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How 2 Broke Students Went From An Idea To $30K/Month In The Jewelry Industry - Starter Story

How 2 Broke Students Went From An Idea To $30K/Month In The Jewelry Industry
2 个破产学生如何在珠宝行业从一个想法发展到每月 3 万美元

Joosep Seitam  乔塞普·塞塔姆
Published: September 28th, 2023
发布时间:2023 年 9 月 28 日
Joosep Seitam  乔塞普·塞塔姆
Founder, RENAAR LLC RENAAR 有限责任公司创始人
$30K 3万美元
revenue/mo   每月收入Revenue figures are from research, estimations, and/or self-reported by the business and have not been independently verified by Starter Story.
Founders 创始人
Employees 雇员
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Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

Hey fellow entrepreneurs, my name is Joosep Seitam and I will share a story with you on how I went from having a crazy idea to making $30,000 per month in just 8 months in the jewelry industry. Me and Martin Kardi started a business that sells gold-plated moissanite hip hop jewelry.
各位创业者大家好,我的名字是 Joosep Seitam,我将与大家分享一个故事,讲述我如何在珠宝行业从一个疯狂的想法到在短短 8 个月内每月赚取 30,000 美元。我和 Martin Kardi 创办了一家销售镀金莫桑石嘻哈珠宝的公司。

The products that we are selling are directed to afro american people living in the USA. The jewelry that we sell is very specific. It's called hip-hop jewelry.

Within just 8 months we scaled this business up to making $30,000 in revenue solely from doing SEO. Within these 8 months, our organic monthly traffic is surpassing 10,000 visitors per month.
在短短 8 个月内,我们仅通过 SEO 就将这项业务扩大到 30,000 美元的收入。在这 8 个月内,我们的每月自然流量超过 10,000 名访客。

Here’s me & Martin 2 years ago, broke and not knowing what the future holds…

What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

As of September 2023, I'm a 22-year-old university dropout from Tallinn, Estonia. I started my first business when I was just 16 years old. I used to run a gardening business in the richest neighborhood of Estonia. I started it in 2016 and within 3 years we scaled the business up to become the biggest name in the gardening business. But at the back of my head, I always wanted to do something in the e-commerce space.
截至 2023 年 9 月,我是一名来自爱沙尼亚塔林的 22 岁大学辍学生。我16岁时就开始了我的第一笔生意。我曾经在爱沙尼亚最富有的社区经营园艺生意。我于 2016 年开始经营,三年内我们将业务规模扩大到成为园艺行业的巨头。但在我的内心深处,我一直想在电子商务领域做点什么。

So in 2019, I got into dropshipping and I had success with the first-ever store that I launched. I sold Halloween masks that you probably have seen in the horror movie “The Purge”. I made $37,000 in just 16 days by running Facebook AD-s (It was the time when Facebook could track every movement of their users and it was very easy to make money off of Facebook AD-s).
因此,在 2019 年,我进入了直销业务,并成功开设了第一家商店。我卖了你可能在恐怖电影《净化》中见过的万圣节面具。通过运行 Facebook AD-s,我在短短 16 天内就赚了 37,000 美元(当时 Facebook 可以跟踪用户的每一个动作,从 Facebook AD-s 赚钱非常容易)。

However as it was a seasonal business, I quickly had to build up new online stores selling more evergreen products. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any luck with the following stores so I started to lose belief in dropshipping.

Fortunately, there was one business that I had success with and it was selling designer clothes on platforms like Grailed.com and Etsy.com. I ran that business until I got banned from the platform because I was dropshipping -_-
幸运的是,我在一项业务上取得了成功,那就是在 Grailed.com 和 Etsy.com 等平台上销售名牌服装。我经营这项业务,直到因为我从事代发货而被该平台禁止 -_-

In 2021 I went to the military and all my business ventures stopped for 8 months. In the military, I met someone who changed my life forever and with whom we had multiple successful business ventures to come.

Together we started 2 businesses: socialplug.io and Adsellr.com. We are still running them today and these businesses in combination are making around $50-$70k revenue every month.
我们一起创办了两家公司:socialplug.io 和 Adsellr.com。我们今天仍在运营这些业务,这些业务每月的收入合计约为 50-70,000 美元。

During our ventures, I learned one very specific skill - SEO. I had a very big learning curve, spending over $100,000 per year on doing SEO the wrong way until I learned from my mistakes and this is what helped me to understand what a magic SEO is and how you could turn a business into a long term business by just ranking relevant keywords on Google.
在我们的创业过程中,我学到了一项非常具体的技能——搜索引擎优化。我有一个非常大的学习曲线,每年花费超过 100,000 美元以错误的方式进行 SEO,直到我从错误中吸取教训,这帮助我理解什么是神奇的 SEO 以及如何将业务转变为长期业务只需在 Google 上对相关关键字进行排名即可。

How I came up with the idea behind Icecartel?
我是如何想到 Icecartel 背后的想法的?

This business idea came to me simply because my partner Martin was already running a jewelry business on a small scale and it was working, but he didn’t have enough funds to grow his business on a scale.

From that point, I knew that if he made money with so little effort, we could partner up and build up a brand Icecartel where we could invest around $60,000. And so we did…
从那时起,我就知道,如果他不费吹灰之力就能赚钱,我们就可以合作建立一个品牌 Icecartel,我们可以投资大约 60,000 美元。所以我们做了……

I didn’t have any knowledge about the jewelry business myself when I started, but I quickly started learning about the jewelry industry on the Internet. There are videos on YouTube about how to create a moissanite jewelry business.
刚开始的时候我自己对珠宝行业并没有任何了解,但是我很快就开始在互联网上了解珠宝行业。 YouTube 上有一些关于如何创建莫桑钻珠宝业务的视频。

Sourcing products was easy, my partner had connections with the suppliers. We simply used the same supplier who had done quality work for Martin’s jewelry business in the past.

You can start a jewelry business with much less starting funds. We were just outsourcing almost everything. That’s why our costs were so high.

Take us through the process of building the first version of your product.

The process was simple. We ordered velvet sheets to the factory with the Icecartel logo and paid the manufacturer to take pictures and videos of the jewelry that they had in stock. Here’s a reference image of how the product pictures turned out:
过程很简单。我们向工厂订购了带有 Icecartel 标志的天鹅绒床单,并付钱给制造商,让他们为他们库存的珠宝拍摄照片和视频。以下是产品图片的参考图片:

What we had a challenge with was custom packaging. We tried to find something extra premium and so we ordered handmade leather cases that gave the products an extra luxury feel. However, these boxes came at a very high cost. We ended up paying around $100 for a jewelry box so we had to find a new supplier and we had to buy boxes in larger quantities.
我们面临的挑战是定制包装。我们试图找到一些额外的优质产品,因此我们订购了手工制作的皮套,这给产品带来了额外的奢华感。然而,这些盒子的成本非常高。我们最终花了大约 100 美元购买了一个珠宝盒,因此我们必须寻找新的供应商,并且必须购买更多数量的盒子。

We ended up paying $50 per leather jewelry box for the next batch. Here’s an image of our jewelry box:
我们最终为下一批的每个皮革首饰盒支付了 50 美元。这是我们的珠宝盒的图片:

We got the leather jewelry box idea from a very high-end jewelry company icebox.com and we were very specific about how the jewelry box should look like.
我们从一家非常高端的珠宝公司 Icebox.com 那里得到了皮革珠宝盒的想法,我们对珠宝盒的外观非常具体。

The only way to get started is to trade your time against money. Try to develop a skill and offer a service on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.
唯一开始的方法就是用你的时间换取金钱。尝试发展一项技能并在 Fiverr 或 Upwork 等平台上提供服务。

Here’s how we built up a jewelry stand in our small office and how we turned this business into making $30,000 per month.
以下是我们如何在我们的小办公室里建立一个珠宝摊位,以及如何将这项业务变成每月 30,000 美元的收入。

Describe the process of launching the business.

The first 2 months: 前 2 个月:

With my prior SEO knowledge, I knew that the specific industry that we were targeting was relatively new and the competitors hadn’t done any SEO or had done it very poorly.
凭借我之前的 SEO 知识,我知道我们针对的特定行业相对较新,竞争对手没有做过任何 SEO 或做得很差。

The first huge investment we made was to buy an expired domain which cost us $6,500 and an Instagram name which cost us around $3,000.
我们做的第一笔巨额投资是花费 6,500 美元购买一个过期域名和一个 Instagram 名称,花费大约 3,000 美元。

Then I created a website that I optimized for the first 2 months to be as SEO-friendly as possible.
然后我创建了一个网站,并在前两个月进行了优化,以尽可能地对 SEO 友好。

We didn’t have any money to buy ourselves samples for product images, fortunately, our supplier did the pictures for us for free.

We also connected a payment gateway Stripe but didn’t have any luck with it because they said that we are a high-risk business because we are selling products that can go up to $10,000 per item.
我们还连接了支付网关 Stripe,但没有成功,因为他们说我们是一家高风险企业,因为我们销售的产品每件商品的价格最高可达 10,000 美元。

So we couldn’t accept payments and I had to start digging out all payment gateways there were.

The next 2-6 Months: 未来 2-6 个月:

During these months I wrote around 100 blog posts gathered over 160 backlinks and grew the organic traffic from 100 visitors per month to 8,000 organic visitors per month.
在这几个月里,我写了大约 100 篇博客文章,收集了 160 多个反向链接,并将自然流量从每月 100 名访问者增加到每月 8,000 名自然访问者。

We also found a payment gateway in the 6th month. It took me 4 months to find a payment gateway.
我们还在第 6 个月找到了支付网关。我花了4个月才找到支付网关。

At the end of the sixth month, we had spent around $40,000 to start this business.
第六个月末,我们花费了大约 40,000 美元来开展这项业务。

If you need help with payment gateways or SEO, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.
如果您需要支付网关或 SEO 方面的帮助,请随时在 LinkedIn 上与我联系。

7-8th Month 7-8月

In the 7th month, we got our payment gateway integrated and within the first 15 days, our business generated over $20,000 in revenue with around 50% profit margin.
第 7 个月,我们集成了支付网关,在前 15 天内,我们的业务收入超过 20,000 美元,利润率约为 50%。

On the 8th. month our organic traffic has grown to almost 10,000 visitors per month.
8号。一个月后,我们的有机流量已增长至每月近 10,000 名访客。

Currently, we are generating $30,000 per month and we are working with Youtube influencers who are making review videos for us.
目前,我们每月赚取 30,000 美元,并且正在与 Youtube 影响者合作,他们为我们制作评论视频。

In the jewelry business, the hardest thing is to build trust. As there are other established jewelry businesses with thousands of reviews, it takes a lot of time, money, and effort to build up social proof.

We are sending our influencers jewelry that costs us thousands per piece but that’s how we will take our business to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

Probably the biggest lesson I learned from this business is that in a big ocean, even small fish get’s his part. The fact that there are competitors in the jewelry industry who are making everything better than you are, you can still get customers if you target them from a point where others aren’t.

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Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

You should always offer the clients what other companies are not. In our case, we offer our customers a custom leather jewelry box where they can store their jewelry and take them on trips.

Also, you should try to be where your customers are hanging around. Again in our case, we saw people searching for very niche-specific keywords on Google and we started doing SEO to rank with these keywords. Just solely on the SEO, we are at the stage where we are today.
另外,你应该尽量呆在顾客经常光顾的地方。在我们的案例中,我们看到人们在 Google 上搜索非常特定的关键词,我们开始进行 SEO 来对这些关键词进行排名。仅在搜索引擎优化方面,我们就处于今天的阶段。

Here’s how our website traffic has grown from 0 organic visitors per month to almost 10,000 visitors per month (screenshot from ahrefs.com):
以下是我们的网站流量如何从每月 0 名自然访问者增长到每月近 10,000 名访问者(来自 ahrefs.com 的屏幕截图):

Do you want to know how I’m doing it? Here’s how:

The first thing I always do is topical / keyword research. With every business I’m starting, I will always find all relevant keywords to the business and manually list them in a Google Sheets file.
我总是做的第一件事是主题/关键词研究。对于我开始的每一项业务,我总是会找到与该业务相关的所有关键字,并手动将它们列在 Google 表格文件中。

Here’s an example of the Google Sheets file (keyword research):
以下是 Google 表格文件的示例(关键字研究):

To get help with finding relevant keywords, I’m using Ahrefs.com.
为了获得查找相关关键字的帮助,我使用 Ahrefs.com。

If you don't know how to find relevant keywords, It’s always best to look at what keywords your competitors are ranking with.

Once you have all the keywords, you should start with the on-page SEO. You simply have to have all the relevant keywords on the page that you want to rank with.

In our case, I wanted to rank collection page keywords so I categorized all the keywords I found into collections and then I started writing copy for them.

While writing copy you have to bear in mind how much content you should write to rank. You can determine this by looking at the competitor sites.

Once you have done the copy and once It’s implemented on the website, It’s time to start doing internal linking.

Internal linking is a very important part of on-page SEO because it allows your site to get an extra SEO boost.

The home page should always have most, if not all links visible to other collection or product pages.

Once the internal linking was done for all the pages, I started building links.

Link building can be seen as a hard thing to do at first, but it's very easy when you get on doing it.

I started the link-building process by going over all competitors' backlinks one by one and made a list of 1000+ links to outreach to.
我通过一一检查所有竞争对手的反向链接开始链接构建过程,并列出了 1000 多个要外展的链接。

Before I started the link outreach, I bought a new domain and made a Google Workspace Account. Then I used Instantly.ai to warm up the new email I had just made.
在开始链接推广之前,我购买了一个新域名并创建了一个 Google Workspace 帐号。然后我使用 Instantly.ai 来预热我刚刚发送的新电子邮件。

I warmed up the email for 14 days and then I started the outreach. Thanks to instantly.ai and their email warmup, the email open rate was around 50%. It’s a great hack to use instantly.ai warmup service for anyone who’s into email marketing.
我对电子邮件进行了 14 天的预热,然后开始外展。感谢 instant.ai 和他们的电子邮件预热,电子邮件打开率约为 50%。对于任何从事电子邮件营销的人来说,使用 instant.ai 预热服务是一个很棒的技巧。

Then out of hundreds of replies I got back, I started to research whether the site was worth getting a link from. You can do it by looking at where the majority of their traffic is coming from and whether they haven’t had any huge traffic fluctuations. Traffic fluctuations indicate that these might be PBN (private blog network) websites that are selling backlinks to their websites. You should always avoid PBNs and go for sites that have healthy growth in terms of traffic and sites that don’t publish restricted content like casino or adult content.
然后,在收到的数百条回复中,我开始研究该网站是否值得获取链接。您可以通过查看他们的大部分流量来自哪里以及他们是否没有出现任何巨大的流量波动来做到这一点。流量波动表明这些可能是 PBN(私人博客网络)网站,正在出售其网站的反向链接。您应该始终避免 PBN,并选择流量健康增长的网站以及不发布赌场或成人内容等受限制内容的网站。

The next thing is to write guest posts for their sites. The guest post should always be relevant to the site’s content and I don’t recommend using AI for writing the content as you might get penalized by Google’s new AI updates.

Inside the guest posts your goal is to link some anchor text to your site. You should have a proper anchor text strategy in place where you are mostly focused on the home page at first and then on collection, product, or blog pages.

Be careful with the anchor texts because they should look natural and you shouldn’t get links from all the sites with the same anchor text. It just looks very unnatural and it might get you penalized.

I’m able to guide anyone through the process who's interested.

Building Topical Authority:

No doubt that today the most important ranking factor is Topical Authority. To put it simply, topical authority means that you have covered every topic within your niche that people are searching for on Google. In Google’s eyes, if you have covered every topic there is within your niche, they have nothing else to do but to award your site with higher rankings on Google.
毫无疑问,当今最重要的排名因素是主题权威。简而言之,主题权威意味着您已经涵盖了人们在 Google 上搜索的您所在领域内的每个主题。在谷歌看来,如果你已经涵盖了你的利基市场中的每一个主题,他们除了奖励你的网站在谷歌上获得更高的排名之外别无他法。

Within 8 months I wrote around 100 blogs and covered all topics there are about moissanite diamonds and currently I’m covering all topics there are about chains & necklaces.
在 8 个月内,我写了大约 100 篇博客,涵盖了有关莫桑钻的所有主题,目前我正在涵盖有关链条和项链的所有主题。

Doing topical authority is a great way to start doing SEO without spending any money on it. Without link building on blogs and solely on writing around 100 blogs, my website traffic doubled.
获得主题权威是开始进行 SEO 的好方法,而无需花费任何金钱。无需在博客上建立链接,仅撰写大约 100 个博客,我的网站流量就增加了一倍。

I didn’t see any money for the first 8 months. But it was the work ethic and belief that if someone made it then I can do it too, and I will give my best to make it better than others.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Today we are still not in profit but our estimates are saying that we will start to be in profit in 2.5 months.
今天我们仍然没有盈利,但我们预计 2.5 个月后我们将开始盈利。

There’s a Christmas eve approaching and we are estimating that we will turn over over $100,000 this Christmas.
平安夜即将来临,我们预计今年圣诞节的营业额将超过 100,000 美元。

Our profit margins are around 50% and as of now, we don’t have any customer acquisition costs or any ad costs to run this business. It has just been hard work.
我们的利润率约为 50%,到目前为止,我们没有任何客户获取成本或任何广告成本来运营这项业务。这只是辛苦的工作。

Our returning customer rate is around 11% and the average customer value is around $1000.
我们的回头客率约为 11%,平均客户价值约为 1000 美元。

The visitors spend an average of 2 minutes on our site, although our conversion rate is below 1% because around 50% of our traffic goes to blogs and our intention in the blogs is to help people find answers to their questions.
尽管我们的转化率低于 1%,但访问者平均在我们的网站上花费 2 分钟,因为我们大约 50% 的流量流向博客,而我们创建博客的目的是帮助人们找到问题的答案。

Currently, we have around 50,000+ followers on Instagram around 1,000 likes on the Facebook page, and around 10,000 monthly views on Pinterest.
目前,我们在 Instagram 上拥有约 50,000 多名关注者,在 Facebook 页面上拥有约 1,000 个点赞,在 Pinterest 上每月有约 10,000 次浏览。

99% of our sales today are coming from the website and around 1% is coming from the Etsy marketplace.
今天,我们 99% 的销售额来自网站,约 1% 来自 Etsy 市场。

The next 12 months: 未来 12 个月:

Within the next 12 months, we are planning to reinvest every earned penny on sending new jewelry out to influencers and brand ambassadors on YouTube and Instagram
在接下来的 12 个月内,我们计划将赚到的每一分钱重新投入到向 YouTube 和 Instagram 上的影响者和品牌大使发送新珠宝上

We will hire a marketer for Instagram who’s going to shoot us high-quality videos and who’s going to post around 2-5 posts per day.
我们将聘请一名 Instagram 营销人员,他将为我们拍摄高质量的视频,并且每天发布大约 2-5 个帖子。

I will continue doing SEO and my goal is to reach 50,000 organic visitors by the end of 2024.
我将继续做 SEO,我的目标是到 2024 年底达到 50,000 名自然访问者。

Again, I can help and show every detail of how I’m doing SEO for anyone interested.
再说一遍,我可以为任何感兴趣的人提供帮助并展示我如何进行 SEO 的每一个细节。

We will also continue to scale our Facebook ads campaigns and explore some marketing tactics on other social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat.
我们还将继续扩大 Facebook 广告活动,并在 TikTok 和 Snapchat 等其他社交媒体平台上探索一些营销策略。

Our revenue goal within the next 12 months with all the marketing channels is to reach $250,000 per month by the end of 2024.
我们未来 12 个月内所有营销渠道的收入目标是到 2024 年底达到每月 250,000 美元。

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

Probably the biggest stepping stone was finding the payment gateway. Now I know how to approach payment processors and how to fall into the low-risk category. Until now all my businesses have fallen into the category of high risk.

The fact why my company fell into high risk is that it was a new business and I didn’t have any processing history. I was dropshipping and payment processors don’t like that because my business depends on the success of the supplier. If anything happens to them, I’m out of business.

The business fell into the high-risk category also because the products that I’m selling are selling at thousands of dollars. In case of any chargebacks, it will be risky for the banks.

I also learned that the timing of starting this business was right. People are starting to know about what moissanite jewelry is and how much cheaper they are from real diamond jewelry. This can also be seen from the increase in search volume for the relevant keywords:

Honestly, to make something like this work you should train a habit of hard work and belief in yourself. Everything is possible if you keep grinding. That’s where 99% of the people fail. I didn’t see any money for the first 8 months. But it was the work ethic and belief that if someone made it then I can do it too, and I will give my best to make it better than others.

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What platform/tools do you use for your business?

There are several tools that I’m using, these are:

Ahrefs.com for SEO  Ahrefs.com 用于 SEO
Chat GPT for content creation
聊天 GPT 以进行内容创建

Figma for designing  Figma 用于设计
Photoshop for more complex designing
Photoshop 用于更复杂的设计

Premiere Pro for video editing
用于视频编辑的 Premiere Pro

Discord for communication

Shopify for the store’s CMS
Shopify 商店的 CMS

Alibaba for communication with suppliers

Monday.com for order management
Monday.com 用于订单管理

Zapier for automated workflows
Zapier 用于自动化工作流程

Whatsapp for communicating with Suppliers
Whatsapp 用于与供应商沟通

Skype for communicating with partners
用于与合作伙伴沟通的 Skype

Spotify for listening to Notorious B.I.G (Sky’s the Limit)
Spotify 用于收听 Notorious B.I.G (Sky's the Limit)

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss - I learned the power of outsourcing from that book.
Tim Ferriss 的《每周工作 4 小时》——我从那本书中了解到了外包的力量。

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki - This is the book series from which I got an interest in the world of business.

“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli - This book is all about leadership over the ages and it helped me structure how we are treating our business partners.
尼科洛·马基雅维利(Niccolo Machiavelli)的《王子》——这本书讲述了历代以来的领导力,它帮助我构建了我们对待业务合作伙伴的方式。

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

The only way to get started is to trade your time for money. Try to develop a skill and offer a service on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.
唯一开始的方法就是用你的时间换取金钱。尝试发展一项技能并在 Fiverr 或 Upwork 等平台上提供服务。

The main mistake that I’m seeing is why people don’t start anything because they want someone to teach them. But the reality is that no one can teach you how to make money. You have to go through the process yourself. I know It’s hard and It’s hard for a reason. Nothing comes to you on a silver platter.

Where can we go to learn more?

If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!

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