US President Donald Trump during a signing ceremony in the Oval Office of the White House on Monday
Donald Trump began his second term in the White House on Monday © Bloomberg
唐納·川普週一展開他的第二個白宮任期 © Bloomberg

Donald Trump is set to unveil billions of dollars of private investment in a massive new artificial intelligence infrastructure venture backed by OpenAI, SoftBank and Oracle.
唐納·川普準備公開數十億美元的私人投資,投入一項由 OpenAI、軟銀和甲骨文支持的大型新型人工智慧基礎設施項目。

Dubbed Stargate, the joint venture was poised to receive an initial cash injection of $100bn from the tech giants, rising to as much as $500bn over the next four years, according to two people familiar with the matter.
據兩位知情人士透露,這個名為「星際之門」(Stargate)的合資企業,預計將從這些科技巨頭獲得 1000 億美元的初始資金注入,未來四年更可能增至高達 5000 億美元。

Microsoft was also involved in the project as a technology partner, one of the people said on Tuesday.

Stargate will be announced by the president at the White House on Tuesday afternoon, with SoftBank chief Masayoshi Son, OpenAI boss Sam Altman and Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison in attendance.
星際之門項目將於週二下午由總統在白宮宣布,軟銀執行長孫正義、OpenAI 執行長山姆·阿特曼和甲骨文共同創辦人拉里·埃里森將出席。

The plans, which were first reported by CBS News, come as tech executives look to court Trump, who began a second term in the White House on Monday surrounded by many of the industry’s biggest names. 
這些計畫最初由哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞網(CBS News)報導,正值科技公司高管們尋求與川普建立關係之際,川普於週一開始了他的第二個白宮任期,身邊環繞著許多業界巨頭。

Stargate aims to boost capacity to train and run new AI models. It will initially build a data centre project in Texas before expanding into other states, the people briefed on the plans said.
星際之門旨在提升訓練和運行新型 AI 模型的能力。知情人士表示,它將首先在德州建設一個數據中心項目,然後再擴展到其他州。

OpenAI declined to comment, while Microsoft, Oracle and SoftBank did not respond to requests for comment. Other investors and technology partners were also expected to join the project.
OpenAI 拒絕置評,而微軟、甲骨文和軟銀則沒有回應置評請求。其他投資者和技術合作夥伴也預計將加入該項目。

The rapid development of AI systems over the past two years has stretched American infrastructure, with data centres emerging as a particular bottleneck. Cutting-edge models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini and Anthropic’s Claude chatbots require enormous amounts of data and computing power to train and run. 
過去兩年人工智慧系統的快速發展,已經讓美國的基礎設施不堪負荷,數據中心成為特別嚴重的瓶頸。像 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT、谷歌的 Gemini 和 Anthropic 的 Claude 等尖端模型,需要大量的數據和計算能力來訓練和運行。

That has spurred discussions between AI executives, their commercial partners and the government about upgrading national infrastructure.

Earlier this month, Hussain Sajwani, chair of Dubai-based property developer Damac, announced plans to invest at least $20bn in US data centres, at a meeting with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
本月早些時候,迪拜房地產開發商 DAMAC 的董事長侯賽因·薩吉瓦尼在佛羅里達州海湖莊園與川普會面時,宣布計劃至少投資 200 億美元建設美國數據中心。

Leading figures in the AI sector, including OpenAI’s Altman, have argued that better infrastructure is essential for developing the next stage of AI models and competing with China for dominance of the technology. 
人工智慧領域的領軍人物,包括 OpenAI 的阿特曼,都認為更好的基礎設施對於開發下一階段的人工智慧模型以及與中國爭奪該技術的主導地位至關重要。

Altman said earlier this month the Trump administration could boost domestic AI companies with “US-built infrastructure and lots of it”.

“The thing I really deeply agree with the president on is, it is wild how difficult it has become to build things in the United States. Power plants, data centres, any of that kind of stuff,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg. 

In his inaugural address on Monday, Trump promised the US was on the brink of a “thrilling new era of national success”, though he did not make any specific mention of AI technology.

Last month, Trump called a separate SoftBank promise to invest $100bn in the US “a monumental demonstration of confidence in America’s future”. It was not clear whether the Stargate investment would form part of SoftBank’s earlier pledge.
上個月,川普稱軟銀承諾向美國投資 1000 億美元是「對美國未來信心空前的展現」。目前尚不清楚星際之門投資是否屬於軟銀先前承諾的一部分。

Additional reporting by Rafe Uddin and Alex Rogers
額外報導由 Rafe Uddin 和 Alex Rogers 提供

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