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MODULE 1: The Gospel Foundations of Leadership
## 模块 1:领导力的福音根基

Leadership Lab 领导力实验室

Summary 摘要

As a leader, you are called to understand God’s mission in our world and lead others into the frayed edges of day-to-day ministry, pursuing God’s purposes using God’s methods. To do this well, you must understand what leadership is, how a mature leader thinks and acts, and how the gospel shapes leaders so they in turn can lead others to create a gospel culture together.
PART 1: You will learn to define Christian leadership in a way that emphasizes dependance on God.
PART 2: You will learn what a mature leader believes and models, and how a mature leader serves and equips others.
第 2 部分:您将学习成熟的领导者如何思考和建模,以及如何服务和装备他人。
PART 3: You will review what it means to be gospel-centered, and will begin to explore how this affects leadership.
第 3 部分:你将复习以福音为中心的意义,并将开始探索它如何影响领导力。
You’ll notice that in each part there is a continuous theme: in gospel-centered leadership, “being” comes before “doing.” To lead others well, our character-what we believe about God, how we let his appraisal define our identity, how we trust him as our Father-is more foundational than our gifts and abilities or the particular challenges we face (though these matter too, or we wouldn’t be going through this course together!). Learning to see leadership through the lens of the gospel is crucial to becoming a more effective leader.
您会注意到,在每部分中都有一个贯穿始终的主题:以福音为中心的领导力中,“存在”先于“行动”。要带领好他人,我们的品格 - 我们对上帝的认识,我们如何让他的评价来定义我们的身份,我们如何信靠他作为我们的父 - 比我们的恩赐和能力或我们面临的特定挑战更重要(尽管这些也很重要,否则我们不会一起参加这个课程!)。学会以福音的视角看待领导力,对于成为更有效的领导者至关重要。

The Gospel Foundations of Leadership

PART 1 | Definition of Christian Leadership
第 1 部分 | 基督教领导力的定义


  1. Make sure you have read:
Miller, “The Power That comes When God’s Glory is Our Vision” Pg. 24
米勒,“当神的荣耀成为我们异象时的能力”,第 24 页

Miller, “Discovering Our True Motivation: God’s Glory or our Self-interest?” Pg. 26
米勒著,“发现我们真正的动机:神的荣耀还是我们的私利?”第 26 页

2. Read the material below and make personal notes in your module notebook as indicated, or in a private journal if you prefer.
2. 阅读以下资料,并在模块笔记本中或在私人日记中记录下你个人的笔记,视情况而定。

3. Answer two of the reflection questions at the end of the Part 1 material, recording your answers in your module notebook. Again, you can use a private journal instead if that helps you answer more fully.
3. 请在第一部分材料末尾回答两个反思问题,并将答案记录在您的模块笔记本中。或者,如果您觉得这样可以更充分地回答问题,也可以使用私人日记。
BEGIN WITH PRAYER: Review the list of your cohort members to orient yourself to who they are and where they are serving. Choose a meaningful passage of Scripture (like Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians in 1:15-23, or a psalm that talks about God’s protection and provision) and spend some time using that passage as you pray for:
BEGIN WITH PRAYER: 浏览您的小组成员列表,以了解他们是谁以及在哪里服事。选择一段有意义的经文(例如保罗在以弗所书 1:15-23 中的祷告,或一篇谈论上帝保护和供应的诗篇)。用这段经文作为您为以下内容祷告时的参考:
  • God’s rich blessing for each participant amid the unique challenges they face
  • Your cohort’s journey together, asking that God will use each participant to help you grow and that you in turn will be God’s agent to encourage them
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.1) Write down in your module notebook, or in a private journal if you prefer, the Scripture passage you just prayed through and some of your requests. (Also, sometime this week make space at home or at work to place a prayer reminder that will prompt you to pray for the other members of the cohort for the duration of this course.)
写下笔记:(笔记 1.1)在你的模块笔记本或私人日记中,写下你刚刚祷告的经文和你的一些请求。(另外,本周找一些时间在家或工作地点找个地方放一个祷告提醒,它会提示你在本课程期间为其他学员祷告。)

Christian Leadership 基督教领导人

It’s important to have a good, working definition of leadership in mind as we begin a course on leadership development. It’s a “working” definition in the sense that It doesn’t cover every type of leadership, but rather applies specifically to the work Serge leaders do. With that in mind, at Serge we use the following definition of leadership.
作为领导力发展课程的开始,树立一个良好、可操作的领导力定义非常重要。这是一个“可操作”的定义,因为它并不涵盖所有类型的领导力,而是专门针对 Serge 领导者所做的工作。考虑到这一点,在 Serge,我们使用以下领导力定义。
Christian leadership is a spiritual gift given by God that is:

Stewarded and developed by us, and…

Used to serve others who have diverse backgrounds, gifts, and callings…

In order to bring them together to accomplish a shared mission of…

Glorifying God and establishing his kingdom.

Each phrase in our definition is important, so let’s unpack them a little.
Christian leadership… Serge explicitly uses Scripture as the foundation for our leadership. Since the Bible isn’t a book specifically about leadership, you might ask: why not just read helpful books that are about leadership and apply those principles in kind, ethical ways? To answer that, it’s important to understand that God reveals himself to us in two main ways: through general revelation and special revelation.
克里斯蒂安领导力……Serge 明确地以圣经作为我们领导力的基础。既然圣经不是一本专门讨论领导力的书,你可能会问:为什么不直接阅读一些关于领导力的有用书籍,并将那些原则以友善、合乎道德的方式应用呢?为了回答这个问题,重要的是要理解上帝主要通过两种方式向我们显现自己:通过一般启示和特殊启示。
General revelation reveals that God exists, what he is like, and the foundational principles of his moral law (for example, that murder is wrong). But general revelation only gets you so far. For instance, it cannot tell you that Jesus Christ is your Savior. For that you need special revelation.
Special revelation is God’s revelation by using language. It has a permanent form for us in Scripture. John Calvin, a noted theologian of the sixteenth century, compared special revelation to a pair of eyeglasses that allows us to clearly see and understand what God is revealing to us in general revelation.
There are four important reasons why understanding the difference between general and special revelation helps us think more biblically about leadership.
  1. Most leadership materials fall into the category of general revelation. There is benefit in reading widely about leadership from a variety of sources, regardless of whether the authors are Christians or not. But these resources need to be read carefully, and often critically, particularly with regard to leading others to engage in mission. Why? Because God’s description of his kingdom can’t be readily deduced from general revelation or from secular books. We need God to speak to us directly.
    绝大多数关于领导力的书籍属于一般性启示的范畴。从各种来源阅读大量关于领导力的书籍是有益的,无论作者是否是基督徒。但这些资源需要仔细阅读,通常需要批判性地阅读,尤其是在引导他人参与使命方面。 为什么呢?因为上帝对他的国度的描述不能轻易地从一般性启示或世俗书籍中推断出来。我们需要上帝直接与我们说话。
  2. The Bible does tell us unique things about leadership that we wouldn’t be able to otherwise know. Sometimes a passage directly addresses how we should lead others, such as Matthew 20:25-28, where Jesus tells his disciples:
    圣经的确告诉我们一些关于领导力的独特见解,这是我们无法从别处学到的。有时候,经文中会直接教导我们该如何领导他人,例如马太福音 20:25-28 中,耶稣告诉他的门徒说:

    “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and
    ” **“那些被视为外邦人统治者的人,你们知道他们辖制他们的人,他们的大官员辖制辖制他们的人。但你们中间不可这样。你们中间谁想要做大的,谁就要做你们的仆人。谁想要在你们中间做首要的,谁就要做你们的奴仆。**”

    whoever wants to be first must be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
More often, the Bible teaches key lessons about the process of leading others through theological principles we can apply to our leadership. For instance, the Bible is clear that all people are sinners (Romans 3:23), and that includes leaders. Because leaders have influence, their sin has the ability to affect many people. In light of this, leaders need to become well aware of the ways in which they tend to sin as leaders so that they can constantly repent and live by faith. The Bible lets us see this.
圣经更经常地教导领导他人过程中的重要教训,通过神学原则我们可以应用到我们的领导中。例如,圣经明确指出,所有的人都犯了罪(罗马书 3:23),包括领导者。由于领导者有影响力,他们的罪恶能影响很多人。鉴于此,领导者需要充分了解他们作为领导者容易犯罪的方式,以便他们能够不断悔改并凭信心而活。圣经让我们看到这一点。

3. Because God is its author, Scripture is not merely a product of a single culture or relevant to a single period of history the way other books are. Much of the literature on modern leadership was written in the late twentieth century in Western cultures that were highly industrialized and profit-motivated. This limits its value in cross-cultural settings. Scripture, on the other hand, is the Creator explaining to his creatures their essential nature and purpose. It applies equally across all cultures, throughout time.
3. 由于上帝是圣经的作者,因此圣经不仅仅是单一文化的产品,或与特定历史时期相关的书籍。许多现代领导力的书籍都是在西方文化中写成的,这些文化在 20 世纪后期高度工业化和以利润为导向。这限制了它们在跨文化环境中的价值。而圣经,则是造物主向他的受造物解释他们的本质和目的。它在所有文化和所有时代都适用。

4. Special revelation gives us a biblical worldview, which helps us navigate the changing landscapes of culture, history, relationships, and human systems. We want to see a biblical worldview shape every area of our ministry at Serge-from outreach and evangelism, to discipleship and mentoring, to mercy and justice work. For this to happen, we must be diligent students of Scripture. As we study, seeking perspectives across cultures will help us see how our own understanding may be culturally bound.
4. 特别启示赋予我们以圣经为世界观的视角,这有助于我们在文化、历史、关系和人类制度不断变化的图景中前行。我们希望看到圣经的世界观塑造我们在塞尔日事工的各个方面,从外展和传福音到门徒训练和辅导,再到怜悯和公义工作。为此,我们必须勤奋研读圣经。当我们学习时,寻求跨越文化背景的不同视角将帮助我们看到我们自己的理解可能受到文化束缚。
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.2) When you think of ways the Bible’s teaching might apply to leadership, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Write a quick answer in your module notebook or a journal.

…is a spiritual gift given by God… In Romans 12:8, Paul’s list of spiritual gifts and how to use them includes “the one who leads, with zeal.” This reminds us that leading others is a spiritual gift given by God, and that it should be practiced diligently. It’s important that you don’t lose sight of the spiritual origin of Christian leadership for several reasons:
…是上帝赐予的属灵恩赐……在罗马书 12:8 中,保罗列出了属灵恩赐及其使用方式,包括“热心带领人的”。这提醒我们,领导他人是上帝赐予的属灵恩赐,应该勤奋地实践。出于以下几个原因,不要忘记基督教领导力的属灵起源很重要:
  1. Recognizing leadership as a spiritual gift humbles you by reminding you that God is the source of all of your abilities. Paul reminds the Corinthian church of this when he asks, “What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” (I Corinthians 4:7). Paul was defusing pride, comparisons,

    and sectarian leadership in the Corinthian church. His teaching reminds us that grace and gifting should make us appropriately humble. Leadership, by its very nature, can easily lean toward pride and autonomy. Frequently, the more education, experience, knowledge, and/or authority a leader has, the smaller their emphasis on God as the provider of their leadership gifts. Sadly, this increases the danger of celebrity, pride, and comparisons-as it did in Corinth. Rooting leadership in God’s grace is a necessary reminder that all we have comes from our loving, heavenly Dad.
  2. Recognizing leadership as a spiritual gift reminds you that the purpose of leadership is to serve God and others. Everyone has spiritual gifts and unique callings to use those gifts to benefit the church. We are one body working together to accomplish God’s purposes, not our own agendas or plans.

3. Recognizing leadership as a spiritual gift forces you to be dependent on the Holy

Spirit’s leading and enabling. When we think of leadership as primarily an ability that is learned through study, or a status earned by expertise or success, or even a role given to us by a church or organization, we tend to sideline the Holy Spirit and his vital role in our leadership. Repeatedly in Scripture, God most readily uses those who surrender to him and follow his leading beyond their natural abilities or experience. Without a constant reorientation to the Spirit’s desires, it is all too easy to simply ask him to bless what we have created all on our own. Doing so robs us of both the spiritual power and the humility God offers.

4. Recognizing leadership as a spiritual gift should not become a stumbling block for you if you are wondering if you are called to leadership. Leadership comes in various shapes, sizes, and capacities. Often, people who have no designated leadership position or authority still lead others naturally, often through personal influence. Anyone who genuinely desires to better serve others and help them engage in God’s missionformally or informally-should see this as an initial confirmation that they have the spiritual gift of leadership. While personal desire isn’t an infallible guide to determining spiritual gifts, it’s enough of a reliable indicator that those feeling called to leadership should pursue it wholeheartedly, allowing their spiritual community to confirm their ability, calling, and gifts over time. It’s far better to test this gift than to languish on the sidelines, unsure about going forward.
承认领导力是一种属灵的恩赐,如果在你思考自己是否被呼召做领导时成为绊脚石,这并不要紧。领导力有多种形式、规模和能力。通常,那些没有指定领导职位或权威的人仍然自然地领导他人,通常是通过个人影响力。任何真诚地渴望更好地服务他人并帮助他们参与上帝使命的人——无论正式或非正式——都应该将此视为他们拥有领导力属灵恩赐的初步确认。虽然个人愿望并非确定属灵恩赐的绝对指南,但它足以成为一个可靠的指标,表明那些感觉被呼召做领导的人应该全心全意地追求它,让他们的属灵社区随着时间的推移确认他们的能力、呼召和恩赐。测试这份恩赐总比停留在 sidelines,不确定是否前进要好得多。
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.3) Which reason for recognizing that leadership is a gift from God do you most need to learn?
(笔记 1.3) 你最需要学习的关于领导力是神所赐的礼物这一说法的原因是什么?

…Stewarded and developed by us… Like any spiritual gift, the gift of leadership is one that comes with a calling to use it appropriately and well. In Romans 12:8, Paul says that those who lead should do so “with zeal” (ESV), or “diligently” (NIV), and “take the responsibility seriously” (NLT). In his letters, Paul coached Timothy in his leadership. He told him not to hold back in exercising his gifts. He urged Timothy to practice his gifts with dedication so that others “may see your progress.” 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} Progress comes from coaching and practice; it also comes from instruction. In the desert after the Exodus, the many who were given artistic gifts to adorn the tabernacle were also taught how to employ them by their leaders (Exodus 35:30-36:1). Stewarding our gift of leadership means to use it, but to use it with a desire to learn through coaching, experience, instruction, and training for whatever leadership role you’re called to.
像任何属灵的恩赐一样,领导的恩赐也伴随着正确和妥善地使用它的呼召。在罗马书 12:8 中,保罗说那些领导的人应该 "热心地"(ESV)或 "勤奋地"(NIV)去做,并 "认真负责"(NLT)。在保罗的书信中,他指导提摩太如何领导。他告诉他不 要在运用他的恩赐方面退缩。他敦促提摩太专心练习他的恩赐,以便其他人 "可以看见你的进步"。进步来自于辅导和练习;它也来自于指导。在出埃及记之后的旷野中,许多被赋予艺术才能来装饰会幕的人也接受了他们的领导者关于如何运用这些才能的教导(出埃及记 35:30-36:1)。管理好我们的领导恩赐意味着要使用它,但要带着通过辅导、经验、指导和培训来学习的愿望,无论你被呼召担任什么领导角色。

…Used to serve others… Much is made in modern leadership literature about the power and effect of singular men and women who, through a triumph of visionary strength, accomplish great things. While that may be true in the business world, biblical leadership is not about the leader. It’s not even about the followers. It’s about God and his purposes in our lives and in our world. Leaders have an important role to play in this process by modeling what it looks like to understand and pursue God’s purposes, but they do so as servants. As Christ himself modeled, they point others to God and his desires. Jesus tells us that he did not come to earth to be served, but to serve others, and he reminds us that servant leadership is our path as well (Matthew 20:25-28).
...用于服务他人... 在现代领导力文献中,关于单个男性和女性的伟力和影响力有很多论述,他们通过杰出的远见卓识取得了伟大的成就。虽然这在商业界可能是真的,但圣经领导力不是关于领导者。它甚至不是关于追随者。它是关于上帝和他在我们生命中以及我们世界中的旨意。领导者在这一过程中扮演着重要的角色,他们通过树立榜样来理解和追求上帝的旨意,但他们是以仆人的身份这样做。正如基督自己所做的那样,他们引导其他人归向上帝和他的旨意。耶稣告诉我们,他不是来地上受人服侍的,而是来服侍别人的,他提醒我们,仆人式领导也是我们的道路(马太福音 20:25-28)。

…who have diverse backgrounds, gifts, and callings… The apostles and other New Testament overseers served the early church by helping to guide its understanding of its polity and its purpose as the people of God. One of its purposes was to reveal the mystery of God’s intention to bless all the families of the earth (Genesis 12:1-3) by joining them together as one new people through their sharing in the faith of Abraham (Romans 4:16-18). The book of Revelations pulls back the curtain to see that diversity still exists in heaven, but its beauty shines in unity as people from “every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” worship together at the throne of grace (Rev. 7:9-10). 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} The Epistles and the book of Acts trace how this practically played out in the glorious rough and tumble of the first century church. In Colossians 3:11, Paul describes not only the inclusion of Jews and Greeks, but also those from ethnicities who were thought to be uneducated, unsophisticated, uncultured, and even savage. 3 3 ^(3){ }^{3} In the formation of the church, the New Testament letter writers also addressed the issues of male and female, slave and free, rich and poor, old and young, noble and commoner. In calling for mutual love and submission in the face of differences, they stressed the one new
... 具有不同背景、恩赐和呼召... 使徒和其他新约监督通过帮助引导早期教会理解其治理结构和作为上帝子民的目的来服侍早期教会。其宗旨之一是通过与亚伯拉罕的信仰分享来将所有世家结合在一起,从而揭示上帝祝福地上万国之民的旨意(创世纪 12:1-3)。(罗马书 4:16-18)。启示录揭示了天堂仍然存在的多样性,但它的美丽体现在来自“各邦国、各支派、各民族、各方言”的人们在恩典宝座前一起敬拜的合一中(启示录 7:9-10)。 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 书信和使徒行传追溯了这如何在第一世纪教会的光荣跌宕起伏中实际发生。在歌罗西书 3:11 中,保罗不仅描述了犹太人和希腊人的包容,还描述了那些被认为是未受教育、不老练、未开化,甚至野蛮的民族的人。 3 3 ^(3){ }^{3} 在教会的形成中,新约书信作者也讨论了男性和女性、奴隶和自由人、富人和穷人、老年人和年轻人、贵族和普通百姓的问题。在呼吁面对差异时以相互的爱和顺服为宗旨时,他们强调了新的
primary identity that united them in Christ, that of beloved adopted children who bear together the image of God.
Diversity of background isn’t the only diversity found in the church. As part of his loving grace, God gives spiritual gifts to his people. In Ephesians, Paul describes the church as a human body to illustrate the way we work together as integral parts. Leaders are called to serve the body by helping individuals to discover, develop, and use their gifts in a way that builds up the singular, united body of Christ. As leaders, you use your gift to steward the various giftings and backgrounds of those you lead so that you all, together, complement each other in community, fellowship, and work. This is no simple task. It requires you to humbly seek, together with them, the power of the Spirit through the gospel to conform to Christ.
背景多样性不是教会中唯一的 diversity。作为祂爱的恩典的一部分,上帝将属灵恩赐赐给祂的子民。在以弗所书中,保罗将教会描述为一个人的身体,以说明我们如何作为一个整体的一部分一起工作。领导者被呼召通过帮助个人以一种建立基督合一的身体的方式发现、发展和使用他们的恩赐来服事身体。作为领导者,您使用您的恩赐来管理您所带领之人的各种恩赐和背景,以便您所有人都能一起在社区、团契和工作中互相补充。这不是一项简单的任务。它要求你与他们一起谦卑地寻求圣灵通过福音的大能,使你与基督相符。

…In order to bring them together to accomplish a shared mission… In Ephesians, Paul also uses the human body as an illustration of the way the church relates to Christ as our head. To follow Christ is to be directed by him in unison toward his purposes. Leaders help guide other members of the body to unite behind what they believe that Christ is doing in the world around them. As churches, teams, and their partners pursue this shared vision, their leaders serve by encouraging collaboration and by equipping, training, modeling, mentoring, correcting, encouraging, and empowering. Most often, this work is hands on, side by side with others, helping one another accomplish a shared mission. This requires constant growth in both the leader and those who follow.
为了完成共同的使命,将他们聚集在一起. 在以弗所书中,保罗也用人体来比喻教会与作为我们元首的基督的关系。跟随基督就是要在他的带领下,一致地朝着他的目标前进。领导者帮助带领身体的其他成员,团结起来,支持他们所相信基督在他们周围世界中所做的事情。教会、团队及其合作伙伴在追求这一共同愿景时,他们的领导者通过鼓励合作、装备、培训、示范、指导、鼓励和赋能来服务。最常见的是,这项工作是与他人并肩协作,共同完成一项共同的使命。这需要领导者和跟随者双方不断成长。

…Glorifying God and establishing his kingdom… The essential end of all human experience is glorifying God. So too with leadership. Bringing God glory by using his gifts, his way, to accomplish his purposes is central to every leader’s calling. The goal of Christian leadership is not larger impact, a better bottom line, or a healthier organization-important as those things sometimes are. Until Christ returns, the primary calling of his church is to proclaim his kingdom in word and deed, so that those who do not yet know Christ meet him as their Savior, experience his new life, and see his kingdom expand across every aspect of human life.
REFLECT: Now consider what you have learned and how it applies to you. Pick two of the items below. Write your responses in your module notebook, or in a private journal if that helps you answer more fully. (This is an important step that extends your learning and helps you see how to fit it into your life. Please invest plenty of time and thought.)
  1. How do you need to be praying about using your gift of leadership? You might consider:
    你需要如何为使用你的领导才能祈祷? 你可以考虑:
Ways you need to repent

Truths you need to believe

Ways you hope God will help you learn to serve him and others

Concerns about the training process

Questions about your life and calling

Your prayers for others in your cohort

Write down what you want to pray, and remember to follow up by actually praying for these things.

2. How is Serge’s definition of leadership different from how you’ve typically thought about leadership? What do you like about it, and why? What do you find most challenging?
2. 谢尔盖对领导力的定义与您通常理解的领导力有什么不同?您喜欢它哪些方面,为什么?您觉得最具挑战的是什么?

3. Serge’s definition of leadership states that leadership is a spiritual gift. How might it help you in your ministry to think of leadership this way? How might it be difficult?
3. 塞尔日对领导力的定义指出,领导力是一种精神恩赐。从这个角度思考领导力,对你从事事工会有哪些帮助?又会遇到哪些困难?

4. Read Jesus’s discussion of servant leadership in Matthew 20:25-28. What do you find exciting and/or challenging about it? How might Jesus’s emphasis on his own servanthood help you follow his teaching?
4. 阅读马太福音 20:25-28 中耶稣关于仆人领袖的论述。你从中发现了哪些令人兴奋或具有挑战性的内容?耶稣强调自己作为仆人的身份,这如何帮助你践行他的教导?

Gospel Foundations of Leadership

PART 2 | Description of a Mature Leader
PART 2 | 成熟领导者的描述


  1. Read the material below and make personal notes as indicated, recording them in your module notebook or a journal.
  2. Answer two of the reflection questions at the end of the Part 2 material, writing the answers in your module notebook or a journal.
    在您模块笔记本或日记中,回答第 2 部分材料结尾处的两个反思问题。
Read: MIller, “Leaning on Jesus is the Essence of Maturity” Pg. 303
阅读:"依靠耶稣是成熟的本质" 米勒,第 303 页

Miller, “Jesus is More Concerned with our Followership than our Leadership” Pg. 215
米勒,《耶稣更关心我们的跟随而不是我们的领导力》,第 215 页

Miller, “Begin by Setting an example of Faith” Pg. 178
米勒,“以信心为榜样开始” 第 178 页
BEGIN WITH PRAYER: Ask your Father to help you see, as you study this material, what kind of leader you currently are and what kind of leader he wants you to be.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.4) What we believe always impacts the way we behave. Think of a recent time when you did or said something that either encouraged or discouraged someone else. If we could listen to your “inner dialogue”-the voice inside your head that led to your actions-what would we have heard?
制作笔记:(笔记 1.4) 我们所相信的总是会影响我们的行为方式。想想你最近一次鼓励或阻止他人的行为或言语。如果我们可以聆听你的“内心独白”——你脑海中那个导致你行动的声音,我们会听到什么?

A Mature Leader 成熟的领导者

If leadership is a gift to be stewarded and developed, what does a mature leader look like? Having this picture in mind helps us pursue the training, experience, and skill-set that encourage our growth. We suggest this as one way to summarize Biblical teaching on mature leadership:

A mature leader... 一名成熟的领导者...

  1. Believes God is everywhere building his kingdom, calling a people from all nations to repent and serve together as beloved children on his mission.
  2. Models spiritual renewal that leads to a missional engagement characterized by purpose, humility, love, and dependent prayer.
  3. Serves those they lead by helping them to discern opportunities and commit their diverse personalities and complementary gifts to a shared vision and common mission.
  4. Equips new leaders to sustain and multiply ministry.
Notice that this description starts with believing and flows through spiritual renewal, which makes us more like Christ. When we say “spiritual renewal” we are referring to the Biblical process that happens as we turn from our in in repentance, let go of unbelief, and grasp by faith the promises of God found in scripture, which come by grace to those who believe in Jesus. This is the Spirit’s work to empower our growth and compel us to mission.
相信始于信,流于灵性更新,使我们更像基督。 当我们说“灵性更新”时,指的是我们从内心悔改,放弃不信,并凭信心抓住圣经中上帝应许的圣经过程,这些应许藉着恩典临到信耶稣的人。 这是圣灵的工作,以增强我们的成长并促使我们完成使命。
We intentionally follow this pattern of growth given to all believers. Only a life of repentance and faith will bring out the best use of a leader’s gifts, skills, and knowledge.
我们有意遵照这种赐给所有信徒的成长模式。 只有悔改和信心的生活才能最大限度地发挥领导者的恩赐、技能和知识。
The charts on the following pages list a set of observable traits in each of the four matureleader categories.

A Mature Leader BELIEVES
一位成熟的领导者 坚信

As a leader, you have a responsibility to tend your faith and lead in belief. In difficult times, your team may lose hope in each other and in God’s active presence. On those occasions, you are called to believe on behalf of your team that God is already powerfully at work, that he loves you all as his children, and that he has called you as a team for this particular moment.

Kingdom You have a relationship with the risen Christ, and you believe the gospel announcement that God’s kingdom has come in the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. You believe God is all-powerful and all-loving, and is calling communities of grace to join his kingdom everywhere. This motivates you to wholeheartedly follow Christ and his Spirit in a life of mission.

Mission You understand that God’s people from many nations are sent for his missionary purpose to reach every nation of the world. As you go you model the gospel in your life and relationships, pointing others to God. You feel called to love those you lead and those around you, with a focus on people who are poor in spirit and in circumstance.
作为神的子民,你明白你的使命是向万国传福音,这对你来说至关重要。你效法福音在生活中与人建立关系, 引导其他人归向神。 你感到被呼召去爱那些你所带领的人和周围的人,特别是那些在灵里贫穷和在物质上贫困的人。

Identity You live freely before God and others as God’s adopted, fully loved child. You rely wholly on Christ’s completed work, not your successes or failures, to establish your worth. You embrace your identity as a child of God sent on your Father’s mission, a kingdom ambassador able to give and receive grace.

Grace You are confident that in Christ you are forgiven, cleansed, and loved. You are God’s beloved child, and rest securely in this identity. This grace calls you to a lifestyle in which you daily confess your sin, admit your weakness, repent, and practice faith in Christ. God’s grace constantly renews you spiritually, which has a direct impact on how you love, serve, and lead others.

Community You understand that, by grace, God saves you into radical communal living marked by love for others, deep fellowship, and welcome of those who are different. You meet conflict with patience, forgiveness, and honest-yet-loving confrontation.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.5) In which area of belief would you most like God to help you grow?

A Mature Leader MODELS

A leader should lead in repentance. When you fail in a matter of character, turn to your Father, believing in his grace; confess to others and seek forgiveness. When you lack faith, confess it and ask God to help you believe. Seek prayer and help from others. In these ways, you will model humility and grow. This will help you embrace your responsibility to model Christ’s character in everything, but particularly in the way he led, so that you lead in perseverance, in seeking God’s guidance, and in loving your team with kind strength, expecting nothing in return.
一位领导者应该在悔改中带领。 当你在品格方面失败时,转向你的父,相信他的恩典;向他人承认并寻求宽恕。当你缺乏信心时,承认它并请求上帝帮助你相信。寻求他人的祈祷和帮助。通过这些方式,你将以谦卑为榜样并成长。这将帮助你接受以基督的品格为榜样的一切责任,特别是在他领导的方式上,这样你才能在坚持不懈中,在寻求上帝的指引中,在以善良的力量爱你的团队中领导,而不期望任何回报。

Humility You trust Christ to work in and through you. This means you live by faith rather than self-dependence, and you live to repent rather than to protect your reputation. You are transparent about how God is at work in your life and your leadership. You humbly seek grace in Christ for yourself and others.
谦卑 你们相信基督会通过你们工作。这意味着你们凭信心而不是依靠自己而生活,你们生活是为了悔改而不是为了保护自己的声誉。你们对上帝如何在你们的生活和领导中工作持透明态度。你们谦卑地为自己和他人在基督里寻求恩典。

Purpose You remain intent on God’s mission and work hard at your calling. As you do this, you rely on the Holy Spirit to give you power and courage and to motivate you through the gospel.
你仍然专注于神的使命,并努力履行你的呼召。当你这样做时,你依靠圣灵赐予你力量和勇气,并通过福音激励你。 你仍然专注于神的使命,并努力履行你的呼召。当你这样做时,你依靠圣灵赐予你力量和勇气,并通过福音激励你。

Prayer Your vision of God’s powerful love, at work to restore his kingdom, reveals your own weakness and inability-and this motivates you to dependent prayer! You pray consistently and regularly in all circumstances, inviting others to join you.

Kindness You show a genuine interest in others’ well-being regardless of differences. You seek God’s compassion, understanding, and guidance as you listen to them and respond in all circumstances, including in agreement or disagreement, in helping or asking for help, or in encouraging or confronting. Your promises are sincere, your duties fulfilled, your finances upright, and your speech honest. A by-product is often a reputation above reproach.
仁慈 你真诚地关心他人的福祉,不分彼此。当你倾听他人并做出回应时,无论是在同意还是不同意的情况下,是在帮助还是寻求帮助,或是在鼓励还是对抗时,你都寻求上帝的同情、理解和指引。你的诺言是真诚的,你的职责是履行的,你的财务是正直的,你的言论是诚实的。一个副产品通常是无可指摘的声誉。

Sacrifice You are willing to sacrifice all for Christ’s kingdom. You adopt a cross-shaped lifestyle, dying to self-interest but finding life in love for God and others.

Teachability You have the humility to know there is always more to learn about God, yourself, and others. You are eager to become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses in order to love people more effectively. You seek accountability and welcome correction and feedback. You study your host culture and grow in your understanding of its gifts and identity, and how to reach it.
对学习的渴望 你谦卑地意识到,关于上帝,你自己和他人,总有更多要学习的。你渴望更加了解自己的优势与劣势,以便更有效地关爱他人。你寻求问责,并欢迎纠正和建议。你学习你的寄主文化,并在理解它的恩赐和身份以及如何触及它方面成长。

Sensitivity You seek to communicate and embody the gospel in ways that are understandable, accessible, and appropriate to the surrounding culture. You understand that this is a lifelong pursuit, not a one-time-and-done lesson.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.6) Write down a recent example of a time you modeled one of these kinds of Christian leadership, or failed to.
作为一名训练有素的机器翻译引擎,我将尽力以简洁明了的方式完成翻译。 请注意,在翻译过程中,为确保准确性,需要进行一些必要的调整,例如调整语序、词性等。 以下是经过翻译后的版本: **笔记 1.6** 写下你最近一次效法这些基督教领导者模式的例子,或未能效法这些模式的例子。

A Mature Leader SERVES

Jesus has called you to be a servant leader, laying down your own priorities to focus on the work and wellbeing of your teammates. Josiah Bancroft says, “Servant leadership is using your gifts and abilities well to strengthen, encourage, equip, challenge, and join those you lead for their success and for kingdom progress.” NOTE: Leaders will not have all the skills listed here. Jesus is the only perfect leader.
耶稣呼召你做一位仆人式的领袖,放下自己的优先事项,专注于团队成员的工作和福祉。乔赛亚·班克罗夫特说:“仆人式领导力就是用你的天赋和能力来强化、鼓励、装备、挑战和团结你所领导的人,让他们取得成功并为神的国度进步。” 注意:领导者不可能拥有这里列出的所有技能。耶稣是唯一完美的领导者。

Shepherding You have pastoral skills that include listening well, asking appropriate questions, and expressing views clearly and graciously. You uphold team unity by speaking truthfully, not assuming ill motives, and resolving conflict so that Jesus wins. You are hospitable and generous with your time, energy, and resources. You know how to include people from other cultures and backgrounds. You pray regularly with others and are able to guide them toward biblical truth, helping them apply gospel renewal principles to their daily struggles.

Vision 视觉

Strategy 战略

Management You collaborate with your team members in learning and discerning how to best use their complementary gifts. You help them commit to working together, reminding them that God has called their particular group for a particular moment, and that he combines our different personalities to do what he wills. You listen and learn from teammates and give direction, review, encouragement, and correction, as needed. You consider what your team needs

from new teammates and collaborate in the appointment process to assess the encouragement, and correction, as needed. You consider what your team needs

from new teammates and collaborate in the appointment process to assess the fit of prospective members. You address team needs such as legal status, accommodations, language training, security, etc.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.7) Which area of service makes you most excited about the thought of being a leader? vision, and circumstances, and you bring them, team is aware of the vision, reminding them of it and casting it in ways that are compelling. You have cross-cultural vision too: you are able to appreciate and learn from other cultures, and to speak prophetically and sensitively into other cultures, pointing people from all cultures to embrace a Biblical counterculture. You turn vision into a concrete plan that incorporates and fits team resources, make sure the plan is implemented, and reevaluate it as needed. When possible, you seek consensus for larger decisions by asking the opinions of others. You delegate and make decisions with confidence, yet are aware of the impact of your decisions on others. You may prayerfully consider revisiting decisions; however, you are also prepared to suffer loneliness if your decisions are unpopular.
注意: (笔记 1.7) 作为一名领导者,您对哪个服务领域最感到兴奋? 愿景,以及环境,你把它们带给团队,团队意识到愿景,提醒他们并以引人入胜的方式表达它。 您也拥有跨文化视野:您能够欣赏和学习其他文化,并以先知的方式对其他文化进行敏感的宣讲,指向来自所有文化的人们拥抱符合圣经的反文化。 您将愿景转化为结合并适应团队资源的具体计划,确保计划得到实施,并在需要时重新评估它。 在可能的情况下,您通过征求他人的意见来为重大决策征求共识。 您充满信心地授权并做出决策,但始终意识到您的决策对他人的影响。 您可以以祷告的方式考虑重新审视决策;但是,如果您的决定不受欢迎,您也做好了承受孤独的准备。
Commented [1]: @tgiles@serge.org Is this correct where it says “a shared vision that fits Serge values”? Assigned to Tony Giles
评审意见[1]: @tgiles@serge.org 这句话说“与 Serge 价值观相符的共同愿景”是否正确?  **指派给 Tony Giles**

Abstract ## 摘要

A Mature Leader EQUIPS As a leader, you should follow the pattern of Christ with his disciples. In the short time between their calling and his ascension, he intentionally prepared them to not only continue his mission but to lead after he was gone. He had a vision for them that was well beyond any they could conceive, and this vision continued even when they were about to abandon and deny him. As a leader with your own outwardfocused ministry, this kind of intentional equipping may seem distracting, unrewarding, and even risky as you cede control. In those times, remember that Jesus took you on, with all of your sin and weakness. Remember the beauty of Christ’s grace, patience, and vision for you. In equipping other leaders, he’s calling you to good work. Empowering You seek to deepen your understanding of Biblical leadership and prayerfully consider the leadership potential in your teammates. You seek to expand your preconceived notion of leadership and to understand different cultural approaches to taking leadership. You empower others by sharing tasks and responsibilities. You do this consistently, not just when a leadership gap emerges. Mentoring You personally invest in potential leaders, making sure Serge culture and values take root in them. You train them, provide feedback, and model how to create a culture of grace within the teams they lead. When next-generation leaders have a different style, you adapt where appropriate to help them succeed. Sustaining You have a repeatable yet flexible method for identifying and training new leaders to take over key roles so that ministry grows and expands, recognizing the reality that others learn and lead differently than you do. You attract the people and resources needed to make ministries as self-sustaining as possible. You rejoice in creating ways to hand work over to others.
成熟的领导者装备作为一名领导者,你应该效法基督与祂门徒的榜样。在他们被呼召和祂升天之间短暂的时间里,祂特意预备他们,不仅要继续祂的使命,还要在祂离开后领導。祂对他们的异象远远超出他们所能想象的,即使他们快要离弃和否认祂的时候,这个异象仍然继续。作为一名拥有对外事工的领袖,这种有意的装备看起来可能会分散精力、得不偿失,甚至冒风险,因为你需要放弃控制权。在那些时候,要记住,耶稣接纳了你,你带着所有的罪和软弱。要记住基督为你所彰显的恩典、忍耐和异象的美好。在装备其他領袖的过程中,祂呼召你做美好的工作。赋能你寻求加深你对圣经领导力和祷告的理解,并考虑你团队成员的领导潜力。你寻求扩展你预先设定的领导力概念,并了解不同的文化对领导力的理解。你通过分享任务和责任来赋能他人。你始终如一地这样做,而不仅仅是在出现领导力缺口时才这样做。 亲自投资潜在领导者,确保 Serge 文化和价值观在他们心中扎根。您培训他们,提供反馈,并为他们在领导的团队中营造恩典文化做出示范。当下一代领导者拥有不同的风格时,您会在适当的时候进行调整,以帮助他们取得成功。 持续发展您有一个可重复但灵活的方法来识别和培训新领导者,以接管关键角色,以便事工能够增长和扩展,认识到其他人学习和领导的方式与您不同。您吸引人们和资源,使事工尽可能地自我维持。您因创造将工作移交给他人的方式而欢欣鼓舞。

MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.8) What part of equipping sounds most difficult to you, or what part might you tend to resist?
请注意:(笔记 1.8)装备中哪一部分对你来说听起来最困难,或者你可能倾向于抵抗哪一部分?
You can use these charts not only to evaluate your own leadership, but also to recognize and evaluate other potential leaders. If you are mentoring new leaders, you will need to give them patient and considered feedback. You can use the charts to clearly articulate the following:
  • Individual strengths and areas for growth in each of the four areas
  • Examples from their work that illustrate the actions and attitudes you want to encourage or discourage
  • Possible steps to improve performance, better engage their strengths, and address needed growth
The pattern, then, is this: As Christian leaders we believe the gospel and grow in character. This spills over into actions we model for others-words without actions to back them up accomplish little. We also serve our followers by developing them, and some grow into leaders themselves. In this way we serve our team, those around us, and ultimately Christ and his kingdom.
REFLECT: Pick two of the items below and take some time for serious reflection. Then write responses in your module notebook or in your journal.
REFLECT:从以下项目中选择两项进行认真思考。然后在你的模块笔记本或日记中写下你的答案。 (注意:以下是一些建议的项目,你也可以选择其他项目进行思考。)
  1. Note that in the Serge description of a mature leader, believing comes first, before any of the “doing” characteristics. Why will this be important for you as you work to become a strong leader? How is it different from other teaching about leadership you may have heard?
    在 Serge 对成熟领导者的描述中,相信排在所有“做事”特征之前。为什么这对你成长为一名强大的领导者很重要?它与你可能听说过的其他关于领导力的教导有什么不同?
  2. What was your gut reaction as you read what it means to be a mature leader?
    “成熟的领导者意味着什么” 这句话带给您最直观的感受是什么?

    a. How would it be different if your inner dialogue were saying, “I have a gracious and loving King who is with me and working in me. He is calling me to join him in his work of redemption (our “family business”) as his beloved child.”?
    a. 你的内心独白如果是“我有一位满有恩典、充满爱心的君王与我同在,并且在我里面动工。 他呼召我以他心爱的孩子 的身份加入他救赎的工作(我们 的'家族事业')中,那会有什么不同呢?”

    b. What if your inner dialogue were saying, “I’m all alone and leadership feels overwhelming. I could never live up to these expectations.”?
    b. 如果你内心独白说:“我孤身一人,领导力让我感到不堪重负。我永远无法达到这些期望。”会怎样?
  3. Looking at the characteristics of a mature leader, where do you see that God has granted you growth in the past five years? What are your areas of weakness or perhaps negligence? Where would you most like God to grow you over the next five years?
  4. Consider the demands of leadership. How might they compel you to turn more often to God, asking for strength and guidance and being encouraged by his love for you despite your sin sin sin\sin ? Give a picture of how your private devotional life might grow.
    考虑领导的要求。它们如何促使你更多地转向上帝,寻求力量和指引,并因他对你 sin sin sin\sin 的爱而得到鼓励?描绘一下你的私生活可能会如何成长。
  5. How could your ministry most benefit if you better fit the mature leader description? Be specific about how you could fit the description better, and how that would help your work.

Gospel Foundations of Leadership

PART 3 | Gospel-Centered Leadership
第 3 部分 | 以福音为中心的领导力


  1. Read the material below and make personal notes in your module notebook or a journal as indicated.
  2. Answer a reflection question at the end of the Part 3 material. Record your answer in your module notebook or a journal.
    在第三部分学习内容结束后,回答一个思考题。 将答案记录在你的模块笔记本或日记中。
  3. (If participating in Coaching) Prepare to meet with your coach prior to the next cohort meeting. You’ll find some preparation questions at the end of Part 3 material.
BEGIN WITH PRAYER: Ask your Father to help you see, as you study this material, what kind of leader you currently are and what kind of leader he wants you to be.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.9) Think of a leader (or two) who has had a large impact, either good or bad, on the way you approach leadership. What about that person’s leadership caused that impact?
思考一下 对你的领导方式产生较大影响的领导者(可能是 一位 或两位)。是什么样的领导力特征造就了这种影响?

"Gospel-Centered" 以福音为中心

In recent years, gospel-centered has become a buzzword so we want to be very clear about how we are using the concept, and why it is critical to a proper understanding of leadership.

When we use the idea of being "gospel-centered," we mean that we take the foundational truths of the gospel (both those that apply to us personally and those that apply to the advance of Christ's kingdom) and we use them to shape our understanding of a given subject.

This is true whether we are talking about “gospel-centered parenting” or “gospel-centered church planting” or “gospel-centered leadership.” In each case, we take the central tenets of the gospel of the kingdom and apply them to specific situations and issues. So, what are these central tenets?
福音的中心原则适用于“以福音为中心的育儿” 、“以福音为中心的教会植堂”或“以福音为中心的领导力”。在每种情况下,我们将国度福音的核心教义应用于具体的环境和问题。那么,这些核心教义是什么?
In short form, they are:
  • CREATED GOOD. We were created by God to reflect his image as part of his good and perfect creation.
  • SIN. Through the fall every area of our lives and God’s creation has become contaminated with sin and all humans now stand justly condemned before God, guilty for our sin.
  • CROSS. God’s response to our sin is a comprehensive plan of rescue and redemption enacted by the coming, living, dying on the cross and rising again of Christ in order to secure our salvation and God’s redemption of his world.
  • REDEMPTION. The benefits of Christ’s work on the cross are applied to our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit, who in turn calls all Christians to take part in God’s great mission of redemption.
  1. CREATED GOOD. We were created as part of God’s story. In Genesis we see that all of creation was good before the fall, revealing God’s glory. We were created for intimate fellowship with God and with one another. God was the center of our world. We were given meaningful work and charged with the stewardship of all creation. All of life was intended to be beautiful and to flourish under our care. We lived in a pattern of God-intended work and rest, with natural limits as creatures, but surpassing all of the rest of the created order in reflecting God’s image.
    在堕落之前,创世记向我们展示了所有的受造物都是美好的,这彰显了上帝的荣耀。在上帝所创造的世界中,人类理应与上帝建立亲密的关系,并彼此相爱。上帝是我们世界 的中心。我们被赋予有意义的工作,并被委托管理所有的受造物。所有的生命都应该美丽,并在我们的照料下兴旺。我们生活在上帝所定的工作和休息的模式中,作为受 造物,我们有着自然的限制,但我们在反映上帝的形象方面超越了所有其他受造物。
God and his purposes are the center of history. We didn’t come into existence because God was lonely or lacking anything, but out of an overflow of love from the Trinity. The personal stories of our lives only make sense when properly placed into the context of God’s bigger story. Understanding who God is, who he has created us to be, and how he is calling us to grow and follow him is a life-long process.

2. SIN. As a result of sin, all was lost. The fall is total and its effects are comprehensive. Sin affects not just our own hearts and minds, but all of God’s creation (Romans 8:18-21). And with regard to our own lives, sin is deeper than our outward, observable actions-bad as those can be! Scripture says we have a sinful inner disposition that gives rise to our individual sinful actions (Luke 6:43-45). These inner dispositions are ultimately rooted in unbelief-a radical sense of alienation and mistrust of God leading us to pursue our own desires apart from him. In Reformed theology we collectively refer to these ideas as “total depravity.” Richard Lovelace provides an apt summary:
所有这一切都是罪的结果。堕落是彻底的,它的影响是全面的。罪不仅影响我们自己的内心和思想,也影响到上帝所创造的一切(罗马书 8:18-21)。就我们自己的生命而言,罪比我们外在、可观察的行为更深——尽管这些行为已经很糟糕!经文说,我们有一种罪恶的内在倾向,它导致我们个人的罪恶行为(路加福音 6:43-45)。这些内在的倾向最终根植于不信——一种对上帝的彻底疏离和不信任,导致我们追求自己的欲望,而与上帝分离。在改革宗神学中,我们将这些思想统称为“彻底败坏”。理查德·洛夫莱斯对这一点进行了恰如其分的总结:

“The structure of sin in the human personality is something far more complicated than the isolated acts and thoughts of deliberate disobedience commonly designated by the word. In its biblical definition, sin cannot be limited to isolated instances or patterns of wrongdoing; it is something much more akin to the psychological term complex: an organic network of compulsive attitudes, beliefs, and behavior deeply rooted in our alienation from God.”

—Richard Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1979), 88, emphasis added.
It’s easy for us to have a too-shallow understanding of what it means to be a sinner. So we must examine our sin, including the motivations that lie below the surface of our actions. There are three helpful categories from Scripture that we regularly use at Serge to help people see the “Shark” (the below-the-surface dispositions and motivations of our sin) instead of just the “fin” (the visible, above-the-surface actions of our sin).
作为罪人意味着什么,我们很容易对此有过于肤浅的理解。因此,我们必须审查我们的罪,包括隐藏在我们行为背后的动机。经文中提到了三个有用的类别,我们通常在 Serge 使用它们来帮助人们看到“鲨鱼”(我们罪恶背后的深层倾向和动机),而不是仅仅看到“鱼鳍”(我们罪恶的表面行为)。
First, sin leads us to act like spiritual orphans. Even though we have a Father in heaven who loves us with the exact same, overwhelming love he has for his Son, we often live as though we’ve been abandoned and are left to fend for ourselves (see John 14:18; Galatians 4:4-7). When we are tempted to sin by seeing to our own needs first, often the question we are really struggling with is: “Do I really have a Dad in heaven who loves me and will take care of me? Is God good—right now, right here, in these circumstances?” Leaders tend to struggle with feeling abandoned by God when facing overwhelming needs, criticism about their leadership, or when making decisions that are unpopular and cause others to question their motives as leader. In each case it’s very tempting for a leader to think, “If God really loved me, things would be different. My team wouldn’t be so difficult. Or I wouldn’t be in this situation that doesn’t seem to have a possible good outcome. I wouldn’t have to be doing this all alone, with no help.”
首先,罪会导致我们像属灵的孤儿一样行动。即使我们天父用他对他儿子一样的完全相同的、无与伦比的爱来爱我们,但我们常常生活得好像我们被遗弃了,只能靠自己来应付(参见约翰福音 14:18;加拉太书 4:4-7)。当我们被诱惑首先看到自己的需要而犯罪时,我们真正纠结的问题通常是:“我真的有一个天父爱我,会照顾我吗?神是良善的吗——现在,就在这里,在这种情况下?”领袖们在面对巨大需求、对其领导能力的批评或在做不受欢迎的决定并导致其他人质疑其动机作为领导者时,往往会有一种被神遗弃的感觉。在每种情况下,对于一个领导者来说,很容易想到,“如果神真的爱我,事情就会不一样了。我的团队就不会这么难相处了。或者我不会陷入这种看似没有可能的好结局的境地。我不会不得不独自一人做这一切,没有任何帮助。”
Second, sin leads us to worship things other than God. An idol is anything we pursue apart from God, believing it will satisfy us in a way God cannot or will not (see Isaiah 44:6-20). In this sense, idols are essentially “functional saviors.” They are false, sexy Jesuses, which promise satisfaction but can never deliver it. Often, they are good and basic things we treat as ultimate things we just cannot live without. When we are struggling with idols, it is usually because we are thinking according to this formula: Jesus + qquad\qquad = = == my happiness. Leaders can struggle with a temptation to idolatry by putting our faith in the wrong things. We may seek “just the right plan” that will bring success to our team’s goals. All of these things are good and basic things at one level. But when they are used to establish a sense of success, security, or approval apart from God–when the plans, money, and workers become the object of our faith-they turn idolatrous. Wanting the right things for the wrong reasons is always a sin.
其次,罪引领我们崇拜除神以外的事物。偶像指的是我们除神以外所追寻的任何事物,相信它会以神无法或不愿的方式满足我们(见以赛亚书 44:6-20)。从这个意义上说,偶像本质上是“功能救主”。它们是虚假而诱惑人的耶稣,承诺满足却永远无法兑现。通常,它们是好事和基本事物,我们却将它们视为不可或缺的终极事物。当我们与偶像作斗争时,通常是因为我们按照以下公式思考:耶稣 + qquad\qquad = = == 我的快乐。领导者可能会受到错误信仰的诱惑,把我们的信仰寄托在错误的事物上。我们可能会寻找“正确计划”,以确保团队目标的实现。所有这些事物在某种程度上都是好的和基本的事物。但当它们被用来建立一种与神隔绝的成功、安全或认可感时——当计划、金钱和工人成为我们信仰的对象时——它们就会变成偶像。出于错误的原因想要正确的事物始终是一种罪恶。
Third, sin leads us to rely on self-generated righteousness. We try to make ourselves right/acceptable/lovable (in our own eyes, in God’s eyes, or the eyes of others) through our own efforts and actions instead of relying on the righteousness we get from Christ through justification. While idolaters look to something outside of themselves to be a functional savior, people who rely on self-generated righteousness want to be their own functional savior. This is the idea that Paul is talking about in Philippians 3 when he talks about boasting in or having confidence in our flesh. Often the existential question at play is this: “What makes me (or someone else) lovable? What must be done to secure my standing in their eyes (or their standing in mine)?” For leaders self-generated righteousness often reveals itself around the idea of “getting credit” for hard work we’ve done. We need our accomplishments to be noticed and valued by other as a way of proving (to them, to donors, to our leaders, to ourselves) that we are successful missionaries and leaders. After all, how will anyone (other than Jesus!) know how hard we’ve worked and how much we’ve sacrificed if our accomplishments are not acknowledged and celebrated, repeatedly and length.
第三,罪让我们依靠自己产生的义。我们试图通过自己的努力和行为让自己在(我们自己的眼中,在神的眼中,或他人的眼中)成为正确/可接受/可爱的,而不是依靠通过称义从基督那里得到的义。当拜偶像者寻求自身以外的东西成为一个功能性的救世主时,依靠自己产生义的人则想成为他们自己的功能性救世主。这就是保罗在腓立比书 3 中谈到夸耀或信靠我们肉体时所谈及的想法。通常,正在发生的存在主义问题是:“是什么让我(或其他人)可爱?为了确保我在他们眼中的地位(或他们在我的眼中的地位)必须做什么?”对于领袖来说,自己产生的义常常围绕着“为自己所做的努力获得认可”的想法而显露出来。我们需要我们的成就得到他人的认可和重视,作为向他们(捐赠者、我们的领导者、我们自己)证明我们是成功宣教士和领袖的一种方式。毕竟,除了耶稣,还有谁会知道我们所做的一切呢?) 我们知道,如果我们的成就没有得到反复和长期地认可和庆祝,那么我们付出了多少努力和牺牲就毫无意义。
The result of acting like a spiritual orphan, worshiping false idols, and relying on our own record of right deeds to make us acceptable to others is that each of these greatly takes away a leader’s ability to love and serve others. We will never be free to love others-laying our lives down for them as Jesus has done for us–when we are in bondage to these types of beneath-the-surface sins.
身为灵性的孤儿,敬拜虚假偶像,依靠自己的善行记录来获得他人的认可,这些行为都会极大地削弱领导者爱人服侍人的能力。当我们受制于这些潜藏的罪恶时, 我们永远无法自由地爱人,像耶稣为我们做的那样为他们舍弃生命。
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.10) Which beneath-the-surface sin are you most aware of in your life: orphan living, idol worship, or self-generated righteousness?
请注意: (注释 1.10) 您在其背后最了解的哪一种表面下的罪是:孤儿生活、偶像崇拜或自我产生的义?

3. CROSS. God rescues us from sin through the work of Christ. His response to a broken and dying world was to embark on a global, historical mission of rescue, redemption and restoration. Although this plan unfolds from Genesis 3 through the end of Revelation, its epicenter is Jesus’s coming, living, dying and rising. Because of his completed work on the cross, through faith in him we are now God’s beloved children instead of his objects of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-10). Because we are now united to Christ, the following things (and many more) are true for us:
3、十字架:通过基督,上帝拯救我们脱离罪恶。他对破碎和垂死之世界的回应,是展开一项全球性的、历史性的拯救、救赎和恢复使命。虽然这个计划从创世纪第三章延伸到启示录的末尾,但它的中心是耶稣的到来、生活、死亡和复活。由于他完成了十字架上的工作,通过对他的信心,我们现在成了上帝所爱的儿女,而不是他忿怒的目标(以弗所书 2:1-10)。因为我们现在与基督联合,以下内容(还有许多其他内容)对我们来说是真实的:
We have complete forgiveness. All our sins have been utterly and permanently forgiven. Our sins are not forgotten, or ignored, or minimized or excused. God’s righteous wrath has been fully executed-on Christ. We literally have nothing left to pay because it has been paid for us in full.

We have Christ's own righteousness.

We have also been credited with the same total and perfect righteousness Christ has. Although you continue to grow in holy living, you cannot become any more righteous in God’s eyes than you are right now; Christ’s perfect righteousness is yours by faith.
We are God’s children. We are now adopted into God’s family as his beloved daughters and sons. We have a Dad in heaven who loves us with unbridled delight, just as he does the Son who is our Savior. Our Dad loves to listen to us, and we enjoy his care, protection, discipline, and promise of an inheritance.
我们都是上帝的孩子。我们现在已经被收养到上帝的家里,成为他心爱的女儿和儿子。我们在天上有位爸爸,他用无与伦比的喜悦爱我们,就像他爱我们的救主儿子一样。我们的爸爸喜欢聆听我们, 我们享受他的照顾、保护、管教和应许的产业。
God loves us unconditionally. There is nothing we can do that will ever make God love us any more or any less than he already does. Even in the midst of our pain and brokenness, even when we are failing and rebellious, God still loves us completely. We didn’t earn this love by our performance, and we can’t lose it or lessen it by our performance either.
Sin’s power is broken and Christ’s resurrection power is unleashed. The power of sin over us has been shattered. We are no longer slaves to our idols and unbelief. The power of Christ’s resurrection is at work in and through us to make us more and more conformed to Christ.
We have a great high priest. We now have a sympathetic and faithful high priest in the person of our brother Jesus, who has suffered and been tempted in every

way that we have. He has made an end to all of our sins and lives eternally to intercede for us and draw our Father’s gaze to his perfect record which now covers us.
The Holy Spirit lives in us. God himself, in the third member of the Trinity, resides within us and effectively and powerfully applies the benefits of Christ’s work to our hearts and minds. The Holy Spirit makes us sufficient for every challenge, temptation, or opportunity we will ever encounter.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.11) Which blessing of the cross seems most neglected by people you know, or unknown to those you serve?
记录一条笔记: (注释 1.11) 你认识的人或你不认识的人,对十字架恩典中的哪一项最不重视?

4. REDEMPTION. Today, God’s work of redemption continues in our hearts as the Holy Spirit enables us to live lives of repentance and faith. He leads us to lay down our selfish wants and desires and grow in our ability to love others as Christ did.
4. 救赎。今天,神救赎的工作在我们心中继续,因为圣灵使我们能够过悔改和信心的生活。他引导我们放下我们自私的愿望和欲望,并在我们爱他人的能力中成长,如同基督所做的那样。
Through us, God also continues his redemption work in the fallen world. Just as our sin is never only about us, so too our salvation is never purely personal. God’s plan to reach the nations flows through every redeemed heart; his grace to us is not merely for us and our sanctification, but is also given to us for the benefit of others in every corner of the globe. We are called to freely, lavishly, and promiscuously tell about Jesus (particularly to those who don’t yet know him) through our words and through our actions. We are called to address all aspects of the fall, wherever harm has been done to others as a result of sin, making the message of God’s salvation known as we do. As we pursue others, we can see all the more clearly just how desperately we need Jesus ourselves and how outrageous his forgiveness and love really is. This means that:
God’s children embrace being his beloved, sent ones. Engaging in mission is a part of every Christian’s new identity and calling as God’s child. It is crucial to understand that our identity is both beloved (adopted by God, and completely justified by Christ’s work on the cross) and a sent one (part of God’s people who bring the blessing of salvation to others). Every Christian is both God’s child and his messenger. Without one or the other, our identity rapidly becomes distorted from biblical norms. To only embrace our identity as God’s children often reduces our spiritual relationship to a “Jesus and me” self-focus. We become buckets, seeking to store up God’s grace for ourselves and enjoy it on our own terms, instead of being pipes that pass his grace on to others. Likewise, if we only embrace our identity as sent ones, we tend to become driven by ministry and view
作为上帝的孩子,这意味着我们既是他的心爱之人,也是他的使者。我们的身份既是蒙爱的(被上帝收养,并完全因基督在十字架上的工作而被称义),也是被差遣的(作为上帝子民的一部分,将救恩的祝福带给其他人)。每个基督徒既是上帝的孩子,又是他的使者。如果缺失任何一个方面,我们的身份就会迅速偏离圣经的规范。 仅仅拥抱我们作为上帝孩子身份的人,通常会将我们的属灵关系缩减为以自我为中心的“耶稣和我”。我们变成了木桶,试图为自己储存上帝的恩典,并按照自己的方式享受它,而不是成为将他的恩典传递给别人的管道。同样地,如果我们只拥抱我们作为被差遣之人(使徒)的身份,我们往往会变得因事工驱使,并将一切视为一种工具来完成任务,而不是从被爱和差遣这一双重身份中汲取力量来事工。

people as projects to fix instead of fellow image bearers. When that happens, the message of the gospel starts to sound like it is something “for them” instead of being for us as well. Leaders understand that part of their calling is to help others understand their true identity as beloved, sent ones and then equip and encourage them to live that identity out through the individual calling God has given them.

God's children can stop living as orphans, worshiping idols, or justifying themselves.

Because the power of sin is broken, spiritual growth and change is possible! Though never without struggle, and never complete in this life, we can live bold lives of repentance and faith. As the Holy Spirit enables us, we step out beyond our comfort zones and signature sins.
  • No living as orphans. We now know the truth that we are wanted and loved by a heavenly Father who will always work all things in life together for our growth and good (Romans 8:14-17; 26-30).
    无人作为孤儿生活。我们现在知道我们被一位天父所爱和所需要的一个真理,他将始终在我们的一生中共同做工成就万事,使我们得益处和增长(罗马书 8:14-17;26-30)。
  • No idols. We are no longer slaves to our idols. In Christ, through the power of the Spirit we are able to say no to our sinful desires and yes to God’s purposes and commands (Ephesians 4:17-24).
    没有偶像。我们不再是偶像的奴隶。在基督里,藉着圣灵的能力,我们能够对自己的罪恶欲望说不,对神的旨意和诫命说好(以弗所书 4:17-24)。
  • No self-generated righteousness. Because we have Christ’s righteousness, we no longer need to put confidence in our own performance, but rather rely fully on the received righteousness that comes from Christ through faith to make us acceptable before God, before others, and even in our own eyes (Philippians 3:7-11).
    不再依靠我们自己的行为,而是完全依靠因信领受的来自基督的义,使我们在神面前、在人面前,甚至在我们自己的眼中都是可蒙悦纳的(腓立比书 3:7-11)。

    This freedom, and the transformation that it makes possible, is foundational for missional engagement.
God’s children can serve sacrificially and with humility. As the Holy Spirit frees us from unbelief, he also empowers us to lay down our lives to serve him and others. Knowing that God will always provide for us, and that we no longer need to pretend or perform in order to gain his acceptance, we can gladly pursue lives which follow the model of Christ’s life of love and sacrifice. Without a need for recognition, and with the focus off of us and our accomplishments, we can freely point ourselves and others to Christ with tangible acts of love and service. Serving our team–even in the mundane, often thankless tasks like budgets, job descriptions, helping them move and get settled–can be done joyfully without the need for recognition or praise from others. Without this work of the gospel in the life of a leader, serving our team often starts to feel like one thankless task after another, instead of ways to love Jesus by serving others.
God’s children are free to be the chief repenters. God’s grace frees us from religious posturing. We need not hide the fact that we are indeed big sinners. Because all of our sins have been paid for, not merely tucked away or overlooked, God’s complete forgiveness opens the door for us to be the chief repenters. Instead of feeling we must be the perfect leader, and therefore cover up our mistakes, or deflect criticism, we are able to own up to our mistakes and shortcomings, invite others to speak into our lives, assume the posture of humble learners, and regularly run back to Christ when we have strayed. These habits are hallmarks of a vibrant spirituality and maturing faith and they change the entire culture of teams.
上帝的孩子可以自由地成为主要的悔改者。上帝的恩典使我们从宗教摆姿势中解脱出来。我们无需掩饰自己是大罪人的事实。因为我们所有的罪孽都已经得到偿还,而不仅仅是被隐藏或忽视,所以上帝完全的饶恕为我们打开了成为首席悔改者的门。我们不需要感到自己必须成为完美的领袖,因此掩盖我们的错误或偏离批评,而是能够承认我们的错误和缺点,邀请其他人参与我们的生活,采取谦卑学习者的姿态,并在我们迷路时定期回到基督身边。 这些习惯是一个充满活力的灵性和成熟信仰的标志,它们改变了整个团队的文化。

God's children now can love others as they have been loved. Mature faith expresses

itself in love (Galatians 5:2-6), and those who have been loved much love others much (Luke 7:36-50). God not only forgives the guilt of sin, he also releases us from the bondage and self-focus of sin. This new freedom helps us love God and love others with our entire being. Being a leader often requires setting aside our own personal wants and desires in order to what is best for others, for the team and for our work. We often have to forgo “fun ministry” in order to take care of details, or help struggling teammates. As one Leadership Foundations participant wryly stated, “Leadership sure feels a lot like death!” Only those who have been loved to death by a Savior can, in turn, love those entrusted to them well.
自身陷入爱(加拉太书 5:2-6),那些被爱过的人会更多地爱别人(路加福音 7:36-50)。上帝不仅赦免了罪孽,他还释放了我们脱离罪的捆绑和以自我为中心。这种新的自由帮助我们全心全意地爱上帝和爱别人。成为一个领导者通常需要将我们自己的个人愿望和欲望放在一边,以追求对他人、团队和我们工作最有利的事情。我们常常不得不放弃“有趣的服事”来处理细节,或帮助 struggling 的队友。正如一位领导力基础参与者讽刺地说:“领导力感觉很像死亡!” 只有那些被一位救世主爱到死的 人才能反过来很好地爱那些被托付给他们的人。
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.12) Which part of God’s ongoing redemption in his children’s lives seems like it would be especially important to the task of leadership?
;; 思考一下:上帝在我们生命中持续救赎的哪个部分对领导任务来说尤其重要?(笔记 1.12)
In subsequent modules we will revisit many of these truths of the gospel and make more specific applications to our role as leaders.
REFLECT: Leaders always have an impact on those they lead. When we encounter a bad leader, their impact can lead to fear or even a determination never to be like that leader, which can distort our gifts and calling. Likewise, when we encounter a good leader, sometimes we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves and feeling we can never measure up. With this in mind, select one of the reflection questions below and write thoughtfully about it in your module notebook or a private journal.
  1. Think about the ways you’ve been shaped, negatively and positively, by leaders in your life. How might cultivating a gospel-centered mindset help you overcome the negative influences and avoid responding wrongly? How might it help the positive influences be a blessing to you, not an intimidating burden?
  2. As a result of the entire cohort process so far, what changes or improvements do you want those you lead to see in you? What type of impact do you hope to make on others?

PREPARE TO MEET WITH YOUR COACH (If participating in Coaching Program)
(如果参加教练计划) 准备与您的教练会面

In addition to what you’ve read so far, be ready to discuss the following:
  1. How much of your vision and strategy depends on your own gifting, experience, and strengths or other trusted leaders around you?
  2. What aspect of the riches of the gospel will you personally need to grasp by faith in order for you to lead your team?
Be sure to email a copy of your Module 1 Notebook to your coach at least a day before you plan to meet.
请务必在您计划会面至少一天前通过电子邮件将您的 Module 1 笔记副本发送给您的督导。

Gospel Foundations of Leadership

APPENDIX 1: Values-Based Leadership
附录 1:基于价值观的领导力

How Being Gospel-Centered Affects Leader Training

Serge training is explicitly designed to help you apply key gospel concepts to your leadership. This has four important implications for how you are trained.
  1. We are CHARACTER-BASED. Because we are gospel-centered, our training focuses on your character development rather than on leadership techniques. We believe that being the right person is absolutely foundational to becoming the leader God has created you to be. “Being” comes before “doing.” Always. But why spend so much time focusing on character, especially when you might feel competencies are your biggest need?
First, gospel values are fundamental and do not change. In our experience, if you get the gospel-values part of leadership right-particularly if your inner life as a leader is right-you will be able to sort out most of your leadership-technique issues fairly easily. There are many good ways to cast vision, develop buy-in, and create and execute plans well. But no matter how skilled you become at doing these things, both your team and your calling will suffer if you are driven by unbelief. There’s still a right place for leadership techniques, but character is primary.
Second, most mission work requires adaptive problem solving, beyond mere technical knowledge. Because Serge works in diverse places with diverse partners, and in situations of varying levels of complexity, it’s hard to find a single methodology that will suit everyone. And because of the pioneering work of many of our fields, we are often faced with challenges that typical leadership materials don’t address. We believe that these characteristics of our work will benefit you as a leader, regardless of where you work. The world is becoming more multicultural and diverse. Learning adaptive leadership, across differing worldviews is essential for everyone regardless of context. Despite these challenges and diversity, the dynamics of the gospel in the life of the leader remain more or less constant: every day we wake up as sinners in need of grace who are called by our loving Dad to lay down our lives to see his kingdom grow. That only happens when we ruthlessly cling to the gospel regardless of which leadership challenges we face on a given day.
其次,大多数传教工作都需要适应性问题解决能力,而不仅仅是技术知识。由于 Serge 在不同的地方与不同的伙伴合作,并且在不同复杂程度的情况下工作,因此很难找到一种适合所有人的单一方法论。而且由于我们许多领域所做的开创性工作,我们经常面临着典型领导力材料无法解决的挑战。我们相信,这些工作特征将使你无论在哪里工作都能成为一名优秀的领导者。世界正在变得更加多元化和多样化。无论在什么环境下,学习适应性领导,跨越不同的世界观都是必不可少的。尽管存在这些挑战和多样性,福音在领袖生命中的动力或多或少保持不变:我们每天都醒悟到自己是有罪的,需要恩典,我们被我们慈爱的父亲呼召,放下我们的生命,看着他国度的增长。只有当我们无论面对什么样的领导挑战,都无情地坚持福音时,这才可能发生。

2. We are IDENTITY-FOCUSED. Because we are gospel-centered, our training focuses more on your identity in Christ than your roles and responsibilities. Your leadership may be highly
2. 我们以身份为中心。由于我们以福音为中心,我们的训练更加关注你在基督里的身份,而不是你的角色和责任。你的领导力可能高度

visible with formal structures for accountability, or you may be focused on informal influence among a small group of people. You don’t need an impressive title, magnetic personality, or large amounts of public responsibility to be an effective leader. You do, however, need to ground your identity as a leader in Christ and his completed work on your behalf-how you are God’s child and your eternal worth is secured by Jesus. Without this, you will tend to become driven by a fear of failure or you will chase the idols of success and approval, no matter where or how you serve.

3. We expect TRANSFORMATION. Because we are gospel-centered, our training assumes you are being personally transformed by grace on a daily basis. This is more than just understanding the gospel and how it may generally apply to leadership. The core of gospelcentered leadership is ongoing personal renewal. Serge’s entire organizational structure incorporates spiritual growth in grace at every step along the way-from going through Sonship with a personal mentor, to ongoing spiritual mentoring, to various teaching/training opportunities and publications from the renewal team. Serge facilitates ongoing spiritual growth in all our workers and adjusts policies and practices to make sure this occurs. Continuing to be transformed in the gospel is essential to every leader so we encourage you to find opportunities that will help with this. If you have questions about this, ask your cohort leader or review our offerings on our website: Serge.org
3. 我们期待转型。由于我们是福音中心的,我们的培训假设您每天都在经历恩典的个人转变。这不仅仅是理解福音以及它如何普遍适用于领导力。福音中心领导力的核心是持续的个人更新。Serge 的整个组织结构在每个步骤都融入了恩典中的属灵成长,从与个人导师一起经历儿女身份,到持续的属灵辅导,到来自更新团队的各种教学/培训机会和出版物。Serge 促进我们所有工人的持续属灵成长,并调整政策和实践以确保这种情况的发生。继续在福音中经历转变对每位领导者都至关重要,因此我们鼓励您寻找有助于此的机会。如果您对此有任何疑问,请咨询您的队列负责人或查看我们网站上的课程:Serge.org

4. We connect RENEWAL AND MISSION. Because we are gospel-centered, our training sees renewal and mission as organically connected. Therefore, leaders are always pursuing God’s mission and leading others into the frayed edges to pursue God’s mission. Being a gospelcentered leader means we lay down our lives in the service of God’s kingdom as he is “bringing reconciliation and restoration not only to individuals, but to the whole of creation” (the Serge Vision, Mission, Values Statement, revised 2016, p.3). We understand God’s power is at work in us and through us, in this present moment, so that we can act in faith as we face each day’s challenges. It’s okay if these efforts reveal some of our weaknesses or sins, showing how we still need more spiritual renewal-it’s supposed to work that way. In Serge, leaders are the “chief repenters” on their team. That may be daunting in your context, but we think that it’s still an important consideration. We understand that God’s power is sometimes at work in spite of us, so we cultivate environments where mistakes are okay and repentance is normative.
4. 我们将更新与使命联系在一起。因为我们是福音为中心的,我们的培训将更新与使命视为有机地联系在一起。因此,领导者始终在追求上帝的使命,并带领其他人进入磨损的边缘去追求上帝的使命。成为以福音为中心的领导者意味着我们在上帝的国度的服侍中舍弃自己的生命,因为他“不仅要与个人和好,还要与整个受造界和好”(Serge 异象、使命、价值观声明,2016 年修订,第 3 页)。我们明白,上帝的力量在这个时代正在我们里面,也通过我们运行,这样我们才能在面对每一天的挑战时凭着信心行事。如果这些努力暴露了我们的一些弱点或罪,表明我们仍然需要更多的灵性更新,这是可以的,应该这样运作。在 Serge,领导者是他们团队的“首席悔改者”。这在你的环境中可能令人生畏,但我们认为这仍然是一个重要的考虑因素。我们明白,上帝的力量有时在我们无能为力的前提下运行,因此我们培养这样的环境,让犯错是正常的,悔改是常态。
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.13) What is one part of this gospel-centered approach that you’ve appreciated about your training so far?
笔记 1.13:在本培训中,您对以福音为中心的教学方式中哪一部分最欣赏?

Values-Based Leading 价值观领导力

Serge is a values-based organization. This means that “who Serge is” is defined by shared values rather than by the type of work teams do or where they do it. Serge teams pursue holistic ministry-reach, renew, restore-across five continents in contexts ranging from rural Africa to the huge cities of Asia. Those ministries look vastly different depending on location, focus, and staffing. But our values unite and define us. They are the essential DNA every Serge worker, team, and ministry shares. They shape our policies and procedures, our recruiting and member care, the posture and role of our leaders, and they explain why Serge has an entire field dedicated to renewal. Our values define who we are now and who we will become.
基于价值观的组织。这意味着“Serge 是谁”是由共同的价值观来定义的,而不是由团队的工作类型或工作地点来定义的。Serge 的团队在五大洲开展全面的事工——遍及非洲的农村到亚洲的大城市。这些事工看起来因地而异,侧重于不同的领域,并拥有不同的工作人员配置。但我们的价值观将我们团结起来,定义了我们。它们是每个 Serge 工作人员、团队和事工的共同 DNA。它们塑造了我们的政策和程序,我们的招聘和成员关怀,我们领导者的立场和角色,也解释了为什么 Serge 有一个专门致力于更新的领域。我们的价值观定义了我们现在是谁,也将定义我们将来会成为谁。
Your organization may or may not be explicitly values-based the way Serge is. You may have people from diverse theological backgrounds who unite around a common task. Or you may work in a context where local needs define shared work. But every group-organized or informally associated-has a culture that is shaped around shared values. Giving explicit consideration to the values of your group is an essential part of leadership because those values will so heavily shape your organization’s culture. That culture, in turn, will heavily influence your organization’s effectiveness.
您的组织可能或可能不是像 Serge 那样明确地以价值观为基础。您可能拥有来自不同神学背景的人员,他们围绕着一项共同的任务团结起来。或者,您可能在当地需求定义共同工作的环境中工作。但每个组织——无论是正式组织还是非正式组织——都有一种围绕共同价值观形成的文化。明确考虑您团队的价值观是领导力的重要组成部分,因为这些价值观将极大地塑造您组织的文化。反过来,这种文化将极大地影响您组织的效力。
In light of this, you must understand your role as a leader in explaining, modeling, and teaching others to live out these values. You need to realize that there are two types of values: formal values and functional values.
Formal values are those stated in an organization’s official statements. Most people in the company, most of the time, would at least intellectually agree that these are good values.
Functional values are the values that actually get lived out by the organization. They get expressed in decisions and relationships at every level, from strategic plans to how coworkers interact in their everyday work. Our actions always reveal what our true, functional values are-what we cherish and pursue.
In an ideal world, formal values and functional values would always match. In reality, few organizations consistently live out their formal values.
To be values-based means that every individual and team should functionally live out those values in a way that an outside observer or new team member would be able to easily describe them simply by watching. For example, whether or not we ever tell anyone that “ministry from weakness” is a Serge value, people who spend time with us should be able to tell this from how we respond to challenges and threats, interact with our host cultures, and
以价值观为导向意味着,每个个人和团队都应该在功能上体现出这些价值观,让外部观察者或新团队成员能够通过简单的观察来描述它们。例如,无论我们是否告诉任何人“软弱中的事工”是 Serge 的价值观,与我们共度时光的人们都应该能够从我们如何应对挑战和威胁、如何与我们的东道主文化互动以及

position ourselves as learners. People also should be shocked at how often, regularly, and deeply we pray. And they will-if these are not merely stated values, but are our functional values.
One foundational job of a leader is to create a culture on their team where our values are consistently lived out. It isn’t enough for a leader simply to agree with your ministry’s values or even to apply them personally. Rather, mature leaders understand the extreme importance culture plays on teams, and have learned how to take in our values and live them out in every relationship and at every level of work. Elements of culture such as “leaders are biggest repenters” or “loving Jesus should drive you outward to love others, and when that happens, you’ll also realize again just how sinful you are and how much you need Jesus all over again,” are caught far more than they are taught. Hearing an experienced, capable leader apologize and repent to a first-year apprentice over a blown ministry assignment shouldn’t be surprising at all. It should be what happens on a normal Tuesday.
Peter Drucker famously said (or is quoted as having said), “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” There is no shortcut to creating a gospel culture on your team. Technical skills, administrative ability, and impressive ministry accomplishments will mean little if you are not able to love those on your team, be filled with faith for them, repent often, laugh frequently, and pray continually. Passion for God and for his kingdom expansion happens readily when the gospel is the heartbeat of everything you do. Miss this, and no amount of leadership skills will compensate.
Here are some best practices for developing and maintaining a gospel culture:
  1. Leaders set the tone for a team’s culture. While you need others to join you, setting the tone is one thing that cannot be delegated to anyone else.
  2. Model the culture you want to see your team develop. Culture tends to be caught more than taught. If you say you value X Y Z X Y Z X-Y-ZX-Y-Z but do not make daily decisions that protect and promote X Y Z X Y Z X-Y-ZX-Y-Z, they won’t ever truly be part of your culture.
    示范您希望团队发展的文化。文化往往是潜移默化的。如果您说您重视 X Y Z X Y Z X-Y-ZX-Y-Z 但没有做出保护和提升 X Y Z X Y Z X-Y-ZX-Y-Z 的日常决定,那么它们永远也不会真正成为您文化的一部分。
  3. Remember that for better or worse you are always creating culture. It’s really a question of what type of culture are you going to create.
  4. Frequently ask team members for their impressions of how things are going. Listen carefully to what they say and don’t say as you gauge their alignment with your values and their experience of the culture.
  5. Own your mistakes when you’ve failed to live up to your ministry’s values. It’s expected that we will all struggle. Making space for these discussions is essential.
  6. Culture is expressed and reinforced by actions, not written documents. Regularly assess how you are doing at living out your desired culture. You should spend at least as much time doing this as you do on strategic planning and execution.
  7. While culture is expressed and reinforced by actions, those actions reflect the collective outworking of the deepest beliefs of individuals on your team. Leading your team regularly in repentance and renewal is foundational for the Holy Spirit’s work of reshaping you and your team members deepest beliefs.
MAKE A NOTE: (Note 1.14) Which of the best practices have you seen in leaders you admire?
注意:1.14) 您所敬佩的领导者身上,您看到哪些最佳做法?
REFLECT: In your module notebook or a private journal, write out your answer to the first question below. The other questions are optional.
What are the most important things you have learned in this first module on leadership, and why?
How might these things apply to your own personal and practical leadership development? Who would you like to discuss them with? (coach, supervisor, roundtable)

The Big Idea, Again

As a leader, you are called to understand God’s mission in our world and lead others into day-to-day ministry, pursuing God’s purposes using God’s methods. To do this well, you must understand what leadership is, how a mature leader thinks and acts, and how the gospel shapes leaders so they in turn can create a gospel culture within their team.
作为一名领袖,您被呼召去明白上帝在我们世界中的使命,并带领他人进入每日的事工,使用上帝的方法来追求上帝的旨意。 为了做好这项工作,您必须明白什么是领导力,成熟的领导者如何思考和行动,以及福音如何塑造领袖,以便他们能够在其团队中营造福音文化。
In gospel-centered leadership, “being” comes before “doing.” To lead others well on mission, our character-what we believe about God, how we let his appraisal define our identity, how we trust him as our Father-is more foundational than our gifts and abilities or the particular challenges we face. Learning to see leadership through the lens of the gospel is crucial to becoming a more effective leader.

How This Module Connects with Other Modules

It’s hard to hit a target if you don’t know that target is. The first two modules of this course are designed to give you foundational paradigms to become a mature leader. They provide a biblical way to view yourself and the work God has called you to as a leader. Without these paradigm “lenses,” the goal, methods, and purposes of leadership will remain fuzzy.
Having explored what leaders do and how they do it, in the next module, Missional Leadership, you will examine the end goal of leading at Serge: helping others better engage in the work of expanding God’s kingdom. You will examine what it means to be missional and how mission is central to who God is and who we are. You’ll explore how God builds his kingdom and the role we play in partnering with him to do that.
探索了领导者做什么以及如何做之后,在下一个模块“使命领导力”中,你将考察 Serge 领导的最终目标:帮助他人更好地参与扩展上帝国度的工作。你将考察成为使命是什么含义,以及使命如何成为上帝是谁和我们是谁的核心。你将探索上帝如何建立他的王国,以及我们在与他合作中扮演的角色。

  1. 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} See 1 Timothy 4:13-16 and John Stott. The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus. IVP 1996. P 122-23
    参考提摩太前书 4:13-16 和约翰·斯托特的著作:《提摩太前书与提多书的信息》。 IVP,1996 年,第 122-123 页。

    2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} Christopher Wright writes about this in several places including in The Mission of God’s People, Zondervan, 2010.
    克里斯托弗·赖特在多个地方都对此进行了论述,包括在《上帝子民的使命》中,宗德文出版社,2010 年。

    3 3 ^(3){ }^{3} Douglas Moo, The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon, Eerdmans, 2002. P 270-273
    270-273 页,道格拉斯·穆著, 《歌罗西书和腓利门书》,埃尔德曼斯出版公司,2002 年。