Reverendo Insanidade Capítulo 2: Voltando no tempo com 500 anos de conhecimento

Capítulo 2 - Voltando no tempo com 500 anos de conhecimento

Dizem as lendas que existe um rio do tempo neste mundo. Ele sustenta o fluxo e a circulação do tempo do mundo. E usando o poder da Cigarra da Primavera e do Outono, pode-se viajar de volta rio acima e retornar ao passado.

Há muitas opiniões conflitantes sobre este conto mítico. Muitos não acreditam nele, e alguns são céticos quanto à verdade.

Poucas pessoas realmente ousam acreditar nele.

Porque cada vez que alguém usa a Cigarra da Primavera e do Outono, deve pagar com sua vida, deixando todo o seu corpo e cultivo serem a força motriz para usar seu poder.

Tal preço é muito caro, e o que as pessoas simplesmente não conseguem aceitar é o fato de que depois de pagar com sua vida, você nem mesmo sabe qual é o resultado.

Então, mesmo que alguém tenha a Cigarra da Primavera e do Outono, não ousaria usá-la tão indiscriminadamente. E se os rumores fossem falsos e fosse apenas um golpe?

Se Fang Yuan não estivesse encurralado em tal estado, ele também não a usaria tão apressadamente. Mas agora, Fang Yuan está totalmente convencido. Porque a realidade da verdade foi colocada diante de seus olhos e não havia como negar. Ele realmente renasceu!

“É uma pena... Desde o início, desperdicei uma quantidade absurda de esforço, matando centenas de milhares de pessoas, deixando até mesmo os céus furiosos e incitando a vingança das pessoas, passei por sofrimento e várias dificuldades para finalmente atingir e refinar este bom Gu...” Fang Yuan pensou com um suspiro. Embora tenha renascido, a Cigarra da Primavera e do Outono não veio com ele.

Os humanos são os maiores entre milhares de criaturas, os Gu são a essência do céu e da terra.

O Gu vem em milhares de formas e tamanhos de variedade estranha e misteriosa - há muitos para contar. Alguns Gu, depois de serem usados uma ou até duas ou três vezes, se dissiparão completamente. E alguns Gu podem ser reutilizados repetidamente, desde que não sejam usados além de seus limites.

Dito isso, é provável que a Cigarra da Primavera e do Outono seja um daqueles tipos que só pode ser usado uma vez antes de desaparecer para sempre.

“Mas mesmo que tenha acabado, ainda posso refinar outro. Fiz isso na minha vida anterior, por que não posso fazer nesta vida?” Depois que os pensamentos de pena foram deixados de lado, o coração de Fang Yuan explodiu em sentimentos ambiciosos e determinados.

Para poder renascer, esse fato tornou a perda da Cigarra da Primavera e do Outono totalmente aceitável.

Sem mencionar que ele tinha algo precioso com ele, então não é como se ele tivesse perdido tudo.

Esse tesouro precioso eram seus 500 anos de memórias e experiências.

Em suas memórias há uma multidão de todos os tipos de tesouros e itens preciosos que ninguém abriu ainda nessa época. Todos os grandes eventos e incidentes ele pode facilmente entender pelas veias da história. Há um número incontável de figuras: alguns são predecessores de níveis ocultos; alguns são gênios, algumas pessoas nem nasceram ainda. Também nesses 500 anos de vida há memórias de cultivo meticuloso e rica experiência de combate.

Com todas essas memórias e experiências, ele inegavelmente entendeu a situação geral e as oportunidades futuras. Com bom planejamento e execução, ele poderia empoderar a situação com grande ferocidade e elegância. Não era um problema agora que ele poderia dar um passo à frente dos outros, quebrando os limites mais altos!

“Então, como faço isso, hmmm…” Fang Yuan era incrivelmente sensato. Ele se recompôs e encarou a chuva noturna do lado de fora da janela, ponderando. Com esse pensamento, as coisas começaram a parecer complicadas. Depois de pensar por um momento, suas sobrancelhas se franziram ainda mais.

500 anos de tempo era um período bastante longo. Não mencione aquelas memórias confusas que não podem ser lembradas, mesmo lembrar os locais escondidos de tesouros ou encontros especiais de pessoas eram muitos, mas a questão principal era que os locais eram separados por uma longa distância e tinham que ser acessados ou visitados em certos períodos de tempo.

“A coisa mais importante é o cultivo. O eu agora nem mesmo abri meu Mar Primordial, não pisei no caminho para ser um Mestre Gu. Sou apenas um mortal! Tenho que me apressar e cultivar, alcançando a história e aproveitando as oportunidades com a melhor vantagem.”

Para não esquecer, muitos desses locais escondidos de tesouros eram inúteis sem uma base adequada. Em vez disso, seria apenas entrar na toca do lobo, procurando a morte.

O problema diante de Fang Yuan agora era o cultivo.

Ele tinha que aumentar o nível de sua fundação o mais rápido possível. Se ele fosse lento como em sua vida anterior, ele chegaria tarde demais.

“Para cultivar o mais rápido possível, eu teria que pedir emprestado os recursos do clã. Com o estado em que estou agora, não tenho poder ou habilidade para viajar para frente e para trás pelas montanhas perigosas. Até mesmo um javali comum pode tirar minha vida. Se eu puder alcançar o cultivo de um Mestre Gu de Terceiro Nível, terei os meios para me proteger e deixar a montanha.”

Através dos olhos de uma pessoa de 500 anos que cultivou no Caminho Demoníaco, a Montanha Qing Mao era muito pequena, a Vila Gu Yue parecia até uma gaiola.

But while the cage restricted freedom, the sturdy bars of the cage also brought about a certain kind of safety.

“Hmm, in this short period of time I’ll just stay in this cage. As long as I can reach Third level Gu Master, I can leave this poor mountain. Luckily tomorrow is the Awakening Ceremony, I’ll be able to start training as a Gu Master soon after.”

When he thought about the Awakening Ceremony, old memories that had long been buried away in his heart resurfaced themselves.

“Talent huh…” He sneered, his gaze focused out the window.

At this moment, the door to his room was lightly pushed open and a young teenager walked in.

“Big brother, why are you standing in the rain by the window side ?”

The youth was thin, slightly shorter than Fang Yuan. His face resembled Fang Yuan’s features greatly. As Fang Yuan turned his head to look at this young man, a complicated look flickered across his face.

“It’s you huh, my twin little brother.” He raised his eyebrows, his expression returning to that of cold indifference. Fang Zheng lowered his head and looked at his own toes; this is his signature stance.

“I saw that big brother’s window was not shut closed, so I thought I’d come in here and close it. Tomorrow is the Awakening Ceremony, it’s so late and you haven’t gone to bed yet big brother. If Uncle and Aunty knew, they would probably be worried.”

Fang Zheng was not surprised at Fang Yuan’s coldness. Ever since he was a small child, his older brother had always been like that. Sometimes he would wonder, maybe a genius is just like this, being rather different from ordinary people. Even though he had the same look as his older brother, he felt that he was ordinary like an ant.

They were born from the same womb at the same time, and yet why are the heavens so unfair? His older brother had been endowed with gleaming talent, while he himself was as ordinary as a stone.

Everyone around him would say, “This is Fang Yuan’s little brother-” when they mentioned him. His aunt and uncle would constantly tell him to learn from his older brother. Even when he looked into the mirror sometimes, he would feel disgusted as he saw his own face!

These thoughts had been ongoing for many years, accumulating day and night deeply into his heart. Like a giant stone pressing against his heart, these few years Fang Zheng’s head lowered more and more, and he also grew quieter.

“Worried…” At the thought of his aunt and uncle, Fang Yuan laughed silently. He could still remember clearly how the parents of this world had both lost their lives in one of the clan missions. When he was only 3 years old, he and his little brother became orphans.

In the name of upbringing, his aunt and uncle grabbed hold of the inheritance left behind by his parents while inflicting harsh treatment against his younger brother and himself.

He originally planned to just be a normal person, even planning to conceal his abilities and bide his time. However his life was difficult, making Fang Yuan have no choice but to choose to expose some of his talents.

The so-called talent is merely but a mature and intellect soul that carried a few of Earth’s popular ancient poems.

With this he managed to startle people and capture attention. Because of pressure from the outside world, the young Fang Yuan made a decision to keep a cold indifferent expression to protect himself, reducing the possibility of revealing any secrets. Over time the coldness would become a habit that he was accustomed to expressing.

Thus his aunt and uncle were no longer harsh on him and his younger brother. As the years passed and they got older, the future became more optimistic and better treatment increased. This was not lover, but a type of investment.

It’s hilarious how his little brother never saw this truth,; not only was he deceived by their aunt and uncle, he also started burying resentments inside. Although he looked like a good-natured and honest boy now, in Fang Yuan’s memories when his brother was found out to be an A grade talent the clan spent much effort in raising him with all they had. After that all the buried resentment and jealous and hate inside was released, and many a time Fang Zheng would target, suppress and make life difficult for his own older brother.

As for his own grade, it was only C grade talent.

Fate loved to play a joke.

A pair of twins – The older one only had C grade talent, but had been known as a genius for a dozen years. The younger one who was always overlooked was the one with A grade talent instead.

The results of the Awakening Ceremony had left the clan shocked. The treatment of the two brothers had suddenly reversed after that.

The younger brother was like a dragon rising up to the heavens; the older brother was like a phoenix that fell down to the earth.

After that came the many hardships and troubles from his own younger brother, the cold eyes of his aunt and uncle, the contempt of the clans people.

Did he hate it?

Fang Yuan in his previous life hated it. He hated his own lack of talent, he hated how heartless the clan was, hated how fate was so unfair. But now, with his 500 years of life experiences, using this to rethink this course his heart was actually calm, not a shred of hatred.

What was there to be gain from resentment?

Thinking about if from another point of view, he could understand his younger brother, aunt and uncle, even those enemies from 500 years later who attacked him.

The strong eat the weak, survival of the fittest; these have always been the rules of this world. Everyone has self-ambitions, always struggling to grasp the opportunities. Among all the war and killing what is there not to be understood?

500 years of life experience have long allowed him to understand all of this, with the heart that wants to gain immortality.

If someone tries to prevent this pursuit of his, no matter who it is he will kill and live through it. The aspirations in his heart were too big, stepping onto this road was to be making the world your enemy, and it was destined to be alone, destined to kill.

This was the conclusion of 500 years of life.

“Revenge is not my intention, the Demonic path does not compromise.” With that he couldn’t help but laugh and gave his younger brother a faint glance. “You can leave.”

Fang Zheng’s heart shook as he felt like his brother’s eyes were sharp like an ice blade, seemingly penetrating the deepest parts of his heart.

Under such a gaze, he felt like he was naked in the snow, unable to hold any secrets.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, big brother.” Not daring to say anymore, Fang Zheng slowly closed the door and left.

Chapter 2: Going back in time with 500 years of knowledge
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