nonconformities and near misses and is there an effec tive system of reporting and follow up investigation in place? 5.8 员工是否了解事故、事件、不符合项和险情的报告要求,是否有有效的报告和后续调查制度?
Check that all incidents, accidents and nearmisses are propenly recorded and reported to the shore office. Any action items generated must be tracked and closed out. There should be evidence of nearmiss reports generated by all ranks, not just the master or senior offic ers onboard and not just from one department. 检查所有事件、事故和险情是否记录在案并上报给海岸办公室。必须跟踪和结案所产生的任何行动项目。应该有证据表明,所有级别的人员都提交了险情报告,而不仅仅是船长或船上的高级官员,也不仅仅是某个部门。
5.9 Are the officers and ratings aware of the requirements of the ISGOTTShip/Shore Safety Check List (SSSCL) and are the provisions of the check list being complied with? 5.9 官员和评级人员是否了解 ISGOTTS 船舶/岸上安全检查清单 (SSSCL) 的要求,是否遵守检查清单的规定?
The ISGOTT SSSC L may be used or altematively a checklist provided by the terminal or the operator which is to an equivalent standard. 可以使用 ISGOTT SSSC L,或者使用由码头或运营商提供的具有同等标准的检查表。
The code letter ‘A’ (Agreement) against an item in the checklist indic atesthat agreement of a procedure should be made in the ‘Remarks’ column of the Check-List or communicated in some other mutually acceptable form. The code letter ‘P’ (Pemission) indic ates that in the case of a negative answer, operations should not be conducted without written permission from the appropriate authority. The code letter ‘R’ (Re-check) indic ates items that are to be re-checked at agreed intervals by both parties, at periodsstated in the declaration. The SSSCL should confirm that these items are being re-checked at the agreed intervals. Do not penalise the vessel with an observation if the shore representatives have not periodic ally signed the rechecks, if the vessel hascompleted their areas correctly. 核对表中某一项目的代码 "A"(同意)表示同意某项程序,应在核对表的 "备注 "栏中写明,或以其他双方都能接受的形式告知。代码 "P"(Pemission)表示,如果答案为否定,则未经有关当局的书面许可,不得进行操作。代码 "R"(Re-check)表示双方同意在声明中规定的时间间隔内重新检查的项目。SSSCL 应确认这些项目正在按商定的时间间隔重新检查。如果岸上代表没有定期在复查表上签字,而船方又正确地完成了复查工作,则不要对船方进行通报批评。
The following criteria should be met in the selection of smoking places whenever petroleum cargoes are being handled or when ballasting into non-gasfree cargo tanks, purging with inert gas, gas freeing ortank cleaning operations are taking place. 在处理石油货物时,或在向不含气的货舱压舱、使用惰性气体吹扫、释放气体或清洗货舱时,选择吸烟区应符合以下标准。
Smoking placesshould be confined to locations within the accommodation. 吸烟区应仅限于室内。
Smoking placesshould not have doors orportsthat open directly on to open decks. 吸烟区不得有直接通向露天甲板的门或端口。
Account should be taken of conditions that may suggest danger, such as an indic ation of unusually high petroleum gasconcentrations, particularly in the absence of wind, and when there are operations on adjacent tankers or on the jetty berth. 应考虑到可能存在危险的情况,例如石油气体浓度异常高的迹象,特别是在无风的情况下,以及邻近油轮或码头泊位正在作业时。
In the designated smoking places, all ports should be kept closed and doors into passageways should be kept closed except when in use. 在指定的吸烟区,所有端口都应保持关闭,通道的门应保持关闭,除非在使用时。
While the tanker is moored at the terminal, even when no operations are in progress, smoking can only be permitted in designated smoking placesor, afterthere has been prioragreement in writing between the Responsible Officer and the Terminal Representative, in any other closed accommodation. 当油轮停泊在码头时,即使没有任何作业正在进行,也只能在指定的吸烟区吸烟,或者在负责官员和码头代表事先达成书面协议后,在任何其他封闭的场所吸烟。
When stem loading/discharge connections are being used, partic ularcare must be taken to ensure that no smoking is allowed in any accommodation orspace, the door orports of which open onto the deck where the stem loading/discharge manifold islocated. (ISGOTT4.2.2.3) 当使用阀杆装载/卸载连接时,必须特别注意确保在任何舱室或空间内禁止吸烟,因为舱室或空间的门或窗 口通向阀杆装载/卸载歧管所在的甲板。(ISGOTT4.2.2.3)
Safety matchesor fixed (car-type) electric al cigarette lighters should be provided in approved smoking locations. All matchesused on board tankers should be of the safety type. Matches should not be camied on the tank deck or in any otherplace where petroleum gasmay be encountered. The restrictions of the use of ‘E-cigarettes’ should be the same as for nomal cigarettes. 在批准的吸烟地点应提供安全火柴或固定式(车载式)电动打火机。油轮上使用的所有火柴均应为安全型。不得在油轮甲板或任何其他可能遇到石油气的地方放置火柴。电子烟 "的使用限制应与普通香烟相同。
The use of all mechanic al lighters and portable lighters with electric al ignition sources should be prohibited onboard tankers. Disposable lighters present a signific ant risk as an uncontrolled ignition source. The unprotected nature of their spark producing mechanism allows them to be easily activated accidentally. 在油轮上应禁止使用所有机械打火机和带电点火源的便携式打火机。一次性打火机作为不受控制的点火源具有很大的危险性。其产生火花的装置没有保护,很容易被意外启动。
The camiage of matches and lighters through terminals should be prohibited. Severe penaltiesmay be levied under loc al regulations fornon-compliance. (ISGOTT 应禁止通过航站楼携带火柴和打火机。根据当地法规,违规者将受到严厉处罚。(
Ashtrays should be of the self-extinguishing type (honeycomb, enclosed) 烟灰缸应为自熄型(蜂窝状、封闭式)
5.10 Are the crew aware of the requirements to keep extemal doors, ports and windows closed in port and is the accommodation space atmosphere maintained at a slightly higher pressure than that of the ambient air? 5.10 船员是否了解在港内应保持外部门、口和窗关闭的要求?
All extemal doors, ports and similaropenings should be closed when the tanker, or a ship at an adjacent berth, is conducting any of the following operations: 当油轮或邻近泊位的船舶进行以下任何操作时,应关闭所有外门、端口和类似开口:
Handling volatile petroleum ornon-volatile petroleum nearto or above its flashpoint. 处理接近或高于闪点的挥发性石油或非挥发性石油。
Loading non-volatile petroleum into tankscontaining hydrocarbon vapour. 将非挥发性石油装入含有碳氢化合物蒸汽的储罐。
Crude oil washing. 原油清洗。
Ballasting, purging, gas freeing ortank washing afterdischarge of volatile petroleum. 挥发性石油排放后的压舱、吹扫、气体释放或罐体清洗。
If extemal doors have to be opened for access, they should be closed immediately after use. Where practical, a single doorshould be used forworking access in port. Doors that must be kept closed should be clearly marked. 如果必须打开室外门才能进入,应在使用后立即关闭。在可行的情况下,港口内的工作通道应使用单一的门。必须保持关闭的门应有明显标记。
Allowance must be made to permit doors and openings to be open if the vessel is storing provided there is no possibility of gasentering the accommodation and that doors do not remain open for longerthan is necessary. 如果船只正在储存,必须允许门和开口打开,但条件是气体不可能进入舱室,而且门打开的时间不得超过必要的时间。
Doors should not normally be locked in port. However, where there are security concems, measures may need to be employed to prevent unauthorised access while at the same time ensuring that there is a means of escape for the personnel inside. 港口内的门通常不应上锁。但是,如果存在安全隐患,则可能需要采取措施防止未经授权的人员进入,同时确保里面的人员有逃生通道。
Engine room vents may be open. However, consideration should be given to closing them where such action would not adversely affect the safe operation of the engine room spacesserved. 机房通风口可以打开。但是,如果关闭通风口不会对机房空间的安全运行造成不利影响,则应考虑关闭通风口。
(ISG OTTSSSCL Guidelines No.17) (ISG OTTSSSCL 准则第 17 号)。
Air conditioning intakesmust be set to ensure that the atmospheric pressure inside the accommodation is always greaterthan that of the extemal atmosphere. Air conditioning systems must not be set to 100%100 \% recirculation, as this will cause the pressure of the intemal atmosphere to fall to less than that of the extemal atmosphere, due to extraction fansoperating in sanitary spaces and galleys. (ISG OTT 4.1) 空调进气口的设置必须确保室内大气压力始终大于室外大气压力。空调系统不得设置为 100%100 \% 再循环,因为这将导致卫生空间和厨房的抽风机工作时,舱内大气压力降至低于舱外大气压力。(ISG OTT 4.1)
Due consideration should be taken to ensure that the pressure differential between that of the inside of the accommodation and that of the outside such that the pressure is not so great as to ensure selfclosing doors operate effectively and doors do not slam shut or open with the risk of increased injury. 应适当考虑确保舱室内部与外部的压力差不会过大,以确保自闭门的有效操作,以及门不会猛然关闭或打开,从而增加受伤的风险。
5.11 Is all loose gear on deck, machinery rooms, stores and in intemal spaces properly secured? 5.11 甲板、机房、仓库和内部空间的所有松散装备是否都妥善固定?
Particular care should be made forthe storage of lube oil and otheroils in drums. They should be well secured with suitable rope or wire lashings on pallets ratherthan directly on the deck and where possible within a containment area. The top of the drum should be covered to prevent potential water standing and subsequent ingress and contamination. 应特别注意将润滑油和其他油品存放在油桶中。应该用合适的绳索或钢丝绳将它们牢牢地固定在托盘上,而不是直接放在甲板上,如有可能,还应该将它们放在隔离区内。油桶顶部应加盖,以防止可能出现的积水以及随后的渗入和污染。
Drills, Training and Familiarisation: 演习、培训和熟悉:
Note: In accordance with the summarised SMSrequirementsaccompanying question 2.2, drillsinvolving relevant personnel should be camied out at regular intervals taking into account the ship type, personnel changes and any other relevant circumstances. Each drill should be as realistic as circumstances allow and there should be a review upon completion. Any action required to improve effectiveness should be noted and acted upon. Use of electronic interactive training aids can be beneficial, provided their use is structured and progress of individuals is monitored. 注:根据问题 2.2 所附的 SMS 要求摘要,应考虑到船舶类型、人员变化和任何其他相关情况,定期进行有相关人员参与的演习。每次演习都应在条件允许的情况下进行,演习结束后应进行复查。应注意到为提高效率而需要采取的任何行动,并就此采取行动。电子互动培训辅助工具的使用可以带来益处,前提是其使用要有条理,并对个人的进展情况进行监控。
5.12 Are the crew familiar with the location and operation of fire and safety equipment and have familiarisations been effectively completed for all staff? 5.12 机组人员是否熟悉消防和安全设备的位置和操作,是否对所有员工进行了有效的熟悉?
The company should establish procedures to ensure that new personnel and personnel transferred to new assignments related to safety and protection of the environment are given properfamiliarization with their duties. Instructions which are essential to be provided priorto sailing should be identified, documented and given. (ISM Code Part A 6.3) 公司应制定程序,确保新员工和调任与安全和环境保护有关的新任务的员工适当熟悉其职责。应确定、记录和提供开船前必须提供的说明。(ISM 规则 A 部分 6.3)
On-board training in the use of the ship’slife-saving appliances, including survival craft equipment, and in the use of the ship’s fire-extinguishing appliances shall be given as soon aspossible but not later than two weeks after a crew memberjoins the ship. However, if the crew member is on a regularly scheduled rotating assignment to the ship, such training shall be given not later than two weeks after the time of first joining the ship. Instructions in the use of the ship’s fire-extinguishing appliances, lifesaving appliances, and in survival at sea shall be given at the same interval as the drills. Individual instruction may cover different parts of the ship’slife-saving and fire-extinguishing appliances, but all the ship’slife-saving and fire-extinguishing appliancesshall be covered within any period of two months. (SOLAS Ch III/19.4.1) 船员上船后,应尽快接受使用船上救生设备(包括求生艇设备)和使用船上灭火设备的培训,最迟不得超过两周。但是,如果船员是定期轮换上船,则此类培训应在船员首次上船后两周内进行。有关使用船上灭火器具、救生设备和海上求生的指导应与演习间隔相同。个别指导可包括船上救生和灭火设备的不同部分,但在任何两个月内应包括船上所有救生和灭火设备。(SOLAS Ch III/19.4.1)
For visitors to the vessel who visit the vessel for short periods of time, i.e. 2 to 3 days, basic familiarisation must be completed upon boarding, and no laterthan 24 hours after joining. 对于短期(2 至 3 天)访问船舶的游客,必须在登船后 24 小时内完成基本熟悉工作。
5.13 Are the crew familiar with their duties in the event of an emergency and are emergency drills being camied out as required? 5.13 船员是否熟悉自己在紧急情况下的职责,是否按要求进行了应急演练?
Emergency procedures should at least include collision, grounding, flooding, heavy weather damage, structural failure, fire (on deck and in cargo tanks, the engine room, pump room and accommodation), explosion, gasortoxic vapour release, critic al machinery failure, rescue from enclosed spaces, serious injury, emergency towing equipment, helic opteroperations and pollution clean-up. 应急程序至少应包括碰撞、搁浅、洪水、恶劣天气损坏、结构故障、火灾(甲板和货舱、轮机舱、水泵房和船舱)、爆炸、有毒气体释放、批评和机械故障、从封闭空间救援、严重伤害、紧急拖曳设备、直升机操作和污染清理。
Each enclosed space entry and rescue drill shall include: 每个封闭空间的进入和救援演习应包括以下内容
checking and use of personal protective equipment required for entry; 检查和使用入场所需的个人防护设备;
checking and use of communic ation equipment and procedures; 检查和使用通信设备和程序;
checking and use of instrumentsformeasuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces; 检查和使用用于测量封闭空间大气的仪器;
Regulardrills should test the feasibility of the ship’s rescue plan under different and diffic ult circumstances. In the drill, an enclosed space should be made safe or, for operational convenience, a non-dangerous space may be used, so long as it provides equivalent, realistic conditionsfor actual real-life rescue. 定期演习应测试船舶救援计划在不同和不同的极端情况下的可行性。在演习中,应使一个封闭的空间变得安全,或者为了操作方便,可以使用一个非危险的空间,只要它能为实际救援提供同等的、真实的条件。
Pollution clean-up drills in accordance with the requirements of the SOPEP or SMPEP should be held at regular intervals. On vessels camying noxious liquids, drills should also be regularly camied out in dealing with chemic al spills. 应按照 SOPEP 或 SMPEP 的要求定期举行污染清理演习。在装载有毒液体的船舶上,还应定期进行处理化学品泄漏的演习。
For IGF Code vessels designed to receive and use gas as a bunkerfuel, Drills and emergency exercises on board shall be conducted at regular intervals. 对于设计用于接收和使用气体作为燃料的 IGF 规则船舶,应定期在船上进行演习和应急演练。
such gas-related exercisescould include for example: 这些与天然气有关的活动可包括:
. 1 tabletop exercise; .1 次桌面练习;
. 2 review of fuelling procedures based in the fuel handling manual required by IGF 18.2.3; .根据 IGF 18.2.3 的要求,对燃料处理手册中的加油程序进行 2 次审查;
. 3 responsesto potential contingences; .3 对潜在突发事件的反应;
. 4 tests of equipment intended for contingency response; and .4 项应急设备测试;以及
. 5 reviews that assigned seafarers are trained to perform assigned dutiesduring fuelling and contingency response. .5 审查指派的海员是否接受过培训,以便在加油和应急响应期间履行指派的职责。
Gasrelated exercisesmay be incorporated into periodic al drills required by SOLAS. The response and safety system for hazards and accident control shall be reviewed and tested. (IGF 17) 与气体有关的演习可纳入《国际海上人命安全公约》要求的定期演习中。应审查和测试危险和事故控制的应对和安全系统。(IGF 17)
5.14 Are the crew familiar with their duties during lifeboat and fire drills and are drills being performed effectively and on a frequency meeting SOLAS and flag state requirements? 5.14 船员是否熟悉自己在救生艇和消防演习中的职责,演习是否有效,频率是否符合 SOLAS 和船旗国的要求?
Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month. The drills of the crew shall take place within 24 hours of the ship leaving a port if more than 25%25 \% of the crew have not partic ipated in abandon ship and fire drills on board that partic ularship in the previous month. (SOLASIII/19.3.2) 每名船员每月至少应参加一次弃船演习和一次消防演习。如果超过 25%25 \% 的船员在上个月没有参加过弃船演习和消防演习,则船员的演习应在船舶离港后24小时内进行。(solasiii/19.3.2)
Except asprovided in paragraphs3.3.4 and 3.3.5, each lifeboat shall be launched, and manoeuvred in the water by its assigned operating crew, at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill.’ (SOLAS III/ Lifeboats maybe launched more frequently than 3 months, but not more than this period. 除第 3.3.4 和 3.3.5 段规定的情况外,每艘救生艇应至少每三个月在弃船演习期间下水一次,并由指定的操作船员在水中操纵。(SOLAS III/救生艇的下水频率可超过 3 个月,但不得超过此期限。
In the case of a lifeboat arranged forfree-fall launching, at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill, the crew shall board the lifeboat, properly secure themselves in their seats and commence launch proceduresup to, but not including, the actual release of the lifeboat (i.e., the release hook shall not be released). The lifeboat shall then eitherbe free-fall launched with only the required operating crew on board orlowered into the waterby means of the secondary means of launching with or without the operating crew on board. In both cases, the lifeboat shall thereafterbe manoeuvred in the water by the operating crew. At intervals of not more than six months, the lifeboat shall either be launched by free fall with only the operating crew on board, orsimulated launching shall be camied out in accordance with the guidelines developed by the Organization. (See MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev. 1 as amended). (SOLASIIII19.3.3.4) 如果救生艇安排为自由落体下水,则至少每三个月一次在弃船演习期间,船员应登上救生艇,正确地固定在座位上,并开始下水程序,直至但不包括实际释放救生艇(即释放钩不得释放)。然后,救生艇应在只有所需的操作人员在艇上的情况下自由落体下水,或在操作人员在艇上或不在艇上的情况下通过辅助下水方式降入水中。在这两种情况下,救生艇随后均应由操作人员在水中操纵。每隔不超过六个月,救生艇应在只有操作船员在船上的情况下以自由落体方式下水,或根据本组织制定的准则进行模拟下水。(见经修订的 MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev.1)。(SOLASIIII19.3.3.4)。
Fire drills should be planned in such a way that due consideration is given to regularpractice in the various emergencies that may occurdepending on the type of ship and the cargo. (SOLASIII/ 在计划消防演习时,应适当考虑到根据船型和货物可能发生的各种紧急情况下的定期演习。(solasiii/
Crew members shall be trained to be familiar with the arrangements of the ship as well asthe location and operation of any fire-fighting systems and appliancesthat they may be called upon to use. 船员应接受培训,熟悉船上的安排以及可能需要使用的任何消防系统和设备的位置和操作。
(SO LAS 2004 II-2/
Each fire drill shall include: 每次消防演习应包括
Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list; 到驻地报到,准备履行集结名单中规定的职责;
Starting a fire pump, using at least the two required jets of waterto show that the system is in proper working order; 启动消防泵,至少使用所需的两股水柱,以显示系统处于正常工作状态;
Checking of fireman’s outfit and otherpersonal rescue equipment; 检查消防员装备和其他个人救援装备;
Checking of relevant communic ation equipment; 检查相关通讯设备;
Checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilating systems in the drill area; and, 检查演习区域的水密门、防火门、防火阀和通风系统主要进出口的运行情况;以及
Checking the necessary a rrangements for subsequent abandoning of the ship. 检查随后弃船的必要安排。
Feedback from drills shall be captured to verify the effectiveness of onboard training. 应收集演习的反馈信息,以核实船上培训的有效性。
5.15 Is there evidence of regular training in the use of life-saving equipment undertaken and are crew familiar with those requirements and the location / contents of the training manuals? 5.15 是否有证据表明定期进行了使用救生设备的培训,船员是否熟悉这些要求和培训手册的位置/内容?
Instructions in the use of the ship’s fire-extinguishing appliances, life-saving appliances, and in survival at sea shall be given at the same interval as the drills. Individual instruction may cover different parts of the ship’slife-sa ving and fire-extinguishing appliances, but all the ship’slife-saving and fire-extinguishing appliances shall be covered within any period of two months. (SO LASCh III/19.4.1). 使用船上灭火器具、救生设备和海上求生的指导应与演习间隔相同。个别指导可涉及船舶救生和灭火设备的不同部分,但所有船舶救生和灭火设备均应在任何两个月内进行。(SO LASCh III/19.4.1)。
Every crew member shall be given instructions which shall include but not necessarily be limited to: 应向每名船员发出指示,其中包括但不一定限于
Operation and use of the ship’s inflatable liferafts; 船上充气救生筏的操作和使用;
Problems of hypothemia, first-aid treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first-a id procedures; 低体温症的问题、低体温症的急救处理和其他适当的急救程序;
Special instructions nec essary for use of the ship’slife-saving appliances in severe weather and severe sea conditions; and, 在恶劣天气和恶劣海况下使用船上救生设备所需的特别说明;以及
Operation and use of fire-extinguishing appliances. 灭火器的操作和使用。
(SO LAS III/19.4.2)
On board training in the use of davit-launched liferafts shall take place at intervals of not more than four months on every ship fitted with such appliances. (SOLASIII/19.4.3) 在每艘装有这种装置的船上,应每隔不超过四个月进行一次使用吊艇救生筏的船上培训。(solasiii/19.4.3)
All oil tankers, chemic al tankers, gascamiers and bulk camiers shall develop vessel-specific plans and procedures for the recovery of persons from the water (SO LAS III/17.1) 所有油轮、化学品船、气垫船和散装货轮均应制定针对船舶的人员打捞计划和程序 (SO LAS III/17.1)
The recovery plans and proceduresshould facilitate the transfer of persons from the water to the ship while minimizing the risk of injury from impact with the ship’s side orother structures, including the recovery appliance itself. 打捞计划和程序应有助于将人员从水中转移到船上,同时最大限度地降低因撞击船舷或其他结构(包括打捞设备本身)而受伤的风险。
Drills should ensure that crew are familiar with the plans, procedures and equipment for recovery of persons from the water. Such drillsmay be conducted in conjunction with routine man-overboard drills. (MSC.1/Circ 1447) 演习应确保船员熟悉打捞落水人员的计划、程序和设备。此类演习可与例行的人员落水演习一并进行。(MSC.1/Circ 1447)
A training manual shall be provided in each crew messroom and recreation room, or in each cabin. (SOLAS III/35.2) 每个船员餐厅和娱乐室或每个船舱都应配备培训手册(SOLAS III/35.2)
The training manual shall contain instructions and information, in easily understood terms illustrated wherever possible, on the life-saving appliancesprovided in the ship and on the best methods of survival. Any part of such information may be provided in the form of audio-visual aids in lieu of the manual. (SOLAS III/35.3) 培训手册应尽可能以通俗易懂的图解方式,包含有关船上所配备的救生设备和最佳生存方法的说明和信息。此类信息的任何部分可以视听辅助设备的形式提供,以代替手册。(Solas III/35.3)
Enclosed Space and Pump Room Entry Procedures: 封闭空间和泵房进入程序:
Notes: Proceduresrelating to enclosed space entry are covered by, IMO Assembly resolution A1050 (27) (Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard ships), MSC.1/Circ 1401 (Guidelines forTank entry on Board Tankers using Nitrogen as an Inerting Medium) and ISGOTTChapter 10. 注:有关进入封闭空间的程序见国际海事组织大会第 A1050 (27) 号决议(经修订的关于进入船上封闭空间的建议)、MSC.1/Circ 1401 号决议(使用氮气作为惰性介质的油轮进入油舱指南)和 ISGOTTC 第 10 章。
Enclosed space meansa space which has any of the following characteristics: 封闭空间指具有以下任何特征的空间:
1- limited openings for entry and exit; 1- 限制出入口;
2 -inadequate ventilation; and 2 - 通风不足;以及
3 -is not designed forcontinuous workeroccupancy, 3 - 不是为工人连续使用而设计的、
and includes, but is not limited to, cargo spaces, double bottoms, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressorrooms, cofferdams, chain lockers, void spaces, duct keels, inter-bamierspaces, boilers, engine crankcases, engine scavenge air receivers, sewage tanks, and adjacent connected spaces. This list is not exhaustive, and a list should be produced on a ship-by-ship basis to identify enclosed spaces. (A1050/27) 并包括但不限于货舱、双层底舱、燃料舱、压载舱、货泵房、货用压缩机房、围堰、链条储物柜、空隙空间、管道龙骨、舱间空间、锅炉、发动机曲轴箱、发动机扫气装置、污水舱以及相邻的连接空间。此清单并非详尽无遗,应按船舶逐一编制清单,以确定封闭空间。(A1050/27)
An enclosed space is a space that has limited openings for entry and exit, unfavourable natural ventilation, and that is not designed for continuous workeroccupancy. 封闭空间是指出入口有限、自然通风不畅、设计上不适合工人连续使用的空间。
(ISG OTT Definitions (ISG OTT 定义
p xxvi) 第 xxvi 页)
Enclosed spaces include, but are not limited to, cargo spaces, double bottoms, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, pump rooms, cofferdams, void spaces, duct keels, inter-bamierspaces, engine crankc ases and sewage. The Masterand responsible offic erare responsible fordetermining whetherentry into an enclosed space may be permitted. It is the duty of the responsible officer to ensure: 封闭空间包括但不限于货舱、双层底舱、油舱、压载舱、泵房、围堰、空隙、管道龙骨、坝间空间、发动机曲轴箱和下水道。船长和负责官员负责决定是否允许进入封闭空间。负责官员有责任确保:
That the space is ventilated. 空间通风。
That the atmosphere in the compartment istested and found satisfactory. 对车厢内的空气进行检测,结果令人满意。
That safeguards are in place to protect personnel from the hazardsthat are identified. 制定保障措施,保护人员免受已识别危险的伤害。
That appropriate means for controlling entry are in place. 有适当的入口控制手段。
Personnel camying out work in an enclosed space are responsible for following the procedures and for using the safety equipment specified. 在封闭空间内工作的人员有责任遵守规定的程序和使用规定的安全设备。
Prior to entry into an enclosed space, a risk assessment should be completed to identify the potential hazards and to detemine the safeguards to be adopted. The resulting safe working practice should be documented and approved by the responsible officerbefore being countersigned by the Master, who confirms that the practice is safe and in compliance with the ship’s Safety Management System. The permit, or other enabling document, should be sighted and completed by the person entering the space, priorto entry. 在进入封闭空间之前,应完成风险评估,以确定潜在的危险,并确定应采取的保障措施。由此产生的安全工作方法应记录在案并由负责官员批准,然后由船长会签,确认该方法安全并符合船舶安全管理系统。进入空间的人员应在进入前查看并填写许可证或其他授权文件。
The controls required for safe entry vary with the task being performed and the potential hazards identified during the risk assessment. However, in most cases an Entry Permit System will provide a convenient and effective means of ensuring and documenting that essential precautions have been taken and, where necessary, that physic al safeguardshave been put in place. The adoption of an Entry Permit System, which may include the use of a check list, is therefore recommended. 安全进入所需的控制措施因所执行的任务和风险评估中确定的潜在危害而异。不过,在大多数情况下,"进入许可制度 "将提供一种方便有效的手段,确保并记录已采取的基本预防措施,并在必要时落实物理保障措施。因此,建议采用入境许可制度,包括使用核对清单。
Permission to continue work should only be given for a period suffic ient to complete the task. Under no circumstances should the period exceed one day. 只允许在完成任务所需的时间内继续工作。在任何情况下都不得超过一天。
A copy of the permit should be prominently displayed at the entrance to the space to inform personnel of the precautions to be taken when entering the space and of any restrictions placed upon the activities permitted within the space. 许可证副本应放在空间入口处的显著位置,以告知人员进入空间时应采取的预防措施以及对允许在空间内进行的活动所施加的任何限制。
The permit should be rendered invalid if ventilation of the space stops or if any of the conditions noted in the check list change. 如果空间的通风停止,或检查清单中的任何条件发生变化,许可证应失效。
Restricting the issue of approvals, such as entry permits, so that all cargo tanks which are safe to enter are shown on one document, may be found to simplify the paperAdministration, avoid overlapping and the possibility of confusion asto which approval appliesto which tank. However, if such a system is used, there must be rigorouscontrol to ensure cancellation of existing permits, and that the atmospheresof all named tanks are correctly tested at the time of issue so that an effective extension of a period of valid ity does not occur by default. It will be particularly important to ensure that the permit process is supplemented by the marking of tank lids with noticesindic ating which tanks are safe to enter. 限制进入许可等批准书的签发,使所有可安全进入的货舱都显示在一份文件上,可简 化文件管理,避免重叠和混淆哪个批准书适用于哪个货舱的可能性。但是,如果使用这种系统,必须有严格的控制,以确保取消现有的许可证,并确保在签发许可证时对所有指定罐体的大气环境进行正确的测试,这样就不会因缺失而有效地延长有效期。尤其重要的是,要确保在罐盖上标明哪些罐可以安全进入,以此来补充许可程序。
Inspection of cargo tanks after cleaning and before loading can require an independent surveyor to enter the tank. All relevant tank entry procedures must be observed. 清洗后和装货前对货舱的检查可能需要独立的检验员进入货舱。必须遵守所有相关的罐体进入程序。
(ISG OTT 10.4)
Note: The OCIMF G uidelines on Safety Management Systems for Hot Work and Entry into Enclosed 注:OCIMF《高温作业和进入封闭空间作业安全管理系统指南》(OCIMF G uidelines on Safety Management Systems for Hot Work and Entry into Enclosed
Spaces(1st Ed September2008) information papermust be taken into account in the development of enclosed space entry procedures. 《空间》(2008 年 9 月第 1 版)资料性文件,在制定封闭空间进入程序时必须加以考虑。
5.16 Are the officers a ware of the industry requirements for enclosed space entry and have these 5.16 主管人员是否了解进入封闭空间的行业要求,以及这些要求是否
been c orrectly followed?
Enclosed space means a space which has any of the following characteristics: 封闭空间是指具有以下任何特征的空间:
. 1 limited openings for entry and exit; .1 个有限的出入口;
. 2 inadequate ventilation; and .2 通风不足;以及
. 3 is not designed for continuous workeroccupancy, .3 的设计不适合工人连续使用、
and includes, but is not limited to, cargo spaces, double bottoms, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, cargo pump-rooms, cargo compressor rooms, cofferdams, chain lockers, void spaces, duct keels, inter-bamier spaces, boilers, engine crankc ases, engine scavenge air receivers, sewage tanks, and adjacent connected spaces. This list is not exhaustive, and a list should be produced on a ship-by-ship basis to identify enclosed spaces. 并包括但不限于货舱、双层底舱、燃料舱、压载舱、货泵房、货用压缩机房、围堰、链条储物柜、空隙空间、管道龙骨、舱间空间、锅炉、发动机曲轴箱、发动机排气接收器、污水舱以及相邻的连接空间。此清单并非详尽无遗,应根据每艘船舶的具体情况编制清单,以确定封闭空间。
(Resolution A1050 (27)) (第 A1050(27)号决议)
Procedures relating to enclosed space entry are covered by, IMO Assembly resolution A1050 (27) (Revised Recommendationsfor Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard ships), MSC.1/Circ 1401 (Guidelines forTank entry on Board Tankers using Nitrogen as an Inerting Medium) and ISGOTTChapter 10. 与进入封闭空间有关的程序载于国际海事组织大会第 A1050 (27) 号决议(《关于进入船舶封闭空间的修订建议》)、MSC.1/Circ 1401 号决议(《使用氮气作为惰性介质的油轮进入油舱指南》)和 ISGOTTC 第 10 章。
In order to simplify the administrative process all cargo tanks which have been tested and found to be safe forentry may be shown on one permit, but the permit must record the readingsforeach compartment and the same entry procedures must be applied for each compartment entered. Undersuch circumstancescompartments should be tagged to indic ate which are safe to enter and which are not and rigorous control must be in place to ensure that permits are cancelled and the tags changed when entry has been completed. 为了简化管理程序,所有经过测试并认为可以安全进入的货舱都可以显示在一张许可证上,但许可证必须记录每个货舱的读数,而且每个货舱都必须适用同样的进入程序。在这种情况下,应在货舱上贴上标签,标明哪些是可以安全进入的,哪些是不可以进入的,而且必须有严格的控制措施,以确保在完成进入后取消许可证并更换标签。
To be considered safe forentry a reading of not more than 1% LFL must be obtained on suitable monitoring equipment. Further, there shall be not more than 50%50 \% of the occupational exposure limit (OEL) of any toxic vapours and gases. OEL can be found on the MSDS Section 8 and may be based on Time Weighted Average (TWA) values recorded. 在适当的监测设备上读取的读数必须不超过 LFL 的 1%,才算安全。此外,任何有毒蒸气和气体的浓度不得超过 50%50 \% 职业接触限值 (OEL)。OEL 可参见 MSDS 第 8 节,可能以记录的时间加权平均值 (TWA) 为基础。
Entry into a compartment which hasnot be cleaned orproved safe forentry must only be considered in an emergency situation. The operator should be involved in any decision to enter such a compartment. 只有在紧急情况下,才可考虑进入未经清理或未证明安全的隔间。在决定是否进入此类舱室时,操作员应参与其中。
The use of personal analyzers capable of continuously monitoring the oxygen content of the atmosphere, the presence of hydroc arbon vapour and, if appropriate, toxic vapour is strongly recommended. 强烈建议使用个人分析仪,以持续监测大气中的氧气含量、碳氢化合物蒸汽的存在,并酌情监测有毒蒸汽的存在。
Permission to work should only be given for a period suffic ient to complete the task and a specific risk assessment hasbeen camied out. Underno circumstances should the period exceed one day. NB: The term “one day” means a duration which must not exceed 12 hours. 只允许在完成任务所需的时间内工作,并已进行了具体的风险评估。在任何情况下都不得超过一天。注意:"一天 "是指不得超过 12 小时的时间。
5.17 Are the crew a ware of safe entry procedures into the pump room, compressor rooms and trunk spaces as applic able and are safe entry procedures being followed? 5.17 机组人员是否了解安全进入泵房、压缩机房和干线空间的程序?
Cargo pumprooms are to be considered as enclosed spaces and the requirements of this Chapter should be followed to the maximum extent possible. However, because of their location, design and operational need for the space to be routinely entered by personnel, pumprooms present a particular hazard and therefore necessitate special precautions, which are described in the following Sections. (ISG OTT 10.10) 货物泵房应视为封闭空间,应尽可能遵守本章的要求。然而,由于泵房的位置、设计和人员日常进入空间的操作需要,泵房具有特殊的危险性,因此需要采取特殊的预防措施,这些措施将在以下章节中进行说明。(国际标准化组织 OTT 10.10)
Before anyone enters a pumproom, it should be thoroughly ventilated, the oxygen content of the atmosphere should be verified and the atmosphere checked for the presence of hydrocarbons and any toxic gas associated with the cargo being handled. 在任何人进入泵房之前,都应彻底通风,核实空气中的氧气含量,并检查空气中是否存在碳氢化合物以及与所处理货物有关的任何有毒气体。
Only where a fixed gasdetection system is corectly calibrated and tested and provides gas readings as a percentage LFL (%LFL) to a level of accuracy equivalent to portable gasinstruments, at representative locations within the pumproom, should it be used to provide information for safe entry into the space. 只有在固定式气体检测系统经过正确校准和测试,并能在泵房内具有代表性的位置提供与便携式气体检测仪精度相当的气体读数 LFL 百分比 (%LFL),才可用于提供安全进入空间的信息。
Formal procedures should be in place to control pumproom entry. The procedure used should be based on a risk assessment, should ensure that risk mitigation measures are followed, and that entries into the space are recorded. 应制定正式程序来控制泵房的进入。所使用的程序应以风险评估为基础,应确保遵循风险缓解措施,并记录进入空间的情况。
A communic ations system should provide links between the pumproom, navigation bridge, engine room and cargo control room. In addition, audible and visual repeaters for essential alarm systems, such as the general alarm and the fixed extinguishing system alam, should be provided within the pumproom. 通信系统应在泵房、驾驶台、轮机舱和货物控制室之间建立联系。此外,还应在泵房内为基本警报系统(如一般警报和固定灭火系统警报)提供声光中继器。
Arrangements should be established to enable effective communic ation to be maintained at all times between personnel within the pumproom and those outside. Regular communic ation checks should be made at pre-agreed intervals and failure to respond should be cause to raise the alarm. 应作出安排,使泵房内和泵房外的人员之间始终保持有效的联系。应在事先商定的时间间隔内定期检查通讯情况,如果没有响应,则应发出警报。
VHF/UHF communic ation should not be used as a primary communic ation method where it is known that reception may not be reliable or practic able due to noise. Where communic ation by VHF/UHF is diffic ult, it is recommended that a standby person is positioned on the pumproom top and that a visual and remote communication procedure isput in place. 在已知由于噪音而导致接收不可靠或不实用的情况下,不应将甚高频/超高频通信作为主要通信方法。在难以使用甚高频/超高频通信的情况下,建议在泵房顶部安排一名备用人员,并制定可视和远程通信程序。
The frequency of pumproom entry for routine inspection purposesduring cargo operations should be reviewed with a view to minimising personnel exposure. 应审查在货运作业期间为例行检查而进入泵房的频率,以尽量减少人员接触泵房的机会。
Notices should be displayed at the pumproom entrance prohibiting entry without formal permission. 应在泵房入口处张贴告示,禁止未经正式许可进入泵房。
(ISG OTT 10.10.2) (总干事办公室 10.10.2)
Forthe purpose of thisquestion a pumproom may eitherbe a Cargo pumproom, Ballast pumproom, or Fuel oil transfer Pumproom. 就本问题而言,泵房可以是货物泵房、压载泵房或燃油输送泵房。
Electric motorrooms, cargo compressor and pump-rooms, spacescontaining cargo handling equipment and otherenclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumulate shall be fitted with fixed artificial ventilation systems capable of being controlled from outside such spaces. The ventilation shall be run continuously to prevent the accumulation of toxic and/or flammable vapours, with a means of monitoring acceptable to the Administration to be provided. A waming notice requiring the use of such ventilation prior to entering shall be placed outside the compartment. (IGC 12.1.1) 電動機房、貨物壓縮機房及泵房、裝有貨物處理設備的空間,以及其他可能積聚貨物蒸氣的密閉空間,均須裝設可從該等空間外控制的固定人工通風系統。通風系統須持續運作,以防止有毒及/或易燃蒸氣積聚,並須提供當局可接受的監察方法。须在舱室外张贴要求在进入舱室前使用通风设备的警告。(IGC 12.1.1)
5.18 Are pump room, compressor rooms and trunk spaces (as applicable) adequately ventilated? 5.18 泵房、压缩机房和主干空间(如适用)是否通风良好?
Cargo pump rooms shall be mechanic ally ventilated and discharges from the exhaust fans shall be led to a safe place on deck. The ventilation of these rooms shall have suffic ient capacity to minimise the possibility of accumulation of flammable vapours. The number of changes of air shall be at least 20 per hour. The ventilation shall be of the suction type using fans of non-sparking type. (SO LASII2/ 货物泵房须有机械通风装置,排气扇的排气须引至甲板上的安全地点。这些房间的通风能力应足以将易燃蒸汽积聚的可能性降至最低。换气次数应至少为每小时 20 次。通风方式应为吸入式,使用不产生火花的风扇。(so lasii2/
On vessels constructed after 1stJ uly 2002, lighting in cargo pump-rooms, except emergency lighting, shall be interlocked with ventilation such that the ventilation shall be in operation when switching on 在 2002 年 7 月 1 日之后建造的船舶上,除应急照明外,货物泵房的照明应与通风系统联锁,以便在开启时通风系统处于工作状态。
the lighting. Failure of the ventilation system shall not cause the lighting to go out. (SOLAS 2004 II2/ 照明。通风系统故障不应导致照明熄灭。(SOLAS 2004 II2/
Pumproom fans must be operating in the extraction mode. If only one extraction fan is installed, arrangements must be provided to provide extraction in case of failure. On some vessels with ballast or fuel oil transferpumprooms only one extraction fan is fitted. In the event of failure altemative temporary a rangements combined with a risk assessment/enclosed space entry permit must be made priorto entry. 泵房风机必须以抽风模式运行。如果只安装了一个抽风机,则必须作出安排,以便在发生故障时提供抽排功能。在某些装有压舱物或燃油输送泵房的船舶上,只安装了一个抽风机。在发生故障时,必须在进入前提供临时替代措施和风险评估/封闭空间进入许可。
Pump-rooms intended solely for ballast transfer need not comply with the requirements of regulation II2/4.5.10. The requirements of regulation II-2/4.5.10 are only applicable to the pump-rooms where pumpsforcargo, such ascargo pumps, stripping pumps, pumpsforslop tanks, pumpsforCOW or similar pumps are provided. “Similar pumps” includes pumps intended for transfer of fuel oil having a flashpoint not exceeding 60C. Pump-rooms intended for transfer of fuel oil having a flashpoint exceeding 60C need not comply with the requirements of regulation II-2/4.5.10. (IACS Unified Interpretation) 仅用于输送压舱物的泵房不必遵守第 II-2/4.5.10 条的要求。规例 II-2/4.5.10 的要求仅适用于装有货物泵,如货物泵、剥离泵、泔水舱泵、化 学品泵或类似泵的泵房。"类似泵 "包括用于输送闪点不超过 60C 的燃油的泵。用于输送闪点超过 60C 的燃油的泵房不需要符合第 II-2/4.5.10 条的要求(IACS 统一解释)。
Note: For the purpose of thisquestion a pumproom may either be a Cargo pumproom, Ballast pumproom, or Fuel oil transferPumproom. Bow thruster spaces need not comply with SOLAS regulation II-2/4.5.10 注:就本问题而言,泵房可以是货物泵房、压载泵房或燃油输送泵房。船首推进器空间无需遵守 SOLAS 规则 II-2/4.5.10
The ventilation system for electric motorrooms, cargo compressor and pump-rooms, spaces containing cargo handling equipment shall have a capacity of not less than 30 changes of air per hour, based upon the total volume of the space. As an exception, non-hazardous cargo control rooms may have eight changes of air perhour. (IGC 12.1.3) 电动机房、货物压缩机房和水泵房以及装有货物装卸设备的空间的通风系统,按空间总容积计算,每小时换气次数不得少于 30 次。作为例外,非危险货物控制室每小时可换气 8 次。(IGC 12.1.3)
Where fans are required by this chapter, full required ventilation capacity foreach space shall be a vailable afterfailure of any single fan, or spare parts shall be provided comprising a motor, starter spares and complete rotating element, including bearings of each type. 如果本章对风机有要求,则在任何单个风机发生故障后,每个空间都应具备所需的全部通 风能力,或提供由电机、启动器备件和完整旋转元件(包括每种类型的轴承)组成的备件。
(IGC 12.1.8)
Note: There is no requirement forfansto be operating in extraction mode only on gascamiers, but rather on the basis of pressure differential. 注:不要求风扇仅在气体流量计上以抽气模式运行,而是以压差为基础。
5.19 Are the officers aware of the correct settings of pump room fire and flooding dampers and are the dampers clearly marked and in good order? 5.19 官员们是否知道泵房防火和防洪风门的正确设置,风门是否有明确标记且完好无损?
Often the venting system is fitted with high level suctions at or above the bottom gratings, the flaps of which are operable from the pump room top. The purpose of these suctions is to allow the fansto be operated when the bilges are flooded. Regardless of whether the pump room is a cargo pump room or ballast pump room, the high-level suction flaps, under nomal conditions should be closed. 通常情况下,排气系统会在底部格栅或其上方安装高位吸气口,其挡板可从泵房顶部进行操作。这些吸口的作用是在舱底被水淹没时让风扇运转。无论泵房是货运泵房还是压载泵房,在正常情况下,高位抽吸挡板都应关闭。
5.20 Are the crew aware of the permanent arangements provided for lifting an incapacitated person from the cargo and, if applicable, the ballast pumproom, including provision of a suitable stretcher or hamess and is the equipment in good order? 5.20 船员是否了解从货舱和压载泵房(如适用)抬起失去行动能力者的固定安排,包括提供合适的担架或锤子,设备是否完好?
The pump room rescue hamess and rope should be checked regularly to ensure it is fit for use and rigged forimmediate operation. (ISGOTT 10.11.3) 应定期检查泵房的救援仓和绳索,以确保其适合使用并可立即投入使用。(isgott 10.11.3)
It is recommended that stretcher be provided in lieu of a hamess if it can be effectively used. For the purpose of this question a pumproom may eitherbe a Cargo pumproom, Ballast pumproom, orFuel oil transfer Pumproom. Bow thruster spacesneed not comply with SO LAS regulation II-2/4.5.10 如果可以有效地使用担架,建议用担架来代替舱门。就本问题而言,泵房可以是货物泵房、压载泵房或燃油输送泵房。艏侧推器空间无需遵守 SO LAS 规则 II-2/4.5.10
Monitoring Non-Cargo Spaces: 监控非货运空间:
Note: Void and ballast tank spaces within the cargo tank block should be routinely monitored to check that no leakage hasoccurred from adjacent cargo tanks. Monitoring should include regularchecksfor hydroc arbon content and regular sounding/ullaging of the empty spaces, particularly to ensure that ballast, before it is discharged, is clean. 注: 应对货油舱内的空舱和压载舱空间进行例行监测,以检查相邻货舱是否发生泄漏。监测应包括定期检查碳氢化合物含量和定期对空舱进行探测/测流,特别是确保压舱物在排放前是干净的。
5.21 Are spaces adjacent to cargo tanks, including pipe ducts, regularly monitored for acc umulations of gas with an operable fixed and / or portable measuring equipment? 5.21 是否使用可操作的固定和/或便携式测量设备定期监测与货油箱相邻的空间(包括管道)的气体浓度?
Suitable portable instruments formeasuring oxygen and flammable vapour concentrations shall be provided. In selecting these instruments, due attention shall be given to their use in combination with the fixed gas sampling line systems referred to in paragraph (SOLASII-2/ Where the atmosphere in double hull spacescannot be reliably measured using flexible gas sampling hoses, such spaces shall be fitted with permanent gas sampling lines. The configuration of gas sampling lines shall be adapted to the design of such spaces. (SOLASII-2/ 应提供测量氧气和易燃蒸汽浓度的合适便携式仪器。在选择这些仪器时,应适当注意与第 段所述的固定气体取样管路系统结合使用。 (SOLASII-2/ 如果双层船体空间的大气不能用柔性气体取样管可靠地测量,则应在这些空间安装永久性气体取样管路。气体取样管的配置应与此类空间的设计相适应。(SOLASII-2/
In addition to the requirements in paragraphs5.7.1 and 5.7.2, oil tankers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above, constructed on or after 1 J anuary 2012, shall be provided with a fixed hydrocarbon gas detection system complying with the Fire Safety Systems Code for measuring hydrocarbon gas concentrations in all ballast tanks and void spaces of double-hull and double-bottom spaces adjacent 除第 5.7.1 和 5.7.2 段的要求外,2012 年 1 月 1 日或之后建造的 20,000 吨及以上载重量的油轮,应配备符合《消防安全系统规范》的固定式碳氢化合物气体探测系统,用于测量所有压载舱和相邻双壳及双底空间的空隙中的碳氢化合物气体浓度。
to the cargo tanks, including the forepeak tank and any othertanks and spaces under the bulkhead deck adja cent to cargo tanks. (SOLASII-2/Reg 货舱,包括前舱货舱和舱壁甲板下与货舱相连的任何其他货舱和空间(SOLASII-2/Reg。(SOLASII-2/Reg。
Guidelines for design, construction and testing of fixed hydroc arbon gas detection systems (MSC.1/Circ.1370). 固定式水文气体探测系统的设计、建造和测试准则(MSC.1/Circ.1370)。
In the event of failure of the fixed gas detection system, manual checks must be made. Records should be reviewed to ensure that these have been conducted. Manufacturers’ instructionsforthe maintenance of the system should be followed. 如果固定式气体检测系统出现故障,必须进行人工检查。应审查记录以确保已进行过检查。应遵守制造商关于系统维护的说明。
There should be a procedure forthe regularmonitoring of all spacesadjacent to the cargo tanks for accumulations of gas. If monitoring is made by use of portable instruments, the method, frequency of checking and adequacy of records should be established. 应制定一项程序,定期监测与货舱相邻的所有空间是否有气体积聚。如果使用便携式仪器进行监测,则应规定监测方法、检查频率和适当的记录。
5.22 Where a fixed system to monitor flammable atmospheres in non-cargo spaces is fitted, are recorders and alarms in order? 5.22 在非货舱空间安装固定的可燃气体监测系统时,记录器和警报器是否正常?
Note: In the event of failure of the main system, manual checksmust be made. Records should be reviewed to ensure that these have been conducted. Manufacturers’ instructionsfor the maintenance of the system should be followed. 注:如果主系统发生故障,必须进行人工检查。应审查记录以确保已进行过检查。应遵循制造商的系统维护说明。
Gas Analysing Equipment 气体分析设备
5.23 Does the vessel have appropriate duplicate portable gas detection equipment suitable for the cargoes carried, are the offic ers’ familiar with the operation, calibration and is the equipment being maintained in accordance with manufacturers and industry recommendations? 5.23 船舶是否有适合所运货物的适当的重复便携式气体检测设备,官员是否熟悉设备的操作和校准,是否按照制造商和行业建议对设备进行维护?
Tankers shall be equipped with at least one portable instrument formeasuring oxygen and one for measuring flammable vapour concentrations, together with a suffic ient set of spares. Suitable means shall be provided for the calibration of such instruments. (SOLASII-2/ 罐车应至少配备一台测量氧气和一台测量易燃蒸汽浓度的便携式仪器,并配备足够的备用仪器。应提供校准这些仪器的适当手段。(solasii-2/
Notes: Each vessel should camy at least two each oxygen and LEL analysers. Personal oxygen and hydrocarbon analysers, which can be camied in a pocket oron a belt, should be available fortank, enclosed space or pump room entry. The manufacturers’ recommended intervals for senvicing the equipment must be observed and procedures in place for the replacement of parts such as filters, at the manufacturers’ recommended intervals. 备注:每个容器应至少配备两个氧气和 LEL 分析仪。个人氧气和碳氢化合物分析仪可放在口袋里或皮带上,在进入罐体、密闭空间或泵房时应备有。必须遵守制造商建议的设备维护间隔,并按照制造商建议的间隔制定更换过滤器等部件的程序。
Use of a self-test facility does not necessarily mean that an analyser is operating correctly. An instrument may self-test satisfactorily, but then fail to register a lack of oxygen orthe presence of gas. The only way to be sure that a machine is operating satisfactorily is to use a sample check gas. 使用自检功能并不一定意味着分析仪操作正确。仪器的自检结果可能令人满意,但随后却无法记录缺氧或气体存在的情况。唯一能确保机器正常运行的方法就是使用检查气体样本。
A procedure must require that all oxygen and hydroc arbon analysers are checked forcorrect operation before each use. Nitrogen must generally be used when calibrating oxygen analysers, but some multiple function analysers use a test gas which serves all the functions of the analyser with one sample gas and which has oxygen content of 20.9%20.9 \%. 程序必须要求在每次使用前检查所有氧气和碳氢化合物分析仪的操作是否正确。校准氧气分析仪时通常必须使用氮气,但有些多功能分析仪使用一种测试气 体,这种气体只需一种样气就能实现分析仪的所有功能,其氧气含量为 20.9%20.9 \% 。
In the case of hydroc arbon gas analysers, the correct test gas specified in the manufacturers’ documentation must be used and offic ers must know what the result of using that test gas should be. This applies to each type of analyser on board. As above, some multiple function analysersuse a test gaswhich tests all the functions with one sample gas. 在使用碳氢化合物气体分析仪时,必须使用制造商文件中规定的正确测试气体,而且操作人员必须知道使用该测试气体的结果。这适用于船上的每一种分析仪。如上所述,有些多功能分析仪使用一种测试气体,用一种样气测试所有功能。
Notes: Vesselsequipped with inert gas/ nitrogen padding should camy two analysers capable of measuring hydroc arbon content in an inert atmosphere. 注:装有惰性气体/氮垫的容器应装有两个分析仪,能够测量惰性气氛中的碳氢化合物含量。
Personnel should ensure that the analyserbeing used formeasuring hydroc arbon content in an inert gas atmosphere is in fact capable of doing so accurately. Analysers which measure hydroc arbons using an infra-red principle are designed for use in oxygen-defic ient atmospheres. In caseswhere a vessel is not fitted with an inert gas system, but does employ nitrogen blanketing, these instruments must be provided. 工作人员应确保用于测量惰性气体环境中碳氢化合物含量的分析仪确实能够准确测量。利用红外线原理测量碳氢化合物的分析仪是专为在缺氧环境中使用而设计的。如果容器没有安装惰性气体系统,但采用了氮气充填,则必须配备这些仪器。
Cargo and bunkerfuels should not be treated asfree of H2S (or benzene) until after they have been loaded and the absence of H2S has been confirmed by both the results of monitoring and the relevant MSDS information. (ISG OTT2.3.6.1) 货物和船用燃料在装船后,经监测结果和相关的材料安全数据表(MSDS)信息确认不含 H2S(或苯)之前,不应被视为不含 H2S(或苯)。(ISOG OTT2.3.6.1)
The use of personal H2S gas monitoring instruments by personnel engaged in cargo operations is strongly recommended. (ISG OTT 《强烈建议从事货物操作的人员使用个人 H2S 气体监测仪器。(国际海上人命安全公约》。
Two toxic gasdetectors are required on vessels camying noxious liquids. There should be an adequate supply of chemical indicatortubes(e.g. Draegertubes), orotherelectronic equivalents specific to the cargoesbeing camied and they should be within their expiry date. An up to date inventory of chemical indic atortubes should be maintained. Personnel should be aware that some instrument sensors could be poisoned if exposed to high concentrations of CO2. 装载有毒液体的船只必须配备两个有毒气体检测器。化学指示管(如 Draegertubes)或装载货物的电子等效物的供应应充足,并应在有效期内。应保持化学指示管的最新库存。工作人员应了解,如果接触高浓度的二氧化碳,某些仪器传感器可能会中毒。
Hot Work Procedures: 高温作业程序:
5.24 Are offic ers aware of the requirements for hot work and are hot work procedures in accordance with the recommendations of ISGOTTand OCIMF guidelines? 5.24 官员是否了解热工作的要求,热工作程序是否符合 ISGOTT 和 OCIMF 准则的建议?
There have been a number of fires and explosions due to Hot Work in, on, ornearcargo tanks orother spaces that contain, or that have previously contained, flammable substances or substancesthat emit flammable vapours. Hot Work should only be considered if there are no practical altemative means of repair. (ISGOTT9.4) 在装有或曾经装有易燃物质或散发易燃蒸汽的物质的货油箱或其他空间内、上或下进行热作业时,曾发生过多起火灾和爆炸事件。只有在没有其他切实可行的维修方法的情况下,才可考虑进行热作业。(ISGOTT9.4)
The SMS should include adequate guidance on control of Hot Work and should be robust enough to ensure compliance. (See Fig 9.2) Absence of guidance should be regarded asprohibition rather than approval (IMO MSC/Circ. 1084). (ISG OTT9.4.1) 船舶安全管理制度(SMS)应包括有关控制高温作业的充分指导,并应足够健全,以确保遵守。(见图 9.2)缺乏指导应被视为禁止而不是批准(IMO MSC/Circ.1084)。(ISG OTT9.4.1)
The OCIMF Guidelines on Safety Management Systems for Hot Work and Entry into Enclosed Spaces (1st Ed September 2008) information papermust be taken into account in the development of hot work procedures. 在制定高温作业程序时,必须考虑到《OCIMF 关于高温作业和进入封闭空间的安全管理系统指南》(2008 年 9 月第 1 版)信息文件。
5.25 Are officers aware of safety guidelines for elec tric welding equipment, are written guidelines posted and equipment in good order? 5.25 人员是否了解电气焊设备的安全准则,是否张贴了书面准则,设备是否完好无损?
Welding and otherequipment used for Hot Work should be carefully inspected before each occasion of use to ensure that it is in good condition. Where required, it must be correctly earthed. Special attention must be paid when using electric arc equipment to ensure that: 每次使用前都应仔细检查用于高温作业的焊接设备和其他设备,以确保其处于良好状态。必要时,必须正确接地。在使用电弧设备时必须特别注意以下几点
Electrical supply connections are made in a gasfree space. 供电连接在无气空间内进行。
Existing supply wiring is adequate to camy the electrical current demand without overloading, causing heating. 现有的供电线路足以满足电流需求,而不会超负荷导致发热。
Insulation of flexible electric cables is in good condition. 柔性电缆的绝缘状况良好。
The cable route to the work site is the safest possible, only passing overgas free or inerted spaces. - The welding retum lead should be connected asnearaspracticable to the welding arc; metal rails, pipes and frames should not be used aspart of the welding circuit unless they are a part of the work piece itself. 通往工作现场的电缆线路应尽可能安全,只能经过无气或惰性空间。- 焊接导线应尽可能靠近焊接电弧;金属导轨、管道和框架不应作为焊接回路的一部分使用,除非它们是工件本身的一部分。
(ISG OTT 9.5)
5.26 Is gas welding and buming equipment in good orderand spare oxygen and acetylene cylinders stored apart in a well-ventilated location outside of the accommodation and engine room? 5.26 气体焊接和焙烧设备是否完好无损,备用氧气瓶和乙炔瓶是否分开存放在船舱和轮机舱外通风良好的地方?
Piping should be of steel welded construction and bolted flanges are prohibited. Copper, nubber or braided lines should not be used, except that braided linesmay be used forthe short length from the cylinder heads to the manifolds within the storage space. Pipework and fittings should be free of grease. 管道应为钢制焊接结构,禁止使用螺栓法兰。不得使用铜管、橡胶管或编织管,但从气缸盖到储存空间内的歧管的短管可使用编织管。管道和接头应无油脂。
Pipe joints on the low-pressure side of the regulators shall be welded. (46 CFR 56.50-103) Note. In open airlocations it may be acceptable for a short length of piping from the bottle to an isolation valve to be flanged. This is the only exception however. 调压器低压侧的管接头必须焊接。(46 CFR 56.50-103) 注。在露天场所,可以接受从瓶子到隔离阀的短管道采用法兰连接。但这是唯一的例外。
Flashback arrestors should be fitted at both the cylinders and workstation as recommended by the USA Operational Safety and Health Admin (OSHA), the UK Health and Safety Executive and othernational safety authorities where long lengths of piping between the cylinders and the blowtorch are involved. Regulators should be inspected annually and replaced or refurbished on a 5-yearbasis. (British Compressed GasesAssociation Code of Practice CP7) 应按照美国职业安全与健康管理局 (OSHA)、英国健康与安全管理局和其他国家安全机构的建议,在气瓶和工作站之间安装回火防止器,如果气瓶和喷灯之间有较长的管道。调节器应每年检查一次,每 5 年更换或翻新一次。(英国压缩气体协会操作规范 CP7)。
Oxygen will not bum or explode, it only supports combustion; however, a small amount of excess oxygen will allow materials which are not normally combustible to bum with ferocity. Industrial oxygen cylinders are painted blue. Acetylene is 92.3%92.3 \% c arbon and 7.7%7.7 \% hydrogen, is lighter than air and is highly flammable with a LEL of 2.5%. Acetylene cylinders are painted maroon. Oxygen and Acetylene should be kept in separate compartments except in the case of the cylinders that are in use, which may be stored in the same compartment. Cylinders should be stowed away from heat sources and should not be in heavy traffic areasto prevent accidental knocking over or damage from passing orfailing objects. Valve caps should remain on cylinders not connected for use. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated. Cylinders should be stored with the valve end up. Storage areas should be free of combustible material and not exposed to salt or other corrosive chemic als. The use of propane in gas buming and welding systems is prohibited. 氧气不会燃烧或爆炸,它只支持燃烧;但是,少量过量的氧气会让通常不可燃的材料猛烈燃烧。工业氧气瓶涂成蓝色。乙炔是 92.3%92.3 \% 碳和 7.7%7.7 \% 氢,比空气轻,高度易燃,LEL 为 2.5%。乙炔气瓶漆成栗色。氧气瓶和乙炔瓶应分别存放在不同的隔间内,但使用中的气瓶可存放在同一隔间内。气瓶应存放在远离热源的地方,不应放在人流量大的地方,以防止意外碰倒或被经过或失效的物体损坏。未连接使用的气瓶应保留阀盖。满瓶和空瓶应分开存放。存放气瓶时应将气瓶阀端朝上。储存区应无可燃物,且不得接触盐或其他腐蚀性化学物质。禁止在气体燃烧和焊接系统中使用丙烷。
Life Saving Equipment 救生设备
Before the ship leavesport and at all times during the voyage, all life-sa ving appliances shall be in working order and ready for immediate use. 在船舶离港前和航行期间的任何时候,所有救生设备均应处于正常工作状态,并可随时使用。
(SO LAS IIII,20.2) (《罗马书》第 IIII 章第 20.2 节)
Note: The technic al specific ations and requirements for life-saving appliances are contained in the Life-Saving AppliancesCode. 注:救生设备的技术规格和要求载于《救生设备规范》。
5.27 Are the officers aware of the requirements of LSA, are there ship-spec ific life-saving equipment maintenance instructions available and are weekly and monthly inspections being camied out? 5.27 救生员是否了解 LSA 的要求,船上是否有专门的救生设备维护说明,是否每周和 每月进行检查?
The following tests and inspectionsshall be camied out weekly and a report of the inspection shall be entered in the log-book: 每周应进行以下测试和检查,并将检查报告记入日志:
all survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances shall be visually inspected to ensure that they are ready for use. The inspection shall include, but is not limited to, the condition of hooks, their attachment to the lifeboat and the on-load release gearbeing properly and completely reset; 应对所有求生艇、救援艇和下水装置进行目视检查,以确保其可随时使用。检查内容应包括但不限于钩子的状况、钩子与救生艇的连接情况,以及卸载释放装置是否完全复位;
all engines in lifeboats and rescue boats shall be nun for a total period of not less than 3 minutes, provided the ambient temperature is above the minimum temperature required forstarting and running the engine. During this period of time, it should be demonstrated that the gearbox and gearbox tra in are engaging satisfactorily. If the special characteristic s of an outboard motor fitted to a rescue boat would not allow it to be nun otherthan with its propellersubmerged for a period of 3 minutes, it should be run forsuch a period asprescribed in the manufacturer’shandbook. In special cases, the Administration may waive this requirement for ships constructed before 1 J uly 1986, 救生艇和救助艇上的所有发动机,在环境温度高于发动机启动和运行所需的最低温度时,应停机至少 3 分钟。在这段时间内,应证明变速箱和变速箱拖链的啮合情况令人满意。如救援艇上的舷外发动机因其特殊性能而不能在螺旋桨浸没的情况下运行 3 分钟,则应按照制造商手册规定的时间运行。在特殊情况下,1986 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶可免除这一要求、
lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, on cargo ships shall be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the extent necessary to demonstrate satiffactory operation of launching appliances, if weatherand sea conditionsso allow; and 在天气和海况允许的情况下,货船上的救生艇(自由落体式救生艇除外)应在船上没有人员的情况下,从其收放位置移动到必要的程度,以显示下水装置的操作令人满意;以及
the general emergency alam shall be tested." "。
(SOLAS III/20.6) (Solas III/20.6)
All lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, shall be tumed out from their stowed position, without any persons on board if weather and sea conditions so allow. (SOLASIII/20.7.1) 所有救生艇,除自由落体式救生艇外,在天气和海况允许的情况下,均应在船上无人的情况下从其收放位置翻出。(SOLASIII/20.7.1)
Monthly inspections. Inspection of the life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment, shall be camied out monthly using the checklist required by regulation 36.1 to ensure that they are complete and in good order. A report of the inspection shall be entered in the log-book. (SOLASIII/20.7.2) Instructions for on-board maintenance shall be easily understood, illustrated wherever possible and as appropriate, shall include foreach appliance: 每月检查。对包括救生艇设备在内的救生设备的检查,应按第 36.1 条所要求的清单每月进行一次,以确保其完整和完好。检查报告应记入航海日志。(SOLASIII/20.7.2)船上保养说明应通俗易懂,尽可能图文并茂,并酌情包括每件设备:
A checklist for use when camying out the monthly inspections required by SOLASIII/20.7.2 and IIII36.1; SOLASIII/20.7.2 和 IIII36.1 规定的每月检查清单;
Maintenance and repair instructions; 保养和维修说明;
A schedule of periodic maintenance, 定期维护计划、
A diagram of lubric ation points with the recommended lubric ants; 带有推荐润滑剂的润滑点示意图;
A list of replac eable parts; 可更换部件清单;
A list of sources of spare parts; and 备件来源清单;以及
A log forrecords of inspections and maintenance. 用于记录检查和维护的日志。
5.28 Are the officers aware of the maintenance requirements for lifeboat, liferaft, resc ue boat release hooks and free-fall lifeboat release systems, where fitted and, are lifeboats, rescue boat and liferafts including associated equipment well maintained ready for use? 5.28 救生员是否了解救生艇、救生筏、救助艇释放钩和自由落体救生艇释放系统的 维护要求?
Lifeboat or rescue boat on-load release gear, including free-fall lifeboat release systems shall be: 救生艇或救援艇的载荷释放装置,包括自由落体式救生艇释放系统,应符合以下条件
maintained in accordance with instructions for on-board maintenance as required by regulation 36; - subjected to a thorough examination and operational test during the annual surveys required by regulations I/7 and I/8 by propenly trained personnel familiar with the system; and - operationally tested undera load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of person and equipment wheneverthe release gear is overhauled. Such over-hauling and test shall be camied out at least once every five years. 在第 I/7 和 I/8 条规定的年度检查中,由经过专业培训的熟悉该系统的人员进行彻底检查和操作测试; - 在释放装置大修时,在满载人员和设备的情况下,在 1.1 倍于救生艇总重量的载荷下进行操作测试。至少每五年进行一次大修和测试。
(SO LAS III/20.11.2)
maintained in accordance with instructionsforon-board maintenance as required by regulation 36; - subjected to a thorough examination and operational test during the annual surveys required by regulations I/7 and I/8 by properly trained personnel familiar with the system; and 在第 I/7 和 I/8 条规定的年度检查中,由经过适当培训的熟悉系统的人员 进行彻底检查和操作测试;以及
operationally tested undera load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of person and equipment wheneverthe release gear is overhauled. Such over-hauling and test shall be camied out at least once every five years. 每当对释放装置进行大修时,应在救生艇满载人员和设备时总重量的 1.1 倍的载荷下进行操作试验。这种大修和测试应至少每五年进行一次。
Note: Of partic ular importance in the checking of lifeboats is the on-load release system fitted to 注:在检查救生艇时,安装在救生艇上的载荷释放系统尤为重要。
enclosed lifeboats and the maintenance routines forthem. A high percentage of accidents at sea are attributed to lifeboats and their release systems. (MSC Circ 1206). 封闭式救生艇及其日常维护。救生艇及其释放系统在海上事故中占很大比例。(MSC Circ 1206)。
On-load release and retrieval systems must comply with MSC.1/C irc.1206/Rev. 1 Annex 1 not later than the first scheduled dry-docking afterJ uly 1, 2014 (but no later than J uly 1, 2019). Until then it is recommended that fall preventer devicesbe fitted to systems that do not comply with the revised code. Inspectors must verify that the systems installed meet the above requirements by the above date and mitigation measures adopted in the meantime. 在2014年7月1日之后的第一次预定干坞前(但不迟于2019年7月1日),船上释放和回收系统必须符合MSC.1/C irc.1206/Rev.1附件1的规定。在此之前,建议为不符合修订后的规范的系统安装防坠落装置。检查员必须核实所安装的系统是否在上述日期前符合上述要求,以及在此期间采取的缓解措施。
5.29 Are lifeboats, including their equipment and launching mechanisms, in good order and have they been launched and manoeuvred in the water in accordance with SOLAS requirements? 5.29 救生艇(包括其设备和下水装置)是否完好无损,是否按照《国际海上人命安全 公约》的要求下水和在水中操作?
Each survival craft shall be stowed in a state of continuous readiness so that two crew members can camy out preparations forembarkation and launching in lessthan 5 minutes. 每艘求生艇应处于持续待命状态,以便两名船员能在 5 分钟内完成登岸和下水前的准备工作。
Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned operating crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill. 在弃船演习中,每艘救生艇应至少每三个月在指定的操作人员的带领下下水一次。
(SOLAS IIII19.3.3.3) (圣训 III19.3.3.3)
In the case of a lifeboat a manged forfree-fall launching, at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill, the crew shall board the lifeboat, propenly secure themselves in their seats and commence launch proceduresup to, but not including, the actual release of the lifeboat (i.e., the release hook shall not be released). The lifeboat shall then either be free-fall la unched with only the required operating crew on board orlowered into the waterby means of the secondary means of launching with or without the operating crew on board. In both cases, the lifeboat shall thereafter be manoeuvred in the water by the operating crew. At intervals of not more than six months, the lifeboat shall either be launched by free fall with only the operating crew on board, or simulated launching shall be camied out in accordance with the guidelines developed by the Organization. 在救生艇为自由落体下水的情况下,至少每三个月一次在弃船演习期间,船员应登上救生艇,在自己的座位上坐稳并开始下水程序,直至但不包括实际释放救生艇(即释放钩不得释放)。然后,救生艇应在只有所需的操作人员在艇上的情况下自由落体,或在操作人员在艇上或不在艇上的情况下,通过辅助下水方式降入水中。在这两种情况下,救生艇随后应由操作人员在水中操纵。每隔不超过六个月,救生艇应在只有操作船员在船上的情况下以自由落体方式下水,或根据本组织制定的准则进行模拟下水。
Emergency lighting formustering and abandonment shall be tested at each abandon ship drill. 在每次弃船演习中,都应对应急照明的固定和废弃进行测试。
Fallsused in launching shall be inspected periodic ally (Referto Measures to prevent accidents with lifeboats (MSC.1/Circ.1206) with special regard for areas passing through sheaves and renewed when necessary due to deterioration of the falls or at intervals of not more than 5 years, whichever is the earlier. 应定期检查下水时使用的坠落物(参见防止救生艇事故的措施(MSC.1/Circ.1206)),特别注意穿过滑轮的区域,并在坠落物老化或间隔不超过 5 年时(以较早者为准)进行必要的更新。
(SO LAS III/20.4.1)
Each free-fall lifeboat shall be fitted with a release system which shall be designed to test the release system without launching the lifeboat. 每艘自由落体式救生艇均应安装释放系统,释放系统的设计应能在不发射救生艇的情况下测试释放系统。
(LSA Code IV/ (LSA代码IV/
Each lifeboat shall be clearly marked with the numberof persons for which the lifeboat is approved and the name and port of registry. Means of identifying the ship to which the lifeboat belongs, and the number of the lifeboat shall be marked in such a way that they are visible from above. (LSA Code IV/4.4.9) 每艘救生艇应清楚地标明救生艇获准载运的人数以及船名和注册港口。救生艇所属船舶的识别标志和救生艇的编号应从上方清晰可见。(救生艇规则 IV/4.4.9)
Notes: It is very important to check the lifting hooks and their associated structure, in partic ular the connections to the lifeboat keel. These are occasionally found to be severely wasted 注意事项:检查吊钩及其相关结构非常重要,尤其是与救生艇龙骨的连接处。有时会发现这些部件严重损坏
Lifeboat equipment is detailed in the LSA Code IV/4.4.8 and the general requirements for enclosed lifeboats in the LSA Code IV/4.6, although under SOLAS III/32.3.5 the totally enclosed lifeboats camied on shipsconstructed before 1tJ uly 1986 need not comply with the requirements of the LSA Code IV/4.6. 尽管根据 SOLAS III/32.3.5 的规定,1986 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶上配备的全封闭式救生艇不需要符合 LSA Code IV/4.6 的要求,但救生艇设备在 LSA Code IV/4.4.8 中有详细规定,封闭式救生艇的一般要求在 LSA Code IV/4.6 中有详细规定。
Amendments to SOLASIII/19 (Emergency training and drills) and 20 (Operational readiness maintenance and inspections) came into force on 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} uly 2006. The amendments concem the conditions in which lifeboat emergency training and drills should be conducted and introduce changesto the operational requirements formaintenance, weekly and monthly inspections so as not to require any personsto be on board, and senvicing of launching appliances and on-load release gear. SOLAS III/19(应急训练和演习)和 20(操作准备维护和检查)修正案于 2006 年 7 月生效。这些修正案规定了救生艇进行应急训练和演习的条件,并对维护、周检和月检的操作要求进行了修改,以便不需要任何人上船,并对下水装置和卸载释放装置进行了检验。
5.30 Is the rescue boat, including its equipment and la unching arrangement, in good order and offic ers' familiar with the launch procedures? 5.30 救援船(包括其设备和下水安排)是否完好无损,官员是否熟悉下水程序?
Cargo ships shall camy at least one rescue boat. A lifeboat may be accepted as a rescue boat provided that it also complies with the requirements for a rescue boat. (SOLASIII/31.2) 货船应至少配备一艘救助艇。救生艇也可作为救助艇,但必须符合对救助艇的要求。(SOLASIII/31.2)
Rescue boats shall be stowed in a state of continuous readiness forlaunching in not more than 5 minutes. 救援艇应在不超过 5 分钟的时间内处于可持续发射的待命状态。
(SOLAS III/14.1)
Rescue boat equipment is detailed in the LSA Code V/, 3 and 4. 救援船设备详见 LSA Code V/、3 和 4。
With respect to launching equipment, rescue boats should comply with the requirements of the LSA Code (by LSA Code and either have two release capabilities, one off-load and one onload, oronly one if the rescue boat can only be released when waterbome. 关于下水设备,救援艇应符合《LSA 规则》通过《LSA 规则》的要求,并具备两种释放能力,一种是卸载能力,另一种是上载能力;如果救援艇只能在水底释放,则只具备一种释放能力。
The on-load release shall be: 荷载释放应
Protected against a c cidental or premature use; 防止意外使用或过早使用;
To prevent a premature on-load release, on-load operation of the release mechanism should require a sustained and deliberate action by the operator, 为防止过早卸载,卸载机构的卸载操作应要求操作员持续、有意识地进行、
To prevent an accidental release the mechanic al protection (interlock) should only engage when the release mechanism is properly and completely set; 为防止意外释放,机械手保护装置(联锁装置)只有在释放机构正确并完全设置好后才可啮合;
The release mechanism shall be so designed that crew members in the lifeboat can clearly observe when the release mechanism is propenly and completely reset; 释放装置的设计应使救生艇上的船员能够清楚地观察到释放装置何时完全复位;
Clearoperating instructions should be provided with a suitable worded waming notice; 应提供清晰的操作说明和措辞适当的警告通知;
Where a single fall or hook system is used forlaunching, the above requirements need not apply and a single capability to release the rescue boat only when it is waterbome will be adequate. 如果使用单一的坠落或挂钩系统进行下水,则无需满足上述要求,只需具备在救援艇进水时释放救援艇的单一能力即可。
Propellerguard. Each propelleron a lifeboat must be fitted with a propellerguard with a maximum opening of 76mm(3in)76 \mathrm{~mm}(3 \mathrm{in}) on all sides on which a person is likely to be exposed. (46 CFR 160.135.7(10)) 螺旋桨护罩。救生艇上的每个螺旋桨都必须安装一个螺旋桨护罩,其最大开口为 76mm(3in)76 \mathrm{~mm}(3 \mathrm{in}) ,且所有可能接触到人的一面都必须安装。(46 CFR 160.135.7(10))
5.31 Are lifebuoys, associated equipment and pyrotechnics in good order, clearly marked and are there clear procedures in place to ensure that only intrinsic ally safe lights are located in the gas hazardous areas? 5.31 救生圈、相关设备和烟火是否完好无损、标识清楚,是否有明确的程序确保在气 体危险区域只安装固有的合金安全灯?
Cargo ships shall camy not lessthan the following numbers of lifebuoys: 货船应携带不少于以下数量的救生圈:
Under 100 metres in length - 8; 长度小于 100 米 - 8;
Between 100 metres and under 150 metres-10; 100 米至 150 米以下-10;
Between 150 metres and under 200 metres- 12; 150 米至 200 米以下- 12;
So distributed asto be readily a vailable on both sides of the ship and asfar aspracticable on all open decks extending to the ship’sside; 这样,船的两侧都可以随时使用,而且所有延伸到船舷的露天甲板都可以使用;
At least one shall be placed in the vic inity of the stem; and 至少有一个应置于树干的邻近地区;以及
So stowed asto be capable of being rapidly cast loose and not permanently secured in any way. (SOLAS III/7.1.1) 可迅速抛离,且未以任何方式永久固定。(SOLAS III/7.1.1)
At least one lifebuoy on each side of the ship shall be fitted with a buoyant line, equal in length to not less than twice the height at which it is stowed above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, or 30 metres, whic hever is the greater. (SOLASIII/7.1.2) 船舶两侧至少各有一个救生圈应装有浮力线,其长度不小于救生圈在最轻航行状态下存放在水线以上高度的两倍,或 30 米,以两者中较长者为准。(solasiii/7.1.2)
Not less than one half of the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with self-igniting lights; 不少于救生圈总数一半的救生圈应配备自燃灯;
Not less than two of these shall also be provided with lifebuoy self-activating smoke signalscapable of quick release from the navigating bridge; 其中不少于两个救生圈还配有可从导航桥上快速释放的救生圈自启动烟雾信号;
Lifebuoys with lights and those with lights and smoke signals shall be distributed equally on both sides of the ship and shall not be the lifebuoys provided with lifelines. (SOLASIII/7.1.3) 带照明的救生圈和带照明及烟雾信号的救生圈应平均分布在船的两侧,且不应是配备救生绳的救生圈。(solasiii/7.1.3)
Lifebuoys intended to operate the quick-release arrangement provided forthe self-activated smoke signals and self-igniting lights shall have a mass suffic ient to operate the quick release a mangement. (LSA Code II/ 为自发式烟雾信号灯和自燃灯提供的快速释放装置的救生圈,其质量应足以使快速释放装置动作(LSA Code II/。(LSA规则II/
Lifebuoy self-igniting lights do not need to be intrinsic ally safe if located outside of the gas hazardous area. However, there must be strict controls in place to a void those non-intrinsic ally safe lights being misplaced into the gashazardouszone. This may include highlighting / marking of those lights or other appropriate means. 如果救生圈自燃灯位于气体危险区域之外,则不需要符合本质安全标准。但是,必须采取严格的控制措施,防止非本质安全灯误入气体危险区域。这可能包括突出/标记这些灯或其他适当的方法。
Not less than 12 rocket parachute flares shall be camied and be stowed on ornear the navigation bridge. (SOLASIII/6.3) 应携带不少于 12 枚火箭降落伞信号弹,并存放在导航桥上或导航桥附近。(SOLASIII/6.3)
A line throwing appliance complying with the requirements of section 7.1 of the Code shall be provided. (SOLASIII/18) 应配备符合《准则》第 7.1 节要求的抛线装置。(SOLASIII/18)
An illustrated table describing the life-saving signals shall be readily a vailable to the officer of the watch. (SOLAS V/29) 应随时向值班船长提供说明救生信号的图解表。(SOLAS V/29)
Line throwing apparatus should be ready for immediate use. The line and the rockets should not be stowed apart. 掷线装置应随时准备立即使用。绳索和火箭不应分开存放。
Self-contained RLTA are often disassembled fortransporting the units to the vessel. Inspectors should check to ensure that the equipment is reassembled and rockets correctly positioned ready for immediate use. 自给式 RLTA 通常是拆卸后运到船上的。检查员应检查以确保设备重新组装,火箭位置正确,可立即使用。
Containers, brackets, racks and othersimilarstowage locations for life-sa ving equipment shall be marked with symbols in accordance with IMO Res. A.760(18) indic ating the devicesstowed in that location for that purpose. If more than one device isstowed in that location, the number of devices shall also be indicated. (SOLAS III/20.10) 用于救生设备的容器、支架、架子和其它类似装载位置,应按照 IMO Res. A.760(18) 用符号标明为此目的在该位置装载的设备。如果在该位置锚定了一个以上的装置,也应标明装置的数量。(SOLAS III/20.10)
5.32 Are lifejackets in good order and comectly located? 5.32 救生衣是否完好无损,位置是否正确?
A lifejacket shall be provided for every person on board and, in addition, a suffic ient number of lifejackets shall be camied for persons on watch and for use at remotely located survival craft stations. The lifejackets camied for personson watch should be stowed on the bridge, in the engine control 应为船上的每个人提供一件救生衣,此外,还应配备足够数量的救生衣供值班人员和远处的求生艇站使用。为值班人员准备的救生衣应存放在驾驶台、轮机控制室和其他地方。
room and at any othermanned watch station. (SOLASIII/7.2.1) 在任何其他有人值守的值班室。(solasiii/7.2.1)
The lifejackets used in totally enclosed lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, shall not impede entry into the lifeboat or seating including operation of the seat belts in the lifeboat. (SO LASIII/7.2.3) 除自由落体式救生艇外,全封闭式救生艇上使用的救生衣不得妨碍进入救生艇或 座位,包括救生艇上安全带的操作。(SO IASIII/7.2.3)
Lifejackets selected for free-fall lifeboats and the manner in which they are camied or wom, shall not interfere with entry into the lifeboat, occupant safety or operation of the lifeboat. (SOLASIII/7.2.4) 为自由落体式救生艇选择的救生衣及其携带或穿戴方式不得妨碍进入救生艇、乘员安全或救生艇的操作。(solasiii/7.2.4)
Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a whistle firmly secured by a lanyard. 每件救生衣均应配备一个用系绳牢牢固定的哨子。
Lifejacket lights and whistles shall be selected and secured to the lifejacket in such a way that their performance in combination is not degraded. 救生衣灯和哨子的选择和与救生衣的固定方式应确保它们的组合性能不会降低。
A lifejacket shall be provided with a releasable buoyant line orothermeansto secure it to a lifejacket wom by anotherperson in the water. 救生衣应配有可释放的浮力绳或其他方法,以便将其固定在另一个落水者所穿的救生衣上。
A lifejacket shall be provided with a suitable meansto allow a rescuer to lift the wearerfrom the water into a survival craft orrescue boat. 救生衣应配备适当的装置,以便救援人员将穿戴者从水中救起,放入求生艇或救生船。
The requirements apply to lifejackets provided on board ships constructed (having theirkeel laid) on or afterJ uly 1, 2010 when providing new lifejackets to vessels with a keel laying date before July 1, 2010. (LSA Code II/2.2) 这些要求适用于在 2010 年 7 月 1 日或之后建造(铺设龙骨)的船舶上提供的救生衣,也适用于为在 2010 年 7 月 1 日之前铺设龙骨的船舶提供新救生衣的情况。(LSA Code II/2.2)
5.33 Are immersion suits in a good order, correctly positioned and officers aware of maintenance and camiage requirements? 5.33 浸入式防护服是否完好无损、位置是否正确、人员是否了解维护和穿戴要求?
An immersion suit or an anti-exposure suit, of an appropriate size, shall be provided for every person assigned to crew the rescue boat. If the ship is constantly engaged in warm climates where, in the opinion of the Administration thermal protection is unnecessary, this protective clothing need not be c amied. (SOLAS IIII7.3) 应为每一位被指派为救援艇船员的人员配备一件适当尺寸的浸泡服或防晒服。如果船舶经常在温暖的气候条件下航行,而当局认为不需要热防护,则不必配备这种防护服。(原则 IIII7.3)
An immersion suit complying with the requirements of section 2.3 of the LSA Code shall be provided for every person on board the ship. These immersion suits need not be required if the ship is constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates where, in the opinion of the Administration, immersion suits are unnecessary. (SOLASIII/32.3.2) 应为船上的每个人提供符合《LSA 规则》第 2.3 节要求的浸入式防护服。如果船舶经常在温暖的气候条件下航行,而当局认为在温暖的气候条件下无需配备浸入式防护服,则无需配备浸入式防护服。(SOLASIII/32.3.2)
If a ship has any watch or work stations which are located remotely from the place orplaces where immersion suits are normally stowed, additional immersion suits shall be provided at these locationsfor the number of persons nomally on watch or working at those loc ations at any time. (SOLASIII/32.3.3) 如果船舶的任何值班或工作地点远离通常存放浸入式防护服的地点,则应在这些地点增设浸入式防护服,以满足任何时候在这些地点值班或工作的人数。(SOLASIII/32.3.3)
To ensure the maintenance of adequate strength and watertightness of seams and closures of immersion suits and anti-exposure suits with age, it is recommended that each suit be subjected to an air pressure test such as the following, at intervals not exceeding three years, or more frequently for suits overten years of age (MSC Circ 1114). 为确保浸入式潜水衣和防曝露潜水衣的接缝和闭合处随着使用年限的增加而保持足够的强度和水密性,建议每套潜水衣进行一次气压测试,间隔时间不超过三年,对于使用年限超过十年的潜水衣,测试频率应更高一些(MSC Circ 1114)。
It is recommended that the air pressure test be performed at a suitable shore-based facility equipped to make any necessary repairs in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. In view of the wide variety of materials and adhesives used in immersion suits and anti-exposure suits, it is strongly recommended that any repairs to a suit be camied out by a facility which has access to the original manufacturer’s recommended servicing instructions, parts and adhesives, and suitably trained personnel. The airpressure test may be camied out on board ship if suitable equipment is available. (MSC Circ 1114). 建议在合适的岸上设施进行气压测试,该设施应具备按照制造商的建议进行必要修 理的能力。鉴于浸入式防护服和防曝露防护服所使用的材料和粘合剂种类繁多,强烈建议由能获得原制造商建议的维修说明、部件和粘合剂以及受过适当培训的人员的机构对防护服进行任何维修。如果有合适的设备,可在船上进行气压测试。(MSC Circ 1114)。
Fire Fighting Equipment 消防设备
Fire-fighting systems and appliances shall be kept in good working order and readily available for immediate use. Portable extinguishers which have been discharged shall be immediately recharged or replaced with an equiva lent unit. 消防系统和灭火器应保持良好的工作状态,并随时可供立即使用。便携式灭火器用完后应立即充电或更换为同等装置。
(SOLAS II-2/ (圣歌 II-2/
By the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 J anuary 2010, fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems for the protection of machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms on ships constructed before 1 J uly 2002 shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 2.2.2 of chapter 5 of the Fire Safety Systems Code. 在 2010 年 1 月 1 日之后的第一次预定干坞前,2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶上用于保护机械空间和货物泵房的固定式二氧化碳灭火系统应符合《消防安全系统规则》第 5 章第 2.2.2 段的规定。
Note: This requires two separate controls within a clearly identified release box to release the CO2 and activate an audible alarm. One control shall open the piping valve forthe gasand the second control discharge the gas from the containers. If the release boxislocked, a key shall be loc ated adjacent in a break glasstype enclosure. 注:这需要在一个标识清楚的释放箱内安装两个独立的控制器,以释放二氧化碳并启动声音警报。一个控制器应打开气体的管道阀门,第二个控制器应将气体从容器中排出。如果释放箱被锁住,则应将一把钥匙放在相邻的破璃型外壳内。
5.34 Are ship-specific fire training manuals and safety operational booklets available and are the crew a ware of the general contents and location of the manuals? 5.34 是否有专门的船舶消防培训手册和安全操作手册,船员是否了解手册的一般内容和位置?
The training manual shall explain the following in detail: 培训手册应详细说明以下内容:
General fire safety practice and precautions related to the dangers of smoking, electric al hazards, flammable liquids and similar common shipboard hazards; 与吸烟危险、电气危险、易燃液体和类似常见船上危险有关的一般消防安全做法和预防措施;
General instructionson fire-fighting activities and fire-fighting procedures, including proceduresfor notific ation of a fire and use of manually operated call points; 关于消防活动和消防程序的一般说明,包括火灾通知程序和手动操作呼叫点的使用;
Meanings of the ship’s alarms; 船上警报的含义;
Operation and use of fire-fighting systems and appliances; 消防系统和设备的操作和使用;
Operation and use of fire doors; 防火门的操作和使用;
Operation and use of fire and smoke dampers; and 防火阀和防烟阀的操作和使用;以及
Escape systems and appliances. 逃生系统和设备。
A training manual shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room, or in each crew cabin. (SOLASII-2/ 每个船员餐厅和娱乐室或每个船员舱内均应配备培训手册(SOLASII-2/。
The training manual shall be written in the working language of the ship. 培训手册应以船舶的工作语言编写。
The fire safety operational booklet shall contain the necessary information and instructions for the safe operation of the ship and cargo handling operations in relation to fire safety. The booklet shall include information conceming the crew’s responsibilities for the general fire safety of the ship while loading and discharging cargo and while underway. The booklet shall also provide reference to the pertinent fire-fighting and emergency cargo handling instructionscontained in the IBC Code, the IGC Code and the IMDG Code, as appropriate. (SOLASII-2/16.2.1) 消防安全操作手册应包含与消防安全有关的船舶安全操作和货物装卸操作的必要信息和说明。手册应包括船员在装卸货物和航行中对船舶一般消防安全所负责任的信息。手册还应酌情提供IBC规则、IGC规则和IMDG规则中有关消防和紧急货物装卸说明的参考。(SOLASII-2/16.2.1)
The fire safety operational booklet shall also include provisionsforpreventing fire spread to the cargo area due to ignition of flammable vapours and include procedures forcargo tank gas-purging and/or gas-freeing. (SOLASII-2/16.3.1) 消防安全操作手册还应包括防止因易燃蒸汽着火而使火势蔓延至货舱的规定,并包括货舱气体净化和/或气体清除程序。(SOLASII-2/16.3.1)
The fire safety operational booklet shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room, or in each crew cabin. (SOLASII-2/16.2.2) 每个船员餐厅和娱乐室或每个船员舱内都应配备消防安全操作手册(SOLASII-2/16.2.2)。
The booklet shall be written in the working language of the ship. (SOLASII-2/16.2.3) 手册应以船舶的工作语言编写。(solasii-2/16.2.3)
The booklet may be combined with the fire training manual. (SOLASII-2/16.2.4) 该手册可与消防培训手册合并使用。(solasii-2/16.2.4)
5.35 Are the crew aware of the fixed firefighting equipment fitted, are ship specific firefighting equipment maintenance instructions available and is maintenance being camied out? 5.35 船员是否了解所配备的固定消防设备,是否有专门的船舶消防设备维护说明,是否进行了维护?
Maintenance, testing and inspections shall be camied out based on the guidelines in MSC/Circ. 1432 and manufacturer’s instructions. 维护、测试和检查应根据 MSC/Circ.1432 中的准则和制造商的说明进行。
The maintenance plan shall include at least the following fire protection systems and firefighting systems and appliances, where installed: 维护计划应至少包括以下已安装的消防系统和消防系统及设备:
Fire mains, fire pumps and hydrants, hoses, nozzes and intemational shore connections; 消防水管、消防泵和消防栓、水龙带、喷嘴和国际海岸连接;
Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems; 固定式火灾探测和火灾报警系统;
Fixed fire extinguishing systems and other fire extinguishing appliances; 固定灭火系统和其他灭火装置;
Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems; 自动喷水灭火系统、火灾探测系统和火灾报警系统;
Ventilation systems, including fire and smoke dampers, fans and their controls; 通风系统,包括防火防烟阀、风机及其控制器;
Emergency shutdown of fuel supply; 紧急关闭燃料供应;
Fire doors, including their controls; 防火门,包括其控制装置;
General emergency alam systems; 一般应急系统;
Emergency esc ape breathing devices; 紧急猿类呼吸装置;
Portable fire extinguishers, including spare charges; 便携式灭火器,包括备用装药;
Fire fighter’s-outfits; 消防员服装
Inert gas systems; 惰性气体系统;
Deck foam systems; 甲板泡沫系统;
Fire safety a rrangements in cargo pump rooms; and 货运泵房的消防安全安排;以及
Flammable gas detectors. 可燃气体探测器。
(SOLASII-2/ and 14.4) (SOLASII-2/ 和 14.4)
The maintenance programme may be computer-based. (SOLASII-2/ 维护计划可以计算机为基础。(solasii-2/
Note. On CO2 systemsthere are ‘pins’ in the activation assembly, and traditionally, these pins had to be removed for the system to be ready forimmediate use. On some modem systems, these ‘pins’ have to be left ‘in’ for the system to be ready for immediate use. When inspecting the CO2 systems, the inspector should determine from the offic er accompanying whether the pins should be ‘in’ or ‘out’ for the system to be ready forimmediate use. If in any doubt reference should be made to the manufacturers operating inspections. 注意。在 CO2 系统中,激活组件上有一些 "针脚",传统上,这些针脚必须拔出,系统才能立即使用。在某些调制解调器系统中,这些 "插销 "必须 "插 "在系统中才能立即使用。在检查 CO2 系统时,检查员应根据随附的官方资料确定这些插针应 "插 "还是 "拔",以便系统可立即使用。如有任何疑问,应参考制造商的操作检查。
5.36 Are rec ords available to show that samples of foam compound have been tested at regular intervals? 5.36 是否有记录表明定期对泡沫化合物样品进行检测?
Protein based alcohol foam concentrates should be subject to a stability test with Acetone. 以蛋白质为基础的酒精泡沫浓缩物应接受丙酮稳定性测试。
Except fortests above, the first periodic al control of foam concentrates should be performed not more than 3 years afterbeing supplied to the ship, and afterthat, every year. The tests required above should be performed priorto delivery to the ship and annual thereafter. (MSC.1/Circ 1312). 除上述试验外,泡沫浓缩物的首次定期控制应在供应给船舶后 3 年内进行,此后每年进行一次。上述要求的试验应在交船前进行,此后每年进行一次。(MSC.1/Circ 1312)。
5.37 Are the crew aware of the location and use of the Intemational Shore Connection, is it readily available extemally, is a fire control plan exhibited within the ac commodation, also a copy available extemally and equipment comectly marked on the plan? 5.37 船员是否了解国际岸线连接的位置和使用方法,是否可以随时从外部获得,是否在船舱内展示了消防控制计划,外部是否也有一份副本,计划上是否正确标明了设备?
The connection shall be of steel or other suitable material. The connection shall be kept aboard the ship together with a gasket of any material suitable, with four 16 mm bolts, 50 mm in length and eight 连接件应为钢质或其他适当材料。连接件应与任何合适材料的垫圈一起保存在船上,并配有 4 个 16 毫米长、50 毫米宽的螺栓和 8 根螺钉。
washers. 垫圈。
(FSSCode 2.2)
If fixed on a ship, the connection should be accessible from both sides of the ship and its location should be clearly marked. The shore connection should be ready for use whenevera ship is in port. (ISG OTT 26.5.3) 《如果连接装置固定在船上,则应可从船的两侧进入,并应清楚标明其位置。只要船舶靠港,岸上的连接装置应随时可以使用。(国际海上人命安全公约》第 26.5.3 条)
The requirements for fire plans are contained in SOLAS II-2/15.2.4. IMO Resolution A.654(16) recommends the symbols to be used on fire control plans. 消防计划的要求载于 SOLAS II-2/15.2.4。国际海事组织 A.654(16)号决议建议在消防计划中使用的符号。
5.38 Are fire mains, pumps, hoses, nozzles and isolating valves in good order, available for immediate use and clearly marked? 5.38 消防水管、水泵、软管、喷嘴和隔离阀是否完好无损、可立即使用并有明显标记?
Inspectors should request the accompanying crew member to randomly check the isolating valves to ensure they are freely operative. 检查员应要求随行船员随机检查隔离阀,确保其能自由操作。
5.39 Are officers aware of the requirements fortesting fixed fire detection and alam systems and are the systems in good order and tested regularly? 5.39 官员们是否了解测试固定火灾探测和报警系统的要求,这些系统是否完好无损并 定期测试?
There should be a procedure for whenevera zone of a fire detection system is isolated to ensure that relevant personnel are aware of the isolation and the reason for it and to ensure that the zone is reinstated assoon aspossible. The engine room should not be operated unmanned with any zone in the space isolated. Spacesnot covered by a fire detection system should be covered by regular fire patrols. Such patrols should not utilise the bridge lookout during the hours of darkness. Manufacturer’s instructions should be consulted fortesting of fire detection heads which may require specific test equipment. 每当火灾探测系统的某一区域被隔离时,应制定一套程序,确保相关人员了解隔离情况和隔离原因,并确保尽快恢复该区域。在机房内任何区域被隔离的情况下,不得在无人值守的情况下操作机房。未安装火灾探测系统的空间应定期进行防火巡逻。在天黑时,此类巡逻不应使用舰桥瞭望台。火警探测头的测试可能需要特定的测试设备,应参考制造商的说明。
5.40 Are the crew familiar with the fixed fire extinguishing systems, where fitted, are they in good 5.40 机组人员是否熟悉安装的固定灭火系统,这些系统是否完好无损?
order and are clear operating instructions posted?
Paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers shall be protected by an appropriate fire-extinguishing a rrangement approved by the Administration. (SO LAS 1974 II-2/18.7 and SOLAS 2004 II-2/ For ships constructed after 1stJ uly 2002, paint lockers shall be protected by: 油漆储物柜和易燃液体储物柜必须有经政府批准的适当灭火装置保护(SO LAS 1974 II-2/18.7 和 SOLAS 2004 II-2/。(SO LAS 1974 II-2/18.7 和 SOLAS 2004 II-2/对于 2002 年 7 月 1 日之后建造的船舶,油漆储物柜应采用以下保护措施: 1:
A CO2 system, designed to give a minimum volume of free gasequal to 40%40 \% of the gross volume of the protected space; or 二氧化碳系统,其设计能提供相当于受保护空间总体积 40%40 \% 的最小自由气体体积;或
A dry powder system, designed for at least 0.5 kg powder/m3; or 干粉系统,设计容量至少为 0.5 公斤粉末/立方米;或
A waterspraying system; or 喷水系统;或
A system providing equivalent protection, as determined by the Administration. 政府确定的提供同等保护的系统。
(SO LAS2004/II-2/
Forlockers of a deck area of less than 4m24 m 2 which do not give access to accommodation spaces, a portable CO2 extinguisher sized to provide a minimum volume of free gasequal to 40%40 \% of the gross volume of the space may be accepted in lieu of a fixed system. A discharge port shall be arranged in the lockerto allow the discharge of the extinguisher without having to enterthe protected space. The portable fire extinguishershall be stowed adjacent to the port. Altematively, a port orhose connection may be provided to facilitate the use of fire main water. (SO LAS 2004 II-2/ Evidence of satisfactory testing of the firefighting systems and foam quality should be provided. 对于甲板面积小于 4m24 m 2 且不通往舱室的储物柜,可使用便携式二氧化碳灭火器代替固定灭火系统,该灭火器的大小应能提供至少相当于该空间总容积 40%40 \% 的自由气体。应在储物柜内设置一个排放口,以便在不进入受保护空间的情况下排放灭火器。便携式灭火器应放置在排放口附近。或者,可提供一个端口或水管接口,以方便使用消防用水。(SO LAS 2004 II-2/ 应提供消防系统和泡沫质量测试合格的证据。
5.41 Is the emergency fire pump in full operational condition, starting instruc tions clearly displayed and are officers able to operate the pump? 5.41 紧急消防泵是否处于完全运转状态,是否清楚地显示了启动说明,消防员是否能 够操作消防泵?
For ships constructed on or after 1st February 1992, the total suction head and the net positive suction head of the pump shall be determined having due regard to the requirements of the Convention and this chapter (FSS) on the pump capacity and on the hydrant pressure under all conditions of list, trim, roll and pitch likely to be encountered in service. The ballast condition of a ship on entering orleaving a dry dock need not be considered a service condition. (SOLAS 1974 II-2/ and FSS Code 对于 1992 年 2 月 1 日或以后建造的船舶,在确定泵的总吸入压头和净正吸入压头时,应适当考虑《公约》和本章(FSS)对泵容量和在服役中可能遇到的所有倾角、倾斜、滚动和俯仰条件下对消防栓压力的要求。船舶在进入或离开干船坞时的压载状态不必视为服役状态。(SOLAS 1974 II-2/ 和 FSS 规则。
Any service fuel tank shall conta in suffic ient fuel to enable the pump to run on full load for at least 3 hours and sufficient reserves of fuel shall be a vailable outside the main machinery space of Category A to enable the pump to be run on full load for an additional 15 hours. (SO LAS 1974 II-2/ and FSS Code 任何辅助燃料箱应装有足够的燃料,使泵能满负荷运行至少 3 小时,并应在 A 类主机械空间外备有足够的燃料储备,使泵能满负荷再运行 15 小时(SO LAS 1974 II-2/ 和 FSS 规范。(SO LAS 1974 II-2/ 及 FSS Code
Every oil fuel pipe, which, if damaged, would allow oil to esc ape from a storage, settling ordaily service tank situated above the double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve directly on the tank capable of being closed from a safe position outside the space concemed in the event of a fire occuming in the space in which such tanks are situated. (SOLAS 74 II-2/15.2.5) 每根油管,如损坏会使油从位于双层底以上的储油罐、沉淀罐和日常服务罐中流出,均应在油罐上直接安装一个公鸡或阀门,当油罐所在空间发生火灾时,该公鸡或阀门可从隐藏空间外的安全位置关闭。(SOLAS 74 II-2/15.2.5)
Oil fuel pipes, which if damaged would allow oil to escape from a storage, settling ordaily service tank having a capacity of 500 litres and above situated above the double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve directly on the tank capable of being closed from a safe position outside the space concemed in the event of a fire occuming in the space in which such the tanks are situated. (SOLAS 2004 II-2/ 位于双层底以上、容量 500 升及以上的储油罐、沉淀池及日常使用的储油罐,如油管损坏会使油泄漏,则应在储油罐上直接安装一个阀门,以便在储油罐所在空间发生火灾时,能从该空间外的安全位置将阀门关闭。(SOLAS 2004 II-2/
Consistent with safety and without interfering with the vessel’s operations, request to witness the starting and operation of the emergency fire pump. 在保证安全和不影响船舶运行的情况下,要求见证紧急消防泵的启动和运行。
If a priming system has been fitted to the emergency fire pump, it must be class approved. 如果在应急消防泵上安装了填料系统,则该系统必须获得等级认证。
5.42 Are portable fire extinguishers in good order with operating instructions clearly marked and are crew members familiar with their operation? 5.42 便携式灭火器是否完好无损,操作说明是否标注清楚,机组人员是否熟悉其操作?
Each extinguisher should be clearly marked with the following minimum information: 每个灭火器都应清楚地标明以下最起码的信息:
Name of the manufacturer, 制造商名称、
Type of fire for which the extinguisher is suitable, 灭火器适用的火灾类型、
Type and quantity of extinguishing medium; 灭火介质的类型和数量;
Approval details; 批准详情;
Instructions for use and recharge (it is recommended that operating instructionsbe given in pictorial form); 使用和充电说明(建议以图示形式提供操作说明);
Year of manufacture; 制造年份;
Temperature range over which the extinguisher will operate satisfactorily; and 灭火器可令人满意地工作的温度范围;以及
Test pressure. (FSS C ode 4 and Res. A.951) 测试压力。(FSS C ode 4 和决议 A.951)
One of the portable fire extinguishers intended for use in any space shall be stowed nearthe entrance to that space. (SOLAS 2004 II-2/ 用于任何空间的手提式灭火器中的一个应放置在该空间的入口附近。(SOLAS 2004 II-2/
For vessels constructed after 1st J uly 2002, spare charges shall be provided for 100%100 \% of the first ten extinguishers and 50%50 \% of the remaining fire extinguishers capable of being recharged on board. Not more than sixty total spare charges are required. Instructions for recharging shall be camied on board. (SO LAS 2004 II-2/ 对于 2002 年 7 月 1 日之后建造的船舶,应为前十个灭火器中的 100%100 \% 和其余可在船上充电的灭火器中的 50%50 \% 提供备用装药。所需的备用装药总数不超过六十个。船上应备有充电说明。(So LAS 2004 II-2/
For fire extinguishers which cannot be recharged on board, additional portable fire extinguishers of the same quantity, type, capacity and numberasdetemined in paragraph 3.3.1 above shall be provided in lieu of spare charges. (SO LAS 2004 II-2/ 对于不能在船上充装的灭火器,应提供与上文第 3.3.1 段所确定的数量、类型、容量 和数量相同的额外便携式灭火器,以代替备用灭火器。(So LAS 2004 II-2/
For vessels constructed before 1stJ uly 2002, spare charges shall be provided in accordance with requirements spec ified by the Administration. (SOLAS 1974 II-2/6.2) 对于 2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶,应按照政府规定的要求提供备用费用。(SOLAS 1974 II-2/6.2)
Note: Portable fire extinguishers must be hydrostatic ally tested every 10 years orlesser period if so required by the Administration. The date of the hydrostatic test must be marked on the cylinder. 注:手提式灭火器必须每 10 年进行一次静水压测试,或在政府要求的更长期限内进行测试。筒体上必须标明水压试验日期。
5.43 Are crew members familiar with donning breathing apparatus and are Fireman's Outfits in good orderand ready for immediate use? 5.43 消防队员是否熟悉佩戴呼吸器,消防员服装是否完好并可立即使用?
Tankers shall cary four firemen’s outfits, which shall consist of: 油轮应携带四套消防员装备,其中包括
Protective clothing of material to protect the skin from the heat radiating from the fire and from bums and scalding by steam. The outer surface shall be water-resistant; 防护服的材料应能保护皮肤免受火苗散发的热量以及蒸汽的灼伤和烫伤。外表面应防水;
Boots of rubberor other electric ally non-conducting material; 橡胶或其他导电材料制成的靴子;
A rigid helmet providing effective protection against impact; 硬质头盔可提供有效的防撞保护;
An electric safety lamp of an approved type with a buming period of 3 hours. Safety lampson tankers and those intended to be used in hazardous areas shall be of an explosion-proof type; 一盏经批准的安全电灯,照明时间为 3 小时。安全灯罐车和拟在危险地区使用的安全灯罐车应为防爆型;
An axe with a handle provided with high-voltage insulation; 带有高压绝缘手柄的斧头;
A breathing apparatus of an approved type; and 经批准的呼吸器;以及
Foreach breathing apparatus a fireproof line of at least 30 metres in length, capable of being attached by means of a snap-hook to the hamess of the apparatus orto a separate belt in orderto prevent the breathing apparatusbecoming detached when the lifeline is operated. 为每个呼吸器配备一条至少 30 米长的防火绳,该绳索可以通过卡钩固定在呼吸器的腰带上或单独的皮带上,以防止在操作救生绳时呼吸器脱落。
(SO LAS 1974 II-2/17, SOLAS 2004 II-2/10.10 and FSS Code 3/2.1.1) (SO LAS 1974 II-2/17、SOLAS 2004 II-2/10.10 和 FSS Code 3/2.1.1)
Compressed air breathing apparatus shall be fitted with an audible alam and a visual or other device which will alert the userbefore the volume of the air in the cylinderhasbeen reduced to no less than 200 L. New ships constructed (keel-laid) on or after 1 J uly 2014 and existing ships (ships constructed before 1 J uly 2014) shall comply with the requirements by 1 J uly 2019. (FSS Code 3/ 2014年7月1日或之后建造的新船(铺设龙骨)和现有船舶(2014年7月1日之前建造的船舶)应在2019年7月1日之前符合要求。(FSS规则3/
For ships constructed on or after 1 J uly 2014, a minimum of two two-way portable radiotelephone apparatusforeach fire party for fire-fighter’s communic ation shall be camied on board. Those two-way portable radiotelephone apparatuses shall be of an explosion-proof type or intrinsic ally safe. Ships constructed before 1 July 2014 shall comply with the requirements of this paragraph not laterthan the first survey after 1 J uly 2018. (SO LAS II-2/10.4) 对于 2014 年 7 月 1 日或之后建造的船舶,船上应至少为每个消防队配备两部双向便携式无线电电话设备,用于消防员通讯。这些双向便携式无线电话装置应为防爆型或本质安全型。在 2014 年 7 月 1 日前建造的船舶应在 2018 年 7 月 1 日后的首次检验前符合本段的要求。(So LAS II-2/10.4)
An onboard means of recharging breathing apparatus cylinders used during drills shall be provided or a suitable number of spare cylinders shall be camied on board to replace those used. New ships constructed (keel-laid) on or after 1 J uly 2014 and existing ships (ships constructed before 1 J uly 2014) shall comply with the requirements by 1 J uly 2014. (SOLAS II-2/ 应提供演习期间使用的船上呼吸器气瓶充气装置,或在船上携带适当数量的备用气瓶以替代已使用的气瓶。在 2014 年 7 月 1 日或之后建造(铺设龙骨)的新船和现有船舶(在 2014 年 7 月 1 日前建造的船舶)应在 2014 年 7 月 1 日前符合要求。(SOLAS II-2/
A number of spare charges, suitable for use with the apparatusprovided, shall be available on board to the satisfaction of the Administration. (SO LAS 74 II-2/ 船上应备有一定数量的备用电荷,以适合所提供的仪器使用,并使当局满意。(So LAS 74 II-2/
Two spare charges shall be provided foreach required breathing apparatuscargo shipsthat are equipped with suitably located means for fully recharging the air cylinders free from contamination need camy only one spare charge foreach required apparatus. (SO LAS 2004 II-2/10.2.5) 如货船装有适当位置的装置,可对气瓶进行充分充气,使其不受污染,则每一必要的呼吸装置应配备两个备用充气装置,每个装置只需配备一个备用充气装置。(So LAS 2004 II-2/10.2.5)
For vessels constructed before 1stJuly 2002, the breathing apparatus may be either a smoke helmet type, or a self-contained compressed airtype. A number of spare chargessuitable for use with the apparatusprovided shall be available on board to the satisfaction of the Administration (SOLAS 1974 II- 对于 2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶,呼吸器可以是防烟头盔式的,也可以是自给式压缩空气式的。船上应备有适于所提供的呼吸器使用的若干备用装料,以满足当局的要求(SOLAS 1974 II-1)。
The outfits shall be kept ready for use in an easily accessible location that is permanently and clearly marked and, they shall be stored in widely separated positions. (SO LAS 1974 II-2/17.4 and SO LAS 2004 II2/10.3.1) 这些装备应存放在易于取用的位置,并有永久性的清晰标记,而且应存放在相隔较远的位置。(SO LAS 1974 II-2/17.4 及 SO LAS 2004 II2/10.3.1)
Although SOLAS recommends’widely separated positions’, fire-fighting training advocates that breathing apparatus should be used by personnel in pairs. 尽管《国际海上人命安全公约》建议 "大范围分开位置",但消防培训主张呼吸器应由两人一组使用。
Self-contained breathing apparatus should be checked for condition and satisfactory operation. With the apparatuscharged and the cylindervalve closed, the drop-in pressure should not be more than10 bars in one minute. (Manufacturer’s instructions) 应检查自给式呼吸器的状况和运行是否令人满意。在设备充气和气缸阀门关闭的情况下,一分钟内下降的压力不应超过 10 巴(制造商说明)。
Annual inspections should be camied out to ensure that the air quality of breathing apparatus air recharging systems is satisfactory. (MSC/Circ.850) 应进行年度检查,以确保呼吸器充气系统的空气质量令人满意。(MSC/Circ.850)
Breathing apparatus shall be a self-contained compressed air-operated breathing apparatusfor which the volume of air contained in the cylinders shall be at least 1,200I1,200 \mathrm{I}, or other self-contained breathing apparatus which shall be capable of functioning for at least 30 min . All air cylinders for breathing apparatus shall be interchangeable. (FSS Code 呼吸器必须是气瓶所含空气量至少为 1,200I1,200 \mathrm{I} 的自给式压缩空气呼吸器,或至少能工作 30 分钟的其他自给式呼吸器。用于呼吸器的所有气瓶必须可以互换。(FSS代码3.2.1.2)
BA air cylinders should be hydrostatic ally tested every 5 years or lesser period if so recommended by the manufacturer. The hydrostatic test date must be stamped on the cylinder. BA 气瓶应每 5 年进行一次静水压测试,或根据制造商的建议在更短时间内进行测试。气瓶上必须盖有水压试验日期的印章。
Chemic al tankers and Gastankers are required to have additional breathing apparatus sets as required in the IBC/IGC codes. 按照 IBC/IGC 法规的要求,化学品运输船和液化气船必须配备额外的呼吸设备。
Every ship camying flammable products should camy firemen’s outfits complying with SO LAS as follows: - 5,000 m3 and below: 4 outfits; 每艘装载易燃产品的船舶都应配备符合《船舶和港口设施保安规则》的消防员服装,具体如下:- 5,000 立方米及以下:4 套
Within the period of 3 years from the date of the last hydraulic pressure test every composite cylinder to this specific ation shall be examined for defects extemally and intemally, and before continuing in service, be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with an appropriate standard and the manufacturers recommended procedure, by the manufactureroran organisation authorised to test composite cylinders on behalf of the manufacturer (HSE/TP/FW3 Appendix 1) 自最后一次水压试验之日起 3 年内,应由制造商或经授权代表制造商对复合材料气缸进行试验的组织,按照适当的标准和制造商推荐的程序,对每个符合本规定的复合材料气缸进行外部和内部缺陷检查,并在继续使用前进行水压试验(HSE/TP/FW3 附录 1)。
5.44 Are crew members familiar with the donning of Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD's) located in the accommodation, engine room and pump room (as applicable) and are they in good order and ready for immediate use? 5.44 船员是否熟悉位于船舱、轮机舱和水泵房(如适用)的紧急逃生呼吸装置 (EEBD)的佩戴方法,这些装置是否完好无损并可随时使用?
All ships shall camy at least two emergency esc ape breathing devices within accommodation spaces. (SOLAS II-2/ 所有船舶应在舱内至少配备两个紧急呼吸装置。(SOLAS II-2/
On all ships, within the machinery spaces, emergency esc ape breathing devices shall be situated ready for use at easily visible places, which can be reached quickly and easily at any time in event of fire. The location of EEBD’s shall take into account the layout of the machinery space and the number of persons normally working in the spaces. (SO LASII-2/ 在所有船舶的机械空间内,应将紧急逃生呼吸装置放置在易于看到的地方,以便在发生火灾时随时可以快速方便地找到。应急呼吸装置的位置应考虑到机械空间的布局和通常在机械空间内工作的人数。(So LASII-2/
Spare emergency esc ape breathing devic es shall be kept on board. (SO LASII-2/ 船上应备有备用应急呼吸装置。(So LASII-2/
Flag states may have additional requirements for the provision and location of EEBD’s. 船旗国可能对 EEBD 的提供和位置有额外要求。
Training in the use of the EEBD should be considered a part of basic safety training. (MSC/Circ.849) The requirements for EEBD’s are contained in Chapter 3/2.2 of the FSS Code and MSC/Circ. 849 and among other measures or definitions, stipulate: 使用 EEBD 的培训应被视为基本安全培训的一部分。(MSC/Circ.849)《FSS规则》第3/2.2章和MSC/Circ.849对EEBD的要求包括:
An EEBD is a supplied airoroxygen device only used for esc ape from a compartment that has a hazardous atmosphere and shall be of an approved type. EEBD 是一种供气供氧装置,仅用于从存在危险气氛的隔间中排出空气,且必须是经过批准的类型。
EEBDs shall not be used for fighting fires, entering oxygen defic ient voids ortanks, or wom by firefighters. In these events, a self-contained breathing apparatus, which is specific ally suited forsuch applications, shall be used. EEBD 不得用于灭火、进入缺氧空隙或储罐或消防员工作场所。在这些情况下,应使用专门适用于此类应用的自给式呼吸器。
The EEBD shall have a service duration of at least 10 min . EEBD 的服务时间至少为 10 分钟。
The EEBD shall include a hood orfull-face piece, as appropriate, to protect the eyes, nose and mouth during esc ape. Hoods and face pieces shall be constructed of flame-resistant materials and include a clear window forviewing. EEBD 应酌情包括头罩或全面具,以便在逃生时保护眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。头罩和面罩必须由阻燃材料制成,并包括一个透明的观察窗。
An inactivated EEBD shall be capable of being camied hands-free. 失活的紧急爆炸装置应能够免提装载。
An EEBD, when stored, shall be suitably protected from the environment. 储存 EEBD 时,应适当保护其免受环境影响。
Brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating their use shall be clearly printed on the EEBD. The donning procedures shall be quick and easy to allow for situations where there is little time to seek safety from a hazardous atmosphere. 紧急爆炸装置上应清楚地印有简要说明或图解,清楚地说明其使用方法。穿戴程序应快速简便,以便在没有多少时间从危险环境中寻求安全的情况下使用。
Maintenance requirements, manufac turer’s trademark and serial number, shelf life with accompanying manufacture date and name of the approving authority shall be printed on each EEBD. 每个 EEBD 上都应印有维护要求、制造商商标和序列号、保质期、生产日期和批准机构名称。
When vessel is camying toxic cargoes, consideration should be given to camying additional EEBD s at work stations on the maindeck. 当船只装载有毒货物时,应考虑在主甲板上的工作站安装额外的 EEBD。
All EEBD training units shall be clearly marked. 所有 EEBD 培训单元均应有明显标识。
5.45 Are fire flaps clearly marked to indicate the spaces they serve and is there evidence of regular testing and maintenance? 5.45 防火门是否有明显标记,标明其所服务的空间,是否有定期检测和维护的证据?
Inspectors should request the crew to demonstrate the operation of fire flaps at random. The demonstration of fire flaps should not interfere with the vessel’soperations. 检查员应要求船员随机演示防火襟翼的操作。防火襟翼的演示不应干扰船舶的操作。
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 材料安全数据表(MSDS)
5.46 Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on board for all the cargo, bunkers, chemicals, paints and other products being handled, and are all officers’ familiar with their use? 5.46 船上是否备有所装卸的所有货物、燃料、化学品、油漆和其他产品的 "材料安全 数据表"(MSDS),所有官员是否熟悉其使用?
MSDS data sheets should be on board for the following:- 应为以下物品准备 MSDS 数据表:-
All grades of cargo being camied 装运所有等级的货物
All grades of fuel used on board All chemicals used on board paints, protective coatings and all other corrosive ortoxic materialsthat are camied on board? Ships c amying MARPOL AnnexI cargoes, as defined in Appendix I to AnnexI of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the Intemational Convention forthe Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, and marine fuel oils shall be provided with a material safety data sheet priorto the loading of such cargoes. (SOLAS 2007 Amendments VI 5-1) 船上使用的所有等级的燃料 船上使用的所有化学品 油漆、保护涂层和船上装载的所有其他腐蚀性或有毒材料?装载《1973 年国际防止船舶造成污染公约》1978 年议定书附件 I 附录 I 所定义的 MARPOL 附件 I 货物和船用燃油的船舶,应在装载此类货物之前获得材料安全数据表。(国际海上人命安全公约 2007 年修正案 VI 5-1)
On ships camying MARPOL Annex II cargoes, Priorto loading, the shippershould provide both to the Master and the Company, as defined in the ISM Code, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), formatted in accordance with resolution MSC.286(86), for c argoescontaining benzene. (IBC Appendix 8 Annex). 在装载《防止船污公约》附则 II 所列货物的船舶上,在装货前,托运人应向船长和公司提供一份材料安全数据表 (MSDS),其格式应符合 MSC.286(86)号决议关于含苯货物的规定。(IBC附录8附件)。
Note: Boiler treatment chemic als and other chemic alscamied in packaged form shall be properly stowed to prevent uncontrolled movement and must be provided with MSDS. Protective equipment including a face shield, apron, gloves and an eye-wash should be provided at the place where chemic als are stored. Personnel who handle the materials in question must be aware asto the purpose of the MSDS and be able to demonstrate familiarity with it. 注:以包装形式存放的锅炉处理化学品和其他化学品应妥善堆放,以防止不受控制的移动,并且必须提供 MSDS。应在化学品存放处配备防护设备,包括面罩、围裙、手套和洗眼器。处理有关材料的人员必须了解材料安全数据表的目的,并能证明自己熟悉材料安全数据表。
Paints, protective coatings and all othercorosive ortoxic materials that are camied on board shall be properly stowed to prevent uncontrolled movement and must be provided with MSDS. Protective equipment including a face shield, apron, gloves and an eye-wash should be provided at the place where paints, protective coatings and all othercorosive ortoxic materials are stored. The MSDS may be printed on the container. If it is not, then the MSDS data must be prominently posted or readily a vailable to the user. Personnel who handle the materials in question must be aware asto the purpose of the MSDS and be able to demonstrate familiarity with it. 船上携带的油漆、防护涂层和所有其他腐蚀性或有毒材料应妥善存放,以防移动不 受控制,并必须提供材料安全数据表(MSDS)。应在油漆、防护涂层和所有其他腐蚀性或有毒材料的存放处提供防护设备,包括面罩、围裙、手套和洗眼器。容器上可能印有 MSDS。如果没有,则 MSDS 数据必须张贴在显著位置或随时提供给使用者。处理相关材料的人员必须了解 MSDS 的目的,并能证明自己熟悉 MSDS。
MSDS data sheets forAnnexI cargoes and fuel oil are recommended to comply with the format in MSC 286 (86). MSDS for other products camied on board such asChemic als for use on board, paint thinners etc. should be fit forpurpose and should be in a format broadly based on the format laid out in MSC 286(86). 附件 I 货物和燃油的 MSDS 数据表建议采用 MSC 286 (86) 中的格式。船上装载的其他产品(如船上使用的化学物质、油漆稀释剂等)的安全数据表(MSDS)应符合目的,其格式应大致参照MSC 286(86)中规定的格式。
Access: 访问:
5.47 Is the vessel provided with a safe means of access and are all available means of access (gangway / accommodation ladder/ pilot ladder/ transfer basket) in good order and well maintained? 5.47 是否为船只提供了安全通道,所有可用通道(舷梯/住舱梯/引导梯/转运篮)是否完好无损并得到良好维护?
A ship’s gangway consists of a straight, lightweight bridging structure provided with side stanchions and handrails. The walking surface has a non-slip surface ortransverse bars to provide foot gripsfor when it is inclined. It is rigged perpendicularto the ship’sside and spansbetween the ship’s rail and the working deck of the berth. (ISGOTT16.4.3.2) 船用舷梯是一种笔直的轻型桥式结构,配有侧支柱和扶手。行走表面有防滑面或横杆,以便在倾斜时提供脚抓。它垂直于船舷安装,横跨在船舷和泊位的工作甲板之间。(isgott16.4.3.2)
Means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships: 上船和下船的方式:
Ships constructed on or after 1 J anuary 2010 shall be provided with means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships for use in port and in port related operations, such as gangways and accommodation ladders, in accordance with paragraph 2. 在 2010 年 1 月 1 日或以后建造的船舶,应根据第 2 段的规定,提供在港口和与港口有关的作业中使用的上船和下船工具,如舷梯和舱室梯子。
The means of embarkation and disembarkation required in paragraph 1 shall be constructed and installed based on the guidelines developed by the Organization (MSC.1/Circ 1196) (SOLAS II-1/3-9) 第 1 款所要求的上船和下船工具应根据本组织制定的准则(MSC.1/Circ 1196) (SOLAS II-1/3-9)建造和安装。
Marking: 标记:
Each accommodation ladderorgangway should be clearly marked at each end with a plate showing the restrictions on the safe operation and loading, including the maximum and minimum permitted design angles of inclination, design load, maximum load on bottom end plate, etc. Where the maximum operational load is less than the design load, it should also be shown on the marking plate. 每条住人梯架的两端都应清楚地标明安全操作和装载的限制,包括允许的最大和最小设计倾斜角、设计荷载、底端板的最大荷载等。如果最大操作载荷小于设计载荷,也应在标记牌上标明。
(MSC.1/C irc.1331/3.5)
At every five-yearly survey, upon completion of the examination required by paragraph / 在每五年一次的调查中,在完成第 段和第 段所要求的检查后,应将检查结果上报。 / 5.2.1, the accommodation ladder, gangway and winch should be operationally tested with the specified maximum operational load of the ladder. (MSC.1/Circ.1331) / 5.2.1,住舱梯、舷梯和绞车应按规定的最大操作载荷进行操作测试。(MSC.1/Circ.1331)
A lifebuoy equipped with a self-igniting light and a buoyant lifeline should be available for immediate use in the vicinity of the embarkation and disembarkation a rrangement when in use. 在使用救生圈时,应在上船和下船地点附近准备一个配备自燃灯和浮力救生绳的救生圈,以便立即使用。
Safety nets are not required if the gangway is fixed to the shore and provided with a permanent system of handrails made of structural members. For othertypes of gangways, and those fitted with 如果舷梯固定在岸上,并配有结构件制成的永久性扶手系统,则不需要安全网。对于其他类型的舷梯,以及装有
rope or chain handrails or removable posts, correctly nigged safety nets should be provided. (ISGOTT 16.4.5) 应提供绳索或链条扶手或可移动的柱子,并正确编织安全网。(isgott 16.4.5)
Safety nets should be provided whereverthere is a possibility of a person falling overorthrough the side rails of the gangway and should be rigged to prevent anyone falling between the ship and quay. Where the railsprovide adequate protection, a safety net might not be necessary. 如果有人有可能从舷梯侧面的栏杆上跌落,则应提供安全网,并应安装安全网以防止有人从船舶和码头之间跌落。如果栏杆提供了足够的保护,则可能不需要安全网。
Regardless of whether the gangway is supplied by ship or shore, it is the ship’s responsibility to ensure that a safety net is rigged. 无论舷梯是由船上还是岸上提供,船上都有责任确保安装安全网。
If the means of access are considered to be unsafe, then the inspectormust not put him/herself at risk by going on board. 如果认为登船通道不安全,则检查员不得冒险登船。
When a gangway is rigged a notice should be posted, preferably at the shore end. The notice should state that: 在舷梯上安装缆绳时,应张贴告示,最好是在岸边一端。告示应说明
Unauthorised persons are not allowed to board; 未经许可的人员不得登机;
Visitors are required to show identific ation; 参观者须出示身份证件;
Mobile phones and otherelectronic equipment must be switched off; 必须关闭手机和其他电子设备;
Smoking and naked lights are prohibited; 禁止吸烟和裸灯;
Lighters and matches are prohibited to be camied on board. 禁止携带打火机和火柴上船。
In all ships where the distance from sea level to the point of accessto, oregress from, the ship exceeds 9 metres and where it is intended to embark and disembark pilots by means of the accommodation ladder, or by means of mechanic al pilot hoists or other equally safe and convenient means in conjunction with a pilot ladder, the ship shall camy such equipment on each side, unless the equipment is capable of being transferred for use on either side. (SOLASV/23.3.2) Pilot ladders should be certified by the manufacturer asbeing constructed to comply with the requirements of IMO Resolution A.1045(27) or ISO 799:2004 在从海平面到船舶进出点的距离超过 9 米的所有船舶中,如果打算通过舱室梯或机械引航吊或其他与引航梯配套的同样安全和方便的方式上下引航员,则船舶应在两侧各安装一个此类设备,除非该设备能够转移到任何一侧使用。(SOLASV/23.3.2) 驾驶梯应由制造商证明其构造符合 IMO A.1045(27)号决议或 ISO 799:2004 的要求。
Where the distance from the surface of the water to the point of access to the ship is more than 9m9 m, the accommodation ladder in conjunction with a pilot ladder shall be used. The accommodation ladder shall lead aft and the lowerend shall rest firmly against the ship’s side within the parallel body length of the ship and clearof all discharges. 当水面到上船点的距离大于 9m9 m 时,应使用与引航梯一起使用的住宿梯。船舱梯应通向船尾,其下端应紧靠船舷,位于船身平行长度范围内,并避开所有排放物。
All wires used to support the means of embarkation and disembarkation shall be maintained as specified in regulation III/20.4 (special regard for areaspassing through sheaves and renewed when necessary due to deterioration of the fallsor at intervals of not more than 5 years, whichever is the earlier. 用于支撑登船和登岸工具的所有导线应按第 III/20.4 条的规定进行维护(特别注意穿过滑轮的区域),并在必要时因坠落物老化或间隔不超过 5 年(以较早者为准)进行更新。
(SOLASII-I Reg 3-9.3) (SOLASII-I Reg 3-9.3)
Means shall be provided to ensure safe, convenient and unobstructed passage for any person embarking on, ordisembarking from, the ship between the head of the pilot or accommodation ladder and the deck. 应采取措施确保任何上船或下船人员在引水梯或舱室梯头与甲板之间有安全、方便和畅通无阻的通道。
(SOLAS V/23.4)
Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate the transfer arrangementsoverside, the position on deck where a person embarksordisembarks and the controls of the mechanical pilot hoist. 必须提供足够的照明,以照亮船舷外的转移安排、甲板上人员登船的位置以及机械引航葫芦的控制装置。
(SOLAS V/23.8)
Sample Arrangements: 安排样本:
5.48 Is there a suitable means for storing of cargo and bunker samples cargo and bunker sample locker situated within the main cargo area and is it in good order? 5.48 主货舱内是否有存放货物和油舱样品的适当装置 货物和油舱样品柜是否完好无损?
All cargo samples should be stowed securely in lockers that have access extemal to the accommodation. Consideration should be given to storing samples in a location protected by a fixed fire-fighting system, such as a paint locker. The number of samples retained on board should be carefully managed and, when no longer required, they should be disposed of eitherto a slop tank on board orto a teminal’s waste oil system. 所有货物样品都应稳妥地存放在可通往舱外的储物柜中。应考虑将样品存放在有固定消防系统保护的地方,如油漆柜。应谨慎管理船上保留的样品数量,当不再需要时,应将其丢弃到船上的泔水槽或船上的废油系统中。
The company should have a policy that addressesthe disposal of samples; the aim should be to minimise the period of retention after the relevant cargo has been discharged. Unless the company advises to the contrary, it is suggested that samples are retained for a period of three months after the cargo hasbeen discharged. (ISGOTT12.3) 公司应制定处理样本的政策;目的应是尽量缩短相关货物卸货后的保留期。除非公司提出相反的建议,否则建议在货物卸下后将样品保留三个月。(ISGOTT12.3)
The retained bunkersample should be kept in a safe storage location, outside the ship’s accommodation, where personnel would not be exposed to vapours which may be released from the sample. Care should be exercised when entering a sample storage location. 保留的油舱样品应保存在船舱外的安全储存地点,人员不会接触到样品可能释放出的蒸汽。进入样品存放地点时应小心谨慎。
The retained sample should be stored in a sheltered location where it will not be subject to elevated temperatures, preferably at a cool/ambient temperature, and where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight. 保留的样本应存放在不受高温影响的隐蔽处,最好是在凉爽/环境温度下,且不 受阳光直射。
Pursuant to regulation 18(6) of Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, the retained sample should be retained under the ship’s control until the fuel oil is substantially consumed, but in any case, for a period of not less than 12 months from the time of delivery. (MEPC.96(47)) 根据《73/78 防污公约》附则 VI 第 18(6)条,保留的样品应在船舶控制下保留,直到燃油基本消耗完为止,但在任何情况下,从交货时算起,保留时间不得少于 12 个月。(MEPC.96(47))
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中提出这些补充意见。
Chapter 6. Pollution Prevention 第 6 章.预防污染
6.1 Are the ship’s crew familiar with their duties in relation to the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) / Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP), is the plan maintained updated with emergency contacts readily available? 6.1 船员是否熟悉与船上油污应急计划 (SOPEP) / 船上海洋污染应急计划 (SMPEP) 有关的职责,是否随时更新计划并提供应急联系人?
Every oil tanker of 150 gt and above and every ship otherthan an oil tanker of 400 gt and above shall camy on board a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan approved by the Administration. (MARPOL Annex l/37) 每艘 150 公吨及以上的油轮和每艘 400 公吨及以上的非油轮应在船上备有经行政部门批准的船上油污应急计划。(MARPOL Annex l/37)
Every ship of 150 gt and above certified to camy noxious liquid substances in bulk shall camy on board a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan fornoxious liquid substances approved by the Administration. (MARPOLAnnex II/17) 《每艘经认证可装运散装有毒液体物质的 150 公吨及以上的船舶,均应在船上装有经管 理局批准的船上有毒液体物质海洋污染应急计划。(防污公约》附件 II/17)
Both SOPEP and SMPEP shall be written in a working language orlanguages understood by the master and officers. SOPEP 和 SMPEP 均应以船长和高级船员能够理解的一种或多种工作语言编写。
In the case of shipsto which Regulation 17 of Annex II of the present Convention also applies, such a plan may be combined with the shipboard manine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances required under regulation 17 of Annex II of the present Convention. In this case, the title of such a plan shall be “'Shipboard manine pollution emergency plan”. (MARPOL Annex I/37.3 and Annex II/17) 对于本公约附件 II 第 17 条也适用的船舶,该计划可与本公约附件 II 第 17 条所要求的船上有毒液体物质污染应急计划合并。在这种情况下,该计划的名称应为 "船上人为污染应急计划"。(MARPOL Annex I/37.3 和 Annex II/17)
The plan is subject to re-approval after a change of management. 该计划须在管理层变动后重新批准。
The list of national operational contact points is issued as the annex to the MSC-MEPC. 6 circularposted annually on IMODOCS. However, the most up to date version of the list can be downloaded from the Contact Points module of the GISIS website at, aspx?/List=URHS. The entire circular, including its annex, as well as a stand-alone PDF version of the annex, are also a vailable on the IMO 国家业务联络点名单作为 MSC-MEPC.6号通知的附件,每年在IMODOCS上发布。不过,最新版本的清单可从 GISIS 网站的联络点模块下载:, aspx?/List=URHS。整个通告,包括其附件,以及附件的独立 PDF 版本,也可在 IMO
website at and can be accessed through either the “National Contacts” or “C irculars” links on the bottom of the IMO homepage. 网站,并可通过国际海事组织主页底部的 "国家联系 "或 "通函 "链接访问。
The the only offic ial version of the List of national operational contact points is issued electronic ally on a quarterly basis. From J anuary 2018 onwards, the quarterly dates for the offic ial version of the updated list will be as follows: 31 J anuary, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October. 国家业务联络点清单的唯一正式版本每季度以电子方式发布一次。从 2018 年 1 月起,更新名单正式版的季度日期将如下:1 月 31 日、4 月 30 日、7 月 31 日和 10 月 31 日:1 月 31 日、4 月 30 日、7 月 31 日和 10 月 31 日。
A list of specific contact numbers should be prepared for the port and be readily available to the master and displayed in the cargo control room. The list should at least include the contact numbers forthe DPA (or the operator’s emergency contact details); the port authonities, the P and I Club, the agent and the national pollution reporting centre from the Coastal Contact List. 应为港口准备一份具体联系号码的清单,船长可随时取用,并显示在货物控制室中。该清单应至少包括 DPA 的联系号码(或操作员的紧急联系方式)、港口当局、P and I 俱乐部、代理和沿海联系清单中的国家污染报告中心。
6.2 Is the ship fitted with a main deck boundary coaming and scupper anangement that is effectively plugged during operations? 6.2 船舶是否安装了主甲板边界围板和在操作过程中能有效堵塞的舱口法兰?
Scuppers on gascamiers will only be required to be plugged when bunkering or if camying a MARPOL Annex 1 cargo. For gas camiers this question should be answered ‘NA’ unless the vessel is undertaking bunkering at the time. 只有在加油或装载《防止船污公约》附件 1 所列货物时,才需要堵塞气穴机上的排水板。对于气体岐管,除非船舶当时正在加油,否则应回答 "不需要"。
Means shall be provided to keep deck spills away from the accommodation and service areas. This may be accomplished by means of a permanent continuous coaming of a height of at least 300mm, extending from side to side. Special consideration shall be given to the a rrangements associated with stem loading. (SOLASII- 必须提供使甲板溢出物远离舱室和服务区的措施。为此,可采用从一侧延伸至另一侧的高度至少为 300 毫米的永久性连续围板。应特别考虑与船杆装载有关的安排。(solasii-
Continuous coaming of suitable height shall be fitted to keep any spills on deck and away from the accommodation and service areas. (IBC 3.7.7) 应安装适当高度的连续围板,以防止任何溢出物留在甲板上,并远离住宿区和服务区。(IBC 3.7.7)
A secondary purpose of this coaming is to provide oil retention at the afterend of the maindeck in the event of an oil spill, giving the crew suffic ient time to deal with it and avoid oil entering the water. 这种围油栏的另一个作用是在发生漏油事故时,在主甲板后部提供滞留油,使船员有足够的时间进行处理,避免油污进入水中。
6.3 Are means readily available for dealing with small oil or chemical spills? 6.3 是否有处理小规模油类或化学品泄漏的现成手段?
Means should be provided for the prompt removal of any spillage on deck. Spill equipment should be readily available at the manifold and there should be an adequate method (spill pumpsordumping a rrangements to a cargo tank or other equally effective means) forthe rapid disposal of oil at the aft end of the main deck on both sides of the vessel. 应提供迅速清除甲板上任何溢出物的方法。溢油设备应在汇流排处随时可用,并应有适当的方法(溢油泵将溢油排入货舱或其他同样有效的方法)在主甲板后端船舶两侧快速处理油污。
If the use of a cargo tank orslop tank is not a viable option, an altemative enclosed container with a capacity of at least 2m32 \mathrm{m3} should be available forthe disposal of spills and oily waterfrom the deck. Portable spill pumps should be bonded to the vessel’s structure to prevent electric al discharge to earth. Bonding may be made by extemal means, orby the discharge hose, if this is attached by means of a flanged connection to the vessel’s structure. Pumpsshould also be mounted to prevent movement and subsequent damage during operation. 如果使用货舱或泔水舱不可行,则应准备一个容量至少为 2m32 \mathrm{m3} 的替代性封闭容器,用于处理甲板上的溢出物和油水。便携式溢出泵应与船舶结构粘接,以防止对地放电。可以通过外部方式或通过排放软管(如果软管通过法兰连接到船只结构上)进行连接。泵的安装也应防止在运行过程中发生移动和损坏。
Where portable spill pumps are provided, and the discharge isled to a cargo tank, there should be a suitable fixed connection. Disposal of a spill should not require the insertion of the spill pump discharge hose through a tank opening such as a sighting port. 在提供便携式溢油 泵并将其排放至货舱的情况下,应提供适当的固定连接。处理溢出物时,不应要求将溢出泵的排放软管从货舱开口(如观察孔)插入。
Where dump valves are installed at the afterend of the maindeck, ascertain whetheropening the 如果在主甲板后部安装了倾卸阀,则应确定是否要打开
valves will a ctually result in the disposal of spilled oil to the tank. Exc essive cargo tank vapour pressure can result in a release of pressure when the dump valve is opened, thereby aggravating the situation. U bends fitted in the dumping line to the tank may allow spills to be safely disposed of without first having to depressurise the tank, but this dependson the liquid level in the U-bend being adequate to prevent back-flow of vapour. The ullage of the cargo in the tank may also affect the ability to drain spills from the deck, particularly when the tank is full, and the vessel is trimmed by the stem. If effective draining of a spill cannot be achieved or if pressure release is required, an altemative method of immediately disposing of a spill should be provided. 打开倾倒阀实际上会导致将溢出的油品倾倒到油箱中。当打开倾倒阀时,过高的货舱蒸汽压力会导致压力释放,从而使情况恶化。在通往储油罐的倾倒管路中安装 U 形弯管可以安全地处理泄漏的油类,而无需首先对储油罐进行减压,但这取决于 U 形弯管中的液位是否足以防止蒸汽倒流。油舱中货物的满载率也可能会影响从甲板上排出溢油的能力,尤其是当油舱满载且船体被船艏修剪时。如果无法有效排出溢出物或需要释放压力,则应提供立即处理溢出物的替代方法。
It should be recognised that if the vessel is sagged a spill will accumulate amidships and if trimmed by the head then it will accumulate forward. The positioning of spill equipment and disposal equipment must take these conditions into account. 应该认识到,如果船只下垂,溢油就会积聚在舯部,如果船头修整,溢油就会积聚在前部。泄漏设备和弃置设备的定位必须考虑到这些情况。
Forgascamiers the question should be answered N/A unless undertaking bunkeroperations. 除非进行掩体作业,否则该问题的答案应为 "不适用"。
Cargo Operations and Deck Area Pollution Prevention: 货物操作和甲板区域污染预防:
6.4 Are Annex 1 and 2 overboard valves and cargo system sea valves suitably secured, thoroughly checked closed prior to commencement of cargo transfer and where provided, sea valve-testing arrangements in order and regularly monitored for leakage? 6.4 附件 1 和附件 2 的溢流阀和货物系统的海上阀门是否适当固定,是否在货物转运开始前彻底检查关闭情况,如果有,海上阀门测试安排是否正常,是否定期监测泄漏情况?
At the start of loading and at regular intervals throughout loading, discharging, ballasting and tank washing, a watch should be kept ensuring that oil is not esc aping through sea valves. Sea and overboard discharge valvesconnected to the cargo and ballast systemsmust be securely closed and lashed and may be sealed when not in use. In line blanks should be inserted where provided. When lashing is not practic al, as with hydraulic valves, some suitable means of marking should be used to indic ate clearly that the valves are to remain closed. 在装货开始时,以及在整个装货、卸货、压载和洗舱过程中,应定期进行监视,确保油类不会通过海阀漏出。与货物和压载系统相连的海阀和船外排放阀必须牢固地关闭和绑扎,不使用时可以密封。在有管线空隙的地方,应插入管线空隙。如果绑扎方法不可行,如液压阀,则应使用一些适当的标记方法,以清楚表明阀门应保持关闭状态。
Forfurther information on this subject, reference should be made to the ICS/OCIMF public ation ‘Prevention of Oil Spillagesthrough Cargo Pump Room Sea Valves’. (ISGOTT 24.7.2) 有关该主题的更多信息,请参阅 ICS/OCIMF 的公开出版物 "通过货油泵房海阀防止溢油"(ICS/OCIMF 24.7.2)。(isgott 24.7.2)
Records of such checks should be recorded in the Deck or Cargo Log Book. Anti-pollution waming noticesshould be posted in the vicinity of these valves. 检查记录应记录在甲板或货物日志中。应在这些阀门附近张贴防污染标志。
It is recommended that a device be installed to monitor pressure build-up and determine liquid makeup in the section of the pipeline which lies between the inboard and outboard sea valves. Such a device would both provide an early indication of leakage through eithervalve during cargo handling operations and enable the leaking valve to be identified. During cargo operationspressure build-up in this line would be apparent from the gauge reading and would indic ate that one of the valves was leaking. (OCIMF Cargo Pump Room Sea Valves 4). 建议安装一个装置,以监测压力的增加,并确定位于内侧和外侧海上阀门之间的那段管道中的液体成分。这样的装置既可以在货物装卸作业期间及早发现阀门泄漏,又可以确定泄漏的阀门。在货物装卸过程中,从压力表的读数可以明显看出该管路的压力增大,并表明其中一个阀门正在泄漏。(OCIMF 货物泵房海阀 4)。
Devicesshould be positioned so that both readings and samplescan be taken from a point far enough above the pump room lowerplatform level that there is no possibility of human exposure to gasconcentrations which may accumulate below the floor plates. (OCIMF Cargo Pump Room Sea Valves 4) (OCIMF Cargo Pump Room Sea Valves 4) 设备的位置应确保读数和取样都能从泵房下层平台足够高的位置进行,从而避免人体接触到可能积聚在底板下面的气体浓度。(OCIMF 货物泵房海阀 4)(OCIMF 货物泵房海阀 4)
The use of a pressure/vacuum gauge, ratherthan a pressure-only gauge, is preferable in that it will provide a reliable indication of a vacuum in the line priorto opening the sea valve forballasting. (OCIMF Cargo Pump Room Sea Valves 4) 最好使用压力表/真空表,而不是只使用压力表,因为这样可以在打开海上阀门进行压载之前可靠地显示管路中的真空度。(OCIMF 货物泵房海阀 4)。
Two valves should be fitted at cargo sea suctions, unless the sea suctions are blanked or a spool piece to the cargo system hasbeen removed. Care should be taken that test pressures do not exceed . \mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{cm} 2. 在货物入海处应安装两个阀门,除非入海处已被清空或货物系统的阀芯已被拆除。应注意测试压力不得超过 . \mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{cm} 2 。
6.5 If ballast lines pass through cargo and/ or Bunker tanks are they tested regularly, and the results recorded? 6.5 如果压载水管穿过货舱和/或油舱,是否定期检测并记录检测结果?
6.6 Are adequate manifold spill containers and gratings in place under the cargo manifolds, 6.6 货物汇流排下是否有足够的汇流排溢出容器和格栅、
fitted with suitable drainage arrangements and are they empty?
A permanently fitted spill tank, provided with suitable means of draining, should be fitted under all ship and shore manifold connections. If no permanent means are fitted, portable drip trays should be placed undereach connection to retain any leakage. The use of plastic should be avoided unless provision for bonding is made. (ISGOTT24.7.4) 应在所有船舶和岸上分水器的连接处下方安装一个永久性的溢流槽,并配备适当的排水装置。如果没有永久性装置,则应在连接处下方放置便携式滴水盘,以防止泄漏。应避免使用塑料,除非有粘接规定。(ISGOTT24.7.4)。
Suitable means of draining the spill containerto a cargo tank or spill tank should be provided. On chemic al tankers, spill containers should be drained to appropriate tanks with due regard to toxicity and compatibility requirements. Manifold spill containers should be clean and free from cargo residues. 应提供将溢出容器排水至货舱或溢出舱的适当方法。在化学品油轮上,应适当考虑毒性和兼容性要求,将溢出容器排入适当的罐体。集装架溢出容器应清洁、无货物残留物。
6.7 Have bunker pipelines been satisfac torily tested on an annual basis and is there suitable evidence of this test? 6.7 沙坑管道是否每年都经过令人满意的测试,是否有适当的测试证据?
Note: Bunkerpipelines are defined as any pipeline used fortaking on, discharging or intemally transfeming any fuel for consumption on board. 注:燃油管道是指用于装载、卸载或内部转运船上消耗的任何燃料的管道。
A vessel’s ‘Bunker Transfer System’ should be tested to 100%100 \% of their rated working pressure (Sometimes 船舶的 "燃料舱转移系统 "应在 100%100 \% 额定工作压力(有时为 100%100 \% )下进行测试。
referred to asMaximum Allowable Working Pressure - MAWP) at least annually. ‘Oil Transfer Systems’ should be tested to 1.5 times their rated working pressure at least twice within any five-year period. Pipelines should be marked with the date of test and the test pressure. A vessel’s ‘BunkerTransfer System’ includes the discharge pump and piping between the pump and the vessel’smanifold, excluding any non-metallic hoses. In this case the MAWP can be assumed to be eitherthe pressure at which the transfer piping relief valve is set or, where no relief valve(s) are fitted, the maximum discharge pressure that can be developed by the vessel’s pump. For centrifugal pumps this is the pressure developed by the pump at zero flow conditions. Pressure testing should be a hydrostatic test, pressure testing using compressed air or inert gas is not acceptable. 至少每年一次。输油系统 "应在任何五年内至少进行两次额定工作压力 1.5 倍的测试。管道应标明测试日期和测试压力。船舶的 "油舱输油系统 "包括卸油泵和泵与船舶歧管之间的管道,不包括任何非金属软管。在这种情况下,MAWP 可以假定为输送管道溢流阀的设定压力,或者在未安装溢流阀的情况下,假定为容器泵可产生的最大排放压力。对于离心泵,这是泵在零流量条件下产生的压力。压力测试应为静水压力测试,不允许使用压缩空气或惰性气体进行压力测试。
Pipelines should be visually examined and subjected to routine pressure tests to verify their condition. Othermeans of non-destructive testing or examination, such as ultra sonic wall thic kness measurement, may be considered appropriate, but should always be supplemented by visual examination. (ISGOTI 10.11.3) 应对管道进行目视检查和例行压力测试,以核实其状况。其他非破坏性测试或检查方法,如超音波壁厚测量,可能被认为是适当的,但应始终辅以目视检查。(《国际试验准则》10.11.3)
6.8 Are unused cargo and bunker pipeline manifolds fully bolted and are all drains, vents and unused gauge stems, suitably blanked or capped? 6.8 未使用的货物和油舱管道歧管是否完全栓紧,所有排水口、通风口和未使用的量油尺杆是否适当封堵或加盖?
All ship’s cargo and bunkerpipelines not in use must be securely blanked at the manifold. The stem cargo pipelines should be isolated from the tanker’s main pipeline system forward of the aft accommodation by blanking orby the removal of a spool piece. (ISGOTT24.7.5) 所有不使用的船上货物和燃料管道都必须在汇流排处牢固地封堵。在船尾舱室前方,应通过封堵或拆除阀芯将干管货物管道与油轮主管道系统隔离。(ISGOTT24.7.5)
This includes all pipelines and fittings which are in use orwhich might become pressurised during cargo operations, on both sides of the vessel. 这包括船舶两侧所有正在使用或在货运过程中可能受压的管道和配件。
Blanks should be fully bolted. Drains and vents should be fitted with valves and eithercapped or plugged. Pressure gauge stems should be fitted with valves and capped whenevergauges are not fitted. 坯料应全部用螺栓固定。排水口和通风口应安装阀门,并盖上盖子或堵上塞子。压力表杆上应安装阀门,如果没有安装压力表,则应将其封盖。
6.9 Is suitable spill containment fitted around all fuel, diesel and lubric ating oil tank vents and 6.9 是否在所有燃料、柴油和润滑油油箱通风口周围安装了适当的溢出密封装置,以及
hydraulic deck machinery?
Notes: The height of any savealls around bunkertank vents should not be greaterthan the vent heads themselves, because this could lead to the ingress of water in bad weatherif the savealls become filled with water. The vent heads should be clearly labelled to indicate the space that they serve. 注意:双层水箱通风口周围的任何挡水板的高度不应超过通风口本身的高度,因为在恶劣天气下,如果挡水板进水,可能会导致进水。通风孔头应贴上清晰的标签,标明其所服务的空间。
Containers should be empty of water and free of oil. 容器中应无水无油。
Drain plugs should be in place in port. 排水塞应安装在端口处。
6.10 Are the arrangements for the disposal of oily water in the forecaste and other intemal spaces adequate and are officers aware of these requirements? 6.10 前厅和其他内部空间的油水处理安排是否适当?
Where there is a possibility of hydraulic, fuel orother oil accumulating in intemal space bilge wells, adequate arrangements should be in place forits disposal, bilge wells should be sighted to give early waming of leakage. Where hand pumpsorejectors are fitted, pollution prevention notic es should be 如果舱内舱底井可能积存液压油、燃油或其他油类,则应作出适当的处理安排,并应观察舱底井,以便及早发现泄漏。如果安装了手泵喷射器,则应在喷射器上贴上防止污染的告示。
posted and the overboard valves should be secured against accidental opening. Witness the bilge alarm tests where possible 应张贴告示,并确保溢流阀不会被意外打开。尽可能见证舱底警报测试
Pump Rooms and Oil Disc harge Monitors: 泵房和油盘监测器:
6.11 Are pump room / trunk space bilge high level alams fitted, regularly tested and the results recorded? 6.11 是否安装了泵房/行李箱舱底高位安全阀,是否定期进行测试并记录结果?
All pump rooms on all tankers constructed on orafter 1stJ uly 2002 shall be provided with bilge level monitoring devicestogether with appropriately located alarms. (SO LASII-2/ 2002 年 7 月 1 日或以后建造的所有油轮上的所有泵房均应配备舱底水位监测装置和位置适当的报警器。(So LASII-2/。
The pump room bilge high-level alarm must be sited at a low point in the pump room bilge in orderto be effective. Witness the bilge alam tests where possible. 泵房舱底高水位警报器必须安装在泵房舱底的低点才能有效。尽可能见证舱底水位测试。
6.12 Are adequate arangements provided for pipeline draining and the disposal of pump room bilge ac cumulations? 6.12 是否为管道排水和处理泵房舱底积水提供了适当的安排?
On some tankers, no provision is made for effective line draining and, in orderto meet the demandsof certain product trades, final line contents are drained to the pump room bilge. This is an unsafe practice and it is recommended that cargo proceduresbe reviewed with the aim of preventing a volatile product being drained to the bilge. Means should be available to have the draining system operated from outside the pumproom, at least from the upperdeck. 在一些油轮上,没有有效的管线排水设施,为了满足某些产品贸易的需求,最终管线内容物被排放到泵房舱底。这是一种不安全的做法,建议对货运程序进行审查,以防止将挥发性产品排入舱底。应该有办法从泵房外,至少从上层甲板操作排水系统。
Where linesthat have been used forballast have to be drained to the pump room bilge on completion of deballasting, care must be taken to ensure that such draining’s do not contain petroleum. (ISGOTT10.11.2) 如果用于压载的管路必须在除砂完成后排至泵房舱底,则必须注意确保排出的管路不含石油。(ISGOTT10.11.2)
In all casesforcargo and ballast pumprooms there should be adequate meansto transferbilge contents to cargo/slop tanks or other containment tanks without risk of pollution. 在任何情况下,货物泵房和压载泵房都应有足够的方法将舱内物质转移到货舱/泔水舱或其他密封舱,而不会造成污染。
6.13 If an ODME is fitted, is it in good order, well maintained and any operational downtime recorded in the ORB? 6.13 如果安装了 ODME,该设备是否完好无损、维护良好,是否在 ORB 中记录了任何运行故障时间?
If applic able, the date and time when any failure occured and the date and time when the system wasmade operational, together with the reason for the failure should be recorded in the Oil Record Book. Mitigation measuresmeantime of the failure should also be documented. 如果可以申请,则应将任何故障发生的日期和时间、系统恢复运行的日期和时间以及故障原因记录在《油品记录簿》中。故障发生时的缓解措施也应记录在案。
If the ODME is not currently operational, record with the Observation how long it hasbeen out of order and what remedial action is intended. 如果 ODME 目前无法运行,则应在观察记录中记录其已停运多长时间以及打算采取何种补救措施。
Engine and Steering Compartments: 发动机室和转向室
6.14 Are the engine room bilge oily water pumping and disposal arrangements in good order? 6.14 机房舱底油水泵和处理安排是否良好?
At least two powerpumpsconnected to the main bilge system shall be provided, one of which may be driven by the propulsion machinery. If the Administration is satisfied that the safety of the ship is not impaired, bilge pumping a rrangements may be dispensed with in particular compartments. (SOLASII1 Reg. 21.3) 至少应配备两个与主舱底系统连接的动力泵,其中一个可由推进机械驱动。如果管理部门认为不会影响船舶的安全,则可在特定舱室内免除舱底泵的安排(SOLASII1 第 21.3 条)。(SOLASII1 第 21.3 条)
Any system used to transfer bilge or oily watermixtures for retention on board ordischarge to deck, must be provided with positive meansto ensure that oil or oily mixtures are not discharged into the sea. Ascerta in that a direct overboard discharge is not being used for the disposal of daily machinery space bilge accumulations. 任何用于将舱底污水或含油混合物转移到船上留存或排放到甲板的系统,都必须配备确保油类或含油混合物不被排放入海的有效手段。在处理日常机械舱底积水时,不采用直接向外排放的方式。
A direct connection overboard from a bilge pump used for the regulardisposal of accumulations of bilge water, orfor any other oil service, must be recorded as an Obsenvation. 用于舱底积水定期处理或任何其他油类服务的舱底泵直接连接到船外,必须作为异常情况记录在案。
6.15 Are emergency bilge pumping anrangements ready for immediate use; is the emergency bilge suction clearly identified and, where fitted, is the emergency overboard discharge valve provided with a notice waming against accidental opening? 6.15 舱底紧急抽水装置是否可立即使用;舱底紧急抽水装置是否有明确标识;如已安装,紧急落水排放阀是否有防止意外打开的提示?
Regulations 15 and 34 (Control of the discharge of oil) of this Annex shall not apply to: 本附件第 15 和第 34 条(油类排放控制)不适用于以下情况
the discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixture necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea; or 为确保船舶安全或拯救海上人命而必须向海洋排放油类或油类混合物;或
the discharge into the sea of oil oroily mixture resulting from damage to a ship or its equipment: 因船舶或其设备受损而向海洋排放油类或油类混合物:
2.1. provided that all reasonable precautions have been taken after the occurence of the damage or discovery of the discharge for the pupose of preventing orminimizing the discharge; and 2.1. 在发生损害或发现排放后,已采取一切合理的预防措施,以防止或尽量减少排放;以及
2.2. except if the owner or the masteracted either with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result; or 2.2. 除非船主或船长蓄意造成损害,或明知可能造成损害而鲁莽行事;或
the discharge into the sea of substancescontaining oil, approved by the Administration, when being used forthe purpose of combating specific pollution incidents in orderto minimize the damage from pollution. Any such disc harge shall be subject to the approval of any Govemment in whose junisdiction it is contemplated the discharge will occur. (MARPOLAnnexIReg 4) 《在用于应对特定污染事故以尽量减少污染造成的损害时,向海洋排放经政府批准的含油物质。任何此类排放均须获得其管辖区内任何政府的批准。(防污公约》附件第 4 条)。
SOLAS states that sanitary, ballast and general service pumpsmay be accepted as independent powerbilge pumps where fitted with the necessary connections to the bilge pumping system. Although not specific ally described assuch, this SOLAS requirement is to permit bilges to be 国际海上人命安全公约》规定,卫生泵、压载泵和一般服务泵可作为独立的动力舱底泵使用,但须与舱底泵系统进行必要的连接。虽然《国际海上人命安全公约》的这一要求并没有具体说明,但它是为了让船底可以
discharged overboard in an emergency situation and MARPOL AnnexI Reg. 4 above, allows for this. The emergency bilge overboard discharge must not be used forthe disposal of daily machinery space bilge accumulations. Inspection of the ship’s side valve and associated overboard pipework should be checked for evidence of oil contamination. 上述《防污公约》附则 I 第 4 条允许在紧急情况下将舱底污水排出船外。紧急舱底溢油排放不得用于处理日常机械舱底积油。应检查船舶侧阀和相关的舷外管道是否有油污迹象。
In addition to the SOLAS requirement fortwo means of disposing of bilges, there is a class requirement for an additional emergency bilge disposal system and this will utilise a sea water pump and will discharge directly overboard. This emergency bilge suction valve should be readily accessible and clearly marked asto its purpose. 除了《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)要求的两种舱底处理方式外,船级社还要求增加一个紧急舱底处理系统,该系统将使用一个海水泵,并直接排放到船外。这种紧急舱底抽吸阀应易于使用,并清楚地标明其用途。
The meansby which operation of the emergency overboard valve is controlled to prevent unauthorised discharge of oil oroily mixtures should be determined. Positive evidence that the overboard discharge valve has not been opened can be provided by use of a numbered seal, the number of which can be verified in official documents such asthe Engine Room Log orthe Oil Record Book Part I. Such a method of sealing must be easily breakable to allow the valve to be opened in an emergency. 应确定控制紧急溢流阀操作以防止未经授权排放油类或含油混合物的方法。可以通过使用有编号的密封件来提供未打开过舷排放阀的确凿证据,该密封件的编号可以在诸如轮机舱日志或油类记录簿第一部分等官方文件中进行核实。
If the vessel has an ejector as a substitute forone of the bilge pumpsthen it may be necessary to ensure that the suction valves are similarly sealed. 如果船只用喷射器代替一个舱底泵,则有必要确保吸入阀同样密封。
6.16 Have disposals of sludge and other machinery waste been conducted in accordance with MARPOL requirements? 6.16 对污泥和其他机械废物的处理是否符合《防止船污公约》的要求?
Piping to and from sludge tanks shall have no direct connection overboard, other than the standard discharge connection referred to in regulation 13. (MARPOL 12/2) 除第 13 条所述的标准排放接口外,进出污泥舱的管道不得直接与船外连接(MARPOL 12/2)。
Inspectors should venify that there are no obvious signs of malpractice which could include newly disturbed pipe flanges, flexible hose connections, broken seals, oily flanges/valve glands and piping that is not indic ated on the approved bilge disposal system. 检查员应检查是否有明显的违规迹象,包括新损坏的管道法兰、软管连接、破损的密封件、含油法兰/阀盖以及未标明在已批准的舱底污水处理系统上的管道。
6.17 Is the oily water separator in good order, free from unauthorised modifications and are the engineers well familiar with its operation and data recovery procedure where applicable? 6.17 油水分离器是否完好无损,没有未经授权的改动,工程师是否非常熟悉其操作和数据恢复程序(如适用)?
Except as specified in paragraph 3 of this regulation, any ship of 400 gross tonnage and above but less than 10,000 gross tonnage shall be fitted with oil filtering equipment complying with paragraph 6 of this regulation. Any such ship which may discharge into the sea ballast water retained in oil fuel tanks in accordance with regulation 16.2 shall comply with paragraph 2 of this regulation. 除本条第3款规定的情况外,总吨位在400吨及以上但不足10,000吨的任何船舶均应装有符合本条第6款规定的滤油设备。任何按照规章第 16.2 条的规定可能向海洋排放油舱压载水的船舶,应遵守本规章第 2 款的规定。
Except as specified in paragraph 3 of this regulation, any ship of 10,000 grosstonnage and above shall be fitted with oil filtering equipment complying with paragraph 7 of this regulation. 除本条第 3 款规定外,任何 10,000 总吨位及以上船舶均应安装符合本条第 7 款规定的滤油设备。
Oil filtering equipment referred to in paragraph 1 of this regulation shall be of a design approved by the Administration and shall be such as will ensure that any oily mixture discharged into the sea after passing through the system has an oil content not exceeding 15 partspermillion. In considering the design of such equipment, the Administration shall have regard to the specific ation recommended by the Organization. 本条第 1 款所述的油类过滤设备,其设计应经管理局批准,并应确保通过该系统后排放入海的任何含油混合物的含油量不超过百万分之十五。在考虑此类设备的设计时,管理局应考虑到本组织建议的具体内容。
Oil filtering equipment referred to in paragraph 2 of this regulation shall comply with paragraph 6 of this regulation. In addition, it shall be provided with alarm arrangements to indicate when this level cannot be maintained. The system shall also be provided with arrangements to ensure that any discharge of oily mixtures is automatic ally stopped when the oil content of the effluent exceeds 15 parts permillion. In considering the design of such equipment and approvals, the Administration shall have regard to the specification recommended by the Organization. (MARPOL Reg 14) 本条第 2 款所述滤油设备应符合本条第 6 款的规定。此外,该设备应配备报警装置,在无法保持这一水平时发出警报。该系统还须作出安排,确保在污水含油量超过 15 分之permillion 时自动停止任何含油混合物的排放。在考虑此类设备的设计和批准时,行政当局应考虑到该组织建议的规格。(防污公约》第 14 条)
The oily waterseparator will nomally be supplied with its own supply pump (which may either pump or draw waterthrough the separating unit). 油水分离器通常配有自己的供水泵(可以用泵或抽水泵将水抽入分离器)。
Inspectors should confirm that the oily water separatorpiping has not been altered, physic ally bypassed or hasbeen fitted with connectionsto by-pass the unit and it should be verified that that the sensing equipment has not been interfered with. A demonstration should be requested to determine how the oil content alarm istested to prove satisfactory operation and familiarity of the crew with the equipment. Failure of Oil Filtering Equipment should be recorded in the Oil Record Book, Part I. 检查员应确认油水分离器管道未被改动、未被物理旁路或未被安装连接装置以旁路该装置,并应核实传感设备未被干扰。应要求进行演示,以确定如何测试含油量警报,从而证明操作令人满意,以及机组人员对设备的熟悉程度。机油过滤设备的故障应记录在机油记录簿的第一部分。
The 15 ppm Bilge Alarm should record date, time and alarm status, and operating status of the 15 ppm Bilge Separator. The recording device should also store data for at least eighteen months and should be able to display or print a protocol for offic ial inspections as required. In the event the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm is replaced, means should be provided to ensure the data recorded remainsavailable on board for 18 months. (MEPC.107(49) 4.2.9) 15 ppm 舱底污水报警器应记录日期、时间和报警状态,以及 15 ppm 舱底污水分离器的运行状态。记录装置还应存储至少 18 个月的数据,并应能够显示或打印协议,以便根据需要进行正式检查。如果更换 15 ppm 舱底警报器,应提供方法确保所记录的数据在船上可保留 18 个月。(MEPC.107(49) 4.2.9)
The accuracy of the 15 ppm Bilge Alarms should be checked at IOPP Certific ate renewal surveys according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Altematively, the unit may be replaced by a calibrated 15 ppm Bilge Alarm. (MEPC.107(49) 4.2.11) (33 CFR 155.380(d)) 15 ppm 舱底警报器的准确性应在 IOPP 证书更新调查时根据制造商的说明进行检查。或者,可以用校准过的 15 ppm 舱底警报器替换该装置。(MEPC.107(49) 4.2.11) (33 CFR 155.380(d))
6.18 Are spec ific waming notices posted to safeguard against the accidental opening of the overboard discharge valve from the oily water separator? 6.18 是否张贴了具体的警告告示,以防止意外打开油水分离器的卸油阀?
Note: The overboard valve should be sealed and provided with a waming notice indicating that the valve should not be opened without the authority of the Chief Engineer and the Master. 注:过船阀应密封,并附有警告标志,说明未经轮机长和船长授权不得打开阀门。
6.19 If the oily water separator is not fitted with an automatic stopping device, do entries in the Oil 6.19 如果油水分离器没有安装自动停机装置,请在油水分离器的油箱中进行输入。
Record Book Part 1 indic ate that it has not been used in a Special Area? 记录簿第 1 部分是否表明它未用于特殊区域?
Section 2.2.2 of Form B of the IOPP Certificate will indicate whetherornot the engine room oily water separatorhasbeen fitted with an approved automatic stopping device. IOPP 证书表格 B 的第 2.2.2 节将说明机舱油水分离器是否安装了经批准的自动停止装置。
In vessels over 10,000 tons gross tonnage the oily waterseparator should be fitted with an alarm and an automatic device that will stop the disc harge of any mixture above 15 ppm . If the oily water separator has not been fitted with an automatic stopping device, the inspectormust ascerta in that it has not been used within a Special Area. 在总吨位超过 10,000 吨的船舶上,油水分离器应安装警报器和自动装置,以停止任何超过 15 ppm 的混合物的排放。如果油水分离器未安装自动停止装置,则检查员必须查明该设备未在特殊区域内使用过。
6.20 Is the vessel correctly segregating garbage and able to store garbage in a safe hygienic manner onboard and is the garbage being handled in accordance with the vessel’s garbage management plan and is garbage record book being correctly maintained. The vessel should have adequate garbage storage facilities, and these should allow forsafe segregation of garbage in a secure and hygienic condition. 6.20 船舶是否对垃圾进行了正确分类,是否能够以安全卫生的方式在船上储存垃圾,是否按照船舶的垃圾管理计划处理垃圾,是否正确保存垃圾记录簿。船舶应有足够的垃圾储存设施,并能在安全和卫生的条件下对垃圾进行安全分类。
Ballast Water Management 压载水管理
6.21 If the vessel is provided with an approved Ballast Water Treatment System, is the system in good order, used where required and are officer’s familiar with the safe operation of the same? 6.21 如果船舶装有经批准的压载水处理系统,该系统是否完好无损,是否按要求使用,船员是否熟悉该系统的安全操作?
Where hazardous chemic als or treatment additives are provided, inspectors should verify safe handling and access controls in place. 在提供危险化学品或处理添加剂的地方,检查员应核实安全处理和使用控制措施是否到位。
6.22 Where a Ballast Water Treatment Plant is fitted is it maintained in accordance with 6.22 安装压载水处理设备时,其维护是否符合下列规定
manufacturers and vessels planned maintenance requirements? 制造商和船只的计划维护要求?
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspectorhascomments in respect of the subject mattercovered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉及的主题有其他意见,而不是对本章中的具体问题作出答复, 检查专员应将这些补充意见列入本节。
Chapter 7 Maritime Sec urity. 第 7 章 海事安全。
Notes: The Intemational Ship and Port Facility Security Code came into force on 1stJuly 2004. Inspectors should not request to sight sensitive material but verbally confirm with the Master/SSO, that proceduresorrecords are a vailable ormaintained. 《注释国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》于 2004 年 7 月 1 日生效。检查员不应要求查看敏感材料,而应向船长/SSO 口头确认是否有或是否保持了相关程序或记录。
Policies and Procedures 政策与程序
7.1 Does the vessel have an approved Ship Sec urity Plan? 7.1 船只是否有经批准的船舶安全计划?
Vessel shall have a Flag State approval letter or an endorsement stamp on the Ship Security Plan (SSP). 船舶应持有船旗国批准书或在船舶安全计划 (SSP) 上加盖认可印章。
7.2 Is the Master & Crew aware of the name and contact details of the company security officer, and are these details posted. 7.2 船长和船员是否知道公司保安人员的姓名和联系方式,这些信息是否张贴。
Crew should know the name of the CSO or where details are posted. 船员应知道 CSO 的名称或详细信息的张贴位置。
7.3 Are ship sec urity records related to port calls being maintained? 7.3 是否保存与靠港有关的船舶安全记录?
The ship shall keep records of the information referred to in paragraph 2.1 (of SOLAS XI-2/9.2) for the last 10 calls at port facilities (SOLAS XI-2/9.2.3) 船舶应保存(SOLAS XI-2/9.2)第 2.1 段提及的最近 10 次停靠港口设施的信息记录(SOLAS XI-2/9.2.3)
A record of the following information is required to be maintained 必须保存以下信息的记录
. 1 that the ship possesses a valid Certific ate and the name of its issuing authority; .1 船舶持有有效证书及其签发机构名称;
. 2 the security level at which the ship is currently operating; .2 船只当前运行的安全级别;
. 3 the security level at which the ship operated in any previous port where it hasconducted a ship/port interface within the timeframe specified in paragraph 2.3; .3 船舶在第 2.3 段规定的时间范围内进行过船舶/港口交接的任何先前港口的作业安全级别;
. 4 any special or additional security measures that were taken by the ship in any previous port where it hasconducted a ship/port interface within the timeframe specified in paragraph 2.3; .4 船舶在第 2.3 段规定的时限内进行船舶/港口交接的前一港口所采取的任何特殊或额外保安措施;
. 5 that the appropriate ship security procedures were maintained during any ship to ship activity within the timeframe specified in paragraph 2.3; or .5 在第 2.3 段规定的时间范围内,在任何船对船活动中保持了适当的船舶安 全程序;或
. 6 other practical security related information (but not details of the ship security plan), taking into account the guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code. If requested by the Contracting Govemment, the ship or the Company shall provide confirmation, acceptable to that Contracting Govemment, of the information required above. .6 其他与保安有关的实用信息(但不包括船舶保安计划的细节),同时考虑到《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》B部分的指导。如果缔约国政府提出要求,船舶或公司应提供缔约国政府可接受的上述所需信息的确认书。
Note: These records are required to be maintained to ensure compliance with the requirements of SOLAS chapterXI-2 priorto entry into port with the aim of avoiding the need to impose control measuresorsteps by officers duly authorized by the Govemment of the port state. Inspectors do not need to review the details of the information maintained in the records but should note whether records are maintained or not. 注:必须保存这些记录,以确保在入港前符合《国际海上人命安全公约》第 XI-2 章的要求,目的是避免由港口国政府正式授权的官员采取控制措施或步骤。检查员不需要审查记录中保存的信息细节,但应注意是否保存了记录。
7.4 Are records of training and maintenance of equipment related to the ship security plan available? 7.4 是否有与船舶保安计划有关的培训和设备维护记录?
Records related to training and maintenance of equipment required by the ship security plan should be maintained. These may include but not be limited to: 应保存与船舶保安计划所要求的设备培训和维护有关的记录。这些记录可能包括但不限于
Training, drills and exercises; 培训、演习和练习;
o Training drills should be conducted in accordance with the ship security plan. o 应根据船舶安全计划进行培训演习。
Changes in security level; 更改安全级别;
o Changes should be recorded in log books. o 应在日志中记录变更情况。
o Communication with Flag State & CSO. o 与船旗国和民间社会组织沟通。
Communic ations relating to the security threats or port facilities the ship is, or has been, in. 与船舶目前或曾经遇到的安全威胁或港口设施有关的通信。
Date of intemal audits and reviews of security activities conducted; 对安全活动进行内部审计和审查的日期;
Date of review of the ship security plan; 审查船舶安全计划的日期;
Maintenance, calibration and testing of any security equipment provided on board, including testing of the ship security alert system. 维护、校准和测试船上提供的任何安全设备,包括测试船舶安全警报系统。
Any security related equipment fitted on board should be periodic ally inspected and maintained, this may include: - 船上安装的任何安全设备都应定期检查和维护,其中可能包括-
Razorl barbed wire 刀片刺绳
Watercannons 水炮
Security locks/locking a rrangements 安全锁/上锁安排
Lockable hatches/ stainvellsetc. 可上锁的斗笠/蓑衣。
7.5 Has the ship's sec urity officer been trained to undertake this role and do they understand their responsibilities? 7.5 船舶安全官员是否接受过这方面的培训,他们是否了解自己的职责?
The duties and responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to: 船舶安全官员的职责和责任包括但不限于
Ensuring regular security inspections of the ship to ensure appropriate security measures are maintained; 确保定期对船舶进行安全检查,以确保采取适当的安全措施;
Maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, including any amendments to the plan; 维护和监督船舶安全计划的实施,包括对计划的任何修订;
Knowing the procedure forproposing modific ationsto the ship security plan; 了解对船舶安全计划提出修改的程序;
Knowing the procedure for reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and nonconformities identified during intemal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions; 了解向公司安全官员报告在内部审计、定期审查、安全检查和合规性核查中发现的任何缺陷和不符合项的程序,并实施任何纠正措施;
Evidence of enhancing security a wareness and vigilance on board; 提高船上安全意识和警惕性的证据;
o Posters/training. o 海报/培训。
Ensuring adequate training hasbeen provided to shipboard personnel, as appropriate; 确保为船上人员提供适当的培训;
o View record of training. o 查看培训记录。
Reporting all security inc idents; 报告所有安全事件;
Knowing the procedure to co-ordinate and implement the ship security plan with the company security officer (CSO) and the relevant port facility security officer. 了解与公司保安官(CSO)和相关港口设施保安官协调和实施船舶保安计划的程序。
(ISPS Code Part A/12.2) (《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》第 A/12.2 部分)
Note: The recommended training is detailed in the ISPS Code Part B/13.1 and 2 and includes the requirement for adequate knowledge of the ship and of the ship security plan and related procedures. 注:《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》B/13.1 和 2 部分详细说明了建议进行的培训,包括要求充分了解船舶和船舶保安计划及相关程序。
7.6 If fitted, is the vessel's dedicated standalone sec urity communications equipment regularly tested? 7.6 如果已安装,船上的专用独立安全通信设备是否定期测试?
Records of testing should be maintained. 应保留检测记录。
ISPS Code Part A/10.1.5 《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》第 A/10.1.5 部分
Inspectors are not required to check the details of any communic ations equipment but verify with the Master whether there is a record of testing and maintenance. 检查员不必检查任何通讯设备的细节,但要向船长核实是否有测试和维护记录。
7.7 Does the vessel have a routine to regularly test the ship sec urity alert system? 7.7 船舶是否定期测试船舶安全警报系统?
Inspectors are not required to sight the records of testing and/or maintenance but verify with the Master of its existence 检查员不需要查看检测和/或维护记录,但要向船主核实记录是否存在
ISPS Code Part A/10.1.10 《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》第 A/10.1.10 部分
7.8 Does the Passage Plan include security related information for each leg of the voyage? 7.8 航行计划是否包括每段航程的安全相关信息?
The secunty related information on the passage plan should include but not be limited to: 通行计划中与安全有关的信息应包括但不限于:
Changesto security levels. 更改安全级别。
Changes in bridge manning levels (e.g.: extra lookouts). 桥梁人员配备水平的变化(例如:额外的瞭望员)。
Points where the vessel should be hardened (referOCIMF Guidelines forvessel hardening). 应加固血管的位置(请参考 OCIMF 血管加固指南)。
7.9 Does the vessel have a voyage/ transit sec urity risk assessment? 7.9 船只是否有航行/过境安全风险评估?
The voyage/transit security risk assessment should be reviewed and updated prior to entering an area which requires an increased state of readiness and vigilance. 在进入需要加强戒备和警惕的区域之前,应审查和更新航行/过境安全风险评估。
7.10 Does the vessel have procedures for vessel hardening? 7.10 容器是否有淬火程序?
The OCIMF information paper "Ship Security - Guidelines to Harden Vessels’ provides guidance on establishing procedures and implementing a vessel hardening plan. OCIMF 的信息文件 "船舶安全--船舶加固指南 "为制定程序和实施船舶加固计划提供了指导。
The ship should maintain recordsto demonstrate implementation, when required through risk assessment, of hardening proceduressuch asentries in log book or work plans. 船舶应保存记录,以证明在风险评估要求时执行了加固程序,如日志或工作计划中的记录。
If the vessel does nothave procedures for vessel hardening, then provide reasons in comments. 如果没有容器硬化程序,请在注释中说明原因。
7.11 Does the Master/ SSO have a clear understanding of the procedures for voluntary security reporting? 7.11 主管/高级安全干事是否清楚了解自愿安全报告的程序?
Note: Check evidence of participation in voluntary security reporting such as reporting to UKMTO when passing through the Indian Ocean. 注:检查参与自愿安全报告的证据,如通过印度洋时向英国海事组织报告。
7.12 Is an adequate deck watch being maintained to prevent unauthorised access in port? 7.12 是否保持足够的甲板值班,以防止未经许可进入港口?
There should be a continuous gangway watch and a routine for regular rounds of the deck to monitor potential access points (e.g. hawse pipes; mooring ropes; etc). 应持续对舷梯进行监视,并定期巡视甲板,监控可能的出入口(如鹰嘴管、系泊绳索等)。
Remote monitoring of different areas on ships is increasingly being used. Where technology such asCCTV is employed to monitor potential access points to the ship this should be noted in comments. 对船上不同区域进行远程监控的做法越来越多。如果采用诸如CCTV 等技术来监控船舶的潜在接入点,则应在注释中注明。
7.13 Has the company provided a list of security charts, publications and guidelines to the ship? 7.13 公司是否向船上提供了安全图表、出版物和指南清单?
Such security charts, public ations and guidelines’ may include: 这些 "安全图表、公告和准则 "可包括
Relevant UKHO security charts 英国卫生组织相关安全图表
Industry best management practice guidance 行业最佳管理实践指南
Any othercompany specific guidance 任何其他公司的具体指导
Cyber Sec urity 网络安全
7.14 Are Cyber Sec urity Polic y and Procedures part of the Safety Management System and is there a Cyber Response Plan onboard? 7.14 网络安全政策和程序是否是安全管理系统的一部分,船上是否有网络应急计划?
Note: Do the procedures include a risk assessment of issues such as: 注:程序是否包括对以下问题的风险评估?
Threats such as from malware; phishing attacksetc. 威胁,如恶意软件、网络钓鱼攻击等。
Identification and protection of Vulnerable systems (ECDIS etc) 识别和保护易受攻击的系统(ECDIS 等)
Mitigation measures, (USB control etc) 缓解措施(USB 控制等)
Identify key personnel within the company (including who the masterreports suspected incidentsto) 确定公司内的关键人员(包括主控人员向谁报告可疑事件)
Hard copy of key contacts (e.g. DPA; CSO etc). 关键联系人(如 DPA、CSO 等)的硬拷贝。
Password management/record? 密码管理/记录?
Contractorcompliance 承包商合规
Note: Does the CyberResponse plan contain guidance on: 注:网络应急计划是否包含以下方面的指导:
What ‘symptoms’ to look for, 需要注意哪些 "症状"、
Immediate actions to be taken and 应立即采取的行动和
Name, position, phone number and email for the Responsible Person to be contacted 联系人的姓名、职位、电话号码和电子邮件地址
7.15 Are the crew aware of the company policy on the control of physical access to all shipboard IT OT systems? 7.15 船员是否了解公司关于控制所有船上 IT OT 系统物理访问的政策?
Note: Inspectors should observe if access to USB ports on 'Shipboard ITOT terminals are controlled (i.e. there are measures in place to block/lock USB/RJ -45 ports on these teminals. Procedures should include the protection of Critical equipment such as ECDIS from malware and virus attacks. Procedures should include the control of access to all shipboard IT/OTteminals including access to Servers which should be in a secure location. The procedures should also include access by any third-party contractors and technicians. 注:检查员应观察 "船载 ITOT 终端 "上 USB 端口的访问是否受到控制(即是否有措施封 锁/锁定这些终端上的 USB/RJ -45 端口)。程序应包括保护 ECDIS 等关键设备免受恶意软件和病毒攻击。程序应包括对所有船上 IT/OTteminals 的访问控制,包括对服务器的访问,服务器应位于安全地点。程序还应包括任何第三方承包商和技术人员的访问。
7.16 Does the company have a policy or guidance on the use of personal devices onboard? 7.16 公司是否有关于在机上使用个人设备的政策或指南?
Personal devices include phone/tablets etc and storage devicessuch as USB sticks. 个人设备包括手机/平板电脑等和 U 盘等存储设备。
Check if the policy is implemented by both, crew and visitors, e.g. all third-party contractors and technicians. 检查机组人员和访客(如所有第三方承包商和技术人员)是否都执行该政策。
7.17 Is Cyber Sec urity a wareness actively promoted by the company and onboard?
Note: Active promotion might include: 7.17 公司和员工是否积极推广网络安全?注:积极推广可包括
‘CyberAwarenessMaterial’ displayed by all ITterminals and in crew rest rooms 在所有信息技术终端和船员休息室展示 "网络意识材料
Training films shown to crew 向船员播放培训影片
Crew specific training 船员专门培训
Instruction on safeguarding of passwords 密码保护说明
Responsible use of social media. 负责任地使用社交媒体。
Policy on the use of personal devices and its inclusion in shipboard joining familia risation checklists. 关于使用个人设备的政策,并将其纳入船上家庭化检查清单。
May include companies own employee/contractorAuthorised UserPolicy (AUP) agreements. 可能包括公司自己的员工/承包商授权用户政策(AUP)协议。
Company certified asperISO 27001 通过 ISO 27001 认证的公司
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Chapter 8 Cargo and Ballast Systems - Petroleum 第 8 章 货物和压载系统 - 石油
Note: The Intemational Safety Guide forOil Tankers and Teminals (ISGOTT) contains guidance pertaining to the safe camage and handling of petroleum products. Inspectors should observe cargo operations, interview responsible personnel, review the operator’s operating procedures and observe the degree of compliance by officers and crew to appropriate regulations and guidelines. Common causes of incidents are poor planning, improper supervision of transfer operations, inadequate knowledge or disregard of the dangers of static electric ity, insuffic ient personnel on duty and insuffic ient or incorrect information conceming cargo properties. 注:《国际油轮和码头安全指南》(ISGOTT)载有关于安全装卸石油产品的指南。检查员应观察货物操作、询问负责人员、审查经营者的操作程序,并观察官员和船员遵守相关规定和准则的程度。事故的常见原因包括计划不周、对转运操作的监督不当、对静电危险的认识不足或忽视、值班人员不足以及有关货物特性的信息不足或不正确。
Policies, Procedures and Doc umentation: 政策、程序和文件:
8.1 Are the officers aware of the operator's policy statements, guidance and procedures, 8.1 官员是否了解运营商的政策声明、指南和程序、
including information on maximum loading rates and venting capacities with regard to safe cargo operations?
Masters should be provided with information on maximum permissible loading ratesforeach cargo and ballast tank and, where tankshave a combined venting system, foreach group of cargo orballast tanks. This requirement is aimed at ensuring that tanks are not over or under-pressurised by exceeding the capacity of the venting system, including any installed secondary venting arrangements. 应向船长提供每个货舱和压载舱的最大允许装载率的信息,如果货舱和压载舱有联合排放系统,还应提供每组货舱或压载舱的最大允许装载率的信息。这一要求旨在确保油舱不会因超过排气系统(包括任何已安装的二次排气装置)的容量而导致压力过高或过低。
Otherconsiderations will also need to be taken into account when determining maximum loading rates for oil tankers. Prec autions against static electric ity hazards and pipeline erosion are described in ISGOTT Section 在确定油轮的最大装载率时,还需要考虑其他因素。ISGOTT 第 节)介绍了防止静电危险和管道侵蚀的预防措施。
Note: This information should be displayed at the cargo control position. 注:此信息应显示在货物控制位置。
8.2 Are legible and up to date pipeline and/ or mimic diagrams of cargo, inert gas and venting systems, as applic able, a vailable in the pumproom(s) and cargo control area and deck offic er’s familiar with the systems? 8.2 在泵房和货物控制区是否有清晰和最新的货物、惰性气体和通风系统的管线图和/或模拟图,甲板上的官员是否熟悉这些系统?
8.3 Are cargo pump performance cunves available, are deck officers aware of the test requirements for the cargo lines, vapour lines and inert gas lines in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing where applicable? 8.3 是否有货泵性能标准,甲板人员是否了解货物管路、蒸汽管路和惰性气体管路的测试要求,是否有定期测试(如适用)的记录证据?
The presence of any latent defect in the cargo system will usually reveal itself when the system is pressurised during the discharge operation. It is good practice to pressure test cargo lineson a periodic basis, depending on the trade of the ship. Although these pressure testsmay provide an indic ation of the system’s condition at the time of the test, they should not be considered a substitute for regular extemal inspection of the pipeline system and periodic intemal inspections, partic ularly at known failure points, such aspump discharge bends and stub pipe connections. (ISGOTT7.3.2) Pipelines should be visually examined and subjected to routine pressure tests to verify their condition. Othermeans of non-destructive testing or examination, such as ultra sonic wall thickness measurement, may be considered appropriate, but should always be supplemented by visual examination. (ISG OTT 10.11.3) 货物系统中存在的任何潜在缺陷通常会在卸货操作过程中对系统进行加压时显现出来。根据船舶的贸易情况,定期对货物管路进行压力测试是一种良好的做法。虽然这些压力测试可提供测试时系统状况的指示,但不应将其视为管道系统定期外部检查和定期内部检查的替代品,尤其是在已知的故障点,如泵排放弯管和短管连接处。(ISGOTT7.3.2)应对管道进行目视检查和例行压力测试,以核实其状况。其他非破坏性试验或检查方法,如超音波壁厚测量,可能被认为是适当的,但应始终辅之以目视检查。(国际标准化组织 OTT 10.11.3)
Notes: A vessel’s ‘Oil Transfer System’ should be tested to 100% of their rated working pressure (Sometimes referred to as Maximum Allowable Working Pressure - MAWP) at least annually. 'Oil Transfer Systems should be tested to 1.5 times their rated working pressure at least twice within any five-year period. Pipelines should be marked with the date of test and the test pressure. A vessel’s ‘Oil Transfer System’ includes the discharge pump and piping between the pump and the vessel’smanifold, excluding any non-metallic hoses. In this case the MAWP can be assumed to be eitherthe pressure at which the transferpiping relief valve is set or, where no relief valve (s) are fitted, the maximum discharge pressure that can be developed by the vessel’s pump. For centrifugal pumps this is the pressure developed by the pump at zero flow conditions. Pressure testing should be a hydrostatic test, pressure testing using compressed air or inert gas is not acceptable. 注释:船舶的 "输油系统 "应至少每年进行一次 100%额定工作压力(有时称为最大允许工作压力 - MAWP)的测试。输油系统 "应在任何五年内至少进行两次额定工作压力 1.5 倍的测试。管道上应标明测试日期和测试压力。船只的 "输油系统 "包括卸油泵和泵与船只歧管之间的管道,不包括任何非金属软管。在这种情况下,MAWP 可以假定为输送管道溢流阀设定的压力,或者在未安装溢流阀的情况下,容器泵可产生的最大排出压力。对于离心泵,这是泵在零流量条件下产生的压力。压力测试应为静水压力测试,不允许使用压缩空气或惰性气体进行压力测试。
Note: This includescorrosion of bolts and flanges on dresser couplings. 注:这包括修整器联轴器上的螺栓和法兰的腐蚀。
Stability and Cargo Loading Limitations: 稳定性和货物装载限制:
8.4 If a loading computer or programme is in use, is it class approved, regularly tested and are officers aware of the test requirements inc luding damage stability? 8.4 如果使用装载计算机或程序,是否经过等级批准,是否定期进行测试,官员是否了解测试要求,包括损坏稳定性?
Ships of more than 65 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with a loading manual including permissible limits of still water bending moment and shearforce; the results of the calculations of still water bending moments; shearforces and where applic able, limitations due to torsional and lateral loads and the allowable localloading forthe structure (decks, double bottom, etc.). Ships of more than 100 metres in length are required by Classto be provided with an approved loading instrument. An operational manual is always to be provided forthe loading instrument. 船级社要求长度超过 65 米的船舶必须配备装载手册,包括静水弯矩和剪力的允许限值、静水弯矩的计算结果、剪力以及扭力和侧向载荷的限制(如适用)和结构(甲板、双层底等)的允许局部载荷。船级社要求长度超过 100 米的船舶配备经批准的装载仪器。装载仪器必须配备操作手册。
The loading instrument should be capable of calculating shearforces and bending moments in any load or ballast condition at specified readout points and should indic ate the permissible values. Ships with very limited possibilities for variations in the distribution of cargo and ballast and ships with a regular orfixed trading pattem may be exempt from the requirement. 装载仪器应能在指定的读出点计算任何装载或压载条件下的剪力和弯矩,并应标明允许值。货物和压载物分布变化可能性非常有限的船舶,以及有定期或固定贸易模式的船舶,可免除此要求。
Class approvalsforloading instruments are made under a Type Approvals process. Type-approval certific ates are generally valid for periods of not more than five years. MSC Circular 1221 notes that the validity of the Type Approval Certific ate itself has no influence on the operational validity of a product accepted and installed onboard ship and that a product manufactured during the period of valid ity of the relevant Type Approval Certific ate need not be renewed orreplaced due to the expiry of such Type Approval Certificate. 装载仪器的等级认证是根据型号认证程序进行的。型式批准证书的有效期一般不超过五年。MSC 第 1221 号通知指出,型式批准证书本身的有效期对已接受并安装在船上的产品的操作有效期没有影响,在相关型式批准证书有效期内生产的产品无需因该型式批准证书到期而更新或更换。
At each Annual and Special Survey, the loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy and the approved loading guidance information confirmed asbeing available on board. Class approved data should be used and the tests should be camied out in the presence of the attending surveyor at the annual survey. Regularon-board testing should also take place and recordsattesting to this should be maintained. The test should involve physic ally entering the data foreach tank into the computer and venifying the result. It is not acceptable to simply retrieve a stored test condition from the computer and compare this against the offic ial conditions. 在每次年度检验和特别检验时,应检查装载仪器的准确性,并确认船上有经批准的装载指导信息。在年度检验时,应使用经批准的等级数据,并在主检人员在场的情况下进行测试。还应定期进行船上测试,并保存测试记录。测试应包括将每个水箱的数据输入电脑并核对结果。不能简单地从计算机中调出存储的测试条件,然后与实际条件进行比较。
Ships constructed on or after 01 J an 2016* and shipsconstructed before 01 J an 2016* (by the first renewal survey on or after 01 J an 2016, but before 01 J an 2021**) are required to be fitted with a stability instrument capable of handling both intact and damage stability. Ships camying onboard stability instruments already approved and certified by a recognized organization, and capable of venifying both intact and damage stability to a standard acceptable to the administration, may continue to use such an instrument. 在 2016 年 01 月 01 日*或之后建造的船舶,以及在 2016 年 01 月 01 日*之前建造的船舶(在 2016 年 01 月 01 日或之后但在 2021 年 01 月 01 日**之前进行首次更新检验),均须安装能同时处理完好稳性和损坏稳性的稳性仪器。装有已获认可组织批准和认证的船载稳性仪器,并能按管理部门可接受的标准检测完好稳性和损坏稳性的船舶,可继续使用此类仪器。
The following optionsfor waiving the requirement by the flag administration have been given: ■ Ships which are on a dedicated service, with a limited number of permutations of loading such that all antic ipated conditions have been approved in the stability documentation provided on board 船旗国管理部门有以下免除要求的选择:专门服务的船舶,其装载变化次数有限,且船上提供的稳性文件中已批准了所有相关条件
Ships where stability verification is made remotely by a means approved by the administration 通过管理部门批准的方式进行远程稳定性核查的船舶
Ships which are loaded within an approved range of loading conditions 在批准的装载条件范围内装载的船舶
Ships constructed before 1 January 2016(1) provided with approved limiting KG/GM curves covering all applic able intact and damage stability requirements MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6 / IBC Ch 2016 年 1 月 1 日前建造的船舶(1) 提供经批准的 KG/GM 限制曲线,涵盖所有适用的完好性和损坏稳定性要求 MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6 / IBC Ch
01 J ul 2016 and ** 01 J ul 2021 forgas camiers 2016年7月1日和** 2021年7月1日
If a class approved loading computer is not a vailable, record in Comments, how stress and stability calculations are performed. 如果没有经船级社批准的加载计算机,应在注释中记录如何进行应力和稳定性计算。
8.5 Has a cargo plan been prepared and followed with a detailed sequence of cargo and ballast transfers documented, stress, intact and damage stability and are any limitations, where applicable understood by the cargo watch officers and clearly documented? 8.5 是否制定并遵循了货物计划,其中记录了货物和压舱物转移的详细顺序、应力、完好和损坏的稳定性,以及货物值班人员是否理解并清楚记录了适用的任何限制?
Inspectors should determine that prior to transfer of cargo, calculations have been made forstress and stability conditions for the start, interim and completion of transfer conditions. Regularmonitoring of stress and stability should be taking place throughout cargo transferto ensure that the conditionshave been maintained within design limits. 检查员应确定,在货物转运之前,已对转运开始、转运中期和转运结束时的应力和稳定性条件进行了计算。在整个货物转运过程中,应定期监测应力和稳定性,以确保这些条件保持在设计范围内。
All cargo operations should be carefully planned and documented well in advance of their execution. The details of the plans should be discussed with all personnel, both on the ship and at the terminal. Plansmay need to be modified following consultation with the terminal and following changing circumstances, eitheronboard or ashore. Any changes should be formally recorded and brought to the attention of all personnel involved with the operation. ISG OTT Chapter 22 contains details of cargo plans and communic ations regarding them. (ISGOTT11.1.1) 所有货运操作都应在执行前进行仔细规划和记录。应与船上和码头的所有人员讨论计划的细节。在与码头协商后,以及在船上或岸上情况发生变化时,可能需要对计划进行修改。任何更改都应正式记录在案,并提请所有参与操作的人员注意。ISG OTT 第 22 章包含货物计划和相关沟通的详细信息。(ISGOTT11.1.1)
The plan should cover all stages of the transfer operations and as a minimum, contain: 计划应涵盖转运操作的所有阶段,至少应包括以下内容
Quantity and grade of each parcel; 每个地块的数量和等级;
Density, temperature and other relevant properties; 密度、温度和其他相关特性;
A plan of the distribution, lines and pumpsto be used; 将使用的配水、管线和水泵的平面图;
Transfer rates and maximum allowable pressures; 传输速率和最大允许压力;
Critic al stages of the operation; 行动的批评阶段;
Notice of rate change; 费率变更通知;
Venting requirements; 通风要求;
Stability and stress information; 稳定性和压力信息;
Drafts and trims; 草稿和修剪;
Ballast operations; 压载作业;
Emergency stop procedures; 紧急停止程序;
Emergency spill procedures and spill conta inment; and 紧急泄漏程序和泄漏控制;以及
Hazards of the partic ular cargoes. 特殊货物的危险。
And also, as required: 此外,还需要
Prec autions against static generation; 防止静电产生的精密自动装置;
Initial start-up rates; 初始启动率;
Control of cargo heating systems; 控制货物加热系统;
Line clearing; 线路清理;
Crude oil washing procedures; 原油清洗程序;
Underkeel clearance limitations; 底板间隙限制;
Bunkering; and 加油;以及
Special prec autions required for the particularoperation 特定操作所需的特殊预防措施
Inert gasoperations. 惰性气体操作。
The cargo plan should be completed by the responsible officerpriorto commencement of operations and verified and approved by the Master. It should be comprehensive, contain full details of the operation and be easy to interpret. Vessel should be able to demonstrate that an independent check of the cargo line up including venting wascamied out priorthe start of the cargo operation. 货运计划应由负责官员在作业开始前完成,并由船长核实和批准。计划应全面、包含操作的全部细节并易于解释。船舶应能证明,在开始装货作业之前,已对包括排气在内的货物排列进行了独立检查。
The cargo log must include details of all majorevents including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps, tanks being worked and any deviations from the original plan. 货运日志必须包括所有重大事件的细节,包括主货泵和压载泵的启动和停止、正在工作的油箱以及与原计划的任何偏差。
The master and chief officer should be aware of the worst case damage condition for the existing cargo onboard. 船长和轮机长应了解船上现有货物的最坏损坏情况。
Every oil tanker of 5,000 tonnes deadweight ormore shall have prompt access to computerised shorebased damage stability and residual structural strength calculation programs. (MARPOLAnnexI reg 37.4) 《每艘载重量在 5,000 吨或以上的油轮应能迅速使用岸基损坏稳定性和残余结构强度计算机计算程序。(防污公约》附件 I 第 37.4 条)
The vessel should have an approved stability information book (SIB), written in a language understood by the officers on board, and the SIB should coverdamage conditions. 船只应有一本经批准的稳性信息手册 (SIB),以船上人员能够理解的语言书写,稳性信息手册应涵盖损坏情况。
A sailing condition is deemed to be approved if the filling of each cargo and ballast tank lies within 1% of the weight in the approved condition and GMF lies within 2 cm of the approved condition GMF. 如果每个货舱和压载舱的装载量不超过批准状态下重量的 1%,且 GMF 不超过批准状态下 GMF 的 2 厘米,则视为批准航行状态。
Record an observation if the vessel has everbeen loaded to a condition not in accordance with the SIB unless these are in accordance with the damage conditions asperthe class approved on board stability computer programme. 如果船舶曾在不符合 SIB 的情况下装载,则应记录观察结果,除非这些情况符合船级社批准的船上稳性计算机程序中的损坏条件。
8.6 Is the vessel free of inherent intact stability problems, are officer's aware of these problems or risks of structural damage due to sloshing, and actions required if the vessel takes on an unstable condition and/or an angle of loll. 8.6 船只是否存在固有的不稳定性问题,主管人员是否了解这些问题或因荡气回肠而造成结构损坏的风险,以及在船只出现不稳定状况和/或倾斜角时需要采取的行动。
Vessels that have large width tanks will be subject to reductions of intact stability due to free surface. Although such vessels may meet IMO intact stability criteria when in fully loaded orballasted conditions, they may be unstable when multiple tanks are slack during cargo or ballast transfer operations, or in intermediate states of loading. Trim and stability manuals generally deal only with a mival and departure conditions and operators are not made aware that stability problems may exist at intermediate stages during cargo transfers. 拥有大宽度油舱的船舶会因自由表面而降低完好稳性。尽管这类船舶在满载或压载状态下可能符合国际海事组织的完好稳性标准,但在货物或压载物转移操作过程中,或在装载的中间状态下,当多个油舱松弛时,它们可能会不稳定。减摇和稳性手册通常只涉及开航和离港条件,操作人员并没有意识到在货物转运的中间阶段可能存在稳性问题。
If a vessel has eitherlarge width cargo tanks, ‘U’ section ballast tanks, or double bottom tanks without watertight centreline bulkheads, inspectors should ascertain that the vessel meets IMO intact stability criteria by requesting the chief officerto demonstrate, using the class approved loading instrument, the intact stability at the worst case condition (i.e. All tanks slack and maximum free surface). If no suitable loading instrument is provided and adequate instructions are not available, the question should be answered ‘No’, unless there is satisfactory proof that the vessel is free of inherent stability problems. 如果船舶有大宽度货舱、"U "型压载舱或没有水密中线舱壁的双层底舱,检查员应通过要求船长使用船级社批准的装载仪器演示在最坏情况下(即所有油舱松弛和最大自由表面)的完好稳性,以确定船舶符合 IMO 完好稳性标准。如果没有提供合适的装载仪器,也没有适当的说明,则应回答 "否",除非有令人满意的证据证明船舶不存在固有稳性问题。
Inspectors should ascerta in whether all officers appear familiar with operational restrictions and that instructions are prominently posted describing action to take if stability concems are suspected or experienced. Record a “N” response and appropriate Observation if weaknessesorotherconcems are revealed. 检查员应检查所有人员是否熟悉业务限制,是否在显著位置张贴了说明,介绍在怀疑或遇到稳定性问题时应采取的行动。如果发现薄弱环节或其他问题,应记录 "N "和适当的 "观察"。
Important restrictions other than maximum permitted cargo density should be recorded as an observation. 除最大允许货物密度外,其他重要限制应作为意见记录在案。
Venific ation of compliance with damage stability requirements should be documented in accordance with the company’s operating procedures and the company’s sa fety management system. This should include a method of retaining manual calculations and/or stability instrument printouts used to verify compliance, so that this information can be provided to third parties, such ascompany auditors, surveyors or port State control inspectors. It is recommended that records are retained on board for a minimum of three years to ensure they are available at the next Safety Management Certific ate (SMC) audit. (MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1) 应根据公司的操作程序和公司的安全管理系统,将遵守损害稳定性要求的情况记录在案。这应包括保留用于验证合规性的手工计算和/或稳定性仪器打印输出的方法,以便将此信息提供给第三方,如公司审计员、检验员或港口国控制检查员。建议在船上保留至少三年的记录,以确保在下一次安全管理证书(SMC)审核时可以使用。(MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1)
If specific procedures have been adopted to address potential stability problems, these should be recorded as an Observation regardless of whether the officers are aware of these issues or not. 如果采取了具体程序来解决潜在的稳定问题,则无论官员是否意识到这些问题,都应将其记录为 "观察"。
Cargo Operations and Related Safety Management 货运业务及相关安全管理
8.7 Are all officers and ratings aware of the camiage requirements including emergency procedures for the spec ific cargo onboard and are officers’ familiar with the vessels cargo system, including emergency discharge anangements? 8.7 所有高级船员和等级船员是否都了解包括船上特定货物应急程序在内的航行要求,高级船员是否熟悉船上货物系统,包括紧急卸货装置?
Officers should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following: 官员应能展示以下方面的基本知识:
Shipboard operations and cargo handling; 船上作业和货物装卸;
Closed loading, discharging and sampling; 封闭式装载、排放和取样;
Requirements formedic al treatment following exposure to hazardous cargoes; 接触危险货物后的医疗要求;
Spill response; 泄漏应对措施;
Communication procedures with shore and emergency stop procedures; 与岸上的通信程序和紧急停止程序;
And, as required: 而且,根据要求
Effects of high density cargoes; 高密度货物的影响;
Hazards associated with toxic cargoes, 与有毒货物有关的危险、
Hazards of electrostatic generation. 静电产生的危害。
8.8 Are the cargo, ballast and stripping pumps, eductors and their associated instrumentation and controls including temperature monitoring, in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.8 货泵、压载泵和剥离泵、导流器及其相关仪器和控制装置(包括温度监测)是否完好无损,是否有定期测试的记录证据?
The requirement is to provide an alarm. There is no requirement fortemperaturesto be displayed orfor a high temperature trip to operate, but where this is provided hourly records of temperatures should be maintained. Cargo pump bearings must not have temporary cooling fitted. 要求是提供警报。不要求显示温度,也不要求高温跳闸,但在提供高温跳闸的情况下,应保持每小时的温度记录。货泵轴承不得安装临时冷却装置。
8.9 Are offic ers aware of the column/cofferdam purging routines where deep well pumps are fitted and is the pump leakage within tolerable limits? 8.9 官员们是否了解安装深井泵的井柱/围堰清洗程序,泵的泄漏量是否在可容忍的范围之内?
The cargo pump cofferdam must be purged on a regular basis to avoid blockages of cofferdams and monitoring leakage detection (hydraulic / cargo). 货物泵围堰必须定期清理,以避免围堰堵塞和监测泄漏检测(液压/货物)。
As a guide a small quantity of cargo leakage rate of up to about 0.5 litres/day (and higher with light cargoes) during pump operation is nomal. Acceptable leakage rate dependson the type of cargo and possible consequencesin case of leakage can cause blockagesto the cofferdam. 作为指导,在泵运行期间,少量货物的泄漏率通常不超过 0.5 升/天(轻型货物的泄漏率会更高)。可接受的泄漏率取决于货物的类型以及泄漏可能造成的围堰堵塞后果。
For critic al cargoes, when the leakage rate is about 2 litres/day or higher, the pump must be purged a couple of times daily and service (pressure test-repair) camied out at first opportunity. 对于批评性货物,当泄漏率约为 2 升/天或更高时,必须每天对泵进行几次吹扫,并在第一时间进行维修(压力测试-维修)。
As a guide a small hydraulic leakage rate into the cofferdam up to about 10 millitres/ hr ( 0.25 litres/day) from the mechanical oil seal orlip seal during pump operation is nomal. For short periods of time, higherleakage peakscan occur. Inspectors should be guided by the makers recommendations here. 作为指导,在泵运行期间,机械油封或滑动油封向围堰内的微量液压泄漏率通常不超过 10 毫升/小时(0.25 升/天)。短时间内可能会出现更高的泄漏峰值。检查人员应遵循此处的制造商建议。
8.10 Are the officers and ratings aware of the location of the cargo pump emergency stops, is the emergency cargo pump shutdown system in good orderand is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.10 官员和评级人员是否知道货泵紧急停止装置的位置,货泵紧急关闭系统是否完好无损,是否有定期测试的记录证据?
Pump alarms and trips, where fitted, should be tested regularly to ensure that they are functioning correctly, and the results of these tests should be recorded. 如果安装了水泵报警器和跳闸器,则应定期进行测试,以确保其正常运行,并记录测试结果。
8.11 Are the cargo and ballast system valves in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.11 货物和压载系统阀门是否完好,是否有定期测试的记录证据?
The time taken forpoweroperated valvesto move from open to closed, and from closed to open, should be checked regularly at theirnormal operating temperatures. ISGOTT11.1.3 应在正常工作温度下定期检查电动阀门从开启到关闭以及从关闭到开启所需的时间。ISGOTT11.1.3
Manufacturers guidance should be followed foroptimum opening and closing times. 最佳开启和关闭时间应遵循制造商的指导。
8.12 Are the cargo system ullage gauges, vapour locks and UII tapes in good order and is there recorded evidence of regulartesting? 8.12 货物系统的满载仪、蒸汽锁和 UII 胶带是否完好,是否有记录表明进行过规范测试?
Fixed gauges should be checked on a regularbasis against portable tapes. If a fixed cargo tank gauging system is fitted but is unreliable and portable tapes/vapourlocks are being used as the main method of ullaging, thisfact should be recorded as an Observation. The number of tapes in use must be recorded. 应定期对照便携式压力表检查固定式压力表。如果安装了固定的货舱测量系统,但不可靠,而使用便携式水尺/蒸汽锁作为主要的装载方法,则应将这一情况记录为 "观察结果"。必须记录使用的水龙带数量。
8.13 Are the remote and local temperature and pressure sensors and gauges in good order and is there rec orded evidence of regular testing? 8.13 远程和本地温度和压力传感器和压力表是否完好无损,是否有定期测试的证据?
Fixed temperature sensors should be compared with portable tapes on a regularbasis. Pressure sensors should be checked against a reference pressure gauge periodically. 应定期将固定温度传感器与便携式磁带进行比较。压力传感器应定期与参考压力表进行比较。
8.14 Are the cargo tank high level and overfill alams in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.14 货箱高位和过量加注阀是否完好,是否有定期检测的记录证据?
Inspectors should verify the last tests of the high-level alarms and that these are included within the PMS. 检查员应核实高级警报器的最后一次测试,并将其纳入项目管理系统。
Note: High level alarms should be in operation during both loading and discharging operations. Record as an observation if high level alams are not fitted and also if the overfill alarm system is not independent of the main gauging system. High level alarms maybe integral to the fixed gauging system, but not overfill alarms. 注: 在装货和卸货过程中,高液位报警器都应处于工作状态。如果没有安装高液位报警器,如果过量加注报警系统不是独立于主测量系统之外,则记录为观察结果。高液位报警器可能是固定测量系统的组成部分,但不是过量加注报警器。
8.15 Where fitted, is the condition of the cargo tank heating system satisfactory, is it regularly tested and is any obsenvation tank free of oil? 8.15 如已安装,货舱加热系统的状况是否令人满意,是否定期进行测试,任何观察舱是否无油?
Where steam cargo heating systems are fitted and when a heated cargo is being camied at the time of the inspection, an indic ation of the condition of the heating coils can be provided by inspection of the hot well or observation tank. 如果安装了蒸汽货物加热系统,且检查时正在装载加热过的货物,则可通过检查热井或观察槽来了解加热线圈的状况。
A very small amount of oil on the surface of hot wells orobservation tanks can be considered normal, but a layer of oil over the surface indic ates that there is a problem of some signific ance. 热水井或观察槽表面有极少量的油可以被认为是正常的,但如果表面覆盖了一层油,则表明存在某种重大问题。
In the case of thermal heating systems, piping should be sound, pumps, joints and glands should be free of leaks and the heater unit should be in good order. Where parts can be isolated, procedures should be in place to identify and record which part is isolated. 就热力加热系统而言,管道应完好无损,泵、接头和接头应无泄漏,加热器装置应完好无损。在部件可以隔离的情况下,应制定程序来识别和记录哪个部件被隔离。
Altemative heating may take the form of heat exchangers on each cargo pump. Such systems should be verified liquid tight and visible pipe coating condition in good order. 替代加热可采用在每个货泵上安装热交换器的形式。此类系统应确保液密性和可见管道涂层状况良好。
Inspectors should record in the comments if the heating system is in use at the time. 检查员应在备注中记录当时是否正在使用供暖系统。
Ullaging, Sampling and Closed Operations: Ullaging、取样和封闭作业:
8.16 If the vessel is handling volatile or toxic cargoes, is it operating in a closed condition? 8.16 如果船只正在装卸挥发性或有毒货物,是否在封闭状态下运行?
All tankers fitted with a fixed inert gassystem shall be provided with a closed ullage system. (SOLASII2/ 所有装有固定惰性气体系统的油轮均应配备封闭的贮槽系统。(solasii2/。
A volatile product is petroleum having a flash point below 60 DEG C asdetermined by the closed cup method of testing. If a cargo is being handled at a temperature within 10 DEG C of its flashpoint, it should be considered volatile. Therefore, a cargo with a flashpoint of 80 DEG C should be considered volatile if handled at a temperature of 70 DEG C orabove. 挥发性产品是指通过闭杯测试法确定闪点低于 60 摄氏度的石油。如果货物的装卸温度低于其闪点 10 摄氏度,则应视为易挥发产品。因此,闪点为 80 摄氏度的货物如果在 70 摄氏度或以上的温度下处理,则应视为易挥发货物。
8.17 Is the vessel provided with an approved vapour control system? 8.17 容器是否装有经批准的蒸汽控制系统?
A tankerto which paragraph 1 of this regulation applies shall be provided with a vapour emission collection system approved by the Administration and shall use this system during the loading of relevant cargoes. A port orterminal that has installed vapour emission control systems in accordance with this regulation may accept tankers that are not fitted with vapour collection systems for a period of three years after the effective date identified in paragraph 2 of this regulation. 本条第1款适用的油轮应配备经行政当局批准的蒸汽排放收集系统,并应在装载有关货物时使用该系统。已按照本条规定安装蒸汽排放控制系统的港口或终点站,在本条第2款确定的生效日期后三年内,可接受未安装蒸汽收集系统的油轮。
(MARPOL (防污公约
Annex VI.15.5) 附件 VI.15.5)
8.18 Do tank hatches, tank cleaning apertures and sighting ports appear to be liquid and gas tight? 8.18 罐体舱口、罐体清洁孔和观察孔是否具有液体和气体密封性?
Venting Arrangements: 通风装置:
8.19 Are the officers aware of the primary and secondary cargo tank venting systems and are the systems functioning correctly? 8.19 官员是否了解一级和二级货舱通风系统,这些系统是否正常运行?
The condition of p//vp / v valves, mast risers, vent stacks, vapour lines, vacuum valves and flame screens should be assessed. 应评估 p//vp / v 阀门、桅杆立管、通风烟囱、蒸汽管路、真空阀和火焰滤网的状况。
A secondary means of full flow relief of vapour, a ir or inert gas mixtures shall be provided to prevent over-pressure or under-pressure in the event of failure of the primary venting arrangements. Altematively, pressure sensors may be fitted in each tank protected by the primary venting arrangement with a monitoring system in the cargo control room or the position from which cargo operations are normally camied out. Such monitoring equipment shall also provide an alarm facility which is activated by detection of over-pressure or under-pressure conditions within a tank. (SOLASII2/ 应提供蒸汽、惰性气体或惰性气体混合物的二级全流泄压装置,以防一级排气装置失灵时压力过高或过低。另外,可在每个受主排气装置保护的罐体上安装压力传感器,并在货物控制室或通常进行货物作业的位置安装监控系统。这种监测设备还应提供警报设施,当探测到罐内压力过高或过低时即可启动。(solasii2/
If Cargo loading and ballasting ordischarging of a cargo tank or cargo tank group which is isolated from a common venting system is intended, that cargo tank or cargo tank group shall be fitted with a means for over-pressure or under-pressure protection as required in regulation (SOLASII-2 如果货物装载和压载顺序是在一个货油舱或一组货油舱中进行,而该货油舱或一组货油舱又与共用的排气系统隔开,则该货油舱或一组货油舱应装有条例 所要求的过压或欠压保护装置(SOLASII-2。
In addition, fortankers constructed on or after 1 J anuary 2017, the secondary means shall be capable of preventing over-pressure or under-pressure in the event of damage to, or inadvertent closing of, the 此外,对于 2017 年 1 月 1 日或之后建造的油轮,辅助装置应能在发生损坏或意外关闭时防止压力过高或过低。
Vessels equipped with vapour collection systemsmust be fitted with a pressure sensing device that sensesthe pressure in the main vapour collection line, which: 装有蒸汽收集系统的容器必须安装压力传感装置,以传感主蒸汽收集管路中的压力:
(a) Has a pressure indicatorlocated on the vessel where the cargo transfer is controlled; and (a) 在控制货物转运的船上装有压力指示器;和
(b) Has a high pressure and a low pressure alarm that: (b) 具有高压和低压警报器:
(1) Is audible and visible on the vessel where cargo transfer is controlled; (1) 可在控制货物转运的船上听到和看到;
(2) Alarms at a high pressure of not more than 90 percent of the lowest pressure relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting system; and (2) 在高压不超过货箱通风系统最低泄压阀设定值 90%的情况下报警;以及
(3) Alarms at a low pressure of not less than four inches watergauge ( 0.144 psig ) for an inerted tankship, or the lowest vacuum relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting system for a non-inerted tankship. (3) 惰性油轮在不小于四英寸水压计(0.144 psig)的低压下报警,非惰性油轮在货舱排气系统最低真空泄压阀设定值下报警。
(46 C FR 39.20-13) (46 CFR 39.20-13)
Class soc ieties may accept a system that may not comply with the SOLAS requirements for 'Sec ondary means of full flow relief. 船级社可以接受可能不符合《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)关于 "全流量溢流辅助装置 "要求的系统。
If the vessel is described in the IOPPC Form B1.11.4 as a Crude oil/Product camier and camiescrude and products simultaneously, the IG/Vent isolation valve will be intentionally closed to prevent vapour camyover. In such cases, both primary and secondary protection must be provided on the cargo tank side of the cargo tank IG/Vent isolation valve. 如果船舶在 IOPPC 表格 B1.11.4 中被描述为原油/成品油装卸船,并同时装卸原油和成品油,则将有意关闭 IG/Vent 隔离阀,以防止蒸汽外溢。在这种情况下,必须在货舱 IG/Vent 隔离阀的货舱一侧提供一级和二级保护。
In the case of inerted vessels, if pressure sensors are provided as the means of secondary protection, the alarm settings for the pressure sensors must be set to actuate when the tank pressure reaches 10% greaterthan the normal actuation settings of the pressure valvesthemselves. In the case of the lowpressure settings, the pressure in a tank should never be permitted to fall below zero and the pressure sensors should be set to alarm above zero. 对于惰性容器,如果提供压力传感器作为二级保护手段,则必须将压力传感器的报警设置设定为罐体压力达到压力阀本身正常启动设置的 10%以上时启动。在低压设置的情况下,绝不允许罐体内的压力低于零,压力传感器应设置为高于零报警。
In the case of non-inerted vessels if pressure sensors are provided, the over-pressure setting should be set to alarm at either 10%10 \% greater than the nomal actuation settings of the pressure valves or slightly higherthan the pressure at which the pressure valve meets the maximum load rate for the tank as measured from the pressure flow diagram. The vacuum setting should be either 10%10 \% greater than the normal actuation settings of the vacuum valves or slightly higher than the vacuum at which the vacuum valve meets the maximum discharge rate forthe tank as measured from the vacuum flow diagram. At no point should the settingsfor the pressure sensors exceed the safe design pressures of the cargo tank. 在非惰性容器中,如果提供了压力传感器,则应将过压设置设定为在 10%10 \% 大于压力阀的正常启动设置或略高于压力阀满足压力流量图测得的罐体最大负载率时报警。真空设定值应 10%10 \% 大于真空阀的正常驱动设定值,或略高于真空阀满足真空流量图所测量的储罐最大排放率时的真空度。在任何情况下,压力传感器的设置都不得超过货箱的安全设计压力。
In all cases, a description of the secondary venting arrangements should be provided, in particular what vents or pressure/vacuum sensing systems are available on each tank when the main inlet valve to IG/vent main is shut. Where electronic pressure/vacuum sensors are provided, identify and record whether the alarms are set to operate at the correct value or some othervalue. 在所有情况下,都应说明二次排气的安排,特别是当中空导管/排气总管的主进气阀关闭时,每个罐体上有哪些排气或压力/真空传感系统。如果装有电子压力/真空传感器,应说明并记录报警器是设置在正确值还是其他值。
In such casesthe question should be answered ‘No’. A full description of the system as fitted should be made as an Observation to allow an assessment of acceptability to be made. 在这种情况下,问题应回答 "否"。应将所安装系统的完整描述作为观察结果,以便对可接受性进行评估。
8.20 If stop valves are fitted whic hh pemit isolation of individual tanks from the common venting system, are they provided with positive locking arrangements and are the keys under the control of the person in overall charge of the cargo transfer? 8.20 如果安装了将单个罐体与共用排气系统隔离的截止阀,这些截止阀是否有锁定装置,钥匙是否由货物转运的总负责人控制?
Where the arrangements are combined with other cargo tanks, eitherstop valvesorother acceptable means shall be provided to isolate each cargo tank. Where stop valves are fitted, they shall be provided with locking arrangements which shall be under the control of the responsible ship’sofficer. There shall be a clear visual indic ation of the operational status of the valves or other acceptable means. Where tanks have been isolated, it shall be ensured that relevant isolating valves are opened before cargo loading orballasting ordisc harging of those tanks is commenced. Any isolation must continue to permit the flow caused by themal variations in a cargo tank in accordance with regulation (SOLASII-2/ 如货舱与其他货舱合并,则应配备截止阀或其他可接受的方法,以隔离每个货舱。如装有截止阀,须有锁定装置,并由负责的船员控制。阀门或其他可接受的方式应能清楚地显示其工作状态。如油舱已被隔离,应确保在开始装货或压载前打开相关隔离阀。任何隔离必须继续允许货舱内因主题变化而造成的流动,符合第 条的规定。(SOLASII-2/
In addition, fortankers constructed on or after 1 J anuary 2017, the secondary means shall be capable of preventing over-pressure or under-pressure in the event of damage to, or inadvertent closing of, the means of isolation required in regulation MSC.392(95) 此外,对于 2017 年 1 月 1 日或之后建造的油轮,辅助装置应能在 条要求的隔离装置损坏或意外关闭时防止压力过高或过低。MSC.392(95)
8.21 Are the P//VP / V valves in good order, inspected and cleaned as part of a regular planned maintenance routine and are there records to support this? 8.21 作为定期计划维护的一部分, P//VP / V 阀门是否完好、检查和清洁,是否有记录证明?
Notes: High jet cones and flaps should not be jacked open, particularly when loading. 注意事项高喷锥和襟翼不应顶开,尤其是在装载时。
Verify that p/v valves, where fitted, are tight and in good order and that the venting system is designed and operated in accordance with SOLAS. 检查已安装的 p/v 阀门是否紧固和完好,排气系统的设计和操作是否符合 SOLAS 标准。
High velocity vents are not fitted with flame screens and their correct operation relies on a pressure build-up within the compartment, which opensthe valve at a predetermined level and which then results in a gas exit velocity of a minimum of 30 metres //sec/ \mathrm{sec}. This provides protection against the passage of flame, the speed of which is about 7.5 metres //sec/ \mathrm{sec}. 高速通风口不安装阻火网,其正确操作依赖于舱内的压力积聚,压力积聚到预定水平时阀门打开,气体出口速度至少达到 30 米 //sec/ \mathrm{sec} 。这样可以防止火焰通过,火焰的速度约为 7.5 米 //sec/ \mathrm{sec} 。
Consistent with safety and without interfering with operation and if appropriate to the design of the venting equipment, request the manual lifting of p//vp / v valves to demonstrate satisfactory operation. 在安全和不影响操作的前提下,如果与通风设备的设计相适应,则要求手动提升 p//vp / v 阀门,以展示令人满意的操作。
P/V valves should be checked for free movement prior to the commencement of each cargo operation as required by the Ship to Shore Safety Check List - Question 31. 按照船岸安全检查清单 - 问题 31 的要求,在每次货物作业开始之前,应检查 P/V 阀门是否可自由移动。
Inert Gas System: 惰性气体系统:
For tankers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and upwards built before 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} January 2016 and for tankers of 8,000 tonnes deadweight and upwards built after the 1st J anuary 2016, the protection of the cargo tanks shall be a chieved by a fixed inert gassystem. If the vessel is not fitted with an Inert Gassystem questions 8.22 to 8.31 need not be answered. If the vessel is not fitted with an Inert gas system, then questions 8.22 to 8.31 will be removed within the inspector’s programme software. 对于2016年1月1日之前建造的载重20,000吨及以上的油轮和2016年1月1日之后建造的载重8,000吨及以上的油轮,货舱的保护应由固定的惰性气体系统提供。如果船舶未安装惰性气体系统,则无需回答问题 8.22 至 8.31。如果船舶未安装惰性气体系统,则将在检验员程序软件中删除问题 8.22 至 8.31。
8.22 Was the inert gas system in use and operating satisfactorily at the time of the inspection? New amendments to Solas regulation II-2/4.5.5 and II-2/16.3.3 required inert gas systems to be fitted on all new oil and chemic al tankers of 8000 DWTand above keel laid date 01 J an 2016. Systems to be operated when transporting low flash point cargoes of < 60^(@)C<60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. 8.22 检查时惰性气体系统是否在使用,运行是否令人满意?SOLAS规则II-2/4.5.5和II-2/16.3.3的新修正案要求在2016年7月1日铺设龙骨的所有8000载重吨及以上的新油轮和化学品油轮上安装惰性气体系统。在运输闪点较低的 < 60^(@)C<60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 货物时必须使用该系统。
The system shall be capable of maintaining the atmosphere in any part of any cargo tank with an oxygen content not exceeding 8%8 \% by volume and at a positive pressure at all times in port and at sea, except when it is nec essary for the tank to be gas free. (FSS Code 该系统应能在港口和海上任何时候保持任何货油舱任何部分的大气中氧气含量不超过 8%8 \% (按体积计),并保持正压,除非该舱必须无气。(FSS 规则
The system shall be capable of delivening inert gas with an oxygen content of not more than 5% by volume in the inert gassupply main to the cargo tanks. (FSS Code 系统应能在惰性气体供应干管中向货舱输送氧含量按体积计算不超过 5%的惰性气体。(FSS规则15.
Record an Observation if the oxygen delivery is more than 5% or if a high oxygen level alarm is not fitted, regardless of the date of delivery orif the oxygen percentage of the inert gas in the cargo tanks is more than 8%8 \%. 如果氧气输送量超过 5%,或没有安装高氧报警器,则无论交货日期如何,或如果货舱中惰性气体的氧气百分比超过 8%8 \% ,则记录观察结果。
8.23 Is there evidence to show that regular maintenance has been conducted on the inert gas system, including the overhaul of the non-retum valve(s)? 8.23 是否有证据表明对惰性气体系统进行了定期维护,包括检修非留置阀?
At least two non-retum devices, one of which shall be a water seal, shall be fitted in the inert gas supply main, in order to prevent the retum of hydroc arbon vapour to the machinery space uptakesor to any gas-safe spaces under all normal conditions of trim, list and motion of the ship. They shall be located between the automatic valve required by paragraph of the FSS) and the aftermost connection to any cargo tank or cargo pipeline. 在惰性气体供应总管上应安装至少两个不回流装置,其中一个应为水封,以防止在船舶所有正常的修整、倾斜和运动条件下,碳氢化合物蒸汽回流到机械空间的进气口或任何气体安全空间。它们应位于第 段(FSS 第 15 章)所要求的自动阀门与任何货舱或货物管道的最末端连接之间。
The devices referred to in paragraph shall be located in the cargo area on deck. 第 段所述装置应安装在甲板上的货物区。
The second device shall be a non-retum valve or equivalent capable of preventing the retum of vapours or liquids and fitted forward of the deck waterseal required in paragraph It shall be provided with positive means of closure. As an altemative to positive means of closure, an additional valve having such means of closure may be provided forward of the non-retum valve to isolate the deck waterseal from the inert gasmain to the cargo tanks. 第二个装置须为非回流阀或类似装置,能防止蒸汽或液体回流,安装在第 段要求的甲板水封前方。该阀须有可靠的关闭装置。作为积极关闭装置的一种替代办法,可在非回流阀前方增设一个具有此种关闭装置的阀门,将甲板水封与通往货舱的惰性气体主管道隔离。
As an additional safeguard against the possible leakage of hydroc arbon liquids or vapours back from the deckmain, means shall be provided to permit this section of the line between the valve having positive means of closure referred to in paragraph and the valve referred to in paragraph to be vented in a safe manner when the first of these valves is closed. (FSS Inspectors should venify records of maintenance in line with the PMS including regulargreasing and inspections. 作为防止碳氢化合物液体或蒸气可能从甲板主管漏回的另一保障措施,必须有办法使第 段所指的有积极关闭装置的阀门与第 段所指的阀门之间的这一段管路在第一个阀门关闭时能以安全的方式排气。(FSS15.检查员应按照项目管理系统核查维护记录,包括定期加油和检查。
8.24 Are the deck offic ers aware of required actions in the event of the inert gas failure and are all cargo tanks maintained under positive pressure throughout? 8.24 甲板人员是否了解惰性气体失效时需要采取的行动,所有货舱是否始终保持正压?
In the event that the inert gas system is unable to meet operational requirements of this regulation and it has been assessed that it is impractic able to affect a repair, then cargo discharge, deballasting and necessary tank cleaning shall only be resumed when the emergency conditionslaid down in the 'IMO Guidelines on Inert Gas Systems are complied with. In brief, these guidelines state that; 如果惰性气体系统无法满足本规定的操作要求,并且经评估修理不切实际,则只有在符合 "国际海事组织惰性气体系统指南 "中规定的应急条件时,才能恢复货物卸载、除石和必要的储罐清洗。简言之,这些准则规定
In the case of tankersengaged in the camage of crude oil, it is essential that the tanks be maintained in the inerted condition to avoid the danger of pyrophoric iron sulphide ignition. If it is assessed that the tankscannot be maintained in an inerted condition before the inert gas system can be repaired, an extemal supply of inert gas should be connected to the system to avoid air being drawn into the cargo tanks. (IMO Inert Gas Systems 8.2) 对于从事原油运输的油轮,必须保持油罐处于惰性状态,以避免硫化铁着火的危险。如果评估认为在惰性气体系统修复之前无法将货舱保持在惰性状态,则应将外部惰性气体供应连接到该系统,以避免空气进入货舱。(国际海事组织惰性气体系统 8.2)。
In the case of the camiage of products, if it is considered totally impracticable to effect repair of the inert gas system, cargo discharge may only be resumed if an extemal supply of inert gas is connected, or the following precautions are taken: 在产品装运的情况下,如果认为维修惰性气体系统完全不可行,则只有在连接了外部惰性气体供应或采取了以下预防措施的情况下,才能恢复卸货:
-That approved devices, orflame screens, to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks are fitted and checked to ensure that they are in good order, -安装经批准的防止火焰进入货舱的装置或防火网,并对其进行检查,确保其完好无损、
The valves on the mast risers are opened; 打开桅杆立管上的阀门;
No free fall of waterorslops is permitted; and 不允许水帘自由下落;以及
No dipping, ullaging, sampling or other equipment should be introduced into the tank until a period of five hours since injection of inert gasceased. If essential for the safety of the operation, this should be done only after 30 minutes have elapsed and all metal components should be securely earthed. (IMO Inert Gas Systems 8.3) 在注入惰性气体 5 小时后方可将浸渍、贮液、取样或其他设备引入罐内。如果对操作安全有必要,则应在 30 分钟后方可进行,且所有金属部件均应可靠接地。(国际海事组织惰性气体系统 8.3)
8.25 Is the inert gas system including instrumentation, alarms, trips and pressure and oxygen recorders, in good order? 8.25 惰性气体系统,包括仪器、警报、跳闸、压力和氧气记录器是否完好无损?
8.26 Was the fixed oxygen analyser calibrated immediately prior to use of the inert gas system and do local and remote oxygen and pressure recorders, where fitted, agree? 8.26 在使用惰性气体系统之前,是否立即校准了固定氧气分析仪?
The oxygen analyser must have been calibrated not more than 24 hours prior to starting of the inert gas system. 氧气分析仪必须在惰性气体系统启动前 24 小时内校准。
Instrumentation shall be fitted for continuously indic ating and permanently recording when inert gas is being supplied: 必须安装仪器,以便在供应惰性气体时持续显示和永久记录:
The pressure of the inert gassupply forward of the non-retum devices; and 惰性气体供应压力在非蓄热装置前方;以及
The oxygen content of the inert gas. (FSS Code 惰性气体的氧含量。(FSS代码15.。
The indicating and recording devicesshall be placed in the cargo control room where provided. But where no cargo control room is provided, they shall be placed in a position easily accessible to the officer in charge of cargo operations. (FSS Code 指示和记录装置应放置在设有货物控制室的地方。但如无货物控制室,则应放置在负责货物操作的官员易于接近的位置。(FSS规则15.。
In addition meters shall be fitted; 此外,还应安装仪表;
In the navigation bridge to indicate at all times the pressure of the inert gas main forward of the nonretum devices; 在导航桥上随时显示非蓄热装置前方的惰性气体总管的压力;
In the machinery control room or in the machinery space to indicate the oxygen content of the inert gas in the inert gassupply mains on the discharge side of the gasblowers. 在机械控制室或机械空间内,用于显示气体吹扫器排放侧惰性气体供应总管中的惰性气体含氧量。
(FSS Code (财务与安全系统代码
8.27 Is the liquid level in the deck seal at the correct level, clearly visible and are officers aware of requirements to periodically check the level? 8.27 甲板密封处的液位是否正确、清晰可见,官员是否了解定期检查液位的要求?
The OCIMF paperon inert gasdeck seals recommends that a dry-type deckseal is replaced with one of a nothertype. OCIMF 关于惰性气体甲板密封件的文件建议用另一种类型的甲板密封件取代干式甲板密封件。
Record an observation if a dry-type deck seal is fitted. 如果安装了干式甲板密封条,则记录观察结果。
8.28 Does the P/V breaker appear to be in good order? 8.28 P/V 断路器看起来是否正常?
Water filled pressure/vacuum breakers should be filled to the appropriate level with anti-freeze liquid. (ISG OTT 充水式压力/真空断路器应注入适当的防冻液。(ISG OTT
The P/V breaker should not be set to a lower pressure than that of the secondary venting system. In all cases the P/V breaker should be set within the safe parameters of the tank structure. P/V 断路器的压力不应低于二次通风系统的压力。在任何情况下,P/V 断路器都应设置在罐体结构的安全参数范围内。
8.29 If the vessel is provided with a nitrogen generator/ bottle manifold system, are the officers and crew aware of the specific hazards associated with nitrogen gas? 8.29 如果船上配有氮气发生器/瓶形歧管系统,官员和船员是否了解与氮气有关的具体危险?
Nitrogen is colourless and odourless with no waming properties and can only be detected through the use of gastesting instruments. 氮气无色无味,没有挥发性,只能通过使用胃检测仪器来检测。
Personnel should be aware of the potential hazards associated with nitrogen and, in partic ular, those related to entering enclosed spaces or areas in way of tank vents or outlets which may be oxygen depleted. High concentrations of nitrogen are partic ularly dangerousbecause they can displace enough airto reduce oxygen levelsto a point where people entering the area can lose consciousness due to asphyxiation. A problem not experienced with flue gas is that nitrogen cannot be detected by human senses, so smell cannot be relied upon and personnel may not be able to recognise the physic al or mental symptoms of overexposure in time for them to take preventive measures. (ISGOTT 人员应了解与氮气有关的潜在危险,特别是与通过可能缺氧的罐体通风口或出口进入封闭空间或区域有关的危险。高浓度氮气尤其危险,因为它们会置换掉足够多的空气,从而降低氧气水平,使进入该区域的人员因窒息而死亡。烟道气没有遇到的一个问题是,氮气无法被人类感官检测到,因此不能依靠嗅觉,人员可能无法及时发现过度暴露的身体或精神症状,从而无法采取预防措施。(isgott
8.30 Are officers and ratings aware of safe entry requirements for the inert gas room(s), are these procedures being followed and where applicable, is fixed oxygen detection provided? 8.30 官员和评级人员是否了解惰性气体室的安全进入要求,是否遵守了这些程序,在适用的情况下,是否提供了固定的氧气检测?
Vessels delivered on, or after01 J an 2016, two oxygen sensors shall be positioned at appropriate locations in the space or spacescontaining the inert gas system. If the oxygen level fallsbelow 19%19 \%, these sensors shall trigger alarms, which shall be both visible and audible inside and outside the space or spaces and shall be placed in such a position that they are immediately received by responsible members of the crew. (FSSCh 15 在2016年1月1日或之后交付的船舶,必须在装有惰性气体系统的一个或多个空间的适当位置安装两个氧气传感器。如果氧含量低于 19%19 \% ,这些传感器须触发报警,报警须在空间内外可见和可闻,并须放置在船员能立即收到的位置。(FSSch 15
Where a separate compartment is provided for the nitrogen generator, the compartment shall be fitted with an independent mechanic al extraction ventilation system providing six air changes per hour. (FSS Ch 15 如为氮气发生器提供单独隔间,该隔间必须安装独立的机械抽风系统,每小时换气六次。(FSS 章 15
Where a nitrogen receiveror a buffertank is installed, it may be installed in a dedicated compartment, in a separate compartment containing the air compressor and the generator, in the engine room, orin the cargo area. Where the nitrogen receiverora buffertank is installed in an enclosed space, the access shall be arranged only from the open deck and the access door shall open outwards. Adequate, independent mechanic al ventilation, of the extraction type, shall be provided forsuch a compartment. (FSS Ch 15 在安装氮气接收器或缓冲罐时,可将其安装在专用舱内、装有空气压缩机和发电机的单独舱内、轮机舱内或货舱内。若氮气接收器或缓冲罐安装在封闭空间内,则只能从露天甲板进入,且检修门应向外开启。须为此类舱室提供足够的、独立的机械抽气式通风设备。(FSS 第 15 章
Spacescontaining nitrogen systems shall be clearly marked with hazard notices waming of the dangers of a sphyxiation. 含有氮气系统的空间应清楚地标明危险告示,提醒人们注意窒息的危险。
8.31 Are the officers’ familiar with the dangers associated with over pressurisation of the cargo tanks and are procedures implemented to avoid over pressure due to purging, blowing and pigging with nitrogen? 8.31 有关人员是否了解货舱过压的危险,是否执行了有关程序,以避免氮气吹扫、吹气和充气造成过压?
If there is a requirement to use shore supplied nitrogen, for example forpurging tanks, padding cargo or clearing lines, the ship should be a ware that this may be at high pressure (up to 10 bar) and at a high flow rate and that it can therefore be potentially hazardous because of the risk of over-pressurisation of the cargo tanks. A risk assessment should be camied out and the operation should only proceed if appropriate risk responses are in place and operating. 如果需要使用岸上提供的氮气,例如用于清洗货舱、填充货物或清理管线,船上应注意氮气的压力可能很高(高达 10 巴),流量也很大,因此可能会有潜在的危险,因为货舱有过压的危险。应进行风险评估,只有在适当的风险应对措施到位并投入使用的情况下,才能进行操作。
For vessels receiving nitrogen from ashore, one method of reducing the risk of over-pressure is to ensure that the tank has vents with a greaterflow rate capacity than the inlet, so that the tank cannot be overpressurized. Where closed operations are required the incoming flow of nitrogen must be restricted to a rate equal to, or less than, the maximum flow of vapour possible through the vapour retum line. Positive measuresto ensure this should be agreed. A small hose orreducerpriorto the manifold can be used to restrict the flow rate, but pressure must be controlled by the terminal. A gauge will permit the ship to monitor the pressure. It is not appropriate to attempt throttling a gas flow by using a ship’s manifold valve that is designed to control liquid flow. (ISGOTT11.1.15.8) 对于从岸上接收氮气的船只,降低过压风险的一种方法是确保罐体的通风口流量大于入口流量,这样罐体就不会过压。在需要封闭操作的情况下,氮气的流入量必须限制在等于或小于通过蒸汽回流管线的最大蒸汽流量。应商定积极的措施来确保这一点。可在歧管前使用小软管或减压器来限制流速,但压力必须由终端控制。压力表可以让船舶监控压力。使用专为控制液体流量而设计的船用歧管阀来节流气体流量是不合适的。(isgott11.1.15.8)
The flow rate of the supplied nitrogen should not exceed the maximum venting capacity of the shipsPV valves or the shore vapour retum system. Purging, blowing pigging etc should be conducted using Nitrogen and not compressed air. 所提供氮气的流速不应超过船舶 PV 阀或岸上蒸汽回收系统的最大排气能力。清洗、吹扫等工作应使用氮气而非压缩空气。
Crude Oil Washing: 原油清洗:
If the vessel is not fitted with a crude oil washing system questions 8.32 to 8.36 need not be answered, however if the vessel has a crude oil washing system but is not in use at the time of inspection then question 8.32 to 8.36 should still be answered. 如果船舶未安装原油清洗系统,则无需回答问题 8.32 至 8.36,但如果船舶有原油清洗系统,但在检查时未使用,则仍应回答问题 8.32 至 8.36。
8.32 Is the Crude Oil Washing system approved and are officers aware of the requirements within the COW Manual? 8.32 原油清洗系统是否获得批准,官员是否了解《COW 手册》中的要求?
Every new crude oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing. 每艘载重量在 20,000 吨及以上的新原油油轮都应安装使用原油清洗的货舱清洗系统。
8.33 Are the officers aware of the IMO requirements for COWand is the vessel complying with such requirements? 8.33 官员们是否了解国际海事组织对 COW 的要求,船只是否遵守了这些要求?
With respect to the ballasting of cargo tanks, sufficient cargo tanks shall be crude oil washed prior to each ballast voyage in order that, taking into account the tanker’s trading pattem and expected weather conditions, ballast water is put only into cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed. 关于货舱压舱,在每次压舱航行之前,必须对足够的货舱进行原油清洗,以便在考虑到油轮的贸易路线和预期天气条件的情况下,只将压舱水注入已进行原油清洗的货舱。
(MARPOL Annex 1 35.2) (MARPOL Annex 1 35.2)。
Before departure on a ballast voyage: 压载航行出发前:
ballast water is put only into cargo tanks which have been crude oil washed. Approximately one quarter of the cargo tanks shall be crude oil washed for sludge control purposes on a rotational basis in accordance with the procedures specified in the Operations and Equipment Manual. However, for these purposes, no tank need be crude oil washed more than once in every four months; 压舱水只能注入已进行原油清洗的货舱。约四分之一的货舱应按照《操作和设备手册》中规定的程序轮流进行原油清洗,以控制淤泥。不过,出于这些目的,每四个月对任何货舱进行原油清洗的次数都不得超过一次;
If it is considered that additional ballast in a cargo tanks or tanks may be required during the ballast voyage, the tank ortanks which may be used forthis ballast shall be crude oil washed in accordance with the procedures in the Operations and Equipment Manual; and 如果认为在压载航行中可能需要在一个或多个货舱中增加压舱物,可用于压舱物的一个或多个货舱应按照《操作和设备手册》中的程序进行原油清洗;以及
Ballast watershall not be put into cargo tanks that have not been crude oil washed. 压舱水不得注入未经原油清洗的货舱。
(IMO Res. 446(XI) 6.1 and amendmentsA.496(XII) and A.897(21) (国际海事组织第 446(XI)号决议第 6.1 段及修正案 A.496(XII)和 A.897(21))。
Note: If the crude oil being camied is listed in the Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual as being not suitable for crude oil washing then answer the question N/A. 注: 如果《原油清洗操作和设备手册》中列出的原油不适合原油清洗,则回答不适用。
8.34 If the vessel is Crude Oil Washing, has the COW system been tested for integrity, appropriate checks complete and all associated COW equipment in good operational order? 8.34 如果船舶进行了原油清洗,是否对原油清洗系统进行了完整性测试,是否完成了适当的检查,所有相关的原油清洗设备是否处于良好的运行状态?
Before a miving in a port where it is intended to crude oil wash, the tank washing system should be pressure tested to normal working pressure and examined forleaks. 在打算进行原油清洗的港口作业前,应将油罐清洗系统的压力测试到正常工作压力,并检查是否有泄漏。
The system should be drained down aftertesting to avoid the risk of leaks due to thermal expansion. Any leaks found should be made good, after which the system should be re-tested and proved leak free. During crude oil washing, the system must be kept under constant observation so that any leak can be detected immediately, and action taken to deal with it. When tanks for crude oil washing are being changed over, the pressure in the COW line should be reduced to a minimum before any valves on the system are opened orclosed, thereby minimising the potential fordamage due to surge pressure. (ISGOTT11.5.5) 测试后应排空系统,以避免热膨胀造成泄漏的风险。发现任何泄漏都应加以修补,然后重新测试系统并证明无泄漏。在原油清洗过程中,必须对系统进行持续观察,以便立即发现任何泄漏,并采取相应措施进行处理。在更换原油清洗罐时,在打开或关闭系统的任何阀门之前,应将 COW 管线中的压力降至最低,从而最大限度地减少因压力激增而造成损坏的可能性。(ISGOTT11.5.5)
The oxygen content of each cargo tank to be crude oil washed shall be tested with portable equipment prior to COW and the resultsrecorded in the deckorcargo log. 在进行 COW 之前,应使用便携式设备检测每个将进行原油清洗的货舱的氧气含量,并将结果记录在甲板或货物日志中。
8.35 Is the tank cleaning heater, where fitted, effectively isolated from the crude oil washing line and any hydrant-type connections on the crude oil washing lines sec urely sealed? Eitherblanks or valves with caps should be fitted. 8.35 油罐清洗加热器(如果安装)是否与原油清洗管线有效隔离,原油清洗管线上的任何联轴器式连接是否完全密封?应安装隔板或带盖阀门。
8.36 Are rec ords maintained of previous COW operations? 8.36 是否保留了以前 COW 运行的记录?
A record should be being maintained of all COW operations, including the tanks washed, the number of machines used, the time washing started and was completed, the washing pattem employed, the washing line pressure and the method employed to ensure that the tanks were dry. 应保存所有 COW 操作的记录,包括清洗的储罐、使用的机器数量、开始和完成清洗的时 间、使用的清洗方法、清洗线压力以及确保储罐干燥的方法。
Static Electricity Precautions: 静电防护:
Notes: ISG OTTChapter3 addressesthe hazards associated with static electricity. ISGOTTChapter 11 addresses the precautions that must be taken when handling static accumulatorcargoes in more detail. Provided that a tank is maintained in an inert condition when static non-accumulator cargoes are being handled, or when it can be guaranteed that the tank atmosphere is non-flammable, no anti-static precautions are necessary. 注释:ISG OTTC 第 3 章阐述了与静电有关的危险。ISGOTTC 第 11 章更详细地论述了处理静电蓄积货物时必须采取的预防措施。在装卸静电非蓄电池货物时,只要保持罐体处于惰性状态,或能保证罐体大气不易燃,就没有必要采取防静电预防措施。
Questions 8.37 to 8.40 are applicable to vessels camying static accumulator cargoes in non-inert tanks. If the cargo is not a static accumulatoror if the tanks are propenly inerted, these questions will be removed from the inspector’s programme software. 问题 8.37 至 8.40 适用于在非惰性罐中装载静态蓄能器货物的船舶。如果货物不是静态蓄能器或罐体是惰性的,这些问题将从检查员的程序软件中删除。
Static accumulator cargoes are all those except fuel with anti-static additive, heavy black fuel oils, conductive crude oil, bitumen, alcohols and ketones. 静电积聚货物是指除含有抗静电添加剂的燃料、黑色重油、导电原油、沥青、醇类和酮类以外的所有货物。
(See ISGOTTTable 3.1) (见 ISGOTTT 表 3.1)
8.37 Are deck officers aware of the precautions necessary to avoid static disc harge including maximum flow rates and settling periods for flammable cargoes in non-inert tanks? 8.37 甲板人员是否了解避免静态盘载的必要预防措施,包括非惰性罐中易燃货物的最大流速和沉淀期?
The generally accepted method for controlling electrostatic generation in the initial stages of loading is to restrict the velocity of oil entering the tank to 1 metre/second until the tank inlet is well covered and all splashing and surface turbulence in the tank hasceased. The 1 metre/second limit applies in the branch line to each individual cargo tank and should be determined at the smallest crosssectional area including valves or otherpiping restrictions in the last section before the tank’sloading inlet. (ISGOTT11.1.7.3) 在装货初期控制静电产生的公认方法是将进入油罐的油品速度限制在 1 米/秒,直到油罐入口被完全覆盖,油罐中的所有飞溅和表面湍流都已停止。1 米/秒的限制适用于通往每个货油舱的支线,并应在货油舱装载入口前最后一段的最小横截面积(包括阀门或其他管道限制)上确定。(isgott11.1.7.3)
There should be a delay of 30 minutes (settling time) after the completion of loading of each tank before commencing these operations. (dipping, ullaging or sampling with metallic equipment) this is to allow the settling of gasbubbles, waterorparticulate matter in the liquid and the dissipation of any electrical potential. (ISG OTT11.8.2.3) 在每个储罐完成装载后,应延迟 30 分钟(沉淀时间)再开始这些操作。(这是为了让液体中的气泡、水或颗粒物质沉淀下来,并消散任何电势(ISG OTT11.8.2.3)。(ISOG OTT11.8.2.3)
If the vessel is fitted with a fixed tank level gauging system but is not fitted with IG and not fitted with full depth sounding pipes, the Operator’spolicy relating to actionsto be taken in the event of failure of the primary fixed gauging system must be reviewed. 如果船舶安装了固定式舱位测量系统,但没有安装中压探头,也没有安装全深度探测管,则必须审查经营者关于在主要固定式测量系统发生故障时应采取的行动的政策。
8.38 Are offic ers aware if the vessel is fitted with full depth sounding pipes, is this information clearly displayed and are officers aware of the additional precautions relating to cargo tanks that are not fitted with full depth pipes? 8.38 官员是否知道船舶是否装有全深度探测管,是否清楚地显示这一信息, 官员是否知道与未装全深度探测管的货舱有关的额外预防措施?
Operations camied out through sounding pipes are permissible at any time because it is not possible for any signific ant charge to accumulate on the surface of the liquid within a correctly designed and installed sounding pipe. A sounding pipe is defined as a conducting pipe which extendsthe full depth of the tank and which is effectively bonded and earthed to the tank structure at its extremities. The pipe should be slotted in orderto prevent any pressure differential between the inside of the pipe and the tank and to ensure that true level indic ations are obtained. (ISGOTT11.8.2.3) 任何时候都允许通过探管进行作业,因为在设计和安装正确的探管内,液体表面不可能积聚任何有意义的蚂蚁电荷。探管的定义是延伸至整个罐体深度的导电管道,其末端与罐体结构有效粘接并接地。应在管道上开槽,以防止管道内部与罐体之间产生压力差,并确保获得真实的液位指示。(isgott11.8.2.3)
8.39 Are precautions followed formetal tapes, gauging or sampling devic es and portable tank 8.39 对金属带、测量或取样装置和便携式罐体是否采取了预防措施?
cleaning equipment (as applicable) before being introduced into tanks?
UTI tapesmust be bonded before being introduced into tanks. UTI tapes which have quick couplings to connect the unit to the vapour lock will possibly not require bonding wires. However, the intemal bonding of such units should be checked every six months in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. UTI 胶带在放入储罐之前必须粘合。如果UTI 胶带有快速接头将装置与蒸汽锁连接起来,则可能不需要粘合线。不过,应根据制造商的要求,每六个月检查一次此类装置的内部粘合情况。
When washing in a non-inert atmosphere) To Control the ‘Sources of Ignition’ in the Tank. Equipment made entirely of non-metallic materialsmay, in general, be used, for example a wooden sounding rod may be suspended on a natural fibre rope without earthing. (ISG OTT11.3.5.2 sub-para (g) 在非惰性气氛中清洗时) 控制罐内的 "点火源"。一般情况下,可使用完全由非金属材料制成的设备,例如,可将木制探杆悬挂在天然纤维绳上而不接地。(ISG OTT11.3.5.2 (g)分段)
Bonding wires should be incorporated within all portable tank washing hosesto ensure electric al continuity. Couplings should be connected to the hose in such a way that effective bonding is ensured between them. Hoses should be indelibly marked to allow identific ation. A record should be kept 所有便携式水箱清洗软管内都应安装连接线,以确保电气连续性。接头与软管的连接方式应确保两者之间有效接合。软管上应有不可磨灭的标记,以便识别。应保存一份记录
showing the date and the result of electric al continuity testing. (ISG OTT 显示电气连续性测试的日期和结果。(ISOG OTT
All hoses supplied fortank washing machines should be tested for electric al continuity in a dry condition prior to use, and in no case, should the resistance exceed 6 ohmspermetre length. (ISGOTT 水箱洗衣机的所有软管在使用前均应在干燥状态下进行电气连续性测试,在任何情 况下,电阻长度均不得超过 6 欧姆。(ISO
8.40 Are deck officers aware of the hazards associated with tank cleaning after the camiage of volatile products and the need to avoid the free fall of liquid into tanks? 8.40 甲板人员是否了解挥发性产品装罐后清洗罐体的危险以及避免液体自由落入罐体的 必要性?
The recommendations contained in ISG OTTC hapter 11.3 must be stric tly observed. 必须严格遵守 ISG OTTC 第 11.3 章中的建议。
Loading or ballasting from the top (overall) delivers charged liquid to a tank in such a manner that it can break up into small droplets and splash into the tank. This may produce a charged mist as well as an increase in the petroleum gasconcentration in the tank. Restrictionsupon loading or ballasting overall are given in ISG OTT Section 11.1.12. (ISG OTT 3.3.3) 从顶部(整体)装载或压载将带电液体输送到罐体中,使其破裂成小液滴并飞溅到罐体中。这可能会产生带电雾,并增加罐内的石油气浓度。ISG OTT 第 11.1.12 节对整体装载或压载作了限制(ISG OTT 3.3.3)。
Manifold Arrangements: 歧管布置:
8.41 Are the manifolds and associated valves in good order, blank flanges of an equivalent rating to that of the pipelines and pressure gauges fitted outboard of the manifold valves on both sides and monitored for leakage? 8.41 阀组和相关阀门是否完好无损,空白法兰的等级是否与管道的等级相等, 阀组阀门两侧外侧是否安装了压力表并对泄漏情况进行监测?
Manifold pressure gauges should be fitted to the spool pieces/reducers on the outboard side of the manifold valves and be fitted with valvesor cocks. Pressure gauges should be fitted to the offshore manifolds and be regularly checked during cargo transfer formanifold valve leakage with evidence of regularchecksmaintained. (ISGOTT24.6.3) 汇流排压力表应安装在汇流排阀门外侧的阀芯/减压器上,并配有阀门或阀嘴。压力表应安装在离岸分水器上,并在货物转运期间定期检查分水器阀门是否泄漏,并保留定期检查的证据。(ISGOTT24.6.3)
It is generally accepted that steel blanks should be of the same thickness as the flanges to which they are attached, but this will not necessanily result in the pressure capability being the same as that of the associated pipework. 一般认为,钢坯的厚度应与所连接的法兰相同,但这并不一定会导致钢坯的承压能力与相关管道的承压能力相同。
It is the pressure rating of the blank which is important, and blanks made of materials such astitanium have a superior strength and may therefore be signific antly thinnerfor the same pressure rating as a mild steel blank. If such blanks are fitted, documentation should be on board to prove that the pressure rating is adequate for the service. 重要的是坯件的压力等级,由钛等材料制成的坯件具有更高的强度,因此,与低碳钢坯件相比,在相同的压力等级下,坯件可能要薄得多。如果安装了这种坯件,船上应备有文件证明其压力等级足以满足使用要求。
The dimensions formanifold configuration can be found in the OCIMF/ CDI publication “Recommendations forOil and Chemic al Tanker Manifolds and Asso ciated Equipment, First Edition 2017”. 歧管配置的尺寸见 OCIMF/ CDI 出版物《石油和化学品油轮歧管及相关设备建议,2017 年第一版》。
8.42 If the vessel is fitted with vapour retum manifolds, are they in good orderincluding those for SBM use as appropriate? 8.42 如果容器装有蒸汽回流歧管,这些歧管是否完好无损?
To guard against the possible misconnection of the ship’s vapour manifold to a terminal liquid loading line, the vapour connection should be clearly identified by painting the outboard 1 metre section with yellow and red bands and by stencilling the word ‘VAPOUR’ in black letters upon it. In addition, a cylindric al stud should be permanently attached to each presentation flange face at the 12 o’clock position on the flange bolt circle. The stud should project 25.4 mm (1 inch) perpendicular to the flange face and should be 12.7 mm ( 1//21 / 2 inch) in diameter, in orderto prevent the connection of standard liquid transfer hoses. Blank flanges, inboard ends of reducers and hoses for the vapour line will have an extra hole to accommodate the stud on the presentation flange. 为防止船上的蒸汽歧管与终端液体装载管线连接错误,应在蒸汽连接处外侧 1 米的部分涂上黄色和红色条带,并用黑色钢印标明 "VAPOUR"(蒸汽)字样。此外,应在法兰螺栓圆圈 12 点钟位置的每个演示法兰面上永久固定一个圆柱形铝质螺柱。螺柱应垂直于法兰面伸出 25.4 毫米(1 英寸),直径为 12.7 毫米( 1//21 / 2 英寸),以防止连接标准液体输送软管。用于蒸汽管路的空白法兰、减压器内侧端和软管将有一个额外的孔,以容纳演示法兰上的螺柱。
Full details of vapour manifold arrangements, materials and fittings are contained in the OCIMF publication ‘Recommendations for Oil TankerManifolds and Associated Equipment’. (ISGOTT 有关蒸气歧管布置、材料和配件的全部详情,见 OCIMF 出版物《油轮歧管及相关设备建议》。(isgott
Vapour retum system manifolds(VRSM) which are designed for use at single buoy moorings: 蒸汽回流系统歧管(VRSM)设计用于单浮标系泊:
Should be supported to the same strength asthe cargo manifolds; 支撑强度应与货物汇流排相同;
Hose rails at the ship’s side should be of the same strength and construction throughout their length, extend beyond the VRSM to permit use at single buoy moorings and be fitted with stopperplates at both the forward and aft ends of the hose rail; 船舷上的软管导轨应在整个长度上具有相同的强度和结构,延伸至 VRSM 以外,以便在单浮标系泊处使用,并在软管导轨的前后两端安装止动板;
A closed chock should be fitted at the ship’s side in line with the VRSM; 船舷上应安装与 VRSM 一致的封闭式船闸;
A cruciform bollard should be fitted in line, ornearly in line with the VRSM to allow securing of the VRS hose hang-off chain; 应在与 VRSM 一致或接近一致的位置安装十字形系缆桩,以便固定 VRS 软管悬挂链;
Two deck pad-eyes of size sufficient to secure 16" floating hose should be provided, one to either side of the line from the closed chock to the VRSM; 应提供两个足以固定 16 英寸浮动软管的甲板垫眼,一个位于从封闭式卡座到 VRSM 的管路的两侧,另一个位于从封闭式卡座到 VRSM 的管路的两侧;
Means to thoroughly drain the VRSM should be provided at the lowest point in the VRS line to avoid risk of liquid camy-over into the floating hose. 应在 VRS 管路的最低点提供彻底排空 VRSM 的装置,以避免液体溢出到浮动软管的风险。
8.43 Does the vessel’s piping system appear to be free of unauthorised inter-c onnections between cargo, bunker and ballast systems? 8.43 船舶的管道系统中是否没有未经授权的货物、燃料和压载系统之间的相互连接?
Pump Rooms: 泵房:
This section applies to all pumprooms if fitted, including Cargo Pumprooms, Ballast pumprooms and Fuel Oil TransferPumprooms. Questions 8.44 to 8.48 are applic able to vessels fitted with a cargo pumproom. If the vessel dos not have a cargo pumproom, these questions will be removed from the inspector’sprogramme software. 本节适用于所有已安装的泵房,包括货物泵房、压载泵房和燃油输送泵房。问题 8.44 至 8.48 适用于装有货物泵房的船舶。如果船舶没有货物泵房,这些问题将从检查员的程序软件中删除。
8.44 On vessels with pump rooms and trunk spaces, are they free of evidence of significant leaks from machinery, pipework, valve glands and instrumentation and bilges clean? 8.44 在有泵房和主干空间的船舶上,机械、管道、阀门接头和仪器是否有严重泄漏的迹象,舱底是否清洁?
8.45 Are bulkhead seals gas tight and, if required, well lubricated? 8.45 隔板密封件是否气密,必要时是否润滑良好?
Where applicable, check whether maintenance of the bulkhead seals as per Manufacturers manuals has been camied out. In case of Automatic unloading system (AUS) installations, if the AUS pump is directly mounted on the pump room bulkhead, check for any visual evidence of seal leaks. If the AUS pump motorisfitted in the vessel’saccommodation area, make a mention of the same in the comments section. 在适用的情况下,检查是否按照制造商手册对隔板密封进行了维护。如果安装了自动卸载系统 (AUS),如果自动卸载系统泵直接安装在泵房舱壁上,则检查是否有任何密封泄漏的直观证据。如果 AUS 泵电机安装在船舶的舱室内,请在备注栏中注明。
8.46 Is the pump room gas monitoring system in good order, regularly checked and are officers a ware of the alarm settings? 8.46 泵房气体监测系统是否完好无损,是否定期检查,官员是否有报警设置 器?
All tankers shall be fitted, by the date of the first scheduled docking after 1st J uly 2002 but not later than 1st J uly 2005, with a system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydroc arbon gases. Sampling points ordetectorheads shall be located in suitable positions in order that potentially dangerousleakages are readily detected. When the hydrocarbon gasconcentration reachesa preset level, which shall not bel higher than 10%10 \% of the LEL, a continuous audible and visual alarm signal shall be automatic ally affected in the in the pump room and cargo control room to alert personnel to the potential hazard. (SO LAS 2000 II-2/ and 1.6.7) 所有油轮均应在 2002 年 7 月 1 日之后但不迟于 2005 年 7 月 1 日的第一次预定靠泊之日前,安装对碳氢化合物气体浓度进行连续监测的系统。取样点和探测头应设在适当的位置,以便随时发现有潜在危险的泄漏。当碳氢化合物气体浓度达到预设水平(不得高于 LEL 的 10%10 \% )时,泵房和货物控制室必须自动发出连续的声光报警信号,提醒人员注意潜在的危险。(SO LAS 2000 II-2/ 及 1.6.7)
The alarm shall be automatic ally affected in the pump room, engine control room, cargo control room and navigation bridge on vessels constructed on or after 1stJ uly 2002. (SO LAS 2000 II-2/ Existing systems having a pre-set level of not more than 30% LEL may be accepted on vessels constructed before 1stJ uly 2002. 在 2002 年 7 月 1 日或以后建造的船舶上,泵房、轮机控制室、货物控制室和驾驶台的报警器应是自动的。(SO LAS 2000 II-2/ 2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶可接受预设水平不超过 30% LEL 的现有系统。
Question is also applic able to trunk spaces and to ballast pump rooms where fixed gasdetection is installed. 问题也适用于安装了固定气体检测装置的主干空间和压载泵房。
8.47 Is the bilge pump in good order and can it be operated from a position outside the pump room? 8.47 舱底泵是否完好,能否在泵房外操作?
The bilge system serving the cargo pump room shall be operable from outside the cargo pump-room. 货物泵房的舱底系统应能从货物泵房外操作。
8.48 Is all lighting in the pumproom or trunk space operational and does it appear adequate to illuminate the space? 8.48 泵房或干线空间内的所有照明设备是否都能正常工作,是否足以照亮整个空间?
Care should be taken to ensure like for like light bulbs with the same illumination are used ratherthan lower wattage bulbsasthis may reduce the light range in enclosed areas. 应注意确保使用相同照明度的同类灯泡,而不是低瓦数的灯泡,因为这可能会缩小封闭区域的照明范围。
Cargo Hoses: 货物软管:
8.49 If the vessel uses its own cargo hoses, are they in good order, pressure tested annually and is a record of all hose tests and inspections maintained on board? 8.49 如果船舶使用自己的货物软管,这些软管是否完好无损,是否每年进行压力测试,船上是否保存所有软管测试和检查的记录?
Each hose should be marked with the test date and pressure, maximum working pressure and be individually numbered for identific ation purposes. 每根软管都应标明测试日期和压力、最大工作压力,并单独编号以便识别。
Cargo hoses in senvice should have a documented inspection at least annually to confirm their suitability for continued use. This should include: 使用中的货物软管应至少每年进行一次有记录的检查,以确认其是否适合继续使用。检查应包括
A visual check for deterioration/damage. 目视检查是否有老化/损坏。
A pressure test to 1.5 timesthe Rated Working Pressure (RWP) to check forleakage ormovement of end fittings. (Temporary elongation at RWP should be measured as an interim step.) 进行 1.5 倍额定工作压力 (RWP) 的压力测试,以检查端部配件是否泄漏或移动。(应测量 RWP 下的临时伸长率作为临时步骤)。
Electric al continuity test. (ISG OTT 电气连续性测试。(ISOG OTT
Portable cargo pump hoses should be tested and maintained aspermanufacturers guidelines. 便携式货泵软管应按照制造商的指导进行测试和维护。
Cargo Lifting Equipment 货物提升设备
8.50 Are all cranes and other lifting equipment properly marked, regularly inspected, tested and are the vessels crew aware of maintenance requirements? 8.50 所有起重机和其他起重设备是否都有适当的标记,是否定期检查和测试,船员是否了解维护要求?
Cargo lifting equipment should be load tested every five years and thoroughly examined by a competent person annually. Other lifting equipment is not regulated except as usually required by class but should be tested and examined under a similar regime. The minimum SWL for which testing is required is one tonne ( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs}.). 货物起重设备应每五年进行一次负载测试,并由合格人员每年进行一次彻底检查。其他起重设备不受监管,但通常按等级要求的除外,但应按照类似制度进行测试和检查。需要测试的最小 SWL 为一吨( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs} 。)
A Chain Register is not required, but documentation supporting testing, examination and maintenance 不需要链条登记册,但需要测试、检查和维护的证明文件
that follows the OCIMF Publication Recommendations for the Tagging/Labelling, Testing and Maintenance, Documentation/Certific ation for Ships’ Lifting Equipment should be maintained. 应遵循 OCIMF 出版的《关于船舶起重设备的标记/标签、测试和维护、文件/证书的建议》。
For vessels with a single hose crane, in the event of a failure of a hydraulic hose then there must be the capability to replace the defect hose with spare ones. In the event that the cargo hose handling crane hastwo ormore hosesthat are identic al in all aspects, then only 50%50 \% of these identic al hoses need to be camied asspares. 对于使用单软管起重机的船只,如果液压软管发生故障,则必须能够用备用软管替换故障软管。如果货物软管起重机拥有两根或两根以上在所有方面都相同的软管,则只需将 50%50 \% 这些相同的软管组合在一起。
Monitoring the wearof a slew bearing on cranesshould be conducted following the recommendations of the crane/slew bearing manufacturer. There are two commonly recommended practices: 监测起重机回转支承的磨损应根据起重机/回转支承制造商的建议进行。通常推荐两种做法:
Grease sampling - this measuresthe metallic content found in the grease which gives an indication of the weartaking place. 油脂取样--测量油脂中的金属含量,从而了解油脂的损耗情况。
Rocking test - this measuresthe play (orrelative movement) between the innerand outerbearing race, to give an indication of the weartaking place. 摇动测试 - 测量内外轴承滚道之间的游隙(或相对运动),以显示磨损情况。
Ship to Ship Transfer Operations - Petroleum 船对船转运业务 - 石油
Questions 8.51-8.55 ask for basic information to determine if the vessel can be considered for off-shore STS. If the vessel is equipped with specialised equipment forregular ship-to-ship transferoperations such asfenders and hoses, the fact should be recorded in Additional comments 问题 8.51-8.55 要求提供基本信息,以确定船舶是否可考虑进行离岸 STS。如果船舶配备了用于定期船对船转运作业的专用设备,如护舷和软管,则应在附加说明中记录这一事实。
8.51 Are the officers and crew familiar with the requirements and risks during ship to ship operations? 8.51 官员和船员是否熟悉船对船行动的要求和风险?
Any oil tankerover 150 GTinvolved in STS operations shall camy on board a Plan prescribing how to conduct STS operations(STS Operations Plan) and shall be approved by the administration. The STS operationsplan shall be written in the working language of the ship. (MARPOLAnnexI Reg 41.1) Notes: STS operations plan are not required for liftings from FPSOs, FSO snor for bunkering operations. (See MARPOL Annex I, Reg 40 forfull details) Operationsplan shall be developed taking into account the information contained in IMO’s "Manual on Oil Pollution, Section 1, Prevention and the ICS/OCIMF/SIG TTO/CDI “Ship to Ship TransferGuide, forPetroleum, Chemic als and Liquefied Gases” First Edition 2013. 任何参与 STS 作业的 150 总吨以上的油轮均应在船上配备一份规定如何进行 STS 作业的计划(STS 作业计划),并应得到管理部门的批准。STS 操作计划应以船舶的工作语言编写。(MARPOLAnnexI Reg 41.1)注释:从浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)、浮式散货船(FSO)或加油作业的提升不需要 STS 操作计划。(详见 MARPOL 附件 I 第 40 条)在制定作业计划时,应考虑到 IMO 的《油类污染手册》第 1 节 "预防 "和 ICS/OCIMF/SIG TTO/CDI 的《石油、化学品和液化气船对船转移指南》2013 年第一版中包含的信息。
A risk assessment should be undertaken when considering the suitability of an STS transferlocation. A further risk assessment should be made for the STS operation. (STS Guide 1.4) 在考虑 STS 转移地点是否合适时,应进行风险评估。还应对 STS 操作进行进一步的风险评估。(STS 指南 1.4)
All STS transferoperations should be conducted under the co-ordination and advisory control of one individual, who will either be one of the Masters concemed, an STS Superintendent or the POAC. To prevent fatigue during extended operations, the role may be formally transferred to another suitably qualified person (STS Guide 1.5.1). 所有 STS 转移行动均应在一名人员的协调和咨询控制下进行,该人员可以是一名构想船长、一名 STS 监管员或 POAC。为防止在长时间操作过程中出现疲劳,可将这一角色正式移交给另一位具备适当资格的人员(STS 指南 1.5.1)。
In case the vessel is equipped with permanent fenders and hoses, there shall be procedures in place to monitor and assess the condition of such equipment in accordance with manufacturerguidelines. 如果船上配备了永久性护舷装置和软管,则应制定程序,根据制造商的指导原则对这些设备的状况进行监测和评估。
8.52 Does the POAC have the necessary qualifications and experience and are officers aware of these requirements? 8.52 POAC 是否具备必要的资格和经验,官员是否了解这些要求?
For transfers involving MARPOL Annex I cargoes, the POAC should have at least the following qualific ations orlevel of experience: 对于涉及《防止船污公约》附件 I 货物的转运, POAC 至少应具备以下资格或经验:
An appropriate management level deck licence or certific ate meeting intemational certification standards, with the Intemational Convention on Standards of Training Certific ation and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STC W) (reference 9) and dangerouscargo endorsements up-to-date and appropriate forthe shipsengaged in the STS operation. 符合国际认证标准的适当管理级别的甲板执照或证书,具有《海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》(STC W)(参考文献 9)和最新的危险货物批注,并适合从事 STS 作业的船舶。
Attendance at a recognised ship handling course. 参加认可的船舶操作课程。
Experience in conducting mooring/unmooring operations in similar circumstances and with similar vessels. 具有在类似情况下和使用类似船只进行系泊/解缆作业的经验。
Experience in oil tankercargo loading and unloading. 有油罐货物装卸经验。
A thorough knowledge of the transferarea and surrounding areas. 对转运区及周边地区有透彻的了解。
Knowledge of spill clean-up techniques, including familiarity with the equipment and resources a vailable in contingency plans. 了解泄漏清理技术,包括熟悉应急计划中可用的设备和资源。
Knowledge of STS operationsplans(see appendixA1.5) and associated joint plans of operation (see section 5.2). 了解 STS 行动计划(见附录 A1.5)和相关联合行动计划(见第 5.2 节)。
For transfers involving cargoes other than MARPOL Annex I cargoes, it is recommended that the STS Superintendent has similar qualific ations and levels of experience to those detailed above, relevant to the type of cargo transferred. (STS Guide 1.7) 对于涉及《防止船污公约》附件 I 以外货物的转运,建议 STS 监管员具备与转运货物类型相关的类似于上述资格和经验水平。(STS 指南 1.7)
It is recommended that all fairleads used during STS transferoperations are of an enclosed type. Such fairleads should be strong enough to take the antic ipated mooring loads and large enough to allow the mooring line (plusany soft rope and tackle) to passthrough comfortably. (STS Guide 9.3) 建议在 STS 转移作业中使用的所有吊绳都应是封闭式的。这种系索具应该足够坚固,能够承受相应的系泊载荷,并且足够大,能够让系泊缆绳(以及任何软绳和缆具)舒适地通过。(STS 指南 9.3)
It has been found that full strength enclosed fairleads and bitts for spring lines need to be positioned no more than 35 metres forward and aft of the cargo manifold. (STS Guide 9.3) 研究发现,用于弹簧缆线的全强度封闭式系索板和系索头需要放置在货物汇流排前后不超过 35 米的位置。(STS 指南 9.3)
It is recommended that all tankers be fitted with an a rray of mooring bitts of suffic ient strength on each side of the ship. (STS Guide 9.3) 建议所有油轮在船的两侧各安装一排强度足够的系船栓。(STS 指南 9.3)
In addition it is recommended that provision be made for securing fender lines. (STS Guide 9.3) 此外,还建议为固定护舷线做好准备。(STS 指南 9.3)
8.54 Are offic ers aware of the requirements of the ship-to-ship transferchecklists and are there rec ords of STS operations maintained? 8.54 官员是否了解船对船转移检查表的要求,是否保存有 STS 操作记录?
The checklists should be used not only at the time of transfer but also when the operation is being planned. Adherence to check list procedures will ensure that the most important aspects of an operation are covered. The checklists are: 核对表不仅应在转移时使用,还应在计划手术时使用。遵守核对表程序将确保涵盖手术最重要的方面。核对表包括
Pre-fixture information; 夹具前信息;
Before operations commence, 作业开始前、
Before run-in and mooring; 运行和停泊前
Before cargo transfer; and 货物转运前;以及
Before unmooring. (STS Guide 3.4 and Appendix E) 卸载前。(STS 指南 3.4 和附录 E)。
Note: STS records which should include, but not limited to the following: 注:STS 记录应包括但不限于以下内容:
STS C hecklists as per latest ICS/O CIMF/SIG TTO/CDI guidelines edition 2013 根据最新的 ICS/O CIMF/SIG TTO/CDI 指南 2013 版制定的 STS C 检查单
The JPO (J oint Plan of operations) asprovided by the service provider 服务提供商提供的联合行动计划(JPO
Risk assessment assubmitted by the Service Provider 服务提供商提交的风险评估
Detailed Mooring Plan of partic ipating vessels. 参与船只的详细系泊计划。
Copies of certific ates of fender and hoses 挡泥板和软管证书副本
Notific ation to coastal authorities 向沿海当局发出通知
Details of Drills associated with the specific STS Operation 与特定 STS 操作相关的演习详情
Records of Crew Experience 船员经历记录
Post feedback/ assessment by the Master 大师的后期反馈/评估
If the vessel hasbeen engaged in STS operations in the past 12 months then records should be spot checked for compliance. 如果船只在过去 12 个月内从事过 STS 作业,则应抽查记录是否符合要求。
8.55 If a ship-to-ship transfer was in progress during the inspection, was it c onducted in accordance with the recommendations of the OCIMF/ICS STS Transfer Guide? 8.55 如果检查期间正在进行船对船转让,是否按照 OCIMF/ICS STS 转让指南的建议进行?
To eliminate the potential for incendive arcing between the two ships, when presenting the hose string for connection one of the following a rrangements should be used: 为了消除两艘船之间可能出现的燃烧电弧,在连接软管串时,应使用以下其中一种安排:
A single insulating flange fitted at the manifold of one ship or within each hose string and all hoses in the string electric ally continuous; or 单个绝缘法兰安装在一艘船的分水器上或每个软管串内,且该软管串内的所有软管均为连续电气软管;或
A single length of electric ally discontinuous hose fitted in each hose string; or 在每个软管串中安装一段不连续的电动软管;或
Hosesthat are specially constructed to prevent static build-up and limit electrical conductance to an inherently safe level. 专门设计的软管可防止静电积聚,并将导电性限制在固有的安全水平。
Where an insulating flange is used, it is important that no part of the conducting hose outboard of the insulated flange comes into contact with the ship to which the insulating flange is fitted, for example from the use of non-insulated hose saddles, as this could cause a spark. (STS Guide 3.10.4) 使用绝缘法兰时,绝缘法兰外侧的导电软管不得与安装绝缘法兰的船舶接触,例如使用非绝缘软管鞍座,否则可能会产生火花。(STS 指南 3.10.4)
Synthetic mooringspassed through shipside fairleadsmay be subjected to chafing from cyclic al loading due to the vessel’smotion. Lines can be protected with suitable chafing covers. The covers may be lubric ated to minimise the potential forthem being damaged. 通过船边系索环穿过的合成缆绳可能会因船只运动而受到周期性负载的摩擦。可以使用合适的锚链保护罩来保护缆绳。盖子可以进行润滑,以尽量减少损坏的可能性。
Additional lines should be readily available to supplement moorings if necessary, or in the event of a line failure. (STS Guide 6.6.2) 如有必要,或在缆绳出现故障时,应随时准备额外的缆绳以补充系泊。(STS 指南 6.6.2)
Combination Camiers: 组合式 Camiers:
Note: Undernomal circumstances, the inspection of combination camiers should be conducted only when the vessel is operating in the ‘wet’ mode. 注:在非正常情况下,组合凸轮的检查只能在船舶以 "湿 "模式运行时进行。
8.56 Are operator’s procedures provided and are records maintained for changing between the wet and dry modes? 8.56 是否提供了在干湿模式之间切换的操作程序并保存了记录?
Note: Records should contain details of tank inspections and corrective actionstaken, if required, after the camiage of dry cargoes with regard to damage caused by discharging equipment. 注:记录应包括干货装船后对罐体检查的详细情况,以及必要时对卸货设备造成的损坏所采取的纠正措施。
Are hatch covers of the dual seal type, are they seated correctly and are they sealed and gas tight? 舱口盖是否为双密封类型,是否正确就位,是否密封和气密?
Notes: Guidance relating to hatch covers on combination camiers is contained in ISG OTT 14.1.8. 注有关组合式凸轮上舱口盖的指南载于 ISG OTT 14.1.8。
It is recommended practice that OBOO B O 's samive at a terminal with a minimum tank vapourspace pressure of 500 mm . 建议的做法是, OBOO B O 's samive 在一个罐体蒸汽空间压力最小为 500 毫米的终点站。
Referto the publication “Testing Requirements for Bulk Camiers.” 请参阅出版物 "散装凸轮测试要求"。
8.59 Are hatch covers free of visible evidence of damage and are the comers of hatch coamings and adjacent decks free of visible cracks? 8.59 舱口盖是否没有明显的损坏痕迹,舱口盖和相邻甲板的边缘是否没有明显的裂缝?
8.60 Do records indic ate that the pipe tunnel is clean and free of evidence of leakage? 8.60 是否有记录表明管道隧道清洁且无泄漏迹象?
8.61 Are bilge pumping systems for fonward spaces in good order? 8.61 船舱的舱底抽水系统是否完好?
The means for draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead and bilges of dry spacesany part of which extendsforward of the foremost cargo hold, shall be capable of being brought into operation from a readily accessible enclosed space, the location of which is accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinery control position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. 防撞舱壁前方的压载舱和干舱舱底的排水和抽水装置,其任何部分延伸至最前部货舱之外,应能从一个易于接近的封闭空间投入使用,其位置可从驾驶台或推进机械控制位置接近,而无需穿越外露的自由板或上层建筑甲板。
(SOLAS 2002 XII/13.1)
8.62 Is the vessel equipped with bilge alams in the forward spaces and holds? 8.62 船舶前舱和货舱是否装有舱底舷窗?
Bulk camiers shall be fitted with water level detectors: 散装凸轮必须安装水位探测器:
In each cargo hold giving visual and audible alarms, one when the waterlevelabove the inner bottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5 metres and another at a height of not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold; 在每个货舱内发出视觉和听觉警报,其中一个警报是在任何货舱内底部以上的水位达到 0.5 米的高度时发出,另一个警报是在水位不低于货舱深度 15%的高度时发出;
In any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead, giving an audible and visual alarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10%10 \% of the tank capacity; 在防撞舱壁前方的任何压载舱内,当舱内液体达到不超过 10%10 \% 舱容量的水平时,发出声光报警;
In any dry or void space other than a chain cable locker, any part of which extendsforward of the foremost cargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a waterlevel of 0.1 metre above the deck. Such alarmsneed not be provided in enclosed spacesthe volume of which does not exceed 0.1%0.1 \% of the ship’s maximum displacement volume. 除链缆柜外的任何干燥或空隙空间,其任何部分延伸至最前部货舱之外,在水位高出甲板 0.1 米时发出声光报警。在容积不超过 0.1%0.1 \% 船舶最大排水容积的封闭空间内,无需安装此类警报器。
(SO LAS 2002 XII/12.1)
The audible and visual alarms shall be located on the navigation bridge. 声光警报器应安装在导航桥上。
(SOLAS 2002 XIII/12.2)
Bulk camiers constructed before 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} J uly 2004 shall comply with the requirements not laterthan the date of the annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be caried out after 1st uly 2004, whichever comes first. 在 2004 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的散货船应在 2004 年 7 月 1 日之后进行的年度检验、中期检验或更新检验的日期(以先到者为准)之前符合要求。
(SOLAS 2002 XII/12.3)
8.63 If the vessel uses portable hoses for crude oil washing, are these in good order and do records support that they have been regularly tested. 8.63 如果船只使用便携式软管进行原油清洗,这些软管是否完好无损,是否有记录证明定期进行了测试。
Note: Portable hoses must be tested forcontinuity, physic al damage and pressure tested periodically 注:便携式软管必须定期进行连续性、物理损坏和压力测试。
Shuttle Tankers: 穿梭油轮:
Notes: These questions address issues associated with tankers that are provided with specialist equipment for operations at deep waterterminalsand FPSO’s. This section should only be completed when the vessel hassuch equipment. Unless the inspection istaking place at an offshore installation it may not be possible forthe inspector to provide detailed responses relating to these vessels, or to answer some of the questions. Within the inspector’s software, the inspector can select two inspection options, “Inspection at an Offshore Loading Oilfield” or “Inspection at a Discharge Terminal”. 注释这些问题涉及配备了在深水码头和浮式生产储油装置作业专用设备的油轮的相关问题。只有当船舶拥有此类设备时才应填写本节。除非检查是在海上设施进行,否则检查员可能无法提供与这些船舶有关的详细答复,也无法回答某些问题。在检查员软件中,检查员可以选择两个检查选项,即 "在海上装载油田检查 "或 "在卸货码头检查"。
For an “Inspection at an Offshore Loading Terminal” all questions from 8.64 to 8.127 will be addressed. 对于 "近海装货码头检查",8.64 至 8.127 中的所有问题都将得到解决。
For an “Inspection at a Discharge Terminal” the questions 8.65 to 8.127 will be addressed with the exception of the following 8.80,8.86,8.89,8.90,8.91,8.97,8.101,8.105,8.106,8.108,8.109,8.110,8.112,8.114,8.118,8.1198.80,8.86,8.89,8.90,8.91,8.97,8.101,8.105,8.106,8.108,8.109,8.110,8.112,8.114,8.118,8.119, 对于 "在卸货终点站进行的检查",将回答问题 8.65 至 8.127,但以下问题除外 8.80,8.86,8.89,8.90,8.91,8.97,8.101,8.105,8.106,8.108,8.109,8.110,8.112,8.114,8.118,8.1198.80,8.86,8.89,8.90,8.91,8.97,8.101,8.105,8.106,8.108,8.109,8.110,8.112,8.114,8.118,8.119 、
Personnel Management 人事管理
8.64 Do all key personnel on board involved in DP operations comply with the IMCA and UKOOA minimum requirements for experience and training? 8.64 船上所有参与 DP 操作的关键人员是否符合 IMCA 和 UKOOA 对经验和培训的最低要求?
Note: Confirm DP certification and experience from log books. Confirm that Engineers and ETO shave appropriate training/guidance on how to operate/maintain plant when in DP mode. (IMCA M 117 Rev 1- The training and Experience of key DP personnel UKOAA Tandem Loading Guidelines). 注:根据航行日志确认 DP 认证和经验。确认工程师和 ETO 接受过有关在 DP 模式下如何操作/维护设备的适当培训/指导。(IMCA M 117 Rev 1- 主要 DP 人员的培训和经验 UKOAA Tandem Loading Guidelines)。
8.67 Rec ord the Engine Room manning arrangements during shuttle tanker operations.
Note: Record the engine room manning levels 注:记录机房人员配备水平
8.68 Is there an Electronic Technician on-board with approved training on the maintenance of DP system? 8.68 船上是否有经过 DP 系统维护培训的电子技术员?
Note: IMCA M 117 Rev 1- The training and Experience of key DP personnel 注:IMCA M 117 Rev 1- DP 主要人员的培训和经验
8.69 Have offic ers and ratings had shore-based training in helic opter handling operations? 8.69 官员和评级人员是否接受过直升机操作的岸上培训?
Dynamic Positioning and Navigation Equipment 动态定位和导航设备
8.70 Does the vessel have on board a copy of the most recent FME(C)A\operatorname{FME}(\mathrm{C}) \mathrm{A} ? 8.70 船上是否有最新的 FME(C)A\operatorname{FME}(\mathrm{C}) \mathrm{A} ?
Note: Record the date of the report and authors. Record the Class Notation of the DP system. 注:记录报告日期和作者。记录 DP 系统的等级符号。
8.71 Do the failure modes meet IMO MSC Circ . 645 with ‘fail as set, or fail to zero’? 8.71 故障模式是否符合 IMO MSC Circ .645 规定的 "按设定失效或失效为零"?
8.78 Have DP operations been incident-free in the last 12\mathbf{1 2} months? 8.78 在过去 12\mathbf{1 2} 个月中,维和行动是否没有发生事故?
Note: If ‘No’ record details of any inc idents. 注:如果 "否",请记录任何激励标识的详细信息。
8.79 Does the vessel have a DP Incident reporting system? 8.79 船只是否有 DP 事故报告系统?
Note: This can be either according to the vessel’s ISM system or by use of the IMCA M 103 Rev1, Appendix1 注:可根据船舶的 ISM 系统或通过使用 IMCA M 103 Rev1 附录 1 来实现。
8.80 Does the vessel review the risk assessments for shuttle tanker operations prior to DP operations? 8.80 在进行 DP 操作前,船只是否审查了穿梭油轮操作的风险评估?
Note: Reviews reflect changes in operating loc ations, position reference sensors and J oint Operations Manuals(where appropriate). 注:审查反映了运行地点、位置参考传感器和《联合运行手册》(如适用)的变化。
8.81 Is the DP control console located so that the DPO can also observe the controls, the extemal environment and the working operations of the vessel? 8.81 DP 控制台的位置是否使 DPO 也能观察到控制情况、外部环境和船舶的工作操 作?
Notes: If ‘No’, state whetherCCTV is utilised. IMCA M 103 Rev 1-1.6.5 Position Control IMCA M 103 Rev 11.2 Scope of Dynamic Positioning. 备注:若 "否",请说明是否使用CCTV。IMCA M 103 Rev 1-1.6.5 定位控制 IMCA M 103 Rev 11.2 动态定位的范围。
8.83 What level of power/thrust can be achieved from the main propellers when going astem? 8.83 主螺旋桨的功率/推力可以达到什么水平?
Note: Reverse thrust capacity will be typic ally reduced, record power/thrust level aspercentage of nomal ahead thrust. 注:反向推力通常会降低,请按额定正向推力的百分比记录功率/推力水平。
8.84 Can the controls for position reference systems be accessed within easy reach of the DP control station? 8.84 位置参考系统的控制装置是否可以在 DP 控制站的方便范围内使用?
8.85 Does the vessel have a comprehensive DP operating manual on board? 8.85 船上是否有全面的 DP 操作手册?
Notes: IMO Resolution 645 Operational Requirement. Confirm that the manual is written in a language appropriate for the DP operators. State whethermanual has been reviewed by Class. 注释:国际海事组织第 645 号决议操作要求。确认手册以适合 DP 操作员的语言编写。说明手册是否经过船级审查。
8.86 Are all personnel involved in DP operations familiar with the manual and demonstrate an understanding of its contents? 8.86 是否所有参与 DP 操作的人员都熟悉手册并对其内容有所了解?
8.87 Are checklists in place to cover bridge, engine room and electrical systems prior to DP operations? 8.87 在进行 DP 操作前,是否制定了涵盖驾驶台、机房和电气系统的检查表?
8.88 Are DP Capability Plots in place to cover the nomal and expected operations? 8.88 是否制定了 DP 能力计划,以涵盖名义和预期行动?
Dynamic Positioning Equipment 动态定位设备
8.89 Are all the thrusters in good order? 8.89 所有推进器是否正常?
Note: Routines for calibrating the thrusters should eitherbe a part of the annual dynamic positioning trials or included in the planned maintenance system. 注:校准推进器的例行工作应作为年度动态定位试验的一部分,或纳入计划维护系统。
8.90 Is the Dynamic Positioning equipment on board in good order? 8.90 船上的动态定位设备是否完好?
Notes: Record the date of the last maintenance visit and review the report. Note any recommendations/ deficiencies. 备注:记录上次维修访问的日期并查看报告。记录任何建议/缺陷。
8.91 Are all position reference systems in good order? 8.91 所有定位参考系统是否正常?
8.92 Are the offsets adequately filed? 8.92 抵消是否充分?
Note: Check that the file is readily available to DPO 's 注意:检查 DPO 是否可以随时获得该文件
8.93 Does vessel have a data recorder that records all DP parameters? 8.93 船只是否有记录所有 DP 参数的数据记录器?
Note: IMCA M 103 Rev 1- 1.5 Operation, Training and Doc umentation Best practice for vessels engaged in sensitive DP operations. If a date recorder is not fitted, confirm that procedures are in place forsecuning relevant data in the event of a DP incident. 注:IMCA M 103 Rev 1- 1.5 操作、培训和记录从事敏感 DP 操作的船舶的最佳做法。如果未安装日期记录器,则应确认已制定程序,以便在发生 DP 事故时确保相关数据的安全。
8.94 Is there a procedure for checking of the secure power supply systems prior to DP operations? 8.94 是否有在 DP 操作前检查安全供电系统的程序?
8.95 If vessel is DP class 2 (or equivalent), does the DP system have a continuous analysis function checking that in terms of thrust and power the vessel can maintain position after the worstcase failure? 8.95 如果船舶为 DP 2 级(或同等级别),DP 系统是否有持续分析功能,检查船舶在最坏情况下发生故障后,在推力和动力方面是否能保持位置?
Note: IMCA M 103 Rev 1-1.6 Recommended for all vessels built after 1994 注:IMCA M 103 Rev 1-1.6 建议用于 1994 年后建造的所有船只
8.96 Do the operational procedures include guidance on number of generators to be running at different power loads and are DPOs and engineers familiar with them? 8.96 运行程序中是否包括在不同功率负荷下运行发电机数量的指导,DPO 和工程师是否熟悉这些程序?
Note: Guidance should include direction on numberof generators to be online and recommended ‘spinning reserve’. Is there a policy on standby generators? 注:指南应包括关于在线发电机数量的指示和建议的 "旋转储备"。是否有关于备用发电机的政策?
8.97 Are consequence analysis alams used as input to the contingency matrix? 8.97 是否将后果分析结果作为或然矩阵的输入?
8.98 Is the DP system included within the Planned Maintenance System (PMS)? 8.98 计划维护系统(PMS)中是否包括 DP 系统?
Note: Including all position reference systems, UPSs and sensors. 注:包括所有位置参考系统、不间断电源和传感器。
Cargo Operations: 货运业务:
8.99 Are the appropriate loading terminal procedures manuals on board foreach offshore terminal to which the vessel trades? 8.99 船舶前往的每个近海码头船上是否都有适当的装货码头程序手册?
Notes: Joint Operationsmanuals should be available, which should include the following information: - 备注:联合行动手册应包括以下信息
Summary field position and field layout and FPSO information including plans of herstem offtake a rangements, and appropriate photographs; 油田位置、油田布局和浮式生产储油卸油船(FPSO)信息摘要,包括干流取水口平面图和相关照片;
Contact numbers, call signs and communic ations channels for both Operational and Emergency use 业务和应急使用的联系号码、呼叫标志和通信频道
Description of the offloading equipment and in particular the OCEs on board the FPSO; 说明卸载设备,特别是浮式生产储油轮上的 OCE;
Description of standard and occasional joint operations including cargo transfer rates, line flushing etc.; 说明标准和不定期的联合作业,包括货物转运率、管线冲洗等;
Data sheets on all tankers approved forregularofftake at that field; 所有获准在该油田定期取油的油罐车的数据表;
Tendering and accepting Notice of Readiness (NOR), and any special requirements for cargo quality, Bills of Lading and Cargo calculation; 投标和接受准备就绪通知书(NOR),以及对货物质量、提单和货物计算的任何特殊要求;
quad\quad Speed reduction sequence and limits on approaching Facility / FPSO. Speed should normally be reduced to: quad\quad 接近设施/浮式生产储油轮时的减速顺序和限制。速度通常应降至 < 12<12 knots @ 10 na utic al miles from the Fa cility / FPSO < 12<12 节,距离设施/浮式生产储油装置 10 海里
<5 knots @ 3 na utic al miles from the Facility / FPSO <距离设施/浮式生产储油轮 3 海里处小于 5 节
<0.5 knot @ 1000 meters from the Fac ility / FPSO <距离设施/浮式生产储油轮 1000 米处小于 0.5 节
Operational limits and executive actions on exceeding limits; 业务限额和超出限额的行政行动;
ESD systems and executive actions at each ESD level. (Both for the FPSO ESD system and the joint “Offtake ESD” system); 每个 ESD 级别的 ESD 系统和执行行动。(FPSO ESD 系统和联合 "Offtake ESD "系统);
Detailed check lists for the FPSO covering each stage of pre-offtake checking; approach, Offtake, disconnection and post offtake checking of hardware; 详细的 FPSO 检查清单,涵盖接收前检查的每个阶段;硬件的进场、接收、断开和接收后检查;
Detailed check lists for each type of tankercovering field specific actions and requirements not covered by the tankersown detailed checklists; 每种类型罐体的详细检查表,包括罐体本身的详细检查表未涵盖的现场具体操作和要求;
Duties and requirements for any towing a ssist vessel; 任何拖船的职责和要求;
Emergency responsibilities and procedures. Note this section of the joint operationsmanual should be prepared jointly between the duty holder’s management team responsible for running the installation, and the tankermanagement company to ensure that there are no gaps oroverlaps in cover. (Some duty holders preferto coverthis topic by a separate bridging document oremergency response manual for this reason); 应急责任和程序。请注意,联合运行手册的这一部分应由负责装置运行的责任方管理团队和油罐管理公司共同编写,以确保覆盖范围没有空白或重叠。(出于这个原因,有些责任人倾向于用单独的过渡性文件或应急手册来涵盖这个主题);
Bearing in mind that many tankers operate on a COA basis visiting many different fields with different procedures each joint operations offtake manual should include:|- 考虑到许多油轮都是以 COA 为基础进行作业,访问许多不同的油田,每个联合作业承购手册都应包括: |-
A short synopsis desc ribing key requirements and where to find more detailed information on each topic within the manual. (I.e. An ovenview that the Tanker Master can quickly use to get the key facts without having to wade indiscriminately through the full manual). 简明扼要地描述关键要求,以及在手册中何处可以找到有关每个主题的更多详细信息。(也就是说,油轮船长可以快速了解关键信息,而不必胡乱翻阅整本手册)。
A station-keeping sector limits diagram giving key operational and station keeping limits and key communic ations channels. (I.e. key information that can be posted on one sheet on the bridge for immediate use). 站位保持区域限制图,提供关键的操作和站位保持限制以及关键的通信渠道。(即可以张贴在舰桥上的关键信息,以便立即使用)。
8.100 Are deck offic ers familiar the appropriate loading terminal procedures manuals on board for each offshore terminal to which the vessel trades? 8.100 甲板人员是否熟悉船上每个近海码头的适当装货码头程序手册?
8.101 Are weather forec asts received and assessed before commencing offshore operations? 8.101 在开始海上作业之前,是否收到并评估了天气预报?
8.102 Are rec ords of regular communic ations checks with the installation maintained? 8.102 是否保留了与安装单位定期沟通检查的记录?
8.103 Is there a chec klist for bridge or bow control station instrumentation and control systems and has it been c orrectly completed? 8.103 是否有舰桥或舰首控制站仪器和控制系统的检查表?
8.104 Is there a chec klist for engine room machinery and has it been comectly completed? 8.104 是否有机房机械检查表?
8.105 Does the vessel apply the same practices when loading from the offshore terminal as for an onshore terminal? 8.105 船舶从近海码头装货时,是否采用与陆上码头相同的做法?
Note: Specific procedures should be provided foreach of the terminals at which the vessel operates 注:应在船舶运营的每个码头提供具体程序
8.106 Are green line interlocks working satisfac torily? 8.106 绿线联锁的工作是否令人满意?
8.107 Is there a senvice report available for the tension load cells? 8.107 是否有拉力传感器的检测报告?
Note: The dates should be noted. 注:应注明日期。
8.108 Is the deluge system in good order and is it pressurised during loading? 8.108 脱水系统是否完好,装货时是否加压?
Note: Record the date of the last test. 注:记录上次测试的日期。
8.109 Are the emergency shut-down systems in good order and tested regularly? 8.109 紧急关闭系统是否完好并定期测试?
Note: Record the date of the last test 注:记录上次测试的日期
8.110 Is the telemetry system in good order? 8.110 遥测系统是否正常?
Bow Loading Systems (BLS) and Submerged Turret Loading (STL) Operations 船首装载系统 (BLS) 和水下转塔装载 (STL) 操作
8.111 Has the BLS been subject to an FME(C)A process? 8.111 BLS 是否经过 FME(C)A 程序?
8.112 Are the BLS and/ or STL systems in good order? 8.112 BLS 和/或 STL 系统是否正常?
8.113 Are chec klists for the operation of the BLS and/ or STL systems available and is there evidence of their consistent use? 8.113 是否有 BLS 和/或 STL 系统的操作清单?
8.114 Are seals on the STL buoy hatch and the STL room watertight door in good order? 8.114 STL 浮标舱口和 STL 室水密门的密封是否完好?
8.115 Is the alarm for the STL room watertight door in good order and tested regularly? 8.115 STL 室水密门的警报器是否完好并定期测试?
Note: Record the date of the last test. 注:记录上次测试的日期。
8.116 Are indic ators for closing devic es in good order? 8.116 关闭设备的指示器是否完好?
Note: Record the date of the last test. 注:记录上次测试的日期。
8.117 Are BLS and/ or STL areas fitted with detection/ extinguishing systems and are they in good order 8.117 BLS 和/或 STL 区域是否装有探测/灭火系统,这些系统是否完好无损
Note: Record detection systems fitted, i.e. Fire detection and/or fixed fire extinguishing, gasdetection, video monitoring etc. 注:记录安装的探测系统,即火灾探测和/或固定灭火、气体探测、视频监控等。
Safety Management at Offshore Installations 海上设施的安全管理
8.118 Have communic ations been established and is there a backup communication system? Note: If vessel is not being inspected at an offshore loc ation answer this question NA. 8.118 是否已建立通信联络,是否有备用通信系统?注:如果船舶不是在近海地点接受检查,则回答 "NA"。
8.119 Have communic ations been established with the field standby vessel? 8.119 是否与现场待命船只建立了联系?
Note: If vessel is not being inspected at an offshore loc ation answer this question NA. 注:如果船只不是在近海地点接受检查,则回答 "NA"。
8.120 Are written emergenc y procedures for offshore loading provided? 8.120 是否有书面的海上装载应急程序?
Note: Sight procedures and records of drills. 注:视力程序和演习记录。
8.121 Are drills pertaining to these procedures held regularty? 8.121 是否定期举行与这些程序有关的演习?
Note: Sight procedures and records of drills 注:视力程序和演习记录
8.122 Is there a procedure for emergency towing? 8.122 是否有紧急拖车程序?
8.123 Are emergency towing trials canied out? 8.123 紧急拖曳试验是否有帐篷?
Note: Record frequency of trials and date of the last exercise and details of any lessonsleamed. 注:记录试验频率和最后一次练习的日期,以及任何教训的细节。
Pollution Prevention Specific to Offshore Installations 近海设施的污染预防
8.124 Does the SOPEP address procedures spec ific to shuttle tanker operation? 8.124 SOPEP 是否涉及穿梭油轮操作的具体程序?
8.125 Are BLS and/ or STL spaces free of oil? 8.125 BLS 和/或 STL 空间是否无油?
8.126 If an oil discharge monitor is fitted in the STL room, is it in good order? 8.126 如果在 STL 室安装了排油监控器,其是否完好无损?
8.127 Is the vessel equipped with an appropriate system for draining the BLS and/or STL spaces? 8.127 船舶是否配备了适当的 BLS 和/或 STL 空间排水系统?
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems-Chemical 第 8 章 货物和压载系统货物和压载系统--化学
Notes: This chaptercan only be completed if the vessel is provided with a Certific ate of Fitness for the Camiage of DangerousChemic als in Bulk or Intemational Pollution Prevention Certific ate forthe Camiage of Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS). 注释本章只有在船舶获得散装危险化学品适航证书或有毒液体物质(NLS)国际防污染证书的情况下才能填写。
If a vessel is certified as a chemical tanker and sometimes camiesAnnex I cargoes, it should be inspected as either a Chemical Tankeroran Oil Tanker according to the cargo on board at the time of the inspection. of the cargo on board at the time of the inspection. However, if the on-board recordsreveal that the vessel is being used foroil cargoesonly, the vessel shall be inspected as an oil tanker. 如果船舶被认证为化学品船,但有时也装载附件 I 所列货物,则应根据检查时船上的货物情况,将其作为化学品船或油船进行检查。但是,如果船上记录显示该船只用于装运油类货物,则该船应作为油船接受检查。
In answering the questionsbelow, note that the IBC Code applies only to those vessels where the keel waslaid on or after 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} July 1986. 在回答下面的问题时,请注意《IBC 规则》仅适用于在 1986 年 7 月 1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 日或之后铺设龙骨的船舶。
The BCH code applies to vessels whose keel waslaid or which were at a similarstage of construction on or after 12th April 1972. It also appliesto vessels constructed before this date, except for the construction provisions of BCH 1.7.3 (a) to (f). BCH 规则适用于 1972 年 4 月 12 日或之后铺设龙骨或处于类似建造阶段的船舶。除 BCH 1.7.3 (a) 至 (f) 的建造规定外,它也适用于在此日期之前建造的船舶。
Effective 1 J an 2007, revisions to MARPOL Annex II re-categorised products into X, Y, Zand Other Substances (OS)(O S). The pollution hazards and camiage requirements of all chemic als have been re-evaluated. Categories XX, YY and Zcamiage requirements are set out in Chapter 17 of the IBC. Category Zcargoes are also set out in Chapter 18 of the IBC along with OS cargoes. P and A Manuals for all vesselscamying Category X,YX, Y or ZZ cargoesmust have been re-approved priorto 1stJ anuary 2007. 自 2007 年 7 月 1 日起,《防污公约》附则 II 的修订将产品重新分为 X、Y、Z 和其他物质 (OS)(O S) 。对所有化学物质的污染危害和防护要求进行了重新评估。IBC 第 17 章规定了 XX 、 YY 和 Z 类货物的包装要求。IBC 第 18 章还规定了 Z 类货物和 OS 类货物。所有装运 X,YX, Y 或 ZZ 类货物的船舶的P和A手册必须在2007年1月1日之前重新获得批准。
The MEPC. 2 Circular provides a provisional categorisation of liquid substances and is issued in Decembereach year. The current Circular is MEPC.2/ Circ.12. Under nomal circ umstanceschapters 17 and 18 if the IBC Code take precedence overList 1 of the MEPC. 2 Circular, in this exceptional case, the entries in Annex 1 List 1: Pure and technic ally pure products, which apply to “all countries” and no expiry date, supersede those in the IBC Code. MEPC.MEPC.2 Circular 提供了液态物质的临时分类,每年 12 月发布。目前的通告为 MEPC.2/Circ.12。在通常情况下,IBC 规则的第 17 章和第 18 章优先于 MEPC.2 通函的清单 1。在这种特殊情况下,附件 1 清单 1:纯净和技术上纯净的产品(适用于 "所有国家 "且无有效期)中的条目取代 IBC 规则中的条目。
Policies, Procedures and Doc umentation: 政策、程序和文件:
8.1 Are the officers aware of the operator's policy statements, guidance and procedures, including information on maximum loading rates and venting capacities with regard to safe cargo operations? 8.1 官员是否了解经营者的政策声明、指南和程序,包括有关货物安全操作的最大装载率和排气能力的信息?
Masters should be provided with information on maximum permissible loading ratesforeach cargo and ballast tank and, where tankshave a combined venting system, for each group of cargo or ballast tanks. This requirement is aimed at ensuring that tanks are not over or under-pressurised by exceeding the capacity of the venting system, including any installed secondary venting a rrangements. 应向船长提供每个货舱和压载舱的最大允许装载率的信息,如果货舱和压载舱有联合排气系统,还应提供每组货舱或压载舱的最大允许装载率的信息。这一要求旨在确保油舱不会因超过排气系统(包括任何已安装的二次排气装置)的容量而导致压力过高或过低。
Otherconsiderations will also need to be taken into account when determining maximum loading rates for oil tankers. Prec autions against static electricity hazards and pipeline erosion are described in ISGOTTSection (ISGOTI7.3.3) 在确定油轮的最大装载率时,还需要考虑其他因素。防止静电危害和管道侵蚀的预防措施见 ISGOTTS 第 节)。(ISGOTI7.3.3)。
This information should be displayed at the cargo control position. 该信息应显示在货物控制位置。
8.2 Are legible and up to date pipeline and/ or mimic diagrams of cargo, inert gas and venting systems, as applic able, a vailable in the pumproom(s) and cargo control area and deck offic ers' familiar with the systems? 8.2 在泵房和货物控制区是否有清晰和最新的货物、惰性气体和排气系统的管线图和/或模拟图(如适用),甲板人员是否熟悉这些系统?
Inspectors should venify the deck offic er holding the watch is familiar with the cargo operation ongoing and planned sequence of events during the watch. 检查员应确认担任值班的甲板官员熟悉值班期间正在进行的货物操作和计划的事件顺序。
8.3 Are cargo pump performance cunves available, are deck officers aware of the test requirements for cargo lines, vapour and inert gas lines on the system? 8.3 是否有货泵性能标准,甲板人员是否了解系统中货物管路、蒸汽管路和惰性气体管路的测试要求?
Pipelines should be visually examined and subjected to routine pressure tests to venify their condition. Othermeans of non-destructive testing or examination, such as ultra sonic wall thickness measurement, may be considered appropriate, but should always be supplemented by visual examination. (ISG OTT 10.11.3) 应对管道进行目视检查和常规压力测试,以确定其状况。其他非破坏性测试或检查方法,如超音波壁厚测量,可能被认为是适当的,但应始终辅以目视检查。(国际标准化组织 OTT 10.11.3)
Notes: A vessel’s ‘C argo Transfer System’ should be tested to 100%100 \% of their rated working pressure (Sometimes referred to as Maximum Allowable Working Pressure - MAWP) at least annually. 'Cargo Transfer Systems should be tested to 1.5 times their rated working pressure at least twice within any fiveyearperiod. Pipelines should be marked with the date of test and the test pressure. A vessel’s ‘C argo Transfer System’ includes the discharge pump and piping between the pump and the vessel’s manifold, excluding any non-metallic hoses. In this case the MAWP can be assumed to be either the pressure at which the transferpiping relief valve is set or, where no relief valve (s) are fitted, the maximum discharge pressure that can be developed by the vessel’spump. For centrifugal pumpsthis is the pressure developed by the pump at zero flow conditions. Pressure testing should be a 注释:船舶的 "货物转运系统 "应至少每年进行一次额定工作压力(有时称为最大允许工作压力 - MAWP) 100%100 \% 的测试。货物转运系统 "应在任何五年内至少进行两次额定工作压力 1.5 倍的测试。管道应标明测试日期和测试压力。船舶的 "货物转运系统 "包括卸货泵和泵与船舶歧管之间的管道,不包括任何非金属软管。在这种情况下,可以假定 MAWP 为输送管道溢流阀设定的压力,或者在未安装溢流阀的情况下,假定为容器泵可产生的最大排放压力。对于离心泵,这是泵在零流量条件下产生的压力。压力测试应
hydrostatic test, pressure testing using compressed air orinert gas is not acceptable. 水压试验,不接受使用压缩空气或惰性气体进行压力测试。
Note: This includes corrosion of bolts and flanges on dresser couplings. 注:这包括修整器联轴器上的螺栓和法兰的腐蚀。
The cargo discharge piping of all tank vessels shall be tested at least once each yearfor tightness, at the maximum working pressure. (46 CFR 35.35-70) 所有油轮的货物排放管道每年至少应在最大工作压力下进行一次密封性测试。(46 CFR 35.35-70)
Each loading arm and each transferpipe system, including each metallic hose, must not leak under static liquid pressure at least 1 1/2 timesthe maximum allowable working pressure. The frequency of the tests and inspections required by this section must be annually or aspart of the biennial and midperiod inspections. (33 CFR 156.170) 每个装载臂和每个转运管道系统,包括每根金属软管,在静态液体压力下的泄漏不得 超过最大允许工作压力的 1.5 倍。本节要求的测试和检查频率必须是每年一次,或作为两年期和中期检查的一部分。(33 CFR 156.170)
8.4 Are offic ers' familiar with the information contained within the Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and is the manual accessible onboard? 8.4 官员是否熟悉《程序和安排手册》中所包含的信息?
Every ship certified to cary substances of category X,YX, Y or Zshall have on board a Manual approved by the Administration. The Manual shall have a standard format in compliance with appendix IV to this Annex. 每艘经核证可携带 X,YX, Y 或Z类物质的船舶均须有一本经管理局批准的《手册》。手册应具有符合本附件附录 IV 的标准格式。
Description of ships equipment and arrangements 船舶设备和安排说明
Cargo unloading procedures and tank stripping 货物卸载程序和罐体剥离
Procedures relating to the cleaning of cargo tanks, the discharge of residues, ballasting and deballasting 与清理货舱、排放残留物、压载和卸载有关的程序
Information and procedures 信息和程序
In the case of a ship engaged in intemational voyageson which the language used is not English, 如果船舶从事国际航行,使用的语言不是英语、
French or Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages. (MARPOL Annex 2 Reg 14.1) 《如果该文本是法文或西班牙文,则应包括这些语言之一的译文。(防污公约》附件 2 第 14.1 条)
The main purpose of the Manual is to identify forthe ship’s offic ers the physic al a mangements and all the operational procedures with respect to cargo handling, tank cleaning, slops handling and cargo tank ballasting and deballasting which must be followed in orderto comply with the requirements of this Annex. (MARPOL Annex 2 Reg 14.2.) 《该手册的主要目的是为船舶官员确定货物装卸、油舱清洁、泔水处理、货舱压载和卸载等方面必须遵守的物理规则和所有操作程序,以符合本附则的要求。(防污公约》附则 2 第 14.2 条)。
The results of the stripping efficiency test shall be recorded in the P&AP \& A manual. 剥离效率测试结果应记录在 P&AP \& A 手册中。
The list of cargoes which the vessel is allowed to camy is attached to the Intemational Certificate of Fitness. It is not a requirement for the list of cargoesto be attached to the PP & A Manual. 船舶获准运输的货物清单附在国际适航证书上。但《 PP 及A手册》并不要求随附货物清单。
8.5 Is the Cargo Record Book comectly completed and up to date? 8.5 货物记录簿是否填写完整并及时更新?
Every ship to which this Annex applies shall be provided with a Cargo Record Book, whether as part of the ship’sofficial log-book or othenwise, in the form specified in appendix II to this Annex. 本附件适用的每艘船舶均应配备货物记录簿,不论是作为船舶正式航海日志的一部分还是以其他方式,均应采用本附件附录 II 规定的格式。
(MARPOLAnnex2Reg15.1) (防污公约》附件 2 第 15.1 条)。
A Cargo Record Book is required when camying chemic als under either a Certificate of Fitness or a NLS Certificate. Entries should be recorded asthey occur and not at some laterpoint in time. 在根据《适航证书》或《无船承运证》运输化学品时,必须使用《货物记录簿》。记录应在发生时而不是在以后的某个时间点进行。
8.6 Are the officers aware of the hazards of tank cleaning where flammable and/or toxic products have been camied, the controlled use of chemicals and solvents, gas freeing and steaming of cargo tanks? 8.6 官员是否意识到清洗装有易燃和/或有毒产品的罐体、有控制地使用化学品和溶剂、释放气体和蒸煮货物罐体的危险?
Notes: It is essential that a comprehensive guide is available on board covening all types of tank cleaning operations. If operators own guidelinesforcleaning are not provided, a recognised professionally produced industry public ation should be available on board. 注意事项船上必须有一份涵盖所有类型油舱清洗作业的综合指南。如果运营商没有提供自己的清洗指南,则应在船上提供公认的专业制作的行业出版物。
Annex 10 of MEPC. 2 lists the cargo tank cleaning additives evaluated in accordance with MEPC.1/C irc 590 and found to meet the requirements of Regulation 13.5.2 of Annex II of MARPOL. MEPC.2 列出了根据 MEPC.1/C irc 590 进行评估并认定符合《防污公约》附件 II 第 13.5.2 条要求的货舱清洁添加剂。
Steaming may only be camied out in tanks that have been either inerted or water washed and gas freed. The concentration of flammable gas should not exceed 10%10 \% of the LFL priorto steaming. Precautions should be taken to avoid the build-up of steam pressure within the tank. (ISGOTI 只能在经过惰性化处理或水洗并清除了气体的罐体中进行蒸煮。在蒸煮之前,可燃气体的浓度不应超过 10%10 \% LFL。应采取预防措施,避免罐内蒸汽压力升高。(isgoti。
If tank cleaning chemic als are to be used, it is important to recognise that certain products may introduce a toxic ity or flammability hazard. Personnel should be made aware of the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of the product. Detectortubes are partic ularly useful for detecting the presence of specific gases and vapours in tanks. Tank cleaning chemic als capable of producing a flammable atmosphere should nomally only be used when the tank has been inerted. (ISGOTT 如果要使用储罐清洗化学品,必须认识到某些产品可能会带来毒性或易燃性危险。工作人员应了解产品的阈限值 (TLV)。检测管对于检测储罐中是否存在特定气体和蒸汽特别有用。通常只有在罐体已被惰化的情况下,才可使用可产生易燃气氛的罐体清洗剂。(isgott
Manufacturers tank coating guidelines should be consulted to ensure any temperature and other coating restrictions are not exceeded. Inspectors should verify deck officers are familiar with these restrictions if applic able. 应参考制造商的油箱涂层指南,以确保不超过任何温度和其他涂层限制。如果可以申请,检查员应核实甲板人员是否熟悉这些限制。
Stability and Cargo Loading Limitations: 稳定性和货物装载限制:
The Master of the ship shall be supplied with a loading and stability information booklet. This booklet shall conta in details of typic al service and ballast conditions, provisions for evaluating other conditions of loading and a summary of the ship’ssurvival capabilities. In addition, the booklet shall contain suffic ient information to enable the Masterto load and operate the ship in a safe and seaworthy manner. (IBC 2.2.5) 应向船长提供装载和稳性资料手册。该手册应包括典型服役和压载条件的详情、评估其他装载条件的规定以及船舶生存能力的概要。此外,手册应包含足够的信息,使船长能以安全和适航的方式装载和操作船舶。(IBC 2.2.5)
8.7 If a loading computer or programme is in use, is it class approved, regularly tested and are officers aware of the test requirements inc luding damage stability? 8.7 如果使用装载计算机或程序,是否经过等级批准,是否定期进行测试,官员是否了解测试要求,包括损坏稳定性?
Ships of more than 65 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with a loading manual including permissible limits of still water bending moment and shearforce; the results of the calculations of still water bending moments; shearforces and where applic able, limitations due to torsional and lateral loads and the allowable localloading for the structure (decks, double bottom, etc.). 船级社要求长度超过 65 米的船舶必须提供装载手册,其中包括静水弯矩和剪力的允许限值、静水弯矩的计算结果、剪力以及扭力和侧向载荷的限制(如适用)以及结构(甲板、双层底等)的允许局部载荷。
Ships of more than 100 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with an approved loading instrument. An operational manual is alwaysto be provided for the loading instrument. The loading instrument should be capable of calculating shearforces and bending moments in any load or ballast condition at specified readout points and should indic ate the permissible values. Ships with very limited possibilities for variations in the distribution of cargo and ballast and ships with a regular orfixed trading pattem may be exempt from the requirement. 根据等级要求,长度超过 100 米的船舶必须配备经批准的装载仪器。装载仪器必须配备操作手册。装载仪器应能在指定的读数点计算任何装载或压载条件下的剪力和弯矩,并应标明允许值。货物和压载物分布变化可能性非常有限的船舶,以及定期或固定贸易模式的船舶,可免除此要求。
At each Annual and Special Survey, the loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy and the approved loading guidance information confirmed asbeing available on board. Class approved data should be used and the tests should be camied out in the presence of the attending surveyor at the annual survey. There is no requirement forclass to endorse the test however. Regularon-board testing should also take place and records attesting to this should be maintained. The test should involve physic ally entering the data foreach tank into the computer and verifying the result. It is not acceptable to simply retrieve a stored test condition from the computer and compare this against the offic ial conditions. 在每次年度检验和特别检验时,应检查装载仪器的准确性,并确认船上有经批准的装载指导信息。应使用经船级社批准的数据,并在年度检验时当着验船师的面进行测试。但不要求船级认可测试。还应定期进行船上测试,并保存测试记录。测试时应由物理人员将每个油罐的数据输入电脑并核实结果。不能简单地从计算机中调出存储的测试条件,然后与实际条件进行比较。
Ships constructed on or after 01 J an 2016* and shipsconstructed before 01 J an 2016* (by the first renewal survey on or after 01 J an 2016, but before 01 J an 2021**) are required to be fitted with a stability instrument capable of handling both intact and damage stability. Ships camying onboard stability instruments already approved and certified by a recognized organization, and capable of venifying both intact and damage stability to a standard acceptable to the administration, may continue to use such an instrument. 在 2016 年 01 月 01 日*或之后建造的船舶,以及在 2016 年 01 月 01 日*之前建造的船舶(在 2016 年 01 月 01 日或之后但在 2021 年 01 月 01 日**之前进行首次更新检验),均须安装能同时处理完好稳性和损坏稳性的稳性仪器。装有已获认可组织批准和认证的船载稳性仪器,并能按管理部门可接受的标准检测完好稳性和损坏稳性的船舶,可继续使用此类仪器。
The following options for waiving the requirement by the flag administration have been given: - Ships which are on a dedicated service, with a limited number of permutations of loading such that all antic ipated conditions have been approved in the stability documentation provided on board - Ships where stability verification is made remotely by a means approved by the administration - Ships which are loaded within an approved range of loading conditions - Ships constructed before 1 January 2016(1) provided with approved limiting KG/GM curves covering all applic able intact and damage stability requirements MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6 / IBC Ch 船旗国管理部门给出了以下免除该要求的选择: - 船舶为专用服务,装载的排列组合数量有限,船上提供的稳性文件中已批准了所有的反控制条件 - 船舶通过管理部门批准的方式进行远程稳性验证 - 船舶在批准的装载条件范围内装载 - 2016 年 1 月 1 日之前建造的船舶(1) 提供经批准的限制 KG/GM 曲线,涵盖所有可适用的完好和损坏稳性要求 MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6 / IBC Ch
If a class approved loading computer is not available, record in Comments how stress and stability calculations are performed. 如果没有经船级社批准的加载计算机,请在注释中记录如何进行应力和稳定性计算。
8.8 Has a cargo plan been prepared and followed with a detailed sequence of cargo and 8.8 是否制定了货运计划,并按照计划详细安排了货物和服务的顺序?
ballast transfers doc umented, stress, intact and damage stability and are any limitations, where applicable understood by the cargo watch officers, clearly documented and signed? Inspectors should determine that prior to transfer of cargo, calculations have been made forstress and stability conditions for the start, interim and completion of transfer conditions. Regular monitoring of stress and stability should be taking place throughout cargo transfer to ensure that the conditionshave been maintained within design limits.
All cargo operations should be carefully planned and documented well in advance of their execution. The details of the plans should be discussed with all personnel, both on the ship and at the terminal. Plansmay need to be modified following consultation with the terminal and following changing circumstances, either onboard or ashore. Any changes should be formally recorded and brought to the attention of all personnel involved with the operation. ISG OTT Chapter 22 contains details of cargo plans and communic ations regarding them. (ISGOTT11.1.1) 所有货运操作都应在执行前进行仔细规划和记录。应与船上和码头的所有人员讨论计划的细节。在与码头协商后,以及在船上或岸上情况发生变化时,可能需要对计划进行修改。任何更改都应正式记录在案,并提请所有参与操作的人员注意。ISG OTT 第 22 章详细介绍了货运计划和相关沟通。(ISGOTT11.1.1)
The plan should cover all stages of the transfer operations and as a minimum, contain: 计划应涵盖转运操作的所有阶段,至少应包括以下内容
Quantity and grade of each parcel; 每个地块的数量和等级;
Density, temperature and otherrelevant properties; 密度、温度和其他相关特性;
A plan of the distribution, lines and pumps to be used; 将使用的配电、线路和水泵的平面图;
Transfer rates and maximum allowable pressures; 传输速率和最大允许压力;
Critic al stages of the operation; 行动的批评阶段;
Notice of rate change; 费率变更通知;
Venting requirements; 通风要求;
Stability and stress information; 稳定性和压力信息;
Drafts and trims; 草稿和修剪;
Ballast operations; 压载作业;
Emergency stop procedures; 紧急停止程序;
Emergency spill procedures and spill conta inment; and 紧急泄漏程序和泄漏控制;以及
Hazards of the particular cargoes. 特定货物的危险性。
And also, as required: 此外,还需要
Precautions against static generation; 防止产生静电;
Initial start-up rates; 初始启动率;
Control of cargo heating systems; 控制货物加热系统;
Line clearing; 线路清理;
Crude oil washing procedures; 原油清洗程序;
Under keel clearance limitations; 龙骨下间隙限制;
Bunkering; and 加油;以及
Special precautions required for the particular operation 特定操作所需的特殊预防措施
Inert gasoperations. 惰性气体操作。
The cargo plan should be completed by the responsible officerpriorto commencement of operations and verified and approved by the Master. It should be comprehensive, contain full details of the operation and be easy to interpret. Vessel should be able to demonstrate that an independent check of the cargo line up including venting wascamied out prior the start of the cargo operation. 货运计划应由负责官员在作业开始前完成,并由船长核实和批准。计划应全面、包含操作的全部细节并易于解释。船舶应能证明在开始装货作业前,已对包括排气在内的货物排列进行了独立检查。
The cargo log must include details of all major events including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps, tanks being worked and any deviations from the original plan. 货运日志必须包括所有重大事件的细节,包括主货泵和压载泵的启动和停止、正在工作的油箱以及与原计划的任何偏差。
The masterand chief officer should be aware of the worst case damage condition for the existing cargo onboard. 船长和大副应了解船上现有货物的最坏损坏情况。
Every oil tanker of 5,000 tonnes deadweight ormore shall have prompt access to computerised shorebased damage stability and residual structural strength calculation programs. (MARPOL Annex I reg 37.4) 《每艘载重量在 5,000 吨或以上的油轮应能迅速使用岸基损坏稳定性和残余结构强度计算机计算程序。(防污公约》附则 I 第 37.4 条)
The vessel should have an approved stability information book (SIB), written in a language understood by the officers on board, and the SIB should coverdamage conditions. 船只应有一本经批准的稳性信息手册 (SIB),以船上人员能够理解的语言书写,稳性信息手册应涵盖损坏情况。
A sailing condition is deemed to be approved if the filling of each cargo and ballast tank lies within 1% of the weight in the approved condition and GMF lies within 2 cm of the approved condition GMF. 如果每个货舱和压载舱的装载量不超过批准状态下重量的 1%,且 GMF 不超过批准状态下 GMF 的 2 厘米,则视为批准航行状态。
Record an observation if the vessel haseverbeen loaded to a condition not in accordance with the SIB unless these are in accordance with the damage conditions asperthe class approved on board stability computer programme. 如果船舶的装载条件不符合 SIB 的规定,应将观察结果记录在案,除非这些条件符合船级社批准的船上稳性计算机程序中的损坏条件。
8.9 Is the vessel free of inherent intactstability problems, are officers aware of these problems or risks of structural damage from sloshing, and actions required if the vessel takes on an unstable condition and/or angle of loll? 8.9 船只是否存在固有的不稳定性问题,官员是否意识到这些问题或淤积造成结构损坏的风险,以及在船只出现不稳定状况和/或倾斜角度时需要采取的行动?
Vessels that have large width tanks will be subject to reductions of intact stability due to free surface. Although such vessels may meet IMO intact stability criteria when in fully loaded or ballasted conditions, they may be unstable when multiple tanks are slack during cargo or ballast transfer operations, or in intermediate states of loading. Trim and stability manuals generally deal only with amival and departure conditions and operators are not made a ware that stability problems may exist at intermediate stages during cargo transfers. 拥有大宽度油舱的船舶会因自由表面而降低完好稳性。尽管这类船舶在满载或压载状态下可能符合国际海事组织的完好稳性标准,但在货物或压载物转移操作过程中,或在装载的中间状态下,当多个油舱松弛时,它们可能会不稳定。减摇和稳性手册一般只涉及起航和离港状态,操作人员并不知道在货物转运的中间阶段可能存在稳性问题。
If a vessel has eitherlarge width cargo tanks, ‘U’ section ballast tanks, or double bottom tanks without watertight centreline bulkheads, inspectors should ascertain that the vessel meetsIMO intact stability criteria by requesting the chief officerto demonstrate, using the class approved loading instrument, the intact stability at the worst case condition (i.e. All tanks slack and maximum free surface). If no suitable loading instrument is provided and adequate instructions are not available, the question should be answered ‘No’, unless there is satisfac tory proof that the vessel is free of inherent stability problems. 如果船舶有大宽度货舱、"U "型压载舱或没有水密中线舱壁的双层底舱,检查员应通过要求船长使用船级社批准的装载仪器演示在最坏情况下(即所有舱室松弛和最大自由表面)的完好稳性,以确定船舶符合 IMO 完好稳性标准。如果没有提供合适的装载仪器,也没有适当的说明,则应回答 "否",除非有令人满意的证据证明船舶不存在固有稳性问题。
Inspectors should ascerta in whether all officers appear familiar with operational restrictions and that instructions are prominently posted describing action to take if stability concems are suspected or experienced. Record a " NN " response and appropriate Observation if weaknessesorotherconcems are revealed. 检查员应检查所有人员是否熟悉操作限制,是否在显著位置张贴了说明,介绍在怀疑或遇到稳定性问题时应采取的行动。如果发现弱点或其他问题,应记录" NN "答复和适当的观察结果。
Important restrictions other than maximum permitted cargo density should be recorded as an observation. 除最大允许货物密度外,其他重要限制应作为意见记录在案。
Venific ation of compliance with damage stability requirements should be documented in accordance with the company’soperating procedures and the company’s safety management system. This should include a method of retaining manual calculations and/or stability instrument printouts used to verify compliance, so that this information can be provided to third parties, such ascompany auditors, surveyors or port State control inspectors. It is recommended that records are retained on board for a minimum of three years to ensure they are available at the next Safety Management Certific ate (SMC) audit. (MSC.1/C irc. 1461 Part 2 6.1) 应根据公司的操作程序和公司的安全管理系统,将遵守损害稳定性要求的情况记录在案。这应包括保留用于验证合规性的手工计算和/或稳定性仪器打印输出的方法,以便将此信息提供给第三方,如公司审计员、检验员或港口国控制检查员。建议将记录在船上至少保留三年,以确保在下一次安全管理证书(SMC)审核时可以查阅。(MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1)
If specific procedures have been adopted to address potential stability problems, these should be recorded as an Observation. 如果采用了具体程序来解决潜在的稳定性问题,则应将其记录为 "意见"。
8.10 Are all officers and ratings aware of the camiage requirements including emergency procedures for the specific cargo onboard and chemicals in general and are officers’ familiar with the vessels cargo system, including emergency discharge anangements? 8.10 所有高级船员和等级船员是否都了解包括船上特定货物和一般化学品的紧急程序在内的航行要求,高级船员是否熟悉船上的货物系统,包括紧急卸货装置?
Inspectors should verify officersable to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following: 检查员应核实官员是否具备以下基本知识:
Shipboard operations and cargo handling; 船上作业和货物装卸;
Closed loading, disc harging and sampling; 封闭式装载、圆盘耙和取样;
MARPOL ANNEX II including the meaning of Category X,YX, Y, Zand OS cargoes; MARPOL ANNEX II 包括 X,YX, Y 类、Z 类和 OS 类货物的含义;
The IBC and BCH Codes, where applic able, 《国际生物伦理委员会和巴塞尔公约》(如适用)、
Requirements formedical treatment following exposure to hazardous cargoes; including the use of antidotes when applic able; 要求在接触危险货物后进行正规治疗,包括在可行的情况下使用解毒剂;
Chemic al spill response; 化学泄漏应对措施;
Communication procedures with shore and emergency stop procedures. 与岸上的通信程序和紧急停止程序。
And, as required: 而且,根据要求
Drying, padding and inerting; 干燥、填充和惰化;
Precautions for reactive and self-reactive cargoes; 对反应性和自反应性货物的防范措施;
Limitations when loading high density cargoes; 装载高密度货物时的限制;
Hazards associated with corosive cargoes; 与腐蚀性货物有关的危险;
Hazards associated with toxic cargoes; 与有毒货物有关的危险;
Hazards of electrostatic generation; 静电产生的危害;
Hazards associa ted with handling nitrogen; 与处理氮气有关的危险;
Handling solidifying and high viscosity cargoes; 处理凝固和高粘度货物;
Pre-wash requirements. 预洗要求。
Foreach chemical camied a review of the camiage requirements should have been made in order to ensure that the cargo plan contains all the necessary information for the safe camiage of the product. The review should reference: 对每种化学品的装运都应进行装运要求审查,以确保货运计划包含安全装运产品的所有必要信息。审查应参考
The IBC Code Chapter 17; IBC 规范》第 17 章;
MEPC. 2/C ircular 12 when applic able MEPC.2/Circular 12(如适用
The Certific ate of Fitness; 健身证书
The P and A Manual; and P 和 A 手册;以及
Material Safety Data Sheets. 材料安全数据表。
8.11 Can the deck officers demonstrate familiarity with the use of cargo compatibility charts and are dangers of co-mingling non-compatible cargoes considered? 8.11 甲板人员能否证明熟悉货物配载图的使用,是否考虑过将不相容的货物混合在一起的危险?
If the USC G compatibility chart is used, then reference to Appendix 1 (b) ‘dangerously reactive exceptions to the compatibility chart’ must be made during preparation of the stowage plan. Inspectors should verify that the latest updated information forAppendix 1 (b) is in use onboard (www.usc SC RSeminar/References/CHRISManuallintro.pdf) as 1990 CHRIS may not have been updated here. Altematively, 46C FR Appendix I to Part 150 must be referenced to for updated information). 如果使用 USC G 相容性图表,则在准备积载计划时必须参考附录 1 (b) "相容性图表的危险反应例外情况"。检查员应核实附录 1(b)的最新更新信息是否已在船上使用(www.usc SC RSeminar/References/CHRISManuallintro.pdf),因为 1990 年的 CHRIS 可能尚未在此更新。另外,必须参考 46C FR 第 150 部分附录 I 以获取最新信息)。
The cargo plan shall identify when care shall be taken to avoid the co-mingling of non-compatible cargoes and which cargoes are involved. All areas where possible comingling should be considered, i.e. slop tanks, common pipelines, drip trays etc. 货物计划应确定何时应注意避免不相容货物的混合,以及涉及哪些货物。应考虑所有可能混装的区域,如泔水槽、共用管道、滴水盘等。
Cargo Operations and Related Safety Management 货运业务及相关安全管理
8.12 Are officers aware of the doc umentation and handling requirements for cargoes with inhibitors, and if the cargo camied is required to be inhibited, is the required information available? 8.12 官员是否了解装有抑制剂的货物的文件和处理要求?
Cargoes with a reference in column ‘o’ of Chapter 17 to Ch 15.13 require additives to prevent polymerisation, decomposition, oxidation or other chemic al changes. 第 17 章'o'栏提到第 15.13 章的货物需要添加剂以防止聚合、分解、氧化或其他化学变化。
Ships camying such cargoes shall be provided with a certific ate of protection from the manufacturer and kept during the voyage, specifying: 装载此类货物的船舶应获得制造商出具的保护证书,并在航行期间妥善保管,证书应注明
The name and amount of additive present; 添加剂的名称和数量;
Whether the additive isoxygen dependent; 添加剂是否依赖氧气;
Date the additive wasput in the product and the duration of its effectiveness; 产品中添加添加剂的日期及其有效期;
Any temperature limitations qua lifying the additive’s effective lifetime; and 对添加剂有效寿命的任何温度限制;以及
The action to be taken should the length of the voyage exceed the effective lifetime of the additives. (IBC 15.13.3) 如果航行时间超过添加剂的有效寿命,应采取的措施。(IBC 15.13.3)
8.13 Are officers aware of the dangers associated with tank cleaning and ventilation after the carriage of volatile or toxic products and is a comprehensive tank cleaning plan established and followed prior to each operation? 8.13 官员是否意识到在运输挥发性或有毒产品后清洗罐体和通风所带来的危险,是否在每次操作前制定并遵守全面的罐体清洗计划?
Planning should take into account the method of cleaning required and also ensure that all partsof the cargo system which were in contact with the previous cargo are cleaned, including the tank walls, pumps, cofferdams and exhaust traps, stripping system, cargo and vent lines, cargo valves, p/v valves, sounding pipes, stub pipes, dead endsetc. 规划时应考虑到所需的清洗方法,并确保清洗货物系统中与前一批货物接触的所有部分,包括罐壁、泵、围堰和排气阀、剥离系统、货物管线和排气管线、货物阀、p/v 阀、探测管、短管、死角等。
The plan should detail, for each of the pre and final cleaning steps: 计划应详细说明每个预清洁和最终清洁步骤:
The previous and following cargoes; 前一批和后一批货物;
The condition of the cargo tank to be cleaned and whethertoxic orflammable vapour is present, or whetherlack of oxygen should be suspected; 要清洗的货箱的状况,是否存在有毒或易燃蒸汽,或是否应怀疑缺氧;
Any precautions necessary with respect to the condition of the tank; 针对罐体状况所需的任何预防措施;
The cleaning method, whether butterworthing, recirculation, rinsing, steaming, ventilating, or drying; 清洁方法,无论是黄油研磨、循环、漂洗、蒸煮、通风还是烘干;
The cleaning medium, whether sea, fresh, treated ordemineralised water, or a chemic al or solvent; 清洗介质,无论是海水、淡水、经过处理的矿化水,还是化学品或溶剂;
Which cleaner, if any, to be used, its concentration and whether it is to be injected, recirculated, loc ally cleaned orhand wiped; 使用哪种清洁剂(如果有)、其浓度以及是注入、再循环、本地清洁还是手工擦拭;
The washing temperature required to be maintained; 需要保持的洗涤温度;
The length of cleaning time required; 所需的清洁时间长度;
Slop disposal requirements; 泔水处理要求;
Wall wash test requirements, if any; 洗墙测试要求(如有);
Any relevant additional instructions, including protective equipment requirements; and - The action to be taken in the event of an emergency. 任何相关的附加说明,包括防护设备要求;以及 - 发生紧急情况时应采取的行动。
Special attention shall be given regarding tank entry aftertank cleaning of toxic cargoes and also entry for sweeping tanks where some nontoxic/non-flammable cargoescan produce high levels of carbon monoxide under certain conditions. Officers must be aware of these potential dangers astest the tanks ac cordingly. 应特别注意有毒货物清洗后进入储罐的问题,以及清扫储罐的问题,因为某些无毒/不易燃货物在某些条件下会产生大量一氧化碳。官员必须意识到这些潜在的危险,并相应地对储罐进行检测。
8.14 Are offic ers aware of the column/ cofferdam purging routines where deep well pumps are fitted and is any pump leakage within tolerable limits? 8.14 在安装深井泵的情况下,官员们是否了解泵柱/围堰冲洗的例行程序?
The cargo pump cofferdam must be purged on a regularbasis to avoid blockagesof cofferdams and monitoring leakage detection (hydraulic / cargo). 货物泵围堰必须定期清理,以避免围堰堵塞和监测泄漏检测(液压/货物)。
As a guide a small quantity of cargo leakage rate of up to about 0.5 litres/day (and higher with light cargoes) during pump operation is nomal. Acceptable leakage rate dependson the type of cargo and possible consequences in case of leakage can cause blockagesto the cofferdam. 作为指导,在泵运行期间,少量货物的泄漏率通常不超过 0.5 升/天(轻型货物的泄漏率会更高)。可接受的泄漏率取决于货物的类型以及泄漏可能导致围堰堵塞的后果。
For critic al cargoes, when the leakage rate is about 2 litres/day or higher, the pump must be purged a couple of timesdaily and senvice (pressure test-repair) camied out at first opportunity. 对于批评性货物,当泄漏率约为 2 升/天或更高时,必须每天对泵进行几次吹扫,并在第一时间进行检修(压力测试-维修)。
As a guide a small hydraulic leakage rate into the cofferdam up to about 10 millitres/ hr ( 0.25 litres/day) from the mechanic al oil seal orlip seal during pump operation is nomal. For short periods of time, higherleakage peaks can occur. Inspectors should be guided by the makers recommendations here. 作为指导,在泵运行期间,机械油封或滑动密封件向围堰内的少量液压泄漏率通常不超过 10 毫升/小时(0.25 升/天)。在短时间内,可能会出现更高的泄漏峰值。检查人员应遵循此处的制造商建议。
8.15 Are deck officers’ familiar with the requirements for passivation and pickling of stainless steel cargo tanks, are passivity tests performed as required and are there clear procedures available for the process? 8.15 甲板人员是否熟悉不锈钢货油舱的钝化和酸洗要求,是否按要求进行钝化测试,是否有明确的程序?
Passivation and pickling are acid treatments applied to the surface of stainless steel tanks to aid the formation of a continuous passive chromium oxide film. The surfaces of stainless steel tanks should be checked, generally using a palladium chloride test, for an intact passive film. The frequency of thistest will very much depend on the trade the vessel is engaged on, as regulartrade in the camage of aggressive acids will require more frequent checks. 钝化和酸洗是对不锈钢罐表面进行酸处理,以帮助形成连续的被动氧化铬膜。应检查不锈钢罐的表面,一般使用氯化钯测试,以确保被动膜完好无损。检测的频率在很大程度上取决于船只所从事的贸易,因为在腐蚀性酸液中进行的定期贸易需要更频繁的检查。
It is essential that the passivation or pickling acid is thoroughly removed after the process is completed. Residual hydrofluoric acid will initiate pitting corrosion. 在工艺完成后,必须彻底清除钝化酸或酸洗酸。残留的氢氟酸会引发点状腐蚀。
Appropriate PPE should be used for the operation and this should be included within the Company proceduresforconducting the passivity test and passivation or picking process. 操作时应使用适当的个人防护设备,并将其纳入公司进行钝化测试和钝化或剔除过程的程序中。
8.16 If the vessel provided with wall wash test equipment, are the officers familiar with the wall wash test procedures and are the procedures comprehensive and consider the safety aspects of the process? 8.16 如果船舶配有洗舱试验设备,有关人员是否熟悉洗舱试验程序,程序是否全面并考虑到过程的安全方面?
Wall wash tests provide assurance of the bulkheads of cargo tanks being chemic ally clean and it is essential the wall wash sample hasbeen taken correctly to avoid contamination. Hence; 洗壁测试可确保货舱舱壁的化学清洁度,因此必须正确采集洗壁样本,以避免污染。因此
All wall wash equipment should be chemic ally clean 所有洗墙设备都应保持化学清洁
Bulkheadsthat have not been inspected should neverbe touched 未经检查的隔板不得触碰
Personnel should wearclean PPE (safety glasses, latex gloves, boot covers) to perform the test and prevent contaminants entering the tank 工作人员应穿戴清洁的个人防护设备(安全眼镜、乳胶手套、靴套),以进行测试并防止污染物进入罐体
Wet bulkheads should never be wall washed 潮湿的舱壁绝不能进行墙面冲洗
Samples should be taken at several locations 应在多个地点采集样本
There are many wall wash tests including chloride, colour, chemic al oxygen demand, methanol, nonvolatile matter, permanganate time and watermisc ibility tests. Procedures should include the use of protective equipment where required. 洗墙测试有很多种,包括氯化物、颜色、化学需氧量、甲醇、非挥发性物质、高锰酸盐时间和水溶性测试。程序应包括在必要时使用保护设备。
8.17 Are cargo samples safely stored within the main cargo area, and are offic ers and crew aware of safe handling procedures? 8.17 货物样品是否安全地存放在主货舱内,官员和船员是否了解安全处理程序?
Samples which have to be kept on board shall be stowed in a designated space situated in the cargo area, or, exceptionally, elsewhere, subject to the approval of the Administration. (IBC 16.5.1) 必须保存在船上的样品应堆放在货物区的指定空间,或在特殊情况下,经管理部门批准后堆放在其他地方。(IBC 16.5.1)
The stowage space shall be: 存放空间应为
Cell divided in orderto avoid shifting of the bottles at sea; 为了避免瓶子在海上晃动,瓶子被分隔开来;
Made of material fully resistant to the different liquids intended to be stowed; and 由可完全抵御预定存放的各种液体的材料制成;以及
Equipped with adequate ventilation arrangements* (IBC 16.5.2) 配备足够的通风装置*(IBC 16.5.2)
Samples which react with each other dangerously shall not be stowed close to each other. (IBC 16.5.3) 相互之间会发生危险反应的样品不得靠近堆放。(IBC 16.5.3)
Samples shall not be retained on board longerthan necessary. (IBC 16.5.4) 样品在船上的保留时间不得超过所需的时间。(IBC 16.5.4)
*(need not be mechanic al ventilation) *(无需机械通风)
Flammable liquid lockers shall be protected by an appropriate fire-extinguishing arrangement approved by the Administration. (SOLASII-2 Reg 10 6.3.2) 易燃液体贮存柜须有经当局批准的适当灭火装置保护(SOLASII-2 Reg 10 6.3.2)。(SOLASII-2 Reg 10 6.3.2)。
Forlockers of a deck area of less than 4 m 2 , which do not give access to accommodation spaces, a portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishersized to provide a minimum volume of free gas equal to 40% of the gross volume of the space may be accepted in lieu of a fixed system. A discharge port shall be arranged in the 对于甲板面积小于 4 米 2 且不通往舱室的锁闭舱,可使用便携式二氧化碳灭火器代替固定灭火系统,该灭火器的最小释放气体量应相当于舱室总容积的 40%。滅火器的排放口須設於
lockerto allow the discharge of the extinguisher without having to enter into the protected space. The required portable fire extinguisher shall be stowed adjacent to the port. Altematively, a port or hose connection may be provided to facilitate the use of fire main water. (SO LASII-2 Reg 10 6.3.3) The requirements given in SOLASReg. II-2/ and are not considered applic able for cargo service spacesintended for the stowage of cargo samples, when such spaces are positioned within the cargo area on board tankers. (UI SC.199) 在贮物柜中放置便携式灭火器,以便在不进入受保护空间的情况下释放灭火器。所需的便携式灭火器应放置在端口附近。或者,可提供一个端口或软管连接,以方便使用消防用水。(SO LASII-2 Reg 10 6.3.3) 《国际海上人命安全公约》第 II-2/ 和 条中的要求不适用于油轮上用于堆放货物样品的货物服务空间,当这些空间位于油轮的货物区内时。(UI SC.199)
8.18 Are the cargo, ballast and stripping pumps, eductors and their associated instrumentation and controls, in good order and is there recorded evidence of regulartesting? 8.18 货泵、压载泵和剥离泵、导流器及其相关仪器和控制装置是否完好无损,是否有记录证 据证明进行过规范测试?
The requirement is to provide an alam. There is no requirement fortemperaturesto be displayed orfor a high temperature trip to operate, but where this is provided hourly records of temperatures should be maintained. Cargo pump bearings must not have temporary cooling fitted. 要求是提供一个报警器。不要求显示温度或高温跳闸,但如果提供高温跳闸,则应保持每小时的温度记录。货泵轴承不得安装临时冷却装置。
8.19 Are the cargo and ballast pump bearing, casing and shaft gland temperature monitoring sensors in good order and is there evidence of regulartesting? 8.19 货泵和压载泵的轴承、外壳和轴封温度监测传感器是否完好无损,是否有证据表明进行过定期测试?
The requirement is to provide an alarm. There is no requirement fortemperaturesto be displayed orfor a high temperature trip to operate|Cargo pump bearings must not have temporary cooling fitted. 要求提供警报。货物泵轴承不得安装临时冷却装置。
8.20 Are the officers and ratings aware of the location of the cargo pump emergency stops, is the emergency cargo pump shutdown system in good orderand is there recorded evidence of regulartesting? 8.20 官员和评级人员是否知道货泵紧急停止装置的位置,货泵紧急关闭系统是否完好无损,是否有记录证明进行过定期测试?
Pump alarms and trips, level alarms, etc., where fitted, should be tested regularly to ensure that they are functioning correctly, and the results of these tests should be recorded. 应定期测试已安装的泵警报和跳闸、液位警报等,以确保其正常运行,并记录测试结果。
8.21 Are the cargo and ballast system valves in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.21 货物和压载系统阀门是否完好,是否有定期测试的记录证据?
The time taken forpoweroperated valvesto move from open to closed, and from closed to open, should be checked regularly at theirnomal operating temperatures. ISGOTT11.1.3 应在正常工作温度下定期检查电动阀从开启到关闭以及从关闭到开启所需的时间。ISGOTT11.1.3
Manufacturers guidance should be followed for optimum opening and closing times. 最佳开启和关闭时间应遵循制造商的指导。
8.22 Are the cargo system ullage gauges, vapour locks and Ull tapes in good order and are there recorded evidence of regulartesting? 8.22 货物系统的漏斗测量仪、蒸汽锁和 Ull 胶带是否完好无损,是否有记录证明进行了规 范测试?
Fixed gauges should be checked on a regularbasis against portable tapes. 应定期将固定测量仪与便携式磁带进行核对。
8.23 Are the remote and local temperature and pressure sensors and gauges in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.23 远程和本地温度和压力传感器和压力表是否完好,是否有定期测试的记录证据?
Fixed temperature sensors should be compared with portable tapes on a regular basis. Pressure sensors should be checked against a reference pressure gauge periodically. 应定期将固定温度传感器与便携式磁带进行比较。压力传感器应定期与参考压力表进行核对。
8.24 Are the cargo tank high level and overflow alarms in good order, independent of both the gauging devices and the overflow-control alam system and is there recorded evidence of regular testing? 8.24 货箱高位和溢流报警器是否完好无损,是否独立于测量装置和溢流控制系统,是否有定期测试的记录证据?
Cargo tanks shall be fitted with a visual and audible high-level alarm which indic ates when the liquid level in the cargo tank approaches the nomal full condition. (IBC 15.19.6) 货箱应安装高液面声光报警器,当货箱液面接近额定满载状态时报警。(IBC 15.19.6)
The high-level alam system shall be independent of the overflow-control system and shall be independent of the gauging devices (These are listed in IBC 13.1). (IBC 15.19.5) 高位水位报警系统应独立于溢流控制系统,也应独立于测量装置(IBC 13.1 中列出了这些装置)。(IBC 15.19.5)
A tank overflow control system shall: 罐体溢流控制系统应
come into operation when the normal tank loading proceduresfail to stop the liquid level exceeding the normal full condition; 当正常的储罐装载程序无法阻止液位超过正常的满载状态时,就会开始运行;
give a visual and audible tank-overflow ala m to the ship’soperator; and 向船员发出油箱溢出的声光报警;以及
provide an agreed signal for sequential shutdown of onshore pumpsor valves or both and of the ship’s valves. The signal, as well as the pump and valve shutdown, may be dependent on operator’s intervention. The use of shipboard automatic closing valves shall be permitted only when specific approval has been obtained from the Administration and the port State authority concemed. 为陆上泵或阀门或两者以及船上阀门的顺序关闭提供一个商定的信号。信号以及泵和阀门的关闭可能取决于操作员的干预。只有在获得当局和港口国当局的具体批准后,方可使用船上自动关闭阀门。
(IBC 15.19.7)
Note: High level alarms should be in operation during both loading and discharging operations. 注: 在装料和卸料操作过程中,高位报警器都应处于工作状态。
High level alarms are required where 15.19.6 is indic ated in column ’ 0 ’ of Chapter 17 and overflow alarms where 15.19.7 is indic ated. 在第 17 章 "0 "栏中标明 15.19.6 的地方需要高位警报,在标明 15.19.7 的地方需要溢流警报。
Record as an observation if high level alarms are not fitted and also if the overfill alarm system is not independent of the main gauging system. 如果没有安装高液位报警器,如果过量加注报警系统不独立于主测量系统,则记录为观察结果。
8.25 Are pipeline drains and stub pieces valved and capped and are cargo line drains suitably positioned to preclude liquid remaining in the line afterdraining? 8.25 管道排水口和短管是否装有阀门和盖子,货物管道排水口的位置是否适当,以防止排水后的液体残留在管道中?
Flanges of the loading and discharge manifold connections shall be provided with shields, which may be portable, to guard against the dangerof the cargo being sprayed; and in addition, drip trays shall also be provided to guard against leakage onto the deck. (IBC 15.11.4) 装货和卸货歧管连接处的法兰必须配备可移动的防护罩,以防止货物被喷洒的危险;此外,还必须配备滴水盘,以防止渗漏到甲板上(IBC 15.11.4)。
8.26 Are officers aware of the requirements for calibration of key cargo instrumentation, including temperature and pressure gauges and are records onboard to verify this being performed? 8.26 官员是否了解校准主要货物仪器(包括温度计和压力计)的要求,船上是否有校准记录?
There should be records of the regular checking and calibration of instrumentation, partic ularly cargo tank temperature and pressure gauges. Calibration should be camied out preferably at intervals not exceeding 30 months. 应有定期检查和校准仪器的记录,特别是货舱温度表和压力表。校准间隔最好不超过 30 个月。
Calibration of instrumentation is often difficult whilst the vessel is in service and it is usually camied out during repair periods. However, comparisons between local and remote themometerreadings provide a practical cross-reference. 在船舶服役期间,通常很难对仪器进行校准,而且通常是在维修期间进行校准。不过,本地和远程温度计读数的比较提供了一个实用的交叉参考。
8.27 Where fitted, is the condition of the cargo tank heating system satisfactory, is it regularly tested and is any observation tank free of oil? 8.27 如已安装,货舱加热系统的状况是否令人满意,是否定期测试,任何观察舱是否无油?
When products for which 15.12, 15.12.1 or 15.12.3 are listed in column o in the table of chapter 17 are being heated orcooled, the heating or cooling medium shall operate in a circuit where the medium is sampled to check for the presence of cargo before it is recirculated to other services of the ship or into the machinery space. The sampling equipment shall be located within the cargo area and be capable of detecting the presence of any toxic cargo being heated orcooled. Where this method is used, the coil retum shall be tested not only at the commencement of heating or cooling of a toxic product, but also on the first occasion the coil is used subsequent to having caried an unheated or uncooled toxic cargo. (IBC 当加热或冷却第17章表中o栏所列15.12、15.12.1或15.12.3的产品时,加热或冷却介质必须在一个回路中运行,对介质进行取样,以检查是否存在货物,然后再循环到船上其他部门或进入机械空间。取样设备应位于货物区内,并能检测出被加热或冷却的任何有毒货物的存在。使用此方法时,不仅在开始加热或冷却有毒产品时,而且在装载未加热或未冷却的有毒货物后首次使用盘管时,都必须对盘管进行检测。(IBC
Altemative heating may take the form of heat exchangers on each cargo pump. Such systems should be verified liquid tight and visible pipe coating condition in good order. 替代加热可采用在每个货泵上安装热交换器的形式。此类系统应确保液密性和可见管道涂层状况良好。
When overheating or overcooling could result in a dangerouscondition, an alarm system which monitors the cargo temperature shall be provided. (See also operational requirements in 16.6.) (IBC 当过热或过冷可能导致危险情况时,应配备监控货物温度的报警系统。(另见 16.6 的操作要求)(IBC
Ullaging, Sampling and Closed Operations: Ullaging、取样和封闭作业:
8.28 If fixed tank gauges are not fitted, are sufficient portable tapes provided to simultaneously gauge each tank being worked? 8.28 如果没有安装固定的罐体压力表,是否提供了足够的便携式压力表来同时测量每个正在工作的罐体?
Portable tapes should be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and valid certific ates of calibration should be provided foreach instrument. UT tapesconstitute ‘restricted’ gauging and must not be used with cargoes that require ‘closed’ operations as required by IBC chapter 17 column ’ jj '. There should also be two spare tapes on board. 便携式卷尺应根据制造商的建议进行校准,每个仪器都应提供有效的校准证书。UT 测量带构成 "限制性 "测量,不得用于 IBC 第 17 章" jj "栏要求进行 "封闭 "操作的货物。船上还应备有两条备用胶带。
If a fixed cargo tank gauging system is fitted but is unreliable and portable tapes/vapourlocks are being used as the main method of ullaging, this fact should be recorded as an Observation. The number of tapes in use must be recorded. 如果安装了固定的货舱测量系统,但该系统不可靠,而使用便携式水龙带/蒸汽锁作为主要的充气方法,则应将这一事实作为 "意见 "记录在案。必须记录使用的水龙带数量。
8.29 Are the offic ers aware of what is considered a volatile or toxic cargo, is the vessel operating in a closed condition where a volatile ortoxic cargo is caried and do tank hatches, tank cleaning apertures and sighting ports appear to be liquid and gas tight? 8.29 官员们是否知道什么是挥发性或有毒货物,船舶是否在装载挥发性或有毒货物的封闭状态下运行,舱口、舱口清洁孔和观察孔是否看来是液密和气密的?
Open and restricted gauging shall be allowed only where: 只有在下列情况下才允许进行开放式和限制性测量:
open venting is allowed by the Code; or 规范允许开放式通风;或
means are provided for relieving tank pressure before the gauge is operated. (IBC 13.1.3) 在压力表工作之前,应提供释放罐体压力的装置。(IBC 13.1.3)
All tankers fitted with a fixed inert gas system shall be provided with a closed ullage system. (SOLAS 1974 II-2/60.7 and SO LAS 2004 II-2/ 所有装有固定惰性气体系统的油轮均应配备封闭式艇体系统(SOLAS 1974 II-2/60.7 和 SO LAS 2004 II-2/。(SOLAS 1974 II-2/60.7 和 SO LAS 2004 II-2/
On a chemic al tanker, ‘closed’ loading is required at all times when so specified in IBC chapter 17 column ‘j’. In such cases, use of portable UTI tapes is only permitted when these tapes are certified to be used in cases of complete gas-tight conditions. Use of gaugesthat are certific ated for use in restricted operations is not permitted. 在化学品油轮上,如 IBC 第 17 章 "j "栏有规定,则要求始终 "封闭 "装载。在这种情况下,只有经认证可在完全气密条件下使用的便携式UTI 测量带才允许使用。不允许使用经认证可用于受限作业的压力表。
A volatile product is petroleum having a flash point below 60 DEG C asdetermined by the closed cup method of testing. 挥发性产品是指通过闭杯测试法测定闪点低于摄氏 60 度的石油。
If a cargo is being handled at a temperature within 10 DEG C of its flashpoint, it should be considered volatile. Therefore, a cargo with a flashpoint of 80 DEG C should be considered volatile if handled at a temperature of 70 DEG C orabove. 如果货物的装卸温度低于其闪点 10 摄氏度,则应视为易挥发货物。因此,闪点为 80 摄氏度的货物如果在 70 摄氏度或以上的温度下处理,则应视为易挥发货物。
Inert Gas Systems 惰性气体系统
8.30 Was the inert gas system in use and operating satisfactorily at the time of the inspection? 8.30 检查时,惰性气体系统是否在使用,运行状况是否令人满意?
New amendments to Solas regulation II - 2/4.5.5 and II - 2/16.3.3 required inert gas systems to be fitted on all new oil and chemic al tankers of 8000 DWT and above keel laid date 01 J an 2016. Systems to be operated when transporting low flash point cargoes of < 60^(@)C<60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. 新修订的 Solas 法规 II - 2/4.5.5 和 II - 2/16.3.3 要求在 2016 年 7 月 1 日之前铺设龙骨的所有 8000 载重吨及以上的新油轮和化学品油轮上安装惰性气体系统。在运输闪点低的 < 60^(@)C<60^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 货物时,必须使用该系统。
The system shall be capable of maintaining the atmosphere in any part of any cargo tank with an oxygen content not exceeding 8%8 \% by volume and at a positive pressure at all times in port and at sea, except when it is necessary for the tank to be gas free. (FSS Code 该系统应能在港口和海上任何时候保持任何货油舱任何部分的大气中氧气含量不超过 8%8 \% (按体积计),并保持正压,除非该舱必须无气。(FSS规则15.
The system shall be capable of delivering inert gas with an oxygen content of not more than 5% by volume in the inert gassupply main to the cargo tanks. (FSS Code 系统应能将惰性气体总管中氧气含量按体积计算不超过 5%的惰性气体输送至货舱。(FSS 规则
8.31 Is there evidence to show that regular maintenance has been conducted on the inert gas system, including the overhaul of the non-retum valve(s)? 8.31 是否有证据表明对惰性气体系统进行了定期维护,包括检修非留置阀?
At least two non-retum devices, one of which shall be a water seal, shall be fitted in the inert gas supply main, in order to prevent the retum of hydroc arbon vapour to the machinery space uptakes or to any gas-safe spaces under all normal conditions of trim, list and motion of the ship. They shall be located between the automatic valve required by paragraph of the FSS) and the aftermost connection to any cargo tank or cargo pipeline. 在惰性气体供应总管上应安装至少两个不回流装置,其中一个应为水封,以防止在船舶所有正常的修整、倾斜和运动条件下,碳氢化合物蒸气回流到机械空间的进气口或任何气体安全空间。它们应位于第 段(FSS 第 15 章)所要求的自动阀门与任何货舱或货物管道的最末端连接之间。
The devices referred to in paragraph shall be located in the cargo area on deck. 第 段所述装置应安装在甲板上的货物区。
The second device shall be a non-retum valve or equivalent capable of preventing the retum of vapours or liquids and fitted forward of the deck water seal required in paragraph It shall be provided with positive means of closure. As an altemative to positive means of closure, an additional valve having such means of closure may be provided forward of the non-retum valve to isolate the deck water seal from the inert gas main to the cargo tanks. 第二个装置应为非回流阀或类似装置,能防止蒸汽或液体回流,安装在第 段要求的甲板水封前方。该阀须有可靠的关闭装置。作为积极关闭装置的一种替代办法,可在非回流阀前方增设一个具有此种关闭装置的阀门,将甲板水封与通向货舱的惰性气体总管隔离。
As an additional safeguard against the possible leakage of hydroc arbon liquids or vapours back from the deck main, means shall be provided to permit this section of the line between the valve having positive means of closure referred to in paragraph and the valve referred to in paragraph to be vented in a safe manner when the first of these valves is closed. (FSS Inspectors should verify records of maintenance in line with the PMS including regulargreasing and inspections. 作为防止碳氢化合物液体或蒸气可能从甲板主管道泄漏回舱的额外保障措施,须提供方法,使第 段所述具有积极关闭装置的阀门与第 段所述阀门之间的这一段管路在第一个阀门关闭时能以安全方式排气。(FSS15.检查员应根据项目管理系统核实维护记录,包括定期加油和检查。
8.32 Are the deck offic ers aware of required actions in the event of the inert gas failure and are all cargo tanks maintained under positive pressure throughout? 8.32 甲板人员是否了解惰性气体失效时需要采取的行动,所有货舱是否始终保持正压?
In the event that the inert gas system is unable to meet operational requirements of this regulation and it hasbeen assessed that it is impractic able to affect a repair, then cargo discharge, deballasting and necessary tank cleaning shall only be resumed when the emergency conditionslaid down in the ‘IMO Guidelines on Inert Gas Systems’ are complied with. In brief, these guidelines state that; 如果惰性气体系统无法满足本规定的操作要求,并且经评估后认为进行维修是不切实际的,那么只有在符合《国际海事组织惰性气体系统指南》中规定的应急条件时,才能恢复货物卸载、除石和必要的舱室清洗。简言之,这些准则规定
In the case of tankersengaged in the camage of crude oil, it is essential that the tanks be maintained in the inerted condition to avoid the danger of pyrophoric iron sulphide ignition. If it is assessed that the tanks cannot be maintained in an inerted condition before the inert gas system can be repaired, an extemal supply of inert gas should be connected to the system to avoid air being drawn into the cargo tanks. (IMO Inert Gas Systems 8.2) 对于从事原油运输的油轮,必须保持油舱处于惰性状态,以避免硫化铁着火的危险。如果经评估在惰性气体系统修复之前无法将货舱保持在惰性状态,则应将外部惰性气体供应连接到该系统,以避免空气进入货舱。(国际海事组织惰性气体系统 8.2)。
In the case of the camiage of products, if it is considered totally impracticable to effect repair of the inert gas system, cargo discharge may only be resumed if an extemal supply of inert gas is connected, or the following precautions are taken: 在产品装运的情况下,如果认为维修惰性气体系统完全不可行,则只有在连接了外部惰性气体供应或采取了以下预防措施的情况下,才能恢复卸货:
That approved devices, or flame screens, to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks are fitted and checked to ensure that they are in good order, 安装并检查经批准的防止火焰进入货舱的装置或阻火网,确保其完好无损、
The valves on the mast nisers are opened; 打开桅杆上的阀门;
No free fall of wateror slops is permitted; and 不允许水或泔水自由下落;以及
No dipping, ullaging, sampling or other equipment should be introduced into the tank until a period of five hours since injection of inert gasceased. If essential for the safety of the operation, this should be done only after 30 minutes have elapsed and all metal components should be securely earthed. (IMO Inert Gas Systems 8.3) 在注入惰性气体 5 小时后方可将浸渍、贮液、取样或其他设备引入罐内。如果对操作安全有必要,则应在 30 分钟后方可进行,且所有金属部件均应可靠接地。(国际海事组织惰性气体系统 8.3)
8.33 Is the inert gas system including instrumentation, alams, trips and pressure and oxygen recorders, in good order? 8.33 惰性气体系统,包括仪器、压力计、跳闸和压力及氧气记录器是否完好无损?
8.34 Was the fixed oxygen analyser calibrated immediately prior to use of the inert gas system and do local and remote oxygen and pressure recorders, where fitted agree? 8.34 在使用惰性气体系统之前,是否立即校准了固定氧气分析仪?
The oxygen analyser must have been calibrated not more than 24 hoursprior to starting of the inert gassystem. 氧气分析仪必须在惰性气体系统启动前 24 小时内校准。
Instrumentation shall be fitted for continuously indic ating and permanently recording when inert gas is being supplied: 必须安装仪器,以便在供应惰性气体时持续显示和永久记录:
The pressure of the inert gassupply forward of the non-retum devices; and 惰性气体供应压力在非蓄热装置前方;以及
The oxygen content of the inert gas. (FSS Code 惰性气体的氧含量。(FSS代码15.。
The indicating and recording devicesshall be placed in the cargo control room where provided. But where no cargo control room is provided, they shall be placed in a position easily accessible to the offic er in charge of cargo operations. (FSS Code 指示和记录装置应放置在设有货物控制室的地方。但如无货物控制室,则应放置在负责货物操作的官员易于接近的位置。(FSS 规则
In addition meters shall be fitted; 此外,还应安装仪表;
In the navigation bridge to indic ate at all times the pressure of the inert gasmain forward of the nonretum devices; 在导航桥上随时显示非蓄热装置前方惰性气体管道的压力;
In the machinery control room or in the machinery space to indic ate the oxygen content of the inert gas in the inert gassupply mains on the discharge side of the gasblowers. 在机械控制室或机械空间内,指示气吹器排放侧惰性气体供应总管中的惰性气体含氧量。
(FSS Code (财务与安全系统代码
8.35 Is the liquid level in the deck seal at the correct level, clearly visible and are officers aware of requirements to periodically check the level? 8.35 甲板密封处的液位是否正确、清晰可见?
The OCIMF paper on inert gasdeck seals recommends that a dry-type deck seal is replaced with one of anothertype. Normally with a dry type seal there is a dump valve which should open when the inert gassupply isstopped, and which allows the waterfrom the uppertank to drain to the lower, thereby creating a seal. The crew should be requested to stop the inert gas momentarily (which will not affect cargo operations), to see if this process actually takesplace. Upon restoring the supply, the dump valve should close and the uppertank filling and lowertank drain valvesopen. OCIMF 关于惰性气体甲板密封件的文件建议用另一种密封件代替干式甲板密封件。通常情况下,干式密封装置有一个倾倒阀,当惰性气体供应停止时,该阀应打开,使上部油箱的水排到下部油箱,从而形成密封。应要求船员暂时停止惰性气体供应(这不会影响货物操作),以观察这一过程是否确实发生。恢复供应后,倾倒阀应关闭,上水舱注水阀和下水舱排水阀应打开。
8.36 Does the P/V breaker appear to be in good order? 8.36 P/V 断路器看起来是否正常?
Waterfilled pressure/vacuum breakers should be filled to the appropriate level with anti-freeze liquid. (ISGOTT The P/V breaker should not be set to a lowerpressure than that of the secondary venting system. In all cases the P/V breakershould be set within the safe parameters of the tank structure. 充水式压力/真空断路器应加注适当的防冻液(ISGOTT。(ISGOTT 压力/真空断路器的压力不应低于二次通风系统的压力。在任何情况下,P/V 断流器都应设置在罐体结构的安全参数范围内。
8.37 If the vessel is provided with a nitrogen generator/bottle manifold system, are the officers and crew aware of the specific hazards associated with nitrogen gas? 8.37 如果船上配有氮气发生器/瓶形歧管系统,官员和船员是否了解与氮气有关的具体危险?
Nitrogen is colourless and odourless with no waming properties and can only be detected through the use of gastesting instruments. 氮气无色无味,没有挥发性,只能通过使用胃检测仪器来检测。
Personnel should be aware of the potential hazards associated with nitrogen and, in particular, those 人员应了解与氮有关的潜在危害,特别是以下方面的危害
related to entering enclosed spaces or areas in way of tank vents or outlets which may be oxygen depleted. High concentrations of nitrogen are partic ularly dangerousbecause they can displace enough airto reduce oxygen levelsto a point where people entering the area can lose consciousness due to asphyxiation. A problem not experienced with flue gas is that nitrogen cannot be detected by human senses, so smell cannot be relied upon and personnel may not be able to recognise the physic al or mental symptoms of overexposure in time for them to take preventive measures. (ISGOTT 与进入封闭空间或通过罐体通风口或出口进入可能缺氧的区域有关。高浓度氮气尤其危险,因为氮气会置换掉足够多的空气,从而降低氧气水平,使进入该区域的人因窒息而失去知觉。烟道气没有遇到的一个问题是,氮气无法被人类感官探测到,因此不能依靠嗅觉,人员可能无法及时发现过度暴露的身体或精神症状,从而无法采取预防措施。(isgott
8.38 Are officers and ratings aware of safe entry requirements for the inert gas room(s), are these procedures being followed and where applic able, is fixed oxygen detection provided? Vessels delivered on, or after 01 J an 2016, two oxygen sensors shall be positioned at appropriate locations in the space or spacescontaining the inert gassystem. If the oxygen level falls below 19%19 \%, these sensors shall trigger alarms, which shall be both visible and audible inside and outside the space or spaces and shall be placed in such a position that they are immediately received by responsible members of the crew. (FSSCh 15 8.38 官员和评级人员是否了解惰性气体舱室的安全进入要求,是否遵守了这些程序,并在可行的情况下提供了固定的氧气探测装置?2016年J月1日或之后交付的船舶,必须在含有惰性气体系统的一个或多个空间的适当位置安装两个氧气传感器。如果氧气水平低于 19%19 \% ,这些传感器应触发报警,报警应在空间内外可见和可闻,并应放置在船员能立即收到的位置。(FSSch 15
Where a separate compartment is provided for the nitrogen generator, the compartment shall be fitted with an independent mechanical extraction ventilation system providing six air changesper hour. (FSS Ch 15 如为氮气发生器提供单独的隔间,该隔间必须安装独立的机械抽风系统,每小时换气六次。(FSS 章 15
Where a nitrogen receiveror a buffertank is installed, it may be installed in a dedicated compartment, in a separate compartment containing the air compressor and the generator, in the engine room, or in the cargo area. Where the nitrogen receiveror a buffertank is installed in an enclosed space, the access shall be arranged only from the open deck and the access door shall open outwards. Adequate, independent mechanic al ventilation, of the extraction type, shall be provided for such a compartment. (FSS Ch 15 在安装氮气接收器或缓冲罐时,可将其安装在专用舱内、装有空气压缩机和发电机的单独舱内、轮机舱内或货舱内。如果氮气接收器或缓冲罐安装在封闭空间内,则只能从露天甲板进入,且检修门必须向外开启。须为此类舱室提供足够的、独立的机械抽气式通风设备。(FSS 第 15 章
Spacescontaining nitrogen systems shall be clearly marked with hazard notic es waming of the dangers of a sphyxiation. 含有氮气系统的空间应清楚地标明危险提示,提醒人们注意窒息的危险。
8.39 Are the officers’ familiar with the dangers associated with over pressurisation of the cargo tanks and are procedures implemented to avoid over pressure due to purging, blowing and pigging with nitrogen? 8.39 有关人员是否了解货舱过压的危险,是否执行了有关程序,以避免氮气吹扫、吹气和充气造成过压?
If there is a requirement to use shore supplied nitrogen, for example forpurging tanks, padding cargo or clearing lines, the ship should be aware that this may be at high pressure (up to 10 bar) and at a high flow rate and that it can therefore be potentially hazardous because of the risk of overpressurisation of the cargo tanks. A risk assessment should be camied out and the operation should only proceed if appropriate risk responses are in place and operating. 如果需要使用岸上提供的氮气,例如用于清洗货舱、填充货物或清理管线,船上应注意氮气的压力可能很高(高达 10 巴),流量也很大,因此可能会有潜在危险,因为货舱有超压的危险。应进行风险评估,只有在适当的风险应对措施到位并投入使用的情况下才能进行操作。
For vessels receiving nitrogen from ashore, one method of reducing the risk of over-pressure is to ensure that the tank has vents with a greaterflow rate capacity than the inlet, so that the tank cannot be over-pressurized. Where closed operations are required the incoming flow of nitrogen must be restricted to a rate equal to, orless than, the maximum flow of vapour possible through the vapour retum line. Positive measuresto ensure this should be agreed. A small hose orreducerprior to the manifold can be used to restrict the flow rate, but pressure must be controlled by the terminal. A gauge will permit the ship to monitor the pressure. It is not appropriate to attempt throttling a gasflow by using a ship’s manifold valve that is designed to control liquid flow. (ISGOTT11.1.15.8) 对于从岸上接收氮气的船只,降低过压风险的方法之一是确保罐体的通风口流量大于入口流量,这样罐体就不会过压。在需要封闭操作的情况下,氮气的流入量必须限制在等于或小于通过蒸汽回气管的最大蒸汽流量。应商定积极的措施来确保这一点。可在歧管前使用小软管或减压器来限制流速,但压力必须由终端控制。压力表可以让船舶监控压力。使用专为控制液体流量而设计的船用歧管阀试图节流气体流量是不合适的。(isgott11.1.15.8)
The flow rate of the supplied nitrogen should not exceed the maximum venting capacity of the ships PV valvesorthe shore vapour retum system. Nitrogen should be used forpurging, blowing etc and not compressed air. 提供的氮气流量不应超过船舶 PV 阀和岸上蒸汽回收系统的最大排气量。氮气应用于排气、吹气等,而非压缩空气。
Venting Arrangements: 通风装置:
8.40 Are the officers aware of the primary and secondary cargo tank venting systems and are the systems functioning comectly? 8.40 官员是否了解一级和二级货舱通风系统,这些系统是否正常运行?
The condition of p//vp / v valves, mast risers, vent stacks, vapour lines, vacuum valves and flame screens should be assessed. 应评估 p//vp / v 阀门、桅杆立管、通风烟囱、蒸汽管路、真空阀和火焰滤网的状况。
Controlled tank venting systems shall consist of a primary and a secondary means of allowing full flow relief of vapour to prevent over-pressure or under-pressure in the event of failure of one means. Altematively, the secondary meansmay consist of pressure sensors fitted in each tank with a monitoring system in the ship’s cargo control room or position from which cargo operations are nomally camied out. Such monitoring equipment shall also provide an alarm facility which is activated by detection of over-pressure or under-pressure conditions within a tank. (IBC 8.3.3) 受控罐体排气系统应包括一个主要和一个次要装置,以便在一个装置失灵时,全流释放蒸汽,防止压力过高或过低。或者,辅助手段可包括安装在每个舱内的压力传感器,并在船舶货物控制室或通常进行货物操作的位置安装监控系统。此类监控设备还应提供警报设施,在检测到罐内压力过高或过低时启动。(IBC 8.3.3)
In the case of inerted vessels, if pressure sensors are provided as the means of secondary protection, the alarm settings for the pressure sensors must be set to actuate when the tank pressure reaches 10% greaterthan the nomal actuation settings of the pressure valvesthemselves. In the case of the low- 对于惰性容器,如果提供压力传感器作为二级保护手段,则必须将压力传感器的报警设置设定为当罐体压力达到比压力阀本身的额定启动设置高 10%时启动。在低
pressure settings, the pressure in a tank should never be permitted to fall below zero and the pressure sensors should be set to alarm above zero. 在压力设置方面,绝不允许储罐内的压力低于零,压力传感器应设置为高于零报警。
In the case of non-inerted vessels if pressure sensors are provided, the over-pressure setting should be set to alam at either 10% greaterthan the normal actuation settings of the pressure valvesor slightly higherthan the pressure at which the pressure valve meets the maximum load rate for the tank as measured from the pressure flow diagram. The vacuum setting should be either 10%10 \% greaterthan the nomal actuation settings of the vacuum valves or slightly higherthan the vacuum at which the vacuum valve meets the maximum discharge rate for the tank as measured from the vacuum flow diagram. At no point should the settingsfor the pressure sensors exceed the safe design pressures of the cargo tank. 对于非惰性容器,如果提供了压力传感器,则应将过压设定值设置为比压力阀的正常启动设定值高 10%,或比压力阀满足压力流量图所测量的罐体最大负载率时的压力略高。真空设置应比真空阀的额定启动设置 10%10 \% 大,或略高于真空阀满足罐体最大排气速率的真空度(根据真空流程图测量)。在任何情况下,压力传感器的设置都不得超过货箱的安全设计压力。
In all cases, a description of the secondary venting arrangements should be provided, in partic ular what vents or pressure/vacuum sensing systems are a vailable on each tank when the main inlet valve to IG/vent main is shut. Where electronic pressure/vacuum sensors are provided, identify and record whetherthe alarms are set to operate at the correct value or some other value. 在所有情况下,都应说明二次排气的安排,特别是当中压/主排气阀的主进气阀关闭时,每个罐体上有哪些排气或压力/真空传感系统。如果有电子压力/真空传感器,应说明并记录报警器是设置在正确值还是其他值。
In such cases the question should be answered ‘No’. A full description of the system as fitted should be made as an Observation to allow an assessment of acceptability to be made. 在这种情况下,问题应回答 "否"。应将所安装系统的完整描述作为观察结果,以便对可接受性进行评估。
8.41 Are the P/V valves in good order, inspected and cleaned as part of a regular planned maintenance routine and are there records to support this? 8.41 作为定期计划维护工作的一部分,P/V 阀门是否完好无损,是否进行了检查和清 洁,是否有记录证明?
High jet cones and flaps should not be jacked open, particularly when loading. 高喷锥和襟翼不应顶开,特别是在装载时。
Verify that p//vp / v valves, where fitted, are tight and in good order. 检查 p//vp / v 阀门(如果已安装)是否紧固和完好。
High jet vents are not fitted with flame screens and their correct operation relies on a pressure build-up within the compartment which opensthe valve at a predetermined level and results in a gasexit velocity of a minimum of 30 metres //sec/ \mathrm{sec}. This results in protection against the passage of flame, the speed of which is about 7.5 metres/sec. 高喷射通风口没有安装阻火网,其正确操作依赖于舱内的压力积聚,在预定水平打开阀门,使气体排出速度至少达到 30 米 //sec/ \mathrm{sec} 。这样就能防止火焰通过,其速度约为 7.5 米/秒。
Consistent with safety and without interfering with operations and if appropriate to the design of the venting equipment, request the manual lifting of p//vp / v valves to demonstrate satisfactory operation. P//vP / v valves should be checked for free movement prior to the commencement of each cargo operation as required by the Ship to Shore Safety Check List question 31. 在符合安全且不影响操作的情况下,如果与通风设备的设计相适应,应要求手动提升 p//vp / v 阀门,以证明操作令人满意。 P//vP / v 阀门应按照 "船岸安全检查清单 "问题 31 的要求,在每次货物作业开始之前检查其是否可自由移动。
8.42 Are the officers aware of the additional precautions operating with a vapour retum line connected and are appropriate transfer procedures in place? 8.42 有关人员是否了解在连接蒸气回收管线时的额外预防措施,是否制定了适当的转移程序?
Vessels equipped with vapour collection systems must be fitted with a pressure sensing device that sensesthe pressure in the main vapour collection line, which: 装有蒸汽收集系统的容器必须安装压力感应装置,以感应主蒸汽收集管路中的压力:
(a) Has a pressure indicatorlocated on the vessel where the cargo transfer is controlled; and (a) 在控制货物转运的船上装有压力指示器;和
(b) Has a high pressure and a low pressure alarm that: (b) 具有高压和低压警报器:
(1) Is audible and visible on the vessel where cargo transfer is controlled; (1) 可在控制货物转运的船上听到和看到;
(2) Alams at a high pressure of not more than 90 percent of the lowest pressure relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting system; and (2) 以不超过货油舱排气系统最低泄压阀设定值 90%的高压奄奄一息;以及 (3) 以不超过货油舱排气系统最低泄压阀设定值 90%的高压奄奄一息。
(3) Ala rms at a low pressure of not less than four inches water gauge ( 0.144 psig) for an inerted tankship, or the lowest vacuum relief valve setting in the cargo tank venting system for anon-inerted tankship. (CFR 46 39.20-13) (3) 对于惰性油轮,在不小于 4 英寸水位表(0.144 psig)的低压下,或对于非惰性油轮,在货舱排气系统的最低真空泄压阀设定值下的阿拉姆斯压力。(CFR 46 39.20-13)
Particularattention should be paid to monitoring the pressure in the cargo tanks and the associated line system. P/v valves, the ullaging system and the level alarms should have been thoroughly tested prior to the transfercommencing and there should be awareness of the initial transfer rate and maximum allowable transfer rates. 应特别注意监测货舱和相关管路系统的压力。在开始转运之前,应彻底测试 P/V 阀门、充气系统和液位报警器,并了解初始转运率和最大允许转运率。
Static Electricity Precautions: 静电防护:
Notes: ISG OTTChapter3 addressesthe hazards associated with static electric ity. ISGOTTC hapter 11 addresses the precautions that must be taken when handling static accumulator cargoes in more detail. Provided that a tank is maintained in an inert condition, when static non-accumulatorcargoes are being handled, or when it can be guaranteed that the tank atmosphere is non-flammable, no anti-static precautions are necessary. 注释:ISG OTTC 第 3 章涉及与静电有关的危险。ISGOTTC 第 11 章更详细地阐述了处理静电蓄能器货物时必须采取的预防措施。只要罐体保持惰性状态,在处理静电非蓄能器货物时,或在能保证罐体大气不易燃的情况下,就没有必要采取防静电预防措施。
Questions 8.63 to 8.71 should only be completed for vessels camying static accumulator cargoes in non-inert tanks. If the cargo is not a static accumulator or if the tanks are inerted, answer these questions ’ NAN A '. 只有在非惰性舱中装载静态蓄能器货物的船舶才应填写问题 8.63 至 8.71。如果货物不是静态蓄能器或罐体是惰性的,则回答这些问题" NAN A "。
Static accumulator petroleum cargoes are all those except crude oils, residual fuel oils, black diesel oils and a sphalts (bitumens). Some chemic als are known static accumulators and examples are Cumene, 静电蓄积石油货物是指除原油、残余燃料油、黑柴油和沥青外的所有石油货物。有些化学物质是已知的静电蓄积物,例如库门烯(Cumene)、
Cyclohexane, Diethylether, Heptanes, MTBE, Nonene, Octenes, Styrene, Toluene and Xylene. In case of doubt 环己烷、二乙醚、庚烷、MTBE、壬烯、辛烯、苯乙烯、甲苯和二甲苯。如有疑问
it should be assumed that a product is a static accumulator and the appropriate precautions should be taken. 应假定产品是静态蓄能器,并采取适当的预防措施。
8.43 Are deck officers aware of the precautions necessary to avoid static disc harge including maximum flow rates and settling periods for flammable cargoes in non-inert tanks? 8.43 甲板人员是否了解避免静态盘载的必要预防措施,包括非惰性罐中易燃货物的最大流速和沉淀期?
The generally accepted method for controlling electrostatic generation in the initial stages of loading is to restrict the velocity of oil entering the tank to 1 metre/second until the tank inlet is well covered and all splashing and surface turbulence in the tank hasceased. The 1 metre/second limit applies in the branch line to each individual cargo tank and should be determined at the smallest cross- 在装货初期控制静电产生的公认方法是将进入油舱的油品速度限制在 1 米/秒,直到油舱入口被完全覆盖,油舱内所有的飞溅和表面湍流都已停止。1 米/秒的限制适用于通往每个货油舱的支线,并应在最小交叉点处确定。
sectional area including valves or otherpiping restrictions in the last section before the tank’sloading inlet. (ISG OTT 《罐体装货口前最后一段的截面积,包括阀门或其他管道限制。(国际通用技术规范》。
There should be a delay of 30 minutes (settling time) after the completion of loading of each tank before commencing these operations. (dipping, ullaging orsampling with metallic equipment) This is to allow the settling of gasbubbles, wateror particulate matter in the liquid and the dissipation of any electrical potential. (ISGOTT11.8.2.3) 在每个储罐完成装载后,应延迟 30 分钟(沉淀时间)再开始这些操作。(这是为了让液体中的气泡、水或微粒沉淀,并消散任何电势。(isgott11.8.2.3)
If the vessel is fitted with a fixed tank level gauging system but is not fitted with IG and not fitted with full depth sounding pipes, the Operator’s policy relating to actionsto be taken in the event of failure of the primary fixed gauging system must be reviewed. 如果船舶安装了固定式舱位测量系统,但没有安装 IG,也没有安装全深度探测管,则必须审查经营者关于在主要固定式测量系统发生故障时应采取的行动的政策。
8.44 Are offic ers aware if the vessel is fitted with full depth sounding pipes, is this information clearly displayed and are officers aware of the additional precautions relating to cargo tanks that are not fitted with full depth pipes? 8.44 官员是否知道船舶是否装有全深度探测管,是否清楚地显示这一信息, 官员是否知道与未装全深度探测管的货舱有关的额外预防措施?
Operations camied out through sounding pipes are permissible at any time because it is not possible for any signific ant charge to accumulate on the surface of the liquid within a correctly designed and installed sounding pipe. A sounding pipe is defined as a conducting pipe which extendsthe full depth of the tank and which is effectively bonded and earthed to the tank structure at its extremities. The pipe should be slotted in orderto prevent any pressure differential between the inside of the pipe and the tank and to ensure that true level indic ations are obtained. (ISGOTI11.8.2.3) 任何时候都允许通过探管进行作业,因为在设计和安装正确的探管内,液体表面不可能积聚任何有意义的蚂蚁电荷。探管的定义是延伸至整个罐体深度的导电管道,其末端与罐体结构有效粘接并接地。应在管道上开槽,以防止管道内部与罐体之间产生压力差,并确保获得真实的液位指示。(isgoti11.8.2.3)
8.45 Are precautions followed formetal tapes, gauging or sampling devic es and portable tank cleaning equipment (as applic able) before being introduced into tanks? 8.45 金属带、测量或取样装置和便携式罐体清洁设备(如适用)在进入罐体之前是否采取了预防措施? UTU T tapesmust be bonded before being introduced into tanks. UTI tapes which have quick couplings to connect the unit to the vapourlock will possibly not require bonding wires. However, the intemal bonding of such units should be checked every six months in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. UTU T 胶带在放入储罐之前必须粘合。有快速接头将装置与蒸汽锁连接的 UTI 胶带可能不需要粘合线。不过,应按照制造商的要求,每六个月检查一次此类装置的内部粘接情况。
When washing in a non-inert atmosphere) To Control the ‘Sources of Ignition’ in the Tank. Equipment made entirely of non-metallic materialsmay, in general, be used, for example a wooden sounding rod may be suspended on a natural fibre rope without earthing. (ISGOTT11.3.5.2 sub-para (g) 在非惰性气氛中清洗时) 控制罐内的 "点火源"。一般情况下,可使用完全由非金属材料制成的设备,例如,可将木制探杆悬挂在天然纤维绳上而不接地。(ISGOTT11.3.5.2(g)分段
Bonding wiresshould be incorporated within all portable tank washing hosesto ensure electrical continuity. Couplings should be connected to the hose in such a way that effective bonding is ensured between them. Hoses should be indelibly marked to allow identific ation. A record should be kept showing the date and the result of electric al continuity testing. (ISG OTT11.3.6.2) 所有便携式水箱清洗软管都应安装连接线,以确保电气连续性。接头应连接到软管上,以确保两者之间有效接合。软管上应有不可磨灭的标记,以便识别。应保存一份记录,注明电气连续性测试的日期和结果。(ISOG OTT11.3.6.2)
All hoses supplied fortank washing machines should be tested for electric al continuity in a dry condition prior to use, and in no case, should the resistance exceed 6 ohmspermetre length. (ISGOTT 水箱洗衣机的所有软管在使用前均应在干燥状态下进行电气连续性测试,在任何情 况下,电阻长度均不得超过 6 欧姆。(ISO
8.46 Are deck officers aware of the hazards associated with tank cleaning after the carriage of volatile products and the need to avoid the free fall of liquid into tanks? 8.46 甲板人员是否了解运载挥发性产品后清洗储罐的危险,以及避免液体自由 落入储罐的必要性?
The recommendations contained in ISG OTTC hapter 11.3 must be strictly observed. Loading or ballasting from the top (overall) delivers charged liquid to a tank in such a manner that it can break up into small droplets and splash into the tank. This may produce a charged mist as well as an increase in the petroleum gasconcentration in the tank. Restrictions upon loading or ballasting overall are given in ISG OTr Section 11.1.12. (ISGOTT3.3.3) 必须严格遵守 ISG OTTC 第 11.3 章中的建议。从顶部(整体)装载或压载向罐体输送带电液体时,液体会破裂成小液滴并溅入罐体。这可能会产生带电雾,并增加罐内的石油气浓度。对整体装载或压载的限制见 ISG OTr 第 11.1.12 节(ISGOTT3.3.3)。
8.47 Are personnel aware of the hazards associated with steaming cargo tanks after the carriage of volatile products? 8.47 人员是否了解运输挥发性产品后蒸煮货舱的危险?
Steam should neverbe injected into a tank that may contain a flammable cargo. (TSG D.3.11) 绝不应将蒸汽注入可能装有易燃货物的罐体。(TSG D.3.11)
8.48 Are cargo pipe joints bonded? 8.48 货物管道接头是否粘接?
All gasketed cargo-pipe joints and hose connections shall be electric ally bonded.|(IBC 10.2) 所有带垫圈的货物管道接头和软管连接处都必须用电解铝粘接。
Some gaskets are electric ally conductive, and bonding is not required. 有些垫片具有导电性,不需要粘接。
Manifold Arangements: 多重安排
8.49 Are the manifolds and associated valves in good order, blank flanges of an equivalent rating to that of the pipelines and pressure gauges fitted outboard of the manifold valves on both sides and monitored for leakage? 8.49 阀组和相关阀门是否完好无损,空白法兰的等级是否与管道的等级相等, 阀组阀门两侧外侧是否安装了压力表并对泄漏情况进行监测?
Manifold pressure gauges should be fitted to the spool pieces/reducers on the outboard side of the manifold valves and be fitted with valvesorcocks. Pressure gauges should be fitted to the offshore manifolds and be regularly checked during cargo transferformanifold valve leakage with evidence of regularchecks maintained. (ISG OTT 24.6.3) 汇流排压力表应安装在汇流排阀门外侧的阀芯件/减压器上,并配有阀门或水闸。应在离岸歧管上安装压力表,并在货物转运过程中定期检查歧管阀是否泄漏,并保留定期检查的证据。(国际海上人命安全公约》第 24.6.3 条)
It is generally accepted that steel blanks should be of the same thickness as the flanges to which they are attached, but this will not necessarily result in the pressure capability being the same as that of the associated pipework. 一般认为,钢坯的厚度应与其所连接的法兰相同,但这并不一定会导致钢坯的承压能力与相关管道的承压能力相同。
It is the pressure rating of the blank which is important, and blanks made of materials such astitanium have a superior strength and may therefore be signific antly thinner for the same pressure rating as a mild steel blank. If such blanks are fitted, documentation should be on board to prove that the pressure rating is adequate for the service. 重要的是坯件的压力等级,由钛等材料制成的坯件具有更高的强度,因此,在压力等级相同的情况下,坯件可能比低碳钢坯件薄得多。如果安装了这种坯件,船上应备有文件证明其压力等级足以满足使用要求。
Where spool pipes (jumpers) are installed to join 2 ormore manifoldstogether, the spool pipes shall be of the same rating asthose of the manifold pipes in use and provided with makerstest certificates. 在安装连接 2 个或更多分水器的转轴管(跳线)时,转轴管必须与正在使用的分水器管具有相同的额定值,并提供制造商测试证书。
The dimensions formanifold configuration can be found in the OCIMF/ CDI publication “Recommendations forOil and Chemic al TankerManifolds and Associated Equipment, First Edition 2017”. 有关歧管配置的尺寸,请参见 OCIMF/ CDI 出版物《石油和化学品油轮歧管及相关设备建议,2017 年第一版》。
8.50 Is the vessel free of unauthorised inter-c onnections between cargo, bunker and ballast systems? 8.50 船舶的货物、燃料和压载系统之间是否没有未经授权的相互连接?
Cargo Pump Room: 货物泵房:
This section applies to all pumprooms if fitted, including Cargo Pumprooms, Ballast pumprooms and Fuel Oil Transfer Pumprooms. 本节适用于所有已安装的泵房,包括货物泵房、压载泵房和燃油输送泵房。
8.51 On vessels with pump rooms and trunk spaces, are they free of evidence of significant leaks from machinery, pipework, valve glands and instrumentation and are bilges clean? 8.51 在有泵房和主干空间的船舶上,机械、管道、阀门接头和仪器是否有严重泄漏的迹象,舱底是否清洁?
Means shall be provided to deal with drainage and any possible leakage from cargo pumps and valves in cargo pump-rooms. The bilge system serving the cargo pump-room shall be operable from outside the cargo pump-room. One ormore slop tanks forstorage of contaminated bilge wateror tank washings shall be provided. A shore connection with a standard coupling orotherfacilities shall be provided fortransfeming contaminated liquids to onshore reception facilities. (IBC 3.3.5)
Pump discharge pressure gauges shall be provided outside the cargo pump-room. (IBC 3.3.6) 泵排出压力表应安装在货物泵房外(IBC 3.3.6)。
8.52 Are bulkhead seals gas tight and, if required, well lubricated? 8.52 隔板密封件是否气密,必要时是否润滑良好?
Where machinery is driven by shafting passing through a bulkhead or deck, gastight seals with effic ient lubric ation or othermeans of ensuring the permanence of the gasseal shall be fitted in way of the bulkhead ordeck. (IBC 3.3.7) 当机械由穿过舱壁或甲板的轴驱动时,应在舱壁或甲板上安装带高效润滑的气密端盖或其他确保气密端盖永久性的方法(IBC 3.3.7)。
8.53 Is the pump room gas monitoring system in good order, regularly checked and are officers a ware of the alarm settings? 8.53 泵房气体监测系统是否完好无损,是否定期检查,官员是否有报警设置 器?
All tankers shall be fitted, by the date of the first scheduled docking after 1stJ uly 2002 but not later than 1st July 2005, with a system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydroc arbon gases. Sampling points or detectorheads shall be located in suitable positions in order that potentially dangerousleakages are readily detected. When the hydrocarbon gasconcentration reaches a preset level, which shall not be higher than 10% of the LEL, a continuous audible and visual ala mignal shall be automatic ally affected in the in the pump room and cargo control room to alert personnel to the potential hazard. (SO LAS 2000 II-2/ and 1.6.7) 所有油轮应在2002年7月1日后但不迟于2005年7月1日的第一次预定靠泊日期前,安装对碳氢化合物气体浓度进行连续监测的系统。取样点或探测头应设在适当的位置,以便随时发现有潜在危险的泄漏。当碳氢化合物气体浓度达到预设水平(不得高于 LEL 的 10%)时,泵房和货物控 制室必须自动发出连续的声光警报,提醒人员注意潜在危险。(SO LAS 2000 II-2/ 和 1.6.7)
The alarm shall be automatic ally affected in the pump room, engine control room, cargo control room and navigation bridge on vessels constructed on or after 1stJ uly 2002. (SO LAS 2000 II-2/ Existing systems having a pre-set level of not more than 30%30 \% LEL may be accepted on vessels constructed before 1st J uly 2002. 在 2002 年 7 月 1 日或以后建造的船舶上,泵房、轮机控制室、货物控制室和驾驶台的报警器应自动受影响。(SO LAS 2000 II-2/ 2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶可接受预设水平不超过 30%30 \% LEL 的现有系统。
8.54 Is the bilge pump in good order and can it be operated from a position outside the pump room? 8.54 舱底泵是否完好,能否在泵房外操作?
The bilge system serving the cargo pump room shall be operable from outside the cargo pump-room. (IBC 3.3.5) 货物泵房的舱底系统应能从货物泵房外操作(IBC 3.3.5)。
Safety Equipment, 安全设备、
8.55 Are the officers aware of the requirements for the provision of protective equipment, is there adequate protective equipment onboard and in effective use? 8.55 人员是否了解提供防护设备的要求,船上是否有足够的防护设备并在有效使用?
Forthe protection of crew members who are engaged in loading and discharging operations, the ship shall have on board suitable protective equipment consisting of large aprons, special gloves with long sleeves, suitable footwear, coveralls of chemic al-resistant material and tight-fitting goggles orface shields or both. The protective clothing and equipment shall cover all skin so that no part of the body is 为保护从事装卸作业的船员,船上应配备合适的防护设备,包括大围裙、长袖专用手套、合适的鞋袜、耐化学材料的工作服和紧身护目镜或面罩或两者兼有。防护服和防护设备应覆盖所有皮肤,使身体的任何部位都不会受到伤害。
Work clothes and protective equipment shall be kept in easily accessible places and in special lockers. Such equipment shall not be kept within accommodation spaces, with the exception of new, unused equipment and equipment which has not been used since undergoing a thorough cleaning process. The Administration may, however, approve storage rooms forsuch equipment within accommodation spaces if adequately segregated from living spacessuch as cabins, passageways, dining rooms, bathroomsetc. (IBC 14.1.2) 工作服和防护设备应存放在便于取用的地方和专用储物柜内。除新的、未使用过的设备和经过彻底清洗后未使用过的设备外,这些设备不得存放在住宿空间内。然而,如果与舱室、通道、餐厅、浴室等生活空间充分隔离,当局可批准在舱室内设立此类设备的储藏室(IBC 14.1.2)。
Protective equipment shall be used in any operation, which may entail dangerto personnel. (IBC 14.1.3) 在任何可能对人员造成危险的作业中,都必须使用防护设备。(IBC 14.1.3)
8.56 Are officers’ familiar with the safety equipment requirements of the IBC or BCH Code and is the safety equipment provided in accordance with the code in good order? 8.56 官员是否熟悉 IBC 或 BCH 规则对安全设备的要求,根据规则提供的安全设备是否完好无损?
Ships carying toxic cargoesfor which 15.12, 15.12.1 or 15.12 .3 is listed in column ’ 0 ’ in the table of chapter 17 shall have on board suffic ient but not less than three complete sets of safety equipment, each permitting personnel to enter a gas-filled compartment and work there for at least 20 minutes.(IBC 14.2.1) 装载第 17 章表中 "0 "栏所列 15.12、15.12.1 或 15.12.3 规定的有毒货物的船舶,船上应配备足够但不少于三套完整的安全设备,每套设备允许人员进入充满气体的舱室工作至少 20 分钟(IBC 14.2.1)。
One complete set of safety equipment shall consist of: 一套完整的安全设备应包括
one self-contained air-breathing apparatus (not using stored oxygen); 一个自给式空气呼吸器(不使用储存的氧气);
protective clothing, boots, gloves and tight-fitting goggles; 防护服、靴子、手套和紧身护目镜;
fireproof line with belt resistant to the cargoes camied; and 带耐火带的防火线,可抵御所装货物;以及
explosion-proof lamp. 防爆灯。
(IBC 14.2.2)
For the safety equipment required in 14.2.1, all ships shall camy either: 对于 14.2.1 所要求的安全设备,所有船舶均应具备以下条件之一
one set of fully charged spare a ir bottlesforeach breathing apparatus; 每个呼吸器配备一套充满电的备用氧气瓶;
a special air compressor suitable for the supply of high-pressure a ir of the required purity; 一种特殊的空气压缩机,适用于提供所需纯度的高压虹吸管;
a charging manifold capable of dealing with sufficient spare air bottles for the breathing apparatus; or, 能够为呼吸器提供足够备用气瓶的充气歧管;或
fully charged spare air bottles with a total free air capacity of at least 6,000 I foreach breathing apparatus on board in excess of the requirements of SO LAS regulation II-2/10.10. (IBC 14.2.3) 机上每台呼吸设备上的备用空气瓶的总自由空气容量至少为 6,000 I,超过 SO LAS 法规 II-2/10.10 的要求。(IBC 14.2.3)
Note: Forvessels camying toxic cargoes, the safety equipment referred to above should provide full protection. The suits themselves shall be capable of providing adequate protection against the product as indicated in the appropriate resistance table that is provided by the manufacturer and fitted with integral gloves and boots. The responsible officer should be aware of these limitations as they relate to the cargoes being camied. Such suits are not required if the vessel does not camy toxic cargoes. 注:对于装载有毒货物的船只,上述安全设备应提供全面保护。防护服本身应能对制造商提供的适当阻力表中所示的产品提供足够的防护,并配有整体手套和靴子。负责官员应了解与所装运货物有关的这些限制。如果船只不装载有毒货物,则不需要此类防护服。
8.57 Are the officers aware of the safe stowage requirements of the safety equipment and are these requirements being followed? 8.57 人员是否了解安全设备的安全存放要求,这些要求是否得到遵守?
At least one set of safety equipment shall be kept in a suitable clearly marked locker in a readily accessible place near the cargo pump room. The other sets of safety equipment shall also be kept in suitable, clearly marked, easily accessible places. (IBC 14.2.5) 至少有一套安全设备应存放在货泵室附近一个合适的、有明显标志的、易于取用的储物柜中。其他安全设备也应存放在合适的、有明显标志的、易于取用的地方。(IBC 14.2.5)
8.58 Has the breathing apparatus required by the IBC or BCH Codes examined by an expert agency annually, are the officers’ familiar with the onboard inspection requirements and is this logged ac cordingly? 8.58 IBC 或 BCH Code 所要求的呼吸设备是否每年由专家机构进行检查?
The breathing apparatus shall be inspected at least once a month by a responsible officer, and the inspection recorded in the ship’slog book. The equipment shall be inspected and tested by an expert at least once a year. (IBC 14.2.6) 负责官员应至少每月检查一次呼吸器,并将检查情况记录在船舶记录簿上。设备应由专家至少每年检查和测试一次。(IBC 14.2.6)
An ‘expert’ may be a member of the crew provided they have attended relevant courses and have documentation available to prove it. 专家 "可以是船员,只要他们参加过相关课程并有文件证明。
8.59 Are the officers and ratings familiar with donning of the emergency escape sets where provided and are these sets in good order? 8.59 军官和评级人员是否熟悉紧急逃生装备的穿戴,这些装备是否完好无损?
Ships camying cargoesfor which ‘Yes’ is indic ated in column ’ nn ’ of Chapter 17 shall be provided with suitable respiratory and eye protection suffic ient forevery person on board foremergency esc ape purposes, subject to the following: 装载第 17 章" nn "栏中标明 "是 "的货物的船舶,应配备足够船上所有人员使用的适当的呼吸和眼睛保护装置,以备紧急逃生之用,但须遵守以下规定:
. 1 filter type respiratory protection is unacceptable; .1 过滤器型呼吸保护装置是不可接受的;
.2 self-contained breathing apparatus shall have at least a duration of service of 15 minutes; .2 自给式呼吸器的使用时间至少应为 15 分钟;
.3 emergency esc ape respiratory protection shall not be used for fire-fighting or cargo handling purposes and shall be marked to that effect. .3 紧急情况下的呼吸保护装置不得用于消防或货物装卸目的,并应有相应标记。
(IBC 14.3.1) (IBC 14.3.1)
Does the Company preclude the use of filtertype respirators onboard and are officers and ratings aware of these requirements? 公司是否禁止在船上使用过滤式呼吸器,军官和评级人员是否了解这些要求?
Use of filter type respirators is discouraged. Where filter-type respirators are camied these are not to be considered aspart of the safety equipment required by the Codes. Their use must be strictly supervised, they should be stored under the control of the chief officerand there should be clear labelling for which chemic als the canisters are approved. There should be recognition that the lifetime of canisters is affected by the exposure and records should be maintained of use in order that this is not exceeded. 不鼓励使用过滤式呼吸器。在使用过滤式呼吸器时,不应将其视为《规范》所要求的安全设备的一部分。它们的使用必须受到严格的监督,应在主管人员的控制下存放,并应清楚地标明滤毒罐被批准用于哪些化学物质。应认识到药罐的使用寿命受接触情况的影响,并应保留使用记录,以确保不超过这一期限。
Filter-type respirators should not be used for chemic als identified astoxic by the Codes, nor should they be used in place of breathing apparatus. 过滤式呼吸器不得用于《规范》确定为有毒的化学物质,也不得用来代替呼吸器。
8.61 Are the crew aware of the locations and operation of the decontamination showers and eye-wash, and are the showers in good operational order in suitably marked locations? 8.61 船员是否知道洗消淋浴和洗眼器的位置和操作,淋浴是否在有适当标记的地 方?
Suitably marked decontamination showers and an eyewash should be available on deck in convenient locations. The showers and eyewash shall be operable in all ambient conditions. (IBC 14.3.4.) For use in all ambient conditions, a recirculation system, or fully heat-traced line must be provided. 甲板上应在方便的位置提供有适当标记的洗消淋浴和洗眼器。淋浴和洗眼器应能在所有环境条件下使用(IBC 14.3.4)。(IBC 14.3.4)如要在所有环境条件下使用,必须配备循环系统或完全热跟踪管路。
Cargo Hoses: 货物软管:
8.62 If the vessel uses its own cargo hoses, are they in good order, pressure tested annually and is a record of all hose tests and inspections maintained on board? 8.62 如果船舶使用自己的货物软管,这些软管是否完好无损,是否每年进行压力测试,船上是否保存所有软管测试和检查的记录?
Cargo hoses in service should have a documented inspection at least annually to confirm their suitability for continued use. This should include: 使用中的货物软管应至少每年进行一次有记录的检查,以确认其是否适合继续使用。检查应包括
A visual check for deterioration/damage. 目视检查是否有老化/损坏。
A pressure test to 1.5 times the Rated Working Pressure (RWP) to check forleakage or movement of end fittings. (Temporary elongation at RWP should be measured as an interim step.) 进行 1.5 倍额定工作压力 (RWP) 的压力测试,以检查末端接头是否渗漏或移动。(作为临时步骤,应测量 RWP 下的临时伸长率)。
Electric al continuity test. (ISG OTT 电气连续性测试。(ISOG OTT
Portable cargo pump hoses should be tested and maintained aspermanufacturers guidelines. 便携式货泵软管应按照制造商的指导进行测试和维护。
The hose shall be stencilled orotherwise marked with the date of testing, its specified maximum working pressure and, if used in services other than the ambient temperature services, its maximum and minimum service temperature, as applic able. The 软管上必须用钢印或其他方式标明测试日期、规定的最大工作压力,如果用于环境温度以外的服务,还必须标明最高和最低服务温度。软管
specified maximum working pressure shall not be less than 1 MPa gauge. (IBC 5.7.3) 规定的最大工作压力不得低于 1 兆帕表压。(IBC 5.7.3)
Inspectors should ensure the cargo hose compatibility data is a vailable and the cargo compatible for the hose(s) in use. Officers should be aware of this information. 检查员应确保提供货物软管兼容性数据,并确保所使用的软管与货物兼容。官员应了解这些信息。
Cargo Lifting Equipment 货物提升设备
8.63 Are all cranes and other lifting equipment properly marked, regularly inspected, tested and are the vessels crew a ware of maintenance requirements? 8.63 所有起重机和其他起重设备是否都有适当的标记,是否定期检查和测试,船员是否了解维护要求?
Cargo lifting equipment should be load tested every five years and thoroughly examined by a competent person annually. Other lifting equipment is not regulated except as usually required by class but should be tested and examined under a similar regime. The minimum SWL for which testing is required is one tonne ( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs}.). 货物起重设备应每五年进行一次负载测试,并由合格人员每年进行一次彻底检查。其他起重设备不受监管,但通常按等级要求的除外,但应按照类似制度进行测试和检查。需要测试的最小 SWL 为一吨( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs} 。)
A Chain Register is not required, but documentation supporting testing, examination and maintenance that follows the OCIMF Publication Recommendations forthe Tagging/Labelling, Testing and Maintenance, Documentation/Certific ation for Ships Lifting Equipment should be maintained. 不需要链条登记簿,但应保存测试、检查和维护的证明文件,这些文件应遵循 OCIMF 出版物《关于船舶起重设备的标记/标签、测试和维护、文件/证书的建议》。
Forvessels with a single hose crane, in the event of a failure of a hydraulic hose then there must be the capability to replace the defect hose with spare ones. In the event that the cargo hose handling crane hastwo ormore hoses that are identical in all aspects, then only 50%50 \% of these identic al hoses need to be camied as spares. 对于使用单软管起重机的船只,如果液压软管发生故障,则必须能够用备用软管替换故障软管。如果货物软管起重机拥有两根或两根以上在所有方面都相同的软管,则只需将其中 50%50 \% 根相同的软管作为备件。
Monitoring the wear of a slew bearing on cranesshould be conducted following the recommendations of the crane/slew bearing manufacturer. There are two commonly recommended practices: 应根据起重机/回转支承制造商的建议监测起重机回转支承的磨损情况。通常推荐两种做法:
Grease sampling - this measuresthe metallic content found in the grease which gives an indication of the weartaking place. 油脂取样--测量油脂中的金属含量,从而了解油脂的损耗情况。
Rocking test - this measuresthe play (or relative movement) between the innerand outerbearing race, to give an indication of the weartaking place. 摇动测试 - 测量轴承内外圈之间的游隙(或相对运动),以显示磨损情况。
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中提出这些补充意见。
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems - IPG 第 8 章 货物和压载系统货物和压载系统 - IPG
Notes: This chapter can only be completed if the vessel is provided with an Intemational Certific ate of Fitness forthe Camage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk. The vessel must be camying gas at the time of the inspection; however, a gascamier which for a brief period is not actually camying gas at the time of the inspection, may be inspected as a gascamierprovided that an adequate assessment of the procedureson board forthe camiage of gascan be made. In such cases, the report must clearly note the circumstances. 注:本章只有在船舶持有散装液化气体国际适航证书的情况下才能填写。在检查时,船舶必须正在充装气体;然而,在检查时,气体充装船在短时间内实际上并不充装气体,只要能对船上充装气体的程序作出充分的评估,则可作为气体充装船接受检查。在这种情况下,报告必须明确说明有关情况。
In answering the questionsbelow, note that: 在回答下面的问题时,请注意
The mandatory IGC Code applies only to those vessels the keel of which waslaid on or after 1st uly 1986; 强制性 IGC 规则仅适用于 1986 年 7 月 1 日或之后铺设龙骨的船舶;
The mandatory GC Code appliesto vessels delivered after 30th une 1980; and 强制性《全球通用代码》适用于 1980 年 1 月 30 日之后交付的船舶;以及
The non-mandatory EGC Code appliesto those vessels delivered on orbefore the 31st October 1976. 非强制性的《EGC 规则》适用于 1976 年 10 月 31 日或之前交付的船舶。
Amendments to the IGC and GC Codes introduced after vessels were delivered do not necessarily apply to such vessels. 在船舶交付后对 IGC 和 GC 规则进行的修订不一定适用于这些船舶。
Gascamiers that camy dual-code cargoes(Diethyl ether, Ethylene oxide/Propylene oxide mixtures with an E-o content of not more than 30%, Isoprene, Isopropylamine, Monoethylamine, Pentanes, Pentene, Propylene oxide, Vinyl ethyl ether and Vinylidene chloride) are additionally required to have a Noxious Liquid Substances Certificate. 装载双代码货物(二乙醚、环氧乙烷/环氧丙烷混合物(环氧乙烷含量不超过 30%)、异戊二烯、异丙胺、一乙胺、戊烷、戊烯、环氧丙烷、乙烯基乙醚和亚乙烯基氯)的加气船还必须持有有毒液体物质证书。
Gascamiers camying oil cargoes, which are regulated underAnnex 1, are required to hold an IOPP Certific ate with a Form B which identifies the ship as a product camier. The SOLAS Safety Construction and Safety Equipment Certific ates should also identify the vessel as ‘a tankerengaged in the trade of camying oil other than crude oil’. 受附件 1 监管的油船必须持有 IOPP 证书,并附有 B 表,表明该船是成品油船。SOLAS 安全构造和安全设备证书还应标明该船为 "从事原油以外的油轮"。
Relevant cargoes are those which do not contain heavy components likely to remain in the tanks after a ventilation procedure and will typic ally be Light naphtha, Jet fuel (also called Turbo fuel white or White cut gasoline), Mogas, Natural gasoline, Condensate, Pentane and Casing head gasoline. 相关货物是指在通风程序后不含有可能残留在储罐中的重金属成分的货物,通常包括轻石脑油、喷气燃料(也称为白涡轮增压燃料或白切汽油)、煤气、天然汽油、凝析油、戊烷和套管汽油。
Gascamiers accepted under this Notice of Equivalency will have: 根据本《等同通知》接受的 Gascamiers 将具备以下条件
Independent cargo tanks; 独立货箱;
An arrangement suitable for tank cleaning by ventilation procedures; tank cleaning with water will be prohibited as a normal procedure; 适合通过通风程序清洗储罐的安排;禁止将用水清洗储罐作为正常程序;
Deep well pumps but submerged electric al motors will not be accepted. 不接受深井泵但浸没式电动马达。
Policies, Procedures and Doc umentation: 政策、程序和文件:
8.1 Are the officers aware of the operator's policy statements, guidance and procedures, including information on maximum loading rates and instructions with regard to safe cargo operations? 8.1 官员是否了解经营者的政策声明、指导和程序,包括有关最高装载率的信息和有关货物安全操作的指示?
Masters should be provided with information on maximum permissible loading ratesfor each cargo and ballast tank and foreach group of cargo or ballast tanks. This requirement is aimed at ensuring that tanks are not overor under-pressurised by exceeding the capacity of the venting system, including any installed secondary venting arrangements. This information should be displayed at the cargo control position. 应向船长提供每个货舱和压载舱以及每组货舱或压载舱的最大允许装载率的信息。这一要求旨在确保货舱不会因超过排气系统(包括任何已安装的二次排气装置)的容量而过压或欠压。这些信息应显示在货物控制位置。
8.2 Are the officers aware of any loading limitations for the vessel and are these limitations, if applicable clearly posted in the cargo control area? 8.2 官员是否了解船舶的任何装载限制,这些限制(如果适用)是否清楚地张贴在货物控制区?
No cargo tanks should be more than 98%98 \% liquid full at the reference temperature. (IGC 15.1.1) The Administration may allow a higher filling limit than the limit of 98%98 \% at the reference temperature, taking into account the shape of the tank, a rrangements of pressure relief valves, accuracy of level and temperature gauging and the difference between the loading temperature and the temperature corresponding to the vapour pressure of the cargo at the set pressure relief valves. (IGC 15.1.3) The maximum allowable loading limits for each cargo tank should be indic ated foreach product which may be camied, for each loading temperature which may be applied and for the applicable maximum reference temperature, on a list to be approved by the Administration. Pressures at which the relief valves, including those valves fitted in accordance with IGC 8.3, have been set should also be stated on the list. A copy of the list should be permanently kept on board by the master. (IGC 15.2) Reference temperature means: 在参考温度下,任何货油舱的满液量不得超过 98%98 \% 。(IGC 15.1.1) 考虑到货舱的形状、泄压阀的布置、液位和温度测量的准确性,以及装载温度与设定泄压阀处货物蒸汽压力相应温度之间的差值,当局可允许高于参考温度下 98%98 \% 的装载限值。(IGC 15.1.3) 每个货舱的最大允许装载限值,应在一份由当局批准的清单上,注明可能装载的每种产品、可能适用的每种装载温度和适用的最高参考温度。清单上还应注明泄压阀,包括按照 IGC 8.3 安装的泄压阀所设定的压力。船长应在船上永久保存一份清单。(IGC 15.2) 参考温度是指:
The temperature corresponding to the vapourpressure of the cargo at the set pressure of the pressure relief valves when no cargo vapour pressure/temperature control is provided; 在没有货物蒸汽压力/温度控制装置时,泄压阀设定压力下货物蒸汽压力对应的温度;
The temperature of the cargo upon termination loading, during transportation, orat unloading, whic hever is the greatest, when a cargo vapour pressure/temperature control is provided. (IGC 15.1.4) 当装有货物蒸汽压力/温度控制装置时,货物在装货结束、运输过程中或卸货时的温度,以最高者为准。(IGC 15.1.4)
Although there are no regulatory requirements goveming the maximum pressure below the relief valve setting which the cargo tanks should be allowed to reach, it is prudent to maintain the cargo tank pressure at or below 80%80 \% of the relief valve setting. During loading, tanks may occasionally reach 90%90 \% of the relief valve setting. 虽然没有法规要求货油舱的最大压力应低于溢流阀设定值,但谨慎的做法是将货油舱压力保持在溢流阀设定值的 80%80 \% 或以下。在装货过程中,货舱压力偶尔会达到溢流阀设定值的 90%90 \% 。
8.3 Are legible and up to date pipeline and/or mimic diagrams of cargo, inert gas and venting systems, as applicable, available in the cargo control area and deck officers’ familiar with the systems? 8.3 货物控制区是否有清晰、最新的货物、惰性气体和排气系统的管道和/或模拟图(如适用),甲板人员是否熟悉这些系统?
Inspectors should venify the deck officerholding the watch is familiar with the cargo operation ongoing and planned sequence of events during the watch. 检查员应确认担任值班的甲板干事熟悉值班期间正在进行的货物操作和计划的事件顺序。
8.4 Are officers’ familiar with the information contained within the Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and is the manual accessible onboard? 8.4 官员们是否熟悉《程序和安排手册》中的信息?
A P and A Manual is required only if dual code cargoes are camied and where there is an IOPPC NLS Certificate. 只有在装载双代码货物和有 IOPPC NLS 证书的情况下,才需要 P 和 A 手册。
8.5 Is the Cargo Record Book comectly completed and up to date? 8.5 货物记录簿是否填写完整并及时更新?
A Cargo Record Book is required only when camying dual code cargoes undereithera Certificate of Fitness or NLSCertific ate. Entries should be recorded as they occur and not at some later point in time. 货物记录簿仅适用于未获得适航证书或 NLSCertific ate 的双代码货物。货物记录应在发生时记录,而不是在以后的某个时间点记录。
Stability and Cargo Loading Limitations: 稳定性和货物装载限制:
The Master of the ship should be supplied with a loading and stability information booklet. This booklet should contain details of typic al service and ballast conditions, provisionsforevaluating otherconditions of loading and a summary of the ship’s survival capabilities. In addition, the booklet should contain suffic ient information to enable the Masterto load and operate the ship in a safe and sea worthy manner. 应向船长提供装载和稳性信息手册。该手册应包含典型服役和压载条件的详细信息、评估其他装载条件的规定以及船舶生存能力概要。此外,手册中还应包含足够的信息,使船长能够以安全和适航的方式装载和操作船舶。
(IGC 2.2.5)
8.6 Has a cargo plan been prepared and followed with a detailed sequence of cargo and ballast transfers doc umented, stress, intact and damage stability and are any limitations, where applicable understood by the cargo watch officers and clearly doc umented? 8.6 是否制定并遵循了货物计划,详细记录了货物和压舱物的转移顺序、应力、完好性和损坏稳定性,货物值班人员是否理解并清楚记录了适用的任何限制?
Inspectors should detemine that prior to transfer of cargo, calculations have been made for stress and stability conditions for the start, interim and completion of transfer conditions. Regularmonitoring of stress and stability should be taking place throughout cargo transfer to ensure that the conditionshave been maintained within design limits.
The cargo transferoperation should be planned and confirmed in writing in order to assure full mutual understanding. The items to be addressed should include: - 货物转运业务应以书面形式进行规划和确认,以确保双方充分理解。需要解决的问题应包括-
The order of loading ordisc harging 装载顺序
The total quantities of cargo to be transferred 要转运的货物总量
The sequence of discharging and receiving tanks 卸料槽和接收槽的顺序
The intended transferrates 打算转移
The transfertemperatures and pressuresto be expected, and 预计的转移温度和压力,以及
The use of vapour retum line 使用蒸汽回流管
Simultaneous cargo and ballast handling, forstress and ship stability purposes, should also be noted on the cargo plan. All cargo operations should be carefully planned and documented well in advance of their execution. (LGHP) 出于应力和船舶稳定性的考虑,货物和压舱物的同时装卸也应在装卸计划中注明。所有货物操作都应在执行前仔细计划和记录。(LGHP)
The cargo plan should be completed by the responsible offic erprior to commencement of operations and verified and approved by the Master. It should be comprehensive, conta in full details of the operation and be easy to interpret. Vessel should be able to demonstrate that an independent check of the cargo line up. 货运计划应由负责官员在作业开始前完成,并由船长核实和批准。该计划应全面、详细地说明操作细节并易于解释。船舶应能证明已对货物进行了独立检查。
The cargo log must include details of all major events including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps, tanks being worked and any deviations from the original plan. 货运日志必须包括所有重大事件的细节,包括主货泵和压载泵的启动和停止、正在工作的油箱以及与原计划的任何偏差。
Additional points should address: 补充要点应涉及
Density, temperature and otherrelevant conditions, including the reference temperature which determines the filling limits; 密度、温度和其他相关条件,包括决定填充极限的参考温度;
A plan of the distribution, quantities, innages, lines and pumps to be used; 将使用的分配、数量、内径、管路和泵的计划;
Critic al stages of the operation; 行动的批评阶段;
Notice of rate change; 费率变更通知;
Stability and stress information; 稳定性和压力信息;
Drafts and trims; 草稿和修剪;
Emergency stop procedures; 紧急停止程序;
Action to be taken in the event of a spill; 发生泄漏时应采取的行动;
Flammability and toxic ity with referencesto cargo data sheets; 可燃性和毒性,可参考货物数据表;
Ballast operations; 压载作业;
Protective equipment requirements; 防护设备要求;
Hazards of the particular cargoes. 特定货物的危险性。
And, as required, requirements for: 根据要求,还需要:
Cargo pollution category; 货物污染类别;
Cooling requirements including rates of cool-down; 冷却要求,包括冷却速度;
Use of the cargo heaterorvaporiser; 使用货物加热器或蒸发器;
Under keel clearance limitations; 龙骨下间隙限制;
Bunkering; and 加油;以及
Special precautions required for the particularoperation. 特定操作所需的特殊预防措施。
8.7 If a loading computer or programme is in use, is it class approved, regularly tested and are offic ers aware of the test requirements including damage stability? 8.7 如果使用装载计算机或程序,是否经过等级认证,是否定期测试,官员是否了解测试要求,包括损坏的稳定性?
Ships of more than 65 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with a loading manual including permissible limits of still water bending moment and shearforce; the results of the calculations of still water bending moments; shearforces and where applic able, limitations due to torsional and lateral loads and the allowable local loading forthe structure (decks, double bottom, etc.) 船级社要求长度超过 65 米的船舶必须提供装载手册,其中包括静水弯矩和剪力的允许限值、静水弯矩的计算结果、剪力以及扭力和侧向载荷的限制(如适用)以及结构(甲板、双层底等)的允许局部载荷。
Ships of more than 100 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with an approved loading instrument. An operational manual is alwaysto be provided forthe loading instrument The loading instrument should be capable of calculating shearforces and bending moments in any load or ballast condition at specified readout points and should indic ate the permissible values. Ships with very limited possibilities for variations in the distribution of cargo and ballast and ships with a regular orfixed trading pattem may be exempt from the requirement. 船级社要求长度超过 100 米的船舶配备经批准的装载仪器。装载仪器应能在指定的读数点计算任何装载或压载条件下的剪力和弯矩,并应标明允许值。货物和压载物分布变化可能性非常有限的船舶,以及定期或固定贸易模式的船舶,可免除此要求。
At each Annual and Special Survey, the loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy and the approved loading guidance information confirmed asbeing available on board. Class approved data should be used and the tests should be camied out in the presence of the attending surveyor at the annual survey. There is no requirement forclass to endorse the test however. Regularon-board testing should also take place and recordsattesting to this should be maintained. The test should involve physic ally entering the data for each tank into the computer and verifying the result. It is not acceptable to simply retrieve a stored test condition from the computer and compare this against the offic ial conditions. 在每次年度检验和特别检验时,应检查装载仪器的准确性,并确认船上有经批准的装载指导信息。应使用经船级社批准的数据,并在年度检验时当着验船师的面进行测试。但不要求船级认可测试。还应定期进行船上测试,并保存测试记录。测试时,物理人员应将每个油罐的数据输入电脑,并核对结果。不能简单地从计算机中调出存储的测试条件,然后与实际条件进行比较。
Ships constructed on or after 01 J an 2016* and ships constructed before 01 J an 2016* (by the first renewal survey on or after 01 J an 2016, but before 01 J an 2021^(****)2021^{* *} ) are required to be fitted with a stability instrument capable of handling both intact and damage stability. Ships camying onboard stability instruments already approved and certified by a recognized organization, and capable of venifying both intact and damage stability to a standard acceptable to the administration, may continue to use such an instrument. 装有已获认可组织批准和认证的船载稳性仪器,并能以管理部门可接受的标准同时检测完好稳性和损坏稳性的船舶,可继续使用此类仪器。
The following optionsfor waiving the requirement by the flag administration have been given: 国旗管理部门可选择以下方式放弃这一要求:
Ships which are on a dedicated service, with a limited number of permutations of loading such that all antic ipated conditions have been approved in the stability documentation provided on board 提供专门服务的船舶,装载次数有限,船上提供的稳性文件中已批准了所有相关条件
Ships where stability verification is made remotely by a means approved by the administration 通过管理部门批准的方式进行远程稳定性核查的船舶
Ships which are loaded within an approved range of loading conditions 在批准的装载条件范围内装载的船舶
Ships constructed before 1 January 2016 (1) provided with approved limiting KG/GM curvescovering all applic able intact and damage stability requirements MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6 / IBC Ch 2016 年 1 月 1 日前建造的船舶 (1) 提供经批准的限制 KG/GM 曲线,涵盖所有适用的完好性和损坏稳定性要求 MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6 / IBC Ch
The master of the ship should be supplied with a loading and stability information booklet. This booklet should contain details of typic al sevice conditions, loading, unloading and ballasting operations, provisions for evaluating other conditions of loading and a summary of the ship’s survival capabilities. In addition, the booklet should contain sufficient information to enable the masterto load and operate the ship in a safe and seaworthy manner. (IGC 2.2.5) 应向船长提供装载和稳性信息手册。这本小册子应包含典型航行条件、装载、卸载和压载操作的详情、评估其他装载条件的规定以及船舶生存能力的概要。此外,手册还应包含足够的信息,使船长能够以安全和适航的方式装载和操作船舶。(IGC 2.2.5)
If a class approved loading computer is not available, record in Comments how stress and stability calculations are performed. 如果没有经船级社批准的加载计算机,请在注释中记录如何进行应力和稳定性计算。
8.8 Is the vessel free of inherent intact stability problems, are officers aware of these problems or risks of structural damage from sloshing, and actions required if the vessel takes on an unstable condition and/or angle of loll? 8.8 船只是否存在固有的不稳定性问题,官员是否了解这些问题或淤积造成结构损坏的风险,以及在船只出现不稳定状况和/或倾斜角度时需要采取的行动?
Vessels that have large width tanks will be subject to reductions of intact stability due to free surface. Although such vessels may meet IMO intact stability criteria when in fully loaded or ballasted conditions, they may be unstable when multiple tanks are slack during cargo orballast transfer operations, or in intermediate states of loading. Trim and stability manuals generally deal only with amival and departure conditions and operators are not made a ware that stability problems may exist at intermediate stages during cargo transfers. 拥有大宽度油舱的船舶会因自由表面而降低完好稳性。尽管这类船舶在满载或压载情况下可能符合国际海事组织的完好稳性标准,但在货物或压载物转移操作过程中,或在装载的中间状态下,当多个油舱松弛时,它们可能会不稳定。减摇和稳性手册通常只涉及起航和离港状态,操作人员并不知道在货物转移的中间阶段可能存在稳性问题。
If a vessel has eitherlarge width cargo tanks, ‘U’ section ballast tanks, or double bottom tanks without watertight centreline bulkheads, inspectors should ascertain that the vessel meetsIMO intact stability 如果船只有大宽度货舱、"U "型压载舱或没有水密中线舱壁的双层底舱,检查员应确定船只符合《国际海事组织》的完好稳性要求
criteria by requesting the chief officer to demonstrate, using the class approved loading instrument, the intact stability at the worst case condition (i.e. All tanks slack and maximum free surface). 标准,要求船长使用经船级社批准的装载仪器,展示在最坏情况下(即所有罐体松弛和最大自由表面)的完好稳定性。
If no suitable loading instrument is provided and adequate instructions are not available, the question should be answered ‘No’, unless there is satisfactory proof that the vessel is free of inherent stability problems. 如果没有提供合适的装载仪器,也没有适当的说明,则应回答 "否",除非有令人满意的证据证明船只不存在固有的稳定性问题。
Inspectors should ascerta in whether all officers appear familiar with operational restrictions and that instructions are prominently posted describing action to take if stability concems are suspected or experienced. Record a " NN " response and appropriate Observation if weaknessesorotherconcems are revealed. 检查员应检查所有人员是否熟悉操作限制,是否在显著位置张贴了说明,介绍在怀疑或遇到稳定性问题时应采取的行动。如果发现弱点或其他问题,应记录" NN "答复和适当的观察结果。
Important restrictions other than maximum permitted cargo density should be recorded as an observation. 除最大允许货物密度外,其他重要限制应作为意见记录在案。
Venific ation of compliance with damage stability requirements should be documented in accordance with the company’s operating procedures and the company’s sa fety management system. This should include a method of retaining manual calculations and/or stability instrument printouts used to venify compliance, so that this information can be provided to third parties, such ascompany auditors, surveyors or port State control inspectors. It is recommended that records are retained on board for a minimum of three years to ensure they are available at the next Safety Management Certific ate (SMC) audit. (MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1) 应根据公司的操作程序和公司的安全管理系统,记录对损害稳定性要求的遵守情况。这应包括保留用于证明合规性的手工计算和/或稳定性仪器打印输出的方法,以便将此信息提供给第三方,如公司审计员、检验员或港口国控制检查员。建议将记录在船上至少保留三年,以确保在下一次安全管理证书(SMC)审核时可以查阅。(MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1)
If cargo tanks are fitted with centre line bulkhead valves, these should normally be kept closed and only used forlevelling. No more than 50%50 \% of the tank valves should be open at any one time. 如果货舱装有中线隔板阀,通常应保持关闭,仅用于调平。任何时候,打开的货舱阀门不得超过 50%50 \% 。
On refrigerated LPG vessels fitted with centre line bulkheads having level gaugesfitted close to the bulkhead on either side, the level gauges will indic ate substantially differing liquid levels if the vessel is listed, even though both sides of the tank may conta in approximately equal quantities. Personnel must be aware of this when taking actions to correct a list. 在装有中线隔板的冷冻液化气船上,两侧隔板附近都装有液位计,如果船体被列入清单,液位计会显示出有很大差异的液位,即使两侧罐体的液量大致相同。工作人员在采取措施纠正清单时必须注意这一点。
If specific procedures have been adopted to address potential stability problems, these should be recorded as an Observation. 如果采用了具体程序来解决潜在的稳定性问题,则应将其记录为 "意见"。
Cargo Operations and Related Safety Management 货运业务及相关安全管理
8.9 Are all officers and ratings aware of the camiage requirements including emergency 8.9 是否所有官员和评级人员都了解野营要求,包括紧急情况下的野营要求。
procedures for the spec ific cargo onboard and gases in general and are officers’ familiar with the vessels cargo system, including emergency disc harge arrangements?
Officers should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following: 官员应能展示以下方面的基本知识:
Shipboard operations and cargo handling; 船上作业和货物装卸;
The IGC, GC and EGC Codes, where applic able; 可申请的 IGC、GC 和 EGC 代码;
SIGTIO and ICS Guides; SIGTIO 和 ICS 指南;
Cargo reliquefaction procedures; 货物再液化程序;
Cargo tank environmental control procedures when gas freeing and gassing up; 释放气体和加气时的货舱环境控制程序;
Hazards associated with thermal loads, partic ularly when cooling down; 与热负荷有关的危险,特别是在冷却时;
The minimum cargo temperature; 最低货物温度;
Requirements formedic al treatment following exposure to hazardous cargoes; 接触危险货物后的医疗要求;
Spill response; 泄漏应对措施;
Communic ation procedures with shore; 与岸上的沟通程序;
Emergency stop procedures, including which systems are affected by ESD activation. 紧急停止程序,包括哪些系统会受到静电放电激活的影响。
And, as required: 而且,根据要求
The meaning of Category X,YX, Y, Zand OS cargoes; 类别 X,YX, Y 的含义,Zand OS 货物;
Precautions for reactive and self-reactive cargoes; 对反应性和自反应性货物的防范措施;
Limitations when loading high density cargoes; 装载高密度货物时的限制;
Effec ts of sloshing loads; 荡载的影响
Hazards associated with toxic cargoes. 与有毒货物有关的危险。
Foreach gascamied a review of the camiage requirements should have been made in orderto ensure that the cargo plan contains all the necessary information for the safe camiage of the product. The review should reference: 在每次装运前,都应对装运要求进行审查,以确保货运计划包含安全装运产品的所有必要信息。审查应参考
The IGC Code Chapter 19; IGC 守则》第 19 章;
The Certific ate of Fitness; 健身证书
The P and A Manual; and P 和 A 手册;以及
Material Safety Data Sheets. 材料安全数据表。
8.10 Is the chief officer familiar with the term ‘reference temperature’ and is he/ she aware of the reference temperature for the existing cargo? 8.10 主任是否熟悉 "参考温度 "一词,是否了解现有货物的参考温度?
Reference temperature means: 参考温度是指
The temperature corresponding to the vapour pressure of the cargo at the set pressure of the pressure relief valves when no cargo vapourpressure/temperature control is provided; 在没有货物蒸汽压力/温度控制装置时,泄压阀设定压力下货物蒸汽压力对应的温度;
The temperature of the cargo upon termination loading, during transportation, orat unloading, whic hever is the greatest, when a cargo vapour pressure/temperature control is provided. If this reference temperature would result in the cargo tank becoming liquid full before the cargo reaches a temperature corresponding to the vapour pressure of the cargo at the set pressure of the relief valves as required by in chapter8.2, an additional pressure relieving system complying with chapter8.3 should be fitted. (IGC 15.1.4) 在装有货物蒸汽压力/温度控制装置的情况下,货物在装货结束、运输过程中或卸货时的温度,以最高者为准。如果该参考温度会导致货舱在货物达到第 8.2 章所要求的泄压阀设定压力下的货物蒸汽压力温度之前变为满舱,则应安装符合第 8.3 章的附加泄压系统。(IGC 15.1.4)
8.11 Is a cargo compatibility chart available? 8.11 是否有货物兼容性表?
Charterers instructions for cargo compatibility issues should be followed. 应遵守承租人关于货物兼容性问题的指示。
It will be necessary to check compatibilities and the ship’s natural ability to segregate, if more than one cargo grade is to be camied. On such occasions, special attention must be given to the ship’s reliquefaction system. There may also be a need, when changing cargoes, to replace the lubricating oil in compressors for certa in cargoes. 如果要装载的货物等级超过一种,则有必要检查兼容性和船舶的自然分隔能力。在这种情况下,必须特别注意船舶的再反应系统。在更换货物时,还可能需要为特定货物更换压缩机中的润滑油。
Refrigerants used for reliquefaction shall be compatible with the cargo they may come into contact with. In addition, when several refrigerants are used and may come into contact, they shall be compatible with each other. (IGC 7.3.2) 用于再液化的制冷剂必须与可能接触的货物相容。此外,当使用多种制冷剂并可能接触货物时,这些制冷剂应相互兼容。(IGC 7.3.2)
8.12 Are cargo operations being camied out and logged in accordance with the plan? 8.12 货物操作是否按照计划进行并记录?
The log (that may be electronic) must include details of all major events including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps and tanks being worked. 日志(可以是电子日志)必须包括所有重大事件的细节,包括主要货泵和压载泵的启动和停止,以及正在工作的水箱。
8.13 Are officers aware of the doc umentation and handling requirements forcargoes with inhibitors, and if the cargo carried is required to be inhibited, is the required information available? 8.13 官员是否了解装有抑制剂的货物的文件和处理要求?
Care shall be taken to ensure that the cargo is sufficiently inhibited to prevent self-reaction (e.g. polymerization ordimerization) at all times during the voyage. Ships shall be provided with a certific ate from the manufacturer stating: 应注意确保货物在航行过程中始终受到充分抑制,以防止自反应(如聚合骤化)。应向船舶提供制造商出具的证明,说明:
. 1 name and amount of inhibitor added; .1 添加的抑制剂名称和数量;
. 2 date inhibitor was added and the normally expected duration of its effectiveness; .2 添加抑制剂的日期及其通常预期的有效期;
. 3 any temperature limitations affecting the inhibitor, and .3 影响抑制剂的任何温度限制,以及
.4 the action to be taken should the length of the voyage exceed the effective lifetime of the inhibitors. (IGC 17.8) .4 如果航程超过抑制剂的有效寿命,应采取的行动。(IGC 17.8)
In cases where polymerization of vinyl chloride is prevented by addition of an inhibitor, 17.8 is applic able. In cases where no inhibitor hasbeen added, or the inhibitor concentration is insuffic ient, any inert gas used for the purposes of 17.6 shall contain no more oxygen than 0.1%0.1 \% by volume. Before loading is started, inert gas samples from the tanks and piping shall be analysed. When vinyl chloride is camied, a positive pressure shall always be maintained in the tanks and during ballast voyages between successive camiages. (IGC 17.19) 在加入抑制剂防止氯乙烯聚合的情况下,可适用 17.8。在未添加抑制剂或抑制剂浓度不足的情况下,用于 17.6 的任何惰性气体的氧气含量按体积计算不得超过 0.1%0.1 \% 。在开始装载之前,应对罐体和管道中的惰性气体样品进行分析。在装载氯乙烯时,罐内应始终保持正压,在两次装载之间的压载航行中也应保持正压。(IGC 17.19)
Where products are required to be inhibited, the certific ate required by 17.8 shall be supplied before departure, otherwise the cargo shall not be transported. (IGC 18.4.3) 如果产品需要抑制,应在启运前提供 17.8 所要求的证书,否则货物不得运输。(IGC 18.4.3)
Note: The products which are required to be inhibited are identified in column ’ 1 ’ of Chapter 19. They are Butadiene, Isoprene, Vinyl ethyl ether and Vinylidene chloride. Products required to be inhibited should be refused if an inhibitor certific ate is not a vailable. 注: 第 19 章 "1 "栏中列出了需要抑制的产品。它们是丁二烯、异戊二烯、乙烯基乙醚和偏二氯乙烯。如果没有抑制剂证书,则应拒绝接受需要抑制的产品。
8.14 Are all officers aware of the emergency procedures for dealing with leakage, spillage or fire involving the cargo? 8.14 是否所有官员都了解处理货物泄漏、溢出或起火的应急程序?
Contingency plans in accordance with, for spillage of cargo camied at ambient temperature, shall take account of potential local temperature reduction such as when the escaped cargo has reduced to atmospheric pressure and the potential effect of this cooling on hull steel. (IGC 18.3.3) 根据 制定的在环境温度下装载的货物泄漏应急计划,应考虑到可能出现的局部温度降低,如泄漏货物降至大气压时的温度降低,以及这种冷却对船体钢材的潜在影响。(IGC 18.3.3)
Cargo Handling and Monitoring Equipment 货物装卸和监控设备
8.15 Are the cargo, booster, ballast and stripping pumps, eductors and their associated instrumentation and controls, where fitted, in good order, free of leaks and is there evidence of regular testing? 8.15 货物泵、增压泵、压载泵和汽提泵、导流器及其相关仪器和控制装置(如已安装)是否完好无损、无泄漏,是否有定期检测的证据?
Instrumentation, valves and pipework should be clearly marked to indic ate theirservice and where applic able the compartments to which they relate. 仪器仪表、阀门和管道应清楚地标明其服务,并在适用的情况下标明与之相关的舱室。
Notes: The officers should understand the highermanifold pressures involved when operating deepwell pumps in series with booster pumps. 注释:官员应了解深井泵与增压泵串联运行时涉及的高压。
8.16 Are the offic ers aware of the operational requirements for the cargo heater and/or vaporiser, where fitted, are they in good order, and is there evidence of regular pressure testing? 8.16 主管人员是否了解货物加热器和/或蒸发器的操作要求(如已安装),是否完好无损, 是否有定期压力测试的证据?
The number of plugged tubes in cargo condensers, heaters or vaporisers should not exceed 25%25 \%. 货物冷凝器、加热器或蒸发器中堵塞的管子数量不应超过 25%25 \% 。
8.17 Are cargo pump performance curves available, are deck officers a ware of the requirements for cargo lines, vapour and inert gas lines on the system? 8.17 是否有货泵性能曲线,甲板人员是否了解系统中货物管路、蒸汽管路和惰性气体管路的要求?
The greater of the following design conditions shall be used for piping, piping systems and components, based on the cargoes being camied: 根据所装运货物的情况,管道、管道系统和部件应采用以下设计条件中的较大者:
. 1 for vapour piping systems or components that may be separated from their relief valves and which may contain some liquid, the saturated vapour pressure at a design temperature of 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. Higher or lower values may be used (see; or .1 对于可能与溢流阀分离且可能含有一些液体的蒸汽管道系统或组件,设计温度为 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 时的饱和蒸汽压力。 可以使用更高或更低的值(见;或
.2 for systems or components that may be separated from their relief valves and which contain only vapour at all times, the superheated vapour pressure at 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. Higher orlower values may be used (see, assuming an initial condition of saturated vapour in the system at the system operating pressure and temperature; or .2 对于可能与溢流阀分离且在任何时候都只含有蒸汽的系统或组件, 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 处的过热蒸汽压力。 可以使用更高或更低的数值(见,假设系统在系统工作压力和温度下的初始状态为饱和蒸汽;或
.3 the MARVS of the cargo tanks and cargo processing systems; or .3 货舱和货物处理系统的 MARVS;或
.4 the pressure setting of the associated pump or compressor discharge relief valve; or .4 相关泵或压缩机排气溢流阀的压力设定值;或
.5 the maximum total disc harge or loading head of the cargo piping system considering all possible pumping arrangements or the relief valve setting on a pipeline system. (IGC 5.4.2) Those parts of the liquid piping systems that may be subjected to surge pressures shall be designed to withstand this pressure. (IGC 5.4.3) .5 考虑到所有可能的泵送安排或管道系统的溢流阀设定值,货物管道系统的最大总盘压或装载压头。(IGC 5.4.2) 液体管道系统中可能承受浪涌压力的部分,其设计必须能承受这一压力。(IGC 5.4.3)
Cargo, Vapour and Inert Gas lines should be inspected where visible and any evidence of damage, corrosion orleakage from glands and flanges recorded as an observation’. Partic ular attention should be paid to those linesfabricated from low temperature or carbon steels, especially if there is damage to the insulation where wateringress may have occured. Any damage to insulation should be recorded. 应检查可见的货物、蒸汽和惰性气体管道,并将任何损坏、腐蚀或从接头和法兰泄漏的迹象记录为观察结果"。应特别注意那些用低温钢或碳钢制造的管路,尤其是在绝缘层受损可能进水的情况下。绝缘层的任何损坏都应记录在案。
Routine pressure testing of cargo lines, vapour lines and inert gas lines is not required. 无需对货物管路、蒸汽管路和惰性气体管路进行常规压力测试。
8.18 Are the Cargo and ballast system valves in good order and is there evidence of regular testing? 8.18 货物和压载系统阀门是否完好,是否有定期检测的证据?
Every cargo tank and piping system shall be fitted with manually operated valves for isolation purposes as specified in this section. (IGC 每个货油舱和管道系统均须按本节规定安装用于隔离的手动阀门。(IGC
In addition, remotely operated valves shall also be fitted, as appropriate, aspart of the emergency shutdown (ESD) system the purpose of which is to stop cargo flow orleakage in the event of an emergency when cargo liquid or vapour transfer is in progress. (IGC 此外,还应酌情安装遥控阀门,作为紧急关闭(ESD)系统的一部分,其目的是在货物液体或蒸汽转移过程中发生紧急情况时停止货物流动或泄漏。(IGC
Valve closing times should be periodic ally checked with manufacturers data to ensure they do not create potential surge pressures in the system when closed. 阀门的关闭时间应定期与制造商的数据进行核对,以确保阀门关闭时不会在系统中产生潜在的浪涌压力。
8.19 Are the officers aware of the test requirements for cargo system remote and local tank pressure, temperature, and level sensors and gauges, and are these in good order with evidence of regular testing? 8.19 官员是否了解货物系统远程和本地罐体压力、温度和液位传感器和压力表的测试要求,这些传感器和压力表是否完好,是否有定期测试的证据?
Each cargo tank shall be fitted with liquid level gauging device(s), arranged to ensure that a level reading is always obtainable whenever the cargo tank is operational. (IGC 13.2.1) 每个货油舱应安装液位测量装置,以确保在货油舱工作时始终能获得液位读数。(IGC 13.2.1)
Where only one liquid level gauge is fitted, it shall be arranged so that it can be maintained in an operational condition without the need to empty orgas-free the tank. (IGC 13.2.2) 如只装有一个液位计,液位计的布置应能使其保持工作状态而无需清空罐体。(IGC 13.2.2)
The vapour space of each cargo tank shall be provided with a direct reading gauge. Additionally, an indirect indic ation shall be provided at the control position required by 13.1.2. Maximum and minimum allowable pressures shall be clearly indicated. (IGC 13.4.1) 每个货油箱的蒸气空间应装有直接读数的压力表。此外,还应在 13.1.2 要求的控制位置提供间接指示。最大和最小允许压力应清楚标明。(IGC 13.4.1)
Each cargo tank shall be provided with at least two devicesfor indicating cargo temperatures, one placed at the bottom of the cargo tank and the second near the top of the tank, below the highest allowable liquid level. The lowest temperature for which the cargo tank has been designed, as shown 每个货箱应至少有两个显示货物温度的装置,一个置于货箱底部,另一个靠近货箱顶部,低于最高允许液面。货箱设计的最低温度,如图所示
on the Intemational Certific ate of Fitness for the Camiage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk required by 1.4.4, shall be clearly indic ated by means of a sign on ornearthe temperature indic ating devices. (IGC 13.5.1) 1.4.4 所要求的散装液化气体国际适航证上的 "温度 "一词,须在温度指示装置上或其旁边用标志清楚地标明。(IGC 13.5.1)
Instruments shall be tested to ensure reliability under the working conditions and recalibrated at regular intervals. Test procedures for instruments and the intervals between recalibration shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. (IGC 13.1.3) 仪器必须经过测试,以确保在工作条件下的可靠性,并定期重新校准。仪器的测试程序和重新校准的间隔时间应符合制造商的建议。(IGC 13.1.3)
Dates of testing and comparisons with secondary tank level gauges should be reviewed and observations recorded where there are signific ant discrepancies. 应审查检测日期以及与副油箱液位计的比较,并记录存在明显差异的意见。
8.20 Are the officers a ware of the test requirements for the cargo tank high level and overflow alams, and are they in good order with evidence of regulartesting and in use forboth cargo loading and discharging? 8.20 官员是否了解货舱高位和溢流挡板的测试要求,这些挡板是否完好无损,是否有证 据表明在装卸货物时都在进行规范测试和使用?
At the first oc casion of full loading after delivery and after each dry-docking, testing of high-level alarms shall be conducted by raising the cargo liquid level in the cargo tank to the alam point. (IGC 13.3.5) 在交付后的第一次满载和每次干舷后,应将货舱内的货物液面升高至液面点,以测试高位报警器。(IGC 13.3.5)
All elements of the level alams, including the electric al circuit and the sensor(s), of the high, and overfill alarms, shall be capable of being functionally tested. Systems shall be tested prior to cargo operation in accordance with 18.6.2. (IGC 13.3.6) 液位计的所有元件,包括电路和传感器、高报警器和过满报警器,均须能进行功能测试。在货物操作前,须按照 18.6.2(IGC 13.3.6)对系统进行测试。
8.21 Are tank domes, associated fittings in good order, free from comosion and leaks? 8.21 罐顶、相关配件是否完好无损、无破损和泄漏?
8.22 Are officers aware of safe cargo sampling procedures, are sample lines provided for both liquid and vapour with double valve anangement on the liquid line and capped when not in use? 8.22 官员是否了解安全的货物取样程序,是否为液体和蒸气提供了取样管路,并在液体管路上安装了双阀门,在不使用时加盖?
Connections to cargo piping systems fortaking cargo liquid samples shall be clearly marked and shall be designed to minimize the release of cargo vapours. For vesselspermitted to camy toxic products, the sampling system shall be of a closed loop design to ensure that cargo liquid and vapour are not vented to atmosphere. (IGC 与采集货物液体样品的货物管道系统的连接处应有明显标记,其设计应尽量减少货物蒸汽的释放。对于获准装载有毒产品的船舶,取样系统必须采用闭合循环设计,以确保货物液体和蒸汽不会排入大气。(IGC
Liquid sampling systems shall be provided with two valves on the sample inlet. One of these valves shall be of the multi-tum type to avoid accidental opening and shall be spaced farenough apart to ensure that they can isolate the line if there is blockage, by ice orhydrates for example. (IGC 液体取样系统应在样品入口处安装两个阀门。其中一个阀门应为多鼓式,以避免意外打开,其间距应足够大,以确保在冰或水合物等堵塞时能隔离管路。(IGC
The connection to the sample container shall comply with recognized standards and be supported so as to be able to support the weight of a sample container. Threaded connections shall be tackwelded, orotherwise locked, to prevent them being unscrewed during the nomal connection and disconnection of sample containers. The sample connection shall be fitted with a closure plug or flange to prevent any leakage when the connection is not in use. (IGC 与样品容器的连接应符合公认的标准,其支撑应能承受样品容器的重量。螺纹连接应采用粘焊或其他锁定方式,以防止在名义上连接和断开样品容器时被拧开。样品连接处必须装有封闭塞或法兰,以防止在不使用连接处时发生泄漏。(IGC
Sample connections used only forvapour samples may be fitted with a single valve in accordance with 5.5, 5.8 and 5.13, and shall also be fitted with a closure plug or flange. (IGC 根据 5.5、5.8 和 5.13 的规定,仅用于蒸气样品的取样接口可安装一个单阀门, 并应安装一个封闭塞或法兰。(IGC
Any cargo sampling shall be conducted under the supenvision of an officer who shall ensure that protective clothing appropriate to the hazards of the cargo is used by everyone involved in the operation. 任何货物取样均应在一名官员的监督下进行,该官员应确保参与作业的每个人都穿戴适合货物危险性的防护服。
When taking liquid cargo samples, the officershall ensure that the sampling equipment is suitable for the temperatures and pressures involved, including cargo pump discharge pressure, if relevant. The officer shall ensure that any cargo sample equipment used is connected properly to avoid any cargo leakage. 在采集液态货物样品时,官员应确保采样设备适合所涉及的温度和压力,包括货泵排放压力(如相关)。官员应确保所使用的任何货物取样设备连接正确,以避免任何货物泄漏。
If the cargo to be sampled is a toxic product, the officershall ensure that a “closed loop” sampling system as defined in 1.2.15 is used to minimize any cargo release to atmosphere. (IGC 18.9) 如果要取样的货物是有毒产品,官员应确保使用 1.2.15 中定义的 "闭环 "取样系 统,以尽量减少货物向大气的排放。(IGC 18.9)
8.23 Where any cargo or vapour lines are insulated, is the insulation in good orderand inspection routines in place? 8.23 如果货物或蒸汽管道有隔热层,隔热层是否完好无损,是否有例行检查?
Liquid and vapour lines are not required to be insulated. However, if insulation is fitted, a programme to regularly check and record its condition should be in place. There are a numberof methodsused today to inspect for comosion underinsulation (CUI) including profile radiography, ultrasonic spot readings, and insulation removal. Whatevermethod used should provide an effective sample check on all insulated linesprovided onboard and effectively planned for vessels repair periods. 液体和蒸汽管道不需要隔热。不过,如果安装了隔热材料,则应制定定期检查和记录其状况的计划。目前有多种方法可用于检查隔热材料不足 (CUI),包括轮廓射线照相法、超声波点读数法和拆除隔热材料法。无论使用哪种方法,都应对船上提供的所有绝缘线路进行有效的抽样检查,并对船舶维修期进行有效规划。
Record an Observation if there is any evidence of corrosion. 如果有任何腐蚀迹象,请记录观察结果。
8.24 Where cargo or vapour lines are isolated from the structure, are joints elec tric ally bonded? Where tanksor cargo piping and piping equipment are separated from the ship’s structure by thermal isolation, provision shall be made for electric ally bonding both the piping and the tanks. All gasketed pipe joints and hose connections shall be electric ally bonded. Except where bonding straps are used, it shall be demonstrated that the electric al resistance of each joint or connection is less than 1 M. (IGC 5.7.4) 8.24 当货物或蒸汽管路与结构隔离时,接头处是否电气连接?如油舱、货物管道和管道设备与船体结构有热隔离,则管道和油舱均须用电粘接。所有带垫圈的管接头和软管连接处均应采用电粘接。除使用粘接带外,应证明每个接头或连接处的电阻均小于 1 M (IGC 5.7.4)
8.25 Are cargo and vapour line expansion arrangements in good order? 8.25 货物和蒸汽管道膨胀装置是否完好?
Provision shall be made to protect the piping, piping system and components and cargo tanks from excessive stressesdue to themal movement and from movements of the tank and hull structure. The preferred method outside the cargo tanks is by means of offsets, bends or loops, but multi-layer bellows may be used if offsets, bends orloops are not practic able. (IGC 5.7.1) 应规定保护管道、管道系统和部件及货舱,使其不致因其本身的移动和货舱及船体结构的移动而受到过大的应力。货舱外的首选方法是采用偏置、弯曲或环形结构,但如果偏置、弯曲或环形结构不可行,也可使用多层波纹管。(IGC 5.7.1)
Where bellows and expansion joints are provided in accordance with 5.7.1, the following requirements apply: 在根据 5.7.1 提供波纹管和伸缩缝的情况下,适用以下要求:
. 1 if necessary, bellows shall be protected against icing; and .1 如有必要,应防止波纹管结冰;以及
. 2 slip joints shall not be used except within the cargo tanks. (IGC 5.8.4 .2 除货舱外,不得使用滑移接头。(IGC 5.8.4
8.26 Are liquid and vapour lines free to move inside their clamps? 8.26 液体和蒸汽管路是否可以在管夹内自由移动?
8.27 Are pipeline drains and stub pieces valved and capped and in good order? 8.27 管道排水沟和支管是否装有阀门和盖子,是否完好无损?
8.28 Are cargo line and system relief valves in good orderand officers aware of the requirements? 8.28 货物管路和系统溢流阀是否完好无损,官员是否了解相关要求?
All pipelines or components which may be isolated in a liquid full condition shall be protected with relief valvesfor themal expansion and evaporation. (IGC 5.5.6) 所有可能在满液状态下被隔离的管道或部件均应安装泄压阀,以防止它们的热膨胀和蒸发。(IGC 5.5.6)
Relief valves discharging liquid cargo from the piping system shall discharge into the cargo tanks. Altematively, they may discharge to the cargo vent mast, if means are provided to detect and dispose of any liquid cargo that may flow into the vent system. Where required to prevent overpressure in downstream piping, relief valves on cargo pumps shall discharge to the pump suction. (IGC 从管道系统排出液态货物的溢流阀应排入货舱。或者,如果提供了检测和处理可能流入排气系统的任何液态货物的装置,则可将泄压阀排放至货物排气桅杆。在需要防止下游管道超压的情况下,货泵上的溢流阀应向泵吸入口排放。(IGC
Short line section of less than 50 litres volume may be exempt from a ‘hydrostat’ relief valve perIACS agreement. 根据 IACS 协议,容积小于 50 升的短管段可免装 "水力控制 "溢流阀。
8.29 Are cargo pipelines free of screwed-in connections? 8.29 货物管道是否没有螺纹连接?
Screwed couplings complying with recognized standards shall only be used for accessory lines and instrumentation lines with extemal diameters of 25 mm or less. (IGC 符合公认标准的螺纹接头只能用于外径小于或等于 25 毫米的辅助管路和仪表管路。(IGC
8.30 Is the cargo tank high level alam system independent of both the gauging system and in the case of IGC vessels, also independent of the high level shut-down (overflow control) system and are officers aware of the overide procedures where provided? 8.30 货舱高水位报警系统是否独立于测量系统,如果是 IGC 船舶,是否也独立于高水位关闭(溢流控制)系统?
Except asprovided in 13.3.4, each cargo tank shall be fitted with a high liquid level alarm operating independently of other liquid level indic ators and giving an audible and visual waming when activated. (IGC 13.3.1) 除 13.3.4 另有规定外,每个货油舱均应装有高液位报警器,该报警器独立于其他液位指示器工作,并在启动时发出声光报警。(IGC 13.3.1)
An additional sensor*operating independently of the high liquid level alarm shall automatic ally actuate a shutoff valve in a manner that will both a void excessive liquid pressure in the loading line and prevent the tank from becoming liquid full. (IGC 13.3.2) 与高液位报警器独立运行的另一个传感器* 应自动启动截止阀,既能消除装载管路中过高的液 压,又能防止罐体满液。(IGC 13.3.2)
A high liquid level alarm and automatic shut-off of cargo tank filling need not be required, when the cargo tank: 当货箱液位较高时,不需要高液位警报和自动关闭货箱加注功能:
. 1 is a pressure tank with a volume not more than 200m3200 \mathrm{m3}; or .1 是容积不大于 200m3200 \mathrm{m3} 的压力罐;或
.2 is designed to withstand the maximum possible pressure during the loading operation, and such pressure is below that of the set pressure of the cargo tank relief valve. (IGC 13.3.4) .2的设计能承受装货作业时可能的最大压力,且该压力低于货舱泄压阀的设定压力。(IGC 13.3.4)
*Note There is no requirement for GC vessels to have an independent sensor from the high-level alarm to activate the shut off valve. *注释 GC 容器不需要有独立于高位报警器的传感器来激活截止阀。
Where arrangements are provided for ovemiding the overflow control system, they shall be such that inadvertent operation is prevented. When this ovemide is operated, continuous visual indic ation shall be given at the relevant control station(s) and the navigation bridge. (IGC 13.3.7) 如为溢流控制系统的操作作出安排,应能防止误操作。当操作溢流控制系统时,相关控制站和导航桥须有持续的视觉指示。(IGC 13.3.7)
The system should only be ovemidden in exceptional circumstances, such as if the tank has been overfilled and it is necessary to by-pass the overflow control system to discharge the tank. Such systems are occasionally over-ridden at sea during reliquefaction. 该系统只有在特殊情况下才能被超限使用,例如油箱已被过量注油,需要绕过溢流控制系统来排放油箱。在海上发生再液化时,此类系统偶尔会被超载。
8.31 Are there records of the calibration of key cargo instrumentation, including temperature and pressure gauges? 8.31 是否有关键货物仪器(包括温度计和压力计)的校准记录?
Instruments shall be tested to ensure reliability under the working conditions and recalibrated at regular intervals. Test procedures for instruments and the intervals between rec alibration shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. (IGC 13.1.3) 仪器必须经过测试,以确保在工作条件下的可靠性,并定期重新校准。仪器的测试程序和重新校准的间隔时间应符合制造商的建议。(IGC 13.1.3)
There should be records of the regular checking and calibration of instrumentation, partic ularly cargo tank temperature and pressure gauges and reliquefaction plant instruments. Calibration should be camied out preferably at intervals not exceeding 36 months. Calibration of instrumentation is often diffic ult whilst the vessel is in service and it is usually camied out during repairperiods. However, comparisons between local and remote themometer readings and crosschecking with cargo vapour pressure (from tables) provide a practic al cross-reference, particularly for high purity cargoessuch as PolymerGrade Propylene. 应有定期检查和校准仪器的记录,特别是货舱温度和压力表以及再液化设备仪器。校准最好每隔不超过 36 个月进行一次。仪器的校准通常是在船舶服役期间进行,而且通常是在维修期间进行。不过,比较本地和远程温度计的读数,并与货物蒸汽压力(来自表格)进行交叉核对,可提供实用的交叉参考,尤其是对于高纯度货物,如聚合物级丙烯。
8.32 Are the officers a ware of the dangers of using slip tubes where fitted and do procedures preclude their use except for emergencies? 8.32 警官是否知道使用滑管的危险,是否有程序规定除紧急情况外不得使用滑管?
Restricted devices which penetrate the tank and, when in use, permit a small quantity of cargo vapour or liquid to escape to the atmosphere, such as fixed tube and slip tube gauges. When not in use, the devices shall be kept completely closed. The design and installation shall ensure that no dangerous escape of cargo can take place when opening the device. Such gauging devicesshall be so designed that the maximum opening does not exceed 1.5 mm diameter or equivalent area, unless the device is provided with an excess flow valve. (IGC 穿透罐体并在使用时允许少量货物蒸气或液体逸出到大气中的限制性装置,如固定管和滑管压力表。不使用时,这些装置应完全关闭。设计和安装应确保在打开装置时不会有危险的货物逸出。此类测量装置的设计应使最大开口直径不超过 1.5 毫米或同等面积,除非该装置装有过流阀。(IGC
A small amount of cargo vapour or liquid is released during level measurement; therefore, they are a restricted type of gauging device and must not be used when toxic cargoes are camied and in the case of flammable cargoes, only if pemitted by the terminal and the charterer. 在测量液位时,会释放出少量的货物蒸汽或液体;因此,这是一种受限制的测量装置,在装载有毒货物时不得使用,而在装载易燃货物时,只有在码头和租船人同意的情况下才能使用。
If slip tubes are the only method of gauging, record the fact as an Observation. 如果滑管是唯一的测量方法,则将其记录为 "观察结果"。
Cargo Compressor and Motor Rooms: 货运压缩机房和电机房:
8.33 Are the officers’ familiar with the operation of the cargo conditioning (reliquefaction) plant and associated machinery and is instrumentation in good order? 8.33 人员是否熟悉货物调节(再液化)装置和相关机械的操作,仪器是否完好?
Records should be available of the pressure testing of cargo condensers and of the calibration of cargo system instrumentation. 应有货物冷凝器压力测试和货物系统仪器校准的记录。
8.34 Are the crew aware of the hazards of the cargo compressorand motor rooms and are they clean and free of combustible material? 8.34 机组人员是否了解货物压缩机室和发动机室的危险性,这些地方是否清洁,是否没有可燃物质?
8.35 Are the bulkhead seals between the compressor room and the motor room gas tight and well lubric ated? 8.35 压缩机房和电机房之间的隔板密封是否气密和润滑良好?
Cargo compressors and cargo pumpsmay be driven by electric motors in an adjacent non-hazardous space separated by a bulkhead ordeck, if the seal around the bulkhead penetration ensures effective gastight segregation of the two spaces. Altematively, such equipment may be driven by certified safe electric motors adjacent to them if the electric al installation complies with the requirements of chapter 10. (IGC 3.3.4) 货物压缩机和货物泵可由相邻的非危险空间内的电动机驱动,该空间由舱壁顺序隔开,但舱壁贯穿件周围的密封须确保两个空间的有效气密隔离。另外,如果电动机的安装符合第 10 章的要求,这些设备可由相邻的经认证的安全电动机驱动。(IGC 3.3.4)
Where fitted inspectors should check lubric ator reservoirs conta in suffic ient oil. 在安装的情况下,检查员应检查润滑器储油罐是否有足够的润滑油。
8.36 Is the compressor room free of gas leaks? 8.36 压缩机房是否有气体泄漏?
8.37 Is the compressor room well-lit and are electrical fitings suitable for use in gas-hazardous areas and in good order? 8.37 压缩机房是否光线充足,电气设备是否适合在气体危险区域使用,是否完好无损?
8.38 Are officers aware of the requirements for the compressor room ventilation system and is the system maintaining negative relative pressure? 8.38 人员是否了解压缩机房通风系统的要求,该系统是否能保持相对负压?
8.39 Are officers aware of the requirements for the motor room ventilation system and is the system maintaining relative positive pressure and operating satisfactorily? 8.39 人员是否了解电机房通风系统的要求,该系统是否保持相对正压并运行良好?
8.40 Are the officers aware of the requirements for airlocks, are the alarms in good order and in the event of pressure in the air-lock lost, will the shutdown system operate comectly? 8.40 官员是否了解气闸的要求,警报器是否完好无损,在气闸失去压力的情况下,关闭系统是否能正常运行?
Access from the open weatherdeck to non-hazardous areas shall be located outside the hazardous areas as defined in chapter 10, unless the access is by means of an airlock in accordance with 3.6. (IGC 3.5.4) 从开放式气象台通往非危险区域的通道应位于第10章规定的危险区域之外,除非该通道是通过符合3.6规定的气闸(IGC 3.5.4)。
Access between hazardous area on the open weatherdeck and non-hazardous spaces shall be by means of an airlock. This shall consist of two self-closing, substantially gastight, steel doors without any 开放式风雨甲板上的危险区域与非危险空间之间应通过气闸进入。气闸应由两扇自动关闭、基本密闭的钢门组成,且不带任何气流。
holding back arrangements, capable of maintaining the overpressure, at least 1.5 m but no more than 2.5 m apart. The airlock space shall be artific ially ventilated from a non-hazardous area and maintained at an overpressure to the hazardous area on the weatherdeck. (IGC 3.6.1) (IGC3.6.1)。气闸空间应从非危险区域进行人工通风,并与气象台的危险区域保持超压(IGC 3.6.1)。
An audible and visible alam system to give a waming on both sides of the airlock shall be provided. The visible alarm shall indicate if one door is open. The audible alarm shall sound if doors on both sides of the airlock are moved from the closed positions. (IGC 3.6.3) 应在气闸两侧安装声响和可视警报系统。可见报警器应显示一扇门是否打开。如果气闸两侧的门从关闭位置移开,声响报警器应发出声响。(IGC 3.6.3)
In shipscamying flammable products, electric al equipment that islocated in spacesprotected by airlocks and not of the certified safe type, shall be de-energized in case of loss of overpressure in the space. (IGC 3.6.4) 在装有易燃品的船舱内,如电气设备位于有气闸保护的空间内,且非经认证的安全型式,则在空间内失去超压时,应切断电气设备的电源。(IGC 3.6.4)
8.41 Are the officers' familiar with the operation and requirements of the fixed gas detection 8.41 有關人員是否熟悉固定氣體探測系統的運作和要求?
equipment and is the equipment in good order?
A permanently installed system of gas detection and audible and visual alarms shall be fitted in: 必须在以下地点安装永久性的气体探测系统和声光报警器:
.1 all enclosed cargo and cargo machinery spaces (including turret compartments) containing gaspiping, gas equipment orgasconsumers; .1 所有封闭的货物和货物机械空间(包括炮塔舱),内有气管、气体设备或消耗器;
.2 otherenclosed or semi-enclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumulate, including interbamier spaces and hold spaces for independent tanksother than type C tanks; .2 其他可能积聚货物蒸汽的封闭或半封闭空间,包括夹层空间和 C 型罐体以外的独立罐体的容纳空间;
. 3 a irlocks; .3 个锁;
.4 spacesin gas-fired intemal combustion engines, referred to in; .4 中提及的燃气内燃机中的空间;
.5 ventilation hoods and gasducts required by chapter16; .5 第 16 章所要求的通风罩和气体导管;
6 cooling/heating circuits, as required by 7.8.4; 根据 7.8.4 的要求,有 6 个冷却/加热回路;
7 inert gas generator supply headers; and 7 个惰性气体发生器供气头;以及
.8 motor rooms for cargo handling machinery. (IGC 13.6.2) .8 货物装卸机械马达室。(IGC 13.6.2)
When sampling type gas detection equipment is used, the gasdetection equipment shall be capable of sampling and analysing for each sampling head location sequentially at intervals not exceeding 30 min. (IGC 13.6.8) 当使用取样型气体检测设备时,气体检测设备必须能够以不超过 30 分钟的间隔依次对每个取样头位置进行取样和分析(IGC 13.6.8)。
Alarms shall be activated when the vapour concentration by volume reaches the equivalent of 30%30 \% LFL in air. (IGC 13.6.15) 当蒸汽的体积浓度达到空气中 30%30 \% LFL 的当量时,应启动警报。(IGC 13.6.15)
8.42 Are the offic ers aware of the requirements for setting fixed gas detec tor sample points and, where applicable are they fitted at the appropriate level for the cargo being carried? 8.42 官员是否了解设置固定气体检测采样点的要求,以及在适用的情况下,这些采样点是否安装在所运货物的适当位置?
In every installation, the number and the positions of detection heads shall be determined with due regard to the size and layout of the compartment, the compositions and densities of the products intended to be camied and the dilution from compartment purging or ventilation and stagnant areas. (IGC 13.6.12) 在每次安装中,探测头的数量和位置应根据货舱的大小和布局、拟装运产品的成分和密度以及货舱清洗或通风和滞留区的稀释情况来确定。(IGC 13.6.12)
8.43 Where Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide cargoes maybe camied are the officers aware of the isolation requirements for the compressors and, if applicable are the compressors isolated at the time? 8.43 在可能装载环氧乙烷和环氧丙烷货物时,官员是否了解压缩机的隔离要求?
There should be approved procedures forthe camiage of PO, including the blanking or removal of spool pieces between the cargo compressors and the cargo containment. 应该有经批准的 PO 管束程序,包括在货物压缩机和货物容器之间的空隙或拆除阀芯。
Cast iron, mercury, aluminium alloys, copper and alloys of copper, silver and its alloys, magnesium and some stainless steels are unsuitable for the handling of ethylene oxide. 铸铁、汞、铝合金、铜和铜合金、银及其合金、镁和某些不锈钢不适合处理环氧乙烷。
Indirect cycle refrigeration plant is required for these cargoes. 这些货物需要使用间接循环制冷设备。
Void Spaces and Seals - Type C Cargo Tanks: 空隙和密封件 - C 型货物罐:
Note: This section appliesto Type C cargo tanks which do not require secondary bamiers. 注: 本节适用于不需要辅助底板的 C 型货油箱。
8.44 Are the officers aware of the environmental control of the void spaces and are void space seals where fitted in good order. Is the environmental control of void spaces satisfactory? Other Than Type C. Interbamier and hold spaces associated with cargo containment systems for flammable gases requining full orpartial secondary ba miers shall be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gas generation system, orby shipboard storage, which shall be sufficient fornormal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 9.2.1) 8.44 有关人员是否了解空隙的环境控制情况,空隙密封装置是否完好。空隙的环境控制是否令人满意?除 C 类外,与需要完全或部分二级保护的易燃气体货物密封系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,须用适当的干惰性气体进行惰化,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的或船上储存的补充气体保持惰化,补充气体须足够正常消耗至少 30 天。(IGC 9.2.1)
Fornon-flammable gases, the spaces referred to in 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 may be maintained with a suitable dry air or inert atmosphere. (IGC 9.2.3) 对于不易燃气体,可在 9.2.1 和 9.2.2 所述空间内保持适当的干燥空气或惰性气氛。(IGC 9.2.3)
Type C. Spacessurounding cargo tanksthat do not have secondary ba miers shall be filled with suitable dry inert gas ordry air and be maintained in this condition with make-up inert gas provided by a shipboard inert gas generation system, shipboard storage of inert gas, or with dry air provided by suitable air-drying equipment. If the cargo is camied at ambient temperature, the requirement fordry airor inert gas is not applic able. (IGC 9.3) C 类:无辅助舱的空间货舱应充入适当的干燥惰性气体或干燥空气,并用船载惰性 气体发生系统提供的补充惰性气体、船载惰性气体储存或适当的空气干燥设备提供 的干燥空气保持此状态。如果货物在环境温度下装载,则不需要干燥空气或惰性气体。(IGC 9.3)
8.45 Are officers’ familiar with the inspection requirements for the cargo tank insulation, where fitted, and is the insulation reported to be in good condition? 8.45 官员是否熟悉对货舱隔热层的检查要求(如果已安装),是否报告隔热层状况良好?
Themal insulation shall be provided, as required, to protect the hull from temperatures below those allowable (see 4.19.1) and limit the heat flux into the tank to the levels that can be maintained by the pressure and temperature control system applied in chapter 7. (IGC 4.10.1) 应按要求提供隔热材料,以保护罐体不低于允许的温度(见 4.19.1),并将进入罐体的热通量限制在第 7 章所述压力和温度控制系统所能维持的水平。(IGC 4.10.1)
Check hold space inspection records. If perlite insulation is used, establish that it is regularly checked and topped up as required. 检查舱室检查记录。如果使用珍珠岩隔热材料,应确保定期检查并按要求补充。
8.46 Are officers aware of the setting requirements for relief valves for void spaces, hold spaces and primary and sec ondary bamiers and, where fitted are they in good order? All cargo tanks shall be provided with a pressure relief system appropriate to the design of the cargo containment system and the cargo being camied. Hold spaces and interba mier spaces, which may be subject to pressures beyond theirdesign capabilities, shall also be provided with a suitable pressure relief system. (IGC 8.1) 8.46 官员是否知悉空隙、舱室、主要和次要底舱的泄压阀的设置要求,如已安装,是否完好无损?所有货舱均应配备与货物密封系统设计和所装货物相适应的泄压系统。货舱和舱间空间的压力可能超出其设计能力,也应配备适当的泄压系统。(IGC 8.1)
Interbamier spaces shall be provided with pressure relief devices. (IGC 8.2.2) 夹层空间应配备泄压装置。(IGC 8.2.2)
Hold spaces without open connection to the atmosphere should be provided with suitable pressure gauges. 没有与大气开放连接的舱室应配备合适的压力表。
Void and Interbamier Spaces and Seals - other cargo tank types: 空隙和夹层空间及密封件 - 其他货箱类型:
Note: This section should be completed for all types of cargo conta inment other than Type C cargo tanks. These include Type A and B cargo tanks. 注:除 C 型货油舱外,所有其他类型的货舱均应填写本节。其中包括 A 型和 B 型货舱。
For cargo conta inment systems other than Type C: 适用于 C 型以外的货物装载系统:
Interba mier and hold spaces associated with cargo conta inment systems for flammable gas requiring full secondary bamiers should be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gas generation system, orby shipboard storage which should be suffic ient for normal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 9.2.1) 与易燃气体货物装载系统有关的舱室间和舱室空间,如需要全副防护罩,应使用适当的干惰性气体进行惰化,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的补充气体或船上储存的气体保持惰化,补充气体应足够正常消耗至少30天。(IGC 9.2.1)
Interba mier and hold spaces associated with cargo conta inment systems for flammable gases requiring partial secondary bamiers should be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gas generation system, orby shipboard storage which should be suffic ient for normal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 与需要部分二级充气的易燃气体货物充气系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,应使用适当的干性惰性气体进行惰化,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的补充气体或船上储存的气体保持惰化,补充气体应足够正常消耗至少30天。(IGC
8.47 Are the officers’ familiar with the monitoring requirements of the interbamier spaces and are these regularly monitored, and the results recorded? 8.47 官员们是否熟悉双层空间的监测要求,是否定期监测并记录监测结果?
A permanently installed system of gas detection and audible and visual alams shall be fitted in other enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumulate, including interba mier spaces and hold spacesfor independent tanksother than type C tanks (IGC 在其他可能积聚货物蒸汽的封闭或半封闭空间,包括 C 型罐体以外的独立罐体的舱 间和货舱,应安装永久性的气体探测系统和声光警报器(IGC。
Where indic ated in column “f” in the table of chapter 19 ships certified for camiage of non-flammable products, oxygen deficiency monitoring shall be fitted in cargo machinery spaces and cargo tank hold spaces. (IGC 13.6.4) 第19章非易燃品装运船舶证书表中 "f "栏所列的货物机械舱和货舱必须安装缺氧监控装置。(IGC 13.6.4)
In the case of flammable products, the gasdetection equipment provided forhold spaces and 在易燃产品的情况下,为储藏室提供的气体检测设备和
interbamier spacesthat are required to be inerted shall be capable of measuring gasconcentrations of 0% to 100%100 \% by volume (IGC 13.6.14) 需要惰化的层间空间应能测量气体浓度为 0% 至 100%100 \% 体积浓度(IGC 13.6.14)。
Alarms shall be activated when the vapour concentration by volume reachesthe equivalent of 30%30 \% LFL in air. (IGC 13.6.15) 当蒸汽的体积浓度达到空气中的 30%30 \% LFL 值时,应启动警报。(IGC 13.6.15)
For LPG, 30% LEL is approximately the equivalent of 0.6% by volume. For LNG 30% LEL is the equivalent of 1.5%1.5 \% by volume. Records should be kept demonstrating the levels and any apparent trendsor changes in level. 对于液化石油气,30% 的 LEL 大约相当于 0.6% 的体积。对于液化天然气,30% LEL 相当于 1.5%1.5 \% 体积。应保存相关记录,以证明液化石油气的浓度水平以及浓度水平的任何明显趋势或变化。
8.48 Are the relief valves for the hold spaces and primary and sec ondary barriers in good order? 8.48 舱室、主隔板和次隔板的泄压阀是否完好?
Hold spaces and interbamierspaceswhich may be subject to pressures beyond their design c apabilities should be provided with a pressure relief system. 对于压力可能超出设计能力的舱室和舱室之间的空间,应配备泄压系统。
(IGC 8.1)
Interbamier spaces should be fitted with pressure relief devicesto the satisfaction of the Administration. 夹层空间应安装泄压装置,并达到行政部门满意的程度。
(IGC 8.2.2)
Note: Hold spaces without open connection to the atmosphere should be provided with suitable pressure gauges. 注:没有与大气敞开连接的容纳空间应配备合适的压力表。
8.49 Is there a means to sample for ingress of water into the interbamier spaces provided and are checks being rec orded? 8.49 是否有办法抽样检查水是否渗入所提供的夹层空间,是否定期检查?
Where cargo is camied in a cargo containment system not requining a secondary ba mier, suitable drainage arrangements for the hold spaces that are not connected with the machinery space shall be provided. Means of detecting any leakage shall be provided. (IGC 3.7.1) 如货物装载在不需要辅助舱门的货物密封系统中,则必须为与机械舱不相连的舱室提供适当的排水安排。须提供任何渗漏的探测手段。(IGC 3.7.1)
Where there is a secondary bamier, suitable drainage a mangements fordealing with any leakage into the hold or insulation spacesthrough the adjacent ship structure shall be provided. The suction shall not lead to pumps inside the machinery space. Means of detecting such leakage shall be provided. (IGC 3.7.2) 在有辅助舱的情况下,应配备适当的排水装置,以处理通过邻近船舶结构渗漏到舱室或隔热空间的情况。抽吸不得通向机械空间内的水泵。须提供检测此类渗漏的装置。(IGC 3.7.2)
The hold or interbamier spaces of type A independent tank shipsshall be provided with a drainage system suitable for handling liquid cargo in the event of cargo tank leakage orrupture. Such a rrangements shall provide for the retum of any cargo leakage to the liquid cargo piping. (IGC 3.7.3) A 型独立液货舱船舶的舱室或舱间空间应配备适合在货舱泄漏或破裂时处理液货的排水系统。该系统应能将泄漏的货物回流至液货管道。(IGC 3.7.3)
Inert Gas Systems: 惰性气体系统:
8.50 Is the inert gas system and/ or storage and associated pipework, where fitted, in good order? Interbamier and hold spaces associated with cargo containment systems for flammable gases requiring full or partial secondary bamiers shall be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gas generation system, orby shipboard storage, which shall be suffic ient for normal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 9.2.1) 8.50 惰性气体系统和(或)贮存及相关管道(如已安装)是否完好?与需要全部或部分二级密闭的易燃气体货物密闭系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,须用适当的干惰性气体进行惰化,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的或船上储存的补充气体保持惰化,补充气体须足够正常消耗至少30天。(IGC 9.2.1)
Where insulation spaces are continually supplied with an inert gas aspart of a leak detection system, means shall be provided to monitor the quantity of gas being supplied to individual spaces. (IGC 9.4.6) 如果隔热空间作为泄漏检测系统的一部分持续供应惰性气体,则必须提供监测向各个空间供应气体数量的手段。(IGC 9.4.6)
8.51 Are offic ers aware of the anrangements to prevent the backflow of cargo vapour into the 8.51 官员们是否知道防止货物蒸汽倒流到
inert gas system and is this a mangement in place?
Arrangements to prevent the backflow of cargo vapour into the inert gassystem that are suitable for the cargo camied, shall be provided. If such plants are located in machinery spaces or other spaces outside the cargo area, two non-retum valvesorequivalent devices and, in addition, a removable spool piece shall be fitted in the inert gasmain in the cargo area. When not in use, the inert gassystem shall be made separate from the cargo system in the cargo area except forconnections to the hold spacesor interbamier spaces. (IGC 9.4.4) 必须有适合于货舱的防止货物蒸汽倒流到惰性气体系统的装置。如这些设备位于机械空间或货舱外的其他空间,则须在货舱内的惰性气体主管道上安装两个非留气阀等同装置,并安装一个可拆卸的阀芯。不使用时,惰性气体系统须与货舱内的货物系统分开,但与货舱或舱间空间的连接除外。(IGC 9.4.4)
Pressure Reliefand Venting Systems: 泄压和通风系统:
8.52 Are the officers aware of the requirements for setting the relief valves, are certificates of test available and clear procedures for changing MARVS as applic able? 8.52 官员们是否了解设置泄压阀的要求,是否有测试证书,是否有明确的程序,可 以在申请时更换 MARVS?
Cargo tanks, including deck tanks, shall be fitted with a minimum of two pressure relief valves(PRVs), each being of equal size within manufacturer’stolerances and suitably designed and constructed for the prescribed service. (IGC 8.2.1) 货油舱(包括甲板舱)应安装至少两个泄压阀(PRV),每个泄压阀的尺寸应相等,并符合制造商的公差要求,其设计和构造应适合规定的用途。(IGC 8.2.1)
The setting of the PRVs shall not be higher than the vapour pressure that has been used in the design of the tank. Where two ormore PRVs are fitted, valves comprising not more than 50%50 \% of the total relieving capacity may be set at a pressure up to 5% above MARVS to allow sequential lifting, minimizing unnecessary release of vapour. (IGC 8.2.3) 减压阀的设定值不得高于罐体设计时使用的蒸汽压力。如安装了两个或更多的减压阀,可将不超过 50%50 \% 总释放能力的阀门设定在不超过MARVS 5%的压力下,以便连续提升,尽量减少不必要的蒸汽释放。(IGC 8.2.3)
Pressure relief valves shall be set and sealed by the Administration or recognized organization acting on its behalf, and a record of this action, including the valves set pressure, shall be retained on board the ship. (IGC 8.2.6) 泄压阀应由行政部门或代表行政部门的公认组织设置和密封,并应在船上保留这一行动的记录,包括阀门的设定压力。(IGC 8.2.6)
Cargo tanksmay be permitted to have more than one relief valve set pressure in the following cases: 在下列情况下,允许货箱有一个以上的泄压阀设定压力:
. 1 installing two ormore properly set and sealed PRVs and providing means, as necessary, for isolating the valves not in use from the cargo tank; or .1 安装两个或更多适当设置和密封的 PRV,并在必要时提供将不使用的阀门与货舱隔离的 装置;或
.2 installing relief valves whose settingsmay be changed by the use of a previously approved device not requiring pressure testing to verify the new set pressure. All other valve adjustments shall be sealed. (IGC 8.2.7) .2 安装溢流阀,其设定值可通过使用先前批准的装置进行更改,无需进行压力测试以验证新的设定压力。所有其他阀门的调整必须密封。(IGC 8.2.7)
Changing the set pressure under the provisions of 8.2.7 and the corresponding resetting of the alarms referred to in 13.4.2 shall be camied out underthe supervision of the master in accordance with approved procedures and asspecified in the ship’soperating manual. Changes in set pressure shall be recorded in the ship’slog and a sign shall be posted in the cargo control room, if provided, and at each relief valve, stating the set pressure. (IGC 8.2.8) 根据 8.2.7 的规定改变设定压力,以及相应地重新设置 13.4.2 所述的警报,应在船长的监督下,按照经批准的程序和船舶操作手册的规定进行。设定压力的变化应记录在船舶日志中,并应在货物控制室(如有)和每个泄压阀上张贴标示,说明设定压力。(IGC 8.2.8)
Ascerta in that the officers responsible clearly understand the proceduresto be followed forchanging settings. 因为负责人员清楚地了解更改设置应遵循的程序。
8.53 Are the officers' familiar with the vent outlet anrangements and, as fitted are protective or flame screens in good order and regularly inspec ted? 8.53 人员是否熟悉通风口的安排,安装的保护屏或阻火屏是否完好并定期检查?
Suitable protection screens of not more than 13 mm square mesh shall be fitted on vent outlets to prevent the ingress of extraneous objects without adversely affecting the flow. Other requirements for protection screens apply when camying specific cargoes(see 17.9 and 17.21). (IGC 8.2.15) 通风口须安装不大于 13 毫米方网的适当防护网,以防止外来物进入而不对流量产生不利影响。当装载特定货物时,对防护网还有其他要求(见 17.9 和 17.21)。(IGC 8.2.15)
When camying a cargo referenced to this section, cargo tank vent outlets shall be provided with readily renewable and effective flame screens or safety heads of an approved type. Due attention shall be paid in the design of flame screens and vent heads, to the possibility of the blockage of these devicesby the freezing of cargo vapourorby icing up in adverse weather conditions. Flame screens shall be removed and replaced by protection screens, in accordance with 8.2.15, when camying cargoes not referenced to this section. (IGC 17.9) 在按本节规定装载货物时,货舱排气口应装有可随时更换的有效隔火板或经批准的安全头。在设计挡火网和通气口时,应适当注意在恶劣天气条件下货物蒸气结冰堵塞这些装置的可能性。在装载本节未提及的货物时,必须拆除阻火网,并用符合 8.2.15 的保护网代替。(IGC 17.9)
8.54 Is there a liquid sensor in the liquid pressure relief valve collecting tank or, if not fitted, in the vent mast? 8.54 液体泄压阀集液罐中是否装有液体传感器?
Means shall be provided to prevent liquid overflow from vent mast outlets, due to hydrostatic pressure from spacesto which they are connected. (IGC 8.2.12) 必须提供防止液体从通风桅杆出口溢出的措施,因为液体从通风桅杆出口溢出是由于其所连接空间的静水压力所致。(IGC 8.2.12)
In the vent piping system, meansfordraining liquid from places where it may accumulate shall be provided. The PRVs and piping shall be arranged so that liquid can, underno circumstances, accumulate in ornear the PRVs. (IGC 8.2.14) 在通风管道系统中,应提供将液体从可能积聚的地方排出的方法。PRV 和管道的布置应确保在任何情况下液体都不会在 PRV 内或附近积聚。(IGC 8.2.14)
Relief valvesdischarging liquid cargo from the piping system shall discharge into the cargo tanks. Altematively, they may discharge to the cargo vent mast, if means are provided to detect and dispose of any liquid cargo that may flow into the vent system. Where required to prevent overpressure in downstream piping, relief valves on cargo pumps shall discharge to the pump suction. (IGC 从管道系统排出液态货物的溢流阀应排入货舱。或者,如果提供了检测和处理任何可能流入排气系统的液态货物的装置,则可将泄压阀排放至货物排气桅杆。在需要防止下游管道超压的情况下,货泵上的溢流阀应向泵吸入口排放。(IGC
8.55 Are officers' familiar with the operation of any fixed fire extinguishing systems on the vent masts, where fitted, and are the systems in good order and operational? 8.55 官员是否熟悉通风桅杆上安装的任何固定灭火系统的操作,这些系统是否完好无损并可正常运行?
There is no mandatory requirement for fixed extinguishing systems on the vent mast. However, where fitted these should be in good orderand clearly identified. 对通风桅杆上的固定灭火系统没有强制性要求。但是,如果已安装,则应保持良好的状态,并有明确的标识。
Emergency Shutdown System: 紧急关闭系统:
8.56 Are officers' familiar with the operation of the Emergency Shut Down (ESD) system, and is the system regularly tested operational? 8.56 人员是否熟悉紧急关闭(ESD)系统的操作,该系统是否定期进行操作测试?
A cargo emergency shutdown system shall be fitted to stop cargo flow in the event of an emergency, either intemally within the ship, or during cargo transfer to ship or shore. The design of the ESD system shall a void the potential generation of surge pressures within cargo transfer pipe work. (IGC 必须安装货物紧急关闭系统,以便在船内或向船或岸上转运货物过程中发生紧急情况时停止货物流动。ESD 系统的设计应避免货物转运管道工程内可能产生的浪涌压力。(IGC
ESD valves shall be remotely operated, be of the fail-closed type (closed on loss of actuating power), be capable of local manual closure and have positive indic ation of the actual valve position. As an altemative to the local manual closing of the ESD valve, a manually operated shut-off valve in series with the ESD valve shall be permitted. The manual valve shall be located adjacent to the ESD valve. Provisions shall be made to handle trapped liquid should the ESD valve close while the manual valve is also closed. (IGC ESD 阀门应为遥控操作,故障关闭型(失去驱动力时关闭),可就地手动关闭,并有实际阀门位置的正向指示。作为就地手动关闭 ESD 阀门的替代方法,允许使用与 ESD 阀门串联的手动截止阀。手动阀门应安装在 ESD 阀门附近。如ESD阀关闭,而手动阀也关闭,则须规定如何处理滞留的液体。(IGC
ESD valves in liquid piping systems shall close fully and smoothly within 30 sof actuation. Information about the closure time of the valves and their operating characteristics shall be available on board, and the closing time shall be verifiable and repeatable. (IGC 液体管道系统中的防静电阀门应在启动后 30 秒内完全顺利关闭。船上应备有关于阀门关闭时间及其工作特性的信息,关闭时间应可核查和重复。(IGC
The ESD control system shall be configured so as to enable the high-level testing required in 13.3 .5 to be camied out in a safe and controlled manner. For the purpose of the testing, cargo pumps may be operated while the overflow control system is ovemidden. Procedures forlevel alarm testing and resetting of the ESD system after completion of the high-level alarm testing shall be included in the operation manual required by 18.2.1. (IGC 防静电控制系统的配置应使 13.3.5 所要求的高水平测试能以安全和受控的方式进行。为测试目的,可在溢流控制系统关闭时操作货泵。在 18.2.1 所要求的操作手册中,应包括高电平警报测试和完成高电平警报测 试后重置 ESD 系统的程序。(IGC
Cargo emergency shutdown and alam systems involved in cargo transfer shall be checked and tested before cargo handling operations begin. (IGC 18.10.5) 在货物装卸作业开始前,应检查并测试货物紧急关闭系统和货物转运系统。(IGC 18.10.5)
8.57 Are personnel aware of the locations of ESD points, and auxiliary equipment shut down requirements? 8.57 人员是否了解 ESD 点的位置和辅助设备的关闭要求?
One ESD valve shall be provided at each manifold connection. (IGC 每个歧管连接处必须有一个防静电阀。(IGC
As a minimum, the ESD system shall be capable of manual operation by a single control on the bridge and either in the control position required by 13.1.2 or the cargo control room, if installed, and no less than two locations in the cargo area. (IGC 防静电系统至少应能由驾驶台上的单一控制装置和 13.1.2 所要求的控制位置或货物控制室(如已安装)内的控制装置以及货物区内不少于两个位置进行手动操作。(IGC
Cargo machinery that is running shall be stopped by activation of the ESD system in accordance with the cause and effect matrix in table 18.1. (IGC 必须按照表 18.1 中的因果矩阵启动静电放电系统,使正在运行的货机停止。(IGC
An input to the ESD system from the overflow control system required by 13.3 may be provided to stop any cargo pumps or compressors running at the time a high level is detected, asthis alarm may be due to inadvertent intemal transfer of cargo from tank to tank. 可提供 13.3 所要求的溢流控制系统对 ESD 系统的输入,以便在检测到高液位时停止任何货 泵或压缩机的运行,因为这种报警可能是由于无意中将货物从罐体内部转移到罐体。
8.58 Are officers aware of the requirements of fusible plugs, and are they fitted on the liquid domes, in the vicinity of the manifolds and in good order? 8.58 官员们是否了解易熔塞的要求,易熔塞是否安装在液体圆顶上、歧管附近并完好无损?
The ESD system shall be automatic ally activated on detection of a fire on the weather decks of the cargo area and/orcargo machinery spaces. As a minimum, the method of detection used on the weather decks shall cover the liquid and vapourdomes of the cargo tanks, the cargo manifolds and areas where liquid piping is dismantled regularly. Detection may be by means of fusible elements designed to melt at temperaturesbetween 98^(@)C98^{\circ} \mathrm{C} and 104^(@)C104^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, or by area fire detection methods. (IGC 防静电系统应是自动的,在探测到货物区和/或货物机械空间的顶甲板起火时自动启动。在顶甲板上使用的探测方法至少应包括货舱的液舱和汽舱、货物汇流排和定期拆卸液体管道的区域。探测可采用设计在 98^(@)C98^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 和 104^(@)C104^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 温度下熔化的易熔元件,或采用区域火警探测方法。(IGC
Fusible elements should not be painted over as this might affect the temperature at which they will operate. 易熔元件上不得涂漆,否则会影响其工作温度。
Manifold Arangements: 多重安排
8.59 Are cargo and vapour manifold arangements satisfactory? 8.59 货物和蒸汽歧管的排列是否令人满意?
Note: Refer to “Manifold Recommendations for Liquefied GasCamiers 1st Ed (2011)” 注:请参阅 "液化气歧管建议第 1 版(2011 年)"。
If the cargo tank MARVS exceeds 0.07 MPa , an additional manual valve shall be provided foreach transfer connection in use and may be inboard or outboard of the ESD valve to suit the ship’s design. (IGC 如果货舱 MARVS 超过 0.07 MPa,则应在每个使用中的转运连接处增设一个手动阀门,该阀门可位于 ESD 阀门的舷内或舷外,以适应船舶的设计。(IGC
Bow orstem loading and unloading linesthat are led past accommodation spaces, service spacesor control stations shall not be used for the transfer of products requining a type 1G1 G ship. Bow or stem loading and unloading lines shall not be used for the transfer of toxic products as specified in 1.2 .53, where the design pressure is above 2.5 MPa . (IGC 3.8.2) 通过舱室、服务空间或控制站的艏侧或艉侧装卸线,不得用于转运需要 1G1 G 型船的产品。在设计压力超过 2.5 兆帕的情况下,艏部或艉部装卸线不得用于 1.2.53 规定的有毒产品的转移。 (IGC 3.8.2)
8.60 Are the manifolds and associated valves in good order, blank flanges of an equivalent rating to that of the pipelines and pressure gauges securely fitted outhoard of the manifold valves on both sides and monitored for leakage? 8.60 分水器和相关阀门是否完好无损,空白法兰的等级是否与管道的等级相等,压力表是否牢固地安装在分水器阀门两侧的外侧,是否受到泄漏监测?
The offshore manifolds on LPG camiers are often pressurised with nitrogen and it is normal that the space between the manifold valves and the flanges are under pressure. Indic ations of leakage are indic ated by frosting, not pressure. 液化石油气船的离岸歧管通常用氮气加压,歧管阀门和法兰之间的空间受压是正常的。泄漏的迹象是结霜,而不是压力。
It is generally accepted that steel blanks should be of the same thickness as the flanges to which they are attached, but this will not necessarily result in the pressure capability being the same as that of the associated pipework. 一般认为,钢坯的厚度应与其所连接的法兰相同,但这并不一定会导致钢坯的承压能力与相关管道的承压能力相同。
It is the pressure rating of the blank which is important and blanks made of materials such astita nium have a superior strength and may therefore be signific antly thinnerfor the same pressure rating as a mild steel blank. If such a blank is fitted, there must be documentation on board to prove that the pressure rating is adequate for the service. 重要的是坯件的压力等级,由诸如钽等材料制成的坯件具有更高的强度,因此在压力等级相同的情况下,坯件可能比低碳钢坯件薄得多。如果安装了这种坯料,船上必须有文件证明其压力等级足以满足使用要求。
8.61 Are the manifold valves and lines clearly marked as to whether they are liquid or vapour and are drains and purge pipes where fitted valved and capped? 8.61 多路阀和管路是否清楚地标明是液体还是蒸汽,已安装的排水管和吹扫管是否有阀 门和盖子?
8.62 Are officers aware of the procedures for the use of manifold strainers, and where fitted are the strainers not being by-passed? 8.62 官员是否了解使用歧管过滤器的程序?
There is no mandatory requirement forfitting strainers on LPG manifolds. However, where fitted they must be in good order and frequently checked and cleaned as required. The strainers are installed to protect cargo handling equipment from damage by foreign objects. Many strainers are designed for one-way flow only. 没有强制要求在液化石油气歧管上安装过滤器。不过,如果已安装,则必须保持良好状态,并经常检查和按要求清洗。安装过滤器是为了保护货物装卸设备不受异物损坏。许多滤网只能单向流动。
8.63 Are liquid spill arrangements adequate, taking into acc ount the lowest temperature cargoes which the vessel is certified to camy? 8.63 考虑到船舶获准装运的最低温度货物,液体泄漏安排是否适当?
The deck around the manifold area should be eitherconstructed of the material as specified in the requirements of the IMO publication IIntemational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Camying Liquefied Gases in Bulk’, ‘MaterialsforConstruction’ or be protected by sheathing compatible with low-temperature liquids. The sheathing should extend longitudinally for a distance of at least 1.5 metres beyond the outermost edge of the outermost manifold flange. The sheathing should also extend to at least 0.5 metres inboard of the innermost manifold valve, transversely from the ship’s side (see Figures 1 to 4). In addition, in the case of other transferline layouts, the sheathing should extend over any other areas that may be subject to spillage. (SIG TTO Manifold Recommendations) 分流板周围的甲板应采用国际海事组织出版物《建造和装备散装液化气船舶国际规则》"建造材料 "中规定的材料,或采用与低温液体相容的护板。护套应纵向延伸至最外层歧管法兰最外缘之外至少 1.5 米处。护套还应从船舷横向延伸至最内侧歧管阀门内侧至少 0.5 米处(见图 1 至图 4)。此外,在其他转运线布局的情况下,护套应延伸至可能发生溢出的任何其他区域。(SIG TTO 歧管建议)
Safety Equipment 安全设备
8.64 Are crew members aware of the requirements for the use of protective equipment and is there suitable protective equipment available and in use for all crew members engaged in cargo operations? 8.64 船员是否了解使用防护设备的要求,是否为所有从事货运作业的船员提供并使用合适的防护设备?
Suitable protective equipment, including eye protection to a recognized national or intemational standard, shall be provided for protection of crew members engaged in nomal cargo operations, taking into account the characteristic sof the products being camed. (IGC 14.1.1) 应为从事名义货物作业的船员提供适当的防护设备,包括符合公认的国家或国际标准的护眼设备,同时考虑到所装运产品的特性。(IGC 14.1.1)
Personal protective and safety equipment required in this chapter shall be kept in suitable, clearly marked lockerslocated in readily accessible places. (IGC 14.1.2) 本章所要求的个人防护和安全设备应存放在合适的、有明显标志的储物柜中,并放置在易于取用的地方。(IGC 14.1.2)
Are the officers’ familiar with the requirements for provision of safety equipment onboard, is the safety equipment in good order and are officers capable of donning the equipment satisfactorily? 船员是否熟悉船上安全设备的要求,安全设备是否完好无损,船员是否有能力令人满意地穿戴安全设备?
Suffic ient, but not less than three complete sets of safety equipment shall be provided in addition to the firefighter’s outfits required by 11.6.1. Each set shall provide adequate personal protection to permit entry and work in a gas-filled space. This equipment shall take into account the nature of the cargoes, listed on the Intemational Certific ate of Fitness for the Camiage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk. (IGC 14.3.1) 除 11.6.1 所要求的消防员服装外,还应配备足够但不少于三套完整的安全装备。每套装备应提供足够的个人保护,以便进入充满气体的空间工作。这些装备应考虑到散装液化气体国际适航证书上所列货物的性质。(IGC 14.3.1)
Each complete set of safety equipment shall consist of: 每套完整的安全设备应包括
. 1 one self-contained positive pressure air-breathing apparatus incorporating full face mask, not using stored oxygen and having a capacity of at least 1,200 L of free air. Each set shall be compatible with that required by 11.6.1; .1 个自给正压式空气呼吸器,内含全脸面罩,不使用储存的氧气,至少有 1,200 升自由空气容量。每套装置须与 11.6.1 所要求的装置兼容;
.2 protective clothing, boots and gloves to a recognized standard; .2 符合公认标准的防护服、防护靴和防护手套;
. 3 steel-cored rescue line with belt; and .3 条带皮带的钢芯救援线;以及
.4 explosion-proof lamp. (IGC 14.3.2) .4 防爆灯。(IGC 14.3.2)
An adequate supply of compressed air shall be provided and shall consist of: 应提供充足的压缩空气,压缩空气应包括
.1 at least one fully charged spare a ir bottle for each breathing apparatusrequired by 14.3.1;- 14.3.1 所要求的每个呼吸器至少有一个充满电的备用气瓶; - 14.3.2 所要求的每个呼吸器至少有一个充满电的备用气瓶。
.2 an air compressor of adequate capacity capable of continuous operation, suitable for the supply of high-pressure air of breathable quality; and .2 一台能连续运转的足够容量的空气压缩机,适用于供应可呼吸的高压空气;和
.3 a charging manifold capable of dealing with suffic ient spare breathing apparatus air bottles for the breathing apparatusrequired by 14.3.1. (IGC 14.3.3) .3 一个充气歧管,能为 14.3.1 所要求的呼吸器处理足够的备用呼吸器空气瓶。(IGC 14.3.3)
Personal protective and safety equipment required in this chapter shall be kept in suitable, clearly marked lockerslocated in readily accessible places. (IGC 14.1.2) 本章所要求的个人防护和安全设备应存放在合适的、有明显标志的储物柜中,并放置在易于取用的地方。(IGC 14.1.2)
The compressed air equipment shall be inspected at least once a month by a responsible officer and the inspection logged in the ship’s records. This equipment shall also be inspected and tested by a competent person at least once a year. (IGC 14.1.3) 压缩空气设备应由负责官员每月至少检查一次,并将检查情况记录在船舶记录中。该设备还应由合格人员至少每年检查和测试一次。(IGC 14.1.3)
8.66 Are crew members familiar with the requirements for personal protection for toxic products and donning of the emergency escape sets where provided? 8.66 船员是否熟悉有毒产品的个人防护要求,以及在提供紧急逃生装备的情况下是否熟悉穿戴要求?
Requirements of this section shall apply to ships camying productsfor which those paragraphs are listed in column “i” in the table of chapter 19. 本节要求适用于第 19 章表中 "i "栏所列的船舶产品。
Suitable respiratory and eye protection foremergency escape purposes shall be provided for every person on board, subject to the following: 在符合下列规定的情况下,必须为船上的每个人提供用于紧急逃生的适当的呼吸和眼睛保护装置:
. 1 filter-type respiratory protection is unacceptable; .1 过滤器型呼吸保护装置是不可接受的;
.2 self-contained breathing apparatus shall have at least a duration of sevice of 15 min ; and .2 自给式呼吸器的使用时间至少为 15 分钟;以及
. 3 emergency esc ape respiratory protection shall not be used for firefighting or cargo-handling purposes and shall be marked to that effect. (IGC 14.4) .3 紧急逃生猿呼吸保护装置不得用于消防或货物装卸目的,并应有相应标记。(IGC 14.4)
8.67 Are dec ontamination showers and an eye-wash, where required, provided in suitably marked locations and operating comectly? 8.67 是否在有适当标志的地方提供了消毒淋浴和洗眼器(如有需要),并能正常使用?
One ormore suitably marked decontamination showers and eyewash stations shall be available on deck, taking into account the size and layout of the ship *. The showers and eyewa shes shall be operable in all ambient conditions. (IGC 14.4.3) 考虑到船舶的大小和布局,甲板上应设有一个或多个有适当标记的洗消淋浴和洗眼台*。淋浴和洗眼器应能在任何环境条件下使用。(IGC 14.4.3) This requirement is only for vessels certified for the camiage of cargoes listed in column ‘i’ of the table in Chapter 19. These cargoes are Acetaldehyde, Ammonia, Chlorine, Diethyl ether, Dimethylamine, Ethylene oxide, Ethylene oxide/Propylene oxide mixtures with an E-o content of not more than 30%, Isoprene, Isopropyla mine, Methyl bromide, Monoethylamine, Propylene oxide, Vinyl chloride, Vinyl ethyl ether and Vinylidene chloride. 本要求仅适用于经认证可装运第 19 章表中'i'栏所列货物的船舶。这些货物是乙醛、氨、氯、二乙醚、二甲胺、环氧乙烷、环氧乙烷/环氧丙烷混合物(环氧乙烷含量不超过 30%)、异戊二烯、异丙胺、甲基溴、一乙胺、环氧丙烷、氯乙烯、乙烯基乙基醚和偏二氯乙烯。
8.68 Are officers aware of the operation of the chemic al dry powder system, and is the system in good order? 8.68 人员是否了解化学干粉系统的运行情况?
Ships in which the camiage of flammable products is intended shall be fitted with fixed dry chemical powder fire-extinguishing systems, approved by the Administration based on the guidelines developed by the Organization, for the pupose of firefighting on the deck in the cargo area, including any cargo liquid and vapour discharge and loading connections on deck and bow orstem cargo handling areas, as applic able. 拟装运易燃产品的船舶应安装固定式干粉化学灭火系统,该系统须经当局根据本组 织制定的准则批准,用于甲板上货物装卸区的灭火,包括甲板上和船首或船杆货物装 卸区的任何液体和蒸汽排放和装卸连接处(如适用)。
Annual maintenance of fixed dry chemic al powder systems shall include agitating the dry chemical powder charge with nitrogen in accordance with system manufacturer’s instructions. (Note: Due to the powder’s affinity formoisture, any nitrogen gas introduced for agitation must be moisture free.) 固定干粉系统的年度维护应包括按照系统制造商的说明用氮气搅拌干粉。(注: 由于干粉的亲和性,任何用于搅拌的氮气都必须是不含水分的)。
On a two-yearly basis a sample of dry powder shall be subject to test formoisture content. (MSC.1/Circ.1432) 干粉样品应每两年进行一次含水量测试。(MSC.1/Circ.1432)
8.69 Are the officers aware of the maintenance requirements for the water spray system and is the system in good order? 8.69 官员们是否了解喷水系统的维护要求,该系统是否完好无损?
On ships camying flammable and/or toxic products, a water-spray system, for cooling, fire prevention and crew protection shall be installed to cover. 在装载易燃和/或有毒产品的船舶上,应安装用于冷却、防火和保护船员的喷水系统。
. 1 exposed cargo tank domes, any exposed parts of cargo tanks and any part of cargo tank covers that may be exposed to heat from fires in adjacent equipment containing cargo such as exposed booster pumps/heaters/re-gasific ation orre-liquefaction plants, hereafter addressed as gas process units, positioned on weatherdecks; 1 外露的货舱穹顶、货舱的任何外露部分和货舱盖的任何部分,可能会受到邻近装有货物的设备(如外露的增压泵/加热器/再气化或再液化装置,以下称为气体处理装置)发生火灾时的热量影响,这些设备位于风雨甲板上;
. 2 exposed on-deck storage vessels for flammable ortoxic products; .2 个暴露在甲板上的易燃或有毒产品储存容器;
. 3 gas process units positioned on deck; .3 个气体处理装置位于甲板上;
.4 cargo liquid and vapour discharge and loading connections, including the presentation flange and the area where their control valves are situated, which shall be at least equal to the area of the drip traysprovided; .4 货物液体和蒸汽的排放和装载接口,包括展示法兰及其控制阀所在区域,至少应与提供的滴水盘面积相等;
. 5 all exposed emergency shut-down (ESD) valves in the cargo liquid and vapourpipes, including the master valve forsupply to gasconsumers; .5 货物液体和蒸汽管道中所有外露的紧急关闭 (ESD) 阀门,包括向气体消费者供应的总阀门;
. 6 exposed boundaries facing the cargo area, such as bulkheads of superstructures and deckhousesnomally manned, cargo machinery spaces, store-rooms conta ining high fire-risk items and cargo control rooms. Exposed horizontal boundaries of these areas do not require protection unless detachable cargo piping connections are arranged above orbelow. Boundariesof unmanned forecastle structures not containing high fire-risk items orequipment do not require water-spray protection; .6 面向货物区的外露边界,例如上层建筑和甲板室的舱壁、货物机械空间、装有高火灾风险物品的储藏室和货物控制室。这些区域的外露水平边界不需要保护,除非其上方或下方有可拆卸的货物管道连接。不包含高火灾风险物品或设备的无人值守前甲板结构的边界不需要喷水保护;
.7 exposed lifeboats, liferafts and muster stationsfacing the cargo area, regardless of distance to cargo area; and .7 面向货物区的外露救生艇、救生筏和集合站,无论与货物区的距离如何;以及
. 8 any semi-enclosed cargo machinery spaces and semi-enclosed cargo motorroom. (IGC 11.3.1) .8 任何半封闭货物机械空间和半封闭货物汽车间 (IGC 11.3.1)
The piping system may be constructed from stainless steel or of mild steel and may be lined with PVC. If mild steel is used, then the system should be drained and dried to avoid the formation of rust particles inside mild steel pipe that may block the nozzles. The system should be tested periodic ally to ensure properoperation and such tests should be part of the planned maintenance system with records maintained to venify satisfactory operation. 管道系统可以由不锈钢或低碳钢制成,也可以内衬聚氯乙烯。如果使用低碳钢,则应排空并干燥系统,以避免低碳钢管道内形成锈粒,堵塞喷嘴。应定期对系统进行测试,以确保其正常运行,此类测试应作为计划维护系统的一部分,并保留记录以证明其运行状况令人满意。
8.70 Are the offic ers’ familiar with the fixed fire extinguishing systems installed within enclosed spaces containing cargo handling equipment? 8.70 官员是否熟悉在装有货物装卸设备的封闭空间内安装的固定灭火系统?
Enclosed spaces where cargo compressors or pumps, cargo processing units, are located, including those supplying gasfuel to the engine-room, and the cargo motorroom within the cargo area of any ship, shall be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system complying with the provisions of the FSS Code and taking into account the necessary concentrations/applic ation rate required for extinguishing gas fires. (IGC 11.5.1) 货物压缩机或泵、货物处理单元所在的封闭空间,包括向机舱供应气体燃料的空间,以及任何船舶货物区内的货物机舱,均应配备符合 FSS 规则规定的固定灭火系统,并考虑到灭火气体所需的必要浓度/应用率。(IGC 11.5.1)
8.71 Is the safety equipment inspected on board monthly and are records available? 8.71 是否每月对船上的安全设备进行检查,是否有记录?
The compressed air equipment should be inspected at least once a month by a responsible officer and the inspection recorded in the ship’slog book. 压缩空气设备应由负责官员每月至少检查一次,并将检查情况记录在船舶日志中。
(IGC 14.2.6)
Cargo Hoses: 货物软管:
8.72 If the vessel uses its own cargo hoses, are they in good order, pressure tested annually to their design working pressure and is a record of all hose tests and inspections maintained on board? 8.72 如果船舶使用自己的货物软管,这些软管是否完好无损,是否每年按设计工作压力进行压力测试,船上是否保存所有软管测试和检查的记录?
Thereafter, before being placed in service, each new length of cargo hose produced shall be hydrostatic ally tested at ambient temperature to a pressure not less than 1.5 times its specified maximum working pressure, but not more than two fifths of its bursting pressure. The hose shall be stencilled, orotherwise marked, with the date of testing, its specified maximum working pressure and, if used in servicesother than ambient temperature services, its maximum and minimum service temperature, as applicable. The specified maximum working pressure shall not be less than 1 MPa gauge. (IGC 此后,在投入使用之前,每生产一段新的载货软管,都必须在环境温度下进行静水压试验,压力不小于规定最大工作压力的 1.5 倍,但不超过爆破压力的五分之二。软管必须用钢印或其他方式标明试验日期、规定的最大工作压力,如用于环境温度以外的服务,还须标明适用的最高和最低服务温度。规定的最大工作压力不得低于 1 兆帕表压。(IGC
Original hose certific ates shall be available onboard including the test data and compatibility data to ensure the hose safe for use with the existing cargo. 船上应备有原装软管证书,包括测试数据和兼容性数据,以确保软管可安全用于现有货物。
Cargo Lifting Equipment 货物提升设备
8.73 Are all cranes and other lifting equipment properly marked, regularly inspected, tested and are the vessels crew aware of maintenance requirements? 8.73 所有起重机和其他起重设备是否都有适当标记,是否定期检查和测试,船员是否了解维护要求?
Cargo lifting equipment should be load tested every five years and thoroughly examined by a competent person annually. Other lifting equipment is not regulated except as usually required by class but should be tested and examined under a similar regime. The minimum SWL for which testing is required is one tonne ( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs}.). 货物起重设备应每五年进行一次负载测试,并由合格人员每年进行一次彻底检查。其他起重设备不受监管,但通常按等级要求的除外,但应按照类似制度进行测试和检查。需要测试的最小 SWL 为一吨( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs} 。)
A Chain Register is not required, but documentation supporting testing, examination and maintenance that follows the OCIMF Public ation Recommendations for the Tagging/Labelling, Testing and Maintenance, Documentation/Certific ation for Ships Lifting Equipment should be maintained. 不需要链式登记簿,但应保存测试、检查和维护的证明文件,这些文件应遵循 OCIMF 关于船舶起重设备的标记/标签、测试和维护、文件/证书的公开建议。
For vessels with a single hose crane, in the event of a failure of a hydraulic hose then there must be the capability to replace the defect hose with spare ones. In the event that the cargo hose handling crane hastwo ormore hosesthat are identical in all aspects, then only 50%50 \% of these identic al hoses need to be camied asspares. 对于使用单软管起重机的船只,如果液压软管发生故障,则必须能够用备用软管替换故障软管。如果货物软管起重机拥有两根或两根以上在所有方面都相同的软管,则只需将 50%50 \% 这些相同的软管组装在一起。
Monitoring the wearof a slew bearing on cranesshould be conducted following the 对起重机回转支承磨损的监控应在下列情况下进行
recommendations of the crane/slew bearing manufacturer. There are two commonly recommended practices: 起重机/回转支承制造商的建议。通常推荐两种做法:
Grease sampling - this measuresthe metallic content found in the grease which gives an indication 油脂取样--测量油脂中的金属含量,以显示
of the weartaking place. 的地方。
Rocking test - this measures the play (or relative movement) between the innerand outerbearing race, to give an indication of the weartaking place. 摇动测试 - 测量轴承内外圈之间的游隙(或相对运动),以显示磨损情况。
Ship to Ship TransferOperations 船对船转运操作
If the vessel is equipped with specialised equipment for regular ship-to-ship transfer operations such as fenders and hoses, the fact should be recorded in Additional comments. If the vessel is NOTutilised for regular commercial ship-to-ship cargo transfer, Questions 8.74-8.79 must be answered ‘NA’ 如果船舶配备了用于定期船对船货物转运操作的专用设备,例如护舷和软管,则应在附加说明中记录。如果船舶不用于定期的商业船对船货物转运,则问题 8.74-8.79 必须回答 "不适用"。
8.74 Are operator's procedures provided for ship-to-ship operations? 8.74 是否为船对船操作提供操作员程序?
Procedures should follow the recommendations of the OCIMF/ICS STS Transfer Guide (Liquefied Gases). 程序应遵循 OCIMF/ICS STS 转移指南(液化气体)的建议。
8.75 Are the offic ers and crew familiar with the requirements and risks during ship to ship operations? 8.75 官员和船员是否熟悉船对船操作的要求和风险?
Any oil tankerover 150 GTinvolved in STS operations shall camy on board a Plan prescribing how to conduct STS operations(STS OperationsPlan) and shall be approved by the administration. The STS operationsplan shall be written in the working language of the ship. (MARPOLAnnexIReg 41.1) Notes: STS operations plan are not required for liftings from FPSOs, FSO s nor for bunkering operations. (See MARPOL Annexl, Reg 40 forfull details) Operations plan shall be developed taking into account the information contained in IMO’s "Manual on Oil Pollution, Section 1, Prevention and the ICS/OCIMF/SIG TIO/CDI “Ship to Ship TransferGuide, forPetroleum, Chemic als and Liquefied Gases” First Edition 2013. 任何参与 STS 作业的 150 总吨以上的油轮应在船上配备一份规定如何进行 STS 作业的计划(STS 作业计划),并应得到管理部门的批准。STS 操作计划应以船舶的工作语言编写。(MARPOL 附件第 41.1 条)注释:从海上浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)、海上浮式生产储油装置(FSO)或加油作业不需要 STS 作业计划。(详见 MARPOL 附件第 40 条)制定作业计划时应考虑到 IMO 的 "油类污染手册 "第 1 节 "预防 "和 ICS/OCIMF/SIG TIO/CDI 的 "石油、化学品和液化气船对船转移指南 "2013 年第一版中包含的信息。
A risk assessment should be undertaken when considering the suita bility of an STS transfer loc ation. A further risk assessment should be made forthe STS operation. (STS Guide 1.4) 在考虑 STS 转移地点的适宜性时,应进行风险评估。还应对 STS 操作进行进一步的风险评估。(STS 指南 1.4)
All STS transferoperations should be conducted under the co-ordination and advisory control of one individual, who will either be one of the Masters concemed, an STS Superintendent or the POAC. To prevent fatigue during extended operations, the role may be formally transferred to anothersuitably qualified person (STS Guide 1.5.1). 所有 STS 转移行动均应在一名人员的协调和咨询控制下进行,该人员可以是一名构想中的船长、一名 STS 监管员或 POAC。为防止在长时间操作过程中出现疲劳,可将该角色正式移交给其他具备相应资格的人员(STS 指南 1.5.1)。
In case the vessel is equipped with permanent fenders and hoses, there shall be procedures in place to monitor and assess the condition of such equipment in accordance with manufacturerguidelines. 如果船上配备了永久性护舷装置和软管,则应制定程序,根据制造商的指导原则对这些设备的状况进行监测和评估。
8.76 Does the POAC have the necessary qualifications and experience and are officers aware of these requirements? 8.76 POAC 是否具备必要的资格和经验,官员是否了解这些要求?
For transfers involving MARPOL Annex I cargoes, the POAC should have at least the following qualific ations orlevel of experience: 对于涉及《防止船污公约》附件 I 货物的转运, POAC 至少应具备以下资格或经验:
An appropriate management level deck licence or certific ate meeting intemational certification standards, with the Intemational Convention on Standards of Training Certific ation and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STC W) (reference 9) and dangerous cargo endorsements up-to-date and appropriate forthe shipsengaged in the STS operation. 符合国际认证标准的适当管理级别的甲板执照或证书,具有《海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》(STC W)(参考文献 9)和最新的危险货物认可,并适合从事 STS 作业的船舶。
Attendance at a recognised ship handling course. 参加认可的船舶操作课程。
Experience in conducting mooring/unmooring operations in similar circ umstances and with similar vessels. 具有在类似情况下和使用类似船只进行系泊/解缆作业的经验。
Experience in oil tankercargo loading and unloading. 有油罐货物装卸经验。
A thorough knowledge of the transfer area and surrounding areas. 对转运区及周边地区了如指掌。
Knowledge of spill clean-up techniques, including familiarity with the equipment and resources a vailable in contingency plans. 了解泄漏清理技术,包括熟悉应急计划中可用的设备和资源。
Knowledge of STS operations plans(see appendixA1.5) and associated joint plans of operation (see section 5.2). 了解 STS 行动计划(见附录 A1.5)和相关联合行动计划(见第 5.2 节)。
For transfers involving cargoes other than MARPOL Annex I cargoes, it is recommended that the STS Superintendent has similar qualific ations and levels of experience to those detailed above, relevant to the type of cargo transferred. (STS Guide 1.7) 对于涉及《防止船污公约》附件 I 以外货物的转运,建议 STS 监管员具备与转运货物类型相关的类似于上述资格和经验水平。(STS 指南 1.7)
8.77 Are sufficient closed fairleads and mooring bitts provided? 8.77 是否提供了足够的封闭式缆绳和锚栓?
It is recommended that all fairleads used during STS transferoperations are of an enclosed type. Such fairleads should be strong enough to take the antic ipated mooring loads and large enough to allow the mooring line (plus any soft rope and tackle) to passthrough comfortably. (STS Guide 9.3) It has been found that full strength enclosed faireads and bitts for spring lines need to be positioned no more than 35 metres forward and aft of the cargo manifold. (STS Guide 9.3) 建议在 STS 转移作业中使用的所有吊绳都应是封闭式的。这种系索器应足够坚固,能够承受相应的系泊负荷,并且足够大,以便系泊缆绳(以及任何软绳和缆具)能够舒适地穿过(STS 指南 9.3)。(STS 指南 9.3) 人们发现,用于弹簧缆的全强度封闭式系索具和系索头需要安装在货物汇流排前后不超过 35 米的位置。(STS 指南 9.3)
It is recommended that all tankers be fitted with an a ray of mooring bitts of suffic ient strength on each side of the ship. (STS Guide 9.3) 建议所有油轮在船的两侧各安装一个强度足够的系泊栓。(STS 指南 9.3)
In addition it is recommended that provision be made for securing fenderlines. (STS Guide 9.3) 此外,还建议为固定护舷线做好准备。(STS 指南 9.3)
8.78 Are offic ers aware of the requirements of the ship-to-ship transfer checklists and are there records of STS operations maintained? 8.78 官员是否了解船对船转运检查单的要求,是否保存了 STS 操作记录?
The checklists should be used not only at the time of transfer but also when the operation is being planned. Adherence to check list procedures will ensure that the most important aspects of an operation are covered. The checklists are: 核对表不仅应在转移时使用,还应在计划手术时使用。遵守核对表程序将确保涵盖手术最重要的方面。核对表包括
Pre-fixture information; 夹具前信息;
Before operations commence, 作业开始前、
Before run-in and mooring; 运行和停泊前
Before cargo transfer; and 货物转运前;以及
Before unmooring. (STS Guide 3.4 and Appendix E) 卸载前。(STS 指南 3.4 和附录 E)。
Note: STS records which should include, but not limited to the following: 注:STS 记录应包括但不限于以下内容:
STS C hecklists as per latest ICS/OC IMF/SIG TTO/CDI guidelines edition 2013 根据最新的 ICS/OC IMF/SIG TTO/CDI 指南 2013 版,STS C 赫克名单
The JPO (J oint Plan of operations) as provided by the service provider 服务提供商提供的联合行动计划(JPO
Risk assessment assubmitted by the Service Provider 服务提供商提交的风险评估
Detailed Mooring Plan of partic ipating vessels. 参与船只的详细系泊计划。
Copies of certific ates of fender and hoses 挡泥板和软管证书副本
Notific ation to coastal authorities 向沿海当局发出通知
Details of Drills asso ciated with the specific STS Operation 与特定 STS 行动有关的演习详情
Records of Crew Experience 船员经历记录
Post feedback/ assessment by the Master 大师的后期反馈/评估
If the vessel hasbeen engaged in STS operations in the recent past then records should be spot checked forcompliance. 如果船只最近曾从事过 STS 作业,则应抽查记录是否符合要求。
8.79 If a ship-to-ship transfer was in progress during the inspection, was it c onducted in accordance with the recommendations of the OCIMF/ICS STS Transfer Guide? 8.79 如果在检查期间正在进行船对船转运,是否按照《OCIMF/ICS STS转运指南》的建议进行?
To eliminate the potential for incendive arcing between the two ships, when presenting the hose string for connection one of the following arrangements should be used: 为消除两艘船之间可能产生的燃烧电弧,在连接软管串时应采用以下安排之一:
A single insulating flange fitted at the manifold of one ship or within each hose string and all hoses in the string electric ally continuous; or 单个绝缘法兰安装在一艘船的分水器上或每个软管串内,且该软管串内的所有软管均为连续电气软管;或
A single length of electric ally discontinuous hose fitted in each hose string; or 在每个软管串中安装一段不连续的电动软管;或
Hosesthat are specially constructed to prevent static build-up and limit electrical conductance to an inherently safe level. 专门设计的软管可防止静电积聚,并将导电性限制在固有的安全水平。
Where an insulating flange is used, it is important that no part of the conducting hose outboard of the insulated flange comes into contact with the ship to which the insulating flange is fitted, for example from the use of non-insulated hose saddles, as this could cause a spark. (STS Guide 3.10.4) 使用绝缘法兰时,绝缘法兰外侧的导电软管不得与安装绝缘法兰的船舶接触,例如使用非绝缘软管鞍座,否则可能会产生火花。(STS 指南 3.10.4)
Synthetic mooringspassed through shipside fairleadsmay be subjected to chafing from cyclic al loading due to the vessel’smotion. Linescan be protected with suitable chafing covers. The covers may be lubric ated to minimise the potential for them being damaged. 通过船边系索环的合成缆绳可能会因船只运动造成的周期性负载而受到皴裂。可以使用合适的防皴盖保护缆绳。盖子可涂上润滑油,以尽量减少损坏的可能性。
Additional lines should be readily a vailable to supplement moorings if necessary, or in the event of a line failure. (STS Guide 6.6.2) 如有必要,或在缆绳出现故障时,应随时准备额外的缆绳以补充系泊。(STS 指南 6.6.2)
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中提出这些补充意见。
Chapter 8. Cargo and Ballast Systems- LNG 第 8 章.货物和压载系统--液化天然气
Notes: This chapter can only be completed if the vessel is provided with an Intemational Certific ate of Fitness for the Camiage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk. 注本章只有在船舶获得国际散装液化气体适航证书的情况下才能填写。
In answering the questionsbelow, note that: 在回答下面的问题时,请注意
The mandatory IGC Code applies only to those vessels the keel of which waslaid on or after 1tJuly 1986; 强制性 IGC 规则仅适用于 1986 年 7 月 1 日或之后铺设龙骨的船舶;
The mandatory GC Code appliesto vessels delivered after 30th J une 1980; and 强制性 GC 规则适用于 1980 年 J 月 30 日之后交付的船只;以及
The non-mandatory EGC Code appliesto those vessels delivered on orbefore the 31 ^("st "){ }^{\text {st }} October 1976. 非强制性的《EGC 规则》适用于 1976 年 10 月 31 日或之前交付的船舶。
Amendments to the IGC and GC Codes introduced after vessels were delivered do not necessarily apply to such vessels. 在船舶交付后对 IGC 和 GC 规则进行的修订不一定适用于这些船舶。
Policies, Procedures and Doc umentation: 政策、程序和文件:
8.1 Are the officers aware of the operator’s polic yy statements, guidance and procedures, including information on maximum loading rates and instructions with regard to safe cargo operations? 8.1 官员是否了解经营者的政策 yy 声明、指导和程序,包括有关最大装载率的信息和有关货物安全操作的指示?
Masters should be provided with information on maximum permissible loading ratesfor each cargo and ballast tank and for each group of cargo or ballast tanks. This requirement is aimed at ensuring that tanks are not overor under-pressurised by exceeding the capacity of the venting system, including any installed secondary venting arrangements. This information should be displayed at the cargo control position. 应向船长提供每个货舱和压载舱以及每组货舱或压载舱的最大允许装载率的信息。这一要求旨在确保货舱不会因超过排气系统(包括任何已安装的二次排气装置)的容量而过压或欠压。这些信息应显示在货物控制位置。
8.2 Are the officers aware of any loading limitations for the vessel and are these limitations, if applicable clearly posted in the cargo control area? 8.2 官员是否了解船舶的任何装载限制,这些限制(如果适用)是否清楚地张贴在货物控制区?
No cargo tanks should be more than 98% liquid full at the reference temperature. (IGC 15.1.1) The Administration may allow a higher filling limit than the limit of 98%98 \% at the reference temperature, taking into account the shape of the tank, a rrangements of pressure relief valves, accuracy of level and temperature gauging and the difference between the loading temperature and the temperature corresponding to the vapourpressure of the cargo at the set pressure relief valves. (IGC 15.1.3) The maximum allowable loading limits for each cargo tank should be indic ated foreach product which may be camied, for each loading temperature which may be applied and for the applicable maximum reference temperature, on a list to be approved by the Administration. Pressures at which the relief valves, including those valves fitted in accordance with IGC 8.3, have been set should also be stated on the list. A copy of the list should be permanently kept on board by the master. (IGC 15.2) Reference temperature means: 在参考温度下,任何货油舱的液体满载率不得超过 98%。(IGC 15.1.1)考虑到货舱的形状、泄压阀的安排、液位和温度测量的准确性,以及装载温度与设定泄压阀处货物蒸汽压力相应温度之间的差值,当局可允许高于参考温度下 98%98 \% 的装载限值。(IGC15.1.3)每个货油舱的最大允许装载限度应在一份由当局批准的清单上注明可能装载的每种产品、可能适用的每种装载温度和适用的最高参考温度。清单上还应注明泄压阀,包括按照 IGC 8.3 安装的泄压阀所设定的压力。船长应在船上永久保存一份清单。(IGC 15.2) 参考温度是指:
The temperature corresponding to the vapourpressure of the cargo at the set pressure of the pressure relief valves when no cargo vapour pressure/temperature control is provided; 在没有货物蒸汽压力/温度控制装置时,泄压阀设定压力下货物蒸汽压力对应的温度;
The temperature of the cargo upon termination loading, during transportation, orat unloading, whic hever is the greatest, when a cargo vapour pressure/temperature control isprovided. (IGC 15.1.4) 在提供货物蒸汽压力/温度控制的情况下,货物在装货结束、运输过程中或卸货时的温度,以最高者为准。(IGC 15.1.4)
8.3 Are legible and up to date pipeline and/or mimic diagrams of cargo, inert gas and venting systems, as applic able, available in the cargo control area and deck officers’ familiar with the systems? 8.3 货物控制区是否有清晰可辨的最新货物、惰性气体和排气系统管道和/或模拟图(如适用),甲板人员是否熟悉这些系统?
Inspectors should verify the deck officerholding the watch is familiar with the cargo system, operation ongoing and planned sequence of events during the watch. 检查员应核实担任值班的甲板干事熟悉货物系统、正在进行的操作和值班期间计划的事件顺序。
8.4 Has a cargo plan been prepared and followed with a detailed sequence of cargo and ballast transfers doc umented, stress, intact and damage stability and are any limitations, where applicable understood by the cargo watch officers and clearly documented? 8.4 是否制定并遵循了货物计划,其中记录了货物和压舱物转移的详细顺序、应力、完好和损坏的稳定性,以及货物值班人员是否理解并清楚记录了适用的任何限制?
Inspectors should detemine that prior to transfer of cargo, calculations have been made forstress and stability conditions for the start, interim and completion of transfer conditions. Regularmonitoring of stress and stability should be taking place throughout cargo transfer to ensure that the conditionshave been maintained within design limits. 检查员应确定,在货物转运之前,已对转运开始、转运中期和转运结束时的应力和稳定性条件进行了计算。在货物转运的整个过程中,应定期监测应力和稳定性,以确保这些条件保持在设计范围内。
The cargo transferoperation should be planned and confirmed in writing in order to assure full mutual understanding. The items to be addressed should include: - 货物转运业务应以书面形式进行规划和确认,以确保双方充分理解。需要解决的问题应包括-
The order of loading ordisc harging 装载顺序
The total quantities of cargo to be transferred 要转运的货物总量
The sequence of discharging and receiving tanks 卸料槽和接收槽的顺序
The intended transferrates 打算转移
The transfertemperatures and pressuresto be expected, and 预计的转移温度和压力,以及
The use of vapour retum line 使用蒸汽回流管
Simultaneous cargo and ballast handling, forstress and ship stability purposes, should also be noted on the cargo plan. All cargo operations should be carefully planned and documented well in advance of their execution. (LGHP) 出于应力和船舶稳定性的考虑,货物和压舱物的同时装卸也应在装卸计划中注明。所有货物操作都应在执行前仔细计划和记录。(LGHP)
The cargo plan should be completed by the responsible officerprior to commencement of operations and verified and approved by the Master. It should be comprehensive, contain full details of the operation and be easy to interpret. Vessel should be able to demonstrate that an independent check of the cargo line up. 货运计划应由负责官员在作业开始前完成,并由船长核实和批准。该计划应全面、包含操作的全部细节并易于解释。船舶应能证明对货物进行了独立检查。
The cargo log must include details of all major events including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps, tanks being worked and any deviations from the original plan. 货运日志必须包括所有重大事件的细节,包括主货泵和压载泵的启动和停止、正在工作的油箱以及与原计划的任何偏差。
Additional points should address: 补充要点应涉及
Density, temperature and other relevant conditions, including the reference temperature which determines the filling limits; 密度、温度和其他相关条件,包括决定填充极限的参考温度;
A plan of the distribution, quantities, innages, lines and pumps to be used; 将使用的分配、数量、内径、管路和泵的计划;
Critic al stages of the operation; 行动的批评阶段;
Notice of rate change; 费率变更通知;
Stability and stress information, 稳定性和压力信息、
Drafts and trims; 草稿和修剪;
Emergency stop procedures; 紧急停止程序;
Action to be taken in the event of a spill; 发生泄漏时应采取的行动;
Flammability and toxic ity with referencesto cargo data sheets; 可燃性和毒性,可参考货物数据表;
Ballast operations; 压载作业;
Protective equipment requirements; 防护设备要求;
Hazards of the particularcargoes. 特定货物的危险。
And, as required, requirements for: 根据要求,还需要:
Cargo pollution category; 货物污染类别;
Cooling requirements including rates of cool-down; 冷却要求,包括冷却速度;
Use of the cargo heateror vaporiser; 使用货物加热器或蒸发器;
Heel requirements after discharge; 出院后的脚跟要求;
Under keel clearance limitations; 龙骨下间隙限制;
Bunkering; and 加油;以及
Special precautions required for the particularoperation. 特定操作所需的特殊预防措施。
Stability and Cargo Loading Limitations: 稳定性和货物装载限制:
The Master of the ship should be supplied with a loading and stability information booklet. This booklet should contain details of typic al service and ballast conditions, provisions for evaluating other conditions of loading and a summary of the ship’s survival capabilities. In addition, the booklet should contain sufficient information to enable the Masterto load and operate the ship in a safe and seaworthy manner. 应向船长提供装载和稳性信息手册。该手册应包含典型服役和压载条件的详细信息、评估其他装载条件的规定以及船舶生存能力的概要。此外,该手册还应包含足够的信息,使船长能够以安全和适航的方式装载和操作船舶。
(IGC 2.2.5)
8.5 If a loading computer or programme is in use, is it class approved, regularly tested and are officers aware of the test requirements including damage stability? 8.5 如果使用装载计算机或程序,是否经过等级认证,是否定期测试,官员是否了解测试要求,包括损坏稳定性?
Ships of more than 65 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with a loading manual including permissible limits of still water bending moment and shearforce; the results of the calculations of still water bending moments; shearforces and where applic able, limitations due to torsional and lateral loads and the allowable local loading forthe structure (decks, double bottom, etc.) Ships of more than 100 metres in length are required by Class to be provided with an approved loading instrument. An operational manual is always to be provided for the loading instrument The loading instrument should be capable of calculating shearforces and bending moments in any load or ballast condition at specified readout points and should indic ate the permissible values. Ships with very limited possibilities for variations in the distribution of cargo and ballast and ships with a regular orfixed trading pattem may be exempt from the requirement. 船级社要求长度超过 65 米的船舶必须配备装载手册,包括静水弯矩和剪力的允许限值;静水弯矩的计算结果;剪力,并在适用的情况下,包括扭力和侧向载荷的限制,以及结构(甲板、双层底等)的允许局部载荷。 船级社要求长度超过 100 米的船舶必须配备经批准的装载仪器。加载仪器必须配备操作手册。加载仪器应能在指定的读数点计算任何载荷或压载条件下的剪力和弯矩,并标明允许值。货物和压载物分布变化可能性非常有限的船舶,以及有定期或固定贸易模式的船舶,可免除此要求。
At each Annual and Special Survey, the loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy and the approved loading guidance information confirmed asbeing available on board. Class approved data should be used and the tests should be camied out in the presence of the attending surveyorat the annual survey. There is no requirement forclass to endorse the test however. Regularon-board testing should also take place and recordsattesting to this should be maintained. The test should involve physic ally entering the data foreach tank into the computer and venifying the result. It is not acceptable to simply retrieve a stored test condition from the computer and compare this against the offic ial conditions. 在每次年度检验和特别检验时,应检查装载仪器的准确性,并确认船上有经批准的装载指导信息。应使用船级认可的数据,并在年度检验时在主检员在场的情况下进行测试。但不要求船级认可测试。还应定期进行船上测试,并保存测试记录。测试时,物理人员应将每个油罐的数据输入电脑,并核对结果。不能简单地从计算机中调出存储的测试条件,然后与实际条件进行比较。
Ships constructed on or after 01 J an 2016* and ships constructed before 01 J an 2016* (by the first 在 2016 年 1 月 1 日或之后建造的船舶* 和在 2016 年 1 月 1 日之前建造的船舶* (由首艘
renewal survey on or after 01 J an 2016, but before 01 J an 2021^(****)2021^{* *} ) are required to be fitted with a stability instrument capable of handling both intact and damage stability. Ships camying onboard stability instruments already approved and certified by a recognized organization, and capable of venifying both intact and damage stability to a standard acceptable to the administration, may continue to use such an instrument. 装有已获认可组织批准和认证的船载稳性仪器,并能按照管理部门可接受的标准检测完好稳性和损坏稳性的船舶,可继续使用此类仪器。
The following options for waiving the requirement by the flag administration have been given: 国旗管理部门提出了以下豁免要求的备选方案:
Ships which are on a dedicated service, with a limited number of permutations of loading such that all antic ipated conditions have been approved in the stability documentation provided on board 提供专门服务的船舶,装载次数有限,船上提供的稳性文件中已批准了所有相关条件
Ships where stability verification is made remotely by a means approved by the administration 通过管理部门批准的方式进行远程稳定性核查的船舶
Ships which are loaded within an approved range of loading conditions 在批准的装载条件范围内装载的船舶
Ships constructed before 1 January 2016(1) provided with approved limiting KG/GM curvescovering all applic able intact and damage stability requirements MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6/ IBC Ch 2016 年 1 月 1 日前建造的船舶(1) 提供经批准的 KG/GM 限制曲线,涵盖所有适用的完好性和损坏稳定性要求 MEPC.248(66) / IGC Ch 2.2.6/ IBC Ch
The master of the ship should be supplied with a loading and stability information booklet. This booklet should contain details of typic al service conditions, loading, unloading and ballasting operations, provisions for evaluating other conditions of loading and a summary of the ship’s survival capabilities. In addition, the booklet should contain sufficient information to enable the masterto load and operate the ship in a safe and sea worthy manner. (IGC 2.2.5) 应向船长提供装载和稳性信息手册。这本小册子应包含典型使用条件、装载、卸载和压载操作的详细信息,评估其他装载条件的规定,以及船舶生存能力的概要。此外,手册还应包含足够的信息,使船长能以安全和适航的方式装载和操作船舶。(IGC 2.2.5)
If a class approved loading computer is not available, record in Comments how stress and stability calculations are performed. 如果没有经船级社批准的加载计算机,请在注释中记录如何进行应力和稳定性计算。
Is the vessel free of inherent intact stability problems, are officers aware of these problems or risks of structural damage from sloshing, and actions required if the vessel takes on an unstable condition and/or angle of loll? 船只是否存在固有的不稳定性问题,官员是否了解这些问题或淤积造成结构损坏的风险,以及在船只出现不稳定状况和/或倾斜角度时需要采取的行动?
Vessels that have large width tanks will be subject to reductions of intact stability due to free surface. Although such vessels may meet IMO intact stability criteria when in fully loaded or ballasted conditions, they may be unstable when multiple tanks are slack during cargo orballast transfer operations, or in intermediate states of loading. Trim and stability manuals generally deal only with a mival and departure conditions and operators are not made a ware that stability problems may exist at intermediate stages during cargo transfers. 拥有大宽度油舱的船舶会因自由表面而降低完好稳性。尽管这类船舶在满载或压载状态下可能符合国际海事组织的完好稳性标准,但在货物或压载物转移操作过程中,或在中间装载状态下,当多个油舱松弛时,它们可能会不稳定。减摇和稳性手册一般只涉及开航和离港时的情况,并没有让操作人员意识到在货物转运的中间阶段可能存在稳性问题。
If a vessel has eitherlarge width cargo tanks, ‘U’ section ballast tanks, or double bottom tanks without watertight centreline bulkheads, inspectors should ascertain that the vessel meetsIMO intact stability criteria by requesting the chief offic erto demonstrate, using the class approved loading instrument, the intact stability at the worst case condition (i.e. All tanks slack and maximum free surface). If no suitable loading instrument is provided and adequate instructions are not available, the question should be answered ‘No’, unless there is satisfac tory proof that the vessel is free of inherent stability problems. 如果船舶有大宽度货舱、"U "型压载舱或没有水密中线舱壁的双层底舱,检查员应通过要求主官使用船级社批准的装载仪器演示在最坏情况下(即所有舱室松弛和最大自由表面)的完好稳性,以确定船舶满足国际海事组织完好稳性标准。如果没有提供合适的装载仪器,也没有适当的说明,则应回答 "否",除非有令人满意的证据证明该船不存在固有稳性问题。
Inspectors should ascerta in whether all officers appear familiar with operational restrictions and that instructions are prominently posted describing action to take if stability concems are suspected or experienced. Record a " NN " response and appropriate Observation if weaknessesorotherconcems are revealed. If the vessel has inherent intact stability issues from the above test an observation shall be raised regardless. 检查员应检查所有人员是否熟悉操作限制,是否在显著位置张贴了说明,介绍在怀疑或遇到稳定性问题时应采取的行动。如果发现弱点或其他问题,应记录" NN "反应和适当的观察结果。如果船舶在上述测试中存在固有的完整稳性问题,则无论如何都应提出观察意见。
Important restrictions other than maximum permitted cargo density should be recorded as an observation. 除最大允许货物密度外,其他重要限制应作为意见记录在案。
Verific ation of compliance with damage stability requirements should be documented in accordance with the company’s operating procedures and the company’s safety management system. This should include a method of retaining manual calculations and/or stability instrument printouts used to verify compliance, so that this information can be provided to third parties, such ascompany auditors, surveyors or port State control inspectors. It is recommended that records are retained on board for a minimum of three years to ensure they are available at the next Safety Management Certific ate (SMC) audit. (MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1) 应根据公司的操作程序和公司的安全管理系统,记录对损害稳定性要求的核查情况。这应包括保留用于验证合规性的手工计算和/或稳定性仪器打印输出的方法,以便将此信息提供给第三方,如公司审计员、测量员或港口国控制检查员。建议在船上至少保留三年的记录,以确保在下一次安全管理证书(SMC)审核时可以使用。(MSC.1/Circ. 1461 Part 2 6.1)
If the inspected vessel is a membrane LNG camier, filling and loading limits and restrictions must be posted in all cases. Inspectors should provide a full description of the restrictions in the comments section. 如果受检船舶是膜式液化天然气装卸船,则在任何情况下都必须张贴加注和装载限制。检查员应在备注栏中详细描述限制条件。
If specific procedures have been adopted to address potential stability problems, these should be recorded as an Observation. 如果采用了具体程序来解决潜在的稳定性问题,则应将其记录为 "意见"。
8.7 Is a Cargo Operations Manual available that covers all cargo operations and are officers' familiar with the manual contents? 8.7 是否有涵盖所有货物操作的《货物操作手册》,官员是否熟悉手册内容?
Operations should include gas-up, cool-down, cargo loading, loaded passage, cargo discharge, ballasting, ballast passage cargo tank management, cold amival, gas freeing, purging and hold space management operations. 操作应包括充气、冷却、货物装载、装载通道、货物卸载、压载、压载通道货舱管理、冷藏、气体释放、吹扫和货舱空间管理操作。
The content of the manuals shall include, but not be limited to: 手册的内容应包括但不限于:
overall operation of the ship from dry-dock to dry-dock, including procedures for cargo tank cooldown and wam-up, transfer (including ship-to-ship transfer), cargo sampling, gas-freeing, ballasting, tank cleaning and changing cargoes; 船舶从干船坞到干船坞的整体操作,包括货舱降温和升温、转运(包括船与船之间的转运)、货物取样、气体清除、压载、清洗货舱和更换货物的程序;
cargo temperature and pressure control systems; 货物温度和压力控制系统;
cargo system limitations, including minimum temperatures (c argo system and inner hull), maximum pressures, transferrates, filling limits and sloshing limitations; 货物系统限制,包括最低温度(货物系统和船体内部)、最大压力、转移率、装载限制和荡气限制;
nitrogen and inert gas systems; 氮气和惰性气体系统;
firefighting procedures: operation and maintenance of firefighting systems and use of extinguishing agents; 消防程序:消防系统的操作和维护以及灭火剂的使用;
special equipment needed for the safe handling of the particular cargo; 安全处理特定货物所需的特殊设备;
fixed and portable gas detection; 固定式和便携式气体检测仪;
control, a lam and safety systems; 控制和安全系统;
emergency shutdown systems; 紧急关闭系统;
procedures to change cargo tank pressure relief valve set pressures in accordance with 8.2.8 and; and 根据 8.2.8 和 更改货箱泄压阀设定压力的程序;以及
emergency procedures, including cargo tank relief valve isolation, single tank gas-freeing and entry and emergency ship-to-ship transfer operations. (IGC 18.2.2) 应急程序,包括货舱泄压阀隔离、单舱气体释放和进入以及船对船紧急转移操作。(IGC 18.2.2)
8.8 Are all officers and ratings aware of the camiage requirements including emergency procedures for LNG and are officers’ familiar with the vessels cargo system, including emergenc y discharge arrangements? 8.8 所有高级船员和评级员是否了解包括液化天然气应急程序在内的航行要求,高级船员是否熟悉船舶的货运系统,包括紧急卸货安排?
Officers should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following: 官员应能展示以下方面的基本知识:
Shipboard operations and cargo handling; 船上作业和货物装卸;
Gascombustion systems; 燃气燃烧系统;
The IGC, GC and EGC Codes, where applic able; 可申请的 IGC、GC 和 EGC 代码;
SIGTIO and ICS Guides; SIGTIO 和 ICS 指南;
Cargo reliquefaction procedures, if applic able; 如果可以申请,货物再液化程序;
Cargo tank environmental control procedures when gas freeing and gassing up; 释放气体和加气时的货舱环境控制程序;
Hazards assoc iated with thermal loads, partic ularly when cooling down; 与热负荷有关的危险,特别是在冷却时;
The minimum cargo temperature; 最低货物温度;
Requirements formedic al treatment following exposure to LNG; 接触液化天然气后的建制化处理要求;
Spill response; 泄漏应对措施;
Communic ation procedures with shore; 与岸上的沟通程序;
Emergency stop procedures, including which systems are affected by ESD activation; and 紧急停止程序,包括哪些系统会受到 ESD 启动的影响;以及
Effects of sloshing loads. 荡载的影响
Cargo Operations and Related Safety Management 货运业务及相关安全管理
8.9 Are cargo operations being carried out and logged in accordance with the plan? 8.9 货物操作是否按照计划进行并记录?
The log (that may be electronic) must include details of all major events including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps and tanks being worked. 日志(可以是电子日志)必须包括所有重大事件的细节,包括主要货泵和压载泵的启动和停止,以及正在工作的水箱。
8.10 Are all officers aware of the emergency procedures for dealing with leakage, spillage or fire involving the cargo? 8.10 是否所有官员都了解处理货物泄漏、溢出或起火的应急程序?
Contingency plans in accordance with, for spillage of cargo camied at ambient temperature, shall take account of potential loc al temperature reduction such as when the escaped cargo has reduced to atmospheric pressure and the potential effect of this cooling on hull steel. (IGC 18.3.3) 根据 制定的在环境温度下装载货物泄漏的应急计划,应考虑到潜在的局部温 度降低,如泄漏货物降至大气压时的温度降低,以及这种冷却对船体钢材的潜在影 响。(IGC 18.3.3)
8.11 Are the officers aware of the requirement to isolate the electrical supply of the submerged cargo pump motors, where fitted, during gas-freeing operations and are the pumps fitted with an automatic shut down in the event of low liquid level? 8.11 有关人员是否了解在进行气体清除作业时,必须隔离水下货泵电机(如有)的电 源,以及在液位过低时,货泵是否装有自动关闭装置?
The junction boxes of submerged electric pumps should be visually inspected priorto each discharge. 每次放电前都应目测检查浸没式电泵的接线盒。
Submerged cargo pump motors and their supply cables may be fitted in cargo conta inment systems. Arrangements shall be made to automatic ally shut down the motors in the event of low-liquid level. This may be accomplished by sensing low pump disc harge pressure, low motorcurrent or low liquid 货舱系统中可安装浸没式货泵马达及其供电电缆。在液位过低时,应自动关闭电机。可通过检测泵盘压力过低、电机电流过低或液位过低来实现。
level. This shutdown shall be alarmed at the cargo control station. Cargo pump motors shall be capable of being isolated from their electric al supply during gas-freeing operations. (IGC 10.2.9) 水平。货物控制站应发出停机警报。货泵电机应能在无气操作期间与电力供应隔离。(IGC 10.2.9)
8.12 Are the cargo, ballast and stripping pumps, eductors and their associated instrumentation and controls, where fitted, in good order, free of leaks and is there evidence of regular testing? 8.12 货物泵、压载泵和剥离泵、导流器及其相关仪器和控制装置(如已安装)是否完好无损、无泄漏,是否有定期测试的证据?
Instrumentation, valves and pipework should be clearly marked to indic ate their service and where applic able the compartments to which they relate. 仪器仪表、阀门和管道应清楚地标明其用途,并在适用的情况下标明与之相关的舱室。
8.13 Are cargo pump performance curves available, are deck officers aware of the requirements for cargo lines and vapour on the system? 8.13 是否有货泵性能曲线,甲板人员是否了解系统中对货物管路和蒸汽的要求?
Cargo, Vapour and Inert Gaslines should be inspected where visible and any evidence of damage, corrosion orleakage from glands and flanges recorded as an observation’. Any damage to insulation should be recorded. Routine pressure testing of cargo lines, vapour lines and inert gas lines is not required. 应检查可见的货物、蒸汽和惰性气体管道,并将任何损坏、腐蚀或从接头和法兰泄漏的迹象记录为观察结果"。绝缘层的任何损坏都应记录在案。无需对货物管路、蒸汽管路和惰性气体管路进行例行压力测试。
The greater of the following design conditions shall be used for piping, piping systems and components, based on the cargoesbeing camied: 对于管道、管道系统和部件,应根据所装货物,采用以下设计条件中的较大者:
. 1 for vapour piping systems or components that may be separated from their relief valves and which may conta in some liquid, the saturated vapour pressure at a design temperature of 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. Higher orlowervalues may be used (see; or .1 对于可能与溢流阀分离并可能含有某些液体的蒸汽管道系统或组件,设计温度为 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 时的饱和蒸汽压力。 可以使用更高或更低的数值(见;或
.2 for systems or components that may be separated from their relief valves and which conta in only vapour at all times, the superheated vapour pressure at 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. Higher or lower valuesmay be used (see, assuming an initial condition of saturated vapour in the system at the system operating pressure and temperature; or .2 对于可能与溢流阀分离且在任何时候都只含有蒸汽的系统或组件, 45^(@)C45^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 处的过热蒸汽压力。 可以使用更高或更低的数值(见,假定系统在系统工作压力和温度下的初始状态为饱和蒸汽;或
.3 the MARVS of the cargo tanks and cargo processing systems; or .3 货舱和货物处理系统的 MARVS;或
.4 the pressure setting of the associated pump or compressordischarge relief valve; or .4 相关泵或压缩机排气溢流阀的压力设定值;或
.5 the maximum total discharge orloading head of the cargo piping system considering all possible pumping arrangements or the relief valve setting on a pipeline system. (IGC 5.4.2) Those parts of the liquid piping systems that may be subjected to surge pressures shall be designed to withstand this pressure. (IGC 5.4.3) .5 考虑到所有可能的泵送安排或管路系统的溢流阀设定值,货物管路系统的最大排放或装载总扬程。(IGC 5.4.2)液体管道系统中可能承受浪涌压力的部分,其设计必须能承受这一压力。(IGC 5.4.3)
8.14 Are the cargo and ballast system valves in good order and is there evidence of regular testing? 8.14 货物和压载系统阀门是否完好,是否有定期测试的证据?
Every cargo tank and piping system shall be fitted with manually operated valves for isolation purposes as spec ified in this section. (IGC 每个货油舱和管道系统均须按本节规定安装用于隔离的手动阀门。(IGC
In addition, remotely operated valves shall also be fitted, as appropriate, aspart of the emergency shutdown (ESD) system the purpose of which is to stop cargo flow orleakage in the event of an emergency when cargo liquid or vapour transfer is in progress. (IGC 此外,还应酌情安装遥控阀门,作为紧急关闭(ESD)系统的一部分,其目的是在货物液体或蒸汽转移过程中发生紧急情况时停止货物流动或泄漏。(IGC
Valve closing times should be periodic ally checked with manufacturers data to ensure they do not create potential surge pressures in the system when closed. 阀门的关闭时间应定期与制造商的数据进行核对,以确保阀门关闭时不会在系统中产生潜在的浪涌压力。
8.15 Are the officers aware of the test requirements for cargo system remote and local tank pressure, temperature, and level sensors and gauges, and are these in good order with evidence of regular testing? 8.15 官员是否了解货物系统远程和本地罐体压力、温度和液位传感器和压力表的测试要求,这些传感器和压力表是否完好,是否有定期测试的证据?
Each cargo tank shall be fitted with liquid level gauging device(s), arranged to ensure that a level reading is always obtainable wheneverthe cargo tank is operational. (IGC 13.2.1) 每个货油舱均应安装液位测量装置,以确保在货油舱工作时始终能获得液位读数。(IGC 13.2.1)
Where only one liquid level gauge is fitted, it shall be arranged so that it can be maintained in an operational condition without the need to empty orgas-free the tank. (IGC 13.2.2) 如只装有一个液位计,液位计的布置应能使其保持工作状态而无需清空罐体。(IGC 13.2.2)
The vapour space of each cargo tank shall be provided with a direct reading gauge. Additionally, an indirect indic ation shall be provided at the control position required by 13.1.2. Maximum and minimum allowable pressures shall be clearly indicated. (IGC 13.4.1) 每个货油箱的蒸气空间应装有直接读数的压力表。此外,还应在 13.1.2 要求的控制位置提供间接指示。最大和最小允许压力应清楚标明。(IGC 13.4.1)
Each cargo tank shall be provided with at least two devices for indicating cargo temperatures, one placed at the bottom of the cargo tank and the second nearthe top of the tank, below the highest allowable liquid level. The lowest temperature for which the cargo tank has been designed, as shown on the Intemational Certific ate of Fitness for the Camiage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk required by 1.4.4, shall be clearly indic ated by means of a sign on ornear the temperature indic ating devices. (IGC 13.5.1) 每个货箱应至少有两个显示货物温度的装置,一个置于货箱底部,另一个靠近货箱顶部,低于最高允许液面。1.4.4 所要求的散装液化气体国际适航证书上显示的货舱设计最低温度,应在温度显示装置上或附近用标志清楚地标明。(IGC 13.5.1)
Instruments shall be tested to ensure reliability under the working conditions and recalibrated at regular intervals. Test procedures for instruments and the intervals between recalibration shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. (IGC 13.1.3) 仪器必须经过测试,以确保在工作条件下的可靠性,并定期重新校准。仪器的测试程序和重新校准的间隔时间应符合制造商的建议。(IGC 13.1.3)
Dates of testing and comparisons with secondary tank level gauges should be reviewed and observations recorded where there are signific ant discrepancies. 应审查检测日期以及与副油箱液位计的比较,并记录存在明显差异的意见。
Are the officers aware of the emergency discharge method in the event of cargo pump failure and are there clearprocedures addressing this process? 官员是否了解货泵故障时的紧急排放方法,是否有明确的程序来处理这一过程?
Where cargo transfer is by means of cargo pumpsthat are not accessible for repair with the tanks in service, at least two separate means shall be provided to transfercargo from each cargo tank, and the design shall be such that failure of one cargo pump ormeans of transfer will not prevent the cargo transfer by another pump orpumps, or other cargo transfermeans. (IGC 5.6.1) 如果货物转运是通过货泵进行的,而货泵在货舱使用时无法修理,则应至少有两种不同的转运方式从每个货舱转运货物,其设计应保证一个货泵或转运方式的故障不会妨碍另一个或多个货泵或其他货物转运方式的货物转运。(IGC 5.6.1)
Gaspressurization may be accepted as a means of transfer of cargo for those tanks where the design factor of safety is not reduced under the conditionsprevailing during the cargo transferoperation. (IGC 5.6.2) 对于在货物转运过程中不降低设计安全系数的罐体,可接受以气体加压作为货物转运手段。(IGC 5.6.2)
With very few exceptions, LNG vessels are fitted with two main cargo pumps and anothermethod of emergency discharge. ForMoss vessels it is pressurization. Formembrane vessels it is another pump that can be fitted in the tank. 除了极少数例外情况,液化天然气船都配有两个主货泵和另一种紧急排放方式。对于苔藓船来说,这是一种加压方式。对于膜船来说,则是另一种可安装在储罐中的泵。
Cargo Handling and Monitoring Equipment 货物装卸和监控设备
8.17 Are tank domes, associated fitings in good order, free from corosion and leaks? 8.17 罐体穹顶、相关配件是否完好、无腐蚀和泄漏?
8.18 Is the insulation on cargo or vapour lines in good order and inspection routines in place? 8.18 货物或蒸汽管道上的隔热材料是否完好无损?
Low temperature piping shall be thermally isolated from the adjacent hull structure, where necessary, to prevent the temperature of the hull from falling below the design temperature of the hull material. Where liquid piping is dismantled regularly, or where liquid leakage may be anticipated, such as at shore connections and at pump seals, protection for the hull beneath shall be provided. (IGC 5.7.2) 必要时,低温管道应与邻近船体结构进行热隔离,以防止船体温度低于船体材料的设计温度。在定期拆卸液体管道的地方,或在预计可能发生液体泄漏的地方,如岸边连接处和泵密封处,应为船体下方提供保护。(IGC 5.7.2)
A programme should be in place to regularly check and record the condition of the insulation. There are a number of methods to inspect for corrosion under insulation (CUI) including profile radiography, ultrasonic spot readings, and insulation removal. Whatevermethod used should provide an effective sample check on all insulated linesprovided onboard and effectively planned forvessels repair periods. 应制定定期检查和记录绝缘层状况的计划。检查绝缘层下腐蚀 (CUI) 的方法有很多,包括轮廓射线照相法、超声波点读数法和绝缘层拆除法。无论使用哪种方法,都应对船上提供的所有绝缘线路进行有效的抽样检查,并在船舶维修期间进行有效规划。
Record an Obsenvation if there is any evidence of corrosion. 如果有任何腐蚀迹象,请记录观察结果。
8.19 Are cargo or vapour lines joints electrically bonded? 8.19 货物或蒸汽管路接头是否电气连接?
8.20 Are cargo and vapour line expansion anangements in good order and liquid/vapour lines free to move inside their clamps? 8.20 货物和蒸汽管路膨胀固定装置是否完好无损,液体/蒸汽管路是否可以在夹具内自由移动?
Provision shall be made to protect the piping, piping system and components and cargo tanks from excessive stresses due to thermal movement and from movements of the tank and hull structure. The preferred method outside the cargo tanks is by means of offsets, bends orloops, but multi-layer bellows may be used if offsets, bends orloops are not practic able. (IGC 5.7.1) 应规定保护管道、管道系统和部件及货舱,使其免受热移动和舱体及船体结构移动造成的过大应力。货舱外的首选方法是采用偏置、弯曲或环形结构,但如果偏置、弯曲或环形结构不可行,也可采用多层波纹管。(IGC 5.7.1)
Where bellows and expansion joints are provided in accordance with 5.7.1, the following requirements apply: 在根据 5.7.1 提供波纹管和伸缩缝的情况下,适用以下要求:
. 1 if necessary, bellows shall be protected against icing; and .1 如有必要,应防止波纹管结冰;以及
. 2 slip joints shall not be used except within the cargo tanks. (IGC 5.8.4) .除货舱外,不得使用 2 个滑移接头。(IGC 5.8.4)
8.21 Are cargo line and system relief valves in good order and officers aware of the requirements? 8.21 货物管路和系统溢流阀是否完好无损,官员是否了解相关要求?
All pipelines or components which may be isolated in a liquid full condition shall be protected with relief valves for themal expansion and evaporation. (IGC 5.5.6) 所有可能在满液状态下被隔离的管道或部件均应安装泄压阀,以防止其膨胀和蒸发。(IGC 5.5.6)
Relief valves discharging liquid cargo from the piping system shall discharge into the cargo tanks. Altematively, they may disc harge to the cargo vent mast, if means are provided to detect and dispose of any liquid cargo that may flow into the vent system. Where required to prevent overpressure in downstream piping, relief valves on cargo pumps shall discharge to the pump suction. (IGC 从管道系统排出液态货物的溢流阀应排入货舱。或者,如果提供了检测和处理任何可能流入排气系统的液态货物的手段,则可将溢流阀排放到货物排气桅杆。在需要防止下游管道超压的情况下,货泵上的溢流阀应向泵吸入口排放。(IGC
Short line section of less than 50 litres volume may be exempt from a ‘hydrostat’ relief valve perIACS agreement. 根据 IACS 协议,容积小于 50 升的短管段可免装 "水力控制 "溢流阀。
8.22 Are cargo pipelines free of screwed-in connections? 8.22 货物管道是否没有螺纹连接?
Screwed couplings complying with recognized standards shall only be used for accessory lines and instrumentation lines with extemal diameters of 25 mm orless. (IGC 符合公认标准的螺纹接头只能用于外径小于或等于 25 毫米的辅助管路和仪表管路。(IGC
8.23 Is the cargo tank high level alam system independent of both the gauging system and in the case of IGC vessels, also independent of the high level shut-down (overfiow control) system and are officers aware of the ovemide procedures where provided? 8.23 货舱高水位报警系统是否独立于测量系统,如果是 IGC 船舶,是否也独立于高水位关闭(过流控制)系统?
Except asprovided in 13.3.4, each cargo tank shall be fitted with a high liquid level alarm operating independently of otherliquid level indic ators and giving an audible and visual waming when activated. (IGC 13.3.1) 除 13.3.4 另有规定外,每个货油舱均应装有高液位报警器,该报警器独立于其他液位指示器工作,并在启动时发出声光报警。(IGC 13.3.1)
An additional sensor*operating independently of the high liquid level ala rm shall automatic ally actuate a shutoff valve in a mannerthat will both avoid excessive liquid pressure in the loading line and prevent the tank from becoming liquid full. (IGC 13.3.2) 与高液位报警器独立工作的另一个传感器应能自动启动一个关闭阀,既能避免装载管路中的液 压过高,又能防止罐体液满。(IGC 13.3.2)
A high liquid level alarm and automatic shut-off of cargo tank filling need not be required, when the cargo tank: 当货箱液位较高时,不需要高液位警报和自动关闭货箱加注功能:
. 1 is a pressure tank with a volume not more than 200m3200 \mathrm{m3}; or .1 是容积不大于 200m3200 \mathrm{m3} 的压力罐;或
.2 is designed to withstand the maximum possible pressure during the loading operation, and such pressure is below that of the set pressure of the cargo tank relief valve. (IGC 13.3.4) .2的设计能承受装货作业时可能的最大压力,且该压力低于货舱泄压阀的设定压力。(IGC 13.3.4)
*Note There is no requirement for GC vessels to have an independent sensor from the high-level alam to activate the shut off valve. *注: GC 容器不需要有一个独立于高液位报警器的传感器来启动截止阀。
Where arrangements are provided for ovemiding the overflow control system, they shall be such that inadvertent operation is prevented. When this ovemide is operated, continuous visual indic ation shall be given at the relevant control station(s) and the navigation bridge. (IGC 13.3.7) 如为溢流控制系统的操作作出安排,应能防止误操作。当操作溢流控制系统时,相关控制站和导航桥须有持续的视觉指示。(IGC 13.3.7)
The system should only be ovemidden in exceptional circumstances, such as if the tank has been overfilled and it is necessary to by-pass the overflow control system to discharge the tank. Such systems are occasionally over-ridden at sea during reliquefaction and in bad weatherconditions. 该系统只有在特殊情况下才能被超限使用,如油箱已被过量注油,需要绕过溢流控制系统来排放油箱。在海上发生再液化时和恶劣天气条件下,偶尔会超限使用这种系统。
8.24 Are there records of the calibration of key cargo instrumentation, inc luding temperature and pressure gauges? 8.24 是否有关键货物仪器(包括温度计和压力计)的校准记录?
Instruments shall be tested to ensure reliability under the working conditions and recalibrated at regular intervals. Test procedures for instruments and the intervals between recalibration shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. (IGC 13.1.3) 仪器必须经过测试,以确保在工作条件下的可靠性,并定期重新校准。仪器的测试程序和重新校准的间隔时间应符合制造商的建议。(IGC 13.1.3)
There should be records of the regular checking and calibration of instrumentation, particularly cargo tank temperature and pressure gauges and reliquefaction plant instruments. Calibration should be camied out preferably at intervals not exceeding 36 months. 应有定期检查和校准仪器的记录,特别是货舱温度和压力表以及再液化设备仪器。校准间隔最好不超过 36 个月。
Calibration of instrumentation is often difficult whilst the vessel is in senvice and it is usually camied out during repair periods. However, comparisons between local and remote themometer readings and crosschecking with cargo vapour pressure (from tables) provide a practical cross-reference. 在船舶处于航行状态时,通常很难对仪器进行校准,而且校准工作通常在维修期间进行。不过,比较本地和远程温度计的读数,并与货物蒸汽压力(来自表格)进行交叉核对,可以提供实用的交叉参考。
8.25 Is cargo measurement and custody transfer system in good condition? 8.25 货物测量和监管转移系统是否完好?
Cargo measurement and custody transfer can be performed by a number of methods, Radar Ullaging Capacitance systems etc. and also by use of float gauges. 货物测量和监管转移可通过多种方法进行,如雷达电容系统等,也可使用浮标测量。
8.26 Are the officers aware of the test requirements for the cargo tank high level and overflow alams, and are they in good order with evidence of regulartesting and in use for both cargo loading and discharging? 8.26 有关人员是否了解对货舱高位和溢流挡板的测试要求,这些挡板是否完好无损, 是否有证据表明进行过定期测试,是否用于装卸货物?
At the first occasion of full loading after delivery and after each dry-docking, testing of high-level alams shall be conducted by raising the cargo liquid level in the cargo tank to the alam point. (IGC 13.3.5) 在交付后的首次满载和每次干舷后,应将货舱内的货物液面升至液位点,以测试高位液位计。(IGC 13.3.5)
All elements of the level alarms, including the electrical circ uit and the sensor(s), of the high, and overfill alarms, shall be capable of being functionally tested. Systems shall be tested prior to cargo operation in accordance with 18.6.2. (IGC 13.3.6) 液位报警器的所有部件,包括高位和过满报警器的电路和传感器,均须能进行 功能测试。在货物操作前,须按照 18.6.2(IGC 13.3.6)对系统进行测试。
LNG Cargo Machinery Rooms. 液化天然气货运机房。
8.27 Are the bulkhead seals between the, compressor room and the motor room, gas tight and operating effectively? 8.27 压缩机房和电机房之间的隔板密封是否气密和有效?
Cargo compressors and cargo pumpsmay be driven by electric motors in an adjacent non-hazardous space separated by a bulkhead ordeck, if the seal around the bulkhead penetration ensures effective gastight segregation of the two spaces. Altematively, such equipment may be driven by certified safe electric motors adjacent to them if the electric al installation complies with the requirements of chapter 10. (IGC 3.3.4) 货物压缩机和货物泵可由相邻的非危险空间内的电动机驱动,该空间由舱壁顺序隔开,但舱壁贯穿件周围的密封须确保两个空间的有效气密隔离。另外,如果电动机的安装符合第 10 章的要求,这些设备可由相邻的经认证的安全电动机驱动。(IGC 3.3.4)
Where fitted inspectors should check lubric ator reservoirs contain suffic ient oil. Bulkhead shaft seals on LNG vessels are nomally provided by means of pressurised nitrogen. 如已安装,检查员应检查润滑剂储油器是否有足够的油。液化天然气船上的隔板轴封通常采用加压氮气密封。
8.28 Are the cargo machinery rooms well-lit and are electrical fitings suitable for use in gashazardous areas and in good order? 8.28 货物机械室的照明是否良好,电气设备是否适合在有气体危险的区域使用,是否完好无损?
8.29 Are officers aware of the requirements for the compressor room ventilation system and is the system maintaining negative relative pressure? 8.29 人员是否了解压缩机房通风系统的要求,该系统是否能保持相对负压?
Electric motorrooms, cargo compressor and pump-rooms, spacescontaining cargo handling equipment and otherenclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumulate shall be fitted with fixed artificial ventilation systems capable of being controlled from outside such spaces. The ventilation shall be run continuously to prevent the accumulation of toxic and/orflammable vapours, with a means of monitoring acceptable to the Administration to be provided. A waming notice requining the use of such ventilation prior to entering shall be placed outside the compartment. (IGC 12.1.1) 電動機房、貨物壓縮機房及泵房、裝有貨物處理設備的空間,以及其他可能積聚貨物蒸氣的密閉空間,均須裝設可從該等空間外控制的固定人工通風系統。通风系统须持续运行,以防止有毒及/或易燃蒸气积聚,并须提供当局可接受的监测方法。须在舱室外张贴要求在进入舱室前使用此种通风设备的告示。(IGC 12.1.1)
Where a space has an opening into an adjacent more hazardousspace or area, it shall be maintained at an overpressure*. It may be made into a lesshazardous space ornon-hazardousspace by overpressure protection in accordance with recognized standards. (IGC 12.1.4) 如果一个空间有一个通向邻近更危险空间或区域的开口,则该空间应保持超压*。可根据公认的标准,通过超压保护使其成为危险性较低的空间或非危险性空间。(IGC 12.1.4)
*For electric al motor rooms the pressure should be maintained at a relatively higher pressure than that of the adjoining cargo compressorroom. *对于电动马达室,压力应保持在比相邻货物压缩机室相对较高的压力。
8.30 Are the officers a ware of the requirements for airlocks, are the alams in good orderand in the event of pressure in the air-lock lost, will the shutdown system operate comecty? 8.30 官员是否了解气闸的要求,气闸是否完好无损,在气闸失去压力的情况下,关闭系统是否能正常运行?
Access from the open weatherdeck to non-hazardous areas shall be located outside the hazardous areas asdefined in chapter 10, unless the access is by means of an airlock in accordance with 3.6. (IGC 3.5.4) 从开放式气象台通往非危险区域的通道应位于第10章定义的危险区域之外,除非该通道是通过符合3.6规定的气闸(IGC 3.5.4)。
Access between hazardous area on the open weatherdeck and non-hazardous spaces shall be by means of an airlock. This shall consist of two self-closing, substantially gastight, steel doors without any holding back arrangements, capable of maintaining the overpressure, at least 1.5 m but no more than 2.5 m apart. The airlock space shall be artific ially ventilated from a non-hazardous area and maintained at an ovemressure to the hazardous area on the weatherdeck. (IGC 3.6.1) 开放式风向甲板上的危险区域与非危险空间之间应通过气闸进入。气闸应由两扇自动关闭、实质上气密的钢门组成,无任何阻挡装置,能保持超压,相距至少 1.5 米,但不超过 2.5 米。气闸空间应从非危险区进行人工通风,并与气象台的危险区保持超压(IGC 3.6.1)。
An audible and visible alarm system to give a waming on both sides of the airlock shall be provided. The visible alarm shall indic ate if one door is open. The audible alarm shall sound if doors on both sides of the airlock are moved from the closed positions. (IGC 3.6.3) 应在气闸两侧安装声响和可视警报系统。如果一扇门打开,可见报警器应鸣响。如果气闸两侧的门从关闭位置移开,声响报警器应发出声音。(IGC 3.6.3)
In ships camying flammable products, electric al equipment that is loc ated in spacesprotected by a irlocks and not of the certified safe type, shall be de-energized in case of loss of overpressure in the space. (IGC 3.6.4) 在装载易燃品的船舶上,如电气设备位于有电锁保护的空间内,且非经认证的安全类型,则在该空间失去超压时,应切断该设备的电源。(IGC 3.6.4)
8.31 Is the compressor room free of gas leaks? 8.31 压缩机房是否有气体泄漏?
8.32 Are the officers’ familiar with the operation and requirements of the fixed gas detection equipment and is the equipment in good order? 8.32 人员是否熟悉固定气体检测设备的操作和要求,设备是否完好无损?
A permanently installed system of gas detection and audible and visual alams shall be fitted in: 必须安装永久性的气体探测和声光警报系统:
.1 all enclosed cargo and cargo machinery spaces (including turret compartments) containing gaspiping, gas equipment orgasconsumers; .1 所有封闭的货物和货物机械空间(包括炮塔舱),内有气管、气体设备或消耗器;
. 2 other enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces where cargo vapours may accumulate, including interbamier spaces and hold spaces for independent tanks other than type C tanks; .2 其他可能积聚货物蒸汽的封闭或半封闭空间,包括夹层空间和 C 型罐体以外的独立罐体的容纳空间;
. 3 a irlocks; .3 个锁;
.4 spacesin gas-fired intemal combustion engines, referred to in; .4 中提及的燃气内燃机中的空间;
.5 ventilation hoods and gasducts required by chapter16; .5 第 16 章所要求的通风罩和气体导管;
.6 cooling/heating circ uits, as required by 7.8.4; 7.8.4 所要求的 .6 个冷却/加热循环装置;
7 inert gas generator supply headers; and 7 个惰性气体发生器供气头;以及
. 8 motor rooms for cargo handling machinery. (IGC 13.6.2) .8 货物装卸机械电机房。(IGC 13.6.2)
When sampling type gasdetection equipment is used, the gas detection equipment shall be capable of sampling and analysing for each sampling head location sequentially at intervals not exceeding 30 min. (IGC 13.6.8) 当使用取样型气体检测设备时,气体检测设备必须能够以不超过 30 分钟的间隔依次对每个取样头位置进行取样和分析(IGC 13.6.8)。
Alarms shall be activated when the vapour concentration by volume reachesthe equivalent of 30%30 \% LFL in air. (IGC 13.6.15) 当蒸气的体积浓度达到空气中的 30%30 \% LFL 值时,警报必须启动。(IGC 13.6.15)
Formembrane conta inment systems, the primary and secondary insulation spaces shall be able to be inerted and their gas content analysed individually. The alarm in the secondary insulation space shall 在膜结构隔热系统中,一级和二级隔热空间应能惰化,并能分别分析其气体含量。二级隔热空间的报警器应
8.33 Are the officers aware of the requirements for setting fixed gas detec tor sample points and, are they fitted at the upper level of the machinery spaces? 8.33 有关人员是否了解设置固定气体检测采样点的要求,以及这些采样点是否安装 在机器空间的上层?
In every installation, the number and the positions of detection heads shall be determined with due regard to the size and layout of the compartment, the compositions and densities of the products intended to be camied and the dilution from compartment purging orventilation and stagnant areas. (IGC 13.6.12) 在每次安装中,探测头的数量和位置的确定应充分考虑到舱室的大小和布局、拟装运产品的成分和密度以及舱室吹扫或通风和滞留区的稀释情况。(IGC 13.6.12)
LNG vapours are lighterthan air and will accumulate in the upperareas of a space. 液化天然气蒸汽比空气轻,会积聚在空间的上部区域。
Cargo Reliquefaction Systems: 货物再液化系统:
8.34 If applic able, are the officers’ familiar with the operation of the cargo reliquefaction plant and is the plant and associated machinery and instrumentation in good order? 8.34 如果可以申请,官员是否熟悉货物再液化装置的操作,装置及相关机械和仪器是否完好无损?
Records should be available of the pressure testing of ala ms and trips and of the calibration of cargo system instrumentation. Such testing should be included under the PMS system. If the equipment is undergoing routine maintenance at the time of the inspection, record the fact in Comments. Reliquefaction equipment should include, but not be limited to, compressors, cold box orgascooler. 应提供对备用毫秒和跳闸进行压力测试的记录,以及对货物系统仪器进行校准的记录。此类测试应纳入 PMS 系统。如果设备在检查时正在进行例行维护,则应在 "意见 "中予以记录。再液化设备应包括但不限于压缩机、冷藏箱、冷凝器。
8.35 Are the officers aware if the Gas supply to the Engine Room is unaffected by ESD Shutdown and are there procedures confirming this? 8.35 官员们是否知道发动机室的燃气供应不受 ESD 关闭的影响,是否有程序确认这一点?
8.36 Is the reliquefaction plant fitted with an independent emergency shutdown control to the cargo ESD system. 8.36 再液化装置是否装有独立的货物 ESD 系统紧急关闭控制装置。
Auxiliary systems for conditioning the cargo that use toxic or flammable liquids or vapours shall be treated as cargo systems for the purposes of ESD. Indirect refrigeration systems using an inert medium, such as nitrogen, need not be included in the ESD function. (IGC 就 ESD 而言,使用有毒或易燃液体或蒸汽的货物调节辅助系统应视为货物系统。使用氮气等惰性介质的间接制冷系统不必包括在 ESD 功能中。(IGC
Gas Combustion Systems: 燃气燃烧系统:
This sub-section is applic able to vessels fitted with a reliquefaction system or other cargo system that requires that a GasCombustion Unit (GCU) to be fitted. 本小节适用于装有再液化系统或其他需要安装气体燃烧装置 (GCU) 的货物系统的船舶。
8.37 Are the officers aware of the operation of the GCU unit where fitted and is the unit in fully operational and ready for immediate use? 8.37 警務人員是否知悉已安裝的槍械彈藥裝置的運作情況,以及該裝 置是否已完全運作並可隨時使用?
An automatic system shall be fitted to change over from gas fuel operation to oil fuel operation without intemuption of the boiler firing, in the event of loss of gas fuel supply. (IGC 必须安装自动系统,以便在失去气体燃料供应的情况下,在不中断锅炉点火的情况下,将气体燃料操作转换为油燃料操作。(IGC
The GCU should be operated in automatic mode to allow forfailure of the reliquefaction unit or the loss of gascombustion in the machinery. If not in automatic mode are there sufficient procedures in place to permit manual operation when required. 气相色谱仪应在自动模式下运行,以便在再反应装置发生故障或机械中的气体失去燃烧时进行操作。如果不是自动模式,是否有足够的程序允许在需要时进行手动操作。
8.39 Are the officers aware of the gas fuel piping protection and is the system in good order? 8.39 人员是否了解气体燃料管道的保护情况,系统是否完好?
Fuel piping shall not pass through accommodation spaces, service spaces, electric al equipment rooms or control stations. The routeing of the pipeline shall take into account potential hazards, due to mechanic al damage, in areassuch asstores ormachinery handling areas. (IGC 燃料管道不得穿过住宿空间、服务空间、电气设备室或控制站。管道的布设应考虑到因机械损坏而可能对库房或机械装卸区造成的潜在危险。(IGC
Provision shall be made forinerting and gas-freeing that portion of the gasfuel piping systemslocated in the machinery space. (IGC 须对位于机械空间内的气体燃料管道系统部分进行惰性化和无气化处理。(IGC
Fuel piping may pass through or extend into enclosed spacesother than those mentioned in 16.4.1, provided it fulfils one of the following conditions: 燃料管道可穿过或延伸至 16.4.1 所述以外的封闭空间,但必须满足以下条件之一:
it is of a double-wall design with the space between the concentric pipespressurized with inert gas at a pressure greater than the gasfuel pressure. The mastergasfuel valve, as required by 16.4.6, closes automatic ally upon loss of inert gas pressure; or 双壁设计,同心管之间的空间用惰性气体加压,压力大于气体燃料压力。16.4.6 所要求的气体燃料总阀在惰性气体失压时自动关闭;或
it is installed in a pipe orduct equipped with mechanical exhaust ventilation having a capacity of at least 30 air changesperhour and is arranged to maintain a pressure less than the atmospheric pressure. The mechanic al ventilation is in accordance with chapter12, as applic able. The ventilation is always in operation when there isfuel in the piping and the mastergasfuel valve, as required by 16.4.6, closes automatic ally if the required air flow is not established and maintained by the exhaust ventilation system. The inlet or the duct may be from a non-hazardous machinery space, and the ventilation outlet is in a safe location. (IGC 16.4.3) 安装在装有机械排气装置的管道或通道中,机械排气装置的换气量至少为每小时 30 次,并能保持低于大气压的压力。机械通风符合第 12 章的规定。当管道内有燃料时,通风系统始终处于工作状态,如果排气通风系统没有建立和维持所需的气流,16.4.6 所要求的主气体燃料阀会自动关闭。入口或管道可来自非危险机械空间,通风出口位于安全位置。(IGC 16.4.3)
8.40 Is the automatic gas shut-off system in good order and regularly tested? 8.40 煤气自动切断系统是否完好并定期检测?
The fuel supply equipment shall be automatic ally stopped in the case of low suction pressure or fire detection. Unless expressly provided otherwise, the requirements of 18.10 need not apply to gas fuel compressors or pumps when used to supply gasconsumers. (IGC 在吸气压力过低或发现火灾时,燃料供应设备应自动停止。除非另有明确规定,18.10 的要求不必适用于供应气体消费者的气体燃料压缩机或泵。(IGC
There shall be arrangements to ensure that gas fuel flow to the bumer is automatic ally cut-off, unless satisfac tory ignition has been established and maintained. (IGC 必须作出安排,确保除非点火成功并得以保持,否则自动切断流向燃烧器的气体燃料。(IGC
Void and InterbamierSpaces and Seals: 空隙、夹层空间和密封件:
Note: This section should be completed for all types of cargo containment. These include integral, membrane, semi-membrane and independent Type AA and B cargo tanks. 注: 本节应填写所有类型的货物密封舱。其中包括整体式、膜式、半膜式和独立的 AA 型和 B 型货舱。
For cargo conta inment systems other than Type C: 适用于 C 型以外的货物装载系统:
Interbamier and hold spaces associated with cargo containment systems for flammable gas requining full secondary bamiers should be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gasgeneration system, orby shipboard storage which should be suffic ient for nomal consumption for at least 30 days. 与需要二级安全气囊的易燃气体货物安全壳系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,应使用适当的干燥惰性气体进行惰化,并使用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的补充气体或船上储存的惰性气体保持惰化,补充气体应足够至少 30 天的额定消耗量。
(IGC 9.2.1)
Interbamier and hold spaces associated with cargo containment systems for flammable gases requining partial secondary bamiers should be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gasgeneration system, orby shipboard storage which should be suffic ient for nomal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 与需要部分二级密闭的易燃气体货物密闭系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,应使用适当的干燥惰性气体进行惰化,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的补充气体或船上储存的惰性气体保持惰化,补充气体应足够至少30天的额定消耗量。(IGC
Altematively, the administration may allow Interbamier and Hold spacesto be filled with Dry air provided the ship maintains a stored charge of inert gas or is fitted with an inert gas generator suffic ient to inert the largest of these spaces; and provided that the configuration of the spaces and the relevant vapour detection systems, together with the capability of the inerting arrangements, ensure that any leakage from the cargo tanks will be rapidly detected and inerting effected before a dangerous condition can develop. Equipment for the provision of sufficient dry air of suitable quality to satisfy the expected demand should be provided. (IGC 另外,如果船舶储存有惰性气体或安装有惰性气体发生器,足以对最大的舱室进行惰性处理,而且舱室的构造和相关的蒸汽探测系统以及惰性处理装置的能力能够确保在危险情况发生之前迅速探测到货舱的任何泄漏并进行惰性处理,则管理部门可允许用干燥空气填充舱室间和货舱。应配备设备,提供足够的、质量合适的干燥空气,以满足预期的需求。(IGC
8.41 Is the interbarrier space nitrogen purging system in good order? 8.41 隔舱空间氮气吹扫系统是否正常?
Review records of nitrogen consumption and running hours of nitrogen generator to confirm the effic iency of the interbamier space. Frequent sweeping or purging with nitrogen, with resultant use of nitrogen, is used to reduce the explosive gaslevels. Sweeping valveshave alwaysto be in closed position when not in use forpurging. If found in open position, this may be considered as a sign of LNG leakage into the primary space. 检查氮气消耗记录和氮气发生器的运行时间,以确认夹层空间的效率。经常用氮气清扫或吹扫,从而使用氮气来降低爆炸性气体的浓度。在不使用吹扫时,吹扫阀必须始终处于关闭位置。如果发现阀门处于打开位置,则可视为液化天然气泄漏到主空间的迹象。
Interbamier and hold spaces associated with cargo conta inment systems for flammable gases requiring full or partial secondary bamiers shall be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gasgeneration system, orby shipboard storage, which shall be suffic ient fornormal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 9.2.1) 与需要全部或部分二级充气的易燃气体货物充气系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,必须用适当的干惰性气体充气,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的或船上储存的补充气体保持惰性,补充气体应足够正常消耗至少30天。(IGC 9.2.1)
8.42 Is the pressure in the interbarier spaces being maintained at a sufficient level to prevent ingress from the atmosphere? 8.42 分隔空间的压力是否保持在足以防止大气进入的水平?
The design of the secondary bamier shall be such that it is capable of being periodic ally checked for its effectiveness by means acceptable to the Administration orrecognized organization acting on its behalf. This may be by means of a visual inspection or a pressure/vacuum test or other suitable means camied out according to a documented procedure agreed with the Administration or the recognized organization acting on itsbehalf. (IGC 二级防撞器的设计应能以管理局或代表管理局行事的公认组织可接受的方式定期检查其有效性。检查可采用目视检查、压力/真空测试或其他适当方法,按与当局或代表当局行事的认可组织商定的有文件记录的程序进行。(IGC
Inspectors should ascertain from the Cargo Operation Manual that the required pressure is being maintained within the IBS. 检查员应从《货物操作手册》中确定 IBS 内是否保持所需的压力。
8.43 Are officers aware of the setting requirements for relief valves for hold spaces and primary and secondary bamiers and, where fitted are they in good order? 8.43 官员们是否了解舱室、一级和二级底舱泄压阀的设置要求,以及安装后是否完好无损?
Hold spaces and interbamierspaces, which may be subject to pressuresbeyond their design capabilities, shall also be provided with a suitable pressure relief system. (IGC 8.1) 可能承受超出其设计能力的压力的舱室和舱室之间的空间也应配备适当的泄压系统。(IGC 8.1)
Interba mier spacesshall be provided with pressure relief devices. (IGC 8.2.2) 室内空间应配备泄压装置。(IGC 8.2.2)
Hold spaceswithout open connection to the atmosphere should be provided with suitable pressure gauges. 没有与大气开放连接的舱室应配备合适的压力表。
8.44 Are the officers’ familiar with the means to sample for ingress of water into the insulation spaces and are checks being recorded? 8.44 人员是否熟悉抽样检查隔热空间进水情况的方法,检查是否有记录?
Where cargo is camied in a cargo containment system not requiring a secondary ba mier, suitable drainage arrangements for the hold spacesthat are not connected with the machinery space shall be provided. Means of detecting any leakage shall be provided. (IGC 3.7.1) 如果货物装在不需要二级舱门的货物密封系统中,则必须为不与机械舱相连的舱室提供适当的排水安排。必须提供检测任何渗漏的手段。(IGC 3.7.1)
Where there is a secondary bamier, suitable drainage arrangements fordealing with any leakage into the hold orinsulation spacesthrough the adjacent ship structure shall be provided. The suction shall not lead to pumps inside the machinery space. Meansof detecting such leakage shall be provided. (IGC 3.7.2) 在有辅助舱的情况下,应配备适当的排水装置,以处理通过邻近船体结构渗漏到舱室或隔热空间的情况。抽吸不得通向机械空间内的水泵。须提供检测渗漏的方法。(IGC 3.7.2)
The hold or interbamier spaces of type A independent tank ships shall be provided with a drainage system suitable for handling liquid cargo in the event of cargo tank leakage orrupture. Such arrangements shall provide for the retum of any cargo leakage to the liquid cargo piping. (IGC 3.7.3) A 型独立液货船的货舱或舱间空间应设有排水系统,以便在货舱渗漏或破裂时处理液货。此等安排应能将任何货物渗漏回流至液货管道。(IGC 3.7.3)
8.45 Is the glycol heating system in the void spaces between cargo tanks, where fitted, in good order? 8.45 货箱之间空隙中的乙二醇加热系统(如果安装)是否完好?
Inert Gas Systems: 惰性气体系统:
8.46 Is the inert gas system and/ or storage and associated pipework, where fitted, in good order? Interbamier and hold spaces associated with cargo containment systems for fla mmable gases requining full or partial secondary bamiers shall be inerted with a suitable dry inert gas and kept inerted with make-up gasprovided by a shipboard inert gas generation system, or by shipboard storage, which shall be suffic ient for normal consumption for at least 30 days. (IGC 9.2.1) 8.46 惰性气体系统和(或)贮存及相关管道(如已安装)是否完好?与需要全部或部分二级密闭的易燃气体货物密闭系统有关的舱间和舱室空间,必须用适当的干惰性气体进行惰化,并用船上惰性气体发生系统提供的或船上贮存的补充气体保持惰化,补充气体必须足够正常消耗至少30天。(IGC 9.2.1)
Where insulation spaces are continually supplied with an inert gas as part of a leak detection system, means shall be provided to monitor the quantity of gasbeing supplied to individual spaces. (IGC 9.4.6) Air shall be removed from cargo tanks and associated piping before loading and, then, subsequently excluded by introducing inert gasto maintain a positive pressure. Storage orproduction capacity of the inert gas shall be suffic ient to meet nomal operating requirements and relief valve leakage. The oxygen content of inert gas shall, at no time, be greater than 0.2%0.2 \% by volume (IGC 17.6.1) 如隔热空间作为检漏系统的一部分而持续供应惰性气体,则须有办法监测供应到各空间的气体数量。(IGC 9.4.6)在装货前应排除货舱和相关管道中的空气,然后通过引入惰性气体排除空气,以保持正压。惰性气体的储存或生产量应足以满足额定操作要求和溢流阀泄漏量。惰性气体中的氧含量在任何时候均不得超过 0.2%0.2 \% 体积百分比(IGC 17.6.1)。
8.47 Are officers aware of the arrangements to prevent the backflow of cargo vapour into the inert gas system and is this arrangement in place? 8.47 人员是否了解防止货物蒸气倒流到惰性气体系统的安排,这种安排是否到位?
Arrangements to prevent the backflow of cargo vapour into the inert gas system that are suitable for the cargo camied, shall be provided. If such plants are located in machinery spaces or other spaces outside the cargo area, two non-retum valves or equivalent devices and, in addition, a removable spool piece shall be fitted in the inert gas main in the cargo area. When not in use, the inert gassystem shall be made separate from the cargo system in the cargo area except for connections to the hold spacesor interbamier spaces. (IGC 9.4.4) 必须有适合于货舱的防止货物蒸汽倒流到惰性气体系统的装置。如惰性气体装置位于机械空间或货舱外的其他空间,则须在货舱内的惰性气体总管上安装两个非回流阀或类似装置,以及一个可拆卸的阀芯。不使用时,惰性气体系统须与货舱内的货物系统分开,但与货舱或舱间空间的连接除外。(IGC 9.4.4)
Protection against back-flow of gas is usually made by providing two non-retum valves and a spool piece. Check that except when inert gas is being delivered, the spool piece is not in place and that offic ers clearly understand this important requirement. 防止气体倒流的方法通常是提供两个无截流阀和一个阀芯。检查除输送惰性气体外,阀芯是否安装到位,并确保工作人员清楚了解这一重要要求。
Pressure Reliefand Venting Systems: 泄压和通风系统:
8.48 Are the officers aware of the requirements for setting the relief valves, are certificates of test available and clear procedures for changing MARVS as applic able? 8.48 官员们是否了解设置泄压阀的要求,是否有测试证书,是否有明确的程序,以便在申请时更换MARVS?
Cargo tanks, including deck tanks, shall be fitted with a minimum of two pressure relief valves (PRVS), each being of equal size within manufacturer’stolerances and suitably designed and constructed for the prescribed service. (IGC 8.2.1) 货油舱,包括甲板货油舱,须安装至少两个泄压阀 (PRVS),每个泄压阀大小相等,符合制造商的公差要求,且设计和构造适合规定的用途。(IGC 8.2.1)
The setting of the PRVs shall not be higher than the vapour pressure that has been used in the design of the tank. Where two ormore PRVs are fitted, valves comprising not more than 50%50 \% of the total relieving capacity may be set at a pressure up to 5%5 \% above MARVS to allow sequential lifting, minimizing unnecessary release of vapour. (IGC 8.2.3) 减压阀的设定值不得高于罐体设计时使用的蒸汽压力。如果装有两个或更多的减压阀,可将不超过总释放能力 50%50 \% 的阀门设定在最高高于MARVS 5%5 \% 的压力下,以便连续提升,尽量减少不必要的蒸汽释放。(IGC 8.2.3)
Pressure relief valves shall be set and sealed by the Administration or recognized organization acting on its behalf, and a record of this action, including the valves set pressure, shall be retained on board the ship. (IGC 8.2.6) 泄压阀应由行政部门或代表行政部门的公认组织设置和密封,并应在船上保留这一行动的记录,包括阀门的设定压力。(IGC 8.2.6)
Cargo tanksmay be permitted to have more than one relief valve set pressure in the following cases: 在下列情况下,允许货箱有一个以上的泄压阀设定压力:
. 1 installing two ormore properly set and sealed PRVs and providing means, as necessary, for isolating the valves not in use from the cargo tank; or .1 安装两个或更多适当设置和密封的 PRV,并在必要时提供将不使用的阀门与货舱隔离的 装置;或
.2 installing relief valves whose settingsmay be changed by the use of a previously approved device not requiring pressure testing to verify the new set pressure. All other valve adjustments shall be sealed. (IGC 8.2.7) .2 安装溢流阀,其设定值可通过使用先前批准的装置进行更改,无需进行压力测试以验证新的设定压力。所有其他阀门的调整必须密封。(IGC 8.2.7)
Changing the set pressure under the provisions of 8.2.7 and the corresponding resetting of the alarms referred to in 13.4 .2 shall be camied out under the supervision of the master in accordance with approved procedures and asspecified in the ship’soperating manual. Changes in set pressure shall be recorded in the ship’slog and a sign shall be posted in the cargo control room, if provided, and at each relief valve, stating the set pressure. (IGC 8.2.8) 根据 8.2.7 的规定改变设定压力,以及相应地重新设置 13.4.2 所述的警报,应在船长的监督下,按照批准的程序和船舶操作手册的规定进行。设定压力的变化应记录在船舶日志中,并应在货物控制室(如有)和每个泄压阀上张贴标示,说明设定压力。(IGC 8.2.8)
Ascertain that the officers responsible clearly understand the proceduresto be followed forchanging settings. 确保负责人员清楚了解更改设置时应遵循的程序。
Note: The only circumstances where relief valve settingsmay be changed are in the case of Moss vessels where, in cases of emergency, a pressurised discharge may be undertaken. 注:唯一可以更改溢流阀设置的情况是,在紧急情况下,可以对 Moss 容器进行加压排放。
8.49 Are the officers’ familiar with the vent outlet anrangements and, as fitted are protective or flame screens in good order and regularly inspected? 8.49 人员是否熟悉通风口的安排,安装的保护屏或阻火屏是否完好并定期检查?
Suitable protection screens of not more than 13 mm square mesh shall be fitted on vent outlets to prevent the ingress of extraneous objects without adversely affecting the flow. (IGC 8.2.15) 排气口须安装适当的保护网,网眼不大于 13 毫米见方,以防止外来物进入而不影响流量。(IGC 8.2.15)
8.50 Where the pressure relief line vents directly through a mast riser, does this system have a liquid sensor? 8.50 如果泄压管直接通过桅杆立管排放,该系统是否有液体传感器?
Means shall be provided to prevent liquid overflow from vent mast outlets, due to hydrostatic pressure from spacesto which they are connected. (IGC 8.2.12) 必须提供防止液体从通风桅杆出口溢出的措施,因为液体从通风桅杆出口溢出是由于其所连接空间的静水压力所致。(IGC 8.2.12)
In the vent piping system, meansfordraining liquid from places where it may accumulate shall be provided. The PRVs and piping shall be arranged so that liquid can, under no circumstances, accumulate in ornear the PRVs. (IGC 8.2.14) 在通风管道系统中,应提供将液体从可能积聚的地方排出的方法。PRV 和管道的布置应确保在任何情况下液体都不会在 PRV 内或附近积聚。(IGC 8.2.14)
Relief valves discharging liquid cargo from the piping system shall discharge into the cargo tanks. Altematively, they may disc harge to the cargo vent mast, if means are provided to detect and dispose of any liquid cargo that may flow into the vent system. Where required to prevent overpressure in downstream piping, relief valves on cargo pumps shall discharge to the pump suction. (IGC 从管道系统排出液态货物的溢流阀应排入货舱。或者,如果提供了检测和处理任何可能流入排气系统的液态货物的手段,则可将溢流阀排放到货物排气桅杆。在需要防止下游管道超压的情况下,货泵上的溢流阀应向泵吸入口排放。(IGC
8.51 Are officers’ familiar with the operation of any fixed fire extinguishing systems on the vent masts, where fitted, and are the systems in good order and operational? 8.51 人员是否熟悉通风桅杆上安装的任何固定灭火系统的操作,这些系统是否完好无损并可正常运行?
There is no mandatory requirement for fixed extinguishing systems on the vent mast. However, where fitted these should be in good order and clearly identified. 对通风桅杆上的固定灭火系统没有强制性要求。但是,如果安装了这些系统,则应保持良好状态,并有明显标识。
8.52 Is the forward mast vent always operated in automatic mode? 8.52 前桅杆通风口是否始终以自动模式运行?
Where fitted is the forward mast vent alwaysoperated in automatic mode? 前桅杆通风口是否始终以自动模式运行?
8.53 Are the officers’ familiar with the procedures and authorisation for changing settings and inhibiting alams? 8.53 主管人员是否熟悉更改设置和抑制报警信号的程序和授权?
Where arrangements are provided for ovemiding the overflow control system, they shall be such that inadvertent operation is prevented. When this ovemide is operated, continuous visual indic ation shall be given at the relevant control station(s) and the navigation bridge. (IGC 13.3.7) 如为溢流控制系统的操作作出安排,应能防止误操作。当操作溢流控制系统时,相关控制站和导航桥须有持续的视觉指示。(IGC 13.3.7)
Note. The overide system permitted by 13.3.7 may be used at sea to prevent false alarms or shutdowns. When level alarms are ovemidden, operation of cargo pumps and the opening of manifold ESD valves shall be inhibited except when high-level alarm testing is camied out in accordance with 13.3.5 (see (IGC Table 18.1) 注。可在海上使用 13.3.7 允许的超限系统,以防止误报或关闭。当液面报警超限时,除非按照 13.3.5(见进行高液面报警测试,否则应禁止货泵的操作和歧管 ESD 阀门的开启。(IGC表18.1)
Emergency Shut Down (ESD) System: 紧急关闭 (ESD) 系统:
8.54 Are offic ers’ familiar with the operation of the Emergency Shut Down (ESD) system, and is the system regularly tested operational? 8.54 官员们是否熟悉紧急关闭(ESD)系统的操作,该系统是否定期进行操作测试?
ESD valves shall be remotely operated, be of the fail-closed type (closed on loss of actuating power), be capable of local manual closure and have positive indication of the actual valve position. As an altemative to the local manual closing of the ESD valve, a manually operated shut-off valve in series with the ESD valve shall be permitted. The manual valve shall be located adjacent to the ESD valve. Provisions shall be made to handle trapped liquid should the ESD valve close while the manual valve is also closed. (IGC ESD 阀门应为遥控操作,故障关闭型(失去驱动力时关闭),可就地手动关闭,并有实际阀门位置的正向指示。作为就地手动关闭 ESD 阀门的替代方法,允许使用与 ESD 阀门串联的手动截止阀。手动阀门应安装在ESD阀门附近。如ESD阀关闭,而手动阀也关闭,则须规定如何处理滞留的液体。(IGC
ESD valves in liquid piping systems shall close fully and smoothly within 30 sof actuation. Information about the closure time of the valves and their operating characteristics shall be available on board, and the closing time shall be verifiable and repeatable. (IGC 液体管道系统中的防静电阀门应在启动后 30 秒内完全顺利关闭。船上应备有关于阀门关闭时间及其工作特性的信息,关闭时间应可核查和重复。(IGC
The ESD control system shall be configured so asto enable the high-level testing required in 13.3 .5 to be camied out in a safe and controlled manner. For the purpose of the testing, cargo pumpsmay be operated while the overflow control system is ovemidden. Procedures forlevel alarm testing and resetting of the ESD system after completion of the high-level alarm testing shall be included in the operation manual required by 18.2.1. (IGC 防静电控制系统的配置应使 13.3.5 所要求的高水平测试能以安全和受控的方式进行。为测试目的,可在溢流控制系统关闭时操作货泵。18.2.1 所要求的操作手册中应包括高位报警测试和完成高位报警测试后重置 ESD 系统的程序。(IGC
Cargo emergency shutdown and alarm systems involved in cargo transfer shall be checked and tested before cargo handling operations begin. (IGC 18.10.5) 涉及货物转运的货物紧急关闭和报警系统,须在货物装卸作业开始前进行检查和测试。(IGC 18.10.5)
8.55 Are personnel aware of the locations of ESD points, and auxiliary equipment shut down requirements? 8.55 人员是否了解 ESD 点的位置和辅助设备的关闭要求?
One ESD valve shall be provided at each manifold connection. (IGC 每个歧管连接处必须有一个防静电阀。(IGC
As a minimum, the ESD system shall be capable of manual operation by a single control on the bridge and either in the control position required by 13.1.2 or the cargo control room, if installed, and no less than two locations in the cargo area. (IGC 防静电系统至少应能由驾驶台上的单一控制装置和 13.1.2 所要求的控制位置或货物控制室(如已安装)内的控制装置以及货物区内不少于两个位置进行手动操作。(IGC
Cargo machinery that is running shall be stopped by activation of the ESD system in accordance with the cause and effect matrix in table 18.1. (IGC 必须按照表 18.1 中的因果矩阵启动静电放电系统,使正在运行的货机停止。(IGC
An input to the ESD system from the overflow control system required by 13.3 may be provided to stop any cargo pumpsor compressors running at the time a high level is detected, asthis alam may be due to inadvertent intemal transfer of cargo from tank to tank. 可提供 13.3 所要求的溢流控制系统对 ESD 系统的输入,以便在检测到高液位时停止任何货泵或压缩机的运行,因为这可能是由于无意中将货物从罐体内部转移到罐体所致。
8.56 Are the officers aware of the requirements for the closing of the manifold valves and tank filling valves, if they form part of the emergency shutdown system, and are they tested and timed to close within 30\mathbf{3 0} seconds? 8.56 如果多路阀和罐装阀是紧急关闭系统的一部分,官员是否了解关闭多路阀和罐装阀的要求,是否对其进行了测试和定时,使其在 30\mathbf{3 0} 秒内关闭?
ESD valves in liquid piping systems shall close fully and smoothly within 30 s of actuation. Information about the closure time of the valves and their operating characteristics shall be available on board, and the closing time shall be verifiable and repeatable. (IGC 液体管道系统中的防静电阀门应在启动后 30 秒内完全顺利关闭。船上应备有关于阀门关闭时间及其工作特性的信息,关闭时间应可核查和重复。(IGC
If the cargo tank MARVS exceeds 0.07 MPa , an additional manual valve shall be provided foreach transferconnection in use and may be inboard oroutboard of the ESD valve to suit the ship’s design. (IGC 如果货舱 MARVS 超过 0.07 MPa,则应在每个使用中的转运连接处增设一个手动阀门,该阀门可位于 ESD 阀门的舷内或舷外,以适应船舶的设计。(IGC
On oldervessels, the cargo tank valves may be part of the ESD. On modem vessels they are not. They will, however close in the event of actuation of a high-level alam. 在旧式船舶上,货舱阀门可能是 ESD 的一部分。而在现代船舶上则不是。不过,在启动高位报警器时,它们会关闭。
8.57 Are officers aware of the requirements of fusible plugs, and are they fitted on the liquid domes, in the vicinity of the manifolds and in good order? 8.57 官员们是否了解易熔塞的要求,易熔塞是否安装在液体圆顶上、歧管附近并完好无损?
The ESD system shall be automatic ally activated on detection of a fire on the weather decks of the cargo area and/orcargo machinery spaces. As a minimum, the method of detection used on the 防静电系统应在探测到货舱和/或货舱机械舱的风雨甲板起火时自动启动。最低限度,货物区和/或货物机械舱的探测方法应为
weather decks shall cover the liquid and vapour domes of the cargo tanks, the cargo manifolds and areas where liquid piping is dismantled regularly. Detection may be by means of fusible elements designed to melt at temperatures between 98^(@)C98^{\circ} \mathrm{C} and 104^(@)C104^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, or by area fire detection methods. (IGC 风雨甲板应覆盖货舱的液体和蒸汽圆顶、货物汇流排和定期拆卸液体管道的区域。探测可采用设计在 98^(@)C98^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 和 104^(@)C104^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 温度下熔化的易熔元件,或采用区域火灾探测方法。(IGC
Fusible elements should not be painted over asthis might affect the temperature at which they will operate. 易熔元件上不得涂漆,否则会影响其工作温度。
8.58 If the vessel is fitted with a reliquefaction plant, will this be tripped in the event of activation of the ESD? 8.58 如果船上装有再液化装置,在启动 ESD 时是否会跳闸?
8.59 Are the officers aware of the secondary tank pressure management system in use at sea and if it is sufficient to handle the gas volume in the event of a shutdown of the reliquefaction system? 8.59 官员是否了解海上使用的副油箱压力管理系统,以及该系统是否足以在再液化 系统关闭时处理气体量?
It is assumed in port that the vessel will be able to handle the gas generated by boil off by retuming to shore. Whilst at sea the use of the gascombustion unit or other similar methods will be necessary to a void venting. 假定在港口时,船只能够处理沸腾产生的气体,并将其排放到岸上。而在海上,则需要使用气体燃烧装置或其他类似方法进行无效排放。
8.60 Are the officers fully familiar with the overide procedure for the alams and ESD trips? Where arrangements are provided for ovemiding the overflow control system, they shall be such that inadvertent operation is prevented. When this ovemide is operated, continuous visual indic ation shall be given at the relevant control station(s) and the navigation bridge. (IGC 13.3.7) 8.60 有关人员是否完全熟悉溢流阀和防静电跳闸的操作程序?如为溢流控制系统的操作作出安排,则须防止误操作。当操作溢流控制系统时,相关控制站和导航桥应发出持续的视觉指示。(IGC 13.3.7)
Manifold Arrangements: 歧管布置:
8.61 Are the manifolds and associated valves in good order, blank flanges of an equivalent rating to that of the pipelines and pressure gauges sec urely fitted outboard of the manifold valves on both sides and monitored for leakage? 8.61 阀组和相关阀门是否完好无损,空白法兰的额定值是否与管道额定值相等, 压力表是否完全安装在两侧阀组阀门的外侧,是否受到泄漏监测?
If the cargo tank MARVS exceeds 0.07 MPa , an additional manual valve shall be provided foreach transferconnection in use and may be inboard oroutboard of the ESD valve to suit the ship’s design. (IGC 如果货舱 MARVS 超过 0.07 MPa,则应在每个使用中的转运连接处增设一个手动阀门,该阀门可位于 ESD 阀门的舷内或舷外,以适应船舶的设计。(IGC
Bow orstem loading and unloading linesthat are led past accommodation spaces, service spacesor control stations shall not be used for the transfer of products requining a type 1 G ship. Bow or stem loading and unloading lines shall not be used for the transfer of toxic products as specified in 1.2.53, where the design pressure is above 2.5 MPa . (IGC 3.8.2) 艏部或艉部装卸线如穿过舱室、服务空间或控制站,则不得用于 1 G 类船舶所需产品的转移。艏部或艉部装卸线不得用于 1.2.53 规定的设计压力高于 2.5 兆帕的有毒产品的转运 (IGC 3.8.2)
It is generally accepted that steel blanks should be of the same thickness as the flanges to which they are attached, but this will not necessanily result in the pressure capability being the same as that of the associated pipework. 一般认为,钢坯的厚度应与所连接的法兰相同,但这并不一定会导致钢坯的承压能力与相关管道的承压能力相同。
It is the pressure rating of the blank which is important, and blanks made of materials such astitanium have a superior strength and may therefore be signific antly thinnerfor the same pressure rating as a mild steel blank. If such a blank is fitted, there must be documentation on board to prove that the pressure rating is adequate for the service. 重要的是坯件的压力等级,由钛等材料制成的坯件具有更高的强度,因此,在压力等级相同的情况下,坯件的厚度可能比低碳钢坯件薄得多。如果安装了这种坯件,船上必须有文件证明其压力等级足以满足使用要求。
8.62 Does the manifold anrangement provide for safe access for connection and disc onnection of cargo lines and visible restricted access to the manifolds during cargo operations? 8.62 集管安排是否为货物管线的连接和拆卸提供了安全通道,以及在货物操作期间 是否有明显的限制进入集管的规定?
Non-essential personnel should be kept clear of the manifold area during cargo operations. 货运操作期间,非必要人员应远离歧管区域。
8.63 Is there clear evidence of offshore manifolds regularty checked during cargo transfer for manifold valve leakage? 8.63 是否有明确的证据表明,在货物转运过程中定期检查了近海分水器,以防分水器阀门 泄漏?
The offshore manifolds on LNG camiers are often pressurised with nitrogen and it is nomal that the space between the manifold valves and the flanges are underpressure. Indic ations of leakage are indic ated by frosting, not pressure. 液化天然气船的离岸阀组通常使用氮气加压,阀组阀门和法兰之间的空间通常压力不足。泄漏迹象通过结霜而非压力来显示。
8.64 Are all flange connections fully bolted? 8.64 所有法兰连接是否都用螺栓完全固定?
Note: This includes any line which is being used for, ormight become pressurised during, cargo operations on both sides of the vessel. 注:这包括船舶两侧用于货物作业或在货物作业过程中可能受压的任何管路。
8.65 Are officers aware of the procedures for the use of manifold strainers, and where fitted are the strainers not being by-passed? 8.65 官员是否了解使用歧管过滤器的程序?
Manifold strainers may be fitted at the option of the terminal or the vessel. The provision of the strainers may be by the terminal or by the vessel. Where fitted strainers must be in good order and frequently checked and cleaned as required. Many strainers are designed for one-way flow only. 码头或船舶可选择安装集流管过滤器。过滤器可由码头或船舶提供。安装的过滤器必须保持良好状态,并经常检查和按要求清洗。许多滤网只能单向流动。
Are ING spill arrangements adequate? ING 的溢出安排是否充分?
For cargo temperatures below -110^(@)C-110^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, a water distribution system shall be fitted in way of the hull underthe shore connections to provide a low-pressure water curtain for additional protection of the hull steel and the ship’sside structure. This system is in addition to the requirements of and shall be operated when cargo transfer is in progress. (IGC 5.7.3) 当货物温度低于 -110^(@)C-110^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 时,应在船体与岸的连接处下方安装配水系统,以提供低压水幕,为船体钢板和船舷结构提供额外保护。该系统是对 要求的补充,并应在货物转运时运行。(IGC 5.7.3)
The water curtain should be used whenever the transferlines contain LNG. 只要输送线中含有液化天然气,就应使用水帘。
8.67 Are Liquid Spill and Manifold Drip tray arrangements adequate? 8.67 液体溢出和歧管滴水盘是否足够?
The spillage containment area should be provided with a drain line capable of leading a spill overboard. Such a line should include a valve that is closed during nomal operation and operable from a safe location. The discharge from the line should point vertic ally downwards so as not to deluge the jetty and associated equipment with liquid. Provisions should be made to drain off any accumulated water. During operationsthe drip trays should asfaraspracticalbe dry. (Manifold Recommendations for Liquefied gas camiers 1st Ed 2011). 溢出物隔离区应配备一条能将溢出物引出船外的排水管。这种管道应包括一个在正常操作时关闭的阀门,并可在安全位置进行操作。排水管的排放口应垂直向下,以免液体淹没码头和相关设备。应规定将积水排出。操作期间,滴水盘应尽量保持干燥。(液化气船歧管建议》2011 年第 1 版)。
8.68 During the disconnection of the loading arms are the crew aware of the hazards related to the purging of liquid from the arms via the drain cocks? 8.68 在拆卸装卸臂时,工作人员是否意识到通过排水阀从装卸臂中排出液体的危险?
Safety Equipment 安全设备
8.69 Are crew members aware of the requirements for the use of protective equipment and is there suitable protective equipment available and in use for all crew members engaged in cargo operations?
Suitable protective equipment, including eye protection to a recognized national or intemational standard, shall be provided for protection of crew members engaged in nomal cargo operations, taking into account the characteristic of the products being camied. (IGC 14.1.1)
Personal protective and safety equipment required in this chapter shall be kept in suitable, clearly marked lockerslocated in readily accessible places. (IGC 14.1.2) 8.69 船员是否了解使用防护设备的要求,是否为所有从事货运作业的船员提供并使用适当的防护设备?考虑到所装运产品的特性,应为从事名义货物作业的船员提供适当的防护设备,包括符合公认的国家或国际标准的护眼设备。(IGC 14.1.1) 本章所要求的个人防护和安全设备应存放在合适的、有明显标志的储物柜中,并置于易于取用的地方。(IGC 14.1.2)
8.70 Are the officers’ familiar with the requirements for provision of safety equipment onboard, is the safety equipment in good order and are offic ers capable of donning the equipment satisfactorily? 8.70 有關人員是否熟悉船上安全裝備的規定、安全裝備是否完好無 缺,以及有關人員是否有能力穿上令人滿意的裝備?
Suffic ient, but not less than three* complete sets of safety equipment shall be provided in addition to the firefighter’s outfits required by 11.6.1. Each set shall provide adequate personal protection to permit entry and work in a gas-filled space. This equipment shall take into account the nature of the cargoes, listed on the Intemational Certific ate of Fitness for the Camiage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk. (IGC 14.3.1) 除 11.6.1 所要求的消防员服装外,还应配备足够但不少于三套*完整的安全装备。每套装备应提供足够的个人保护,以便进入充满气体的空间工作。这些装备应考虑到散装液化气体国际适航证书上所列货物的性质。(IGC 14.3.1)
Each complete set of safety equipment shall consist of: 每套完整的安全设备应包括
. 1 one self-contained positive pressure air-breathing apparatus incorporating full face mask, not using stored oxygen and having a capacity of at least 1,200 L of free air. Each set shall be compatible with that required by 11.6.1; .1 个自给正压式空气呼吸器,内含全脸面罩,不使用储存的氧气,至少有 1,200 升自由空气容量。每套装置须与 11.6.1 所要求的装置兼容;
.2 protective clothing, boots and glovesto a recognized standard; .2 符合公认标准的防护服、防护靴和防护手套;
. 3 steel-cored rescue line with belt; and .3 条带皮带的钢芯救援线;以及
.4 explosion-proof lamp. (IGC 14.3.2) .4 防爆灯。(IGC 14.3.2)
An adequate supply of compressed air shall be provided and shall consist of: 应提供充足的压缩空气,压缩空气应包括
. 1 at least one fully charged spare a ir bottle for each breathing apparatus required by 14.3.1;- .14.3.1 所要求的每个呼吸器至少有 1 个充满电的备用气瓶;- 14.3.2 所要求的每个呼吸器至少有 1 个充满电的备用气瓶。
.2 an air compressor of adequate capacity capable of continuous operation, suitable for the supply of high-pressure air of breathable quality; and .2 一台能连续运转的足够容量的空气压缩机,适用于供应可呼吸的高压空气;和
. 3 a charging manifold capable of dealing with suffic ient spare breathing apparatus air bottles for the breathing apparatus required by 14.3.1. (IGC 14.3.3) .3 能为 14.3.1 所要求的呼吸器处理足够备用呼吸器空气瓶的充气歧管。(IGC 14.3.3)
Personal protective and safety equipment required in this chapter shall be kept in suitable, clearly marked lockerslocated in readily accessible places. (IGC 14.1.2) 本章所要求的个人防护和安全设备应存放在合适的、有明显标志的储物柜中,并放置在易于取用的地方。(IGC 14.1.2)
The compressed airequipment shall be inspected at least once a month by a responsible offic er and the inspection logged in the ship’s records. This equipment shall also be inspected and tested by a competent person at least once a year. (IGC 14.1.3) 负责官员应至少每月检查一次压缩空气设备,并将检查情况记入船舶记录。该设备还应由合格人员至少每年检查和测试一次。(IGC 14.1.3)
NOTE * For vessels delivered before 01 July 2016 then two sets of safety equipment are required. 注 * 2016 年 7 月 1 日之前交付的船舶需要两套安全设备。
Every ship camying flammable products should camy firemen’s outfits complying with SOLAS as follows: - 5,000 m3 and below: 4 outfits; 每艘装载易燃品的船舶都应配备符合《国际海上人命安全公约》规定的消防员服装,具体如下:- 5,000 立方米及以下:4 套
Above 5,000 m3: 5 outfits. 5,000 立方米以上:5 套服装。
8.72 Are officers aware of the operation of the chemic al dry powder system, and is the system in good order? 8.72 人员是否了解化学干粉系统的运行情况,该系统是否处于良好状态?
Ships in which the camiage of flammable products is intended shall be fitted with fixed dry chemical powder fire-extinguishing systems, approved by the Administration based on the guidelinesdeveloped by the Organization,* for the purpose of firefighting on the deck in the cargo area, including any cargo liquid and vapour discharge and loading connections on deck and bow orstem cargo handling areas, as applic able. 拟装运易燃产品的船舶应安装固定式干粉化学灭火系统,该系统须经当局根据本组 织制定的准则批准* ,用于甲板上货物区的灭火,包括甲板上和船首或船杆货物装卸 区(如适用)的任何货物液体和蒸汽排放和装卸连接处。
Annual maintenance of fixed dry chemic al powder systems shall include agitating the dry chemical powdercharge with nitrogen in accordance with system manufacturer’s instructions. 固定干化学粉系统的年度维护应包括按照系统制造商的说明用氮气搅拌干化学粉料。
(Note: Due to the powder’s affinity formoisture, any nitrogen gas introduced for agitation must be moisture free.) (注:由于粉末的亲和性,任何用于搅拌的氮气都必须是不含水分的)。
On a two-yearly basis a sample of dry powder shall be subject to test formoisture content. 必须每两年对干粉样本进行一次含水量测试。
8.73 Are the officers aware of the maintenance requirements for the water spray system and is the system in good order? 8.73 官员们是否了解喷水系统的维护要求,该系统是否完好无损?
On ships c amying flammable and/or toxic products, a water-spray system, for cooling, fire prevention and crew protection shall be installed to cover. 在运输易燃和/或有毒产品的船舶上,应安装用于冷却、防火和保护船员的喷水系统。
. 1 exposed cargo tank domes, any exposed parts of cargo tanks and any part of cargo tank covers that may be exposed to heat from fires in adjacent equipment containing cargo such as exposed boosterpumps/heaters/re-gasific ation orre-liquefaction plants, hereafter addressed as gas process units, positioned on weatherdecks; .1 外露的货舱穹顶、货舱的任何外露部分以及货舱盖的任何部分,这些部分可能会受到邻近装有货物的设备(如外露的增压泵/加热器/再气化或再液化装置,以下称为气体处理装置)发生火灾时的热量影响,这些设备位于风雨甲板上;
. 2 exposed on-deck storage vessels for flammable or toxic products; .2 个暴露在甲板上的易燃或有毒产品储存容器;
. 3 gas process units positioned on deck; .3 个气体处理装置位于甲板上;
.4 cargo liquid and vapourdischarge and loading connections, including the presentation flange and the area where their control valves are situated, which shall be at least equal to the area of the drip traysprovided; .4 货物液体和蒸汽排放及装载连接,包括展示法兰及其控制阀所在区域,至少应与所提供的滴水盘面积相等;
.5 all exposed emergency shut-down (ESD) valves in the cargo liquid and vapourpipes, including the master valve forsupply to gasconsumers; .5 货物液体和蒸汽管道中所有外露的紧急关闭 (ESD) 阀门,包括向气体消费者供应的总阀门;
.6 exposed boundaries facing the cargo area, such as bulkheads of superstructures and deckhouses nomally manned, cargo machinery spaces, store-rooms containing high fire-risk items and cargo control rooms. Exposed horizontal boundaries of these areas do not require protection unless detachable cargo piping connections are arranged above orbelow. Boundaries of unmanned forec astle structures not containing high fire-risk items or equipment do not require water-spray protection; .6 面向货物区的外露边界,如上层建筑的舱壁和甲板舱的舱壁、货物机械空间、装有高火险物品的储藏室和货物控制室。这些区域的外露水平边界不需要保护,除非上方或下方有可拆卸的货物管道连接。不包含高火灾风险物品或设备的无人值守前舱结构的边界不需要喷水保护;
.7 exposed lifeboats, liferafts and muster stationsfacing the cargo area, regardless of distance to cargo area; and .7 面向货物区的外露救生艇、救生筏和集合站,无论与货物区的距离如何;以及
. 8 any semi-enclosed cargo machinery spaces and semi-enclosed cargo motorroom. (IGC 11.3.1) .8 任何半封闭货物机械空间和半封闭货物汽车间 (IGC 11.3.1)
The piping system may be constructed from stainless steel or of mild steel and may be lined with PVC. If mild steel is used, then the system should be drained and dried to avoid the formation of rust particles inside mild steel pipe that may block the nozzes. The system should be tested periodic ally to ensure properoperation and such tests should be part of the planned maintenance system with records maintained to verify satisfactory operation. 管道系统可以由不锈钢或低碳钢制成,也可以内衬聚氯乙烯。如果使用低碳钢,则应排空并干燥系统,以避免低碳钢管道内形成锈粒,堵塞喷嘴。应定期对系统进行测试,以确保其正常运行,此类测试应作为计划维护系统的一部分,并保留记录以核实其运行是否令人满意。
8.74 Are the officers’ familiar with the fixed fire extinguishing systems installed within enclosed spaces containing cargo handling equipment? 8.74 有关人员是否熟悉在装有货物装卸设备的封闭空间内安装的固定灭火系统?
Enclosed spaces where cargo compressors or pumps, cargo processing units, are located, including those supplying gasfuel to the engine-room, and the cargo motorroom within the cargo area of any ship, shall be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system complying with the provisions of the FSS Code and taking into account the necessary concentrations/applic ation rate required for extinguishing gas fires. (IGC 11.5.1) 货物压缩机或泵、货物处理单元所在的封闭空间,包括向机舱供应气体燃料的空间,以及任何船舶货物区内的货物机舱,均应配备符合 FSS 规则规定的固定灭火系统,并考虑到灭火气体所需的必要浓度/应用率。(IGC 11.5.1)
Cargo Hoses: 货物软管:
8.75 If the vessel uses its own cargo hoses, are they in good order, pressure tested to their design working pressure and is a record of all hose tests and inspections maintained on board? 8.75 如果船舶使用自己的货物软管,这些软管是否完好无损,是否按设计工作压力进行过压力测试,船上是否保存有所有软管测试和检查的记录?
Hoses must be protected from sunlight and weather and kept covered except when in use. Flanges must be fitted to each end each and the hosescharged intemally with nitrogen. Hoses must be free of visual damage, abrasion, crimpsorcrushed areas and the flange sealing surface free of damage. 软管必须避免日晒雨淋,除非在使用时,否则必须盖好。软管两端必须安装法兰,并在内部充入氮气。软管必须无明显损坏、磨损、卷边或挤压部位,法兰密封面必须无损坏。
Before being placed in senvice, each new length of cargo hose produced shall be hydrostatic ally tested at ambient temperature to a pressure not less than 1.5 times its specified maximum working pressure, but not more than two fifths of its bursting pressure. The hose shall be stencilled, or otherwise marked, with the date of testing, its specified maximum working pressure and, if used in servicesother than ambient temperature services, its maximum and minimum service temperature, as applic able. The specified maximum working pressure shall not be less than 1 MPa gauge. (IGC Original hose certific ates shall be available onboard including the test data and compatibility data to ensure the hose safe foruse with the existing cargo. 在投入使用之前,生产的每一段新货用软管都必须在环境温度下进行静水压试验,压力不小于其规定的最大工作压力的 1.5 倍,但不超过其爆破压力的五分之二。软管必须用钢印或其他方式标明试验日期、规定的最大工作压力,如用于环境温度以外的服务,还须标明最高和最低服务温度。规定的最大工作压力不得低于 1 兆帕表压。(IGC 船上应备有软管原厂证书,包括测试数据和兼容性数据,以确保软管可安全用于现有货物。
Cryogenic hosescan only be safely tested under controlled conditions ashore which may include liquid nitrogen as the test medium. 低温软管只能在岸上受控条件下进行安全测试,测试介质可能包括液氮。
Note: Cargo hoses on LNG camiers must be pressure tested priorto each use. Each hose should be marked with the test date and be individually numbered for identific ation purposes. For vessels that are conducting transfers using hoseson a regularbasis, should have in place a documented procedure in place to ensure the integnity of the transfer hoses. 注:液化天然气运输船上的货物软管必须在每次使用前进行压力测试。每根软管都应标明测试日期并单独编号,以便识别。对于定期使用软管进行转运的船舶,应制定有文件记录的程序,以确保转运软管的完整性。
Cargo Lifting Equipment 货物提升设备
8.76 Are all cranes and other lifting equipment properly marked, regularly inspected, tested and are the vessels crew aware of maintenance requirements? 8.76 所有起重机和其他起重设备是否都有适当标记,是否定期检查和测试,船员是否了解维护要求?
Cargo lifting equipment should be load tested every five years and thoroughly examined by a competent person annually. Otherlifting equipment is not regulated except as usually required by class but should be tested and examined undera similar regime. The minimum SWL for which testing is required is one tonne ( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs}.). 货物起重设备应每五年进行一次负载测试,并由合格人员每年进行一次彻底检查。其他起重设备不受监管,但通常按等级要求的除外,但应根据类似制度进行测试和检查。需要测试的最小 SWL 为一吨( 1,000kgs1,000 \mathrm{kgs} 。)
A Chain Register is not required, but documentation supporting testing, examination and maintenance that follows the OCIMF Public ation Recommendations for the Tagging/Labelling, Testing and Maintenance, Documentation/Certific ation for Ships’Lifting Equipment should be maintained. 不需要链式登记簿,但应保存测试、检查和维护的证明文件,这些文件应遵循 OCIMF 关于船舶起重设备的标记/标签、测试和维护、文件/证书的公开建议。
Forvessels with a single hose crane, in the event of a failure of a hydraulic hose then there must be the capability to replace the defect hose with spare ones. In the event that the cargo hose handling crane has two ormore hoses that are identic al in all aspects, then only 50%50 \% of these identic al hoses need to be camied asspares. 对于使用单软管起重机的船只,如果液压软管发生故障,则必须能够用备用软管替换故障软管。如果货物软管起重机有两根或两根以上在所有方面都相同的软管,则只需将 50%50 \% 这些相同的软管组装在一起。
Monitoring the wearof a slew bearing on cranes should be conducted following the recommendations of the crane/slew beaning manufacturer. There are two commonly recommended practices: 监测起重机回转支承的磨损应按照起重机/回转支承制造商的建议进行。通常推荐的做法有两种:
Grease sampling - this measure the metallic content found in the grease which gives an indication of the weartaking place. 油脂取样--测量油脂中的金属含量,以了解油脂的磨损情况。
Rocking test - this measuresthe play (orrelative movement) between the innerand outerbearing race, to give an indication of the weartaking place. 摇动测试 - 测量内外轴承滚道之间的游隙(或相对运动),以显示磨损情况。
Ship to Ship TransferOperations 船对船转运操作
If the vessel is equipped with specialised equipment for regular ship-to-ship transfer operations such as fenders and cargo hoses, the fact should be recorded in Additional comments. If the vessel isNOT utilised for regular commercial ship-to-ship cargo transfer, Questions 8.77-81 must be answered ‘NA’. 如果船舶配备了用于定期船对船货物转运操作的专用设备,例如护舷和货物软管,则应在附加说明中记录。如果船舶未用于定期商业船对船货物转运,则必须将问题 8.77-81 回答为 "不适用"。
8.77 Are operator's procedures provided for ship-to-ship operations and equipment approved for 8.77 是否为船对船操作提供了操作程序,设备是否经批准用于
LNG transfer?
Procedures should follow the recommendations of the OCIMF/ICS STS Transfer Guide (Liquefied Gases). 程序应遵循 OCIMF/ICS STS 转移指南(液化气体)的建议。
8.78 Are the officers and crew familiar with the requirements and risks during ship to ship operations? 8.78 官员和船员是否熟悉船对船行动的要求和风险?
Any oil tankerover 150 GTinvolved in STS operations shall camy on board a Plan prescribing how to conduct STS operations (STS OperationsPlan) and shall be approved by the administration. The STS operationsplan shall be written in the working language of the ship. (MARPOLAnnexI Reg 41.1) Notes: STS operations plan are not required for liftings from FPSOs, FSO s nor for bunkering operations. (See MARPOL Annexl, Reg 40 forfull details) Operationsplan shall be developed taking into account the information contained in IMO’s "Manual on Oil Pollution, Section 1, Prevention and the ICS/OCIMF/SIG TTO/CDI “Ship to Ship TransferGuide, forPetroleum, Chemic als and Liquefied Gases” First Edition 2013. 任何总吨位超过 150 吨的油轮如涉及 STS 作业,船上应备有一份规定如何进行 STS 作业的计划(STS 作业计划),并应得到管理部门的批准。STS 操作计划应以船舶的工作语言编写。(MARPOLAnnexI Reg 41.1)注释:从海上浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)、海上浮式生产储油装置(FSO)或加油作业不需要 STS 作业计划。(详见《防污公约》附则 1 第 40 条)制定作业计划时应考虑到 IMO 的《油类污染手册》第 1 节 "预防 "和 ICS/OCIMF/SIG TTO/CDI 的《石油、化学品和液化气船对船转移指南》2013 年第一版中包含的信息。
A risk assessment should be undertaken when considering the suitability of an STS transferlocation. A further risk assessment should be made for the STS operation. (STS Guide 1.4) 在考虑 STS 转移地点是否合适时,应进行风险评估。还应对 STS 操作进行进一步的风险评估。(STS 指南 1.4)
All STS transferoperations should be conducted under the co-ordination and advisory control of one individual, who will either be one of the Masters concemed, an STS Superintendent or the POAC . To prevent fatigue during extended operations, the role may be formally transferred to another suitably qualified person (STS Guide 1.5.1). 所有 STS 转移行动均应在一名人员的协调和咨询控制下进行,该人员可以是一名构想船长、一名 STS 监管员或 POAC。为防止在长期作业中出现疲劳,可将这一职责正式移交给另一位具备适当资格的人员(STS 指南 1.5.1)。
In case the vessel is equipped with permanent fenders and hoses, there shall be procedures in place to monitor and assess the condition of such equipment in accordance with manufacturerguidelines. 如果船上配备了永久性护舷装置和软管,则应制定程序,根据制造商的指导原则对这些设备的状况进行监测和评估。
8.79 Does the POAC have the necessary qualifications and experience and are officers aware of these requirements? 8.79 POAC 是否具备必要的资格和经验,官员是否了解这些要求?
For transfers involving MARPOL Annex I cargoes, the POAC should have at least the following qualific ations orlevel of experience: 对于涉及《防止船污公约》附件 I 货物的转运, POAC 至少应具备以下资格或经验:
An appropriate management level deck lic ence orcertific ate meeting intemational certification standards, with the Intemational Convention on Standards of Training Certific ation and 符合国际认证标准的适当管理级别的甲板执照或证书,并符合《国际培训认证标准公 约》和《联合国教科文组织取缔教育歧视公约》。
Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STC W) (reference 9) and dangerous cargo endorsements up-to-date and appropriate for the shipsengaged in the STS operation. 海员值班(STC W)(参考资料 9)和危险货物签注是最新的,并适合参与 STS 作业的船舶。
Attendance at a recognised ship handling course. 参加认可的船舶操作课程。
Experience in conducting mooring/unmooring operations in similar circumstances and with similar vessels. 具有在类似情况下和使用类似船只进行系泊/解缆作业的经验。
Experience in oil tankercargo loading and unloading. 有油罐货物装卸经验。
A thorough knowledge of the transferarea and surrounding areas. 对转运区及周边地区有透彻的了解。
Knowledge of spill clean-up techniques, including familiarity with the equipment and resources a vailable in contingency plans. 了解泄漏清理技术,包括熟悉应急计划中可用的设备和资源。
Knowledge of STS operations plans (see appendixA1.5) and associated joint plans of operation (see section 5.2). 了解 STS 行动计划(见附录 A1.5)和相关联合行动计划(见第 5.2 节)。
For transfers involving cargoes other than MARPOL Annex I cargoes, it is recommended that the STS Superintendent has similar qualific ations and levels of experience to those detailed above, relevant to the type of cargo transferred. (STS Guide 1.7) 对于涉及《防止船污公约》附件 I 以外货物的转运,建议 STS 监管员具备与转运货物类型相关的类似于上述资格和经验水平。(STS 指南 1.7)
8.80 Are offic ers aware of the requirements of the ship-to-ship transferchecklists and are there records of STS operations maintained? 8.80 官员是否了解船对船转运检查表的要求,是否保存了 STS 操作记录?
The checklists should be used not only at the time of transferbut also when the operation is being planned. Adherence to check list procedures will ensure that the most important aspects of an operation are covered. The checklists are: 核对表不仅应在转移时使用,还应在计划手术时使用。遵守核对表程序将确保涵盖手术最重要的方面。核对表包括
Pre-fixture information; 夹具前信息;
Before operationscommence; 操作开始前;
Before run-in and mooring; 运行和停泊前
Before cargo transfer; and 货物转运前;以及
Before unmooring. (STS Guide 3.4 and Appendix E) 卸载前。(STS 指南 3.4 和附录 E)。
Note: STS records which should include, but not limited to the following: 注:STS 记录应包括但不限于以下内容:
STS Checklists as per latest ICS/OCIMF/SIG TTO/CDI guidelinesedition 2013 根据最新的 ICS/OCIMF/SIG TTO/CDI 指南 2013 版制定的 STS 检查单
The JPO (J oint Plan of operations) as provided by the service provider 服务提供商提供的联合行动计划(JPO
Risk assessment as submitted by the Service Provider 服务提供商提交的风险评估
Detailed Mooring Plan of partic ipating vessels. 参与船只的详细系泊计划。
Copies of certific ates of fender and hoses 挡泥板和软管证书副本
Notific ation to coastal authorities 向沿海当局发出通知
Details of Drills associated with the specific STS Operation 与特定 STS 操作相关的演习详情
Rec ords of Crew Experience 船员经历记录
Post feedback/ assessment by the Master 大师的后期反馈/评估
If the vessel hasbeen engaged in STS operations in the recent past then records should be spot checked for compliance. 如果船只最近曾从事过 STS 作业,则应抽查记录是否符合要求。
8.81 If a ship-to-ship transfer was in progress during the inspection, was it c onducted in accordance with the recommendations of the OCIMF/ICS SIS Transfer Guide? 8.81 如果在检查期间正在进行船对船转让,是否按照 OCIMF/ICS SIS 转让指南的建议进行?
To eliminate the potential for incendive arcing between the two ships, when presenting the hose string for connection one of the following arrangements should be used: 为消除两艘船之间可能产生的燃烧电弧,在连接软管串时应采用以下安排之一:
A single insulating flange fitted at the manifold of one ship or within each hose string and all hoses in the string electric ally continuous; or 单个绝缘法兰安装在一艘船的分水器上或每个软管串内,且该软管串内的所有软管均为连续电气软管;或
A single length of electric ally discontinuous hose fitted in each hose string; or 在每个软管串中安装一段不连续的电动软管;或
Hosesthat are specially constructed to prevent static build-up and limit electrical conductance to an inherently safe level. 专门设计的软管可防止静电积聚,并将导电性限制在固有的安全水平。
Where an insulating flange is used, it is important that no part of the conducting hose outboard of the insulated flange comes into contact with the ship to which the insulating flange is fitted, for example from the use of non-insulated hose saddles, asthis could cause a spark. (STS Guide 3.10.4) 在使用绝缘法兰的情况下,绝缘法兰外侧的导电软管不得与安装绝缘法兰的船舶接触,例如使用非绝缘软管鞍座,否则可能会产生火花。(STS 指南 3.10.4)。
Synthetic mooringspassed through shipside fairleadsmay be subjected to chafing from cyclic al loading due to the vessel’smotion. Lines can be protected with suitable chafing covers. The covers may be lubric ated to minimise the potential for them being damaged. 通过船边系索环穿过的合成缆绳可能会因船只运动而受到周期性负载的摩擦。可以使用合适的防磨罩来保护缆绳。缆绳可使用合适的防擦罩进行保护,并可对防擦罩进行润滑,以最大程度地降低防擦罩受损的可能性。
Additional lines should be readily available to supplement moorings if necessary, or in the event of a line failure. (STS Guide 6.6.2) 如有必要,或在缆绳出现故障时,应随时准备额外的缆绳以补充系泊。(STS 指南 6.6.2)
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Chapter 9. Mooring 第 9 章 停泊系泊
Notes: The OCIMF public ations ‘Effective Mooring’, ‘Mooring Equipment G uidelines, Anchoring Systems and Procedures’ and provide information on all aspects of mooring equipment and operations. 注释:OCIMF 出版了 "有效系泊"、"系泊设备指南、锚定系统和程序",提供了有关系泊设备和操作的各方面信息。
Common causes of accidents are an inadequate understanding of good mooring practices, unattended mooring lines, a lack of mooring line and/or tail retirement criteria, unbalanced mooring arrangements, poor quality of mooring lines, poor maintenance of mooring equipment, insuffic ient knowledge of local conditions, a lack of attention to weather and tidal conditions and passing traffic. 事故的常见原因包括:对良好的系泊方法了解不足、系泊缆绳无人看管、缺乏系泊缆绳和/或尾部报废标准、系泊安排不平衡、系泊缆绳质量差、系泊设备维护不善、对当地情况了解不足、对天气和潮汐情况以及过往车辆缺乏关注。
The Mooring Equipment Guidelineshasbeen fully reviewed and updated forthe fourth edition (MEG 4). This new edition of the guidelines contains enhanced guidance for the purchasing, condition monitoring, and retirement of mooring lines and tails; enhanced guidance on documentation of mooring equipment; a new chapter on the Human Factors in Mooring Design; a new chapteron Jetty Design and Fittings; a new chapter on Ship Shore Interface; and a new chapteron altemative Technologies. MEG 4 introducesnew unified strength terminology that providesclanity and aligns the language used by the cordage and the tanker industries. 《系泊设备指南》第四版 (MEG 4) 经过全面审查和更新。新版指南加强了对系泊缆绳和尾缆的采购、状态监测和报废的指导;加强了对系泊设备文档的指导;新增了关于系泊设计中人为因素的一章;新增了关于码头设计和配件的一章;新增了关于船岸界面的一章;以及新增了关于替代技术的一章。MEG 4 引入了新的统一强度术语,使缆绳和油轮行业使用的语言更加统一和一致。
This guidance notes to the questions in this chapter are based on MEG 4. 本章问题的指导说明以《第四号监测指标》为基础。
Mooring equipment doc umentation and management 系泊设备记录和管理
9.1 Are certific ates available for all mooring lines and wires? 9.1 是否有所有系泊缆绳和电线的证书?
Product certific atesformooring lines, connecting shackles, and synthetic tails should be kept in a file clearly showing to which winch each particularcomponent has been fitted. For ship’s following guidance in MEG4, mooring line and tail certific ates should follow the guidance for the purchaising and testing of mooring lines and tails asprovided in Apopendix B of the Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG 4) 缆绳、连接枷锁和合成尾缆的产品证书应保存在一个档案中,清楚地显示每个特定部件安装在哪台绞车上。对于遵循 MEG4 指南的船舶,系泊缆绳和尾缆证书应遵循系泊设备指南 (MEG 4) 附录 B 中提供的系泊缆绳和尾缆购买和测试指南。
9.2 Does the ship have a Mooring System Management Plan?
Each ship should be provided with a Mooring System Management Plan (MEG 1.9). 9.2 船舶是否有系泊系统管理计划?每艘船舶都应有系泊系统管理计划(MEG 1.9)。
The objective for the MSMP is to ensure that all assessed risks are effectively managed through the design and operation of the mooring system. Its aim is to ensure that during mooring operations, no harm comes to ship orterminal staff ordamage to the ship orterminal/facility it is interfacing with, and that the mooring system meets applic able regulations, codes and recommended practice. MSMP 的目标是确保通过系泊系统的设计和操作,对所有评估的风险进行有效管理。其目的是确保在系泊操作过程中,不会对船舶或终端工作人员造成伤害,也不会对与之连接的船舶或终端/设施造成损害,同时确保系泊系统符合适用的法规、规范和建议实践。
The MSMP contains details of items that may be ship oroperator specific (e.g. parts of the operator’s SMS), and guidance on items that should be retained in a Mooring System Management Plan Register (MSMPR) that stays with the ship throughout itslife-cycle. 系泊系统管理计划包含船舶或运营商特定项目的详细信息(例如运营商 SMS 的部分内容),以及应在系泊系统管理计划登记簿(MSMPR)中保留的项目指南,该登记簿应在船舶的整个生命周期中随船保留。
While all new ships should be able to achieve all parts of the proposed MSMP structure, existing ships may experience limitationspartic ularly in accessing original design information. It is recommended that existing shipsundertake the necessary due diligence to collate required information or align their operating practices with these fundamental safe mooning principles, so far asit is possible and practicable. 虽然所有新船都应能实现所建议的 MSMP 结构的所有部分,但现有船舶可能会受到限制,特别是在获取原始设计信息方面。建议现有船舶进行必要的尽职调查,整理所需信息,或在可能和可行的情况下,使其操作实践符合这些基本的安全登月原则。
The MSMP will consist of the following: 管理计划将包括以下内容
Part A - General ship particulars A 部分 - 船舶概况
Part B-Mooring equipment design philosophy B 部分--锚固设备的设计理念
Part C - Detailed list of mooring equipment C 部分 - 系泊设备详细清单
Part D - Inspection, maintenance and retirement strategies D 部分 - 检查、维护和报废策略
Part E - Risk and change management, safety or personnel and human factors E 部分--风险与变化管理、安全或人员与人为因素
Part F - Records and documentation F 部分--记录和文件
Part G -Mooring System Management Plan Register (MSMPR) G 部分 - 锚固系统管理计划登记簿 (MSMPR)
It is recommended that the MSMPR is a vailable to ship’s staff and others authorised to review or monitor the equipment status. All stakeholders have a responsibility in collaborating to ensure the MSMPR is appropriately created. Ship operators and ship builders should work together to ensure risks during operation and maintenance are reduced through mooring design (MEG 1.9.2). 建议船舶工作人员和其他被授权审查或监控设备状态的人员可以使用 MSMPR。所有利益相关者都有责任合作确保 MSMPR 的适当创建。船舶运营商和造船商应共同努力,确保通过系泊设计降低操作和维护期间的风险(MEG 1.9.2)。
9.3 Does the ship have a Line Management Plan? 9.3 船舶是否有航线管理计划?
It is recommended that ship operators develop a programme forline maintenance, inspection, retirement and end-to-end policy. This will reduce unnecessary degradation of the lines and ensure lines are operated within safety margins over theirservice life. Each type of mooring line will need different maintenance and inspection processes but the processfordeciding on a safe discard criterion should be similar and based on manufacturerguidance and operational experience. 建议船舶运营商制定缆线维护、检查、报废计划和端对端政策。这将减少缆绳不必要的老化,并确保缆绳在其使用寿命期间在安全范围内运行。每种类型的缆绳都需要不同的维护和检查程序,但决定安全废弃标准的程序应该类似,并以制造商的指导和操作经验为基础。
Inspection and disc ard guidance is covered by industry standards such as ISO 4309 Cranes - Wire ropes - Care and maintenance, inspection and disc ard and CI 201 Fibre rope inspection and retirement criteria, but further product specific inspection instructions should be provided by the line manufacturer. ISO 4309《起重机-钢丝绳-保养和维护、检查和盘根》和 CI 201《纤维绳检查和报废标准》等行业标准中都有检查和盘根指南,但生产线制造商应提供进一步的具体产品检查指导。
The maintenance, inspection and retirement programme should be developed aspart of the mooring line specific ation and selection process and documented in the ship’s LMP (MEG 5.4) 维护、检查和报废计划应作为系泊管路特定化和选择过程的一部分来制定,并记录在船舶的 LMP 中(MEG 5.4)。
The ship operator is responsible for the development and implementation of the ships LMP. The LMP will conta in the ship operator’s requirement for the management of mooring line maintenance, inspection and retirement during the operational phase of the mooring line lifecycle. 船舶运营商负责制定和实施船舶 LMP。LMP 将包含船舶运营商对系泊管路生命周期运行阶段的系泊管路维护、检查和报废管理的要求。
The LMP can be a standalone tool or it may be integrated into existing safety or maintenance management systems. It can be available ashard orelectronic copy, orboth. Whatever the format, the LMP should be capable of being updated. It should be accessible for intemal and extemal compliance verification, ship personnel training and communication with manufacturers. LMP information should be stored in a location that is easy for all users to access, e.g. on a computer system that can be accessed from both the ship and shore or compiled in a single physic al location. It should be easy for the system users to access the LMP information from a single physic al or virtual location. LMP 可以是一个独立的工具,也可以集成到现有的安全或维护管理系统中。它可以是硬拷贝或电子版。无论采用何种格式,LMP 都应能够更新。LMP 应可用于内部和外部合规性验证、船舶人员培训以及与制造商沟通。LMP 信息应存储在便于所有用户访问的位置,例如,可从船上和岸上访问的计算机系统,或编译在单一物理位置。系统用户应易于从单一物理或虚拟位置访问 LMP 信息。
Table 5.2 (in Meg4) gives an example overview of the type of information that could be included in the LMP for maintenance, inspection and retirement, as well as general considerations that apply to the safe use and maintenance of mooring lines. Operators can use the table as a starting point for the development of their LMP but should recognise that this list it is not considered exhaustive. (MEG 5.4.2) 表 5.2(在 Meg4 中)概述了可纳入维护、检查和报废 LMP 的信息类型,以及适用于安全使用和维护缆绳的一般注意事项。运营商可将该表作为制定锚系管路计划的起点,但应认识到该表并非详尽无遗。(MEG 5.4.2)
Note: Inspector should check that the Line management plan takes into account the mooring line manufacturer’s recommendations and that the ship’smooring lines are being managed in line with the Operator’s retirement and end to end policies 注:检查员应检查缆线管理计划是否考虑了系泊缆线制造商的建议,船舶系泊缆线的管理是否符合营运商的退役和终端政策。
9.4 Have the operator's policies on line inspections, retirement and wear zone management been implemented as outlined in the Line Management Plan? 9.4 运营商的线路检查、报废和磨损区管理政策是否已按照线路管理计划中的规定执行?
It is recommended that operators develop a programme forline maintenance, inspection and retirement. This will reduce unnecessary degradation of the line and ensure lines are operated within safety margins over their service life. (MEG 5.4) 建议运营商制定线路维护、检查和报废计划。这将减少不必要的线路退化,并确保线路在其使用寿命期间在安全范围内运行。(管理EG 5.4)
The frequency of inspections should be clearly defined in the ships LMP in accordance with the operators overall planned maintenance policies. The frequency of inspections should be based on several factors such asmooring frequency, severity of loading conditions and consistency of line configuration. Operators should work with line manufacturers when creating inspection procedures to make sure appropriate frequencies are chosen to suit theirtrading pattems (MEG 5.4.3) 船舶 LMP 应根据运营商的整体计划维护政策明确规定检查频率。检查频率应基于多个因素,如停泊频率、装载条件的严重程度和生产线配置的一致性。在制定检查程序时,运营商应与生产线制造商合作,以确保选择适当的频率来适应其贸易模式(MEG 5.4.3)。
All types of mooring lines experience loc alised fatigue and damage caused by common line routeing and deployment processes. Wear zone management techniques include effective documentation of a maintenance plan; the determination of minimum lengths required to satisfy operational requirements; a maintenance plan that outlines the frequency and approach forend-for-ending lines and rotating linesto different winchesorlocationsto help shift the contact points; a programme in which sections of damaged line are cropped and sent to the manufactureror a test laboratory for detailed examination and break testing so asto provide feedback on the severity of damage and related strength loss which can guide future maintenance decisions. (MEG 5.4.4) 所有类型的系泊缆绳都会因常见的缆绳布线和布放过程而出现局部疲劳和损坏。磨损区管理技术包括有效记录维护计划;确定满足操作要求所需的最短缆绳长度;制定维护计划,概述缆绳前端换尾端的频率和方法,以及将缆绳旋转到不同绞盘或位置以帮助转移接触点的方法;制定计划,对受损缆绳的部分进行剪切,并将其送往制造商或测试实验室进行详细检查和断裂测试,以提供有关受损严重程度和相关强度损失的反馈信息,从而为未来的维护决策提供指导。(MEG 5.4.4)
Note: Inspector should check that the ship’smooring lines are being managed in line with the Operator’s retirement and end to end policies. Record an observation if the ships records indic ate that the management of mooring lines is not asperthe policy and/or schedule outlined in the line management plan. 注:检查员应检查船舶缆绳的管理是否符合营运商的退役和终端政策。如果船舶记录显示缆绳管理不符合缆绳管理计划中列出的政策和/或时间表,则记录观察结果。
9.5 Do all mooring lines and where fitted, mooring tails, meet Industry guidelines? 9.5 所有系泊缆绳和系泊尾缆是否符合行业标准?
The mooring lines fitted should have a Line Design Break Force (LDBF) of 100-105% of the Ship Design MBL (MEG 5.2.1). 所安装的系泊缆线的缆线设计断裂力 (LDBF) 应为船舶设计 MBL 的 100-105%(MEG 5.2.1)。
Common materials include polyester, polyester/polyolefin composites and polyamide. To increase fatigue life and strength, it is recommended that tails have the same rotation properties as the main line. Synthetic tails should have a TDBF 25-30% higherthan that of the ship design MBL. (MEG 4.5.8) 常见的材料包括聚酯、聚酯/聚烯烃复合材料和聚酰胺。为提高疲劳寿命和强度,建议尾缆具有与主缆相同的旋转特性。合成尾缆的 TDBF 应比船舶设计 MBL 高 25-30%。(MEG 4.5.8)
Mooring tails can be of any length necessary to provide suffic ient system compliance but are normally between 11 m and 22 m . Mooring tail length, construction and material in operation should be as specified the mooring analysis and required by the mooring a mangement. 缆尾的长度可根据系统需要而定,但通常在 11 米至 22 米之间。缆尾的长度、结构和材料应符合系泊分析的规定和系泊管理部门的要求。
Mooring lines and tails should be inspected before every use and according to the requirements of the Line Management Plan. 每次使用前,都应根据缆绳管理计划的要求检查缆绳和缆尾。
The additional risksposed by jacketed rope constructions also applies to mooring tails and users must ensure that this is adequately addressed in the Line Management Plan. 护套绳索结构带来的额外风险也适用于系泊尾缆,使用者必须确保在管线管理计划中充分考虑到这一点。
Operators should aim to retire tails at, or before, the time they reach 75%75 \% of the ship design MBL (see figure 1.4). The tail should follow the same processfordetemining and managing the service life that is used for mooring lines and the retirement policy should be recorded in the Line Management Plan. (MEG 5.8.8) 运营者应在尾缆达到船舶设计 MBL 的 75%75 \% 时或之前将其报废(见图 1.4)。尾缆应采用与系泊缆线相同的程序来确定和管理其使用寿命,其退役政策应记录在缆线管理计划中。(MEG 5.8.8)
9.6 If one or more bow stoppers are fitted, is a certific ate attesting to the safe working load 9.6 如果安装了一个或多个弓形止动器,是否有证明安全工作载荷的证书?
The ship should hold a copy of the manufacturer’stype-approval certific ate forthe bow chain stopper(s) confirming that the bow chain stopper(s) are constructed in strict compliance with a recognised standard that specifies SWL, yield strength and safety factors. 船舶应持有船首挡链器制造商的标准批准证书副本,确认船首挡链器的构造严格符合规定 SWL、屈服强度和安全系数的公认标准。
The ships should also hold a certific ate attesting to the strength of the bow chain stopper(s) foundations and associated ship supporting structure substantiated by detailed engineering analysis or calculation. 船舶还应持有经详细工程分析或计算证实的船首挡链器地基和相关船舶支撑结构强度证书。
Bow chain stoppers, associated foundation and supporting structure should be subject to periodic survey, at least once every 5 years, and maintained in good order. Bow chain stoppers should be permanently marked with their SWL and appropriate serial number so that certific ates can be easily cross referenced. (MEG 4.3.1) 艏链式止动器、相关地基和支撑结构应定期接受检查,至少每 5 年一次,并保持良好状态。艏链式止动器应永久标明其 SWL 和适当的序列号,以便于对照证书。(MEG 4.3.1)
9.7 Is there a policy in place for the testing of winch brakes and are the results recorded? 9.7 是否有测试绞车制动器的政策,结果是否有记录?
The primary brake should be set to hold 60%60 \% of the mooring line’s minimum breaking load. Since brakesmay deteriorate in senvice, it is recommended that new equipment be designed to hold 80%80 \% of the line’s minimum breaking load but have the capability to be adjusted down to 60%.|(MEG 6.3.4) 主制动器的设置应能承受缆绳最小断裂荷载的 60%60 \% 。由于制动器在使用过程中可能会老化,因此建议将新设备设计为可承受缆绳最小断裂荷载的 80%80 \% ,但可将其调整至 60%。
Regardless of the brake type, periodic testing is essential to ensure safe mooring (MEG 6.4.6) 无论制动器类型如何,定期测试对确保系泊安全至关重要(MEG 6.4.6)。
The main purpose of brake testing is to venify that the brake will render at a load less than the ship design MBL. New ships are nomally supplied with a brake test kit of the simplified type. Each winch manufacturer will have their own test equipment and procedures which should be followed by the operator. (MEG 6.4.6) 制动器测试的主要目的是确认制动器在载荷小于船舶设计 MBL 的情况下仍能正常工作。新船通常会配备一套简化的制动器测试工具。每个绞车制造商都有自己的测试设备和程序,操作员应予以遵守。(MEG 6.4.6)
Each winch should be tested individually, and test should be camied out priorto the ship’s delivery and then every year thereafter following recommendation in ISGOTT. In addition, individual winches should be tested aftercompletion of any modific ation or repair involving the winch brakes, or upon any evidence of premature brake slippage or related malfunctions. Brakes should be tested to prove they render at a load that is equivalent to 60%60 \% of the line’s MBL (MEG 每台绞车都应单独进行测试,测试应在船舶交付前进行,之后每年都应按照 ISGOTT 的建议进行测试。此外,在完成任何涉及绞车制动器的改装或维修后,或在出现任何制动器过早打滑或相关故障的迹象时,应测试每台绞车。应对制动器进行测试,以证明其在相当于 60%60 \% 生产线 MBL 的负荷下工作(MEG。
It is recommended that a complete set of test equipment is placed on board each ship properly stowed in an appropriate location. Altematively, the ownermay elect to procure one ortwo sets of testing equipment for each type and size of winch and retain thisequipment in a convenient central location for shipment to repair facilities (MEG 建议在每艘船上放置一套完整的测试设备,并妥善存放在适当的位置。或者,船东可以选择为每种类型和尺寸的绞车购买一到两套测试设备,并将这些设备存放在一个方便的中心位置,以便运送到维修设施(MEG。
Ideally, a brake should hold and render within a very small range and once it renders, should shed only enough load to bring the line tension back to a safe level. Unfortunately, the widely used band brake with screw is only marginally satisfactory in fulfilling these requirements and its operation requires special care. 理想情况下,制动器应在很小的范围内保持和释放,一旦释放,应只释放足够的负荷,使缆线张力恢复到安全水平。遗憾的是,广泛使用的带螺钉带式制动器在满足这些要求方面只能说是差强人意,其操作需要特别小心。
(MEG 6.2.5)
Specifications should be available on the winch drum to show the design holding capacity and the torque required on the hand wheel orleverto achieve this. (MEG 6.3.6) 卷扬机滚筒上应有规格说明,显示设计保持能力和手轮或杠杆达到此能力所需的扭矩。(MEG 6.3.6)
Mooring procedures: 系泊程序:
9.8 Are moorings satisfac torily deployed and tended? 9.8 系泊设备的部署和维护是否令人满意?
Generally mooring lines of the same size and type (material) should be used for all leads. Mooring lines should be arranged so that all lines in the same service are about the same length between the ship and the shore bollard. (MEG 1.6.2) 一般来说,所有引线都应使用相同尺寸和类型(材料)的系泊缆绳。系泊缆绳的布置应使同一用途的所有缆绳在船舶和岸边系缆桩之间的长度大致相同。(MEG 1.6.2)
Note: The mooring arrangement in use for the port and its effectiveness should be reviewed. Breast lines provide the bulk of transverse restraint, back springs the longitudinal. Headlines and stemlines contribute much less to the mooning strength than is commonly supposed. 注: 应审查港口使用的系泊安排及其有效性。胸线提供了大部分横向约束,而后弹则提供了纵向约束。顶线和茎线对系泊强度的贡献比通常认为的要小得多。
Mooring operations are potentially a hazardousoperation, and all involved should be aware of the hazards, particularly the hazard of ‘snap-back’. 系泊作业是一项潜在的危险作业,所有相关人员都应了解其危险性,尤其是 "扣回 "的危险性。
Permanently marking snap-back danger zones on the deck is not recommended. Although there are areas of increased snap-back risk, it is not possible to accurately calculate the whole range of snapback dangerzonesneeded to ensure personnel are safe. Marking snap-back dangerzonescreates a false sense of safety for personnel standing outside of a marked danger zone. 不建议在甲板上永久性地标注反弹危险区。虽然有些区域的回扣风险会增加,但不可能准确计算出确保人员安全所需的整个回扣危险区范围。标记反弹危险区会给站在标记危险区之外的人员造成虚假的安全感。
Instead it is recommended that the entire area of the mooring deck isconsidered and area of elevated risk, partic ularly from snap-back, and that personnel are made aware when they are entering this elevated risk area. It is recommended that mooring decks are marked, e.g. using ropes, banic ades and signs, to make sure personnel entering this area are made a ware of the risks. (MEG 相反,建议将整个系泊甲板区域视为高风险区域,尤其是来自扣回的高风险区域,并让进入这一高风险区域的人员意识到这一点。建议对系泊甲板进行标记,例如使用绳索、标牌和标志,以确保进入该区域的人员了解风险。(MEG
9.9 Are mooring lines secured to bitts and turned up comectly? 9.9 系泊缆绳是否固定在锚栓上并正确翻转?
The recommended method of tuming up a line on bitts is to take two full tums around the leading post before belaying figure of eights. The reason forthis is to reduce the tendency to pull the two posts together. (MEG 7.3.2) 在位线上向上翻腾的推荐方法是,在绑八字形腰带之前,先绕着前导杆翻腾两圈。这样做的原因是为了减少将两根支柱拉到一起的趋势。(MEG 7.3.2)。
Note: Mooring lines must not be secured to winch warping drums. 注意:系泊缆绳不得固定在绞盘卷扬滚筒上。
9.10 Are all powered mooring lines correctly reeled on drums, sec ured on brakes and winches out of gear. 9.10 所有动力系泊缆绳是否都正确地卷绕在滚筒上,固定在制动器上,绞盘是否都已脱档。
A band brake is designed to work in one direction only, so the line must always be reeled correctly onto the drum. Each arrangement should be assessed on a case-by-case basis with reference to the manufacturer’s guidance. With lines correctly reeled, tension on the line should be in a direction that causes the free end of the band to be forced towards the fixed end, thereby forcing the two halves of the band together. (MEG 带式制动器只能单向工作,因此必须始终将缆线正确地卷绕到滚筒上。每种安排都应根据具体情况进行评估,并参考制造商的指导意见。在正确卷绕缆绳的情况下,缆绳的张力方向应使缆带的自由端向固定端靠拢,从而将缆带的两半压在一起。(MEG。
Winchesshould neverbe left in gearwith the mooring winch band brake on. Hydraulic orelectric drivescan suffersevere damage should the brake render. Mooring drums should always be left disconnected from the winch drive whenever the mooring line istensioned, and the band brake is fully applied. 在系泊绞车带式制动器打开的情况下,绞车绝不能留在齿轮上。如果制动器失灵,液压或电动驱动器可能会受到严重损坏。每当系泊缆绳被拉紧且带式制动器完全打开时,应始终将系泊滚筒与绞盘驱动装置断开。
9.11 On split drum winc hes are all the lines made fast with no more than one layer on each tension side of the drum? 9.11 在分体式滚筒绞车上,是否在滚筒的每个张力侧都有一层以上的紧固线?
The rated holding capacity is only achieved with one layer of line on the tension section of the drum. Guidance on the minimum number of tums should be obtained from the line manufacturerand documented in the Line Management Plan. If guidance is not available, a minimum of eight tums should be used. 只有在滚筒的张力部分铺设一层输送线,才能达到额定的保温能力。应从生产线制造商处获得有关最小滚筒数量的指导,并将其记录在生产线管理计划中。如果无法获得指导,则应至少使用八个滚筒。
Operation with additional layers will decrease the brake holding capacity (MEG & 6.4.5) 多层操作会降低制动器的保持能力(MEG 和 6.4.5)。
9.12 If mooring tails are fitted to wires or HMSF lines, do they have proper connections and are they correctly fitted? 9.12 如果系泊尾缆安装在电线或 HMSF 线路上,它们是否有适当的连接,安装是否正确?
Tails should be connected to a wire mooring line using appropriate shackles. The SWL of the joining shackle should be equal to orgreaterthan, the WLL of the mooring line to which it is attached. It is critic al that the connecting links are in good condition and are rigged in accordance with the shackle, line and tail manufacturer’s instructions. The eye of the tails should be protected with a suitable sheath. If the manufacturerrecommends that it is appropriate, a synthetic tail can be attached to a high modulus line by using a cow hitch. The hitch provides a suitable method of joining lines without the use of shackles or other hardware 应使用适当的卸扣将船尾连接到钢丝缆绳上。连接枷锁的 SWL 应等于或大于所连接缆绳的 WLL。值得注意的是,连接件应完好无损,并按照卸扣、缆绳和尾部制造商的说明进行装配。尾缆的缆眼应使用合适的护套加以保护。如果制造商认为合适,可以使用牛铰链将合成尾缆连接到高模量缆绳上。牛铰链提供了一种连接缆绳的合适方法,无需使用镣铐或其他硬件。
(MEG 5.8.4) (教育EG 5.8.4)
Notes: Tonsberg have a straight pin and the tail should be connected to it; Mandal has a curved roller and the wire should be connected to it; Boss links can be connected in eitherdirection. In all cases, it is critic al that the connecting links are rigged in accordance with the manufacturer’sinstructions. 注意事项Tonsberg 有一个直销,尾部应与之连接;Mandal 有一个弯曲的滚轴,钢丝应与之连接;Boss 链接可在任一方向连接。在任何情况下,都必须按照制造商的说明安装连接件。
There are several manufacturers of joining shackles and currently there is no standard value for the safety factors between SWL and minimum yield strength or Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)/fa ilure values. However, most manufacturers will supply connection devicesthat have a safety factor of 3, i.e. a breaking load that is 3xx3 \times SWL. This is a greater safety factor than is used forlines. The SWL of joining shackles should always be equal to, orgreater than, the WLL of the lines in the mooning system, so that the SWL will neverbe exceeded within the working load range of the linesto which they are attached Although WLL values for wires and synthetic lines are slightly different ( 55%55 \% and 50%50 \% of ship design MBL respectively) it is not intended that joining shackle manufacturers or ship operators attempt to match the SWL of the shackle to the WLL. In the absence of a standard value for safety factors, a minimum safety factor of 3 is recommended. Deviations from this should be considered in the context of the overall mooring system design to minimise the risk of connecting device failure. (MEG 连接卸扣有多家制造商生产,目前,SWL 与最小屈服强度或极限拉伸强度 (UTS)/fa ilure 值之间的安全系数没有标准值。不过,大多数制造商都会提供安全系数为 3 的连接装置,即 3xx3 \times SWL 的断裂荷载。这个安全系数比用于绳索的安全系数要大。连接卸扣的 SWL 应始终等于或大于登月系统中缆线的 WLL,以便在其所连接缆线的工作负载范围内,不会超过 SWL。在没有安全系数标准值的情况下,建议最低安全系数为 3。应根据整个系泊系统的设计来考虑安全系数的偏差,以将连接装置失灵的风险降至最低。(MEG
9.13 Are all mooring lines stowed neatly to minimise tripping hazards and are mooring areas clear and unobstructed? 9.13 是否将所有系泊缆绳整齐摆放,以尽量减少绊倒危险,系泊区是否畅通无阻?
Mooring equipment 系泊设备
Are mooring winches, including winch foundations in good order? 9.14 系泊绞盘,包括绞盘基础是否完好?
9.15 Do brake linings, drums and pins appear to be in good order? 9.15 制动衬片、制动鼓和销是否完好无损?
Notes: Check the condition of cheek platesfor wastage and distortion, the hinge pins and their retaining devices and the condition of the brake drum below the lining. 注意事项检查颊板的损耗和变形情况、铰链销及其固定装置以及衬片下方制动鼓的情况。
If there is signific ant wear on the brake linings, the brake adjustment screw may be at the limit of its travel and furthertightening not possible. 如果制动衬片有明显的蚂蚁状磨损,则制动调节螺钉可能已达到其行程极限,无法进一步拧紧。
9.16 If mooring winc hes in a gas hazardous area are electric ally powered, are motors Ex ’ dd ’ rated and have insulation tests been camied out and the results recorded. 9.16 如果气体危险区域内的系泊绞车是电力驱动的,则电机是否达到防爆" dd "等级,是否进行了绝缘测试并将结果记录在案。
Notes: Where electric al mooring winches are located in gas-hazardous areasthere must be evidence a vailable, either by a manufacturer’s plate on the motor, or by documentation, that the motor is rated for use in a gas-hazardous area. An Ex’d’ rating meansthat the equipment can withstand an intemal explosion without igniting the outside atmosphere. Ex ‘e’ is an increased safety rating. Glands at the point of entry of electric cables into junction boxes should be checked. Records should be available of the testing of the insulation resistance, from the phasesto earth, of motors. The resistance should be above 1 Megohm. Falling insulation resistance indic ates deterioration. 注:当电动系泊绞车位于气体危险区域时,必须有证据(通过电机上的制造商铭牌或文件)证明电机额定用于气体危险区域。防爆 d "等级意味着设备可以承受内部爆炸,而不会点燃外部大气。Ex 'e'是一种更高的安全等级。应检查电缆进入接线盒处的接头。应提供电机从相线到大地的绝缘电阻测试记录。电阻值应高于 1 兆欧。绝缘电阻的下降表明绝缘老化。
9.17 Are mooring wires, lines, synthetic tails and connecting apparatus in good order? 9.17 系泊线、缆绳、合成尾缆和连接装置是否完好?
All splices and repairs should be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and performed by a competent person. Records should be maintained of inspections and repairs foreach line ortail. 所有拼接和维修都应严格按照制造商的说明进行,并由合格人员执行。应保存每条线路或尾部的检查和维修记录。
Particularattention should be paid to the eyes of mooring wires. If there are more than three broken wires in any strand, orfive in any adjacent strands in a length of wire 10 timesthe diameter, the damaged part requires removal and the wire re-splic ing. 应特别注意系泊导线的眼部。如果在直径为 10 倍的导线长度中,任何一股中的断线超过三根,或任何相邻一股中的断线超过五根,则需要拆除受损部分并重新拼接导线。
There should be a routine for the maintenance of wires and the lubric ation of them using a preservative which will effectively penetrate the strands and wires. If a lubric ant is used it is recommended to use an environmentally friendly lubric ant. 应定期维护电线,并使用能有效渗透线股和电线的防腐剂对其进行润滑。如果使用润滑剂,建议使用环保型润滑剂。
9.18 Are pedestal fairleads, roller fairleads and other rollers well-greased and free to tum and are bitts and choc ks free of grooving? 9.18 基座、滚轮和其他滚轮是否润滑良好,可自由转动,咬合和楔块是否无凹槽?
Notes: If fibre mooring linesare used, the chocks and fittings they come into contact with should prevent damage from abrasion or cutting. All rolling chocks, and pedestals should rotate freely and be regularly maintained. 注意事项:如果使用纤维系泊缆线,与之接触的卡榫和配件应防止磨损或切割造成损坏。所有滚动卡座和基座都应旋转自如,并定期维护保养。
9.19 Is mooring equipment marked with its SWL? 9.19 系泊设备是否标有其 SWL?
Each fitting should be clearly marked by bead weld outline with its SWL, in addition to any markings required by other applicable standards. The SWL should be expressed in tonnes (letter ’ tt ') and be located so that it is not obscured during the operation of the fitting. 除其他适用标准所要求的任何标记外,每个接头都应通过焊缝轮廓清楚地标明其 SWL。SWL 的单位应为吨(字母" tt "),其位置不应使其在配件运行时被遮挡。
The SWL of the fitting should be equal to orgreater than the ship design MBL. (MEG 1.4.2) 配件的 SWL 应等于或大于船舶设计 MBL。(MEG 1.4.2)
Note: Some vessels have the mooring equipment marked in ‘Kn’, which is an acceptable altemative. 注:有些船只的系泊设备标有 "Kn",这是一种可接受的替代方法。
Anchoring equipment 锚定设备
9.20 Are windlasses, anchors, locking bars and cables in good order and operating effectively? Note: The condition of the locking bars should be checked to ascerta in that they function correctly by locking the chain when the vessel is at anchorto prevent the brake having to take the full load of the cable. 9.20 卷扬机、锚、锁定杆和缆绳是否完好无损并有效运行?注: 应检查锁紧杆的状况,以确保其在船舶起锚时锁紧链条,防止制动器承受缆绳的全部负荷。
9.21 Except whilst alongside, when locking bars should be in place, were the anchors cleared and ready for immediate use during portentry? 9.21 除了在靠岸时应安装锁定杆外,锚是否已清理完毕,并可在进港时立即使用?
Whilst moored alongside, anchors not in use should be properly secured with the brake and locking bar, but otherwise be available for immediate use. If specific ally otherwise required by the terminal the response to thisquestion should be NA. 停泊在岸边时,不使用的锚应使用制动器和锁定杆适当固定,但也可立即使用。如果码头另有具体要求,对本问题的答复应为 NA。
(ISG OTT (总干事办公室
9.22 Are bitter end sec uring arrangements unobstructed and outside the chain locker? 9.22 苦端固定装置是否畅通无阻并位于锁链箱外?
9.23 Are the chain locker doors sec urely battened down? 9.23 链条储物柜的门是否完全拴紧?
9.24 Is the crew a ware of the design limitations of their anchor windlass and systems? 9.24 船员是否了解锚链卷扬机和系统的设计限制?
Crew should be familiar with all manufacturerequipment and operation manuals and understand the design/operating limitations of windlasses fitted. Limiting factors to considermay include current, wind, waterdepth, and the length/weight of the chain and anchor. 船员应熟悉所有制造商的设备和操作手册,并了解所安装卷扬机的设计/操作限制。需要考虑的限制因素可能包括水流、风力、水深以及链条和锚的长度/重量。
Crew should be guided by recommendations in the OCIMF public ation Anchoring Systems and Procedures, especially section Protection Against Catastrophic Failure. 船员应遵循 OCIMF 公布的《锚定系统和程序》中的建议,尤其是第 节中的 "防止灾难性故障"。
Single Point Moorings: 单点停泊:
9.25 Is single point mooring (SPM) and associated equipment fitted to OCIMF recommendations? Existing ships delivered before 2009 likely to trade to SPM’s should be equipped with bow chain stoppers designed to accept 76 mm chafe chain: 9.25 单点系泊 (SPM) 及相关设备是否符合 OCIMF 的建议?在 2009 年之前交付的、有可能使用 SPM 的现有船舶应配备船首挡链器,其设计可接受 76 毫米的防冲链:
Up to 150,000 tdw: 1 stopper 200 tonnesswl 高达 150,000 吨湿重:1 个塞子 200 吨湿重
New ships delivered during orafter 2009 likely to visit SPMs should be equipped with bow chain stoppers designed to accept 76 mm chafe chain in accordance with the following table. Owners of ships underconstruction before 2009 are encouraged to considerfitting bow chain stoppers in accordance with the recommendationsfornew ships. 在 2009 年期间或之后交付的可能会访问 SPMs 的新船应根据下表安装船首挡链器,其设计可接受 76 mm 的防冲链。我们鼓励 2009 年之前建造的船舶的船东考虑按照对新船的建议安装船首挡链器。
Up to 100,000 tdw: 高达 100,000 tdw:
1 stopper 1 个塞子
200 tonnes swl 200 吨swl
100 to 150,000 tdw: 100 至 150,000 tdw:
1 stoppers 1 个瓶塞
250 tonnes swl 250 吨swl
Over 150,000 tdw: 超过 15 万 tdw:
2 stoppers 2 个瓶塞
350 tonnes swl 350 吨swl
Up to 100,000 tdw: 1 stopper 200 tonnes swl
100 to 150,000 tdw: 1 stoppers 250 tonnes swl
Over 150,000 tdw: 2 stoppers 350 tonnes swl| Up to 100,000 tdw: | 1 stopper | 200 tonnes swl |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 100 to 150,000 tdw: | 1 stoppers | 250 tonnes swl |
| Over 150,000 tdw: | 2 stoppers | 350 tonnes swl |
Stoppers should be located between 2.7 and 3.7 metres inboard from the bow fairead (regardless of the size of vessel) and due consideration should be given to the correct alignment of stoppers relative to the lead between bow fairlead, stopper, pedestal fairlead and winch drum orthe warping drum of the winch. 挡板应位于距船头 2.7 至 3.7 米的内侧(无论船只大小),并应适当考虑挡板与船头操纵杆、挡板、基座操纵杆和绞盘滚筒或绞盘翘曲滚筒之间导线的正确对齐。
A bow fairlead should measure at least 600 by 450 mm and be placed on the centre line. If two fairleads are recommended these should be spaced 2 metrescentre to centre apart, but in no case more than 3 metres. (MEG 4.3) 船首缆绳的尺寸至少应为 600 乘 450 毫米,并放置在中心线上。如果建议使用两根缆绳,则两根缆绳之间的间距应为 2 米,但在任何情况下都不得超过 3 米。(MEG 4.3)
9.26 If the vessel is equipped for mooring at single point moorings, does it meet the recommendations as applicable, contained in Mooring Equipment Guidelines? 9.26 如果船只配备了单点系泊设备,是否符合《系泊设备指南》中的适用建议?
Conventional tankerslikely to visit F§SO s and SPM buoy terminals should be equipped so that winch storage drums used to recoverthe pick-up lines should be positioned in a direct straight lead with the bow fairlead and bow chain stopper without the use of pedestal rollers. This relative positioning of the tanker bow mooring equipment in a direct straight lead is a best practice and considered the safest and most effic ient arrangement for handling the pick-up lines. There should be at least 3.0 m distance between the bow chain stopper and the winch drum to allow forthe pick-up line eye, connecting shackle, shipboard-end oblong plate and a numberof chafe chain links. 可能到访 FSO 和 SPM 浮标码头的常规油轮应配备用于回收缆绳的绞盘储存桶,使其与船首系缆 绳和船首挡链器保持直接的直线距离,而无需使用基座滚筒。油轮船首系泊设备的这种直接直线相对定位是一种最佳做法,被认为是处理缆绳最安全、最有效的安排。船首挡链器与绞车滚筒之间至少应有 3.0 米的距离,以便安装缆绳眼、连接卸扣、船板端长形板和若干防冲链。
However, recognising that not all existing mooring a rrangement designs will permit direct straight leads to a winch stowage drum, consideration of safety and protection of mooring personnel from risk of snap-back injury should take prionity in determining the number and positioning of any pedestal rollers. However, only one pedestal roller should be used foreach bow chain stopper, and in no 不过,由于并非所有现有的系泊安排设计都允许直接通向绞盘收纳桶,因此在确定基座滚筒的数量和位置时,应优先考虑安全问题和保护系泊人员免受反弹伤害的风险。不过,每个船首链条阻挡器只能使用一个基座滚筒,而且在任何情况下都不能使用。
circumstances, should the numberexceed two. The angle of change of direction of the pick-up line lead should be minimal. Tankers may be rejected by some terminals if the angle of change of direction is large, such as an aggregate of all changes exc eeding 90 degrees. 如果人数超过 2 人,则应尽量减少。取货线引线的方向变化角度应最小。如果改变方向的角度过大,例如所有改变方向的角度总和超过 90 度,某些码头可能会拒绝接受油轮。
If used, it is essential that pedestal roller(s) are corectly aligned with the winch storage drum and the centre of the bow chain stopper. This enables a direct lead from the centre of the bow fairlead to the centre of the bow chain stopper while allowing the pick-up line to be stowed evenly on the stowage drum. There should be at least three metres distance between the bow chain stopper and the closest pedestal rollerto allow for the pick-up line eye, connecting shackle, shipboard-end oblong plate and a number of chafe chain links. 如果使用,基座滚轮必须与绞盘存储鼓和艏链条止动器的中心完全对齐。这样可以从艏系索器的中心直接引到艏链条止动器的中心,同时可以将拾取线均匀地收纳在收纳鼓上。艏链锁和最近的基座滚筒之间至少应有三米的距离,以便安装拾取线眼、连接枷锁、船板端长形板和若干防冲链。
There should be no obstructions or fittings (e.g. a hatch with securing dogs) close to the route of the pick-up line or chain to ensure that if the line is allowed to run free during letting go it is unlikely to snag on any such structure. 在缆绳或链条的路线附近不应有任何障碍物或装置(如装有固定狗的舱口),以确保在放手时如果缆绳被允许自由滑动,则不太可能卡在任何此类结构上。
On all conventional tankers, winch stowage drumsused to stow the pick-up line should be capable of lifting at least 15 tonnes and be of suffic ient size to accommodate 150 m of 80 mm diameter line. Using winch warping drums to handle pick-up lines is considered unsafe and should be avoided. Remotely operated winch stowage drumsmay give some additional snapback injury protection to the winch operator. (MEG 4.3.4) 在所有常规油轮上,用于存放取油管的绞盘收油桶至少应能提升 15 吨,其尺寸应足以容纳 150 米直径为 80 毫米的油管。使用绞车翘曲滚筒来处理缆绳是不安全的,应避免使用。遥控操作的绞车收放滚筒可以为绞车操作员提供一些额外的反弹伤害保护。(MEG 4.3.4)
9.27 If the vessel is fitted with a hydraulically operated bow stopper, are safeguards provided to prevent its accidental release? 9.27 如果船只装有液压操作的船首止动器,是否有防止其意外释放的保障措施?
Emergency towing arrangements: 紧急拖车安排:
9.28 Are emergenc yy towing arrangements readily available for deployment at both ends of the vessel? 9.28 在船只的两端是否有随时可用的应急 yy 拖曳安排?
The requirement for emergency towing a rrangements applies to oil, chemic al and gastankers over 20,000 tdw. 紧急拖带安排的要求适用于超过 20,000 吨载重量的油轮、化学品船和液化气船。
For tankers constructed before 1 J uly 2002: 适用于 2002 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的油轮:
The design and construction of emergency towing arrangements shall be approved by the Administration, based on the guidelines developed by the Organisation (IMO Res. MSC.35(63)); 紧急拖带安排的设计和建造应由行政部门根据本组织制定的准则(IMO Res. MSC.35(63))批准;
The aft emergency towing a rrangement should be pre-rigged and capable of being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour conditions by one person within 15 minutes; 船尾应急拖曳装置应预先安装好,并能在港口条件下由一人在 15 分钟内以受控方式展开;
The pick-up gearfor the aft towing pennant should be designed at least formanual operation by one person taking into account the absence of power and the potential for adverse 考虑到没有动力和可能出现的不利情况,船尾拖曳缆绳的取力装置至少应设计为单人手动操作。
environmental conditions that may prevail during such emergency towing operations. The pick-up gearshould be protected against the weatherand otheradverse conditionsthat may prevail; 在这种紧急拖曳行动中可能出现的环境条件。取力装置应能抵御天气和其他可能出现的不利条件;
The forward emergency towing arrangement should be capable of being deployed in harbour conditions in not more than one hour. (It is unlikely that a length of chain could be retrieved within the time limit if it is stored in the foc 's’le space); 前方应急拖曳装置应能在港口条件下在不超过一小时的时间内展开。(如果链条存放在船舱内,则不太可能在规定时间内收回);
Forward emergency towing a rrangements which comply with the requirements for aft emergency towing arrangements may be accepted; 可以接受符合船尾紧急拖带要求的前方紧急拖带安排;
All emergency towing a rrangements should be clearly marked to facilitate safe and effective use even in darkness and poor visibility; 所有紧急牵引装置都应有明显标记,以便在黑暗和能见度低的情况下也能安全有效地使用;
All emergency towing components should be inspected by ship personnel at regular intervals and maintained in good working order. 船上人员应定期检查所有紧急牵引部件,并保持其良好的工作状态。
(IMO Res. MSC.35(63)) (海事组织第 MSC.35(63)号决议)。
For tankers constructed on or after 1stJ uly 2002: 适用于 2002 年 7 月 1 日或之后建造的油轮:
The a rrangements shall, at all times, be capable of rapid deployment in the absence of main poweron the ship to be towed and easy connection to the towing ship. At least one of the emergency towing arrangements shall be pre-nigged ready forrapid deployment; and, 在任何时候,这些装置均应能在被拖船舶无主动力的情况下迅速展开,并能方便地与拖船连接。至少有一个应急拖带装置应预先安装好,以便快速部署;以及
Emergency towing arrangements at both ends shall be of adequate strength taking into account the size and deadweight of the ship and the expected forcesduring bad weather conditions. 考虑到船舶的大小和载重量以及恶劣天气条件下的预期作用力,两端的紧急拖曳装置应具有足够的强度。
(SOLAS II-1/3-4,1.2) (SOLAS II-1/3-4,1.2) (SOLAS II-1/3-4,1.2
Once the system has been deployed the watertight integrity of adjacent spaces should be maintained. The prime emergency towing a rrangement may be fitted eitherforward or aft. 系统部署完毕后,应保持相邻空间的水密完整性。主应急拖曳装置可安装在船头或船尾。
9.29 Does the vessel have on board Emergency Towing Procedures? 9.29 船上是否有紧急拖曳程序?
Shipsshall be provided with a ship-specific emergency towing procedure. Such a procedure shall be camied aboard the ship for use in emergency situations and shall be based on existing a rrangements and equipment available on board the ship. 船舶应配备船舶专用的紧急拖带程序。该程序应安装在船上,以便在紧急情况下使用,并应以船上现有的安排和设备为基础。
The procedure shall include: 该程序应包括
drawings of fore and aft deck showing possible emergency towing a rrangements; 前后甲板图,显示可能的紧急拖曳安排;
inventory of equipment on board that can be used foremergency towing; 船上可用于紧急拖曳的设备清单;
means and methods of communic ation; and 通信手段和方法;以及
sample proceduresto facilitate the preparation for and conducting of emergency towing operations." 样本程序,以便于准备和执行紧急拖曳行动"。
(SO LASII-1/3-4,2.2-3)
Note: Ships should have on board three copies of a ship specific of an ‘Emergency Towing Booklets’ (EIB). Copies of the EIB should be located on the Bridge, Foc’sle space and Ship’s office or Cargo Control room. The EIB should contain procedures, diagramsetc. as set out in IMO Circular MSC.1/C irc. 1255. 注:船上应备有三份船上专用的 "紧急拖带手册"(EIB)。EIB 的副本应放在驾驶台、Foc'sle 空间和船舶办公室或货物控制室。EIB 应包含 IMO 通函 MSC.1/C irc.1255.
Once the system hasbeen deployed the watertight integrity of adjacent spaces should be maintained. The prime emergency towing arrangement may be fitted eitherforward or aft 一旦系统部署完毕,应保持相邻空间的水密完整性。主要应急拖曳装置可安装在船头或船尾
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Chapter 10 Engine and Steering Compartments. 第 10 章 发动机和转向室。
Policies, Procedures and Doc umentation: 政策、程序和文件:
10.1 Are the engineers aware of the procedures for safe operation of the machinery plant including their duties and watch standing instructions as per the Company SMS and are these instructions clearly defined? 10.1 工程师是否了解机械设备的安全操作程序,包括公司 SMS 规定的职责和值班常 规指示,这些指示是否有明确规定?
Note: Engineering procedures should include at least the following: 注:工程程序应至少包括以下内容:
Engine room organisation and operation; 轮机舱的组织和操作;
Unmanned machinery space (UMS) operation, when applic able; 在可以申请的情况下,进行无人机械空间 (UMS) 操作;
Reporting equipment deficiencies; 报告设备缺陷;
Engine room emergency preparedness and actions in the event of an emergency; 轮机舱应急准备和紧急情况下的行动;
Ensuring that all essential engine room equipment is available and fully operational; 确保机房的所有基本设备齐备并能充分运转;
Planned maintenance; 计划维护;
The control of spare parts. 备件控制。
10.2 If the machinery space is certified for unmanned operation is it being safely operated in that mode without regular alams oc cuming under nomal conditions? 10.2 如果机械空间经认证可进行无人操作,那么在正常条件下,在没有定期检查的情况下,是否可以安全地以这种模式进行操作?
If the vessels machinery space is manned due to operational reasons (manoeuvring, transiting piracy areasetc) then observations should not be raised unless there are insufficient crew ordefective equipment to fulfil this. However, if there is no apparent reason foroperating the vessel manned with UMS notation, then inspectors should determine the reasons and time period for this mode of operation. Log entries, Company procedures/ standing orders should be assessed to provide a full description of the situation in the observation. 如果由于操作原因(操纵、通过海盗区域等)船舶机械空间有人值守,则不应提出观察意见,除非没有足够的船员或设备缺陷来满足这一要求。然而,如果没有明显的理由在船舶上操作配备人员的 UMS 标记,则检查员应确定这种操作模式的原因和时间段。应评估日志记录、公司程序/常规命令,以全面描述观察到的情况。
If the machinery space is certified for unmanned operation, it will be likely that the Safe Manning Certific ate will allow a reduced number of engineers to be camied. Ensure that the manning level, if operating manned, is not at that reduced level. 如果机械空间经认证可进行无人操作,则安全人员配备证书很可能允许减少工程师人数。确保在有人操作的情况下,人员配备水平不会降低。
If the machinery space iscertified for unmanned operation but is not being operated in that mode because of unreliability of the UMS plant, record an Observation and describe the reason why. 如果机械空间经认证可进行无人操作,但由于无人值守设备不可靠而未以该模式运行,则应记录观察结果并说明原因。
10.3 Are the engineers demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the chief engineers standing orders and instructions and are the standing orders posted and signed by all engineers? 10.3 工程师是否了解并理解总工程师的常规命令和指示,常规命令是否张贴并由所有工程 师签字?
Standing orders and night orders should be checked to ascertain that all officers are instructed as to their responsibilities. Standing orders should be written by the chief engineer to reflect the specific operator’s requirements, as well ashis own, partic ularto the vessel, the trade and the experience of the engineering officers aboard at the time. The orders should be updated and signed by each chief engineer as they join the vessel. 应检查常规命令和夜间命令,以确保所有官员都了解自己的职责。轮机长应根据具体经营者的要求和自己的要求,特别是船舶、行业和当时船上轮机员的经验来编写常规命令。每一位轮机长在加入船舶时都应更新并签署这些命令。
Night orders should be written as and when they are required to supplement the standing orders during periods of manned E/R. For periods of UMS night orders will not generally be required. 在有人值守 E/R 期间,应根据需要编写夜间命令,以补充长期命令。在 UMS 期间,一般不需要夜间命令。
10.4 Are the engineers familiar with safe entry requirements to the machinery space when operating in the UMS mode, especially with regards to use of the dead man alam where fitted? 10.4 工程师是否熟悉在 UMS 模式下操作时进入机械空间的安全要求,特别是在安装了死人安全带的情况下如何使用?
Procedures should be in place to ensure that no-one enters the engine compartment alone, for example to camy out final evening checksduring unattended periods, without first informing the bridge. It is essential then that contact should be maintained at predetermined periodsduring the entry. 应制定程序,确保在无人值守期间,在未事先通知驾驶台的情况下,任何人不得单独进入发动机舱,例如进行最后的晚间检查。因此,在进入过程中,必须在预先确定的时间段保持联系。
Ratings should not be required to attend the engine room alone during unattended periods. On vessels where a single engineermaintains a watch, there should be procedures as detailed above to regularly and frequently maintain contact with the bridge or cargo control room, unless a dead man alarm system is fitted. 在轮机舱无人值守期间,不应要求评级人员单独值守。在只有一名轮机员值班的船舶上,除非安装了死人警报系统,否则应采取上述详细程序,定期并经常与驾驶台或货物控制室保持联系。
Safe entry requirements should be clearly posted at the nomally accessible entrance to the machinery space including the requirements to use the dead man alam (where fitted) during rounds in the machinery room. 安全进入要求应清楚地张贴在机械空间名义可进入的入口处,包括在机房内巡视时使用死人墙(如安装)的要求。
The personnel alarm should automatically give an alam on the navigating bridge or in the officers quarters as appropriate, if it is not reset from the machinery spaces in a period satisfactory to the Administration, but not exceeding 30 minutes. (IMO Intemational Codes on Ala rms and Indic ators, 1995. 7.1.1) 如果在管理部门认为满意的时间内(但不超过 30 分钟)没有从机械空间复位,人员警报器应酌情自动在驾驶台或军官宿舍发出警报(国际海事组织《国际警报和指示器规则》,1995 年,7.1.1)。
In addition to manual operation from the machinery space, the engineers’ alarm on ships with periodic ally unattended machinery spaces should operate when the machinery alarm is not 除了从机械舱内进行手动操作外,在定期无人值守机械舱的船舶上,当机械警报器不工作时,轮机员警报器也应工作
acknowledged in the machinery spacesor control room in a specified limited period of time, depending on the size of the ship but not exceeding 5 min. (Resolution A.1021(26) 8.3) 根据船舶的大小,在规定的有限时间内,在机械空间或控制室确认,但不超过5分钟(A.1021(26)号决议第8.3段)
The engineers’ alarm on ships with periodic ally unattended machinery spaces should operate when the machinery alarm is not acknowledged in the machinery spacesorcontrol room in a specified limited period of time, depending on the size of the ship but not exceeding 5 minutes. On ships constructed before 18th J anuary 2010 the time may be set in excess of 5 minutes (A.686(17) section 7.2). 有定期无人值守机械舱的船舶,当机械舱或控制室在规定的有限时间内(视船舶大小而定,但不超过 5 分钟)未确认机械警报时,轮机员警报应动作。在 2010 年 1 月 18 日之前建造的船舶上,时间可设置为超过 5 分钟(A.686(17) 第 7.2 节)。
10.5 Are engineers aware of the entries required in the engine room log book, and are the entries clear, comprehensive and adequately maintained? 10.5 工程师是否了解机房日志中要求的条目,条目是否清晰、全面并得到充分维护?
The vessel’s Safety Management System should indic ate which fields are required to be completed in the engine logbook. Entries should include; 船舶的安全管理系统应说明轮机日志需要填写哪些内容。条目应包括
Vessels operating UMS, the times when UMS and manned status; 运行 UMS 的船只、UMS 的时间以及有人值守的状态;
Bunkering operations and major intemal oil transfers; 加油作业和大型内部石油转运;
Fuel and lube oil ROB’s; 燃油和润滑油 ROB;
Changeoverfuel / entering ECA; 更换燃料/进入 ECA;
Machinery operating parameters (RPM, load, temperature and pressures) 机械运行参数(转速、负荷、温度和压力)
Chief engineers signature on a daily basis;. 总工程师每日签名;......
Errors made in the log should be struck through with a single line and initialled and dated. Random sampling of logs should be made to ascertain running hours within maintenance periods, shared hours on generators and alarmsidentified and not by-passed. 日志中的错误应划上一条线,并草签和注明日期。应随机抽查日志,以确定维护期内的运行小时数、发电机的共享小时数和警报器的识别小时数,以及未通过的小时数。
10.6 Can the engine room staff demonstrate full knowledge of essential emergency equipment and are instructions clearty posted on site for safe operation? 10.6 轮机舱工作人员能否充分展示对基本应急设备的了解,现场是否清楚地张贴了安全操作说明?
A written procedure should be readily available within the engine room which should be specific to the particular ship in orderto identify relevant controls. The procedure should include the following guidance, where applicable, on how to: 机房内应备有针对特定船舶的书面程序,以确定相关控制措施。该程序应包括以下指导(如适用),说明如何进行操作:
Regain powerfrom the emergency to the main switchboard; 恢复从应急电源到主配电盘的供电;
Charge the airreceivers for the main diesel generators in orderto provide electrical powerto all auxilia ries (fuel and lubric ating oil pumps and the boiler supply); 为主柴油发电机的空气接收器充电,以便为所有辅助设备(燃油泵、润滑油泵和锅炉供应)提供电力;
Restart all a uxilia ries; 重新启动所有设备;
Restart the main engine and boiler. 重新启动主发动机和锅炉。
The use of photographsto supplement instructions within start up procedureshasproven to be a very effective way of explaining systems. 事实证明,使用照片来补充启动程序中的说明是解释系统的一种非常有效的方法。
10.7 Does the operator subscribe to a fuel, lube and hydraulic oil testing programme on a frequency in ac cordance with the manufacturers recommendations and are there procedures to act on these results? 10.7 运营商是否按照制造商建议的频率执行燃油、润滑油和液压油测试计划,是否有根据这些结果采取行动的程序?
Oil analysis should be conducted in line with manufacturers recommendations, but in any case, on a regularbasis to enable trends in oil condition to be determined. 机油分析应根据制造商的建议进行,但无论如何,应定期进行,以便确定机油状况的趋势。
Trends will indic ate if the state of lubric ating oil is staying safely in equilibrium or if it is moving towards condemning limits. 趋势将显示润滑油的状态是安全地保持平衡,还是正在向极限发展。
Before condemning limits are reached, recommendations will often be given for corrective action. 在达到判定限值之前,通常会提出纠正措施建议。
The recommendations of the lube oil analysis should be followed and there must be evidence to show this a s undertaken. Observations shall be raised for any “critical” (red status) condition regardless of actionstaken. In such case inspectors should include those actionstaken (if any) to provide the full status of events at the time. 应遵循润滑油分析的建议,并且必须有证据表明已采取了相关措施。对于任何 "危急"(红色状态)状况,无论采取了何种措施,都应提出观察意见。在这种情况下,检查员应包括所采取的行动(如果有),以提供当时事件的全部状况。
Report which groups of oils are subject to testing programme and frequency of testing (i.e. Fuel oils, main engine lub oils, hydraulic oils, thermal oils etc). 报告哪类机油需要接受检测计划和检测频率(如燃油、主机润滑油、液压油、导热油等)。
Note: Report which groups of oils are subject to testing programme and frequency of testing (i.e. Fuel oils, main engine lub oils, hydraulic oils, themal oils etc. Verify the latest lube oil sample analysis is free from deficiencies. Record any deficiencies found. 注:报告哪组润滑油需要接受检测计划和检测频率(如燃料油、主发动机润滑油、液压油、主题油等。验证最新的润滑油样本分析是否存在缺陷。记录发现的任何缺陷。
10.8 Are the vessels staff engaged in bunkering operations well aware of safe transfer requirements and are detailed bunker transfer instructions available? 10.8 从事加油作业的船舶工作人员是否充分了解安全转移的要求,是否有详细的加油转移说明?
Personnel involved in the bunkering operation on board should have no othertasks and should remain at their workstations during topping-off. (ISGOTT25.1) 船上参与加油作业的人员不得有任何其他任务,并应在加油过程中留在自己的工作岗位上。(ISGOTT25.1)
The Company should consider the following items with procedures: 公司应考虑以下项目和程序:
Determining that there is adequate space forthe volume of bunkers to be loaded. 确定有足够的空间装载掩体。
Establishing maximum loading volume for all tanks. 确定所有储罐的最大装载量。
Controls for the setting of bunker system valves. 用于设置燃料舱系统阀门的控制器。
Determining loading ratesfor the start of loading, bulk loading and topping-off. 确定开始装载、批量装载和封顶的装载率。
Special precautions when loading into double bottom tanks. 装入双层底罐时要特别注意。
Arrangements of bunker tank ventilation. 油舱通风安排。
Intemal tank overflow a rangements. 内部水箱溢流 a rangements.
Verific ation of gauging system operation and accuracy. 核查测量系统的运行情况和准确性。
Alarm settings on overfill alarm units. 过量加注报警装置的报警设置。
Communic ation with the terminal to establish when bunkering can be undertaken. 与码头联系,确定何时可以加油。
Communications with the bunkersupplier prior to commencement, to establish and record the loading procedure to be followed and to determine how quantity and quality checks may be camied out, particularly if safe access is needed between the ship and a barge. 开始前与燃料供应商沟通,确定并记录应遵循的装载程序,并确定如何进行数量和质量检查,特别是在船舶与驳船之间需要安全通道的情况下。
Methods of managing the handling of bunkers which have ormay have a hydrogen sulphide (H2S) content. 管理处理含有或可能含有硫化氢(H2S)的燃料舱的方法。
Testing proceduresfor determining the presence of hydroc arbon or H 2 S vapours. 确定是否存在碳氢化合物或 H 2 S 蒸汽的测试程序。
Method of determining the temperature of the bunkers during loading. 在装载过程中确定料仓温度的方法。
Communic ations procedure for the operation, including emergency stop. 操作的通讯程序,包括紧急停止。
Manning requirements to execute the operation safely. 安全执行操作的人员配备要求。
Monitoring of the bunkering operation and checking it conformsto the agreed procedure. 监测加油作业并检查其是否符合商定的程序。
Changing overtanks during loading. 在装载过程中更换过载罐。
Containment arrangements and clean-up equipment to be available. 提供隔离安排和清理设备。
Once the procedure is produced, it should be implemented by use of a check-list. (ISGOTT 25.2) 一旦制定了程序,就应使用核对表来执行。(ISGOTT 25.2)
Bunkerfuel tanks should be monitored priorto, during and after bunkering. If H2S has been detected, the bunkertank should be periodic ally tested. 应在加油前、加油期间和加油后对燃油舱进行监控。如果检测到 H2S,则应定期对燃料箱进行合金检测。
The use of personal H2S gas monitoring instruments for personnel engaged in cargo operations is strongly recommended. (This also applies to bunkeroperations) (ISGOTT2.3.6.4) 强烈建议从事货运作业的人员使用个人 H2S 气体监测仪器。(这也适用于加油作业)(ISGOTT2.3.6.4)
10.9 Are the engineers aware of the requirements for vessels operating within a ECA and are 10.9 轮机员是否了解在 ECA 内作业的船舶的要求,是否
there clear procedures available regarding use of low sulphur fuels in boilers, main plant and auxiliary engines?
Use of low sulphur distillate fuels presents a safety risk in boilers that have not been specific ally designed ormodified forsuch use and inspectors must establish that the boilers are certific ated to be able to safely bum these bunkers or that an altemative method of heating is utilised that does not require operation of the boiler in port. The OCIMF/INTERTANKO information paper"Recommendations on the Hazard Assessment of Fuel Changeover Processes" providesfurther guidance. Evidence in the form of a Statement of Compliance issued by Class and/or Manufacturers documentation must be provided onboard to venify that the vessel can safely operate on low sulphurfuels in the ECA areas. 使用低硫馏分燃料会给未经专门设计或改装的锅炉带来安全风险,检查员必须确定锅炉经认证能够安全地使用这些燃料,或使用了无需在港口操作锅炉的替代加热方法。OCIMF/INTERTANKO 信息文件 "燃料转换过程危险评估建议 "提供了进一步的指导。船上必须提供由船级社签发的合规声明和/或制造商文件等形式的证据,以证明船舶可在 ECA 地区使用低硫燃料安全运营。
10.10 Are the engineers aware of the requirements and precautions nec essary to control the change from residual to low-sulphur fuels and are these requirements posted? 10.10 工程师是否了解控制从残余燃料向低硫燃料转变所必需的要求和预防措施,是否张贴了这些要求?
Notes: Instructions should demonstrate that all aspects of the process have been considered and set out the steps to be followed when changing main boiler(s) and auxiliary machinery fuel supply from residual to low Sulphurfuel oil and vice versa to ensure an unintemupted fuel supply. 说明:说明应表明已考虑到工艺的所有方面,并列出将主锅炉和辅助机械的燃料供应从残余燃料油改为低硫燃料油或从低硫燃料油改为主锅炉和辅助机械的燃料供应时应遵循的步骤,以确保燃料供应不会中断。
Hazard Identific ation (HAZD) Assessment should be performed. The HAZD should include the changeover procedure i.e. from manine residual fuel oil to marine distillate fuel and vice versa and include details such as automation timings. 应进行危险识别(HAZD)评估。HAZD 应包括转换程序,即从人造残余燃料油转换为船用馏分燃料,或从船用馏分燃料转换为人造残余燃料油,并包括自动化时间等细节。
Tankerowners should consider the following items aspart of their assessment of the changeover and long-term use of low Sulphur marine distillate fuel: 油轮船东在评估更换和长期使用低硫船用馏分燃料时,应考虑以下项目:
Fuel storage and handling. 燃料储存和处理。
Boilers, including combustion control. 锅炉,包括燃烧控制。
Main and auxiliary engines. 主发动机和辅助发动机。
The procedures should include: 程序应包括
Instructions on when to initiate the fuel changeoveroperation in orderto ensure timely changeover to low Sulphur manine distillate fuel, always taking safety of navigation into consideration. Details should be included in the vessel’s passage plan. 关于何时启动燃料转换操作的说明,以确保在始终考虑航行安全的情况下,及时转换为低硫馏分燃料。详细情况应包括在船舶的航行计划中。
The sequence of valve operation during the fuel changeover process together with cautionary notes on the management of fuel oil heaters, the control of trace heating systems, the possible contamination of fuel tanks and fuel compatibility tests. 燃料转换过程中阀门的操作顺序,以及燃油加热器的管理、微量加热系统的控制、油箱可能受到的污染和燃料兼容性测试方面的注意事项。
Advice and guidance on any associated issues that could be a consequence of the fuel changeover operation. In particular, engine room arrangements, such as filters, should be addressed in the procedure. 就燃料转换操作可能导致的任何相关问题提供建议和指导。特别是,程序中应涉及机房安排,如过滤器。
10.11 If the vessel is fitted with a class approved Exhaust Gas Cleaning System are the officers well familiar with the system and safety requirements and are these doc umented? 10.11 如果船舶安装了经船级社批准的废气净化系统,高级船员是否非常熟悉该 系统和安全要求,是否将其记录在案?
Hazardous chemic als are used in a number of Exhaust GasTreatment Systems (EG TS) and adequate controls should be put in place to protect ships’ staff. There is also a possibility of further hazardous chemic als and compounds (such as ammonium bi-sulphate in Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems (SCR) being generated. These will require robust procedures and crew training, as well as adequate signage and personal protective equipment (PPE). 一些废气处理系统 (EG TS) 中使用了危险化学品,应采取适当的控制措施以保护船上工作人员。此外,还有可能产生更多危险化学品和化合物(如选择性催化还原系统 (SCR) 中的硫酸氢铵)。这些都需要严格的程序和船员培训,以及适当的标识和个人防护设备 (PPE)。
Crew training should coverthe normal operation of the EGTS, including bunkering of any chemic als (consumables), calibration of sensors and routine maintenance, as well asthe proceduresto be followed in case of system failure and deviation from nomal operation. 对船员的培训应包括电子地质监测系统的正常操作,包括任何化学物质(消耗品)的加油、传感器的校准和日常维护,以及系统故障和偏离正常操作时应遵循的程序。
IMO has identified the following aspotential safety hazards associated with EGCS: 国际海事组织(IMO)确定了以下与电子地质控制装置有关的潜在安全隐患:
Handling and proximity of exhaust gases 废气的处理和接近
Storage and use of pressurised containers of pure and calibrated gases 纯净气体和校准气体加压容器的储存和使用
Position of permanent ac cess platforms and sampling loc ations 永久获取平台的位置和取样地点
Hazards associated with the handling of caustic materials 与处理腐蚀性材料有关的危险
Crews should be adequately trained to handle hazardous reactants orchemic als used (or chemicals that are created as a result of the process) and be trained to deal with possible medic al emergencies. The required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is dictated in the associated Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the hazardous chemic als that will be handled. Health, safety and environmental nisk assessments associated with EGCS should be performed to identify hazards and to facilitate the reduction of uncerta inties associated with costs, lia bilities or losses. 工作人员应接受适当的培训,以处理所用的危险反应物或化学物质(或加工过程中产生的化学物 质),并接受处理可能发生的医疗紧急情况的培训。所需的个人防护设备 (PPE) 在将要处理的危险化学品的相关安全数据表 (SDS) 中有所规定。应进行与 EGCS 相关的健康、安全和环境风险评估,以确定危险,并促进减少与成本、联络能力或损失相关的不确定性。
(OCIMG Guide for Implementation of Sulphur Oxide Exhaust GasCleaning Systems) (OCIMG 氧化硫废气净化系统实施指南)。
Planned Maintenance: 计划维护:
10.12 Are the officers' familiar with the planned maintenance system and is the system being followed and maintained up to date? 10.12 官员们是否熟悉计划维修制度,该制度是否得到遵守并保持更新?
Although there is no specific requirement for any particular computerorpaper-based planned maintenance system (PMS) to be provided, the Company should establish proceduresto ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant Regulations and with any additional requirements which may be established by the Company and specified in the ISM Code Section 10.1. 虽然没有具体要求提供任何特定的基于计算机纸的计划维护系统 (PMS),但公司应制定程序,确保船舶维护符合相关法规的规定以及公司可能制定并在《ISM 规则》第 10.1 节中规定的任何其他要求。
Inspectors must ascerta in that a PMS is in place and that it is accurate, up to date, effective and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the ISM Code, the Operator’sprocedures and of the best practic es set out in TankerManagement Self-Assessment (TMSA) Element 4. Responsible personnel should be able to demonstrate familianty with the system. 检查员必须确认船舶管理系统已经到位,并且准确、及时、有效,并按照《ISM规则》的要求、经营者的程序以及油轮管理自我评估(TMSA)要素4中规定的最佳做法进行维护。负责人员应能证明熟悉该系统。
The planned maintenance programme should include: 计划维护方案应包括
Details of maintenance schedules whether camied out according to running hours or calendarperiod, or if condition monitoring is used as a substitute; 维护计划的详细情况,是根据运行小时数还是日历周期制定的,或者是否使用状态监测作为替代;
Details, referenced to equipment manufacturer’s instructions or experience, of what maintenance is required; 参考设备制造商的说明或经验,详细说明需要进行哪些维护;
Historic al data on maintenance and repair work which has been camied out; 已完成的维护和修理工作的历史数据;
Spare parts inventory; 备件库存;
Any proposed major repairs or overhauls should have a completion schedule, with spare parts verified as being on board oron order. 任何拟议的重大维修或大修都应有完工时间表,并核实备件已上船或已订购。
Inspectors must take into account the Class Machinery Survey notation under which the vessel is operated and of the planned maintenance system associated with the notation. Planned maintenance may be conducted under various different Class survey schemes; however, not all of these require Class approval. These schemes are: 检查员必须考虑到船舶运营所依据的船级社机械检验符号以及与该符号相关的计划维护系统。计划维护可根据各种不同的船级检验计划进行,但并非所有计划都需要船级批准。这些计划包括
Machinery Renewal or Engine Survey (ES). C lass approval of the PMS is not required. 机械更新或发动机检验 (ES)。不需要 PMS 的批准。
Planned Maintenance Scheme (PMS). A ‘Certific ate of Approval forPlanned Maintenance Scheme’ is required. 计划维护计划 (PMS)。需要 "计划维护计划批准证书"。
Continuous Survey Ma chinery (CSM). Vessel is a pproved for Continuous Survey of machinery; the procedure depends whether the PMS is approved or not: 连续检验机械 (CSM)。船舶已获准进行机械连续检验;检验程序取决于 PMS 是否获准:
Approved Machinery Planned Maintenance Scheme (MPMS). ClassApproval required forspecific items of machinery to be examined by the Chief Engineer without the presence of Classsurveyor. 经批准的机械计划维修计划(MPMS)。总工程师在没有级别检验员在场的情况下检查特定机械项目需要级别批准。
Non-Approved Machinery Planned Maintenance Scheme. Does not require class approval. Where possible Class should perform surveys, Where Class attendance is not possible the Chief Engineercan perform inspection which must then be credited by Class. 非核准机械计划维护计划。无需班级批准。在可能的情况下,班级应进行检查,如果班级无法参加,轮机长可进行检查,检查结果必须记入班级。
Planned Maintenance System (Condition Monitoring) PMS(CM). Under eitherthe PMS or PMS(CM) ‘altemative’ survey systems vessels will camy the appropriate Class notations but in either case, a specific Class a pproval certific ate for the PMS will not be issued. 计划维护系统(状态监测)PMS(CM)。在 PMS 或 PMS(CM)"替代 "检验系统下,船舶都将获得相应的等级标记,但无论哪种情况,都不会为 PMS 颁发特定的等级批准证书。
Where PMS notation is included in the Certific ate of Class, then the latest version of the PMS installed on board and the Type Approval certific ate for the specific PMS version should be available on board. 如果船级证书中包含 PMS 标记,则船上应提供已安装的 PMS 的最新版本以及特定 PMS 版本的型号批准证书。
10.13 Is a Ship specific list of Critic al equipment defined and available on board and highlighted in the PMS? Are there measures in place to ensure that defined critical spare parts are available on board? 10.13 是否确定了船上可用的关键设备的船舶特定清单,并在 PMS 中予以强调?是否有措施确保船上有规定的关键备件?
The Company should establish a minimum level of critical spare parts for the vessel based on a risk assessment that should include consideration from manufacturers recommendations, class requirements and redundancy factors of machinery. There should be an effective means to ensure that the level of critic al equipment can be monitored. 公司应在风险评估的基础上确定船舶关键备件的最低水平,风险评估应包括对制造商建议、等级要求和机器冗余系数的考虑。应采取有效手段,确保对关键设备的水平进行监控。
Safety Management 安全管理
10.14 Is an engineer's call alarm fitted and is it in good order and tested regularly and the results recorded? 10.14 是否安装了工程师呼叫警报器,警报器是否完好无损,是否定期测试并记录结果?
Inspectors should considertesting this critic al alarm. To do so if permitted alongside, request that a suitable test alarm be initiated which should sound on the bridge, in the duty engineer’squarters and in public rooms. If not answered within the specified period, a back-up alarm system should be activated. 检查员应考虑测试这一警报。如果允许的话,应要求启动一个合适的测试警报,在舰桥、值班轮机员室和公共房间内响起。如果在规定时间内无人应答,则应启动备用警报系统。
10.15 Are all areas of the machinery space well illuminated, emergenc yy escape routes clearly marked, unobstructed and are ship’s crew familiar with the escape routes? 10.15 机器空间的所有区域是否照明良好,紧急 yy 逃生路线是否标识清楚、畅通无阻,船员是否熟悉逃生路线?
4.1.5 Inclined ladders and stairways 4.1.5 斜梯和楼梯
For ships constructed on or after 1 J anuary 2016, all inclined ladders/stairways fitted to comply with paragraph 4.1.1 with open treads in machinery spacesbeing part of or providing access to escape routesbut not located within a protected enclosure shall be made of steel. Such ladders/stainways shall be fitted with steel shields attached to theirundersides, such as to provide escaping personnel protection against heat and flame from beneath. 对于 2016 年 1 月 1 日或之后建造的船舶,所有为符合第 4.1.1 段而安装在机械空间内的斜梯/楼梯, 其开放式踏板是逃生通道的一部分或提供逃生通道,但不位于受保护围栏内,均须由钢制成。这些梯子/巷道的底部必须安装钢制护板,以保护逃生人员免受来自底部的热量和火焰的伤害。
4.1.6 Esc ape from main workshops within machinery spaces 4.1.6 从机械空间内的主要车间逃生
For ships constructed on or after 1 J anuary 2016, two means of esc ape shall be provided from the main workshop within a machinery space. At least one of these escape routes shall provide a continuousfire shelter to a safe position outside the machinery space. 对于 2016 年 1 月 1 日或之后建造的船舶,应在机械空间内的主车间提供两条逃生通道。其中至少一条逃生通道应提供通往机械空间外安全位置的连续防火通道。
(SOLAS Regulation II-2/13.4) (海上人命安全公约》第 II-2/13.4 条)。
10.16 Are engineers aware of the testing requirements and able to demonstrate familiarity with the procedure fortesting of emergency equipment? 10.16 工程师是否了解测试要求并能证明熟悉应急设备的测试程序?
Emergency equipment will include, where fitted, the emergency fire pump, main fire and foam pumps, emergency air compressor, emergency generator, emergency generator switchboard, emergency steening, emergency stops, engineers’ alarms and bilge ejectors. 应急设备包括已安装的应急消防泵、主消防泵和泡沫泵、应急空气压缩机、应急发电机、应急发电机配电盘、应急转向装置、应急停止装置、工程师警报器和舱底喷射器。
Testing of the emergency generator should be camied out underload, but to do this may require the vessel to be blacked out. This testing is not to be conducted during a SIRE inspection. Inspectorsmust establish that the operator has a requirement for this test and determine from records that it is camied out at least annually. 应急发电机的测试应在欠载情况下进行,但测试时可能需要停船。在 SIRE 检查期间不得进行此项测试。检查员必须确定操作员有进行此项测试的要求,并根据记录确定至少每年进行一次。
Where fitted, the emergency air compressor should be regularly tested to the starting pressure of the diesel generator. The emergency air reservoir should be permanently maintained at the required pressure. 如果安装了应急空气压缩机,则应定期按照柴油发电机的启动压力进行测试。应急储气罐应始终保持所需的压力。
Where fitted, the APS (Altemative Propulsion System) should be periodic ally tested in accordance with class and PMS requirements. Engineers should be familiar with the operation of the systems and clear instructions should be displayed. 如果安装了 APS(辅助推进系统),则应根据级别和 PMS 要求定期对其进行测试。工程师应熟悉系统的操作,并应展示清晰的说明。
10.17 Are engineers aware of the operation of the machinery space liquid fuel system remote closing valves, and are the closing devices regularly tested and in good order? 10.17 工程师是否了解机械空间液体燃料系统遥控关闭阀的操作,关闭装置是否定期测试并处于良好状态?
Oil fuel pipes, which, if damaged, would allow oil to esc ape from a storage, settling ordaily senvice tank having a capacity of 500 litres and above situated above the double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve directly on the tank capable of being closed from a safe position outside the space concemed in the event of a fire occuming in the space in which such tanks are situated. (SOLASII2. 位于双层底以上、容量在 500 升及以上的储油罐、沉淀罐和日用储油罐的油料管道,如损坏会导致油料泄漏,则应在储油罐上直接安装阀门,以便在储油罐所在空间发生火灾时,可从空间外的安全位置关闭阀门。(solasii2.
The method of valve closure should be able to operate in the absence of powerfrom the vessels normal or emergency generators sets and may utilise pneumatic/ hydraulic stored poweror the use of valves wheelslocated outside of the machinery space and fitted with reach-rods to the shut-off valves. In either case, it is important that the remote means of closure are tested regularly from the remote position and proven to operate correctly. In the case of poweroperated valvesthat are operated using a hydraulic hand pump, suffic ient hydraulic oil must be available to ensure that all valves served by the system can be fully closed. The position and identific ation of each of the closing devices must be clearly marked. Records should be checked to verify that testing hastaken place. Personnel must be questioned to ensure that the use of these devices is fully understood. Inspectors should witness the test of the quick closing valve for the emergency generator where permitted. 阀门的关闭方法应能在船舶正常或应急发电机组没有供电的情况下进行操作,可利用气动/液压蓄能,或使用安装在机械空间外的阀轮,并配有连接到截止阀的伸缩杆。无论哪种情况,都必须定期从远程位置对远程关闭装置进行测试,并证明其运行正常。对于使用液压手动泵操作的动力操作阀,必须提供足够的液压油,以确保系统服务的所有阀门都能完全关闭。必须清楚标明每个关闭装置的位置和标识。应检查记录以核实是否进行了测试。必须询问工作人员,以确保他们完全了解这些装置的使用方法。在允许的情况下,检查员应见证应急发电机快速关闭阀的测试。
Fire Fighting Equipment 消防设备
10.18 Are officers aware of the location of the accommodation and engine room ventilation fan emergency stops, are they clearly marked to indicate the spaces they senve and is there evidence of regular testing and maintenance? 10.18 官员们是否知道舱室和机房通风机紧急停止装置的位置,这些装置是否清楚地标明了它们所通向的空间,是否有定期测试和维护的证据?
10.19 Are diesel engine fuel delivery pipes adequately jacketed or screened, exhaust lines and hot surfaces protected from spray and surrounding areas free from fuel orlube oil leakage? 10.19 柴油机燃料输送管是否有足够的护套或屏蔽,排气管和热表面是否有防喷保护,周围区域是否有燃料或润滑油泄漏?
Extemal high-pressure fuel delivery lines between the high-pressure fuel pumps and fuel injectors shall be protected with a jacketed piping system capable of containing fuel from a high-pressure line failure. A jacketed pipe incorporates an outer pipe into which the high-pressure fuel pipe is placed, forming a pemmanent assembly. The jacketed piping system shall include a means for collection of leakage and amangements shall be provided for an alam in the event of a fuel line failure. (SOLAS II2/ 高压燃油泵和燃油喷射器之间的外部高压燃油输送管必须使用夹套管道系统进行保护,该系统能够容纳高压管道故障产生的燃油。夹套管路包括一个外管,高压燃油管置于其中,形成一个永久性组件。夹套管道系统应包括收集渗漏的装置,并应在油管发生故障时提供密封装置。(SOLAS II2/
Surfaces with temperatures above 220^(@)C220^{\circ} \mathrm{C} which may be impinged as a result of a leak from an oil system failure shall be properly insulated. (SOLAS II-2/ 温度高于 220^(@)C220^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 且可能因油品系统故障泄漏而受到影响的表面必须适当隔热。(SOLAS II-2/
Precautions shall be taken to prevent any oil that may esc ape under pressure from any pump, filter or heater from coming into contact with heated surfaces. (SO LAS II-2/ 应采取预防措施,防止任何泵、过滤器或加热器中可能受压的油接触到受热表面。(So LAS II-2/
Lagging and insulation should be in good condition and free from oil. 衬垫和绝缘材料应完好无损,没有油污。
If there is evidence of oil leakage oroil-soaked lagging this must be recorded as an Obsenvation. 如果有证据表明存在漏油或浸油的衬垫,则必须将其记录为观察结果。
10.20 Are purifier rooms and fuel and lubric ating oil handling areas ventilated and clean? 10.20 净化器室以及燃料和润滑油处理区是否通风和清洁?
10.21 If the vessel class notation allows UMS operation, are main engine bearing temperature monitors, or the crankc ase oil mist detector, in good order? 10.21 如果船级符号允许 UMS 操作,主发动机轴承温度监控器或曲轴油雾探测器是否完好?
Intemal combustion engines of 2,250 KW and above or having cylinders of more than 300 mm bore shall be provided with crankcase oil mist detectors, orengine bearing temperature monitors, or equivalent devices. (SOLASII-1/47.2) 2,250 千瓦及以上或缸径超过 300 毫米的内燃机,应配备曲轴箱油雾探测器、发动机轴承温度监控器或同等装置。(solasii-1/47.2)
Testing of the detector alam can be camied out either electronic ally or by removing a cover and blocking the sensorpath, in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 根据制造商的说明,可以通过电子方式或拆下盖子并阻断传感器路径来对探测器进行测试。
If the vessel does not have a class notation to operate UMS and does not have a crankc ase oil mist detectorormain engine bearing monitoring then answer the question ‘NA’. However, if the vessel does have the crankc ase oil mist detector ormain engine bearing monitoring equipment then the question should be answered as if operating UMS. 如果船舶没有操作 UMS 的船级符号,也没有曲轴箱油雾探测器或主机轴承监控设备,则回答 "NA"。但是,如果船舶有曲轴箱油雾探测器或主机轴承监控设备,则应按照操作 UMS 的方式回答问题。
10.22 Where hydraulic aggregate pumps are located within the main engine compartment, is an oil mist detector fitted? 10.22 如果液压集料泵位于主发动机舱内,是否安装了油雾探测器?
In vessels fitted with deep-well pumpsdriven by hydraulic pressure packs, pressure in the transmission pipescan be very high. If the aggregate pumpsare located within the engine compartment it is advisable that an oil mist detector be fitted. Where the aggregate pumps are located within a dedic ated, fully segregated compartment within the main engine compartment, the question should be answered N/A. 在装有由液压包驱动的深井泵的船上,传输管道中的压力可能会非常高。如果集料泵位于发动机舱内,建议安装油雾探测器。如果集料泵位于主发动机舱内一个完全隔离的专用舱内,则该问题的答案应为 "不适用"。
The interpretation of a fully segregated compartment is one to prevent hydraulic vapours/mist from easy reach of an adjacent or hazardous space and ignition source, hence; 对完全隔离隔间的解释是,防止液压蒸气/雾气轻易进入邻近或危险空间和火源,因此;
o Any wire runs, kick-pipes, or otherpassesthrough a bulkhead to the space should be insulated with a fire retardant putty or similar material o 任何穿过舱壁通向空间的电线、踢脚管或其他通道都应使用阻燃油灰或类似材料进行隔热。
o Doors/hatches/wire runsneed not be watertight. o 门/舱门/电线无需防水。
10.23 Are the main switchboard, altemators and other elec tric al equipment satisfactorily protec ted from water spray? 10.23 总配电盘、转换器和其他电气设备是否有令人满意的防水保护?
Risks to switchboards and other electric al equipment due to water spray, including fire mains, hydrants and sea water service linesshould be assessed. 应评估水雾(包括消防水管、消防栓和海水输水管)对配电盘和其他电力设备造成的风险。
Electric al equipment intended for exposure to wetness, will be constructed to an ingress protection “IP” rating e.g. IP65. Systems within an engine control room are generally protected from such risk and so will not require high ingress protection, though there should be consideration for any flanged liquid piping such as air conditioning cooling lineslocated within the same space for the effects of failure and mitigation measures such as splash tape applied. 打算暴露在潮湿环境中的电气设备,其结构应达到 "IP "防护等级,如 IP65。发动机控制室内的系统通常不会受到此类风险的影响,因此不需要很高的侵入防护等级,但应考虑到位于同一空间内的任何法兰液体管道(如空调冷却管路)的故障影响,并采取防溅胶带等缓解措施。
If the main switchboard is not located in the engine control room orotherprotected location, record in Comments, the measures that have been taken to protect it from water spray. 如果总配电盘不在发动机控制室或其他受保护的位置,请在注释中记录为防止水 喷射而采取的措施。
10.24 Is deck insulation provided to the front and rear of medium power (i.e. 220 V and above) electrical switchboards and is it in good order? 10.24 中功率(即 220 伏及以上)配电盘的前后是否有甲板绝缘,是否完好无损?
Where necessary non-conducting matsorgratings shall be provided at the front and rear of the switchboard. (SOLASII-1/45. 2) 必要时,应在配电盘的前部和后部铺设不导电的垫子或盖板。(solasii-1/45. 2)
Non-conducting deck coverings, such asnon-conducting mats orgratings, suitable forthe specific switchboard voltage should be installed forpersonnel protection at the front and rear of the switchboard and should extend the entire length of and be of suffic ient width to suit, the operating space. (USCG 46 CFR 111.30-11) 应在配电盘前部和后部安装适合特定配电盘电压的非传导性甲板覆盖物,如非传导性垫子或毯子,以保护人员安全,并应延伸至操作空间的整个长度和足够的宽度。(USCG 46 CFR 111.30-11)
The USCG requirements apply to switchboardsexceeding 250 volts. Some decksare made from insulating composite material and will not need extra insulation. Insulating matting is only required at the front and rear of switchboards. Individual machinery starter boxes throughout the Machinery space are NOT considered switchboardsand do not require insulating matting in front or behind them. Insulation matting should conform to a minimum 1000V (depending on the system) - European Standard IEC:61111:2009 or equivalent. 美国海岸警卫队的要求适用于超过 250 伏的配电盘。有些甲板由绝缘复合材料制成,不需要额外的绝缘材料。只有配电板的前部和后部需要绝缘垫。机械空间内的单个机械启动箱不属于配电板,不需要在其前后铺设绝缘垫。绝缘垫应至少符合 1000V(取决于系统)--欧洲标准 IEC:61111:2009 或同等标准。
10.25 Are gauge glass closing devices on oil tanks of a self-closing, fail-safe type and not inhibited? 10.25 油罐上的玻璃量规关闭装置是否为自动关闭、故障安全型,且未被抑制?
10.26 Are self-closing sounding devices to double bottom tanks in good order and closed? 10.26 双层底罐体的自闭发声装置是否完好并关闭?
10.27 Is all moving machinery provided with effective guards and adequate eye protection available? 10.27 所有移动机械是否都有有效的防护装置和足够的护眼设备?
Correct safety guards should be securely fixed to appliances requiring them and should be checked for security before starting any operation. Such guards should only be removed when the equipment is not operating. (COSWP 18.22.8) 应将正确的安全防护装置牢固地固定在需要的设备上,并在开始任何操作前检查其安全性。只有在设备不运行时才可拆除这些防护装置。(COSWP 18.22.8)
No machine should be used when a guard or safety device is missing, incorrectly adjusted or defective, or when it is itself in any way faulty. If any defect is identified, the machine should be isolated from itspower source until it has been repaired. (COSWP 18.23.2) 如果防护装置或安全装置缺失、调整不正确或有缺陷,或者机器本身有任何问题,则不得使用机器。如果发现任何缺陷,应将机器与电源隔离,直到修复为止。(COSWP 18.23.2)
10.28 Are rec ords maintained for the regular inspection and testing of lifting devices and loose gear? 10.28 是否有定期检查和测试起重设备和松动齿轮的记录?
Lifting devicesincludescranes, portable and beam chain blocks, pad eyes, lifting beamsetc. Loose gear includeschain blocks, strops, slings and shackles, chain, hooks, connecting links, tumbuckles, binders, sheave blocks, and swivelsused in an assembly to suspend, secure, orlift a load. 提升装置包括起重机、便携式和横梁链块、垫眼、提升横梁等。松动装置包括链块、绳索、吊索和枷锁、链条、钩子、连接链节、翻斗车、捆扎机、滑轮组和用于悬挂、固定或提升负载的旋转装置。
10.29 Are machinery spaces and steering compartments clean and free from obvious leaks and is the overall standard of housekeeping and fabric maintenance satisfactory? 10.29 机器空间和转向室是否清洁,有无明显渗漏,内务和织物保养的总体标准是否 令人满意?
Note: Bilges, Workshops, compressor rooms, chemic al stores, spare gearstores, electric ian’s store/workshop, IG rooms, and boiler rooms should be checked and free of oil, rubbish and sediment. Safety notic es and signs appropriate to the specific compartments should be posted. 注: 舱底、车间、压缩机房、化学品库、备用齿轮库、电工库/车间、中压室和锅炉房应进行检查,确保没有油污、垃圾和沉淀物。应张贴适合特定舱室的安全通告和标志。
10.30 Is the bilge high level alarm system regularly tested and are records maintained? 10.30 是否定期测试舱底高水位警报系统并保存记录?
Note: Inspectors should consider requesting that this critic al alarm be tested in their presence. It should be bome in mind that most bilge alams are fitted with time delays. 注:检查员应考虑要求在他们在场的情况下测试这种报警器。应记住,大多数舱底警报器都装有延时器。
10.31 Are seawater pumps, sea chests and associated pipework in good order and free of hard rust and temporary repairs, partic ularly outboard of the ship-side valves? 10.31 海水泵、海箱和相关管道是否完好无损,没有硬锈和临时维修,特别是船舷阀门外侧?
The condition of sea chests, sea waterlines, storm valves and hull penetrations should be carefully checked to ensure that they are in good condition. 应仔细检查海箱、海水线、防暴阀和船体贯穿件的状况,确保其完好无损。
Straub couplings are not acceptable as a permanent repair except where fitted aspart of an original design system. Inspectors should ascertain where such couplings are installed that they meet the original plans/design and are the correct type of coupling (straub couplings come asopen flex (repair) and a more permanent type). 斯特劳博联轴器不能作为永久性维修,除非是作为原设计系统的一部分安装的。检查员在安装此类联轴器时,应确定它们符合原始设计图/设计,并且是正确的联轴器类型(柱塞联轴器分为开放式柔性联轴器(修复型)和永久性联轴器)。
Evidence of hard rust or deterioration should be recorded as an Obsenvation. 硬锈或老化的证据应记录为观察结果。
Machinery status: 机械状态:
10.32 Are the following, where applicable, all in good order and do they appear to be well maintained? 10.32 以下设备(如适用)是否都处于良好状态,是否看起来维护得很好?
The main engine; 主机
Auxiliary engines and 辅助发动机和
Notes: Consider examining log book entriesto detemine that any 注意事项:考虑检查航海日志条目,以确定是否有任何
generators, including shaft g\mathbf{g} 发电机,包括 g\mathbf{g} 轴
idle generators have been run recently. 最近运行了闲置发电机。
and emergency generators 和应急发电机
Check that the automatic switch over arrangements and 检查自动切换安排和
where fitted. 在适合的地方。
protection devicessuch as reverse powerrelays are in good order 反向电源继电器等保护装置完好无损
protection devicessuch as reverse powerrelays are in good order| protection devicessuch as reverse powerrelays are in good order |
| :--- |
The main engine;
Auxiliary engines and Notes: Consider examining log book entriesto detemine that any
generators, including shaft g idle generators have been run recently.
and emergency generators Check that the automatic switch over arrangements and
where fitted. "protection devicessuch as reverse powerrelays are in good order"| The main engine; | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Auxiliary engines and | Notes: Consider examining log book entriesto detemine that any |
| generators, including shaft $\mathbf{g}$ | idle generators have been run recently. |
| and emergency generators | Check that the automatic switch over arrangements and |
| where fitted. | protection devicessuch as reverse powerrelays are in good order |
and that engineers are familiar with procedures for changing over generators. 并确保工程师熟悉更换发电机的程序。
Boilers, including waste heat and domestic boilers; 锅炉,包括余热锅炉和家用锅炉;
Notes: Where automated boilers are fitted, they should be being operated in automatic mode.
Boiler controls should not be ovemidden or by-passed.
Notes: Where automated boilers are fitted, they should be being operated in automatic mode.
Boiler controls should not be ovemidden or by-passed.| Notes: Where automated boilers are fitted, they should be being operated in automatic mode. |
| :--- |
| Boiler controls should not be ovemidden or by-passed. |
Compressors including main, instrument and emergency air compressors; 压缩机,包括主空气压缩机、仪表空气压缩机和应急空气压缩机;
Purifiers and fuel oil handling equipment, 净化器和燃油处理设备、
Inert gas plant, including the fans, scrubber, analyser and valves; 惰性气体设备,包括风机、洗涤器、分析仪和阀门;
Note: Records should confim that tests of trips have been camied out. 注:记录应证实已进行出车试验。
Sewage plant, 污水处理厂、
Bilge pumping anangements and the oily water separator; 舱底抽水装置和油水分离器;
Pipework, including steam, fuel, lubricating oil, seawater, sewage, drain and air pipes, etc. 管道,包括蒸汽、燃料、润滑油、海水、污水、排水和空气管道等。
Refrigeration and air
conditioning machinery;
Refrigeration and air
conditioning machinery;| Refrigeration and air |
| :--- |
| conditioning machinery; |
Hydraulic aggregate pumps; 液压集料泵;
Ventilation fans and trunking; 通风扇和线槽;
Stem tube sealing anrangements; 阀杆管密封装置
Any other items of machinery, inc luding stand-by machinery. 任何其他机械项目,包括备用机械。
As a precaution against funnel fires and sparks, bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arrestors should be maintained in good working condition. (ISGOTT4.2.4.1)
Boiler tubes should be soot blown prior to amival and after departure from a port. Boilertubesshould not be soot blown when the ship is in port. (ISGOTT
Notes: An Operator's policy should specify the maintenance and cleaning procedures to avoid spark emissions. Log book entries should confirm that these have been conducted.
As a precaution against funnel fires and sparks, bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arrestors should be maintained in good working condition. (ISGOTT4.2.4.1)
Boiler tubes should be soot blown prior to amival and after departure from a port. Boilertubesshould not be soot blown when the ship is in port. (ISGOTT
Notes: An Operator's policy should specify the maintenance and cleaning procedures to avoid spark emissions. Log book entries should confirm that these have been conducted.| As a precaution against funnel fires and sparks, bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arrestors should be maintained in good working condition. (ISGOTT4.2.4.1) |
| :--- |
| Boiler tubes should be soot blown prior to amival and after departure from a port. Boilertubesshould not be soot blown when the ship is in port. (ISGOTT |
| Notes: An Operator's policy should specify the maintenance and cleaning procedures to avoid spark emissions. Log book entries should confirm that these have been conducted. |
and that engineers are familiar with procedures for changing over generators.
Boilers, including waste heat and domestic boilers; "Notes: Where automated boilers are fitted, they should be being operated in automatic mode.
Boiler controls should not be ovemidden or by-passed."
Compressors including main, instrument and emergency air compressors;
Purifiers and fuel oil handling equipment,
Inert gas plant, including the fans, scrubber, analyser and valves; Note: Records should confim that tests of trips have been camied out.
Sewage plant,
Bilge pumping anangements and the oily water separator;
Pipework, including steam, fuel, lubricating oil, seawater, sewage, drain and air pipes, etc.
"Refrigeration and air
conditioning machinery;"
Hydraulic aggregate pumps;
Ventilation fans and trunking;
Stem tube sealing anrangements;
Any other items of machinery, inc luding stand-by machinery.
Bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arestors (If fitted) "As a precaution against funnel fires and sparks, bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arrestors should be maintained in good working condition. (ISGOTT4.2.4.1)
Boiler tubes should be soot blown prior to amival and after departure from a port. Boilertubesshould not be soot blown when the ship is in port. (ISGOTT
Notes: An Operator's policy should specify the maintenance and cleaning procedures to avoid spark emissions. Log book entries should confirm that these have been conducted."| | and that engineers are familiar with procedures for changing over generators. |
| :---: | :---: |
| Boilers, including waste heat and domestic boilers; | Notes: Where automated boilers are fitted, they should be being operated in automatic mode. <br> Boiler controls should not be ovemidden or by-passed. |
| Compressors including main, instrument and emergency air compressors; | |
| Purifiers and fuel oil handling equipment, | |
| Inert gas plant, including the fans, scrubber, analyser and valves; | Note: Records should confim that tests of trips have been camied out. |
| Sewage plant, | |
| Bilge pumping anangements and the oily water separator; | |
| Pipework, including steam, fuel, lubricating oil, seawater, sewage, drain and air pipes, etc. | |
| Refrigeration and air <br> conditioning machinery; | |
| Hydraulic aggregate pumps; | |
| Ventilation fans and trunking; | |
| Stem tube sealing anrangements; | |
| Any other items of machinery, inc luding stand-by machinery. | |
| Bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arestors (If fitted) | As a precaution against funnel fires and sparks, bumers, tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and spark arrestors should be maintained in good working condition. (ISGOTT4.2.4.1) <br> Boiler tubes should be soot blown prior to amival and after departure from a port. Boilertubesshould not be soot blown when the ship is in port. (ISGOTT <br> Notes: An Operator's policy should specify the maintenance and cleaning procedures to avoid spark emissions. Log book entries should confirm that these have been conducted. |
10.33 Are engineers familiar with the proc edure fortaking over the controls for manoeuvring the vessel from the bridge in an emergency? 10.33 轮机员是否熟悉紧急情况下从驾驶台接管操纵船只的程序?
Note: Procedures should be available for this method of operation. Emergency control can be from the engine side fordirect drive enginesor at a local position to control the pitch of the propeller if the vessel is fitted with a CPP. In all cases instructions should be posted and communication systems should be in place. If vessel is fitted with a CPP, the engineers should be aware of the CPP failure mode. It is recommended that a notice indicating the failure mode is in place. 注:应提供这种操作方法的程序。对于直驱发动机,可从发动机一侧进行紧急控制;如果船舶安装了 CPP,则可在局部位置控制螺旋桨的螺距。在任何情况下,都应张贴说明并建立通信系统。如果船舶安装了 CPP,则轮机员应了解 CPP 的故障模式。建议张贴说明故障模式的告示。
10.34 Are offic ers fully familiar with all starting proc edures for the emergency generator and are these procedures clearly and displayed? 10.34 官员是否完全熟悉应急发电机的所有启动程序,这些程序是否清楚地显示出来?
Each emergency generating set arranged to be automatic ally started shall be equipped with starting devices approved by the Administration with a stored energy capability of at least three consecutive starts. A second source of energy shall be provided foran additional three starts within 30 minutes unless manual starting can be demonstrated to be effective. 每台安排自动启动的应急发电机组须配备经当局批准的启动装置,其储能至少可连续启动三次。除非能证明手动启动有效,否则必须提供第二个能源,以便在 30 分钟内再启动三次。
Notes: These instructions are not forthe use of the qualified engineering personnel, but forothers who might be required to start the generator in an emergency and ensure there is instruction on how to put poweron the emergency switc hboard if not an automatic system. 注意事项:这些说明并非供合格的工程技术人员使用,而是供可能需要在紧急情况下启动发电机的其他人员使用,并确保指导他们在非自动系统的情况下如何接通应急开关板上的电源。
Where the emergency generatorstarting source relieson a single startermotor, then a spare starter motor should be available. It is recommended that the Emergency Generator istested, provided it is safe to do so. 如果应急发电机的启动源依靠单个启动电机,则应准备一个备用启动电机。建议在安全的情况下对应急发电机进行测试。
The generator should be capable of providing full load requirements for at least 18 hours. 发电机应能满足至少 18 小时的满负荷需求。
Notes: This may not necessarily mean a full tank. A minimum quantity to provide suffic ient fuel for this requirement should have been established. 备注:这并不一定意味着油箱是满的。应确定一个最低数量,为这一要求提供足够的燃料。
If necessary, the emergency generatorfuel tank should be charged with fuel designed for use in subzero temperatures. 如有必要,应急发电机燃料箱应加注专为零下温度设计的燃料。
Every oil fuel pipe, which, if damaged, would allow oil to escape from a storage, settling ordaily service tank situated above the double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve directly on the tank capable of being closed from a safe position outside the space concemed in the event of a fire occuming in the space in which such tanks are situated. 每一根油管,如损坏会使油从位于双层底以上的储油罐、沉淀池和日常使用的油罐中溢出,均应在油罐上直接安装一个公鸡或阀门,当油罐所在空间发生火灾时,该公鸡或阀门可从隐藏空间外的安全位置关闭。
(SO LAS 74 II-2/15.2.5)
Oil fuel pipes, which if damaged would allow oil to escape from a storage, settling or daily service tank having a capacity of 500 litres and above situated above the double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve directly on the tank capable of being closed from a safe position outside the space concemed in the event of a fire occuming in the space in which such the tanks are situated. (SOLAS 2004 II-2/ 如储油罐、沉淀罐或日常使用的储油罐容量在 500 升及以上,且位于双层底以上,油管一旦损坏会使油从罐中溢出,则应在油罐上直接安装一个公鸡或阀门,当油罐所在空间发生火灾时,该公鸡或阀门可从该空间外的安全位置关闭。(SOLAS 2004 II-2/
The controlsforremote operation of the valve for the emergency generatorfuel tank shall be in a separate location from the controls for remote operation of othervalves fortankslocated in machinery spaces. 应急发电机油箱阀门的遥控装置应与机械舱内其他油箱阀门的遥控装置分开设置。
(SO LAS 2004 II-2/
10.36 Where an emergency generator is not fitted, are engine room emergency batteries in good order and fully charged? 10.36 如果没有安装应急发电机,发动机舱的应急电池是否完好并充满电?
The emergency batteries must supply the designed powerload for up to 18 hours. 应急电池必须能提供长达 18 小时的设计功率负荷。
No accumulator battery fitted in accordance with this regulation shall be installed in the same space as the emergency switchboard. An indic atorshall be mounted in a suitable place on the main switchboard or in the machinery control room to indic ate when the batteriesconstituting either the emergency source of electric al power or the transitional source of electric al powerreferred to in paragraph 3.2 or 4 are being discharged. (SOLASII-I Reg 43.5.3). 按照本规定安装的蓄电池不得与应急配电盘安装在同一空间。指示器应安装在主配电盘或机械控制室的适当位置,以指示构成第 3.2 或 4 段所述应急电力源或过渡电力源的电池何时放电。(SOLAS II-I 第 43.5.3 条)。
10.37 Is all electric al equipment including junction boxes and cable runs in good order? 10.37 所有电气设备,包括接线盒和电缆线路是否完好无损?
10.38 Are switc hboards free of signific ant earth faults? 10.38 开关板是否存在重大接地故障?
Good practice suggests that a near to infinity aspossible, but not less than 5 megohms, should be aimed foron the Insulation Monitoring Device (IMD). This should be achievable on a 440-volt system, but on a 220-volt system 2 megohms is acceptable due to the large number of parallel circ uits. 良好做法建议,绝缘监测装置 (IMD) 应尽可能接近无穷大,但不应小于 5 兆欧。这在 440 伏系统中应该可以实现,但在 220 伏系统中,由于并联回路较多,2 兆欧也是可以接受的。
Steering Compartment 转向室
10.39 Are the officers aware of the test requirements for the steering gear both pre-departure and for emergency steering drills and have these tests been conducted satisfactorily with operating instructions clearly posted? 10.39 飞行员是否了解起飞前和紧急转向演习中对转向装置的测试要求,这些测试是否在清楚张贴操作说明的情况下顺利进行?
Within 12 hours before departure, the ship’s steening gear shall be checked and tested by the ship’s crew. The test procedure shall include, where applicable, the operation of the following: 在启航前 12 小时内,船员应检查和测试船舶的舵机。测试程序应酌情包括以下操作:
the main steering gear; 主转向器
the auxiliary steering gear, 辅助转向装置、
the remote steering gear control systems; 遥控方向盘控制系统;
the steering positionslocated on the navigation bridge; 舵手位置位于导航桥上;
the emergency power supply; 应急电源;
the rudder angle indic ators in relation to the actual position of the rudder, 舵角指示器与舵的实际位置的关系、
the remote steering gearcontrol system powerfailure alams; 遥控转向齿轮控制系统电源故障报警;
the steering gearpower unit failure alams; and 转向器动力单元故障;以及
navigation bridge and in the steering compartment. (SOLASV Reg 26 3.1) 航行桥和舵手室。(SOLASV Reg 26 3.1)。
Emergency steering drills shall take place at least once every three months in orderto practise emergency steering procedures. These drills shall include direct control within the steering gear compartment, the communic ations procedure with the navigation bridge and, where applic able, the operation of altemative power supplies. (SOLAS V/26.4) Drills shall take into consideration the manning levels required to operate the emergency steering satisfactorily. 紧急操舵演习应至少每三个月进行一次,以演练紧急操舵程序。这些演习应包括舵机舱内的直接控制、与导航桥的通讯程序,以及在可行的情况下替代电源的操作。(SOLAS V/26.4)演习应考虑到令人满意地操作紧急操舵所需的人员配备水平。
The opportunity should be taken if possible to request that an officerdemonstratesthe operation of the emergency steering gear. 在可能的情况下,应利用这个机会要求警官演示紧急转向装置的操作。
10.40 Is the steering gear emergency reserve tank fully charged? 10.40 转向装置应急储备罐是否充满电?
A fixed storage tank shall be provided having sufficient capacity to recharge at least one power actuating system including the reservoir. (SOLASII-1/29.12.3) 必须有一个固定的储油罐,其容量足以为包括储油罐在内的至少一个动力传动系 统充电。(solasii-1/29.12.3)
This may not necessarily mean a full tank. A minimum level to comply with these requirements should have been established. 这不一定意味着油箱是满的。应确定符合这些要求的最低液位。
10.41 Are the arrangements for the provision of communications with the wheelhouse and heading and rudder indication in good order? 10.41 与舵手室之间的通讯以及航向和舵向指示是否正常?
Ships with emergency steening positions shall at least be provided with a telephone orothermeans of communication for relaying heading information to such positions. 设有紧急转向位置的船舶至少应配备一部电话或其他通讯工具,以便向这些位置传递航向信息。
(SOLAS 1974 V/12(f) and SOLAS 2004 V/ (SOLAS 1974 V/12(f)和 SOLAS 2004 V/
In addition, ships of 500 gt and upwardsconstructed after 1st February 1992 shall be provided with a rrangements for supplying visual compass readingsto the emergency steening position. (SO LAS 74 V/12(f) and SOLAS 2004 V/ 此外,1992 年 2 月 1 日以后建造的 500 吨及以上的船舶应配备向紧急转向位置提供目视罗盘读数的装置(SO LAS 74 V/12(f) 和 SOLAS 2004 V/。(SO LAS 74 V/12(f) 和 SOLAS 2004 V/
10.42 Is access to steering gear unobstructed? 10.42 转向装置的通道是否畅通无阻?
10.43 Is the steering compartment fitted with suitable handrails, gratings or other non-slip surfaces? 10.43 操舵室是否装有合适的扶手、格栅或其他防滑表面?
The steering gearcompartment shall be provided with suitable arrangements to ensure working access to steering gearmachinery and controls. These a rrangements shall include handrails and gratings or othernon-slip surfacesto ensure suitable working conditions in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage. (This regulation appliesto all vessels (petroleum, chemical and gastankers) except those of less than 10,000 gt built before 1st J uly 1986). (SO LAS II-1/29.13.2) 舵机室须有适当安排,以确保舵机机械和控制装置的工作通道。这些安排应包括扶手和栅栏或其他防滑表面,以确保在液压油泄漏时有适当的工作条件。(本规定适用于所有船舶(石油船、化学品船和液化气船),1986 年 7 月 1 日前建造的 10,000 吨以下的船舶除外)。(So LAS II-1/29.13.2)
10.44 Are the officers and crew aware of the safe operating requirements of any watertight doors fitted? 10.44 官员和船员是否了解所安装的水密门的安全操作要求?
Drills for the operating of watertight doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanisms of scuppers, ash-chutes and rubbish-chutes shall take place weekly. In ships in which the voyage exceeds one week in duration a complete drill shall be held before leaving port, and others thereafterat least once a week during the voyage. (SOLASV Reg 21.1) 水密门、侧舱、阀门及排水沟、灰槽和垃圾槽关闭装置的操作演习应每周进行一次。对于航程超过一周的船舶,应在离港前进行一次全面演习,此后在航程中至少每周进行一次演习。(SOLASV Reg 21.1)。
A record of all drills and inspections required by this regulation shall be entered in the logbook with an explicit record of any defects which may be disclosed. (SOLASV Reg 21.4) 本规定要求的所有演习和检查记录均应记入航海日志,并明确记录可能发现的任何缺陷。(SOLASV Reg 21.4)
Watertight door controls, including hydraulic piping and electric cables, shall be kept asclose as practicable to the bulkhead in which the doors are fitted, in orderto minimize the likelihood of them being involved in any damage which the ship may sustain. The positioning of watertight doors and their controls shall be such that if the ship sustains damage within one fifth of the breadth of the ship, as defined in regulation 2, such distance being measured at right angles to the centreline at the level of the deepest subdivision draught, the operation of the watertight doors clear of the damaged portion of the ship is not impaired. (SOLAS II-I Reg 13.5.3) 水密门控制装置,包括液压管道和电缆,应尽可能靠近安装水密门的舱壁,以尽量减少其卷入船舶可能遭受的任何损害的可能性。水密门及其控制装置的位置应确保,如果船舶在第 2 条所定义的五分之一船宽范围内(该距离是在最深分段吃水水平线与中线成直角处测量的)受到损坏,水密门在船舶受损部分之外的操作不受影响。(SOLAS II-I 第 13.5.3 条)
All power-operated sliding watertight doors shall be provided with means of indic ation which will show at all remote operating positions whetherthe doors are open or closed. Remote operating positions shall only be at the navigation bridge. (SOLASII-I Reg 13.6) 所有电动水密滑门均须配备指示装置,在所有远程操作位置显示门是打开还是关闭。遥控操作位置只能在驾驶台。(SOLASII-I 第 13.6 条)
LNG Bunkering Operations. 液化天然气加注业务。
It is recognised that increasingly ships are being built or retrofitted to use gas (LNG) as a marine fuel. If an inspection of a vessel takesplace where the vessel is designed to receive and use gas as a bunker fuel, then questions 10.45-10.54 must be answered. 人们认识到,越来越多的船舶正在建造或改装为使用气体(液化天然气)作为船用燃料。如果在对船舶进行检查时,船舶被设计为接收和使用气体作为船用燃料,则必须回答问题 10.45-10.54。
Note: LNG ships that only use boil off gas or forced gas from the cargo tanks as a fuel under the control of the IGC Code are not considered as vessels that conduct LNG bunkening operations. 注:在《IGC 规则》的控制下,仅使用货舱沸腾气体或强制气体作为燃料的液化天然气船舶不被视为进行液化天然气加注作业的船舶。
10.45 Are detailed LNG bunkering and fuel handling instructions/manual available? 10.45 是否有详细的液化天然气加注和燃料处理说明/手册?
The ships SMS should include detailed guidelines and instructions as well as checklists covering the planning, pre-bunkering, bunkering and post-bunkering stages of the operation including a suitably detailed fuel handling manual. (IGF 18.2.3) 船舶安全管理制度应包括详细的准则和说明以及检查表,涵盖作业的计划、加油前、加油和加油后阶段,包括适当详细的燃料处理手册。(IGF 18.2.3)
Note: Guidelines/instructions should include gas-up, cool-down, loading, vapour management, tank management, gasfreeing and purging operations. The guidelines/instructions should also include gas hazard zones and an appropriate risk assessment 注:准则/说明应包括充气、冷却、装载、蒸汽管理、储气罐管理、气体释放和吹扫操作。准则/说明还应包括气体危险区和适当的风险评估
The following issues should also be addressed: 还应解决以下问题:
Bunkering equipment - Emergency release couplings including risks posed during connection/disconnection of bunker system e.g. hoses 加油设备 - 紧急放油接头,包括连接/断开加油系统(如软管)时造成的风险
Communication method 交流方式
Mooring assessment and emergency departure procedure - quick release arrangement a vailable? 系泊评估和紧急离开程序 - 是否有快速释放安排?
Agreement on line cool down 在线冷却协议
Line draining method and N2 purging sequence/arrangement 管路排空方法和 N2 吹扫顺序/安排
Agreed method fortank pressure control and gas retum. Information exchange on the type of tanks on the delivening and receiving vessels - this would dictate method of pressure control. 商定油罐压力控制和气体保持方法。交流有关运送船和接收船上油罐类型的信息--这将决定压力控制的方法。
Protection arrangement for ship side against possible leaks 船舷防渗漏保护装置
Relevant elements of STS checklist/ISGOTT SSSCL for LNG transfer unless included in the prebunkering checklist 用于液化天然气转移的 STS 检查表/ISGOTT SSSCL 的相关内容,除非包括在装船前检查表中
Agreement on quantity (max tank filling limit), transfer rate and topping off rate 就数量(油箱最大加注量)、传输速率和加注速率达成协议
Adequate manning for deck and control room operations 甲板和控制室操作人员配备充足
Adequate lighting forthe bunkering area 为加油区提供充足的照明
10.46 Are risk assessments for LNG bunkering completed and available? 10.46 是否完成并提供了液化天然气加注的风险评估?
A risk assessment shall be conducted to ensure that risks arising from the use of low-fla shpoint fuels affecting persons on board, the environment, the structural strength or the integrity of the ship are addressed. Consideration shall be given to the hazardsassociated with physic al layout, operation and maintenance, following any reasonably foreseeable failure. 应进行风险评估,以确保解决因使用低燃点燃料而对船上人员、环境、船舶结构强度或完整性造成影响的风险。在发生任何可合理预见的故障后,应考虑与物理布置、操作和维护有关的危险。
The risks shall be analysed using acceptable and recognized risk analysis techniques, and loss of function, component damage, fire, explosion and electric shock shall as a minimum be considered. The analysis shall ensure that risks are eliminated wherever possible. Risks which cannot be eliminated shall be mitigated as necessary. Details of risks, and the means by which they are mitigated, shall be documented to the satisfaction of the Administration. (IGF 4.2) 应使用可接受和公认的风险分析技术对风险进行分析,至少应考虑功能损失、部件损坏、火灾、爆炸和电击。分析应确保尽可能消除风险。无法消除的风险应视需要加以缓解。应将风险详情及减轻风险的方法记录在案,并令行政部门满意。(IGF 4.2)
10.47 Are pre-bunkering checklists and verifications appropriately completed and camied out? 10.47 加油前的检查表和核查是否适当填写并结帐?
Records and documentation for LNG bunkering in either electronic or hard copy form should be a vailable for review. 应提供电子或硬拷贝形式的液化天然气加注记录和文件供审查。
Prior to conducting bunkering operations, pre-bunkering verific ation including, but not limited to the following, shall be camied out and documented in the bunker safety checklist: 在进行加油作业之前,应进行加油前核查,包括但不限于以下内容,并记录在加油安全检查表中:
. 1 all communic ations methods, including ship shore link (SSL), if fitted; .1 所有通信方法,包括船岸连接(SSL)(如已安装);
.2 operation of fixed gas and fire detection equipment; .2 固定式气体和火灾探测设备的操作;
. 3 operation of portable gas detection equipment; .3 便携式气体检测设备的操作
. 4 operation of remote controlled valves; and .4 遥控阀门的操作;以及
. 5 inspection of hoses and couplings. .5 检查软管和接头 .
. 6 calculations of temperature, volume and vapour pressure of the LNG to be transferred and the tank to be transferred into .6 计算待转移液化天然气和待转移储罐的温度、体积和蒸汽压力 .
Documentation of successful verification shall be indicated by the mutually agreed and executed bunkering safety checklist signed by both PIC 's. (IGF 18.4.3) 成功核查的文件应由双方 PIC 签署的共同商定和执行的加油安全核对表来表示(IGF 18.4.3)。
10.48 Does the vessel have appropriate emergency response plan and PPE relevant to LNG bunker operations? 10.48 船舶是否有与液化天然气燃料舱操作相关的适当应急计划和个人防护设备?
The ship shall be provided with suitable emergency procedures. (IGF 18.2.4) 船上应配备适当的应急程序。(IGF 18.2.4)
All staff engaged in duties or working in the vic inity of the operations shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) (IGF 所有在作业区内工作的人员都应穿戴适当的个人防护设备(PPE)(IGF。
10.49 Does the vessel have an established emergency bunkering shut-down procedure which is agreed upon with the personnel from the supply facility and is tested prior commencement of operations? 10.49 船舶是否有与供应设施人员商定的紧急加油关闭程序,并在开始作业前进行测试?
The fuel handling manual shall include guidance on emergency shutdown and emergency release systems, where fitted. (IGF 燃料处理手册应包括紧急关闭和紧急释放系统(如已安装)的指南。(IGF
If gas is detected in the ducting around the bunkering lines/vents an audible and visual alam and emergency shutdown shall be provided at the bunkering control location. (IGF 15.5.3) 如果在加油管线/通风口周围的管道中检测到气体,应在加油控制位置提供声光警报和紧急停机。(IGF 15.5.3)
A manually operated stop valve and a remote operated shutdown valve in series, or a combined manually operated and remote valve shall be fitted in every bunkering line close to the connecting point. It shall be possible to operate the remote valve in the control location for bunkering operations and/or from another safe location. (IGF 8.5.3) 在靠近连接点的每条加油管线上,必须安装一个串联的手动停止阀和一个遥控关闭阀,或一个手动和遥控组合阀。应能在加油作业的控制地点和/或在另一安全地点操作遥控阀。(IGF 8.5.3)
10.50 Is information on loading limitations for the LNG fuel tanks available? 10.50 是否有关于液化天然气燃料罐装载限制的信息?
A loading limit curve foractual fuelloading temperaturesshall be available considering that no storage fuel tanks should be filled more than 98%98 \% liquid full at the reference temperature. (IGF 6.8.1) 考虑到在参考温度下储油罐的装载量不应超过 98%98 \% 液体满量,应提供实际装载温度下的装载极限曲线。(IGF 6.8.1)
Special considerations may be made to allow a higher loading limit than calculated using the reference temperature, but never above 95%. (IGF 6.8.2) 可进行特殊考虑,允许负载极限高于使用参考温度计算得出的值,但绝对不能高于 95%。(IGF 6.8.2)
10.51 Are the appropriate ships personnel trained and certified in bunkering operations involving ING as a marine fuel? 10.51 在涉及 ING 作为船用燃料的加油操作中,适当的船舶人员是否经过培训并获得证书?
Seafarers on board ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels shall have completed training to atta in the abilitiesthat are appropriate to the capacity to be filled and duties and responsibilitiesto be taken up, taking into account the provisions given in the STC W Convention and Code, as amended. (IGF 19.2) 使用气体或其他低闪点燃料的船舶上的海员应完成培训,达到与所担任的职务和责任相适应的能力,同时考虑到经修订的《STC W 公约》和《规则》中的规定。(IGF 19.2)
The ships guidelines should specify a dedicated person-in-charge (PIC) who will be in overall control of the operation. The PIC should have adequate education, training and authorisation to ensure safe bunkering operations. (IGF 船舶准则应明确规定由一名专门的负责人(PIC)全面控制作业。PIC 应接受足够的教育、培训和授权,以确保加油作业的安全。(IGF
10.52 Are visible means provided to restrict access to the bunker manifold area during operations? 10.52 在作业期间是否有明显的手段限制进入燃料舱歧管区?
Waming signs shall be posted at the access points to the bunkering area listing fire safety precautions during fuel transfer (IGF 应在加油区入口处张贴警告标志,列出燃料转移期间的消防安全注意事项(IGF。
During the transferoperation, personnel in the bunkering manifold area shall be limited to essential staff only. (IGF 在转运作业期间,加油汇流排区域的人员应仅限于必要的工作人员。(IGF
10.53 Are permanent fixed gas detection and alams fitted at appropriate ING bunkering manifold and vent areas and other required locations? 10.53 在适当的 ING 加气歧管和排气区域及其他要求的位置是否安装了永久性固定气 体探测和报警器?
Bunkering stations that are not located on open deck shall be suitably ventilated to ensure that any vapour being released during bunkering operations will be removed outside. (IGF 13.7) 不在露天甲板上的加油站应适当通风,以确保加油作业时释放的任何蒸气都能排出室外。(IGF 13.7)
Permanently installed gas detectors shall be fitted in: 永久性安装的气体探测器应安装在以下位置:
. 1 the tank connection spaces; .1 油箱连接空间;
. 2 all ducts around fuel pipes; .2 燃油管道周围的所有管道;
. 3 machinery spacescontaining gaspiping, gasequipment orgasconsumers; .3 机械空间中的气体管道、气体设备和消费者;
. 4 compressorrooms and fuel preparation rooms; .4 个压缩机室和燃料准备室;
. 5 otherenclosed spacescontaining fuel piping or other fuel equipment without ducting; .5 包含燃料管道或其他无管道燃料设备的其他封闭空间;
. 6 other enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces where fuel vapours may accumulate including interba mier spaces and fuel storage hold spaces of independent tanks other than type C; .6 其他可能积聚燃料蒸汽的封闭或半封闭空间,包括 C 型以外的独立罐体的间隙和燃料储存空间;
. 7 airlocks; .7 个气闸
. 8 gasheating circuit expansion tanks; .8 气体加热回路膨胀罐 ;
. 9 motor rooms associated with the fuel systems; and .9 个与燃料系统相关的电机房;以及
.10 at ventilation inlets to accommodation and machinery spaces if required based on the risk assessment required in IGF 4.2. .10 根据 IGF 4.2 所要求的风险评估,如有必要,可在通往住处和机械空间的通风口处。
Audible and visible alarms from the gas detection equipment shall be located on the navigation bridge or in the continuously manned central control station (IGF 15.8) 气体探测设备发出的声响和可视警报应设在导航桥上或连续有人值守的中央控制站内 (IGF 15.8)
10.54 Are appropriate cryogenic spill protection measures tested and deployed? 10.54 是否测试和部署了适当的低温泄漏保护措施?
Protection should be provided wherever any spillage of cryogenic material or contact between cold bunker hoses/pipes and carbon steel structures could occur. These systems may be either active or passive, and include for example, water curtains (active), drip trays (passive) and insulating blankets (passive). 凡是可能发生低温材料溢出或冷藏舱软管/管道与碳钢结构接触的地方,都应提供保护。这些系统可以是主动式的,也可以是被动式的,例如水帘(主动式)、滴水盘(被动式)和隔热毯(被动式)。
Cryogenic protection systems, such as water curtains and insulating blankets, should be maintained and tested aspart of the planned maintenance system. 水帘和隔热毯等低温保护系统应作为计划维护系统的一部分进行维护和测试。
(SG MF Safety G uidelines) (SG MF 安全准则)。
Vessel’sLNG bunkering stations/manifolds shall be adequately protected against spills. 船舶的液化天然气加气站/歧管应适当保护,以防溢出。
Drip trays shall be fitted where leakage may occur which can cause damage to the ship structure or where limitation of the area which is affected from a spill is necessary. 在可能发生泄漏并对船舶结构造成损害的地方,或在需要限制泄漏影响区域的地方,应安装滴水盘。
Drip trays shall be made of suitable material. The drip tray shall be thermally insulated from the ship’sstructure so that the surrounding hull ordeckstructures are not exposed to unacceptable cooling, in case of leakage of liquid fuel. 滴油盘应由适当材料制成。滴水盘应与船体结构隔热,以便在液体燃料泄漏时,周围的船体和甲板结构不会受到不可接受的冷却。
Each tray shall be fitted with a drain valve to enable rain water to be drained over the ship’s side. 每个托盘都应安装排水阀,以便将雨水排到船舷上。
Each tray shall have a sufficient capacity to ensure that the maximum amount of spill according to the risk assessment can be handled 每个托盘应具有足够的容量,以确保能够处理风险评估所确定的最大溢出量
10.55 Question not assigned? 10.55 未分配问题?
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspectorhascomments in respect of the subject mattercovered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉及的主题有其他意见,而不是对本章中的具体问题作出答复, 检查专员应将这些补充意见列入本节。
Chapter 11. General Appearance and Condition 第 11 章总体外观和状况
Remarks should be recorded in Additional comments relating to the superficial condition of the coating and appearance of the hull, weatherdecks, superstructure and on the condition and cleanliness of the accommodation and living quarters including hygiene and sanitation. 应在有关船体、风雨甲板、上层建筑的涂层和外观的表面状况以及住宿和生活区的状况和清洁(包括卫生和环境卫生)的补充意见中记录备注。
Note: Check that each area, including structure, pipework, fittings, ladders, catwalks, rails, etc., are in good order and that they are clean, painted and propenly maintained. 注意: 检查每个区域,包括结构、管道、配件、梯子、人行道、栏杆等是否完好无损,是否清洁、油漆和维护得当。
Hull, superstructure and extemal weather decks: 船体、上层建筑和外部耐候甲板:
11.1 Is the general condition, visual appearance and cleanliness of the hull satisfactory. 11.1 船体的总体状况、外观和清洁度是否令人满意。
In the event of accidental or otherexceptional disc harge of oil, a statement shall be made in the Oil Record Book Part II of the circumstancesof, and the reasonsfor, the discharge. (Oil Record Books Introduction PartsI and II). 如果发生意外或其他特殊的油类排放,应在油类记录簿第二部分中说明排放的情况和原因。(油类记录簿导言第一部分和第二部分)。
Note: The hull should be free from oil staining, extensive coating breakdown orexcessive marine growth. Record in comments approximate percentage coating breakdown or areas of manine growth. The hull may be oil stained by passing through an area of oil and not be recorded in the Oil record book. If the hull is stained in this way, record of passing through oil areasshould be recorded in the deck log book if such transit occurred during daylight hours. 注:船体应无油污、大面积涂层破损或过度的海洋生物生长。在备注中记录涂层破损或人为生长区域的大致百分比。船体可能会因通过油污区域而沾上油污,但不会记录在油污记录簿中。如果船体以这种方式沾上油污,则应在甲板记录簿中记录经过油污区域的记录,如果这种经过是在白天进行的。
For the purpose of uniformity the assessment of coating condition should be based on the same guidance asperRESOLUTION MSC.261(84) 为统一起见,涂层状况的评估应基于与 MSC.261(84) 号决议相同的指南。
Coating condition is defined asfollows: 涂层条件定义如下:
GOOD condition with only minor spot rusting; 状况良好,仅有轻微的生锈点;
FAIR condition with light rusting over 20%20 \% or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition; FAIR 状态, 20%20 \% 或更多的受检区域有轻微锈蚀,但小于 "POOR 状态 "的定义;
POOR condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areasunderconsideration. 状况不佳,20% 或更多的区域涂层普遍破损,或 10%或更多的区域出现硬垢。
11.2 Are hull markings clearly indicated and correctly placed? 11.2 船体标记是否标示清楚,位置是否正确?
The ship’s identification number shall be permanently marked: 应永久标明船舶的识别号:
In a visible place either on the stem of the ship or on eitherside of the hull, amidshipsport and starboard, above the deepest assigned load line or either side of the superstructure, port and starboard or on the front of the superstructure; and, 在船杆上或船体两侧、船体中部和右舷、最深指定载重线以上或上层建筑两侧、左舷和右舷或上层建筑前部的明显位置;且
In an easily accessible place eitheron one end of the transverse bulkheads of the machinery spaces, or on one of the hatchways or, in the case of tankers, in the pump room. (SOLASXI1/3.4) 在机械舱横向舱壁的一端,或在舱口上,或在油轮的泵房内,放在容易接近的地方(SOLASXI1/3.4)。
The permanent marking shall be plainly visible, clear of any othermarkings on the hull and shall be painted in a contrasting colour. 永久性标记应清晰可见,不影响船体上的任何其他标记,并应涂成对比色。
(SOLAS XI-1/3.5.1) (SOLAS XI-1/3.5.1)
The permanent marking referred to in paragraph 1 shall be not less than 200 mm in height. The pemanent marking referred to in paragraph 2 shall be not less than 100 mm in height. The width of the marks shall be proportionate to the height. 第 1 段所指的永久性标记高度不得小于 200 毫米。第 2 款所指的永久标记高度不得小于 100 毫米。标记的宽度应与高度成比例。
(SOLAS XI-1/3.5.2) (SOLAS XI-1/3.5.2)
The requirement for the ship’s identific ation number shall be complied with not later than the first scheduled dry-docking after 1st uly 2004 for ships constructed before that date. 在 2004 年 7 月 1 日之前建造的船舶,其船舶识别号的要求应在 2004 年 7 月 1 日之后的第一次定期干船坞停靠之前满足。
(SO LAS XI-1/3) (so las xi-1/3)
Note: The following should also be clearly indicated, where applic able: 注:在可以申请的情况下,还应明确指出以下内容:
The vessel’sname; 船名;
Loadlines; 负载线
Draft marks; 草稿分数;
Thruster wamings; 推进器嗡嗡作响
Tug push points. 拽推点。
11.3 Is the general condition, visual appearance and cleanliness of the weather decks satisfactory and are deck working areas clearly identified and provided with non-slip surfaces? 11.3 候风甲板的总体状况、外观和清洁度是否令人满意,甲板工作区是否有明确的标识和防滑表面?
11.4 Is the general condition of service pipework satisfactory and is it free from significant comosion and pitting and soft patches or other temporary repairs? 11.4 维修管道的总体状况是否令人满意,是否没有明显的腐蚀和点蚀以及软补丁或其他临时修补?
The following deck pipework should be examined, particularly on the underside, forextemal indic ations of corrosion and forpatching or accelerated wearcaused by rope abrasion: 应检查以下甲板管道,尤其是底部,以发现腐蚀迹象,以及绳索磨损造成的修补或加速磨损:
Hydraulic and pneumatic pipework; 液压和气动管道;
Fire mains and associated fittings; 消防水管及相关配件;
Deck steam lines; 甲板蒸汽管道;
Compressed air lines; 压缩空气管道;
Tank cleaning lines. 油罐清洗线。
-electric al conduits, fresh water lines etc. -电线管、淡水管等。
Pipe securing arrangements should be intact and permit free movement of the pipes as necessary. Where deck cargo lines are insulated, the physic al condition of the insulating material shall be assessed. 管道固定装置应完好无损,并允许管道在必要时自由移动。如果甲板上的货物管道是绝缘的,则应评估绝缘材料的物理状况。
Where sliding feet are fitted on deck cargo lines, such sliding feet to be checked to venify that the position of such feet adequately serve the purpose. 在甲板货物缆绳上安装滑动支脚时,应检查这些滑动支脚,以确保支脚的位置足以达到目的。
11.5 Are pipe stands, clamps, supports and expansion arrangements satisfactory? 11.5 管道支架、夹具、支撑和伸缩装置是否令人满意?
Particularcare should be taken in areasof piping permanently protected by insulation and there should be a maintenance plan in place to ascertain the condition of the piping in these areas. 应特别注意有隔热层永久保护的管道区域,并应制定维护计划,以确定这些区域管道的状况。
11.6 Are all deck openings, including weathertight doors, bridge windows and portholes, in good order and capable of being properly sec ured? 11.6 甲板上的所有开口,包括风雨密门、桥窗和舷窗,是否完好无损,并能得到适当保护?
11.7 Are fuel, ballast and other space vents and air pipes in good orderand does visual evidence indicate regular maintenance? 11.7 燃料、压舱物和其他空间的通风口及空气管道是否完好,是否有目视证据表明定期进行维护?
Vent heads should be regularly dismantled to prove that flame screens, where fitted are clean and in good order and that the closing device which prevents the ingress of water is also in good condition and operating correctly. Vents and airpipes should be clearly marked to indicate the space they serve. 应定期拆卸通风口,以确保安装的防火网清洁、完好,防止进水的关闭装置也应完好无损、运行正常。通风口和气管应有明显标记,标明其所服务的空间。
NOTE There is no requirement for ballast tank vents to be fitted with flame screens. 注 压载水舱通风口无需安装阻火网。
11.8 Is the general condition, visual appearance and cleanliness of the superstructure satisfactory? 11.8 上层建筑的总体状况、外观和清洁度是否令人满意?
Monkey island fittings should be checked for condition including the mast stays properly secured, magnetic compassbinnacle and aerials and supporting brackets in good order. 应检查猴岛配件的状况,包括桅杆支架是否牢固、磁性罗盘罩、天线和支撑架是否完好。
Electrical Equipment 电气设备
11.9 Are the deck lights all operational and sufficient in number and range to illuminate the deck to facilitate safe working during darkness? 11.9 甲板上的照明灯是否全部正常工作,其数量和范围是否足以照亮甲板,以便在黑暗中安全工作?
The level of deck lighting should be adequate to allow: 露台的照明水平应足够,以便:
Suffic ient visibility to permit safe access to all areasof the deck 足够的能见度,允许安全进入甲板的所有区域
The safe use of mooring equipment; 安全使用系泊设备;
The monitoring of the deck area forspills and leakages; 监控甲板区域的溢出和泄漏情况;
The monitoring of all deck areas and the adjacent surrounding areas to prevent unauthorised access. The deck lighting should be tested even if in daylight to ensure the system is operative and no signific ant earths on the switchboards. 监控所有甲板区域和邻近的周边区域,防止未经授权的进入。即使是在白天,也要对甲板照明进行测试,以确保系统正常运行,配电盘上没有接地信号。
11.10 Is the general condition of elec tric al equipment, including conduits and wiring, satisfactory? 11.10 电气设备(包括导管和电线)的总体状况是否令人满意?
11.11 Are light fittings in gas-hazardous areas Ex 'd' rated and in good order? 11.11 气体危险区域的灯具是否为防爆 "d "级且完好无损?
Notes: Lights will be either explosion-proof or pressurised. The flame paths of explosion-proof lights should not be painted over. Fluorescent fittings will generally have flame paths at each end. 备注防爆灯或加压灯。防爆灯的火焰通道不应涂漆。荧光灯的两端一般都有火焰通道。
The manufacturer’sorAdministration’s certific ate approving the fitting for use in gas-hazardous areas will be invalidated if the correct bolts for securing the cover, or the correct light bulb size, are not used. 如果没有使用正确的固定盖螺栓或正确的灯泡尺寸,则制造商和管理部门批准在气 体危险区域使用该配件的证书将失效。
Particularattention should be paid to the following: 应特别注意以下几点:
Cracks in metal, cracked orbroken glasses orfailure of cement around cemented glasses in flameproof or explosion proof enclosures; 防火或防爆外壳中的金属裂缝、玻璃破裂或断裂,或粘接玻璃周围的水泥失效;
Covers of flameproof enclosuresto ensure that they are tight, that no bolts are missing, and that no gaskets are present between mating metal surfaces; 检查隔爆外壳的盖子,确保盖子拧紧,螺栓无缺失,配合金属表面之间无垫圈;
Each connection to ensure that it is properly connected; 确保每个连接都连接正确;
Possible slackness of joints in conduit runs and fittings; 导管和配件的连接处可能松弛;
Vent fan, cargo pump and cargo winch motors and lighting are likely to be found within gashazardous areas. An Ex’d’ rating meansthat the equipment can withstand an intemal explosion without igniting the outside atmosphere. Ex ’ ee ’ is an increased safety rating. 排气扇、货泵和货用绞盘的电机和照明设备很可能位于气体危险区域内。Ex'd' 评级意味着设备可以承受内部爆炸而不会点燃外部大气。防爆' ee '是一个更高的安全等级。
Intemal Spaces: 内部空间
11.12 Are forec astle stores free of water, intemal spaces and storerooms clean, free from debris and tidy? 11.12 前置仓库是否无积水,内部空间和储藏室是否干净、无杂物和整洁?
Accommodation Areas: 住宿区
11.13 Are accommodation, public spaces, sanitary areas, food store handling spaces, refrigerated spaces, galleys and pantries well illuminated, clean, tidy, in a hygienic condition and obstruction free? 11.13 住宿区、公共场所、卫生区、食品储存处理区、冷藏区、厨房和储藏室是否光线充足、干净整洁、卫生状况良好且无障碍?
Unbumed fuel orfatty deposits in galley ranges, within flue pipes and in the filter cowls of galley vents can cause fire and must be maintained in a clean condition. 厨房炉灶内、烟道内和厨房通风口过滤罩内未吃完的燃料或油脂沉积物会引起火灾,必须保持清洁。
Deep-fat cooking equipment installed onboard ships constructed on or after01 Jul 2002 in enclosed spaces or on open decks shall be fitted with the following: 在 2002 年 7 月 1 日或之后建造的船上,安装在封闭空间或露天甲板上的油炸烹饪设备应安装以下装置:
. 1 an automatic ormanual fire-extinguishing system tested to an intemational standard acceptable to the Organization;* .1 经测试符合本组织可接受的国际标准的自动或手动灭火系统;* 1.
.2 a primary and backup thermostat with an alarm to alert the operator in the event of failure of either the mostat; .2 一个主恒温器和一个备用恒温器,当其中一个恒温器发生故障时,会发出 警报,提醒操作员;
. 3 a rrangements for a utomatic ally shutting off the electric al power upon activation of the fireextinguishing system; .3 启动灭火系统后自动关闭电源的安排;
.4 an alarm for indic ating operation of the fire-extinguishing system in the galley where the equipment is installed; and .4 安装设备的厨房内指示灭火系统运行的警报器;以及
.5 controls formanual operation of the fire-extinguishing system which are clearly labelled for ready use by the crew. (SOLASII-2 Reg 10 6.4) .5灭火系统手动操作的控制装置,并贴有明显的标签,以便船员随时使用。(SOLASII-2 Reg 10 6.4)。
11.14 Are laundries free of ac cumulations of clothing that could constitute a fire hazard? 11.14 洗衣店是否没有可能构成火灾危险的衣物堆积?
11.15 If fitted, is the Ship's Hospital clean and tidy and ready for use? 11.15 如果已安装,船上医院是否干净整洁并可随时使用?
Note: The Ship’shospital should be ready forimmediate use. The Ship’shospital should not be used as an additional cabin or used as a store room. If the vessel is not equipped with a Ship’s hospital answer the question ‘NA’ 注意:船用医院应能立即使用。船舶医院不应作为额外舱室或储藏室使用。如果船舶未配备船舶医院,请回答 "NA"。
11.16 Is the condition of electrical equipment in the accommodation satisfactory? 11.16 房间内电气设备的状况是否令人满意?
11.17 Are personnel alams in refrigerated spaces in good order and operational? Alarms should be tested on a regular routine. 11.17 冷藏室的人员报警器是否完好无损并能正常工作?应定期测试警报器。
Additional comments: 补充意见:
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
Remarks should be recorded in Additional comments relating to the superficial condition of the coating and appearance of the hull, weather decks, superstructure and on the condition and cleanliness of the accommodation and living quarters including hygiene and sanitation. 应在有关船体、风雨甲板、上层建筑的涂层和外观的表面状况以及住宿和生活区的状况和清洁(包括个人卫生和环境卫生)的补充意见中记录备注。
Chapter 12. Ice Operations 第 12 章 冰上作业冰上作业
This section is to be completed if the vessel has an Ice Class Notation, a valid winterisation certificate or Polar Ship Certificate. The OCIMF public ation 'The Use of Large Tankers in Seasonal First Year Ice and Severe Sub-Zero conditions provides guidance on the safe operation of tankers in areas affected by seasonal first yearice. The IMO Intemational Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters applies as enacted in SOLAS Chapter XIV. The chapter applies to SOLAS ships engaged on intemational voyages in Polar waters. Ships constructed before the entry into force of the PolarCode of 1 J anuary 2017 shall meet the requirements of the PolarCode by the first intermediate or renewal survey, whichever cccurs first after 1 J anuary 2018. 如果船舶具有冰级标记、有效的过冬证书或极地船舶证书,则应填写本节。OCIMF 出版的 "大型油轮在第一年季节性冰冻和严重零度以下条件下的使用 "为油轮在受第一年季节性冰冻影响的地区的安全运营提供了指导。国际海事组织(IMO)《极地水域作业船舶国际规则》适用于《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)第 XIV 章。该章适用于《国际海上人命安全公约》规定的在极地水域进行国际航行的船舶。在《极地守则》于 2017 年 1 月 1 日生效之前建造的船舶,应在 2018 年 1 月 1 日之后的第一次中间检验或更新检验(以先发生者为准)前满足《极地守则》的要求。
Forthe purpose of this chapter, ‘Severe sub-Zero’ conditions are defined asforecast daily mean ambient temperatures below - 15^(@)C15^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. (The Use of Large Tankers in Seasonal First-YearIce and Severe Sub-Zero Conditions - 2010) 在本章中,"严重零度以下 "条件被定义为预测日平均环境温度低于- 15^(@)C15^{\circ} \mathrm{C} (《在季节性初冰和严重零度以下条件下大型油轮的使用--2010 年》)。
12.1 Are procedures available for operations in ice or Polar Waters? 12.1 是否有在冰面或极地水域执行任务的程序?
For ships required to comply with the PolarCode, a Polar WaterOperational Manual (PWOM) approved by Class is required. 对于需要遵守《极地守则》的船舶,必须有船级社批准的《极地水域操作手册》(PWOM)。
Venify that procedures for operating in ice or polar waters are a vailable that will typic ally include the following information: 确认有在冰层或极地水域作业的程序,通常包括以下信息:
Operationsin Ice 冰上作业
Operations in low airtemperature 在低气温条件下运行
Communic ation and navigation capabilities in high latitudes 高纬度地区的通信和导航能力
Voyage durations 航程持续时间
Strategic planning foroperations 业务战略规划
Arrangements for receiving forecasts of environmental conditions 接收环境条件预报的安排
Verific ation of hydrographic, meteorologic al and navigational information 核实水文、气象和导航信息
Operation of special equipment 特殊设备的操作
Procedures to mainta in equipment and system functionality 维护设备和系统功能的程序
Risk mitigation in limiting environmental conditions 在限制性环境条件下降低风险
Emergency response 应急响应
Coordination with emergency response services 与应急服务协调
Proceduresformaintaining life support and ship integrity in the event of prolonged entrapment by ice 在长时间被冰层困住的情况下维持生命支持和船舶完整性的程序
Escorted operations 护送行动
Convoy operations 车队行动
12.2 Are means in place to detect ice? 12.2 是否有探测冰的手段?
Such means may include searchlights, thermal imaging, ice radarora visual lookout forward. Searchlights should be of a narrow beam type and mounted on each bridge wing orat the bow. It is recommended that search lights mounted on bridge wings are below conning position eye level to reduce disturbance during heavy snow fall. Minimum 2kW halogen or 1 kW xenon. The searchlights should be fitted with an adequate means of deicing to ensure properdirectional movement. The ice radar will normally comprise of a 12 bit processorand dedic ated display. The 12 bit processorprovides enhanced detection and resolution in ice. 这些手段可包括探照灯、热成像、冰雷达和前方目视瞭望。探照灯应为窄光束类型,安装在每个桥翼或船首。建议安装在桥翼上的探照灯低于指挥位置的视平线,以减少大雪时的干扰。最小功率为 2 千瓦卤素灯或 1 千瓦氙灯。探照灯应配备适当的除冰装置,以确保正确的移动方向。冰雷达通常由 12 位处理器和专用显示器组成。12 位处理器可提高对冰的探测能力和分辨率。
The means of ice detection in place to be recorded as a Comment. 现有的冰探测手段将作为评论记录在案。
12.3 Are systems in place for the routine receipt of navigational, meteorologic al and environmental data including ice data, ice charts and satellite images? 12.3 是否建立了例行接收导航、气象和环境数据(包括冰数据、冰图和卫星图像)的系统?
Verify that systems are in place to enable the regularreceipt of up-to-date ice information. 核实系统是否到位,以便能够定期收到最新的冰信息。
12.4 Has training specific ally addressing navigation in ice or Polar Waters been provided to members of the vessel’s complement in ac cordance with STCW Section A-V/4? 12.4 是否按照《海员标准》A-V/4 章节的规定,为船员提供了专门针对冰区或极地水域航行的培训?
Training includesformal courses, in-house oron-board training and the regulated use of videos and ComputerBased Training (CBT). 培训包括正式课程、内部培训或上岗培训,以及规范使用视频和基于计算机的培训(CBT)。
Record details of the training in Comments - e.g. course name, method of delivery, provider, who trained and date of training and whether STC W compliant. 在评论中记录培训的详细情况--如课程名称、授课方式、提供方、培训人员、培训日期以及是否符合 STC W 标准。
12.5 Are means in place on at least one main engine sea water chest to prevent its 12.5 至少一个主机海水箱上是否有防止其
freezing or clogging? Methodsemployed to prevent freezing orclogging include heating, use of hot wateror steam and a system designed to blow out any ice blockage. 冻结或堵塞?防止冻结或堵塞的方法包括加热、使用热水或蒸汽以及设计用于吹除任何冰堵的系统。
12.6 Are procedures available for operations in sub-zero temperatures? 12.6 是否有零下温度下的操作程序?
Verify that procedures for operating in sub-zero temperatures are a vailable that will typic ally include the following information: 核实是否有零下温度下的操作程序,通常包括以下信息:
Meansto protect personnel from the effects of sub-zero temperatures, e.g. cold weather clothing, management of watch routines and duty periods. 保护人员免受零下温度影响的措施,如防寒服、值班程序和值班时间的管理。
Arrangements for accommodation heating. 住宿供暖安排。
Measuresto mainta in safe access and movement around the vessel. 确保安全进出和在船只周围移动的措施。
Arrangements to ensure operability of wheelhouse equipment and systems and the maintenance of an effective lookout. 确保驾驶室设备和系统的可操作性以及保持有效瞭望的安排。
Procedures to ensure the operability of critic al equipment and systems including fire-fighting systems and lifesa ving appliances. 确保包括消防系统和救生设备在内的批评设备和系统的可操作性的程序。
The management of cargo and ballast systems. 货物和压载系统的管理。
Means shall be provided to remove orprevent ice and snow accretion around hatches and doors. 应提供清除或防止舱口和门周围冰雪积聚的措施。
12.7 Are means and/ or procedures in place to protect personnel from exposure to sub-zero temperatures? 12.7 是否有办法和/或程序保护人员不暴露在零度以下的环境中?
Procedures should include the provision of protective clothing suitable foranticipated cold weather conditions. Particular attention should be given to ensuring that personnel having duties in exposed loc ations are suitably protected through the provision of cold weather PPE and the management of work routines. Examples of such duties include bow lookout, gangway watch and bridge wing lookout. Forguidance on PPE and working in exposed locations, referto OGP Report 398. 程序应包括提供适合预期寒冷天气条件的防护服。应特别注意通过提供防寒个人防护设备和工作程序管理,确保在暴露地点执行任务的人员得到适当保护。此类职责包括船首瞭望、舷梯瞭望和桥翼瞭望。有关个人防护设备和在暴露地点工作的指导,请参阅 OGP 报告 398。
Ref Polar Service Temperature (Polar Ship Certific ate 2.3.1 & Polar code part 1A section 1.2.11). Record as a comment whetherbridge wings are open or enclosed. 参考极地服务温度(极地船舶证书第 2.3.1 节和极地规范第 1A 部分第 1.2.11 节)。作为注释记录桥翼是打开的还是封闭的。
12.8 Are means provided to maintain accommodation spaces at a temperature suitable for habitation? 12.8 是否有办法保持住宿空间的温度适合居住?
Accommodation heating systems should have adequate redundancy. Extemal bulkheads within the accommodation should be insulated to prevent the formation of condensation when in subzero temperatures. 舱室供暖系统应有足够的冗余。舱室外隔板应采取隔热措施,以防止在零度以下的环境中产生冷凝水。
The following is extracted from MLC Guideline B3.1.3 - Heating: 以下内容摘自《蒙特利尔议定书》准则 B3.1.3 --加热:
The system of heating the seafareraccommodation should be in operation at all times when seafarers are living or working on board and conditions require its use. 当海员在船上生活或工作,且条件要求使用供暖系统时,海员舱室的供暖系统应始终处于运行状态。
In all ships in which a heating system is required, the heating should be by means of hot water, warm air, electric ity, steam or equivalent. However, within the accommodation area, steam should not be used as a medium for heat transmission. The heating system should be capable of maintaining the temperature in seafareraccommodation at a satisfactory level under normal conditions of weather and climate likely to be met within the trade in which the ship is engaged. The competent authonity should prescribe the standard to be provided. 在所有需要加热系统的船舶中,加热应采用热水、暖风、电、蒸汽或同等加热方式。但在住宿区内,不应使用蒸汽作为传热介质。供暖系统应能在船舶所从事的行业可能遇到的正常天气和气候条件下,将海员舱内的温度保持在令人满意的水平。主管当局应规定所提供的标准。
Radiators and other heating apparatus should be placed and, where necessary, shielded so asto avoid risk of fire ordangerordisc omfort to the occupants. 散热器和其他取暖设备应放置在适当的位置,必要时应加以遮挡,以避免火灾危 险和给住户带来不舒适。
12.9 Are means and procedures in place to ensure safe access and movement about the vessel in sub-zero conditions? 12.9 是否有办法和程序确保在零度以下的条件下安全进出船只?
Procedures should address the need to ensure that walkways and accessladders are maintained in a safe condition. Vessels should be equipped with materials and/orequipment to enable clearance of snow and ice from critic al arease.g. wooden mallets, heated stairs and handrails. 程序应满足确保人行道和通道保持安全状态的需要。应为船只配备材料和/或设备,以便清除批评区的冰雪,例如木槌、加热楼梯和扶手。
12.10 Are means in place to prevent the ic ing of wheelhouse windows? 12.10 是否有防止驾驶室窗户结冰的措施?
Wheelhouse windows should be heated to prevent them from icing up. Heat may be provided by blowers or by heating elements within the glass. Unless they are heated and used in conjunction with heated windows, window wipers are not effective in sub-zero temperatures asthe wipers may freeze to the windows orblur any ice that may be present. ‘Clearview screens’ consisting of a glass disc rotating at high speed may be effective if the screens are provided with heating. 轮舱窗户应加热,以防止结冰。热量可通过鼓风机或玻璃内的加热元件提供。雨刷除非与加热车窗一起使用,否则在零度以下的气温下是不起作用的,因为雨刷可能会冻结在车窗上或使可能存在的冰层模糊不清。由高速旋转的玻璃圆盘组成的 "透明视窗 "如果带有加热装置,则可能有效。
12.11 Are radars fitted that are of a type classed as being suitable for operation in sub-zero temperatures? 12.11 是否安装了适合在零度以下环境中工作的雷达?
The radarantennae working temperature range can normally be obtained by consulting the specific ations section of the radarmanufacturers manual. Occasionally the specificationsquote standards rather than actually temperature values; any reference to IEC 60945 includes suitability for 雷达天线的工作温度范围通常可通过查阅雷达制造商手册的具体说明部分获得。有时,技术规范引用的是标准而不是实际温度值;任何对 IEC 60945 的引用都包括适用于以下情况
working temperature limits -25C to +55 C. It should be venified that the working temperature range of the sc anner and sc anner motor is suitable for use in sub-zero temperatures. The working temperature range should be recorded. Lubricantsused in the scannerdrive should be suitable for sub-zero temperatures. 应确保转子和转子马达的工作温度范围适合在零下温度下使用。应记录工作温度范围。扫描驱动中使用的润滑油应适合零度以下的温度。
12.12 Are means and/ or procedures in place to ensure that air driven whistles and fog homs are operable at sub-zero temperatures? 12.12 是否有手段和/或程序确保气动哨和雾霾装置在零度以下的温度下仍可操作?
Note: Record means employed, e.g. heater. 注:记录所使用的手段,如加热器。
12.13 Are means and/or procedures in place to ensure the operability of critical equipment and systems in sub-zero air temperatures? 12.13 是否有手段和/或程序确保关键设备和系统在零度以下气温下的可操作性?
Procedures should address the need to prepare critic al equipment priorto entering the cold weather area. Particularattention should be given to ensuring the suitability of fuels used in systems such as those serving the emergency generator and lifeboat engine and avoiding loss of performance of battery orotherstored energy device. 程序应解决在进入寒冷天气区域前准备批评者设备的需要。应特别注意确保应急发电机和救生艇发动机等系统所用燃料的适用性,并避免电池或其他储能装置失去性能。
12.14 Are means and/ or procedures in place aimed at ensuring the ready availability of life 12.14 是否制定了旨在确保随时提供生命线的手段和/或程序?
saving appliances?
Procedures should include actions to ensure the ready availability of life saving appliances that include the following: 程序应包括确保救生设备随时可用的行动,其中包括以下内容:
Ensuring that esc ape routes shall remain accessible and safe 确保人猿通道保持畅通和安全
The need forThermal Protective Aids and immersion suits should be addressed and equipment suitable for antic ipated temperatures should be provided priorto the vessel entering cold areas. 在船只进入寒冷地区之前,应解决对热防护辅助设备和浸入式防护服的需求,并提供适于抗低温的设备。
Ensuring that fuel and engine oilsused in lifeboats and rescue boats should be of a type suitable foroperation in sub-zero temperatures. Where fitted, heating systems should be checked to be operational. 确保救生艇和救援船使用的燃料和发动机油的类型适合在零度以下的温度下工作。如果安装了加热系统,则应检查其是否正常运行。
The need to move lifeboat water containers to an adjacent heated space. 需要将救生艇水箱移至相邻的加热空间。
The requirement to keep lifeboats and launching equipment free of ice accretion. An ice removal mallet should be a vailable in the vicinity of lifeboats and liferafts or electric al trace heating provided to protect critic al items such asdoor seals. 要求保持救生艇和下水设备不结冰。救生艇和救生筏附近应备有除冰槌,或提供电加热装置,以保护门封等受影响的物品。
12.15 Are means and/ or procedures in place aimed at ensuring the operability of fire-fighting systems? 12.15 是否有旨在确保消防系统可操作性的手段和/或程序?
Fire pumps, including the emergency fire pump, should be in heated spacesorprotected from freezing. Arrangements forthe emergency fire pump should take into account the prevention of clogging of sea inlets with ice. The procedure should include actionsto ensure the ready availability of systems. 消防泵,包括紧急消防泵,应安装在加热的空间内,并防止冻结。应急消防泵的安排应考虑到防止入海口被冰堵塞。程序应包括确保系统随时可用的行动。
When in sub-zero temperatures, the fire main should be drained from the lowest point and the drain valve closed in orderto keep the system ready for operation. The procedure should address the need to regularly check the drained condition of the line by operating the drain valve. The procedure should also considerthe method of re-pressurising the fire main in sub-zero temperatures with the aim of a voiding freezing of hydrants and monitors. 在零度以下的环境中,应从最低点排出消防水管中的水,并关闭排污阀,以保证系统随时可以运行。程序中应说明需要通过操作排水阀定期检查管路的排水情况。该程序还应考虑在零度以下的温度下对消防水管重新加压的方法,目的是使消防栓和监控器的冻结失效。
Fire-extinguishing systems should be designed orlocated to ensure their continued operability in conditions of ice orsnow accumulation and sub-zero temperatures. 灭火系统的设计或位置应确保其在积冰或积雪以及零度以下的温度条件下仍可继续使用。
Water orfoam extinguishers should not be located in any position exposed to freezing temperatures. 水灭火器或泡沫灭火器不应放置在任何暴露在冰冻温度下的位置。
Fire main isolating valves should be located so that they are accessible. Any isolating valves in exposed locations should be protected from exposure to freezing spray. Hydrants should be positioned ordesigned to remain operable underall antic ipated conditions, taking into account ice accumulation. Hydrant valves should be of a design that ensures ease of operation by personnel wearing heavy gloves 消防水管隔离阀的位置应便于使用。任何位于暴露位置的隔离阀都应加以保护,以免受到冰冻喷雾的影响。考虑到积冰情况,消防栓的位置设计应确保在所有防冻条件下均可操作。消防栓阀门的设计应确保工作人员戴着厚重的手套也能轻松操作。
Note: The location of the drain point for the deck fire main should be recorded. 注:应记录甲板消防水管排水点的位置。
12.16 Are means and/ or procedures in place to ensure the proper functioning of air intakes and fire flaps?
Note: Record meansused, e.g. regularchecks, protected location, trace heating. 12.16 是否有手段和/或程序确保进气口和挡火板正常工作?注:记录所用手段,如定期检查、保护位置、跟踪加热。
12.17 Are means and/ or procedures in place to protect piping systems on deck from the risk of freezing? 12.17 是否有办法和/或程序保护甲板上的管道系统免受冻结风险?
Procedures should require the integnity of deck lines to be checked priorto use. All cargo, ballast, tank cleaning and COW lineson deck should be thoroughly drained after their pressure testing or 程序应要求在使用前检查甲板管路的完整性。甲板上的所有货物管路、压载管路、油箱清洁管路和 COW 管路都应在压力测试后彻底排空,或在压力测试后彻底排空。
use. Lines should be drained from the lowest point in the system. Means should be available to protect valvessuch asthose on tank gauging/dipping points and pressure gaugesfrom freezing and this may be through the use of suitable grease and canvascovers. 使用。管路应从系统的最低点排出。应采取措施保护阀门,如油箱测量/浸渍点和压力表上的阀门,以防冻结,可使用适当的油脂和防冻盖。
Cargo manifold drip trays should be drained of any water. The deck air line should be isolated and drained. If a ir is required on deck, it should be supplied through an air drier. 货物歧管滴水盘中的水应排干。甲板空气管路应隔离并排空。如果甲板上需要灌气,则应通过空气干燥器供应。
Hydraulic systems serving mooring and otherequipment on deck should be circulated to maintain even heating of the oil. This may be achieved by taking mooring winches out of gear and slowly rotating them or by use of a heating bypass system designed to keep the oil warm. 为甲板上的系泊设备和其他设备提供服务的液压系统应进行循环,以保持油的均匀加热。为此,可将系泊绞车从齿轮中取出并缓慢旋转,或使用旨在保持油温的加热旁路系统。
12.18 Are means and/or procedures in place to ensure the operability of ballast systems and any drenching systems at sea temperatures of -2^(@)C-2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} and sub-zero airtemperatures? 12.18 是否有手段和/或程序确保压载系统和任何淋洗系统在 -2^(@)C-2^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 海温和零度以下气温下的可操作性?
Note: Means and procedures include fore.g. heating arrangements, air bubbling and ballast water exchange. The proceduresshould include guidance on ballast handling when loading cargoes at a sub-zero temperature. Record meansused. 注:手段和程序包括加热安排、气泡和压舱水交换等。程序应包括在零下温度装载货物时的压舱物处理指南。记录所用手段。
12.19 Are means or procedures in place to prevent the icing up of cargo tank primary and secondary venting arrangements? 12.19 是否有防止货油舱一次和二次排气装置结冰的手段或程序?
If P//VP / V valves are not provided with a heating system, a procedure should require that the valves are regularly checked by manual opening during cargo operations. The frequency of manual opening should be established to ensure continued operation of the valve and prevent restricted movement through ice formation. 如果 P//VP / V 阀门未配备加热系统,则应制定程序,要求在货运作业期间定期通过手动打开阀门进行检查。应确定手动打开的频率,以确保阀门的持续运行,并防止因结冰而导致活动受限。
The IG deck waterseal should be provided with an operational heating system. Procedures should require that it is regularly checked during operations to ensure a positive waterflow and that inlet and outlet lines remain clear. IG 甲板水封应配备可运行的加热系统。程序应要求在操作过程中定期检查该系统,以确保有正向水流,进水口和出水口管道保持畅通。
The P/V breakershould be filled with anti-freeze (glycol-based asopposed to methanol-based) in accordance with manufacturer’s guidance priorto entering the cold area. It is important that the correct concentration of ethylene glycol and water is used - excessive concentrations may reduce effectiveness. 在进入冷区之前,应根据制造商的指导在 P/V 断路器中注入防冻剂(乙二醇类,而非甲醇类)。使用正确浓度的乙二醇和水非常重要,浓度过高可能会降低效果。
Essential valveson IG and venting systems should be protected with suitable grease and a canvas cover. 中压和通风系统的重要阀门应使用适当的油脂和帆布盖加以保护。
Flame a restors should be confirmed to be free of snow or ice before the start of cargo operations. 在开始货运作业之前,应确认火焰恢复器上没有冰雪。
12.20 Are means and/or procedures in place to prevent the ic ing up of airpipes to settling and service tanks required for the operation of the main propulsion plant and essential auxiliaries? 12.20 是否有手段和/或程序防止主推进装置和基本辅助设备运行所需的沉淀池和维修池的气管被堵塞?
If no heating arrangement is provided, verify that there is a procedure in place aimed at ensuring that the air pipes remain clear. 如果没有提供加热装置,则应检查是否有旨在确保空气管道保持畅通的程序。
Note: Means employed should be recorded as a Comment. 注:采用的手段应记录为 "评论"。
12.21 Has training specifically addressing operations in sub-zero temperatures and/or Polar waterarea and PWOM been provided to the vessel’s complement? 12.21 是否为船员提供了专门针对零度以下温度和/或极地水域以及公共工程和运营设施的培训?
Training includesformal courses, in-house oron-board training and the regulated use of videos and Computer Based Training (CBT). 培训包括正式课程、内部培训或上岗培训,以及规范使用视频和基于计算机的培训 (CBT)。
Note: Record details of the training in Comments-e.g. course name, method of delivery, provider, who trained and date of training and compliance with STC W. 注:在 "评论 "中记录培训的详细情况--如课程名称、授课方式、提供者、培训人员和培训日期以及是否符合 STC W。
STC W V/4 valid from 1/1/2018 STC W V/4 自 2018 年 1 月 1 日起有效
Additional comments 补充意见
If the Inspector hascomments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which the Inspectormay make in response to the specific questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such additional comments in this section. 如果检查专员对本章所涉主题有其他意见,而不是对本章具体问题的答复,检查专员 应在本节中列入这些补充意见。
1 Under the Original 1993 Programme, the inspecting OCIMF Member was free to choose whatever inspection protocol and report format it desired. In 1997, the Uniform Vessel Inspection Procedure changed this. The Vessel Particular Questionnaire was a newly developed OCIMF document, also introduced in 1997 and was not part of the original programme. The Vessel Inspection Questionnaire was further revised in 2000, and the Vessel Particulars Questionnaire was also revised in 2003 when a Harmonised Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (HVPQ) was introduced. Updated VIQs were published in 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009,2012 and 2014. 1 根据最初的 1993 年方案,进行检查的 OCIMF 成员可自由选择其希望的任何检查规程和报告格式。1997 年,《统一船舶检查程序》改变了这一做法。船舶专项调查表》是 OCIMF 新制定的文件,也是 1997 年推出的,不属于原计划的一部分。2000 年对船舶检查问卷进行了进一步修订,2003 年在引入统一船舶详情问卷 (HVPQ) 时也对船舶详情问卷进行了修订。2004 年、2005 年、2008 年、2009 年、2012 年和 2014 年发布了更新的 VIQ。
2 The SIRE Programme was expanded in 2005 to include the inspection of barges carrying petroleum products, chemicals, or gas, or vessels used in the carriage of packaged petroleum products or gas, or road tankers carrying the same commodities. Towing vessels that are utilised in the handling of barges carrying the above listed products may also be inspected under the SIRE Programme. The inspection of these vessels and associated questionnaires are addressed in separate questionnaires. 2 2005 年扩大了 SIRE 计划的范围,包括检查运载石油产品、化学品或天然气的驳船,或用于运载包装石油产品或天然气的船只,或运载相同商品的公路油轮。用于装卸上述产品的驳船的拖船也可在 SIRE 计划下接受检查。对这些船只的检查和相关调查表将在单独的调查表中进行说明。
3 Each Reorganised Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (ROVIQs) is laid out on the assumption that an inspection takes the following course: a review of the vessel’s Documentation, followed by an inspection of the Wheelhouse and Navigation, Communications, General external areas (including Mooring, Main Deck and Pumproom), Cargo Control Room, Engine and Steering Compartments and finally, the Accommodation. 3 每份重组船舶检验问卷(ROVIQs)都是根据以下假设制定的:先审查船舶文件,然后检查轮机舱和导航、通信、一般外部区域(包括系泊、主甲板和泵房)、货物控制室、发动机舱和转向舱,最后检查住宿。
^(4){ }^{4} Some Questions do not have guidance, in such cases; the Inspector is required to make an unaided answer. ^(4){ }^{4} 有些问题没有指导,在这种情况下,检查员必须在没有帮助的情况下作出回答。
8.82 Are manual controls and emergenc y stops located within easy reach? 8.82 手动控制装置和紧急停机坪是否设在容易到达的地方?
Notes: They should be protected from inadvertent operation and generate an alarm in the event of a line break. IMCA M 103 Rev 1, 1.6.1 Thrust units State date that emergency stops were last tested. Each thruster should have an independent emergency stop that is well protected against inadvertent operation? Are the emergency stops alamed against failure? 注意事项应防止误操作,并在断线时发出警报。IMCA M 103 Rev 1, 1.6.1 推力装置 说明上次测试紧急停止装置的日期。每个推进器都应有一个独立的紧急停止装置,该装置是否受到良好保护以防误操作?紧急停止装置是否有防故障保护?
8.71 If the vessel has a cargo capacity greater than 5,000m35,000 \mathrm{~m} 3, is the additional firemen’s outfit camied? 8.71 如果船舶的载货量大于 5,000m35,000 \mathrm{~m} 3 ,是否配备了额外的消防员装备?
The checks and tests shall include: 检查和测试应包括
the full movement of the rudder according to the required capabilities of the steering gear; - a visual inspection for the steering gear and its connecting linkage; and 根据舵机所需的能力,充分移动方向舵; - 对舵机及其连接连杆进行目视检查;以及 - 对舵机及其连接连杆进行目视检查;以及 - 对舵机及其连接连杆进行目视检查。
the operation of the means of communic ation between the navigation bridge and steering gear compartment. (SOLASV Reg 26.2) 导航桥与舵机室之间的通讯工具的操作。(SOLASV Reg 26.2)。
The Administration may waive the requirements to camy out the checks and testsprescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 for ships which regularly engage on voyages of short duration. Such ships shall camy out these checks and tests at least once every week. (SOLASV Reg 26.5) 对于定期从事短期航行的船舶,当局可免除第1和第2款规定的检查和试验。此类船舶应至少每周进行一次检查和测试。(SOLASV Reg 26.5)。
Simple operating instructions with a block diagram showing the change-over procedures for remote steering gear control systems and steering gear power units shall be permanently displayed on the 遥控转向器控制系统和转向器动力装置的简易操作手册应永久显示在设备上,并附有方框图,说明切换程序。