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第 1 单元

1: 欢迎使用自我决定理论

Welcome to self-determination theory and introduction. This is an online course and I'm Richard Ryan, I'm your instructor in this course, and it's co-sponsored by the University of Rochester and the Center for Self-determination Theory.
欢迎来到自决理论和介绍。这是一门在线课程,我是 Richard Ryan,我是这门课程的讲师,它由罗切斯特大学和自决理论中心共同赞助。

If you find your way here, you probably already know something about self-determination theory. You probably know it's a very broad theory of human motivation and wellness that has a lot of both basic and applied research.

Very many years ago when we started this theory, Ed Deci and I began with a phenomena that we call intrinsic motivation. Many of you have probably heard this term before, intrinsic motivation is when we do something just because of the inherent enjoyment and the activity itself.
很多年前,当我们开始这个理论时,Ed Deci 和我从一种我们称之为内在动机的现象开始。你们中的许多人可能以前都听说过这个词,内在动机是指我们仅仅因为内在的乐趣和活动本身而做某事。

In our early research, we did a lot of work on both what promotes and what undermines intrinsic motivation, and we'll be talking about that research soon.

But we quickly move from just the topic of intrinsic motivation to the broader field of motivation in general and particularly extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is when we do those things that may not be inherently enjoyable, but we do them because there's a separate goal or outcome we'd like to achieve.

Some kinds of extrinsic motivation come about from the outside, from pressures and controls that are besetting us, but some kinds of extrinsic motivation really come from within when we do something just because we think it's worthwhile or it has merit.

So, we've started this whole range of extrinsic motivations and how we can promote more internalized forms of extrinsic motivations, the things we do because of value and merit.

As we studied these conditions that promote intrinsic motivation and while internalized extrinsic motivation, we found that the very conditions that produce high-quality motivation also are associated with people's greatest experiences of wellness and satisfaction and that led us to develop a theory of basic psychological needs that you'll be hearing about in this course.

So these general topics in motivation and wellness led us to many, many other research topics, for instance, individual differences in motivation had been studied by SDT, the things that increase our vitality and drain our energy, the role of mindfulness and how we make decisions and choices in life, the kinds of motivations that are important and close relationships.
因此,这些关于动机和健康的一般主题将我们引向了许多其他研究主题,例如,SDT 研究了动机的个体差异,增加我们活力和消耗能量的事物,正念的作用以及我们如何在生活中做出决定和选择,重要和密切关系的动机类型。

We've studied life goals and how they affect people's happiness and how nature has an impact on our wellness. Even recently, a lot of work on the neural psychology of motivation. So basic research has expanded quite a bit within this field and you'll be hearing a lot about it.

But if we were to think about why it is that SDT has grown so much over the past couple of decades, it's really not just this basic research, it's really its applicability in the world, people can put SDT into practice.
但是,如果我们想想为什么 SDT 在过去几十年里发展如此之快,这真的不仅仅是这项基础研究,而是它在世界上的适用性,人们可以将 SDT 付诸实践。

I'm a clinical psychologist, so one of my favorite areas of practice is psychotherapy and behavior change and SDT supplies a really a good theory of motivation for understanding how people can make those transitions in life.
我是一名临床心理学家,所以我最喜欢的实践领域之一是心理治疗和行为改变,而 SDT 为理解人们如何在生活中进行这些转变提供了非常好的动机理论。

But Ed Deci and I right from the very beginning, we're applying SDT in classrooms and educational practice and school reform because of the importance of motivation in classrooms. In addition, SDT does a lot of work in organizations, in sport fields and exercise areas, in media, in technology, and a whole variety of other areas because in part, motivation applies to every form of human endeavor.
但从一开始,Ed Deci 和我就将 SDT 应用于课堂、教育实践和学校改革,因为课堂激励的重要性。此外,SDT 在组织、运动场和锻炼领域、媒体、技术以及各种其他领域做了大量工作,因为在某种程度上,动机适用于人类各种形式的努力。

This is one of the reasons why we've seen SDT explode in the popular literature. There are all kinds of books that make SDT accessible to the public in many different ways, and part of this is just because of its usefulness in the everyday world.
这就是我们看到 SDT 在流行文学中爆炸的原因之一。有各种各样的书籍以许多不同的方式让公众可以访问 SDT,部分原因只是因为它在日常生活中的实用性。

So this is an introduction to self-determination theory and it's not really going to be a pop course or a workshop on how to be motivated.

I'm not going to be Tony Robbins, I'm not going to teach you how to walk on hot coals or go around the world collecting Nobel Prizes, instead our hope i
s that this course is a point of departure for understanding the research and self-determination theory and some of the general points in practice that fall from it.

These lectures are not intended to give you a detailed account of the SDT compact, but just to illustrate some general principles of self-determination theory. To do so, I'll be dipping into various research that I think illustrates the theory really well.
这些讲座并不是为了给你一个详细的 SDT 契约,而只是为了说明自决论的一些一般原则。为此,我将深入研究我认为很好地说明了该理论的各种研究。

Where we provide that research, we'll also give you the references to it so you can dig in deeply into the methods and strategies people use.

Alongside these lectures, there's going to be a primary text, I have it here in front of me, it's called Self-Determination Theory, Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness.

Most of the readings will be from this book and we'll point you to the ones that are most relevant to each lecture. We'll also have some supplemental readings listed for you, so again, you can dig into the wider field of inquiry.

Another valuable resource for you in this course will be the website, selfdeterminationtheory.org. It contains many links to the relevant readings. Now you know this course is not a required course, it's here for your own interests and for your development.
本课程中对您来说另一个有价值的资源是网站 selfdeterminationtheory.org。它包含许多指向相关阅读材料的链接。现在您知道这门课程不是必修课程,它是为了您自己的兴趣和您的发展而来。

So you can watch it as you like, but the course is sequenced, so going in order will probably be a good strategy for best understanding what we're discussing. Also your choices, the level of competence or to the depths of study that you undertake in this.

You may just want to stroll through some concepts or you really want to maybe dig into the details of the research and methodologies. Regardless of what style you take on this, we invite you to engage in the weekly tests that we offer at the end of each series of lectures.

You can use these to challenge yourself and also confirm the understanding that you've gotten.

In general, what we hope is that you really enjoy this bird's eye view of self-determination theory and you learn something about the secrets of human motivation and wellness that you can apply both to yourself and to the people around you.


第 1 单元

2: 什么是动机?

Welcome back to Self-determination Theory and Introduction. Today, we're going to begin getting at the heart of what Self-determination theory is all about, which is this question, what is motivation?

Now, I think all of us know what the term motivation means, it means that we can be moved into action.

But I think even brief reflection tells us, we can be moved into action by many different things, we can be moved into action because we're under external pressure or forced to do something, we can also be moved into action because of internal values or a real curiosity or passion or desire to do something, so, there are many different things that can move us into action.

When L. Deci and I started our work in the field of motivation, the Classical model in the field was this, it was the Skinnerian Operant Psychology Model.
当 L. Deci 和我开始在动机领域工作时,该领域的经典模型是这样的,它是 Skinnerian作心理学模型。

In Skinner's model, if you could take an organism and put it in an environment in which you had control over all the reinforcements and punishments that beset it and all the stimuli that it would be exposed to, you could control a lot of that organisms behavior, you can shape it in almost any direction that was consistent with the organism's basic nature.

And so, it was a very powerful metaphor and I think it's a correct theory but mostly under the conditions under which it's tested.

We didn't find it wrong in terms of how it understands a rat in a cage, the problem with opera theory is, what it says about predicting people's behavior because the problem with people is, they have choices.

If they don't like the box that you've got them in, if they don't like the reinforcement contingencies that you've set up for them, they often leave your box and go somewhere else, people aren't trapped in a Skinner box in the way that would give us that kind of control.

In addition, in most environments, people can escape even without leaving the environment physically.

If I'm in a classroom with my students, even if I think I've got them captivated inside the room, they can be online, they can be in Facebook or they can be in social media, even right now while you're listening to me, you can be doing online shopping.
如果我和我的学生在教室里,即使我认为我已经让他们在房间里着迷了,他们可以在网上,他们可以在 Facebook 上,也可以在社交媒体上,甚至现在当你在听我说话时,你可以在网上购物。

We can't trap people in an environment, instead, we have to attract them to sustain engagement in the environments in which they're in.

Now, it's not just the problem of choice, behavioral paradigms have often focused on how to control people through manipulating external contingencies and incentives and sometimes, those have had a negative effect that was unexpected that undermines the intrinsic motivations people all ready have to act.

So, these different problems with the old school of motivation of controlling people from the outside have led to what we call a true Copernican term within the field of human motivation.

In the old days, we were really focused on how to control people from the outside using reinforcement and rewards and punishments but today, the questions in motivation are really more about, why do people make the choices they make and how can we sustain them on the pathways that they do choose to act in?

And, as we look at those issues, we see just how important Volitional Behavior is, how important it is when people do things willingly.

And in Self-determination Theory, again, we really identify two forms of this volitional behavior, one is Intrinsic motivation, the doing things out of interest and enjoyment and then secondly, Internalized motivation, doing things out of value and because you understand the worth of that particular action.

And we're really focusing SDT on the factors and environments and will facilitate or undermine this volitional type of motivation.
我们确实将 SDT 集中在因素和环境上,并将促进或破坏这种意志类型的动机。

And when we think about those factors, we use a particular word for it, we use the term "Need" or "Basic need." Now, the term need has different meanings in the English language, sometimes we use the term need just to mean something that's a strong preference, I say, "Well, I need a third vacation home or a fourth Armani suit." If I were to use the word that way, I don't m
当我们考虑这些因素时,我们会使用一个特定的词来表示它,我们使用“需要”或“基本需求”一词。现在,“需求”一词在英语中有不同的含义,有时我们使用“需要”一词只是为了表示强烈偏好的东西,我说,“嗯,我需要第三个度假屋或第四套阿玛尼西装。”如果我要这样使用这个词,我不会 m
ean it as a necessity, I just mean it as something that I want. But there's another use of the term need, that's the way we use it Self-determination theory, which is something that's essential to an entities growth, integrity and to wellness.

For instance, we use the term need all the time in biology, we could say for instance, a plant needs hydration or water and how do we know that, well, we know it objectively, if we deprive the plant of water, if we take away hydration, we see that the plant will shrivel and die.

We can say the same things about the nutriments in the soil, to find out which ones are essential and which ones are not or the value of sunlight to plants.

And similarly, as a psychological theory, Self-determination theory argues that, we have some basic psychological needs which, when we get them we thrive and when we don't get them, we've showed degradation in our functioning, regardless of what our conscious attitude is toward that need.

In fact, a basic need for us is something that's built into our system, it's part of our evolved nature and so, therefore, it's natural rather than acquired.

This also means that the basic psychological needs will identify and Self-determination theory cut across all cultures and all age groups because they are universal to human nature.

And we don't even have to consciously value these basic psychological needs for them to have functional importance for us.

And because we have such a strong definition of needs and such a restrictive definition of needs, at this point in the theory, we have only three basic psychological needs: the needs for autonomy, for competence and a relatedness.

And I want to say a little bit about each of these needs and why it's so important to volitional motivation and wellness.

The first of these needs is the need for competence, and competence are need that everybody has to feel effective and capable in the activities that they're engaged in, in life that are important at all.

And there's no theory of human motivation or wellness that doesn't have competence, it's pretty central to it, so, this isn't a way at least controversial of our basic psychological needs.

I would say an SDT, when we think about competence, we think of it as not just being able to attain an outcome but rather to experience growth, to have a sense that you're developing skills, that you're extending your abilities and this is what really satisfies the deep need for competence.
我想说的是 SDT,当我们考虑能力时,我们认为它不仅仅是能够取得成果,而是体验成长,感觉到你正在发展技能,你正在扩展你的能力,这才是真正满足对能力的深层需求。

A second need in Self-determination Theory is the need for relatedness, we argue that for people to be optimally functioning and motivated in any setting, they need to feel connected with and belonging in the atmosphere in which they're in.

They have to have the experience that, I matter, that I'm significant in some way in this group or in this particular setting.

And the sense of relatedness can derived both from the experience of being cared for but it also can be derived from the fact that I can contribute and I matter in this group because there's something I can give back, so both give and take within social groups creates this idea of relatedness.

The third basic psychological needs is the need for Autonomy, and when we use the term autonomy, we really mean the term volition here or voluntary, because when you're autonomous, you're willingly doing what you're doing and you endorse your own actions.

When you're autonomous, you typically experiencing a high degree of interest or value in what you're experiencing and the opposite of autonomy is what we say is, heteronomy or feeling controlled by forces that are alien or outside of yourself.

People don't like to feel coerced, they want to feel like they're the self organizers of their action. Autonomy is so important in SDT, I also want to tell you a couple of things that it's not.
人们不喜欢被胁迫的感觉,他们希望感觉自己是自己行动的自我组织者。自主性在 SDT 中非常重要,我还想告诉你几件事不是。

First of all, in SDT, we don't use the term autonomy in an equivalent way to the word independence. Independence for us is that, you don't rely on other people for help or for guidance but in SDT we recognize that you c
首先,在 SDT 中,我们没有以等同于独立一词的方式使用自治一词。对我们来说,独立就是你不依赖别人的帮助或指导,但在 SDT 中,我们认识到你 c
an willingly or autonomously turn to others for help or for guidance. In fact, we find that the healthiest adolescents are those who are autonomously dependent on their parents who willingly turned to them for advice and for guidance.

In any case, you can be autonomously independent or autonomously dependent, so we don't want to have these two terms confused.

Similarly, we can say that, there's no equivalence between autonomy and individualism, and there's no opposition between autonomy and collectivism, and you can be autonomously individualistic if you really believe in the value of self over group, but you could be autonomously collectivistic if you really believe in the value of the group over the self and put a priority on it.

And in that sense, we've seen both heteronomous collectivism and autonomous collectivism, people can be forced into collectivistic situations but we find across the world there are many people who willingly and autonomously engage in collectivistic behaviors.

Another point I'd want to make is that, to be autonomous doesn't mean that there aren't demands on you or they're not even requirements for your behavior but you can be autonomous in following a command or a requirement as long as you concur with that commander or requirement.

If I'm on my way here and I'm stopped by a traffic police person because there's an accident on the road up ahead, I willingly stop for that officer, because I believe in the value of traffic laws but someone who hasn't internalized the value of traffic laws or of legal authorities doesn't stop autonomously, they only feel controlled in that moment.

So, autonomous is about the legitimacy of the commands and the restraints that you're under. And finally, I want to say that autonomy is not the same thing as freedom, even though we use those terms equivalently some times.

The term freedom in our theory really means that there's an absence of constraints or a release from constraints but just taking away constraints doesn't supply people autonomy.

Typically, if you take away constraints, for instance, in a classroom setting, what you would get is simply chaos because you haven't given the students in the classroom a mission or a purpose or a goal to be striving for autonomously.

So, autonomy is not the same thing as freedom, freedom can be a circumstance which conduces to autonomy but it doesn't fully provide it.

Now, these three basic needs are going to be really a core topic throughout the rest of this course because we're going to argue that people to be functioning optimally need to feel autonomy, competence and relatedness.

There's probably some other essential ingredients to human wellness and optimal motivation and we argue all the time about whether there's a fourth or a fifth theory but these are the ones that had been empirically sustained across 40 years of research at this point and have shown themselves to have both predictive value and a great deal of practical value in interventions and in everyday life.
人类健康和最佳动机可能还有其他一些基本因素,我们一直在争论是否存在第四或第五理论,但这些理论是在 40 年的研究中得到实证支持的理论,并已证明它们在干预和日常生活中既具有预测价值又具有很大的实用价值。

So, in this course, we're going to see how these three basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness produce the very outcomes that we're concerned with here of high-quality, motivation and wellness and in the next lecture, we are going to be turning directly to the role of autonomy, competence and relatedness and producing a phenomena of great interest to us, Intrinsic motivation.


第 1 单元


Our topic today is the topic that started the work on self-determination theory, Intrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic motivation is something that we began setting because we thought it was such an important expression of the active human nature that we all have.

When we're intrinsically motivated, we're doing something because of the inherent enjoyment of the activity itself, because we're enjoying the challenge, because we're passionate about the topic or because we just want to learn something new, and it's pervasive life, we see it in all kinds of different endeavors.

Perhaps the best example or prototype of intrinsic motivation is children's play.

If we just let children loose, the first thing they do is go find a way to play, they want to engage the environment around them, they want to manipulate things, they want to try things out, and if we look for instance at this child who's in the sandbox, he's manipulating the sand and while he's doing so, there's a great deal of learning going on, he's learning about physics, he's learning about the world around him, he's probably learning about social relationships in the sandbox itself, and all of that good stuff that's happening now, is happening only because he's motivated to have fun, if went over to him and we said hey, you know this playing in the sand is really good for your brain, this wouldn't add to his enjoyment, and even more so if we went over and said we like the way you're playing in the sand, keep playing and we'll pay you for it, he would probably like them money but it wouldn't add to his enjoyment or his persistence likely in the sand.

Intrinsic motivation is just the doing of things because of that enjoyment, just plays such an important function in our development, and our revitalization all across life, and we might think of this as a particularly human attribute, our curiosity, our engagement with the environment, but it's really something that's a kin with all primates, in fact the term intrinsic motivation was coined by as far as we know, Harry Harlow who was a primatologist, because he was observing in his chimpanzees just how active and engaged they were in playing with the environment, and he was the first person to notice that when you started to reward chimpanzees or other primates for this playful engagement it will actually disrupt, and sometimes terminate their play rather than enhance it.

Intrinsic motivation is, as I said really important to learning, and in fact most developmental psychologists think that most of the learning that goes on in our life is intrinsically motivated in nature.

So, we learn just because we take interest in something and environment, when I read the newspaper in the morning is not because it's going to help me and my job particularly or it's going to increase my pay.

It's because I'm just interested and enjoy learning about the world around us. So, most of our cognitive growth comes through intrinsic motivation.

Even in schools where there's not always a high degree of intrinsic motivation, it turns out that students intrinsic motivation is probably the single best predictor of their engagement, and therefore of their ultimate achievement of all the different kinds of motivation, we can measure it directly predicts GPA, it also directly predicts other kinds of achievement outcomes as recent research has shown, and unfortunately, we don't harness intrinsic motivation enough in our school, so as a lot of research around the world show, students usually start school in kindergarten, with a high degree of intrinsic motivation, and just plummets across the school year is going down, and down, and down until it levels out usually around tenth grade for most students, which means we're not taking this evolutionary engine of learning and putting it to much use in our schools.
即使在并不总是有高度内在动机的学校里,事实证明,学生的内在动机可能是他们参与度的唯一最佳预测因素,因此,对于他们最终实现所有不同种类的动机,我们可以直接测量它预测 GPA,它也直接预测其他类型的成就结果,正如最近的研究表明的那样,不幸的是,我们在学校没有充分利用内在动机,所以正如世界各地的大量研究表明的那样,学生通常从幼儿园开始上学,具有高度的内在动机,并且在整个学年中急剧下降,下降,直到大多数学生通常在十年级左右趋于平稳,这意味着我们没有采用这种进化的学习引擎并在我们的学校中大量使用它。

This is part of what got us originally interested in intrinsic motivation. We thought how can we promote this more, what is it that students need in a classroom or workers need in a workplace, in order to
become more curious, more persistent than their engagement, and to gain that confidence, and competence that comes with intrinsic motivation.

So in our early work we devised a theory that's called cognitive evaluation theory, and it's the first of the SDT many theories and it's a pretty simple theory in its broad strokes that says, we'll be intrinsically motivated when we can feel secure and connected with the other people around us, so we don't have to be worried or anxious, more proximately to be intrinsically motivated we have to feel like we can be effective in what we're doing, and competent at what we're up to, which means we need optimal challenges rather than things that are way too easy, because that's boring or things that are way too hard, because that's too anxiety provoking, and doesn't sustain interest over time, and finally, we thought that to be intrinsically motivated, you really have to feel that the activity's coming from yourself, that it's something you're doing willingly or volitionally, so anything that supports the sense of autonomy should enhance intrinsic motivation, and things that undermine the sense of autonomy should diminish it.
因此,在我们的早期工作中,我们设计了一种称为认知评价理论的理论,它是 SDT 众多理论中的第一个,它是一个非常简单的理论,大致上说,当我们能够感到安全并与周围的其他人建立联系时,我们就会有内在的动力,所以我们不必担心或焦虑,更直接地说,要有内在的动力,我们必须觉得我们可以有效地完成我们正在做的事情,并胜任我们正在做的事情,这意味着我们需要最佳的挑战。而不是那些太容易的事情,因为那很无聊或太难,因为那太会引起焦虑,并且不会随着时间的推移而保持兴趣,最后,我们认为要有内在动机,你真的必须感觉到活动来自你自己,这是你自愿或自愿做的事情,所以任何支持自主感的东西都应该增强内在动机,而破坏自主感的事情应该减少它。

Now, how do we know this? Well, we know this because we do a lot of laboratory experimentation as well as field experimentation. I want to tell you a little bit about the laboratory experiments just so you can get a sense of how they work.

So, we might for instance bring a student into a laboratory setting, and give them an activity that we've already tested to be particularly interesting to students, so it might be a puzzle activity or reading or some other interesting activity, and then we have them engage in that activity and a couple of conditions, in one condition for instance you might say well this puzzle that you're doing is something that is a good measure of intelligence, so we're going to be using it to gauge how intelligent you are, in other words, putting pressure on them to perform really well for self-esteem reason, and another condition we might say well this is a test that taps at different intellectual capacities, we are trying it as an experimental tasks, and just do the best you can, no pressure toward a particular outcome.

So, we have people either in the pressure condition or no pressure condition, do the activity, at the end of it we tell them both, you did really well at that activity, so they can all feel competent.

Then we make up an excuse why we need to leave them alone in the laboratory setting, and we say to them you know you can do more of this activity, there's more of those here on the table, but if you'd like until we come back you just read magazines or do other activities in the room.

So when we're gone, they think there's no one watching, there is no one evaluating, they won't be getting rewards or punishments for their activity, so if they turn back to the activity, they're typically doing it out of interest. So, what we look at is the amount of time they spend on the target activity during what we call this free choice period, and it's kind of a gold standard of behavioral research on intrinsic motivation, and using that paradigm we find that when we put people under pressure, they are less likely to persist during free choice, when we put them under no pressure, they're much more likely to persist, if we give people choice about how they go about doing an activity, they're more likely to persist during free choice, but if we micromanage them or tell them what strategy to use or what goal to have or how to go about doing the task, this tends to take away their sense of autonomy, and then they're less persistent during free choice.

When we put even people under surveillance just watching them close to, this tends to have people feel more controlled or externally pressured, and this will undermine their motivation during free choice.

So, competence autonomy, relevant things have really shown themselves to be powerful in predicting free choice, but so have competence things. When we
give people tasks that are too easy, again they don't persist because they're not that interested, but if we give them the stuff that's too hard or they haven't been able to master the task, and during free choice they're less likely to turn to it again, being less interested.

Finally, when we just treat people in warm and inclusive ways, they tend to be more intrinsically motivated whereas when we treat them in a cold or a different matter, they tend to feel less secure and then be less intrinsically motivated in the laboratory setting.

So, these kinds of factors, factors of pressure, factors of choice, factors of level of challenge, they all have an influence on the degree to which people will be intrinsically motivated.

Just want to show you the importance of these kinds of factors in motivation through a pretty simple study, and it was a study that was done by Paloma Dominguez and her group, she's a dietitian.
只是想通过一项非常简单的研究向您展示这些因素在动机中的重要性,这是由 Paloma Dominguez 和她的团队完成的一项研究,她是一名营养师。

She was trying to take interest in what children are motivated to eat, and particularly getting children to eat their vegetables.

This particular study, what Dominguez and her group did, is they brought kids into a laboratory setting, and in one condition they took two preferred vegetables that they already knew that they highly preferred, and they put both of them on their plate, and said, here is two vegetables you can eat as much or as little of each of them as you'd like, so it was a choice condition.
这项特殊的研究,Dominguez 和她的小组所做的,是他们把孩子们带到一个实验室环境中,在一种情况下,他们选择了两种他们已经知道他们非常喜欢的蔬菜,然后他们把这两种蔬菜都放在盘子里,然后说,这里有两种蔬菜,你可以随心所欲地吃多少,所以这是一个选择条件。

In another condition they said, here is two vegetables which one would you like today, and they gave them one of the two vegetables that they chose. Again another choice condition.

The third condition they just took one of these two preferred festivals for children, and they said here's your vegetable today, they put that on their plate and they watched how much children actually ate of the vegetables.

In the figure that you have before you now, you can see that in the two choice conditions where children could either eat as much or as little of either vegetable or when they had the choice, they ate more vegetables than when they didn't have a choice, even when that vegetable was their preferred vegetable.

So, the very fact of choice itself led the children to have a higher preference for this food, and to eat more of them.

So, a short story here is, if you want your kids to eat vegetable give them some choice, but the larger story here is that the issue of choice is an issue that bears on human autonomy, and it will make a difference in terms of people's subsequent persistence.

We've been able to show in classroom settings, for instance, where teachers give choices to students, the students are more engaged in activities, tend to see the teacher is even having more expertise, and that results in greater learning in the classroom.

In all kinds of settings we find that, taking pressure off people, giving them more opportunities to direct their own work, will lead them to be more intrinsically motivated subsequently.

We are going to talk a lot more about the things that help intrinsic motivation flourish, and also diminish it, but my message here is really that intrinsic motivation is an important part of our evolved nature.

We are curious animals, we're interested and we want mastery of our environments but this intrinsic motivation is so important in our human nature is really sensitive to the environments in we're in.

It's undermined when we're micromanaged, when were put under non-optimal challenges or we're putting other kinds of threatening contexts, and sometimes even something positive that befalls us can have a negative impact on our intrinsic motivation, and it's to that phenomenon I return next, when we look at how rewards can sometimes even when they're positive, undermine people's intrinsic motivation.


第 1 单元

4: 奖励与内在动力

As we study the factors that enhance intrinsic motivation and undermine intrinsic motivation as we were talking about in the last lecture, one has become the most controversial at all and it's the issue of rewards.

In fact, some of the studies in self-determination theory will show that rewards actually can have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation, a phenomenon that's been just a mystery to so many people. But it's also a phenomenon that has a lot of applied implications.

So, I want to spend this short lecture just discussing what the meaning of this is. This phenomena really popped out in an early classic experiment by my colleague at DC that was published in 1971.
所以,我想用这个简短的讲座来讨论一下它的含义。这种现象真正出现在我在 DC 的同事于 1971 年发表的一篇早期经典实验中。

In that experiment, he brought college students into a laboratory setting and he gave them a puzzle that he had pre-tested and showed that was typically a lot of fun for college students. It's called a soma puzzle.
在那个实验中,他把大学生带到一个实验室里,给他们一个他预先测试过的谜题,并表明这个谜题通常对大学生来说很有趣。这被称为 soma 谜题。

It's a spatial puzzle that we try and match up patterns using a block set of configurations. Most people found it fun.

For some of the subjects he brought into his laboratory setting, he just had them engage in the activity, for others he told them that he would give them a financial reward for every problem they solve, and so, he gave them some dollars for each of their successful solutions and then this was a three session paradigm.

So, they first were engaged in the activity, and the second session they either got rewarded or were not rewarded for the activity, and in a third session he brought them back in for the free choice paradigm which we just explained in the last lecture.

So, they were free to either engage in the activity or not engage in the activity during that third period.

What he found is that the participants who had been rewarded for their engagement in the activity with financial rewards, were less likely to persist in the activity during free choice than the ones who had not been rewarded at all.

This was an explosive phenomenon that time because of course many apparent theorists thought or rewards should enhance intrinsic motivation, they certainly shouldn't be worse than no rewards at all, but at the same time this particular study started to get picked up by other people, was replicated, extended in different kinds of settings and has become a real phenomena.

I'm going to give you a more current example of it just to really illustrate it in a more concrete way, and this is an experiment that was done at the Max Planck Institute by Felix Warneken and Michael Tomasello.
我将给大家举一个更现代的例子,只是为了以更具体的方式真正说明它,这是 Felix Warneken 和 Michael Tomasello 在马克斯普朗克研究所完成的一个实验。

They were asserting and have interest in the idea that humans are intrinsically motivated to be helpful to one another, that there's a kind of intrinsic motivation to our altruism.

In part of showing that, they showed that toddlers as early as 16 months old and certainly by 20 months, are spontaneously oriented to help adults who were in need.
在证明这一点的一部分方面,他们表明,早在 16 个月大,当然到 20 个月大时,幼儿就会自发地帮助有需要的成年人。

In laboratory settings, they would have adults drop something on the floor, be unable to reach or open a door and they found that toddlers at 20 months of age, close to 90 percent of the time would come over to the adults aid.
在实验室环境中,他们会让成年人把东西掉在地板上,他们无法够到或打开门,他们发现 20 个月大的幼儿,几乎 90% 的时间会过来寻求成人的帮助。

So, spontaneously and seemingly just out of interest toddlers want to help others. But they thought, if this is really intrinsically motivated, then we should be able to show the undermining effect by rewarding children for engaging in this altruistic behavior.

So, they then did a study with 20-month-old toddlers which was the following and in laboratory settings, the adult would do something like drop something, leave a door open etc. and then if a child came over to help them in one condition which they called the neutral condition, the adults simply did nothing.
因此,他们随后对 20 个月大的幼儿进行了一项研究,如下所示,在实验室环境中,成人会做一些事情,比如掉东西、开着门等,然后如果一个孩子在一种他们称之为中性的情况下过来帮助他们,成年人根本什么都不做。

So, if the adult picked up or if the child picked up the materials on the floor of the adult said nothing, did nothing, just accepted the materials from the child. The second condition was a what we call a non-controlling praise condition.

Here the adults all said thank you for doing that. So, non-controlling acknowledgment of the good deed done. A third condition the adult did somethi
ng which many of us might think would be a motivating event. They gave the childhood reward for helping.
NG 的 Alpha Gan 事件,我们中的许多人可能认为这将是一个激励人心的事件。他们给了童年的帮助奖励。

There was a special toy in the corner of the room that required a ball to operate and when the child did a helpful thing the adult turned and gave them one of the balls to operate that fun machine and said, "Here you get this for having done that" They made it clear that the reward was for the behavior that had just occurred.

So, children would finish this session and then they were brought back for a second session and, again they got opportunities to help or not help and one thing Tomasello found is that, when children were in the neutral condition or in that non-controlling praise condition, they continue to help at higher rates.
所以,孩子们会完成这个课程,然后他们被带回来进行第二次课程,他们再次有机会提供帮助或不提供帮助,Tomasello 发现的一件事是,当孩子们处于中立状态或处于非控制性表扬状态时,他们继续以更高的速度提供帮助。

Whereas before they were helping around 90 percent of the time they continued to help around 90 percent of the time in this neutral and this praise condition. But when rewarded for helping, children's rate of helping went down dramatically.
而以前,他们大约有 90% 的时间在这种中立和这种表扬的情况下继续帮助大约 90% 的时间。但是当帮助得到奖励时,孩子们的帮助率急剧下降。

Now, that helping rate was around 54 percent of the time. A significant drop off in helping. So here, when children were rewarded with a positive event for helping, they were now much less likely to help in the future, and we can ask ourselves the question, well why is that?
现在,这个帮助率大约是 54%。帮助率显着下降。所以在这里,当孩子们因为帮助而获得积极事件的奖励时,他们现在将来帮助的可能性要小得多,我们可以问自己一个问题,为什么会这样?

Well self-determination theory argues that before when the children were helping, they had what we called an internal perceived locus of causality. They were helping because they wanted to and they were doing it just out of their own initiative.

But once they were rewarded for it, something shifted in their psyche about this behavior. Now they're helping because of what we call an external perceived locus of causality. Because some external event is now the driver of their behavior.

When that external event is no longer obvious in the environment, then neither is the motivation that it was supporting. So, we think that the undermining effect occurs because the reward shifts the perceived locus of causality.

Whereas before I was doing it because I wanted to, now I'm doing it because you've rewarded me and that means that my behavior has become dependent on your rewards and I've lost the intrinsic motivation I already had.

Now, there's been a lot, a lot of studies on the rewards effects on intrinsic motivation.

In fact in 1999, we presented a meta-analysis of over a 101 studies that had been done on this phenomenon, and I'm going to give you a tree diagram that represents the results of this meta-analysis.
事实上,在 1999 年,我们对已经完成的 101 多项关于这种现象的研究进行了荟萃分析,我将给你一个代表这项荟萃分析结果的树形图。

Don't get overwhelmed by the results, I just use it to illustrate a couple of things here. One is that, if you look at the top of this tree diagram, there's a box that's called all rewards. In general, rewards have a mild negative effect on intrinsic motivation.
不要被结果所淹没,我只是用它来说明这里的几件事。一个是,如果你看一下这个树形图的顶部,有一个框叫做 all rewards(所有奖励)。一般来说,奖励对内在动机有轻微的负面影响。

Here's a d of minus 24, which means it's a weak effect, and that's because we think there are some kinds of rewards that actually enhance intrinsic motivation and some that decrease it.
这是一个负 24 的 d,这意味着它是一个微弱的效果,这是因为我们认为有些类型的奖励实际上会增强内在动机,而另一些则会降低内在动机。

When you give people a tangible reward and say, "If you do this I will give you this, that conveys an external perceived locus of causality and that tends to undermine and you can see that in a tangible reward box.

On the other hand, sometimes people apply what we call a verbal reward which is you say, "Oh you did really well at that activity" Which is otherwise called praise, and praise typically would enhance competence and therefore enhance intrinsic motivation.

So, verbal rewards typically would enhance tangible rewards would typically decrease. But if you take a tangible reward and you say, "Do this and I will give you this" that will definitely undermine intrinsic motivation.

But, if you gave that reward differently, if the person did the activity, finished the activity, and then went up to him and you said, "Oh you did such a good job at that.

I wanted to give you this reward as an acknowledgment of that" This would be an unexpected reward and it wouldn't undermine because it was never controlling the person's behavior in the first place. My point is that it not all rewards undermine intr
insic motivation only those that are experienced as controlling and there's a lot of nuances in both how to give out rewards and how to design incentive strategies, so as to preserve the person's sense of autonomy and not undermine their intrinsic motivation.
insic motivation 只那些有控制经验的人,在如何给予奖励和如何设计激励策略方面都有很多细微差别,以保持人的自主感,而不是破坏他们的内在动机。

But oftentimes people use rewards as a clumsy or a blunt instrument and it has these negative effects.

Now, we can show the undermining effect of rewards on intrinsic motivation in lots of different ways, but I want to show you one other illustration of it that shows it in a neuropsychological format. This was an experiment that was done by Kou Murayama and his colleagues.
现在,我们可以用很多不同的方式来展示奖励对内在动机的破坏作用,但我想向你展示另一个以神经心理学形式展示的例子。这是 Kou Murayama 和他的同事们所做的一个实验。

What he did is he brought people into a laboratory setting where there was an MRI so that he could do FMRI analyses on their brain activity while they were engaged in activities.
他所做的是,他将人们带到一个实验室环境中,那里有 MRI,这样他就可以在他们进行活动时对他们的大脑活动进行 FMRI 分析。

He designed the activity that was fun, that you can do inside of a magnet that was basically a reaction time game and in one condition he would have people play the game and when they had an accurate response in the game, they got a financial reward.

In another condition, he just gave no financial reward and had people simply play the game. In the figure that I show you now, we're looking at a brain activation diagram here of the bilateral striatum.

This is the reward center of our brain or what some people call the reward center of the brain. It's in the area of our brain that's very sensitive to reward effects that are going on in our environment or internally.

What you can see in this diagram, is that in this first session where people are getting financial rewards for accurate responses is in this game, there's a lot of activity in this bilateral striatum area. There's a lot of firing going on.

But noteworthy, people who are not getting rewards at all or also showing activation in the bilateral striatum and that's because the activity itself is rewarding, it's fun and it's interesting.

In a second session Murayama and colleagues bring people back into the laboratory setting but this time no participants are getting any financial rewards and they have a good plausible cover story as to why that's the case.
在第二次会议中,Murayama 和同事将人们带回实验室环境,但这一次没有参与者获得任何经济奖励,他们有一个很好的、合理的掩盖故事来解释为什么会这样。

But now you see that when people re-engage in this activity, the people who had been previously rewarded are now showing very little or no activation in this area of the bilateral striatum, meaning they're not finding the task rewarding anymore.

But people who had never been given financial rewards are still showing activation in this area of the brain. They're still finding this task rewarding. This is a one way of demonstrating that undermining effect.

Similarly, you can look in another area, the lateral prefrontal cortical areas where we would typically look for cognitive engagement, and we see the same pattern here which is people who are very engaged when they were getting rewards but now in a period where they're not getting rewards they're disengaged in this task, where people who would never receive rewards remain as engaged before.

If this were just an extinction paradigm as behaviorists would talk about it, you'd expect people who had been previously rewarded just to drop to the level of activity of people who had never been rewarded.

But they dropped below that activity which is why we call this the undermining effect.

Now, this impact of rewards has lots of practical implications because rewards can sometimes have a backfire effect when we're trying to use them to motivate people, we need to understand that in a nuanced way when we're using rewards in classrooms and in organizational settings and on sport fields.

As we go on in this course we're going to be talking about just these kinds of practical implications and how we can use rewards to either support or undermine people's autonomy.

But hopefully this little lecture has given you some sense of how sometimes even a positive thing can end up to be a negative for a certain kind of behavior.


第 1 单元

5: 内在动力带来更多乐趣

There are many places we can illustrate the important role of intrinsic motivation empowering activities.

We can look at intrinsic motivation in sports, we could look at its role in the classroom and in learning, we can look intrinsic motivation in hobbies and in leisure, we could be even looking at it in the workplace.

But one of my favorite illustrations of the importance of intrinsic motivation and the principles of cognitive evaluation theory is research on video games. Now, everybody in this audience knows what a video game is.

You've probably played some games before we have games that we play on our computers, we have games that we play on our mobile phones.

Actually, video games had become very most popular entertainment industry and most profitable entertainment industry on the face of the earth, a really fast growing area of human occupation.

So, we thought let's study video games and see what has people so motivated to play them. Our reasoning was that most video games have already figured out some of the secrets of human motivation.

That video games have designers when they've designed a good game or a popular game, it already has in it many ingredients of feeding people sense of competence.

You've played a video game before you know that most of the time it starts out pretty easy and you can get lots of positive feedback, and you're always leveling up in a video game. Unlike in life, video games makes sure you can have that feeling of success.

Also video games often give you a sense of relatedness. They allow you to group with other people, cooperate with other people, chat with other people, connect with other people.

So, relatedness is a big part of what makes a really good game fun, particularly the kind of games we might play on a platform or a computer.

Finally, some of the best designed games in the world and the most popular games had been games that have a lot of autonomy built into them. A great example of that would be the famous game, World of Warcraft, which was for a long time the most popular game on the earth.

It was an open war game in which people could choose what activities they were engaged in, what quests they set themselves upon, what kind of tasks that they would undertake and what kind of partners they would hook up within their guilds or rating teams. So, it had all the ingredients of competence autonomy and relatedness.

So, we decided that we would see whether these the ingredients that made people want to play this game.

So, we study people who just in the beginning of playing World of Warcraft, we had them play a session or two and then we had them rate how much autonomy, how much competence, how much related as they experienced while playing the game, as well as how much fun they had while playing the game?

Then eight months later, we came back to those people to see who was still carrying their subscription to the game, who was still paying to play so to speak?

We reasoned that if you're still playing eight month later, it's because you must find this game to be intrinsically motivating.
我们推断,如果你在 8 个月后仍然玩,那是因为你一定觉得这款游戏具有内在的激励性。

As you can see in the numbers that I have before you, the highest correlates predicting whether people were playing eight months later, where their feelings of needs satisfaction of whether they are feeling autonomy and competence and relatedness in playing the game.

This was much more powerful a predictor than for instance rating of fun or enjoyment.

In fact, if you let fun and enjoyment compete in regression equations against the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, basic psychological needs explains all over variants to fun and enjoyment.

In other words, is those basic needs satisfactions that make the game itself fun, and this is what predicts people playing eight months later. Now, even other experiments get it this much more deeply.

For instance, Peng and her associates did a number of studies applying SDT to video games. They would take a video game that was basically an exercise game, a game where you might get some motor activity in
例如,Peng 和她的同事进行了大量将 SDT 应用于电子游戏的研究。他们会拿一个基本上是一个健身游戏的视频游戏,一个你可能会进行一些运动活动的游戏
while you're playing against the screen. In that game, they decided that they would take features that supported autonomy and turn them on or off and see how that affected fun of the game.

For instance, in this game, you could design your own avatar, which is something we think enhances autonomy because you have a sense of choice about how the player looks that you're engaged within the game and what kind of character you're going to be playing.

So, we think that personalization adds to the sense of autonomy. Then you simply turned on the feature where you can personalize your avatar or instead assigned people a same-sex avatar of their choosing and then had people play the game.

Just having the choice over the avatar itself made the game more fun and people were more likely to persist at the game and find it enjoyable and willing to recommend it to others if that feature was on. Similarly, they took a feature that affected competence in the game itself.

It was built so that after you conquered certain challenges, the game would automatically adjust what new tasks be set so that they would always be at an optimal challenge. They turn that feature off.

They found that players who played with that feature on, found the game much more enjoyable and they had higher feelings of competence that mediated that increased enjoyment.

Whereas players who didn't have that feature turned on, didn't feel as competent to the game and that led them to feel less enjoyment for the game itself.

So, even features of games will affect whether there's autonomy satisfactions or competent satisfactions or related in satisfactions, and that's what drives the long-term persistence. So, video games had been a really interesting place for us to study intrinsic motivation.

First, because they're so popular, but also because in games, we can look at the features and events that are associated with the enhancement of feelings some autonomy, competence, and relatedness and then have a causal impact on whether people sustain their engagement in those games or not.

So, it becomes just a laboratory for studying human behavior as it would be understood even in more important than real-world contexts. The fact that video games are so intrinsically motivating also makes them a bit risky and dangerous for some people.

Probably, all of you know that there are issues that are widely discussed publicly about video game addiction. What we in self-determination theory call, overuse.

So, the over use of video games really comes about because people find that they need satisfaction in these games so dense and so immediate and so easy to get to that the games become very compelling.

We decided that we would do some research on exactly who's most vulnerable to video game addiction.

We have a mini-theory within our mini-theory of self-determination theory called "The Need Density Hypothesis." We hypothesized that games because they're so good at satisfying these basic psychological needs, are particularly strong and their gravitational pull for people who aren't getting those needs satisfied in other areas of their life.

So, if you're the kid in school who doesn't feel really particularly effective or competent at school, or you're not really connected with classmates, or you don't feel a lot of autonomy in your daily life, then you're going to particularly find the virtual world supply by video games as intriguing places to be because there you'll be able to have those satisfactions denied to you in the rest of life.

So, in fact, we argue that the lower your needs satisfaction in regular life, the higher the gravitational pull of video games because they deliver these things so easily.

In fact, we found that people who are really vulnerable to video game overuse are exactly those people who are feeling deprived of basic psychological needs satisfaction in their homes, schools, and workplaces. Just to give you one concrete example of that.

We interviewed a man who was really a strong video game overuser. He was playing 35
我们采访了一位真正热衷于电子游戏的男性。他玩的是 35
to 40 hours a week of video games while working his full-time job. When we asked him, "Why are these games so compelling to you?" He said, "Look, I've been on my job now for 20 years and I never level up.
到每周 40 小时玩电子游戏,同时做他的全职工作。当我们问他:“为什么这些游戏对你如此有吸引力?”他说:“你看,我已经工作了 20 年了,我从来没有升级过。

But I can go home every night and level up and feel effective." We can see right there the needs density hypothesis and operation, which is somebody who's not finding satisfactions in a real world can readily find them in a virtual world.

Of course, what we want to do in self-determination theory is not undermine the joy of video games.

We, in fact, I want to help design them to be as fun as possible, but we also want to find ways to bring need satisfaction into that man's workplace, into those students school rooms, into homes, so that people can have need satisfaction both in and out of their virtual world.