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A to E Positive Results
A 到 E 阳性结果

Test  测试
Positive Result  阳性结果
Fermentation  发酵
Benedict’s Test  本尼迪克特的测试
Barfoed’s Test  Barfoed 检验
Seliwanoff’s Test  Seliwanoff 的测试
Bial’s Test  Bial 的测试
A to E. Summary of Sample Behavior
A 到 E. 样本行为摘要
Fructose  果糖
Glucose  葡萄糖
Lactose  乳糖
Sucrose  蔗糖
Xylose  木糖
Gelatin  明胶
Honey  蜂蜜
Unknown  未知
SAMPLE FERMENTATION BENEDICTS BARFOED SELIWANOFF BIAL Fructose Glucose Lactose Sucrose Xylose Gelatin Honey Unknown | SAMPLE | FERMENTATION | BENEDICTS | BARFOED | SELIWANOFF | BIAL | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Fructose | | | | | | | Glucose | | | | | | | Lactose | | | | | | | Sucrose | | | | | | | Xylose | | | | | | | Gelatin | | | | | | | Honey | | | | | | | Unknown | | | | | |
A to E. Identification of Unknown
A 到 E. 未知的识别

Sugars Present  糖分含量
Sample  样本
Unknown  未知
Gelatin  明胶
Honey  蜂蜜
  1. An unknown consists of a single pure sugar. It gives a positive Benedict’s test, but is ne gative for all others. What is the sugar?

    a. Sucrose  一个。蔗糖
    b.Lactose c. Xylose  b.乳糖 c.木糖
Explain your answer:  解释你的答案:
2. An unknown mixture of two sugars is known to contain xylose. The mixture gres po sitiv e re sults for all five tests. What other sugar could be present?
2. 已知两种糖的未知混合物含有木糖。混合物 gres po sitiv e re sults 用于所有五项测试。还可能存在哪些其他糖?
a.Glucose b.Fructose c.Lactose
Explain your answer:  解释你的答案:
3. Which one of the following tests would allow you to differentiate between fructo se an d su crose?
3. 以下哪一项测试可以让您区分 fructo se 和 d su crose?
a. Fermentation  一个。发酵 b. Benedict's Test c. Seliwanoff's Test
b. 本尼迪克特测试 c. 塞利瓦诺夫测试
Explain your answer:  解释你的答案:
a. Fermentation b. Benedict's Test c. Seliwanoff's Test Explain your answer: | a. Fermentation | b. Benedict's Test c. Seliwanoff's Test | | :--- | :--- | | Explain your answer: | |
  1. An unknown consisting of a single sugar gives a negative fermentation test. Whic h h hh one of the following tests would allow you to decide which of the five sugars use din this experimen tyou had?
    由单一糖组成的未知物发酵试验为阴性。以下测试 h h hh 中的哪一项可以让您决定您体验的五种糖中的哪一种使用了 din?

    a. Seliwanoff’s Test b.Benedict’s Test c.Barfoed’s Test
    a. 塞利瓦诺夫测试 b.本尼迪克特测试 c.巴弗德测试
Explain your answer:  解释你的答案:




Lipid refers to a group of naturally occurring substances characterized by their insolubility in water and their solubility in fat solvents such as chloroform, ether, hot alcohol, and benzene. They are grouped into different classes depending on their structures.
Simple lipids are esters of fatty acids with various alcohols, which include triacylglycerois of triglycerides and waxes. The main function of these plant (olive oil) and animal (cod-liver oil) derived triglycerides is to act as energy reserve. They are deposited subcutaneously in warm-blooded animals and act as protection against the cold. During fasting these stored triglycerides are depleted. In addition, these substances also provide structural support or padding for organs. Waxes on the other hand, occur in certain plants, animals, mainly aquatic, and microorganisms. Examples are beeswax secreted by the honeybee, spermaceti from whale, and carnauba wax from plant leaves. They are not easily hydrolyzed as the triglycerides nor can they be acted upon by mammalian fat splitting enzymes. Therefore, from a nutritional standpoint, they are of no value. They have, however, important uses in industries as in the manufacture of shoe polish, floor waxes, vanishes, and candles.

(phosphate, carbohydrate, and nitrogenous components). Included are Compound lipids are esters of fatty acids with alcohols plus other groups phosphoglycerides like lecithins and cephalins which are present in all cells, plant as well as animal. They are abundant in brain, heart, kidney, eggs, and soybeans. The former, which occur principally in animal tissues, are soluble in many fat solvents including ether, chloroform, benzene, hot alcohol and carbon disulfide. They are not soluble in acetone and this property is used in separating them from cholesterol and fats. Although insoluble in water, they readily emulsify in it. The structures of lecithin make them surface active agents and account for their emulsifying property. Cephalins on the other hand are concerned in blood clotting. They have practically the same solubilities as lecithins except for the fact that they are insoluble in ethyl and methyl alcohol. This difference in alcohol solubility is used to separate lecithin fractions from cephalin fractions of tissue extracts. Cephalins are always associated with lecithins in tissues and most lecithin preparations are really mixtures of these two phospholipids.
Some lipids contain a carbohydrate group and are collectively called glycolipids, which include cerebrocides. They occur in large amounts in the medullary sheaths of nerves and in brain tissue. The glycolipids are almost insoluble in ether but they are more soluble in acetone than phospholipids and are also soluble in hot alcohol, benzene and chloroform.

another group called lipoproteins and proteolipids. Lipoproteins, which are water- Lipids in the living cells normally are associated with proteins forming soluble, are found in the serum. They act as transporters of lipids and of some of the cholesterol. Certain functions of these lipoproteins may be involved in the Page 1 of 13
另一组称为脂蛋白和蛋白脂。脂蛋白是水 - 活细胞中的脂质通常与形成可溶性的蛋白质相关,存在于血清中。它们充当脂质和一些胆固醇的转运蛋白。这些脂蛋白的某些功能可能涉及第 1 页,共 13 页