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Biden Poised to Impose Tariffs on China EVs, Strategic Sectors

  • US set to target electric vehicles, reject across-board hikes
  • Action comes after multi-year review of duties on $300 billion
    对 3,000 亿美元的关税进行多年审查后采取行动

President Joe Biden’s administration is poised to unveil a sweeping decision on China tariffs as soon as next week, one that’s expected to target key strategic sectors with new levies while rejecting the kind of across-the-board hikes sought by Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said.

The decision is the culmination of a review of so-called Section 301 tariffs first imposed under Trump. The administration is set to impose new, targeted tariffs on some key sectors including electric vehicles, batteries and solar equipment. The full announcement is expected to also largely maintain existing levies. An announcement is scheduled for Tuesday, two of the people said.
这一决定是对特朗普执政时期首次实施的所谓 "301 条款 "关税进行审查的最终结果。政府将对包括电动汽车、电池和太阳能设备在内的一些关键行业征收新的、有针对性的关税。全部公告预计也将在很大程度上维持现有的征税。其中两人表示,计划于周二发布公告。

The full details aren’t clear, and the White House declined comment.

While a decision could be delayed, it nonetheless presents one of Biden’s biggest moves in the economic race with China. It builds on a call last month to hike tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum, and the formal launch of a fresh probe into Chinese shipbuilding.

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