在运营的第一年,原水将通过一个泵站从吉伯河供应。从第 2 年起,从 TSF 返回的经过处理的水将作为原水使用。根据水平衡建模的结果,设计包括在矿山寿命期内处理从 TSF 排出的水的预留量,范围从 0.7M-3.7Mm^(3)//annum0.7 \mathrm{M}-3.7 \mathrm{M} \mathrm{m}^{3} / a n n u m 到排放到环境之前,符合全球公认的排放标准。
Local trucks - typically logging| Local trucks - typically logging |
| :--- |
最大 8 吨/轴
每天 5 辆卡车
本地/矿区客运车辆 (4xx4)(4 乘以 4) 和滑板车
Local/mine passenger vehicles (4xx4) and
scooters| Local/mine passenger vehicles $(4 \times 4)$ and |
| :--- |
| scooters |
最大 5.85 吨
每天 250
Design Vehicle Maximum Vehicle Mass Anticipated Traffic Volumes
"Abnormal loads" "Load dependent
13-16 t//axle" "Occasional during Project
construction (60 to 70 no. off trips)"
"Reagents, fuel, construction materials and
imported operational consumables
(6 axle articulated truck)" "50 tonnes with a payload of
32 tonnes" 20 trucks per day
"Mine passenger buses (60 passengers)" GVM 19,5 tonnes 5 per day (local to the mine area)
"Local trucks - typically logging" 8t/axle maximum 5 trucks per day
"Local/mine passenger vehicles (4xx4) and
scooters" Maximum 5.85 tonnes 250 per day| Design Vehicle | Maximum Vehicle Mass | Anticipated Traffic Volumes |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Abnormal loads | Load dependent <br> $13-16 t / a x l e$ | Occasional during Project <br> construction (60 to 70 no. off trips) |
| Reagents, fuel, construction materials and <br> imported operational consumables <br> (6 axle articulated truck) | 50 tonnes with a payload of <br> 32 tonnes | 20 trucks per day |
| Mine passenger buses (60 passengers) | GVM 19,5 tonnes | 5 per day (local to the mine area) |
| Local trucks - typically logging | 8t/axle maximum | 5 trucks per day |
| Local/mine passenger vehicles $(4 \times 4)$ and <br> scooters | Maximum 5.85 tonnes | 250 per day |
Provisional Operability Calculation - Greenville
Number of Vessels per Annum 59 per year
Navigational Allowance 4 hrs per call
Vessel Service Time (Estimate) 48 hrs per call
Berth Commitment 3,068 hrs per year
Available Hours per Year 8,766 hrs per year
Allowances for Downtime 12.50%
Wind and Waves 5%
Maintenance and Breakdowns 1,534.05 hrs per year
Total Downtime 4,602.05 hrs per year
Total Berth Occupancy 52.5% | Provisional Operability Calculation - Greenville | | | |
| :--- | :---: | :--- | :---: |
| Number of Vessels per Annum | 59 | per year | |
| Navigational Allowance | 4 | hrs per call | |
| Vessel Service Time (Estimate) | 48 | hrs per call | |
| Berth Commitment | 3,068 | hrs per year | |
| Available Hours per Year | 8,766 | hrs per year | |
| Allowances for Downtime | $12.50 \%$ | | |
| Wind and Waves | $5 \%$ | | |
| Maintenance and Breakdowns | $1,534.05$ | hrs per year | |
| Total Downtime | $4,602.05$ | hrs per year | |
| Total Berth Occupancy | $52.5 \%$ | | |
82% passing 75 micron sieve - from historical PSDs
in Coffey Report. To be confirmed following updated
laboratory testwork.| $82 \%$ passing 75 micron sieve - from historical PSDs |
| :--- |
| in Coffey Report. To be confirmed following updated |
| laboratory testwork. |
来自 TSF
The plant demand water will be returned directly
from the TSF| The plant demand water will be returned directly |
| :--- |
| from the TSF |
保留 TSF。全年向水排放。
Hold on TSF. Discharge over the year to a water
dam and associated detox plant. Water dam
discharge into environment following treatment.| Hold on TSF. Discharge over the year to a water |
| :--- |
| dam and associated detox plant. Water dam |
| discharge into environment following treatment. |
TSF 衬垫要求
内衬高密度聚乙烯的 TSF
TSF 倾析系统
72 小时 PMP = 1,050 毫米
年平均降雨量 2.7m
TSF 的最大高度
23| 45m |
| :--- |
| 23 |
Sur 10,000 年事件。最大可信度
Item Design Criteria
1 Tailings material Gold plant tailings
2 Tailings total tonnage 65 million tonnes
3 Tailings production rate 5 Mtpa
4 Waste rock available (Tuzon) and production rate 195Mt - production rate varies per year
5 Waste rock available (Dugbe F) and production rate 97 Mt - production rate varies per year
6 LOM 14 years
7 Void ratio of in situ tailings 1
8 Tailings specific gravity 2.80
9 Tailings dry density 1.4 tonnes/m ^(3)
10 Slurry % solids by mass (CIL flowsheet option) 40%-45%
11 Geotechnical characteristics of the tailings "82% passing 75 micron sieve - from historical PSDs
in Coffey Report. To be confirmed following updated
laboratory testwork."
12 Geochemical characteristics of the tailings Geochem report not complete/available
13 Tailings delivery method Hydraulically conveyed
14 Depositional methodology Spiggoting/spraybar
15 Type of facility Full containment
16 Return water management strategy "The plant demand water will be returned directly
from the TSF"
17 Storm water management strategy "Hold on TSF. Discharge over the year to a water
dam and associated detox plant. Water dam
discharge into environment following treatment."
18 TSF liner requirements HDPE-lined TSF
19 TSF decant system Floating pontoon & pumps
20 Flood design criteria during operations 72 -hour PMP = 1,050mm
21 Mean annual rainfall Mean annual rainfall 2.7m
22 Maximum height of TSF "45m
24 Seismic design criteria Sur 10,000 year event. Maximum credible
earthquake (MCE) | Item | Design Criteria | |
| :---: | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | Tailings material | Gold plant tailings |
| 2 | Tailings total tonnage | 65 million tonnes |
| 3 | Tailings production rate | 5 Mtpa |
| 4 | Waste rock available (Tuzon) and production rate | 195Mt - production rate varies per year |
| 5 | Waste rock available (Dugbe F) and production rate | 97 Mt - production rate varies per year |
| 6 | LOM | 14 years |
| 7 | Void ratio of in situ tailings | 1 |
| 8 | Tailings specific gravity | 2.80 |
| 9 | Tailings dry density | 1.4 tonnes/m ${ }^{3}$ |
| 10 | Slurry % solids by mass (CIL flowsheet option) | $40 \%-45 \%$ |
| 11 | Geotechnical characteristics of the tailings | $82 \%$ passing 75 micron sieve - from historical PSDs <br> in Coffey Report. To be confirmed following updated <br> laboratory testwork. |
| 12 | Geochemical characteristics of the tailings | Geochem report not complete/available |
| 13 | Tailings delivery method | Hydraulically conveyed |
| 14 | Depositional methodology | Spiggoting/spraybar |
| 15 | Type of facility | Full containment |
| 16 | Return water management strategy | The plant demand water will be returned directly <br> from the TSF |
| 17 | Storm water management strategy | Hold on TSF. Discharge over the year to a water <br> dam and associated detox plant. Water dam <br> discharge into environment following treatment. |
| 18 | TSF liner requirements | HDPE-lined TSF |
| 19 | TSF decant system | Floating pontoon & pumps |
| 20 | Flood design criteria during operations | 72 -hour PMP = 1,050mm |
| 21 | Mean annual rainfall | Mean annual rainfall 2.7m |
| 22 | Maximum height of TSF | 45m <br> 23 |
| 24 | Seismic design criteria | Sur 10,000 year event. Maximum credible |
| earthquake (MCE) | | |
Item Description Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6
Type of facility Unit Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Ring Dyke Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Ring Dyke Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls
Possible phasing of TSF - Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate north and south valleys. Raising of the waste rock full containment wall can be done in separate lifts. Drains, liner and slurry line cannot be phased. Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate valleys. Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate valleys. Raising of the waste rock full containment wall can be done in separate lifts. Drains, liner and slurry line cannot be phased. Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate valleys.
Infrastructure impacts (roads, farms, wetlands, animals, etc.) - Sets of animal trails were observed. No farms, villages, infrastructure or critical wetlands observed. Sets of animal trails observed. Saywonbee Village, Geebo River and pigmy hippo sensitive area in TSF area, shifting required. Sackor II Village, domestic sanitation and water supply, burial grounds, private farms, agricultural areas. Koprokpo and Joprokpo villages, burial grounds, public school, domestic water supply, drinking creeks, community meeting and social sites. Sets of animal trails were observed. No farms, villages, infrastructure or critical wetlands observed. One unnamed village within TSF site, no additional information available on the TSF site.
Villages within 1,000m- 2,000m m Yes-Geebowen, Pluwehn & Tuzon Yes - Saywonbee, Dewhpon Yes - Sackor II and Sackor town Yes - Tarpeh, Kplogba, Wiahsor, Koakpo Yes - Tuzon, Dobloke, Walakpo, Sesewen Yes - Nukri, Chen
Distance and location to villages (within 1,000m- 2,000m) m Geebowen =1km north, Pluwehn = 1.2 km west & Tuzon =1.6km north "Saywonbee =0m,
Dewhpon =0.3km north" Sackor II within 100-200m south, Sackor town= 0.5 km south Tarpeh = 2km west, Kplogba = 0.8km south, Wiahsor = 1.6km south-east, Koakpo = 0.3km north Tuzon =1.1km west, Dobloke = 1.4 km west & Walakpo =1.6km north-west Nukri =1.5km north, Chen =2km west| Item Description | | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5 | Option 6 |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Type of facility | Unit | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Ring Dyke | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Ring Dyke | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls |
| Possible phasing of TSF | - | Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate north and south valleys. | Raising of the waste rock full containment wall can be done in separate lifts. Drains, liner and slurry line cannot be phased. | Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate valleys. | Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate valleys. | Raising of the waste rock full containment wall can be done in separate lifts. Drains, liner and slurry line cannot be phased. | Yes - phased walls, liner and drains. TSF can be raised in separate valleys. |
| Infrastructure impacts (roads, farms, wetlands, animals, etc.) | - | Sets of animal trails were observed. No farms, villages, infrastructure or critical wetlands observed. | Sets of animal trails observed. Saywonbee Village, Geebo River and pigmy hippo sensitive area in TSF area, shifting required. | Sackor II Village, domestic sanitation and water supply, burial grounds, private farms, agricultural areas. | Koprokpo and Joprokpo villages, burial grounds, public school, domestic water supply, drinking creeks, community meeting and social sites. | Sets of animal trails were observed. No farms, villages, infrastructure or critical wetlands observed. | One unnamed village within TSF site, no additional information available on the TSF site. |
| Villages within $1,000 \mathrm{~m}-$ 2,000m | m | Yes-Geebowen, Pluwehn & Tuzon | Yes - Saywonbee, Dewhpon | Yes - Sackor II and Sackor town | Yes - Tarpeh, Kplogba, Wiahsor, Koakpo | Yes - Tuzon, Dobloke, Walakpo, Sesewen | Yes - Nukri, Chen |
| Distance and location to villages (within $1,000 \mathrm{~m}-$ 2,000m) | m | Geebowen $=1 \mathrm{~km}$ north, Pluwehn = 1.2 km west & Tuzon $=1.6 \mathrm{~km}$ north | Saywonbee $=0 \mathrm{~m}$, <br> Dewhpon $=0.3 \mathrm{~km}$ north | Sackor II within $100-200 \mathrm{~m}$ south, Sackor town= 0.5 km south | ```Tarpeh = 2km west, Kplogba = 0.8km south, Wiahsor = 1.6km south-east, Koakpo = 0.3km north``` | Tuzon $=1.1 \mathrm{~km}$ west, Dobloke = 1.4 km west & Walakpo $=1.6 \mathrm{~km}$ north-west | Nukri $=1.5 \mathrm{~km}$ north, Chen $=2 \mathrm{~km}$ west |
Item Description Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6
Type of facility Unit Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Ring Dyke Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Ring Dyke Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls
Distance to the nearest river - Closest: 350 m north-west from Dugbe River Geebo River encroached possible shifting realignment of TSF 4 km west of Geebo River Within 1-1.5km of Dugbe River Lies within 1 km from a tributary which feeds the Dugbe River 6 km west of Geebo River
Potential for LOM expansion - Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area Yes - raising the walls Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area Yes - raising the walls Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area
Water management system and philosophy - Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. Store extreme storm on TSF for a period - excess water discharged to a RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur should it be required. Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. Store extreme storm on TSF for a period - excess water discharged to a RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur should it be required. Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam.| Item Description | | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5 | Option 6 |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Type of facility | Unit | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Ring Dyke | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Ring Dyke | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls |
| Distance to the nearest river | - | Closest: 350 m north-west from Dugbe River | Geebo River encroached possible shifting realignment of TSF | 4 km west of Geebo River | Within $1-1.5 \mathrm{~km}$ of Dugbe River | Lies within 1 km from a tributary which feeds the Dugbe River | 6 km west of Geebo River |
| Potential for LOM expansion | - | Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area | Yes - raising the walls | Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area | Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area | Yes - raising the walls | Yes - raising the walls and increasing footprint area |
| Water management system and philosophy | - | Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. | Store extreme storm on TSF for a period - excess water discharged to a RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur should it be required. | Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. | Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. | Store extreme storm on TSF for a period - excess water discharged to a RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur should it be required. | Store water on TSF for a period excess to be discharged to RWD where detoxification & discharge to the environment can occur. Increased rainfall area valley dam. |
方案 1
方案 2
方案 3
方案 4
方案 5
方案 6
图松扩展目标以西 600 米
图松扩展目标以西 2.3 公里处
Dugbe 勘探目标以西 1.5 公里,Sackor 勘探目标以北 1.6 公里
距离 Dugbe 勘探目标超过 3 公里
距离 Tuzon 勘探目标 0.5 千米以内 1 千米以内,取决于 TSF 方向
Dugbe 勘探目标以北 4 公里处
在较高的山脊和山谷地区衬砌困难。临近杜格贝河的情况可通过衬砌 TSF 得到缓解。
穿越吉博河的泥浆管线,在谷脊内衬砌困难。TSF 位于 Dugbe 矿坑和营地的上游。
吉宝河 Dewhpon 小村庄
吉博河 Saywonbee 村
面临 TSF 流滑坡风险的潜在人口
10-100(受流滑影响的 Dugbe 基坑)
10-100(受流滑影响的 Dugbe 基坑)
Town, Jerry Toe
Money Camp
Town, Jerry Toe
Town accounted for in mining relocation| Money Camp |
| :--- |
| Town, Jerry Toe |
| Town accounted for in mining relocation |
TSF 大约需要搬迁的人数
Item Description Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6
Type of facility Unit Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Ring Dyke Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls Full Containment Ring Dyke Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls
Distance to UG mine or within potential UG mine extensions - 600m west of Tuzon extension target 2.3km west of Tuzon extension target 1.5 km west of Dugbe exploration target, 1.6km north of Sackor exploration target Over 3km away from Dugbe exploration target Within 0.5 km 1 km of the Tuzon exploration target depending on TSF orientation 4km north of Dugbe exploration target
Highlighting potential design issues/considerations - Lining difficulties at higher ridges and regions of the valley. Proximity to Dugbe River mitigated by lining the TSF. Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, proximity to Geebo River and pigmy hippos. Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, lining difficulties within the valley ridges and higher regions. Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, lining difficulties within the valley ridges. Lies on a separate catchment (increased storm water). Proximity, distance and potential storm water diversion of the waterways feeding to the Dugbe River. Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, lining difficulties within the valley ridges. TSF is upstream of the Dugbe pit and camp.
Villages/infrastructure/rivers potentially affected by dam break - Dugbe River, Dugbe pit Dewhpon hamlet, Geebo River Tarpeh (hamlet) Kakata villages Dugbe River Saywonbee village, Geebo River
Potential population at risk of TSF flow slide - 1-10 10-100 (Dugbe pit affected by flow slide) 1-10 1-10 1-10 10-100 (Dugbe pit affected by flow slide)
Relocation of villages - Pluwehn "Money Camp
Town, Jerry Toe
Town accounted for in mining relocation" Sackor Wiahsor, Joprokpo, Wrenewen Pluwehn Money Camp Town, Jerry Toe Town accounted for in mining relocation
Approximate amount of people to relocate for TSF - 110 - 483 340 110 -| Item Description | | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5 | Option 6 |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Type of facility | Unit | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Ring Dyke | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls | Full Containment Ring Dyke | Full Containment Valley Dam Multiple Walls |
| Distance to UG mine or within potential UG mine extensions | - | 600m west of Tuzon extension target | 2.3km west of Tuzon extension target | 1.5 km west of Dugbe exploration target, 1.6km north of Sackor exploration target | Over 3km away from Dugbe exploration target | Within 0.5 km 1 km of the Tuzon exploration target depending on TSF orientation | 4km north of Dugbe exploration target |
| Highlighting potential design issues/considerations | - | Lining difficulties at higher ridges and regions of the valley. Proximity to Dugbe River mitigated by lining the TSF. | Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, proximity to Geebo River and pigmy hippos. | Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, lining difficulties within the valley ridges and higher regions. | Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, lining difficulties within the valley ridges. Lies on a separate catchment (increased storm water). | Proximity, distance and potential storm water diversion of the waterways feeding to the Dugbe River. | Crossing slurry line over Geebo River, lining difficulties within the valley ridges. TSF is upstream of the Dugbe pit and camp. |
| Villages/infrastructure/rivers potentially affected by dam break | - | Dugbe River, Dugbe pit | Dewhpon hamlet, Geebo River | Tarpeh (hamlet) | Kakata villages | Dugbe River | Saywonbee village, Geebo River |
| Potential population at risk of TSF flow slide | - | 1-10 | 10-100 (Dugbe pit affected by flow slide) | 1-10 | 1-10 | 1-10 | 10-100 (Dugbe pit affected by flow slide) |
| Relocation of villages | - | Pluwehn | Money Camp <br> Town, Jerry Toe <br> Town accounted for in mining relocation | Sackor | Wiahsor, Joprokpo, Wrenewen | Pluwehn | Money Camp Town, Jerry Toe Town accounted for in mining relocation |
| Approximate amount of people to relocate for TSF | - | 110 | - | 483 | 340 | 110 | - |
No significant loss or deterioration of habitat. Potential contamination of livestock/fauna water supply with no health effects. Process water low potential toxicity. Tailings not potentially acid generating and have low neutral leaching potential.
Restoration possible within 1-5 years.| No significant loss or deterioration of habitat. Potential contamination of livestock/fauna water supply with no health effects. Process water low potential toxicity. Tailings not potentially acid generating and have low neutral leaching potential. |
| :--- |
| Restoration possible within 1-5 years. |
Significant disruption of business, service or social dislocation. Low
likelihood of loss of regional heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Low likelihood of health effects.| Significant disruption of business, service or social dislocation. Low |
| :--- |
| likelihood of loss of regional heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Low likelihood of health effects. |
Very high economic losses affecting important infrastructure or services (e.g. highway, industrial facility, storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. High relocation/compensation to communities.
<USD 1B.| Very high economic losses affecting important infrastructure or services (e.g. highway, industrial facility, storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. High relocation/compensation to communities. |
| :--- |
| <USD 1B. |
Dam Failure Consequence Classification Incremental Losses
Potential Population at Risk Potential Loss of Life Environment Health, Social and Cultural Infrastructure and Economics
Low None None expected Minimal short-term loss or deterioration of habitat or rare and endangered species. Minimal effects and disruption of business and livelihoods. No measurable effect on human health. No disruption of heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Low economic losses: area contains limited infrastructure or services. <USD 1M.
Significant 1-10 Unspecified "No significant loss or deterioration of habitat. Potential contamination of livestock/fauna water supply with no health effects. Process water low potential toxicity. Tailings not potentially acid generating and have low neutral leaching potential.
Restoration possible within 1-5 years." "Significant disruption of business, service or social dislocation. Low
likelihood of loss of regional heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Low likelihood of health effects." Losses to recreational facilities, seasonal workplaces and infrequently used transportation routes. <USD 10M.
High 10-100 Possible (1-10) Significant loss or deterioration of critical habitat or rare and endangered species. Potential contamination of livestock/fauna water supply with no health effects. Process water moderately toxic. Low potential for acid rock drainage or metal leaching effects of released tailings. Potential area of impact 10km-2km. Restoration possible but difficult and could take > 5 years. 500-1,000 people affected by disruption of business, services or social dislocation. Disruption of regional heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Potential for short-term human health effects. High economic losses affecting infrastructure, public transportation and commercial facilities, or employment. Moderate relocation/compensation to communities. <USD 100M.
Very High 100-1,000 " Likely
(10-100)" Major loss or deterioration of critical habitat or rare and endangered species. Process water highly toxic. High potential for acid rock drainage or metal leaching effects from released tailings. Potential area of impact >20km. Restoration or compensation possible but very difficult and requires a long time (5-20 years). 1,000 people affected by disruption of business, services or social dislocation for more than one year. Significant loss of national heritage, community or cultural assets. Potential for significant long-term human health effects. "Very high economic losses affecting important infrastructure or services (e.g. highway, industrial facility, storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. High relocation/compensation to communities.
<USD 1B."| Dam Failure Consequence Classification | Incremental Losses | | | | |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| | Potential Population at Risk | Potential Loss of Life | Environment | Health, Social and Cultural | Infrastructure and Economics |
| Low | None | None expected | Minimal short-term loss or deterioration of habitat or rare and endangered species. | Minimal effects and disruption of business and livelihoods. No measurable effect on human health. No disruption of heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. | Low economic losses: area contains limited infrastructure or services. <USD 1M. |
| Significant | 1-10 | Unspecified | No significant loss or deterioration of habitat. Potential contamination of livestock/fauna water supply with no health effects. Process water low potential toxicity. Tailings not potentially acid generating and have low neutral leaching potential. <br> Restoration possible within 1-5 years. | Significant disruption of business, service or social dislocation. Low <br> likelihood of loss of regional heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Low likelihood of health effects. | Losses to recreational facilities, seasonal workplaces and infrequently used transportation routes. <USD 10M. |
| High | 10-100 | Possible $(1-10)$ | Significant loss or deterioration of critical habitat or rare and endangered species. Potential contamination of livestock/fauna water supply with no health effects. Process water moderately toxic. Low potential for acid rock drainage or metal leaching effects of released tailings. Potential area of impact $10 \mathrm{~km}-2 \mathrm{~km}$. Restoration possible but difficult and could take $>5$ years. | 500-1,000 people affected by disruption of business, services or social dislocation. Disruption of regional heritage, recreation, community or cultural assets. Potential for short-term human health effects. | High economic losses affecting infrastructure, public transportation and commercial facilities, or employment. Moderate relocation/compensation to communities. <USD 100M. |
| Very High | 100-1,000 | $\begin{aligned} & \text { Likely } \\ & (10-100) \end{aligned}$ | Major loss or deterioration of critical habitat or rare and endangered species. Process water highly toxic. High potential for acid rock drainage or metal leaching effects from released tailings. Potential area of impact >20km. Restoration or compensation possible but very difficult and requires a long time (5-20 years). | 1,000 people affected by disruption of business, services or social dislocation for more than one year. Significant loss of national heritage, community or cultural assets. Potential for significant long-term human health effects. | Very high economic losses affecting important infrastructure or services (e.g. highway, industrial facility, storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. High relocation/compensation to communities. <br> <USD 1B. |
{:[" Many "],[( > 100)]:}\begin{gathered} \text { Many } \\ (>100) \end{gathered}
Extreme economic losses affecting critical infrastructure or services (e.g. hospital, major industrial complex, major storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. Very high relocation/compensation to communities and very high social readjustment costs.
> USD 1B.| Extreme economic losses affecting critical infrastructure or services (e.g. hospital, major industrial complex, major storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. Very high relocation/compensation to communities and very high social readjustment costs. |
| :--- |
| $>$ USD 1B. |
Dam Failure Consequence Classification Incremental Losses
Potential Population at Risk Potential Loss of Life Environment Health, Social and Cultural Infrastructure and Economics
Extreme >1,000 " Many
( > 100)" Catastrophic loss of critical habitat or rare and endangered species. Process water highly toxic. Very high potential for acid rock drainage or metal leaching effects from released tailings. Potential area of impact > 20km. Restoration or compensation in kind impossible or requires a very long time (>20 years). 5,000 people affected by disruption of business, services or social dislocation for years. Significant national heritage or community facilities or cultural assets destroyed. Potential for severe and/or long-term human health effects. "Extreme economic losses affecting critical infrastructure or services (e.g. hospital, major industrial complex, major storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. Very high relocation/compensation to communities and very high social readjustment costs.
> USD 1B."| Dam Failure Consequence Classification | Incremental Losses | | | | |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| | Potential Population at Risk | Potential Loss of Life | Environment | Health, Social and Cultural | Infrastructure and Economics |
| Extreme | >1,000 | $\begin{gathered} \text { Many } \\ (>100) \end{gathered}$ | Catastrophic loss of critical habitat or rare and endangered species. Process water highly toxic. Very high potential for acid rock drainage or metal leaching effects from released tailings. Potential area of impact $>20 \mathrm{~km}$. Restoration or compensation in kind impossible or requires a very long time (>20 years). | 5,000 people affected by disruption of business, services or social dislocation for years. Significant national heritage or community facilities or cultural assets destroyed. Potential for severe and/or long-term human health effects. | Extreme economic losses affecting critical infrastructure or services (e.g. hospital, major industrial complex, major storage facilities for dangerous substances) or employment. Very high relocation/compensation to communities and very high social readjustment costs. <br> $>$ USD 1B. |
假设 Money Camp 镇和 Jerry Toe 镇的搬迁在采矿搬迁中得到考虑(10-100 人处于危险之中)(水流滑坡范围达到 Dugbe 采矿坑)。
假设 Money Camp 镇和 Jerry Toe 镇的搬迁在采矿搬迁中得到考虑(10-100 人处于危险之中)(水流滑坡范围达到 Dugbe 采矿坑)。
Site Potential Population at Risk Potential Loss of Life Environment Health, Social and Cultural Infrastructure and Economics
1 Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Dugbe River. Short-term human health effects High economic losses expected (infrastructure including the TSF, agricultural lands, etc.)
2 Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Geebo River. Dugbe mining pit activity disrupted, 1,000 people affected
3 Assuming Sackor Village is relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Assuming Sackor Village is relocated, the potential loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide does not reach Dugbe River. Short-term human health effects
4 Assuming Wiahsor, Joprokpo, and Wrenewen villages are relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Assuming Wiahsor, Joprokpo, and Wrenewen villages are relocated, the potential for loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Dugbe River.
5 Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Dugbe River.
6 Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Geebo River. | Site | Potential Population at Risk | Potential Loss of Life | Environment | Health, Social and Cultural | Infrastructure and Economics |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 1 | Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Dugbe River. | Short-term human health effects | High economic losses expected (infrastructure including the TSF, agricultural lands, etc.) |
| 2 | Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) | Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) | Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Geebo River. | Dugbe mining pit activity disrupted, 1,000 people affected | |
| 3 | Assuming Sackor Village is relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Assuming Sackor Village is relocated, the potential loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide does not reach Dugbe River. | Short-term human health effects | |
| 4 | Assuming Wiahsor, Joprokpo, and Wrenewen villages are relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Assuming Wiahsor, Joprokpo, and Wrenewen villages are relocated, the potential for loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Dugbe River. | | |
| 5 | Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential population at risk would include employees working on the TSF $(1-10)$ | Assuming Pluwehn town is relocated, the potential loss of life would include employees working on the TSF (1-10) | Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Dugbe River. | | |
| 6 | Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) | Assuming Money Camp Town and Jerry Toe Town relocation is accounted for in mining relocation (10-100 people at risk) (flow slide extent reaches Dugbe mining pit) | Process water expected to be highly toxic. Flow slide reaches the Geebo River. | | |
表 18-14:根据 TSF 选址进行的危害分类汇总表
Option| Site |
| :---: |
| Option |
at Risk
at Risk| Potential |
| :---: |
| Population |
| at Risk |
of Life
Potential Loss
of Life| Potential Loss |
| :---: |
| of Life |
Cultural| Health, |
| :---: |
| Social |
| and |
| Cultural |
Economics| Infrastructure |
| :---: |
| and |
| Economics |
Class| Consequence |
| :---: |
| Class |
Option" "Potential
at Risk" "Potential Loss
of Life" Environment "Health,
Cultural" "Infrastructure
Economics" "Consequence
1 Significant High Very High High High Very High
2 High Very High Very High Very High High Very High
3 Significant High Very High High High Very High
4 Significant High Very High High High Very High
5 Significant High Very High High High Very High
6 High Very High Very High Very High High Very High| Site <br> Option | Potential <br> Population <br> at Risk | Potential Loss <br> of Life | Environment | Health, <br> Social <br> and <br> Cultural | Infrastructure <br> and <br> Economics | Consequence <br> Class |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 1 | Significant | High | Very High | High | High | Very High |
| 2 | High | Very High | Very High | Very High | High | Very High |
| 3 | Significant | High | Very High | High | High | Very High |
| 4 | Significant | High | Very High | High | High | Very High |
| 5 | Significant | High | Very High | High | High | Very High |
| 6 | High | Very High | Very High | Very High | High | Very High |
TSF 1=90 ha
TSF 2=150ha| TSF $1=90$ ha |
| :--- |
| TSF $2=150 \mathrm{ha}$ |
不受限制,不允许从 TSF 排放
来自 TSF 的加工厂回水量
67%67 \% 泥浆回水
Runoff coefficient applied to water bodies and lined
surfaces| Runoff coefficient applied to water bodies and lined |
| :--- |
| surfaces |
Item Parameter Value
1 LOM 14 years
2 Particle-specific gravity of tailings product 2.8
3 Settled void ratio 1
4 Dry density of tailings 1.4t//m^(3)
5 % Solids by mass 43%
6 Interstitial water lock-up within deposited tailings 36% of slurry water volume
7 Normal operational pond size 1.0 m depth for pontoon operation
8 Catchment area of TSF "TSF 1=90 ha
TSF 2=150ha"
9 Pond size Unrestricted, not allowed to discharge from TSF
10 Process plant return water volume from TSF 67% of slurry water returns
11 "Runoff coefficient applied to water bodies and lined
surfaces" 1.0| Item | Parameter | Value |
| :---: | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | LOM | 14 years |
| 2 | Particle-specific gravity of tailings product | 2.8 |
| 3 | Settled void ratio | 1 |
| 4 | Dry density of tailings | $1.4 \mathrm{t} / \mathrm{m}^{3}$ |
| 5 | % Solids by mass | $43 \%$ |
| 6 | Interstitial water lock-up within deposited tailings | $36 \%$ of slurry water volume |
| 7 | Normal operational pond size | 1.0 m depth for pontoon operation |
| 8 | Catchment area of TSF | TSF $1=90$ ha <br> TSF $2=150 \mathrm{ha}$ |
| 9 | Pond size | Unrestricted, not allowed to discharge from TSF |
| 10 | Process plant return water volume from TSF | $67 \%$ of slurry water returns |
| 11 | Runoff coefficient applied to water bodies and lined <br> surfaces | 1.0 |
表 18-25:TSF 径流系数
Parameter Value
Month Tailings Liner
January 0.55 1
February 0.8 1
March 0.8 1
April 0.85 1
May 0.9 1
June 0.95 1
July 0.8 1
August 0.7 1
September 0.9 1
October 0.9 1
November 0.8 1
December 0.65 1| Parameter | | Value |
| :--- | :---: | :---: |
| Month | Tailings | Liner |
| January | 0.55 | 1 |
| February | 0.8 | 1 |
| March | 0.8 | 1 |
| April | 0.85 | 1 |
| May | 0.9 | 1 |
| June | 0.95 | 1 |
| July | 0.8 | 1 |
| August | 0.7 | 1 |
| September | 0.9 | 1 |
| October | 0.9 | 1 |
| November | 0.8 | 1 |
| December | 0.65 | 1 |
在 A 类采矿许可区域内不允许开展 C 类许可的作业,因此需要搬迁(基本上是无证的)个体和小型金矿作业。
没有 C 级许可证会使受项目影响的人在商定补偿和将其纳入生计恢复计划(LRP,将成为 RAP 流程的一部分)时更加复杂,需要由个体和小型金矿开采行动计划谨慎处理。
Money Camp 和 Jerry Toe 是最初为个体和小型金矿开采以及与个体和小型金矿开采相关的次级经济活动而形成的定居点。这些社区的人口流动性较大,有足够的灵活性搬迁到另一个有个体和小型金矿开采机会的地区。图宗堡是一个较为传统的个体和小型金矿开采社区,人口流动性较小,项目对流动性较小的个人生计的影响可能会更大。