F.W.A Fresh Water Allowance F.W.A 淡水补贴
increase of mean draft after ship’ s entry into standard fresh water area from standard sea water area. 船舶从标准海水区进入标准淡水区后平均吃水的增加量。
Reserve buoyancy Reserved buoyancy 储备浮力 储备浮力
That part of the volume of a ship which is above the water surface and is watertight, so that it will increase buoyancy if the ships sinks deeper into the water. 船只体积中位于水面以上且不漏水的部分,因此如果船只沉入更深的水底,该部分会增加浮力。
Free board 免费棋盘
Vertical distance measured from upper edge of freeboard deck downward to water surface at amidships. 从自由板甲板上缘向下测量到舯部水面的垂直距离。
Initial metacentric height 初始元心高度
the vertical distance between a ship’s center of gravity (G) and its metacenter (M) when the ship is in small angle heel 当船舶处于小跟角时,船舶重心 (G) 与元心 (M) 之间的垂直距离
The vertical line through the buoyancy center intersects the original vertical at point M , the metacenter. 通过浮力中心的垂直线与原始垂直线相交于 M 点(即元中心)。
DW Dead weight DW 自重
Maximum weight that the ship can carry at any specific draft. 船舶在任何特定吃水情况下可承载的最大重量。
Maximum weight of cargo that a ship can carry during a specific voyage. 船舶在特定航程中可装载的最大货物重量。
Flow moisture point 流动湿点
Transportable moisture limit 运输湿度限制
Ship constant 船舶常数
Difference between displacement when surveyed and displacement when just out of yard. 测量时的位移量与刚离开堆场时的位移量之间的差异。
Trim 修剪
The vertical inclination of a ship’s hull in the water. 船体在水中的垂直倾斜度。
Mean draft 平均草稿
The average depth to which a ship is submerged in water. 船只被水淹没的平均深度。
Mould depth 模具深度
The distance between the top of the keel and the underside of the deck at its lowest point. 龙骨顶部与甲板底部最低点之间的距离。
Center of buoyancy 浮力中心
The point where the buoyant force is considered to act, which is the the centre of the underwater volume. 浮力作用点,即水下体积的中心。
Center of floatation 漂浮中心
Geometrical center of hull’ s waterplane. 船体水面的几何中心。
GT Gross tonnage 总吨位
The total volume measured & ascertained in The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ships ,1969 1969 年《国际船舶吨位丈量公约》丈量和确定的总体积
Coefficient of hold 保持系数
The ratio of capacity of all cargo holds to NDW, ie. Hold Volume occupied by each ton of NDW. 所有货舱的容量与 NDW 的比率,即每吨 NDW 占用的货舱容积。
Metacentric radius 元心半径
The distance between the center of buoyancy and the metacenter. 浮力中心与米心之间的距离。
Draw the Load Line Mark of an ocean-going bulk vessel which is classed by China Classification Society, 130 m in length 绘制一艘中国船级社入级的长度为 130 米的远洋散货船的载重线标记
Draw the Load Line Mark of an ocean-going container vessel which is classed by Net Norske Veritas, 110 m in length 绘制一艘由挪威船级社(Net Norske Veritas)入级、长度为 110 米的远洋集装箱船的载重线标志
List the class of dangerous goods according to IMDG Code (list Main class only, detail class should not be written) 根据《国际危险货物海运规则》(IMDG Code)列出危险货物的类别(仅列出主要类别,不应写明详细类别)。
List some reasons for causing Ship Constant 列出造成船舶恒定的一些原因
What are the purposes of the dunnage 垫料的用途是什么
List the classification of stability (by direction of inclination, angle of inclination, nature of heeling moment) 列出稳定性的分类(按倾斜方向、倾斜角度、倾覆力矩性质分类)
What is the purpose of ventilation 通风的目的是什么
What is the effect of the vessel with “too big” stability 船体 "过大 "会产生什么影响?
What is the effect of the vessel with “too small” stability 稳定性 "过小 "的容器有什么影响?
List at least 5 types of weight capacity 列出至少 5 种承重类型
List at least 5 types of volume capacity 列出至少 5 种容量类型
List some measure to reduce free surface effect. 列出一些减少自由表面效应的措施。
Describe the classification of state of equilibrium. 描述平衡状态的分类。
List some factors affecting initial stability 列出影响初始稳定性的一些因素
1.A vessel will sail from port A to port D passing by port B and C. Voyage status as follows: 1.A 船将从 A 港驶往 D 港,途经 B 港和 C 港:
displacement of light vessel is 5330t d_(T)=9.55m,Delta_(T)=21440 td_{T}=9.55 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta_{T}=21440 td_(S)=9.35m,Delta_(S)=20920 t,d_(W)=9.15m,Delta_(W)=20400 td_{S}=9.35 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta_{S}=20920 t, d_{W}=9.15 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta_{W}=20400 t.speed 16 knots , voyage reserved time 5 days, waiting time 3days, provision,store and crew 30 t,consumption of fuel oil and fresh water on voyage 55 t per day, 25 t per day when berthing.Constant=224t. Find 轻型船舶排水量为 5330t d_(T)=9.55m,Delta_(T)=21440 td_{T}=9.55 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta_{T}=21440 td_(S)=9.35m,Delta_(S)=20920 t,d_(W)=9.15m,Delta_(W)=20400 td_{S}=9.35 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta_{S}=20920 t, d_{W}=9.15 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta_{W}=20400 t .航速为 16 节,航程预留时间为 5 天,等待时间为 3 天,给养、仓库和船员为 30 吨,航程中每天消耗燃油和淡水 55 吨,停泊时每天消耗 25 吨,常数=224 吨。求
1.Maximum loading cargo weight at A port 1.在 A 港口的最大装载货物重量
2.If actual draft is 9.18 m ,water density outside is 1.009g//cm31.009 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{cm} 3. Find the displacement after loading 2.如果实际吃水为 9.18 米,外部水密度为 1.009g//cm31.009 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{cm} 3 。求加载后的位移
A(" tropical ")/(2550^('))B(" summer ")/(1450^('))C(" winter ")/(1242^('))DA \frac{\text { tropical }}{2550^{\prime}} B \frac{\text { summer }}{1450^{\prime}} C \frac{\text { winter }}{1242^{\prime}} D
A vessel has the particulars are as follows: quad Delta=13000tquad,KM=8.00m,KG=6.5m\quad \Delta=13000 \mathrm{t} \quad, \mathrm{KM}=8.00 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KG}=6.5 \mathrm{~m}. Loading some cargoes on deck, the vertical height of the cargoes KP=14.0m\mathrm{KP}=14.0 \mathrm{~m}, if GM=1.3m\mathrm{GM}=1.3 \mathrm{~m} after loading, find the weight of cargo loaded. 一艘船的具体情况如下: quad Delta=13000tquad,KM=8.00m,KG=6.5m\quad \Delta=13000 \mathrm{t} \quad, \mathrm{KM}=8.00 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KG}=6.5 \mathrm{~m} 。在甲板上装载一些货物,货物的垂直高度为 KP=14.0m\mathrm{KP}=14.0 \mathrm{~m} ,如果装载后为 GM=1.3m\mathrm{GM}=1.3 \mathrm{~m} ,求装载货物的重量。
3 A vessel has the particulars are as follows: quad Delta=7500tquadKM=7.12m,KG=6.20m\quad \Delta=7500 \mathrm{t} \quad \mathrm{KM}=7.12 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KG}=6.20 \mathrm{~m}. The vessel has a starboard list theta=4^(@)quad\theta=4^{\circ} \quad,there are 500 t cargoes to be loaded at two position. The intended loading position:vertical height KP=7mK P=7 m,starboard side y_(p)=5my_{p}=5 m, portside y_(p)=-8my_{p}=-8 m, if the vessel has no list after loading, find the weight loaded on portside and starboard side respectively. 3 船只的具体情况如下: quad Delta=7500tquadKM=7.12m,KG=6.20m\quad \Delta=7500 \mathrm{t} \quad \mathrm{KM}=7.12 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KG}=6.20 \mathrm{~m} 。该船有一个右舷清单 theta=4^(@)quad\theta=4^{\circ} \quad ,有 500 吨货物要在两个位置装载。预定装载位置:垂直高度 KP=7mK P=7 m ,右舷 y_(p)=5my_{p}=5 m ,左舷 y_(p)=-8my_{p}=-8 m ,如果该船装载后没有清单,求左舷和右舷分别装载的重量。
4 A vessel has the particulars: I=150m,Delta=12000t,d_(M)=7.6m,x_(b)=-1.35m,x_(f)=-I=150 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta=12000 \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{d}_{\mathrm{M}}=7.6 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{b}}=-1.35 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{f}}=-1m,MTC=9.81 xx200KN*m//cm1 \mathrm{~m}, M T C=9.81 \times 200 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{cm} , longitudinal moment of the weight :forward of midship 9.81 xx158200 KN*m9.81 \times 158200 K N \cdot \mathrm{~m},after of midship 9.81 xx174000KN*m9.81 \times 174000 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m},find the trim,forward draft,after draft of the vessel. 4 一艘船的具体情况是 I=150m,Delta=12000t,d_(M)=7.6m,x_(b)=-1.35m,x_(f)=-I=150 \mathrm{~m}, \Delta=12000 \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{d}_{\mathrm{M}}=7.6 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{b}}=-1.35 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{f}}=-1m,MTC=9.81 xx200KN*m//cm1 \mathrm{~m}, M T C=9.81 \times 200 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{cm} ,重量的纵向力矩:舯前 9.81 xx158200 KN*m9.81 \times 158200 K N \cdot \mathrm{~m} ,舯后 9.81 xx174000KN*m9.81 \times 174000 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m} ,求该船的修边、前吃水、后吃水。
A vessel has particulars as follow: 船只的具体情况如下 d_(F)=5.86m,d_(A)=5.81m,x_(f)=-0.18m,MTC=9.81 xx68.34KN*m//cm,TPC=26t//cm,l=100md_{F}=5.86 \mathrm{~m}, d_{A}=5.81 \mathrm{~m}, x_{f}=-0.18 \mathrm{~m}, M T C=9.81 \times 68.34 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{cm}, T P C=26 \mathrm{t} / \mathrm{cm}, l=100 \mathrm{~m}
.Now intend to load 104t cargoes in NO. 3 hold( x_(p)=-21.16mx_{p}=-21.16 \mathrm{~m} ), find the trim,forward draft,after draft respectively after loading 。 现打算在 3 号货舱( x_(p)=-21.16mx_{p}=-21.16 \mathrm{~m} )装载 104 吨货物。3 号货舱( x_(p)=-21.16mx_{p}=-21.16 \mathrm{~m} ),请分别求出装货后的修整度、前吃水、后吃水。
6.A vessel has the particulars: Delta=20000t\Delta=20000 \mathrm{t}, total vertical moment of weight M_(Z)=9.81 xxM_{Z}=9.81 \times155000KN*m,KM=8.60m155000 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m}, K M=8.60 \mathrm{~m}. If GM is required to 1 m , we need change the position of the cargo A(SF=2.85m3//t)A(S F=2.85 \mathrm{~m} 3 / t) and cargo B(SF=0.75m3//t)B(S F=0.75 \mathrm{~m} 3 / t),the vertical distance of AA and BB is 10 m .find the weight of AA and BB to be moved. 6.A vessel has the particulars: Delta=20000t\Delta=20000 \mathrm{t} ,总重量的垂直力矩 M_(Z)=9.81 xxM_{Z}=9.81 \times155000KN*m,KM=8.60m155000 \mathrm{KN} \cdot \mathrm{m}, K M=8.60 \mathrm{~m} 。如果要求 GM 为 1 m,我们需要改变货物 A(SF=2.85m3//t)A(S F=2.85 \mathrm{~m} 3 / t) 和货物 B(SF=0.75m3//t)B(S F=0.75 \mathrm{~m} 3 / t) 的位置, AA 和 BB 的垂直距离为 10 m,求需要移动的 AA 和 BB 的重量。
7 A vessel has the particulars: Delta=19000t,KM=8.95m,KG=\Delta=19000 \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{KM}=8.95 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KG}= 8 m , the vessel has a starboard list theta=4^(@)\theta=4^{\circ}, the vessel intends to pump in ballast water and the center of ballast tank is z_(P)=0.8m,y_(P)=-4.18mz_{P}=0.8 \mathrm{~m}, y_{P}=-4.18 \mathrm{~m}.find the weight of ballast water of to be pumped in if we want to adjust the vessel to even condition (theta=0^(@))\left(\theta=0^{\circ}\right) (effect of free surface is not effected) 7 某船舶的具体情况如下: Delta=19000t,KM=8.95m,KG=\Delta=19000 \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{KM}=8.95 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KG}= 8米,该船的舷首为 theta=4^(@)\theta=4^{\circ} ,该船打算抽入压舱水,压舱箱的中心为 z_(P)=0.8m,y_(P)=-4.18mz_{P}=0.8 \mathrm{~m}, y_{P}=-4.18 \mathrm{~m} ,若要将该船调整到均匀状态 (theta=0^(@))\left(\theta=0^{\circ}\right) ,求抽入压舱水的重量(不受自由面的影响)。
2020 年新加作业
Moulded length 模制长度
The distance measured parallel to the base at the level of the summer load waterline from the after perpendicular to the forward perpendicular. 在夏季荷载水线水平处,从后垂线到前垂线之间平行于底座测量的距离。
Moulded depth 模制深度
The depth is measured from the underside of the plating of the deck at side amidships vertically to the baseline (upper edge of the keel). 深度是从舯部甲板板的底部垂直测量到基线(龙骨的上边缘)。
Center of buoyancy 浮力中心
Center of floatation 漂浮中心
Light displacement 光位移
The weight of the ship fully equipped with no load on board 在船上没有装载任何物品的情况下,全船的重量
Full loaded displacement 满载排水量
The displacement of a vessel when floating at her greatest allowable draft 船只在最大允许吃水时的排水量
Describe how to read draft mark in metric system 说明如何读取公制的草稿标记
Describe how to read draft mark in imperial system 说明如何读取英制草稿标记
Describe the process of confirming NDW at shallow point 描述确认浅层点 NDW 的过程
Describe basic means deployed to make use of cargo loading capacity sufficiently 说明充分利用货物装载能力的基本方法
Describe specific measure for making sufficient use of volume capacity 说明充分利用容量的具体措施
A vessel has the particulars as follows: Delta=5357t,KG=4.42m,KM=5.5m\Delta=5357 \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{KG}=4.42 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KM}=5.5 \mathrm{~m}, the vessel intends to suspend a cargo at shore ,the vertical height of the hanging cargo based on keel is 7.1 m , the length of the rope is 2 m , find the GM after loading 某船的具体情况如下: Delta=5357t,KG=4.42m,KM=5.5m\Delta=5357 \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{KG}=4.42 \mathrm{~m}, \mathrm{KM}=5.5 \mathrm{~m} ,该船拟在岸上悬挂一件货物,悬挂货物的垂直高度以龙骨为基准为 7.1 m,绳长为 2 m,求装载后的 GM