Attacks <>)
43 Practise attack in Neutral with air
44 Practise attack in Neutral without air
45 Practise attack in Curbing
45 练习曲线攻击
46 Practise attack in Overdrive
47 Practise attack in Edge
47 边路练习攻击
48 Practise thinning and pianissimo
49 Increasing the volume (crescendo)
49 渐强 (渐强)
50 Decreasing the volume (decrescendo)
音量渐弱 (decrescendo)
51 Practise increasing and decreasing the volume (crescendo and decrescendo)
Various parts of the voiced)
52 Practise the extreme part of the voice: very low part of the voice
53 Practise the extreme part of the voice: very high part of the voice
53 练习声音的极端部分:声音的极高部分
54 Practise flexibility in connection with the various parts of the voice, sound colours, vowels, volume, and tempos
Exercises for the modes
Neutral ■<>)
中性 ■<>)
55 Neutral with air: EE-I-EH-A-OO-O-OH-AH-OE-UH
五五音 - 和空气: EE-I-EH-A-OO-O-OH-AH-OE-UH
56 Neutral without air
56 中性无空气
57 Single notes
57 个单人音符
58 5-note scale
585 音阶
59 Octave scale
59 平均律音阶
60 Arpeggios
61 Practise light sound colour in Neutral with air
62 Practise dark sound colour in Neutral with air
62 练习用自然音色的深色来表达中立
63 Practise light sound colour in Neutral without air
64 Practise dark sound colour in Neutral without air
65 Exercise in raising the larynx
66 Volume in Neutral: crescendo and decrescendo
67 Singing Neutral with air in low, medium and high part of the voice
67 用低、中、高音区的中性发声歌唱
68 Singing Neutral without air in low, medium and high part of the voice
68 低中高音區無空氣歌唱 中性
69 Neutral in classical singing
70 Finding metal-like Neutral
金属类似的中性 70
71 Single notes in metal-like Neutral
71 单音符,金属质感的 Neutral
72 curbing: T, 'O', 'UH'
72 抑制:T,'O','UH'
73 Single notes on T (as in 'sit')
73 单词 T 的笔记(如“坐”的)
74 Single notes on'0'(as in'woman')
75 Single notes on 'UH' (as in 'hungry')
75 个关于“UH”(如“饿了”)的单音节
76 The vowel 'EE' (as in 'see') in Curbing
77 The vowel f (as in 'sit') in Curbing
无须翻译: 77
78 The vowel 'EH' (as in 'stay') in Curbing
“EH” (如“stay”中的发音) 在 Curbing
79 The vowel 'A' (as in 'and') in Curbing
79 元音“A”(如“和”中的)在“遏制”中
80 The vowel '00' (as in 'you') in Curbing
80 在 Curbing 中元音'00' (如在'you'中)
81 The vowel '0' (as in 'woman') in Curbing
0 元音 '0'(如'女人'中的)在遏制中
82 The vowel 'OH' (as in 'so') in Curbing
“哦” 这个元音(如“所以”中的)在“遏制”中
83 The vowel 'AH' (as in 'far') in Curbing
84 The vowel 'OE' (as in 'herb') in Curbing
85 The vowel 'UH' (as in 'hungry') in Curbing
86 All vowels with clenched teeth: EE-I-EH-A-OO-O-OH-AH-OE-UH
;; 86 所有元音发音,嘴巴紧闭: EE-I-EH-A-OO-O-OH-AH-OE-UH
87 Keep the position of the larynx on T '0' and 'UH' practise same position from T to '0' and T to 'UH'
保持喉咙在 T 和'0'的位置上,从 T 到'0'和 T 到'UH'练习相同的位置
88 Keep the position of the larynx from T to 'EE' and Tto 'OO'and'l'to'OE'
保持喉咙的位置从 T 到 'EE' 和 T 到 'OO',以及从 'l' 到 'OE'
89 Keep the position of the larynx from 'UH' to 'OH' and Tto'EH'
89 将喉头位置从 'UH' 保持到 'OH' 和 'EH'
90 Curbing in the low part of the voice
91 3-note scale in Curbing
913 音阶 在 Curbing
92 5-note scale in Curbing
925 音阶,在 Curbing 中
93 Practise light sound colour in Curbing
94 Practise dark sound colour in Curbing
94 练习在抑制中使用深色声音
95 Singing in Curbing in low, medium and high part of the voice
96 Curbing in classical singing
96 抑制古典歌唱
Overdrive ■<>)
超速 ■<>)
97 Overdrive'EH'and'OH'
97 超速“EH”和“OH”
98 Single notes on'EH'(as in'let')
98 单音符在“EH”(如“let”中的发音)
99 Single notes on 'OH' (as in 'so')
99 关于“哦”的单个笔记(如“所以”)
100 The vowel 'EE' (as in 'see') in Overdrive
101 The vowel T (as in 'sit') in Overdrive
101T (在'sit'中的元音) 在超速档
102 The vowel 'EH' (as in 'stay') in Overdrive
102 在 Overdrive 中的元音“EH”(如“stay”中的发音)
103 The vowel 'A' (as in 'and') in Overdrive
103Overdrive 中元音“A”(如“and”中的)
104 The vowel '00' (as in 'you') in Overdrive
104 普通话中“'00'”(如“你”中的)的元音在 Overdrive 中
105 The vowel '0' (as in 'woman') in Overdrive
106 The vowel 'OH' (as in 'so') in Overdrive
OH 的元音 (如在“so” 中) 在超速档位中
107 The vowel 'AH' (as in 'far') in Overdrive
108 The vowel 'OE' (as in 'herb') in Overdrive
108“草药” 中的元音字母“OE”(如“herb” 中的)
109 The vowel 'UH' (as in 'hungry') in Overdrive
110 Alteration of vowels in Overdrive 'hey baby'
110 Overdrive 中的元音变化 '嘿宝贝'
111 Alteration of vowels in Overdrive 'I love you'
112 Overdrive in the low part of the voice
113 Powerful low notes
113 震撼的低音
114 3-note scale in Overdrive
1143 音符在超频情况下
115 5-note scale in Overdrive
1155 音阶在 Overdrive 中
116 Practise light sound colour in Overdrive
116 练习超速行驶的光声色
117 Practise dark sound colour in Overdrive
117 练习超速中的深色声音
118 Singing in Overdrive in the low, middle and high part of the voice (the high part of the voice is only sung by a male)
119 Overdrive in classical singing
120 EdgeT,'EH','A','OE'
121 Single notes on T (as in'sit')
121T 音的单音符(如'sit'中的音)
122 Single notes on 'EH' (as in 'stay')
122 单音符关于“eh”(如“停留”)
123 Single notes on'A'(as in'and')
123 单曲注释关于“A”(如“和”)
124 Single notes on 'OE' (as in 'herb')
单音节词 'OE' 发音 (如 'herb' 中的) 的注释
125 The vowel 'EE' (as in 'see') in Edge
125Edge 中的元音“EE”(如“see”中的)
126 The vowel T (as in 'sit') in Edge
126 元音 T(如“sit”中的发音)在 Edge 中
127 The vowel 'EH' (as in 'stay') in Edge
127 边缘的元音 EH(如在“stay”中)
128 The vowel'A'(as in'and') in Edge
128 边缘中的元音“A”(如“和”中的)
129 The vowel '00' (as in 'you') in Edge
129 英式英语中元音“00”(如“you”中的)
130 The vowel '0' (as in 'woman') in Edge
130 在 Edge 中的元音 '0'(如 'woman' 中的)
131 The vowel 'OH' (as in 'so') in Edge
131 边缘的元音“OH”(如“so”中的)
132 The vowel 'AH' (as in 'far') in Edge
132 辅音“AH”(如“远”中的发音)在 Edge 中
133 The vowel 'OE' (as in 'herb') in Edge
133Edge 中的元音 'OE'(如“herb”)
134 The vowel 'UH' (as in 'hungry') in Edge
135 Edge in the low part of the voice
135Edge 的低音部分
136 3-note scale in Edge
1363 音阶在 Edge 中
137 5-note scale in Edge
1375 音阶 在 Edge 中
138 Practise light sound colour in Edge
138 练习 Edge 中的光、声和颜色
139 Practise less light sound colour in Edge
139 在 Edge 中减少灯光、声音和颜色的练习
140 Singing in Edge in the low, medium, and high part of the voice
低、中、高音区在 Edge 中演唱
141 Edge in classical singing ONLY MALE EXAMPLE
141Edge 在古典音乐中,只展示男性
Exercise for use of the modes H>)
练习使用 H>模式
142 Practise-vowels
142 练习元音
143 Changing between Neutral and Overdrive
143 在空档和超速之间切换
144 From Overdrive to Edge
145 From Curbing to Edge
145 从遏制到边缘
146 From Curbing to Neutral without air
146 从限制到中立,不包含空气
147 Exercise at powerful volume
## 147 高强度练习
*Note: The number is preserved as the translation engine identifies it as a potential identifier. In different scenarios, adjustments might be necessary if the intended meaning differs*
148 Exercise at medium volume
在中等音量下进行 148 次练习
149 Exercise at soft volume
150 Exercise for crescendo
150 渐强练习
151 Exercise for decrescendo
151 渐强练习
152 Exercise for decrescendo and crescendo
152 渐强渐弱练习
153 Exercise for crescendo and decrescendo
153 渐强和渐弱练习
154 Alteration of vowels in Neutral with air
154 中性元音在空气中的变化
155 Alteration of vowels in Neutral without air
155 中立元音无空气改变
156 Alteration of vowels in Curbing
157 Alteration of vowels in Overdrive
157 元音在超速行驶中的改变
158 Alteration of vowels in Edge
158 元音在 Edge 中的改变
Speech Technique^)
159 Speaking in Neutral
160 Speaking in Overdrive
## 行驶中的 160 发言
161 Speaking in Curbing
161 谈话 遏制
162 Speaking in Edge
162 语音在 Edge
Sound Colour
The positions of the vocal tract in one mode ^>)
声门在一种模式中的位置 ^>)
163 DistincttwanginNeutralwithoutairforwomen and Curbing for men
163 种独特的男女通用中性音,不含空气感,男性克制
164 Necessary twang in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
164 必要的声音在中立语调中,女性无空气,男性轻微控制
165 Raised larynx in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
165 女性中立状态下无气举喉,男性中立状态下带气息举喉
166 Lowered larynx in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
女性放松喉咙,不发声; 男性收紧喉咙
167 Broad tongue in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
167 宽舌中性无气音女音和带阻音男音
168 Compressed tongue in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
168 中位女性含舌不送气,男性止送气
169 Smile in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
169 中性无空气女性微笑和男性约束
170 Relaxed mouth in Neutral withoutairforwomen and Curbing for men
171 Lowered palate in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
172 Raised palate in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
172 女性中立不带气音抬高上颚,男性则为制止音
173 Open nasal passage in Neutral without air for women and Curbing for men
173 开鼻音道,女性中立,男性抑制,无气流
Complete Vocal Technique © 2012 Cathrine Sadolin ■
完整声乐技巧 © 2012 Cathrine Sadolin ■