It it chiefly used in diseares of children-especially frights and convulsions. 它主要用于治疗儿童疾病,尤其是惊吓和抽搐。
lis medicinal virtues are much the same an another drug, procured from the bamboo, and called 竹 㴗 CugH-Leir, Bampoo exudations. 它的药用价值与另一种从竹子中提取的药物大致相同,被称为竹㴗CugH-Leir,即洗发水。
The Cever-hwanc, it is added, has all the good properties of the last named medicioe, without any oflis deleterious effets. 此外,Cever-hwanc 还具有上一种药物的所有优点,却没有任何有害影响。
2. ChIngse poctrias of tiE FUlse, 2.2. 时间表、
Ms. EDiror - 1 beg leave to present you with the following, for insertion in your valuable Miscellany, if you deem it of sufficient interest I offer no remarks, neither do I tuempt to explain the symptoms of diseases specified in the table-this I leave to thowe who bave opportunity of wider research and inquiry; and, in the meaa time, beg leave to subseribe myself, Your’s, sce. Dion. 如果您认为有足够的兴趣,请允许我向您提供以下内容,供您插入您宝贵的《杂录》中。我不发表任何评论,也不试图解释表格中列出的疾病症状--这一点我留给有机会进行更广泛研究和探索的人去做;同时,请允许我向您转达我的谢意。迪昂
Tire Clinese puprose tiat there ase thinee whaces an each wriss, at which the pulse any be dipinguisheds tiz. First, The apnee below the wiss bone, between that and the roat of the thumb, which, from. its shorioes, they call + “Tae Incej” Seeondly, Thut immedietely opposite the wrint bone, which they call 閔 “Thr Bary” and Thirdly, Tuas above the writt bene to the eibow, which, from its tength, they eill 尺 “Tas Font [Masuna “] These different placrt they auppose are coanected whit the tive viurerk, nid the five elements; and this connection enables them to diatinguiali and discurar disrevet for instaner, licg an- 在每个腕骨上都有一个细小的脉搏点,脉搏可以在这里被区分开来。首先是拇指骨下方的穴位,位于拇指骨和拇指喙突之间。第二,腕骨正对面的拇指,他们称之为閔 "髀";第三,腕骨上方至肘部的拇指,从其长度来看,他们称之为尺 "跗"[Masuna];这种联系使他们能够进行语言表达和辨析,例如,licg an-
“The licey” oa the left hand, indicates the atste of the 左手的 "the licey "指的是 "the atste of the
Hrabt, whuse element is Fibs. e The Bar” on do, = ds, Eivek, do, : Wohp, * The Foot” on do. - . do. Kidxizs, do . - Watsa. “The Iscer” on tlee right hand det Lusas, du. . - Metal. " The Bae" on du. . da, Sromach, do. Parti. 4. The Foor" on dn, likewive, indicates the sute of the Kidaiss. Hrabt, whuse element is Fibs. e The Bar" on do, = ds, Eivek, do, : Wohp, * The Foot" on do.- do.Kidxizs, do .- Watsa."Iscer "在右边,Lusas,du。- 金属"Bae "在右边,Sromach, do.Parti.4.Foor "在 dn 上,likewive,表示 Kidaiss 的 sute。
Agsin, they ppetend to distingulikh twenty-four different kinds of police, wiich are separately divecraible in ench of the above mentloned pliceep on the wiht, vis, 此外,他们还提出了二十四种不同的警察类型,这些类型在上述提到的各个领域中都可以分别找到、
A Alating pules
A quiek pulie
2, A deep pulue
A alipuery sulee.
A slow mulge 慢吞吞
A rough pulse 粗糙的脉搏
We beg leave hefe to remarh, thal, as we pre pot prufexionally, billed in medieine, wo we do not asupeb to be perfect in all the Taohe bicas tupaspoloer of this miat eyoellent yeibnce, and are not to be consibered ecconetable for werbal fintilea in the coasiauncuinav-we sepive at modical auljects. Farjher, part of they comanuicauan ase Therlagtgos, ad heve, inevibbly, ceriain midbess and uncoathape 我们恳求允许他提醒我们,正如我们在医学上所预言的那样,我们并不是完美无缺的,我们并不是在所有的Taohe bicas tupaspoloer of this miat eyoellent yeibnce中都是完美无缺的,我们并不是因为在coasiauncuinav-we sepive at modical auljects中的werbal fintilea而被认为是ecconetable的。Farjher, part of they comanuicauan ase Therlagtgos, ad heve, inevibbly, ceriain midbess and uncoathape
p/The_Indo_Chinese_gleaner_ed_by_W Milne.pdf
A sobetantial pulse 脉搏
An empty pulse 空脉
A vihraling pulse 脉搏跳动
A failing pulse 衰竭的脉搏
A myid pulse 绵羊的脉搏
A moderate pulse. 脉搏适中
A large or briad polie 一个大的或许多的 Polie
A small or minute unuls 一个小的或微小的unuls
A long or proiracted pulie 长形或原形滑轮
A shurt pulse 脉搏跳动
An inpeded pulse 内收脉冲
A sudden or throbbing putee 突发性或搏动性疼痛
A bialden pulse 比亚尔登脉搏
A moring pulse 清晨的脉搏
A atrong pulse A 脉搏过强
A wak pulse 脉搏
A hard pulse 坚硬的脉搏
A cuntrieted pulte. 一个骚货。
These different kinds of pulations cannat, of course, be distinguiched but by thase who have bren long practised in the art; and skill in distinguishing them evidences a good physician in China. After having distinguisloed accurately the pulse of the patient, the practioner, willinut inquiring of the patient the history of the disease, or examining the fieces, or other symptoms, will readily discover the neal state of the disorder, by a referwenge to thic following table sw.- 当然,这些不同的脉象只能由那些长期从事这门技艺的人辨别出来,而辨别脉象的技巧则是中国好医生的证明。在准确地辨别出病人的脉搏之后,医生在询问病人的病史,或检查粪便或其他症状时,只要参照下表,就会很容易地发现疾病的最新状况。
A flowting pulse, if discerned in the 流动的脉搏,如果在
Hight band “inch/” is indicative of find, headache, and stoppage in the nose 高带 "英寸/"表示发现、头痛和鼻塞
Left hand da. do. wind in the middle of the back 左手风在背部中间
Right hand “bar,” do. Wiod and phlegm in the thorax 右手 "吧嗒 "作响。胸中有痰
Bight and left hand “foot,” do. wind in the lower part of the back, prevention of uriae, and costiveness 背部下部受风,小便不利,费用增加
2. A deep pulse, if in the 2.深脉,如果在
Higle and left “ineh,” is indieative of shortpess of berath, Pin in the thoras and ribs, and discharge of phlegm, or blood 高位和左侧 "ineh",是肢体短缩、胸肋疼痛、排出痰液或血液的症状。
Bight andleft “bar,” do. cold, pain, arelith for tuur thiggs, ad eontraction of the sinewe 寒冷、疼痛、肌肉僵硬、筋腱收缩。
Right and left “fant,” do. pain in the back, loins, and kaees; an iteling in the groin, and much purging 左右 "幻想",背部、腰部和睾丸疼痛;腹股沟瘙痒,多尿
8. A slow pulse, if in the 8.脉搏缓慢,如果在
Right and left “ineh,” is indicative of cold in the upper exremisirs, pain in leetrt, and collection of wind 左右 "ineh "表示上肢寒冷、肢体疼痛和风邪聚集。
Right mal left “bar,” do, cold in the trank, collection of eor men, and eontration of the sinews 右弊左 "吧"、"做"、"曲柄中的寒冷"、"人的集合 "和 "筋的蜕变"。
Bight and left “fout,” do. decay of nuturit hest, weoknest and prin in the loins and knees, and in the abdomen 营养不良,腰膝酸软,腹部疼痛
4. A quisk pulse,… In some tublet this is left undercribed 4.脉搏微弱......在某些小管中,这一点没有得到充分描述
8. A alispery pulse, if is the 8.如果是 "蛛网膜下腔出血",则是 "蛛网膜下腔出血"。
Hight and left “lieh,” is indicative of amhon, and a fulaes ia die breast 左 "lieh "表示 "amhon","fulaes "表示 "乳房"。
Miglit sod left “bar”, do. hest in the atomech, diffeulsy of breathing, and lows of appetite 左侧 "吧嗒 "声,呼吸困难,食欲减退
Right and lift “Foos,” do. reiention of arine, or dyseatery; is iumles, an lismorihage, and in females, a swoppage of the meusen 6. A roughi pules, if in the 右侧和左侧的 "Foos",是指肛门或肛门周围;女性的 "Foos",是指肛门褶皱,女性的 "Foos",是指肛门褶皱。如果在
Left “inch,” is indicesive of pain in the herr, or great flen 左 "寸",是鲱鱼疼痛的征兆,或巨大的鳍
We believg that in general, however, they no make inquiry abot 我们相信,一般情况下,他们不会就以下问题进行询问
Prges%: ED Prges%:教育
Right fo. to, stealhy state 权利
Leit “bow,” do, a swelling in the sides Leit "弓",两侧肿胀
Right do, do, an emply a somach 右边,右边,雇用一名士兵
Right and lelt “foot” do. retention of urine, or dysenterys in females it indicates preggnney, or pain in the womb, or stoppage of the usual discharges: 右脚和左脚 "癃闭 "或女性痢疾表示怀孕前或子宫疼痛,或正常分泌物停止:
7. A real of sulistantial pulse, if in the 7.真正的淤血脉搏,如果在
Left “inch,” is indicative of a troubled heart, a hard tongue, and unbending spirits 左 "寸",表示心乱、口硬、不屈不挠的精神
Right do. do. an affection of the lungs, vomiting, and belching Leit “bar,” do, lieat in the liver, and pain in the side 肺部疼痛、呕吐和嗳气 Leit "吧",肝脏疼痛,两侧疼痛
Right “bar,” do, swelled atombel, and difficolh breathing 右 "杠 "部肿胀,呼吸困难
Leit " foot," do. costiveness and pain in the stomach 胃痛和胃部疼痛
Right do. do, heut in the gruin 右边,左边,右边。
8. An empty pulse, if in the 8.空脉冲,如果在
Left "" inch," is indicative of apprebension and fear 左 "" 寸,"表示憎恶和恐惧
Right do do. injury in the lungs, and perspiration 伤肺,发汗
Left “bar,” da. affection of the liver, and deficieney of blood in the veins 左 "杠",肝脏肿大,静脉血不足
Riglte do, do, cold in the stomach and indigestion Riglte do,do,胃寒和消化不良
Left “foot,” do. decrease of animal moisture, and peins in loins and kbees 左 "足",动物水分减少,腰部和腹部脱皮
Right do, do. decrease of animal heat, and a prevalences of cold 动物热量减少,寒冷流行
9. A ribrating pulse, if in the 9.脉搏跳动,如果在
Left “inch, ^(3){ }^{3}, is indicative of failing of blood from the heart 左 "英寸, ^(3){ }^{3} ,表示心脏供血不足
Bight do. do, failing in the vrice
left “bar,” do. hemorriage from the liver 左 "杠",肝脏出血
Might do. do. dispersion of blood from the stomach 可能会从胃中排出血液
leit " (oot,” do, hemorrhage leit"(ot, "do,出血
Right do. do. increase of animal heat, flowing of remen 10, A failing pulse. 动物热量增加,流出 remen 10,脉搏衰弱。
This kind of pulse is indientive of the worst symptoms ; the viecera become weak, the atumach is injured; vumiting and purging se campany it, wilh a general chilliness, loss of appectite, and pain in the stomach–diffieutt to eure. If the pulse beat twice and atop once, desth will ensue in three or four days; if it heat four times and stop once, life may be prolonged to six or aeven day. 这种脉象是最严重的症状之一;脉搏变得虚弱,膀胱受伤;伴随着呕吐和排便,还有全身发冷、食欲不振和胃部疼痛。如果脉搏跳动两次,停止一次,三四天后就会死亡;如果脉搏跳动四次,停止一次,生命可延长到六天或一天。
11. A rapid puler, if in the 11.快速脉冲发生器,如果在
Left “ioch,” is indicative of acule pains in the heart 左 "och",表示心脏微痛
Bight do. do. cold and hoarsenese 寒冷和嘶哑
Leit " bar,*" do, cold 冷藏室
Bight “bar,” do. lost of appetite 食欲不振
Lell “foot,” do. exireme pain belowt the anvel 踝关节以下剧烈疼痛
Right do, do, pain in the abdomen 右边,右边,腹部疼痛
12. A moderate pilse, if in the 12.适度的皮尔斯,如果在
Lets “ilech,” is indicative of thia blood in all the hollow parts of the body 让 "ilech "表示身体所有中空部位的血液
Bight do. do. loal wind lo the mtomach 胃风
Lell “ber,” do. influmation in the liver, and mormi is the stomach Lell "ber",肝脏发炎,mormi是胃。
Might do. do. witer is the atomiech 可能会做。
19. A moderate pulse, if in the 19.脉搏适中,如果在
Lett “inch,” is indlicusive of thia blood in all the hollow parts of the body 让 "英寸 "在身体的所有中空部位渗入血液
Right do. da. fool wind in the atomen 右边。
Leit “burg” do. influmimation ta the liver, ead worms in the stos whach 肝脏发炎,睾丸里有虫子。
Bight do do. witer in the ofoweh Bight do do.
Ghinem Doctrise of the Puthe 普特的吉内姆学说
Ith do. do. a deficieney of semenal seeretion 精液分泌不足
Bight da, exlevesrion in the whele frame Bight da,车轮框架中的出口
18. A large or hroed pulseg, if in the 18.大脉搏或红脉搏,如果在
Left “inch,” is indicative of a troubled hent and foal tongoe 左边的 "英寸",是一个有问题的母马和小马驹tongoe的标志
Right do. do. fellaes in the thorax, ad depreaion of animal spi… 胸腔内的 "家伙",动物脊髓的衰竭......
Left w ber, das enlargenent in the liver 左肝肿大
Right heat in the tomenth 右
Lett “fool,” do, diffeulty in pasing arine 让 "傻瓜 "去做,让他们去追逐梦想
Right do, do, beat in the body 右边,右边,在身体里跳动
14. A amill or minuie pulge, if in the 14.如果在
Lrft “ineh,” is indicative of apprehension and want of alesp ineh "表示忧虑和害怕。
Right do. do vomiting and fear 呕吐和恐惧
Leit “bary” do, exhaustion of blood from the liver 肝血枯竭
Right do. do. hest in the atoanch 右边,右边,右边,右边。
Lefit “fioty” do. dysentery and floming of semen 痢疾和精液外流
Right do. do, cold in the loner regiont 对,对,独行侠地区的寒冷
15. A long or protrwatied pulse, if in the 15.脉搏过长或突出,如果在
Left “ineh,” is fidicative of internal heat 左 "ineh "表示内热
Right do. do, rising of fond and wind 右边,风起云涌
Lert bar, do. injury by blema, with wood or stomes Lert bar, do.
Pight do. do, sweiling of the stomech 做得对,做得对,做得对,做得对。
Left foot, do, rumbling eommotion in the inside, tike a yoong pis ranning about 左脚,做,轰隆隆的声音在里面响起,就像一个悠长的皮斯在跑来跑去
Right da, do, combness in the kidnies 对了,孩子们都有这样的问题
16. A short puler, if in the 16.短脉冲器,如果在
Left 4 lesh" in indieutive of an aneettled mind
Aight do. do, weaknes in the lungs and beadse 肺部和眼珠无力
Left bur, do. injury in the liver 肝脏受伤
Right do. do. juin in the breast 右边的乳房
Left foost, do. psin in the emall gut 左侧肠道中的胃蛋白酶
Bight du do, obutruction of the animal hent
17. As impeded pulse, if in the 17.由于脉搏受阻,如果在
Left “ineh,” is indicative of sudden deuth 左 "ineh "表示突然死亡。
Right do, fis, veakness and yerapiration 右边的 "do"、"fis"、"veakness "和 "yerapiration"。
Left ber, do. failing of blood in the velas 左侧浆膜下血肿
Bight da, do. water in the stomach Bight da, do.
Left font, do, exhaustation of the Bluids 左字体,做,耗尽的Bluids
Right do. do. life is endangered 生命受到威胁
18. A aaden or throhbing pulae, if in the Left inch, is indicative of tery hent in the heant Right do. du, a rumbling neife in the sument Leit bar, da. dispersion of blund from the liver Right ds do the atomech does wot retain blood Left-lout, do. 18.肝脏中的蓝斑从肝脏右侧散布到左侧,表明肝脏中的血液左流。
Right da: dis. hent 正确
14. A hiden puleg if in the 14.一个隐藏的 puleg,如果在
Left inch, to ledientive of the blood cellecting la masae Bight das do. Tepresion of the breath Left ber, do. the blood of the liver deacends to the belly Bught dus. do, cold io the erogach 左寸,肝血淤积于肚腹 Bight das do.肝脏的血液流向腹部。
Ieh (bopt) do, disesse in the grotn
Bight do. do, diminution of lieet
90. A moving polle, if in the 90.移动的 Polle,如果在
Let foch, it indiestive of fear and apprehention 让恐惧和忧虑消失吧
Fight do do sweating 战斗,出汗
Lelt bar, do. fear, ke.
Bight do. do, pain in the somach
Leit foot, do deficiency of semen 莱特脚,精液不足
Right do, do, hent in the syntem 右边的 do, do, hent 在句法中
21. A tirong pulse, if in the 21.如果在
Left inch, is indicative of a coneealed dragon within 左侧一英寸,表示内有一条锥形的龙
Bight do. do. loss of colour 褪色
1ett burt, do, collection of blood in the liges 1ett burt,DO,韧带采血
Bight do. do. cold, Bec.
Left foot, do. enmmotion within, tika a ryaning pig 左脚,内侧运动,Tika a Ryaning 猪
Right do, do, dysentery and pain 对,对,痢疾和疼痛
32. A weak pulse, if in ure 32.脉搏微弱,如果在尿液中
Left inch, is indicative of failing at the heart and apprebension 左寸,是心脏衰竭和悔恨的征兆
Right do. do. injury of the lungs, pirspiration, de. 肺部受伤,呼吸困难。
1eft bar, do. affection of the liver and bithernean of heart 1eft bar, do.
Right do, do. stoppage in the stomach 右边,右边。
1eit foot, do, difficulty in pessing urine 1eit脚,哆嗦,排尿困难
Right do. do. fiery hest 正确的做法。
23. A hard pulse, it in the 23.坚硬的脉搏,它在
Left inch, is indicative of pain in the hend 左寸,表示胫骨疼痛
Right do. do. pain in the breast and lieart 乳房和腹部疼痛
Left bar, do, phlegm, fever, and eruptions of the skin 左杠、痰、发烧和皮肤糜烂
Right do. da. heet in the stomech, and pain in the breast 胸骨疼痛,乳房疼痛
Left foot, do. phlegm in the lower part of the stomach 左脚,胃下部有痰
Right do, do, weakness and prin in the abdomea 腹部右侧 "哆"、"哆"、"虚弱 "和 "prin "症状
24. A contracted pulse, if in the 24.脉搏收缩,如果在
Left inch, is indieative of the heart cold, and pained 左寸,心寒而痛
Right do, do. wenkess of the lungs and cold 正确的做法。
Left bar, do, diseses in the abidomen 腹部左侧 "哆 "字形肿块
Right do. do. phlegm, and loss of appetite 痰多,食欲不振
Lefi foot, do, loss of the use of the limbs Lefi foot, do, 丧失四肢功能
Might do. do, in ward cold. 在寒冷的病房里。
3. SUPERstITIONS AND Customs of tie Chtimgas: 3.奇蒂姆加斯人的迷信和习俗:
(Continued from page 61.) (接第 61 页)。
" Those who, on building a house, worahip the upper beam of the roof; or who comply with those who so worship; or worship the patron of the Masons-Sis." "那些在建造房屋时,崇拜屋顶上梁的人,或遵从那些如此崇拜的人的人,或崇拜石匠的守护神的人--Sis"。
It in a cuftom with the Chinefe, builders on fixing the upper beam of the roof of a building, to let off fire works, and worthip it; or the fiirit that prefides over the ground on which the houfe fands, when ther congratulate the awaer an their proceeding thus for yOL, TH. 在中国,建筑工人在固定建筑物屋顶上部的横梁时,要放出火来,这就是 "火";或者,当人们向等待者表示祝贺时,要把 "火 "点燃,这就是 "火";或者,当人们向等待者表示祝贺时,要把 "火 "点燃,这就是 "火"。