Why You Should (Almost) Never Rewrite Code – A Graphical Guide
为什么你(几乎)永远不应该重写代码 - 图解指南

I’m by no means the first person to write about the dangers of rewriting code.  The definitive work for me is “Things You Should Never Do, Part I” written by Joel Spolsky in 2000.  If you haven’t read that, you should.
我绝不是第一个写重写代码危害的人。对我而言权威著作是 Joel Spolsky 在 2000 年写的"你永远不该做的事情,第一部分"。如果你还没读过,你应该读一读。

A recent discussion caused me to create a series of charts to graphically illustrate the dangers of rewriting.  I tend to think graphically – blame too much time in Powerpoint creating VC pitch decks.
最近的一次讨论促使我制作了一系列图表,直观地说明重写的危险性。我倾向于以图形的方式思考 —— 责怪我在 Powerpoint 中花了太多时间制作 VC 投资路演幻灯片。

I hope these charts help anyone considering rewriting code or being hectored by earnest, bright, young engineers and architects advocating a rewrite.  I’ve seen this movie before and I know how it ends.

The Status Quo 现状

Firstly, here’s the status quo:

The more time and money you spend on an existing product, generally speaking, the more functionality you get.

Let’s then overlay the competitiveness of the product in its target market.  Of course, what you want to achieve is a continual improvement in the competitiveness of the product.  Competitiveness doesn’t increase as fast as functionality.  Your competitors don’t stand still so, typically, the best you can hope for is to increase competitiveness gradually over time – even staying flat is a big challenge.
让我们再来看看产品在目标市场中的竞争力。当然,您想要实现的是产品竞争力的持续提升。竞争力的提升速度没有功能快。您的竞争对手不会止步不前,所以通常情况下,您能期望的最好结果就是竞争力随着时间的推移而逐步提高 —— 即使保持不变也是一个巨大的挑战。

Of course, this chart is idealized – functionality will increase in a more lumpy way as you release major new chunks of functionality and competitiveness will move up and down against your market. However, they demonstrate the point.
当然,这个图表是理想化的 —— 随着您发布重要的新功能块,功能会以更多的块状方式增加,竞争力也会在您的市场中上下波动。但是,它们证明了这一点。

Note:  the Y axis on all these charts represents “functionality” which, for the purposes of this discussion, can be considered a blend of features and quality.  The distinction between the two is not really important in this analysis since you always want to be advancing on one or both and they both impact overall product competitiveness.
注意:所有这些图表中的 Y 轴代表"功能",就本次讨论而言,可以将其视为特性和质量的结合。两者之间的区别在于本分析并不十分重要,因为您总是希望在其中一个或两个方面取得进展,它们都会影响整体的产品竞争力。

Let’s Rewrite! 让我们重写吧!

Cue your software architect.  He’s just been reading about this great new application framework and language called Ban.an.as – it’s so much better than the way you’ve been doing things previously. Hell, Ban.an.as has built-in back-hashed inline quadroople integration comprehensions. Plus, all the cool kids are using it.
提示您的软件架构师。他刚刚阅读了一个名为 Ban.an.as 的优秀新应用框架和语言 —— 它比您以前的做事方式好得多。天哪,Ban.an.as 内置了后散列内联四倍集成理解。此外,所有酷小孩都在使用它。

If you’re a non-technical manager or executive, this can become quickly overwhelming and hard to argue against.  They’re the experts, right, so they must know what they’re talking about.

[By the way, if you’re a non-engineer, there’s no such thing as “back-hashed inline quadroople integration comprehensions” – I made that up.  Sorry.
[顺便说一句,如果您不是工程师,没有所谓的"后散列内联四倍集成理解" —— 我编造了这个。抱歉。

A little secret here: there really haven’t been any new programming paradigms invented since the 1970s.  Software folks are generally in their 20s and didn’t see them the first time around – they just get “re-discovered” and given new names. Sssh – don’t tell anyone.]
这里有一个小秘密:自从 1970 年代以来,没有真正发明任何新的编程范式。软件人员通常 20 多岁,第一次看到它们的时候没看见 —— 它们只是被"重新发现"并被赋予新的名字。嘘 —— 不要告诉任何人。]

Just to be clear – I’m not saying that new languages, frameworks and technologies can’t create significant improvements in developer productivity – they can.  But, their introduction into an existing product has a big price, as we’ll see.
我要澄清一点 —— 我并不是说新的语言、框架和技术不能显著提高开发人员的生产力 —— 它们可以。但是,正如我们将看到的,将它们引入现有产品需要付出很大的代价。

Lastly, lest I alienate or offend my fellow geeks, I have been that very software architect advocating for the rewrite.  I learned this the hard way.

So, this is how the rewrite is supposed to work in theory:

Let’s break this down:

The rework is expected to take some amount of time.  During this time, functionality won’t increase because developers are focusing on rebuilding the foundations.

In the graph, that’s the blue area you can see peeking through.  That blue area represents the cost of the rewrite.

But, once the rewrite is done, the idea is that progress will be massively greater than it was previously because the new technology used is inherently better than the old.  Developers will be more productive with the new.  There’s no need to work with the old spaghetti code – instead, there’s a beautiful new architecture free of all the baggage that came before.

The critical point in time is the break-even point – this is the point at which the functionality of your product starts to exceed where you would have been had you stuck with the original implementation and continued working on it.

During the rewrite period, the competitiveness of your product will typically decline since your competitors are not standing still and you can’t develop new functionality.

However, the claim typically made by the rewrite advocates is that the rework will be relatively easy, take a relatively short period of time and hence achieve break-even quickly, after which it’s non-stop to the moon…

What tends to go wrong – Part 1
哪里容易出错 - 第一部分

So, what tends to go wrong?  The most common problem is arguably the most common problem in software development generally; the rewrite takes significantly longer that expected.

There’s a discussion of why this tends to happen below but, for now, trust me that this often happens – if you’ve had any experience with software development at all, it’s highly likely that you’ve seen this happen too.

The result is that the cost of your rewrite is significantly larger than originally claimed.  (The blue area showing through on the chart is now much larger.)  This means that the break-even point is also significantly pushed back in time.

The knock-on effect is that the competitiveness of your product drops for a much longer period of time.

If you are a big company, you can probably (hopefully) absorb the pushed out break-even point – maybe other products provide revenue, maybe good channel relationships continue to deliver sales of your product even though it’s falling versus the competition or maybe you’ve simply got lots of cash reserves.  Joel Spolsky references several big company rewrites that failed but did not kill the company.
如果你是一家大公司,你可能(希望)能够吸收延迟的盈亏平衡点——也许其他产品提供了收入,也许良好的渠道关系继续带来产品销售,尽管与竞争对手相比正在下降,或者你只是有大量现金储备。Joel Spolsky 提到了几个大公司的重写失败案例,但没有导致公司倒闭。

However, if you are a startup or smaller company (or even a less fortunate bigger company), this can be – some might argue, is very likely to be – fatal.

What tends to go wrong – Part 2
哪里容易出错 - 第二部分

It gets worse. 情况变得更糟。

Not only does the rewrite often take longer than expected but functionality is not even flat at the end of it – functionality is actually lost as a side-effect of the rewrite.

That’s because all of those small but important features, tweaks and bug-fixes that were in the original product don’t get reimplemented during the rewrite.  (These are the “hairs” that Joel discusses.)
这是因为在重写过程中,原有产品中那些小但重要的功能、优化和错误修复并没有被重新实现。(这些就是 Joel 所说的"毛发"。)

Remember that the main focus of the rewrite in the developer/architect’s mind is generally to build a better architecture and these small features don’t seem important and mess up this beautiful new architecture.

Plus, however good the developers are, they will introduce new bugs that will only get exposed and fixed through usage.

The net result is that the product after the rewrite is, in the eyes of the end-user and the market, worse than the product before the rewrite, even if it’s better in the eyes of the developer.

This further pushes out the break-even point in terms of functionality and competitiveness of your product will take a long time to recover.  If you listen carefully, you can probably hear your competitors wetting themselves laughing at your folly.

What tends to go wrong – Part 3
哪里容易出错 - 第三部分

Oh dear. 天哪。

The nail in the coffin is that, not only does the rewrite take longer than expected, and functionality get lost in the process, but the benefits of the new technology/language/framework turn out to not be nearly as great as claimed.  Meanwhile, if you’d stuck with the status quo, you would have got more productive due to normal learning effects – i.e. don’t forget that while your team is climbing the learning curve with the new technology, you would have been getting better with the old one anyway.

Any one of the 3 problems above is potentially fatal but all 3 together is definitely so.  Competitiveness of your product will likely never recover.

Why does this happen?

So, the above sections discuss what can go wrong.  It might help to understand why this happens.

In Joel’s seminal post cited above, he makes the point, “It’s harder to read code than to write it.”
在上面引用的 Joel 的开创性文章中,他指出:"阅读代码比编写代码更难。"

Very true – it’s also more fun to write new code than learn someone else’s code.

Developers like to feel smart and, intellectually, learning someone else’s code can seem like a lose-lose scenario to a lot of developers – if the code is bad, it’s painful to learn and you’re going to have to fix it.  On the other hand, if it’s better than you would have written, it’s going to make you feel stupid.

Also, bear in mind that the fundamental motivation of most (not all) engineers is to Learn New Stuff ™.  They are always going to gravitate towards new things over old problems they feel they’ve already solved.  Again, I’m not faulting developers for this – it doesn’t make them bad people but, if you’re a non-developer, it’s critical you understand this motivation.

Put it this way: would you rather be the guy that architected the Golden Gate Bridge or one of the guys hanging off it on a rope, scraping off rust and repainting it?

Another problem is that when you rewrite, you typically make rapid progress early on which gives false validation to the decision to rewrite.  It makes you feel smart – what a beautiful cathedral I’m building.

That’s because you’re writing code in a vacuum.  No one is using the code yet; certainly no actual users.  But, as you start to reach launch date, all those small features, tweaks and bug-fixes – all that learning that was encapsulated in your old product – starts to become conspicuous by its absence.

The bottom-line is that, when the case to rewrite is being made, it is not comparing apples to apples – it is comparing theoretical benefits with actual benefits.  The actual benefit in question being, of course, that you have an existing product that works.

Comparing the pros and cons of writing a new application in language A versus B is not the same as comparing an application already written in language A versus rewriting that application in language B.  Why?  because any productivity gains of one language over the other are typically massively overridden by the loss of all the domain knowledge, testing and fixes encapsulated in the existing product.
比较用语言 A 和 B 编写新应用程序的利弊,与比较已经用语言 A 编写的应用程序和用语言 B 重写该应用程序是不同的。为什么?因为一种语言相对于另一种语言的任何生产力提升,通常会被现有产品中封装的所有领域知识、测试和修复的损失所大大抵消。

Should you EVER rewrite?

So, are there ever circumstances when you should rewrite?  My answer here is an emphatic“maybe”.

Let’s consider some of the possible situations:

1.  An irretrievably sick code-base
1. 一个无可救药的病态代码库

The symptom here is that it takes exponentially longer to add each new feature – per the chart above.  Another symptom is that defect reports continue to come in as fast, or faster than you can fix them – you’re treading water.

However, an irretrievably sick development team is a much more likely culprit than an irretrievably sick product.

Don’t let developers convince you that they can’t maintain a codebase – what they most often mean is that they don’t want to maintain a codebase.

2.  The developers who wrote the code are not available
2. 编写代码的开发人员无法使用

If you buy/find/inherit a codebase, make sure you have access to as many of the developers who wrote it as possible, for as long as possible.  If you didn’t…doh!

Again, don’t fall into the trap – developers will always prefer to write new code of their own than learn how the existing code works.

3.  A genuine change to a new problem domain
3. 真正转向新的问题领域

Sometimes, some of the fundamental assumptions and technology choices may no longer be valid for the problem domain that your product is addressing.  But, then I’d argue, you’re really talking about building a new product rather than rewriting an existing one.

4. Fundamentally incorrect or limiting technology choices
4. 从根本上错误或限制性的技术选择

In some cases, the team that originally built the product may have made some poor choices in the technologies to use or the approaches to take.  They may simply not map well to the problem domain of your product.  However, in my experience, this is true much less often than developers claim it’s true.

Also, there are points where you start to hit fundamental scalability limits of certain technologies.  However, keep in mind that if you’re hitting those scalability limits, someone else probably has too before you, and solutions to the problem exist.

So, if you are even entertaining the suggestion of a rewrite, make sure you get the developers to give you a specific cost-benefit analysis of the rewrite.  Show them the charts above and get them to tell you why these problems won’t occur in this case, even though they occur in almost every case.

If and when you are convinced that this is one of those rare situations where a rewrite is the right approach, you need to make it surgical:  where will you make the incision?  How deep do you cut?  What are the risks?  What are the potential side-effects?  How can I make sure no functionality is lost? How can it be done incrementally?

Divide the rewrite into a series of smaller changes, during which functionality absolutely cannot be lost.  Rewrite parts of the system at a time with a well defined, understood and testable interface between old and new.

Better still, don’t rewrite.

Good luck. 祝你好运。

Agree, disagree?  Please leave a comment.

16 thoughts on “Why You Should (Almost) Never Rewrite Code – A Graphical Guide
对"为什么你(几乎)永远不应该重写代码——图解指南"的 16 个想法

  1. Good post. That is _so_ true. All of this I experienced on a “re-write” at a company. Especially the loss of functionality as bug fixes and fine hairs were lost.
    好文。太对了。我在一家公司的"重写"项目中经历了这一切。尤其是随着 bug 修复和细节丢失而导致功能缺失。

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  2. You have an assumption – which is generally true, but not always – that the rewite happens to the exclusion of work on the existing codebase. There are many counter examples where the old and new codebases were maintained in parallel. Apple and Microsoft are masters of this which points to the requirement for lots of money but I have worked on smaller products where a rewrite happened and was successful. Insignia’s SoftPC and Psion’s EPOC OS. Adobe claim to have rewritten lots of their apps too.
    你有一个假设——通常是对的,但并非总是如此——重写发生在排除现有代码库工作之外。有许多反例,新旧代码库是并行维护的。苹果和微软是这方面的大师,这意味着需要大量资金,但我曾参与过较小产品的重写,并取得了成功。Insignia 的 SoftPC 和 Psion 的 EPOC 操作系统。Adobe 也声称重写了许多应用程序。

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    1. Thanks for your thoughts.

      What you are saying may be true but I don’t think it necessarily goes against the advice in the post.

      Firstly, I think only the biggest companies with the strongest revenue can afford to rewrite and continue to work on old products in parallel. Psion, Adobe, Apple and Microsoft all have/had huge cash-cow revenue streams from existing products so could absorb it.

      As you wil remember, EPOC32 – which ultimately became SymbianOS – took over twice as long as originally planned to deliver. Only a company like Psion at the time with a massive revenue stream from its existing products could absorb that cost.*
      你可能还记得,EPOC32(最终演变成 SymbianOS)的交付时间是最初计划的两倍多。只有像当时的 Psion 这样拥有来自现有产品的巨大收入流的公司才能吸收这笔成本。*

      Plus, just because the company ultimately emerged from the rewrite, it doesn’t really give us any insight as to whether it was the right choice versus sticking with a more organic, incremental plan. It’s of course impossible to know. I have no way of knowing for sure, of course, but I suspect these examples are something of a mixed bag – I think a couple of them were probably valid cases of #4 (limiting technology choice) in my list above of potentially valid reasons for a rewrite, whereas others were driven more by hubris than need.
      另外,仅仅因为公司最终从重写中恢复过来,并不能真正让我们洞察重写是否是正确的选择,相比坚持更有机的、渐进的计划。当然,我们不可能确切地知道。我无法确定,但我怀疑这些例子有些复杂——我认为其中几个可能是我在上面列出的可能有正当理由进行重写的第 4 点(限制技术选择)的有效案例,而其他一些则更多地出于傲慢而非需要。

      [* I think we could also have a good debate as to whether the product that emerged at the end of the EPOC rewrite actually was any better in the eyes of the consumer than the previous iteration. Another day…]
      [*我认为我们也可以好好讨论一下,在消费者眼中,EPOC 重写后的最终产品是否真的比之前的版本有任何改进。改日再谈...]

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      1. It’s a great post – perhaps a little TL; DR for the kids today? Anyway they’re probably Agile now, so they can call it refactoring…

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      2. Thanks, Paul. I’ll divide it into a series of individual tweets 🙂
        谢谢 Paul。我会把它分成一系列推文。:)

        Refactoring is a Good Thing and continuous refactoring should be encouraged. However, refactoring is fundamentally different to rewriting: refactoring is improving what’s already working; rewriting is throwing away what’s already working.

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  3. Pingback: Focus – what it really means and why it’s important « VibratingMelon
    Pingback: 专注 – 它的真正含义以及为什么它很重要 « VibratingMelon
  4. “Another symptom is that defect reports continue to come in as fast, or faster than you can fix them – you’re treading water.”
    另一个症状是,缺陷报告持续以相同甚至更快的速度提交,而你却没法跟上修复的速度 – 感觉像在踩水。

    This isn’t always a symptom of a codebase that needs rewriting. Surges in defect reports will cut down a developer’s bandwidth for resolving bugs. Sometimes they just need an uninterrupted week to knock off everything.
    这并非总是代码库需要重写的症状。缺陷报告的激增会削减开发人员修复 bug 的时间。有时他们只需要一个不受打扰的星期就可以解决所有问题。

    “However, an irretrievably sick development team is a much more likely culprit than an irretrievably sick product.”

    Management has some culpability in this situation as well. Things like shunning any repayment of technical debt which would get development momentum back up. Releases with no discernable business value are occasionally necessary to keep the internal application infrastructure maintainable.

    Also, some features require a few releases to become relatively bug free. Good development, qa, and staging environments are very rare, so high traffic features often have to be scalability tested in production. Managers often don’t want to see technical capital being spent over several releases to accomplish this, and more defect reports pile up as a result. They want to ‘get it right the first time’, but won’t spend the resources on the needed development and testing infrastructure to make that an option.
    此外,有些功能需要几个版本才能变得相对无 bug。良好的开发、QA 和 staging 环境非常罕见,因此高流量功能通常必须在生产环境中进行可伸缩性测试。管理者往往不愿意看到在多个版本中投入技术资本来完成这一点,结果是更多的缺陷报告堆积如山。他们希望"一次做对",但却不愿在必要的开发和测试基础设施上投入资源,从而失去了这个选择。

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  5. I have been browsing online more than 3 hours today,
    今天我已经在网上浏览了 3 个多小时,

    yet I never found any interesting article like yours. It’s pretty worth enough for me. In my view, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you did, the web will be a lot more useful than ever before.

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  6. Wow, Spot on! Excellent words of caution.

    We are presently in a project with all four of the circumstances for re-write that you mentioned. We inherited a code base created by morons. Now we look incompetent, because we cannot maintain it for a reasonable price. It seems you are assuming a startup environment.

    For an ongoing business, I would add to your list of decision criteria.

    1. Status quo is not sustainable. In our case the costs of maintenance are not sustainable. Sooner or later we’ll get fired to be replaced by another set of patsies who will fail to maintain/improve the old system .
    1. 现状不可持续。在我们的情况下,维护成本是不可持续的。我们迟早会被解雇,被另一组同样无法维护/改进旧系统的替罪羊所取代。

    2. A beneficial upgrade path exists. e.g. The new system can serve new customers while the issues are worked out. Then old customers can be migrated as they have need for the new requirements.
    2. 存在有益的升级路径。例如,新系统可以在解决问题的同时为新客户服务。然后,当老客户需要新的需求时,可以迁移他们。

    3. You have the political capital required to succeed. If the old system has eroded confidence in the stakeholders, you had better make sure they have the confidence and stamina for you to survive the rewrite. Customers (stakeholoders) never like to pay for anything twice.
    3. 你拥有成功所需的政治资本。如果旧系统已经侵蚀了利益相关者的信心,你最好确保他们有信心和耐力让你在重写过程中生存下来。客户(利益相关者)从来不喜欢为任何东西付两次钱。

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  7. “Don’t let developers convince you that they can’t maintain a codebase – what they most often mean is that they don’t want to maintain a codebase.”

    “Again, don’t fall into the trap – developers will always prefer to write new code of their own than learn how the existing code works.”

    “Sometimes, some of the fundamental assumptions and technology choices may no longer be valid for the problem domain that your product is addressing. But, then I’d argue, you’re really talking about building a new product rather than rewriting an existing one.”

    “In some cases, the team that originally built the product may have made some poor choices in the technologies to use or the approaches to take. … However, in my experience, this is true much less often than developers claim it’s true.”

    So you spend all that time making fairly useful visualizations of the problems that can occur when a rewrite happens, then, when you sum up, you throw any pretense of an impartial assessment out the window, and basically throw every developer in the world under the bus and blame it all on them.

    I’ve looked at your LinkedIn, and you know what I don’t see there? Any indication that you’ve ever written a line of code yourself. No, it looks like you’re another in a long line of managers that think they understand development better than the developers they manage. Why should the people who work with this stuff every day, who have to slog through the spaghetti of a decade-old codebase just to fix a display bug, know anything about the problems and what the best solution to the issue is?
    我看了你的 LinkedIn,你知道我没看到什么吗?没有任何迹象表明你自己写过一行代码。不,看起来你是一长串管理者中的另一个,他们认为自己比他们管理的开发人员更了解开发。为什么那些每天都在与这些东西打交道的人,那些必须在十年之久的代码库中艰难跋涉只为修复一个显示错误的人,会对问题以及解决问题的最佳方案一无所知呢?

    Here’s a clue: Your developers do not always make decisions based on their own petty vanities. Sometimes, when a developer tells you that a codebase needs a rewrite, it’s because *the codebase needs a rewrite*, not because they don’t want to work or are fatally arrogant. I have no proof, but I have a strong suspicion every developer that has ever worked for you thought you were an idiot of some stripe or another. If it were just a few of them, you could write it off as personality conflicts, but I bet it’s *every single one*, and you refuse to look in the mirror and see the actual problem.

    I’m currently writing up a plan to drag our codebase kicking and screaming into this century, and it’s because of managers like you that I’m having to make sure I never use the word “re-write”, despite that being what the codebase desperately needs. You know why? Because managers see that word and immediately dismiss any logical argument in favor of it, and completely ignore any argument or feedback from the developers, because clearly if the devs want to do a re-write, it’s because of any of the reasons you list above. I’ll spend 3 times as long writing this up as I need to because of manager prejudice, stubbornness, and ignorance. And it’s people like you that perpetuate the problem. Sometimes you *do* need to blow the building up and start over.
    我目前正在制定一项计划,将我们的代码库拖到本世纪,而这正是因为像你这样的经理,我不得不确保永远不使用"重写"这个词,尽管这正是代码库迫切需要的。你知道为什么吗?因为管理者一看到这个词就立即否定任何支持它的合理论据,完全忽视开发人员的任何论点或反馈,因为显然如果开发人员想要进行重写,那一定是出于你上面列出的任何原因。由于管理者的偏见、固执和无知,我将花费 3 倍于实际需要的时间来写这个计划。而像你这样的人正在延续这个问题。有时你*确实*需要炸毁大楼,从头再来。

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    1. Sorry – I rarely look at comments on articles I wrote this long ago but thanks for this one!
      抱歉 – 我很少看这么久以前写的文章下面的评论,但还是要谢谢你的这条评论!

      BTW, I’ve been actively coding since I was 8-years old (BBC Microcomputer 32K) and still do today, 34 years on – I’ve done 8-bit assembler, C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby and many others. I think the reason it doesn’t come through from my LinkedIn profile is that I’m old 😦 – all the jobs with “engineer/programmer” as the title were back before LinkedIn and not relevant today.
      顺便说一句,我从 8 岁(BBC Microcomputer 32K)开始就一直在编程,直到今天,34 年了 – 我写过 8 位汇编、C、C++、Java、Python、Ruby 和许多其他语言。我想我的 LinkedIn 资料中没有体现出这一点的原因是我太老了😦 – 所有带有"工程师/程序员"头衔的工作都是在 LinkedIn 出现之前,与今天不相关。

      All of my comments are from personal experience and, as I said in this piece, I was once the guy advocating the re-write and learned the hard way.

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  8. Stumbled across this while reading a bunch of “rewrite or refactor” posts. Really great insights here, and the visualization is helpful. I know you mentioned that the chart is “idealized”, one thing it doesn’t indicate is the diminishing returns of development as a system ages – in other words, the line over the purple area probably shouldn’t be linear. As technical debt accrues, it becomes increasingly hard to deliver functionality.
    在阅读一堆"重写还是重构"的帖子时无意中看到了这个。这里有一些真正伟大的见解,可视化也很有帮助。你提到图表是"理想化的",但有一点它没有表明,那就是随着系统老化,开发的回报会递减 - 换句话说,紫色区域上方的线条可能不应该是线性的。随着技术债务的累积,交付功能变得越来越困难。

    I think you’re spot on with the biases that developers (myself included!) bring to the table with this decision. All things being equal, we want to create, and we don’t want to maintain. I love the Golden Gate bridge analogy.

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    1. Thank you, Ben. I agree with your point about the line not being linear and that’s what I’m aiming to illustrate in the last chart where I talk about the “maybe” scenario.

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