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Kafka   卡 夫 卡

Build and Run Data Pipelines

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Kafka Connect  Kafka 连接

Kafka Connect is an awesome tool for building reliable and scalable data pipelines. As part of the Apache Kafka streaming platform, Kafka Connect allows you to easily get data into and out of your Kafka clusters and even mirror data between clusters. With this practical guide, you’ll learn how to build powerful pipelines without writing a single line of code.
Kafka Connect 是构建可靠且可扩展的数据管道的绝佳工具。作为 Apache Kafka 流式处理平台的一部分,Kafka Connect 允许您轻松地将数据传入和传出 Kafka 集群,甚至在集群之间镜像数据。通过此实用指南,您将学习如何在不编写任何代码的情况下构建强大的管道。
Authors Mickael Maison and Kate Stanley show data engineers, site reliability engineers, and application developers how to build pipelines between Kafka clusters and a variety of data sources and sinks. Kafka Connect allows you to quickly adopt Kafka by tapping into existing data and enabling many advanced use cases. No matter where you are in your event streaming journey, Kafka Connect is the ideal tool for building modern data pipelines.
作者 Mickael Maison 和 Kate Stanley 向数据工程师、站点可靠性工程师和应用程序开发人员展示了如何在 Kafka 集群与各种数据源和接收器之间构建管道。Kafka Connect 允许您通过利用现有数据并支持许多高级使用案例来快速采用 Kafka。无论您处于事件流之旅的哪个阶段,Kafka Connect 都是构建现代数据管道的理想工具。
This book shows you how to:
  • Design resilient and efficient data pipelines by combining core Kafka Connect components
    通过组合核心 Kafka Connect 组件来设计弹性和高效的数据管道
  • Capture database changes, build data lakes, and mirror Kafka clusters using existing connectors
    使用现有连接器捕获数据库更改、构建数据湖和镜像 Kafka 集群
  • Deploy, configure, and operate Kafka Connect clusters in production environments
    在生产环境中部署、配置和操作 Kafka Connect 集群
  • Use logs and metrics to continually monitor Kafka Connect clusters
    使用日志和指标持续监控 Kafka Connect 集群
  • Run Kafka Connect clusters on Kubernetes
    在 Kubernetes 上运行 Kafka Connect 集群
  • Write your own connectors and plug-ins

    “Kafka Connect is the pillar for integrating Apache Kafka with the rest of the data ecosystem. This book tells you everything you need to know to connect external data sources and sinks with Kafka.”
    “Kafka Connect 是将 Apache Kafka 与数据生态系统的其他部分集成的支柱。这本书告诉您将外部数据源和接收器与 Kafka 连接起来所需了解的所有信息。

    -Jun Rao  -饶军
    cofounder, Confluent  Confluent 联合创始人
    “This comprehensive book covers everything from getting started to productionizing Kafka Connect at scale. It gives you the tools to build streaming data pipelines with Apache Kafka.”
    “这本全面的书涵盖了从入门到大规模生产 Kafka Connect 的所有内容。它为您提供了使用 Apache Kafka 构建流数据管道的工具。

    -Ryanne Dolan  -瑞安·多兰
    software engineer, Linkedln
    Linkedln 软件工程师
Mickael Maison is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, and chair of the project management committee for Apache Kafka.
Mickael Maison 是 Red Hat 的首席软件工程师,也是 Apache Kafka 项目管理委员会主席。

Kate Stanley is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, a technical speaker, and a Java Champion.
Kate Stanley 是 Red Hat 的首席软件工程师、技术演讲者和 Java 冠军。

Praise for Kafka Connect  对 Kafka Connect 的赞誉

Kafka Connect is the pillar for integrating Apache Kafka with the rest of the data ecosystem. This book tells you everything you need to know to connect external data sources and sinks with Kafka.
Kafka Connect 是将 Apache Kafka 与数据生态系统的其余部分集成的支柱。这本书介绍了将外部数据源和接收器与 Kafka 连接所需的一切。

-Jun Rao, cofounder, Confluent
- Jun Rao,Confluent 联合创始人
This comprehensive book covers everything from getting started to productionizing Kafka Connect at scale. It gives you the tools to build streaming data pipelines with Apache Kafka.
这本全面的书籍涵盖了从入门到大规模生产 Kafka Connect 的所有内容。它为您提供了使用 Apache Kafka 构建流数据管道的工具。
  • Ryanne Dolan, software engineer, LinkedIn
    Ryanne Dolan,LinkedIn 软件工程师
An invaluable resource for both novice and seasoned professionals working with Kafka Connect. It offers comprehensive explanations and a wealth of practical tips.
对于使用 Kafka Connect 的新手和经验丰富的专业人士来说,这是一个宝贵的资源。它提供了全面的解释和丰富的实用技巧。

-Robin Moffatt, rmoff.net
An invaluable resource for anyone looking to use Kafka alongside existing systems. I only wish I’d had access to this book when I first began using Kafka Connect!
对于希望将 Kafka 与现有系统一起使用的任何人来说,这都是宝贵的资源。我只希望我在第一次开始使用 Kafka Connect 时能接触到这本书!

-Danica Fine, senior developer advocate, Confluent
- Danica Fine,Confluent 高级开发技术推广工程师