Part 1: Key Concepts in RL¶
第 1 部分:强化学习中的关键概念 ¶
Table of Contents 目录
Welcome to our introduction to reinforcement learning! Here, we aim to acquaint you with
- the language and notation used to discuss the subject,
讨论该主题所使用的语言和符号, - a high-level explanation of what RL algorithms do (although we mostly avoid the question of how they do it),
强化学习算法的高级解释(尽管我们大多避免讨论它们是如何做到的), - and a little bit of the core math that underlies the algorithms.
In a nutshell, RL is the study of agents and how they learn by trial and error. It formalizes the idea that rewarding or punishing an agent for its behavior makes it more likely to repeat or forego that behavior in the future.
What Can RL Do?¶
RL methods have recently enjoyed a wide variety of successes. For example, it’s been used to teach computers to control robots in simulation...
RL 方法最近取得了广泛的成功。例如,它被用来教计算机在模拟中控制机器人……
...and in the real world...
It’s also famously been used to create breakthrough AIs for sophisticated strategy games, most notably Go and Dota, taught computers to play Atari games from raw pixels, and trained simulated robots to follow human instructions.
它还以其著名的用途创造了突破性的人工智能,用于复杂的策略游戏,尤其是围棋和 Dota,教会计算机从原始像素中玩 Atari 游戏,并训练模拟机器人遵循人类指令。
Key Concepts and Terminology¶
关键概念和术语 ¶
The main characters of RL are the agent and the environment. The environment is the world that the agent lives in and interacts with. At every step of interaction, the agent sees a (possibly partial) observation of the state of the world, and then decides on an action to take. The environment changes when the agent acts on it, but may also change on its own.
RL 的主要角色是智能体和环境。环境是智能体生活和互动的世界。在每一步互动中,智能体会看到世界状态的(可能是部分的)观察,然后决定采取的行动。当智能体对环境采取行动时,环境会发生变化,但也可能会自行变化。
The agent also perceives a reward signal from the environment, a number that tells it how good or bad the current world state is. The goal of the agent is to maximize its cumulative reward, called return. Reinforcement learning methods are ways that the agent can learn behaviors to achieve its goal.
To talk more specifically what RL does, we need to introduce additional terminology. We need to talk about
- states and observations,
状态和观察, - action spaces, 行动空间,
- policies, 政策,
- trajectories, 轨迹,
- different formulations of return,
不同的回报形式, - the RL optimization problem,
强化学习优化问题, - and value functions. 和价值函数。
States and Observations¶
状态和观察 ¶
A state is a complete description of the state of the world. There is no information about the world which is hidden from the state. An observation is a partial description of a state, which may omit information.
一个状态 是对世界状态的完整描述。没有任何关于世界的信息是从状态中隐藏的。一个观察 是对状态的部分描述,可能会省略信息。
In deep RL, we almost always represent states and observations by a real-valued vector, matrix, or higher-order tensor. For instance, a visual observation could be represented by the RGB matrix of its pixel values; the state of a robot might be represented by its joint angles and velocities.
在深度强化学习中,我们几乎总是用实值向量、矩阵或高阶张量来表示状态和观察。例如,视觉观察可以用其像素值的 RGB 矩阵表示;机器人的状态可能由其关节角度和速度表示。
When the agent is able to observe the complete state of the environment, we say that the environment is fully observed. When the agent can only see a partial observation, we say that the environment is partially observed.
You Should Know 你应该知道
Reinforcement learning notation sometimes puts the symbol for state, , in places where it would be technically more appropriate to write the symbol for observation, . Specifically, this happens when talking about how the agent decides an action: we often signal in notation that the action is conditioned on the state, when in practice, the action is conditioned on the observation because the agent does not have access to the state.
强化学习符号有时会在技术上更适合写观察符号 的地方放置状态符号 。具体来说,这种情况发生在谈论代理如何决定行动时:我们经常在符号中表示行动是以状态为条件的,而实际上,行动是以观察为条件的,因为代理无法访问状态。
In our guide, we’ll follow standard conventions for notation, but it should be clear from context which is meant. If something is unclear, though, please raise an issue! Our goal is to teach, not to confuse.
Action Spaces¶ 行动空间 ¶
Different environments allow different kinds of actions. The set of all valid actions in a given environment is often called the action space. Some environments, like Atari and Go, have discrete action spaces, where only a finite number of moves are available to the agent. Other environments, like where the agent controls a robot in a physical world, have continuous action spaces. In continuous spaces, actions are real-valued vectors.
不同的环境允许不同种类的动作。在给定环境中所有有效动作的集合通常被称为动作空间。一些环境,如 Atari 和围棋,具有离散动作空间,代理只能进行有限数量的移动。其他环境,如代理在物理世界中控制机器人,具有连续动作空间。在连续空间中,动作是实值向量。
This distinction has some quite-profound consequences for methods in deep RL. Some families of algorithms can only be directly applied in one case, and would have to be substantially reworked for the other.
Policies¶ 政策 ¶
A policy is a rule used by an agent to decide what actions to take. It can be deterministic, in which case it is usually denoted by :
策略是代理用来决定采取什么行动的规则。它可以是确定性的,在这种情况下通常用 表示:
or it may be stochastic, in which case it is usually denoted by :
或它可能是随机的,在这种情况下通常用 表示:
Because the policy is essentially the agent’s brain, it’s not uncommon to substitute the word “policy” for “agent”, eg saying “The policy is trying to maximize reward.”
In deep RL, we deal with parameterized policies: policies whose outputs are computable functions that depend on a set of parameters (eg the weights and biases of a neural network) which we can adjust to change the behavior via some optimization algorithm.
We often denote the parameters of such a policy by or , and then write this as a subscript on the policy symbol to highlight the connection:
我们通常用 或 来表示这种政策的参数,然后将其作为下标写在政策符号上,以突出其联系:
Deterministic Policies¶ 确定性策略 ¶
Example: Deterministic Policies. Here is a code snippet for building a simple deterministic policy for a continuous action space in PyTorch, using the torch.nn
示例:确定性策略。以下是一个代码片段,用于在 PyTorch 中为连续动作空间构建一个简单的确定性策略,使用 torch.nn
pi_net = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(obs_dim, 64),
nn.Linear(64, 64),
nn.Linear(64, act_dim)
This builds a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network with two hidden layers of size 64 and activation functions. If obs
is a Numpy array containing a batch of observations, pi_net
can be used to obtain a batch of actions as follows:
这构建了一个具有两个隐藏层(大小为 64 和 激活函数)的多层感知器(MLP)网络。如果 obs
是一个包含一批观测值的 Numpy 数组,则可以使用 pi_net
obs_tensor = torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32)
actions = pi_net(obs_tensor)
You Should Know 你应该知道
Don’t worry about it if this neural network stuff is unfamiliar to you—this tutorial will focus on RL, and not on the neural network side of things. So you can skip this example and come back to it later. But we figured that if you already knew, it could be helpful.
Stochastic Policies¶ 随机策略 ¶
The two most common kinds of stochastic policies in deep RL are categorical policies and diagonal Gaussian policies.
Categorical policies can be used in discrete action spaces, while diagonal Gaussian policies are used in continuous action spaces.
Two key computations are centrally important for using and training stochastic policies:
- sampling actions from the policy,
从策略中采样动作, - and computing log likelihoods of particular actions, .
和计算特定动作的对数似然, 。
In what follows, we’ll describe how to do these for both categorical and diagonal Gaussian policies.
Categorical Policies 分类政策
A categorical policy is like a classifier over discrete actions. You build the neural network for a categorical policy the same way you would for a classifier: the input is the observation, followed by some number of layers (possibly convolutional or densely-connected, depending on the kind of input), and then you have one final linear layer that gives you logits for each action, followed by a softmax to convert the logits into probabilities.
分类策略就像是对离散动作的分类器。你构建分类策略的神经网络的方式与构建分类器相同:输入是观察值,后面是一些层(可能是卷积层或密集连接层,具体取决于输入的类型),然后你有一个最终的线性层,为每个动作提供 logits,接着是 softmax 将 logits 转换为概率。
Sampling. Given the probabilities for each action, frameworks like PyTorch and Tensorflow have built-in tools for sampling. For example, see the documentation for Categorical distributions in PyTorch, torch.multinomial, tf.distributions.Categorical, or tf.multinomial.
采样。考虑到每个动作的概率,像 PyTorch 和 Tensorflow 这样的框架具有内置的采样工具。例如,请参阅 PyTorch 中的分类分布文档、torch.multinomial、tf.distributions.Categorical 或 tf.multinomial。
Log-Likelihood. Denote the last layer of probabilities as . It is a vector with however many entries as there are actions, so we can treat the actions as indices for the vector. The log likelihood for an action can then be obtained by indexing into the vector:
对数似然。将最后一层概率表示为 。它是一个向量,条目数量与动作数量相同,因此我们可以将动作视为向量的索引。动作 的对数似然可以通过索引向量获得:
Diagonal Gaussian Policies
A multivariate Gaussian distribution (or multivariate normal distribution, if you prefer) is described by a mean vector, , and a covariance matrix, . A diagonal Gaussian distribution is a special case where the covariance matrix only has entries on the diagonal. As a result, we can represent it by a vector.
多元高斯分布(或多元正态分布,如果你愿意的话)由均值向量 和协方差矩阵 描述。对角高斯分布是一个特殊情况,其中协方差矩阵仅在对角线上有条目。因此,我们可以用一个向量来表示它。
A diagonal Gaussian policy always has a neural network that maps from observations to mean actions, . There are two different ways that the covariance matrix is typically represented.
对角高斯策略总是有一个神经网络,将观察映射到均值动作, 。协方差矩阵通常有两种不同的表示方式。
The first way: There is a single vector of log standard deviations, , which is not a function of state: the are standalone parameters. (You Should Know: our implementations of VPG, TRPO, and PPO do it this way.)
第一种方法:有一个单一的对数标准差向量 ,它不是状态的函数: 是独立的参数。(你应该知道:我们对 VPG、TRPO 和 PPO 的实现就是这样做的。)
The second way: There is a neural network that maps from states to log standard deviations, . It may optionally share some layers with the mean network.
第二种方法:有一个神经网络将状态映射到对数标准差, 。它可以选择与均值网络共享一些层。
Note that in both cases we output log standard deviations instead of standard deviations directly. This is because log stds are free to take on any values in , while stds must be nonnegative. It’s easier to train parameters if you don’t have to enforce those kinds of constraints. The standard deviations can be obtained immediately from the log standard deviations by exponentiating them, so we do not lose anything by representing them this way.
Sampling. Given the mean action and standard deviation , and a vector of noise from a spherical Gaussian (), an action sample can be computed with
采样。给定均值动作 和标准差 ,以及来自球形高斯分布 ( ) 的噪声向量 ,可以计算出一个动作样本。
where denotes the elementwise product of two vectors. Standard frameworks have built-in ways to generate the noise vectors, such as torch.normal or tf.random_normal. Alternatively, you can build distribution objects, eg through torch.distributions.Normal or tf.distributions.Normal, and use them to generate samples. (The advantage of the latter approach is that those objects can also calculate log-likelihoods for you.)
其中 表示两个向量的逐元素乘积。标准框架内置了生成噪声向量的方法,例如 torch.normal 或 tf.random_normal。或者,您可以通过 torch.distributions.Normal 或 tf.distributions.Normal 构建分布对象,并使用它们生成样本。(后者方法的优点是这些对象还可以为您计算对数似然。)
Log-Likelihood. The log-likelihood of a -dimensional action , for a diagonal Gaussian with mean and standard deviation , is given by
对角高斯的对数似然。对于一个 维的动作 ,其均值为 ,标准差为 ,对数似然由以下公式给出:
Trajectories¶ 轨迹 ¶
A trajectory is a sequence of states and actions in the world,
轨迹 是世界中状态和动作的序列,
The very first state of the world, , is randomly sampled from the start-state distribution, sometimes denoted by :
世界的第一个状态, ,是从起始状态分布中随机抽样的,有时用 表示:
State transitions (what happens to the world between the state at time , , and the state at , ), are governed by the natural laws of the environment, and depend on only the most recent action, . They can be either deterministic,
状态转移(在时间 、 和 、 之间世界发生了什么)受环境自然法则的支配,仅依赖于最近的动作 。它们可以是确定性的,
or stochastic, 或随机,
Actions come from an agent according to its policy.
You Should Know 你应该知道
Trajectories are also frequently called episodes or rollouts.
Reward and Return¶ 奖励与回报 ¶
The reward function is critically important in reinforcement learning. It depends on the current state of the world, the action just taken, and the next state of the world:
奖励函数 在强化学习中至关重要。它依赖于当前的世界状态、刚刚采取的行动以及世界的下一个状态:
although frequently this is simplified to just a dependence on the current state, , or state-action pair .
尽管这通常简化为仅依赖于当前状态 或状态-动作对 。
The goal of the agent is to maximize some notion of cumulative reward over a trajectory, but this actually can mean a few things. We’ll notate all of these cases with , and it will either be clear from context which case we mean, or it won’t matter (because the same equations will apply to all cases).
代理的目标是最大化某种关于轨迹的累积奖励的概念,但这实际上可以意味着几件事。我们将用 来表示所有这些情况,通常可以从上下文中清楚地知道我们指的是哪种情况,或者这并不重要(因为相同的方程适用于所有情况)。
One kind of return is the finite-horizon undiscounted return, which is just the sum of rewards obtained in a fixed window of steps:
Another kind of return is the infinite-horizon discounted return, which is the sum of all rewards ever obtained by the agent, but discounted by how far off in the future they’re obtained. This formulation of reward includes a discount factor :
另一种回报是无限期折现回报,它是代理获得的所有奖励的总和,但根据它们在未来获得的时间远近进行折现。这种奖励的公式包括一个折现因子 :
Why would we ever want a discount factor, though? Don’t we just want to get all rewards? We do, but the discount factor is both intuitively appealing and mathematically convenient. On an intuitive level: cash now is better than cash later. Mathematically: an infinite-horizon sum of rewards may not converge to a finite value, and is hard to deal with in equations. But with a discount factor and under reasonable conditions, the infinite sum converges.
You Should Know 你应该知道
While the line between these two formulations of return are quite stark in RL formalism, deep RL practice tends to blur the line a fair bit—for instance, we frequently set up algorithms to optimize the undiscounted return, but use discount factors in estimating value functions.
The RL Problem¶ 强化学习问题 ¶
Whatever the choice of return measure (whether infinite-horizon discounted, or finite-horizon undiscounted), and whatever the choice of policy, the goal in RL is to select a policy which maximizes expected return when the agent acts according to it.
To talk about expected return, we first have to talk about probability distributions over trajectories.
Let’s suppose that both the environment transitions and the policy are stochastic. In this case, the probability of a -step trajectory is:
假设环境转移和策略都是随机的。在这种情况下, 步轨迹的概率是:
The expected return (for whichever measure), denoted by , is then:
预期回报(无论哪种度量),用 表示,随后为:
The central optimization problem in RL can then be expressed by
RL 中的中心优化问题可以表示为
with being the optimal policy.
以 作为最佳策略。
Value Functions¶ 价值函数 ¶
It’s often useful to know the value of a state, or state-action pair. By value, we mean the expected return if you start in that state or state-action pair, and then act according to a particular policy forever after. Value functions are used, one way or another, in almost every RL algorithm.
There are four main functions of note here.
The On-Policy Value Function, , which gives the expected return if you start in state and always act according to policy :
在政策下的价值函数 ,它给出了如果你从状态 开始并始终按照政策 行动时的期望回报:The On-Policy Action-Value Function, , which gives the expected return if you start in state , take an arbitrary action (which may not have come from the policy), and then forever after act according to policy :
在政策下的动作价值函数 ,它给出了如果你在状态 开始,采取一个任意动作 (可能不是来自政策),然后永远按照政策 行动的期望回报:The Optimal Value Function, , which gives the expected return if you start in state and always act according to the optimal policy in the environment:
最优值函数 ,它给出了如果你在状态 开始并始终根据环境中的最优策略行动时的期望回报:The Optimal Action-Value Function, , which gives the expected return if you start in state , take an arbitrary action , and then forever after act according to the optimal policy in the environment:
最优动作值函数 ,它给出了如果你在状态 开始,采取任意动作 ,然后在环境中永远按照最优策略行动的期望回报:
You Should Know 你应该知道
When we talk about value functions, if we do not make reference to time-dependence, we only mean expected infinite-horizon discounted return. Value functions for finite-horizon undiscounted return would need to accept time as an argument. Can you think about why? Hint: what happens when time’s up?
You Should Know 你应该知道
There are two key connections between the value function and the action-value function that come up pretty often:
and 和
These relations follow pretty directly from the definitions just given: can you prove them?
The Optimal Q-Function and the Optimal Action¶
最优 Q 函数和最优动作 ¶
There is an important connection between the optimal action-value function and the action selected by the optimal policy. By definition, gives the expected return for starting in state , taking (arbitrary) action , and then acting according to the optimal policy forever after.
最优行动价值函数 与最优策略选择的行动之间存在重要联系。根据定义, 给出了在状态 下开始,采取(任意)行动 ,然后永远按照最优策略行动的预期回报。
The optimal policy in will select whichever action maximizes the expected return from starting in . As a result, if we have , we can directly obtain the optimal action, , via
在 中的最佳策略将选择能够最大化从 开始的预期回报的行动。因此,如果我们有 ,我们可以直接通过获得最佳行动 。
Note: there may be multiple actions which maximize , in which case, all of them are optimal, and the optimal policy may randomly select any of them. But there is always an optimal policy which deterministically selects an action.
注意:可能存在多个最大化 的动作,在这种情况下,所有这些动作都是最优的,最优策略可能随机选择其中任何一个。但总是存在一个最优策略,它确定性地选择一个动作。
Bellman Equations¶ 贝尔曼方程 ¶
All four of the value functions obey special self-consistency equations called Bellman equations. The basic idea behind the Bellman equations is this:
The value of your starting point is the reward you expect to get from being there, plus the value of wherever you land next.
The Bellman equations for the on-policy value functions are
where is shorthand for , indicating that the next state is sampled from the environment’s transition rules; is shorthand for ; and is shorthand for .
其中 是 的简写,表示下一个状态 是从环境的转移规则中采样的; 是 的简写; 是 的简写。
The Bellman equations for the optimal value functions are
The crucial difference between the Bellman equations for the on-policy value functions and the optimal value functions, is the absence or presence of the over actions. Its inclusion reflects the fact that whenever the agent gets to choose its action, in order to act optimally, it has to pick whichever action leads to the highest value.
贝尔曼方程在策略价值函数和最优价值函数之间的关键区别在于对动作的 的缺失或存在。其包含反映了这样一个事实:每当代理选择其动作时,为了实现最优行动,它必须选择导致最高价值的动作。
You Should Know 你应该知道
The term “Bellman backup” comes up quite frequently in the RL literature. The Bellman backup for a state, or state-action pair, is the right-hand side of the Bellman equation: the reward-plus-next-value.
Advantage Functions¶ 优势功能 ¶
Sometimes in RL, we don’t need to describe how good an action is in an absolute sense, but only how much better it is than others on average. That is to say, we want to know the relative advantage of that action. We make this concept precise with the advantage function.
The advantage function corresponding to a policy describes how much better it is to take a specific action in state , over randomly selecting an action according to , assuming you act according to forever after. Mathematically, the advantage function is defined by
与策略 对应的优势函数 描述了在状态 中采取特定行动 相对于根据 随机选择行动的好处,假设你在此之后永远按照 行动。从数学上讲,优势函数的定义为
You Should Know 你应该知道
We’ll discuss this more later, but the advantage function is crucially important to policy gradient methods.
(Optional) Formalism¶ (可选)形式主义 ¶
So far, we’ve discussed the agent’s environment in an informal way, but if you try to go digging through the literature, you’re likely to run into the standard mathematical formalism for this setting: Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). An MDP is a 5-tuple, , where
到目前为止,我们以非正式的方式讨论了代理的环境,但如果你试图深入研究文献,你可能会遇到这个设置的标准数学形式:马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)。MDP 是一个 5 元组, ,其中
- is the set of all valid states,
是所有有效状态的集合, - is the set of all valid actions,
是所有有效操作的集合, - is the reward function, with ,
是奖励函数,带有 , - is the transition probability function, with being the probability of transitioning into state if you start in state and take action ,
是转移概率函数,其中 是在状态 下采取行动 时转移到状态 的概率, - and is the starting state distribution.
和 是初始状态分布。
The name Markov Decision Process refers to the fact that the system obeys the Markov property: transitions only depend on the most recent state and action, and no prior history.