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Passage 1
通道 1

Chicualacuala district is a dry and arid region, with unpredictable rainfall. Because of this, people in the area were unable to support themselves through agriculture and instead they used the forest as a __16____ of providing themselves with an income, mainly by selling charcoal. However, this was not a ___17____ way of living in the long term, as they were rapidly using up this resource.

To support agriculture in this dry region, a programme was set up to focus __18____ on making use of existing water resources from the Limpopo River by __19____ up systems of irrigation, which would provide a __20____ water supply for crops and animals. The programme worked closely with the district government in order to find the best way of ____21___ this. The region already had one farmers’ association, and it was decided to set up two more of these. These associations planned and carried out activities including water management, livestock breeding and agriculture, and it was notable that in general, women formed the ___22___ of the workforce.

It was decided that in order to keep the crops safe from animals, both wild and ____23___, special areas should be fenced off where the crops could be grown. The community was responsible for creating these fences, but the programme provided the necessary wire for making them.

Once the area had been fenced off, it could be __24_____ . The land was dug, so that vegetables and cereals __25_____ to the climate could be grown, and the programme provided the necessary seeds for this. The programme also provided pumps so that water could be brought from the river in pipes to the fields. However, the labour was all provided by local people, and they also provided and put up the posts that supported the fences around the fields.

incredibleI) sustainable
难以置信 I) 可持续

cultivatedJ) destroyed

C) meansK) majority
C) 表示 K) 多数

D) implementingL) primarily

E) severelyM) setting
E) 严重 M) 设置

F) domesticN) range

G) preventingO) dependable
G) 防止 O) 可靠

H) appropriate
H) 适当


C 17. I 18. L 19. M 20. O
C 17.我 18.L 19.米 20.O

21. D 22. K 23. F 24. B 25. H
21. D 22.K 23.女 24.乙 25.H

Passage 2
通道 2

Producing enough energy to meet our needs has become a serious problem. For a number of years now, scientists have been working out how we can ____16____ energy from renewable sources, such as the sun and wind, without causing pollution. Today I’ll outline marine renewable energy - also called ocean energy - which ____17____ the movement of the oceans.
生产足够的能量来满足我们的需求已成为一个严重的问题。多年来,科学家们一直在研究如何从可再生能源(如太阳能和风能)中获得 ____16__ 能源,而不会造成污染。今天,我将概述海洋可再生能源 - 也称为海洋能源 - 它 ____17__ 海洋的运动。

Marine renewable energy can be divided into three main ____18____: wave energy, tidal energy and ocean thermal energy conversion.

First, wave energy. Numerous devices have been invented to ____19____ wave energy, and research is going on to try and come up with a really efficient method. This form of energy has plenty of potential, as the source is ____20____, and there’s no danger of waves coming to a standstill. Electricity can be ____21____ using onshore systems, using a reservoir, or offshore systems. But the problem with ocean waves is that they’re erratic, with the wind making them travel in every direction. Another ____22____ is that sand and other sediment on the ocean floor might be stopped from flowing ____23____, which can lead to environmental problems.
第一,波浪能。已经发明了许多设备来 ____19__ 波能,并且正在进行研究,试图提出一种真正有效的方法。这种形式的能量具有很大的潜力,因为来源是____20_____,并且没有波浪停止的危险。使用陆上系统、水库或海上系统可以 ____21_ 供电。但海浪的问题在于它们不稳定,风使它们向各个方向传播。另一个____22__是海底的沙子和其他沉积物可能会阻止____23_____流动,这可能导致环境问题。

The second category of marine energy that I’ll mention is tidal energy. One major ____24____ of using the tide, rather than waves, as a source of energy is that it’s ____25____: we know the exact times of high and low tides for years to come.
我要提到的第二类海洋能是潮汐能。使用潮汐而不是波浪作为能量来源的一个主要 ___24_ 是它是 ____25____:我们知道未来几年涨潮和退潮的确切时间。

There are other forms of tidal energy, but I’ll go on to the third category of marine energy- ocean thermal energy conversion. This depends on there being a big difference in temperature between surface water and the water a couple of kilometres below the surface. The idea is to bring cold water up to the surface using a submerged pipe.

harvestI) drawback
收获 I) 缺点

advantageJ) created

C) generatedK) normally
C) 生成 K) 正常

D) attainL) harnesses
D) 获得 L) 线束

E) constantM) predictable
E) 常数 M) 可预测

F) frequentlyN) inject

G) factorsO) categories
G) 因素 O) 类别

H) derive
H) 派生


H 17. L 18. O 19. A 20. E
H 17.L 18.O 19.一个20。E

21. C 22. I 23. K 24. B 25. M
21. C 22.我 23.K 24.乙 25.M

Passage 3
通道 3

What is conflict in the workplace? Definitions vary, but I’m taking it to refer to a whole range of behaviors that the victim finds unacceptable, from minor, harmless arguments to at the opposite extremephysical 16 .Much of this is covered by the term bullying, by which I mean one or more people behaving abusively or 17 against another who is in a weaker position. Although all behavior like this is a form of conflict, not all conflict can be described in these terms.
什么是工作场所的冲突?定义各不相同,但我认为它指的是受害者认为不可接受的一系列行为,从轻微的、无害的争论到——在相反的极端——身体上 16 .欺凌一词涵盖了其中的大部分内容,我的意思是一个或多个人对处于弱势地位的人进行虐待或 17 人。尽管所有这样的行为都是一种冲突形式,但并非所有冲突都可以用这些术语来描述。

As with all human behavior, there are numerous reasons for it. But often it’s caused by someone who feels the need to show their 18 over someone else, in order to feel that they aren’t at the lowest level in a hierarchy or a group of people.
与所有人类行为一样,它有很多原因。但通常,这是由于有人觉得有必要向其他人展示自己的 18 岁,以便感觉自己在等级制度或一群人中不处于最低级别。

In some cases one person simply dislikes the other, on the basis that the 19 of one is in some way incompatible with that of the other person. A general habit of 20 in one person could make them intolerant of a colleague who’s constantly 21 not that that justifies treating them badly, of course.
在某些情况下,一个人只是不喜欢另一个人,因为一个人的 19 在某种程度上与另一个人的 19 不相容。一个人 20 岁的普遍习惯可能会让他们无法容忍一个总是 21 岁的同事——当然,这并不是对他们不好的理由。

Some conflicts arise when people are more interested in 22 themselves and their team than in the company as a whole. These conflicts are called ‘structural’, and could come about, for example, when a sales team believe they are the only people in the business who do any useful work, and look down on behind-the-scenes 23
当人们对 22 自己和他们的团队比对整个公司更感兴趣时,就会出现一些冲突。这些冲突被称为“结构性”冲突,例如,当销售团队认为他们是企业中唯一做任何有用工作的人,并看不起幕后 23

Conflict obviously affects the individuals concerned-the situation is likely to be very stressful for 24 , resulting in their absence from work, possibly for months. For the company, if no effort is made to deal with conflict, it can 25 out of control, and even lead to the breakdown of the business.
冲突显然会影响有关个人 - 情况可能非常紧张 24 ,导致他们缺勤,可能长达数月。对于公司来说,如果不努力处理冲突,就可能25失控,甚至导致业务崩溃。

superiority I) obstacle
优势 I) 障碍

vividlyJ) optimism

aggressively K) violence
咄咄逼人 K) 暴力

D) temporaryL) promoting
D)临时性 L)推广

E) spiralM) biological
E)螺旋 M)生物

F) divertN) personality

G) pessimistic O) victims

H) administrators
H) 管理员


16. K 17. C 18. A 19. N 20. J
16. K 17.C 18.一个 19.N 20.J

21. G 22. L 23.H 24. O 25. E
21. 克 22.L 23.H 24.O 25.E

Passage 4
通道 4

Sleepy lizards live in Western and South Australia, where they’re quite common. Unlike European lizards, which are mostly small, green and fast-moving, sleepy lizards are brown, but what’s 16 distinctive about them is the colour of their tongue, which is dark blue, in 17 with the lining of their mouth which is bright pink. And they’re much bigger than most European lizards. They have quite a 18 diet, including insects and even small animals, but they 19 eat plants of varying kinds.
昏昏欲睡的蜥蜴生活在西澳大利亚州和南澳大利亚州,在那里它们很常见。与欧洲蜥蜴不同,欧洲蜥蜴大多体型小,绿色且移动迅速,昏昏欲睡的蜥蜴是棕色的,但它们的 16 与众不同的是它们的舌头颜色是深蓝色,17 它们的嘴巴衬里是亮粉色。它们比大多数欧洲蜥蜴大得多。他们有相当多的 18 饮食,包括昆虫甚至小动物,但他们 19 吃不同种类的植物。

Even though they’re quite large and powerful, with strong jaws that can 20 beetles and snail shells, they still have quite a few predators. Large birds like cassowaries were one of the main ones in the past, but nowadays they’re more likely to be caught and killed by snakes. Actually, another 21 to their survival isn’t a predator at all, but is man-made ― quite a large number of sleepy lizards are killed by cars when they’re trying to cross highways.
尽管它们非常大而强大,拥有可以容纳 20 只甲虫和蜗牛壳的强壮下颚,但它们仍然有相当多的捕食者。像食火鸡这样的大型鸟类是过去的主要鸟类之一,但现在它们更有可能被蛇捕获并杀死。实际上,另外 21 只蜥蜴根本不是捕食者,而是人造的——相当多的昏昏欲睡的蜥蜴在试图穿越高速公路时被汽车杀死。

One study carried out by Michael Freake at Flinders University investigated the methods of 22 of these lizards. Though they move slowly, they can travel quite long distances. And he found that even if they were taken some distance away from their home territory, they could usually find their way back home as long as they could see the sky ― they didn’t need any other 23 on the ground.
弗林德斯大学的迈克尔·弗雷克(Michael Freake)进行的一项研究调查了其中22种蜥蜴的方法。虽然它们移动缓慢,但它们可以移动相当长的距离。他发现,即使他们被带到离家乡有一段距离的地方,只要他们能看到天空,他们通常都能找到回家的路——他们不需要地面上的任何其他 23 人。

Observations of these lizards in the wild have also revealed that their 24 habits are quite unusual. Unlike most animals, it seems that they’re relatively 25 , returning to the same partner year after year. And the male and female also stay together for a long time, both before and after the birth of their young.
在野外对这些蜥蜴的观察也表明,它们的 24 种习性非常不寻常。与大多数动物不同,它们似乎相对 25 岁,年复一年地回到同一个伴侣身边。雄性和雌性也会在幼崽出生之前和之后长时间呆在一起。

varied I) species
多样的 I) 物种

particularlyJ) illustration
特别是 J) 插图

entirely K) monogamous

landmarksL) navigation
地标 L) 导航

E) mostly M) smash

F) collectedN) contrast

G) threat O) mating
G) 威胁 O) 交配

H) crush
H) 压碎

varied I) species
多样的 I) 物种

particularlyJ) illustration
特别是 J) 插图

entirely K) monogamous

landmarksL) navigation
地标 L) 导航

E) mostly M) smash

F) collectedN) contrast

G) threat O) mating
G) 威胁 O) 交配

H) crush
H) 压碎

varied I) species
多样的 I) 物种

particularlyJ) illustration
特别是 J) 插图

entirely K) monogamous

landmarksL) navigation
地标 L) 导航

E) mostly M) smash

F) collectedN) contrast

G) threat O) mating
G) 威胁 O) 交配

H) crush
H) 压碎


16. B 17. N 18. A 19. E 20. H
16. 乙 17.第 18 页。一个 19.E 20.H

21. G 22. L 23. D 24. O 25. K
21. 克 22.L 23.D 24.O 25.K

varied I) species
多样的 I) 物种

particularlyJ) illustration
特别是 J) 插图

entirely K) monogamous

landmarksL) navigation
地标 L) 导航

E) mostly M) smash

F) collectedN) contrast

G) threat O) mating
G) 威胁 O) 交配

H) crush
H) 压碎

varied I) species
多样的 I) 物种

particularlyJ) illustration
特别是 J) 插图

entirely K) monogamous

landmarksL) navigation
地标 L) 导航

E) mostly M) smash

F) collectedN) contrast

G) threat O) mating
G) 威胁 O) 交配

H) crush
H) 压碎

varied I) species
多样的 I) 物种

particularlyJ) illustration
特别是 J) 插图

entirely K) monogamous

landmarksL) navigation
地标 L) 导航

E) mostly M) smash

F) collectedN) contrast

G) threat O) mating
G) 威胁 O) 交配

H) crush
H) 压碎

Passage 5
通道 5

Studies have shown that there are enormous benefits of dance for people in their sixties and beyond. One of the great things about dance is that there are no __16___ to participation. Anyone can have a go, even those whose standard of __17___ is quite low.
研究表明,舞蹈对六十多岁及以上的人有巨大的好处。舞蹈的一大优点是没有 __16_ 参与。任何人都可以试一试,即使是那些 __17___ 标准相当低的人。

Dance can be ___18____ beneficial for older adults who can’t run or do more intense workouts. One 2015 study found that even a ___19___ dance workout helps to promote a healthy heart. And there’s plenty of evidence which suggests that dancing lowers the risk of falls, which could result in a broken hip, for example, by helping people to improve their ___20___.
舞蹈可以 ___18__ 对不能跑步或进行更剧烈锻炼的老年人有益。2015 年的一项研究发现,即使是 ___19_ 舞蹈锻炼也有助于促进心脏健康。有大量证据表明,跳舞可以降低跌倒的风险,例如,通过帮助人们改善他们的 ___20___,这可能导致髋部骨折。

There are some less obvious benefits of dance for older people too. One thing was that dance isn’t just a physical challenge. It also ___21___ a lot of concentration because you need to remember different steps and routines. For older people, this kind of activity is especially important because it forces their ___22___ to process things more quickly and to retain more information.
对于老年人来说,跳舞也有一些不太明显的好处。有一件事是,舞蹈不仅仅是一种身体上的挑战。它也 ___21___ 非常集中,因为您需要记住不同的步骤和例程。对于老年人来说,这种活动尤为重要,因为它迫使他们的 ___22___ 更快地处理事情并保留更多信息。

Current research also shows that dance ____23___ a general sense of well-being in older participants, which can last up to a week after a class. Participants report feeling less tired and having greater ___24___ to be more active and do daily activities such as gardening or walking to the shops or a park.
目前的研究还表明,舞蹈 ____23___ 对老年参与者的普遍幸福感,可以在课后持续长达一周。参与者报告说感觉不那么累,并且有更多的 ___24___ 更加活跃并进行日常活动,例如园艺或步行到商店或公园。

Ballroom or country dancing, both popular with older people, have to be done in groups. They require collaboration and often involve touching a dance partner, all of which encourages interaction on the dance floor. This helps to develop new relationships and can reduce older people’s sense of __25___.

brain I) promotes
大脑 I) 促进

mainlyJ) unnecessarily

balance K) requires
余额 K) 需要

gentleL) motivation

E) isolation M) comfortable
E)隔离 M)舒适

F) barriersN) fitness
F)障碍 N)适宜性

G) benefits O) especially

H) provides
H) 提供


16. F 17. N 18. O 19. D 20. C
16. 女 17.第 18 页。O 19.D 20.C

21. K 22. A 23. I 24. L 25. E
21. K 22.一个 23.我 24.L 25.E