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17 Useful Features in iOS 17

By Sergio Velasquez • Published: Apr 2nd, 2024

Apple released the full version of iOS 17 last fall, which means we've now had lots of time to test everything the update has to offer — and everything promised in its subsequent point releases, too.

Even if it looked like a minor release at first, by the time all the updates had arrived, iOS 17 had introduced many new features — and even a whole new app.

This means there are many features in iOS 17 that you probably haven't tried yet, but there's no better time than the present to do so.

If you want to take your iPhone experience to the next level, then read on for 17 of the most useful iOS 17 features you should try.

Sergio Velasquez / iDrop News

For those of us who love using stickers when chatting, iOS 17 brought some really cool features to make stickers easier to create and more fun to use.

For starters, it's even easier to create stickers in iOS 17. You can use any image you want. All you need to do is long-press the subject of any picture, and your iPhone will automatically create a sticker.

Moreover, you can now use and create animated stickers. If you take a live photo, your iPhone can create a live sticker that will show a small animation whenever you send or receive it.

Cropping Images Is Way Faster

Sergio Velasquez / iDrop News

Another feature Apple added is a new cropping tool you can use without having to edit an image.

Instead of tapping the Edit button and finding the option to crop your images, you can simply zoom in on the part of the picture you want.

A new Crop button will appear on the top right side of your screen. After you tap it, your image will automatically be cropped and only show what was showing on the screen when you zoomed in.

You Can Turn Your iPhone into a Night Clock

Not everyone has gotten used to this feature yet, but your iPhone's StandBy mode is a really useful tool when you go to bed or just want a clock near you.

When StandBy mode is enabled (which it is by default), a clock will appear automatically whenever your iPhone is placed sideways while charging. You'll be able to see the time, read your notifications, see upcoming events, check the weather, and much more.

You can even customize it so you have a picture of a loved one if you prefer, and if you're using MagSafe stands, your iPhone will remember your settings for each place you dock it in StandBy mode, so you can have it automatically bring up a clock in your bedroom and a photo frame in your living room. Plus, many apps are designed specifically to work with StandBy mode, so you can use StandBy widgets without unlocking your iPhone.

Not everyone has gotten used to StandBy yet, as it works best on iPhones with an always-on display, which the regular iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus lack. However, it's still a good feature to have in mind when you're looking to add a clock to your bedroom or office.

You Can Have Safari Profiles Now

Sergio Velasquez / iDrop News

Safari got a couple of improvements with iOS 17, including the addition of something called Safari Profiles.

As you can probably guess from the name, this feature lets you create profiles for different aspects of your life. You can have a profile for work, one for fun stuff, and another one for your news.

The best part? Each profile has its own separate history, cookies, and even extensions. You can customize it and basically have a different Safari experience for every profile you create.

It's also a great addition if you need to share your iPhone with someone else and don't want them looking at your browsing history, and like everything else in Safari, the profiles will sync between all your other Apple devices.

Jesse Hollington

Apple's Live Voicemail is one of the coolest features we've seen yet. With it, your iPhone can transcribe what the other person is saying while they're still leaving you a voicemail.

That way, you'll know what they wanted to talk to you about and know if it's an important call or not. Even better, if you see it's important, you can answer the call as long as they're still on the line.

Send FaceTime Messages When They Don't Pick Up

Speaking of voicemails, you now have the ability to leave a video or audio voicemail message for your friends and family on FaceTime.

Gone are the days when folks just got a notification that you tried to FaceTime them.

Now, you can leave a message and let people know you miss them or just want to have a chat.

Apple Has a New Journal App

Jesse Hollington / iDrop News

Granted, this isn't as much of a feature as it is a whole new app. Nevertheless, it's a new addition that came along in iOS 17.2 that's really worth checking out.

Apple Journal works like any other app. You can create new entries and write about anything. And you don't just need to write; you can also record voice messages, use pictures, and even keep track of the places you've visited.

Not only that but if you have writer's block or simply aren't sure what to write about, the Journal app will give you a few suggestions based on what's going on in your life to make your creative thoughts flow more easily. Plus, if you already have another journalling app you love, iOS 17 lets third-party apps access those same suggestions.

Interactive Widgets Are Finally Here


It took Apple quite some time to let us use widgets in our iPhone's Home Screen, and it took a couple more years before we could actually interact with them. But thanks to iOS 17, we finally have the ability to use interactive widgets.

This means that you don't have to use a widget as a shortcut anymore. Instead of using the Reminders widgets to open your reminders, you can check things off on your to-do list right from your Home Screen.

Granted, unlike Android, not every widget is interactive yet. But most developers have already started using this feature, so you shouldn't have a problem finding the right widget for your Home Screen or Lock Screen.

Customize Your Contact Posters

Sergio Velasquez / iDrop News

Contact Posters are a cool new feature Apple introduced in iOS 17 as a way to make your contact information stand out on other people's iPhones. With this feature, you can create your own poster featuring your name, a cool picture or emoji, and your favorite color in the background.

The best part is that you don't have to share it manually every time you update it; you can set your iPhone to automatically share your Contact Posters with your friends and family so they'll see your new poster as soon as you update it.

Share Your Contact Information With NameDrop

Another cool feature you can use with your new contacts is NameDrop. This feature works similarly to AirDrop in letting you share information wirelessly with other nearby iPhones.

With NameDrop, you can share your Contact Poster or relevant contact information simply by holding your iPhone near someone else's. The other person's iPhone will show your contact card and let them easily add your info to their contact list. It's nice, easy, and far safer than you may think. Unlike AirDrop, NameDrop will only work when your iPhone is really close to another iPhone.

Not only that, but your iPhone has to be unlocked for NameDrop to even start up, and once it does, you still have to tap a Share button to explicitly authorize it before the other person gets your contact information.

You Can Download Maps Now

Jesse Hollington / iDrop News

iOS 17 brings a really useful feature for all the Apple Maps lovers out there that lets you find your way around if you don't have any data coverage.

You can now download the map of any area so you can use it offline. Just go to the Maps app and select the area you want to download, and when you download the new map, you'll be able to use it even if you don't have access to Wi-Fi or cellular data.

And, once you're back online, your iPhone will automatically update the downloaded map so you always have up-to-date information.

Unlock Your iPhone With Your Previous Passcode

Sergio Velasquez / iDrop News

If you're always changing your iPhone's passcode, you'll love this feature. With iOS 17 you can now unlock your iPhone with your older passcode in case you forget the new one.

You'll only be able to do this for the first 72 hours after you change your passcode, but that should be more than enough time to memorize your new one before it's too late.

Of course, using this feature might be a safety issue, especially if you suspect someone knows your passcode. Fortunately, you can also expire your previous passcode immediately after you set a new one. Just be sure to remember your new passcode.

Say 'Siri' Instead of 'Hey Siri'

Omid Armin / Unsplash

This may seem like a small change but it's a big improvement for those of us who regularly use Siri.

After you install iOS 17, you can just say "Siri" instead of "Hey Siri," and Apple's virtual assistant will still know you're trying to talk to it.

Again, this is pretty small, but it's a time saver. If you already have your iPhone set up to listen for "Hey Siri" you don't need to do anything other than install iOS 17.

Maintain Good Eye Sight With Screen Distance

Let's face it: Most of us don't care how far our iPhone is from our face. All we care about is using it, especially if we're just trying to relax.

Unfortunately, this could cause eye strain and even other problems like myopia. The good news is that iOS 17 brought a feature that will help us with that.

This feature is called Screen Distance. With it, your iPhone will use its front-facing camera and sensors to ensure you're always using it at a safe distance.

When this feature is turned on, your iPhone will show a screen telling you that your iPhone may be too close and asking you to keep your iPhone at arm's length. Sure, it will be annoying at first, but it's also really useful.

Get Rid of 2FA Codes Automatically

Jesse Hollington / iDrop News

Nowadays, two-factor authentication (2FA), has become the go-to option for all of us. After all, it's a quick and easy way to add an extra layer of protection to our accounts and to make sure that no one can access them unless they also have access to our iPhones or email addresses.

The downside of using 2FA is all the messages that it leaves behind. For every text message or email asking you to verify it's you, you're left with a ton of junk that you don't want to waste time deleting.

Fortunately, iOS 17 can now automatically delete those 2FA codes after you use them. While you'll have to use Safari's autofill for this to work, that's still a much handier way to punch in your 2FA codes and a great way to keep your inboxes clean.

Create Your Own Personal Voice

Jesse Hollington / iDrop News

Whether you have a speech problem or you've just had it with talking to people, the new Personal Voice accessibility feature is perfect for you.

As you can guess by its name, this feature lets you create an artificial voice that sounds just like yours. After you create it, you can then type whatever you want on your iPhone, and it will say it for you in a very similar voice.

Of course, the voice isn't exactly like the original.

It still sounds a bit robotic, but it's undeniably recognizable. It also takes quite some time to set up, so be sure to have time and energy to speak a lot of words and phrases into your iPhone.

However, it's a feature that's well worth taking the time to set up for those at risk of losing their ability to speak.

Find Your Apple Watch With Your iPhone

Sergio Velasquez / iDrop News

For years, you've been able to use your Apple Watch to ping your iPhone in case you misplaced it. However, with iOS 17, you can now do this the other way to find your Apple Watch from your iPhone.

This feature is available in the Control Center settings, and when you use it, you can make your Apple Watch make a sound that should be loud enough for you to hear if you're nearby. This should make it easier for you to find your Apple Watch when you just can't remember where you put it.

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