Formative assignment: Structured essay plan
形成性作业:结构化 essay 计划
Organisational Behaviour (OB), BUSI4V815: 2024-25
组织行为学 (OB),BUSI4V815:202 4-25
The formative assignment is your opportunity to receive feedback from the OB Module Team in preparation for your summative assignment. The mark will not count toward your degree. It is for developmental purposes only. The formative assignment is however mandatory.
形成性作业是您从 OB 模块团队获得反馈以准备总结性作业的机会。该分数不会 计入您的学位。它仅用于开发目的。 然而,形成性作业是强制性的。
Your task for the formative assignment is to prepare a structured essay plan.
Use this document as a template, delete the instructions, and simply insert your answers to the questions below. The submission should be no longer than 2 pages (excluding references) using 1.5 spacing and an easy-to-read 12 point font.
将本文档作为模板,删除说明,并暗示插入您对以下问题的回答。提交的内容不应超过 2 页(不包括参考文献),使用 1.5 间距和 12磅字体。
To complete your formative assignment, address the three questions below.
Question 1: Which leader or organisation have you selected for your case analysis? We recommend that you provide your preferred leader/ organisation (Option A) and a back-up leader/ organisation (Option B) in case the preferred one is not viable. Explain why you think these individuals/ organisations (Options A and B) are good choices for the case analysis, especially from a perspective of ethics and responsibility in organisations.
问题 1:您选择了哪个领导或组织进行案例分析?我们建议您提供首选的领导/组织(选项 A)和备用领导/组织(选项 B),以防首选的领导/组织不可行。 解释为什么你认为这些个人/组织(选项 A 和 B)是案例分析的好选择,特别是从组织的道德和责任的角度来看。
Question 2: Using your Option A, how does this leader impact others/ this organisation impacts its workers from a perspective of ethics and responsibility (e.g., diversity, health and wellbeing, motivation, organisational culture, or organisational change)? Cite and explain at least one empirical study from the field of OB to support your answer.
问题 2:使用你的选项 A,这个领导者如何影响他人/这个组织从道德和责任的角度(例如,多样性、健康和福祉、动机、组织文化或组织变革)影响其员工? 引用并解释至少一项 来自 OB 领域的实证研究来支持您的答案。
Question 3: Using your Option A, which materials (e.g., interviews, reports, websites) do you plan to use to support your case study analysis? Provide one specific, verbatim (direct) quote from the materials (e.g., something your leader/ organisation said or was said about your leader/ organisation) and demonstrate how this quote supports your answer to Question 2.
问题3:使用您的选项 A,您打算使用哪些材料(例如,访谈、报告、网站)来支持您的案例研究分析? 从材料中提供一个具体的、逐字的(直接)引用 (例如,您的领导/组织对您的领导/组织说过或曾经说过的话),并展示该引文如何支持您对问题 2 的回答。
Provide at least 5 references to articles from high-quality OB journals that you plan to use for the case analysis. Try to integrate the references in your answers to the three questions. Format the references in APA or Harvard style.
提供至少 5 篇您计划用于 案例分析的高质量 OB 期刊文章的参考文献。 尝试将参考资料整合到您对这三个问题的回答中。 以 APA 或 Harvard 样式格式化参考文献。
Submit this document (in PDF or Word format) via the Learn Ultra site by November 6, 2024, 11:59am (mid-day)
在 2024 年 11 月 6 日上午 11:59(中午)之前通过 Learn Ultra网站提交此文档(PDF 或 Word 格式)