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1 Work life is undergoing a sea change in the wealthiest nations. Money, amazingly, is losing its power. The stark findings about life satisfaction-that beyond the safety net, more money adds little or nothing to subjective well-being'-are starting to sink in. While real income in America has risen 16% in the last 30 years, the percentage of people who describe themselves as "very happy" has fallen from 36% to 29%. "Money really cannot buy happiness," declared The New York Times. But when employees catch up with the Times and figure out that raises, promotions, and overtime pay buy not one whit of increased life satisfaction, what then? Why will a qualified individual choose one job over another? What will cause an employee to be steadfastly loyal to the company he or she works for? For wh incentive will a worker pour heart and soul into making a quality product?

2 Our economy is rapidly changing from a money economy' to a satisfaction economy'. These trends go up and down (when jobs are scarcer, personal satisfaction has a somewhat lesser weight; when jobs are abundant, personal satisfaction counts for more), but the trend for two decades is decidedly in favor of personal satisfaction. Law is now the most highly paid profession in America, having surpassed medicine during the 1990s. Yet the major New York law firms now spend more on retention than on recruitment, as their young associates- and even partners-are leaving law in droves for work that makes them happier. The lure of a lifetime of great riches at the end of several years of grueling 80- hour weeks as a lowly associate has lost much of its power. The newly-minted coin of this realm is life satisfaction. Millions of Americans are staring at their jobs and asking, "Does my work have to be this unsatisfying? What can I do about it?" My answer is that your work can be much more satisfying than it is now, and that by Using your signature strengths at work more often, you should be able to recraft your job to make it so.

3 l'm sure you are skeptical. What, money lost its power in a capitalistic economy? Dream on! I would remind you about another "impossible" sea change that Swept education 40 years ago. When went to school (a military one), and for generations before, education was based on humiliation. The dunce cap and the paddle were the big guns in the arsenal of teachers. These went the way of the wooly mammoth and the dodo, and did so astonishingly quickly. They disappeared because educators discovered a better route to learning: rewarding strengths, kindly mentoring, delving deeply into one subject rather than memorizing a panoply of facts, emotional attachment of the students to a teacher or a topic, and individualized attention. There is also a better route to high productivity than money.

4 l had played poker with Bob Miller every Tuesday night for the past 25 years. Bob was a runner. October was his favorite month. He would run through the Adirondacks', never missing a run up Gore Mountain", religiously return to Philadelphia' each Tuesday evening at 7:30 sharp, and then run off before dawn the next morning for the gold and red- leaved mountains. This time he didn't make it. A truck hit him during the early hours of the morning in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania", and now he was lying unconscious in the Coatesville Hospital. He had been in a coma for three days.

5 "Can we have your consent to take Mr. Miller off life support?" his neurologist asked me. "You are, according to his attorney, his closest friend, and we haven't been able to reach any of his relatives." As the enormity of what she was saying slowly seeped in, I noticed an overwelght man in hospital whites out of the corner of my eye. He had removed the bedpan, and then he unobtrusively started to adjust the pictures on the walls. He eyed a snow scene critically, straightened it, and then stepped back and eyed it again, dissatisfied, I had noticed him doing much the same thing the day before, and I was happy to let my mind drift away from the subject at hand and to turn my attention to this strange orderly.

"I can see you need to think this over, the neurologist sald, and noticing my glaze look, she left. I pitched myself into the lone chair and watched the orderly.

"May ask what you're doing?" linquired mildly.

"My job? I'm an orderly on this floor" he answered. "But I bring in new prints and photos every week. You see, I'm responsible for the health of all these patients. Take Mr. Miller here. He hasn't woken up since they brought him in, but when he does, I want to make sure he sees beautiful things right away!"

This orderly at the Coatesville Hospital (preoccupied, I never learned his name) did not define his work as the emptying of bedpans or the swabbing of trays, but as protecting the health of his patients and procuring objects to fil this difficult time of their lives with beauty. He may have held a lowly job, but he recrafted it into a high calling.

How does a person frame work in relation to the rest of life? Scholars distinguish three kinds of "work orientation"; a job, a career, and a calling. You do a job for the paycheck at the end of the week, You do not seek other rewards from it. It is just a means to another end (like leisure, or supporting your family), and when the wage stops, you quit. A career entails a deeper personal investment in work. You mark your achievements through money, but also through advancement. Each promotion brings you higher prestige and more power, as well as a raise, Law firnm associates become partners, assistant professors become associate professors, and middle managers advance to vice- presidencies. When the promotions stop- when you "top out"-alienation starts, and you begin to look elsewhere for gratification and meaning.

A calling (or vocation) is a passionate commitment to work for its own sake. Individuals with a calling see their work as contributing to the greater good, to something larger than they are. The work is fulfilling in its own right, without regard for money or for advancement. When the money stops and the promotions end, the work goes on. Traditionally, callings were reserved to very prestigious and rarefied work-priests, supreme court justices, physicians, and scientists. But there has been an important discovery in this field: Any job can become a calling, and any calling can become a job. "A physician who views the work as a Job and is simply interested in making a good income does not have a Calling, while a garbage collector who sees the work as making the world a cleaner, healthier place could have a Calling."