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本文转自:AI寒武纪 This article is reprinted from: AI Cambrian


知识分子 Intellectuals

The Intellectual

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谷歌DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis说,将人工智能视为普通技术是错误的,人工智能将具有“划时代的意义”,很快将治愈所有疾病、解决气候和能源问题并丰富我们的生活,AGI大概需要 10 年时间,因为还需要 2 到 3 项重大创新,下一项就是基于代理的系统,能够完成你给它的特定目标或任务。
Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis said that it is wrong to view artificial intelligence as ordinary technology. AI will have "epoch-making significance" and will soon cure all diseases, solve climate and energy issues, and enrich our lives. AGI will probably take 10 years because 2 to 3 major innovations are still needed, the next being agent-based systems capable of completing specific goals or tasks given to them.

谷歌DeepMind创始人、CEO Demis Hassabis 最近在《泰晤士报》和《泰晤士报商业版》的主办的科技峰会上发表演讲,Hassabis回顾了DeepMind的创立,谈了 AGI、AlphaFold 和 AI 的未来。
Google DeepMind founder and CEO Demis Hassabis recently gave a speech at the technology summit hosted by The Times and The Sunday Times Business, where he reviewed the founding of DeepMind and discussed AGI, AlphaFold, and the future of AI.

照例先给大家划个重点(访谈全文附在文后): As usual, let's highlight the key points for everyone (the full interview is attached at the end of the article):

Demis Hassabis看见了什么? Hassabis已经在游戏的微观世界中看到了一点,并且理解得很清楚:从一个随机的系统AlphaZero开始8小时就可以训练出超越最顶尖人类的国际象棋实体,虽然这只是游戏狭窄领域,但一定会扩展出世界模型。
What did Demis Hassabis see? Hassabis has already seen a bit in the microcosm of games and understands it very clearly: starting from a random system, AlphaZero can be trained in 8 hours to surpass the top human chess players. Although this is just a narrow field of games, it will certainly expand into a world model.

DeepMind 的初心: Hassabis 30 年前就开始研究 AI 了!从游戏 AI 到神经科学,他一直坚信 AI 的潜力。2010 年,他创立 DeepMind,因为他看到了深度学习和强化学习的巨大潜力,以及 GPU 等硬件的快速发展。他想打造一个通用的、能自我学习的 AI 系统,这正是 DeepMind 的初心!
The original intention of DeepMind: Hassabis started researching AI 30 years ago! From game AI to neuroscience, he has always believed in the potential of AI. In 2010, he founded DeepMind because he saw the great potential of deep learning and reinforcement learning, as well as the rapid development of hardware like GPUs. He wanted to create a general AI system capable of self-learning, which is exactly DeepMind's original intention!

游戏 AI,AGI 的“练兵场”: DeepMind 早期专注于游戏 AI,是因为游戏可以快速验证算法的有效性,而且容易进行基准测试。但他们的目标不仅仅是赢得游戏,而是开发通用的 AI 技术,并将其应用于其他领域,例如科学和商业。
Game AI, the "training ground" for AGI: DeepMind initially focused on game AI because games can quickly verify the effectiveness of algorithms and are easy to benchmark. But their goal is not just to win games; it is to develop general AI technology and apply it to other fields, such as science and business.

AlphaFold:AI for Science 的典范: Hassabis 一直对用 AI 解决科学难题充满热情,而蛋白质折叠问题是他最想攻克的目标之一。AlphaFold 的成功(Hassabis因AlphaFold 获得2024诺贝尔化学奖),证明了AI 在科学领域的巨大潜力!
AlphaFold: A model of AI for Science: Hassabis has always been passionate about using AI to solve scientific problems, and the protein folding problem is one of his main targets. The success of AlphaFold (Hassabis won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for AlphaFold) demonstrates the great potential of AI in the scientific field!

多模态模型,AGI 的关键: Hassabis 认为,多模态模型是 AGI 系统的关键组成部分,例如 DeepMind 的 Gemini 模型,它可以处理文本、图像、音频、视频和代码等多种输入。
Multimodal models, the key to AGI: Hassabis believes that multimodal models are a key component of AGI systems, such as DeepMind's Gemini model, which can handle various inputs like text, images, audio, video, and code.

通往 AGI 的道路:更强大的 Agent: 现在的聊天机器人大多是被动的问答系统,而未来的 AI 系统需要更主动、更智能,能够像 AlphaGo 一样进行规划和推理,并在现实世界中采取行动。
The Road to AGI: More Powerful Agents: Most current chatbots are passive Q&A systems, but future AI systems need to be more proactive and intelligent, capable of planning and reasoning like AlphaGo, and taking action in the real world.

AGI 时代,还有多远? Hassabis 预计,我们距离 AGI 还有大约 10 年的时间。
How Far is the AGI Era? Hassabis estimates that we are about 10 years away from AGI.

DeepMind 的未来: DeepMind 将继续以研究为导向,同时也会加大产品研发的投入,与谷歌的其他部门合作,将 AI 技术应用于更多产品和服务中。
The Future of DeepMind: DeepMind will continue to be research-oriented while also increasing investment in product development, collaborating with other Google departments to apply AI technology to more products and services.

AGI 时代,人类将进入富足时代!Hassabis 认为,AGI 将彻底改变经济和社会,消除能源和资源的稀缺性,让人类进入一个物质极大丰富的时代。我们需要提前思考如何分配这些财富,例如,是否应该实行全民基本收入制度。
The AGI Era: Humanity Will Enter an Era of Abundance! Hassabis believes that AGI will fundamentally change the economy and society, eliminating the scarcity of energy and resources, and ushering humanity into an era of material abundance. We need to think ahead about how to distribute this wealth, for example, whether a universal basic income system should be implemented.

访谈全文:强烈推荐 Full interview: Highly recommended

注意:这是Demis Hassabis10月1日的访谈,此时距离10月9日他获得2024年诺贝尔化学奖还有几天时间,但是访谈视频今天才放出来。
Note: This is an interview with Demis Hassabis on October 1st, a few days before he won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry on October 9th, but the interview video was only released today.

主持人: 我想,在座的各位几乎都知道DeepMind,也知道它现在在做什么。让我们先简单回顾一下您的故事,因为您在2010年左右创立了DeepMind,而在此之前,人工智能经历了40年的寒冬,作为一名科学记者,我当时并没有关注人工智能。DeepMind为何在那个时候出现?是有什么有利因素吗?
Host: I think almost everyone here knows about DeepMind and what it is doing now. Let's briefly review your story, because you founded DeepMind around 2010, and before that, artificial intelligence had gone through a 40-year winter. As a science journalist, I wasn't paying attention to AI at the time. Why did DeepMind emerge at that time? Were there any favorable factors?

Demis Hassabis: 嗯,我研究人工智能实际上已经超过30年了,最初是做游戏,为游戏设计人工智能,以及模拟游戏。后来我学习了计算机科学和神经科学,并且一直在观察人工智能领域的发展。在您提到的90年代的人工智能寒冬时期,都是逻辑系统,也就是所谓的专家系统。你们很多人可能还记得深蓝在国际象棋比赛中击败了加里·卡斯帕罗夫(俄罗斯国际象棋棋手,国际象棋特级大师,前国际象棋世界冠军),这些都是预编程系统,实际上是程序员和系统设计者解决了问题,并将其封装成规则。计算机、人工智能系统实际上根本不智能,它只是在执行这些启发式方法。这样做的问题是,最终会得到脆弱的系统,它们无法学习新东西,当然也无法发现新东西,因为它们显然天生就受到设计者或程序员已知能力的限制。
Demis Hassabis: Well, I've actually been studying artificial intelligence for over 30 years, initially working on games, designing AI for games, and simulating games. Later, I studied computer science and neuroscience and have been observing the development of the AI field. During the AI winter of the 90s you mentioned, it was all about logic systems, the so-called expert systems. Many of you might remember Deep Blue defeating Garry Kasparov (a Russian chess player, chess grandmaster, and former world chess champion) in chess matches. These were pre-programmed systems, where programmers and system designers solved the problems and encapsulated them into rules. Computers and AI systems were not truly intelligent; they were just executing these heuristic methods. The problem with this approach is that you end up with fragile systems that cannot learn new things, and certainly cannot discover new things, because they are inherently limited by the known capabilities of the designers or programmers.

So for me, it was clear throughout the 90s, during my studies at Cambridge and MIT, that this was still the mainstream view, especially in those places, that logic systems were the right path. I think this is why there were many AI winters, because they were inherently fragile and limited. So in 2010, the idea of DeepMind was that we could see deep learning had just been invented in academia.

Reinforcement learning is something we discovered, the dopamine system in the brain, used by animals and humans alike to learn.

Therefore, it is obvious to me that what we need to build is a self-learning and general learning system, which is the origin of DeepMind. Then we also saw advancements in technologies like GPUs and hardware acceleration. So I used the first generation of GPUs, which were for computer graphics and computer games, but they were very versatile, and it turned out that everything in the world is matrix multiplication. We started early, and we felt it was like an Apollo program, requiring tremendous effort to integrate all these novel ideas and components to make very rapid progress, and indeed, that was the case.

主持人: 这是您在普林斯顿时期预想的结果吗?您是否想过15年后,我会在这里与您对话,人工智能会成为热门话题,并且蛋白质折叠问题会被解决?
Host: Is this the result you envisioned during your time at Princeton? Did you ever think that 15 years later, I would be here talking to you, that artificial intelligence would become a hot topic, and that the protein folding problem would be solved?

Demis Hassabis: 实际上,它大致沿着我们计划的路线发展,当然,过程中也有一些小插曲和意想不到的事情,但当我们在2010年开始时,我们认为要达到通用人工智能大约需要20年的时间。我认为我们可能距离这个目标还有10年左右的时间。从现在开始,大致是那个时间线,用人工智能系统进行科学研究,在通往人工智能的道路上解决科学问题一直是我的主要热情所在。蛋白质折叠一直是我最想解决的科学难题之一,如果我们能够取得突破,它将带来变革。
Demis Hassabis: Actually, it has developed roughly along the lines we planned. Of course, there have been some minor detours and unexpected events along the way, but when we started in 2010, we thought it would take about 20 years to achieve general artificial intelligence. I think we might be about 10 years away from that goal. From now on, that's roughly the timeline, and conducting scientific research with AI systems has always been my main passion on the road to AI. Protein folding has been one of the scientific challenges I most wanted to solve, and if we can make a breakthrough, it will be transformative.

主持人: 好的,让我们回到这一点,我认为我们也应该谈谈人工智能,因为有趣的是,自从ChatGPT出现以来,我们作为一个社会一直在非常深入地讨论人工智能,它与您一直在做的人工智能是截然不同的,作为一名观察者,您的人工智能一直都非常具体,观察它有点奇怪,你知道,它开始做一些毫无意义的事情。它非常擅长电脑游戏。
Host: Okay, let's get back to that point. I think we should also talk about artificial intelligence because, interestingly, since the emergence of ChatGPT, we as a society have been discussing AI very deeply. It is quite different from the AI you have been working on. As an observer, your AI has always been very specific, and it's a bit strange to watch, you know, it starts doing some meaningless things. It is very good at computer games.

Demis Hassabis: 我不会说它们毫无意义,但它们更多的是为了好玩,也许你可以这么说。我们从游戏入手,部分原因是我的游戏背景以及认真下棋等等。但我可以看到,游戏与人工智能一直有着悠久的历史。从图灵和香农在人工智能领域的早期开始,所有这些伟大的,他们都是从象棋程序开始的。几乎每个AI先驱都这样做过。而且,它一直是我们的试验场。你能用你的算法思想快速取得进展吗?然后很容易衡量你的水平,如果你能击败世界冠军或最好的计算机,那么你就知道你做得很好。但关键是,它们始终是达到目的的手段,而不是目的本身。所以我们的想法是:
Demis Hassabis: I wouldn't say they are meaningless, but they are more for fun, maybe you could say that. We started with games partly because of my background in gaming and playing chess seriously, etc. But I can see that games have always had a long history with AI. From the early days of Turing and Shannon in the field of AI, all these greats, they all started with chess programs. Almost every AI pioneer has done so. And it has always been our testing ground. Can you make rapid progress with your algorithmic ideas? Then it's easy to measure your level, and if you can beat the world champion or the best computer, then you know you're doing well. But the key is, they have always been a means to an end, not the end itself. So our idea is:

Instead of just aiming to defeat champions of Go or chess, it should be done in a way that can be generalized to other fields, including scientific and commercial applications. This is what we did with deep reinforcement learning and AlphaGo, all of which are very general systems that we still use today.

Now, when you talk about programs like AlphaFold or our scientific programs that solve problems like protein folding, what you're really interested in is the solution itself. If you find a way to cure cancer, you don't care how it was done. You just want the method to cure cancer. So you really want to go all out. So the first thing you need to do is use all your general technologies as a baseline. Then you look at the field itself, and if this field is valuable enough to society or business, you add customized elements on top of it. This is how you get breakthrough programs like AlphaFold. But ultimately, DeepMind's goal, from our inception to now, remains to achieve general artificial intelligence, which means a general system capable of performing any cognitive task you can do right out of the box. Fully general, as defined by Alan Turing in the 1950s, capable of computing anything computable. This was the original goal of AI as a field and is also DeepMind's goal.

Of course, what you've seen recently are things like these language models. In fact, ChatGPT has entered the mass market and the public eye. But actually, all the top labs, including Google and DeepMind, are researching language models. We have our own internal model called Chinchilla, and Google has their models too. Of course, they are all based on the Transformer architecture, which was invented by Google Research, and all current models are based on it. So it's an exciting time because language is clearly a universal capability. That's why everyone is so excited about chatbots. And it's very interesting, and somewhat unexpected, that this technology can scale to such an extent. I think we are closer than ever to building these types of general systems. But currently, you still need specialized systems to achieve the highest level in specific fields.

主持人: 大型语言模型更接近AGI吗?我的意思是,它感觉更像是在与人互动,而这感觉就像AGI。但它真的是吗?
Host: Are large language models closer to AGI? I mean, it feels more like interacting with a human, and that feels like AGI. But is it really?

Demis Hassabis: 我认为,多模态,现在甚至不应该说是大型语言模型,因为它们不仅仅是大型语言模型。它们也是多模态的。例如,我们的Gemini模型从一开始就是多模态的。它们可以处理任何输入。视觉、音频、视频、代码,所有这些东西,以及文本。所以我认为我的观点是,这将成为AGI系统的一个关键组成部分,但可能仅凭它本身还不够。
Demis Hassabis: I think, multimodal, now we shouldn't even say large language models, because they are not just large language models. They are also multimodal. For example, our Gemini model is multimodal from the start. They can handle any input. Visual, audio, video, code, all these things, as well as text. So I think my point is that this will become a key component of AGI systems, but it may not be enough on its own.

I believe that from now until we achieve AGI, we need two to three major innovations. That's why I give a timeline of more than 10 years. Others, some of my colleagues and peers, as well as some of our competitors, have much shorter timelines. But I think around 10 years is more appropriate.

主持人: 这与DeepMind内部的,我猜是内部的紧张关系是如何协调的呢?因为我感觉,尤其是在早期,你们就像世界上资金最雄厚的大学实验室之一。就像贝尔实验室之类,一个伟大的商业研究机构。但现在你们正在做一些非常有用的事情,你们有一系列的,我的意思是,你提到了蛋白质折叠,但你们还有天气预报。你们刚刚在国际数学奥林匹克竞赛中获得了一枚奖牌。对不起,我相信如果你自己去参加的话,你也能获得金牌,但你们的系统获得了一枚银牌。你们正在做所有这些其他的事情。你们在背后也在做吗?你们有团队在思考吗?但是现在我们需要继续前进,制造AGI?
Host: How is this coordinated with the internal, I guess internal tensions at DeepMind? Because I feel, especially in the early days, you were like one of the best-funded university labs in the world. Like Bell Labs, a great commercial research institution. But now you're doing some very useful things, you have a range of, I mean, you mentioned protein folding, but you also have weather forecasting. You just won a medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad. Sorry, I believe if you participated yourself, you could win a gold medal, but your system won a silver medal. You're doing all these other things. Are you doing it behind the scenes as well? Do you have teams thinking about it? But now we need to keep moving forward and create AGI?

Demis Hassabis: 是的,我们有一个很大的组织。正如你所说,我们最初的DeepMind模式有点像贝尔实验室,它是世界上最好的工业实验室之一,能够发明未来,能够长远思考。我们真正展示了这种模式能够做什么。我认为它在为我们今天看到的各种技术奠定基础方面非常有效。所以我认为任何类型的深度技术初创公司都需要时间来发展其成熟的技术。
Demis Hassabis: Yes, we have a large organization. As you said, our initial DeepMind model was a bit like Bell Labs, one of the best industrial labs in the world, capable of inventing the future and thinking long-term. We've really shown what this model can do. I think it has been very effective in laying the foundation for the various technologies we see today. So I think any type of deep tech startup needs time to develop its mature technology.

In the past two or three years, we've reached a very exciting moment where this technology has become quite mature. It's ready to be applied in various fields. Obviously, there are advancements in science, mathematics, medicine, and all these fields. It can be considered applied science, if you will, but there are also productivity and commercial applications, like chatbots or reimagining workflows and emails, etc., which are still in their infancy, as well as helping with coding, etc. We are obviously committed to all this work, and we are the engine of Google. Google has an incredible, I think, 15 billion users, and platforms and products, with AI at the core of all this, with new features constantly emerging from some of the technologies developed by DeepMind.

This is good in a way because the type of technology needed for products is actually 90% similar to the type of AGI research you would be doing anyway. These things have already converged a lot, whereas five or ten years ago, if you wanted to integrate AI into products, you had to do so because general systems and learning systems weren't good enough, and you had to go back to logic networks, expert systems. Like the early generation of assistants, for example, were still built on that old technology, which is why they were fragile, they couldn't generalize, and ultimately they weren't that useful, whereas the new generation of assistants built on these learning systems will be much more powerful. And, in fact, very exciting, I actually think that things like Gemini and our own vision for future multimodal assistants, currently called Astra, are the key path to AGI systems because they actually drive research in this direction. So, here's a video of some Astra work.

以下视频来源于 The following video is sourced from

谷歌黑板报 Google Blog

视频来源:“谷歌黑板报” Video source: "Google Blog"

Demis Hassabis: 这只是一个能够在日常生活中帮助你的通用助手的开始。我听到要把它做成员工。也会有不同的形式。你可以在手机上看到它,你可以在眼镜上看到它。我无法形容这会有多么神奇。如果我们回到五年前,你告诉我我们会走到今天这一步,你只需用相机指向某个东西,它就能完全理解空间环境。这真是太不可思议了。就好像它有概念,它理解什么是物体,甚至能认出我们所在的街区。仅仅是通过窗户看到的周围景色。像记住你把东西放在哪里的记忆,这可能非常有用,就像一个助手一样。个性化和所有这些东西都在这个我称之为下一代助手的产品中出现。我称之为通用助手,因为我想象你把它随身携带在不同的设备上。它是同一个助手,无论它是和你玩游戏,还是在你的桌面上帮助你工作,或者是在移动设备上陪你旅行。
Demis Hassabis: This is just the beginning of a general assistant that can help you in everyday life. I hear it will be made into an employee. It will also come in different forms. You can see it on your phone, you can see it on your glasses. I can't describe how amazing this will be. If we go back five years and you told me we would reach this point today, where you just point a camera at something and it fully understands the spatial environment, it would be incredible. It's as if it has concepts, it understands what objects are, and can even recognize the neighborhood we're in. Just by seeing the surrounding scenery through a window. Memories like remembering where you put things could be very useful, just like an assistant. Personalization and all these things appear in what I call the next-generation assistant. I call it a general assistant because I imagine you carry it with you on different devices. It's the same assistant, whether it's playing games with you, helping you work on your desktop, or accompanying you on your mobile device.

主持人: 是这样吗?我认为我理解对了。有些人会认为这是通往通用智能的一步。如果没有我们还没有的秘密武器,那么它本质上就是这个目标。它与我们目前使用的方法之间没有无法弥合的差距。它只是你达到了70%,你达到了80%,你达到了90%吗?还是有什么其他的东西需要解决?
Host: Is that so? I think I understand correctly. Some people would consider this a step towards general intelligence. If there isn't a secret weapon we don't have yet, then essentially this is the goal. There's no unbridgeable gap between it and the methods we currently use. It's just a matter of whether you've reached 70%, 80%, 90%, or is there something else that needs to be addressed?

Demis Hassabis: 嗯,我们肯定需要这些系统,我相信你们所有人都已经体验过各种最先进的聊天机器人了。这些系统非常被动,它们是问答系统。它们对于回答问题,也许做一些研究,总结一些文本之类的事情很有用。
Demis Hassabis: Hmm, we definitely need these systems, and I'm sure all of you have already experienced various state-of-the-art chatbots. These systems are very passive; they are question-and-answer systems. They are useful for answering questions, maybe doing some research, summarizing texts, and things like that.

What we want next are more agent-based systems that can accomplish specific goals or tasks you give them. This is certainly what I use assistants, digital assistants, for. You plan a vacation, you travel in a city, you tell it to help you book tickets. So they need to be able to act in the world, execute actions, and do planning. So we need planning, reasoning, action, we need better memory, we need personalization, so it needs to understand your preferences, remember what you tell it and what you like. So all these technologies are needed.

现在,我给出的简略说法是: Now, the brief statement I give is:

Some of our game programs, like AlphaGo, which defeated the world champion in Go, have planning and reasoning capabilities, although in this narrow game domain. We have to introduce these technologies and apply them to multimodal models like Gemini, which are essentially world models, as you just saw, it understands the world around it. But how to plan in the messy real world, rather than in a clean environment like a game? So I think this is the next major breakthrough that needs to be achieved.

主持人: 那这个系统也能应用AlphaGo级别的游戏和拉动某种方法吗?
Host: So can this system also apply AlphaGo-level games and pull some kind of method?

Demis Hassabis: 是的,没错。有两种方式可以实现,这是我们内部以及学术界目前正在进行的非常有趣的辩论。你可以想象,你希望你的通用代理系统能够做的一件重要的事情就是使用工具。这些工具可以是硬件,比如机器人或物理世界中的东西,但它们当然也可以是其他软件,比如计算器,诸如此类。但它们也可以是其他人工智能系统。所以你可以拥有,你可以想象一个像大脑一样的通用人工智能系统,然后调用像AlphaFold或AlphaGo这样的东西来下围棋或折叠蛋白质,或者因为它是全数字化的,你可以想象将这种能力折叠到通用大脑中,折叠到Gemini中。但这需要权衡取舍,因为这样你是否会用专门的信息超载它,比如太多的棋局,然后这会让它在语言方面变得更差。
Demis Hassabis: Yes, that's right. There are two ways to achieve this, and this is a very interesting debate currently happening internally and in academia. You can imagine that one important thing you want your general agent system to be able to do is use tools. These tools can be hardware, like robots or things in the physical world, but they can also certainly be other software, like calculators, and so on. But they can also be other AI systems. So you can have, you can imagine a general AI system like a brain, and then call upon something like AlphaFold or AlphaGo to play Go or fold proteins, or because it is fully digital, you can imagine folding this capability into the general brain, folding it into Gemini. But this requires trade-offs, because would you overload it with specialized information, like too many chess games, and then this would make it worse in terms of language.

This is an open research question, whether you want to separate it into a tool, even an AI tool that a general AI can use in specific situations, or whether you want to upstream it into the main system. Some things you want to upstream into the main system, like coding and mathematics, because it turns out that if you put it in the main system, it actually makes everything better. So it's a bit like learning theory and child development theory, and so on, actually thinking about which things might be general and are best placed in the main system rather than as peripheral tools.

主持人: 你现在组织还有多少比例是一个科学组织?你还有多少比例在努力成为贝尔实验室?
Host: What proportion of your organization is still a scientific organization? How much are you still striving to be like Bell Labs?

Demis Hassabis: 我们永远都会是一个以研究为主导的组织。这就是我们现在在Google DeepMind所做的。但我们越来越多地拥有一个越来越大的产品应用团队,与谷歌的其他部门进行互动。但我们仍然试图让我们的基础研究稍微不受其影响,这样它就可以根据我们自己的研究路线图进行更长远的、更具蓝天意义的思考,而不仅仅是由产品路线图所主导。
Demis Hassabis: We will always be a research-led organization. That's what we are doing now at Google DeepMind. But we increasingly have a growing product application team interacting with other parts of Google. But we still try to keep our fundamental research slightly insulated from that, so it can think more long-term and blue-sky according to our own research roadmap, rather than just being led by the product roadmap.

主持人: 您个人是如何跟上这一切的呢?
Host: How do you personally keep up with all of this?

Demis Hassabis: 嗯,我努力,我的意思是,我曾经在18个月前说过,我会保留我的晚上时间,而且我是一个很自律的人。所以我把午夜到凌晨3点的时间留给思考、阅读论文和提出想法,我仍然在伦敦。但现在我在加州有很多团队。所以很多黄金思考时间都被与美国的电话会议占据了。想想如何腾出这些时间。
Demis Hassabis: Hmm, I try, I mean, I said 18 months ago that I would keep my evening time, and I am a very disciplined person. So I reserve the time from midnight to 3 a.m. for thinking, reading papers, and coming up with ideas, and I am still in London. But now I have many teams in California. So a lot of my prime thinking time is taken up by conference calls with the U.S. Thinking about how to free up this time.

主持人: 我们可以把计时器放在这里吗,如果可以的话。否则,我们会让你错过你的饮料,而且我不确定我们还有多少时间。未来会怎样?我认为你是其中的一员,你是签署了其中一封公开信的人之一,警告说,你知道,真正的生存风险,但这并没有特别明确的定义。你对希望、炒作和末日持什么立场?
Host: Can we put a timer here, if possible? Otherwise, we'll let you miss your drink, and I'm not sure how much time we have left. What does the future hold? I think you are one of them, you are one of the people who signed one of the open letters, warning that, you know, there is a real existential risk, but it is not particularly well-defined. What is your stance on hope, hype, and doomsday?

Demis Hassabis: 我认为这个等式的两边都有很多疯狂的炒作。有一种现在被称为末日阵营的人,他们认为肯定会出错。然后还有那些波莉安娜阵营的人,他们认为这只是另一种技术,以前在移动互联网时代就见过这种情况,它会像那样发展壮大,但是我们作为一个社会和作为人类适应性很强,没什么特别的。
Demis Hassabis: I think there is a lot of crazy hype on both sides of this equation. There is a group now called the doomsday camp, who think things will definitely go wrong. Then there are those in the Pollyanna camp, who think this is just another technology, seen before in the mobile internet era, and it will grow and develop like that, but we as a society and as humans are very adaptable, nothing special.

Obviously, this is wrong. I think this is much more important than things like the internet or mobile devices. I think this is an era-defining moment. I've always thought so, and I think it's becoming clearer to more people, but I've thought this way since I was a kid, which is why I've dedicated my life to it.

I think it can be done. It will have an incredible impact. Of course, the reason I do all this is because I believe AI will have an incredibly positive impact on the world. I think we are not far from the goal of curing all diseases with AI, helping to tackle climate change through materials science and new energy, and other things I think AI can invent, and in our daily lives, just improving productivity, enriching our daily lives, mundane administrative tasks. I think mundane administrative tasks can be handled automatically. I think these are all great and will be realized soon.

However, these systems carry risks. They are new systems with new technologies, and they are very powerful.

I have already seen this in the microcosm of games, and I understand it very clearly. For example, in chess, you start with a random system like AlphaZero, and by the time you take a coffee break in the morning, it can beat me. Then by lunchtime, it is better than the world champion, and by the afternoon, in about 8 hours, it is better than the best chess, high-end, hard-coded chess computers.

So it became the greatest chess entity ever in the world, transforming from random to this in 8 hours. I actually observed this process for over 8 hours, and it was truly incredible. Of course, that was just a game, and the scope was very narrow.

But I see no reason to think that this capability cannot be extended to these more general language and world model systems. So it will be very powerful, but it must be handled with care. And I think we simply don't know. So the reason I signed that letter is that I just wanted to put some pressure on those Pollyannas who think there's nothing to see here, when in fact there are some unknown risks.

We need to define, and I think we have time, but ten years is not long for something so significant that is coming. So we need to do more research on controllability and other aspects, to understand what these systems do from a theoretical level. You know, very important things like how we define goals and values for the systems, and how we ensure they adhere to these goals and values. These are the unknowns of current emerging technologies. So I would say I am a cautious optimist. So I think if we work together, we can solve this problem. We do this internationally, involving all the best talents. We start acting now. I am pleased to see AI safety institutes being established in the UK and the US, and we will advocate for this situation to happen and test the latest models. But we need more such institutions. I am just encouraging this to happen. And I think, given enough time, enough brainpower, human ingenuity, we will do well. But the risks are there, and we cannot take shortcuts, we need to take it seriously. I think it should be approached with awe. I think this technology is worth our effort.

主持人: 你所说的有点吓人。我的意思是,如果你从国际象棋中发生的事情进行概括,国际象棋还好。但假设我每天去办公室工作,靠下棋谋生,不是靠打败其他人,而是因为它对下棋有一些功利价值。你所说的系统可能会消除几乎所有的人类价值。
Host: What you said is a bit scary. I mean, if you generalize from what happens in chess, chess is fine. But suppose I go to the office every day to work, making a living by playing chess, not by defeating others, but because it has some utilitarian value in playing chess. The system you mentioned might eliminate almost all human value.

Demis Hassabis: 我认为即将出现一些重要的哲学讨论。它们很快就会出现。我们如何分配?我们应该生活在一个AGI运作的零和世界中。所以激进的富足。像能源之类的东西不应该短缺,因此资源和其他东西也不应该短缺。我认为这确实改变了经济的动态,我指的是长远来看。所以我们现在需要开始思考这个问题,为它做好准备。我们希望如何分配这些额外的富足和财富。无论是某种普遍基本供应还是其他类似的东西。我们需要现在就开始思考这个问题,经济学家和像他们这样的人。我觉得他们需要现在就开始研究这个问题。
Demis Hassabis: I think some important philosophical discussions are about to emerge. They will appear soon. How do we allocate? Should we live in a zero-sum world operated by AGI? So radical abundance. Things like energy shouldn't be scarce, and therefore resources and other things shouldn't be scarce either. I think this really changes the dynamics of the economy, I mean in the long run. So we need to start thinking about this now and prepare for it. How do we want to allocate this extra abundance and wealth? Whether it's some kind of universal basic provision or something similar. We need to start thinking about this now, economists and people like them. I feel they need to start studying this issue now.

主持人: 最后一个问题英国。我们在英国,美国正走向人工智能的中心。我们正在讨论英国是否需要更多计算能力,政府是否需要支持它。这是必需的吗?我们有哪些可能会落后的方面?
Host: The last question is about the UK. We in the UK and the US are moving towards the center of artificial intelligence. We are discussing whether the UK needs more computing power and whether the government needs to support it. Is this necessary? In what areas might we fall behind?

Demis Hassabis: 我认为这是一个巨大的增长领域,我认为英国政府应该鼓励它。我想说的是,更重要的是鼓励国内投资,地方投资,规划许可等等。我认为这是一个建立新世界的绝佳机会。我认为这是一个巨大的机遇。许多大公司都认为英国是一个吸引人的研究和开展业务的地方。我们在这里有一个很棒的生态系统。我们拥有一流的大学。这就是我们DeepMind在这里的原因之一。我们在这里有助于建立一个由英国优秀初创公司组成的生态系统,这些公司基于人工智能或与人工智能相邻。所以我认为政府只需要释放这种潜力,让公司很容易在这里投资和建设,包括大型数据中心。
Demis Hassabis: I think this is a huge growth area, and I think the UK government should encourage it. What I want to say is that it is more important to encourage domestic investment, local investment, planning permissions, and so on. I think this is a great opportunity to build a new world. I think this is a huge opportunity. Many big companies see the UK as an attractive place for research and business. We have a great ecosystem here. We have world-class universities. This is one of the reasons why DeepMind is here. We are here to help build an ecosystem of excellent UK startups, companies based on or adjacent to artificial intelligence. So I think the government just needs to unleash this potential, making it easy for companies to invest and build here, including large data centers.

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