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Holiday for two   雙人假期


“Wait!” Yeonoh gasped. His eyes widening as he got close enough to make out the destination of the plane they were boarding. “Are we actually going to Switzerland?”
「等等!」Yeonoh 喘著氣。他的眼睛睜得大大的,因為他靠得夠近,可以看清楚他們要上飛機的目的地。「我們真的要去瑞士嗎?」

Jaehyuk surprises Yeon-oh with his dream destination for the holidays
Jaehyuk 帶給 Yeon-oh 一個驚喜,他夢寐以求的度假勝地


Hello everyone, it's been so long since I uploaded something for Jaenoh but here it is.
大家好,我已經很久沒有上傳 Jaenoh 的東西了,不過現在有了。

I'm always extra nervous writing about them, but hopefully you enjoy this.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:  工作文本:

There had been many discussions about what they should do for christmas. Going skiing in Japan, resting at Jaehyuk’s beach house, going on fancy dates at the best restaurants in China, going to Jeju island,... or visiting Europe.

Yeon-oh had suggested that half in jest, half seriously. He thought it was a bit much to go all the way to Switzerland, just for Christmas. But honestly after seeing vlogs, short videos and documentaries about the idyllic views of the country. He had fantasies about spending the holiday with his boyfriend there. He imagined the snow covering the horizon, the lights, the delicious food, the cosy ambiance next to the fireplace. It would be so cold. Which meant they would have all the excuses in the world to snuggle the entire time. 
妍昊是半開玩笑半認真的建議的。他覺得只為了聖誕節大老遠跑去瑞士有點過分了。但說實話,在看過有關瑞士田園風光的 Vlog、短片和紀錄片之後。他幻想著和男朋友在那裡度過假期。他想像著白雪覆蓋地平線、燈光、美味的食物、壁爐旁舒適的氣氛。一定會很冷。這意味著他們將有全世界所有的藉口依偎在一起。

“People wouldn’t know us there, and they don’t discriminate against same sex couples.” Yeon-Oh mumbled. “We would be on a date like normal people…” 
「那裡的人不會認識我們 他們也不歧視同性伴侶」妍哦喃喃地說。「我們會像正常人一樣約會......」

His cheeks heat up just thinking about it. 


He snapped out of his daydreaming when his brother talked to him.

“Can you drool about your boyfriend somewhere else? Some of us have forsaken love this year.” Yeon-Jun dramatically sighed.

“What love?” Their grandma slapped him with one of the towels she was folding. “Learn how to wash your underwear then you can talk about love!”
「什麼愛?」他們的奶奶用她正在疊的毛巾打了他一巴掌「先學會怎麼洗你的內衣 然後再來談愛!」

Yeon-Oh held back his laughter as his brother’s face turned a deep shade of red. “How was I supposed to know you have to use a different cycle for delicates?!”
Yeon-Oh 忍住笑,因為他哥哥的臉變得通紅。"我怎麼知道你要用不同的洗衣週期來洗乾淨衣物?

“And separate the colours from the rest.” Yeon-Oh teased him further.

Yeon-Jun stuck his tongue out at him, before focusing back on his game, pouting.
Yeon-Jun 向他吐了吐舌,然後又撅起嘴專心玩遊戲。

“Sweetie, how long will you be with Jaehyuk for the holidays?” His grandma asked him. 

“Oh…” Yeon-oh blushed. “My manager said I had free reign to organise my time. I just need to be back for New year’s eve, since I’ll be mcing the music festival. So we were thinking about taking a week off.”

“That's good.” She nodded. “The two of you need some rest, you’re always working. I made some kimchi for Jaehyuk, you’ll have to pass it to him. A healthy mind needs a healthy body.”

“Jaehyuk hyung can afford the best chefs in the country, grandma. He doesn’t need handouts” Yeon-jun pointed out. 
"在赫哥可以請得起全國最好的廚師,奶奶。他不需要施捨 "Yeon-jun 指出。

His remark earned him another slap.

“Chefs don’t hold a candle to the taste of a home cooked meal, you brat!” She lectured him.
「廚師的手藝比不上家常菜的味道 你這臭小子!」她對他說道。

“And since when do you call him hyung?” Yeon-oh asked. Surprised by the familiarity his brother was using with his boyfriend.
「你什麼時候開始叫他哥了?」Yeonoh 問。他對哥哥對他男朋友的熟悉感到驚訝。

“Well, I'm not gonna call him ahjussi, am I?” Yeon-jun raised an eyebrow. “I don’t want your boyfriend to be embarrassed by how old he is.”

Another slap.  又是一巴掌
“What did I even do?!” Yeon-jun whined because of the unfair treatment. “He is old.”

But Yeon-oh wasn’t listening anymore. 
但 Yeonoh 不再聽了。

Was it really rude to call Jaehyuk that way? Ever since they had started going out, he had struggled to find the right way to address his boyfriend. Calling him by his name felt disrespectful considering their age difference, hyung felt too familiar because of his status, sir was way too formal since they were dating and as Yeon-jun had just said, ahjussi was probably a little insulting. 
這樣稱呼在赫真的很失禮嗎?自從他們開始交往以來,他一直在努力尋找正確的方式來稱呼他的男朋友。因為他們的年齡差異,叫他的名字會讓人覺得不尊重他,而 hyung 因為他的身份又讓人覺得太熟悉了,sir 因為他們正在交往又太正式了,就像 Yeon-jun 剛才說的,ahjussi 可能有點侮辱性。

Why is it so complicated… ” He sighed to himself. “ Should I just call him hyung? But how can I call the vice-president hyung?! ” 
"為什麼這麼複雜..." 他自嘆道。"我應該叫他大哥嗎?但我怎麼能叫副社長哥哥呢?"

“No way…” Yeon-jun gasped. “Hyung, don’t tell me you’ve been calling him ahjussi this whole time?!” His brother looked horrified and Yeon-oh jumped to defend himself.

“What makes you think I'm calling him that?!”
「你憑什麼認為我會這樣叫他? 」

“You’ve been way too quiet, since I told you ahjussi was an insulting way to call your boyfriend.”
"你太安靜了 自從我告訴你「大叔」是對你男朋友的侮辱"

“Is that really what you call him, sweetie?” His grandma asked, her sweet tone unable to hide the concern in her face.

“...” Yeon-Oh did not answer, but his face grew ten times hotter, betraying him.
「......」Yeon-Oh 沒有回答,但他的臉卻變得灼熱十倍,背叛了他。

“You’re hopeless hyung.” Yeon-jun shook his head, while his grandma chuckled.
「你真是無藥可救了」Yeonjun搖了搖頭 他奶奶笑著說

“Maybe he likes it.” She said.

“No way. Middle aged people are very sensitive about their age.” He said matter-of-factly.

“He’s not middle-aged!” Yeon-Oh said, offended.
「他又不是中年人!」Yeon -Oh 冒犯地說。

“Then why are you calling him Ahjussi?!” Yeon-jun retorted. 

The actor rolled his eyes at his brother. But the teen had a point.

Ok, I definitely need to find another way to call him.

“Why are you so deep in thoughts?” Jaehyuk asked, glancing at him. 
「你怎麼想得這麼入神?」Jaehyuk 瞥了他一眼問。

They were in the businessman’s car, on their way to their holiday destination. Yeon-oh had no idea where that was, however. Jaehyuk had insisted on keeping it a surprise, but by now, the actor knew the way to the airport by heart, and so he knew they were going abroad. Jaehyuk didn’t seem sold on Jeju island for christmas, so it couldn’t be that. And since he had seemed very interested in taking him skiing and snowboarding, Yeon-Oh had a hunch it would be Japan.
他們坐在商人的車上,正要前往度假的目的地。然而,Yeonoh 並不知道目的地在哪裡。Jaehyuk一直堅持要給他一個驚喜,但現在,演員已經對去機場的路了如指掌,所以他知道他們要去國外。Jaehyuk 看起來並不熱衷於在濟州島過聖誕節,所以不可能是那樣的。既然他似乎很有興趣帶他去滑雪和滑雪板,Yeon-Oh 有預感會是日本。

I hope it’s easy to pick up. ” He thought. “ If I hurt myself, my agency will be on my ass.
"我希望它很容易拿起。" 他想。" 如果我弄傷了自己,我的經紀公司會找我算帳的。"

He turned to his boyfriend, intertwining their fingers.

“I’m just curious where we’re going and trying to see if you left any clue.”
「我只是好奇我們要去哪裡」 「想看看你有沒有留下線索」

“I don’t think I did.” Jaehyuk smiled. “But if you bribe me I might tell you.”
「我想我沒有」Jaehyuk 笑了「但如果你賄賂我,我可能會告訴你」

Yeon-oh giggled at that, leaning slowly closer until his nose bumped against Jaehyuk’s. “In front of your driver, Mr Kwon? I don’t think so.”

Jaehyuk feigned innocence. “What’s so scandalous about a peck on the lips, Mr Seo?”

But his eyes were gleaming as his thumb brushed against Yeon-Oh’s lower lip. “I think you have quite the dirty mind, Mr Seo.”
但他的眼睛炯炯有神 他的拇指輕擦著妍奧的下唇「我覺得你的思想很骯髒,徐先生」

“Right, cause I’m the kinky one here.” He clicked his tongue.

Jaehyuk chuckled, grabbing him by the chin so he could leave a soft kiss at the top of his nose. “Let’s leave the kinky stuff for when we get to our destination.” He whispered in his ear. The businessman sported a satisfied smirk the rest of the ride, very pleased with the way Yeon-Oh had turned bright red.

“Wait!” Yeonoh gasped. His eyes widening as he got close enough to make out the destination of the plane they were boarding. “Are we actually going to Switzerland?”
「等等!」Yeonoh 喘著氣。他的眼睛睜得大大的,因為他靠得夠近,可以看清楚他們要上飛機的目的地。「我們真的要去瑞士嗎?」

Jaehyuk smiled, raising the hand he was holding to his lips to kiss it. “That’s where you said you wanted to go, right?” 

“Yes but… I…” He mumbled. “This is too much!” 

“Nothing is too much for you.” Jaehyuk insisted.
「沒有什麼對你來說是太過分的」Jaehyuk 堅持道

There was no doubt in Yeon-oh’s mind that his boyfriend meant what he said. But after being the one to take care of others his whole life Yeon-Oh still felt weird about accepting kind gestures and gifts. He loved it, more than he liked to admit, but there was a remaining part of his brain that could never stop chastising himself for taking advantage of others and being selfish when he accepted one.

“Stop it!” Jaehyuk flicked his forehead.
「別鬧了!」Jaehyuk 彈了彈他的額頭。

“Ouch.” He exclaimed, rubbing the sore spot. “What was that for?!”

“You think I don’t know you well enough to know what you’re thinking?”

Yeon-oh sighed, a smile gracing his lips. It was nice to have someone that could read his moods and reassure him. It hadn’t always been the case between them, but the longer they were together, the easier it was to understand one another.  
Yeonoh 嘆了口气,嘴角露出一丝微笑。有一個人可以讀懂他的心情並讓他安心,這真的很好。他們之間並非一直如此,但他們在一起的時間越長,就越容易瞭解彼此。

“Thank you.” He said, squeezing Jaehyuk’s hand in his. “Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure.” His boyfriend smiled, kissing his hand one last time. “Let’s board the plane, now.” 

“Are you okay?” Jaehyuk asked. His soft laughter ringing into Yeonoh’s ears.
「你還好嗎?」Jaehyuk 問。他輕柔的笑聲響在 Yeonoh 的耳邊。

“Hmmm…” He hummed, nodding his head. 

He had been so excited during the flight that he had not slept for a second. However, the second they settled inside their rental car, Yeon-oh had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. Leaving Jaehyuk to drive without a road buddy, yet again.
在飛行途中,他興奮得一秒鐘都沒睡。然而,當他們坐進租來的車裡時,Yeon-oh 已經在副駕駛座上睡著了。讓 Jaehyuk 又一次在沒有路伴的情況下開車。

He realised he had fallen asleep  when Jaehyuk grabbed him from the passenger seat to carry him to the apartment. 
當 Jaehyuk 把他從副駕駛座抱到公寓時,他才意識到自己已經睡著了。

“Sorry…” Yeon-Oh managed to mumble.
「對不起......」Yeon-Oh 勉強嘟囔了一句。

“Don’t worry. It’s a delight to see you so comfortable around me.” Jaehyuk chuckled. “Plus I get to marvel at you to my heart’s content while you’re asleep.”
"別擔心看到你在我身邊如此自在,我很高興"。Jaehyuk 笑著說.「而且你睡著的時候 我可以盡情地欣賞你」

“You need to rest too.” The actor muttered, face sank deep into the crook of the businessman’s neck. 

“I’ll get plenty of rest with you this week.” 

Yeon-Oh opened one eye and grabbed his face to make him look at him. “I was hoping we’d get a little work-out in, here and there.” 

Jaehyuk laughed, struggling to find the key to the door, with Yeon-Oh in his arms. “We can rest in between.” He smirked.
Jaehyuk 笑了,掙扎著找門的鑰匙,妍瑜在他懷裡。「我們可以在中間休息」他笑著說。

“I like the sound of that.” Yeon-Oh giggled, resting his head comfortably on Jaehyuk’s shoulder, as he gazed up at him. He was oblivious to Jaehyuk’s struggle with the door, until his boyfriend looked down at him apologetically.
「我喜歡這個聲音」彥歐咯咯地笑著,把頭舒服地靠在在赫的肩膀上,抬起頭望著他。他對於 Jaehyuk 在門上的掙扎視而不見,直到他的男朋友低頭抱歉地看著他。

“I can’t get my keys while carrying you.”

“I’ll get it.” Yeon-oh immediately perked up, a coy smile splitting his face in two. He happily slid his hand to his boyfriend’s rear, squeezing his left buttocks a couple times, then moving to the other one, before patting them each a couple times.

Jaehyuk choked on his laughter. “The set of keys is in the front pocket of my jacket.” 
Jaehyuk 笑得哽咽。「那串鑰匙在我外套前面的口袋裡」

“Oops.” Yeon-oh flashed him an innocent smile. He grabbed the keys and unlocked the door while Jaehyuk kicked it open with his foot.

“Let’s go get the bags later.” 

“Why?” Yeon-Oh asked.  「為什麼?」Yeon-Oh 問。

As an answer, Jaehyuk took three big strides until they were in the living room and laid him down on a big couch. The actor chuckled as his boyfriend trapped him under his body, his lips latching onto his neck. 
作為回答,Jaehyuk 跨了三大步,直到他們到了客廳,然後讓他躺在大沙發上。當他的男友將他壓在身下,嘴唇緊緊纏著他的脖子時,演員笑了。

“I’ll be able to do this in front of everyone here.” He muttered. 

“Not sure that’s a decent thing to do in public.” Yeon-oh giggled.

But deep down he was excited too. Here, they would be able to go out and hold hands, maybe even kiss or dance. To the people around, they would just be a couple like the others. Two men, simply in love with each other, without any prejudice.

He lifted Jaehyuk’s chin so they were at eye level. “Let’s ask people to take pictures of us like everyone else does.”

“Sounds good.”  「聽起來不錯」

“Then when we go home we can make a photo album out of it.”

“And put it next to our childhood albums.” Jaehyuk smiled.
「把它放在我們童年相冊旁邊」Jaehyuk 笑了

Yeonoh nodded happily. The fondness he had for Jaehyuk grew deeper everyday. The way he naturally talked about a shared future, made his heart swell with love and comfort. He had never known when he’d been called to that strange office two years ago that it would be the start of the rest of their lives. 
Yeonoh 開心地點了点头。他對在赫的好感與日俱增。他很自然地談到共同的未來,讓他的心充滿了愛和安慰。兩年前,當他被叫到那間陌生的辦公室時,他從不知道這會是他們餘生的開始。

And maybe projecting into the future so boldly was taking a risk, but in his mind it was well worth it. He couldn’t envision a life without Jaehyuk in it, anymore. He didn’t want to.
也許如此大膽地預測未來是在冒險 但在他看來是值得的他再也無法想像沒有在赫的生活了他不想這樣

Yeonoh sighed in contentment. He loved this moment. He had subconsciously started to stroke Jaehyuk’s face with his thumb and could feel a slight stumble under his fingers. They hadn’t had the chance to shower or freshen up since they took the plane, so it was to be expected. 
Yeonoh 滿足地嘆了口氣。他喜歡這一刻。他下意识地开始用拇指抚摸在赫的脸,手指下能感觉到轻微的趔趄。坐上飛機後,他們還沒有機會洗澡或梳洗,所以這是意料之中的事。

Jaehyuk pulled the hand away from his face, too impatient to wait before resuming his kisses. He traveled from Yeon-Oh’s neck to his lips. By now, he knew by heart the nook and crannies of his body, the ones that elicited a little giggle from his lips are a sensual gasp. It seemed he could never hear enough of them.
Jaehyuk 把他的手從臉上拉開,不耐煩地繼續吻他。他從 Yeon-Oh 的脖子吻到他的嘴唇。到現在,他已經熟知妍昊身體的旮旮旯旯,那些能引發他嘴唇發出輕微的咯咯笑聲或性感的喘息聲的地方。他似乎永遠都聽不夠。

“We should shower.” Yeonoh mumbled between two kisses from Jaehyuk that had attached himself to his lips.
「我們該洗澡了」Yeonoh 在 Jaehyuk 吻他嘴唇的兩次之間喃喃道。

“Later.” Jaehyuk said in a whisper.
「以後再說」Jaehyuk 小聲地說。

And who was Yeonoh to refuse him? He wrapped his arms around Jaehyuk’s neck, pulling him close until they were chest to chest. If they were going to snuggle, they should do it properly.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Jaehyuk comforted him, as he ran a hand through his hair to get the snow out of it.

They were sitting in a restaurant, their ski combinations tied around their waists. They were just coming back from their first session of skiing and Yeon-oh’s first attempt ever.
他們坐在一家餐廳,腰間綁著滑雪裝備。他們剛從第一次滑雪回來,也是 Yeon-oh 有史以來第一次嘗試滑雪。

Needless to say, it did not go well for the actor. 

Yeonoh was sulking. He had made a total fool of himself in front of Jaehyuk and now his pride was wounded. Still, having the man fussing about him was nice.
Yeonoh 正在生氣。他在 Jaehyuk 面前出盡了洋相,現在他的自尊心受傷了。不過,有這個男人為他大驚小怪也不錯。

“You did well for your first time, a couple more sessions and you’ll get the hang of it.”

“Whatever.” He pouted, his arms crossed in front of him. “But we’re going to the ice rink too.”
「隨便你」他撅起嘴 雙手交叉放在身前「但我們也要去溜冰場」

He had practiced skating for months for a role and was confident he’d be able to impress Jaehyuk with his skills. He needed this to make up for the humiliation he suffered.

“Sure, we can hold hands while going around the rink.” Jaehyuk suggested as he kissed his knuckles.
「當然,我們可以手拉手繞著溜冰場轉一圈」Jaehyuk 親吻他的指關節時建議道。

So romantic .” Yeon-Oh raved internally. He was a sucker for the little displays of affection.
"太浪漫了Yeon -Oh 在內心讚美道。他很喜歡這種小小的愛情表現。

“Aren’t you drinking your hot chocolate?” Jaehyuk nudged his mug towards him.
「你不喝熱巧克力嗎?」Jaehyuk 把他的杯子推向他。

Yeon-oh made a face, he craved the chocolate but one sip told him the drink, even though delicious, was heavy with cream and sugars. 

“It’ll ruin my diet.” He admitted.

“You don’t need to diet, if anything…

“I could benefit from gaining some!” Yeon-Oh interrupted with a laugh. Jaehyuk had not been subtle about his attempts to make him eat.
「我可以從中獲益一些!」Yeon-Oh 笑著說。Jaehyuk 並沒有隱晦地試圖讓他吃東西。

“Stability is what you should aim for.” Jaehyuk continued, unshakeable. “A varied diet is better than a restrictive one in the long run, especially to build muscle.” 

“I know, I know.” Yeon-oh nodded. “It’s just that I really want to try the raclette cheese.” Just the thought of it made his mouth water.

“You can have both!” Jaehyuk insisted. “We spent four hours skiing, that’s more than enough work out.”
「你可以兩個都要!」Jaehyuk 堅持說「我們花了四個小時滑雪」 「那是綽綽有餘的運動」

“Plus we already got a little sweat in, this morning.” Yeon-oh chuckled, as Jaehyuk clicked his tongue in embarrassment.

“Sorry about that.” He apologised.

“Don’t.” Yeonoh grinned. “I was the instigator.”
「不要」Yeonoh 咧嘴笑了。「我是教唆犯」

“Yes, but as the old man in the relationship, I should show some restraint.” Jaehyuk joked.
「是的,但作為這段關係中的老人,我應該有所克制」。Jaehyuk 開了個玩笑。

“You’re not that old.” The actor cooed, grabbing his face to put a kiss on his cheek. “I wouldn’t give you over twenty based on your performances in bed…”

Jaehyuk’s eyes widened as his cheeks flushed slightly. He put a finger on Yeon-oh’s lips to make him stop, the younger man’s amusement obvious in his hazel eyes. 
Jaehyuk 的眼睛睜得大大的,臉頰微微發紅。他把手指放在妍昊的嘴唇上,讓他停下來,年輕人淡褐色的眼睛中明顯流露出歡愉的神情。

“That’s not a conversation to have in a restaurant.” He said, almost pleading.

“I doubt anyone speaks our language here.” Yeon-oh shrugged as he glanced around.

“Still…”  「還是......」

Jaehyuk scratched his neck, just at the spot where Yeon-Oh had left a mark earlier. The latter smirked, satisfied with his work. 
Jaehyuk 抓了抓脖子,正好抓在 Yeon-Oh 較早前留下印記的地方。後者笑了笑,對自己的工作很滿意。

“You’re so adorable!” He said, before grabbing his face and putting a kiss on the tip of his nose.

“Not nearly as much as you.” Jaehyuk chuckled, pecking his lips. The actor then took a big sip out of his mug, his head resting on Jaehyk’s shoulder. It didn’t hurt to indulge every once in a while.
「比不上你」Jaehyuk笑著啄了啄他的嘴唇。演員端起杯子喝了一大口,頭枕在 Jaehyk 的肩膀上。偶爾放縱一下也無妨。

 The night sky was a sight to behold. 

Yeon-Oh had never seen one so clear before. The ivy blue had nuances of green and purple, and was dotted with stars. It was even more vivid in contrast to the snowy mountains, and the orange hue the village emitted.
Yeon-Oh 從未見過如此清晰的。常春藤藍中帶著微微的綠色和紫色,星星點點。在雪山和村莊所散發出的橙色調的對比下,它顯得更加鮮明。

Condensation formed as he exhaled in wonder. It was a view he would never forget. 

The cold, he wasn’t as much a fan of. He shivered, the tip of his nose, fingers and toes, numb from its bite. He heard the door from the balcony open, the scent of Jaehyuk’s cologne tickled his nose before he felt a warmth wrap around him. The man had pulled him into his arms, into his padded jacket. Yeon-oh had bought matching ones just for the trip, excited to see the man in a new look and finally wear “couple” outfits. 
他不太喜歡寒冷。他打了一個冷戰,鼻尖、手指和腳趾都被凍得麻木了。他聽到陽台的門打開了,Jaehyuk古龍水的氣味讓他的鼻子癢癢的,然後他感覺到一股溫暖包裹著他。那個男人把他拉到自己的懷裡,穿上他的軟墊外套。妍昊特意為這次旅行買了配套的外套,很興奮看到男人以新的面貌出現,終於可以穿上 「情侶裝 」了。

He melted into Jaehyuk’s body, seeking more contact with the source of heat. He looked up, his head leaning back against his boyfriend’s shoulder. 
他融化在 Jaehyuk 的身體裡,尋求更多與熱源的接觸。他抬起頭,頭靠在男友的肩膀上。

“Aren’t you cold?” Jaeyuk asked, pecking his cold ear.

“Very.” Yeon-oh smiled coily. “Please, warm me up.”

Jaehyuk smiled down at him before holding him even tighter, any closer and they would have to fuse together.
Jaehyuk 對他低頭微笑,然後把他抱得更緊,再靠近一點,他們就要融合在一起了。

They watched the sky together in silence. Their hearts beating in unison in a slow tempo, right at home with each other.

Jaehyuk leaned against him, resting his cheek against his, further sharing his warmth with the cold man. Yeon-Oh could have fallen asleep if not for the breathtaking view. A copious dinner, followed by a stroll and now a cuddle under the starry sky. The vacation couldn’t have started better, he was on cloud nine. 
Jaehyuk 靠在他身上,把臉頰靠在他的臉頰上,進一步與這個冰冷的男人分享他的溫暖。如果不是因為這令人屏息的美景,Yeon-Oh 可能已經睡著了。豐盛的晚餐、漫步,現在是在星空下的擁抱。這個假期沒有比這更美好的開始了,他現在如沐春風。

“Thank you.” He said, nuzzling his nose against Jaehyuk’s warm cheek. “For being here with me, it’s more than I ever dreamed of.”
「謝謝你」他說著,用鼻子蹭著Jaehyuk溫暖的臉頰。「謝謝你陪我在這裡」 「這比我夢想的還要多」

“You’re more than I could have ever dreamed of.” Jaehyuk replied softly, the corners of his lips rising. Yeon-oh turned around to face him, plunging his gaze into the deep blue eyes without hesitation. He could see the stars reflect in them, as well as himself. Looking at his own reflection, Yeon-oh was surprised, he had never looked so beautiful. 
「你比我夢想的還要多」Jaehyuk 輕聲回答,嘴角上揚。妍昊轉過身來面對他,毫不猶豫地將視線投進那深藍色的眼眸。他可以看到星辰倒映其中,也可以看到自己。看著自己的倒影,Yeon-oh 感到非常驚訝,他從來沒有這麼美過。

His face flushed. Was this how Jaehyuk saw him? And could the man see his own reflection in the hazel eyes as well? Did he realise it showed how much Yeon-Oh adored him?
他的臉紅了Jaehyuk 是這樣看他的嗎?他也能從那淡紫色的眼睛中看到自己的影子嗎?他是否意識到這顯示出 Yeon -Oh 有多崇拜他?

Jaehyuk bumped their noses together. 
Jaehyuk 把他們的鼻子撞在一起。

“I love you, Yeon-oh.” He said. And the actor loved that he used his name. 

“I love you too, Jaehyuk.” He replied in a whisper, the name rolling off his tongue.
「我也愛你 Jaehyuk」他低聲回答,這個名字從他的舌頭滾落。

Their lips met, sealing the silent promise with a kiss, the stars as their witness.


I've felt weird about Yeon-oh calling Jaehyuk ahjussi so I had to make him stop with the divine intervention of Yeon-jun and his grandma.
我對 Yeon-oh 叫 Jaehyuk ahjussi 感到很奇怪,所以我必須在 Yeon-jun 和他奶奶的神力干預之下讓他停止。

There's never enough Jaenoh fluff, in my opinion. So I hope you enjoyed it too.
在我看來,Jaenoh 的絨毛永遠都不夠多。希望你也喜歡。

Apologies for the lack of Jaenoh stories on my profile lately. I wrote a couple things, but I either get distraced cause I miss them, and reread the manhwa or it's multi-chaptered and i'm still figuring out where i'm going with this.
對於最近我的個人資料中沒有 Jaenoh 的故事表示歉意。我寫了一些東西,但我不是因為想念它們而心神不定,就是因為要重讀這本漫畫,或是因為它有很多章節,而我還在想我要把它寫到哪裡去。

Hopefully, i get to finish and share some of them with you soon.

Happy new year everyone! I miss you all LR nation! ❤️
大家新年快樂!我想念你們所有的 LR 國家!❤️

ps: The summary says it's Yeon-oh's dream destination, but it's mine. So if anyone that looks like Jaehyuk and has his money feels like taking me on a trip there, I won't say no haha
ps:摘要說那是 Yeon-oh 的夢想之地,但那是我的夢想之地。所以如果有人長得像Jaehyuk,又有他的錢,想帶我去那裡旅行,我不會拒絕的,哈哈