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Avoiding Mistakes When Using Structs in C#
在 C#中使用结构时避免错误

SwiftRoll 🐦
7 min readNov 3, 2023

Theory 理论

Stack vs Heap 栈与堆

Both the Stack and the Heap are complex topics. Here, I’ll provide only a brief and practical explanation.

Stack 堆栈
The Stack is a “last in, first out” (LIFO) data structure with two core functions: adding data to the top of it (push) and returning data from the top of it (pop).

When you run your program it has small memory space that’s organized as a Stack.

- When you declare a variable inside a method it’s “pushed” onto the Stack.
- 当你在方法内部声明一个变量时,它会被“压入”栈中。

- When you’re accessing that variable later it’s accessed based on its position on the Stack.
- 当你稍后访问该变量时,它是根据其在栈中的位置进行访问的。

- When you’re returning from method, the memory pushed from that method is “popped”.
- 当你从方法返回时,该方法压入的内存会被“弹出”。

That also means that objects on the Stack generally have a short lifetime.

In short, the Heap is simply a large memory space inside the application’s memory space that’s provided for storing various types of data.

There is also a data structure called a Heap, but it is not connected to the memory heap.

More info 更多信息
- Understanding the Stack and Heap in C#
- 理解 C#中的堆栈和堆
- More technical details
- 更多技术细节

Reference type vs Value type

Difference between Reference and Value time is specified in the ECMA-334 standard:
ECMA-334 标准中规定了引用类型与值类型的时间差异:

Value types differ from reference types in that variables of the value types directly contain their data, whereas variables of the reference types store references to their data, the latter being known as objects.

Generally that also means that Reference types are stored in the Heap, and Value types are stored in the Stack or as part of some object inside the Heap.

Let’s illustrate with simple examples:

int a;
Value type “int a” is stored in the Stack
值类型“int a”存储在栈中
SomeClass someClass = new();

public class SomeClass
public int a;
Value type “int a” is stored inside the Reference type
值类型“int a”存储在引用类型内部

Practice 实践

Modification of fields 字段修改

The biggest difference between a class and a struct is noticeable when you modify their fields


void ClassExample()

SomeClass class1 = new();
class1.x = 5;
SomeClass class2 = class1;
class1.x = 10;


void StructExample()

SomeStruct struct1 = new();
struct1.x = 5;
SomeStruct struct2 = struct1;
struct1.x = 10;


public class SomeClass
public int x;

public struct SomeStruct
public int x;

Exactly same code for the class and for the struct. Let’s check the console.

Console output 控制台输出

This happens because in the line “SomeStruct struct2 = struct1;” the value of struct1 is copied to the struct2 variable. Later by changing struct1 we do not change struct2.
这种情况发生的原因在于,在“SomeStruct struct2 = struct1;”这一行中,struct1 的值被复制到了 struct2 变量中。随后,当我们修改 struct1 时,并不会影响到 struct2。

But assigning the class “SomeClass class2 = class1;” copies only reference. Now they both (class1 and class2) refer to the same place in the memory where instance of SomeClass is located. Thus, both of them reference the same instance, and its field is changed at the line “class1.x = 10”
但执行“SomeClass class2 = class1;”这一操作仅复制了引用。现在,class1 和 class2 都指向内存中同一个 SomeClass 实例的位置。因此,它们都引用同一个实例,并且在“class1.x = 10”这一行代码中,该实例的字段被修改了。

Passing as argument 作为参数传递

It works the same when passing it as an argument to some method

void ClassExample2()

SomeClass class1 = new();
class1.x = 5;


void ClassModify(SomeClass inputClass)
inputClass.x = 25;

void StructExample2()

SomeStruct struct1 = new();
struct1.x = 5;


void StructModify(SomeStruct inputStruct)
inputStruct.x = 25;

But we can pass struct as a reference too. For that we’ll need to use keyword ref (or in/out)
但我们也可以通过引用传递结构体。为此,我们需要使用关键字 ref(或 in/out)。

void StructExample2()

SomeStruct struct1 = new();
struct1.x = 5;
StructModify(ref struct1);


void StructModify(ref SomeStruct inputStruct)
inputStruct.x = 25;

Allocation 分配

Creating something in the Stack has a minimal performance impact.
在 Stack 中创建内容对性能的影响极小。

Creating objects on the Heap incurs some small performance effects because of allocation, but the more significant impact on performance arises when these heap-allocated objects participate in the Garbage Collection cycle.

Garbage collection is a broad topic, and it is important to understand how it works in order to write performant code.

You can learn about it here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/fundamentals
您可以在此了解相关内容 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/fundamentals

Learn more about allocations

Avoiding allocations  避免分配

Common mistakes 常见错误

Collections of mutable structs

Modifying fields of non-readonly structs stored inside collections will result in compilation error.

You can still do it by creating a new struct and assigning it into the collection, but consider using a class if you need to do that often.

List<SomeClass> classList = new List<SomeClass>();
List<SomeStruct> structList = new List<SomeStruct>();


classList[5].x = 5; //ok
structList[5].x = 5; //compilation error
structList[5] = new SomeStruct() { x = 25 }; //ok

Arrays of structs vs Arrays of classes

If you create an array of structs, it allocates memory for the whole array and fills it with empty structs.

But if you create an array of classes it allocates memory only for references. The actual objects (instances of the class) will be allocated in the Heap separately from the array when you create them.

SomeClass[] classArray = new SomeClass[1000];
classArray[15].x = 55; //runtime error, NullReferenceException

SomeStruct[] structArray = new SomeStruct[1000];
structArray[15].x = 55; //ok

Fixing NullReferenceException by creating class instances:
通过创建类实例修复 NullReferenceException:

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
classArray[i] = new SomeClass();

Boxing 拳击

Structs allow us to achieve better performance. But there are some hidden traps that can affect their performance. One of the biggest is “boxing”’.

Boxing is a process of wrapping a Value type and moving it to the Heap, producing an allocation.

Boxing happens when a Value type is casted to an (object) or interface.

Generally, you should avoid boxing for performance reasons.
通常情况下,出于性能考虑,应避免使用 Boxing 操作。

Example case of boxing is:

SomeStruct struct1 = new();
object structObj = struct1; //boxing

More about boxing: 更多关于拳击的内容:

Inheritance 继承

Structs can inherit interfaces, but casting them to those interfaces will produce boxing, which should be avoided when possible

SomeStructWithInheritance struct1 = new();
IDisposable structDisposable = struct1; //boxing

List<IDisposable> disposables = new();
disposables.Add(struct1); //boxing

public struct SomeStructWithInheritance : IDisposable
public int x;

public void Dispose()
//some code

Lambdas 兰姆达斯

Lambdas capture Value types by using closure, it’s important to remember that because it may lead to unexpected behaviour
Lambda 表达式通过闭包捕获值类型,这一点需谨记,因为它可能导致意外行为

int x = 5;
Action lambda = () => Console.WriteLine(x);
x = 10;
lambda(); //output in the console: 10

If you want to pass only a copy of the value, you can do it like that:

int x = 5;
int y = x;
Action lambda = () => Console.WriteLine(y);
x = 10;
lambda(); //output in the console: 5

You can read more about lambdas here:
您可以在此处阅读更多关于 lambda 的内容:


Advices 建议

Make readonly structs 创建只读结构体

To avoid mistakes when working with structs, mark your structs as readonly

SomeStruct struct1 = new(5);
struct1.x = 25; //compilation error

public readonly struct SomeStruct
public readonly int x;

public SomeStruct(int x)
this.x = x;

Pass structs by reference for optimization

Use the ref/in/out keyword to pass structs as references. It will increase performance, especially with big-sized structs
使用 ref/in/out 关键字将结构体作为引用传递。这将提升性能,尤其是在处理大型结构体时。

void StructPrint(in SomeStruct inputStruct)

Advanced 高级
If you use Array of structs, you can also modify its elements by accessing them as ref:

SomeStruct[] structs = new SomeStruct[1000000];

ModifySimple(); //slower
ModifyAsRefs(); //faster

//slower, with copying
void ModifySimple()
for (int i = 0; i < structs.Length; i++)
//modify struct itself, produces copying
structs[i].x = 50;

//faster, by ref
void ModifyAsRefs()
for (int i = 0; i < structs.Length; i++)
//take struct as reference
ref SomeStruct structRef = ref structs[i];
//modify reference
structRef.x = 100;

struct SomeStruct
public int x;
public int y;
public int z;
public int w;
Profiler 分析器

In this scenario it gives more than 2x performance boost

Thanks for this example to feralferrous
感谢 feralferrous 提供的这个示例

That works only with Arrays, any Collections wouldn’t allow that.

What’s the difference between List and Array of structs?


Consider “ref structs” when that struct doesn’t leave the Stack
考虑使用“ref 结构体”,当该结构体不离开栈时

If your struct should never leave the Stack, you can use “ref struct”, which would add extra restrictions on it and reduce the chance of making mistakes
如果你的结构体应始终保持在栈上,可以使用“ref struct”,这将为其添加额外限制,降低出错的可能性

List<SomeStruct> list = new();  //compilation error because List is on the Heap

public readonly ref struct SomeStruct
public readonly int x;

public SomeStruct(int x)
this.x = x;

You can learn more about ref struct and its restrictions here:
您可以在此了解更多关于 ref 结构及其限制的信息:


Check out my other tutorial about structs:

Optimizing Code by Replacing Classes with Structs, Unity C# Tutorial
通过将类替换为结构体来优化代码,Unity C# 教程


Consider following me for more tutorials here or at twitter https://twitter.com/SwiftRollDev
关注我以获取更多教程,可在此处或访问 Twitter https://twitter.com/SwiftRollDev

More info 更多信息

The C# type system https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/types/
C# 类型系统 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/types/

Structure types https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/struct
结构类型 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/struct

Value types https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/value-types
值类型 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/value-types

The Truth About Value Types (blog) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/ericlippert/the-truth-about-value-types

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