Problem Background
Juno City is a popular tourist city in Alaska, which has a huge impact on the local ecology and the lives of residents while generating huge economic benefits for the local tourism industry. In order to maintain the balanced development of the economy, ecology and residents of Juno City, it is particularly important to establish an evaluation model for sustainable tourism development.
Restatement of the Problem
For the given requirements and tasks, we reiterate them to help better position our priorities.
Task 1: Build a sustainable tourism model: Consider factors such as the number of tourists, total revenue, policy measures, etc., clarify optimization goals and constraints, and develop a spending plan to support sustainable development;
Task2: Model Adaptability Analysis: Demonstrate how the model can be applied to other destinations affected by overtourism, and analyze the impact of different locations on the choice of measures;
Task3: Submit a memo: Submit a one-page memo to the Juno City Tourism Commission outlining the projected results, the effectiveness of the measures, and the recommendations for optimization.
Literature Review
针对可持续性旅游发展的研究,自联合国世界旅游组织(UNWTO)宣布2017年是“分水岭时刻”,正式将这一年定为“可持续旅游业促进发展国际年”,提出“使旅游业成为积极变革的催化剂”[1]以来,可持续性旅游发展已成为国际政府、从业人员和政策制定者之间争论的焦点领域。在这方面,以前的研究表明,旅游业不仅为各国提供财政援助,而且还提供了有吸引力的景观,并有助于建立该国的积极形象[2[3。最近的研究主要强调了旅游业在实现可持续发展目标的道路上的作用和重要性[4,5]。同时有研究指出尽管重大的环境破坏仍在继续[6],但旅游业在可持续发展道路上已经取得了进展和动力[7]。值得注意的是,As humanity transitions from theHolocene to the Anthropocene [8],由于栖息地丧失、生物多样性的威胁和气候变化,建立新的可持续性旅游发展评估模型以适应社会经济转变的需求,保护文化和环境多样性对于持续的生计发展和福祉越来越紧迫。
Since the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) declared 2017 as a "watershed moment", the year has been officially designated as the "International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development", proposing to "make tourism a catalyst for positive change" [1].Since then, sustainable tourism development has become a key area of debate among international governments, practitioners and policymakers. In this regard, previous studies have shown that tourism not only provides financial assistance to countries, but also provides attractive landscapes and contributes to the establishment of a positive image of the country [2][3]. Recent studies have focused on the role and importance of tourism on the road to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals [4, 5]. At the same time, studies have pointed out that although major environmental damage continues [6], the tourism industry has made progress and momentum on the road to sustainable development [7]. Notably, as humanity transitions from theHolocene to the Anthropocene[8], due to habitat loss, threats to biodiversity, and climate changeThe development of a new assessment model for sustainable tourism development to meet the needs of socio-economic transformation, and the preservation of cultural and environmental diversity is increasingly urgent for sustainable livelihood development and well-being.
Our Work
Our Work
Assumptions and Justifications
Considering those practical problems always contain many complex factors, first of all, we need to make reasonable assumptions to simplify the model, and each hypothesis is closely followed by its corresponding explanation:
Assumption 1:游客分布与时间段管理:我们忽略游客旅游淡季的影响,仅考虑朱诺市在特定旅游旺季接待的游客总流量。
Assumption 2:隐性成本的量化:本文中隐性成本(包括对环境、基础设施和社会)为了简化模型,只考虑其中主要的影响因素。
Assumption 3: 朱诺市的基础设施承载能力有限。
The key mathematical notations used in this paper are listed in Table 1:
Notations used in this paper
Symbol | Description | Unit |
| 代表朱诺市在特定期间内接待的游客数量,取值范围为[10000,20000]。 | Ten thousond |
| 对游客消费征税的比例,反映了市政府对游客消费征收的税率,取值范围为[0.05,1], | -- |
| 基础设施压力(主要包括饮用水供应、交通、住房压力等) | -- |
| 环境影响(主要包括碳足迹) | -- |
| 居民满意度(受游客数量、基础设施压力和环境影响的综合影响) | -- |
| 游客带来的收入 | $ |
Data Description
Given Data
Additional data
社会成本:从Destination Next[10]收集了朱诺市社会调查、居民满意度调查、投诉数据等数据。数据用于描述由于游客过多导致的社会压力,如房价上涨、噪音污染等。该数据集包括但不限于当地社区支持程度,居民对交通,住宿等的Perceived Performance。我们根据数据的相关和重要度进行了细分,囊括了当地居民交通压力,社区环境满意度等 ;
环境成本:从朱诺市政府官方网站[7]获取了朱诺市环境监测数据,此数据包括碳足迹 ;
基础设施成本:从朱诺经济发展委员会发布的数据[8]获取了朱诺市基础设施相关部门以及朱诺市的财政预算数据。其中包括交通等基础设施维护费用以及朱诺市基础设备承载能力 .
Data Preprocessing
数据清洗:为了确保所有数据完整,没有缺失值,去除异常值 ;
数据平滑:考虑到游客数量和隐性成本之间的波动,我们对一些数据进行平滑处理,以去除极端波动 ;
最大化旅游收入:考虑游客数量和税率对收入的影响 ;
最大化居民满意度:居民满意度与游客数量、基础设施压力、环境影响等因素相关 ;
最小化基础设施压力:基础设施压力与游客数量、资源消耗等因素相关 ;
Among them is the basic consumption of each tourist, which is the tax rate. $ in this article.
Relationship between the number of tourists and taxes (T).
The number of tourists varies with the tax rate and can often be described using an exponential decay model:
Among them (10,000 people) represents the maximum number of tourists when there is no tax rate, which is the attenuation coefficient of the impact of the tax rate on the number of tourists, which is the tax rate, in this article.
Using the formula, it can be concluded that as the tax rate increases, the number of tourists will gradually decrease, and the rate of decline will accelerate as the tax rate increases.
Infrastructure Pressure (P).
The traffic pressure of the infrastructure can be a quadratic function of the number of tourists [11], so it can be described by a quadratic equation:
Among them, the basic pressure coefficient is estimated by fitting the historical infrastructure traffic pressure data of Juno City by the least squares method: The maximum infrastructure pressure is 29,700.
Fitting curve of passenger numbers versus infrastructure pressures
Environmental impact (E).
The environmental impact can be a cubic function of the number of tourists [16], and as the number of tourists increases, the environmental burden (e.g., carbon emissions, garbage disposal, etc.) increases dramatically, so it can be described using the following cubic equation:
Among them, is the environmental impact coefficient, which we estimate by fitting the relationship between historical Juneau carbon emission data and the number of tourists by fitting the least squares method: The maximum ambient pressure is 952,000.
Fitting curve of tourist numbers versus environmental pressures
Resident Satisfaction(s).
In this paper, through principal component analysis, it is concluded that residents' satisfaction is mainly affected by three factors (the number of tourists, infrastructure pressure, and environmental impact).Describe Resident Satisfaction:
Among them is the weight coefficient of the satisfaction model, which is the parameter that controls the decay rate of residents' satisfaction. in this article.
Additional income expenditure plan
In order to maintain the sustainable development of the city of Juno and explore the optimal policies, the additional tax revenue will be used to improve environmental quality and infrastructure construction in the model, and the specific expenditure plan is as follows:
Environmental protection expenditure: Using the relationship between tax and the number of tourists, it can be seen that there is a nonlinear relationship between environmental protection funds and the number of tourists, and the environmental protection expenditure is set to 0.2, then the environmental protection expenditure is:
Infrastructure construction expenditure: Using the relationship between tax revenue and the number of tourists, it can be seen that there is a nonlinear relationship between infrastructure construction funds and the number of touristsIf the proportion of infrastructure construction expenditure is 0.2, the environmental protection expenditure is:
After the introduction of the additional revenue expenditure plan policy, the adjustment of infrastructure pressure and environmental pressure are respectively formula and formula:
Optimize the objective function
The optimization objectives of this article are:
Maximizing tourism revenue (controlling the number of tourists by adjusting the tax rate);
Reduce infrastructure stress and environmental impact;
Maintain a high level of resident satisfaction.
Thus the composite objective function can be expressed as:
The objective function represents the weighted coefficients of various objective factors, which indicates the degree of influence of different factors on the overall objective. in this article.
Model solution based on simulated annealing algorithm
为了求解出考虑朱诺市最大收入目标函数的最优解,我们选取模拟退火算法进行求解,通过不断随机扰动当前解,并根据目标函数的变化以最大化目标函数为指标来决定是否接收新的解,在不断迭代下,接收较差解的概率逐渐减小,从而可能跳出局部最优解,最终收敛到全局最优解。基本步骤如Figure 4::
In order to solve the optimal solution considering the objective function of the maximum income of Juno City, we choose the simulated annealing algorithm to solve the problem, and the current solution is continuously disturbed randomly according to the change of the objective functionWith the maximization objective function as the index to decide whether to receive a new solution, the probability of receiving a worse solution gradually decreases under continuous iteration, so that it may jump out of the local optimal solution and finally converge to the global optimal solution. The basic steps are as shown in Figure 4::
Flowchart of the simulated degradation algorithm
After using Matlab to solve the model, the results are as follows:
DATA | RESULT | Number of tourists N (ten thousand) | 110.5 | Objective function Z | 0.56 | Optimal income I | 35209.728 | Optimal infrastructure pressure P | 9039.51 | Optimal Environmental Impact E | 112699.01 | Optimal satisfaction S | 0.66 | Optimal tax rate K | 0.7703 |
At the same time, in order to explore the impact of the additional revenue used to support environmental protection and alleviate the pressure on the infrastructure, we solved the strategy of use and the strategy of no implementation respectively, and the results obtained were used to compare the impact of the exploration strategy on the model.
利用Matlab求解模型得到结果如Figure 5:。
The results of the Matlab solution model are obtained as shown in Figure 5.
The impact of policies on sustainable tourism development models
By comparing the results of the data, we can conclude that when we implemented the policy, we had the following positive impacts:
Increase in the number of tourists: After the implementation of the policy, the number of tourists increased by about 9,100 (100,000), indicating that the policy has a positive effect on attracting tourists;
Increase in the value of the objective function: The increase in the value of the objective function from 0.54 to 0.56 indicates that the policy can help optimize the overall goal, which may include the combined benefits of economic, environmental and social aspects;
Optimal income increase: After the implementation of the policy, the optimal income increased by about 183.015, indicating that the policy has a significant effect on economic income.
Reduction of infrastructure pressure: After the implementation of the policy, the pressure on infrastructure was reduced by about 1968.36, indicating that the policy was conducive to the rational allocation and utilization of infrastructure resources and reduced the burden on infrastructure;
Reduction of environmental impact: After the implementation of the policy, the environmental impact was reduced by about 63493.21, indicating that the policy played an active role in environmental protection and reduced the negative impact on the environment;
Residents' satisfaction improved: After the implementation of the policy, the satisfaction rate increased from 0.62 to 0.66, indicating that the policy improved the satisfaction of tourists and stakeholders;
Tax rate optimization: After the implementation of the policy, the tax rate was reduced from 0.7756 to 0.7703, although the change is not large, but it indicates that the policy has been optimized in terms of taxation, which may help reduce the burden on enterprises and individuals.