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ISO 6469-4:####(E)
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ISO(国际标准化组织)是国家标准机构(ISO 成员机构)的全球联合会。国际标准的编制工作通常由 ISO 技术委员会进行。对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的 E ac h 成员机构有权在该委员会中派代表。与 ISO 联络的政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作。ISO 与国际电工委员会 (IEC) 在电工标准化的所有事务上密切合作。
请注意,本文档的某些元素可能成为专利权的主题。ISO 不负责识别任何或所有此类专利权。在文档开发过程中确定的任何专利权的详细信息将包含在引言和/或收到的专利声明的 ISO 列表中(参见 www.iso.org/patents)。
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. 本文档中使用的任何商号均为为方便用户而提供的信息,不构成认可。
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT),see www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html 有关标准的自愿性、与合格评定相关的 ISO 特定术语和表述的含义,以及 ISO 在贸易技术壁垒 (TBT) 中遵守世界贸易组织 (WTO) 原则的信息,请参见 www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html.
This document was prepared by Technical CommitteeISO/TC22Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 37, Electrically propelled vehicles 本文件由 ISO/TC 22 道路车辆技术委员会 SC 37 电动车辆小组委员会编写.
This secondedition cancels and replaces the firstedition (ISO 6469-4:2015), which has been technically revised. 第二版取消并重新认可了第一版 (ISO 6469-42015),该版本已经过技术修订。
The main changes are as follows: 主要变化如下:
— requirements for post-crash safety were revised. — 修订了碰撞后安全的要求。
A list of all parts in the ISO 6469 series can be found on the ISO website. ISO 6469 系列中所有部件的列表 可以在 ISO 网站上找到。
Any feedbACk or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso.org/members.html 本文档中的任何 feedbACk 或问题都应直接提交给用户的国家标准机构。 这些尸体的完整清单可以在 www.iso.org/members.html 中找到.
ISO 6469-4:####(E)
国际标准化组织 (ISO) 提请注意,据称遵守本文件可能涉及使用专利。
ISO 对该专利权的证据、有效性和范围不持任何立场。
该专利权的持有人已向 ISO 保证,他/她愿意以合理和非歧视的条款与世界各地的申请人协商许可。在这方面,该专利权持有人的声明已在 ISO 注册。信息可从 www.iso.org/patents 提供的专利数据库中获得
ISO 6469 的这一部分规定了电力推进系统和电力推进道路车辆的感应连接辅助电气系统的安全要求,以保护车内和车外的人员。它规定了车辆碰撞后条件的电气安全要求。
它适用于电压等级为 B 的电动道路车辆。
它没有指定任何碰撞测试程序。ISO 6469 这一部分的安全要求适用于符合国家或地区公布的 d c皮疹测试程序的适用车辆。适用车辆是这些碰撞测试程序中明确指定的车辆。
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for first responders, emergency services, maintenance, and repair personnel. 它不为急救人员、紧急服务、维护和维修人员提供全面的安全信息。
Normative references 规范性参考文献
Two options of text (remove the inappropriate option). 两个文本选项(删除不适当的选项)。
1)The normative references shall be introduced by the following wording. 1)规范性参考应由以下措辞引入。
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 以下文档在文本中的引用方式使其部分或全部内容构成本文档的要求。对于注明日期的参考文献,仅引用的版本适用。对于未注明日期的参考文献,适用参考文件的最新版本(包括任何修订)。
ISO 64693, Electrically propelled road vehicles — Safety specifications — Part 3: Protection of persons against electric shock ISO 64693,电动道路车辆 - 安全规范 - 第 3 部分 :人员防触电保护
ISO 20653, Road vehicles — Degrees of protection (IP code) — Protection of electrical equipment against foreign objects, water and ACcess ISO 20653,道路车辆 — 防护等级(IP 代码) — 电气设备免受异物、水和交流电的影响
2)If no references exist, include the following phrase below the clause title: 2)如果不存在引用,请在子句标题下方包含以下短语:
There are no normative references in this document. 本文档中没有规范性参考。
Terms and definitions 术语和定义
Four options of text (remove the inappropriate options). 四个文本选项(删除不适当的选项)。
1)If all the specific terms and definitions are provided in Clause 3, use the following introductory text: 1)如果第 3 条中提供了所有特定术语和定义,请使用以下介绍性文本:
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 就本文档而言,以下术语和定义适用。
2)If reference is given to an external document, use the following introductory text: 2)如果引用外部文档,请使用以下介绍性文本:
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in [external document reference xxx] apply. 就本文件而言,[外部文件参考 xxx]中给出的术语和定义 适用。
3)If terms and definitions are provided in Clause 3, in addition to a reference to an external document, use the following introductory text: 3)如果第 3 条中提供了术语和定义,则除了对外部文档的引用外,还应使用以下介绍性文本:
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in [external document reference xxx] and the following apply. 就本文档而言,[外部文档参考 xxx] 中给出的术语和定义以及以下内容适用。
4)If there are no terms and definitions provided, use the following introductory text: 4)如果未提供术语和定义,请使用以下介绍性文本:
No terms and definitions are listed in this document. 本文档中未列出任何术语和定义。
The textbelow is always included after eACh option: 以下文本始终包含在 eACh 选项之后:
ISO and IEC maintain terminologydatabases for use in standardization at the following addresses: ISO 和 IEC 在以下地址维护用于标准化的术语数据库:
on-board vehicle system, other than the propulsion system, which operates on electric energy 利用电能运行的车载系统,推进系统除外
Note 1 to entry: Text of the note. 注释 1 to entry:注释的文本。
[SOURCE: …] [来源: ...]
barrier 障碍
part providing protection against direct contact from any usual direction of access 提供保护以防止来自任何通常交流方向的直接交流的部件
conductive part 导电部分
part capable of conducting electric current 能够传导电流的部件
3.4 3,4
direct contact 直接 连续交流T
contact of persons with live parts 带电部分人员的连续
3.5 3,5
electric chassis 电动底盘
conductive parts of a vehicle that are electrically connected and whose potential is taken as reference 车辆中电连接且其电位作为参考的导电部件
3.6 3,6
electric drive 电力驱动
combination of traction motor, power electronics, and their associated controls for the conversion of electric to mechanical power and vice versa 传动电机、电力电子器件及其相关的直流控制器的组合,用于将电力转换为机械动力,反之亦然
3.7 3.7
electric shock 电击
physiological effect resulting from an electric current passing through a human body 电流通过人体产生的生理效应
3.8 3.8
electrically propelled vehicle 电动推进车辆
vehicle with at least one electric drive for vehicle propulsion 至少具有一个用于车辆推进的电力驱动的车辆
3.9 3.9
enclosure 外壳
part providing protection of equipment against direct contact from any direction 为设备提供保护部件,防止来自任何方向的直接连续交流
3.10 3,10 元
Exposed conductive part Exposed c本能部分
conductive part of the electric equipment, that can be touched by a test finger according to IPXXB (see ISO 20653) after removing barriers/enclosures that can be removed without using tools and that is not normally live, but which may become live under fault conditions 电气设备的导电部分,在移除障碍物/外壳后,可以用符合 IPXXB(参见 ISO 20653)的测试指交流电触摸,这些障碍物/外壳无需使用工具即可拆除,通常不是带电的,但在故障条件下可能会带电
3.11 3.11%
isolation resistance 隔离电阻
resistance between live parts of voltage class B electric circuit and the electric chassis as well as the voltage class A system 电压 B 类电路的带电部件与电气底盘以及 A 级电压系统之间的电阻
line conductor 线导体
conductor which is electrically energized in normal operation and capable of contributing to the transmission or distribution of electric energy 在正常运行时通电且有助于电能传输或分配的直流电的导体
live part Live 部分
conductor or conductive part intended to be electrically energized in normal operation 在正常运行中打算通电的导体或导电部件
maximum working voltage 最大工作电压
highest value of AC. voltage (rms) or of DC. voltage which may occur in an electric system under any normal operating conditions according to manufacturer's specifications, disregarding transients 在任何正常工作条件下,电气系统中可能出现的最高交流电压 (rms) 或直流电压值 交流电符合制造商的交流电规范,不考虑瞬态
potential equalisation 电位均衡
electric connections of exposed conductive parts of the electric equipment to minimize differences in potential between these parts 电气设备的外露DC 感应部件的电气连接,以最大限度地减少这些部件之间的电位差
rechargeable energy storage system 可充电储能系统
system that stores energy for delivery of electric energy for vehicle propulsion and which is rechargeable 储存能量以输送车辆推进电能且可充电的系统
EXAMPLEBattery, capacitors. 示例电池,交流电容器。
voltage class A 电压等级 A
classification of an electric component or circuit with a maximum working voltage of ≤30 V AC. (rms) or ≤60 V DC. respectively 最大工作电压为 ≤30 V AC 的电子元件或电路的分类。(rms) 或 ≤60 V DC
voltage class B 电压等级 B
classification of an electric component or circuit with a maximum working voltage of (>30 and ≤1 000) V AC. (rms) or (>60 and ≤1 500) V DC. respectively 最大工作电压为 (>30 和 ≤1 000) V AC 的电子元件或电路的分类。(rms) 或 (>60 和 ≤1 500) V DC
X-capacitors X-cap交流电
capacitors located between line conductors of different polarity 位于不同极性的线路导体之间的CAPAC Itor
Y-capacitors Y 型电容交流电
capacitors located between line conductor and electric chassis 位于线路导体和电气机箱之间的CAPAC itor
Energy Safety Limit 能源安全限制
Safe energy limit for capacitor discharge that flows through human body when a person touches the high voltage bus 当人触摸高压总线时流经人体的电容器放电的安全能量限制.
NOTE The values in the table are derived from b and C1 line in Figure 22 of IEC60479-1 (2018) and Figure 23 of IEC60479-2 (2017). 注意 表中的值来自 IEC60479-1 (2018) 的图 22 和 IEC60479-2 (2017) 的图 23 中的 b 和 C1 线。
Capacitor voltage: Vc (V) 电容器电压:VC (V)
Energy Safety Limit: Esl(J) 能源安全ty Limit: Esl(J)
Vc< 245
0.2 0,2%
245 ≤ Vc< 612
612 ≤ Vc
first responder 第一响应者
individual who is authorized, trained and qualified to provide primary response to victims of a traffic accident, fire or submersion 获得授权、培训和资格为交通事故、火灾或淹水的受害者提供主要响应的个人
Note 1 to entry: Included, but not limited to, fire departments, rescue squads, emergency medical personnel, law enforcement personnel, and in some instances military personnel where the personnel are trained in assessing and treating injuries. 入境注 1:包括但不限于消防部门、救援队、紧急医务人员、执法人员,以及在某些情况下受过评估和治疗伤害培训的军事人员。
second responder 第二个响应者
individual who is authorized, trained and qualified to take care of vehicles after they have been subject to a traffic accident, fire or submersion 获得授权、培训并有资格在车辆发生交通事故、火灾或淹没后照顾车辆的个人
Applied crash test procedures 应用d c皮疹测试程序
The safety requirements of this part of ISO6469 shall apply in accordance with the published crash test procedures of a country or region for vehicles or test configurations which are explicitly specified in these crash test procedures. ISO6469本部分的安全要求 应与这些碰撞测试程序中明确规定的国家或地区发布的车辆或测试配置的d c鲁莽测试程序相一致。
Electric safety requirements 电气安全要求
General 常规
The following requirements shall be fulfilled after a vehicle crash test or after a crash test with a test configuration according to 4. 在车辆碰撞测试后或在测试配置 ac为 4 的 c鲁莽测试后,应满足以下要求。
NOTERetention of voltage class B components, e.g. RESS, is not covered in this part of ISO6469 because it is not relevant for electrical safety. 注意 ISO6469 的这一部分未涵盖电压 B 级组件(例如 RESS)的保留,因为它与电气安全无关。
5.2 Protection against electric shock 5.2 防触电保护
5.2.1 General 5.2.1 常规
After the crash test at least one of the criteria specified in 5.2.2 through 5.2.5 shall be met for each voltage class B electric circuit. This includes all voltage class B electric circuits which are disconnected or electrically separated by an automatic disconnect function or device(s)in post-crash situations. For different parts of a circuit, different criteria specified in 5.2.2 through 5.2.5 may apply. 碰撞试验后,对于交流h 电压 B 类电路,应至少满足 5.2.2 至 5.2.5 中规定的标准之一。这包括所有电压等级 B 的电路,这些电路在碰撞后通过自动断开功能或设备进行断开或电气隔离。对于 circuit 的不同部分,可能适用 5.2.2 到 5.2.5 中指定的不同标准。
If it is agreed with the testing authority with valid reason, the test iscan beperformed under the condition that part(s) of the voltage class B electric circuits are not electrically energized because of specific crash test conditions different from normal operation. In this case, the protection against electric shock shall be proved by either 5.2.3 or 5.2.4 for the relevant part(s). Examples for such specific test conditions are as follows: 如果与测试机构达成一致并有正当理由, 则可以在电压 B 类电路的一部分由于与正常运行不同的特定碰撞测试条件而不通电的情况下进行测试。 在这种情况下,相关部件的防触电保护应由 5.2.3 或 5.2.4 证明。此类特定测试条件的示例如下:
—fuel cell vehicle crash test performed with alternative fuel; —使用替代燃料进行的燃料电池汽车碰撞测试;
—crash test performed with energy sources disconnected by activation of the automatic disconnectionprior to the crash test. —在碰撞测试之前通过自动断开的激活断开能源的情况下进行碰撞测试。
NOTE1Electronic switches can be used for disconnection. 注1电子开关可用于断开连接。
Though coupling systems for charging the RESS is not energized when the test is performed, four criteria in 5.2.2 through 5.2.5 can be applied. 虽然在执行测试时,用于为 RESS 充电的耦合系统没有通电,但可以应用 5.2.2 到 5.2.5 中的四个标准。
NOTE2As the coupling system for charging is end up being energized and having high voltage in failure situations, 5.2.2 or 5.2.5 can also be applied as criteria. 注2由于充电耦合系统最终通电并在故障情况下具有高电压,因此 5.2.2 或 5.2.5 也可以作为标准应用。
5.2.2Voltage limitAbsence of high voltage 5.2.2电压限制没有高电压
The voltages Vb, V1, and V2 (see Figure 1) of the voltage class B electric circuits shall be equal to or less than 30 V AC (rms) or 60 V DC at a point in time tm which is specified as 电压 B 类电路的电压 Vb、V1和 V2(见图 1)在时间点 t m 应等于或小于 30 V AC (rms) 或 60 V DC ,具体指定为
—either 10 s after the initial impact, if the vehicle comes to rest within 5 s after the initial impact, or —初始 IMP AC T 后 10 秒,如果车辆在初始 IMP AC T 后 5 秒内停止,或
—5 s after the vehicle comes to rest, if the vehicle does not come to rest within 5 s after the initial impactany time between 10s and 60s after the impact and the passenger compartment meets the physical protection requirements as described in 5.2.4. —车辆静止后 5 秒,如果车辆在初始撞击后 5 秒内没有停止,并且在撞击后 10 秒至 60 秒之间,乘客舱满足 5.2.4 中描述的物理保护要求。
NOTE"tm" is a probable time when a person can touch live parts after the impact. Therefore, a safe state needs to be achieved by tm. 10s is a time to prevent passengers in the cabin from getting electric shock. 60s is a time when first responders may access the damaged vehicle and start rescue work. Then, in the case that passenger safety is assured by physical protection, “tm” can be any time between 10s and 60s specified by the vehicle manufacturer 注意:“tm”是撞击后人可以触摸带电部件的可能时间。因此,需要通过 tm 来实现安全状态。10s 是防止机舱内乘客触电的时间。60 年代是急救人员可以接近受损车辆并开始救援工作的时候。然后,在通过物理保护确保乘客安全的情况下,“tm”可以是车辆制造商指定的 10 秒到 60 秒之间的任何时间.
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with 7.2.2. 合规性应根据 7.2.2 进行测试。
5.2.3 Isolation resistance 5.2.3 隔离电阻 General 常规
The isolation resistance shall fulfil the requirements according to and 隔离电阻应满足 和 的要求。
If direct contact to one potential of the voltage class B electric circuit is possible, the energy in Y-capacitors, TEy, as calculated in shall be less than 0,2 J. 如果可以直接连续到电压等级 B 电路的一个电位,则 中计算的 Y 电容交流电 TEy中的能量应小于 0,2 J。
NOTEA potential body current caused by Y-capacitors is not limited by isolation resistance. 注意:Y 型电容交流电阻引起的潜在体电流不受隔离电阻的限制。
The isolation resistance criterion shall not apply if direct contact to more than one single potential of a part of the voltage class B electric circuit is possible; see 5.2.4 (physical protection). However, isolation resistance criterion is applicable if the voltage difference between those accessible live parts meets the voltage limit specified in 5.2.2 or the potential energy between them meets the energy limit specified in 5.2.5. 如果可以直接接触 B 类电压电路的一部分的多个单个电位,则隔离电阻标准不适用;参见 5.2.4(物理保护)。 但是,如果这些交流可触及的带电部件之间的电压差满足 5.2.2 中规定的电压限制,或者它们之间的势能满足 5.2.5 中规定的能量限制,则适用隔离电阻标准。
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with 7.2.3. 合规性应根据 7.2.3 进行测试。
If test procedures include a static rollover test after a crash, evaluation of isolation resistance can be conducted before, during, and/or after the rollover test. 如果测试程序包括 c rash 后的静态翻滚测试,则可以在翻滚测试之前、期间和/或之后进行隔离电阻评估。 Separated DC and AC voltage class B electric circuits 分离的直流和交流电压 B 类电路
If the AC voltage class B electric circuits and the DC voltage class B electric circuits are not conductively connected to each other, isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 Ω/V for DC circuits, and a minimum value of 500 Ω/V for AC circuits. 如果交流电压 B 类电路和直流电压 B 类电路未导电连接到其他交流电路,则隔离电阻除以最大工作电压,直流电路的最小值为 100 Ω/V,交流电路的最小值为 500 Ω/V 。 Combined DC and AC voltage class B electric circuits 直流 和交流电压组合 B 类电路
If the AC voltage class B electric circuits and the DC voltage class B electric circuits are conductively connected, they shall meet one of the following requirements: 如果交流电压 B 类电路和直流电压 B 类电路是导电连接的,则应满足以下要求之一:
a)isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 500 Ω/V; 一)隔离电阻除以最大工作电压,最小值应为 500 Ω/V;
b)isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 Ω/V and the AC circuit meets the physical protection as described in 5.2.4; 湾)隔离电阻除以最大工作电压,最小值为 100 Ω/V,交流电路满足 5.2.4 规定的物理保护;
c)isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 Ω/V and the AC circuit meets the voltage limit as described in 5.2.2; c)隔离电阻除以最大工作电压,最小值为 100 Ω/V,交流电路满足 5.2.2 中所述的电压限制;
d)isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 Ω/V and the AC circuit meets the electrical energy limit as specified in 5.2.5. d)隔离电阻除以最大工作电压,最小值为 100 Ω/V,交流 电路满足 5.2.5 中规定的电能限制。
5.2.4 Physical protection 5.2.4 物理保护
For protection against direct contact with voltage class B live parts, the protection degree IPXXB in accordance with ISO 20653 shall be provided compliance shall be tested in accordance with 为了防止电压等级为 B 的带电部件的直接连续交流,应根据 ISO 20653 提供交流一致性的 IPXXB 防护等级,应根据 的交流一致性进行测试。
In addition, one of the following requirements [a) or b)] shall be fulfilled: 此外,还应满足以下要求 [a) 或 b)] 之一:
Protection against direct contact in and protection against indirect contact in shall be provided. 应在 中提供针对直接接触的保护,在 中提供针对间接接触的保护。
Limitation of voltage between exposed conductive parts specified in may also be fulfilled if it is required by the testing authority 如果测试机构要求,也可以满足 中规定的外露导电部件之间的电压限制.
If test procedures include a rollover test after crash, evaluation of physical protection shall be conducted after and might be additionally conducted before the rollover test. 如果测试程序包括碰撞后的翻车测试,则应在翻车测试之后进行物理保护评估,并可能在翻车测试之前额外进行。 Protection against direct contact 防止直接接触
The protection degree IPXXB in accordance with ISO 20653 shall be provided to high voltage live parts. 应为高压带电部件提供符合 ISO 20653 的 IPXXB 防护等级。
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with 应根据 对合规性进行测试。 Protection against indirect contact 防止间接接触
For the potential equalization, the resistance between all exposed conductive parts and electrical chassis shall be lower than 0.1 Ω and the resistance between any two simultaneously reachable exposed conductive parts that are less than 2.5 m from each other shall be lower than 0.2 Ω measured withthe current flow of at least 0.2 A. 为了进行电位均衡,所有裸露的导电部件与电气底盘之间的电阻应低于 0.1 Ω,任意两个可同时触及的裸露导电部件之间的电阻应低于 0.2 Ω ,电流至少为 0.2 A。
The resistance of the potential equalization path may be calculated using separately measured resistances of the relevant portions onthe electric path.The path shall be clarified in accordance with the manufacturer’s discretion, e.g. using diagrams, etc. 电位均衡路径的 电阻可以使用单独测量的电气拍打 h 上相关参数的电阻来计算,路径应根据制造商的判断进行澄清,例如使用图表等。
a)The potential equalisation paths intended by design shall be clarified in advance in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification, e.g. using diagrams, etc. The potential equalisation paths intended by design are the relevant electric connections or potential equalisation in accordance with ISO 64693 for the vehicle as built. The resistance between all exposed conductive parts and the electric chassis shall be less than or equal to 0,1 Ω. This requirement is deemed to be satisfied if the connection is established and maintained by welding. Compliance shall be tested in accordance with 一)设计所设的电位均衡路径应根据制造商的规范提前阐明,例如使用图表等。设计所预期的电位均衡路径是符合 所制造车辆的 ISO 6469 3 的相关电气连接或电位均衡。所有外露的感应部件与电动底盘之间的电阻应小于或等于 0,1 Ω。 如果通过焊接建立并保持连接,则视为满足此要求。合规性应根据 进行测试。
In addition, one of the following requirements shall be fulfilled. 此外,还应满足以下要求之一。
—A short circuit current, if any, shall be interrupted. —短路电流(如有)应中断。
—The isolation resistance divided by the maximum working voltage shall be ≥0,01 Ω/V for DC. circuits or 0,05 Ω/V for AC. circuits. This requirement is deemed to be satisfied if the system meets isolation requirements in 5.2.3. Compliance shall be tested in accordance with —直流电路的隔离电阻除以最大工作电压应为 ≥0.01 Ω/V,交流电路应为 0.05 Ω/V。如果系统满足 5.2.3 中的隔离要求,则视为满足此要求。合规性应根据 进行测试。
b)At tm (see 5.2.2), the voltage between any two exposed conductive parts that can be touched simultaneously by a person shall be equal to or less than 30 V AC. or 60 V DC.. Compliance shall be tested in accordance with b)在 tm(见 5.2.2)时,一个人可以同时触摸的任意两个外露直流感应部件之间的电压应等于或小于 30 V AC或 60 V DC.. 合规性应根据 进行测试。
NOTEFor overcurrent protection see 5.3. 注意: 有关过流保护,请参见 5.3。 Limitation of voltage between exposed conductive parts外露导电部件之间的电压限制
The voltage between all exposed conductive parts and electrical chassis and the voltage between any two simultaneously reachable exposed conductive parts that are less than 2.5 m from each other shall be less than or equal to 30 V AC (rms) or 60 V DC 所有裸露的导电部件与电气机箱之间的电压以及任意两个可同时触及的裸露导电部件之间的电压,彼此相距小于 2.5 m 应小于或等于 30 V AC (rms) 或 60 V DC.
5.2.5 Electrical energy limitLow electrical energy 5.2.5 电能限制电能低
At tm (see 5.2.2), the total energy stored in X- and Y-capACitors shall meet the following requirement: (TEd + TEdyr), (TEd + TEyr), or (TEx + TEy) shall be less than 0,2 J. 在 tm 时(参见 5.2.2),存储在 X 帽和 Y帽交流电处理器中的总能量应满足以下要求:(TEd + TEdyr)、(TEd + TEyr) 或 (TEx + TEy) 应小于 0.2 J。
—TEd is the measured electrical energy of X- and Y-capACitors (see —TEd 是测得的 X 帽和 Y帽交流电能(见。
—TEdyr is the measured remaining electrical energy of Y-capACitors (see —TEdyr 是测得的 Y 电容交流电能(参见。
—TEyr is the calculated remaining electrical energy in Y-capACitors (see —TEyr 是计算出的 Y 帽交流电能(参见
—TEx is the calculated stored electrical energy in X-capACitors (see —TEx 是计算出的 X-cap交流电能中存储的电能(参见。
—TEy is the calculated stored electrical energy in Y-capACitors (see —TEy 是计算出的 Y电容交流电能(参见。
NOTEThe criterion of 0,2 J is based on IEC/TS 60479–1:2005, Figure 22 anDConsideringcapACitor discharge charACteristics 注 0,2 J 的标准基于 IEC/TS 60479–1:2005,图 22 和 DConsidering capACitor 放电特性.
At tm (see 5.2.2), the total energy left in X-capacitors (TEx) that can flow through human body when a person touches plus and minus terminals of a high voltage system shall be less than Energy Safety Limit (3.XX) 在 tm(参见 5.2.2)时,当一个人触摸高压系统的正负端子时,可以流经人体的 X 电容器 (TEx) 中剩余的总能量应小于能源安全限值 (3.XX).
NOTE1 When touching plus and minus terminals, Y-capacitors are also discharged. However, compared to X-capacitors’ discharge amount, Y-capacitors’ discharge is little and it has an insignificant effect 注 1 当触摸正负端子时,Y 电容器也会放电。然而,与 X 电容器的放电量相比,Y 电容器的放电量很小,影响不大.
In addition, the energy left in Y-capacitors (TEy) that can flow through human body when a person touches plus (or minus) terminals and vehicle chassis shall also be less than Energy Safety Limit (3.XX). 此外,当人们触摸正(或负)端子和车辆底盘时,Y-电容器 (TEy) 中可流经人体的剩余能量也应 小于能源安全限值 (3.XX)。
NOTE2Though X-capacitors may be dischargedto less than 60V by a vehiclesystem, residual energy still may exist in Y-capacitors, making the Y-capacitors’voltage more than 60 V. In this case, if the residual energy in Y-capacitors is below Energy Safety Limit, it can be determined to be safe even if the voltage is more than 60V. NOTE2尽管 X 电容器可以通过车辆系统放电到 60V 以下 ,但 Y 电容器中仍然存在剩余能量,使Y 电容器的电压超过 60 V。在这种情况下,如果Y 电容器中的剩余能量低于能源安全限值,即使电压超过 60V,也可以确定它是安全的。
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with 10.2.5 应根据 10.2.5 对合规性进行测试.
5.3 Protection against overcurrent 5.3 过电流保护
A potential overcurrent shall not lead to a hazardous situation after the crash test. This requirement is deemed to be satisfied if overcurrent protection is provided. 碰撞测试后,潜在的过电流不应导致危险情况。如果提供过流保护,则视为满足此要求。
RESS electrolyte spillage RESS 电解液溢出
Requirements in 6.1 and 6.2 shall be met depending on the electrolyte type. 根据电解液类型,应满足 6.1 和 6.2 中的要求。
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with 10.3 应根据 10.3 对合规性进行测试.
If test procedures include a rollover test after crash, RESS electrolyte spillage during the rollover test shall also be included. 如果测试程序包括碰撞后的翻车测试,则还应包括翻车测试期间的 RESS 电解液溢出。
6.1 In case of aqueous electrolyte RESS 6.1 使用水性电解质 RESS 时
In the period from the impact until 60 min after the initial impact, no electrolyte from the RESS shall spill into the passenger compartment and not more than 7% with a maximum of5 l of electrolyte shall spill outside of the passenger compartment. 从注射到 initial imp ac t 后 60 分钟的时间内,RESS 的电解液不得溢出到乘客舱内,并且不得超过 7%,最多5 升电解液不得溢出到乘客舱外。
If test procedures include a rollover test after crash, RESS electrolyte spillage during the rollover test shall also be included. 如果测试程序包括碰撞后的翻车测试,则还应包括翻车测试期间的 RESS 电解液溢出。
6.2 In case of non-aqueous electrolyte RESS 6.2 在非水性电解质 RESS 的情况下
In the period from the impact until 60 min after the impact, no electrolyte from the RESS shall spill into the passenger compartment and outside of the passenger compartment. 从撞击到撞击后 60 分钟内,RESS 的电解液不得溢出到乘客舱和乘客舱外。
7. REESS retention 7. REESS 保留
Outer casing of REESS shall remain attached to the vehicle by at least one component anchorage, bracket, or any structure that transfers loads from REESS to the vehicle structure, and REESS located outside the passenger compartment shall not enter the passenger compartment. REESS 的外壳应通过至少一个组件锚固、支架或任何将负载从 REESS 传递到车辆结构的结构保持与车辆相连,并且位于乘客舱外的 REESS 不得进入乘客舱。
8. Fire hazard 8. 火灾危险
For a period of 60 min after the impact, there shall be no evidence of fire or explosion of the REESS. 在撞击后 60 m的时间内,不应有 REESS 起火或爆炸的迹象。
9 Supplementary information for 1st and 2nd responders 9 第 1 响应者和第 2 响应者的补充信息
Special information for vehicle handling and electrical safety after an ACcident shall be provided for first responders and emergency services by appropriate documentation. 应通过适当的文件为急救人员和紧急服务人员提供ACCIDENT后车辆处理和电气安全的特殊信息。
Special information for vehicle transport and further vehicle use after an ACcident shall be provided by appropriate documentation. 有关车辆运输和确认后进一步车辆使用的特殊信息 ,应提供适当的文件。
Special information on electrical safety for vehicle repair after an ACcident shall be provided by appropriate documentation. 有关车辆维修后电气安全的特殊信息 应由适当的文件提供。
Vehicle manufactures shall provide necessary information for 1st and 2nd responders to ensure safety during rescue work and other operations after accidents. 车辆制造商应为第一和第二响应者提供必要的信息,以确保事故发生后在救援工作和其他 操作期间的安全。
Vehicle manufacturers shall prepare Emergency Response Guide (ERG) and Rescue Sheet and make them easily accessible to related third parties through the internet or other communication platforms. 车辆制造商应准备应急响应指南 (ERG) 和救援表,并通过互联网或其他通信平台使相关第三方易于访问。
Information provided by ERG and Rescue Sheet shall include, but not limited to, those items below. ERG 和 Rescue Sheet 提供的信息应包括但不限于以下项目。
-High voltage system identification measures -高压系统识别措施
-Manual shutdown procedures for high voltage propulsion systems and fuel cell systems -高压推进系统和燃料电池系统的手动关机程序 (Manual shutdown procedures for high voltage propulsion systems and fuel cell systems)
-Measures for vehicle fire and vehicle submersion -车辆火灾和车辆浸没对策
-Measures for vehicle stabilization, towing, transportation and storage -车辆稳定、牵引、运输和储存措施
-Recommendation of appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) - 推荐适当的 PPE(个人防护设备)
NOTE1 ISO17840 series has been developed and revised to standardize the contents and formats of ERG and Rescue sheets that varied a lot depending on countries, regions and manufacturers. Unified format and contents are useful for easy understanding by 1st and 2nd responders. NOTE1 ISO17840 系列经过开发和修订,以标准化 ERG 和 Rescue 表的内容和格式,这些内容和格式因国家、地区和制造商而异。统一的格式和内容 有助于第一响应者和第二响应者轻松理解。
NOTE2 ERGs include detailed necessary and useful information for 1st and 2nd responder safety during the operation after vehicle crash, fire and submersion. ISO17840-3 specifies ERG's format and required items. NOTE2 ERG 包括详细的必要和有用的信息,以确保第一和第二响应者在车辆碰撞、火灾和浸水中后操作期间的安全。 ISO17840-3 指定 ERG 的格式 和必需的项目。
NOTE3 Rescue sheet is for checking at accident sites by 1st and 2nd responders. Contents are extracted from ERGs and summarized for easy understanding. ISO17840-1 specifies Rescue sheet's template and required items 注 3 救援表供第 1 和第 2 响应者在事故现场进行检查。内容从 ERG 中提取并进行汇总,以便于理解。ISO17840-1 指定 Rescue sheet 的模板和必需的项目.
10 Testing 10 测试
10.1Test conditions 10.1测试条件
10.1.1 General 10.1.1 常规
The environmental conditions during the test shall be according to the crash test procedures as defined in Clause 4 试验期间的环境条件应符合第 4 条中规定的碰撞试验程序.
For the preparation of the vehicle or the test configuration (see Clause 4) the conditions specified in 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 shall apply. 对于车辆的准备或测试配置(参见第 4 条 ),应适用10.1.2 和 10.1.3中规定的条件。
For the evaluation of electric safety, test procedures specified in 10.2 shall apply. 对于电气安全性的评估,应适用 10.2 中规定的标准程序。
The voltmeter used in the tests shall have an internal resistance of at least 10 MΩ. 测试中使用的电压表的内阻至少为 10 MΩ。
10.1.2 Preparation of vehicle or test configuration 10.1.2 准备车辆或测试配置
The RESS shall be at any state of charge, which allows the normal operation of the power train as recommended by the manufacturer. RESS 应处于任何充电状态,以允许制造商建议的动力总成正常运行。
The state of charge (SOC) of the RESS shall be adjusted in accordance with R ESS 的充电状态 (SOC)应根据 进行调整。
Prior to the vehicle crash test, the voltage class B electric circuit shall be electrically energized according to normal operating conditions. For exemptions, see 10.1.3 在车辆碰撞试验之前,电压 B 级电路应根据正常工作条件通电。有关豁免,请参阅 10.1.3.
If an automatic disconnect exists, the test can be performed with the automatic disconnect being opened before the crash test. In this case, the demonstration of the activation of the automatic disconnect might be required if 5.2.3 is applied to the electrical load, depending on the limit chosen for the isolation resistance. The demonstration shall include monitoring of automatic activation signal as well as the proper operation of the automatic disconnect under similar conditions according to the crash test. 如果存在自动断开连接,则可以在碰撞测试之前打开自动断开连接来执行测试。在这种情况下,如果 5.2.3 应用于电气负载,则可能需要演示自动断开的启动 ,具体取决于为隔离电阻选择的限值。演示应包括自动交流信号的监控以及在碰撞测试的类似条件下自动断开的正确操作。
Modifications necessary for the measurement can be carried out such as installation of measurement lines, disabling of isolation monitoring device, change of software, etc. These modifications shall not have significant influence on the results of the measurement. 可以进行测量所需的修改,例如安装测量线、禁用隔离监控设备、更改软件等。这些修改不会对测量结果产生重大影响。
The fuel supply system can be modified so that an appropriate amount of fuel can be used to run an internal combustion engine or a fuel cell system, to the extent permissible under the applicable crash test procedure. 在适用的碰撞测试程序允许的范围内,可以修改燃料供应系统,以便使用适量的燃料来运行内燃机或燃料电池系统。
NOTEThe purpose to run the internal combustion engine or the fuel cell system is to electrically energize the voltage class B electric circuit. 注意 运行内燃机或燃料电池系统的目的是为电压 B 类电路供电。 Procedures for SOC adjustment. SOC 调整程序。
The SOC of the RESS shall be adjusted according to one of the following procedures. RESS 的 SOC 应根据以下程序之一进行调整。
(a) For a vehicle with a RESS designed to be externally charged, the REESS shall be charged to no less than 95 percent of the highest SOC in normal charging operation. (a) 对于配备 RESS 设计为外部充电的车辆,在正常充电操作中,REESS 的充电速度应不低于最高 SOC 的 95%。
(b) For a vehicle with a RESS designed to be charged only by an energy source on the vehicle, the REESS shall be charged to no less than 90 per cent of the highest SOC which is achievable with normal operation.If it is agreed with the testing authority, tests with a SOC within normal operating range may be performed (b) 对于配备 RESS 的车辆,其设计仅由车辆上的能源充电,REESS 的充电应不低于正常运行下可实现的最高 SOC 的 90%如果与测试机构达成协议,则可以在正常运行范围内使用 SOC 进行测试.
10.1.3 Test with activating automatic disconnect 10.1.3 使用激活自动断开连接进行测试
If it is agreed with the testing authority, the test can be performed with the automatic disconnect being opened before the crash test. 如果与测试机构达成一致,则可以在碰撞测试之前打开自动断开连接来执行测试。
For a voltage class B electric circuit not energized due to the opening of the automatic disconnect, the protection against electric shock shall be proved by either isolation resistance in 5.2.3 or physical protection in 5.2.4. 对于因自动断开断开而未通电的电压 B 类电路,应通过 5.2.3 中的隔离电阻或 5.2.4 中的物理保护来证明防触电保护。
If the isolation resistance is selected for the safety evaluation of the circuit, one of the two procedures below shall be applied. 如果选择隔离电阻进行电路的安全评估,则应采用以下两个程序之一。
-Isolation resistance criteria is applied to each non-energized circuit separately and the activation of automatic disconnect is demonstrated to assure disconnecting function during impact test. The demonstration shall include monitoring of automatic activation signal as well as the proper operation of the automatic disconnect under similar conditions according to the crash test. -隔离电阻标准分别应用于每个未通电的电路,并演示了自动断开的激活,以确保在冲击测试期间具有断开功能。演示应包括自动激活信号的监控以及根据碰撞测试在类似条件下自动断开的正确操作。
-Isolation resistance criteria is applied to the whole connected circuit where the automatic disconnect is closed. Combined isolation resistance of the connected circuit needs to be measured, calculated and evaluated - 隔离电阻标准适用于自动断开闭合的整个连接电路。需要测量、计算和评估所连接电路的组合隔离电阻.
10.2 Test procedures for electrical safety 10.2电气安全测试程序
10.2.1 Test setup and equipment 10.2.1 测试装置和设备
Before the vehicle crash test is conducted, the voltage class B electric circuit voltage, Vb (see Figure 1), shall be measured and recorded to confirm that it is within the operating voltage of the vehicle as specified by the vehicle manufacturerachieved by 在进行车辆碰撞试验之前,应测量并记录电压 B 级电路电压 Vb(见图 1),以确认其在车辆制造商规定的车辆工作电压范围内,如 所达到
The measurement points of an electric circuit to be measured shall be clarified in advance, e.g. using electrical circuit diagrams, etc. 应事先明确要测量的电路的测量点,例如使用电路图等。
Measurements of voltage or energy or isolation resistance shall be taken on each disconnected or separated circuit, where applicable. 电压或能量或隔离电阻的测量应在 each 断开或单独的dcircuit 上进行,如适用。
If the voltage class B disconnect device is integral to the RESS or the fuel cell system and the voltage class B electric circuit of the RESS or the fuel cell system fulfils physical protection according to 5.2.4 after the crash test, the measurements shall only be taken for the evaluation of the electrical loads. 如果 B 类电压断开装置是 RESS 或燃料电池系统的一部分,并且 RESS 或燃料电池系统的 B 类电压电路在碰撞测试后满足 5.2.4规定的物理保护,则测量仅用于评估电气负载。
NOTEaccording to the circuit structure analysis, additional measurements at some places of the voltage class B electric circuit might be necessary. In this case, different criteria can be applied to different places. 注意根据电路结构分析,可能需要在电压 B 类电路的某些 pl ac es 进行额外测量。在这种情况下,不同的 criteria can 适用于不同的 places。
The voltmeter used in this test shall have an internal resistance of at least 10 MΩ. 本测试中使用的电压表的内阻至少为 10 MΩ。
10.2.2 Voltage limitAbsence of high voltage 10.2.2 电压限制无高压
The voltages Vb, V1, and V2 (see Figure 1) of the voltage class B electric circuit shall be measured after the crash testno earlier than 10 s, but not later than 60 s after the impact. 电压 B 级电路的电压 Vb、V1 和 V2(见图 1)应在碰撞试验后不早于碰撞后 10 秒但不迟于冲击后 60 秒测量。
The voltage measurement shall be made at tm (see 5.2.2). 卷tage 测量应在 tm 进行(见 5.2.2)。
Conformance shall be judged with the measured data at tm (see 5.5.2) 应 根据 tm 处的测量数据判断一致性(见 5.5.2)
Key 钥匙
electric chassis 电动底盘
fuel cell systemenergy conversion system FUE Cell System能量转换系统
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
Measurement of Vb, V1, V2 V b、V1、V2的测量
10.2.3 Isolation resistance 10.2.3 隔离电阻 GeneralThe measurement shall be conducted within a period of 1 h after the initial impact maintaining the same conditions as in the crash test procedure. 总则 测量应在初始冲击后 1 小时内进行,并保持与碰撞试验程序相同的条件。
Select measurement method from using vehicle’s own DV voltage source in or using external DC voltage source in 从 中使用车辆自己的 DV 电压源或使用 中的外部直流电压源中选择测量方法。
All measurements for calculating electrical isolation are made after a minimum of 10 s after the impact. 所有用于计算电气隔离的测量均在撞击后至少 10 秒后进行。
NOTETheoretically, the protection against electric shock is evaluated by the resistance value measured according to However, this method is not applicable for circuits without internal DC voltage sources. In this situation, the measurement methodwith external DC voltage source in is useful.The resistance value measured according to is equal to or lower than that according to Therefore, the resistance value according to also can be used for the evaluation as it produces a conservative result. 注意从理论上讲,防触电保护是通过根据 测量的电阻值来评估的。 但是,此方法不适用于 没有内部直流电压源的电路 在这种情况下, 中带有外部直流电压源的测量方法很有用根据测得的交流电阻值 等于或低于根据的交流.因此,对应于 的电阻值 ac 也可用于评估,因为它会产生 c 守恒结果。 Measurement using a DC voltage source connected to both terminals of the DC circuitMeasurement using vehicle's own DC voltage source. 使用连接到直流电路两个端子的直流电压源进行测量 使用车辆自己的直流电压源进行测量。 General 常规
The voltage class B electric circuit shall be electrically energized by the vehicle’s own RESS or other voltage sources and the voltage shall bein the range of the working voltage during normal operation as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. 电压 B 类电路应由车辆自己的 RESS 或其他电压源供电,电压应在车辆制造商规定的正常运行期间的工作电压范围内。
If the RESS or other voltage sources are automatically disconnected from the voltage class B electric circuit during crash test, it shall be reconnected for isolation measurement, or an external voltage source(s) shall be connected to the class B electric circuit. The external voltage source shall provide at least the same voltage level as the RESS or other voltage sources. 如果在碰撞测试期间 RESS 或其他电压源自动断开电压 B 类电路,则应重新连接以进行隔离测量,或者将外部电压源连接到 B 类电路。外部电压源应提供至少 RESS 或其他电压源相同的电压电平。
NOTEExamples for other voltage sources are fuel cell stack or generator. 注意其他电压源的示例是 fuel cell stack 或发电机。 Measurement procedure 测量程序
The vehicle manufacturer shall select appropriate procedures from those specified in or 车辆制造商应从 或 中规定的标准中选择适当的标准。
如果 V1 大于或等于 V2,具有已知电阻 R 的电阻器o 应插入卷的负极端子之间tage B 类电路和电气机箱。使用 Ro 安装,电压 V1′ 应在 voltage B 类电路的负极端子和车辆电气底盘之间测量(见图 2)。 如果 V1 大于或等于 V2,具有已知电阻 R 的电阻器o 应插入卷的负极端子之间tage B 类电路和电气机箱。使用 Ro 安装,电压 V1′ 应在 voltage B 类电路的负极端子和车辆电气底盘之间测量(见图 2)。
A resistor with a known resistance Ro shall be inserted between U1 terminal and the electrical chassis. With Ro installed, the voltage U2 shall be measured. 应在 U1 端子和电气机箱之间插入具有已知电阻 Ro 的电阻器。安装 Ro 后,应测量电压 U2。
NOTEStandard known resistance Ro (Ω) can be the value of the minimum required isolation resistance (in Ω /V) multiplied by the maximum working voltage of the voltage class B electric circuit ±20 %. Ro is not required to be precisely this value since the equations are valid for any Ro; however, a Ro value in this range provides an appropriate voltage range for the voltage measurements. 注 S标准已知电阻 Ro (Ω) 可以是所需的最小隔离电阻(单位为 Ω /V)乘以 B 类电路 的最大工作电压 ±20 %。 Ro 不需要精确地是这个值,因为方程式对任何 Ro 都有效;但是,这个范围内的 Ro 值为电压测量提供了合适的电压范围。
Key 钥匙
electrical chassis 电动机车
fuel cell systemenergy conversion system 燃料电池系统Energy Conversion System
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
Insertion of resistance R0 and voltage measurement 插入电阻 R0 和电压测量
The isolation resistance Ri shall be calculated according to Formula (1): 绝缘电阻 R 应根据公式 (1) 计算
Ri = Ro × Vb × (1/V1′ – 1/V1)(1) R = Ro × VB × (1/V1′ – 1/V1)(1)
If 如果V2 is greater than 大于V1, a resistor with known resistance ,具有已知电阻的电阻器,Ro, shall be inserted between the positive terminal of the voltage class B electric circuit and the electrical chassis. With 应插入卷的正极端子之间tage B 类电路和电气机箱。跟Ro installed, the voltage 安装,电压,V2′, shall be measured between the positive terminal of the voltage class B electric circuit and the electrical chassis (see 应在 e 的正极端子之间测量tage B 类电路和电气底盘(参见Figure 3 图 3).
Key 钥匙
electric chassis 电动底盘
fuel cell systemenergy conversion system 燃料电池系统Energy Conversion System
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
The isolation resistance,Ri, shall be calculated according to Formula (3): 绝缘电阻 R 应根据公式 (3) 计算
Ri = Ro × Vb × (1/V2′ – 1/V2)(3) R = Ro × VB × (1/V2′ – 1/V2)(3)
The voltage is measured with using two voltmeters. 电压是使用两个电压表测量的。
Each voltmeter's internal resistances (r1, r2) shall be measured with resistance tester and recorded. 每个电压表的内阻(r1、r2)应使用电阻测试仪测量并记录。
Measured internal resistances, r1 and r2, should be the valueof their average ±10 %. 测得的内阻 r1 和 r2 应为它们的平均值 ±10 %。
Two voltmeters (VM1, VM2) are connected between each terminal of the voltage class B electric circuit and the electrical chassis and kept connected during the measurement. 两个电压表(VM1、VM2)连接在 B 级电压电路的每个端子和电气底座之间,并在测量过程中保持连接。
Key 钥匙
electric chassis 电动底盘
fuel cell systemenergy conversion system 燃料电池系统Energy Conversion System
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
Measurement of V1, V1 V1、V1 的测量’
Measure the voltages between each terminal of the electric power source and the vehicle electric chassis, and name the higher one U1, the lower one U1' and the two corresponding isolation resistances Rih and Ril 测量电源各端子与车辆电动底盘之间的电压,命名较高的一个 U1,较低的一个 U1' 以及两个对应的隔离电阻 Rih 和 Ril.
Name aninternal resistance of the voltmeter installed in U1’ side r. The resistance value r is assigned into the equation for the isolation resistance calculation. 说出安装在 U1' 侧 r 中的电压表的内阻。 电阻值 r 被分配到隔离电阻计算方程中。
U1 > U1’ means isolation resistance Rih > Ril. Therefore, Ril shall be determinedas the isolation resistance of the circuit, Ri. U1 > U1' 表示隔离电阻 Rih > Ril。因此,Ril 应确定为电路的隔离电阻 Ri。
Key 钥匙
electric chassis 电动底盘
fuel cell systemenergy conversion system 燃料电池系统Energy Conversion System
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
Rename factor U1, U1’, r 重命名因子 U1、U1、r
A resistor with a known resistance Ro shall be inserted between U1 terminal and the electrical chassis. With Ro installed, the voltage U2 and U2’ shall be measured (see Figure X). 应在 U1 端子和电气机箱之间插入具有已知电阻 Ro 的电阻器。安装 Ro 后,应测量电压 U2 和 U2'(见图 X)。
NOTE Standard known resistance Ro (Ω) can be the value of the minimum required isolation resistance (in Ω /V) multiplied by the maximum working voltage of the voltage class B electric circuit ±20 %. Ro is not required to be precisely this value since the equations are valid for any Ro; however, a Ro value in this range provides an appropriate voltage range for the voltage measurements. 注意:标准已知电阻 Ro (Ω) 可以是所需的最小隔离电阻(以 Ω /V)乘以 B 类电路的最大工作电压 ±20 % 的值。Ro 不需要恰好是这个值,因为方程对任何 Ro 都有效;但是,此范围内的 Ro 值为电压测量提供了合适的电压范围。
Key 钥匙
electrical chassis 电动机车
fuel cell systemenergy conversion system 燃料电池系统Energy Conversion System
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
Insertion of resistance R0 and voltage measurement 插入电阻 R0 和电压测量
The isolation resistance Ri shall be calculated according to Formula(X): 隔离电阻 Ri 应根据公式 (X) 计算: Isolation resistance in the form of Ω / V Ω / V 形式的隔离电阻
The result, Ri, which is the isolation resistance value (in Ω), shall be divided by the maximum working voltage, Vbe, of the voltage class B electric circuit (in V) according to Formula (4): 结果R,即隔离电阻值(以Ω为单位),应除以电压等级为B的电路(以V为单位)的最大工作电压Vbe,根据公式(4)
ri (Ω / V) = Ri (Ω) / Vbe (V)(3) r (Ω / V) = R (Ω) / V是 (V)(3) Measurement by applying a DC. voltage between the voltage class B electric circuit and the electrical chassis using external DC voltage source 使用外部直流电压源在 B 类电路和电气机箱之间施加直流电压进行测量
The test voltage shall be a DC voltage of at least the maximum working voltage of the voltage class B electric circuit and be applied between the live parts and the electric chassis for a time long enough to obtain stable reading. 测试电压应为直流电压至少为 B 类电压电路的最大工作电压,并在带电部件和电气底盘之间施加足够长的时间以获得稳定的读数。
If the system has live parts of several voltage ranges (e.g. because of boost converter), the isolation resistance shall be measured by applying the relevant maximum working voltage between the live parts of the relevant part of the circuit and the electric chassis. 如果系统具有多个电压范围的带电部分(例如,由于升压转换器),则应通过在电路相关部分的带电部分和电气机箱之间施加相关的最大工作电压来测量隔离电阻。
An appropriate isolation resistance test instrument with a sufficient internal voltage source to provide the required test voltage shall be used. 应使用具有足够内部电压源的适当隔离电阻测试仪器,以提供所需的测试电压。
The measured isolation resistance, Ri, shall be divided by the maximum working voltage, Vbe, of the voltage class B electric circuit according to Formula (X): 测得的隔离电阻 R 应除以电压等级 B 电路的最大工作电压 Vbe,根据公式 (X)
ri (Ω / V) = Ri (Ω) / Vbe (V)(4) r (Ω / V) = R (Ω) / V是 (V)(4)
10.2.4 Physical protection 10.2.4 物理保护 Protection against direct contact 防止直接接触 Test procedure 测试程序
Following the vehicle crash test, any parts surrounding the voltage class B components shall be opened, disassembled, or removed to the extent possible without the use of tools. All remaining surrounding parts shall be considered part of the physical protection. 在车辆碰撞测试之后,应尽可能在不使用工具的情况下打开、拆卸或移除电压 B 类组件周围的任何部件。所有剩余的周围部分应被视为物理保护的一部分。
The jointed test finger described in ISO20653 shall be inserted into any gaps or openings of the physical protection with a test force of 10 N ± 10 % for electrical safety assessment. If partial or full penetration into the physical protection by the jointed test finger occurs, the jointed test finger shall be placed in every position as specified below. ISO20653中描述的关节测试手指 应以 10 N ± 10 % 的测试力插入物理保护的任何间隙或开口中,以进行电气安全评估。如果关节测试手指部分或全部渗透到物理保护层中,则应将关节测试手指压在下面指定的每个位置。
Starting from the straight position, both joints of the test finger shall be rotated progressively through an angle of up to 90° with respect to the axis of the adjoining section of the finger and shall be placed in every possible position. 从笔直位置开始,测试手指的两个关节应逐渐旋转相对于手指相邻部分的轴线最大 90° 的角度,并应在每个可能的位置进行平移。
If appropriate, a low-voltage supply (of not less than 40 V and not more than 50 V) in series with a suitable lamp can be connected between the jointed test finger and voltage class B live parts inside the electrical protection barrier or enclosure. 如果合适,可以在连接的测试指和电气保护栅或外壳内的电压 B 类带电部件之间连接一个与合适灯串联的低压电源(不低于 40 V 且不大于 50 V)。
The measurement shall be conducted following the crash test procedure maintaining the same conditions as in the crash test procedure and movement of the vehicle shall be restricted to prevent changes of the mechanical state of the vehicle. 测量应按照碰撞测试程序进行,保持与碰撞测试程序中相同的条件,并限制车辆的运动以防止车辆的机械状态发生变化。
The requirements in 5.2.4 shall be considered to be met if the jointed test finger described in ISO20653 is unable to contact voltage class B live parts. 如果 ISO5.2.4 中描述的接头测试手指 无法承受交流电压 B 类带电部件,则应认为满足 20653中的要求。
If necessary, a mirror or a fiberscope can be used in order to inspect whether the jointed test finger touches the voltage class B electric circuits. 如有必要,可以使用镜子或红外镜来检查接合的测试手指是否接触电压 B 级电路。
If this requirement is verified by a signal circuit with a lamp between the jointed test finger and voltage class B live parts, the lamp shall not light. 如果此要求由连接测试手指和电压 B 类带电触点之间的信号电路验证,则该灯不得点亮。 Protection against indirect contact 防止间接接触
For potential equalisation, one of the following procedures shall be applied as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer: 对于电位均衡,应按照汽车制造商的建议应用以下程序之一:
—visual inspection; —目视检查;
—measurement; —测量;
—combination of visual inspection and measurement. —目视检查和测量的结合。
For visual inspection, the following criteria shall be met. 目视检查应满足以下标准。
—The cross sections of wired connections shall not be reduced by physical damage. —导线d c连接的横截面不应因物理损坏而减小。
—The continuity of connection shall remain properly. No interruption shall occur. —连接的连续性应保持适当。不得发生中断。
For the measurement, the following procedure shall apply. 对于测量,应适用以下程序。
The potential equalisation resistances shall be tested with a test current of at minimum 0,2 A and a voltage ≤60 V DC, which shall be passed through the potential current path between exposed conductive parts and the vehicle electric chassis for at least 5 s. A lower test current and/or a shorter test time can be used, provided the accuracy of the potential equalisation resistance test results remain on a sufficient level. 应使用至少 0.2 A 的测试电流和 ≤60 V DC 的电压测试电位均衡电阻,该电压 应通过裸露的直流部件和车辆电动底盘之间的电位电流路径至少 5 秒。可以使用较低的测试电流和/或更短的测试时间,前提是电位均衡电阻测试结果的交流电流保持在足够的水平。 Isolation resistance for physical protection 用于物理保护的隔离电阻
The test shall be performed with the RESS and other voltage class B sources disconnected. An appropriate resistance test instrument shall be used considering the isolation resistance limit values specified in 5.2.4. The measured resistance shall be divided by the maximum working voltage, Vbe, of the voltage class B electric circuit. 应在断开 RESS 和其他电压 B 类电源的情况下进行测试。应使用d c 以及 5.2.4中规定的绝缘电阻限值。测得的电阻应除以 B 类电压电路的最大工作电压 V be。 limit for physical protectionVoltage between exposed conductive parts物理保护的电压限制裸露导电部件之间的电压
The measurement shall be performed at tm (see 5.2.2). 测量应在 tm 进行(5.2.2) 。
For compliance testing one of the following measurements or evaluations shall be performed. 对于合规性测试,应执行以下测量或评估之一。
—The voltage between any two reachable exposed conductive parts in a distance of 2,5 m shall be measured. —应测量距离为 2,5 m 内任意两个交流暴露直流感应部件之间的电压。
—The voltage between all relevant exposed conductive parts and electric chassis shall be measured. Only those exposed conductive parts are relevant that are located within a distance of 2,5 m to each other. After completing the voltage measurements, the voltage differences between these exposed conductive parts shall be calculated from the measurement results. —应测量所有相关外露感应部件与电动底盘之间的电压。只有那些暴露在外的感应部件才相关,它们位于 2,5 m 到 each 其他距离内。完成电压测量后,应根据测量结果计算这些裸露直流部件之间的电压差。
NOTE2,5 m is the usual distance which a person can reach. 注2,5 m 是一个人可以重新测量的通常距离。
10.2.5 Electrical energy limitLow electrical energy 10.2.5 电能限制电能低
The energy stored in X-capacitors (TEx)shall be measured with appropriate methods selected by the vehicle manufacturer from those specified in or 存储在 X 电容器 (TEx) 中的能量应使用车辆制造商从 或 中规定的方法中选择的适当方法进行测量. Measurement of discharged electrical energyEnergy measurement with additional discharge circuit 放电电能的测量 使用附加放电电路进行能量测量 General 常规
Prior to the crash test, the switch S1 and S2 and the knowna discharge resistorRe1Rd(Ω)and Re2 shall be installed in parallel to the relevant capacitances (see Figure X). 在碰撞测试之前,开关 S1 和 S2以及已知的放电电阻器Re1Rd(Ω)和 Re2 应与相关的电容器并联安装(见图 X) 的 S S
Key 钥匙
electric chassis 电动底盘
fuel cell system 燃料电池系统
traction system or load TR运行系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
Measurement of voltage class B electric circuit energy stored in capacitors (Example) 测量电容器中存储的 B 级电压电路能量(示例)
At tm (see 5.2.2), the energy stored in X- and Y-capacitors shall be evaluated. For this evaluation, the stored energy shall be discharged by closing the switches S1 and S2 (see Figure 4) as described in the following clauses. 在 tm 处(见 5.2.2),应评估存储在 X 和 Y 电容交流器中的能量。对于此评估,应通过关闭开关 S1 和 S2 (参见图 4) 来释放存储的能量,如以下子句所述。
NOTEWhen TEyr instead of TEdyr is used for evaluation, S2 and Re2 are not necessary. 注意当使用 TEyr 而不是 TEdyr 进行评估时,不需要 S2 和 Re2。
At tm (see 5.2.2), the switch S1 shall be closed while the voltage Vbt and the current Ie1 are measured and recorded. The product of the voltage Vbt and the current Ie1 shall be integrated over the period of time, starting from tm until a time when voltage Vbt falls to less than 5% of the starting voltage (th). The resulting integration equals the total energy (TEx) in J. 在 tm (5.2.2) 处,开关 S1 应闭合,同时测量和记录电压 Vbt 和电流 Ie1。电压 Vbt 和电流 Ie1 的乘积应在一段时间内进行积分,从 tm 开始,直到 电压 Vbt 下降到起始电压 (th) 的 5% 以下。得到的积分等于 J 中的总能量 (TEx)。
NOTE If it is agreed with the testing authority, the discharge may be terminated before th with calculating residual energy in the capacitors. 注意 如果与测试机构达成协议,则可以在 计算电容器中的剩余能量之前终止放电。
Alternatively, the current may be calculated with Vbt and Rd 或者,电流可以用 Vbt 和 Rd 计算.
If Vbt at tm is less than 60V, TEx is deemed to meet the energy requirement as it meets voltage requirement in 5.2.2 如果 tm 的 Vbt 小于 60V,则 TEx 被视为满足能量要求,因为它满足 5.2.2 中的电压要求.
At tm, the residual energy in Y-capacitors (TEy) shall be calculated according to the following formulawith the capacitances of Y-capacitors (Cy) identified by the vehicle manufacturer and measured Y-capacitors’ voltage at tm (Vy1, Vy2) 在 tm 处,Y 电容器中的残余能量 (TEy) 应根据以下公式计算,使用车辆制造商确定的 Y 电容器 (Cy) 的电容并在 tm 处测量 Y 电容器的电压(Vy1、Vy2):
If Vy1 or Vy2 at tm is less than 60V, TEy1 or TEy2 is deemed to meet the energy requirement as it meets voltage requirement in 5.2.2, respectively. 如果 tm 的 Vy1 或 Vy2 小于 60V,则 TEy1 或 TEy2 被视为满足能量要求,因为它分别满足 5.2.2 中的电压要求。 Measurement of discharged energy in X and Y-capacitors 测量 X 和 Y 电容交流电的放电能量
The switches S1 and S2 shall be closed at a time to allow discharge of Cx and Cy within tm (see 5.2.2) considering an interval for discharge of at least 3 × (Re1 × Cx) for Cx and 6 × (Re2 × Cy) for Cy. The voltage, Vb, and the current, Ie1, shall be measured and recorded. The current, Ie1, can be calculated from Vb and Re1. The voltage V1 and the current Ie2 shall be measured and recorded. The current Ie2 can be calculated from V1 and Re2 开关 S1 和 S2 应一次关闭,以允许 Cx 和d Cy 在 tm 内放电(见 5.2.2),考虑到放电间隔至少 3 × (Re1 × Cx) 表示 Cx 和 6 × (Re2 × Cy) 表示 Cy。应测量并记录电压 V b 和电流 Ie1。电流 Ie1可由 Vb 和 Re1 计算。应测量并记录电压 V 1 和电流 Ie2。电流 Ie2 可由 V1 和 Re2 计算.
The product of the voltage Vb and the current Ie1 shall be integrated over a time interval of at least 3 × (Re1×Cx) or 6 × (Re2×Cy), whichever is higher, to obtain the discharged energy TEd in Joule according to Formula (6): 电压 Vb 和电流 Ie1 的乘积应在至少 3 × (Re1 × Cx) 或 6 × (Re2 × Cy) 的时间间隔内进行积分,以获得根据公式 (6) 以焦耳为单位的放电能量 TEd
The product of the voltage, V1, and the current, Ie2, shall be integrated over a time interval of at least 3 x (Re1 x Cx) or 6 × (Re2 × Cy), whichever is higher, to obtain the discharged energy (TEdyr) in Joule according to Formula (7): 电压 V1 和电流 Ie2 的乘积应在至少 3 x (Re1 x Cx) 或 6 × (Re2 × Cy) 的时间间隔内进行积分,以根据公式 (7) 获得以焦耳为单位的放电能量 (TEdyr)
(7) calculation能量计算 Energy calculation for X-capacitors X-cap交流电流的能量计算
When Vb is measured at tm (see 5.2.2) and the capacitance of the X-capACitors, Cx, is specified by the manufacturer, the energy in X-capacitors, TEx, shall be calculated according to Formula (8): 当在 tm 处测量 Vb(参见 5.2.2)并且 X 电容的电容 Cx 由制造商指定时,X 电容器中的能量 TEx 应根据公式 (8) 计算
Alternatively, TE can be calculated according to the Formula (9) using Vbe, the maximum working voltage: 或者, TE 可以根据 公式 (9) 使用 Vbe 计算,最大工作电压:
NOTETEx calculated using Vbe represents the maximum possible energy value that can be stored in X-capacitors. 注意:使用 Vbe 计算的 TE x 表示 X-cap 交流电中可以存储的最大可能能量值。 Energy calculation for Y-capacitors Y 电容交流电流的能量计算
When V1, V2 (see Figure 4) are measured at tm (see 5.2.2) and the capacitance per terminal Cy of the Y-capacitors is specified by the manufacturer, the energy in the Y-capacitors TEy shall be calculated according to Formula (10): 当 V1、V2(见图 4)在 tm(见 5.2.2)处测量并且 Y 电容器的每个端子 Cy 的电容由制造商指定时,Y 电容器 TEy 中的能量应根据公式 (10) 计算
Alternatively, TEy can be calculated according to the Formula (11) using Vbe, the maximum working voltage: 或者, TE y 可以根据 公式 (11) 使用 Vbe 计算,最大工作电压:
NOTETEy calculated using Vbe represents the maximum possible energy value that can be stored in Y-capACitors. 注意:使用 Vbe 计算的 TEy 表示 Y-capACitors 中可以存储的最大可能能量值 Energy calculation for the remaining energy in Y-capACitors Y 电容ACitor中剩余能量的能量计算
After the discharge with S1 in is completed, when V1 and V2 (see Figure 4) are measured at tm (see 5.2.2) and the capACitances of the Y-capACitorsCy are specified by the manufACturer, the energy in the Y-capACitors (TEyr) shall be calculated ACcording to Formula (12): 在 中用 S1 放电完成后,当 V1 和 V2(见图 4)在 tm(见 5.2.2)处测量并且 Y 电容 Cy 的容量由制造商指定时,Y 电容 A 中的能量 (TEyr) 应根据公式 (12) 计算
Alternatively, TEyr can be calculated ACcording to the Formula (13) using Vbe, the maximum working voltage: 或者, TE yr 可以 按照公式 (13) 计算交流电,使用 Vbe,最大工作电压:
NOTETEyr calculated using Vbe represents the maximum possible energy value that can be stored in Y-capACitors. 注意:使用 Vbe 计算的 TEyr 表示可以存储在 Y 电容中的最大可能能量值
The capacitances of X-capacitors (Cx) and Y-capacitors (Cy) need to be identified by the vehicle manufacturer. Voltages Vb, V1t, and V2t are measured at tm. X 电容器 (Cx) 和 Y 电容器 (Cy) 的电容需要由车辆制造商确定。电压 Vb、V1t和 V2t 在 tm 处测量。
Key 钥匙
electric chassis 电动底盘
fuel cell system 燃料电池系统
traction system or load 牵引系统或负载
voltage class B electric circuit 电压 B 级电路
The total energy in X-capacitors and the energy in Y-capacitors shall be calculated according to the following formulas: X 电容器中的总能量和 Y 电容器中的能量应根据以下公式计算:
If Vb or Vy1 or Vy2 is less than 60V, TEx or TEy1 or TEy2 is deemed to meet the energy requirement as it meets voltage requirement in 5.2.2, respectively. 如果 Vb 或 Vy1 或 Vy2 小于 60V,则 TEx 或 TEy1 或 TEy2 被视为满足能量要求,因为它分别满足 5.2.2 中的电压要求。
10.3 Test procedure for RESS electrolyte spillage 10.3RESS 电解液溢出的测试程序
Before and after the crash test, the vehicle shall be inspected for electrolyte spillage. Verification of electrolyte can be determined by visual inspection, litmus paper testing, and/or chemical analysis of the fluid. 在碰撞试验前后,应检查车辆是否有电解液溢出。电解液的验证可以通过目视检查、石蕊试纸测试和/或液体的化学分析来确定。
Unless the manufacturer provides means to differentiate between the leakage of different liquids, all liquid leakage shall be considered as the electrolyte. 除非制造商提供区分不同液体泄漏的方法,否则所有液体泄漏均应视为电解液。
Bibliography 书目
[1]IEC/TS60479-1:2005,Effects of current on human beings and livestock — Part 1: General aspects [1]IEC/TS 60479-12005电流对人类和牲畜的影响 — 第 1 部分:一般
(informative) (信息丰富) Energy Safety Limit Derivation 能源安全限制推导
General 常规
This appendix describes the derivation of energy limitof capacitor discharge for electric shock protection (Energy Safety Limit), as a function of voltage, from the limits given in IEC 60479-1 (2018) and -2 (2017) 本附录描述了用于电击保护的电容器放电能量限制(能源安全限制)作为电压的函数,从 IEC 60479-1 (2018) 和 -2 (2017) 中给出的限制得出.
When assessing the electric shock risks by capacitive discharges, both the body current and its duration determine the risk to a human. Specifically, discharge pulses less than 10 ms in duration utilize the threshold givenin Figure 20 of IEC TS 60479-2, while discharge pulses longer than 10 ms utilize the threshold given in Figure 22 of IEC TS 60479-1 在评估电容放电的触电风险时 ,体电流及其持续时间都决定了对人类的风险。具体来说,持续时间小于 10 ms 的放电脉冲使用 IEC TS 60479-2 图 20 中给出的阈值,而持续时间超过 10 ms 的放电脉冲使用 IEC TS 60479-1 图 22 中给出的阈值
Those two figures in IEC60479-1/-2 are combined into Figure X. The area more than 10ms in duration is separated into four zones (from DC-1 to DC-4) with three boundaries, while only boundary of DC-4 zone (c1 line) with no separation from DC-1 to DC-3 zones is specified in the area less than 10ms. IEC60479-1/-2 中的这两个数字组合成图 X。 持续时间超过 10ms 的区域被分成具有三个边界的 f 个区域(从 DC-1 到 DC-4),而在 小于 4ms 的区域内仅指定从 DC-1 到 DC-3 区域没有间隔 的 DC-1 区域(c1 线)的边界。
For capacitor discharge, the effects on human body are evaluated by calculating the root-mean-square values (rms) of body current and identifying the zones they are plotted 对于电容器放电,通过计算体电流的均方根值 (rms) 并确定它们所绘制的区域来评估对人体的影响.
Historically, 0.2Jhas been used as safe energy threshold in international and national standards and regulations. It is derived from b-line, the boundary between DC-2 and DC-3 zone. The b-line meansthe upper limit of DC-2 zone which is defined “usuallyno harmful”.It is appropriate to continue using 0.2J as the threshold in the region of 10 ms or more in duration 从历史上看,0.2J 在国际和国家标准和法规中一直被用作安全能源阈值。它源自 b-line,即 DC-2 和 DC-3 区之间的边界。b线表示定义为“通常无害”的DC-2区的上限,在持续时间为10毫秒或更长时间的范围内继续使用0.2J作为阈值是合适的.
In the area below 10 ms in duration, as b-line does not exist, using c1-line is the only option for making threshold. The c1-line means the upper limit of DC-3 zone which is defined “usually no organic damage” and “0% of probability of ventricular fibrillation”. Connectingbetween point A and B1 with d-line is one way. The problem is discontinuity in the energy value between points B1 and B2. To address this, connecting point A and B2 with d-line is applied as a threshold. This method aligns with a boundary making concept in SAE J1772 在持续时间低于 10 ms 的区域,由于 b 线不存在,因此使用 c1-line 是创建阈值的唯一选项。c1 线表示 DC-3 区的上限,定义为“通常无器质性损伤”和“心室颤动概率的 0%”。用 d 线连接 A 点和 B1 点是单向的。问题是点 B1 和 B2 之间的能量值不连续。为了解决这个问题,将带有 d 线的连接点 A 和 B2 作为阈值应用。该方法与 SAE J1772 中的边界制定概念一致.
Although d-line does not mean a constanteffect on human body, it is considered to be appropriate in a sense that it continuously connects the end of b-line(point A) and c1-line 虽然 d 线并不意味着对人体的持续影响,但从某种意义上说,它被认为是合适的,因为它连续连接 b 线的末端(A 点)和 c1 线.
For capacitor discharge, the following equations are valid and utilized in IEC60479-2 and SAE J1772. These equations are also used in derivation procedures in A.2 of this appendix. 对于电容器放电,以下公式s 有效 ,并在 IEC60479-2 和 SAE J1772 中使用。 这些方程s 也用于本附录A.2 中的推导程序。
= capacity = 容量
= body resistance = 身体阻力
ti 钛
= duration of capacitor discharge = 电容器放电持续时间
= time constant = 时间常数
= RMS value of the current of the capacitor discharge for a duration of 3T = 电容器放电电流的 RMS 值,持续 3T
Icpeak 伊克峰
= peak value of the current of the capacitor discharge = 电容器放电电流的峰值
Derivation procedures 派生程序
The range where body current duration is more than 10ms 体电流 du比值大于 10ms 的范围
0.2Jisused asan energy limit in the range more than 10 msin duration. This value is widely utilized in international and national standards and regulations. 0.2J用作持续时间超过 10 ms 的范围内的能量限制。 该值在国际和国家标准和法规中得到广泛应用。
The figure X plots the body current (Icrms) and its duration (ti) of 0.2 J capacitors with different voltages.The human body resistance is assumed 500 Ω. 图 X 绘制了不同电压下0.2 J 电容器s 的体电流 (Icrms) 及其持续时间 (ti)假设人体电阻为 500 Ω。
Duration and Body current derived from 0.2J are in DC-2 zone which means “usually no harmful”in the range more than 10ms. However, no rationalefor 0.2 J exists in the range less than 10ms in duration. 从 0.2J 得出的持续时间和体电流位于 DC-2 区,这意味着在超过 10ms 的范围内“通常无害”。但是,在持续时间小于 10 毫秒的范围内不存在0.2 J 的基本原理。
Calculated capacitance values for 0.2J declinesharply when the capacitor voltage becomes high 当电容器电压变高时,0.2J 的计算电容值会急剧下降.
The range where body current duration is between 10ms and 4ms 身体电流持续时间在 10ms 到 4ms 之间的范围
Find the equation of the line (d-line) that connects point A (200mA, 10ms) and point B1 (500mA, 4ms). 求出连接点 A (200mA, 10ms) 和点 B1 (500mA, 4ms) 的线 (d-line) 的方程。
Since Icrms*ti=Q (discharge charge) is the same at point A and B1, the equation of the straight lineconnecting point A and B2 can be easily obtained by following the steps below. 由于 A点和B1点的Icrms*ti=Q(放电电荷)相同,因此按照以下步骤可以很容易地获得连接点A和B2的直线方程。
Calculate the voltage-dependent energy of the capacitor 计算电容器的电压相关能量.
The capacitor voltages corresponding to point A and B1 are as follows: 对应于点 A 和 B1 的电容器电压如下:
Point A: Vc=245(V) at Icrms=200mAPoint B: Vc=612(V) at Icrms=500mA A 点:IcrmS=200mA 时 Vc=245(V) B点:Icrms=500mA 时 Vc=612(V)
The range where body current duration is less than 4ms 本体电流持续时间小于 4ms 的范围
In Figure 23 of the IEC60479-2, values of ti are given as a function of Icrms for 0% (c1-line), 5% (c2-line), and 50% (c3-line) probability of fibrillation. 在 IEC60479-2 的图 23 中,对于纤化概率为 0%(c1 线)、5%(c2 线)和 50%(c3 线)的 ti 值作为 Icrms 的函数给出。
It can be seen that the functional form of ti is: 可以看出,ti 的功能形式 为:
In paragraph 11.4.1 of the IEC60479-2, values of Fe (specific fibrillating energy) and ti are given at two points (C1, C2) on the 50% probability curve (c3-line) 在 IEC60479-2 的第 11.4.1 段中,Fe(比纤化能)和 ti 的值在 50% 概率曲线(c3 线)上的两个点(C1、C2)给出.
Fe: specific fibrillating energy Fe:比帚化能
The corresponding Icrms values (X1, X2) can be calculated: 可以计算相应的 Icrms 值 (X1, X2):
Solving for the exponent P for curve C3: 求解曲线 C3 的指数 P:
For the 0% probability of fibrillation curve C1, the exponent P is unchanged.Substituting the values of point B2, the constant Ac1 is 对于纤化曲线 C1 的 0% 概率,指数 P 不变 代入点 B2 的值,常数 Ac1 为:
The impulse duration for the 0% probability of fibrillation curve (c1-line) is thus determined to be: 因此,纤维化曲线概率为 0% 的脉冲持续时间(c1线)确定为:
The limit on capacitor energy for 0% probability of fibrillation is calculated, assuming a body resistance of 500 Ω. 假设体电阻为 500 Ω,则计算纤化概率为 0% 的电容器能量限制。