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一. 总体设计- 2 -
One. General Design - 2 -

1.总体思路- 2 -
1. General Idea - 2 -

2.产品介绍- 2 -
2. Product Introduction - 2 -

3.设计亮点- 2 -
3. Design Highlights - 2 -

二.遵义红色旅游背景及现状分析- 3 -
Two. Background and current situation analysis of red tourism in Zunyi - 3 -

(一)背景分析- 3 -
(1) Background analysis - 3 -

1.文化梳理- 3 -
1. Cultural combing - 3 -

2.资源分析- 5 -
2. Resource Analysis - 5 -

3.发展现状- 6 -
3. Development Status - 6 -

SWOT分析- 9 -
(3) SWOT Analysis - 9 -

1.优势分析- 9 -
1. Advantage Analysis - 9 -

2.劣势分析- 10 -
2. Weakness Analysis - 10 -

3.机会- 10 -
3. Opportunity - 10 -

4. 威胁- 10 -
4. Threats - 10 -

5.对策分析- 12 -
5. Countermeasure analysis - 12 -

三.营销方式- 13 -
Three. Marketing Methods - 13 -

1.产品- 13 -
1. Products - 13 -

2.价格- 15 -
2. Price - 15 -

3.渠道- 15 -
3. Channels - 15 -

四.可行性分- 17 -
Four. Feasibility Analysis - 17 -

1.丰富的红色旅游资源- 18 -
1. Abundant red tourism resources - 18 -

2.客源市场需求- 18 -
2. Demand of source market - 18 -

3.地理位置和交通便利性- 19 -
3. Location and Accessibility - 19 -

4.政策支持和投资环境- 19 -
4. Policy support and investment environment - 19 -

5.文化传承和社会效益- 20 -
5. Cultural Inheritance and Social Benefits - 20 -

参考文献- 20 -
References - 20 -


Zunyi, as one of the popular tourist cities in Guizhou, has always attached great importance to the promotion of the cultural tourism market. Through market drainage and media marketing, the tourism brand of "Red Holy Land, Drunken Beauty Zunyi" has become famous, and tourists from all over the world continue to come to Zunyi to have a look. The development of red tourism in Zunyi has made remarkable achievements, but there are also concerns about the lack of follow-up. In our investigation and research, we found that there are some problems in the marketing of red tourism in Zunyi, and in the future development process, the choice of marketing strategy will determine the success or failure of Zunyi red tourism marketing. The marketing strategy of Zunyi red tourism: international cooperation in red tourism has broad prospects; The development of red tourism in the country has achieved remarkable results, ushering in the transformation of connotative development; The cultural tourism industry represented by red tourism products will become a new brand and new engine for Zunyi tourism.


General design

1. General idea

With the national government's great attention to red education in recent years, red-themed film and television works have continued to penetrate into the hearts of the audience, which has also made many red tourist destinations receive more attention, user search and consultation have multiplied, and in recent years, China's hard power has been continuously improved, the national self-confidence of contemporary youth has been continuously improved, and national pride has been continuously stimulated, and young people have become more and more fond of red culture, and they are increasingly looking for and exploring that unforgettable historical road. At the same time, this also brought fire to the red tourism market, and Zunyi City has a profound revolutionary history and culture.

Based on the current development trend of the cultural tourism industry, with immersion and digitalization as the core points, this plan selects the school's research activities and parent-child travel as the target market, and drives the coordinated development of surrounding green ecological resources and characteristic rural resources according to the development status of Zunyi's excellent Long March-themed red tourism resources, so as to help the development of red tourism in Zunyi and promote red culture.

2. Product introduction

Based on the tourism resources of Zunyi City, we have launched a red tourism complex, which can allow tourists to experience the charm of red history "immersively".

3. Design highlights

1. Emotional marketing of the Long March spirit - coordinated development of "red + green + village".

In addition to the traditional red tourist route, this route also increases the opportunity for students to come into contact with the natural environment.

Not only can you walk in the footsteps of the Red Army, but you can also walk into the scenic spots, where the green grass is like a cause and the streams are gurgling. It not only has the edification of red culture, but also the gift of beautiful natural scenery, and at the same time drives the coordinated development of surrounding green ecological resources and characteristic rural resources.

2. The product system is perfect, focusing on the "immersive" experience

From the early WeChat public account, Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu and other popular platforms for copywriting, pictures, video promotion, cultural and creative product pre-sale activities, the issuance of coupons, etc., to create an information atmosphere, topic interaction: in the middle of the trip, you can provide clothing for tourists to wear the clothes of the Red Army at that time, so that children can become a "little Red Army", provide postcards, handbooks, cultural shirts and other peripheral cultural and creative products for sale: in the later stage, you can post videos and travel guides in the social platform area with topics to review the journey and complete the check-in ceremony.

Two. Analysis of the background and current situation of red tourism in Zunyi

(1) Background analysis

International cooperation in red tourism has broad prospects. The development of red tourism in the country has achieved remarkable results, ushering in the transformation of connotative development; The red tourism cooperation in the southwest tourist area is extensive, and the red line series is the focus; Red tourism in Guizhou Province has entered a stage of integrated development, ushering in new opportunities for development; The cultural tourism industry represented by red tourism products will become a new brand and new engine for Zunyi tourism.

1. Cultural combing

1911年11.4—11.9(贵州宣布独立;遵义建立大汉贵州军政分府,拥护共和,结束了封建帝制在黔北的统治。) 1919年5—6(遵义“三罢”斗争;贵州省唯一一个“三罢”地区)
1911 11.4-11.9 (Guizhou declared independence; Zunyi established the military and political branch of Guizhou of the Han Dynasty, supported the republic, and ended the rule of the feudal monarchy in northern Guizhou. 1919 5-6 (Zunyi "Three Strikes" Struggle; The only "three strikes" area in Guizhou Province)

December 15, 1934 (Liping Conference; the key to a decisive strategic shift since the Long March, which made important preparations for the convening of the Zunyi Conference. )

1934 12.31 (Monkey Field Conference; negating the erroneous claims of Li De and others, and initially forming a military command center with Mao Zedong as the core. )

1935 1.1-1.5 (breakthrough of the Wujiang River; The Red Army's first major victory since the Long March swept away the passive situation since the Long March and seized the initiative in the war. )

1935 1.1-1.5 (the first battle of Loushanguan; The Central Red Army occupied Loushan Pass and established the New Revolution)

1.7 1935 (The Red Army conquered Zunyi, an important town in northern Guizhou; the largest city conquered by the Red Army during the Long March, the Red Army was rested and resupplied in Zunyi. February 5, 1935 (Jiming Three Provincial Conference; a new starting point after the Great Turning Point, Mao Zedong's military command position was clarified. 1.29 1935 (one crossed the Chishui River; crossed the Chishui River in the west, advanced to the area south of Gulin, and sought an opportunity to cross the Yangtze River in the north. )

1935 1.28-1.29 (Qinggangpo Campaign; The first battle commanded by Mao Zedong after the Zunyi Conference was the beginning of the four crossings of Chishui. 1935 1.15-1.17 (Zunyi Conference; It ended the rule of Wang Ming's "leftist" adventurist line in the Party Central Committee and established Mao Zedong's leading position. 1.12, 1935 (Zunyi County Revolutionary Committee was established; the first county-level red regime, on the Qianbei Plateau; the first revolutionary regime organization. )

1935 1 (Zunyi County Party Committee was established; It was the only provincial-level local party organization approved by the Central Committee during the Long March. )

February 8, 1935 (Tashi Conference; the continuation and final completion of the Zunyi Conference, practical guidance and deployment were made for the realization of the strategic shift in the Long March. )

1935 2.18-2.21 (Erdu Chishui; Return to the north of Qianbei and disrupt the enemy's pursuit)

On February 26, 1935 (the victory of Loushanguan; the first great victory since the Red Army's Long March, it made an important contribution to the convening of the Zunwei Conference. )

2.27-1.28, 1935 (Zunyi Campaign; The city of Zunyi was captured again, and the first major victory since the Long March was achieved. )

March 5, 1935 (Duck Creek Conference; Zhu De was entrusted as the commander of the former enemy, and Mao Zedong was the political commissar of the former enemy, to study the operational deployment of eliminating the two divisions of Xiao Zhiping and Xie Fufu. )

March 10-3.12, 1935 (Gou Ba Conference; The establishment of a new "three-man regiment" of the Central Committee, the abolition of the plan for attacking and beating drums, and the formulation of new strategic guidelines, enabled the Red Army to achieve a great strategic shift in victory)

On March 15, 1935 (the Battle of Lubanchang; the Red Army crossed Chishui three times (and even four crossings), jumped out of the enemy's gradually shrinking encirclement, and successfully realized the strategic shift, which played a decisive role. )

1935 3.16-3.17 (three crossings of Chishui; From Zunyi to southern Sichuan, take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to fold troops to the east, and seek opportunities to destroy the enemy on the east bank of the Chishui River. )

March 21, 1935 (four crossings of Chishui; grasped the initiative on the battlefield and achieved a decisive victory in the strategic shift. )

March 31, 1935 (crossing the Wujiang River in the south; realizing the strategic intention of the Red Army to enter Yunnan and enter Sichuan from the Jinsha River. )

May 12, 1935 (Huili Conference; unified the strategic thinking of the Central Red Army and further consolidated the results of the "Zunyi Conference". )

In 1937 (Zunyi became the granary of northern Qianbei; The Nationalist Government moved to Chongqing, and Zunyi became an important rear town for the anti-Japanese resistance, providing anti-Japanese war materials. )

1940 1 (The Red Army's Long March reached the end of Zunyi; After two years of moving westward, Zhejiang University has insisted on running a school in Zunyi for seven years. )

1941 (construction of Daxing Flour Mill; Food for supporting the frontline of the war of resistance)

1944 (Establishment of a refugee camp; More than 40,000 refugees have been admitted, all of whom are exiles from all over the country. )

November 1949 (Zunyi Liberation; The "Fifth Administrative Supervision District" was changed to Zunyi Prefecture, later known as Zunyi District, which was dispatched by the provincial government. )

February 8, 1982 (selected as one of the first batch of national historical and cultural cities; one of the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural cities. )

1997 12.18 (Zunyi City was established; Zunyi was officially awarded the license for the establishment of the city, opening a new journey of Zunyi's economic and social development. )

In 2001, the "Four in the Farm" creation activity was carried out; Gradually formed a distinctive "four in the farmhouse, beautiful countryside" construction brand. August 3, 2010 (Chishui Danxia was included in the World Natural Heritage Project; the largest and most beautiful Danxia landform in the country. )

In 2014 (Zunyi ranked among the top 10 non-provincial capital cities in western China; In the 2014 GDP ranking of western cities, through the unremitting efforts of the people of Zunyi, it finally occupied the top 10 of non-provincial capital cities in western China. )

July 4, 2015 (Hailongtun was included in the World Cultural Heritage Project; the testimony of this history during the reign of Yang's Tusi has a long history of containment and inheritance. )

2016 2 (Zunyi was selected as the first batch of national all-for-one tourism shows; There are a total of 262 national all-for-one tourism demonstration zones in the first batch of national all-for-one tourism demonstration zones, and Zunyi is among them. )

November 2016 (awarded the title of "Wujiang Tofu Fish Township"; At the first cultural tourism industry development conference of Banzhou District, Zunyi City, Banzhou District was awarded the title of "Wujiang Tofu and Fish Township" by Guizhou Guizhou Institute of Qianxue. )

2017.11.14 (Awarded the National Civilized City; in 2007, the work of creating culture was launched, and the work of creating a civilized city was comprehensively promoted in the past ten years. )

2017年(入选全国生态文化村;凤凰村和尧龙山村入选“全国生态文化村”,遵义推行乡愁文化,实施乡村振兴。) 2018年6.22—6.23(确立“大遵义”发展理念中共遵义市五届五次全会确立了“构建大城市、建设大遵义”理念,形成承载500 万人口的黔川渝结合部中心城市。)
In 2017 (selected as a national ecological and cultural village; Fenghuang Village and Yaolongshan Village were selected as "National Ecological and Cultural Villages", and Zunyi promoted nostalgia culture and rural revitalization. 2018 6.22-6.23 (Establish the development concept of "Greater Zunyi"The Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Zunyi City of the Communist Party of China established the concept of "building a large city and building a large Zunyi", forming a central city at the junction of Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing with a population of 5 million. )

2. Resource analysis

Rich resources such as old institutional sites, war sites, exhibition halls and exhibition parks; Accounting for 86.77% of the total, it has 34 excellent or above red tourism resources represented by the Zunyi Conference Site, the Gouba Conference Site, the Loushanguan Red Army Battle Site Exhibition Hall, and the Sidu Chishui Memorial Hall. Excellent grade resources accounted for 8.4%, forming five spatial distribution belts: Chishui, Wujiang, Maotai-Gouba-Zunyi-Meitan, Tongzi-Zunyi-Wujiang Town, and Fenggang-Meitan-Yuqing. The red tourism resources are mainly distributed along the Chishui River, Wujiang River and Zunyi City, and are concentrated around the Long March route. The resource intensity development is insufficient, and the undeveloped resources account for 77.1%; Most of the developed resources are high-level resources. Compared with the surrounding red resources, Zunyi red resources have a higher popularity; Tourists are interested in high-grade resources and mature resources. The distribution of red resource villages and towns is consistent with the distribution of beautiful rural construction, and most of them coincide.

There are many red cultural relics protection units, and the level is high. (National Key Cultural Relics Protection Units; The former site of Zhejiang University, the site of the Zunyi Conference, and the former site of the Red Army's four crossings of Chishui)

Excellent tourism resources (Zunyi Conference Site, Loushanguan Scenic Area, Hailong Hoard Site, Chishui Scenic Area, Chishui Waterfall, Chishui Danxia Scenic Area have high resource value; The natural resources are scattered throughout the city, and the human resources are mainly distributed in Chishui, Wujiang, Tongzi-Loushanguan-Zunyi) spatial pattern (from the perspective of comprehensive red resources and other high-quality resources in the region, the spatial pattern of "one core and two wings" is formed as a whole. Select the third, fourth, and fifth level excellent resources to analyze the spatial radiation of the resources. "One core": including the central core of core resources such as Zunyi City, Hailongtun, Loushanguan, Gouba, etc.; "Two wings": the western resource wing including Chishui Danxia, Chishui, Tucheng, Moutai and other resources, and the eastern resource wing of Mayang River, Gelao culture, Chahai, Wujiang and other resources. )

3. Development status

The number of tourist arrivals and comprehensive tourism income have maintained double-digit growth rates for five consecutive years; There are 23 4A-level scenic spots, mainly red tourism and ecological tourism products, with scenic spots and villages as the carrier. The red tourism market accounts for nearly one-third of the tourism market in Zunyi City, and the red scenic spots account for half of the red classic scenic spots in Guizhou.

The current situation of red tourism is mainly based on site tourism, and the homogenization development is serious. Historical events are mostly restored in the form of physical displays, and exhibitions are mainly displayed to see; There are many old sites and martyrs' cemeteries restored on the original site, but the development model is similar, and there is a serious homogeneous development; The red tourism product is single, and the lack of experiential and interactive products is not conducive to the perception and inheritance of red culture.

Transportation network: The two airports can directly reach many large and medium-sized cities in China, and expressways, national highways and provincial highways form a relatively complete external transportation network; The railway stations are concentrated along the Chongqing-Guizhou Railway and the high-speed railway, and there is no east-west railway line; The inter-county transportation connectivity is not strong, the internal traffic is not smooth, and the accessibility of scenic spots is not high. Characteristic tourism transportation: water transportation, tourist highways, low-altitude flights, self-driving camps and other characteristic tourism transportation formats are in the ascendant; However, the quantity and quality need to be improved, and the tourism service facilities along the way are insufficient; Travel mode: Traditional travel agencies are concentrated in Zunyi City, Chishui City, Banzhou District and other districts and counties have a small amount of distribution, mainly ground and a small number of group business; With the rise of self-driving tours, tourist fleets and car rental companies came into being in Zunyi, but they are concentrated in Zunyi urban area and airport, and there is no layout in other counties and cities.

Entertainment venues mainly include theaters, stadiums, KTV, cultural squares and other types, mainly serving local residents, concentrated in Zunyi urban area, various counties, and only a handful of tourist attractions, lacking tourism and entertainment venues and facilities. Tourism and entertainment activities mainly include festivals, performing arts performances, entertainment experiences, etc., which are mainly distributed in Zunyi City and Chishui City; There are few types of activities, lack of night tourism and entertainment products, and the characteristics of red tourism are not prominent;

The number of high-star hotels in the city is small, mainly medium and low-end hotels, and there is a lack of special theme accommodation facilities; High-star (economy) hotels are distributed in the urban area and around the county, especially in Huichuan District and Honghuagang District; The campsites are mainly distributed in various scenic spots in the city, with a small number and unclear themes. High-star rural tourism inns and farmhouses are mostly developed in scenic spots, and most of them are distributed in Suiyang County.

Overall, there are many tourist catering reception facilities, but there are few high-quality products. It is mainly a public hotel. There are many special snacks in Zunyi, but there are few special restaurants and boutique food streets such as red-themed restaurants, time-honored brands, and boutique farmhouses, which cannot meet the needs of tourists for special food.

Tourist shopping facilities are mainly concentrated in the southern and western areas of Zunyi City; Conventional tourism commodities are concentrated in the Zunyi Municipal District; The distribution of characteristic tourist shopping facilities is roughly consistent with the distribution of resources in Zunyi City, with famous wines concentrated in Renhuai City and tea concentrated in Meitan County, and tourism brands have been initially formed.

Zunyi red tourist attractions (spots) have a high level and a good brand reputation; The homogeneous development of product development is serious, lacking experience and interactivity, and does not match brand awareness and market demand. The current situation is mainly based on the display of memorial halls, visits to old sites and residences, sightseeing of war sites, and cemetery worship products. (2) Market analysis

1. Domestic market analysis

The domestic tourism market was strong in the first half of the year; The red tourism market is active. According to the national tourism data statistics in the first half of 2018, 18 key cities and 436 red tourism classic scenic spots in the red tourism information reporting system were submitted to the red tourism information reporting system. Seventy percent of young tourists are young; Enterprises, institutions and students are the two mainstream groups; Family tours, self-driving tours, etc. are increasing year by year; The red training program that expands the type of research and leisure experience is more popular; The "red with green" theme tour and the red walking tour became popular.

2. Market analysis of Guizhou Province

Guizhou Province is rich in tourists, with many overnight tourists and diverse travel purposes; Zunyi receives the largest number of tourists in the province

3. Red training tourism market analysis

Hongpei tourists are mostly enterprises, institutions and students; Transportation prefers airplanes and high-speed rail; Accommodation preference for high-end accommodation products; Have a high degree of interest in outreach training, military research and other products; The training methods of experience, participation and expansion are more popular with tourists.

Market characteristics: the majority of unit organizations, non-traditional group customers, with strong consumption power, a strong willingness to seek pleasure outside the convention, the proportion of children traveling is gradually increasing. Transportation: Long-distance passengers are mainly airplanes, and short-distance customers prefer high-speed rail travel. Accommodation preference: simple, comfortable, generous, quality, preference for resort-type high-quality hotels, hoping to vacation in a place with a beautiful environment and the injection of art and cultural elements.

Demand preference: The purpose of revolutionary education is the majority, focusing on creating team cohesion and centripetal force. Its core needs tend to be places where you can relax and be spiritually edified, such as ecological sightseeing spots with red cultural attractions, outward bound training, and collective entertainment activities.

Future trend: Considering the revolutionary complex of some old revolutions, products such as immersive experience, red tourism + film and television + rural tourism will increase.

Product preference: military research, outward bound training, incentive travel and other products.

Based on market analysis, Zunyi red tourism presents the following characteristics: Tourist source distribution: Guizhou Province, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei, Guiyun, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other surrounding and developed areas. Market awareness: The red training market and the self-driving tour market are the main special market directions. Tourist composition: Young families and business travelers are the backbone. Product direction: Red composite products and experience expansion products are the development direction of products.

Comprehensive analysis - national red tourism

Zunyi City has a large number of scenic spots above 4A level, ranking first with Beijing; Yan'an and other regions have emerged red + ecology + countryside + film and television and other "red +" diversified composite products, Zunyi is dominated by traditional tourism products such as red pavilions and battle sites, and the competitiveness is not strong. Comprehensive Analysis—Long March Red Tourism

From the perspective of the level and number of scenic spots on the Long March route, Zunyi has an absolute advantage in the level and number of scenic spots; From the perspective of product type competition and cooperation, Zunyi is dominated by traditional tourism products, with primary development, serious homogeneity, and gradual loss of market competitiveness. Coopetition analysis – development guidance

Green and ancient as the base, red light: based on the good ecological environment and rich historical and cultural accumulation of Zunyi City, with red culture as the highlight, red with green, red with the ancient.

Resource Activation and Rich Experience: Enrich the experiential products and intelligent products of relevant red tourist attractions (spots), and create red tourism products for all ages and enterprises.

"Red +" integrated development: With the Zunyi Conference Long March Culture and the Sidu Chishui Military Culture as the brand, and the "Tourism +" concept, it integrates related industries/industries, and coordinates with industrial transformation, urban construction, rural revitalization, and poverty alleviation.

SWOT Analysis

1. 优势剖析
1. Profiling of strengths

(1)气候方面的优势。遵义地处中亚热带季风气候湿润区域,雨热同期,冬天无严寒,夏天无酷暑。年平均气温处于 13 至 18 摄氏度区间,雨量充足,日照丰富。故而,温暖湿润的气候致使遵义四季都可游览,其气候资源在旅游适宜性方面在全国颇为少见。特别是与“火炉”重庆市相邻,而重庆身为我国第四个直辖市,经济发展迅猛,当地居民的出游能力不容小觑。遵义优良的气候资源条件与丰富的旅游资源将会使遵义成为重庆市民的重要旅游目的地之一。
(1) Climate advantages. Zunyi is located in the humid region of the central subtropical monsoon climate, with rain and heat at the same time, no severe cold in winter and no heat in summer. The average annual temperature is in the range of 13 to 18 degrees Celsius, with abundant rainfall and abundant sunshine. Therefore, the warm and humid climate makes Zunyi accessible in all seasons, and its climatic resources are quite rare in the country in terms of tourism suitability. In particular, it is adjacent to Chongqing Municipality, the fourth municipality directly under the central government in China, with rapid economic development, and the ability of local residents to travel should not be underestimated. Zunyi's excellent climatic resources and abundant tourism resources will make Zunyi one of the important tourist destinations for Chongqing citizens.

(2)旅游资源的优势。遵义的旅游资源独具优势,其中以“长征文化”为主题的红色旅游资源在全国更是享有较高的知名度。遵义汇集了遵义会议、强渡乌江、娄山关大捷、四渡赤水等长征文化精华。特别是“遵义会议”及其精神这一品牌,在国内乃至国际都具有较高的知名度。遵义市作为首批历史文化名城,已被国家旅游局确定为“全国十大红色旅游基地”之一,“12 个重点红色旅游区”之一。此外,遵义市内的红色旅游资源将近 100 处。其中,国家级保护单位 1 处,省级保护单位 10 处,而遵义会议会址、娄山关等 8 个景区分别通过国家级 AAAA 级、AAA 级、AA 级景区验收。
(2) Advantages of tourism resources. Zunyi's tourism resources have unique advantages, among which the red tourism resources with the theme of "Long March Culture" enjoy a high reputation in the country. Zunyi brings together the essence of Long March culture such as the Zunyi Conference, the forced crossing of the Wujiang River, the victory of Loushanguan, and the four crossings of Chishui. In particular, the brand of "Zunyi Conference" and its spirit has a high reputation at home and abroad. As one of the first batch of historical and cultural cities, Zunyi has been identified by the National Tourism Administration as one of the "Top Ten Red Tourism Bases in China" and one of the "12 Key Red Tourism Areas". In addition, there are nearly 100 red tourism resources in Zunyi City. Among them, there is 1 national-level protection unit and 10 provincial-level protection units, and 8 scenic spots such as Zunyi Conference Site and Loushanguan have passed the acceptance of national AAAA, AAA and AA scenic spots respectively.

To sum up, Zunyi's red tourism resources have formed a certain scale and have the characteristics of "wide distribution and high density", which provides extremely favorable conditions for the city to build a scenic tourism brand and enhance market competitiveness.

2. 劣势剖析
2. Disadvantage analysis

(2) Disadvantage in terms of talent. Because the tourism industry is knowledge-intensive and labor-intensive. Therefore, whether it is the development of products, or the planning and design of scenic spots, or even external publicity and promotion, it is inseparable from professional tourism talents. At present, among the tourism practitioners in Zunyi City, there is a lack of formal and systematic training and professionalism, and it is inevitable that there will be many negligence or short-term benefits when serving customers. Moreover, in recent years, it is a critical period for the development of red tourism in Zunyi City, and the lack of tourism professionals will inevitably have an adverse impact on the development of the city's tourism industry.

(3) Competitive disadvantage. Although Zunyi has abundant red tourism resources, it does not have obvious competitive advantages compared with red tourism areas in other provinces and cities in terms of location conditions and brand awareness. Taking Hunan Province, which is adjacent to Zunyi, for example, Hunan can be described as a revolutionary history museum without walls, which not only has superior geographical conditions and a rich combination of red resources, but also has a deep-rooted brand advantage. These are undoubtedly incomparable to Zunyi.

(4) Disadvantages in terms of branding. The red tourism resources in Zunyi City: "Zunyi Conference", "Four Crossings of Chishui", "Forced Crossing of Wujiang", "Loushanguan Victory", etc., are all rare Long March cultural tourism boutiques and brands. However, many domestic tourists generally only know about the Zunyi Conference, and they do not know or even hear of the red tourist attractions such as the Wujiang Battle Site, Loushan Pass, Hailong Hoard, and Yang Cang's Tomb. It can be seen that Zunyi City has not yet formed a red tourism brand effect as a whole.

3. 机会剖析
3. Opportunity profiling

2004 年末,中办、国办印发的《纲要》和 2005 年我国的旅游主题被确定为“红色旅游年”、2012 年“重走长征路”等国家的一系列政策和措施都表明国家在大力支持和鼓励红色旅游的发展,国家的高度重视为遵义市红色旅游的发展提供了千载难逢的机遇。遵义市应当把握时机,抓住机遇,大力发展红色旅游。受益于西部大开发,遵义市近些年来获得了中央国债资金的大力支持,交通、电力、教育、退耕还林、城市基础设施建设发展迅速。西部大开发作为一项长远的国家战略,今后的支持力度仍将不会减弱,不仅为遵义市发展旅游奠定了良好的基础,而且未来也将提供更多的政策和财力保障。2010 年年末,国家提出新一轮西部大开发(2011-2020 年),将在未来十年内继续支持西部地区经济社会发展,这对于发展红色旅游是一个极好的时机。
At the end of 2004, the "Outline" issued by the Office of the Central Committee and the State Council and the theme of China's tourism in 2005 were identified as the "Year of Red Tourism", and a series of national policies and measures such as "Re-taking the Long March Road" in 2012 show that the state is vigorously supporting and encouraging the development of red tourism, and the country's great attention provides a golden opportunity for the development of red tourism in Zunyi City. Zunyi City should seize the opportunity, seize the opportunity, and vigorously develop red tourism. Benefiting from the large-scale development of the western region, Zunyi City has received strong support from the central government bond funds in recent years, and has developed rapidly in transportation, electric power, education, returning farmland to forests, and urban infrastructure construction. As a long-term national strategy, the large-scale development of the western region will not weaken in the future, which will not only lay a good foundation for the development of tourism in Zunyi City, but will also provide more policy and financial guarantees in the future. At the end of 2010, the state proposed a new round of western development (2011-2020), which will continue to support the economic and social development of the western region in the next ten years, which is an excellent opportunity for the development of red tourism.

At present, China's economic and social development is in a historical period of profound structural changes, structural adjustments, and social changes. The CPC Central Committee judged the hour and sized up the situation, demanded that the whole party take the solution of the "three rural" problems as the top priority of the whole party's work, and made a major policy decision on building a new socialist countryside at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16 th CPC Central Committee. This is a strategic measure to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and build a harmonious society, and is an objective requirement and inevitable choice for implementing the scientific outlook on development, which is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for promoting agricultural production, prospering the rural economy, enriching the lives of farmers, and coordinating the economic and social development of urban and rural areas. The proposal of the policy decision on building a new socialist countryside indicates that the development and reform of China's rural areas have entered a new stage. In the road of building a new socialist countryside, tourism poverty alleviation is an important support and an important task for the construction of the new countryside, so it also brings new opportunities for the development of rural tourism. The red tourism resources of Zunyi City are located in the countryside, so we should seize this good opportunity to accelerate the development and vigorously promote the development of red tourism, so as to achieve a "win-win" situation of tourism poverty alleviation and rural economic development.


Zunyi City is located in the Sichuan, Guizhou and Chongqing traffic arteries, there are railways, highways run through the central part of the city in a north-south direction, but its accessibility is still poor, long-term tourists come to Zunyi to travel, need to go through a "long journey" to reach the destination. In addition, the city's airport has fewer routes, which seriously restricts the development of tourism in the city.

As the domestic tourism market matures and new tourism destinations and new tourism products continue to emerge, the competition between domestic tourism destinations will become more fierce in the future. Due to the strong support of national policies, all localities are vigorously developing red tourism, and there are more and more red tourism destinations and their tourism products, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. In addition, the intensification of competition has prompted the vigorous cooperation between regional tourism products, thereby increasing the pressure of a single tourist destination with tourism products, and also intensifying the competition between regional tourism, which has increased the development pressure on the development of red tourism in Zunyi City. Suiyi City should strive to improve its own tourism competitiveness, strengthen tourism cooperation with the region, and jointly form a strong regional red tourism brand, so that it can gain a place in the fierce competition.

Although Zunyi City has abundant and significant red tourism resources, there is a famous Zunyi Conference site in its vicinity, which together with Yan'an, Jinggangshan, Xibaipo, Ruijin and other red tourism destinations form several major red tourism centers in China, which has a certain market monopoly in a certain sense. Zunyi City is located in the "shadow area" of the Zunyi Conference site, so the development of red tourism in Zunyi City will be blocked and shielded by the Zunyi Conference Site to a certain extent, which has brought great challenges to the development of red tourism in Zunyi City.

5. Countermeasure analysis

The disadvantages mentioned above have a very negative impact on the development of red tourism in Zunyi. In response to this situation, we will take appropriate development measures. The specific countermeasures are as follows:

(1) Create a good tourism environment to enhance the attractiveness of the market. We will build a tourism environment in terms of food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment and other aspects, improve the construction of infrastructure, and increase the attractiveness of the red tourism market to tourists.

Take diet, for example. In Zunyi, the unique local delicacies mainly include Zunyi mutton powder, Liu Erma rice skin, etc. But these delicacies lack the "red" flavor. For this reason, some meals similar to those eaten by the Red Army can be introduced in the farmhouse, such as wild vegetable porridge made from several kinds of wild vegetables. It is believed that these unique "Red Army meals" have a new meaning for most tourists who are accustomed to eating fine rice and white noodles. In addition to the food and drink, the basic supporting facilities for the reception of red tourism need to be improved. For example, in terms of accommodation conditions, Zunyi City also needs to speed up the construction of star-rated hotels and pay attention to the training of waiters. In addition, it can also consider developing themed hotels with the theme of red culture to attract and retain tourists for short trips.

(2) Pay attention to the cultivation of tourism talents and improve the overall quality. Although Zunyi has good conditions for the development of red tourism, it still needs to be supported by professional tourism talents. First of all, pay attention to the training of tour guides. As a tour guide, it can be said that he has the important task of promoting Zunyi's red culture to the outside world. His words and deeds, for tourists, represent the image of Zunyi City and even the entire Guizhou Province. Therefore, further strengthening the business training of tourism practitioners and comprehensively improving their service quality and service level will play a vital role in the development of red tourism in Zunyi area. Second, pay attention to the training of management personnel. The development of tourism products and the promotion of foreign products need to be backed by a highly competitive management team.

(3) Dig deep into the connotation of products and form competitive advantages. "Zunyi Conference" is undoubtedly the most competitive tourism brand in Zunyi City to enter the national tourism market. The development of red tourism in Zunyi can revolve around the theme of "turning point and mystery". On the basis of the existing commemorative system with "Zunyi Meeting Site" as the core, its connotation is continuously studied and excavated. Speed up the pace of construction of red tourist attractions such as Loushanguan, Wujiang, and Sidu Chishui, and strive to put them on the market as soon as possible.

In addition, it is necessary to abandon the traditional red tourism mode and develop more experiential and participatory red entertainment projects with an innovative spirit to meet the needs of modern tourists. For example, a theme park can also be built in Zunyi to commemorate the Red Army's Long March, condensing the scenic spots along the Red Army's Long March, so that tourists can feel all the scenery of the entire Red Army's Long March in Zunyi alone, and at the same time let tourists participate in the Red Army as a Red Army and experience it firsthand.

(4) Strengthen regional cooperation and jointly develop tourism products. With its particularity and cross-regional nature, red tourism resources determine that the development of red tourism must take the road of regional cooperation. If Zunyi red tourism wants to get better development, it is necessary to take the road of development-oriented tourism development, strengthen cooperation with other tourism areas, and achieve resource sharing, win-win benefits and common development. Therefore, Zunyi should implement regional cooperation with some scenic spots in other provinces when carrying out red tourism with the theme of "Long March", so as to maximize the benefits and integrate China's red tourism resources into shocking tourism products.

To sum up, history has left an indelible red mark in Zunyi. Nowadays, through continuous research and excavation of the connotation of red culture, we have achieved the purpose of driving the overall improvement of the economic level of Zunyi City and even the entire Guizhou Province. Efforts should be made to enable tourists to return to nature in the real mountains and rivers of Zunyi, to feel the rich national culture, and to receive education on revolutionary history and fine traditions. In short, it is to allow tourists to experience the Long March culture in the historical relics and experience the red journey in the green mountains and green waters.

Three. Marketing methods

Project Planning ("4P" Analysis)

1. Products

Zunyi Red Tourism Complex: including Zunyi Conference National Memorial Park, Phoenix Mountain National Forest Park, Chairman Mao's Residence Scenic Spot, Zunyi "1935" Live Performance, and China Zunyi Cadre College.

Planning ideas: With the Zunyi urban area as the scope, the overall and interrelated Zunyi Conference Long March red cultural resources, nature and other folk customs, historical and cultural heritage as the object, the urban residents and their production and life of various elements for comprehensive and dynamic protection, display and sustainable use, the development of a "living museum" without walls, to protect, preserve, display the authenticity, integrity and originality of the natural and cultural heritage as the way, to preserve the living relationship of the original red culture as the goal, the formation of a new, A healthy and sustainable cultural living museum of co-prosperity, symbiosis and co-sustainability of nature and human ecology will build Zunyi urban area into a living museum of Long March cultural and creative culture that "brings cultural relics to life".

Zunyi Conference National Memorial Park; Based on the Zunyi Conference site, relying on the Red Army Street, the Zunyi Conference Exhibition Hall and the Zunyi Conference Memorial Park, we will deeply explore the spirit of the Long March and the far-reaching significance of the Zunyi Conference to the Long March and the Chinese Revolution, enrich the experiential products, cultural and creative products and smart experience products for tourists, and use mobile Internet, VR and other technologies to create an integrated experience, educate and educate, and build the Zunyi Conference Site and the surrounding scenic spots into a national memorial park and a red revolution experience space with international influence.

Sub-projects: Long March 9D Cinema Hall, Zunyi Conference VR Experience Hall, Little Red Army Training Camp, Hongyi Experience Commercial Street, Zunyi Memorial Park, etc.

Phoenix Mountain National Forest Park; Relying on the Phoenix Mountain National Forest Park, the overall integration of the red cultural atmosphere, through the promotion of the martyrs' cemetery, the living display of battle sites, the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the four crossings of Chishui, the Battle of Loushanguan, the Long March and other related red-themed cultural landscape sketches, the construction of red-themed national hiking trails, the integration of Phoenix Mountain into the red cultural atmosphere of Zunyi City, and the improvement of the overall living display effect of the urban area.

Sub-projects: Phoenix Mountain Red Army Martyrs Cemetery Promotion, Red Theme Landscape, Red Theme National Hiking Trail, etc.

Chairman Mao's residence scenic spot; Increase experiential products, enrich the cultural connotation of the old residence, and create "a touch of red in the prosperous scene" of Zunyi City.

Sub-projects: renovation and protection of old residences, creation of surrounding landscape atmosphere, construction of VR products for old residences, Chairman Mao cinema, etc.

Zunyi "1935" live performance; Planning ideas: Take the revolutionary story that happened in Zunyi in 1935 as a clue, such as the Zunyi Conference, the Sidu Chishui, the Gouba Conference, etc., dig deeper, show the Long March culture in the historical background, and integrate it with the customs and national culture of Zunyi, plan the theme live performance in Phoenix Mountain Park, integrate high-tech three-dimensional stage installations, songs, dances, dramas, acrobatics, water and fire special effects and other elements into the performance, present the stage environment combining history and art, and bring the audience a more real sensory experience and visual enjoyment. Complete a baptism of spirit and soul.

China Zunyi Executive Leadership College; Apply to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for approval of the establishment of China Zunyi Cadre College, a public institution directly under the central government that is fully funded by the state finance, and build a state-level cadre training college that educates party and government cadres, enterprise managers, professional and technical personnel, and military cadres on the history of the Communist Party of China, the theory of party building, revolutionary traditions, and basic national conditions. To build a first-class research institution in the aspects of party spirit, party style, party discipline, party history, national history, the spirit of the Long March, and the ideological and political construction of cadres.

Sub-projects: renovation and protection of old residences, creation of surrounding landscape atmosphere, construction of VR products for old residences, Chairman Mao cinema, etc.

2. Price

(1) Zunyi Conference National Memorial Park: Free to visit, show your second-generation ID card to get a free ticket.

(2) Phoenix Mountain National Forest Park, Chairman Mao's Residence Scenic Area, China Zunyi Cadre College. Admission is free, and online ticket-free reservations are available.

(3) Zunyi "1935" live performance: 99 people.

3. Channels

(1) APP+ applet

(2) Red Movie

(3) Official website

Zunyi red tourism marketing strategy

1. 关系营销:在经济发达、人口多、人均收入高的一线城市设立遵义旅游营销中心,邀请旅游中间商和旅游栏目的媒体记者、作家、摄影家来采风,并在主要客源地大众媒体上发表作品。同时,为旅行社提供优惠和年奖,参加有意义的公益活动,提升社会形象,编制《遵义红色旅游》系列丛书和视频等。
1. Relationship marketing: Set up Zunyi tourism marketing center in the first-tier cities with developed economy, large population and high per capita income, invite tourism middlemen and media reporters, writers and photographers of tourism columns to collect style, and publish works in the mass media of the main source areas. At the same time, it provides preferential treatment and annual awards for travel agencies, participates in meaningful public welfare activities, enhances social image, and compiles a series of books and videos of "Zunyi Red Tourism".

2. 产品组合营销:遵义不仅有丰富的红色旅游资源,还有“生态”、“乡村旅游”、“地域文化”、“酒文化”等旅游资源。因此,在实行“红”、“绿”旅游产品的组合营销时,要以“红色”为龙头,以“红”带“绿”,用“红色”感染人、凝聚人;以“绿”衬“红”,用“绿色”来留住人、陶醉人;用“白色(茅台酒)”“文化来吸引人、陶冶人,形成三色旅游相得益彰。
2. Product portfolio marketing: Zunyi not only has rich red tourism resources, but also tourism resources such as "ecology", "rural tourism", "regional culture" and "wine culture". Therefore, in the implementation of the "red" and "green" tourism products of the combination of marketing, to "red" as the leader, "red" with "green", with "red" to infect people, cohesion; "Green" is lined with "red", and "green" is used to retain and intoxicate people; Use the "white (Moutai)" culture to attract and edify people, and form a three-color tourism that complements each other.

3. 宣传促销:充分运用广播、电视、电台、报刊、互联网等多种新闻媒介进行总体宣传,出版旅游手册、旅游图等介绍材料,录制景点和风貌介绍风光片,举办专题节目,举行和参加旅游推介会,在热点旅游城市设立旅游促销点,邀请旅行社和新闻媒体代表来考察,在社会公共环境的主要交通干道、商业街区、火车站、汽车站、飞机场沿路设广告牌。景区广告要有创意,能引发游客的好奇心,且广告词要定期改变,保持游客的新奇感。还可以在移动公共物品如出租车、公交车、列车等外面粘贴宣传画面,进行旅游形象宣传。
3. Publicity and promotion: make full use of radio, television, radio, newspapers and periodicals, the Internet and other news media for overall publicity, publish tourism manuals, tourism maps and other introduction materials, record scenic spots and scenery introduction films, hold special programs, hold and participate in tourism promotion meetings, set up tourism promotion points in hot tourist cities, invite travel agencies and news media representatives to inspect, and set up billboards along the main traffic arteries, commercial blocks, railway stations, bus stations and airports in the social and public environment. Scenic spot advertisements should be creative and can arouse the curiosity of tourists, and the advertising words should be changed regularly to maintain the novelty of tourists. It can also paste promotional pictures on the outside of mobile public goods such as taxis, buses, trains, etc., to promote the image of tourism.

4. 体验营销:树立旅游品牌形象,以为人们提供旅游体验为重点,进行旅游市场营销活动,并从旅游者的感官、情感、思考、行动和关心五个方面重新设计和定义旅游市场营销的思考方式,强调互动性。目前红色旅游营销中缺乏体验营销,因此要增加体验项目,如开辟模拟战场,让游客穿红军服、游击队服、吃红军饭、玩战斗游戏、军事迷宫等。体验营销能够在产品成本没有显著增加的情况下大幅增加游客的附加价值,使游客愿意为这种额外体验付出高价,从而为旅游企业创造高利润空间。
4. Experiential marketing: Establish a tourism brand image, focus on providing people with a travel experience, carry out tourism marketing activities, and redesign and define the way of thinking of tourism marketing from the five aspects of tourists' senses, emotions, thinking, action and care, emphasizing interactivity. At present, there is a lack of experience marketing in red tourism marketing, so it is necessary to increase experience projects, such as opening up simulated battlefields, allowing tourists to wear Red Army uniforms, guerrilla uniforms, eat Red Army meals, play battle games, military mazes, etc. Experiential marketing can significantly increase the added value of tourists without a significant increase in product costs, so that tourists are willing to pay a high price for this additional experience, thus creating high profit margins for tourism enterprises.

5. 将历史文化由静态变成动态:静态的陈列参观方式已难以吸引旅游者,因此要进行彻底改变。一是学习借鉴国内外战争和历史文物展览技术、方式,用现代化的声、光、影相结合的科技手段向游客展现当时的情景与历史现实场面,增强历史文物与事迹对广大游客的感染力和吸引力;二是构建一些设施,组织游客进行参与性与体验式的旅游项目。
5. Changing history and culture from static to dynamic: Static display and viewing methods are no longer attractive to tourists, so it needs to be completely changed. The first is to learn from the domestic and foreign wars and historical relics exhibition technology and methods, with modern sound, light, shadow combined with scientific and technological means to show tourists the scene and historical reality, enhance the appeal and attraction of historical relics and deeds to the majority of tourists; The second is to build some facilities and organize tourists to carry out participatory and experiential tourism projects.

6. 红色旅游产品与相关旅游产品的组合:遵义红色旅游与乡村旅游相结合,以红色景区为中心,各乡村以农事活动、农村聚落、农民生活、农生态和农业收获物、农家饮食等作为旅游资源的凭借;开发茅台酒工业旅游,形成遵义红色旅游关联产品独有的特色,使游客在红色旅游中获得意外收获。
6. Combination of red tourism products and related tourism products: Zunyi combines red tourism with rural tourism, with red scenic spots as the center, and each village uses agricultural activities, rural settlements, farmers' lives, agricultural ecology and agricultural harvests, and farmhouse diets as tourism resources; The development of Moutai liquor industrial tourism, the formation of Zunyi red tourism related products unique characteristics, so that tourists in the red tourism to get unexpected gains.

7. 加强区域旅游合作:以政府为主导,进行宏观调控,打破行政壁垒、地区封锁,避免重复建设浪费资源,统筹兼顾区域内、区域间的旅游资源开发,实现红色资源与其他资源的整合,形成集聚效应。
7. Strengthen regional tourism cooperation: take the government as the lead, carry out macro-control, break down administrative barriers and regional blockades, avoid duplication of construction and waste of resources, take into account the development of tourism resources within and between regions, and realize the integration of red resources and other resources to form an agglomeration effect.

(1) 加强省内区域旅游合作:开展省内区域旅游合作,利于旅游者将合作区视为一个整体,有利于树立统一的旅游目的地形象。如遵义、息烽、贵阳应开展区域旅游合作,三地空间距离都在 160 公里以内,有利于区域旅游线路的组合。三地联合起来,可以克服自身资源的不足;三地对红色旅游资源的开发应发掘自身潜力,进行多层次多角度的包装,各显特色,展示区域独特性。通过统一宣传促销、打造的情景红色品牌、树立区域形象以赢得产品与服务市场。
(1) Strengthen regional tourism cooperation in the province: Carrying out regional tourism cooperation in the province is conducive to tourists to regard the cooperation zone as a whole and is conducive to establishing a unified image of a tourist destination. For example, Zunyi, Xifeng and Guiyang should carry out regional tourism cooperation, and the spatial distance of the three places is within 160 kilometers, which is conducive to the combination of regional tourism routes. Together, the three places can overcome the lack of their own resources; The development of red tourism resources in the three places should explore their own potential, carry out multi-level and multi-angle packaging, show their own characteristics, and show the uniqueness of the region. Through unified publicity and promotion, create a situational red brand, and establish a regional image to win the product and service market.

(2) 加强省际区域旅游合作:加强与重庆、泸州、广安的旅游合作,实现资源共享、优势互补,共同开发旅游市场。整合红色旅游资源,形成线路对接、客源互通的旅游网络。其次,应培育以企业为主的旅游产业主体,加快形成区域内旅游企业集群。旅游企业通过资本扩张和战略联合,形成有机的产业链和实现企业集聚,建立区域内跨省的旅游企业集团,成为旅游合作的最重要主体。
(2) Strengthen inter-provincial and regional tourism cooperation: strengthen tourism cooperation with Chongqing, Luzhou and Guang'an, realize resource sharing, complement each other's advantages, and jointly develop the tourism market. Integrate red tourism resources and form a tourism network with route docking and tourist source exchange. Secondly, we should cultivate the main body of the tourism industry based on enterprises and accelerate the formation of tourism enterprise clusters in the region. Through capital expansion and strategic alliance, tourism enterprises have formed an organic industrial chain and realized enterprise agglomeration, established a regional and inter-provincial tourism enterprise group, and become the most important subject of tourism cooperation.

As a new marketing method, network marketing has the advantages of wide range of communication, fast speed, no time and geographical restrictions, detailed content, vivid image, two-way communication, rapid feedback, and no store rental cost. Each red scenic spot in Zunyi can establish its own tourism website, or cooperate with several scenic spots to establish a shared website, or join the official tourism promotion website for network marketing and develop potential tourist sources. Zunyi red tourist attraction can be shared with other scenic spots, friendship links, etc., the website can also be through online quizzes, red tourism knowledge competitions, special activities and topics with prize collection or organic combination of sound and image, etc., to make tourism products more interesting, real and vivid, to attract more visitors.

Four. Feasibility analysis

As an important node in the revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China, Zunyi has abundant red tourism resources, and the development of Zunyi red tourism complex has great potential and significance.

1. Abundant red tourism resources

As an important birthplace and revolutionary base of the Communist Party of China, Zunyi has rich red tourism resources. A series of red tourist attractions such as the Zunyi conference site, the starting point of the Red Army's Long March, and the former residence of He Long have attracted a large number of tourists to visit and study. These red tourism resources have a sense of history and cultural connotation, and can provide tourists with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the history of the Chinese revolution.

2. Demand for the source market

With the vigorous development of tourism at home and abroad, red tourism has become the choice of more and more tourists. More and more people want to learn about the history of the revolution and heroic deeds through tourism. The Zunyi Red Tourism Complex can meet this demand, attract more tourists to visit Zunyi, and play a positive role in promoting the development of the local tourism economy.

3. Geographical location and transportation convenience

Zunyi is located in the central part of Guizhou Province, with superior geographical location and convenient transportation. Zunyi has a well-established road, rail and air transportation network, and has close connections with surrounding cities and the province and beyond. This provides convenient transportation conditions for tourists and attracts more tourists to visit red tourist attractions in Zunyi.

4. Policy support and investment environment

In recent years, the Chinese government has given strong support to the development of red tourism. Relevant departments have successively introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage and support the development and construction of red tourism. As an important destination for red tourism, Zunyi has also received the attention and support of the government. At the same time, the investment environment in Zunyi is also relatively superior, and the government has provided a series of preferential policies and services to attract investors.

5. Cultural inheritance and social benefits

The development of Zunyi red tourism complex can not only promote the development of tourism economy, but also promote the inheritance and promotion of red culture. By holding red-themed activities and exhibitions, and carrying out red education and publicity, the patriotic feelings of the people and the core values of socialism can be enhanced. This will have positive social benefits for the progress of social civilization and the building of socialist spiritual civilization. The development of Zunyi red tourism complex is feasible and has broad market prospects. Zunyi has abundant red tourism resources and market demand for tourists.


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