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Located in Dallas Texas, Devices and Services has manufactured state of the art thermal and optical instrumentation for the Solar and Aerospace industries since 1977.


New Product Releases

05/03/13 - Model 15R-RGB: - The NEW D&S Multiple Wavelength Portable Specular Reflectometer Model 15R-RGB builds on the functionality of the model 15R-USB. It is a portable reflectometer designed for measurements of highly specular flat or curved mirrors for solar power applications. The 15R-RGB is powered by internal rechargeable Nicad batteries that operate for over 15 hours on a charge. An operator can easily take reflectance readings at the rate of 2 to 6 per minute and record the readings to data sets stored in the instrument. A USB port is provided for maintaining and downloading data sets and upgrading the firmware.

The model 15R-RGB adds the capability to measure reflectance in five broad wavelength bands from blue to near IR using a white LED source and selectable filters. In the standard configuration, a filter wheel selects one of detector response curves; red, green, blue, white or IR. Also selectable are five full angle acceptance angles of 4.6, 7, 15, 25 and 46 mrad. These features make the Model 15R-RGB ideal for characterization and monitoring of quality control in the manufacture and maintenance of solar mirrors and thermal control surfaces.

The updated features of the model 15R-RGB are compatible with all earlier models of the 15R so that any earlier instrument is upgradeable to the multiple wavelength version. Contact sales@devicesandservices.com for information on upgrading an existing unit.

03/02/09 - Model SSR-ER Version 6: A major upgrade is now available for the D&S Solar Spectrum Reflectometer Model SSR Version 6. The upgrade adds measurement spectrum matches for standard global and direct irradiance models including  those specified in ASTM G173. Backward compatibility is maintained by emulation of version 5 reflectance measurements. The selection of spectrum matches can be easily modified to match any irradiance model that might be adopted as a standard in the future. Other features include a battery pack option, automatic monitoring for lamp replacement, reference tiles for spectral calibration tracking and adjustment and improved accuracy when compared to spectrophotometer measurements. All operational version 5 instruments are fully upgradeable to version 6. Click here for information on the many new advanced features and operating modes. Contact sales@devicesandservices.com for information on upgrading an existing version 5 instrument.

06/11/08 - Model 15R-USB: The Portable Specular Reflectometer Model 15R has been updated with microprocessor based electronics including a USB port. Reflectance data sets can now be acquired and later downloaded and stored in a spreadsheet compatible data file. Other features available on the updated model include a quick install reflectance standard, a port window to seal against dust accumulation on the optics and a universal smart charger. Existing model 15R reflectometers can be upgraded with the microprocessor based electronics and smart charger. Contact sales@devicesandservices.com for information on upgrading an existing unit.

Contact Information

Telephone: 972-241-3117
Postal address: 10575 Newkirk St. #730, Dallas, TX 75220
General Information: sales@devicesandservices.com
Sales: sales@devicesandservices.com
Customer Support: sales@devicesandservices.com


Last modified: 09.27.22