2025 ICM
Problem E: Making Room for Agriculture
2025 年 ICM 问题 E:为农业腾出空间
Situation: 情况:
A forest filled with towering trees and diverse wildlife was cleared to make way for agriculture. The once-thriving ecosystem, home to birds, insects, and animals, vanished and in its place, rows of crops were planted. The land began to change - soil that once held the richness of nature became depleted, and pests began to invade the crops. To combat this, the farmers turned to chemicals, but the balance of the land was disrupted. With this shift, the intricate web of life that had flourished in the forest was broken, and a new, human-driven cycle of agriculture took its place creating a new food web based on an agricultural ecosystem. In an established agricultural system, there are bats, birds and other species but to get there, the ecosystem must mature.
Model and Analyze: 模型与分析:
In places throughout the world, scenarios like this one occur. As a member of the Consideration of Mature Agricultural Practices (COMAP) group, you have been asked to construct a model to track habitat change from forest-to-farm. Your supervisor has given your team the lead in determining how a converted forest area can change over time as the ecosystem evolves along with accompanying agricultural choices. Your supervisor wants the analysis to include both natural processes as well as human decisions. Therefore, you should start your model of a newly cleared converted forest area ecosystem and track the model through stages of change due to the changes in species in addition to the many impacts of farming practices. You can make assumptions to build a situation of forest-to-farm, or you can use data and information from stages in a real historic sample of this kind of evolution. You may want to consider the following in your analysis:
- Natural Processes - 自然过程
- Model the current ecosystem. Build a basic food web model for this new agricultural ecosystem which recently took the place of a heavily forested region. Include the producers and the consumers as well as the impact of the agriculture cycle and its seasonality which changes the system dynamics over time. Consider the impact of herbicides and pesticides by including the effects of chemical use on plant health, insect populations, bat and bird populations as well as the ecosystem stability.
- Incorporate the reemergence of species. Over time, the edge habitats begin to mature which brings back the species native to the area. As species return, the agricultural ecosystem changes due to the interactions of these species with the current environment. Incorporate two different species into the model to determine the impacts.
- Human Decisions - 人类决策
- Removal of herbicide. As the ecosystem matures, farmers may attempt to remove some of the chemical dependance.
- If the herbicide was removed, report on the stability of the ecosystem in terms of the producers and consumers.
- Bring the ecosystem back into balance by incorporating bats into the food web model. Model bats as insectivores that control pest populations and as pollinators that support plant reproduction. Consider how bats’ interactions with insects, plants, and predators influence the overall stability of the ecosystem. Identify another species that can provide benefits to bring the ecosystem back into balance and compare the impacts.
- Go green? Analyze the implications of a farmer considering organic farming methods. Consideration should be given to different scenarios with varying components of organic farming. Demonstrate the impact on the ecosystem as a whole and to the individual components. Discuss aspects such as pest control, crop health, plant reproduction, biodiversity, long-term sustainability and cost effectiveness.
Share Your Insights 分享您的见解
- Include a one-page letter to a farmer who is exploring organic farming practices.
- Advise the farmer on what methods should be employed including discussions on economic trade-offs as well as sustainability. Help the farmer determine strategies that could be implemented to balance costs and sustainability and how advocating for certain policies could incentivize this type of conservation in agriculture.
Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include:
您的 PDF 解决方案总页数不得超过 25 页,内容应包括:
- One-page Summary Sheet. 一页摘要表。
- Table of Contents. 目录
- Your complete solution. 您的完整解决方案。
- One-page letter. 一页信。
- References list. 参考文献列表。
- AI Use Report (If used does not count toward the 25-page limit.)
人工智能使用报告(如使用不计入 25 页限制。)
Note: There is no specific required minimum page length for a complete ICM submission. You may use up to 25 total pages for all your solution work and any additional information you want to include (for example: drawings, diagrams, calculations, tables). Partial solutions are accepted. We permit the careful use of AI such as ChatGPT, although it is not necessary to create a solution
注:完整的 ICM 提交没有特定的最低页数要求。您最多可使用 25 页来呈现所有解答内容及任何希望包含的附加信息(例如:绘图、图表、计算、表格)。部分解答亦可接受。我们允许谨慎使用如 ChatGPT 等人工智能工具,尽管创建解答并非必须依赖于此。
to this problem. If you choose to utilize a generative AI, you must follow the COMAP AI use policy. This will result in an additional AI use report that you must add to the end of your PDF solution file and does not count toward the 25 total page limit for your solution.
针对此问题,若您决定采用生成式人工智能技术,则必须遵循 COMAP 的人工智能使用政策。这将导致需要额外提交一份人工智能使用报告,您需将其附加至 PDF 解决方案文件的末尾,且该报告不计入解决方案总页数 25 页的限制之内。
NEW MCM/ICM: Online Submission Process
新 MCM/ICM:在线提交流程
The purpose of this article is to assist and guide students and advisors participating in MCM/ICM. In the article, COMAP, provides information about the new online submission process using the new online submission page
https://forms.comap.org/241335097294056. You will need your team’s control number, advisor id number and your problem choice to complete your submission.
本文旨在协助和指导参与 MCM/ICM 的学生及指导教师。文中,COMAP 提供了关于使用新在线提交页面 https://forms.comap.org/241335097294056 进行在线提交的新流程信息。完成提交需提供团队的控制编号、指导教师 ID 号及所选问题。
Glossary 术语表
Converted Forest Area: An area where a forest was cleared so the land could be used for agriculture.
Food Web: A food web is a complex network of feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem. It depicts how energy and nutrients flow and interact through different levels of the ecosystem from producers (plants) to many levels of consumers (herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores) and then decomposers (fungi, bacteria). It is critical to understanding how ecosystems function and maintain balance.
- Primary producers: Plants and crops.
- Primary consumers: Herbivores that feed on plants.
- Secondary consumers: Insectivores and other predators that consume herbivores.
- Tertiary consumers: Larger predators that feed on secondary consumers.
- Decomposers: Fungi, bacteria and earthworms that break down the dead and bring nutrients back into the ecosystem.
Agricultural Ecosystem: Agricultural ecosystems are complex, with various species interacting in food webs that support both ecological balance and crop production. Human interventions such as the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers are commonly employed to increase crop yields, but these can have negative ecological and economic consequences. Bats provide valuable ecosystem services, such as pest control and pollination, which contribute to agricultural sustainability.
Agriculture Cycle: The agriculture cycle refers to the stages of agricultural production from planting and growing crops to harvesting and preparing them for consumption or sale. Key stages are:
- Preparation of Soil: Farmers prepare the land by tilling, removing weeds, and adding fertilizers. The soil is critical as it serves as the medium in which crops grow and supports the food web.
- Planting/Seeding: Farmers plant seeds or seedlings at the appropriate time for the crops to grow. This is dependent on weather, temperature and soil conditions.